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  • 8/9/2019 1and2 Unit Notes


  • 8/9/2019 1and2 Unit Notes





    &. Mtech'. tech

    . *nter

    "T#$ defnition lists () are list elements that ha0e a uni*ue array o tags and

    elements1 the resulting listings are similar to those you2d see in a dictionary.

    opening clause that defnes the start o the list

    list item that defnes the defnition term

    defnition o the list item


    black hot drink


    white cold drink


    lack hot drink


    3hite cold drink

    Explain about the following:

    a)Cellpadding b) cellspacing c) colspan d)


    The HTML table model allows authors to arrange data ++ text, preformatted text, images, links, forms,

    form fields, other tables, etc. ++ into rows and columns of cells. Tables are container elements, and their

    sole purpose is to house other HTML elements and arrange them in a tabular fashion.

    !ach table may hae an associated captionthat proides a short description of the table$s purpose.

    Table rowsmay be grouped into a head, foot, and body sections, (iaTHEAD, TFOOTandTBODYelements, respectiely). -ow groups coney additional structural

    information and may be rendered by user agents in ways that emphasi"e this structure. ser agents may

    exploit the head/body/foot diision to support scrolling of body sections independently of the head and

    foot sections. 0hen long tables are printed, the head and foot information may be repeated on each page

    that contains table data.

  • 8/9/2019 1and2 Unit Notes


    o The thickness o the lines di0iding cells.

    Cell padding

    o "ow much space there is within the cellbetween the text and theborder o the cell

    Cell spacing

    o "ow much space there is between ad!acent cells

    HT"#$s displa%ed in






    frst second

    third ourth

    The 1td2 tag has two attributes, rowspan and colspan, that allow you to make cells cross multiple rows

    and columns. !ssentially, the idea is that cells could be merged together into one.oth attributes take the

    number of rows or columns to span as the argument.

    HT"#$s displa%ed in





    Notice the error here:

    frst second

    third ourth





    Third ourth

  • 8/9/2019 1and2 Unit Notes





    With cellpadding:

    6irst 7ow

    8econd 7ow

    &hat are the 'arious form element( Create a form for

    sending a message to a an emailid*

    3 webformon a web pageallows a user to enter data that is sent to a sererfor processing. 4orms can

    resemblepaperordatabaseforms because web users fill out the forms using checkboxes, radio buttons,or text fields.4or example, forms can be used to enter shippingor credit carddata to order a product, or

    can be used to retriee search results from a search engine.

    0hen a isitor reaches the form, he only needs to fill the fields and send the form, usually with a submit

    button. The sent form is receied and processed by a processing agent (usually aserer side script)

    specified in the alue of the 5action5 attribute of the form element.The 1form2 tag is used to create an

    HTML form for user input.

    +orm attributes are:

    name& This is the name o the orm.

    action& "ere you will speciy any script 97$ which will recei0e uploaded data.

    method& "ere you will speciy method to be used to upload data. /t can take 0arious

    0alues but most re*uently used are :;T and -8T.
  • 8/9/2019 1and2 Unit Notes


    There are di+erent types o orm controls that you can use to collect data rom a

    0isitor to your site.

    Text input controls


    %heckboxes and radio buttons

    8elect boxes

    6ile select boxes

    "idden controls

    8ubmit and reset button

    HTML Forms - Text np!t "ontrols:

    There are actually three types of text input used on forms

    6ingle+line text input controls sed for items that re#uire only one line of user input, such as

    search boxes or names. They are created using the 1input2 element.

    7assword input controls 6ingle+line text input that mask the characters a user enters.

    Multi+line text input controls sed when the user is re#uired to gie details that may be longer

    than a single sentence. Multi+line input controls are created with the 1textarea2 element.

    The 1input2 tag specifies an input field where the user can enter data. 3n 1input2 element can ary inmany ways, depending on the type attribute. 3n 1input2 element can be of type text field, checkbox,password, radio button, submit button, and more.

    6yntax for *nput

    1input type89text/password/submit/button/reset/radio/checkbox9 name89name : alue89alue9 ;si"e8n5 height85XK5 /21br2

    %66 is funF



    This is some text. This is some text. This is some text.

    This is some text. This is some text. This is some text.

    This is some text. This is some text. This is some text.

    This is some text. This is some text. This is some text.

    This is some text. This is some text. This is some text.



    *n the paragraph aboe, the di element is &'= pixels wide and it contains the image.

    The di element will float to the right.

    Margins are added to the di to push the text away from the di.

    orders and padding are added to the di to frame in the picture and the caption.



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