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SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI PARISH BULLETIN MARCH 14TH, 2021844 Notre Dame Avenue, St Lambert, QC, J4R 1R8

TEL: (450) 671-6149 FAX: (450) 671-6792 email: [email protected] Website :-

Priest:- Fr. Gérard Lachapelle SAINT JOHN PAUL II PASTORAL UNIT

Fr. Manus Bradley, Pastor : [email protected] Susan Gardner, Coordinator [email protected] page:

Diocese of Saint-Jean-Longueuil - Bishop, Claude Hamelin Diocesan website: Saint John Paul II website:

WARDENS:- Chair of the Fabrique – Ted Colavecchio 450-671-6818

Vacant Position - Treasurer Richard Zavergiu - Bld. & Maint. - 450-671-8908Vacant Position - Secretary Craig Mcara - 514-618-3352Julie Belanger - Special Events - 450-466-3303 Amanda Simard - Hall Rentals - 450-671-9164

4TH SUNDAY OF LENTRejoice, Jerusalem and all who love her. Be joyful, all who were in mourning;

exult and be satisfied at her consoling breast.

PRAYER INTENTIONS –Remember in your prayers Charles O’Connor, our health care workers and our armed forces. Pray for the repose of the souls of all our deceased. To add a name to our prayer list, call the office 450-671-6149 and leave a message.

All our Masses are cancelled and the church is closed.MASS INTENTIONS (celebrated on Zoom at 4:30 pm)March 13th Clare Slonosky – Anthony Slonosky & familyMarch 20th Lucy Regan - Ann & Graham Taylor & family

Fr. Gerard Lachapelle will celebrate Mass on Saturday at 4:30 pm on ZOOM with Holy Cross Parish and St. Francis Parish (invitation by: [email protected])SAINT JOHN PAUL II PASTORAL UNIT WEEKEND MASSES ONLINE IN YOUR PARISHESSunday, March 21 Mass at 10:00 am with Fr. Manus Bradley, March 21 Mass at 11:00 am with Fr. John Torrance

SAINT JOHN PAUL II PASTORAL UNIT WEEKDAY MASSES ONLINE IN YOUR PARISHESTuesday, March 16th Mass at 4:00 pm with Fr. John Torrance will be on this SWAY following the broadcast.

I am very happy to announce that as of the weekend 27/28 March, which coincides with Palm Sunday, we will be allowed 25 in our congregations at Mass. This means that we will reopen as many of our parishes as possible that weekend. Please note that this may be a gradual process depending on the availability of priests. Mass schedules will be announced as soon as possible and the instructions on how to register for Mass.Please look out for further information on our social media platforms over the next week as we put together all the information that you will need to return safely to Church. The Covid related restrictions that we operated under when we were previously open still apply.Fr Manus Bradley Pastor, Saint John Paul II Pastoral Unit.

Page 2: 14...  · Web view1 day ago · SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI PARISH BULLETIN MARCH 14TH, 2021. 844 Notre Dame Avenue, St Lambert, QC, J4R 1R8. TEL: (450) 671-6149 FAX: (450) 671-6792

POPE FRANCIS’ PRAYER INTENTION FOR MARCH - Sacrament of ReconciliationLet us pray that we may experience the sacrament of reconciliation with renewed depth, to taste the infinite mercy of God.

God desires eternal life for the whole world.This passage from John holds the heart of the Gospel that God loves us so much that he would send his Son to save the whole world. It is his longing, his vision, his greatest desire that each and every one of us would let him love us into eternal life. What would happen if our neighbours felt this longing through our love for them? Imagine if our families, friends, and neighbours knew us as Christians who overwhelmingly wanted them to know God's eternal love and life. All too often, we delight in judging others, feeling superior, hoping for those who hurt us to get punished. In these last weeks of Lent, let us offer our sacrificesespecially for those we find hardest to love. May we long for the salvation of the world as much as God does.

Prayer of the Faithful: For the whole world to know the gift of God's eternal love and life, we pray to the Lord.

Prayer: God who so loves the world, draw us into your longing for the salvation of all people. Find us at the edges of our own irritation and injury, praying and sacrificing for the salvation of those we find hardest to like. To love as much as you love, merciful Father, we pray to the Lord.

Life and Family - Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Lenten Retreat offered by Fr. Manus Bradley Focusing on the idea of “radical presence” and hospitality as lived by the Celtic Christian Community.March 16th at 7:30 pm on Facebook Live will be on this SWAY following the broadcast.

Fourth Sunday of Lent - Prayer reflection by Fr. John TorranceScripture: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life. John 3:16Reflection: Do you believe that all people will be called to eternal life?Prayer: Lord, give me the grace to pray for those who I judge, that they may be found worthy of eternal life.

Tuesday, March 16th - Prayer reflection by Fr. John TorranceScripture: Jesus said to him, “Stand up, take your mat and walk.” At once the man was made well, and he took up his mat and began to walk. John 5:8Reflection: God wants us to move forward. Do you strive to keep moving forward or get stuck in the past?Prayer: Lord, give e the courage to keep moving forward on my journey of faith.

JOURNEY THROUGH LENT SERIESThe CCCB has again produced a series of reflections during Lent. We are grateful to Bishop Gerard Bergie of the Diocese of St. Catharines and Msgr. Marcel Damphousse, Archbishop of Ottawa, for providing these reflections for us.


Page 3: 14...  · Web view1 day ago · SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI PARISH BULLETIN MARCH 14TH, 2021. 844 Notre Dame Avenue, St Lambert, QC, J4R 1R8. TEL: (450) 671-6149 FAX: (450) 671-6792

You are invited to participate online in a Lectio Divina Workshop led by our pastoral agent, Alex La Salle, who will offer a short teaching and a meditation on the Our Father prayer (Mt 6: 7-15).The first 20 min. will be devoted to stress a few important aspects of the lectio divina method. The following half hour will be a time of silent reading and meditation. This personal time of prayer will be followed by a 10 min. break. Then, we’ll have 30 min. to share all together our thoughts and questions. The last segment will allow the facilitator to answer questions and offer a reflection on the three essential phases of the christian life (spiritual birth, growth and maturity). The activity will last two hours and will take place on the Zoom platform on Friday, March the 19th, from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm.To register, email Alex La Salle at [email protected] before March the 19th. You will then receive confirmation of your registration with the zoom link, meeting ID and password needed to access the group.The session will open at 6:30 pm on the day of the workshop. If you are not familiar enough with Zoom and would like to test your Zoom access ahead of time, please let us know when you register. We can arrange something for you.

RENEWING FAITH, HOPE AND LOVE: POPE FRANCIS’ MESSAGE FOR LENT 2021In his message for Lent 2021, Pope Francis calls on the faithful to “renew our faith, draw from the living waters of hope, and receive with open hearts the love of God.” From Vatican News

Love, the highest expression of faith and hope - “Love is a leap of the heart,” says Pope Francis. “It brings us out of ourselves and creates bonds of sharing and communion.” The Holy Father emphasizes the need for “social love” in building up “a civilization of love.”“Love is a gift that gives meaning to our lives,” he says. Love helps us to see all men and women as our brothers and sisters. Charity is multiplied when given with love, as we see not only in the Scriptures, but in our own lives, too, when we give alms “with joy and simplicity.”“To experience Lent with love,” says Pope Francis, "means caring for those who suffer or feel abandoned because of the Covid-19 pandemic.” He invites us to “speak words of reassurance, and help others to realize that God loves them as sons and daughters.”

A journey of conversion - After reminding us that “every moment of our lives is a time for believing, hoping, and loving,” Pope Francis concludes by saying: "The call to experience Lent as a journey of conversion, prayer and sharing of our goods, helps us – as communities and as individuals – to revive the faith that comes from the living Christ, the hope inspired by the breath of the Holy Spirit and the love flowing from the merciful heart of the Father."

WOULD YOU LIKE TO DEEPEN YOUR UNDERSTANDING OF THE CATHOLIC FAITH?Please join us for an online study of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. A small group will meet online via Zoom every Sunday afternoon starting Sunday March 7th to read the Catechism of the Catholic Church summaries. Each participant would read a number from the summary and if clarification is necessary the group would turn to the detail in the chapter itself. This would not be a discussion group. Participants would need a copy of the Catechism, but they can be borrowed if required. The book is also available free of charge online. The duration of the activity would be one hour each week at 4PM. for furtherinformation or to receive the zoom link please contact us at [email protected]

Page 4: 14...  · Web view1 day ago · SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI PARISH BULLETIN MARCH 14TH, 2021. 844 Notre Dame Avenue, St Lambert, QC, J4R 1R8. TEL: (450) 671-6149 FAX: (450) 671-6792

In his recent encyclical, Fratelli Tutti, Pope Francis calls upon us to live the love that would make us “one great family, where all of us can feel at home”; a love that “exudes compassion and dignity.” (Fratelli Tutti, 62.) With the entire human

family suffering from COVID-19, the Share Lent campaign invites us to share love and express solidarity with our sisters and brothers in the Global South, whose vulnerabilities are being exacerbated by the pandemic. Remembering the inherent dignity of all human beings, let us heed the Pope’s reminder that “justice and solidarity, are not achieved once and for all; they have to be realized each day.” (Fratelli Tutti, 11.). GIVE NOW GIVE MONTHLY

Share Lent, Week 4 - Youth making a difference - This week, we celebrate the young and the key role they play in our organization. From their primary school days and well into adulthood, many young people remain deeply committed to social justice issues. Through our activities and campaigns, they make their voices heard across Canada and in the Global South. Help us to continue serving, empowering and representing youth. PLEASE GIVE NOW. Get the complete program of our weekly activities on our virtual solidarity calendar!

Share Lent, Week 5 - A MOVEMENT IN SOLIDARITY. With Solidarity Sunday fast approaching, this week's theme is dedicated to Development and Peace’s 10,000+ members across Canada. Without your support, our work in Canada and the Global South would be impossible. So, this week is about us saying THANK YOU! Get the complete program of our weekly activities on our virtual solidarity calendar!

GET READY FOR SOLIDARITY SUNDAY. Mark your agendas. Development and Peace has partnered with Salt + Light Media to broadcast the Solidarity Sunday mass on March 21, the fifth Sunday of Lent. The Most Rev. Guy Desrochers, Bishop of Pembroke, will preside over the hour-long bilingual mass, which will be preceded by a 30-minute presentation on our mission. The program will begin at 1 p.m. (Eastern time) on Sunday, March 21. Watch it live on Salt + Light TV The mass will also be streamed live on our website .

LEARN : Take a moment learn about the Share Lent tradition and why thousands of people like Simone Fournier support it by raising funds in their parishes, schools and communities.Watch our Share Lent video | Read Simone’s story

ACT: Remind your friends and family that Solidarity Sunday is coming up! Make sure they know that they can: DONATE ONLINE, by calling 1 888 234-8533 or sending a cheque to: Development and Peace, 1425 René-Lévesque Blvd West, 3rd Floor Montreal, Quebec H3G 1T7. Our social media and web promotion toolkit can help you spread the word. Share Love, Share Lent and have a great week!

Register to our webinar on advocacy “For the love of creation”, Sat. 27 March, 1.30 to 2.30, Link to register - for global justice is something that the members of Development and Peace see as integral to their faith commitment. As humanity faces an unprecedented ecological crisis in the decade ahead, advocacy that cares for our common home is vital. Join deputy director of public engagement at Development and Peace Luke Stocking and senior policy analyst at Citizens for Public Justice Karri Munn-Venn for a conversation with our movement on the 4 policy pillars of For the Love of Creation. Long time Development and Peace member Kim Piché, involved in climate justice and the zero waste movement, will also participate. You will leave ready to put your faith in action by urging the federal government to place these 4 pillars at the heart of their own policy decisions in the years ahead. Thank you very much for everything you are doing so that the ShareLent campaign is a success, In solidarity, Lore. Lore BOLLIET, Animatrice | Montréal, Saint-Jean-Longueuil, Saint-Hyacinthe, Sherbrooke514 257-8710 #313 | [email protected] DÉVELOPPEMENT ET PAIX |

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In preparation for the Year "Amoris Laetitia Family", the Dicastery for the Laity, Family, and Life has prepared the attached resource booklet with relevant information and suggestions for the special year which will begin on March 19, 2021 and end on June 26, 2022 on the occasion of the 10th World Meeting of Families in Rome.

Children's Liturgy of the Word from Salt & Light

Yes, Lord is a liturgy of the word designed for kids. It is broadcasting on weekends throughout Lent on Salt + Light TV, its website ( and the Salt and Light Media YouTube channel.

FÊTE DE SAINT JOSEPH 19 MARSLe vendredi 19 mars, à 8 h 30, Mgr Claude Hamelin, évêque du diocèse de Saint-Jean-Longueuil, présidera une messe spéciale pour souligner la fête de saint Joseph, célébrée le 19 mars dans le calendrier liturgique. Cette célébration sera captée en direct de l'église Saint-Georges à Longueuil et diffusée sur les ondes de Télévision Rive-Sud (TVRS) et en simultané sur le site Web de la station de télévision régionale.***Veuillez noter qu'en raison des mesures sanitaires actuelles, le nombre de personnes admises à l'intérieur de l'église ne peut dépasser 10 personnes.Mgr Claude sera accompagné de M. Michel Boutot pour la partie musicale.

ST. THOMAS À BECKET PARISH PRESENTS A VIRTUAL LENTEN PARISH MISSIONJoin Bishop Robert Barron in this revealing presentation as he sheds light on the seven deadly sins - pride, envy, anger, sloth, gluttony, avarice and lust - those great spiritual blocks that inhibit our relationship with God and others - and the antidote to them, the seven lively virtues. Bishop Barron uses Dante's Divine Comedy to expose these sinful patterns in our lives and show how they are effectively counteracted by the cultivation of virtue through the development of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. This fascinating journey shows the path that God has designed to lead us to health, happiness, and holiness. Friday evening, from 7 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. EST: March 19 via the platform Zoom (link will be provided after registration). For more information, contact Elsa at: (514) 626-4111 or [email protected] To register, please click the link below. You may also view the series trailer in the second link. Register hereView trailer here

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This black plastic sack is empty right now, perhaps during Lent, you could fill it with one item per day of household goods and clothes that you no longer need or use and at the end of Lent, donate them. Alternatively, you could put one non-perishable food item per day into the sack and donate it to a food bank.

You can also use your imagination to think of how you might fill a metaphorical sack, with those things in your life that you’d like to consign to the trash; the things that you carry around in your heart and mind and soul that you’d like to be freed of, and the sins that you’d like to be forgiven of as you walk the path of daily conversion. Fr Manus Bradley

The Augustine Series

Please join us for a series of free monthly conferences on Zoom that will inform and inspire you in 2021. To reserve your place and to receive the Zoom link please send an email to [email protected]

March 28 2pm Compassionate Living - Myriam DesharnaisLearn how a vegan and plant-based way of living can improve your health, save the animals, protect the environment and nourish your soul. By gaining knowledge on the benefits and simplicity of a whole plant-based nutrition and how to cook delicious and colourful foods, you will become empowered by creating and contributing to a better world.

April 25 2pm Get Started on Your Own Business! Exploring Entrepreneurship and Leadership StylesHave you ever thought about starting your own business? There has never been a more exciting time to venture into entrepreneurship, with all its rewards and challenges! Join us as we examine the different types of businesses and how to determine which one is the right fit for you. You will learn about the steps involved in setting up a business and how legal structures, market research and start-up costs come into the equation. You will also gain an understanding of the different leadership styles and how each one has a role in ensuring your entrepreneurial success.

May 30 2pm Celebrating Life with Arthritis – Premela PearsonYes, you can find a quality of life with arthritis. Join Premela Pearson, as she shares her journey from diagnosis to creating the Arthrite Rive Sud/ Arthritis South Shore  organisation and what she has learned along the way.

June 27 2pm Outdoor Musical Concert

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Journeying into a different kind of Lentby Annemarie Paulin-Campbell

This year the journey into Lent feels different. In one sense, given that we have been living in a somewhat “Lenten” space for the past year, we may feel some resistance to starting Lent again. This Covid pandemic has been a time of letting go of many of our customary pleasures and a time of difficult sacrifices.

It’s also a time when many of our usual Lenten practices might not be so easy. Many of us do not yet feel safe enough to attend church physically – and numbers are limited. We may feel saddened by the knowledge that we will probably not be able to attend Easter services for a second year running.

So what might this year’s Lenten invitation be? What is God longing to give us? Often, when we go through tough times, our relationship with God can be negatively impacted. Perhaps we have been in a time of spiritual desolation where it has been difficult to pray or feel God close.

We can make the mistake of thinking that God is demanding more of us when, in fact, God wants to offer us something. As Jesus says to the woman at the well who is drained, depleted and thirsting for something more, he says to us: “If you only knew what God is offering; and who it is that is saying to you, “Give me a drink,” you would have been the one to ask and he would have given you living water.” (John 4:10).

Perhaps God is longing to do one of these things for you this Lent:

• To give you a renewed sense of hope• To allow you to rest into his love• To console you in your grief• To provide you with peace amid the uncertainty• To reignite a sense of purpose in you• To draw you into deeper intimacy with God’s self

Ask God for what you need and desire in these days of Lent. Let it be a time to receive and be filled so that you can reach out to others from that place of renewed strength. God knows that we are carrying the strain of collective trauma. The physical, emotional and spiritual toll that the pandemic has taken on us is significant. This is, I suggest, a year to give attention to practising some of the lesser-known disciplines of self-care, spending time in nature; setting appropriate boundaries and taking time to simply ‘be’ in the company of God.

If we do this, we will surely come to Holy Week with the capacity to journey more deeply with Jesus, our friend, through his passion and resurrection. We will experience that he is with us now as we live the Paschal mystery of death and resurrection in our own lives.

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HOPEWhen the storm has passed and the roads are tamed and we are the survivors of a collective shipwreck.

With tearful heart and our destiny blessed we will feel joy simply for being alive.

And we'll give a hug to the first stranger and praise our good luck that we kept a friend.

And then we'll remember all that we lost and finally learn everything we never learned.

And we'll envy no one for all of us have suffered and we'll not be idle but more compassionate.

We'll value more what belongs to all than what was earned.

We'll be more generous and much more committed.

We'll understand how fragile it is to be alive.

We'll sweat empathy for those still with us and those who are gone.

We'll miss the old man who asked for a buck in the market whose name we never knew who was always at your side.

And maybe the poor old man was your God in disguise.

But you never asked his name because you never had the time.

And all will become a miracle.

And all will become a legacy. And we'll respect the life, the life we have gained.

When the storm passes

I ask you Lord, in shame that you return us better, as you once dreamed us.

Pope Francis

SAINT JOHN PAUL II PASTORAL UNIT CONTACT INFORMATION :Please visit our website for Parish locations, Pastoral Team contacts, and News :

Facebook page:

Faith Education email: [email protected]

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The GRAPEVINE newsletter from the Montreal Catholic Diocese: [email protected] The Bridge newsletter Pastoral Home Care – SASMAD English sector: [email protected] Our Harbour : Caregivers :

SACRED HEART OF JESUS PRAYER GROUP : Please contact: Lorraine Pecus at 450-445-0372 or by email at: [email protected] Included: Praise & Worship, Scripture, Reflections/Sharing, Intercessory prayer & Rosary. If you don't have anyone to pray for prayer intentions at your parishes, then please forward Lorraine prayer requests which she will then share with the Prayer Group.

PRAYER NETWORK - VIRTUALWe will pray for anyone from anywhere and for anything. Anonymity is an option for those who prefer it. There is just this one central e-mail for receiving prayer requests: [email protected], and all requests will be forwarded from the same! Also, if you wish to be on the list of people willing to pray, email [email protected] and you will be added to the pray-ers list!

ARC is dedicated to assist and empower people of all ages to access health and social services, information, resources, programs, and activities in English on the South Shore to promote well-being. The Advisor newsletter The-Advisor-January-2021.pdf

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Longueuil, March 11, 2021

As we remember those who have passed away, often in circumstances of unspeakable sadness, from COVID-19 ;

At a time when we highlight the work of all those who, sometimes at the risk of their lives, have been essential to support, help, care and feed our population;

At a time when the hope of overcoming this pandemic is on the horizon through the generosity and social conscience of researchers around the world;

The Diocese of Saint-Jean-Longueuil wishes to express its solidarity and respect for all those who are participating in this public health struggle and who are seeking to relieve human suffering. At the same time, we strongly reject any form of discourse that would question the necessity or morality of vaccination, which we consider to be an act of charity inspired by the Gospel commandment: love your neighbor.

We will highlight this sad pandemic in various ways today. May the spiritual support we can offer be part of our contribution to society.

L’équipe de direction : Mgr Claude Hamelin, évêque Jean Roudy Denois, psj, vicaire général, Mme Francine Vincent, responsable du Service de coordination de la pastorale diocésaine, M. Paul De Leeuw, économe, M. Yvon Métras, secrétaire général M. l’abbé Jean-Pierre Camerlain, chancelier Mme Josée Lefebvre, secrétaire.

740, boulevard Sainte-FoyLongueuil, Québec, J4J 1Z3

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