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California Management Review

Rudy Hirschheim and Rajiv Sabherwal

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Strategic Alignment Attaining the appropriate structure and capabilities to

execute strategic decisions OrganizationalPerformance

IT-Business Alignment is a two-way  street

Business Strategy Drives IT Strategy

IT Strategy Drives Business Strategy

IT-Business Alignment is:

NOT an event

A process of continuous adaptation and change

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Why Is Strategic IS Alignment Important?

Alignment Information systems are targeted on areas

that are critical to successful business performance

Alignment A firm can better use IS towards realizing its

business objectives

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The Proposed Framework for


Business Strategy Lens

Defenders, Prospectors, and Analyzers 

IS Strategy Lens

IS Role

Efficient, Comprehensive, Opportunistic

IS Sourcing 

Outsourcing, In-sourcing, Selective Sourcing

IS Structure

Centralized, Shared, Decentralized

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Strategic IS Alignment Profiles Utility Profile

Alignment through Low-Cost Delivery

Alliance Profile

Alignment through Partnering

Infusion Profile

Alignment through Business Leadership

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The Three Strategic IS Alignment Profiles

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Trajectories of Strategic IS Alignment

Paradoxical decisions

Excessive transformations

Uncertain turnarounds

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Alpha Started in 1976 as an equipment sales company

Became independent equipment leaser in 1983

Net worth: $25 Million (1986) to $100 Million (1996)

Low level of Alignment to start with


Prospector Defender (Paradoxical Decision)

Defender Prospector (Uncertain Turnaround)


Still groping (at the time of the case); senior managers seriously


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Alpha - Analysis Operated in a decentralized fashion

IS personnel isolated from the business functions

Ignored the impact of the Tax Reform Act Failed to recognize the decline in mainframes


Failed due to oscillating IS strategies

Partial alignment achieved over years

Still Struggling (at the time of the case)

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Beta Diversified Australian company

Annual Revenue: $2 Billion, After-tax Profits: $250 Million

Business: Financial services, property services, capital services

and investments, group services

Started as prospector

Grew considerably from 1980 – 1993

Reasonable alignment to start with

Trajectories: Prospector Analyzer (Excessive Transformation)

Realigned IS strategy to Analyzer


Net Earnings Per Share increased by 20% from 1996 to 1997

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Beta - Analysis Recognized the competitive threats and switched the business


Aimed at:

Global competitiveness, a 35 to 40 percent reduction in businessexpenses and entry into the high-growth IS industry (comprehensive IS


Corrected the IS Strategy by:

Acquiring 35% stake in an IS company (selective sourcing)

Sharing IS decisions between CEO and CIO

Business divisions starting to manage their own vendors and contracts

(shared structure)

Conclusion: Started winning major outsourcing deals in Australia!

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Gamma US subsidiary of a multinational corporation

Business: Petroleum Products

Revenue > $20 B, Net Income > $1 B, Employment > 15000

Started as Defender, Efficient, in-sourced, centralized IS

1980s –


Industry became more competitive

Financial performance dipped


Defender  Analyzer (Paradoxical Decision and Excessive Transform.)

Realigned IS strategy to Analyzer


Uncertain turnaround in Period 3 towards the IS strategy of Period 1 caused

perfect alignment with the Analyzer strategy!

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Gamma - Analysis Increased competition and dipping financials led to hiring a

new CEO

Shifting to analyzer in early part of 1990s :

Greater attention paid to markets and growth opportunities

Major corporate transformations in 1995

Each subsidiary became independent and made their own decisions

A CIO was appointed to each business unit

 Business units started following IS outsourcing

Continuing onto the latter part of 1990s:

IS became more important than just an opportunistic tool

Business units gravitated towards a balanced in- and outsourcing

Consequently, the IS structure became more shared

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Pragmatics of Alignment 

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