

Briefing for CONCORD members and partners

……………JULY 2014

EYD2015: what is it?

Since 1983 the EU dedicates a thematic year to one topic. 2015 will be the official European year for development and the first ever to be designated to a global, external action related theme. Good timing: 2015 is the expiry date for the Millennium Development Goals (or MDGs) and to propose their replacements. The European Year plays a special role in communicating within the EU to citizens about a specific theme and it usually allows for joint and national level events, organised by EU institutions, member states governments or civil society organisations. A special budget is assigned for the European Year.

EYD2015: role of civil society organisations

The idea for EYD2015 was promoted by CONCORD and other civil society organisations (CSOs), with support from the EESC, gaining official approval from the EU institutions in April 2014. CSOs play important role being a partner for EU Commission in the planning of the year and in the implementation process at European level. CSOs are expected to be the main partners for Ministries of Foreign Affairs for activities at national level. EYD2015 is planned to gather all existing experiences, best practices by CSOs and showcase them at European level.

Official EU aims of EYD2015 :

1. To inform European Union citizens about the EU’s and the Member States’ development cooperation2. To foster direct involvement, critical thinking and active interest of EU citizens and stakeholders in

development cooperation 3. To raise awareness of the benefits of EU development cooperation.

Official slogan: “Our World, Our Dignity, Our Future”

CONCORD’s key messages for EYD2015

Universality: Global challenges need global answers, in Europe and everywhere / Think globally at local level.Solidarity: All need to act, not for others but with others.Engagement: Join us on the march towards “Our World, Our Dignity, Our Future”Support for real change: The EU supports change agents, and you can be one, too!Responsibility: It is not about “what we give” but about “how we live”

EYD2015: why get involved? 1

- engage in development, especially post2015 agenda, for all stakeholders - experts, media, academics, civil society, citizens, local authorities;- lead breakthrough of new policy initiatives for new paradigm of development;- build new alliances with other NGOs and other major stakeholders (i.e. local authorities) working in related areas and implement common activities;- showcase the best practice from CSOs;- access additional resources for awareness raising and citizen engagement;- strengthen cooperation with decision makers and civil servants working with development at national level.

CONCORD Resources and links

Video interviews with stakeholdersRoundup of stakeholder conference Webinar 2

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