Page 1: 1916 Zoning Resolution - New YorkThe Web version of the 1916 Zoning Resolution is provided for reference and the co\ nvenience of having the Resolution in a computer-readable format

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BOARD OF ESTIMATE--AND :APl?()~f{!'-tQ~~~r "


(Adopted Ju,y,25, 1916)

A REsOLUTION regulating and litpiting the--hJ!~ht and bulk of 'buildmgs-tfe1eafRt-e~'ted""'"'~ and, regulating and' determining the area) of yards, courts and: other open, spaces,

,,' and regulati,pg and restricting the location 0 f trades and indUstries and the locatio.n ::~< 9f buildings de'si~!;d fur spec}fied use,') and ,establishing the ooUri"daries of , districts ~" ~ :, for the said purposes. ' ,

" ~:;;' , ' Be it resolvi ii"by ilie...Jlaard oJ. Estimate and Apportionment of The Cit)' of - - -~ N~:WYo'rk; ~'-'-- .. , "


§"1. Defi~itiong. --Ce,rtain w~rds in this resolution are defined for the purposes thereof as fonows: _ ,-_._. ___ , , ~-(;.) , W ~rds used ip the present tense ,include 'the future; the singular llumber in­'dudes tne plural and the plural thesirigUlaq the word "lot" includes the word I'plot"; the word "building" inclllde's the w.ord "structure." • ," -" (by" The "street line" is the dividing line betWeeo,..ihe street and .the' lot:

__ (c) The "width o'f the stieet"is the mpn of the distanCes' between' the sides thereof within a block. Whtre a 'streetbo~ders a public place, public" park or n:wi­gable body~ of water the width of.the street is the me-an width of ruch. street- plus the~idth,measured at-right angles to the streit line, o"fsuth public place. public park orbody of water. ,-,: ' ' ,~ , ,:,: ' "

(d) The "curb level:" for th,e purpose or'measuring the peightof any 'portion of a building,.is the mean Je~e1 of the curb in fr'ont of. suchpoition of the, building. ,But where~abuilding is on a co~rier lot the ctirb level is the mean leVel of the 'curb Qn the :tr'eerot-greatestwicith. ' II such greatest width , occurs ,on more than on(' street *he curb level' is the' mea~ ,level 'of 'the curb on that street of greatest width w4i~h has the highest curb ele~~ijon.::rhe , "curb le,!i.~r~L!n~ ,.p,urpose, of regulating ~ and deter..mining, the ar-ea of ,yar(b" , courts. an4 open ~paces is the ' mean level of the curb, ~t that ' front, of the "building where there is ~ the highest curb elevation, Where

, 'no cu;b', e,levation has been: eStablisbedor th~ 'buiiding d~eS not adjoin the street the .a~erage grouud le;et of the lot sh~iibe co~sidered the' curb level. '

, • , '( e1 A. ~'strei:t;'Wal1" <if ii: building, at, any t,evel, is the wall or part of the . tbuiIding nearest to the street line-. , ... ' , . , '

, ("f) The "height of a bui1cfing" is the vertical distance riteilsuredin the case of "llatroofs, f~om the curb ' level to~ tnel~er: of' the highest ' point. of -the ' roof ' bea~, 'adja~entto the street wall; and in the cake, d.f. ph~hedroofs ' from the curb levetto the' me~n height level of the gable. Where norooI"b;eams e;,(ist or there are structure! wholly or ,partly above the roof the height' shan ' be.measii~ed from the curb level to the lev~!: of thehlghest point of the building. Where , a building is a tenement hbuseas, defined in the Tenement House Law' th~ height ,of the- building' 9n the street-

" line shall be measured as'prescribed,insai"tf-law for the ' mea.surement 'of the height " ~<if ~a:::tenem~fit ·hous~~a-nd, such' ~easurerhent ,:shall ~be~framjhe_curlLleve1 \ as that , term is used in~ ~ '. '

___ "" __ ~ __ '~"' __ , 1&.LJhe : ofa Ot') 'IS lot to its rear

between the rearJine Q£ the arid" 'the rear line ,- ', ' "(l)~e=>Cde~-Teal":.yal'd-. is ' theIriean distimc-e.J>etween

thebuildmi ,and the rear line' Of th~ lot. " '< .. , ' ' rear liD(/ qf

.J... _ _ . __ . ... . . ,'_ ..

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The 1916 Zoning Resolution is a historical document. To see the current Zoning Resolution of the City of New York, go to The Web version of the 1916 Zoning Resolution is provided for reference and the convenience of having the Resolution in a computer-readable format. The print version of the 1916 Zoning Resolution remains the official version of the 1916 Resolution. If any discrepancies exist between the print and Web versions of the 1916 Zoning Resolution, the print version shall be considered correct.
Page 2: 1916 Zoning Resolution - New YorkThe Web version of the 1916 Zoning Resolution is provided for reference and the co\ nvenience of having the Resolution in a computer-readable format

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(n:,LOtsor,portlOilSi5Flotssnatf1Jed~imed "back' fo back", wl,len th,ey ~re01t ;:'~c~::,=,Jj:p{l~~ite~sides;of~th,1P ·.same,paX:{.Df .a.,,rearAinetQmt;n0x:~to1>oth ana;th~l!II~i!l'l!t~

, .... .' tines'on,"ivbich the lots front l1Te-para1iel with'each other or make an ,angle """e~~H'~ther of not' over 45 degrees., '

, (k) , . A '''court'' an' 'Open IDlocclJpied space, other: than.a r~ar yard, on the same lot. 'wi.tha '.bu,ilding. A court not extendmg ~o the s,treet or to a real' yard is an "inner court.":':,' ~~urt' exten~ipg,; tQ,fu~,'Street'or' a: re~r'y!r<!.~"'E)uter court,'~

lot hne extendmg through from the 'street fo a rear yard or another ~sllr.'l1~t~is,a:~sl.dl'!" '3'1u'1:1;";,:: .. :.·.:,· ... ,- -::,:-;::e);:-_. .-.~~---_ ~~':\~t.~~.-'".,-- ~ ~ ~-::::::.;

of aya:r1i or a court" at any given level shall. bemeasur~.d level of . such Jard or court as actually constructed Or fx:omtne.curb

to'such'le:vel. . hc:;highest lc:;veJ.ofan,r given wallhoum;ling,a,cQurL or deemed ttbe mean height oFsuch'walI. Where a building is ':----a tenement hous~,as,aefined'in~theT~ne~~t House,La~,the height oiii'yardo! .r' ~ , oourt shall[ be measured, as Ptescrjb~d in, such iaw: " '".. .

(m)-.:'1:he "least dimension" of ~ iarlor court at any,leYel is, th~ lea~t of the h.ori?:.ontal dimensions .of such yard or court at StIch level, i If two opposite' sides Of a y<!rU'or CQurt arenotpar<il~elthehorizontal dimensibi1'be~ween them shall be deeniedto be the'mean distance between them." .

(l1)c .. The..~1e~th'o{ an outer court" at, any givenpoint.shalLbe measured in the general direction of thesid~ lines of such court frQmthe end. opposite the end Op~~iilg oti~stfeet: or a, rear such point. '

. ,§ 2. Use. Districts. Hor the purpose .of regulating and' restricting the location of traaes and'1'1'{ndustries and the I.o¢atiot).of buildings designed for specified .. uses, theCiti of New' ¥oikis l£er~by diyided 'itit;o~eclasses of. district~: (1 )residerice dii;'tricfs;'(2}1>uliinessdisfrtcts'(an<r(3) ciinrestrlcfeddistricts.; as shown on the use

,'district map 'wpich 'accompanies this re:soluti.on and·is. hereby. declared' to be part hereor;· .ll'-h~1JSe· di~frkt,s designated on . said, map are ,h~reby established. The u§e

.. Jii$tris,(mapdesignations and map'designatioll-rules w-hiCli accompany,saiduse district map are hereby dCc;Iart!d to be part thereof. N .0 building or premises shall be erected

... ot:ufledfor,any: llurllOse oiher:,than:a,purpose permitted in. the use district in ,which '--C' 'such 'buiJding orj;ll'cIl}ises is located;' . ' '-c,:"'_,_

§ 3. Reside.nee PistrictS. In a residence district no building. shall be erected ---~---~---- -"----:-~-t1ier~~tliaii-a--DTiilaiIIg~·wifif j(&_-us-~at--acces~C?riesJ artanged;- intendea or- de~igri;ed: ex.-

elusively for one'ormore .offhe fol1owitJg sp..ecifie<i,uses: - " (1)' Dwellings, 'which shaUinc;lude dwellings for cine or more families and board­ing housesand,also hotels-wiiich1}avc thirty 'ormoFe sleeping rooms.

, '(2), Clubs; excepttng' elubs the chief activity o( which is a service custorparily '-carried on .as a bUSiness. ,Ii

(3r Churches. -<4) Schoqls, libraries or public museUl'ns.

" (5) Philanthropic ~or.;eIeetnosynary uses or institutions, .other than correctional institutions. . . .

(6) l{ospitals and sanitariums. ~,~":'=(--1)~~ailroad-'Pa-ssenge~~-~ ~ -'-=7

, (8) Farming, truok: gardening, nurseries or green houses. In. aresid-ence district no building ot. premises,-Sllatrbe used {or aD)" u§.e.other

than a ,use· ab.ove specified for which buildi~s ma.y be erected and f.or the ·accessory uses customaril~' i~dderit, thedto: ;rhe term accessory' u~e shall n.otinc1ude a busi­neSs nor' 'shalt It mclude :my bUlldmg or use ll!Jt tsc4tedl .on -the same lot with the


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Page 3: 1916 Zoning Resolution - New YorkThe Web version of the 1916 Zoning Resolution is provided for reference and the co\ nvenience of having the Resolution in a computer-readable format

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>~:;~~~iy~"i;'~ ,o~~~eili":fi ... ~ot./ ........ _ .. __ . ___ .. ___ ., cy~l~e$ .shal!notJje ~dee~ed an ' accessoryuse~ :. '.' ~-' _ . - ;:~~ - , ,-

,_ :- . ' --~§~t BU$iii~sS~i~s: J~f In a busi~es~ ' di~trict : :n~~~~ises , -, -c _ : 'C-~----:-~~ -~~h,~~ ~ u~e,d, -.atld nobtiHdingsh~l be ei-e~t~?which i: arra'n~ed~ inte!1cled ordes\gMd- -- ___ --:

::... . - to be used, Jor any of the. JoUowlUg ,specrfied trades; l!ldustnes or uses: "

. :...;::

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. ~.- --~ ~"'-..­----,."\>

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_-_ ( ,c ' , Arfitponiil;chlorineor breaching powder -Il}anufacture. . ' . '>-=--:--:- _; ' Aspbaltmanufacturectr refining. - ' _, 1 , -

'-... ,. ,

Assaying ' (oi her than goId ~ or sUver). Biacksmitliing or !forsesnoeing!'- -BOffur making:::": ,-~--- - - - ----- ----,-----

Brewing ' ot: dist~lling of ,liquors. L:aiP~f-;-deaning. -Celluloid manufacture. Crematory. : __ -;' -: -Distillation of coal, wOP'Ji Or bones_ Dyeing or dry cleaning. -Electric central station power planL-Fat rendering: '-, ' FertH,izer, -manufacture. j _

Garage for more than five motor vebicles, not including a wareho~se where' motor ,vehicles ' are--received for dead-storage -onlYF and- not. including a

" sale~room "wh~re motor vehicles are kept for sale or for demonstration purposes only.

Gas ~(illumiriating or heating) manufacture or storage. Glue, ' size and gelatine manufacture. -Incjneration or' reductioriofgarbage,'offaI, dead animals or refuse, lrqn, steel; brass CIr 'copper works .

'''-JUnk, scrap ' paper or rag storage or baling. Lamp , black manufacture: _p!!le, cement·:9rplaster of Paris manufacture . 'Milk bottli!Ig and distributiI)g :.station. ' ) Oil cloth .or linoleum manufacture. ",

I ~ ..

,.--- ---_ .... _. ' Paint.otl;-varnish or turpentine manufacture. l'e.troleuiJ!.. r~!iI!ing ,or storage. 1

! , Printing ink ' matltlfacture. - . Raw · hides or skins-storage, curing dr tanning,

- Repal i---shop -lor motor vehicles. Rubber, m;inufacture from the ' crude 1!1aterial. ; Saw or planing mill. .i ' Shoddymanuf~cture~or wool scouring. ; Slaughterii:tg 0"£ inimals. - ' i

L ~~~ ' ~ , I

"Soap ,mit}Uracture. I Stable for -·'inore than five horses. 11

Starch. glucose or dexfrine ' 'm.?,hufacture. r . - SjQck yards. , ::,,-, " ; .

" \ .

Stone or monittneiitalwQrks. . ' -- - -.-- ---- ----::+ " _ ______ _ .... ---:-~fl'-- _~· '-_-__ :~ __ __ :~-=:.o"'~~~~~=~-=--=--- S~i~r j~fiEillKt-__' " '", '. -:-' --" -- -- - - - - , ---- ".- - - - -- -'-' _-L-_______ _

.~.. ". _, Sl1lphllrou.~,sulpl:rurk;rnitric::oHydro~:;orlC-- acid ma~uf~<; .. _ ' c.::'~ r _, : ' TallQw"grease or Iardnranuta-cfttrmg or: refihing.-. -- -: ---j""

, . . ~.

-:. "'.-:...----~--.-.--

' T~r-'Qi~b1~ion--of manufl(ctuh:;- i 'c ,

Tar roollng-or' tar"waterproofing manufacture. .,. :t ~+ ~

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Page 4: 1916 Zoning Resolution - New YorkThe Web version of the 1916 Zoning Resolution is provided for reference and the co\ nvenience of having the Resolution in a computer-readable format

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~ i~ I,~ ~ -" " , (j,\ :In , ,b";~"" dmdE> ~~ p,;;!')Wg .',Y~'''"]'' ,"'~JI: J,I. ,,y."";:"!"i. ~~i.: bu!l"~;;,. '~" ~,. ",,~--'-t.·_-1-", - - , ~~U oe',erecte4, i"hiC? :~S:: ~Tfaliged:;i~tf~~er~~ ~~~i~~.~ >~"<¥~::~j~,~;~o.,': .. ~i~~~c:;'. ' ,

' i.. ' industrY or use', that ls"nOXIOUS 'or ofJienlllV'e 'J)y, Teason ,Qf;..~eptiSSloll 'Q'f>p ' -': O:]illt; " , "'-:-': ':,. ' " S~9k~~~ '~~s· or fi~is: i ; b~t.,c~ ~ g1~~ , ~~: f~~js.~~~:u.s~~,eIl~-.sli~~:riot~~e; .:.~~1. , . ~~;:'~ '~ '. ....

. . ~., .. -.: t., .. ,"::'."_:'·'~'~".:;'='.'~'·' ......•..•... , .. ,. -', '~' :. ~· :~t~~~~~f:;!~t,Ert~:~;~tl1!~rh~3~t.J~;~~l!~(~~~1~~~~i~il~1 " i .- - ~-~- - ~~~~~~~~~~~i~ __ :_~~: · tQjhe4:r:!!iJ.of tbe lot may be soused iIi anY :ca:se~'::·;dthoi.tghin e:icess '. o£sai~: 2S, ' ,

~. . .,- per¢efJ:i'{:'The priiitmg of a newspaper shall noibede~m.eti.nihlii.tfiCJi.irillg. :- Nouse ~ , permitted"in. a-residencedisti-ict bysedloU 3 shall lieexeiuded from a bu,~inessdisJri~t; iI .. . " .' • . . , > . ~ , .... ' :- ,',' . ' . .

i § .5. tJnrestr(rted DistriCts~ ' The term' "unrestricted · dIstrict" is u.~ed to desig- . ~ nate the districts for which rio~egUlat.ions or restrictions are provided"byihis article.

~ " ,:'§' 6.. Ex.i~ting~~ildingS; ~~d prell1i~~s. , In" ;Ulybuildingor~ pr~rhi$esany l~~ • . r iul use ~eXistingtherein at~etime , of, the'passagepf . thjs 'resoiutiorilllay , be . contin- . g, . ued'ihereiri, ' althougli not cOllfonnii:!gtci...the i-~gUiations:Qf the use 'distHctin which' M - ."...:~__ ii, it is' mam,tained;~ of such .use n.taybe ' changea ()i coii~erted e£e#ended: throughouL' !l the buildiijg; :p'rovjded, ~iieither case, . that· ~ostfuguri;ll-- alterations, except · as' reqUired . . 4\, . by eii"stiiigAawS: and ordinances; iie: "made , ther~in"and ' !lO new building is erected, . T arid prov;idedftirth~J:. tha~ .· . . . . "" J __ . (1) ' In ~ residence~ districFrio' building- or premises tjnles~ now devoted to a use l ~ that is by section 4;prphibite4 ,iria :bti~iness 'd:istrict, . sh~11 . lie cOQverte«(to,.suchU:se~arid r · · '·-'-'"t~a :fes14~1i<;:,<cot g:Usili:~!1~s3listrj!;f":Qo,:"Q\ljJqing~or ' pi.emisesunless nowdev.oted · " . 10 a tlsethat. is' by" paragiapii~ a 'or 'b of sectlo114 prohibited in a business di/itrict 1 ' i'baIlEe converted to such :us'e. .. .. . . . .


~,,;<,~ r"$a~~~ No ~stib.g building d~Si~r 'a(ranged, intended or devoted to it use not per­' . • 1- mitted by this article in. tlie ' district'-in ' which ': si1i:h "tis~is located sl~l1 __ 'be' enl~~gedJ

~ =':~te~ded, ' recim$r,ucjed or s~cttir~lli}.ajtere!1 : urilesS':siicli ·=,ise isclianged ~to a use permi~tedin . the 'district inwhicll such~-bt:tilding'is located ; .exceptthj.fs.uch building ' may be-'reconsinicted 'or sfructiiraUynitt~reQ t el-' anext~'nf noi"greater. tlian SO 'per

U" ;<_ . _cent.ofthe-..~alu.e"oftne-buitdiUg; ~ e~clus~ye: of·'iplindat·ions;'fortl1.e 'pufPose ··of· coll-:1 flnuingthereiri, without anye:Ktetisionther~ofta law'ful use eXisting therein at the ,

• time of the':pass~ge ~£ .this:. resoludon, and sucb use m'iy1le- coiltinued the~ein, ai-; . , ~- ' thougn ,not 'COnfOrtUl~~g '0 tEe ,~eg\IlabOn~orili~: use aisfriat i~ ~;;,{,nTcli'it is"fu,aintained.

, - - < ' U. Ulle Distri ' Excep~i~ns/, Th~ Board of Appeals, created by chapter 503 '" ,-,w--<;"",,-"-'S:.~i " _, o£2~~~ o~J$. , t::....~ar, , ~n. -ap:propri~~~_,c~~s!.~a~~r: P~?lic notice and. hearin~, ~nd

.," " ->..: '_,subJ~.ct ' Jo ap.p~vnatc: con41tiC)t)s and . safe,juax:1.sfd.etermme and vary the apphcabon . 1[ ' '" "-- .<' <, 9{ th€us:4.~~rict r<fgula.tionSber~ip· eStablis~ed., itLharmbny with theirg~l!eral p\:~~

.. \poseand mtentas follows: '. .. . . , ~, -;-. I l' .. ,,', (a) Pwnit the e~tension oran existing. building and the existing use tbere~f upon I \ . ~ . ". . the Jot occupied by such . btiii<iing+lt the. tiineof tbe passage oLthis resolution -or . ti·

__ -'--'---:-. -c~'~- ' '~ssage"'---o'f'-,;1!~~ r esolutIOn . bY, ~'fi:-:'e9moierciaJ or . i~dushiai ' establisJImentand which " l .' ' -'"~-, -'---~:-'perm~tthe erectjon-{,ran-~dditiuDa:rbulldl,lrg··:o.pon :alot, 'occl:):pied~the-,time ·oLilie=, ~" ----,) --"- , t =o

~':"~:~ 1 . ' " ~. -'-: ---a:d'djffimrl. b~i1d~g-'i:5" a . ~art 'of-'s~ch:'iishlblishrit~~! ~ ,---'-~-~- ' " - ----. -.~==--=- --L- . --_.'

-..,..-~-::--'-. r -,' ' .. --.. ~ , (0) WEete aU/i!! .distric.Fboundl'lt:y line ,div.ides ,a)ot-.masingleowners.4ip~t i

. ______ Or' --.;. .:,~,-- ---;..:.... tho nirtl, e. Ofth .. e .... p.a. s.sage:. o. f .. ; thiS .. . r ... e . .:s.olu .. tion, .. ,pe.,rm. i . .!' ... .. a~. use . au. t?on .. z e. d. 0.' n e~t.her .p . . Orti. 'on. ;1 _ _ _ __ _ .. . ' ~, . -' m uCh, lot tp ext~-me ent!re) ot; 1)utnot:mure:-~eeneyon<l'theb(funda:ry-- - ~ -,--- --~'-",-:... .. . . ~· ,_.r : .1ine ·oft~edil;:trictihwhich- suchjfise isaut1!ori~~c:!:j ' . '. ,, '. ; ,; .... '_. ,.. __ .'!'

I . ' ~ : ,(c) Per-mit- the-:extension«)£ a "building into a more restricted district und~~ : ' ,such con<fitibi!s as wHl safeguard. 'Hle~ chara~teForthe' triore- 'festricted iiisffic,t'; _------'-"

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'<." ., - , "' - ~ ._-, .. ::., ~ .. --.. ~ . ~

Page 5: 1916 Zoning Resolution - New YorkThe Web version of the 1916 Zoning Resolution is provided for reference and the co\ nvenience of having the Resolution in a computer-readable format

_ ~l. ~---'-_ --:- ----,:----:---

':~tt)" PerrllitIn"are~idei1ce' di~tii~[~ ~entr31. tel;phone J~~t;~6r:;ii;~:~ildi~~;6r useiz!keep~ngwith,the uses expresslyenumet:}tedinse~tio1i;··the pllipo~esfgi:,:whicIi; buildmg-$o£;\J:i!erltises may .he;~rected' or' used '. in aresidtfuce: distrktj . .' .:, ......• . . ~ '=:.(e ).per~it:in~;; bllsmeSs distric£theerecU,on ofa'·gar.age:·orsfable ltianYpot:tiQfi .

.. .... -'Qf:'~:sireef' f)eliWeeii~tWo~iiitersectmg~sfriefS=iU=wniChpor.tioIl·· of blQckthere ~e:x;jsts ·a.' PUblic garage or public stable. !ltthetime of the.pass'age Q~.this res()ltltioll;~:. '.~ .

·.··(O··Grant in undeveloped sections of. the city rempopu.y and cOIlditi911aiperIllits forc'oot inorethan 'two years .for structures and .uses. mcontravention of the require-

·1flerits6'filii'iamcte. \. . .:.: .... ~. ,,>.,

.,.i;~~·-~·~:'::"'~C.'~~MTi~lTI~··HEiGi'iT·UIS~IcrS. ~.~

§8.,'lieigbtDi$1:rk:ts, .for th:'~ 'purposeof.'re~lating ,and limiting the h~ight , anuoulk:6ibiffldlngshereafter ere<ffedr tlteCity .of New ¥orIiJs.hereby divided into

.. ·~··-~~~~~~iWe~ass6&-of;,.~districts.:.;...(a):.-Q~meli di§tr~~JPLoni and one~quarter'i:imes _. . '. . ". districts, ',(c) one and onechaH times .districts,~.,(d.) two tim~s districts,-·(eTTwoand·:-·-·-~··'~~·""~:'

- ... -

one~half titnes' districts; as shown' on the .height district map which accompanies . this resolution and is hereby declared'1:9 be 'part . hereof. The· heightdistricts,desig­pated on _§aid map', are hereby -establisped. The height""<iistrict "map "designations and map designation ru1C3' whic1Laccohlpany' said height district map.' are .. hereby dedar,edto be part thereof .. N obuitdingor iiartoLa bt).ildingsh,all be ~rected' except

k .. i~.:'sC;)l:ifoQ}]ity with the .tC(!gulations . her.ein presc!,ibed fo.r: the he~ht district in which -:s'uch building is located: ., " ,-_ ..

',(a) Ina one times distriCt no buildiyg. shall be~rected toaheight in excess of , .. tIie:\will1:h of the street, but 'for each one foofthaFtheouildiilgor a:-portioll-of it

." sets back from the;streetcline two·feet shall he added. to the height limit of such tluilding or siich portiOlfthereof.' ,~, " .:-," , .

,.c(b)' Ina one and one-quarter times . dis~rict no bui!Sing erected to a height in excel;"s "of one 'and one-quarter times the wluth-'Of ·the·street, but for each ori~fciJt that the" buiiding or a portion of it sets baickfrom the street ,line two and -ohe~half feet shaH be added to the'l1eight limit"'of ,such buitdingor such portion. ~s~t . _

. (c) In a: one: apd . one-half ,times distriCt nobuilduig shall be erected to a height ·ift...;,~xcessofotieandone-h:iH times 'the width of the street, but for'each one foot.

illarfhe building or a 'porTion 'oT if sets baCK' from the street-line three'.feet shall Q~ 'add~ct to the height liplit of such building or' such' portion thereof.

: ( d) < In a two"'ctirries, district no' bui~diilg shall be erecte'd"toahefght (inexces& of twice thecwitlth of the street, but fori' eaehon:e ",foot that the ~uil~inggr apo;tion Qiit,se'ts back from the 'street line fourieet shaH be 'added to the height limit of suchNl5uildit1g.,or~such portion thereof. -'", '.' ,c,',·. .

(e) In a, tWo ando'Ue~half ti~es' district no buildling shall ,be erected to ; height iri 'excess of two and one~half time~ the width of the street, but for. each one foot thaphe builc:iingor a :portlon of 'if sets back from the -stieet line five feet shal! he

"added to the height limit of such ;b'\liltiing or such portion thereof. -- .-. "'. -':---::"'~--'- ; ; ~.. :,,' - - '.'

. .- - . .: . !

~~9:'··-neignT1)~snlct'Exceptio~a.~ (a)On-'streets'less thap 50 feet in width '~~iP''''"''' .' _._the same heigptI:egtllations,shalloe appl}edas on streets 50.feet in:-width and, except

-c--~ .. ---,c'-fOr fnepurposes' oniafagtipn a -qrthls. $ectron~~treets=mutHbalF4OOc·f.eet.m"WidtlF=~~,.~,.,~~" ... ~ .. ==c...::""'cc'·----:---·

-~he-:-s1rnreilcight'regulations sh~lI beappH, OIl ~reet£=l(}(LfeeUn..widtlr.~ .----- '(bnlong.:L~r~Str~et ne~r: itsintersectton ~wffh'a~~mer~~tieef, any

building oranypa-rt of .anybuilding ,fronting,. on,. the.narrower . street wltruillOO feet. measured at right· angleS; to, the side of th~ wider street, shall be governe~.

c by ;the~ height r~grilation'!;provided ,for the wider .street. A corner==huilding oil such inte,rsectirig 'street~~ 'shal1be governed by the height regulations provided for the

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Page 6: 1916 Zoning Resolution - New YorkThe Web version of the 1916 Zoning Resolution is provided for reference and the co\ nvenience of having the Resolution in a computer-readable format

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~~- I~= ~ .. \ ' . . '. . ~' " . oiI 'anY"giYel).street.benot greater than.:60 per ,·ceht ·~f.'the lengtb" of ~sucli \ stt~eC " -., .-' - ...... , .~~-~-:;".:~.>; .. '. ' :7 ' ' . . . f;~n~ge .'cif~~ s~~hpart o'f the ~ui1ding. Such: frontage lebgth , ofsllch .stDrchU-e ::1t

';:"' ', ;'arlYigtveri:'level shall 1!e.!ie(:reased by an amoont e!1ual, ·toone . pet:. cen(o£'sucl\.· street · .~ .. ' ',;froll~geo(s~cb~art :offue ' building-'for every foot . such "level is above s~clllieiglit : ~. ; lirnii If -'tlierear~morethan ~mesuclistructures, their a~gregate frontage shaUti0t ~i '-·-'- · '''·-excee!1the#9ntagelength .abov~permitted~ aLany'gixell" JeYe1; .:. '. .:......

, .' ~,!.: . . ' . Cd) . ,1fthearea of thebuirdiriif is reduced so that ' aboy,¢ a givenlevcl it covers ~i " iidhe~aiifegat~·Mt; more. than: 25.per :cencuf the area ofthe.lot"thebuildfng abqve .. 'i1 - ' :~iiY~lLkvebhaU ·be~ ex~ted ~from . tl}e f!:lregoing pr.ovisions of tills article~';' SuChpor- . ' ~ .

~. __ -"-.~ ...... 5' .. . .. tion Of ·iliebtiilditig;-may~e . t;!~cte~J~~~i!§'~~~~1>!,ov:~ae"'atliarThe-:i:1i9mic~:V{1iiClFit · -"--· ~" . ... _ . ... ,,-- '-- " '- J'~ '" '~ . 'setS . hack . frointhe street line on. each streetonwhi~lCit --£aces;" plus"'half--o{ -the - ~\J

- _ .... _._ -. _. - - ( .:"- c-:-:- -' .- " -width .i.oHhe-~tree~: equals .atJeast 75 feet. But ,:£6r. 'each one . l>er cent · of ' the · width d; . -_ . .....;.,-. ' ~o-f..c~e-loH>~tr.eetJine .tl1.!J,tJ;uch street wall is less iIi lerigtlrthan,-such width 'of i£\ . - ' . the·.l~~,such. w.a1t ;lI'!ay be erected f~ur inches nearer t~ the street line:--·- -- -... ----~ ... --.. ._,.- .. _ ,-._---.... -.~ -li . .. .. Ce) When at the time~ plans are filed for the erection of a building there ar~ ;'I' bUildingS-in excess oithe height limits herein provided within 50 feet of either end ! : ofiliestieettront3ge " ~f the: pro~osed building or diredlyopposite sucf .buildi~g

........ - j' --- - aeress--'the-street;.:...the,.:htight to which the street wall of the proposed buddmg may !:., " :' ~ .. '. ~ ,..ris"¢·sna!l :!Je-}~cr~~d~ ~y ~n; amount" not ~eai~r 'ilia-n ~ tne average ""execs's height· of ·the . -. ' . _ . . walls on tlte street lufe wlthm 50 feet of either end of the .street frontage of the pro-L. ___ .... , . '. ~."""pose(r1itifldiiig-"and atrlgbtanglesto ~e ·street 'frontageoithe proposed building on ~ , ' . ..... " ;::iliiopposite Sid~of thestteet -Theaverilgealihount of 'such excess height shall be l· . '. >, - . " . : coPtP'I,1~~~JY;'ll.1ding. togethe(the ',excess heights : a~ove the . presc~if~~}e~~~ l!~it .f.~r . . L .' "thestreet.,fronfage· mquestton .of'all of the wa1lsonthe street lme Of tne buildmgs .

. ' arid 'parts·;·ofbuild.lli'gswithin .theabove defined frontage . and di';"idih-g the' sum by the · ' totaltJutnberof buildingui:nd . vaeant plots within such frontage. .

"": - .


.. , ' (£j. Nothfng·itl this arti~lesh~l1 :prevent the projection of a cornice beyond the . - '; ; street . w~l1 ·to an' extent not _exceeding · · :fi'v~ .:. per '· cent. · :'o~ ·:· the width .of the sfreet~ .nor

. .. ~oi:e than fiye. feet . in any caSe; ' N otbing iti this article shall prev~nt the erection . ·.above the' heighHiPlit of' a ,parapet:~\YaUQrcorIiice sole1y ,lor ornament and without

-~' . '- :-'· \vlifdQws:~extenaing'abovesuchheight1i11lit . not . more than fivep~rcent.o( such - .' . . height ':1imit; but such ;paI'apet · wall or cornice may' fit any'case b~' aC1(~a~tfiveand

one-half f.eethlghabove such height lillJit. - . . . _~ I : . . .. ';. .• .

. . ..... (g) The.proyisions of .t4is oirtlcle shall not apply to the erection of church spires, -belfries;i:himit¢Yk !iues.Or. gas.:'1Loi<!ers. .. ..... '. .. .. . . . . . ' . . . . . (h) Wliere not more thlln 5(}feet of a street frontage wouJd QtnerwJs.e be sub, 'jetted to'aJieight limit . lo;werthan-t~atallowed . immetliately beyondhoth ends of ~uchfrontllge, the height lirrut .onsuch ·frolitagesha1l be equal to the lesser of such g-reater'.heightlimits . .. - . .... . ' . . .. - (i) "'If-;m:~~.cli!~~nai :s\qc:'r"Cst-o~e~l'~ a~ded to ' ~ . bui~~lng .. exi.s.ting .at .the..time of the pass~ge of ·thlS. resolution, the' eXI$t1ng walls of · which · are In excess of the

. ___ ~ c. · heightliniits · prescribed" in c tJ:ii!vart-ic1~, - the. heightlimits,jor, such additional . story or


h~=':::~:::::::===:::;:: !it· 61'~ilalbb~MJ1Ute'<kf~4ie:.teil:)£)£ · th0ug10he.:la.tte~. ' - ~\"" --'''''''' ''""7"'''''''~il'':=::;:~ .. .. ) ~ . ,' ~ot inex~ess 'of th~ ' pres~rihed height;1imitsand . th~ · carryij1g\1P . of~xisting 'ele~at~r .

~' -'--:-:-"""'-7'and stair en~losu~es ' sh,allbTeien;pt6tffro:m-th~T:oYi:sron¥ot-tnfS' ·article. .- - -" . - --. _ . . . . __ .. __ .. __ .. _ .


. . :, ';: ... c. ~" ' " . . . . ,~'l"IcLE JY,..-:..AltEA DXSl"RICTS

§ 10; >Area Districts. · For the ' purpost:: of . regtllati,ng and determining the area ~-... of· ~:yards" c~urts , ai1d other open. spaces fo~ buildings 'hereafter erected, the City of

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Page 7: 1916 Zoning Resolution - New YorkThe Web version of the 1916 Zoning Resolution is provided for reference and the co\ nvenience of having the Resolution in a computer-readable format


New 'io~k is 'hereby di~j~ed into: five c1assesofaieadis~d;s:A.:B,·C.DandE';· l\S'.~hawn ol1, dIstrict map' which 'accompanies~this 'resolution:and~;he;eby' :de~ared' 'til ,be, p3.rthereof. The area distriCts~esignattid on said, 'map 'are hereby' e$ta.blished~ 'Thc'irea "'district map". designations 'and ~·fuap. 'desigliitioIl: :nueSc.which

, , acCotnpanysaid, ar~ district :map" are herebyd,~aied to ,;be a part titer~f;". No, build'­~ni~ij'r:part of a ,building shall be erected 'eXcept fu 'conformitY', with. tberegula.tions­nerein prescrib~dfor the, area, district in which such btiilding"is located. Unless'other­wiSe e:x:pressly ;pFovided~the ternl rear yard, side ya~d. outer' ~ourt or inne~ cCturt when used in. this article shall be det:,llled'to refer only, to a rear yard, side yard. '.~ui~~~'!rtor, inner:'coui:t ,r:equir:ed by thls article .. _N,o lo~ areashaU be so red, ~,:~ced~y/ , or: dlmmishedtbat .the yards, courts or' open spaces shall be smaller: than presC11bC~ ,

.::B' , in this article,~· .' ,', . '., . ~,,' ,.'

==;-tt~~~ --::=~t;~~:L!,"l'!-!!'~~o£:;'1£~i~lirh'~~:~:;J~~t.~)9.·. , '§ 12. 'h,8 Districts. In a Bdistrict a rear YiU'd_llt any. given height"shalt b.e a~

least two inches in least dimension {pr each one foot of such height. The depth ofa ' _rear.sat:dJIti~.1,~'!.es~vel s~~!1 be-at least 10 per: cent. of th~deptb of tbeJot, ~ut , need not' exceed 10 feet at such lever'--~AiC6ftter--court-or-a~llide~jard'at-any-given~'"

height shalMie at least ,orteinch in least dimension' for each one foot of' suCh height. An , ,o.uter court ,at'iny given point shall be at least one'anlf'one-half inches inleastdimen­

sien for each one foot of length. But for each one foot· that an' outer colirt at any -~-~,-~~' - --".. , .. ' .. cgivetf:height;wouldru~der~the>·aoovec>rules" be wid~r in its least dimension for such '

height thantheminitnuni required by its lengtli, one inch shall oe deducted fromthe requiredJeast dimension for such height for ~ach 24 feet ofsuchJeigh.t. A sideyareJ torjf$"reng;.h within 50 feet of the street may for the purp'oses of the above rule ~

, considered an out~r~ourt., .,' , ,

__ t'-'o

--'> .. >§ ~'3~"CQistricts.-(a)' "In:d:-distrlcf~"'rear"jafdaf~ailyg1vefi1feight'shallbe 'at least three in,-chesin least dimension for each one foot of sucl1 height. The depth of a rear yard afits 10we~tjcwel shall .be at least 10 per cent. of the depth of"the lot but '~eednotexceed 10 'feet a~ stith level. .. An 'Quter court or: a side yard at any given

height. shall be at :least one and one-half inches in least dimension for: each one fetot ofsuCliheighti Ariouter court at al1Y givl;n . point shall be atleasrone and one-half inches in leasLdinlens.iou_ for: ,each one foot· of·length. On a lot not more than 30 feeUn rileru; width an outer coUrt or aside yard at any given height sh~il be not

"IesS:tha.norie·in~n:-inleailtdiri:iensiOIfforeachone foot 'of, such height, . ~hd:an inner c~' an,y given height shall :beeither (1) not less thantwo)nches·in:"least dimen­sionfor . each one·footo! s1.Jch heighf.or (2) it shall be of an equivalent area as hereiiniItercspeCi~ea->in paragraph c of section 17. ' " "

- --:=- (b)~f£fiie-owner: ctr owners 'of any part· of a Cdistrictset .aside:pe~etu~lI; .... _ . ...lru:...the' joint recreational use of the. residents oflluch parf designated by'them, an .

area' at least ~quai''''to~iO-~per cent. oithe area of such part in addition to alI yar!i ,and\coJirt requirements Jor:~a B ,.d,istrict, suCh part shall· be su))j ecU6 the reglltatipns :::.hereiri·presc~ibed fora B 4istdct;"Suchjbint"recr.eationali.:gpace shall ~composed:,of

dn.e' or more'tracts, each of whiCh .. shall ~.aHeast~4~et-in='leastcdimension.aM~, '.... " ,'t5;OOO: square'feetin'al'~ao·andshall·.be.appro:v:ed.'b~_tlle ,.BoarcLQLA.Ppeals,asiu.itallk..'

~~='t:' :;;.·.-=:.:z:.:c '~.=::i-=?::,> .... ~~~oi.Ilttecrellti~nal'use of such' residents~

-,-,-,-----'-- ·· .... :--"C§::..14.' :I!·[email protected].{a:f=ln=a:Ddistrictarear·YM!Lafartygwen,1ielg1inl1:mw= at least fQur inchesin least dimenslonTor each one footofsuch heigpt. The depth of 'a rear~id.:at.iti:lowest..Ievilshall be at least 10 per cent.otthe depth oUhe-lot, but nee(fnotex~eed 10 feet at suchlevel.-If a building ina D'distritt islpeate41n a residence district as designated on> the use district map. the depth of a rear yard . .-~ ,~,


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Page 8: 1916 Zoning Resolution - New YorkThe Web version of the 1916 Zoning Resolution is provided for reference and the co\ nvenience of having the Resolution in a computer-readable format

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, pefc~ntag~ , '. •. o(the area ot any corner 10Un excess of ' $,000 square· feet shall be consider~a: an interior Jot .' . . ' . . ' ' . . .

:" . {ciF lic:ilie: owner-o~~wn;rs of any part, of a D district setaside<perpetually . for ' the . jojni"'~eCreatibnaluse of the residimts ;of,,'such part designated by. them: an

. ar~i ,;it: 'least~qiIal 'tolOpercerit, 'ofthe area of s.uch part in ·.addition to all yard :lnd ... ,-~--.-' ·~ ·"~-"''''',;:cmlt.t' re'4uirenients f(:ii' a CdistrIct, such partshal!be subject to the reguhitions herein

. . , · · pfes~ribid'forat· disi:riet.·. Such'.J,olnt, recreational- space sha1.1 be 'composed of one or .. ' .... . . more tracts;' e~ch of'" . shall be at least4UTe'et in least dimension and 5;000' square

recreational Its~ofsuch resid~nts . . ;~ J is: .;~ E'Distr~s~. (a) In anE-district a rear yard .at any given height ,~hall be'iit 'leasf five '-mche'dn least diine'rt-slon for each one foot of such height. The depth of a: rcaryardat its lowest level shaILhe:.atJ~ast 15 -per .ce!).t. oUhe depth .of the lot, but need not. exceed IS'feet atsucli levei. ·!fa building in an Edistrict is located in' a' t:esidenoe 'distdtJ, as de~igna.tedon the use district map, the :depth of a rear yard at

. \'itslovies'tleveishaiLbe "atieast 2S pei"cent.o.f ' the . depth of. the lot, but need: I.!ot " " ~eX:ce1f:&25"feet-'at: su'cn·leve!;· .. H 6.w:ever, for each one foot: in excess of 10 feet of the

.. Le _. __ :~~ti{: ?X~~~reai':ya,rdatitS ·16:westlevel ·th~~~ ~aybe. substituted one foot of . depth .. Of unoccupied;.space -a:(;i:ossthe' whole width . of theAront of the lot at the curb ,level

- ~ iietWeen thestI-eet line and the street wall ' of .the building~ In an Edistrict6n at li asf oueside of every building'.locatedviffuiIi · a' reside~cedistrict there shall be a

-" ',,:"


side ' '. . • the. sicjdQt 1jjJe ;forthe. :·ful1d~Pth ofipe .lot or back to the rear .1:ard . . ':In.::lii E districtanouter<:o~r; ..,.ot .: s,lde yarc!.'tat" anygivertheight"'shan ... -btl,,~ -,_ two ,nd. oll~-half in~hc:~in 'least :inme!jsion f~r' each one foot of such ' height .

. ' . . more ,than 50· ' in mean width lLn out,ercotirfi:ir.l1' side yar:d at any . . . One foot ,of. such

.. l"""'.·" ..... ".".l~." , at.Jeas.t .j;WQ . and ' one-half' inches -'::::-" .:>i ';';::i ·:''',P1,;;-.'=tO·'

aii"E"'Q;~tlriC't ·-r:to-buildlinlg . loca~ed,~~~esidenc·e district as desiinated 'at the curb level niore."TIiaic'5tl- pert:ent;-o f- the

. . _ah.QY~i(J~.Y~I·ls... _ . feet ..' .. ' ., .no'. ' ., · OCcCupy· m6r~' t11art30.:per cc:itk of the area of the · lot; if an interior-lot; or. 40 "ller'cent: if' a cornet 'lg!. In- cpmptlting-such.....Per.centage_._ -=- __ .,. , , ,any part of the area of any corner lot in excess of "S,OOO' square feet shall be tim-sidered 'an interlor 'lot.

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Page 9: 1916 Zoning Resolution - New YorkThe Web version of the 1916 Zoning Resolution is provided for reference and the co\ nvenience of having the Resolution in a computer-readable format

or maya' rear 'yard provided they ,do . not . feet in area in the aggregate and do not obstruct ventilation. -

• Adistric':ts, where building on an interior lQt betWeenlots for the block fr:Om- street' to,.street or to

each side lot linc{'abovethe sill in any case above 'a level 23 'feet abqve the

a at least equivalcut'ilreaat anY'given height'to that teqtiinid f01

court . atsuch~eightal1d hiviiIg~ leaSt.dimension :n.otJess.than . thatrequirec. anoutel''C-otirtcattlreS;ftni.~helght; .. ..' '

,.~-,(,e),Wbeni.proJl~~~ b~ildingjson a"lot'wJpch is backio back'with a.lot or lot& on which a.buHding'orbuliaftigs having-rear yarCls:ks(in depth than would be 'ieqiiired~iitide'r-flils~artitte;the 'depth of the rear yard of the. proposed, building' shall not be required to be greater 'at anygiv~4e'Vel than the averagedepth()£.the rear

,ya},"dSdirectiY'back .to back· with, it· at 'such ~; but in no 'c:(se' sli~Il·.thedepth 'of' such rearyat;'d be"less at any height than' the least dimeasion phiscribed for an outer cortrtatsuclt"heigJit' . .. " ,

§ 17. Courts. (a) If a room' in' which persons live,' sleep, wOfk:or. con~ gregate receives,~its light and air in'whole,M ,in part Gtrc#ly {roman opep. ~Ilace' on' the ~me lot with the· buildi!lg, there shall be at least one ' inner cQutt, 9utercour;t,' side yard or, rear yard upon which. ~; window or, ventilating skyligll£ op'en~ from such room, . Such inn\'!r;~urt,outer ,court ot sideyardshaU, Qe at least, of the ar!!aand dimensionsberem prescribed for the areadistiictin: wlikh.ittslocatild. '$udl,rear

....:..-'yard:sh~ll"be 'at·lea~t. of the area,~nddimetlsions her~in prescribed for' ad inner, court i;1:th¢ area'distriCt in which it. is located •. · In an.A district, such . itiner, court~ outer court:; side 'yard or rear yard shall be at least of the area and dimensions herein

.:...:.::p.f.esc;iQed~;f6r=:a~ci:~t'fi't1n.suth'4t~!ric!.=-~The-unoccupi~: space within' the lot 'in front, 'of:every p~rt:orst:ch wiudowshall bem~tle-s$ti1anthre.e,'feet, measured at right . ' angk$,:'the-reto'. Courts, ya~dsarid other open .' spaces, ,if, pro:vi!ied fln :addition to. those

required "by this section;: need nQtbeof the area and ,dim~nsionsherein prescribed. , The provisions'of-:tltissection shalt hot he deemed to apply to courts' or'shaJts for . bathrooms" 'foilef'compartnients;bilflwaysC' o-r-staji'Ways~--'~~"H"t' 're--

(b) the least'dimension oL,an outer· court, inl1er courtior side .·yardat its lowest IeyeLshallbe nodessJban,,'!Q1!r!(!et, ~xcePt t~?t wherei.t~'"watl~ boullding aside ,yard. within' the . lot are .' not more than'Z5 feefln ~eight-alJ.u·:not 'more than 40. feet in 'lengt~",:s.t!Chcleast--:4i~~i6.!li ~1Cce.;e.tillall~, 'dist~i£tipiay cbe 'not l~~s"c-'- ,

, . three • feet. Wher,e'a~y-otlter-court-opens-{)fr..a-street,stlC@str€et--tllay~nsid", _ ~ '_p~rt of ;.such court.' ,',

Page 10: 1916 Zoning Resolution - New YorkThe Web version of the 1916 Zoning Resolution is provided for reference and the co\ nvenience of having the Resolution in a computer-readable format

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. _ ___ _ _ ___ ' . __ . _ _ _ " , ~ _ _ ",,_,o. _ •. __ ,. _ .,-_ • .. , ___ .~_.~-, __ , ~ _

2:., ,·::-:;t;:;);:>t"::.':'';'''-:;'-<'·'II!C.,!:.~:~,,"' i:i~·::;'' >~~:':'::;:':"~~::;:.:.:.};.~:8:~rr;.rr~~:i ':~'~f..':.7.t~B~~~~:~~~:~.~.~~.,:~'~~o.: ·c;;;;'.:..; . '

· ,_ :,: . :' ,.' ... . . ' .. ' - frj)tft:#J.~}s~~et; ~ne' square :foot may :be: dedii~ed · fi·om . the reQ!1ired ' areao(the' inuer ~ttf'=;~ ~:7;-'-" - ' ~'; ~ ', cq~tt~:fQt~~etc;h , lS"Jeet-or Jl~i.ght : cif ' su~~ft.,,;-:-lf---~he --lot.. is-' not 'fequired_;)~gder ~i~ '. ~1 L ;:; . c: • " ;': ; ~resoluti9i(to ' haveareaf': Yai'd"ano!1ter c6.lirl~ 7pat 'oPCJ1ipg' ()il a*eet, shaU:open - ...

~!L .·.··· ...... ~Ee:r=.;~~'~:':;;;~:.,::h::n:r,2~~~:- ,'-- __ j.' . . '=;= ~ ~? i ~---·at-atIy~~en-tevef·~hal{-4)e:-oJ.)en"::k~m--suph--!c¥-el.,\lcte_di;,~~.ptJ.. _. _ ___ ~_._.;.._____". _. __ _

ti , . , - fo( the ordinary projections o~ skYlights and pal1lpets above tlie bottom· of :sit~J .' , 7 -----··---------- . ··I '. - . ,--,---:-coii~eep~fof--;tb~.ordinary.c1>-®j~jQJ;l~~~.~~~~_~i~~~! ~el~ ~~~~~~!.. - -.'

...... . : h ~. " cornices: ~d.: othe~ . 9mamental: ~ feattires 1:9 ~the ·~extent"' -of ·not _ more-ilia'n ,.: four inaies.~ " -~ " ' _ ' 0 > • •

~H Ho\Ve~er;..:whe~ea.,S\Q$!yardorano~t~r :court'Opens . ~n a street a cornicemay-projeCf. , '~H _ no.f~oye~r nve. feet into' such sidl: yard or outer cou~ within five .' feet of the street .' 1;1 . , . - ' < - . waUofthe· b~~~g. . . ' . '. . .- _ . ' . . . . . . __ ._._____ ~t .. ' .' '.- .... ' . : {b) ' Anopenor lattice enclosed Iron . fire .escape, ,Jfireproof . outside stairway or

-.~ .;.. .--·-~-~-~'·~---- s.OJia~fl.Qorea'J>a1C?py{5a· ;fife! to\ver~ -m~rprOj~ct,not':more ,than .. .four .feet .into. a·. reai'_ ~~_'-- -, :~:. )'<!r<l:< inrtel" _coutl,~JCcept thai' ~nopen : Of_ lattice enclQsed ironfjreescape may .

· ~, ; . ·\-1 :·--- - - - -~, -~~~~e~otiI~~c:p;t:in~~:~~£;:~~~~. ~/~~::r~::~~\t~~i:~e:n:::t~ourt whenlt .

H -" ,~ (c) · ' Ac6rner. __ ofa cour.toIYllrd ,may be cut off :between walls of the same ~r :·- . .::;-- buirdiij'g~~io-V~~~d· tlfat the tength()f-th~walt-of -sUch-c~~off~doesnot :exc$ed~seven-- feet •. -~J . '. - Cd)':' A·~' ?ffsetto ltcourtpr yard-may; '~e consldered asa part of suchco~ ' ~" )" ~ . ' ,,, .<f-:pro\itl-edthllUUs no deeper in any part. thanit ' is wide on the open side

~--~ ~. ' - , ~: -andthitt such~op~n-Sidebe.--dn:no~ea$des-S.than;,~ix--~feetwide;· " ' . . Si .... -,;(~) 1£ ~ building is en:cted ·on:the sameJ.Qt .with another building the several

_310' buildirigs: shi1ll, for the purposes of this article, be considered as a single building,

~ .." .. ".' ie 'ADystructure, whether in<kpenclent 0'£ Of attached to a-building, shall for .the purposes , " . of tliis, artic1e·be' deeh-Ied;l buildjDgor' apart o( a building; ..... ---:· .... ' . )' . (0 If.a.riadilitional story :or • stories are added: toa building existing at the ~ " -;-:' . ..:. timeoiJhe'passage,ofthis resbtuHon, tiIecoqrtS ati.<:tya~~:t-Whiclt-do . not- conform

. .-......;.." ~ . . .' t<)' tlie:requirements ,:of this article, the least dimensi6ns of yards and courts ~haH

··· ·---"--- 1?e : i!rc.r.eas~d{fom.: .1:ll~. iQ'p .. i!theexistiilg . yard ·or court-walls; as though they .. were ' of$e~ I>fescrih'e.ddi~ensioris at . suCh' heights and the carrying up. of existit)S"devator and stair .enclosur:s ~hal1 . be . exemptetrfroftf··theptovisi6nsof this art{cle:~ ' .


· , ~" . - .§19;...., lnterpr~tation; P(Jrpose. In interpreting: .. and' _ applying the . prOVISion'S · • ~. . :- of this re,solution. they shalt b~ hel~ to be-.the minimum 'r~quirements adopted for the

· ~ __ ~:"'~~. __ 1"'mo'!= .of ,h, publi< hoat'h,. "fety, ,0mf0S', <on"n;,n« and .'n .... 1 welfa~e_ ~t - , -- . lS"'ttoHtrtended-by--thls---resolUtion-to--l'epeal, .abrqgate,<annuLor_lll-ai'l¥- wa¥ .... :~ , - "" ~ . , . or: !nterfere· witlr-apy--existing;-PFovision- oL law or. ordiJl.i.ln~e. or any rules, reg-

· " ulations \)1" per:mits ,pt.eviously.·adopted . oI-issued or ' which "shall -b~ -adopted or. isslled::-- - .. - - ---. ; -.:';/~,· _ -;pursuantto <lil'wrela~ng .to the useof-:buiidings':'oEpr.cinises~_~<»:~is_it.inteud~d. by_thi~_ _ .

,," resolutIOn :to; inf~broga~nuULany easements, covenants or other , . ..... . -'-:--~ . . _ . . :. ·agre~-eiiis ·· betWeen:15arties ; .. l>toYided.::"hoWe;~. tha,t. .this. rewrirtion imposes-a -. -· --- - -.,,- -----:·- ---:-gteati:r; mt-ri:~orr,th~se--:o£.::-buildingLor.j)X'.emis~s_ QLi!PO;} height . of buildings

or requires lil~ ·yaTds. courts . ~r o~her open spaces .than al"e i;npos~d: orteqwre(rby . , , . ---- - - - ------ .

. . '

, .

Page 11: 1916 Zoning Resolution - New YorkThe Web version of the 1916 Zoning Resolution is provided for reference and the co\ nvenience of having the Resolution in a computer-readable format


suCh eXisf'h,g provision of law or ordinance or by such .rules,.regulations. orpertlli~ ot' by such' easements, covenants or agreementsv:the provisions of· this 'resolution shall control. .' . .' .


§ 20:' ~ules and ~eguiatioDs; Modifications of PrOvisions.' .The ,Board' of­Standards and Appeals, created by chapter 5030f·the~s .of .191.($, snaIl adopt from time to time-such ruies anaregulations~:as tli-ey may'dee~ necessary to' q.rry into'eff!!ct the provisions of this r~solution. Where there ate 'practical'd~~iculties or unne'cessary hardships in the way of carrying out the .strict letter-' of- the provisions of ' this resolution the Board of Appeals shall have power in a '~pecific case to vary 'any such provision in harmony with its general purpose and intent, so that the. p'ublic hea1th, safe'ii'and general welfare maybe secured and substaiitialjustice:d611e;':W;here

. the' street layout actually on the ground varies ·from the .str.eet .layout as shown on

-- -- '~

~'~-'~-+-";;'4""''':''~ _ ~~ _ ... ~he .~e, heigEt or ~~~4.!stri.s:!~~PL.~<:.~.e~i~ti0l! shown on the mapped streeUhalI ' be applied by the Board of Appeals to the unm'Ulped'street5 JD suCh-a'w'<iyas-fo'c<lrry --...... -.- ... -

.' out the intent and purpose of the plan for' the particular section . in question. Before


· .. ······_···tatan:g·-any..c·a'ttion·authorized in this sectionthe-.Board of Appeals.shallgive, public notice and hearing.

§ '2[: Unla\Vj'ul Use; Certificate of Occupam:y. It shall be unlawful to use or permit the use 'of any building or premises or part thereof hereafter created, erected,

-' changed or converted whollyorpartiy in its use or structure uPtil a' certificate of occu­'pancyi'o the effect that the building or premises .or the part thereof so cre~ted, erected, changed or converted and the proposed. use thereof conform to the provisions of' this resolution sha11 have been issued by the superintend~t of buildings ot the borough in

. which such building or premises is.jocated, or, in the case 'of a te~ement house as de­fined in the Tenement House Law, by the tenement house commissioner" Tn the case of such buildings or premises it shall be. the duty of the superintendent· of buildings or

-_. ~_ -the tenement house commissioner, as the case-may' be, to issue a certificate of occupancy within ten days after. a'request for the same shall be filed in his office by any owner

.-orlio1.iildingor premisesaffected-by-:thi$res~lutioni-providedsaldbuilding or. prem­ises,cr th.e part thereof so created, erectea, changed dr converted, and the proposed use thereof, conforms with'alI the requirements herein set forth .. ·Under:rules and regula­

{ tions of the Board of Standards and Appeals a tempQra.ry cert~ncate.< of occupancy for a pah of ",a blIilding may be'lssued"hYJhe.supermtimdenLO{ buildings ·or the tenement hoUse commissio.lli! rn~Y b.e. Upon written x:.equest from the owner, the superintendent o£.buildings or the-tenement hduse commis~ioner,.as the case may be, sh;;tll·issueacertificate of occupancy for. any building. or"premises existing at the time o( the passage. ofthjs resolution- certifying after inspection the· us~ of. the building qr prcn:!lSes;and. whether such use cOl].forms to the provisioni'Of thisresoliI1ion.

1 2? Enforc~ent .. LegatProcedure, Penalties~ This'resolution shaU'-be en­ the .teJ:!..eruent. house com~~sjo!ler, the fire .commission~r.and .by the super­intendent of buildings in each borough un!ier the rules and regulations of the Board of

"'. St~naardS~ and Appeals. The tenement ho~se: co~missioner ~hall enforce the provi~ sions nerein contained in so far as they affect or relate to tenement houses as defined b,Sr-the Tertemettt House Law,. Thesupednt€;nd~firof'buildings shall in' each bqrough

··cc . :'enI-orce,the·provisions.herein contained. in JloJar they':'relat~.1~Ql!i1<!i.!l'gs. or 'prem-. ises otner than tenement houses .. The fire commissioner shaU-enf6rce''1he pro~fsjons

---'::::::-nereln contained -in ;so far as 'they relate to~the use of completed buildings or: prem­. - - - - ' .. _. -. iseSj=ol"'1>ar.t~ereof,other-than tenement house·s. For a1:lY and every vi~latio~ of the

.. ' ...:=_. __ PLovi~_qLt~uti2.I!::...()!:-o£....I:I1~.rules and_ ngulati0r;.La1opted th.ereu~.'!er '. the owner, general agent ,01";"O'ntral;.t"I"'~~"f1l"-buUdittg;,,,or p'femise's where such violaflon has-been:c..omtnittedor shalLexisl:,_ and' the lessee 6~' fenalJt of an entire'buildiIlg or entite premises where such violation nas been committed or shall exist, and fpe

.... '



Page 12: 1916 Zoning Resolution - New YorkThe Web version of the 1916 Zoning Resolution is provided for reference and the co\ nvenience of having the Resolution in a computer-readable format

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· ~I i.t .. .. . -,ti6n,~!~.t~"tk.":ti,; a?dh~a;m;;, amond,m»!,",,"'o, <hang,th,; ... I,tion, • ~. ~! .: ' ·. \;illt;:~~~~~r::r:::;'~:b::~~::::; ::rt;:::;:t0~;~J::n c:~~:i:':?::;'-'-- '-"-';-- ' -"\~"~::- '

' .~~; "-, ... ackD.QlViedged-c~the~Board-of ·-Estimate-'anct:-Apporti~~encrequesting'- an';" ~mend- . , ' --~--4.f~~--. - '---, --m~nt,', ~supprem~nt, ,'change or repeal of the regulations prescribed for such district

ti '.", - - ~-- . , .'~ -. ' . _ - - • i'i:"" , 'oj:' p;Ui. thereof, it ,shall be t11edutyof theBoard to vote .ur>Qtl said {Ietition withm

___ ---if;;·;a . ~~~f,~fter.~~~~ng .. of 'thna1neQy-th~' peti~io~eis:witIiTiie "se~etiUj o(tIie' 'Board: . t'> ,:If,l1oWevet;a.,: protest .againstsuch amend!p~nt, supplement or change De presented, ~i " ·~-' ·- duly .~ig!iedanclaCkrioWle4gedby the ' ownerso~ 207 .per cent or more of any.£ront-f. . ' ~<- . ~ a~e~ptQP9:;eitoJ?e: a1t~rea; or by. theowne'rso[20 :percent. ,of. the f{ontage immediately . f, '_ ~':.incihe.r~ar~1:he~ot;=or- by ,the . owners 9f 20,per cent. of ihefrontage . diredly 'opposite

~-c;' ,the ,iront;igc,proposeA-:to be altered, such .. amendment shall nbtbe ' passed eXGept . by · ·;~-=-iiiia~imous. 'vote~of:the 13oard. If any area is hereafter transferred to another

" --distiict';by~ a .~~ang~ in ·. disfrift!ic?l!l1~z:leS . 'by. an , am~ndrilent";1s above ' provided, the · px:ovis~oflS, ,~t;-~~is;. !:esolution, In':,regllrd ,to ,!->iiilciings or premises existing at the tirOe

& -l·g·,7--'- '-"-

J '. ~ . ~. . ~.' of.W~Pa~s~ge"()ftliiS--r~~tolu~ioll shall a:pply , to.l:i~i19,ings 'or premises existing at the

-' ---'-'~--,->l' ;.-_~-_,...._---".imLO..Lp..aSs:aie;..,QLs~~a:nientin ' such .transferredarea; ~ . . , .'~ ' ,§ 24; ·;~.C6tiaPled()Il~~d Re,;iioiitfon:' ot;" Exiiflng :~B~iidi~;;'-Z::) N~ili;g-h~~ei~-


, 1

contailled ::sljati , require any', cbange iii tbeplalls, cOrt;;truction or desigrtated use of abuilding ' for 'which; a.;building. ·pei:mit;:.b!!L:.~~n heretofore issued, or plans

' foI"whiclr are ' on file with-the buildfng, 'superintendent; or with tlietenement house ' departitien~ -ittlie time of the passage of this resolution, and a permit for the ·erection';ofwnichisissued wlthini; three months ofthd passage of this . resolution '

"~aii(i::-th'~} 'c;ll"~tructi~n ~fwhich, · in either 'case, sh~ll have' been diligently prosecuted ' viitllift: i -ylar dtthedate ol lsuch pepnit,' and the .. ground. story fram~workof ..!.wnicll, 7ittctuding the - second: ti«of-b~ams .. ·· snaU 'hiiv e" -heen ··completed'·;'within "5uch · ,year; ,~d · which :entire building · shall be' ' con;ipl~ted according ;-td such plans. as filed . . w.lihin' ~v¢' j~rs. irolll--the date : o£the 'pas~~ge of this .resolution. ~ .

~ .. ' (b } ;Notllini;. in .this resohitlorphal1 prevent ; ;the.I.~storation· of a building 'whoily o'rpartly'<iestrQyedby fire, . explosion, ,act of Goa or a~t ,of . the ' public enelllY or · pre,":

· ·Yetltc·thl!-'-c~ntinuance of the use oistlch, building or partthereof as stich use-~xisted at :the{ii'rieOf ' s~ch destruction of ~uch; building or part thereof or prevent a 'change

'of ' sucli-,existinguse utlde'r the limjtations provided "iii-Section 6. Nothing .in this H i:esolution :shalf-l>reveilftfie~rest()ratio'nc{)f.a .wal1-d~lared- unsafe. by the_superintendent

·--··of buildings 'or .by a ' ~ard of survey. .

§ 25.- WheitEfficti~e. This resolution: shall take effect immedi~tely. - --_._- --... '---_ .. ----,

\, -';".

~ :;~-~~~;~~~~~4-~~.~ : :: ~:.r.~-y~.~~~~~~:~.; ••. ,~~~.~.+-~~~~~~~."'~~ .. ;~ .... _.~._~~~>:-~---:"..' .

.~ .. ". :'

~' .

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