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JOURNAL OF THE TWENTY - FIRST ANNUAL SESSIONI' .. .' . f ' OF T H ~ CENTRAL CONGO , 1 ; . .. " "". ANNUAL CONFEREtlCE ; f ' ( ;., I :: 'OF THE ' . i i ' METHODIST . C H U R C H ~ , IN .~ ~ . . f \KATAKO KOMBE \ . : ". ." -\ " .. " ..~ .. . 1960 I --- ---------:t3X' ~ 3 1 . 0 . '('n J.I Sley, Eloisf..:) Lovull, ?ierre, Kitenge Victor, Bill Richardson, Lungi Albert, HoiJurt Fenstermacher, Dorothy Culp, Ohole L., Omenya Andre, Reola Swanson, Toleka Daniel, Tunda Shungu Ukandja Alphonse, ffiungu Thomas, Mildred Ree"le, Burleigh Law, Wumbi .n.mand, Nampa Boniphace, Umumbu Ar.dre. Group IV k'tUimu wa 1 'atei a Ana Amantu) 1 Uyaka Veronique, Sally RAJ..o.t1,;ke8 Ethel Homfeldt, Mary Jane Hughlett, MyrUe licafoose, Norine Robken, Mary Bozeman, Hazel Reid, Lorena Kelly, Walu Madeleine. 'Vkdja Adisa, Uwanga Kekumba. Uya Lukali, Koi Gabriel .!?tnCiP f S Work (COlllite k I Ulimu wa l' atei Amantu) I Telesia Shaumba, Ambumpetshaka EtAna, Vivian Watson. Elaine Crowder, Anna Wesley, Dorothy DaViS, Eloise Lovell, Janet Smith, Kumbi Elena, Judy Adams, Louise Gaddis, Pruitt. Farrell Thomas, Dorothy Culp, Dorothy Walker, Violet Hughlett, Mildred Reeve, Urwa Marie, Anita Fenstermacher, Woto Elena, Mildred Lovell. B,}W o:f E.YSMelism (Comite ka Nyanganya Lukumul'Olo1o)a Museu Emile, .Ahuka Paul. Dikite:le Dendi Jerome. Diongo Albert, Dungu Albert. Ludju Emile. Luknngaka Lumbelelu Nicolas. Lunumbi Andre, Lupanu Augustin, Om'Okoko Jean, Osongo Ji.l'Illandr Shango Pierre. Shungu Joseph, TambWe Franr0is. Tund'Ukend1 .... Ud;.mba Paul. Ulangala Joseph, Umana Andre, Umeunga Joseph, Upel.ili Daniel, Usungu Pius, Wemba Kungu Amandus, Wemb' Pierre. Wayne Culp. (Conp.te 1m kusaka): Uyaya 4ntoine. Barbara Harris, Ethl Hcmf'.il.dt:_ Kil'.yamba Armand. Losotnba Ngoi Jean, Marjorie Murray, Anita Wetsh1tnrunda Augustin, Dr. Robert Fenstermacher. Radi", {yotnite ka Radio): John Hughlett, Barbara 'Norris. Al. Burlbaugh, lh. Charles Reeve, A.J. Reid, Dave Walker, Larry Lundeen, Burleigh Law. Agriq-J,J.:tEI"e Committee (Com,1te k,a Agriculture) I Rolla Swamson, Fundji Joseph, Epup;J. Danial. Stanley Maughlino Dr. Lumanuel Bltsch-Larsen, Ronald GaddiS, Hazel Reidt Don Collinson. Uminu Unyumbi Emile, Jack Reitz. V:\.sunl..J\.j4s CoIllllli'i..tee-LG.omite ka Cinema ndu Esatu I Fdward Smith, Mary Janf;:\ E.l1undu Paul, Ken Jone-s. Marjorie Murray, H.T. Maclin. Don ColliruJon, Tunda S1l1.1llgU Fran90is, Dorothy Rees. w'Otetela,) Umandje1a Augctste, EmaInbulu Jef. ..::.. DOl'othy Gilbert, MUriel "Nhite. ,Lukali Honore, Annie Laura 'Wln:frey, Om'Okoko Marml;;; Shung-u John rleslely, Lorena Kelly, Dr. Hughlett, Ukunda A.ndX\.. WGlTlba Ku.'1gu Atna..7lI1us, Edith Martin A.J.Reid, Charles Reaver. mvudy.) I Al Burlbaugh, Djulu Daniel, Charles Ld Mast,er, JUl:)oph MaWt Sta.--u.ey Maughlin, Malumalu Jean, John 'Hughlett, On'Okoko Jean, Mr. );>ru1tt, HazE:J. Reid, Burleigh Law, Larry Lundeen, Jack Wesley. I ( I 4 GrouR V Historical Committee (Comite k 'Okondo wa ((ontenm2Sl) Shaumba Pierre, Dendi Jerome. Eloise Lovell, Luhata Daniel, Joseph Maw, Lukandjv. Jakoba, LUl11UlIlba Jerome, Paul, Shungu Joseph, A.J. Reid. on Youth Work (Com:\te ka LoloMa 1 'Akepda)a aJ.adys Maw. Sue Dunham, Dorothy O'Neil,Funciji JosephJ &Uea Jones, Charles Weaver, Kasongo Jerome, Dan Ada:ms" Koi Gabriel, Luhaka Jean, St,anJ.ey 11aughlin, Bill Richardson, Mrs. Gaddis, Mrs. M&ry Bozeman, Simone Van Ooteghem, Alice Maclin. Barbara Hartman, Shango Pierre. T'Ulamba Jorome, Udimba Paul, Rae Lundeen, Umeunga Jeseph, Utumba Samuel, Wemb1 M1che.. One;na Joseph, Uminu Paul. Uk1t'Uhambi Louis. It}.t.erature and Pul?J.igations( Com1te lsa Tubukubukull Fdith Martin, NormanHosking, D"What full members are in stnUes? (a) Of the 'Lh.ird year? 1. Ta Koi Daniel, Shango Pierre. 2. Kasongo Jerome, Umanguo Albert, Kinyamba Armand. (b) Of the fourth ,ear? 1. Pungu Albert, Um'Okoko Pierre. 2. Lolwto Peul, ALasa A] phonne, Dende Andre, Diongo Albert. :ulek'.l Dan:l e1 1 Lungunga .Tean. 17. llilhat full members have complet'3d the studie s of 'ehe f()urth year? NO),H:3 extention of this work 1:Imo out-villages. May God continue to expand and bless th5. work. 7. rbman t s Schools and Foyer Sociales Several statements have already been made concerning the eagerness of Mrica.r. women to learn new things and take their place in an expanding and changing community. Everywhere is expressed desires to learn to read like the men. This desire has given rise to Woman1s Schools at various places in the Conference. In the North Lodja District the Laubach classes were started in 3 villages. where the women have a great thirst to learn to read. The women there also expressed great desire to have Bibles, and to use them. Herein lies a tremendous opportuni'ti.v. Other stations are active with womenIS schools, where they study reading, writing, arithmetiC, health, Bible and sewing. Several women have finished the Laubach lessons and ha"lJe received certificates. In one school Frenoh was taught by foa i'outth year monitors. At Wembo Nyama other courses taught include singing, nutrition. cooking, deSign, hygiene, and family This particular school met five days a 'Week. '!his was also true at Lodja and Katako Kombe. All stations reported work of this we. each one varying in schedule and courses offered. But it is encouraging to note that at all stations there is great enthusiasm in this realm of our miSSion work in education. Other Wes of work are being done in classes of the Foyer Sociale, such as simple sewing classest baking and demonstrations on lau:nd.:ry work and pressing clothea. Every aspect of this wrk is advancing rapidly. ------------------------------------------------------26 Report No 1 cont) 8. Kindergarten and Nursery Work Several;; r"?'.)orted work done in Kinaergarten type schools for cllildren 0.'-: ages three to five. In t.he Wembo Nyama District over 300 children are enrolled in five villages. Six teachers are engaged in this work. The children in such schools learn games, songs, Bible verses, stories and. folklore. Most scllools also have a tlefreshment time when milk, fruit, or a snack from'Meals for Millions' is servede At Lodja afternoon sessions were arranged during the hours of Woman's School. At Kindu each o:f the four city churches r an a nursery school during the mOl1u.'1g hours, wheri the women went to their gardens. Quite a large number of children wero enrolled. , l ..lL Medical Work of the (.,'t:.urch." Much lika the advance of education, medical work has grown from the beginn.i.8g i.ol First with the earliest Catholic missions and then with the Protestants the medicines of civilization. '!brouth the past few centuries, more and more, Ti:eFI..(.;al missionaries have gained the confidence of millions, thus slowly displacing thF evils of witcheraf't, while holding on to the valuable aspeots of native medical praotives. Now, in Mrioa. dispensaries and hospitals can be found. in every countr.; churoh alone has personnel, clinios and hospitals in each country where it:,; p:roeressee..J Dootors and nurses have the beginning joined the evangelists jn s;:;T'.. Christ's message of healing and teaching. At present we still have doctors at Minga, '.1'urxia, and Wembo Nyama.. '!be at Tunda, under the direction of Dr. Bitsh-Larson has continued its usual fine job or caring for ailments of various ldnds. '!bere also, the maternity seotion for an unusually high number of deliveries. Also at Tunda the Leprosarium is still maintained, and is crowded. to capacity. .Also at Tunda a lazgg .mJmber of boys and girls are receiving valuable training from day to day as infirmary helpers. il.t }iIinga medical services include: The generaJ. hygienoe of the station, an out-patient Mspensary, the care of hospital patients, the second year class o the Ecole d.1Aide-Infirmier. a leproSarium, and five ruraJ. dispensaries in the district. includes: seven aide-infirm:.ers, one aide-accoucheuse, one nurselt and one doctor. Mrs. Hugh DeaJ.e will be returning to the staff. along with an 1nfirmi&!'_ who will be completing his studies at Kimpese. Dro Fenstermacher reports that 200 dispensary consultationa and 70 hOBl,italized patients are seen in an average JIIOnth. '!brae hunclred visits are made at the schools and leprosarium, 'while 900 cO::lsultations are made monthly at rural diS'pE'nsa' The greatest need is for buildings for hospitalizai patients, who !I.9W stay in mud huts scattered. all over. Sterile technique is di.fficult to perform; adequate e.xa.mination is impossible; the operating room on a seoond floor is extremely inadequ,qteo Plans are in the making, however, to take care of most of theiJ0 pl'Qb1emso Until them, it is very di:fficult to do an adequate job. Hembo :\:YSlMI' reports Dot Gilbert, 600 babies we]) delivered. this year. 'lhe 10 now seeking more effective means to follow up preIl EM 3. Lukumbe Em11e EM 4. Tunri f Ukend 1 M1chel EAP 5. UwAnct j 1 Unct u Ar EAP 6. OmAnA G1lbert EAP . EAP7-Ptmgumbu Sll!!'.ls s-LuhntA Abel EAP EAP9. NQ,'llndu RpgioIl!lJ El'11. !.omena Jean 2. Tunda M1chel EM 3. Us1mbl Julps EM 4. U11ngl Allhert EM B1sml!!rk EAP Wetshl GAston EAP7. Akl!!sa Arrnanri EAP 1, mbA A.nrh,..t EM 2, P1prrp EM 1, Shtrngu Dpslrp EAP 4, Yema Andr/. E\P 5, Tahuka Jprofl"lP E!\P IS. Omanga EllP 7. Rent EAP EMA. Emunp,'u Alphol?-se Re&:ioXlaJ 1. Ohrmo eosmas EM 2. Mbalukutshu Marcel EAP E,,\.P3. Jel'-lD 4. Nd ,'Ate Uonqrd EAP 5. Dnyanopkl!! Albert RAP 6. Umalukulu Jospph EAP ! \ VI Lod ja Station Ecole 1. Tunda Shungu Franr.,t ois 2. Ongendangenda Joseph Kimpese Elf. 1. Dembo 2. Nakane Josephine E.MEN. E.Men. ;. Fund ji Joseph 4. Tudiha Joseph5. Nongl Utamba Antoine E)f EAP EAP ;. Ngole l-iadeleine E.Men. 4. Ukadjanga Antainette EoMen. 6. Tongomo Sar:luel Ell. Regional Regional 1. Nguwu Pierre 2. Letshu E)1 EM 8. Kitoko Jean 9. Wembo Nyama Albert EAP EAP ;. }llukanga Albert EAP 10. Lunganga Samuel EM 4. Uvungu 5. Osenga Emmanuel 6. TtOkenge Raphael 7. DJ.mga EAP UP EM EAP 11. Uro'Okoko pierre 12. Kuku Thomas 1;. Weko pierre 14. Lukasu Jean 15. Onembula A mand EAP EAP EAP EAP EAP VII Kindu Station 1. Shaku Albert EM 2. yema Nalise EM ;. TIUkumjo Phillippe EM 4. Letshu Abel EAP 5. Tarobwe Albert EAP 6. Upaka Emile EAP Report No.7. Boa rd on the Ministr;y A. The Need for Leaders and Preachers. 1. Teachers for the Leaders. We ask the Bishop and his Cabinet to give us two teachers, without other work, to teach in the Evangelists School. Next year we want to add a third year. 2. Program to strengthen the Church. We ask the Conference to give to Charles Reeve the work of translating the scction of the Disoipline on Local Church Activities. This will be for distribution to all preachers. ;. OUT pastors should know the rules of the Methodist Church and its relationsh ips to other churches. A. All preachers, and church people, should buy a Discipline and a Conference Journal and study and study them. B. We ask Joe .avis to translate the following paper, The Methodist church and the Ecumenical movement in Africall by Max V. Kemling. 4. We tM.nk the Conference should plan to send one or "'wo each year from among who have wdtked for a long time, to other lands to study for one year. We ask every district to study this matter and bring some names to this Oommittee next year. 5. We think the Conference should choose some who have finished the School of Theology and have workod some and pian to send them to other countries for further study. BOABD OF EDUOATIONAL INSTITUTIONS AND MINISTERIAL TRAINmG Report No. 7 In vi'ew of the constant seculariza.tion of our schools in certain areas we recommend: 1. That possible a pastor be placed on the staff of each school acting perhaps as chaplain, aiding the teachers in the religious courses and in tbe total program of the school. 2. That the relious courses be made as vital as possible and that the Teaober training Institutions make a special effort to prepare teachers who not only . know the material but are aware of the immense importance of these courses in the lives of their .tudents. 3. That a service of conseoration for teachers be held at the beginning of each! school year by which teachers JDa.y be helped to see the great spiritual. possibilities of their work. This service should include teachers who are members of our church but who lIIaT be teaohing in government schools. 4. That all eduoational, social, am medical personnel be members of good standing of an Evangelical. ohurch and that his or her character be passed upon by'o.pproprinte church body. 5. That the Doards of Diucation at our anratantly review their educational programs and institutions in -their Christian responsibility as channels of evangelaa.t10n and training . B. 'P!C1Alt In harmont 111th the oa.ll of our Bishops that we utilize axisting channels and, if necessary, create new opportunities for the people of our oommunities that they may be trained in bo dy, mindJ and spirit for responsible Christian aitizenship in the emerging society, we recommend. 1. That every aid possible be given to the "Emergency Programs of Leadership training it being developed in the Congo Oonferenae with the aid of the Agricultural Aids Foundation hoping when possible this program might be exteDied into other conferences in the near future. We anticipate that this program will be developed into a .f'ul1 Protestant University. We are keeln1' aware that only such training can 1"ul.l1' prepare our people to do the difficult tasks tliat are a part of this New Africa. 2. That we urge our conferences to make use of every opportunity to send students for training in every profession to local and overseas institutions. 3. That where advisable 0. chaplain be arranged. for those Protestant students studying in government colleges and universities and that every effort be made to strengthen their spiritual lives and keep them in close contaot with the ' church. lilt. , Rapport No' 7 (cont) The following additions are to be inserted in Report No.1 as numbers 10 and II 10. That each Annual Conference Board on the Ministry prepare a courses of stud:les for condidates for Local Deason's and for Local Elder's Orders if thre is a need. 11. That since the Conference Course gf Study o.pprears in the Discipline 'We resquest that it not be re-printed in the Central Conference Journal. Board of Eduoational Institutions and Ministerial Training C. AC.QO,ltPlJ.H!.IE]jT,_ In is encouraging to note that some of the recommendations made by our Central Conference of 1956 have become or are well on the way of becoming o.ctuo.lities. 1. We note that the Theological Schools of the Oentral and Southern Congo Conference have been unified and that a constitution ans a Board of Directors has bean The Kayeke-Kimbulu School of Theology is located at Mulungwishi and offers a four years oourSe. We a1 so note that a fine unit of classroot. and chapel has been oampledted and that an excellent livra:rzr is in formation. 2. We call attention to the creation of an interdenominational at Elisabethville ( 10. Facutle de Tbeolosie) by the aotion of six church bodies working in the Congo. This is on a university level and will be four years in length. It is hoped to start its class work this yea" Personnel has been allocated. and is at present at Elisabethville .3. The Epworth Theological Schools has opened its doors in S.R. It is the fruit of two church societies and is offering a 'likeee year oourse. The Biblical !natitute now functioning at Old umtali has also become an interdenominational enterprise and is greo.t4r strenthening the leadership of the church. 4. The Union Seminary at Ricatla representing the unified action of four church bodies zorking in P.E..A.; has also been oreated in this four year period,J It a three year course. The Seminary work at Kambini has been strengthened and other denominations send students to this school. A new building has been oonstructed for the seminal')" 5. The Emmanuel Theological. Seminary located at Dande, Angola is the fruit or the efforts of three church groups. It offers at present a three yeer course. We lift our hearts to God in proiso o.nd tho.nksgiving for the tremendous improvements thut have been made in the past four years in the provisions for better training for the various ministries of our ohurch. We Pl'03' tha.t these new courses o.nd fo.crulties will continue to be strengthened and above o.!:i . tl1:lt the;: sho.ll be baptised. by the Holy Spirit that they may truly :fUrther in t,h:l.a great oontinent the hounour of His o.nd the experience of His . salvation. 46 subtmit the name of Onema Joseph as a candidate to go for further schoolilng. 6. We urgently requtst the Conference to have a refresher course for those who have finished the Conference Co?rses. This Cimmittee should prepare the Couraee. 7. We request that each year We have an institute to teacb those in the Conference Courses of Study. A. We request that classes meet together in one place together with the classe suggested in no. 6. This meeting should last for two weeks. B. We request that Dr. Harry Denman be asked to come for the institutenext year. C. We request Alexander Reid to build the houses here a t the Campground necessary to take care of these institutes. D. We choose the following committee to the program for those institutes. We ask them to also prepare a conferenCe calender. John Wesley Shungu P ierr.. A shema Wayne Culp Oharlos Reeve. 8. vl-e need classes to instruct sohool directors, pastors, lay preachers and lay leaders in ways to strengthen the church. We request the Bishop and his Cabinet to work out this program for us. We request that some provision be made for the preaohers to study English and French. 9. We urgently insist that every pastor read six books each year, and that the superintendents follow up on this and bring a report to the next conference. We request that some way be found to su'osidize the purcl1lse of these books. We request that the Evangelists' School at Lodja prepa re a list of books that the preachers may We also ask that they SGcure these books that they 'J}ay be purchased from there by the preachers. 10. We request that the accepted supply pastors meet at the same time as those mentioned in No.7. tie request Joe Davis to use the program he taught in the South Lodja District and the oourses prepared by the Central Conference of 1956 and work out a course of study to be followed that will to local deacons and local elders ordinations for the accepted supply pastors. B. Recruitment for the Ministry. 1. We suggest the forming of Apostles' Clubs in our Primary and Secondary Schools to strengthen those who have been called to preach. 2. We request the Bishop Superintendents and pastor to present the need for pre8chera to our primary and secondary schools. ,. Let us encourage those who are in other professions such as teaching and mursing, to ansWer the call to the ministry. 4. In orr. 'r to help in the recruitment for the ministry, let the Conference seek me.ana to aid the churchee and pastors. Cha irman. Ashems i'ierre Otctela Sec. Djsti Daniel English Sec. Charles Reeve. I' Report No 8 SOCIAL 1. In order to take the Gospel, Q person must first know Jesus in his heart. 2. To take the Gospel to others, we need to look for those who are lost and take care of them. ;. We need to have more preachers to advance the work of spreading the Gospel. 4. The pastor should give communion every three months without missing. 5. We must fellowship with all kinds of people, young people,in play, in prayer, in singing of hymns, a nd in recreation. 6. The pastor should distribute the work to all people within the church. 7. The church members must remember the promises they made when they were received as members into the church in regarding the tithe. s. The pastor should remind the Christians to keep their promises. President Lungunga Jean Secretary (Otetela)s Kinyamba Armand Secretary (English)s Harry Speakman Report N. 9 Boa rd of Evangelism 1. The Board welcomes the coming of Dr. Harvey to help us in the work of Religiol:, Education, especially in the Sunday Schools. 2. We request Bishop Booth to appoint a committee to produce booklets for beginners in the faith, members of catechism classes and full church members. We ask that the following be responsible for acquiring these booklets in these languages. English, If. Culp; Swahili, Wetshi Victor; French, Unyangunga PaUL, We urge Christian families to have regular prayer and devotional times together. We would also like to see the production of a devotional booklet for family devotions. ;. We recommend that the Church in every village have an annual meeting of all Christians. 4. urge the emphasis of the Lordship of Jesus Christ among all our church members regardless of' their work or position. We also eXhort all workers in the Church (nurses, household helpers, girls and boys in the boardiEg depa rtments, Church leaders, laborers, missiona ries, drivers, teachers, preachers, doctora, secretaries and any others) to work together in a common bond of love so that the proclamation of the Gospel may continue to advance. 5. In order that our Christian witness may be effective we want to stress the importance of a baing truthful at all times. We urge all pastors and evangelists to remember that friendliness is important in leading people to a chsngeof heart. A pastor must be very careful not to tell to others the' personal problems and shortcomings of those who have confided in him. 1 1 486. We are convinced that the work of the Church will .go forward if all Christians, missionaries and Congolese alike, will tithe regularly. 7. We urge that each village and eachstation have a revival every year, taking particular cere in the program to meet the needs of each congregation. We want to let' it be known that the Secreta ry of Evangelism is ava ile bIe to help in every way possible so that these revivals may be successful. 5. We recognize the great need for leadership in planning for the future. A person doesn't go anywhere without first planning his trip. We resolve, during this now quadrennium, to bring more people to Ohtist. Our goal ia a 100 %incrcase in church membership. 9. We ask all pastors, Church and school leadere to follow up eaeh student that has ever been in our schools, maintain contact with him and, if he has left the Church, try to lead him back into the fold of christian fellowship. 10. We urge ovey Christian to list all the names of his family as a guide in prayer for them and an aid to bring them to Christ. 11. Tho members of this committee agree to put forth every effort to bring people to Ghrist and hereby resolve individually eo to fire the hearts of people that the advance of the Gospel may continue in the year to come. Chairman, Umana Andrt Otetela Sec . Upil il i Daniel English Seol Charles Reeve R,EPPORT NQ. 10 Girls t Home Work a There arevnumber of things that this committee would like to suggest. 1. We women feel a tremendous need to win our girls to the Christian way of life, enpecially through the matrons in the HOIlEs . We urge all of our leaders, both men and women, to be careful and not put stumblingblocks before the girls through careless conversations or in other ways. We should think of them as our own children. 2. The church must warn of the bad habit of using snuff. We must help our girls to abstain from such filthy habits. :3. We urge that the giils be taught the dignity of working ,dth their hands .. Sometimes they get proud while in the Home.'Wel hope they will keep a humble spirtt, as was the custom of their forefathers. Let us teach theJll to help their parents when they go home for vacations. 4. Every girl should bring back a good character report from her village after vacation. 5. vIe hope that every Gh:istian will teach their children to be gooQ examples among other children... , . 49 F.,port No 10 (cont) 6. We are proud of the girls who have finished the Teachers' Training School, and. also those who are in the Secondary School. This is providing proof that girls oan learn as well as boys. 7. We urge that every effolt be made for girls to coninue their stuties all the way to University, and even to studies abroad, as some of the boys do. Chainnanl Telesia Shaumba Vice-ohm: Uya Maria Lukali Seoretaryz Umwnbu Andre lRPORT NO U. R pport of Womens \i)rk God blessed our work and. workship together this last year. 1. Women of some stations oame to oOnference to help lift the desire of thp WOluen in their districts. 2. We feel that although many difficult affaires are present, God is working among the women, because the women previously d1dn' t want to preach to their folks, but now these days, women are preaching 'With oourage the word of God. 3. From the teaohing of the Laubach system many women are learning to read the Bible. 4. Our giving of tithe this tirl1e surpasses previous times. 5. We are oontinuing to give money for day of prayer to help girls that have real desire to go ahead. 6. We ohanged our leaders of the pas t four years. 'WsI have eleoted others in their plaoes. 1" W3 are pooling all of our forces these days, to work among the girls this past-Independence time, to prosper their grow thin Christ. 2{1 WOlaents oonference 'Will be at Minga, but don't know how to get there if our mis sionaries dont t come. Uya LU'kali will write 'women's lessons for the new year. 40 Vk 'Will continue sending half of our gifts each month to Koren. 5. If' we want our women's SOCiety to go foward, we should have more with other women and this is the way to bring them to 6& 'tj;;) request the conference to allow the leaders of the women IS Society t.e come to the confere.'ioe because we have maTl.y t."l1ngs to say about CUI:" 1K:.'rk. 7t>o Vi recornrnend. that t:,., leaue""'s Of the woman I s Society teach other wemen the: 1 yeare Respecfully submitted, Roymond E Watson Secretary I I I I 52Board of l1issions Pepport N,2 15 1. the request of last year that the Legal Representative write the North Sankuru }iIission SuggE stin{; thQ.t we take over the Djonga area of Lomel.a, they have not yet accepted this, but have agreed to send their students to our schools. we request the C.P.C. secretary to investigate this further. 2. we request that the C.P.C. secretary take up th request of the missionary from Bena TBhad:t that we take over the section of their work between the Sa.nkuru River at Bena Dibel.e and the Lukebu River. care 3. We wish to reiterate our suggestion that the school directors take specialVin presenting the Otetela - 2 prQgram before their pupils. The ff' persons have the responsibUity r,f missionary education and challenge among our different groups: T'01enga Alphonse: Schools at Lodja Shungu John wesly: Honitor's School Om 'Okoko 11arcus : Evangelists' School Conference Youth Dr: Youth Conference Uwanga Adisa : WOman's Conference and W.D.C.S. Umumbu : 6th and 7th grades Wetshi Victor : Youth at Kindu School Inspector: All schools he inspects. 4. Following the request of last year concerning the wa1ka section of the Kindu District we are happy to reMrt that they agreed for us to take over that area. Chairman: Unyangunga Paul Vice-chairman: Lokoto Paul Otetel.a Sec. : Upilili Daniel English Sec. : Charles Reeve Repport at the gomInitm on WOrld Service and Finance Rapport Ng, 16 I The following recommendations were madel (a) From the Offering of the i\tetela Church 1. WOrld Service: (a) Abroad ______________ ___ ___._____ 1,00 (b) Conference -------------_______________ 0,50 % 2. General Administration ------------------- 0.503. Conference Claimants -------______________ 0!20 %% 4.., CentTal Conference ---_-___________________ % Other ConferenceConference 1,75 5.6 Anmlal ---______________________-------------------------1,50 %% 0 7. Pension Non-Conference Members ----------- 1 11 00 % Other Comnittees -------------------------- 0,50 % 8. International Cooperation Oc20 % 53 No 16 (conti) (b) From Pastoral Support Funds 10, Support of District Superintendents ------- 10,00 % 11, Episcopal Fund --------------------------- 2,00 % II, That the Interdenominational Cooperation Fund send 3,007,00 frs to the work of the C.P,C.I 1003.00, and like amount to the World Council Churches and 1.002 to .w...Africa Council of Churches. Ill. We ask that all District Superintendent aero all conference funds to treasurer quarterly, being divided into all percentages, IV, ve reCOlllIl16m that the rate per month per year of service .for the conference claimants be 12.50 .frs. and .for non-conferences claimants it be 6 frs, V. The follo'Wing superannuates are to receive pensions: (a) Con!erance Members (b) Non-Conference Members 1. Kimbulu Charles 1. Abuluki Jemme 2. Lumumba Jerome 2. DilIlandja Georges J. Lupanu auguste J. Lundula Daniel 4, Lunumbi .d.:ndre 4, Luhata Jean 5. Ahuka Paul 5. T'Usumba Fillippe 6. Wetshi Ukunda Auguste 6. Mndimbi Hoise 7. }'lama Usumba Fadiyala 7, Yaundu iintoine 8. Lusuna Joseph 9. Ndjovu Paul VI. One half o.f no. 1 (b) to be sent to Central conference Treasurer. Other half' of no. 1 (b) to be kept .for conference Board o.f Missions. All of 1 (a) to be sen: to America. Vil. It the fund to serxi delegates to C.p.C. will not be enough we authorize the treasurer to take funds from other committes fund to pay their trip to C.P,C. VIlI. The committee recommends that the territorial whole year lodgment a.bbuld be paid to conference superannuates not provided houses or owning houses. This is in addition to their pension, and will be paid from pension funds. Care must be taken in the matter. allocate IX. The committee requests that the Coordination CommitteeVsufficient .funds to care for the defictt in the payment of superintendents salaries. The apportionme: of 10 %is insufficient. X. Mulungwflshi graduates, We recommend to the Bishop and Cabinet that care be taken to give Mulungvtl.shi graduates places to work in these places (in order to help with their salaries) 1. To religion in both monitors and lay schools. 2. To teach primar,y and rural schools. 3. To l'mrk in Cities. 4. To bec()me director of religious education in the conference 5. To become director of Youth work in the colliterence. 54 II. Concerning Preachers' Salaries. The Pastors should teach their church members better ways giving church 1. Everyone ought to knOi'17 that each member should love the Lord idth all his heart,p life, strength) ani mind, 2. That church people g:t7e church offering from the things that they have from Ule.1.r gardens ... 3. That boarding depar-wne.lts bll;Y all food, first of all from the churches that would have given such things, before buying from others. 4. That, they give offering in good. ways; for example, big baskets of rice or mj]let, etc. 5. They should have a Lord's and chickens. 6. That every member in the church give a full tithe from his income. XII. We recommend that money given by Precaf f'.or pl'eachers I allocation be given to them. Chairman: Shungu W. John Vice-ChIn. : Secretary: Ashema Pierre " : Eluhu Joseph Water and Lights Repport Ng,17 The meeting was convened with six members present. Al Burlbaugh was elected chairman, John Hughlett and Uminu Paul were elected secretaries. 1. The motion was made and carried that all people on all stations who are served with water and lights must pay what each station thinks in a fair' price basOO on cost. 2. The following people were asked to stud;y the costs for water and lights on their stativns and bring a report to the next meeting of this committee: Katako Kombe Stanley Maughlin Lomela Charles Reeve Tunda Harry Speakman Lodja Gulp l-1inga John Hughlett Wembo Nyama Jack Reitz 3. The conference adopted a motion to add the name of a Congolase with eaoh miSSionary. Cha:l.rma.n; Al Otc-cela Secretary: Unlinu Paul l!:nglish Secret.-'lry: John Hughlett .'. 55Men', Work l\)pport N.2, 18 1. The preacher should meet together with some of the men to make dafinite plans for the work men. (a). The" meals together. (b). There could be classes to teach them to read. (c). Projects for helping the needy could be worked out. 2. If the men's work is strong, then the Church 'Will go forward. The men should bear the greater responsibUity for constructing the church. 3. 'n1e men should be hosts for receiving visitors and should make them feel at home.. 4. This committee requests program materials for the menls meetings like the women have for their meetings. We hope they w.Ul include some information of the beginning of creation. 5. We urge every man to bring another man to the meetings. Olairman: Onama &ldre Vice-chIn;: Ludju :&nUe Secretary: Umumbu Andre LANGUAGE COl>IJLlITI'lliii fiepport N.2, 19 The meeting was bei,1ll1 prayer.. Tb.e following officers were chosen: Jean Einambulu.Chairman, Marcus Um'Okoko .. Vice Chairman, b.ndre Ukunda .Otetela Secretary, Olarles Weaver-Eng1ish Secretary. Spelling of names in the Old Testament: 'n1e committee approves the spelling baaed on English that the people are accustom&l to. Examples I 1. Mhaba .Allab 2. Mose _ Moses 3. Sara - Sarah 4. Patera. Peter 5. Stefanu - Stephanus 6. Jakoba - James The language committee repeats its request to Bishop Booth to find time to spen:i some months in the Central Congo and perfect his knowledge of Otete1a.-Jter examining the new spelling and hearing a report by Paul Udimba, this committ... requests that he bring some examples of this spelling before the annual conference and give them a brief explanation of it.-MiSSionary study of Otete1a: Wembo Nyama. Students _ Bill Richardson, Dr. Bob 'White, Rollo Swanson, Ray Watson, Jack Reitz, George Thomas; Teachers...tJ.. and Paul Ud:imba Dlppor:t No 19 (cont.) Tunda: Students-Harry SpGalanan; Teachers.Charles Reeve and Jean Luhaka. 56 Lodja: Students.Wayne Culps Teachers.Charles 1f3aVer and Jean Atdedi. Minga Students..Dr. Bob Fenstermacher; Teachers-dohn Hughlett cuxi Ongenyj. Abert. Katako Kombel Stan Maughlin; Teachors..Joseph Sh'Uku and Michel Kawi.. This committee asks that all missionaries who have not completed 100 lessons spend some hours each day in languaGe study. Chairman: Jean Emambulu Eng. Sec. i Charles Weaver Report No. 20 Bible Translation Committee We are glad for the opportunity to work together With God and our colleagues in this great task. We regret that we do not have more help in re-reading ani making corrections of our work. We finished the first reVision of the Old Testament in June of this year. We are now re-reading it. We will not be able to complete the work of tho Old Testament until soma decision has been made concerning the spelling of the proper names. We are in dire need of some typists to prepare the manuscripts so they can be sent to the publishers for printint. We request the conference to take some action to this end. We only have one typist: .Apamatu ALbert. book of Genesis has boon at the printers for some time. We hope it w:iJl soon be ready for distribution. The manuscript for the book of L'Uke in interlinear Otetela and French was prepared and in l1iss Martin's hands. We are wondering if this has been sent to the printers. Chairnl!Uu Lukali Honore Report No 2l COMMITI'EE ON YOUTH VlJBK '!he following officers 1IIi'1re chosen; President - Louis Ukit'UhamLi. Otete1a Secretary, Jean Luhaka. English Secretary - Charles Weaver. Councilor. John Hughlett. '!he ,x-mmittce asks that the church in continue to help the youth work financially for the present. ;;)(Report No 21 (cont,) The committee recommends that a youth group be started wherever there is a third grade. Each youth should know Christ as Lord of his heart, of his church, of his family, of his country, and of all his life. We ask all advisers of youth groups to give their all in leadin{;. tho youth in this work. Conference will be at Katako ltor.ibe this year. Delegatus must have their school fees in hand before going. Their local youth group will give 50 francs for each delegate. .Advisers Will pay 50 francs each. , Money from .iUnerica should be used only for travel. Jtny feasts or parties are to be paid for by the youth themselves. The committee asks that the youth conferer: ' I publish thoir 0'Wll journal we recommend that committees be set up for the youth conference. I The comm1ttee asks the prayer o ~ all for the youth group to strengthen the 200 youth hearing the call to preach to their calling. Youth groups oreate new songs in many places.We ask for someone to help I write this music down so it can be taught to others around the conference am a book of songs for youth can be published. I Louis U'kit tUhambi, President Charles Weaver, English Secretary J san Luhaka Otetela Secretary . ~ I Report No 22 HIS'lORICN, OOMl"iIT'l.'.!!! I 1. We request the Conference to have a memorial monument at Wedta Umvulambi to commemorate the great revival which God gave tho Children of l'longo (.&.tetela) I through the outpouring of the Holy Spint upon His Church 1932. 'lbrough the influence of that great revival, the Gospel of the good news of Jesus Christ was spread throu&h Katako Kombe, Lodja, Bona Dibele, Lomela and Kindu and among the I Mongo poople. We want our children to remember this great event in the life of oul" church. I 2. The preacher's house at Mbo was tho firstbrick house which was built among our Atetela people. 'We would like that house to be roofed by pennanent iron roofing. I J.. ~ need Pastor Fadiala t s life to be in Otetela. 4. We would like to express our appreciation for the wonderful work that Rev. and }llrs. Vin. DeRuiter did among us. 5. )10 recomraend our Conference to write a letters of sympathy to Rev. L.C. Johnson Upon loosing h1.s lovely Wife, and to Mrs. E.B. Stilz upon the loss of her husband. President: Dendi J eroma SecretaryJ Shaumba Pierre 58 Report No 23 Radio Committee 1. we request Bishop Booth to ask the proper authorities for permission to operme our 9Q5 and 9TX broadcasts in English. 2. We request Pastor Shaumba Pierre to seek the same permission from the authorities in Leopoldville. I 3. we request permission to buy a mobile receiver. transmitter unit if mone,y i ~ available. 4. Because of the necessity of keepina in touch with Bishop Booth. we request pormission to send our new HQ 110X receiver to Elisabethvill.e for use witllL our missionarios there. Bishop Booth w.Ul re.imburse us the price of another receiver.. Secretary: John Hughlett Report No 24 Literature Committee 1. The PrintsBbp should finish the work on the books the,y are now printing. 2. We should take advantage of the writing courses offered at Kitwe by sending some candidates. 3. The conference secretaries are requested to follow the suggestions of the 1952 Central Conference relative to the publishing of the annual conference journal 4. 1he statistical report should follow the form reVised by the 1960 Central Conference. Forms for this may be obtained from the Central !'dsSion Press in Johannesburg. Secretary Report No 2S RESOLUTIONS OOlll.'lIT'l$E 1. ~ wish to eJq)ress our thanks to God for fullfillment ?f the plans for this imnual Conference. Even in these troubled times we are encouraged ani strengthened by this evidence of His care as recorded in John 14cl "Let not your hearts be troubled " 2. we are thankful for the opportunity of meeting in this particular place for our Conference since these grounds are a place of prayer. J. we of the Conference wish to express our thanks to Bishop Booth and to the missionaires present for their courage to meet with us here in these unset'Ued days. 4. In particular we wish to express our continued conilklG\l08 in the leadership of our bishop and to thank him for h:i.s .Y;:)rmons of the Conference which have shown us the eternal lordsh:i.p of Christ. S. We -capress our joy in that all members of the Conference can be together ir. these d.2.yS. We thank God for His care of us all. I I I . I' I Ii ' I I I I I I 1 59 Report No ?5 (cont.) 6. We wish to thank the adlilinistrator of the Katako Kombe District tor his statement of the desire for the governr,l(.mt and the church to work together in following the "highest law": Godt sLaw. 7. We of the Central Congo .lmnual Conference ask Bishop Booth to carry our greetings to our Christiab brothers of the Southern Congo Conference. Despite any tendancy to political disunity that might separate us, we affirm our oneness in Jesus Christ our Lord. 8. We wish to thank Pierre Shaumba and John W. Shungu for their work as interprectors during the Conference session. 9. ltk would e:xpress our profound thanks to the church of Katako Kombe for their cheerful hospitality. good beds and tood, and for their general care ot our needs. We wish to e:xpress our thanks since they prepared two times tor us. and the last t1lne on short not1ce. Respectfully submitted, Resolutions Committee, President: Ukurrla Auguste Secretaries: Oyaya .nnto1ne W3tshi wa Mongo APPOINTMENTS KATAKO KOMBE DISTRICT Admii.CistrR tive Council Chairrnang Superintendent Station Ohait'man Assistant 8ta tion Cha inl)an Trea St1! 01' Stntion P ~ 3 s t o r Lay leader pa stOl" f'rOID the Distriot Dtrectm' of Rural Schools \L, So O. IL Mid\1ifery nurse Girls' Home In'l'.lstrial work Medical work Layman President of Youth for Ohrist Missionary oounoillors District Construction of rural centers Director of rural schools Women's Work District lay leader Distriot Treasurer Direotor of Dispensaries Station Director of Primary School Director of Boys' Bd. Dept. Assistant Director of Evangelists' School Assistant Director Chapla in of Dispensary and Girls' Home Matron of Girls' Home Direc1ior of Industria 1 and Agricultural Work Director of Women's School Director of Kindergarten Nurse Girlst Home Council 60 Ngandemema Jean Ngandemena Jean EmambuluJean Umumbu Andre Omana Andre Umumbu Andre Olekonya Paul Lenge pierre Ngolo Adisa Kumbi Helena Uwanga Adiea Loledu J oeeph, Dingele Jean Ona Lundule Pierre, Usango itam,l' Mutambwe Leon Kanyama Isaac. A.J. Reid, Stanley Maughlin A.J. Redi Lengs Pierre Ngolo Adisa Umumbu Andre Umumbu Andre Dr. Robert White Emambulu Jean Emambulu Jean Umumbu Andre Omana Andre A.J. Reid Kikumbu Fau1 Uwanga Adisa Stanley Maugh1in Ona L undula Pierre Ngo10 Adisa, Uwanga Adisa, Kumbi Helene Ukite Kenge Leonard, Kanyama lsaao, Dikoma paul, Shuku Joseph, Umumbu Andre, Tuk'Utshu Louis, Lupanu Daniel, Yemba Victor. Oouncillors for Rural Centers A.J. Reid 1. Section Ambu11 Ona Kenemo I saae A. Circuit Kehudl, Bu1aitl, Ekuluku1u, Lungiddlnu, Luseki, Lumemi, Samalu, Yengo1a Etshima Alphonse 61 1. Section Ambuli Ona Kenemo Isaac A. C1rcuit I\anudi, Bulaiti, Ekulukulu, Etshima G Lungidi.l1lll, Luscki, Lur.lami, Sanalu Yengola B. Circuit Ngomoo, Koi Osongo, NgOlilOO, Olcmba Ona Kenemo Isaac. l1andjolo, Okolonga, Eleraoo, Yalnbayalnba Dispensaire Ngomoo Luhata Michel C. Circuit Ngongo Yusenge, Kalakala Etshina, Husafcdi Albert Kalakala Vue, Luhema, Luhandjula, Ngongo-Yusenge, Omalonga Oyedimbo. Lanema. D. Circuit: 9n:s?seIU, Omesendi, Usukundakuli. tn.uku David Ushima a Mboko, Utshudi, Contonniers E. Circuit Uhandja, Utshudi, Mengela, Emungu Michel Lotshetsha II. Section Dingele A. Circuit Kalonda, ii.kungula, E1l: Wc.rk P:r"'!{ddant Youth \obrk '!-!'Jfiit,al Leper Colony , \ I,c,koto ?a'\ll (On'Uya On Uya Nicolas Pali Al0X.alldre, Paul Dimandja Charles. Ta Djemba Raphaell; Lowe .Jo,s"')ph. Ukit I Uhambi Louis Lokoto Paul Diwoko Jean, Ukamba Emmanuel. '\tbdial.urnboli Pierre. Hanya Gaston Lusundju l-ftchel Lokoto Paul (Lusundju Michel) Ukunda Gabriel Unya Ndeka Albert, lInambulu Jean, Luhata Antoine Ayolongos'ilal11a Ekangu .rl.uguste Ekundu Auguste Lakoto Paul (Mbulu Olarles) qolongo5wama Kasongo Charles Mbulu Charles Chano CasIllaS, Mbalukutshu Marcel, It.Yolongoswama. MlNGA DISTRIQT Koi Gabriel Koi Gabriel Ongel1jil. J.J.bert Okito Joceph Dendi l.rldre UIllU" 'JU Viet.or , Joseph UmUllhu Victor 00IsDa-:.. Sophina Kai Paul Yumi Jacques Minga District (cont.) 71 Girls I Home Nyandu Pauline BoyI S Boarding Dept.. Lupungu Paul Industrial work \iemba 1(Oi Dominique LA.Y member Djamba Pierre Missionary bounciJ.ors John Hughlett, Robert Fenstennacher DISTRl:CT Director of rural schools thumbu Victor Teachers Dienge Antoine, Lukumbe lhile, Tund'Ukendi Michal, Uwandji Undu Armand, Omana GiJ.bert, Nsandu Michel .. Pungumbu, Luhata ,,*-bel.. _ Omena Sophina District Treasurer Oldto JoseIil STATl:ON Director of Primary School Ukito Joseph Teach6l1s I Ongeny1 Albert, Lupungu Paul, Manya Andre, Mbulu Armand, Nonge Boniface, Kudie:muka Annand. Shongruva Thomas. Boarding Dept. Lupungu Paul Girls Boarding Dept.. Nyaundu Pauline Medical service Robert Fenstemacher. Koi Paul, Ukit1thbahe Pierre, Yumi Jacques, Shuku Francois, Manda Donas, 'tUbo Nyama Georges, Ukamba Leonard, Kasongo Joseph, Dendi Pierre, Diala Marie, Nyan:1i Pauline, Eomba Louise, Fdju Catherine. Circuit Mukund,U'I Mukundji Omeonga Joseph Lopreserie Usungo Daniel Hopital l'ass. Apamantu JUbert Yanape Motete Andre Lulatui UtBhudia VIelo FranFois Circuit. Osodu Odimba Lopema Moise Kula Koihango Tsheko Atende .Albert Osangandj0 Lowa Bernard Djeka Deko Uti.ta Kenge Paul Lumangahama Wutshu Leon Kasongo Batetela Wetshukungo eo__ Wetshosongo Okese Jean WeIllba Kungu Amandus Lukangaka Albert " .Q2..rc,y,t Sgutsha !Djundu E"Iium'ba Dj amba h\1.ungu Banda Bu.lJa Omena Or,hi.ngutu ,",+.rS;,lU:t:..Y-:i=tenge Ngandu 1u.hat101e Wembo Nyama. Kafua t Bena Ko:\. D;jombe Of.ombe Okornbo OhaJ.e Aqpdnistrative CoupcU Chairm81u Superintendent Station Chairman Assistant Station Chairman Treasurer Station Pastor Distriot lay Leader Ptrstor from the District Direotor of the Primar,y School Director of the Rural Schools WomenI s Work Youth Work Medical work Girls' Home Boys! Boarding Dept. IrJu;:,tr:ial work Lay member Evangelistio oouncilor EducatiOl:ci councilor councilor Medical counoilor Direotor of Rural Schools Teachers Kasongo Jerome .apmnantu Pierre Luhata Andre Ndjulu &nile Onadikondo Joseph Elunga Cosmas Luhata Odidiema Paul Shungu .tuldre Lornena iUphonse Yanyi Davidi Yanga Michel Niohel Poio Losornba Pungu Daniel TUND.t\ DISTRICT Ndjati Daniel Ndjati Daniel Umin'l Pa.'.:il Djunga Jean Museu Emile Uminu Paul Elembu Pierre Ukunda Andre Lome::1a Jean Uya Harie Taluyamba IUbert Dimandjo. 11oise, Lundula Joseph, Dimandja Jean, Kahambwe NU:te Ornoix' Pauline Uminu Paul Katehe Jean, Wemb'OkoJlo Paul Lornena Jean Harry Speakman Charles Reeve Charles Reeve Dr. Immanuel Bitsch...Larsen Lomena Jean Tunda Hichel. Usim'bi Jules, Ulingi .!Ubert, Ulungu Bismark, Wetshi Gaston, Akasa iir.r'I1'JaDd. Woment s Work Djunga Jean Treasurer Uminu PaulDistrict Lay Leader I 73 . \\ STATION Director ot the Primary School Ukunda J J Teachers: Uminu Paul, UpUXilbu Raphael, Esaka Joseph, Lokonga Raphael, Piuli Dani.el. Djunga Jean, Dembo Jeanne., Akaki Marie, Lula Pierre, Lomena EmUe, Wetsh 'Umba Louise. I Boys Boarding Dept. Uminu Paul Girls Home Crooi Pauline Medical service Dr. I Bitsch...tarsen, I Dimandja Moise, Lundula Joseph, D1mand.ja Jean, Kitete Pascal, Lulingi Samuel, Ukumba Daniel, T''Uku:nda Rene, Diamba I"I'1chel, Kahambwe Marie, Utshumba Rebeca, JUaku Veronique, Lundula Lucien, iil\D11ba. Marie. Director ot the Leper Colony Dr. I BitschooLarsen Women t S Work Dembo Jeanne Youth Director TalW'amba Albert Translation committee Lukali Honore, Uya Lukali Taluyamba. Alberr, ltiith Martin, Utshudi Moise, Charles Reeve. 1. Section Elembu Pierre Wenga Elembu Pierre Tshupa Diefu Luhahi .ble Hyuti Shungu Jean Wungu Lokenye Apamantu Jean Simbu Matonda Mumba-Djamba Antoine Ongeri MonitEmr Ulungu Bismarck Lupitadi la Sudi la ngelu Lulingi Samuel Lulingi Monitor Ukundja Raphael. LunguIilbu II Osongo Albert1 " veta LuhahiI Kembi Turrla Michel 2. ;I; Luhata Daniel. Kitambwe Luhata Daniel Usangu asani GregOireI " I Peaa: Sula Ndjek'Fmbo Albert Pena Farriba Kalama .;Uphonse 3. Section n l-Iulem.a Franaois Utanga Mulenda " Pena Ngandu Utatu Pierre Lukanda Mb1ali .tUexandre Kisanga Etshienne Umbwe Okombe Armand Mukata Tolel.a Gaston 4. !!bombg Diongo Albert Cite 1elge Diongo n Oleka Pierre Belg:tka. Mbia.1::.. Pierre Wasa Makonga Loke1wa Leonard Lowe Okombe J I I 1 I I I 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 1.. Lokenye 2. Kitambolo Diko 3. Kilnumba 4. Mundeke 6.ectign Luwekl 1. LU'Weki 2. 3. Pungi 4.0penge 7.Sec'y:on Enyamba 1. l.omongo 2. Sheka Ango Administratiye CounoU .' Ta.l.eku Daniel Ta.l.eku II WembfUlua Dovell Lukula Joseph K1lumbwa Joseph Lukala Alphonse Lukala Alphonse Lukali Athanas Dimandja J san LuwtEmbo Michel Elembu Pierre Takanda Jean UDehambi Mathias Chairman: Superintendent. . .... Om'Okoko Marcus Station Chairman .......................... Om'Okoko Marcus' Assistant Station Chairman N,andjolo l-Io1se Treasure":- .. .. Osamba Abert Assistant Pastor .. Onema. J osepb Lay Leader .................. Ludju EmUe Pastor from the District. Dendi Jerome Monitor's School Primary School.. Rural Schools Medical service. .. ................ Odimba Paul ................. Osamba Albert. Kinumbi Jean ........ T'Ulamba Jerome .... Industrial Dept. Agr1culture . \tbmen1s Work PreSident Youth Girls I Home ................. Women I s School and Kindercarten .. Missionary councilors Tunda Andre. Kikumba Jean, lD.cumba Madeleine Wemb t Ulaa Pierre, Asamba Prosper Kimbulu Paul mcoko Onema Bana Koi Jerome Uyaka Veronique Alumba Turda Al BurlbaughJ Dave Walker. Robert 'Wilite, Ray Watson, Rolla Swanson, Charles Weaver Director of Rural Schools ............T'Ulamba Jerome Treasurer of Rural School.& .............Odimba Paul 'Women' s Work .. .. .. .. Ekoko Onema, Kitutu Harie Youth Director ................. Onema. Joseph s,\1Ilday School Director .. .. Onema .. Men's Work Ludju Emile, Dungu Pius,aJ. Burlbau::h Pastor ..................... N,andjolo Moise JLS::;to Pastor . OneIDa J ose:gh Dire'1tv: of Primary School .. Osamba Tes(;he ....................Dikoka Jsan, Kimbulu Jean. Kinumbi Jean, Lushima HarCU8. Ta Bumbu Albert. Oboi Joseph.Lukala Pierre Dlmandja Joseph, Ndjekapa Paul.ine, Kumbi Denise, Diessa Paul, Djamba Alphonse Boys' Boarding Dept. Primary School Osamba Albert Director of l-:tonitor's School David Walker Teachers: Weaver, 0d1mba Paul. ahuka Alldre Boarding Dept. Monitors I School Industrial Dept. Girls' Home Directress Assistant J Councll Ekoko Onema, Alumba Tunda, Sewing classes I Women t s SchoAL I Girls' Work on the Station Kindergarten HospitiJ. and Dispensarus! Wetsh'Umba Henriette. Kahambwe Marie. Omoi Ceclle, Lell\V'ama Marie Ekoko Onema, Utshumba Hana,Yangak'e Odimba Yangak' e Odimba iUumba Tunda 75 David. Walker, Onema Paul, Qaarles Odimba Paul ill. Burlbaugh, Jack Reitz Uyaka Veronique Sheka Henriette Uyaka Veronique, Sheka Henriette. I Medical work: Dr. Robert \tlite, Dr. Ray' Watson, 'l\mda iU'Xire, Lumbu Michel, K1kumba Jean. Olenga Victor, Dungu Pius, Lama Michel, Utshudiema Moise, ahuka 1 Jean, Esema Esther, Yema Smile, Uman;yund.u ..uphomlil, tJm'Ekoko (Dental aide). Rural Dispensaries I Kay Paul, Kunga Francois, 'WaIlbttnua Francois. Ongenda:ngerxia I Materity I Baby clinic Hospital chaplain Retired Pastors 1, Joseph, Wembi Michel, T'Uyuku Paul Ekumba Madeleine, Dembo Louise Ekumba Madeleine Ndjati Pierre Kimbulu Charles, Lumumba Jerome, Lupanu Lunumbi WetshlUkurda Auguste PastQral Appo1ntmnts in the Distric:t 1 Circuit d 10na Lua, Ona Lua, Ukumba. Djel.a Ona Lua Ecole Regional. I Ukungo Ngoma. Ekunda, Shodu, Luw.i.nga I Circuit d '0kaku Ukaku, Shungu, Djungu, Lutshudu, Hangu I Ukaku Ecole Taembi, Kombe,Dihanga LUBukula, Lukun;ya, Utadja, Yel.o,Pienge Lumena, tnunguI Circuit de TaInb1@ Lumbelllu Nicolas Tumandji Simon, Lukarrla Michel, Uhekeli Franpois Yemba Paul Tasumbu ;.rmand Lumbe1.Uu Nicolas Sheleka Paul Sheleka Paul. Umumbu Joseph Umumbu JoseP.h Lotokola Umumbu Jean Lupanu Auguste (T'Olemba Dane) I Tambwe, Diembu, Dihata, Fundji, Onayemba, Odinga Emambulu Jean Mangu, Songo Ongendangenda Joseph I.omembe, Mbali, tJnyamboko, Loao a Koi T'Olemba Daniel !..;lShima Pange, Shinga }'1buka, Hyukamend1, Wele Di'WUlldji, Dikoka. tnuta. Lahema Shungu Paul1 UKuka, LUlldeki, Shuku. Lahema, imungu, Kianda, Catonier Usumbu Lambert d Opoml:!2 Umanguo Albert Shu."'lgu KOi, Ana Mwla, Akuna Umanguo Albert Shungu Koi Ecole Regional, TtUsungo Daniel, Udimba Paul. Yemba Nicolas, B'yango Armand, Uk:ungo Maurice 'l' Taluplipa, Taletshu, Lukutu, lCond'Uhwna, T'Emungu, Umang:a, 'Wali, tlmanguo Albert D1kanda.. Kombe, Lokonde, Dingundu Shungukeli, Katshi, Usulungu, Tayemba Dioko, Tadjamba, Wahi fircuit de Yenge. Koko Lomami, Dela, Lungundu J Ndjadi, Djwula, Dimanga Kokolomami DiSpensare I:nfinnier I Ukund 'Okoko, Yemema, Ud.:1mula. Okoko Lutanga, Wembuluki. t.D.uld, Shungu Ud:ambi (Otepa). Watu. Lomami, Dikondo, Ya.rw1, Katshi Ukundula II. Yanyi, Uwel.i C;l.rcuit Veli, Veli, LonemaJ Veli Ecole RegionalI Utuku Veli, Catonnier I Lutahi, Tudinga, Uduku, Wetsh1, Putu, Sungukungo Lokenye, Yeta. Tolenga Todiongo, Esamba. Shodu, D1hata. I Circuit de ShUu ShUu, Dihuka, Ndj1lVO, Djunga, Tsheko. Dengi, Ehali 1 Sheki, Djoo, Tshanda. Kunga, Tadiumi . Dikuku, Tshoto, Lutuku, Wwxiu, Vala1 OnaeIllbo, Oletdo. Luhanga. Shukend1, Wanga 1 Circuit de Dimandja 1 Dimandja, tnungu, Puhanyi. WGIIIb' Ukunga. Djulu. Twnba, Lumanda, Ukunga, Ukutu, Djanga Circllit de Ndju, Ndju. Kumbula. Teb, Luwatui1 l'Ainga.. 76 Tshudi Paul Wetsbi Jean Wetshi Jean (Nongo Gabr1l Umanguo (Ud1mba Paul) w'1mba Paul Kunga Fran90is Wumbe Armand ayosonwama Utshudiema ;1ean ayosonwama Kinyamba Armand Ngandu Emile, Mulamba Michel Ayosonwama qoson'Wlll8. Lumwnba Jerone (Diandja Pierre Diandja Pierre, W3mbi Michel Longomo Andre Ngongo Albert Luhunga Pascal Tatumba Daniel Kirwaniba ADn.(Uw. .lUb.) Uwandji Ndjati Albert Ndjadiandja Albert Upelell Daniel I Un 'Ut8mba EmUe I Vunga, Vungi, Engut1. OnatWcondo Tashungu, Dia.ta Circuit de Tasumbu Tasumbu Ecole Okombe Loteta, Shu! Wungu, Wembo, Ud.i.m.u. Longcmo. Diamba Djeku-.Ahamba Dikungu Yanyl, Opondo Ndju Ecole Reginalel Embetsha I Lama. Jean, UktO::lju Alphons e, T'Olenga Vicent EsakoAlbert Dendi J eroma D1k1tele Michel Lodi Clement, Pudiema Joseph Pudiema Joseph Ukitundu Moise Tawungu Lucas Tamvula Jerome Lumula Jean Kapula Armand , , 77 Circuit d IUduku, Uduku Um'Okoko ?terre Uduku Ecole Regionale& Letshu Armand, SaJI1ba ?aul. LurabelUu Nicolas, Joseph. Tuaumba, Ehanga Samba Paul Kudi, Numakungu, Luku:mbI.n. tuku Luhata Pierre Djamba, Dungu, Ukeki Ngoi Jean Circuit de SaIncwgua Upeleli Daniel (Unyumbi E.) Tukunda, Tanyima, Yimbu, Okengama, it-hindu, Okongolo. t:rnyumbi &nUe1 Samangua, Weti. Shanga Lumbu, Tshumbe, Ngandj1koi. Yanga Pique, Nge1i 1 Circuit Otete: Otete, Pungu, Akombe. D1embu., utulungu Kalema., Yuka. Vbnalemala, Tongo, Umadjo1'1do Okolo, Panga, Okali, :Men;ya. Ndala.1 Uwangu, Diam'ba. Fuku. Shodu., Ukandju I Circllit TudiIIi ,Wendjlllungu. Kudi. Udiku , Ayosonwama Teke Michel Utshinga Emanuel UIntOkoko Pierre (Djamba Auguste) Osongo Antoine Yemba aphonse Lo41 Clement Fadiale. Pierre Um'Okoko Pierre (Djamba Auguste) Ukitana I Tudimba Ecole Regionalel Olembe Joseph, T'Asa. Jean. On'Adji Joseph, Ukitana Pol..;; Lotelama, Esuku, TumanaI Ukitana Polycarp I Ta.kula., ,tldidiema. Tulinga, Ndekayema., Oloko, Vuka Tolenga Samuel Tadiketi, Ngulu, Diketi. Enyumbi Djamba Auguste Tadiketi Ecole Regionalel Lodi Jean, Djunga Pierre, T'Olenga S. Djamba. buguste.1 Ukala, Unyama. Kasoko Paul 1 Circuit Usumba, Usuraba, Cotonco Den\. Jeroue I Cite-Ekenyi Dendi J eroma, Ludju Emile Usumba Ecole Regionale. Luyuku Daniel, T'tn.eku Jean, T'Ulamba Jeroma. Mamba Paul, Omenga AI2dre I CONFERENCE ,APFOIN'lMENTS I Chairman of the Cabinet Secretary of the Cabinet Field Treasurers Conference Secretary o Evange.Usm Conference Treasurer Director of .. Dental 'I.t1dt'k Director Teachers, Union Secondary SOhool, latubwe teachers, Kayeka-Kimbulu Union Theological School Faculty of Theology Mission iress Conference Lay Leader Legal Representative SUppleants I Ngandjolo Moise John Hughlett Bill Richardson, Ed1th ltl.rtin Ngandjolo Moise J.W. Shungu,AsstEl.uhu Joseph Jack Reitz Hugh Deale Edward and Janet Smiht J ames and Marth Stevenson Umumbu Victor John \i!sley Shungu Marshall W. Lovell. Jose;a M. Davis. , 78 Councillors for the C. p. C. Joseph Davis. Ashema Pierre. Lorena Kelly. Emambulu Jean Alternate CouncUlors }; Lovell, E.B. Lovell, Tunda Shungu Kay Eye...:uurl.e Mae Wlite, TuMa.d.ndre, Charles Reeve. Charles Weaver J. Reid School Inspector MeW. Lovell Deputy School Inspector Ukunda Andre Trustee Union Mission House Joseph Davi.s Director of Youth 'Work Luhaka Jean Assistant Ukit 'Uhambi Louis School f'or Missionaires" Children Principal Douglas Crowder Matron Elaine Crolder Agriculture Program Donald Collinson. Rolla SWanson Correspondents I Congo MiSSion News Virstma Law Africa Christian Advocate Anita Fenstermacher World OutJ.ook Dorothy Davis Methodis t Woman Edith Martin Christian .dvocate Kenneth Jones Together Kenneth Jones Dikendji Editor Ashema Pierre Assistant Editor Onema. Benoit Editorial Board Usamba lubert, J .W. Shungu, veyne Culp, Tunda Andre Correspondents s t Lodja Tund.a Shungu Minga Dienge Antoine Tunda Uminu ?aul Katako Kombe Elnambulu Jean Wembo Uyama Onema Joseph Lomela Pierre Kindu Letshu Abele S.S. Literature Fdith Mar.tin LITERATURE PRODUCTION AT KITWE Miss Edith Martin. Lorena Kelly, Ethel Homteldt, Sallie Reinecke, Marjorie Murray.. Bible Revision Central Committee Lukali Honore, Uya Lukali, Lodi Michel, Taluyamba .Albert, Fdith Martin, J.W. Shun3"":' M., W. Lovell. General Secretary of C. p .. C. Shaumba Pierre SPECIAL AProIN'lMENTS TO Vl>:ax IN OTHER OONFERENCES Mr" and Mrs. John W9s1ey. Mr. and Mrs. Charles LeMaster. Barbara NorriS, Joanne Maughlin, Hazel Reid, Muriel 'White, Dorothy Gulp, Birgit Dorothy Walker, May Jane Hughlett. ON REGUL.JUt FURlOUGH Dr. and Hughlett, Rev. and Mrs. E.B. Lovell, Miss Dorothy Roes. Miss A.nn1e Laurie'rey, Miss Dorothy Gilbert, Bev. and Mrs. Joseph, Mrl'\ and Mrs. Kenneth , , MISSlONAm!S ON SWW I1J11IIj)OO}i 79 Rev. and J.Irs. H. T. Maclin, Rev. and Mrs. W. DeRuiter, Miss Ruht O'Toole. Miss JtrrUe Zicafoose, Miss Catherine Eye, Miss Imogene Joiner, Miss Simone Van Ooteghem, Rev. and Joseph Maw. MISSIONARIES ON SPECIhL STUDY Mrs. and I-lrs. Burleigh Law, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Adams, Miss Barbara Hartman, 1-11ss Sue Dunham. MI,.$IOJ!i1.RIES UNDER biiOlN'lMEN'J.' Rev. and l-lrs. George 'lhomas, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Gaddis, Dr. and Mrs. Glen Mr. ani Nrs. Thomas, Pruitt, Mr. and Mrs, DaVid Cobb, Mr. and Mrs. Gorham, Miss Dorothy Hughlett, Miss Reid, Miss MacDougall. 80 PAS'lOR.U, RECQRI?S Revised to YUJY. 1960 before reading of new Conference Appointments. Ent. Fin. ,Appointments No. ot B.S. B.S. Served Years otJ Service'I Katako logj Elemba Joseph CPr). 1959(Ec. Theo.) 1 1 Emambulu Jean 1930 1932 5 -1.7 Koi Gabriel 1935 1937 6 2) Lukali Raphael (Pr. ) 1952 1954 6 I I' Ngandemema Jean 1923 1925 1 ~ 35 01ekorura Paul 19)1. 1933 6 27 Pungu itJ.bert 1944- 1946 8 14 Shango Pierre 1941 1944 6 16 Shaumba Pierre 1932 1933 4 2l Shangu Joseph 1924 1926 14 34 l 1 Umana Andre 1929 19)1. 6 29 Utumba Samuel 1939 1942 7 18 }1inIa Dendi .ti.ndre 1939 1945 3 15 Kasongo J eroma 1946 1950 4 10I Museu EmUe 1941 1943 173 tkiimba Lopema. 1941 1944-7 16 Uminunga Joseph 1942 1944 6 16I Wemba Kungu 19)1 1932 9 23 Kyw Akasa Alphonse 1945 1947 5 13I Lungunga Jean 1947 1949 6 II Wetshi Victor 1941 194) 5 171 . I Lodja North .ti.shema. Pierre 19:)) 1932 5 25 Dungu Albert 1935 19)6 8 24 Luleandju Jacques 1924 1925 14 35 Ngoi Jean 19S1 4 9 UmIOkoko l'Iarcus 1929 19)1. 281 7 Uxvangunga ~ 1934 1 9 ~ 9 25I Lod.1a South I Elembe Mathias (pr.) 1955 4 5 Ngamjolo Moise 1926 1928 12 32 Ta Xoi Daniel 19)6 l.937 4 22 T'Olenga Alphonse 1934 1935 7 28 l1omeJ,i Lokoto Paul 1940 1944 6 16J On tUdinga. Francois 1934 1935 10 201 ,y Tuzxia Mulea Paul 1921 1924 10 )6 Diongo Albert 1945 1947 5 13 Elembo Pierre 1934 1936 243 Luhaka Jean 1943 lR94S 7 15 t-Jhata Daniel 1929 19)1 7 29 ,. 8l Pasl.oral Repords (cont,) Ent. Fin. Appointments ~ . of B.S. B.S. Served . Years of Service Lukala Alphonse 1936 1939 5 2l MUlenda Francois 1926 1928 11 )2 Ndjate Daniel 1939 1942 5 18 01eka P1erre(Pr.) 1949 1952 4 I T 1tn.eku Danial. 194.5 1947 2 13 Wembo Nyama. I Dendi Jerome 1926 1928 7 ;)2 Dild.tele Michel (Pr.J1949 19.52 3 8 Eluhu Joseph 1936 1939 4 2l Kinyamba Armand 1942 194.5 7 15 Lumbelelu Nicolas 1921 1924 6 )6 )6Lunumbi Andre 1923 1924- 8 Onema Joseph(Pr.) 1959 (Ec.The.1 1 Osongo .ti.ntoine(Pr.) 1949 1952 2 8 Shungu John W;W.ey 1937 19)8 7 17 Udimba Paul (Pr.) 1951 1953 2 7 Umangu'WO Albert 1948 19.50 4 10 Um' Okoko Pierre 1942 194.5 4 10 18Upelili Daniel 1939 1942 3 82 CHRONOLOGICAL ROLL OF THE MEMBERS OF THE CENTRAL CONGO ANNUAL CONFERENCE ~ j :,Hmne Pre. ConT. On . Full . Trans- Deacbft- Elder Ret. ~ 1 : Rec t d. Trial Con. CCAC I Reid, A. J. 1 Er,Kent.ue1cy 1926 1928 1945 1928 1930 a IIVhee1er, H.T. E:West,Ya.1926 1931 1940 1926 1932 1959 a Lovell, E.H. E "('enn. 1928 1936 1945 1928 1933 a Lova11, M.W. E Tenn. 1929 1931 1948 1929 1933 DeRuiter, W. E CCAC 1935 1940 1936 1940 a Kimbulu Charles ECCA.C 1935 1936 1930 1942 1949 Ngandjo10 Moise E CCAC 1935 1936 1936 1942 Lumbil ilu 1;ieolo8 E CC 4.C 1935 1936 1940 1943 Lupanu Auguste E CCAC 1935 1936 1942 1943 1959 Mulenda Francois E CGIiC 1935 1936 1940 1943 I a -I I Luhata Daniel E CCAC 1935 1936 1940 1944 Lllmumba .Terome E CCAC 1935 1936 1936 1944 Lunumbi Andre E CCAG 1935 1936 1936 1944 1960 I Ahuka Paul E CCAG 1936 1939 1942 1944 1960Nbsndemema Jean E CCAC 1936 1940 1940 1944 a Townsley, I .. U. E PacifiC 1937 1940 1940 1938 1940Um I Okoko Marcus E CCAC 1937 1942I 1942 1945Wemb a Kungu Andre E CCAC 1937 1942 1942 1945Shaumba Pierre E CCAC 1937 1945 1945 1950 1 E1embo Pierre E CCAC 1938 1943 1943 1947Umana Andre E CCAC 1938 1943 1943 1947 1 Lukandju J. E CCAC 1939 1944 1944 1951 a .Tohnson, L. C. E Kentucky 1941 1942 1941 1953 194201ekonya Paul E CCAC 1941 1945 1945 1949Shungu Joseph E CCAC 1941 1945 1945 1949 I T'Olenga Alphonse E CCAC 1941 1945 1945 1951Unyangunga Paul E CCAC 1941 1945 1945 1952 a Maw, .T.H. E S.Caro1ina1942 1944 1946 1928 1944Dendi "Terome E CCAC 1942 1949 1948 1952E1uhu Joseph E CCAC 1944 1949 1948 1952t Wetshi Victor E GCAC 1944 1948 1948 1952 t On'Udinga FrancoisE CCAC 1944 1948 1948 1953 a Smith, E.F. E N.Car. 1945 1947 1954 1945 1947I a Davis, J.M. E Kentucky 1945 1948 1950 1947. 1948 , Reeve, C. w. E N.Georgia1945 1948 1950 1947 1948Shungu,J.W. E CCAC 1945 1948 1948 1952 , ~ Museu Emile E CCAC 1945 1948 1948 1953Ndjati Daniel E CCAC 1945 1949 1949 1954Upe1i1i Daniel E CCAC 1945 1949 1949 1954Dungu Albert E CCAG 1945 1951 1951 1955Luka1a Alphonse E CCAC 1945 1951 1951 1957Gulp, Wayne E N.E.Ohio 1946 1949 1958 1948 1949Koi, Gabriel E CGAC 1947 1951 1951 1955Udimba Lopema MoseE CCAC 1947 1951 1951 1955Uma Dje1a Aug. E CCAC 1947 1955 1955 1959tJmeunga Jo seph E CCAC 1947 1951 1951 19561:2!1G:{Jlbulu Jean E CCAG 1948 1952 1952 1956UtrL."1iba Samuel E CCAC 1948 1952 1952 1956'ipeakrnan, Harry E N.lnd. 1948 1950 1960 1948 1950 8.3 I II Name Pre. Gonr. On Full Trans Deacon Elder Ret. Re1. Rec'd. Trial Con. OOAG Ashema Pierre E GGAG 1949 1952 1952 1955 Luhaka Jean E GGAG 1954 1954 1958 a Jones, Kenneth E Baltimore 1951 1953 19.58 1951 1953 a Maclin. H.T. E N.Texas 1953 1953 1954 1953 1953 Lokoto Paul E GGAG 1952 1957 1957 Akasa Alphonse 4 CGAC 1953 1957 1957 I Dendi Andre 4 GGAG 1953 1957 1957 Diongo Albert 4 GCAC 1953 1957 1957 Lungunga Jean 4 CCAC 1953 1951 1957 T'U1eku Daniel 4 GCAO 1953 1957 1957 Pungu Albert 4 1954 1958 OOAG 1958Um'Okoko Pierre 4 CCAO 1955 1958 1958Kasongo Jerome 3 OOAC 1955 1959 1959 Umanguo lube rt 3 COAC 1955 1959 1959Shango Pierre 3 COAC 1953 1959 1959Kinyamba Annand 3 OGAC 1957 1959 1959Ta Koi Daniel 3 OOAC 1954 1959 1959Onema Joseph 3 GOAC 1958 1960 1959 1959 a Thomas, George E 1960 E:--Effective. 3 and 4: Third and fourth year classes, respectively.a:---Absent 1960 Session. Members of the Gonference Who Rave Illsd La 3aniee Gonf. On Full Trans. Deacon Elder DiedRec'd Trial Gon. CCACAnker, H.P. Virge 1915 1947 1934 1932 1958 Ayres, H.C. N. Ga. 1929 1931 1929 1933 1948Shuku Joseph COAC 1935 1936 1939 1943 1954Fadia1a Pierre CCAO 1935 19431943 1943 1960Lukadi .Tacob CCAO 1937 1944 1944 1948Kenemo Victor CCAC 1950 1955 1955 1957 Preachers On Trial Pre. Conf. On Full Trans. Deacon Elder Re1. Rectd. Trial Conn. CCAG a Crowder, D 4 Holston" 1956 1958 a Stevenson, J.R. :3 GGAG 1957 1957Dikite1e Michel 2 OCli.C 1958 01eka Pierre 2 CCAO 1958Osongo Antoine 2 C C ! ~ C 1958Udlmba Paul 2 CCAO 1958 Luka1i Rephae1 2 CCAC 1958 E1 emb a JVIathi as 1 GC.i.C 195t HYailbo Emile 1 CGAO 1960 Ukitana Po1ycarp 1 CCAC 1960We t shl Ukungo Cos. 1 CChO 1960 Koi Hyango A. 1 CCAC 1960 Unyumbi Emile 1 CCAC 1960 , . 84 Missionaries Not Members of an Annual Conference Name IU'ri ved Nalne Arrived On 'Field On Field Isabel DeRuiter 1926 .Tanet Smith 1954 lJV.S. Hughlett 1929 David "Va1ker 1954 Violet Hughlett 1929 Do rothy'Va1ke r 1954 Hazel Reid 1930 .Tohn Hughlett 1954 Mildred Lovell 1930 Sally Reinecke 1955 Dorothy Ree s 1931 Barbara Norris 1955 Edith Martin 1931 Mary Jane Hughlett 1955 Ruth O'Toole 1931 Mary Bozeman 1955I imnimae Nhite 1931 Dorothy 0' Ne al 1956 I Myrtle Zicafoose 1934 Martha Stevenson 1956 Gladys Maw 1936 Donald Collinson 1956 Norene Robken 1938 Mary Collinson 1956 Lorena Kelly 1938 Laurence Lundeen 1956I Pattie Townsley 1939 Rae Lundeen 1956 I Kathryn Eye 1939 Stanley Maughlin 1957 [lnnie Laura Winfrey 1939 Ed1ea Jones 1957 Eloise Lovell 1940 Elaine Browder 1958 H.S. Deale 1948 Ray Watson 1958Mar jorie Deale 1948 Vivian Watson 1958Ethel Homfe1dt 1948 Imogene Joyne r 1958Burleigh Law 1950 Robert White 1958fe..J Virginia Law 1950 Muriel l:Vhi te 1958Birgi t Weaver 1950 .Tohn We sley1 1958Mildred Reeve 1950 liIUla We sley 1958Dorothy Davis 1950 Dorothy Cu1p 1959]mmanue1 Bitsch-Larsen 1951 William Richardson 1959Va1borg Bitsch-Larsen 1951 Charles LeMasters 1959Cary Eastman 1951 Rose LeMasters 1959Ba.rbara Hartman 1951 Rolla Swanson 1959Charle s Weaver 1951 J). Maugh1in 1959Dorothy Gilbert 1952 Dan ,..dams 1959Nita Fenstermacher 1952 Judy Adams 1959tu.fred Bur1baugh 1953 Estherjean Speakman 1960Mary linn Burlbaugh 1953 Robert Fenstermacher 1960Simone Van Ooteghem 1953 Sue Dunhum 1960 1..1ice Moclin 1954 .Tack Reitz 1960 Retired and/ Diceased Missionapies Not Members of Central Congo, Annual Conference /irri ved on Field Retired Yrs. of Servioe Died Mary Foreman 1920 1951 31 Mrs. H. P. Il1lker 1916 1954 38 E.B. Stilz 1916 1954 38 1960 Mrs. E.B. Stilz 1922 1954 32 JJ. Davis 1920 1956 36 Mrs. J. J. Davis 1920 1956 36 Mrs. L C. Johnson 1948 Mrs. vfuee1er 1929 1959 30

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