Page 1: 17.2 Notes: The Axis Advances. Describe how the Axis powers came to control much of Europe, but failed to conquer Britain. Summarize Germany’s invasion

17.2 Notes: The Axis Advances17.2 Notes: The Axis Advances

Page 2: 17.2 Notes: The Axis Advances. Describe how the Axis powers came to control much of Europe, but failed to conquer Britain. Summarize Germany’s invasion

• Describe how the Axis powers came to control much of Europe, but failed to conquer Britain.

• Summarize Germany’s invasion of the Soviet Union.

• Understand the horror of the genocide the Nazis committed.

• Describe the role of the United States before and after joining World War II.



Page 3: 17.2 Notes: The Axis Advances. Describe how the Axis powers came to control much of Europe, but failed to conquer Britain. Summarize Germany’s invasion

The German air force, the Luftwaffe, bombed airfields, factories, and cities in Poland. Then, fast-moving tanks and troops pushed their way in from the west.

Meanwhile, Stalin’s forces invaded Poland from the east. Within a month, Poland ceased to exist.

Hitler used the tactic of blitzkrieg, or “lightning war,” to overrun much of Europe, starting with Poland.


Page 4: 17.2 Notes: The Axis Advances. Describe how the Axis powers came to control much of Europe, but failed to conquer Britain. Summarize Germany’s invasion

British vessels crossed the English Channel and ferried more than 300,000 British troops to safety.

Next, German troops poured into France, trapping the retreating British forces at Dunkirk.

Hitler waited out the winter. Then, in the spring of 1940, German forces overran Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Belgium.


Page 5: 17.2 Notes: The Axis Advances. Describe how the Axis powers came to control much of Europe, but failed to conquer Britain. Summarize Germany’s invasion
Page 6: 17.2 Notes: The Axis Advances. Describe how the Axis powers came to control much of Europe, but failed to conquer Britain. Summarize Germany’s invasion

• German forces headed to Paris. With Italy attacking from the south, France was forced to surrender in June 1940.

• Germany occupied northern France and set up a puppet government at Vichy in southern France.

Germany continued to attack Western Europe.


Page 7: 17.2 Notes: The Axis Advances. Describe how the Axis powers came to control much of Europe, but failed to conquer Britain. Summarize Germany’s invasion

• Next Hitler set his sights on Britain, calling this planned invasion “Operation Sea Lion.”

• In September of 1940, the Luftwaffe began 57 straight nights of showering high explosives and firebombs on London.


Page 8: 17.2 Notes: The Axis Advances. Describe how the Axis powers came to control much of Europe, but failed to conquer Britain. Summarize Germany’s invasion

• Citizens carried on with their daily lives, seeking protection in shelters and subways.

• The Luftwaffe could not gain superiority over Britain. Operation Sea Lion was a failure.

London did not break under the Nazi blitz.


Page 9: 17.2 Notes: The Axis Advances. Describe how the Axis powers came to control much of Europe, but failed to conquer Britain. Summarize Germany’s invasion

• German armies under the command of General Erwin Rommel pushed into North Africa.

• In addition, Axis armies invaded Greece, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, and Hungary.

• By 1941, the Axis powers or their allies controlled most of Europe.

Despite his failure to conquer Britain, Hitler seemed unstoppable.


Page 10: 17.2 Notes: The Axis Advances. Describe how the Axis powers came to control much of Europe, but failed to conquer Britain. Summarize Germany’s invasion

Who is this?

“How long will the honeymoon last”?

Page 11: 17.2 Notes: The Axis Advances. Describe how the Axis powers came to control much of Europe, but failed to conquer Britain. Summarize Germany’s invasion

Leningrad withstood a two-and-a-half-year siege. Stalin made an agreement to work with Britain.

The attack stalled during the winter when thousands of unprepared Germans froze to death.

In June 1941, Hitler broke the Nazi-Soviet Pact when he attacked the Soviet Union.


Page 12: 17.2 Notes: The Axis Advances. Describe how the Axis powers came to control much of Europe, but failed to conquer Britain. Summarize Germany’s invasion
Page 13: 17.2 Notes: The Axis Advances. Describe how the Axis powers came to control much of Europe, but failed to conquer Britain. Summarize Germany’s invasion

Japan and Germany set out to build a “new order” in the lands they occupied.

• Japanese troops seized crops, destroyed cities, and brutally treated local Chinese, Filipinos, and other conquered people.

• The Nazis sent millions of Jews and political opponents to concentration camps.

• The Nazis also targeted other groups they considered “inferior,” including Gypsies, Slavs, homosexuals, the disabled, and the mentally ill.


Page 14: 17.2 Notes: The Axis Advances. Describe how the Axis powers came to control much of Europe, but failed to conquer Britain. Summarize Germany’s invasion

By 1941, Hitler had devised plans for his “Final Solution”—the extermination of all Jews in Europe.

At special death camps in Poland, some six million Jewish men, women, and children were systematically murdered.


Page 15: 17.2 Notes: The Axis Advances. Describe how the Axis powers came to control much of Europe, but failed to conquer Britain. Summarize Germany’s invasion

The scale and savagery of the Holocaust are unequaled in history.

Young survivors of Auschwitz, the largestNazi death camp.

Page 16: 17.2 Notes: The Axis Advances. Describe how the Axis powers came to control much of Europe, but failed to conquer Britain. Summarize Germany’s invasion

The United States declared neutrality, but Roosevelt wanted to be prepared for war.

• In August 1941, he met secretly with British Prime Minister Winston Churchill to create the Atlantic Charter. Its goal was to destroy the Nazi reign.

• Roosevelt persuaded Congress to pass the Lend-Lease Act, allowing the United States to sell or lend supplies to Britain.

• At the same time, tensions between the United States and Japan grew after the United States banned sale of war materials to Japan. 1111

Page 17: 17.2 Notes: The Axis Advances. Describe how the Axis powers came to control much of Europe, but failed to conquer Britain. Summarize Germany’s invasion
Page 18: 17.2 Notes: The Axis Advances. Describe how the Axis powers came to control much of Europe, but failed to conquer Britain. Summarize Germany’s invasion

On December 11, Germany and Italy declared war on the United States.

The next day, President Roosevelt asked Congress to declare war on Japan.

In a sneak attack on December 7, 1941, Japanese airplanes bombed the American fleet docked at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.


Page 19: 17.2 Notes: The Axis Advances. Describe how the Axis powers came to control much of Europe, but failed to conquer Britain. Summarize Germany’s invasion

The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor brought the United States into World War II.

As the United States mobilized for war, Japan expanded deeper into Asia.


Page 20: 17.2 Notes: The Axis Advances. Describe how the Axis powers came to control much of Europe, but failed to conquer Britain. Summarize Germany’s invasion

Diplomacy and compromise did not bring peace with Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, or imperial Japan.

The Axis powers advanced, attacking countries in Eastern and Western Europe. In the Pacific, Japan captured countries and colonies on the islands and the mainland of Asia. The Axis powers brought misery to the peoples they conquered.

Which regions were attacked and occupied by the Axis powers, and what was life like under their occupation?


Page 21: 17.2 Notes: The Axis Advances. Describe how the Axis powers came to control much of Europe, but failed to conquer Britain. Summarize Germany’s invasion

Terms and People

• blitzkrieg – “lightning war” using improved tanks and airpower

• Luftwaffe – German air force

• Dunkirk – site of British troops stranded in France, and their rescue by sea

• Vichy – location in France of Germany’s “puppet state”

• General Erwin Rommel – German general known as the “Desert Fox”

Page 22: 17.2 Notes: The Axis Advances. Describe how the Axis powers came to control much of Europe, but failed to conquer Britain. Summarize Germany’s invasion

Terms and People (continued)

• concentration camps – Nazi detention and killing centers for civilians considered enemies of the state

• Holocaust – the systematic genocide of about six million European Jews by the Nazis during World War II

• Lend-Lease Act – law allowing FDR to sell or lend war materials to those who were fighting for freedom

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