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This unique course is devised, mentored and taught byexperienced practising flm and television directors, andother crat and industry proessionals and academics. It isintended or innovative and talented emerging directors whoare seeking creative challenge. It should not be primarilyregarded as a route or making a short flm. The directingexercises are in the main done on Mini DV, aside rom theFinal Project, where the choice o medium is down to whatcan be delivered by the budget beyond the course unding.

It is a course or those who wish to learn, explore anddevelop their individual approach, their skills, in the cratand practice o directing. To do so amongst other emergingand experienced directors, within a supportive, critical andcreatively challenging environment. It is or those seeking tolearn on the job, to hone and prepare themselves, their skillsand individual vision or the exciting but capricious world oproessional engagement within flm and TV.

Course content

Through a series o ocused practical modules eachcontaining relevant directorial challenges, the course leadsthrough to a fnal project module. There are also two industryrelated theory modules.

Core modules

Action and Eects•

Budgeting, Scheduling and Crew Practice and Procedure•

Developing Material and Business Practice•

Final Project - Production•

Perormance, Mise En Scène and Storytelling•

Post Production and Delivery•

Theory Module 1•

Theory Module 2•

The two theory modules are chosen rom MA Film andTelevision: Theory, Culture and Industry.


l1 year full-time or 2 year part-time starting January 

lFees for 2009/10:Full-time: £12,375Part-time £1,375 per module

MA Directing: Film and TV

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For further information please contact course enquiries

Tel: +44 (0)20 7911 5000 Fax: +44 (0)20 7911 5788 Email: [email protected]

educating or proessional


The course is taught at the University’s Harrow site in north-west London. We are proud o the two large lm studios andits impressive equipment including the many Final Cut Pro andAvid equipped editing suites, the HD pipeline and the ProToolsequipped dubbing theatre. There is a continuing programme oupdating equipment and resources to keep pace with industrydevelopments. There is also a well-stocked library, which also

provides a wide range o electronic resources, as well ascomputer terminals.


It is all about directing. You learn by undertaking practicalmodules, through exercises, and directorial challenges,where you are mentored, advised and assisted by experiencepracticing directors and other industry practitioners. The lmsproduced are then deconstructed and critically reviewedthrough sta and ellow student eedback. Teaching andlearning also takes place through practical workshops,lectures, seminars, master classes, and small group orindividual tutorials, all building towards your nal project.

Teaching sta

Proessional and highly experienced practicing directorsand other crat practioners teach on all practical modules.The two theory modules are provided by academics withconsiderable teaching and research expertise rom the School’sinternationally acclaimed and long established MA Film andTelevision: Theory, Culture and Industry.


Results in the practical modules are based on continuous

assessment o coursework, by experienced and practicingdirectors and other industry proessionals. For the theorymodules a written essay is required or assessment, withsome modules being part-assessed on the basis oin-class presentation.


The Learning Resources Centre at Harrow is one o the beststocked research acilities in the area o lm and TV. We haveone o the largest collections o DVD/VHS material and one othe leading national lm research departments led by Dr JoramTen Brink. The course also provides a orum or the discussiono the crat and or investigation o uture technology advances,techniques and practice.

Associated careers

You will develop a thorough knowledge o the concepts odirecting and a critical appreciation o directorial practice in awider context. You are also encouraged and helped to develop your own contacts within the industry. These elements lay theoundations or uture proessional practice, and enhance theskills o those who already have experience as proessionaldirectors, equipping graduates or launching or continuing acareer as a director in lm and TV.

The course can also lay the oundation or a career in otherareas o the lm and television industries. The research skills,the process o developing, acquiring material, sotware skills,as well as the team work skills, which are required on thecourse, can all be applied to other proessional roles withinthe industry.

Entry requirements

You will be asked to submit a portolio o work, which mustinclude two pieces o work showing your direction on lm orother medium or the moving image. As part o the admissionsprocess you will be asked to complete one or more practicaltests in assembling a screen narrative.

Applications will be considered rom: lm graduates with one years’ experience in the Industry/placement study rom UK,EU or overseas; recent lm graduates without experience willbe considered on merit/ portolio; lm related graduates whocan demonstrate innovation in their approach to storytelling,and screen narrative through their portolio; candidates romother backgrounds, or example with a ne art backgroundwho have been working with the moving image, and whoseportolio shows insight and command o screen narrative.These candidates will be considered on a case-by-case basis;Candidates whose proessional experience may be credited asequivalent to the above qualications through the University’sAP(E)L systems.

You must be able to speak, understand and write fuent English.For those whose rst language is not English, they must hold anIELTS score o at least 6.5.

How to apply

Applications may be made in two ways:Through UKPass – the new postgraduate application service.•

This is a ree national service which will allow you toapply, track and make changes to your application onlineat 

Directly to the University, either online via the University•

website at or by using a paperapplication orm. Your completed application shouldbe sent to:Harrow Admissions and Marketing Oce,University o Westminster, Northwick Park,Harrow, Middlesex HA1 [email protected]

For urther details, please visit the course

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