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kBy: Mani, Noah, Kexin,


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Plant Agenda

Gum Plant


Beach Strawberry

Sea Fig

Bermuda Buttercups

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Gum Plant

Common names are Broad-leaf Gum plant, sticky

head, August flower.

The gum plant grows in California.

The height of the stem is 1 ½ feet and leaf length is

1 inch

The part used are leaves and flower tops to treat

cold, cough and asthma.

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Sea-RocketSea Rockets grows on sandy beaches above

high tides line. Stems and leaves are fleshy.

Height is 6-20 inches

Flower Size is¼ inches across

Flower Color is pale lavender

Flower time is July to September

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Flower time is all Spring and Summer

Found in Olympic NP

The height is mat

Beach Strawberry

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Sea FigThe height is 6-12 inches (15-30 cm)

They need space 18-24 inches(45-60 cm)

They category is Groundcovers and Perennials

There in the Aizoaceae (ay-zoh-AY-see-ee)

The species is Carpobrotus (kar-poh-BROH-tus)

The scientific name is

Sea Fig (which is blooming)

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Bermuda Buttercups

exotic perennial species is from South Africa

Funnel-shaped yellow with 5 petals

Leaves are edible and are often put in salads.

Blooms in March-May

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Agenda Plant Kexin Zhou

ice plant

sand verbena

beach morning glory

beach grass

silver beach weed

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What is ice

plant?Ice Plant is found

on the California


along roads, and in

landscapes under at 500

feet in elevation. The

two species of ice plant

commonly seen in

California occur

naturally only in South

Africa. Known there

as Fig Marigold or

Hottentot fig, its

fruit is dried or

made into jams,

and the gelatinous

juice inside its

leaves has been

used for

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What does it look like?What does it look like?

Ice plant is easily

identified by its thick,

three-sided, spear-

shaped, succulent

green leaves. Each

spear is 4-5 inches long.

Ice plant is usually seen

as a dense carpet

of green spears covering

Extensive areas.

The spring flowers are

2-6 inches across

and colored white,

yellow, pink or deep


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Beach Grass

European Beach Grass is a very hardy plant, able

to live in even the most arid milieu. the

surroundings or conditions in which

a person, animal, or plant lives or operates.

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Silver Beach Weedsome like lizard-tail

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Animal Agenda


● Hermit Crab

● Chiton

● Gooseneck Barnacle

● Sculpin

● Nudibranch

(Mani and Noah)


● Sea Anemone

● Limpet

● Sea Star

● Mussel

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Hermit Crab

The Hermit Crab is only one

of 600 species of its kind. They

primarily live on land. It does not

have a hard abdomen

like other crabs. To protect its

body, it has a shell. The shell

also collects water for the crab.

The crab always sheds its shell.

It sheds its shell when it

outgrows its shell.s

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A Chiton is a mollusk. It

is in a group called

Polyplacophora. It is a type of

sea snail.It has a soft and

squishy body. Its body is the

only protection it has.

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Gooseneck Barnacle

The Gooseneck Barnacle

and its scientific name

Pedunculata are filter feeding

crustaceans. They are

attached to hard rocks

flotsam. Flotsams are shipwrecks.

They also live in the Intertidal

zone. It is on the shore where the

waves hit.



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Sculpin is a fish that is in the

superfamily called Cottoidea.

It is in the order of

Scorpaeniformes. Its only

one of 756 species! It is found in

both freshwater and saltwater.


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The Nudibranch is a type of marine gastropod mollusk.

Its scientific name is Nudibranchia. It lives deep

underwater. Its widely known for its extraordinary glow

in the dark color. Some Nudibranch are toxic. It

concentrates the toxins on its prey with its tentacles.

There are also more than 3,000 species of


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Sea Anemone

The sea anemone work together with clownfish. It catches

its prey when it touches its tentacles. The prey is

paralyzed and the anemone’s tentacles pull its food into

the anemone’s mouth. The sea anemone protects the

clownfish and the anemone eats the scraps the clown-

fish eats. They are as small as half an inch or as big as 6 feet.

They usually stick on a rock on the sea bottom or on coral reefs

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Limpets are molluscs (slug, snail, etc) with a

dome-shaped shell. Limpets are also herbivorous

that eat algae. The limpet’s teeth are super strong.

They are stronger than a spider’s web! Limpets are

usually 3-8 inches long. Patellogastropoda is the

scientific name for limpet.

Keyhole Limpet

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Sea Star

Starfish or sea stars eat clams or oysters. They use

tiny suction cupped feel to break open the shell.

Then there stomach comes out from its mouth and

goes into the shell. Next, the stomach closes to digest it. The

starfish is close to the sea urchins and sand dollars.

They are also 12-24 cm. Asteroidea is the scientific name for


Sugar Starfish

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Mussels are molluscs like the limpet. They also move

slow like a snail. Mussels only have one foot. They use

that foot by sticking their foot out and pull themselves

along. On the mussel’s shell, there are growth lines on

them like the tree trunk. The lines mean the years in the

mussel’s life.

Boston Bay Black Mussel

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Noah’s Bibliography

Sea Anemone Pic:

Limpet Pic:


Sea StarPic:

Mussel Pic:

Sea Anemone Research:

Limpet Research:


Starfish Research:

Mussel Research:

Nudibranch Research:

Golden Gate Bridge Pic:

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Mani’s Bibliography :Hermit Crab: Crab:



Nudibranch Research:

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Srujana’s Bibliography

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