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  • 7/30/2019 1952 August


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  • 7/30/2019 1952 August




    b y G o r d o n L i n d s ay

    I t was eight oclock in N ew York City an e hour of dc-parture ,for delegates to the World Pentecostal Conference a cLondon- aving been set at midnight, June 24- as draw-ing nigh. Approximately sixty persons were waiting to havetheir baggage checked preparatory to being taken to the In-ternational Airport at Idlewild, Long IsIand. The airport per-sonnel informed us that we were 1 5 0 0 poundsoverweight and consequently much baggagehad to be left behind. Because of the busstrike, passengers were taken to the1 airportin taxicabs by drivers who wove their wayswiftly thrbugh the mad traffic of Americaslargest city.

    Shortly after midnight we strapped our-selves in the chartered four-motored FLYI NGTIGER. The pilot taxied out to the runway,tested the motors, and after a united prayer webraced ourselves for the anticipated take-off.Then came the anti-climax. The stewardess in-formed us that due to mechanical difficulties,we would be subject to a slight delay. Bythe time we had evacuated the plane, the cowl-ing had already been taken off and mechanicswere giving the motors an overhauling. T heslight delay turned out to be seven hours.By then some of the passengers were skepticalof the planes ability to make the flight insafety. Only after a speech by the captain whoassured them that all would be well, weresome of the more timid passengers prevailedupon to board. At length the last one boardedand presently we were in the air, and on ourway toward Gander, Newfoundland.

    Because the plane was overloaded, the cap-tain of the FL YI NG TI G ER decided we couldnot carry enough gas for a non-stop trans-atlantic crossing, and so plans were made tostop at Iceland. Although this li ttle countrynear the Arctic Circle was far out of the way,most of the passengers were pleased that theywere able to visit this island of the north,which is populated by descendants of the Vik-ings. On .the way to Iceland we were per-mitted a rare view of the Midnight Sun. Al -though we were a trifle south of the Arcticcircle, we gained acouple of degrees becauseof our altitude. Sh o r t l y a f t e r e l e v e n o c l o c kt h e s u n wa r o n t h e h o r i z o n . Fo r a h a l f h o u rthe s u n sk i m m e d t h e h o r i z o n , n e i t h e r r i s i n gn o r s e t t i n g . Then o r a b r i e f t i m e i t d r o p p e db e l o w t h e h o r i z o n , o n l y t o d i s ap ear aga i n ,just b e f o r e t h e p l a n e d r o p p e d tR o u g h t h ec l o u d s o c el m r d . T h u s h e r e w a r no n i g h t on2 G

    Rev. and Mrs. Don Pr ice, form er Assistant Edi toro f T H E V O I C E O F HEALING and her husband,j u s t marr ied, are shown near Big Ben of the Par-l i amen t bu i l d i ng .

    ou r tri$. At noon we were in Amsterdam, andshortly after, we crossed the English Channelarriving at the Northolt airport of London atabout three in the afternoon.The following evening, the World Pente-costal Convention opened in Westminster Cen-tral Hall. There were 700 delegates registeredfrom countries abroad, with the main dele-gations from America and Sweden. Preachingwas to be done mainly in English with BSwedish interpreter on the platform. Inter-preters for other nationalities were scatteredthrough the audience. Some sixty flags hang-ing in the balcony, reflected the cosmopolitannature of the gathering. The evening serviceof the first day of the conference consisted ofthe introducing of leading ministers from

    wedding ceremony was performed by an Eng-lish vicar in St. hfargarets Church which ad-.joins the famous Westminster Abbey. TheArch-bishop of Canterbury kindly granted per-mission for the use of the church, which ,ordi-narily is used for nuptial ceremonies of Eng-lish nobility. I t was a very convenient loca-tion, for St. Margarets is just across fromWestminster Central Hall where the WorldConvention is being held. Incidentally, theseedifices together with the Parliament building,and Westminster Abbey, almost completelysurround Parliament Square-perhaps theworlds most famous square.A f t e r t h e w e d d i n g , t h e y oum g c o u p l e ,w en t

    o u t t o he c en t e r o f t h e sqzr a r e wh e r e a p h o t o n -various parts of the world.The following afternoon Was marked by thewedding of our former assistant editor, MissAnna Jeanne Moore Rev. Don Price, anAmerican evangelist, who has been conductingmeetings in Europe during the past year. T he

    r a p h e r t o o k p i c t u r e s o f t h e n e w l y w e d s : T h e s ep r o c e ed i n g s s o o n a t t r a c t e d t h e a t t e n t i o n o fdl t h o s e a b o u t t h e sq u a r e . I n a f ew m o r n e ma ? 1mu s p al b ff p h o t o g r a p h e r do ad got tm(Continued on Page 17)

    T H E U O l C E O F AUGUST, 1952P A L I N G VOL. V INDEXWHOLE NO. 53Art lcl ei Page Artic les PageA F l i g ht t o a W o r l d C o n f er e n c e ................... 2 .Featured Evangel ists ...................................... 9-12M y C a l l t o t h e H e a l i n g M i n is t r y.................... 3

    Th e ~ ~ ~ t h ~ ~~ l i ~ ~ ~s p o w e r Is S hown ...... .6-7

    D o n al d G e e C o l u m n .......................................... 13Is t h e A n t ic h r i s t a t H a n d ? ........................... 14-15Signs-Miracles-Wonders .............................. I 6

    b y A. C. Valdez Gordon Lindsayvangel ist s Address Di rectory andSchedules ........................................................ 4-5 .

    W o r l d - W i d e R e v i v a l I 7Prophecy March es O n ...................................... 18

    b y William Branham ..........................................Sta r t l i ng Inc iden ts and Am az ingAnswers t o Prayer ........................................ 8


  • 7/30/2019 1952 August


    PART II* VALDEZ MOVING STORY: ** Mv h &e; Je+ M+ *r days those doctors nobly foughtr th e life of my devoted wife. Sh egiven penicillin and sulfa drugswn the raging fev er in he r

    All attempts to save her beganIt was one disap-I kept hoping,at th ea miracle would take place

    Hope Gone. Then th at dreadful mo-I was ad vised to g e t read y f orgone. The last t ie had , at last , brokend soon come to be ar th ey poor, t ired, and suffering wife .a world of pain and woe was. When th e full realization o f this eventit seemed

    o f th e Past. I ref iected usoning fo r Jesus in His gre at vineyard. To-

    a smile . We had wept. W e had smiled together. In sorrow,as one, and, thank God, not allus, and it was moreI could bear. I shall never forget those

    lef t the hospital and rushed to theI was then pastoring. In theha t l i t t le church, I begana child, until it seemed myI found my-as though He wereII am most miserable. Iis to be had. Now,I can say is as even your ser-did sa y, Thou has t given andAnswers. In th at mom ent of deepestI beg an to f ee l a presence fill the

    a f a ther , say ing toI have asked theeI remembered that God had asked

    I cried unto the Lord and said ,L o r d , f y o u w i l l o n ly h e al m y w i f e ,a n y t h i n g g o u a sk m e to d o , e g a r d -o f w h a t i t i s . God knew I meant that

    I knew thatIt j u s tI do not know just howI stayed there re joicing in the g lory o f

    I know is thatn ine th ir ty that even ing I found myirst one to answ er the telephone w as the

    I h a v e g r e a t n e w s f o r y o u .w i f e i s g o i n g to l i v e ! one can ever know how happy I wasI f e l t j u s t l i k e I

    was walking on air , and all I could do wasweep, my heart was so full of gratitude.My wife began to mend immediately andher recovery was amazingly fast . As soon asshe returned from the hospital , we beganto make immediate plans to leave our parishand let God lead us into the f ield to whichHe had called us.My Fi rs t Vision. One night, soon af te rthis, God gave me a marvelous vision.I was awakened out of my sleep by thesound of a multitude of voices s inging. Thesong they were s inging was in a minor re -f ra in , and was a plea for Jesus to helpthem. It was not a song of tr iumph and vic-tory , but a song of sadness and pleading f orhelp.As I sa t upright in my bed l is tening, apanoramic picture swept before my eyes.I beheld a hug e s ig ht o f a nation of peoplein desperate need. These people showed themar ks o f pain a nd suffering and intense ag-ony. A man walked up to me with his sickwife in his arms. She was the very s ight ofdeath. H er fac e wa s distorted and lined withag ony . T he man sa id , P lease pray f or mywife t ha t God ,?ill heal he r, fo r God hassent you to us.When I saw their despair , I wept withpity for them and said , My friend, I wishI could do something for you, but the powerI onEe had is gone and I can do nothing foryou.The mans countenance dropped, and ingreat sadness he said , If you cant help us,then we shall surely perish.Quickly, I realized that since God hadentrus ted me, a t one t ime , wi th the g i f t o fhealing , I would be held responsible at thed ay of judgment for not fulf i l l ing the needo f the people in the calling which God hadgiven me.Power Returns. In desperation I criedunto God and said, Please,-dear God, trustme with th is gift jus t one more t ime that Imight minister to these poor and needypeople.God heard that cry of my hear t , and im-mediately I felt my body surge w ith healingpower and I placed my hand upon this poor,sick woman. She was instantly healed andjumped from her husbands ar ms every whitwhole.Immediately there appeared a blind manstanding before me. I placed my hand upbnhis eyes and he went away seeing. T he lamepassed before me and leaped for joy. Allmanner of s ickness and diseases were curedin a moment.A New S ong as Vision Ends. In this vi-s ion, i t seemed I had been ministering tothese afflicted people for hours, when I no -ticed the mournful song that had been sungby this gr eat m ultitude had faded away, andfrom the opposite side came a heavenly an-them of joy and gladness . I looked wherethe s ick and aff l icted came from and sawthe number had diminished to a mere hand-ful.From the opposite side, I saw these samepeople, but now, instead of showing themarks of pain and agony, there was jo y an dsunshine written on thei r faces . They w ererejoicing and clapping their hands as theysang a new song. Rather then the song inminor re f ra in , it w as a song of tr iumph, vic-tory , and joy , and the ir f ac es w ere rad ia t ingwith gladness.The voice then spoke to me, in the vision,and said, These afflicted I am sending youto, for my Blood was shed for them. Takethis message to the nations and be thoufaithful unto death and I will g ive thee acrown of life.

    I L eave My Chuich. We had already madeplans to leave my church, and I shall neverforget how dif f icult i t was to sever thoseties which held us to the l i t t le church weloved so well . The parting made our heartsto bleed, but we knew God was in it al l andwe wanted to do His will . We went to LakeCharles, Louisiana, and conducted a tw oweeks revival. God blessed in a very sweetway, but the g if t d id not return. From therewe went to several other places .M y Second Vision. Then one night I w asawakened out of a deep sleep by a presencethat entered my room. The g lory of th eLord began to f i l l the room, and I knew Iwas about to experience another supernatur-al vis i ta t ion , as the g lory o f th e L ord beg anto charge the atmosphere of that bedroom.The fear of the Lord came upon me and Ibegan t o quake.As I looked up, I saw the ce i l ing o f thatdark room begin to fade away, and in theheavens appeared a light slowly descend-ing. My eyes followed this glorious sightuntil i t had come righ t into my room, andas i t d id, my bedroom became as l ig ht as day.Words cannot describe this marvelousheavenly light. Where my room had beencompletely dark just a few minutes before,i t now was bril l iantly l ighted. Ev en the de-signs o f th e wallpaper could be plainly seenand every detail of the room was clearlyvisible, and nowhere could any shadowsbe seen.A Pillow Descends. Following this light,there appeared a pillow coming down fromheaven. As I looked at the pil low, fearstruck my heart and I turned my headf rom the s ig ht o f i t . I knew upon thatpillow would be revealed to my eyes a sightt h a t I would fear to look at .Then I began t o feel the pillow rest uponmy chest . A s I did, I cautiously and slowlyturned my head. There lying upon thatpil low was the l i feless form of our young- ,est child, my little boy. Yes, this man-childwhich we had prayed for, God had given us.I then heard a voice saying, This childwhich I have given thee, wilt thou give backt o m e ? I was stunned for a moment, but I realizedGod was speaking and I must answer atonce. So without any further delay , I said ,Yes, dear Lord, i f you want this child , youmay take him.God Provides a R am. I f e l t s i c k a f t e r Isaid that, and asked God to g ive me grace.I felt l ike a knife had pierced through myheart . It was not easy to g ive up my child .I would ra th er .die a thousand deaths thando that.I awoke my wife and told her about i t . Weboth felt s ick in our hearts and very sad.Each day we expected to see that l i t t le fel-low be taken away from us, and our heartswere heavy. Thank God, I am able to say ,at the t ime o f th is wr i t ing , we s t i l l haveour little boy. I firmly believe with all myheart that God was t ry ing me even as Hedid Abraham of old. God asked Abraham toof f er I saac as a sacrifice, and when theLord saw Abraham was will ing to do that,God prepared a ram for the sacrif ice andIsaac was spared. I f ee l so g r a t e f u l t o m yheavenly Father because He prepared aram for me and spared my litt le Isaac.God Brin gs Ba ck the Gif t . God spoke tome that same evening and told me the g if t

    would return and to begin to pr epare myselff o r it. I immediately began to wait uponGod, even as the one hundred and twentydid in the upper room ju st before th e day ofPentecost . With antic ipation I began tolook f or i t and to expec t it.(Continued o n P a g e 18)

  • 7/30/2019 1952 August


    THE VOICE O F HEALINGA monthly inter-evangelical publication of theLast-Day Sign Gift Ministries, published by TheVoice O f Healing* Inc.*a non-profit corporationincorporated under the laws of the State of Louis-iana. Copyright 1952 by The Voice of Healing. .- Single Copy (Current Issue)

    T H E . VOICE OF HEALINGPUBLISHED MONTHLYSubscription Rate-10 Months i.$1.00Canada and Foreign-10 Months $1.50

    $ .15Rolls of -10 i $1.00~

    Entered as second-class matter June 30, 1952 at. Dallas, Texas

    Application for re-entry at Post O ffice , Dallas,Texas, vending.

    Gordon Lindsay ---------------.--.Editor Ro lls of 50____: $5.00Adam Bernhardt ----.--Business Manager Sin gle Back Copies $ 2 5Gordon Lindsay, Jack Moore, Jack Coe, GayleJackson, Velmer Gardner, L. D. Hall, RaymondT. Richey, W F a m Branham.

    ' Associate Directors

    . _ -ASSO CIATE ED ITO RS August, 1952 ' Volume 5, No. 5Please notify us of change of address, giving

    A. . Allen Gayle JacksonF.F. BosworthWilliam Branham Harvey McAlisterJack Coe Louise NankivellClifton Erickson . Wilbur Ogilvie TH E VOICE O F HEALINGVelmer Gardner T. L. Osborn Box 8658, Dallas, Texas .W. V. Grant Raymond T. RicheyDale Hanson A. C. Valdez, Jr.H. .Hardt Richard VinyardFern Huffstutler Mildred Wicks

    0. L. Jaggersboth old and new addresses. Address all mail to:

    EVANGELIST'S EXCHANGEFOR SALE: G . 0 . Baker's 60'x150' tent.'Lessthan 2 years old. Cost $3,000 new, wilx sellcomplete for $1,000. Also 445 chairs (FrostBrand) for sale at $2.30 each. Write G. 0.


    DonaldGee " DavidduP1essis, Howard Rusthoi , Baker, Box 386, Medford, Oregon.

    P l a n N o w t o A t t e n d4th A n n u a l


    DECEMBER 9-1 0-11, 1952Fair Park Auditorium Dallas, Texas

    The Jack Coe Herald Of Healing Broadcast SchedulesC i t y S t a t i o n KC

    Carthage, Mo. K D M O 1 4 9 0 M o nd ay -F ri da y 1O:OO A MM on et t, Mo. K R M O 990 Monday-Friday 1 O : l I AMSpringfield, Mo. K I C K 1 3 4 0 M on day -F ri da y 8 :3 0 A MOklahoma City, Okla . K B Y E 8 9 0 M on day-Friday 1O :OO A MLufkin, Texas K R B A 1 3 4 0 M on day -F rid ay 1 O : lI A MM c Ki n ne y, T ex as K M A E 1 6 0 0 M on da y-F ri da y 8 : 3 0 A MF lo yd ad a, T ex as K F L D 9 0 0 . Monday-Friday 8 :4 I AMBi lox i , M is sis sip pi W V M I 8 J 0 Monday-Friday 9:4I A MMagnolia, Ark. K V M A 6 3 0 M onday- Fr ida y 8 : l I AMOsceola, Ark. K O S E 8 6 0 M onday- Fr ida y 8 : 4 I AMWest Memphis, Tenn. K W E M 990 M onday- Fr ida y 8 : l I AMF t. S mit h, A rk . K F S A 9I O Sunday Only 9:4I PMLit t le Roc k , Ark . K G H I 12 IO S un da y O n l y 1 0 : l I P MLodi, Calif . K C V R 1 I 7 0 Su nda y O nly 4 : 3 0 P MHutchinson, Kansas K W B W Sunda y On ly 8:OO A MEasley, S. C . W E L'P 13 60 Mon day-Satu rday 1O:OO AM

    W V M I 8 5 0 Daily 7 : l I A Miloxi, Miss.Mt. Airy, N. C. W P A Q 74 0 Monday-Friday 7:30 A M


    Beginning September 1X E G 105 0 Monday-Friday 8:00 PMX E R B 1090 Monday-Friday 8 : O O P MMexicoMexico

    A D D R E S S D I R E C T O R YWe list in this directory the names of thosewho we believe have a proven Divine Healingministry, and who are laboring in harmony withthe policy of THE VOICE OF HEALING tounite in spirit the members of the body of Christand whose lives are above reproach.A. A. Allen, 1004 S. 14th St., Lamar, Colo.G. 0. Baker, Box 386, Medford, Ore.William Branham , Box 325, Jeffersonville, Ind.F. F. Bosworth, Box 678, Miami Beach 39, Fla.Clair M. Brooks, Box 213, Springfield, Mo.Paul Cain, 516 Park Avenue, Garland, Texas.-Oscar Capers, 709 Hood St., Waco, Texas.Rudy Cerullo, 1948 E. Orleans, Philadelphia, Pa.Jack Coe, Box 8596, Dallas, Texas.David du Plessis, Box 342, Glenbrook, Conn.Clifton Erickson, Rt. 8, Box 598B, Springfield,Mo.Velmer Gardner, Route 3, Box 272E, Springfield,. Mo.W. V. Grant , 71 1 N. Main, Malvern, Ark.Philip N. Green, Box 471, Port Tampa City, Fla.Vernon Griggs, Box 20 5, Hamilton, Mont.L. D. H all, Box 697 , Grants Pass, Oregon.Dale H anson, Box 795, Tacoma, Washington.H.E. Hardt, 467 Penn Ave., York, Penna.Alton L. Hayes, 11699 Denton Dr., Dallas, Texae.Wilbur A. Henry, 1905 Delta Water Rd., Med.Tommy Hicks, Lancaster, Calif.R. W. Holmes, Box 3213, Temple, Texas.Harold Horton, 18910 Wormer, Detroit, Mich.Fern Huffstutler, 1151 No. Cheyenne, Tulsa, Okla.Frank Fortunato, 4337 Bleigh Ave., Philadelphia,Gayle Jackson, 46 Lark St., New Orleans, La.U. S. Jaeger, Box 511, Mirror Lake, Wash.0. L. Jaggers, Dexter, Mo.Richard Jeffery, 6590 Hessel Road, Sebastopal,Thea F. Jones, Box 451, Cleveland, Tenn.S. W. Karol, 4235 Bennington St., PhiladelphiaOrrin Kingsr iter, Paynesville, Minn.Herbert H. Leonard, Box 1327, Waco , Texas.Gordon Lindsay, c/o Voice of Healing, Dallas,Warren L. Litzman, 1540 Lyle Ave., Waco, Texas.Harvey McAlister, 380 Riverside Dr., 4-Dy, NewW. B. McKay, Box 1546, Orlando, Fla.S. K. Mabry, 2203 N. 3rd, Sedalia, Mo.Stanley MacPherson, 5009 Hope Ave., Ashtabula,Michael Mastro, Route 3, N. Ft. Myers, Florida.Owen Murphy, 403 W. 118th. Hawthorne, Calif.Louise Nankivell, 900 N. Karlov Ave., Chicago,Wilbur Ogilvie, Rt. 4, Box 190a, Turlock, Calif.T. L. Osborn, Box 4231, Tulsa, Oklahoma.Russell Park, 915 Highland Ave., San Antonio,Everett B. Parrott, Box 788, Portland 7 , Ore.Homer Peterson, 2844 Oleander Ave., Ft. Meyers,Raymond T. Richey, Box 2115, Houston, Texas.Oral Roberts, Box 2187, Tulsa, Oklahoma.L. C. Robie, Union Springs, N.Y.Howard Rustboi, Box 647-M, Pasadena, Calif.A. M. Selness, Revere, N. D.Roy H. Stewart, Box 709, Clovis, New Mexico. 'J. E. Stiles, Box 3147, Burbank, Calif.William D. Upshaw, 2524 14th St., Santa Monica,A. C. Valdez, Jr., 3817 No. entral, Phoenix, Ariz.Richard R. Vinyard, 7817 W. 81st St., OverlandWilliam A. Ward, Box 675, Tulsa, Okla.Mildred Wicks, Box 7334, Dallas, Texas.Doyle Zachary, Box 333, Greenville, S.C.

    ford, Oregon.


    Calif.24, Penn.

    Texas.York City 25, N. Y.




    alif.Park, Kansas.

    ATTENTION, BRITISH SUBJECTSWe have arranged for those living in counrriuwhere English money is used to obtaln The Volce ofHealing and Gordon Lindsay books from the follow-ing: BIBLE TRAC T DEPOT


  • 7/30/2019 1952 August



    A. A. ALLEN........ ........ uly 9-Aug.3Union Tent MeetingContact : Wm. Totman,6562 Carrolton Road........Aug. 8-Aug. 31St . Louis Area) -Union Ten t RevivalTent located on Alt . 67 Hy.M.M. Bre w e r , 7 6 J e nnings Av e.

    ........ ept. 5-28Union Tent MeetingWILLIAM BRANHAM

    .................... July 2-20Civic Center (Seat ing 8 ,444)J. E r n B a x t e r , F. F. BosworthAfternoon SpeakersPAUL CAIN

    ........................ July 6Contact: Rev. C. A. GoadFi rs t As s enLb ly of G odRUDY CERULLO

    ......ulv 13-27c Co mt y Camp Meeting-& US.Hy . Np. 1Contact : Rev . Harold Bither10 Park Ave., Houlton, MaineJACK COE

    .................... uly 11Chairman: Rev. J. L. S c h a f f e r........August 7Chairman: Rev. Sam Scott

    CLIFTON ERICKSON........................ uly 4-13Location-City AuditoriumC onta c t : Re v . Tom Rob e r t s onAssemblies of God

    N. Y. & N. J. Dist......... uly 26-Aug. 10

    For information contact :P a u l R. Buckwalter , Camp Secretary688 Tonawanda St.Bu f f a lo 7, Ne w YorkVELMER GARDNER

    Richmond, Indiana .................... July 14-27Union Tent RevivalLocation: U. S. Hy. 27 in cityContact : Rev . H. W. Staats. B o x 1 7 8For t W a yne , I nd ia na........ u ly 3 0 - Au g2 4Union Tent RevivalLocation: On Cali fornia Rd. ?hblk. E a s t)f Junc. 3 and 3 Blocks West of Junc. 27W. V. GRANT

    Monroe, Louisiana .................... August 27Chairman. Rev. L. 0. WaldonH. E. HARDT

    Geneva, N. Y ..................... une 26-July 20Union MeetingLocation: Circus Grounds (under steelclad tent)-Contact: Rev. Geo. L. Hub-bard, 5 Genessee Park-Services: 7:30Nightly (except Monday)Syracuse , N. Y .......................... Aug. 10-31Newark, Delaware .................... Sept. 4-21Wheatley, Ontario ...................... Aug. 1-17Canada Lakes ide Camp MeetingCottage and dormitory roomsavailable a t reasonable prices

    FERN HUFFSTUTLERBelleville, Ont., Canada........................ JulyCity-Wide Tent Meeting

    C i ty - W ide Te nt M ie t ingGAYLE JACKSON

    New Orleans, La. ............une 16-July30Location: Large Tent on Bayou St. Johnon Orleans & Moss S t r e e t sContact: Rev. Gagle Jackson4 6 La rk S t re e t ( 2 . 2 4 )Call : AMhurst 2282

    Terre Haute , Ind...................... August 24

    STANLEY w. KAROLHazelton, Pennsylvania ....uly 8-AugusLocation: Te nt Meeting-Kress CircuGroundsContact: Rev. W. Caldwell, 5 Park CircleConyngham, Pennsylvania

    W. B. McKAYMishawaka, Indiana ........................ July 1( Te nt Re v iv a lChairman: Rev. F. L. Deckard, .3 l l E. 3r (Afternoon Speaker: Rev. M. L. ThompsoiMercesburg, Pa. ..............................Aug. :Te nt Re v iv a lRev. E. W. .Winand. ChairmanCharlotte , N. C.................................Sept. >Tent RevivalRev. D. W. K e r r , C ha i rman

    LOUISE NANKIVELLVancouver , B. C.................Sept. 28-Oct. 1:Contact : Rev . W. E. McAlis ter1363 W. BroadwayWILBUR OGILVIEDenton, Texas .........-.:.......1..........Aug. 22Area-Wide Tent MeetingLocation. Cornerof Hy. 24 and Hy. 77Chairman: H. A. Johnson, 619 CrawfordA. C. VALDEZ, JR.Sa n Fra nc is c o .................................. July 22

    RICHARD R. VINYARDSherbourn, New York....... uly 17-Aug. 3(N . Y.-N. J. Dist. Assembly of GodCamp Meeting)Location: Mountain View Gospel CampSherbournContact : Ola f Olsen, 97 Si lverNorw ich , Ne w Yor kBinghamton, New York ........Aug. 10-Sept.Vestal Highway, Route 17Information: Rev. R. D. E. SmithMILDRED WICKSAustin, Texas .................................. July 114200 Lamar Blvd.


    as-London, Wales, Scotland, Ireland,France May-July_ Aug. 10Location: Revival Center TabernacleN.E. A and Oregon StreetsContact: Rev. L. D. Hall. Box 697, Grants Pass, OregonVERNON GRIGGS

    N. Dakota Aug. 9Meeting-Contaet: Rev. Lewis I. L a ManceA L T O N L. H A Y E S

    ley, Calif Jul y 29: Pentecostal Church of God in ChristContact: E. E. Cleveland............................... ~ugus t 7City Wide Union MeetingContact: B. B. Wells, ChairmanW I L B U R A. H E N R Y

    . Calif. July 6-July 31U. S. J A E G E R

    . JulyF E R D I E C. JA Y.................................. July 22-Aug. 10Pastor: Lincoln D. Wyman... .............. Aug. 13-Aug. 31Pastor: Rev. Ivan West

    .................................... Sept. 3-28Location : Full Gospel TemplePastor: J.M. Strand

    R I C H $ R D JEFFERYMesa. Ari zona July 3-29Sponsored bb Mesa Assembly o f God ChurchChairman: Rev. Field

    T H E A F . J O N E S

    . 46

    Bluefield. W. Va............................................. July 6-20Springfield. Ohio ............................ July 26-Aug. 10Location: A t Jacks Corner.

    O R R I N K I N G S R I T E REnumclaw. Wash. Jul y 20-Aug. 10Union Tent RevivalChairman : Rev. Jack Andrew6Location : 1819 Wells StreetRawlins, Wyoming ............, Sept.. Location: Down Town TheatrePastor: Rev. Murray McLees403 East Walnut

    H E R B E R T L E O N A RDNorth Tonawanda, N. Y July 6-27Union Tent MeetingRev. Homer C. Cooper, ChairmanElmiro Heights. N. Y................................. Aug. 3-31Union Tent Meeting

    M I C H A E L M A S T R OMonroeville, Ala. July 13Location: Large Tent (Union Meeting)Chairman : Rev. R. A. Johnaon

    . R U S S E L L B. P A R KGrand Junction. Colorado.................... Aug. 13-Sept. 3Union RevivalContact: Ralph A. DurhamBox 22, Montrose. ColoradoLaredo. Teraa ?...---_....-.-.--....Sept. 10Open-Air Revival Under the StarsFor Both AnglwAmericana and Latin-AmericahsH O M E R P E T E R S O N

    Hamlin. Pa. ---...... Aug. 3-24Tent MeetingO R A L R O B E R T SDes Molnes. Iowa July 11-27

    . Seattle. Wash. __..__._.. Aug. 18-81H O W A R D R U S T H O ICentralia-ChebaUs. Wash. ............uly 2ObAug. 10Union Tent RevivalLocation : Fair GroundsVentura. Calli . Aus. 24-Sept. 14Union T ent Campaign, 22 ChurcheaLocation: E. Main St. and Evergreen DriveA. M . S E L N E S S

    Pastor: Rev. George E. Clement .

    Racine, Wisconsin _ _ AUB. 1941Ansembly of God ChurchW. E. Wood, PastorR O Y S T E W A R TWellington, Texan AugustTent Meeting

    L. L. R O B I ESqringville. N. Y. ... . Aug. 17Town H a l l 4 cburchwContact: Alvin KaterI

    E VO I C E OF HEALI NG August, 1952 5

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    .T h a t a f t e r n o o n t h e m a y o r of t h ec i ty came down to see US . The peoplehad seen th e power of God znd the ysa id , B ro th e r B ra n h a m , if the y coulda l l ge t in here , there would be over100.000. T h e m i li ti a w a s th e re , a n d


    we re believing. Br ot he r Bos\iTorth WILLIAM B R A N H A M S E R M O N S 4 U S T OFF THE PRESSTHE HEATHEN BELIEVEt h e y s a id t h a t p eo ple w e re s t r e a m in gin over al l th e hil ls .We couldnt give out prayer cards; it wa simpossible. We told the missionaries to getthree 3f each tribe and brin gthem in. Andwhen we go t to the platform, the first oneswho came we re Mohammedans. Some of

    them were very staunch Hindus. They had ared dot between their eyes. They had beenblessed a t th e temple.. They ar e hard todo anyth ing with. Thousands of them satin the audience, and their chiefs, many ofthem were around watching.One of the first ones tha t came was a manwith a crippled hand. The ange l of th e Lordspoke and said, He received that from afall; ,he fell and hit a rock and hur t his hand.He has been crippled for a long time, buthes healed now! When the interpreter re-peated it, he leaped into the a ir and wa s per:fectly whole.The next was a Hindu woman. She wastold all about her life and what was wrongwith her. The Hindus began to scream.

    They believe in reincarnation and thoughtthe spirit of some,H indu god had come backto mortals. ,Brother Baxt er had to go tothe microphone t o stop that. It was a thrill-ing time.stomach (caused by the bad diet) came tothe platform. He was cross-eyed. The angelof the Lord told all about his life and hisparents. The parents nodded it was right.The chiefs were convinced that somethingwas going on th at th ey didnt know any-thing about. The little lad was standingthere and the missionary brought him realclose to me. Then I saw th at God had madehim well, for his little eyes came just asstraight as they could be.

    A young British doctor who was sitting on the platform went and picked th e little boyup. I heard Brother Baxter and BrotherBosworth tryi ng to keep th e man back. Thedoctor cried, Preacher, c an I ask you some-thing? I said, Yes, sir. He asked, D O youstraighten everybodys eyes? I said, Ididnt straighten his. But, th e dortor said,His eyes are now.straight. I was the onewbo brought him here. The boy was piti-ful ly cross-eyed, b ut he is well now. Doeseveryone that is cross-eyed get healed thatyou pray for? I replied. No s ir, it i s ac-cording to the patients faith in God. Helooked at the little boy again, and tearsrolled down his cheeks. He walked up t o th eplatform and said, I, too, want to acceptJesus Christ as my personal Savior then.Some of the missionaries took him over tothem. When I was leaving Johannesburglater, he cried to me, Brother Branham!Brother Branham! I turned around to himand he threw his a rms around me an d cried,I believe I am going to be a preacher! Ireplied, I beliexe t ha t God is going t o makeone out of you.

    Next coming to the platform was a manthey had to lead by a chain. He had a collaron and he walked like a dog on his hands andI his feet.. No one could do anything for him.God showed me a t that moment tha t he hadbeen th at way since a child. His hips werevery high. I cant ell how th e poor ma nlooked. You can imagine his condition andappea rance with no clothes on. Then avision came before me th at he would be madewell. I said to the missionary, Stand him

    A little colored boy, with a grea t f a t

    AS POWER ISSHOWN By William Branham

    up. Th ey stared at me. I said again, Standhim up. They began to pull on him andthe man stood up! He began to fall, then hestood straight and looked around. People be-gan t o jump to their feet and scream.After the people had seen the mightyworkings of God and Brother Baxter andBrothe r Bosworth preaching t he Gospel withsuch force, it was impossible for them toget by without receiving the breath ofChrist. When the alt ar call was made, it.was estimated that 30,000 stood to theirfee t and accepted Christ at one time. I askedHOW many of you ar e ready to believetha t Jesus Christ is the Immortal God? Areyou ready to throw down your idols andare you Mohammedans ready to renounceall your superstitions? Which of yourpriests in the temple could give this manperfect soundness? Which of the idols th atsome of you pack in your hands, could healthis man? There isnt any power in them.But Jesu s Chris t th e Son of God, throug hfaith in his Name, has made this man standhere whole today! Now if youre really sin-cere and you really mean this from the bot-tom of your heart, let all th e natives breaktheir idols and let the Mohammedans washth e red dot from their eyes.It was like a dust storm when they broketheir idols and took their aprons and washedth e red dots from their eyes. They raisedtheir hands and tears were rolling down,

    the ir cheeks. Hallelujah! Brother you cancall i t fanaticism if you want to.There were a group of ministers who cameto me five or six years ago and saidBrothe r Bran ham, you a re crazy. Youllnever get that program over. I replied,


    me. If He said, D o it it will be done.Standing there with th e clergyman the otherday, I said, The thing that you calledfanaticism has brought more people toChrist than millions of dollars spent on aprogram without th e power of God. Thatsright. Jesus Christ knew it would takethese things to convert the heathen. Youand I read and understand, and faith comesby hearing. But a heathen has got to see apower. He will serve a God of power. Pauknew that 1900 years ago. Out in th e landswhere he ministered, he knew tha t it took aGod of power to convert the heathen. .TheLord is just the same today. I believe thehour is approaching when Jesus Christ wilcome again. Tha t is the reason tha t thegospel is spreadin g and thousands and thou-sands are getting saved at one time. WhenI think of that I want to sing AMAZINGGRACE. God has done gr ea t and might yworks for us today!

    A lady in America once said to me,Brother Branham, there is hardly any useto come to your meetings. You ju st throwou t a few cards, and perhaps only twenty-five in a night get prayed for. There hasalways been a confusion in the minds ofpeople concerning this. Over in Africa thepeople understood right away. Just as soonas they saw a few miracles done, that wasenough for them. The only thing tha t weasked them to do, was to stand and repeatthe prayer that we were praying and meani t from their hea rts, and accept the Lord asthe ir Savior and Healer. Thousands of peo-ple testified to their healing as a result ofthis mass prayer.

    On the way back from Africa I began toquestion, Lord wh at mus t I do? Must I staylonger in a city to ge t to all the people whowant to be prayed for? While I was think-in g on this a terrible storm came up. Wehad traveled all night and it was now morn-ing. I saw everybody acting nervous andI wondered what the trouble was. I askedone of the stewards, that was coming backand forth in th e plane, what was th e matter.The ste ward said, Youre a minister, arentyou? I said, Yes, sir. He then said, guess you dont mind dying, do you? I saidWait a minute. He then explained, Wewill be all righ t if we can hold ou t until wecan get to a certa in place up in Nova Scotia..We got into a storm awhile ago, and wehavent enough gas to hold up more thantwenty min utw longer. We made i t thoughand I surely was glad to get back on theground. They all celebrated by opening upchampagne, but we celebrated by worshipping God.

    But after I got back home, I kep t on pray-in g about Gods will f or m e in th e meetingsI saw Brother Bosworth a little later, and Isaid to him, Brother Bosworth it was awonderful time. He replied, Bro ther Bran-ham, it was the great est in history. Thenhe continued, I want to say somethingBrother Branham, youre a brand new Bran-ham now. Youre ready to start anew. Isaid, Yes, but I am not sure what Godswill is fo r me, and I am not going out again

    6 THE VOICE OF HEALING Ahgust, 1952

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    I know what He wants me to do.

    and cried, Lord, IvI have asked yourdience. Please forgII --- - - . I ^

    Crowd o f Africans in Branham Me eting a t Bloemfontain, South Africa ,

    While I was praying t he angel came to myII have wondered whatshould do. So many have told me how.

    It shall be shown you as yo ue led by the Spirit.Then the angel moved close to me. He

    ica, just a s plain as ifwere sitting t here looking a t th at audienceI could see the great crowdThen the vision changed, and I saw an-I have never seen so many

    o n and they looked likeople from India. Their hands were in theI said Are? Jus tof the Lord spoke from theid, Theres 300,000 of them.

    as i t was told me. ,I join my voice with Pa ul saying, It shallbe as God showed i t unto me. Bro ther,Sister, the old-time Holy Ghost gospel has

    almost swept around the world. The otherday we were talking to a missionary thatwas returning from Korea and he told mehe had buried his wife there. She had diedof a fever, and he had buried her beside ariver. H e told of persecutions. But he ,alsotold of a gre at revival tha t had sprung upfrom somewhere and thousands had receivedthe Holy Ghost. I believe with all my heartwe are nea r the end. Some Assembly of Godofficials said, Brother Branham, well sendyou to India . . , not to represent the As-sembly of God, but just to go down there,fo r the people in th at land ar e hungry to seethose things and when they come to Christit might change the whole situation.The situation will be changed, I believe,at th e Second Coming of Christ. I am con-

    vinced, as Gods servant , th at there ar e peo-ple right here in this building tonight thatwill never die of old age. They will see Jesuscoming. I believe the hours are crowding

    thou shalt worship the Lord thy God. Re-joice all ye people of t he eart h f or th e king-doms of this earth, have become the king-doms of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and he shallrule and reign on th e earth. Now noticethere may be a change in the political fieldwithin the next year or so . And when4ttakes place ther e may be a panic. If politicschange and the war situation becomes dif-ferent, then you will see a panic the like ofnever before, and people will go crazy withfear. There is going to be a time of troublesuch as th e world has never known before.. I believe that God is giving this revivalto g et th e people anchored to Christ for thegreat shock that is coming. If things go ona little longer, were going to be bombedwith the Atomic Bomb just as certain asIm standing here. It will be one of thesetwo things. We at e headed fo r trouble. Re-member this, if you havent received Christand been baptized with the Holy Ghost,dont let the sun rise until you receive Him!

    There is coming a time when such thingsas plagues and germ warfare are going tobe let loose upon the earth. But the angel(Continned on pag e 18)7HE VOICE O F HEALING August, 1952

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    BUT NOW HE LIVESBy JU K KA RO KKA , Finnish MissionaryBankok, ThailandRev. Lee Nygiap Sew, humble servantof God and pastor of Bankoks largestPresbyterian chu rch, stood faithfully byRev. Harvey McAlisters side in minister-ing to the sufferers in the healing meet-ings. Shortly before the close of the,healing mission, this good pastor wasmightily used of God in the bringingback to life of one who was dead.

    Dae Sia Long, 38-year-old husband andfather of four children, was the son of Chin-At the age of 18 he was bap-Forears he lived the miserable life of a drunkard,ringing much suffering upon his loved ones.

    to arrange to bring him to the ings for prayer. However, his conditionto render this impossible. Then,f paper, wrote his name and description ofd on i t and put it among the handker-of the sickrthless, his condition grew

    .December 19, 1951, this man was taken toto terrible pains in his

    5:OO oclock he breathedto be his last breath..His wife,ces of death: chin dropped down,

    stiff.he man was dead. Preparations were madeor the funeral. The body was stripped of itshes and put in a shroud. His widow sentmessenger in haste for Pastor Lee, whodied. Brother Lee was broken hearted fornot ready to meet his. H e cried unto the Lord, and, praise bethe Lord, the prayers of a righteous man

    Af ter praying, Brother Lee l ift ed the shroudouer the dead mads hearta sl ight movement. He then discou-se war beating. Lee placed his lipsone ear and cried w ith a loud voice: Go dback to l ife . Confess your sins andforgive you. The tongue in the op en

    to move just a little and tears rano m those upturned eyes, though the bo dyas s t i l l cold and s t i f f . T he tears, said Lee ,the sinners .heart was bro ken andEarnestly assuring the family the man wouldlive again, Lee left home. After lunch, hereturned and found the body had begun to getwarm. One hand was able to move a littlefrom the elbow and there were faint soundscoming from the throat. Again Lee left andreturned again at six oclock in the evening.Once more he prayed earnestly for the mans

    complete recovery. Then said Lee; Pear not!God has raised you from the dead. At once8

    JU KKA R O KKA, l e f t , stands beside DAE SIALONG, m a n raised f r o m death by p ray e rs ofRev. LEE NYGIAP SEW, r i gh t .the man raised his hands toward heaven andcried: 0 ord! have mercy on me and forgivemy sins. .

    His eyes then became normal in appearanceand, when he saw Brother Lee, he began topraise God with great joy. Next day he wasable to drink and eat some liquid foods, andat !hat time, he related the story of his ex-perience.He. told how he was in an agony of death.He was taken to a strange road, where he meta terrible creature like a man wrapped in ablack cloak. This creature seized him andbegan to lead him down the way. Later, he sawamother man coming toward him, whose faceshined like the sun at noon-day and His gar-ments were whi te as l ight . Wh en the awfu lcreature, Satan, saw the Newcomer, Christ, hele t g o his captive and fled. Then the Lordcame and loosed him and said: Go back andtell all that I am coming soon. He was veryanxious to go at once and tell the news tothe church, but Brother Lee advised him totake some rest and to wait until the next Sun-day.At Brother Lees request, I went to thechurch Sunday morning and saw the manbrought back from the dead, sitting with hisfamily. The whole congregation rose up togive glory and praise to God after hearingthe story from the mads own lips.Rev. Lee Nygiap Sew, pastor of Sapan LeangPresbyterian Church, 585 Rama IV Road,Bankok, Thailand, writes: I am glad to testifythat the case of the man G od raised from thedead, as written by Rev. Jukka Rokka, is true.

    May all the glory come to God our HeavenlyFather and to our Lord Jesus Christ.T HE VOICE, OF HEALING . Ai 195


    (This article had gained great circulationsome years ago. In view o f recent politicaldevelopments, we believe i t is of sufficientinterest to tell i t again.)HE boy in running home from school hadT f a l l en and skinned his knee. Althoughthere was only a scratch and his trousers,were not torn, by evening the knee startedto ache. The boy said his prayers and wentto sleep.The leg was quite painful by morning. Buthe went about his chores, for everybody inhis family had to work. Two mornings laterhis leg was so bad, he couldnt go as far asthe barn. By noon he was forced to go tobed. The mother was now alarmed. Shebathed the angry infection, applied poul-tices, and called for the doctor.Dr. Conklin examined the leg and remark-ed that it was not likely that i t could besaved. The boy when he heard this cried out,Dont take off my leg. I would rather die!But the doctor replied, The longer we wait,the more we will have to take off.When thedoctor went out of the room, the sick ladcalled to his brother. He said, If I go out ofmy head dont let them take off my leg. Thebrother accepted the charge.The mother and father were not yet con-vinced that amputation was necessary, andwith the sons stand they uecided not toyield to the doctors wishes. But the fevermounted and the discoloration was creepinghourly higher on the stricken lads limb, just

    as the doctor said i t would.The parents were in a dilemma as to whatto do. The doctor almost in rage declaredthat they were responsible for the boys li fe.(Continued on Page 13)

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    By Wm. ET. Fitch, P a s tor e av e j u s t concluded w h a t werevival th a t we h av e ev er exr)er-

    Fo r m a n y m o n t h s , w e w e r eforward and praying much forE. Ha rdt ofa sus. E i g h t y e ar s a g o

    Har dt told u s f-rom th e begin ningo r as the heal ing l ine was .

    of this meeting al la fu l l gospel church, exper-

    atAs the meeting went on fromas the Word was minis tered.o f t h e, many who were healed. R egular ly we

    it.altarto experience salvat ion. The meetinga week longer than original ly



    H. E . H A R D TSEATED IN,F R O N T R O W , C E N T E R


    B y L. L. MILES, P a s t o rF i r s t Assembly of GodAuburn, New YorkT h o u g h opposed b y a s t r o n g a n dwel l o rgan ized e lement fo r weeksa n d m o n t h s p r i o r t o t h e H a r d t H e al -ing Reviva l and opposed and perse-c u te d d u r in g th e g lo r io u s e ig h te e ndays of meetings to the point that c i ty

    One outs tanding mirac le was the heal ingof Mr. Danforth of Oswego, N. Y. H e c a m einto the tent , his feet supported by heavysteel braces and ass is ted with a cane. Hehad suffered a fa l l in which the arches , ofboth feet were broken. As B r o t h e r H a r d tprayed for him the heal ing power o f Godstruck him putting every bone in placeand healing him completely. He threw downthe cane, sat down on the f ront seat , re -moyed -th e huge steel braces and walked


    detectives, plainclothesm en, had to be pres- perfectly.e nt at all services to keep order, Gods pow-er was manifes ted in every service to save of God. His sound scrip tural m essages the sinner and heal the sick and afflictedthe fait h of man y people. He leaves during and follo wing th e faith inspiringa sensible confidence minis try of the preached WORD. Scores re-sponded to the call for salvation, includinga number of Catholics. Miracles of healingso inc luding the opening of deaf ears , heal ingthe congregatio n and pastor alike broken bones, severe intern al disorder, hea rt C R O W D A T T E N D I N G H A R D T RE VI VA Ltrouble, high blood pressure and many otherailments and diseases.

    A lady came wearing an hearing aid. AsBrother Hardt p laced his hand on h e r e a rand prayed, she said something popped andshe could hear perfectly immediately. Shelef t her hearing aid and went her way re-joic ing. Truly heaven and earth shal l passaway; but his WORD endureth forever .A T B E T H E L P E N T E C O S T A L C H U R C H ,W I N D S O R , O N T A R I O .-- --~l_._-_i.

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    THS FOUND THAT CHRIST STILL HEALS TODAYFor about seven y6ars I suffered from sugardiabetes. I was placed on a rigid diet and Eleven years ago, an accident severed anerve in-my foot. Within about five years, my For three years I had a severe hernia whichwig caused by hard coughing. Although Itook thirty units of limb from the hip wore a truss that costinsulin da i l y . The down became para- $145.00, it did verydoctor said that if I lyzed. F o u r opera- li ttle good and I wasever qui t taking the tions were performed unable to do anyinsulin or discontinu- but it got no better. work.ed the diet I would I took all kinds of O n Jan. 15, I at-die. shots but they did me tended the A. A. Al-Ten days ago I had no good. My limb len Healing RevivalA. A. Allen pray for was stiff and helpless in St. Petersburg, Flo-me. After he prayed and I had to drag the rida. Brother Allenfor me he told me to foot as I could not prayed for me in theuse or control it. prayer line. As heprayed, I C O U L Dgo home and eatwhatever I wanted to O n M a y 25, in

    and to take no more insulin. Since that time, Greenville, Rev. Allen prayed for me and FEEL TH E HE RNI A M OVI NG ! Next morn-I have not had one shot, I have disregarded IN S T A N T L Y , L Z F E R E T U R N E D T O M Y ing i t was all gone! The next night I was ablemy strict diet and I eat everything I want. I FOOT so that immediately, I was able to use to drive my car to the services. TO his date,feel. fine. . am completely healed, To God be i t again. April 30 , there has been no sign of the hernia.all praise! (Signed) Rev. J.W. Gary1242 Goodrich St.,. Greenville, Miss.

    (Signed) Essie Kilpatrick W. A. Cox1438 E. Turnert. 1, Box 18Greenwood, Miss. Clearwater, Florida.

    S A L V A T I O N , H E A L I N G ACCOMPANY 1A L L EN P R E A C H I N G I N M I S S I S S I P P IBy Rev. Herman Sharp, Sponsoring Pastor

    (Presbyter, Greenville, Mississippi, Section,Assemblies of God)HE ENTI RE Delta area of Mississippi,Arkansas, and Louisiana has been a tremendous outpouring of GodsSpiri t reminiscent of the great revivals thathave gone down as the greatest in church his-tory. Hundreds were saved every night, as theyflocked to the prayer tents crying out to G odin mighty conviction of soul. Hundreds werehealed as the evangelist laid hands upon thesick and suffering and prayed the prayer offaith. Great was the rejoicing of those whowere delivered from oppressing, tormentingspirits in special prayer lines on DeliveranceNights. Night a f ter a igh t , l ike Peter o f o ld ,we fe l t tha t our nets were break ing , a personalworkers proved insufficient in number and the

    two Prayer ten ts too smal l to cope wi th thehundreds that answered the altar calls fo r sal-vation. One night the response was so greatthat instead o f sending the penitents to th eprayer tents, Brother Allen cleared the entirecenter sectio2 o f the main tent to make roomfo r those seeking salvation. Another night,after both prayer tents were filled, 300 whocould not get into the prayer tents prayedthrough standing behind the big platform.

    TAs the big tent went up in GreenviUe, many,

    including leading citizens. declared that noman could fill such a Iarge tent in such asmall town. However, by the first Sundaynight the big tent was packed. As news spreadof the miracles of healing that were takingplace and hundreds that were being saved,thousands began to drive from distant pointsto see the miracle working power of God inoperation. On the dosing night, approximately2,000 people, unable to find room under thetent, stood around the outside waiting to hearthe word and see the power of God.Many miracles of healing took place duringthe campaign. People I knew were totallyblind received sight instantly. A woman camedragging a paralyzed limb, but G od healed herinstantly so that she used the limb immediate-ly, climbing the steps to the platform readily,without any assistance. Thousands watched asshe demonstrated her ability to use the oncehelpless limb. Goiters disappeared instantly,while others testified that their goiters weregone within three days. People who were to-tally deaf heard immediately, after Allenprayed for them. A young man who was a deaf


    mute from birth was delivered immediately,and was taught to say numerous words beforeleaving the platform. Thi s young man had alittle brother who was also a deaf mute, whowas brought in the last night, and was alsohealed instantly so that he too could hear andspeak.M y Sunday School, wh ich .had averagedf ro m IO 0 to 1 2 5 , bud to be taken from t h echurch to the big tent to accommodate thehundreds who desired to attend on th e lastSunday. Until this t ime m y record attendance,had been 125, but that day 657 were present.Immedia te act ion -is being taken t o enlargeour facilitie s, as our previous church andSunday School plant can no longer fill theneed.Other Full Gospel pastors, including Assem-blies of G od, Church of God, Four Square,when they saw what God was doing, were happy to dismiss services and enter whole-hearted-ly into the Revival, and laying aside denomina-tional differences to labor side by side in theprayer tent, and to stand together in the bap-tismal pool on the last Sunday as many werebaptized.W e have invited A. A. Allen to return, andare looking forward to the time when weagain shall see the Allen tent going up inGreenville.

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    MRS. DORA E. CARROLL, 29 Green St., Dayton , O hio , pictured i n center with LOUISEi s preaching in sackcloth in fulfillm ent o f a vow, and REV. 1. W. PHILLIPS,of Calvary Gospel Tabernacle.

    Mrr. Carroll wa5 brought to o ne of the services in M emoria l Hall o n o bed. After beingby the evangelist, she arose from h er bed and walked. A victim of arthritis, sheo wheel chairs. ME.. arroll has never used the crutches since being pra ye d for, and i salong entirely without them. Healing verified by Re? 1 W. Phillips. .

    Of A Large Tumor

    I have in@%&af-!

    Mrs. Ella Gray,R.R. #3, S.DixieTroy, Ohio.b y C u r o l Gray:Tbe healing t o m b on mother.w as w o t f -I actitally saw the tumor .thut fell ro mso much better now, that sheoiit and weeds the garden.Signed, Carol Gray

    O f Crippled Leg

    OF HEPLING . ~ u g u s t , 95.2

    My daughter Diana, who is now four yearsold, was born a cripple. On May 30th, wetook her to Sister fJankivell and had herprayed for.Praise the Lord, to-day my daughter walkslike any other child.She used to drag herleft leg, which wasabout one inch shorterthan the right. A fewdays later it had grownover a half inch.WhevE t h e w e a t h e rwas damp or rain u sin the air, she nsed toc ompla in t e ar fu l l y ofthe gain itz her kizee.I have eeen xeen herfall fro m the ache, butpraise Jesus, wheiz it rained yesterday, it d id -nt b o l h e r her.The Lord surely did touch her leg, and weare praising and thanking Him for the healingtouch on her. Mrs. Carol Gray100 Center Circle,Troy, Ohio.


    GodHealedM e ...Of Soreness And LumpI was saved and healed the first night of theLouise Nankivell meetings in Indianapolis,April 8th, 1951 . My sister and I were calledout o f the audience to-gether that night.I had been sufferingwith my left breast-soreness and a lump.Thanks be unto God,Jesus saved my souland took the lump andsoreness all away. Yes,praise His preciousName, H e saved andhealed me, and I dothank Him for it.1was not only savedand healed at that time, but I am SO tbankfulto say that Jesus has kept me saved and healedup to the present day.Miss Ozeta Briscoe,308 Swan . t.,Terre Haute, Ind.

    O f A Spinal InjuryMrs. Pauline Hartley, 514 Hall Ave., Dayton4 , Ohio, found Christ as her Savior the open-ing night of the meetings at Dayton MemorialHall.- The following night.,M ay 26th she wasprayed fo r in the heal-ing prayer line. She in-stantly discarded herher neck brace, throw-

    ing it on the Boor ofthe platform. Mrs.Hartley had been suf-fering since 1 9 4 4 froma spinal injury, and itrequired a brace tohold her head up. She had been to Mayosand had had two operations.Mrs. Hartley left her brace at the Hall.She returned at different times, appearing onthe platform without the brace, and tellinga marvelous story.Cant you see I am happy? she asks, asshe testifies to her mardous deliverence.Rev. I. W. Phillips

    .Ior a f u l l report OR the grea t Sa lva f ion-H e a l i n g Services h e ld by Sister Nankive l la t D a y t o n , Ohio, t u rn t o page 16.11

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    IS G I V E NH E L ORD has just sent Stamford, Texas,he greatest out-pouring of the Spirit inry; with the greatest crowds, as far asPeople came for many miles from

    not go away disappointed. Sew1 churches went together in a united effort.Under this Big Gospel tent about 3000 madeto the large prayer room in responsethe altar calls. Some remained there seekingod until after midnight and some until 4 : O OA greater portion of them received gen-eriences with God.I t is impossible to know the exact number

    or filled with the Spirit inis meeting. There were hundreds. About thenumber were healed. Hundreds returnedthe tent in person testifying they were saved,or healed.They were healed over the radio, in the au-

    oms, as well as in the healing line.They were healed of total blind eyes, totalT. B., tumors, arthritis, club

    Braces, crutches, canes, trusses, eye -ses, tobacco, whiskey, etc., were discarded.A man so blind he had to ask his wife if thes were off or on can now sit on his porch

    Alady with abucket forto make her dresses very large,A boy born

    One says, I have heard of such things, butI have seen them; another says, ASmuchens in one service as in an average re-Another says, This is the greatest thinghave ever seen. A pastor says, This is theal system I have ever seen. An-ys, M y Sunday records are broken.

    ubled. Hundreds say, When will the GrantZearl E. Amburn, ChairmanPastor, Assembly of God

    H e r e A r e t h e S ti rr i ngR e p o r t s f r o m th e

    W. V . G R A N T R EV I V A LIn Sfam fo rd , Texas IHapp ens when Peop leDare t o Be l ieveaGod

    - W h i c h T e l l W h a t

    -- _ .

    SU GA R DIABETES CUREDI had sugar diabetes for 1 0 years. I couldnot eat sweets. I suffered much in my body.The doctor said I had 40% sugar. I was prayed

    for in the Grant Revival in Stamford, Texas,on May 24. I discarded my insulin. I nowhave no pain or trouble.Mrs. G. 8 . McLellan805 S. SwessonStamford, Texas

    GR OW T H D I S A P P E A R SI fell from a car in 1934 and bruised my sidecausing a growth to come. I t grew to thesize of a half-gallon bucket. The doctors medi-cine did me no good. After reading the scrip-ture given me in the Grant revival G od gaveme the assurance I would be healed. AsBrother Grant prayed for me I quit sdering.(I had suffered continually.) The GROWTH

    DISAPPEARED INSTANTLY. Now mydresses are so small and loose! .Mrs. R. N. SchoonoverNo. 5th StreetHaskel, Texas

    GO IT ER LEAVES INSTA NTL YFor 4 years or more I had goiter. I hadchoking and nervous spells. I was treated byDr. B. B. Griffins in Graham, Texas. Dr .Ne11 in Stamford had given me a goiter test.A third doctor,said I would never have healthuntil I had an operation.I was the Grant Revival in Stam-ford. The goiter left instantly. I have noneof the old symptoms since. Hurting spells in

    m y side was also healed.Mrs. Nollon GreenGeneral DeliveryHaskel, Texas

    C LUB FOOT H EA L EDMy son who is three years old now was bornclubfooted. Dr. Carrol of Dallas had treatedhim since he was one month old. His ankleswere stiff and he had to sleep in splints. Sincehe was prayed for in the Grant Revival inStamford his ankles have not been stiff and hehas discarded his splints and has not wornthem since. According to the doctor he wouldhave had to have an operation if the stiffness

    had not left. Mrs. W. H. BoldowkStamford, TexasI 407,E. Cambell

    S HOU L D E R S T R A I GH T E N E DEleven years ago I fell while mopping andinjured my neck and shoulder, C AUSI NG M YRIG HT SHOULDER T O DROP THREE ORFOUR INC HES. This same fall caused myneck to crook. For 11 years I suffered ter-ribly. I was listening to the radio broadcastin Stamford; and while Brother Grant prayedover the air I felt the healing virtue. In a f e whours m y r i g h t shoulder had straightened th e

    same as the other. The next night while inthe services I received healing for my stiff neckin the audience.Mrs. Ne11 Liles304 E. HandlanStamford, Texas

    THE VOICEOFHEALING .August, 1952

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    Unbcessary DiscouragementHE purpose of publishing reports ofT t h e great Divine healing campaigns andtheir accompanying miracles in answer toprayer for the sick in the Name of Jesusis primarily to glorify God Who is visitingHis people. After that i t is with a desireto encourage faith throughout the Church.

    It is good and helpful for people every-where to know that these things are hap-pening today, and that by means of signsfollowing the preaching of the Word, hugecrowds, running sometimes into tens ofthousands, are being attracted to hear theWord of Life and thereby many are con-fessing faith in Fhrist as their Saviour.But although all this should be a causefor pure joy we never can tell how somepeople will react. One of the unexpectedand undesired results of the publication of. these reports of the great healing cam-paigns isa reprehensible wave in some lo-cal assemblies of complaint against thepastor that, These things are not hap-pening here! In some cases it is the pas-tor himself who is. oppressed by discour-agement as he compares his own limitedministry with the spectacular reports pub;lished in various magazines.N ow i f a preacher takes the line ofdefinite repression of the Spirit, and if hegoes so far as to actively promulgate un-belief in our Lord working today as at thebeginning of the Christian era, then weshall have every sympathy with the lawfulcomplainers, The scriptural command toQuench not the Spirit stands unaltered,and that with special reference to themanifestation of His gifts, as the contextand any good commentary as a spur toto draw u s nearer to God. Let u s cultivatei t while it is health? Happy are theywhohunger and thirst. They do u s all good.But it is a very different matter where alocal pastor is faithfully preaching the fullgospel and prays continually for the sick

    in the course of his ministry. Such a manought to command the loyal support of allhis people, even though his efforts may notappear to be meeting with spectacular suc-cess. As a matter of fact, and I speak frompersonal knowledge, there is a vast amountof quiet healing ministry going on in thou-sands of Pentecostal Assemblies all over theworld. The big effor%ts nd the mammothcampaigns get the limelight. Indeed theyalmost HAVE to as part of the techniqueof modern methods of evangelism. Weneed not grudge it to them. But i t is avery big mistake to think that the Spiritof God isonly using the prominent preach-ers, and only working in the big campaigns.Thank God that He is using the little ones

    The discouragement of some faithful lo-cal pastors and some humbler evangelistsand missionaries because they are not see-ing in their ministries the same resultsa s those of the widely advertised campaignsis to be sincerely deplored. I t touched atragic depth in the too-long fasting of onepreacher who rashly vowed that he wouldnot eat until God showed him why signswere not following his ministry. We admirehis zeal and his devotion even unto deathin his sincerity, but it all seems to havebeen so unnecessary and misguided. Surelythe right thing is for us all to go aheadwith such fai th as we possess, by the graceof God, and then trust Him to confirmHis Word.We use a- mistaken measuring rod, andbecause unnecessarily discouraged over ourown ministry, if the measure we use is theapparent success of some outstanding evan-gelists whom we have placed before oureyes as models. The measure of each mansfaith lies within the grace of God (Rom.12:3) and the distribution of gifts as Hewill. No amount of fasting will force usbeyond the talents entrusted to our care,


    chough it may greatly help us in doing ou rutmost with them. Our true concern i sfaithfulness with what the Lord H AS be-stowed, and none need complain of lackof scope in which to win the Masters ap-proval. To ACT in His Nyne, and thenleave the results with Him is the way oftruth and wisdom. The supernatural somany long to see is not the reward formorbid strain and stress, but rather it isthe manifestation of the Spirit workingthrough different members of the body ofChrist according to the will of God. Ourpart is faith and obedience-the rest be-longs to the Almighty.Unnecessary discouragement caused byunwise comparisons is to be restricted. Ourduty is to rejoice in all that the Lord I Sdoing anywhere and everywhere, and thenserve Him with joy in our own sphere inconfidence that He is faithful. I ntense l on ging for revival to the int of real travailin intercession isa v i z pa r t of the Divinemethod, hut with the burden of the Lordthere should come a deep inward peace andfreedom from personal anxiety. Let thereports we read of signs and wonders else-where no longer cloud nor joy with localor personal discouragement. Let them, therather, stimulate us to be on the tiptoe ofexpectation while we carry on with a songin our hearts, and praise on our lips to theGiver of all good.( D O N A L D GE E is Editor of a quarterlymagazine PENTECOST w h ic h gives a re-uiew of world-uride missionmy atu l revivalnews. Sub script ion rate $1 .00 f o r t wo y ea rs .Send orders to PENTECOST, Victory Press,Chapham Crescent, London, S.W. 4, E n g -land.)

    . . .FROM P A G E 8

    of the same thing.

    rk, but a t least one would continue infour brothers joined in pray-The vigi l was kept around the clock.

    o f Dwight Eisenhower was saved!i n the God of miracles was not

    IN PRAYER SEESOF FAMINEbelieve in the power of prayer and thatwhen we are saved and know God and love

    1938 I havefo r a miningo f 1949 andI worked as night watchman a t thent while i t was being dismantled and15 minutes in prayer. Iso could spendtime reading and attending the Assem-of God Church. I was very much inter-of William Branham

    and enjoyed reading about him in THEVOICE O F HE AL I NG papers.One-n ight I read about the presence ofan angel with Mr. Branham iq his services.I little thought that I would see an angelduring the night. I requently pray when inbed and this time i t was about 4:OO Sundaymorning. While praying I had a vision ofan angel standing by my bed. He was ex-ceedingly white and shining and filled withpower which went through me when Hespoke and said, The Lord lifteth thee up,peace be unto thee. The sensation wasabout the.same as when one receites thebaptism of the Hol y Spirit. I am now teach-

    ing the Adult Sunday School class in thelocal Assembly of God meetings. During thelast 8 months God has shown me 4 times bydreams that there is SOON COMING AGR EAT SHORTAGE OF FOOD OVER AL LT HE EA RT H. (See Matthew 2 4 3 )In one dream there was a hand writingacross a loaf of bread. In anotherl couldsee the air filled with dust as there was littlerain. In two others it was given verbally,THERE IS SOON COMING A G R E A T

    EARTH. I think this is surely going tocome to pass. In 1936 God told me about agreat flood to be in the Ohio River and thiscame to pass in 2 years.


    . By: George H: ettlerPlatteville, Wisconsin



    Read the offer BelowI . .Send us your account of an out-standing answer to prayer. These shallnot necessarily be about heeling, butalong lines,of startling incidents involv-ing unusual answers to prayer. Histori-cal incidents of Divine providence in-

    volving noted characters of history we[-corned. Give source of information ofsuch incidents.2. Articles should not exceed 600words.3. M u s t b e t y p e w r i t t e n d o u b lespaced.4. Manuscripts cannot be returned.5. W e reserve the r ight to publishor not to publish.6. Upon publication, we will givewriter a cho ice.o f any book we havein stock as a gift. Writer should notifyus AFTER PUBLICATION, o f boot de-sired.

    13VOICE OF HEALING August, 1852

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    Con trar y to popular understanding, the Bib le says th ere are MANY antichrists (I Jn .2: 18).These are often confused with THE antichrist. They are evidently forerunners of th eman of sin. In th is ar t ic le are some sketches of the r ise of satanic phenomena - lyin gwonders of the devil.

    P R I N C E A B D U L B A R A B A B A H A .M y s te r y M a n o f t h e East

    F A T H E R D I V I N E A N D H I S W H I T E W I F E , .E d n a R u t h R i t c h i n g s -


    b y G o r d o n L i n d s a y).

    T IS INTERESTING to n o t e t h aI he Jews , who in the i r day , r e j eced Chr i s t and H is min i s t ry o f hea l inavowed that they would bel ieve if Hwould only show them a sign f r o mheaven, or , perform some exploisuch a s , fo r example , the cas t ing oHimself down from the Temple-asthe dev i l had u rged h im to do . It in o t s u r p r i s i n g , wh e n J e r u s a l e m walater surrounded by the armies of Titusthat these same J ews were read y to accepthe ly ing words of false prophets , who prophesied that the city would be saved bDivine intervention. Having failed to believe in the true miracles of Christ , thewere ready to believe the fa lse prophets antheir supposed miracles . This foll y led tthe complete destruction of th e city , as weas of themselves .So tod ay , are not those who re jec t thministry of healing and the miracles thaJesus promised would follow believers, idanger of being carried away with fals e delusions in these days when the Great Tribulation is about to come upon thewarth? History repeats i tself . Man must accept Chrior Antichrist . I am come in my F ather name, and ye receive me not: i f anothe

    shall come in his own name, him ye will receive. John 5:43.Is the Ant ichr is t at hand ? T he fact ithat many antichrists are already here, antheir awful blasphemies foreshadow thcoming of the Tribulation and the Gr eat anT err ib le D ay o f the L ord. E very be l ieveshould be alert to these Satanic manifestat ions , f o r we ar e warned tha t they are o fnature to deceive if i t were possible , thvery elect . Litt le children, i t is the last ime : and as y e have heard tha t an t ichrisshall come, even now are there many antichr is ts ; whereby we k now that i t i s thlast time. I John 2 :18 .

    FATHER DIVINEOne of these modern false christs is thnegro, Father Divine, who claims to be Almigh ty God. It is useless to say that the mahas only human power-he has a power thais diabolical. Velm er Gardner in his booI S P E N T S A T U R D A Y N IG H T I N T H ED E V I L S H O U S E , t e ll s o f h i s v i si t t o F a t her Divine in the following words:My blood ran cold; my heart poundedfuriously; cold chills ran down my spineI w a s en t er i ng t h e H O U S E O F T H E DEV I L .It was Saturday night, March 18, 1950My brother, Rev. Norman Gardner andarrived at Father Divines new Palace PeaceMission in Pinebrook, New Jersey.A number of limousines were lined infront of the building, as we entered at 9:00oclock.We had the awful realization we wereentering the very realm of the Devil s lead-ing fals e Christ. Soon we would see this manwho claimed to be God.The service had been going on for anhour when we arrived. A white womanschool teacher was in charge o f the meetingthis night. It was their annual businessmeeting.I felt satanic power as I had never feltit before in my life. I saw these multitudesactually believing that he was God. I sawthem worship him as I have never seenChristians worship their God. They sat until

    2 oclock in the morning waiting for theirGod to appear. When he did come in, I havenever heard anything like it in ,al l my l ife .They l i terally thought that the God of allHeaven had walked into the place.THE V O I C E O F HEALING August, 1952

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    For there shall arise false C hrists, and false prophets, an d shall shewgreat signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall de-ceive the very elect. Matt. 24:24.sample of the meaningless mouthingsis the following: The in-

    t o be personally the expression ofIt has beenbe retangibleated; i t

    is goi ng on. Peace! Its wonderful! Ii t is indeed wonderful! af people? Is it not thef antichrist th at ha s taken controlHowever, Fa the r Divine is a poorf t he Coming Man of Sin. But t heis an example of how people will

    A N T I C H R I S TC. Hollenbeck inON THEHORIZON, told about a prince in

    that this man wa s the antichrist. Hestake. He was a n antichrist, butthe antichrist. Not a few such charact-are appearing in various parts of theNevertheless Hollenbecks colorfulareDoubt has been expressedconcerning the a uthen ticit y of thisWe ar e not prepared to judge ascan certainly say that such13:13) Mr. Hol-ck tells of this mysterious prince who

    it was close to eleven oclock anda very torridNone of u s showed any evidence ofThis im-for under ordinary cir-for rest. I sensed the fact thatI wait-for the opportune moment, and then Ined i t to Mr. Bey, and reminded him

    at all about not realize that you are with ONEthe elements,nd t o an y idea of seeming law

    then mentioned the fact that it wouldall

    the Prince seeks n o publicity, and if you

    it is, that the Greater the In-s respect, th e Prince wa s follow-the usual custom. As the Christ never

    so it would be in perfect keepingHow strangely th is man follows thesee principles. Th at is why he is able t oive those who go to see him. OnIy acounterfeit can fool the public. And

    in the case of the Prince, the line is drawnso finely that many people find it a mostdifficult thing to detect the subterfuge.Iwas most anxious to see some of theoutstanding manifestati ons of his unusualpower, and I had made up my mind I wouldbe on the jab and be wide awake, s o tha tnothing would escape my attention.Whether he got my th oughts or nat, I donot know. Most likely he did, for within amatter of an hour, while on the journeyhome, we came upon a large pile of brush-wood, small logs ffom the mountains thathad been left there evidently by Arabs touse a t another time.AS we approached this pile of logs, Inoticed that the Prince was looking at itwith what appeared to be something morethan just a casual glance, as might havebeen the case, were he not intent on doingsomething special. I followed his every ac-tion. Finally he stepped to the side of t h epath. Without saying a word to anyone, orEking us any previous clue to his intentions,he suddenly raised his right hand, as thoughhe were placing it over the top of this pileof brush-wood. No match was struck; noflint was used, and no word w as apparen tlyspoken, but in a n. instan t th is became aseething furnace. He stepped back int o thepath again, and nothing was said. We re-sumed our walking. The re was no referencemade to it in any wgy. Hi s mannerismwould defy t he gre atest of thinkers, for th eway in which he did this was bewildering.No boasting, no previous statement, justthe a ct itself w as evidently wh at he wantedto stamp in ones mind and leave one tothin k what he wished. Does not th is remindyou of w hat John th e Revelator wrote con-cerning the One who would come in theTime of the End, and would be able to doGreat Wonders, even to call down the Firefrom Heaven?

    T I B E T A N SORCERYA number of years ago Harrison Formanwriting fo r HARP ERS MAGAZINE, tells ofan experience in Tibet, a land of demon wor-ship. This man, an explorer and scientist,tells of how he -saw the Tibetan sorce rersactually materialize demons:


    by Velmer GardnerA booklet of about 50 pages which

    exposes Father Divine, the man wh oclaims t o b e God.Dont miss readingt h i s informative and eye opening report.

    Price 50c

    I stirred, looked around me-puzzled.For something Id never experienced beforewas undeniably coming into that holy Tibe-tan forest. Something wa s beginning t o fas-ten itself upon me like invisible hands, topossess me agai nst m y will. I tried to shrugthe feeling away. And the scientific side ofme looked about f o r some explanation.The circle of conjurers began t o swaysoftl y from side to side. The chan ting con-tinued to swell. And I hegan to think ofall that Old Sherap had told me of what Imust see there. Yama, King of Hell, andhis satellite demons and devils. I watchedthe s pot where th e demons were supposed toappear, trying to see something where rea-son told m e ther e wa s nothing.I do not know what my camera wouldhave seen. I only know what I thought Isaw. Yama, King of Hell, was appearinglittl e by little! He did not come in throughthe trees. He was not a Tibetan, masquer-ading. One moment he was not there, andthe space empty. Then he began to growbefore my very eyes!All the circle of sorcerers saw it a t th esam e time. Wilder and wilder became their

    chanting. It was not like a dream. Beyondthe Grand Wizard, all around us, I could seethe poplars and the pines. I saw the sorcer-ers, noted their faces deliberately. I madespecial not e of Old Sherap beside me, withhis 12 feet of hair coiled like a black snakeato p his head, But Yama was coming at ourcall. As fervently as any other Nukhwa, Iwas intoning in the deepest voice I couldmanage: Yamantaka!It was the glaring bulging eyes I sa wfirst. At t he height of an average man fromthe ground, they stared at us, filled withmalevolence. To right and left of the eyeswere str an ge mists, which shifted and beganto take form until, like some evil flowerbursting suddenly into bloom, they becameall the 34 ar ms of Yama, with 34 handseach grasping some implement of destruc-tion.

    The main head grew into being aboutthe eyes. Th en appeared other heads, untilthere we re nine, all shrouded in trans parentbluish flames, which danced and flickedabou t unceasingly. Then the shoulders, overeach of which hung a garland of humanskulls, which rattled horribly at the leastmovement.I shivered. I glanced away. When Ilooked back I expected that Yama would nolonger be there. But he was, staring at mewith his bulging eyes. His lips now werevisible, and they were huge, and libidinous-and the teeth like th e fan gs of no anim alon earth.These three brief accounts are sufficientto demonstrate the very real forces of helltha t a re loose in the world today. What doesi t mean? It means that Satan is preparingto c arr y on the most diabolical war agains$humanity in the history of the universe. Ofthis John th e Revelator speaks:, . . Woe to the inhabitersof the earthand of th e sea, fa r the devil is come downunto you, having great wrath, because heknoweth tha t he hath bu t a short time. Rev.12:12. There is no doubt that we are ahniit.

    E VOICE OF H E d N G August, 1952 15

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    SI%NS..MIRACLES - WONDERSIN THE -CAMPAIGNS QF TVH EVANGELISTSEVA NG. RU DY CERULLOGOITER MELTS AWAYAS MANY LOOK ONBO UT eight years ago, I became afflictedA w i t h a goiter that grew until some folktold me i t was the large* they had ever seen.Two years a g o , I

    was advised by- Dr.Wallace H. Brown, ofShreveport, Louisiana,to have an operationon the goiter; be-cause, by this time, itwas causing smother-ing spells - nd, attimes, I could hard\ .breathe. However, Idecided , against theopera tI on, believin,that the Lord wouldheal me.In the back of m y m i n d , Z had always feltthat either one o r th e other o f t w o w e l l- k n ow nevangel is t s would have to pray f or me i f Iwere to receive a healing, as Z bud great con-fidence in these tw o evangelists. In the courseof t ime, I was prayed fo r , in turn by eachof these-but to my utter amazement foundthat I was none the better. By this t ime, mygoiter w a so large that, whenever Z was i npublic, Z would cover my neck wi th a scarf.In the providence of God, I attended serviceone Sunday night at Life Tabernacle, here inShreveport, where Rev. Rudy Cerullo was.preaching. After the message, he offered topray for the sick. The Lord spoke to me, andtold me that this was also one of His minis-ters, and that if Iwould, in faith, have BrotherCerullo pray for me that night, I would becompletely delivered. Immediately, I obeyed.Jumping to my feet, almost before I knewwhat I was doing, I rushed to the platform.Brother Cerullo laid his hand on my throatand commanded the goiter to leave in theName of Jesus. When he laid his hand onmythroat, I felt the goiter leave. I was complete-ly healed, in the presence of many people, andnow, after a years time, there is absolutelyno trace of the goiter. My many friends whohave known me for years are here this morn-ing to verify what I am saying. To God I giveall the glory! Mrs. Walter Gray1145 ProspectShreveport, La.

    P. S. This tes t imony w as gi ven to th e La -dies Sunday School Class, aut it caused mivcbrejoicing b y members o f the class wh o bartkno wn Sister Gray fo r many years.-Ed.EVANG. LOUZSE NANKZVELLDAYTONS MEMORIAL HALLSHAKEN BY THE LORDROM T HE opening serviceonMay 25, GodsF ivine presence was manifested and G odmightily anointed Sister Nankivell as she min-istered at Memorial Hall.The Spirit of the Lord rested upon the open-ing service as Sister Nankivell was directedby God to call out and pray for a man whohad a strange muscular disease. God touchedhim and from this time on we witnessed agreat visitation from God. Bed patients werebrought from long distances-one case beingbrought 300 miles. ,As w e witnessed this great visi tation to Day-ton, w e saw bed patients arise and w alk. Oneludy threw her crutches away. Deaf ea r s wereopened, the lame walked, the blind saw, back-sliders wer e reclaimed, and sinners wer e saved.W e a l l rejoiced as night a fter night w e sawthe demonstration o f Gods pow er up on themeetings.16

    The meetings had a far-reaching effect. Peo-ple came from hundreds of miles. They camefrom Kansas, Oklahoma, New York, Tennes-see, and surrounding states especially to attendthese services. Gad blessed them and manytestified to being renewed in their faith.Although some were skeptical when theycame, they went away believing when theysaw the work of God. Many stirring reportshave come to us of healings. One lady who satthrough an entire service stood to her feet atthe close crying out, Rev. Phillips, may I tes-tify? When she came into the meeting hereyesight was so bad that she could only dis-tinguish li ght from dark but as the meetingprogressed, G od touched her sitting in herseat and she could see me standing on theplatform. Such shouts of praise and victoryI am sure never rang out before in hfemorialHall.As Sister Nankivell ministered in sackclothin fulfillment of her VOW, God anointed her.Almost every night in the preliminary part ofthe service she would call many from theaudience who were strangers to her tellingthem their ailments, and as she prayed forthem God would touch them.Many notable miracles took place in theprayer line such as the following: One ladythrew away her cane as she went shouting. Ayoung lady totally blind came and as prayerwas offered God opened her eyes. Beforeprayer was completed she cried out, I can see,I can see, I can see the lights. A great shoutof praise rang through the huge auditorium asshe pointed out lights and told the color ofbooks held before her, and waved her armsjust as she saw Sister Nankivell doing. I couldtell of many more. The first Monday night alady wearing a neck brace threw i t to thefloor. Miracles and signs followed the minister-ing of Gods word nightly.While praying for the sick in the prayer lineat the closing portion of the service, nightlySister Nankivell was moved to tell many theirailments and troubles, instructing them whatthey should do for complete deliverance. Anumber came in the prayer line who were un-saved and as Sister Nankivell ministered tothem and prayed for them they were saved andhealed.One night i t w as revealed to her by the Spiritthat a lady in t h e prayer l ine was suffer ingwi th a heartache and a great loss. T he sicklady con firm ed this stating that she had losther daughter and her heart was heavy. Godtouched her and comforted her heart .In another instance it was revealed by theSpirit that a man in the prayer line was dab-bling in spiritualism and the man in the pray-er line confessed that this was so. Another timea man in the prayer line came to her and shetold him that God revealed to her that he wascareless in telling the truth, which he ack-nowledged.In every case, these people were strangers toSister Nankivell and we rejoice in this greatvisitation of Gods Spirit.The ministry of Sister Nankivell will longbe remembered here, and I would like toadd aword to the faithfulness of the Lord. Whenwe first thought about a healing and salvationcampaign we asked God to directus to the per-son toget for such a meeting. In due time Goddirected and we arranged the meeting withour Sister. Then it was a great step of faithfor our church was only a li ttle over a yearold. In faith we prepared for the meeting, andin faith we engaged Memorial Hall. In faithSister Nankivell came and we are rejoicingin the miracles that have taken place both inthe souls and bodies of the people. Great isour G od and greatly to be praised for Hiswonderful work to the children of men. AgainI say, FAI TH I S T HE VICTO RY.Rev. Irwin W. Phillips

    EVAN G . T . L. OSBORNSHORT LEG GROWSLONGER AFTER PRAYER ,THEiracle which God has wrought onmy daughter is too great for me to explainMy heart is so full of joy I find it difficulto speak. I am notaffected by emotion-alism, but this mir-acle has affected ourl ives to the p r o -foundest depths ofour hearts. My daughter wasborn with a physicaldefect; one leg wasshorter than theother. We took herto all the doctors wecould afford, butnothing c o u 1d bedone. T he n erv es,leaders, bones andmuscles were all af-fected. We knewnone but God couldever heal her. Wealways believed thatsome day God wouldgrant us this greatblessing.We have attended all the services ofBrother Osborns campaign here in thisgreat bull-fighting ring along with thethousands of others. L ast night, after theclear sermon on the Gospel in which Bro.Osborn explained how Jesus Christ hasalready taken all our infirmities, and desires to make us perfectly whole, we joinedin the great mass prayer, believlng Godheard us. After the prayer, we were thrilled\ with the testimonies of so many others.Everywhere, I heard and saw miracles;

    blind say, deaf heard, paralitics walked,and hernias and other sicknesses disap-peared. Then the service was dismissedand we walked home.As we were walking home, my daughtersaid, Papa, I feel strange feelings in myleg, like pains. I believe God is healingme. I said, LGood, daughter; keep prayingand believing. But she insisted that Godwas healing her. Her faith was great. Shekept saying how she was being healed, andwhen we reached the house, to our inde-scribable joy she was perfectly healed.Immediately we began to examine herlegs. E very way we could check and measurethem, they were both exactly the same. Shewalked perfectly. She has no limp. Here shestands, perfectly well; both legs are exactlythe same. She would tell you about it, butshe is so happy she cannot talk. (The younglady was weeping all the time her fatherwas talking.)Many people know us, and know that wetell the truth; you also know the conditionmy child was born in, and how we havenever been able to find help. I t was impos-sible for anyone except God, but with Himall things are possible.We have always had faith, but this hasincreased our faith and our love for Godmore than anything else in our lives.Recaredo Murillo B.375 V. E. Botica Santa ElenaSan J ose, Costa Rica(Daughters name Maria Eugenia.)



  • 7/30/2019 1952 August



    by Rev. B.V . JonesT is most wonderful how God led BrotherParrott to Yakima, Washington, and fromofto night.

    t o the Spirit, weIf there ever was a present dayof God, we feel Brother Parrott is

    The gifts of the Spirit were made manifest

    uld i nstantly meet their needs.People of all faiths and denominationslost count of

    Any city would be privileged to secureo f God; he is entirely un-his efforts and is sold out one hun-so that we can accommo-

    of the


    Assembly o f . God ChurchSusanville, Californiae.are happy to report very gratifying

    ek: revival and healing campaign withA. Henry. The preach-c f the .Word was thoroughly appreciat-al l were built up in the Faith. Theendance was good. Many souls respondedthe call for salvation.There were several outstanding heaIings

    T w o wereof the-loss of the sense of.. One woman had been praying pre-of longding.. She hesitated, in that she aske Lord saying, -Lord, you know I haveof th c senr;e of smell. I t is such ahave much greater needs, but if i t

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