Page 1: 1.6 Social prescribing and self-care - Dr Marie Anne Essam, Dr Cliff  Richards, Sheinaz Stansfield

Sheinaz Stansfield: Practice Manager Oxford Terrace and Rawling Road Medical Group

Self Care Lead: NHS NG CCG (Gateshead Locality)

Twitter: @_sheinaz

Email: [email protected]

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Challenges • Financial Pressures

• Quality Premium

• Workforce

• Premises

• Competition

• Performance Management

• Patient Choice/Demand

• Demographics

• Regulation

• Variation

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The Halton Model

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People not Conditions

Any Qualified Provider

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Practice Health Champions/Navigators

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The Christmas Story

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House of Care Tea Dance

No additional £££££

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Some Outcome: Its Getting Bigger Better 39 practice champions representing full practice demographic, including refugees & asylum seekers;

Enabled people with enduring mental health problems to become active members of society having meaningful occupation. 9 of our champions now run a voluntary organisation supporting other people with mental health problems – their use of GP appointments has reduced significantly;

Christmas meal on Christmas day 2014, 26 guests attended, in 2015, 34 people attended. The meal was hosted and cooked by other patients with enduring mental health problems, supported by practice staff. Some patients who had attended as guests in 2014, came back as volunteers in 2015;

Champions hosted a tea dance to launch long term conditions strategy. This was supported by many voluntary organisations providing self-help support and 250 people attended, many of those people we introduced to community based organisations to support them with their long term conditions, they also had an opportunity to meet with health care professionals in an informal setting to discuss their health and wellbeing needs;

Instead of a flu clinic PC hosted a flu fair, to enable supported self-help, 250 people attended;

Practice champions run several self-help groups, befriending, knit ‘n’ Natter, walking group, games group etc. through this mechanism we also enable connections with existing groups in our community. These groups are run weekly at no cost to the patient;

local community venues: church, club house, Bensham forum etc to host the events to strengthen our relationships with the broader community and existing groups;

Started to change clinical behaviour with GPs now considering social prescribing rather than clinical prescribing for patients with complex care needs

200 people attended the veteran’s event this included people from care homes being brought out into a social club to celebrate the contribution they have made but also recognise the sacrifices they make, but this also linked them to supported self help.

Practice health champions are ambassadors for the practice who, advocate for the under-represented or unheard members of our practice population

They have set up a network of organisations that enable development of inclusive services and in the process helped to shift the culture and structure of the practice to meet population need;

Several champions have been supported into employment through this volunteering route.

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“Whoooooooo hooooooooo ,:) :) :) This is the bestest work place in the world and proud to be a part of it ..... such a good team !” Julie Bray – PCN

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