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Minella's father has died and after the house is sold and debts paid, she has only

pounds. Instead of going to her aunt in Bath, she travels to London to see Connie, a

friend who has become one of the Gaiety Girls, to see if she can help her get a job.

When one of their group becomes sick, Minella stands in at a house party given by

the Earl of Wynterborne, who conceives a brilliant plan of his own .

Turning the knob slowly, but with determination, Cosmo, the Earl of Wynterborne,

opened the door that separated his room from the bedroom guests.

The darkness was total and he was surprised because he was accustomed to women

waiting to find him eager to live moments of love unforgettable. And now? How to

explain that the young actress who came to his palace with the clear intention to

join him sleep innocently, with her blond hair splayed on the pillow? Cosmo

watched it between disappointed and surprised when he suddenly realized that

someone has shared a bed with her ...


In 1898

- You paid off all debts, sr. Mercer? - Asked Minella


- Once you have sold the property with the house, the furniture and the horses,

I could pay almost anything and you should, Miss. Minella

- Said Mr.. Mercer, the family's lawyer.

- And anything left?

- Approximately one hundred and fifty pounds - he replied, and, realizing

Minella who said nothing, continued: - I separated hundred pounds for


- And why did it?

- I made sure to book you this money because, after all, can not

live breeze, Miss. Minella, and I know I have not decided with which

relative intends to live.

- It will be hard to take any resolution on this, sr. Mercer answered

she sighed. - Dad had many relatives and did not know of the

Mom, who live in Ireland.

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- I thought maybe the lady could go live with his aunt, Lady

Banton, in Bath.

- You probably have to do it yourself, if not get a job,


The lawyer looked at her with sympathy. Banton knew lady, the sister

old girl's father, and knew that this lady was not a person

very enjoyable.

In fact, the last time I met her, had talked with


- I think Lady Banton never said a nice word to anyone.

- Maybe it thinks that life has been very bad for her, dear

- Mrs. suggested. Mercer. - After all, he was always very skinny and ugly!

He laughed a lot watching that woman, but now, looking Minella

before him, was sure that, despite being very pretty, she does not

could start any kind of word hearted aunt.

He stood up and ran his hand over the desk in a gesture of affection.

He had also been sold mobile, and asked:

- Are there any other relative with whom Miss could

go live? And that very charming her cousin, who used to spend a few

days here on his property, riding in company with his father? I remember

me that she always came back here, after his mother died, to

Lord help Heywood to receive guests at any occasion

Special ...

- Are you referring to press Elizabeth - Minella said.

- She married and went to India with her husband. I never wrote and

I believe that not even know my father's death ...

-. Will could not move in with her, Miss. Minella?

- I'm sure Elizabeth would not want to see me coming to India

suddenly, to live with her. And besides, you know I do not

financial conditions would make such a long trip.

The sr. Mercer agreed. But there was no longer much concerned with the

destination that girl he had known since baby had grown as a beautiful

angel. Although very pretty, it was not a girl known in society,

He lived there in the county

Huntingdonshire, an unfashionable place where nobody liked to go


His father, Lord Heywood, always said, his voice strong and manly:

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- If there is one thing I never understand is why on earth my

ancestors were just choose this place to live! At that

Apparently, this mansion was that attracted them, can only be that!

And he must be right. The place where he lived with his wife and daughter was a

beautiful eighteenth century building, just loved that lady Heywood.

But, in Huntingdonshire, there was nothing that attracted friends

Roy sophisticated Heywood always liked having around.

There remained the slightest doubt that he was born to be the center of

attention, for he had a vitality and charm simply

irresistible. Either this was true, it had not been even a Minella

little surprise when, after the death of his mother, he began to be

invited to festivals in other parts of the country.

Being too young to join him, she was forced to stand alone

the mansion, awaiting the return of her father. Often expected for several days,

but learned to be self-sufficient and was glad alone because

could ride comfortable. And by the end of last year, had always been

too busy with studies.

- For God's sake! - Said his father once. - Put a little

culture that head of yours! You are becoming a very beautiful woman,

but beauty is not enough!

- Enough for what? - Asked her.

- To get a husband Interestingly, if you feel attracted and passionate

by you even unto death!

- The way you loved Mom?

- Exactly! - Heywood replicate lord. - Your mother always made me

fascinated, and I've never been interested in anyone else while she lived.

Never cared for nothing or for someone else while we were together!

Those words were not altogether true, because Minella remembered

of how his father was angry at times when there was no money

enough to take his wife to London theaters and dances, where

find gay friends like them.

But even so, the old mansion had always been full of joy, until

his mother died.

An extremely harsh winter had caused coughing Alice Heywood

was getting worse and worse, until she contracted pneumonia and a strong,

after two weeks, was dead.

To Minella, was as if suddenly the world had

shattered into a thousand fragments, and she knew that her father felt exactly


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Only after the funeral he had spoken in a terrible voice, which Minella

not recognized:

- It can not be true! I can not believe that her mother never

appear suddenly that door!

Lord Heywood gone towards London that night fleeing

the memory of his beloved wife.

From that day forward his father had changed. Not that he had become morbid,

introspective, like many men who are widowers. Very

Instead! Trying not to think more of the wife, to be returned as

gallant and adventurous and out before getting married, and is thrown

body and soul in emotional involvements with other women.

He did not speak of his love affairs, but Minella knew of their existence

according to letters and notes that did not stop coming to the mansion. Were

envelopes, elegantly decorated with delicate letters or else

quite extravagant.

Some threw him out immediately, as if they had the lowest

meaning. Others, however, were guarded with care ...

After receiving one of these letters he kept, he said to his daughter, in

casual tone:

- I have to solve some problems in London. I think I'll take the train

tomorrow morning. Do not stay out too long.

- I will miss, Daddy!

- Me too, my doll, but I'll be back over the weekend.

But when the weekend came, there was no sign of her

father, and Minella had the distinct impression that he only returned because the

money over and not by miss her.

Still, until the death of his father, did not realize what he was

incurring many debts.

As friends always say, Roy Heywood had an iron health, and their

sudden death was totally inexplicable.

One night he arrived home late, and by the expression of his eyes,

daughter realized she had lots of fun in London.

He had never liked too much alcohol and, compared to their

Friends, it was practically a teetotaler. However, whereby counted in their

more humorous moments and expansive, at parties he attended, the

champagne flowed like water and wine we drank at the club with friends

was excellent.

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Of course those extravagance ended up affecting her health and she had

sensitive enough to notice that this was already busy life

giving an appearance prematurely aged him.

As soon as his father entered the mansion for the last time, realized that Minella

was not well and that he was seen with his hand bandaged by a handkerchief


- What happened, Dad?

- I held my hand on a piece of loose iron on the door of the car. It hurts

too! See if you can do something, please!

- Sure, Dad!

Minella washed her hand and had noticed a cut wide and deep.

Failed to stop thinking that he should be staggered to the middle

catch the train. Perhaps he is unbalanced or even fallen.

His father had always been so healthy and agile, she imagined that

cicatrizaria wound rapidly.

The next morning, however, had been very disturbed to see that

despite the care the night before, the Lord's hand was Heywood

swollen and beginning to ignite.

The doctor who called Minella said it was nothing serious and was

prescribed an ointment disinfectant, which had applied following Minella

instructions exactly.

Still, the injury had worsened and, at the weekend, Lord Heywood

felt excruciating pain in his hand. When resolved

look for a surgeon, it was too late. The infection had spread

the entire body and only drugs, which left him unconscious,

prevented from getting screaming in pain.

Everything happened so fast, it was hard to understand what Minella

was really happening. Only when his father was buried in the small

Cemetery next to his mother, he understood that he was completely

alone in the world.

At first, having no idea of the state finances left by his father,

imagined to continue living in the mansion, cultivating land that is not part of

was leased.

The sr. Mercer, however, disillusioned, making it understood that those

plans were nothing more than dreams, because the mansion and at least half of

lands were foreclosed. -

As the mortgages were paid, Minella had encountered him

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accumulation of debts incurred by his father in London, and had been forced to

face reality: not only was alone, but also no money!

At that moment, looking at the lawyer said:

- I do not know how to thank you for everything you did, sir. Mercer. I gave him


work and just hope that you have managed to book a sum

the reward for services rendered.

- Do not worry about it, Miss. Minella. His parents were very kind

me as soon as I moved here, and it was through that lord Heywood

got many new customers to my small office


Minella smiled.

- Dad always wanted to help people.

- It's true. I think this was one of the reasons lenders do not have the

pressed as much as they could. All expressed their me more

deep feelings for his death.

That moving tribute to the personality of his father made sprout some

tears to the eyes of Minella.

- Dad always told me that when he could take me to London, perhaps in

Next year, his friends would receive me with joy and I would provide

wonderful moments.

- Maybe they want to do it now - he suggested hopefully.

She shook her head.

- I'm sure it would not be the same, unless Dad

was there to amuse them.

The sr. Mercer knew it was true, but merely said:

- Maybe some lady friend of his father would be happy to receive it in

her home and introduce her to society.

- I'm not particularly interested in London society replied

Minella thoughtfully, as if talking to herself. But neither

I want to go live with Aunt Esther, because it would be too depressing!

- Do not need to decide today, Miss. Minella, because I had to solve

so many depressing things ... - Mr. Mercer tried to comfort her, as found

the girl was crying. - You can stay here at least until the end of the month.

So, you have time to think about it calmly.

She wanted to answer was already worrying about the fact.

He had spent the night awake, remembering relatives Clinton-Wood

who were still alive and repeating the names of the relatives of his mother,

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I did not know.

- There must be someone - say, as already said a hundred times.

- I'm sure you - Mr. encouraged her. Mercer.

The lawyer stood up and began to collect the scattered papers on

desk to keep them in his leather briefcase.

It was an old, worn leather briefcase and he used it since becoming attorney

Lord of Heywood. Although its partners and employees mocked him, Mr..

Mercer never think of separating from something so familiar.

Minella also stood up and walked together to the small hall


The small, ancient trolley sr. Mercer was waiting for him, drawn by

a young horse that would lead quickly to the small town of

Huntingdonshire, where his office.

The lawyer rose, the young servant who held the horse's head sat

beside her and left.

Minella nodded, and went, as he closed the door, he thought of

as it was difficult to believe that the house was no longer hers and not

I had no idea where to go.

Unless ... idea and hung like an ominous black cloud ... that

was living with Aunt Esther.

He remembered every word of the letter that her aunt had written after the

his father's death had been reported in newspapers.

Besides that there is no warmth or affection in words written for her,

even put a note:

"PS As our family is currently very low, I think you will

to come live with me. It will be a burden for me to carry, but as

I never had anything in my life, I'm used to. '

- A burden!

That word sounded like a slap in the face Minella.

with a pride that blinded, had wanted to meet ever

would be a burden to anyone.

"And why would it be?" thought. "I'm young, well educated and intelligent. Should

there anything I can do to earn my keep! '

But could not find the answer to that question.

Returning to the office, recalled that while talking to Mr..

Mercer, had resolved to clean the desk of his father.

I did not want the new owners of the mansion, which had bought

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by a considerable sum along with almost all the furniture, stay abreast

the private life of the last Lord Heywood.

Minella knew that when the villagers, farmers and the few neighbors

Area of the mansion spoke of his father, was in awe, because

would like to be as witty and intelligent as him. Sometimes,

also censored because of the way he enjoyed in London

and stories about people who are associated elegant, that more

Sooner or later, always came to the county.

"They have nothing with that!, Minella thought."

However, he knew that if he left letters at home, they would read them and

find accounts, a theater program, a ribbon, a glove or a

perfumed handkerchief, would comment very unpleasant and nourish the

stories that were already emerging about his father.

Realized that the way people looked at the village and the tone

disapproval of the shepherd's voice, to perform the funeral service.

The old shepherd was a simple man and, although he had always been grateful

the generosity demonstrated that Lord Heywood, did not approve of the life

he had come to take after his wife's death.

His father had laughed when she had told him of the comments that people

were on his frequent trips to London.

- Glad I provide for matters they talk! he said. -

At least, out of turnips, cabbages, brussels, climate and

probability of the church tower is falling!

- Oh, not again, Daddy! - Replicate Minella, knowing that his father had

contributed much money to the church reforms.

- You know the only answer to this, my doll? Let fall! And

how they think this is what is happening to me, perhaps the

more appropriate.

Minella laughed.

- They like to talk to you, Dad, is that this is the truth! Do not know

that would matter if you suddenly disappear.

And out exactly what had happened! Now she felt that

conversations would again rotate about turnips and brussels couvesde.

He sat on the bed in front of the desk and opened the top drawer.

There was also the usual mess of pencils with broken tips, pens

useless, checkbook stubs, and two coins of threepence, where

his father had made a hole after being used in a pudding

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Christmas. His mother said they were talismans of luck and dad promised

put them on the watch chain, but, of course, had forgotten

do so.

Now, the coins appear blurred as well as buttons that had

belonged to the uniform of a servant.

The previous Lord Heywood, uncle of his father, employed three servants and a

butler to serve him.

When his father had been to the mansion, there were a couple very efficient for

housekeeping, a babysitter for her, a jack for his father and a


Gradually, they had all gone, except for the old nanny


Margaret cared for her mother since childhood and had been supported

Main house until her death at seventy-nine, shortly before his


Thereafter, they were only two or three diarists created that although

cleaning up the mansion as well, were always rushing to get back to their


Now, no one else ...

After the death of his father, Minella had come to ignore the dust accumulated in

rooms not used. There was resolved that made no sense

spend money on established, and that alone could very well realize

the service.

He pulled the drawer a block in which his father had multiple accounts, and tore


threw it in the wastebasket.

He joined the rest of the stuff and thought put everything in a box. Not

know what to do with it, but at least would keep the buttons

silver with the family crest and the two talismans of luck.

After they made sure that there was nothing else can arouse

comments of people, closed the drawer that had been examining and

opened another, which was full of correspondence received.

He realized that his father rarely responded to the letters, but that kept

in a drawer, on a first come, intending perhaps answer them one


Minella started opening the letters, ripping and throwing out those that do not

had greater interest.

A typical example:

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"Dear Roy:

We would like to accept our immensely from hosting the Grand

Baile. I know you're the only person able to make it enjoyable.

We also hope to bring that group of St. Pancras ...

There were many other letters written in the same style, with addresses in

top of lauda, usually decorated by the family crest.

Each, however, made it clear that his father was invited because

fun people, or, as he said with a written invitation letter


"It will be a total failure if you're not for us, as

always make us laugh and what concerns me particularly, for me

very happy to do ... '

Minella tore the letter quickly so I had the feeling that any

person who would read an interpretation of sarcastic and malicious

relationships with women his father, and she did not want it


Then, not wanting to invade the private life of his father, now

rip the cards without taking them from envelopes.

Was to rip the last, when the name on the back of the envelope called

his attention: "Connie."

She watched him and thought he knew the letter. Immediately remembered:

Constance Langford was the daughter of the pastor of the neighboring village they


Her father was a very intelligent man, who never accepted that

social position, because I wanted was a professor at a university.

insistently, Heywood lady had managed to convince him to

Minella to teach various subjects that were beyond the capacity of

old teacher who lived in the village.

Minella took fifteen minutes riding through the fields to reach the

Little Welham Parish and the Rev. Adolphus Langford made her study


I was fourteen when he began to have these classes, and shared the

lessons with his daughter, Constance, three years older.

There was a lot more fun to learn alongside other girl, and

Minella was proud because I learned very quickly and, in general, was

smarter than Constance.

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When not in the studio of Reverend Constance made no ceremony

and said he thought the classes a complete bummer.

- I think you are very lucky to have a father so smart!

- Minella said once.

- And I think that you are lucky to have a father and so beautiful

charming! - Retrucara Constance.

- You tell Dad what you said. I'm sure he'll be


Minella Constance led to tea at the mansion and his father had been

very helpful as always was with everybody, and Constance had been


- He is so smart and so beautiful! - Not tired of repeating. Oh, Minella,

when I can go back to your house? Just seeing his father, now I'm totally


Minella thought those comments were so incisive little gentle

towards her own father of Constance. He was very fond of Reverend and thought

how to teach it very efficient and stimulating.

Nevertheless, I realized that Constance was well and concluded that

would invite her back to his house. How had almost no friends,

was very happy to end up making it a habit.

When the reverend did not wear the horse, Constance was allowed to

use it and the two went together to the mansion. When they arrived, to please

her friend, Minella was always looking doh father.

Generally, he was in the stable or in the garden, and as it was evident that

Constance looked at him full of admiration and heard every word as if it

was the gospel itself, once remarked smiling lady Heywood:

- There is no doubt that you won the hearts of the young maiden, Roy,

but should not let that bother her or the Minella ...

- They do not bother me - he replied good-naturedly.

Also, girls that age always fall in love with the first man

they know. Okay, as long as she is not pushy!

- If I call you to protect me, dear!

Lord Heywood spent his arm around the shoulders of his wife and two

walked through the garden, quite happy to be together.

A year later, "Connie," as she is nicknamed, claiming that Constance

was too serious and melancholy, off to London.

She had sent him a letter, saying he had arranged a job

interesting but Minella had the impression that her parents were

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very vague to say what it was.

After that, just remember Connie have gone to the mansion since shortly after

the death of his mother. Appeared so different, that had Minella

difficulty in recognizing it. She was thin, tall, with poise and

very well dressed.

In fact, he had thought that the young man who knocked on the door was some lady

county that might have been giving their condolences to the family by death

Heywood lady.

- Do not you recognize me, Minella?

After a brief pause, Minella had a little cry of joy and embraced

her friend.

- Good to see you! I thought you were gone forever! As

is elegant and beautiful!

It was so true. Connie was wonderful and her blond hair

seemed more silky and shiny than they were a year ago. Eye

Blue and pink skin, was the perfect ideal that every man had the "pink

English. "

Minella led her to the living room, wanting to talk to her and

know what he was doing in London. However, two minutes later, his

father entered and had become clear that Connie just wanted to talk to him.

After a few minutes, Minella had gone to make tea and they

were alone. As he was returning, had heard Connie say:

- Thank you for your kindness, sir. If you do this for me, I'll be so

happy that I have not words to thank him.

- Is there a better way for you to express yourself - Lord answered

Heywood eyes shining.

- You will not forget? - Connie asked anxiously.

- Never forget my promises.

After some time, Minella and father followed Connie to the gate and

she was gone, looking stylish and absurdly out of place in

small and antiquated buggy of the Reverend.

While watching her walk away, Minella had the certainty that his father

thought the thin waist of Connie in that dress just like him

wonderfully well rested.

- Connie was very beautiful, is not it, Dad? - Commented, giving the arm

for it.

- Very beautiful!

- I always got from Connie in class, but she surpassed in beauty.

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Suddenly the father had turned and looked at him intently, as if never

had seen before.

- No need to be jealous of Connies in the world, my dear. You have

same charm that I loved his mother. It is nice and furthermore appears

a lady, which is very important.

- Why, Daddy?

- Why do not I created it for something else! - He replied,


Minella did not understand, but, as he knew his father very well, knew

he did not want any more questions. Even so, had much

curiosity to know what he promised would be Connie.

At that moment, although he felt it was taking a rather

Wrong, opened the letter and read:

"Dear lord of lights and laughter,

How will I be able to thank your attention? Everything worked exactly

like you said.

I got the job and tam

well I moved to this small and cozy apartment that I can now

maintain, thanks to you.

I always found wonderful, but never as much as now, helping me

when I really needed.

I hope someday I have a position to give back and do something for


Until then, thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Connie. '

Minella reread the letter slowly. Then wondering what your

father would have done so thankful to leave Connie, read the paper by

third time:

"I hope someday I have a position to give back and do something for

sir! '

It was too late for that Connie did something for him, but what if ... and

gratitude was extended to her?

Could be that you arrange some job that would spare accepting the

single call he had received: go live with Aunt Esther.

Minella read the address at the top of the letter, but did not know how London

the street name meant nothing to her, though he knew was in

some part of the West End

- If I was in London, there are so many options give thought work. -

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Could take care of children, for them to teach, or perhaps even

Mom disapproved, working in a shop.

Not knowing if it was his imagination, Minella thought the clerks were

poorly paid and had to work long hours.

Maybe it happened in the big stores, selling cheap goods and

trying to attract the masses. However, there should be first-class shopping,

that would be happy to hire someone that looks like lady.

Minella smiled.

I'm sure Dad never imagined that my quality

could be useful commercially. '

But why not? Why not?

He went to the mirror to look at your face, thinking how Connie was

Beautiful when visited almost a year ago.

Then looked critically their own image. His face was like the

his mother, perfectly oval. Her eyes, large and expressive, seemed

dominate the entire face, drawing attention immediately. Minella thought

maybe they were strangers, they were gray.

"I wish I had blue eyes like Connie," he thought.

Decided to examine the nose small and straight, and the curve of the lips,

concluding that seemed too young and perhaps therefore no one

such a position of responsibility.

He tried to think of what would look older and figured he could

change the hairstyle she wore simple.

The fashion was to hold the hair on her head and let them fall,

wavy and curly. Minella knew that the girls used to do

bunches artificially martyring themselves all night with baggies.

She, however, did not need it because her hair was naturally

and formed wavy curls at the ends, which reached almost to her waist.

When I was busy or riding with his father, used only

brushing her hair as her mother had taught her. Then did a bun in

neck, tied it firmly and forget it the rest of the day.

His hair was not a blonde as vivid as those of Connie. To

Instead, they were pale as the first rays of sun. Sometimes,

silver seemed as if they had been touched by the Moon

"I may look like a lady, but very awkwardly," he thought. "I doubt that anyone

London look twice to a "field mouse" like me! '

Then, as if he could not bear the weight of its own verdict,

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Minella laughed.

His laughter echoed through the room empty and his face became. Eyes

shone and although we knew it, seemed very attractive.

Like his father, it was something contagious, as ethereal as the

fog that covers the dreams, and the brightness of distant stars in the sky

She'd always had a special attraction for the stars because certain

Instead, his mother had told him as he was born shortly after midnight of

a new year.

At that time his father had opened the window to hear the church bells

peaking and pick her up, that we heard them.

- I remember you and your father, dear, silhouetted against the stars

flooded the sky and thought it was very fortunate to have two people so

wonderful to me here on earth! - Heywood lady said excitedly.

"I have to believe that I was born with a lucky star. And one day, I

I have the hands, dreamed as a child. When we really want

something ends up getting. '

Without thinking further, made his decision. It was bold, and other

circumstances, never think about it. However, he felt as if his father

was at his side, saying:

- Nothing ventured, nothing gained!

- I'm going to London! - Said aloud. - Connie and I will seek, on behalf

daddy, ask you to help me.

Then he felt the weight of the decision: serious and scary. However, it was a

that risk was worth running, because what was the alternative?


The night before the trip, Minella had gone to bed so exhausted that neither

had time or inclination to feel unhappy because I was leaving

your home.

Had packed the belongings of the mother and father who wanted to preserve and

made a bonfire in the garden with things rather see destroyed,

keeping the others who took the old trunks in the attic.

The neighboring farmer, who had always been a friend of his father, had been very

kind and offered to store the objects that she did not want to take.

- You can put anything you want in the lining of one of my barns

- He said. - No need to undo anything!

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- I just want to keep the house - she replied impulsively.

- It's true. The village will never be the same without her father by riding

there, as if he owned the world!

Minella laughed in agreement. It was the most correct description for Lord

Heywood, and poorer than they had been, by most accounts

had not yet been paid, his father seemed to think that life is not

was just a fun game.

Conveyed this feeling to all who were around her and she

could understand why Connie had called in the letter, "Lord of

lights and laughter. "

Strange that she were a way so familiar and informal, but

remembered that Connie had always been very expansive with


He knew his mother did not agree with this kind of behavior, saying

whenever a lady should be reserved and discreet.

- It is better, dear, maintain certain reserve about our feelings

and at the same time, be courteous, friendly and of course comprehensive - said

Lady Heywood, in his soft voice.

- It seems very complicated, Mom.

- No, no, honey. And I want you to do justice to its size. Minella

knew that his mother's family was very proud and that

although he had plenty of money or property, drew his line

ancestry to one of the kings of Ireland.

- I wanted you to be a queen, mama! - Said Minella, right

Instead, when little.

His mother laughed and his father, who was nearby, had commented:

- But she is a queen! Queen of My Heart, which is a very

more important than Queen Victoria herself in the realm of


Minella used to invent stories in which his mother was a queen and her

a princess. I imagined that one day a prince would find very similar

with her father, whom she would marry and be happy forever.

However, living in Huntingdonshire, never had the opportunity to

know many guys, and what they knew about boiled down to

reticent descriptions that his father did the festivals and races

horses that attended.

- I think I'll never have the opportunity to get married, I thought, a little

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He knew that his mother planned to take her to London when did eighteen years

to participate in some dances, and that fueled the impossible dream of

see it debut in the hall of Buckingham Palace. "Now we just have to

think about support myself and forget all this, "

Minella thought while resolutely kept the dresses her mother.

He stopped suddenly. His mother's clothes were much more elegant and

were in better condition than theirs, although they were slightly off

fashion. On an impulse, took some of the big bag and placed

one of the small bags that would lead to London.

There were two beautiful prom dresses that her mother had used last time

who had spent the weekend in London.

She was so happy and laid back, which seemed to have rejuvenated some


- We spent a wonderful time, dear! - Told Minella.

- Dad took me to dinner with his friends, went to several theaters and

until a daring vaudeville!

This is not meant almost nothing to Minella, who had never been to a

theater. However, had paid much attention to all that her mother

and had had several questions.

- You went to the Gaiety Theatre, Mom? - Asked, as had

heard his father talk about the famous theater that featured parts and

musical daring.

- Yes, we were, and the girls are pretty as goddesses, exactly as they say!

- Tell me about them, please tell me about them! - Asked Minella.

The mother told her, then all the details: the exciting path

trolley to the theater, the cabins and the luxury and beauty of the scenery

music and choreography.

- You also like, Dad?

- Loved every moment - replicate it. - However, I can assure you

that, on stage, there was no one more beautiful than her mother, although

girls seemed to have come straight from Olympus.

Those comments were Minella in the head and once, when

rode, asked his father:

- Why do girls Gaiety Theatre are more attractive than

actresses of the other theaters?

Lord Heywood had meditated for a moment.

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- Because they have grace, beauty and an aura of femininity that

appeal to men and make them feel really "men". And that, my

well, it's the story of Adam and Eve from the beginning of time.

While all this was incomprehensible to Minella, knew very well that

his father liked women as feminine as her mother.

Heywood Lord always corrected when he thought his daughter was

behaving differently.

- Do not shout so! - Harshly reprimanded him, once in a

boy crossed the road running in front of the horse and had Minella

yelled at him to take more care.

- I was afraid of running over that kid silly!

- You could have said the same thing in a more pleasing.

- The daughter looked at him in surprise, and he added, - I want it

perfect dear like his mother, so one day, a man of

'll thank me lucky because I have worried so much about you.

- Refers to the man I will marry?

- Of course! Who else could it be? And, no doubt, whoever

her husband, has won an award!

- And if I love someone who does not love me, daddy?

- Do not think it's likely. Furthermore, if I discover that some young

stuck playing with your feelings, twist his neck!

He said it so firmly that Minella had been thrilled

to have a father who loved her so much as to fight in its defense.

"Now, none of this is worth more," he thought. "He's not here anymore and I

I turn myself! '

Despite the long and tiring journey, Minella managed to sleep through the

trip. When the train came into London, he began to think he had

made a mistake.

It was a very big city and frightening and I could see the blocks

houses that seemed to stretch forever. "Should have gone to

Aunt Esther, "he thought.

Then reasoned that if things did not work out in Lonres yet

so Aunt Esther would be waiting, because there Minella

sent him a letter very delicate, thanking the gracious invitation

and saying it had not yet resolved exactly what would, however

would spend a few weeks with friends.

She was sure that her aunt would be dying of curiosity, but not

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could do nothing because it would have no clue of the address.

"If Connie does not help me, I will try and find some cheap pension

respectable house for me as I seek employment. '

Maybe Connie would indicate some, but the most sensible to go

nearest church pastor to ask for help.

Taking this attitude was very common in the field and, although he knew that the

Things were different in London, there should be churches and therefore

pastors. And who more appropriate to use a dramatic moment?

"It'll be okay," he thought, trying to calm the uneasy tremor

chest was beginning to feel.

The noise and motion of the season left her confused, but an old

porter took pity on her and asked if she could help it.

- I have two bags in the car. My name is Clinton-Wood.

- You pick them up, miss. Stay still there for me to find it, and not give

attention to anyone who wants to start a conversation.

He did not wait for an answer and walked out pushing her cart toward the

wagon, leaving Minella thoughtful.

"He would talk to me?"

He concluded that he might have been referring to pickpockets, and

more firmly gripped the leather pouch that had belonged to his mother.

There was carrying a lot of money. Had deposited in the bank the hundred

Mr. pounds. Mercer had given her and reserved just enough to

cover your expenses, knowing that every penny was of vital


He held the bag with both hands until he returned with the charger

your bags in the cart.

- Here you are, miss. What to do now?

Minella took the bag a piece of paper where he had written the address


- I want to go to this place, please. Is it far? The old read the address


- It will cost a shilling and Miss should give tuppence for the driver.

- Thanks for telling me - she replied. - I'm afraid to commit some

error. It's the first time I come to London.

- I thought so. Miss looks lost and frightened. Why not

was in the field, that is your place?

- I have to get a job.

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The charger was silent for a moment. Then began

forge a path through the crowd.

- Do you have someone to help you?

- I. .. I hope so.

- Well, you better be careful - he said. - I have a daughter your age and

worry too much about it. London is not a good place for young

Beautiful, is that this is the truth!

- But in my case, I need to work in order to eat! - Replied


- Well, be very careful and not do anything that his father would not approve.

- No, of course not!

He took her to an old carriage rental, led by a horse

that seemed too tired to pull anything.

- This one is cheaper than the other more elegant he said,

placing the bags beside the coachman. Then he opened the door to

Minella rise.

- Please tell me how much should I give her - she asked. - Do not want to commit a


- Do not worry! If you had not asked me, I would charge threepence

for what I did, but in this situation, save your money. You will need

it. In this city, the money disappears very quickly!

- You are too kind. Thank you for everything you did for me.

She extended her hand and squeezed it the charger.

- Remember what I told you and be a good girl.

- Yes, of course!

The carriage started to move and Minella nodded, thinking that

that gentleman was very kind and she should look very young and

fragile as to inspire much protection.

"I hope that Connie does not embarrass me."

Reminded once again of elegance girlfriend when she visited last

time and found it strange that his father, who was not a person of many

secrets, not have told you that met in London.

The carriage seemed to run for a long time through the busy streets.

Minella was fascinated with the variety of vehicles via the window.

The more that caught his attention was the closed cars, pulled by

two horses bolted with the brakes, which she considered cruel. Were

directed by two men in lift, and wearing hats emblazoned

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Extremely elegant uniforms.

There were also modern trolleys that his father had described so many times, but

she had never seen. Riu their sloping fronts, with the coachman

higher than the hood and large wheels, impressing large

the vehicle speed.

Suddenly, he realized that London was as exciting as his father

used to say.

He wanted to ride a trolley of those, but I was sure

would not be right to leave a lady alone. Should be accompanied by a

created very elegant, wearing a hat tilted slightly in a corner of


After spending some time touring busy streets, entered

a much quieter street. The carriage stopped in front of a building

high and very ugly, with steps to the front door and railings that

tried to hide their holds.

The driver came to the door and spoke to her:

- Can I take your bags inside, Miss?

- Could you wait a moment, please? I do not know if I'll be here.

- Okay, but not too long. I want to go home soon.

- I'll be back as soon as possible.

He mounted the steps and rang the bell ran, thinking that Connie lived

a very large house.

A few minutes later, a lady, wearing a dirty apron and scarf

about tousled hair, opened the door.

- Yes?

- Miss. Connie Langford live here? The woman pointed upwards.

- On the second floor. - Without another word, hurried down a flight

narrow stair, which should lead to the basement.

Surprise with the reception so abrupt, Minella has skyrocketed, and when

passed the first floor, he saw two doors, where cards were

written different names.

It was then perceived to be an apartment building and, in the second

floor, should stay at the apartment where Connie thanked his father.

Now she had found her friend, was more nervous than before, but

thinking of the coachman waiting, knocked on the door when there was a card

named "Connie Langford."

The beat was very weak, but she waited a few minutes before hitting

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again, this time stronger.

He heard footsteps and a minute later, the door opened. Connie was


- What do you want? - She asked.

Minella remained motionless, unable to speak a word.

- Minella! It can not be! What are you doing here?

- I'm asking for your help, Connie.

- My Help? Why? His father is with you?

- Dad ... died. You do not ... know?

Connie looked at her for a moment, as if he did not believe what had


- Died! You can not!

- He died a few weeks ago because of ... an infection in his hand.

- But he was here in London and never seen him so ... so ... Connie

stopped. - We can not stay here, stop talking about

this. Between!

- I came to London because I need a job. My luggage is


Connie was silent for a moment.

- So you better put it in the hall, Minella.

- Yes, of course.

She did not wait more. Down the stairs, thinking that the coachman

must have been impatient.

The man took the carriage hastily packed and placed them in

vestibule on the linoleum that needed a cleaning urgent.

Minella took the bag one shilling and three pence, thinking that would give the

because most had been waiting so long.

- Can you give me two pence, madame? - He asked suspiciously.

- Yes, of course! You were very kind.

The driver took the coin and looked at the stairs with disdain, before


- If you want my advice ... Miss can find a better place


Minella looked at him surprised,

- What's wrong on this one?

- The lady is too young for that sort of thing. Go back to near

his mother, where he should not have gone, and forget London. This is no place

for a girl like Miss!

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The driver did not wait for an answer. Simply climbed into the carriage and

left without looking back.

She sighed. He thought it strange that everyone in London would find the young


- Must be because of my clothes, he thought, was aware that

impossible to buy other.

When his father died, he thought he should mourn, but beyond a

black dress of her mother, who was too sophisticated to be used by

she had no other black clothes and considered dishonest thinking

to buy anything before you pay off a few debts of his father

that remained.

Up the stairs immersed in their concerns and, when he saw Connie

waiting for her at the door, he thought that if he had a serious problem, yet

could go to Aunt Esther.

It was foolish to get down to what the driver had said!

- Come and tell me everything from the beginning - Connie said. - I can not

believe you're here! And it is impossible to think that his father died!

There was a tone of excitement in his voice, which was not lost on Minella.

- I know you loved him very much, Connie, since we were teenagers.

I should have written to you before coming.

Connie did not answer. It took a friend to a small living room, but

completely different from any that had seen Minella,

it was so adorned and full of detail that seemed unreal.

There was a sofa against a wall, with pillows of various sizes and

formats, almost all adorned with lace or sequins. The two

also chairs were covered with cushions and curtains, color pink

strong, had long fringes and was attached to each side of the window by wide

tapes color pink.

A patterned rug with roses on a pale blue background give a touch of

refinement, while the walls were posters advertising shows


Minella only had time to take a look rápidana room before Connie

make her sit and wonder with serious voice:

- It is true that even came to get a job?

- I have to find a way to make money, or to live with aunt

Esther, in Bath.

- It would be best for you.

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- Oh, no, Connie! You know Aunt Esther! When we were girls, remember

that because she said she hated her hair looked dyed.

Connie laughed.

- Yes, I remember her. But, after all, she is your aunt.

- I know, but that does not make it better.

- I understand how you feel, but now tell me about ... his father. As was

very painful, Minella not look at her while

counted as Lord Heywood arrived in London with the injured hand and how

the wound worsened until the infection have spread throughout the body,

ending by killing him.

When he finished speaking, looked at Connie and saw that his eyes were

full of tears.

- How is it possible that he ... died? It was so alive ... was always

laughing and thinking all ... so ... funny!

- I know. And now I have nothing and no one in the world, and Aunt Esther.

Connie got up and went to the window, getting back to Minella.

- What do you do? - Asked. Minella made a gesture of helplessness.

- I'm not sure, but I thought about maybe taking care of children.

- Connie did not answer and nervously Minella continued: - There should be

some kind of work for a person like me! After all, Connie,

his father was my teacher and you know I was very well-educated.

- You are very young and very pretty.

- Of these qualities that serve me? Connie was silent again.

- Your father would not want you here - said finally.

- Why not? If he knew that I'm with you, Connie, and I'm

by near you, I'm sure he'd be pleased.

Again there was silence. Connie went back and Minella not

had no idea what she was thinking.

- Listen, Connie, do not want to be a problem for you - said awkwardly. -

If you suggest a cheap and respectable place for me to stay, I can

her own.

Connie turned away from the window.

- Do you really think I would do that, Minella? Of course I have

to help her, but the point is that I do not know how.

- Do not want to be a burden to you. I would just like to help me me

establish this city. There must be a place for a girl like me!

- Many, if want to know! - Connie replied, dryly. - Take off your hat!

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It was an odd thing to say at that moment, but Minella

obeyed, drawing also on the cover wearing a beautiful dress her


ran her hands in her hair, silky and curly, and looked apprehensively

to Connie.

- You are very beautiful ... no, you're beautiful! - Connie said. It is much


- Oh, Connie, please help me!

- You do not understand. What do you know London? Not able to turn better

Here's a chick who just hatched!

Connie spoke almost harshly and, realizing that he should not have

sought her friend's eyes filled with tears Minella.

- I. .. sorry, Connie. Connie crossed the room and hugged her.

- Oh, no! Poor Minella! Not to be harsh with you! I want to help her,

but it will be very difficult and not know what your father would say if he knew.

For a moment, Minella hid her face in her shoulder, feeling that

very comforting hug. Then he said:

- It is because of you wrote to Dad that I'm here. Realized

that Connie stiffened, before asking:

- What I wrote to your father?

- When packed up his desk, I found a letter from you,

thanking him for helping her when really needed, and you said:

"I hope someday I have a position to give back and do something for

sir! "- Minella paused before completing: How can no longer

do anything for Dad, I thought maybe you wanted to help ... Me.

- I will help! hole that you help! - Connie said impulsively. - But

will be very difficult.

Minella thought she must be referring to money and said:

- You try not to give any expense, Connie. The sr. Mercer, lawyer

Dad's, separated hundred pounds for me. If I am very careful with the

money, I'm sure I can make it last long.

Connie made a sound that was between a laugh and a sob. In

then kissed the face of Minella.

- You think of something for you, Minella. If I can not,

at least you will know that I did the best I could.

- Will you help me?

- I will, but only God knows if I'm doing the right thing!

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Minella impulsively hugged her friend and kissed her cheek.

- Thank you, Connie, thank you! I knew I could count on you!

I prefer to do anything, even if it is scrubbing floors to go live

Aunt Esther.

Connie laughed.

- I was not thinking about anything like that! - Then, as if

realized he was not being a good host, he added, in a voice

more friendly: - You made a long journey and I think I would like a

cup of tea.

You had lunch?

- Yes, he brought me some sandwiches and a very kind lady who

was in the same carriage as me, offered me a glass of milk.

Connie opened a door to another room.

- Meet the rest of my apartment.

At the end of the room was the room, which was the larger of the two aposer tos.


followed the same style decor of the room, with many frills and fringes.

A large bed, which Minella found exaggerated to such a small space,

had a curtain of silk color pink light coming down from all drapeadc

corolla with a small golden angels. The pillowcase had the pillows

beautiful lace edges and the curtains were also arrested for tapes

wide satin.

It was fantastic and extremely feminine and she thought her father would

that environment. His mother, however, would find extraordinary bad

taste, but did not know Minella assess because it was completely different from

anything she had ever seen.

- Now, you'll be really surprised! - Connie said. He opened a

door and left the room Minella was faced with

smaller tub had ever met. In fact, it was so small that it does not

realized immediately that it was, but when he saw how Connie

was proud, exclaimed:

- It's splendid!

- It works with a heater that lives encrencando! Connie said with

sadness. - But at least I'm always clean and remove the


- Makeup? - Minella looked at her surprise. There was a brief silence.

- You know I'm in the theater, do not you?

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- In the theater? Are you an actress?

- It is a polite description. - Connie laughed. - Work in the Gaiety Theatre,


Minella looked at her, quite astonished.

- I had no idea, Connie! Do your parents know?

- No, of course not! And you will not tell!

- As if I were capable of it! They never told me what you did and

I felt very strange.

- You know as well as I that Dad would make a tremendous scandal

know I'm in the theater.

- I understand. - Suddenly squealed. - But, my father should know and

never told me!

Connie seemed to get a little dull.

- I think he feared that shocked you, but maybe I have the same

asked him that kept secret.

Minella was silent for a few moments.

- Sorry to ask, Connie, but would like to know: was that Dad

helped her to become a stage actress?

- If you want the truth, yes, it helped me - responded with Connie

tranquility. - He knew the director and gave a little push. Am

eternally grateful to him.

- Dad always helped everyone.

- It's true. And how he helped me, I'll help her. The only problem is:


Connie did not wait for an answer. Simply entered what appeared to be a

tiny room next to the bathroom, who proudly described

as "my kitchen".

There was only one burner, a pot hung on a hook on a wall,

some dishes, cups and saucers. Connie put the kettle with water to

boil and opened a few pots to find the tea, you put in a teapot


- Want something to eat? - Asked. - I saved cookies.

- No thanks. Tea is great! They heard a knock at the door.

- Oh, my God! - Connie said, going to open the door.

They were two young and pretty high. As soon as he saw them, he was sure Minella

that also worked in vaudeville.

I was so anxious to get Connie's apartment, which had no

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noticed that his own friend was even more spectacular than the

last time he had seen her.

His hair seemed to shine like the sun, your skin smoother reminded him of the

roses from his garden. And only now realized that Minella lips

Chubby Connie were highlighted by a very feminine artifice, but

little used by women "serious".

"How stupid of me!" He thought. The last time I saw Connie, not

maquilada and realized I was wearing lipstick.

He looked at the two young men who had just arrived and concluded that

their faces were really maquiladas, almost like the girls of

theater posters, hung on the walls of the room.

- Between, Gertie. BTW, Nellie - Connie was saying.

- We arrived early, but we have bad news for you - the girl replied

named Gertie.

- Bad news? - Connie repeated. - Now, wait a bit, because I will

present them to a friend. Minella, this is Gertie and this is Nellie. The

two are the "high point" of our show!

The girls laughed.

- I like your presentation, Connie! But I doubt that this comment is


- That's what Archie said the other night and found it very funny! admitted

it. - Come into the living room. I'm preparing a cup of tea


- Tea? - Said Nellie. - Well, I would take a drink! you will also

want one when you hear what we have to tell!

Connie was not listening, because I had gone into the kitchen to

put boiling water into the teapot.

- You find milk somewhere - for Minella said. Put everything

in a pan and bring to the room while I pick up something else for

Girls drink.

As there were only four in the afternoon, found it strange to want Minella

drinking alcohol at that time, however, made no

comment, it only took a small tray into the room and placed it on

the table.

Gertie and Nellie were standing in front of a mirror hanging between

Two posters, removing their hats, which were very different from any

one she had ever seen.

The Nellie was covered in feathers and Gertie had roses and large

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lilies, arranged as a wreath around the wide brim.

The girls' hair was piled high on the head and fell soft and

and curly, to observe them, Minella had the impression that they did not

part of this world.

I had never imagined that a woman could have waist as thin or

dresses so righteous breasts!

They were so elegant, so graceful, resembling the description of his mother

speaking of girls as goddesses Gaiety Theatre.

They were admiring themselves in the mirror until Connie enter the room, bringing

a bottle of cherry and three goblets.

- My last bottle! I must remember to ask for more Archie.

- He should not leave it out of stock - Gertie said.

- Archie gave me a box of champagne is the drink that you like, but

I think that is not what you want now.

- Of course not - Nellie replied. - Do not combine with the news that we have

for you.

This time, Connie was interested.

- What are you talking about? What is this bad news?

- Katy is sick! - Gertie said after a brief silence.

- No way!

- It's true. It is nearly forty degree fever!

- You mean she can not go tonight? - Asked Connie.

- It is hardly seeing, imagine if able to walk! explained


Connie sat in an armchair.

- You can not! What do we do now?

- It was in thinking that we were all the way up here

- It is too late to invite another person suitable for "he"!

- Commented Nellie.

- And Gracie? - Connie asked, after a moment of silence.

- She already has a commitment and you know who!

- Oh yeah, I forgot.

- Lillie think of, but it is marked with a dinner with the Duke and

you know not just give up at the last minute! - Nellie said.

- No, of course not. Furthermore, our host was never concerned with

Lillie. She, too affected and once I heard her laugh that the


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- So what do you think we should do? - Asked Gertie.

- Give up everything?

- No way - Connie replied, changing. - Archie is

excited about it and I know it would be crazy life!

- Well, that solves you, Connie. You and Archie is that they are in charge

to form the group that the "Lord Almighty" asked.

- I know, Gertie, and everything was so easy and promising! There was a brief

Nellie paused before saying:

- If you want my opinion, because he wanted a group, when it is alone

with Katy, should find it very boring.

- What more nasty comment! - Connie said. - Katy gets on very well with

it. Think of gifts that won him!

- Okay, my tongue is longer than the mouth! - Nellie said. -

But something tells me I'm right.

- I think you're wrong - Connie said. - Do not you think, Gertie?

- To be honest, I do not care. Just know that Harry is excited about the

weekend and I wanted a chance to talk to him about

a necklace that I loved.

Suddenly Connie turned to Minella, as if he had forgotten that

she was there. Then he said, hurriedly:

- This subject is very boring for my friend because she does not know

no person of whom we are speaking.

- It soon will know the count! - Nellie interrupted. - And if you

are thinking of placing it on the show, will soon discover which side

Your bread has butter! That is, even if some claim as to


Minella looked at Connie, startled and without understanding anything.

- Sorry, honey, but when we're together, we always talk slang.

- Perhaps you prefer to be alone - suggested Minella. Can I go to the

your room?

- I'd better go get your luggage downstairs. I've thought a place for

you get at least the next three nights. - Connie rose. -

The apartment next door is empty. Geraldro actor who lives there, is

traveling with a play. The key is with me, for I am watering the

plants while he is away.

- How wonderful! - Minella thanked his luck.

Connie took the key in a table, walked out of his apartment, crossed the

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hall and opened the door ahead.

The place was dark, but she came and opened the blinds and saw Minella

that was what they called "dorm-room".

There was a couch like Connie, two chairs, a desk and

walls were also covered with posters of theater. In one corner,

telegrams, newspaper clippings and photographs of pieces were stuck in


- You will be well accommodated aqai and I'm out front, so there

need to be afraid, Minella.

- Do you have ... sure ... No ... problem? Connie smiled.

- Of course! The theater people are very generous! They are not like staff

field, which does not rely on nor own shadow!

Minella could not stop laughing.

- Now go down the stairs and yell for Ted standing at the gate continued

it. - He will carry your luggage here. Give it a pence, for there

deserves more than that. Then take the bag just what you will need

for tonight. We'll talk later, before I go to the theater.

- You will perform tonight, Connie?

- Sure, but only leave here in a couple of hours. There's no rush! Connie left

and returned to her apartment. When he entered the room,

Gertie and Nellie looked at her anxious and she said:

- What a mess! Now let's talk frankly. What we do


- We were thinking about it and find a solution - Gertie said. -

A great solution!

- What? - Connie asked, curious.

- What about your friend take the place of Katy? - Nellie suggested.

- I think you are crazy!

- Why? - Gertie insisted. - She is beautiful and has a different way of

any one of us, and that's the kind of thing that the count is always

looking for!


Minella was opening one of your bags when Connie came.

Had the immediate impression that her friend was going to say something nasty.

And really, Connie sat on the couch and questioned her in a serious tone:

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- Let's talk a little, Minella.

- What, Connie? Speaking ... disturbing? I want ... go?

- No, nothing like that. You have an idea that you may not like.

If that happens, I want you to tell me frankly.

- Of course! After all, we both have always been frank with one another.

At least we were in the past.

- Yes, of course, but it's different now.

- As well, Connie?

Minella had the feeling that something was wrong and laced his fingers,

looking for a friend with anxious expression. He looked so young and helpless,

Connie said:

- I'm sure you would not suggest it, but the girls think

good idea and do not like to think of leaving her here alone while


- Will you travel?

- Just tonight until Monday afternoon, in which case you would

alone in London ...

- I think I can be okay.

Minella wanted to reassure her, but could not avoid the feeling that

would be very scary at the mercy of fortune in a strange city.

- The plan is as follows - Connie began. - After the show this

night, we all go to the field, as guests of the Earl of Wynterborne.

- After the show? - Minella asked, surprised.

- The show ends at around half past ten and a special train will go on

our hopes in Paddington. We arrive at the castle before midnight, the

it's too early ... at least for us! - Connie smiled, apparently

with effort. Then he continued: - I selected a group because the

Earl asked. Nellie and Gertie and will also Beryl, who is a person of love.

Except that it would be a surprise to Katy.

Minella is dazzled with each name and tried to follow the narration of


- Katy is the "special" of the count, so to speak, but at last

moment, fell ill, as you heard.

- Must be very unpleasant, not only for her but for you as well.

- Nasty, is not. It's terrible! And puts me in a blind alley. with

all this explanation, Minella, I am suggesting that you take the place of


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- I?

- Yes, you. It would not be the same for the count, of course, but vai

complete pairs. It would be very awkward and embarrassing if it does not


Minella held his breath.

- But he can invite any friend, can not, Connie? Or should have

many of you dying to go!

- No, the last hour, and I do not have time to be trying to find

someone. Help me, Minella, as I'm trying to help you.

- Sure, I'll do anything you ask, but is that Count

accept me as their guest receive without knowing who I am? Think about it,


- I'm pretty sure he will be delighted to receive it.

Minella looked at his bag.

- I think my clothes, even the ones that were my mother's, are not very


- This is a point we need to discuss and do not want to be offended.

- Why did I offend?

- Because if you're with us, which would make me very grateful and

happy, you have to pretend you're someone else.

Minella was so shocked, he could not say anything.

- Look, Miss. Minella Clinton-Wood can not be linked to a group

girls of the Gaiety Theatre.

- Why not, Connie?

- Because your mother would not approve - she replied simply.

Minella knew it was true, but only now thought that being one Connie

actress of the Gaiety, her mother would never approve your procedure to look for it

for help.

However, before going to London, how could I know what was Conme

in the theater? And why now would have to be different from your friend?

Almost as if following the course of his thoughts, Connie


- There is nothing to discuss, Minella. Just as we can not tell

my parents what I'm doing, you should not let the Earl of

Wynterborne know who his father was.

- He met daddy?

There was a moment of silence and Connie seemed to think before answering:

- I think so. Everyone knew her father and liked him and I

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sure that both belonged to the same club. - Then, as if

did not want to talk about it, returned to the previous subject. -

So if Wyn us to the castle, you must go to

a friend of mine, maybe a young actress who longs for the stage of the Gaiety.

They all want that.

- I do not know anything about the stage.

- I know, but it is unlikely that he will ask questions about it. You

have to talk about other issues. Moreover, men always

like to talk about themselves.

Minella laughed.

- It's what Mom always said!

- She was right. The Count loves to talk about his life, his

interest. I was told that the castle is magnificent and his horses

win the best races. - Connie paused. - He is very rich and

very important for us, because it puts a lot of money at all

productions of George Edwardes.

- George Edwardes? - Minella repeated, blankly.

- Is the director and, as we are concerned, the word is this gentleman law. E

director hears the word of the count. Gave to understand now?

- Yes - Minella said. - But, Connie, and I do not think that I should not

go to the theater.

- You would be lucky if I had a chance! - Connie replied

ironically. - What I'm asking is that you pretend to be a young

aspiring actress only for two nights. After that, never again

should see the earl.

- I'm afraid to make a mess of everything and you'll be mixing ...

furious with me.

- You will not mess up any act exactly as I say. E

That means we have to go to the theater immediately.

- I go with you?

- Of course! We have to wear it. We can not take her to the castle

such clothes.

- Maybe I should stay here, Connie. I'll be fine, and if

prefer, or go out on the street. I'm in here until you return.

- Wrong! Have you forgotten? You are doing me a big favor! We

they take someone to entertain the Count! Moreover, he is a person

that might help her.

- What if I do not ... amuse you?

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- You can try. - Connie watched her for a moment.

Actually, you do not his type, but every man likes a change

from time to time. And it's not likely to come to address it, since in

Katy is currently connected to.

- Me address? - Asked Minella, uncomprehending.

- No time for many questions now! We have to decide just

thing, as you'll recall.

- I really have to have another name?

- Of course! Gertie and Nellie have no idea who you are, and Count

would know immediately that "Clinton-Wood" is the family name of their


- So, how am I going to call me?

- Let me think ... Minella ... Minella ... Minella Moore ... Minella Moore

is great! It has a theatrical sound and is also easy to remember. All we

like to have names that men will never forget! - Realizing that

was no doubt in the eyes of Minella, Connie strengthened: - Now, remember:

you're Minella Moore, just arrived in London and must say the least

possible about it. Got it?

- Try to remember - she replied, a little scared.

- I'll take a suitcase for you, Minella Moore. Take only what vai

need for the night, because everyone else in the theater succeed.

She left the apartment and Minella stood with wide eyes.

Suddenly, as everything seemed so odd and unexpected, gave a

laugh. At least, it was an adventure! And much more exciting than going

to Bath with Aunt Esther!

"It is the kind of situation that Dad would pass and eventually making a

joke, "he thought." Gotta remember that Mom would not approve. '

He opened the bag and pulled out a sweater, which was one of the nicest and

attractive that her mother possessed.

Lady Heywood kept that sweater for special occasions such as

when I went to London with her husband and wore a beautiful silk robe

blue trimmed with lace.

"At least, Connie will not be ashamed of me at bedtime."

Also picked up a pair of slippers and when Connie came, was

all piled on the bed.

- I have no valise to lend. As you will have to take things

arrumaremos that in the theater, brought a large suitcase where you

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carry everything. It is also best to take your hat box.

She left before Minella had time to respond. He heard her

talking to the two girls in the room of his apartment and realized that

were all laughing.

"I'm doing a favor for Connie. Should not be wrong, because Dad always

helped everyone. '

She put her few things in the trunk of Connie and the girls started

rush it, because there was so much to do.

- Come on! - Connie said. - If we take Natty not in a good mood, she

will not let us use the best dresses and it is crucial that Minella

be stunning!

- Absolutely essential! - Nellie agreed. Then, for

reassure her, he added gently: - Do not worry! with a face

these, it is beautiful anyway!

- Do not trust it! - Gertie interfered. - Clothes are halfway there

and no use pretending not!

Gertie began to put on his hat, looking in the mirror.

- You will have to wear a hat to go to the theater, said Minella

Connie. - Did you bring any better than the one that came with?

- I think not ... That hat was one of the nicest Mom.

- Your mom was always beautiful without making any effort. - Conme smiled. -

Well, put it. If we arrive early, nobody will see it.

Hasty and screaming for Ted come up and take the bags finally

reached the street, where a hired carriage awaited them.

The bags were placed in front, beside the driver, and the four

girls rose. Minella felt like a sparrow beside

three exotic canaries.

As seemed to find amusing the fact that surprised the count, they

talked about it the whole way.

- If you want to know the truth, it scares me - Nellie said.

- Just because you do not type it! - Gertie replied. - He never

interested in brunettes.

Nellie threw his head back.

- I have no issue! I am very happy with Charlie. Already told

you? It will give me a sable fur coat for this winter!

- No! - Exclaimed Gertie. - I can not believe!

- That's what he said, and can be sure that will not let you forget.

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I need something warmer than that-my coat last year.

- We were talking the Earl Wynterbone - Connie explained, as if

Minella feared that the findings could take that conversation.

- Yes, of course! - Gertie said. - For starters, Minella, you will find it

one of the nicest men you ever saw in your life. He is also cynical,

cold, cocky and always seems to be dying of boredom!

- It's a good description, no doubt! - Connie laughed. - But I doubt that you

have created.

- That's what Archie said about him the other day - Gertie replied.

- I do not know what the count has to be so cocky!

- Ah, if I had the money he has, it would be much more satisfied!

- Nellie interfered. - By Charlie was jealous of him, especially

when the Earl won the Goodwood Stakes and beat the horse by Charlie

one neck piece! - Nellie sighed, as if moved by some

unpleasant memory, then said to Minella:

- Charlie would have been very upset if this does not this weekend

sure. So, thank you, thank you very, Minella!

- It's true - Gertie agreed. - We are all very grateful and Beryl

will also, when you know how you were kind to us.

Minella was disappointed with the façade of the theater. Having heard his father

speak of the entries of theaters, imagined something spectacular. However,

it was just a plain door in a side alley and a man of middle age,

with a large mustache, sitting inside a car that looked like a box,

addressed them:

- Good afternoon! - Why are they coming soon?

- Where is Natty? - Asked Connie.

- How do I know? Must be in the wardrobe.

- Tell her you want to see it. It is urgent, very urgent!

The man seemed about to say he was too busy or do not

was part of his job, but Gertie approached and said in a voice


- It is because of the Earl of Wynterborne!

- Oh, in that case ...

- This is James Jupp - Connie explained, while they followed him in huge

corridor. We have to maintain good relations with him, but the flowers

receive never reach us. He was first sergeant of the guard

king and never forgot it.

Gertie laughed.

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- It's true! Once Beryl argued with him and did not receive a single flower

for one week!

Minella all laughed and thought it seemed dealing with a school

very energetic teacher.

Climbed a ladder iron, and to repair the walls on both sides

urgent need of paint, again she thought the Gaiety was not

as wonderful as imagined.

At the end of a long, dark corridor, Connie opened a door, where there was

her name to Gertie and Nellie.

- This is our dressing room - she said. - Glad we're all

together. We do not want anyone else to know what we're doing.

- NOT, of course not - Nellie agreed.

The girls took off their hats and Minella saw off a screen in the corner

and left the room, hung on a hanger long dresses


There was a shelf full of cosmetics under a mirror surrounded

Small lamps. In the corners of the mirror, were arrested and telegrams

cards. Beside the screen, there were vases of flowers perfumed the whole


Minella had never seen such beautiful flower arrangements and was

admiring them when the door opened, giving way to a middle-

age, skinny and dressed in gray.

- What happened? - Unexpected visitor asked harshly before

that any one could open his mouth. - If any of you tore a

these new dresses, I think I can wring your neck!

- There was nothing like that, Natty - Connie said. - We want your help, and is


- Not ever want is power! I have plenty to do at the moment to

assume anything else.

- But you must help us, Natty, because Katy is sick!

- Sick? You mean she does not come tonight?

- It is nearly forty degree fever!

- Well, I hope someone notify the counter-rule, but will give greater


- I'm not worried about counter-rule, but with the surrogate

found to take place tonight at Katy castle Wynterborne -

said Connie.

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- Substitute?

- Let's go to the castle tonight, after the show, and the count will

Katy furious to discover that not accompanied us.

- Glad you will not be around when that happens.

- That's why I got a replacement - Connie explained, trying

patiently to make her understand the situation.

Natty turned to Minella with watchful eyes.

- This is Minella Moore - Connie said. - As you see, it has no

appropriate clothing.

- And you expect me to view?

- Of course! You know how important it is! - Connie counted on his fingers:

- First, Minella need two evening dresses, to a beautiful

tomorrow morning, another more sophisticated for the afternoon and at least more

an exchange on Monday before returning in the late afternoon.

- Did you also do not want a yacht and diamond jewelry? -

Natty asked ironically.

- We accept all you get us. Oh, and you also can repair

Minella that has a cute hat.

As if suddenly realizing the funny side of the situation, Natty laughed.

- I would not do it for anyone in the world, except for the count, and how

Katy is sick ...

Without another word, he stopped in front of Minella and watched her as

intensely, she would be embarrassed if I did not know was that Natty

a milliner.

- It is too low for your clothes, Connie - said finally.

- I know!

- Well, I think I can find something, but do not expect miracles! -

Natty said, coming out of the dressing room afterwards.

Connie clapped.

- We - shouted. - I thought it might be much harder.

- You never know the reaction of Natty - Nellie said. Connie turned to


- You better take your clothes off. Natty back soon. Probably will

some changes and do not have much time.

- It's true - Gertie agreed.

Minella was a bit bland and Connie realized.

- If you're behind the screen, you can hang your clothes there and

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'll get back when we return Monday.

She agreed and realized that there was a coat rack and a chair.

He took off the dress and it was hanging when Connie appeared.

- She will also bring some underwear, much prettier than

the ones you're using now!

Minella was surprised. I did not know George Edwardes not spared

expenses for their productions. Each girl had not only the Gaiety

London's most spectacular dresses, but what wore underneath

was beautiful, sophisticated and adorned with beautiful lace. He did

question of presenting a quality never before seen on stage.

He realized that when he was wearing silk stockings and a combination of

same fabric, adorned with delicate lace. He also received a

corset waist and got so thin that Natty grumbled that all

the dresses need to be adjusted.

The clothes were beautiful! The milliner and an assistant took half a dozen to

and adopt the girls all seemed made especially for Minella.

- Nothing flashy colors! - Commented Natty. - She's too young, and besides

that could erase his blond hair, that are natural, like that


As he spoke, he looked with disdain on the blond hair of Conme, the

redheads Gertie and Nellie blacks.

- I always said that you are a true artist, Natty - Connie praised.

- That's what I try to be girls, but you can not turn a Cinderella


- If you mean me, my shoe game in your head! said


- Play and will be the last to receive a new dress!

Minella realized that they were just joking, but it was difficult

understand, because while the girls were wonderful, Natty seemed

just a servant.

Experienced dress after dress, and how he had spent the day traveling,

began to feel very tired.

Finally, it was a very elegant evening gown and told

I should travel with him.

He looked at himself in the mirror a little discouraged because the dress felt very

cut low. It was all done in white chiffon embroidered with silver threads

skinny, slightly shining. Had small sleeves and was just,

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adhering to his body almost like a second skin. At the knees,

began to form large ruffles and the effect of silver threads remembered

the waves of the sea.

- Does not ... I will find it strange appear dressed like a train?

- Asked, hesitating.

- Of course not - Natty replied. - There is a velvet cape

black with white fur collar for you to use on it and not need

put your head down until you reach the castle.

- Feathers! - Minella said.

- I'll give you a chiffon scarf to wear in the head during the trip -

Natty said. - You can take the feathers on the hat box.

- And you have two hats to wear tomorrow and two on Monday! -

Connie interfered.

- And the Koh-i-noor for luck! - Natty said, full of irony. All

laughed because in the previous year, when the diamond jubilee

Queen Victoria, the most exciting gift she had received, and

with great emphasis that appeared in all the newspapers outside the diamond

Koh-i-noor, which, they said, would be added to the royal crown.

It was getting late and there was a constant noise in the hallway. Some

people put their heads into the dressing room and said something

then disappeared.

The girls began to wear the clothes I would wear on stage, when a

girl named Emily appeared and told her to Connie maquilar Minella.

- She does not know if maquilar alone? - Emily asked.

- No, do not! - Connie replied. - You do it now and I will

while we're in the castle.

- You always me arranging extra work! -Emily muttered.

- Sorry to bother you so much - Minella hastened to say.

- Okay - she pondered, good-humored. - I'm just kidding, but you

not used.

- Not too maquile - Connie said. - Natty wore it as it is: very

young. Minella has to look like a button and not a red rose

completely open!

- I know my job! One thing can be sure: it will not be

like any of you!

- Great! - Commented Nellie. - We do not need more competition. The already

we have enough!

All laughed, then heard a knock on the door and, without waiting

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response, a man opened it.

- Can I come in?

- Oh, Archie, glad you came! - Connie said. I want us


- You can count on me.

The man walked into the dressing room and Minella found it very beautiful and

elegant. Era

tall, dark, and should have about thirty-five years. He wore a

gardenia in his lapel and two large pearls in white tie impeccable.

He thought he dressed like his father, when he was going to do something

important and,

suddenly felt so homesick that of Lord Heywood her eyes

filled with tears.

- Beware! - Emily almost cried. - If your eyes get wet, vai

blurring everything!

She had forgotten that she had spent a cosmetic for eyelashes in their

leave your eyes looking bigger than it already was.

When he looked in the mirror, Minella had to admit that Emily had done

a good job.

His skin looked much lighter than usual and there was only one

light pink cheeks. In fact, did not remember anything in the aspect

noticed that a poster on Connie and the other girls.

- Now listen, Archie - Connie was saying. - Katy is sick and not

can go.

- I mean that our tour was canceled?

- No, and neither will be spoiled. I convinced my girlfriend to go with us and

I'm sure it will be a great companion, Archie.

- Cosmo will not like!

- He can not do anything. And it would be much worse if we stayed in

odd number ... you know that very well!

- Yes, I think you're right.

- So come meet my friend and tell them how we are all

grateful that she saved our tour - Connie suggested.

She took him by the arm to where Minella was sitting and when she saw the

the mirror image of the smiling man smiled back.

- Let me introduce them right - Connie said. - Minella, this is Lord

Connington ... Archie, Miss. Minella Moore!

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- How are you? - Asked Minella.

- Nice to meet you. I'm very glad you saved our trip, as

Connie said. There is nothing worse than a group that lacks a


- Is only worse when a man missing! - Commented Nellie.

Two other men came into the dressing room and were informed of the sad

history of disease and Katy Minella that would take its place.

As it was presented to them properly, Minella took some time

to identify that Harry's companion Gertie, was Sir Harold

Parker and Charlie, Nellie, was Lord Skelton.

There was a knock at the door and a man's voice:

- Five minutes, ladies!

- We gotta go - Connie said. - Listen, Archie, take with you Minella

to the cabin. She never saw a spectacle of Gaiety and, as is the

first time, have to be in style!

- You can leave, we will take care of her. Do not worry, Connie.

- And do not panic! This is the first visit to London and is Minella

finding all wonderful!

- Her first visit to London? My God!

with the rustle of skirts, leaving a scent in the air exotic mixed

with the fragrance of flowers, Connie, Nellie and Gertie came out of the dressing

room and

hurried down the iron stairs toward the stage.

- We better go, Miss - Archie asked, gently. Harry and

Charlie, who looked with curiosity, as if to wonder where and

as suddenly as it had appeared, agreed.

Once settled in the cabin, Minella felt he had entered a world


Not only the theater was much more luxurious, much brighter and more

beautiful than ever able to imagine, as well, when the curtains

opened, she realized she was having a vision of luxury and beauty!

I had read somewhere, or maybe his father had told him that the

Gaiety was not only synonymous with success, but also a barn

glorious joy and girls throughout London.

That was what he was witnessing and felt that, in a strange way,

participated in that wonderful spectacle.

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Although it took some time to realize I was watching a

spectacles produced four months ago, called: The Runaway Girl.

It would be one of the biggest hits staged at Gaiety, but at the moment she

could only admire the beauty of each scene that happened in Corsica or


The rhythm of the music seemed to be doing most of his own breathing,

as well as the strange dance presented by two great artists who

Achie reported to be the stars of the show.

He was charged by the sound of melodies, perfect for movements

coordinated dancers and could not think of anything else.

Only when the whole audience rose to sing God Save the Queen

after an ovation that lasted ten minutes, Minella had a feeling

walk on land again, as if coming from another planet.

"Now I understand why my father was so fond of the Gaiety!"

Archie took her back to the backstage and when he entered the dressing room,


waited with a hood that had promised.

It was so luxurious and beautiful she had the feeling of participating in the

ask what had just watch.

While the other girls were wearing capes like yours and put scarves

chiffon on sophisticated hairstyles, Natty said calmly


- Have fun and do not make any stupid! - Realizing that she did not

had understood, he added: - Do not do anything that his father and mother did not


- My parents ... died.

- But you can be sure that the two of you look down from heaven and want

to continue a good girl, as I know it has been until now.

Minella looked at her startled, but before he had time to say no

thing, the woman came out of the dressing room.

- Come on! - Connie said. - If you are not hungry, I'm

crazy for my dinner!

- Will have to wait a bit! - Gertie replied. - But I bet,

when the time comes, the dinner will be great!

- And have you seen the Count offer anything other than the best? -

asked Nellie.

- Exactly Connie agreed. - And, with or without Katy Katy, we

enjoy it!

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Without another word, walked down the iron ladder at the end of which the three

the gentlemen waited.

On the street, two carriages private, closed, each pulled by two

horses, awaited to take them to Paddington station.

Minella sat in one of the carriages, alongside Archie and Connie; in

front seat, settled down and Nellie Lord Skelton. In the second

carriage, were Gertie, Harry, Sam and Beryl, who had been

displayed quickly.

When they left, Archie spoke softly to Connie:

- You were wonderful tonight, dear. I was very proud of


- Thank you.

Minella noticed that Connie was not embarrassed by the way Archie

addressed her, and saw that the two seemed so close, he wondered

if the friend would marry him.

"It would be a brilliant marriage to the daughter of a minister of the interior,"

thought. "Connie's parents would be proud of dying if she married

with a lord! '

However, that could be upset by Connie stayed to take Archie

small parish, which always felt so ugly and nasty.

As they were nearing the station, heard Connie say to Archie,

in a low voice:

- Had some trouble getting to spend the weekend off?

- She does not like it one bit, but I said I was going to visit my mother.

- And if she finds out?

As I was very close to him, Minella realized that Archie shrugged.

- You need to be careful! - Connie said. - The wives usually create

problems when they get jealous, and who would not be jealous of you,

Archie, darling?

For a moment, Minella thought he should not have heard correctly. Then

quickly became convinced that it had to do not critical. However, no

Connie was very strange that the daughter of a pastor, had a relationship

so intimate with a married man?


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When they reached the castle, which seemed to Minella huge and scary

were taken upstairs to the steward and placed in the care of

housekeeper, Mrs.. Harlow.

with his black clothing and a silver chain around his waist, she looked very

upper and Minella had the distinct impression that observed with


Mrs.. Harlow led them down a long corridor of the ward would close the house and

opening a door on the left and the other right, saying:

- This one is yours, miss.

Each had a bedroom and, although he was not sure, thought Minella

Jacks had seen posted in the rooms next to each room

for the girls.

When there was only Minella, the housekeeper went to the end of the hall and


wonderful in front of a two door leaves.

- This is where you sleep, Miss. Denman.

She was surprised and was about to reply that there was a mistake when

concluded that it should be the name of Katy. He thought he should explain

misunderstanding and, as they entered the room, said:

- I'm not Miss. Katy Denman. She got sick and am instead.

- From what I heard it and I thought I was young Miss


The room was huge and wonderful. Minella could only stand still,

admiring him, to perceive the presence of a maid beside the


- This is Rose, who will meet it - said the housekeeper.

- Thank you - Minella said.

- I hope it is well accommodated, Miss ... - She stopped talking.

Trying not to make any mistake, Minella said:

- Moore, Moore Minella.

The housekeeper nodded, as if to repeat internally

that name, and left the room without another word.

- Your luggage will be here in a minute miss, but, from what I understand,

there will be no change of clothes now - said Rose.

- No, I'm wearing an evening gown.

Minella unzipped the cover and Rose took it from his shoulders.

He removed the scarf and chiffon head, sitting in front of

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dresser, tried to hold her hair that had come loose during the


- Let me do that, miss.

Rose held her hair with fingers and skillful while combing,

two servants entered the room, carrying his suitcase and hatbox.

Untied the straps of the bag and left.

- Something of headwear, Miss? - Asked the maid.

- I have some down time.

When Rose took them out of the hat box, Minella resolved than those

would use. Besides judging them suitable for older women seemed

too theatrical and knew her mother would not approve.

Placed them on the dresser.

- I will not use them, Rose. They were lent me, but I know I would not

I feel good.

Rose smiled.

- I think it's too young to wear down well, miss, but will be

having nothing strange in the head.

While the maid spoke, Minella noticed a vase with beautiful orchids

white on the dresser.

- Orchids! - Rose exclaimed suddenly. - This is exactly what is

need, miss. Mr. Earl cultivates some very beautiful types

in greenhouses.

Took two of the vessel and arranged them on the coke Minella. He was a

hairstyle simple and very beautiful.

When he looked in the mirror again Minella found her dress

seemed too low-cut.

- Rose, that would be to hold orchids in front of my bodice?

This dress was borrowed and I also do not feel right with this neckline


Rose smiled again.

-. I'll fix, miss, do not worry. The maid jabbed a

pin and hook, after closing part of the neckline, three arrested

star shaped orchids.

- It was great! Thank you, you were very kind, Rose!

- Are you ready? - Gertie came in the room suddenly. - Connie asked

I come pick her up because she came before to tell our host that

he has a guest different than imagined.

- I hope he does not get too angry - Minella said nervously.

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He rose from the dresser and just had time to wash your hands in warm water

Rose who had served him. Then chased Gertie, who was already

across the hallway toward the stairs.

- If you ask me, this place is too big commented

Gertie: - If you lived here, you'd feel smaller than a fly!

Minella laughed. I was also impressed by the size of the castle, but not

was nothing more than imagined.

His father used to tell him about the splendor of Blenheim Palace,

which was hosted by the Duke of Marlborough; Chatsworth, and

other magnificent ancestral homes as Woburn Abbey and Arundel Castle.

He was sure he would be disappointed if, after everything he had heard

speak Earl, his castle was not huge and scary.

The armor and flags, captured in battle by the ancestors of the

Earl, made the grand foyer environment. The butler received them

at the end of the ladder.

- Please join me, ladies. Your Grace is in French salon!

Gertie Minella winked and whispered in his ear:

- What a luxury! That's environments to choose, instead of just having

choice between the den and the kitchen!

The butler led them to a door of two leaves and when the two servants

opened, Minella ran into the room more luxurious and stylish than ever

had seen in his entire life.

Had noticed that the hallway and vestibule lighting was done with

gas lamps, but the French salon had two huge chandeliers

crystal with dozens of candles that bathed the whole environment with its



In one corner of the room, were Connie, Nellie, Beryl, the four men and one

fifth that turned when he heard the door open: was the count.

Minella immediately thought that no one could take that man for

nothing different from what it was: a true aristocrat.

He was tall, had broad shoulders and as Connie said, extremely

beautiful. The rest of the description was also correct. Indeed, it appeared

cynical and conceited and, though he was smiling when greeted

Gertie, his eyes expressed coolness.

- What a pleasure to see you Gertie! - He said. - You are even more beautiful,

if that is possible!

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Then looked at Minella and Connie approached.

- This is Minella Moore - Connie said. - She was very gentle taking

Katy place at the last minute are very nervous and, therefore, not


The count laughed.

- I promise I will not do that.

He extended his hand, and when closed it on the Minella, she felt

emanated from him a force and power nothing common.

- I hope you do not mind that I ... have come uninvited -

she said.

- I'm delighted, and as Connie said, very grateful

you keep my group of guests stay in an odd number, which

would be very unpleasant.

Joined the others who were already drinking champagne and Minella found

the girls talking seemed colorful birds.

As their laughter were radiant and were so pretty in dresses

Colorful and elegant with who had come from London! He could not help

think that was the kind of party that his father would have liked.

"No wonder he prefers it here the silence of our

home after the death of my mother. '

The Count interrupted his thoughts.

- It is very serious, Minella, and can not afford it.

- I was admiring her house - she replied quickly. - Is exactly

as I imagined.

The earl raised his eyebrows.

- Why?

- Heard a lot of great houses of England - said,

choosing his words carefully. - Always wanted to one day have the

privilege of knowing one of them. I'm sure your collection

frames is magnificent!

- It is true that cares for paintings? Or was that Connie sent her

say that?

Minella laughed.

- I am interested really. Can you be surprised, but I know

enough about it, not because I was able to see many

quality pictures, but from what I read about them.

She was thinking of the hours he spent with his mother and enjoying

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discussing the pictures shown in old books her grandfather


- Let's do a test. Tomorrow I'll take it for a spin in my

Gallery - Earl joked.

- I'd love to!

Minella thought he was a mocking expression in his eyes, as if

doubted his sincerity.

When we were having dinner, he was sure that she thought the Count,

like the other girls, was playing a role just to please


The dining room was so luxurious as the living. There was a collection of

minstrels on one side and the rest of the room was decorated with pictures

depicting the ancestors of Earl.

On the table, there were chandeliers, vases, goblets and bowls, all gold,

while the white towel was just decorated with orchids.

Settled down at the table and we saw right Minella Earl, who should have

been the place reserved for Katy.

- I see you liked my orchids and I dare say they could not

have been used better, milady.

- For a moment, she did not realize what he was doing her a compliment,

but when he saw his eyes fixed on the neckline of the dress orchids,


- They are beautiful! I could not resist using them, preferring to what brought

put on his head.

- And what brought?

- Plumas, that Connie thought it would be appropriate for the occasion.

- Think you're too young to wear down. Minella laughed.

- What is amused? - Cosmo asked the Count.

- I'm laughing because today everyone is telling me I'm too young.

All gave me advice and took care of me.

- Yes I'm sure - he replied, dryly. Minella started


- First, it was the train that lady who kindly gave me milk

drinking. Then the baggage was saying I was too young

to be alone, then the driver and ... Connie.

Just as he was finishing talking, he realized that he might have

erred admitting that arrived in London that day. He had a

slight jolt when Cosmo asked:

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- Where are you from?

He had to think fast, because make things worse if I said the name of his


- De .. Birmingham - responded because it was the first big city you

came to mind.

- You should be traveling with a part - he said.

- Well, now that he returned to London, it would be a big mistake to let her

disappear again.

Again, he spoke in that tone of voice dry, which made it difficult

understand exactly what he meant.

Following the teachings of her mother, she turned to talk to the

gentleman beside her and saw Lord Skelton speaking quietly with

Nellie. It was obvious he had not the slightest desire to talk more


Cosmo should have realized what she was trying to do, as commented:

- You'll notice that in this group, everyone is very close to the people

with whom they want to be. As you are my pair, Minella, make the most

advantage of my company.

- Would you like this and ask you to tell me about their horses.

Connie said she has some wonderful animals and who won the

Goodwood Stakes.

- Are you interested in horses as well as for paintings?

- Very, despite never having seen an important race. Only

local competition, which I found very exciting.

Again, he looked as if he thought she only pretended one

interest that did not exist.

He was angry with that attitude and started talking about the various

classic races that had happened that year. He knew all

them, because Lord Heywood had attended the Royal Ascot with a group of

Friends, the Derby and the Grand Prix National and when returned home,

told him all the details.

Knowing that would please his father, also carefully read the newspapers

sports, which were always delivered to your home as well as the more

prosaic Morning Post.

When dinner was over, there was no doubt that the Count had found the

interesting conversation and ended up telling several cases with alacrity.

Minella also asked if he had good hunting in the woods around

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castle and again, Cosmo was surprised by it knowing details

on hunting pheasant and partridges.

She found she was enjoying herself much more than expected.

But was amazed to notice that the rest of the group was getting

noisy, probably as a result of the quantity of wine that

had been drinking.

A servant had served him a glass of champagne she just proved.

Realizing that the earl said:

- Do not like champagne, Minella, can offer a white wine

or red.

- I would really like a lemonade or a little water.

Cosmo turned and stared at her, his eyes almost bulging.

- Are you serious, Minella?

- To tell the truth, I have champagne few times in my life and,

as I'm tired, I think it would be a mistake to drink a lot tonight.

Again, there was a cynical and suspicious in the eyes of the count,

as if he thought she was representing.

He asked to bring lemonade, while the bowls around the table were

constantly filled. Minella saw Connie, sitting across the

Earl was very flushed, and he talked very animatedly with

Archie, barely speaking to the Count.

"It is a strange behavior considering what Mom taught me. But

Gaiety girls should be different from my mother's friends. '

Perhaps if your father were present, also just talked with

person who was more interested in, ignoring all others.

Finally, the count asked for women to retire to the living room


Connie stood up, kissed the face of Archie and said:

- Do not be long! If you forget, come back to pick you up!

- It would be impossible to forget!

Minella heard, completely stunned. Then Connie slipped an arm

in it, and walking to the living room, commented:

- You're being wonderful, Minella! I never saw our host as


When they reached the room, the girls started talking, while

spent in face powder and a new layer of lipstick on the lips.

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Minella realized that all of them carried a cosmetics bag

attached to the wrist. Not had a bag of those, but it was

irrelevant, not wanting to touch up her makeup, thinking that the

girls was already loaded too, making them look up to the

figures of the theater poster.

He decided not to intrude on their conversation, preferring to walk the

room, looking at the pictures. Realized that they were all signed by

great French artists, so the room was called "salon

French ".

Boucher was a wonderful, with its shades of blue and pink and a small

Cupid fat so gracious, that made him want to be arrow shot through it.

Then he discovered a Fragonard so romantic that came to feel that

could enter the garden among the roses, where dancing cupids on

Puzzle lovers.

I was enjoying this frame when the men returned to the salon. The

Earl approached immediately.

- I see you're admiring my paintings.

- They are gorgeous! - She replied. - I always wanted to see a Fragonard

true and this is far more wonderful than I ever could

imagine. - He was silent for a moment, then added: - Is

horrible to think that he stopped painting after the Revolution and died in

misery ...

- Who told you to tell me this? It's the first time she took the

Eye of the table and looked at him.

- I think Archie has given you some abstracts - concluded Cosmo. -

He has some excellent paintings.

Thinking it would be a mistake to assume that he had never seen Lord

Archibald until that day, Minella decided it would be best not to say


He walked to a corner of the room where there was another picture that would


- Let's sit on the couch - he said, following her. - I want to talk to


A little reluctant, because there were many more objects that would

admire, she sat on the couch satin, which was in a corner of the room,

while the others were standing around the fireplace.

- Tell me about you - Cosmo said. - I came to the conclusion that the actress

brightest I've ever met in my entire life!

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Minella looked at him and thought he had said something so extraordinary

because they must have drunk too much.

- His depiction of a young woman entering the magical world of Gaiety is

just brilliant! - He continued. - I imagine that the George Edwardes

discovered and need to greet him!

She did not know what to answer. After a few moments, said:

- I think ... nobody ... I discovered.

- So let me. I will promote it with the same enthusiasm you

dedicated to my paintings! I'm pretty sure would like a

The Runaway role in Girl.

Minella prevented up to speak he had no intention of joining

the theater.

- Looking for something to do, but still do not know what ...

- I have the answer to that, Minella, and I think the best thing is

leave everything on my own.

- It seems ... a good ... idea.

Suddenly, he realized he was so tired he could not

concentrate on what he was talking about, nor could sit upright in


For a terrible moment, he felt his eyelids heavy and was afraid

sleep. Shaking his head slightly, struggled to stay awake

and realized that the earl was watching.

- Again is playing wonderfully well and I suppose

I must say it looks very tired.

Minella managed to smile.

- I had to get up at five in the morning and happened so many

things ... it was so amazing ... I may sound rude, but I'm not

managing to keep his eyes open.

- So go to sleep. Tomorrow, will have plenty of time to see the rest of my

frames and also some of my horses.

- I'd love to!

- Then go. Do not dismiss people just quit.

Cosmo Minella found very understanding, because that's exactly what

wanted to do.

The count took her out of the hall by a door near where they were

seated. Reached an anteroom overlooking the hall without

Connie and others realized that she was leaving.

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There were two servants on duty and when they reached the stairway, Cosmo said:

- I'm sure you'll find your room. Good evening, Minella,

sleep tight!

- I will, and thank you for being so kind and considerate. He extended his

hand and, to his surprise, the Count kissed her. Liked

strange that attitude and, embarrassed, quickly removed his hand, rising

almost running up the stairs.

Not looked back once, because I had the feeling that he


She ran to her room and saw that there were candles on the dresser and

the nightstand. In a place where it could not see, someone left

a piece of paper on which was written:

"Please ring the bell when you need me, miss, and turned


Rose. '

It was too late to bother anyone, but, as was the

expected behavior, Minella rang the bell and a few minutes later,

Rose entered the room.

- Back early miss!

- I'm too tired!

She said no more. Just let that created your desabotoasse

dress and her hair loose. Then put on the jersey of his mother

and lay down.

He fell asleep immediately and never saw Rose extinguish the candles and leave the


Woke up the next morning, feeling very excited. When he left

home, never imagined that would stop somewhere so exciting.

He was sure that the day would be full of surprises and there

thousands of questions I wanted to do the count.

Rang the bell and Rose came to attend to it immediately.

- Woke up early, miss!

- I thought it was too late. Normally, I raise much before that time.

- All are still sleeping - the maid replied. - It was nearly three hours

when the other girls were lying.

- Glad you came to bed early.

He got up and washed. Then Rose helped her put a dress

very ornate that Connie had approved for use in the morning.

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He thought his mother would find ridiculously sophisticated, but it was what

other girls would wear, and should do the same.

When I was getting dressed, he noticed that Rose yawned and said:

- Oh, you're tired! It was horrible of me to disturb her so

later. I promise I will not do that again.

- Oh, it was not because of that, miss. It's my baby.

- Your baby?

- Yes, I was raised in this house for a long time. Then I got married and

now only come when there are guests.

- I understand, and bring your baby with you.

- My husband's gamekeeper, Miss, and at this time of the year is out,

Foxes guarding the partridges. So I had to bring my two

children here and spent all night practically clear.

- I'm sorry - Minella said. - Can I see them?

- Oh, miss, would be a nuisance.

- No, I'd love to! Have you tried to give honey to your baby? Mother always said that

village people often do that with babies around the time of teething.

You will see that the calm during the day and makes them sleep well at night.

- Never heard of it! I'll try.

- Let me see your children.

- They're right down the hall, miss. Mrs.. Harlow was very

helpful, letting me stay in a room on this floor. So no need

come from far away to attend to it.

Minella insisted on seeing the kids and Rose took her to a room that does not

was one of the grandest guest rooms, but neither seemed

room for servants.

There was a baby crying in the crib and a beautiful little girl of three years

sitting on the floor playing with some little pieces.

- This is Elspeth, and this is Simon - Rose said proudly.

He took the baby from the crib and he stopped crying and was just mumbling.

- Go get some honey in the kitchen - Minella said. Meanwhile, I

I'm with the kids.

Rose argued. Then, as he was clearly concerned about the

son, put him back in the crib and left.

The boy went back crying and Minella took him on her lap. He walked by

room, patting him gently on the back until the small Simon

snuggled in his arms.

When Rose returned to the room, gave a collher full of honey to your baby,

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they liked and stopped grumbling.

- Never thought of that, Miss, ever! - Said Rose,

wonder. - Now I see that was nonsense because almost everyone

have a hive in the garden!

- Do not forget to give some water to Simon, and milk. He will

headquarters, and will see how will be calmer and you can sleep tonight.

- The lady is very nice! Very nice! I can not thank!

After seeing the children, Minella hurried down, thinking it was

late for breakfast, but when they entered the room, the only person

This was the earl.

He seemed surprised to see her, especially when she said:

- Sorry if I'm late, but Rose said it was early.

- It is, but not that much. In fact, we are the only people down here.

- Do you mean that all other men are sleeping? It was

surprise because his father always got up early as she and

usually rode before breakfast.

- I hope they have a good reason for it! - Commented Cosmo.

Minella tried to imagine why it would. He could understand that Connie and

other girls were exhausted after a performance in the theater and

a trip, but it was also strange that men were so


However, he said nothing. Simply served up what I wanted, the

long row of trays a side table, and sat down in front of


Ate a good breakfast consisting of eggs with bacon, bread with

butter and several spoonfuls of honey, marmalade and who preferred to those

various types of home-made jams.

He thought Cosmo watched with a gleam in his eye that he had not noticed


When she finished eating, he said:

- Now you are getting your reward for not having drunk yesterday

night! I'm sure there are several people with headache there

up regretting for not having followed his example!

Minella recalled that his father never felt good after drinking


- Maybe it's too good to drink wine, but it means "sermons and water

gas the next day, "as Byron.

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Cosmo laughed.

- Let's admire my horses.

- That's what I was wondering - she replied.

He got up from the table and followed him to the door. Only when they reached the

vestibule, thought he hesitated and asked:

- Expects hat I use?

Never wore a hat at home because it would be ridiculous to go to wear a

garden or brushing the two horses that still they remained until the year


- No, of course not, unless you want to. I like the way

Combing her hair.

Minella reached into coke, almost as if he had forgotten how

was combed.

- It must seem very simple near Connie and the other girls, but

never have time to worry about making a hairstyle more


He saw the surprised expression in the eyes of the count, as he began to make

questions about the horses and the races that would enroll them.

They arrived at the barn, which was magnificent, and she toured the stalls,

alternating exclamations of surprise. I never imagined that one day he would see


touch of perfect copies so wonderful thoroughbreds.

- What time do you want to ride, sir? We already have a saddled horse to

milord - respectfully asked a servant.

Just at that moment Minella noticed that Cosmo was wearing habit


- Oh, I'm late to ride your horse! Excuse me.

- No need to apologize. Will not you join me? She gave

a squeal of joy.

- Can I really? - Then shut your face. - He had not forgotten

brought suit riding. I never thought ... never dreamed I would

opportunity to ride when I came here.

The count was thoughtful for a moment.

- Mrs. Harlow can get you one, because you are more or less the same

size of my sister.

- Is it true?

There was much excitement on the faces of Minella and his eyes seemed lit

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the brightness of the Sun

- Let's check - Cosmo said good-naturedly. Then, turning to

the servant: - Sele another horse and bring the two to

the main door in fifteen minutes. Remus is the most suitable for

this young.

- Oh, please - she interfered. - I could not ride Saracen?

Minella was looking at the black stallion that he liked best and

also looked through the bars of the cage.

- Are you sure you are able to master it? - Cosmo asked, hesitating.

- Absolute certainty.

It looked like he was going to argue, but then maybe thinking of giving a

lesson that girl a liar, said:

- Okay, I'll seal Saracen and Crusader mount. I doubt any

the other horse track.

The servant did not reply, though she was sure he wanted to do


"They will see only" thought with pride and spirit of defiance. "It's ridiculous

they think they know not ride just because I think part of the Gaiety.


The earl returned with her to the castle and had a servant called Mrs.


When the housekeeper took the riding clothes to his room, already Minella

was waiting anxiously.

It was a beautiful costume Busvine, the greatest couturier of that type of clothing.

Tied carefully starched trousers, fastened with many hairs

staples, as he did when he rode with his father, and placed a

bonnet, also arranged by sre-Harlow, firmly on the head.

The riding boots, also the sister of the Earl, was a little wide, but

very comfortable.

He dressed quickly, and when it was ready, took the white gloves,

thanked the housekeeper and ran from the room.

- It seems like it was made for her, so that was perfect!

- Said Mme. Harlow for Rose, who also helped Minella dressing.

- He wore that dress like a real lady, so yes!

- It is different from the others - Rose replied. - It was so nice to me and

with my baby.

- Must be a way to conquer your grace! - Said the housekeeper with

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wickedness. - The actresses are all the same ... neither better nor worse!

When Minella reached the front door, saw that the count now

was mounted Crusader.

He was having a bit of trouble to master it, which meant

Saracen who also moved impatiently.

- I think you should ride a horse calmer, Minella. She pretended

not listen and ran to the stallion, rode without

any help for the groom complete surprise.

Saracen and Crusader was already causing showing his impatience

exit. Not only pulled the reins, but scraping hooves firmly on the ground, the

Earl came out and she followed.

Not in their wildest dreams, she got to imagine that someday

riding a horse so magnificent.

She was determined to prove to the count that he was mistaken, thinking that

Saracen would be too much for her, and was not able to be representing

to do something that actually did not know.

Have not had a chance to talk as they rode through the woods, always

attentive and dodging low branches.

When they reached the open field, gave liberty to the animals. Only after

gallop of several kilometers, dominated the horses again and Count

said, with a tone of amazement in his voice:

- In the name of God, where he learned to ride like that? Minella smiled,


- I know you thought I was very confident, but I usually ride

since I could walk.

- I'm surprised and I must also compliment your looks! - He said, with

staring at your hair clean and slick as the way

put the hat.

They rode a few more minutes in silence.

- I think you're strange, Minella, and intriguing ...

- Why?

- Not one iota what I expect it to be.

- I'm glad, but would be boring as everyone told me

always is.

The count did not respond Minella and stared at the castle, visible


- How can you be bored when there's so much?

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- It seems that, like all women, you also think that only money

social position and bring happiness - Cosmo said, ironically.

She shook her head.

- I'm not so silly, but I think it helps. Lack of money can be

very frustrating, especially for a man.

Cosmo raised his eyebrows.

- What about women? I'm sure you'd be very frustrated

if it had beautiful dresses and, of course, fans who paid for


She turned to him and, without thinking, said bluntly:

- Of course I would not let anyone pay for my clothes! This is something

that ...

He broke off abruptly. Would say "... that no lady would",

When reminded that there was not a lady, but an actress, and deny it,

Connie would betray.

Had made a very serious mistake and it was impossible for the Count


- You said he would not allow his admirers paid their

dresses? - He said, in that tone of voice dry and sarcastic she

beginning to recognize. - I can not believe that I was wearing yesterday

night and this morning have been paid their salary.

Minella lifted her chin, determined not to let him intimidate her.

- If you want the truth, I asked loaned to impress him. When

back to London tomorrow night, I will have to return all.

The Count laughed, sounding spontaneous.

- Okay, Minella, you win! I can not refute an explanation as


- I accept your apology, sir. And, now, can gallop again? Can

be they never have the opportunity to ride horses as uml Saracen.

Do not wait for the permission, and touched his heels in Saracen. The speedy

Animal shot out and the count even had some difficulty

achieve it.


While he dressed for dinner, Minella thought he had spent the day

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most wonderful and exciting of his life.

Not only ride with the earl morning was an experience

wonderful, but after a fun lunch, he invited everyone to

a ride.

Besides her, Connie and Archie were the ones who were willing to leave the

two trolleys that came fast to catch them at the front door, each

pulled by a perfect pair of horses.

They walked the woods and when they reached an open field, the two men


Minella was not surprised by the fact Cosmo win but also Archie

went well and proved to be a tough match.

Everything was so different from what until then had lived, he could not

stop thinking like your father amuse themselves there and maybe better if he left

than Archie in the race.

Pecorreram much of the property and she had noticed that Count

retained their fields in perfect order.

The chalets were with new paint and all that were made a

respectful or touched his forehead, always smiling.

- I think people are very fond of you - commented Minella.

- I guess I consider fair and generous, that's all good

landlord has to be.

She had denied her head.

- I think people want more than that. They want affection. Although not

we had money, everyone loved my mother. When she died, her

grave was completely covered with flowers. Almost all were just

wildflowers, but given with love.

Failed to prevent a slight tremor in his voice, as always ached to remember

who had lost his mother.

- What did your father do? - He had asked, unexpectedly. Afternoon

too, Minella realized he was speaking as herself, having

forgotten his role as a young actress.

- He owned a few acres of land.

- So he was a farmer - concluded Cosmo. - So you like

field and ride. - She had not answered after a moment,

he had continued, almost as if talking to himself: - Why

chose the theater as a profession? I imagine it is quite

unlike anything that lived in the past.

Minella lingered a moment to find an answer.

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- I have to ensure my survival.

- And, of course, think applause is an irresistible appeal! Notara

again that dry, sarcastic tone in his voice, and, as

feel hurt by him talking that way, said quickly:

- Never spent the moments as happy as I am living here in


- Is it really true?

- Of course it is! Why would I lie? Not only because everything here is beautiful and

luxurious, but because you have been very kind to me.

Cosmo had taken the horses eyes for a moment and looked at her


- That's exactly what I want to be, Minella, but talk about

this later.

Pleased, Minella had thought that he would fix him some employment

but then remembered that he had promised a role in The

Runaway Girl, and knew I had to refuse.

As if he knew she was worried about his last words, the

Earl looked at him on again before saying:

- Trust me, Minella, and now simply have fun.

- Is what I'm doing. And I'm looking forward to riding the new Saracen

tomorrow morning.

- Of course!

Rose took the wardrobe her second evening dress. It was a model

made of tulle, softly colored pink, with a skirt

garnished with small sprigs of white flowers and embroidery Wired


- The dress she wore last night was very beautiful, Miss, but this

is much! - Commented Rose. - So I ordered the gardeners reap

some white gardenias in her hair.

- How much kindness, Rose!

As he spoke, Minella remembered that Connie had told him that


- I noticed that you are not wearing the feathers that gave Natty. She had

felt guilty and said:

- I thought that would not suit me.

- I only suggested the plumes as a way to help her attract the attention of

count, but it seems to be getting it without any difficulty -

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Connie replicate.

Minella had wondered why her friend insisted that both

Cosmo pleased. Then, just because it was concluded that the absence of

Katy should be compensated.

Now, I could see how it would be inconvenient to others if not Count

had an escort to entertain you. So, thought should redouble

their efforts to keep you interested and to prevent them

cynical penetrate into his eyes.

When it was ready, looked in the mirror and thought she had never imagined

can look like a princess from a fairy tale.

Suddenly squealed.

- What is it, Miss? - Rose asked.

- My friend was very upset with me because this morning

I went out to ride without rice powder-face and without lipstick. To tell you the

Actually, I completely forgot!

When returned from horseback riding, Connie had found in the stairwell,

down for lunch.

- I had a wonderful horseback ride, Connie!

- You forgot to maquilar - replicate Connie quietly. - Thus,

looks like a lady and knows that this is a mistake!

- Sorry - had murmured, going quickly to his room.

For the afternoon, had spent a bit of powder on her nose and lips lipstick,

but after the bath, as she was again, not at all

like the other girls.

- Please, Rose, help me - asked.

- Of course, miss. I'm not sure what kind of likes makeup, but

I will do the best we can. - Got the kit powder-rice and commented: -

Her skin is as soft as that of Elspeth and it's a shame to hide it.

Minella has not responded. Simply closed her eyes and applied a Rose

light coating of dust on the whole face, just a touch of rouge on the apples

face and lipstick on the lips.

When it was ready, examined the eyes in the mirror.

- Her eyelashes are so long, dark, miss. If it were me, would


- Okay, Rose, I think nobody will look much to me, at least

not with the other girls around.

- Ring the bell when it comes to bed, Miss - said the maid,

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heading for the door. - I'll be waiting.

- Thank you.

After dinner, Beryl sat at the piano, which stood in a corner of the room

sitting, and started playing some songs Part The Runaway Girl.

All the rest of the group gathered around and began to sing the full

lungs and although he tried not accompany them, Minella thought Oz

Listen to the Band was the happiest song I had ever heard.

It was clear that everyone had too much to drink during the meal.

Furthermore, the servants had brought into the room with a tray and cups

several bottles of champagne in a silver ice bucket, which was

encrusted the family crest Wynterborne.

After a number of dancing with men clapping around them,

Gertie loud and fell to the ground, quite annoyed, thought Minella

all the girls, including Connie, were very stained and


Was startled when he saw Nellie kissing Lord Skelton, apparently

not caring or being embarrassed all can see it. Thinking

his mother reprove those behaviors, moved away from the piano. When

arrived in another corner of the room, where sat the night before, the earl

was already at his side.

- Would you go to sleep? - Asked.

- If you do not find very rude, I am very tired ...

- Is it because risen early. I think it would be a good idea to leave without

let others see it.

Minella gave him a grateful smile.

Cosmo took her to the room now as the night before: through the ante-

room that led into the hall.

When they reached the stairs, she held out her hand as before. Cosmo

took it, but did not kiss her. Just looked deep within

his eyes and said in a calm voice:

- Go to bed, Minella. I will not take.

She smiled and walked up the steps, thinking that he had one day

full and tiring and I did not get on very well as others in

night before: until three o'clock in the morning.

He went into his room and would ring the bell when reminded that created

I was very tired and had care of children all day. Beyond

's more, the bell would wake Simon and Rose spend one more night


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He decided he would go to her room, just ask for it

desabotoasse the back of the dress.

It did not take long to go through the long corridor, and when he arrived at

Rose room, knocked on the door softly.

Since nobody answered, walked in and saw that a candle was lit beside the

bed and that Rose was lying, still wearing the dress

Black, the apron and the ring, but was fast asleep, and beside her, on

basket, Simon also slept.

He heard a noise, and looking across the room, saw Elspeth

sitting in a cradle greater.

- I'm thirsty! I want water! - Said the little girl got up to see


He crossed the room and picked her up.

- Come along and give them water, honey. But let's not wake her

Mom. She's very tired.

- Mom is nanando - Elspeth muttered.

with the child in her arms, Minella turned to the door. Then

Rose thought she would be worried if you woke up and did not see Elspeth.

He took the two gardenias hair and put them in the crib, girl

knowing she would understand the message.

She left the room on tiptoe, and closed the door quietly

carried the girl down the hall.

When he got to his room, locked the door to the hallway and

Elspeth put in bed.

- Will you sleep with me, okay? Let your mommy sleep

quiet. See that big bed I have!

- Very, very big! - The girl nodded excitedly.

The little girl looked around her enchanted Minella and gave him a handkerchief to

income, which belonged to his mother, to play. Elspeth found it very

Cute and placed it in front, like a delicate apron.

Then Minella gave him a glass of water to drink, and when

managed to overcome the difficulty unbutton her dress and put

sweater, Elspeth was already falling asleep.

When laid, the girl came over and snuggled her head on his


- I like to sleep with you - she said.

- I also like, but now we go to sleep. When we wake up, it will be

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The small breathed a sigh of satisfaction, as if he wished to hear

exactly that. By deleting the chandelier, Minella saw that the little girl

already had his eyes closed. She herself had just time to

muttering some prayers, before falling asleep.

Half an hour later, Cosmo opened the door of communication with the boudoir that

stood between her room and what was occupying Minella.

There were only a candelabrum lit on a table in the boudoir, revealing a

intimate room decorated tastefully.

He crossed it without paying attention to any object and opened the door

led to her room.

Minella had no idea of the existence of that door, it was

covered by a large mirror, which seemed stuck to the wall.

Cosmo surprised to see the dark room, as imagined have made it clear

Minella for that would find her soon.

He returned to the boudoir, grabbed the chandelier and entered the room again.

He smiled as he approached the bed. She really a surprise in store for

everything he did or spoke!

I used to see women who paid favors, hoping it

filled with anxiety. Generally, sat on the bed, wrapped in

chiffon that barely hid her nakedness, and with an expression inviting us

eyes, absolutely unmistakable.

Only once in a while a woman was reading and showed surprise at

your input. However, it was so evident that the hoped not

could not fool a kid, the more knowledgeable a man as


But this was the first time he met fourth immersed in

complete darkness, and a woman who slept, or rather pretended to sleep.

Stared at the blond hair sprawled over Minella

pillow forming a perfect frame for her angelic face.

Suddenly needing a minute to make sure that your eyes

not mistaken, he saw that the girl was not alone.

Nestled in his chest was a little girl, too blonde, sleeping


Cosmo got the chandelier, watched the two figures sleeping.

"She looks so young and innocent, but it should be representing ..."

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The night before, had found Minella actress brighter than ever

met in his life, playing the role of a young woman who participated

that type of program for the first time.

Now, after having seen her and talked to her all day,

reached the conclusion that it had not found a single flaw in his performance.

He wondered if he was really asleep or trying to make it even

more intrigued.

After a few minutes, he realized that no actor, no bright

it was, could pretend to rhythmic breathing or hands as

completely relaxed on the water, that only happen in a stage

deep sleep.

While staring, there was a smile on the lips of Cosmo, which was not

cynical or mocking. Then silently he

entered, returned to the boudoir and closed the door.

Minella was awakened by Elspeth, asking - Where's Mommy?

- If it is not too early, we ring the bell and it will come soon.

Minella got up, opened the curtains and looked at the beautiful clock

French on the dresser.

It was seven-thirty and Rose could stay quiet because she and Elspeth

had slept well.

- I lost my handkerchief - Elspeth said, recalling the night her toy

above. Dived under the covers to find him and touched Minella

the bell.

Rose arrived, asking a thousand excuses, but Minella did not listen

- I just hope you have slept as well as we two, Rose!

- Like a stone, miss, is that this is the truth! I removed the delay

every night that Simon left me awake. It was very kind of you,

Miss ... much goodness!

Elspeth Rose took to her room and went to help Minella


She put her riding habit and, although it took longer than the

previous day to get ready, it was still the first to arrive in

room. Only five minutes later, Cosmo appeared.

- I got you this morning!

- I hope you slept well, milady.

- As Rose said, "I slept like a rock!"

He did not understand the expression of his eyes, but did not care because I wanted

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to go

riding as soon as possible.

When finished making breakfast and left the house, Cosmo said:

- When we get back from horseback riding, Minella, I speak alone with


- Certainly. Where do I find it?

- In my private studio. I will instruct one of the servants to take it up


He tried to imagine what he would have so important to tell you, but only

could think that the Saracen expected.

Two hours later, when I was taking the riding habit, asked

if Cosmo had stopped walking so fast because I had to

intention to talk to her without the other group members stay


He rang the bell to call Rose and learned that, again,

no one had gone to bed before three o'clock in the morning.

- Nobody is going down before lunchtime, rest assured,

Miss - said the maid. But I think otherwise: for me, losing

the morning is missing the best part of the day.

- I agree. And this morning was particularly wonderful because rode

the most magnificent horse in the world!

The dress that Natty had reserved for that day was also sophisticated,

but a soft blue that set off her blonde hair and fair skin.

I was in such a hurry to find that Cosmo did not bother themselves

look in the mirror.

Rose took over with staple she pinned her hair

ride and as soon as it was ready, Minella almost running out.

A servant was waiting in the hall.

- Please join me, Miss!

The servant took her to a hallway where she had not yet passed.

He opened a door, revealing a very comfortable office and at the same

long, luxurious.

The decoration of the walls with paintings by Wootton, depicting horses,

reflect good taste and sobriety. In front of the fireplace there was a set

sofa and armchairs, upholstered in burgundy leather.

Minella, however, only had eyes for the count, noting that he also

had changed clothes. Although it was very clean and elegant, not

managed to stop thinking that the preferred wearing her riding habit.

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- You were quick, Minella. Almost all women take hours to

fix. I imagine that his work in the theater, at least taught to

wear quickly.

She smiled but did not respond. He walked to the fireplace and rubbed his hands

near the fire.

- Sit down, please. I have something very important to tell you. She

obeyed and looked at him, wondering why it was so serious. The Count

stood with his back to the fire for a few moments.

- What I will tell you is absolutely confidential, so I want

promise you will not discuss with anyone - he said, anyway.

- Yes .. of course ... I promise.

- Swear to everything that is holy? I have a feeling that you

usually pray.

- Of course we pray ... every night and every morning.

Cosmo smiled, as if expecting just that. Then began

talk and although Minella could not believe he was nervous.

- Almost two years ago, I got married.

She looked at him surprised, because Connie had made no reference to

Cosmo fact be married.

- Actually, it was a lot like you - he continued.

- Me?

- Her blond hair, almost the same shade as yours.

I'm not trying to flatter her by saying that, in fact, you are very

prettier than her.

- Thank you.

- It was a hasty marriage. I realized then that I was not only depressed

by my mother, but also by my father, a distinguished ambassador

retired. - Cosmo stopped talking. Then, as if seeing

a table in front of him, continued: - Everything happened in southern France,

where my mother lives in a villa near Nice, for the climate of England

does not make it right. My father owned a villa next to her, the two

became good friends and set up a schedule for me to marry

Olive, the daughter of the ambassador. - Suddenly, his tone changed and he

rasped. - It was a trap and I fell like a fool!

- Trap? How so?

- I should have known because they got all the excuses

possible for us to get married immediately in Nice. Furthermore,

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Olive did not want a wedding in style, with bridesmaids and

presence of their British friends.

"Maybe she felt shy in a grand ceremony," thought Minella,

but chose not to say anything and Cosmo continued, his voice sharp as


- A week after we got married, my wife told me she was

pregnant by an Italian who loved two years ago, but who could not

see, for he was forbidden by his father.

- Oh .. no! - Minella sighed.

- Can you imagine what I felt, but he was determined not to

let them know of my character's humiliation by being treason

's oldest history of mankind!

She did not understand what he meant. He could only lament

By Earl deeply, knowing how the behavior of wife

must have hurt his pride.

- What did you do? - Asked gently.

- I returned to England determined not to let anyone to condole

or laugh at me behind my back. - Cosmo was cynical, concluding: -

It was not likely that someone had the guts to laugh in my face!

- No, of course not! But nobody knew you had married?

- Of course we all knew! - Cosmo exclaimed impatiently, as if she

had done a stupid question. - The ambassador announced the marriage

all newspapers in French and English. When I came back,

I found piles of congratulatory cards and numerous gifts.

- It must have been ... terrible!

- All that I'm telling you, it is only known by my mother and my


- I do not understand.

- I told my friends that my wife had to stay in South

France with his father, who is very ill. Whenever I walk away from here or

my house in London say that I went to visit her and she will return to

England, so his father would recover or die.

- And they believed? Cosmo gave a cynical smile.

- Few people would have the courage to call me a liar!

- But where ... 's your ... wife ... now?

- With her lover in Italy, where I wrote begging divorce.

- And you refused? - She asked with wide eyes.

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- Of course! Why would I be the victim of a scandal? For that would allow

this whole sordid story was known by my friends and enemies,

besides the reporters who go hunting for scandals to publish in

front pages of newspapers?

- Yes, it would be very humiliating ... but that means you can not marry

and again ... have a child to inherit this ... wonderful castle.

- I know very well - the Count replied harshly, as if resentful

Minella for the comment.

- I. .. sorry.

- This is where you enter the story.

- I?

- Two days ago, I was invited to represent your Majesty,

Queen Victoria, in Cairo, for the arrival of General Kitchener on

Six of October, after his great victory in Sudan

- Are you talking about the Battle of Omdurman?

- I see you read newspapers! Yes, as you know, he is the great hero of

today. Will be honored in Egypt and was particularly informed

that will receive the title of count when I return to England.

- Oh, good! I simply splendid how he fought

against Muslims.

Cosmo raised his eyebrows, surprised she know so much about the


- Your Majesty asked me to chair various dinners and parties

officers who will be offered by the Khedive of Egypt to General Kitchener

and I should be accompanied by my wife, Minella.

She held her breath.

- Oh, that situation ... embarrassing! What will ... do?

- How are seeking employment, I hope you accept this role.

- I'm not ... understanding.

- It's very simple. You're a lot like my wife. Enough

so that even those who have seen pictures of her, do not ask questions.

As I told you, you are a brilliant actress and her performance since

arrived here, has been impeccable and beyond reproach.

- My ... my ... performance? Cosmo smiled slightly.

- I can only describe it by saying that you could be a member of a

aristocratic family, by way of talking, behaving and show

his face as natural as when we left to ride.

- But it is completely ... unlike ... pretend I'm your ... wife!

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- I will help you to avoid making slips. Is it just a matter of passing

few days in Egypt and, of course, be in the company of officials

battleship on which we are traveling.

- A battleship?

- This is where we will travel to Egypt. Do not know if General Kitchener

will return this vessel.

- A. .. battleship! - Repeated Minella.

Always had to meet a desire of those vessel and, once again,

heard descriptions of his father on the boats that had traveled

to various parts of the world.

- We must treat this matter as a business - Cosmo continued. - If

accept what I am proposing, Minella, paid five hundred pounds. I think

will be enough to keep it until you find the job you told me to be


- It's too much! - Minella said, hastily. Cosmo laughed.

- This is the first time I hear a woman say that the amount that I am

offering is too big!

- But it is! After all, are only a few days and ... - She stopped

talk and thought for a moment. - I have to buy clothes.

- I've thought about it, but no time. In fact, when guests

leave tomorrow, after lunch, I'll take a train to Southampton. -

Cosmo looked at her and added, - And I want you to go with me.

- But ... what will ... wear?

- I see that my sister's clothes fit you. And there are many


- But what she will say if you know what I ... used them?

- I'm sure she'll love give me a hand. Moreover, it was

spend at least a year in Madras, India, where it is very hot.

Surely all these clothes will be completely out of fashion when

her back. - The way he spoke with sarcastic Minella did laugh. In

then continued: - And then, like all women, of course, she "will not

nothing to wear! "

- What is absolutely true ... in my case!

- You'll find an entire wardrobe waiting for you upstairs.

- That all sounds very exciting, but at the same time ... very

scary. And if ... I embarrass you?

- I doubt it.

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- Maybe ... Connie or Gertie could do better ... I.

Cosmo looked at her as if he did not believe he was serious.

- The Connies this world are not like you, Minella - he said, as

his father had said. - Of course they do not convince as the Countess of


She got up and went to the window.

He watched the park and saw that the leaves were beginning to get

yellowish. That morning, he had noticed the air a little cooler, which

meant that autumn was beginning.

Sought to resolve whether they would accept the earl proposed to him or his mother

advise her to refuse, however tempting that might be.

Five hundred pounds! It was enough to sustain itself for long. E

travel to Egypt on a battleship! How could resist such an invitation


Suddenly, he had the distinct feeling that his father çstava beside her,

Beautiful, elegant, bright-eyed and smiling expression,


- Never shies away from a fence - remembered the expression of customary

Lord Heywood when he was teaching her to ride.

Minella turned slowly, the light from the window cutting its

fragile silhouette.

- I agree, but you have to promise ... will not be very angry if I

commit some terrible faux pas, leaving him embarrassed.

- I promise I'll be just very, very grateful. And I

sure that you will never give a false step.

Their eyes met and Minella felt his heart beating madly

in his chest.

- What will I say to Connie? - Asked.

- I have also thought about it. I will say that I will take her to southern France to

stay with my mother because she is looking for a chaperone.

- What a great excuse! Connie thinks gonna believe?

- Can I leave the conventions - he replied, very confident.

- So, all you have to do now is to have fun go to the staff


She seemed to hesitate and, anticipating the question that was burning lips,

Cosmo said:

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-'ll Send Mme. Harlow separate all the clothes that my sister

you need. Once the others are gone, you can change that your

beautiful dress, but too florid for a more discreet.

- I'm sorry, but all my dresses have to go with Connie.

Belong to the Gaiety!

- Cosmo laughed.

- So was the Gaiety you lent them!

- Yes .. of course!

- I think I was very silly, but how you fell so good, I thought they were


- I never choose dresses so sophisticated!

- "Spectacular" is the right word for them. Perhaps it is appropriate

Gaiety for a girl, which is what you want to be in the future but are

one faux pas, like you said, for my wife!

Minella laughed.

- I've been feeling like a fairy tale character these days, but

Now, I have to go back to being just "me."

He realized that, once again, had spoken of her as a lady and not as

a young actress, who will tour with a longer piece.

Thinking that maybe Cosmo had not noticed, he quickly added:

- It's almost lunchtime. I better go have with others, or

Connie inevitably ask what we were talking about.

- Yes, of course. After lunch, I better find Mme. Harlow for

that provides some clothes for you before packing.

Minella was not scared, because Cosmo thought in detail,

surrounding her thousand care.

Only when he returned to his room after a lunch where noisy

everyone enjoyed themselves, felt a little anxious because would undertake a

adventure that could end in disaster.

Connie entered his room all flustered.

- The Count just told me that you might have a neat

employment. It seems very respectable and exactly what you want and need!

- Maybe his mother ... I do not want.

For the first time, he thought, when he finished the trip to Egypt

back to London and had to ask for help from Connie again. Thus,

would be a mistake to show very confident.

- You are very pessimistic. In any case, it's worth trying. If you

not like, there is always the possibility to search for something else

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do. And as I said, our host could help her more than

anyone else in the world.

- I think I'm very lucky - Minella said softly.

- Thank you, Connie, for having me ... brought here. It was the most

wonderful that ever happened to me!

There was a moment of silence.

- Glad you liked, Minella. You were not ... incomadada

in any way?

She thought it seemed suspicious that Connie was hiding something


- No, of course not, Connie! What might have bothered?

- Last night, you went to bed very early again ... and also the Count

was not until very late.

Connie seemed a little embarrassed, and while there was an intonation

Minella in his voice that did not understand.

- I was very tired and I think he also. We rode the morning

whole, and at eight o'clock we were taking breakfast.

Connie watched the beautiful room. Then he asked:

- You were not ... disturbed during the night?

- No, not once. Even the daughter of Rose having slept with me.

Connie looked at her incredulously.

- Even what?

- Rose ... the maid who is serving me ... she is passing

through a difficult phase because they are born of his baby teeth. As

I was very tired, brought his three year old daughter to sleep with me.

She's cute and neither of us in mexemos until seven-thirty


Connie still looked as if he could not believe his ears. It was

to the window, before commenting:

- I think, for the pure, all things are pure! I remember Dad

made us translate this phrase into Latin and found it very difficult to understand

la! '

Minella not understood, but asked:

- What will you do, Connie, if your parents come to discover that you

is at the Gaiety Theatre?

- What can they do? - Connie scoffed. - They would be upset, but not

could do anything!

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- No, of course not, but ...

- No "but"! I'm loving every moment of my life. I do what

and I will be eternally grateful to his father for introducing me to

George Edwardes.

- And now, you helped me as promised would help Dad

- Minella said.

- I hope so - Connie replied. - And I wish from the bottom of my heart,

that wherever you are, you look for.

Connie could not hide a sob in her voice and Minella trêmtrfa


- I'm sure of it, do not worry, friend. I can arrange. Connie

gave a laugh that sounded like a mix between laughter

and crying.

- I think you know it! You may be right ... with his father looking for



Sitting on the train to Southampton, Minella thought again

was going on an adventure they never imagined living.

Since the earl had proposed to her accompany him to Cairo, which was felt

living a dream, because nothing of what was happening seemed


When risen to chat with Mme. Harlow, that afternoon, had

been surprised to see how the housekeeper was kind and helpful.

Since coming to the castle, thought that Mrs. Minella. Harlow looked

for her and the other girls with an expression almost of


When found in his room, however, had noticed that the woman

treated quite differently.

- Your Grace told me that he will take her to stay with his mother,

Miss - said the housekeeper. - I know you'll like her. We all

loved when she lived here.

- They must really miss her, now living in the south of France.

- We feel the same. Rose and the other set are already bringing clothes

Lady Sybil, Miss. Should not take long.

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- I hope she does not mind me using them - said Minella voice


- I'm sure it will be up to Lady Sybil proud! And her clothes

will be much better than those on the Miss fancy dresses that

been using.

Mrs.. Harlow could not hide and looked almost desperate to

dress that drew Minella.

- It was so kind of you to sleep last night with Elspeth, Miss -

said the housekeeper, suddenly. - Rose could sleep and quiet rest,

what they really needed and much. I could not believe when this morning

she told me as Miss was kind!

- It was no problem. We both slept very well. Elspeth is a


Lady Sybil, sister of the Earl, who had married the new governor

Madras, bought all his clothes at the best shops of Bond Street.

Minella was sure were exactly those that would choose his mother in

soft pastels, which were very good.

- I think that Lady Sybil should ... have more or less ... my type

- Commented, somewhat hesitantly,

- It is not as blonde, miss, but also has a very light skin.

- Mrs. Harlow smiled. - Your clothes are all very elegant and

modern. And worthy of a queen, if you know what I mean.

Minella suppressed the urge to laugh, because I knew very well what Mme.

Harlow meant. However, he remained silent, admiring the

elegant dresses that Rose skillfully kept in bags

huge and luxurious.

A few minutes later, she found herself wearing a beautiful dress for travel

light blue crepe, which was set with a sleek all trimmed in satin

the same color.

- It could be that it is cold in the sea, you never know - said Mme. Harlow. -

I put some heavier clothes and also a fur coat, which

will be helpful, I'm sure.

He wanted to protest, because I thought they were putting clothes

other. Then had concluded that it would be a mistake to take

Doucos costumes because, as wife of the Earl, had a very social role

to play.

- Glad you do not need to change the way it arranges the hair,

Miss - said the housekeeper. - They are so beautiful and look so

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natural! Never cared much for all those curls armed, though

be a fashion among women as ... actresses.

Minella wanted to laugh again by the way she spoke to last

word, but preferred to say:

- Those hairstyles are very cute on stage.

- And it is on stage that they should be! - Exclaimed Mme. Harlow, a

impulse. Then, as if he had been rude, began

quickly talk about something else.

When Minella came to bid farewell to Connie, Gertie and Nellie the

observed in a strange way.

- You wasted no time in catching the largest cherry icing on the cake! -

Nellie said to give him a kiss. - I think it was very smart!

Minella thought she was referring to his trip to southern France and


- I always wanted to experience the Mediterranean.

- I just hope it does not disappoint - Gertie replied scornfully.

- All we wish you luck, dear Minella - interfered

Connie. - I'm sure the countess will like you. Cosmo said

it is hard to read and your voice is very beautiful. My father

always said that.

- I'll try to remember how he taught me to pronounce the words

none of us could even spell!

Then, the group had broken into two closed carriages, girls

were waving through the windows disappear until the end of the lane.

The count took her by the arm and led her inside.

- Now, we must hurry. The carriage will come for us from now

fifteen minutes.

Minella almost running up the stairs. When he entered the room,

eMretanto realized that actually had nothing to do because

Mme. Harlow and Rose had finished everything and keep the three bags

Huge were only expecting the servants came close them.

Also there were two hat boxes, a bag and a pair of glove

seemed to have cost a fortune.

Fortunately, too, could wear the shoes of Lady Sybil, despite of being

a little loose, like riding boots. However, it was very

comfortable and would be horrible if they were tight and your feet hurt you

to walk.

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After putting a cute hat adorned with feathers and Girls

delicate, wear the cape and grab her purse, she took leave of Mme. Harlow

and then Rose.

- Tell Elspeth I sent a kiss. If I can, I will bring a doll

French to her. I'm sure you'll like.

- Very kind of you, Miss - Rose replied excitedly. -

I'll be praying that is accepted by Mme. Countess. It is impossible not

like Miss.

Minella felt a little guilty because the prayers of Rose would

directed toward a goal that, in reality, did not exist. Then

thought that with the difficult task he had to pass by the wife of

Earl Wynterborne, need all the prayers that you devote.

- Thank you, Rose. Pray that I may not even commit any fault.

The Count was waiting in the hall, and although he did not say anything, Minella

realized that approve their appearance.

Took up a small station wagon, where there was a servant

waiting for them. Hearing her conversation with Cosmo, Minella was understood


a Jack London newcomer.

The train had come to Southampton slowly and she had learned that

had booked a room for Earl in first class and another

to his valet, in second class.

The entire luggage was stored, the guard raised the flag-line giving

starting signal.

Sitting in front of Cosmo, she looked at him with shining eyes.

- This is all very exciting!

He smiled as he noted the enthusiasm in his voice.

It will be at least interesting, and I'm sure you're

anxious to meet General Kitchener.

- I read in the newspapers about all his battles - said. - Apparently

despite being a brilliant general, is a strange man and reserved.

- It is. Even so, I learned that he cried when he presided over a

ceremony in memory of General Gordon. Minella was surprised.

- It's hard to imagine a man like him, crying.

- I assure you it is very natural men cry when they are

deeply moved.

She sighed.

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- I think I'm very ignorant about men, because I knew very

few in my life.

He spoke without thinking and only when he saw the expression of cynical Cosmo,

noted that

was considered a young aspiring actress Gaiety.

- We speak so little of you - he said, thinking that, once again,

Minella represented a naive girl. - Neither told me the part name

who was performing in Birmingham.

She could not bear to continue lying. Moreover, he was sure

they commit so many mistakes that Cosmo would getting suspicious.

- Now that I'm pretending I'm ... his wife, it would be a mistake

speaking of which ... did in the past - said after a few moments'

absolute silence. - I always said to me ... focus on my

new ... paper and this is what I'm ... trying to do.

- A principle objective and efficient!

Cosmo spoke with so much sarcasm that she wanted to scream the truth,

and tell why be so evasive about his past.

However, as the trip progressed, talked about other

subjects, like horses Cosmo, his duties as heir

County Wynterborne and the countries he had visited.

Just as he did with his father, Minella managed to convince the osrno

speak of places and people he had met.

He had recently returned from India, where he had been staying in

home of his sister in Madras, and described the temples, the tremendous heat,

the importance of his brother, whose position was subordinate only to the


- I'd love to go to India - she said dreamily. - I've studied a little

on the Buddhist and Hindu religion. I found them fascinating, but there is

same thing we see its temples and talk to people.

- Do not you find it odd to be interested in such matters? asked

Cosmo, a bit puzzled.

- Why? In England, we are Christians, but other nations of the world

have creeds in an attempt to be more perfect. And that's

whereas, more than dogma followed by each.

She spoke as if she were his mother, who had always been interested in

these matters. As he looked out the window at that moment, did not see the

expression of disbelief on his face Earl.

The train was a modern type, had a hallway and at lunch,

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the valet entered, carrying a huge basket brought the castle.

- I think you do not know Hayes, who is only with me a few months ago.

The valet bowed and smiled Minella.

- How do you not bring created, Hayes, hope you also


- With pleasure, sir.

Hayes set the table and served a delicious meal. There was champagne,

although Cosmo remembered his preference for lemonade, and it took less

half a cup, more to please him than by will.

When finished, Minelía asked:

- Hayes believes even his'm ... wife?

- It's what I want. As he had no opportunity to talk to

none of the castle, there is reason to question what I told him.

- No, of course not - she agreed.

I was very tired when they boarded the huge battleship that

waiting in the docks.

They were met by captain and presented to several senior officers.

- How am wanting to sail immediately, I'm sure you

and you would like to see your quarters - the captain said.

- Thank you, captain - said Cosmo. - To be honest, we both

We are very tired and would like to get a good night's sleep before

we get to the tumultuous waters of the Bay of Biscay.

The man laughed.

- The weather has been very calm and we hope it stays that way, so that

not a very unpleasant experience. I hope they rest with

comfort, sir. I tell my cedi cab. The ship is full, because

're taking substitutes for officers and soldiers killed in

Omdurman, plus several extra troops, what makes us think that the

General Kitchener have any other campaign in mind.

- I hope not! - Minella said, noting that the two men

were talking so enthusiastically the victories of the general, neither

heard his comment.

They were at the stern of the ship when the captain opened the door.

The accommodations for the couple consisted of a room with

traditional bed four captain's masts, which, in vessels more

modern, had been transformed into bunk beds. Leaving the room,

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There was a bathroom that felt very luxurious Minella. On the other hand, had

a living room with a long table and chairs and armchairs to prey

ground so that not slid with the movement of the ship.

While they had been talking to the officers, the luggage had been taken

to his quarters, and Jack was already undoing the suitcase in which Mme.

Harlow put things that need to nights.

- If you need anything, sir, please, ask for your knave

tell one of stewards and will be provided immediately

- Said the captain.

- Thank you - said the earl. - I'm sure not

need anything and, once again, thank you for your yield


- It is a pleasure! - Replied the captain, with a look of unmistakable

admiration for Minella.

So the captain came out, she ran into a porthole to look at the sea.

- I wish we could go to the bridge to see the ship leave port.

- I'm sure that doing so will leave tomorrow, but tonight is

better to stay in the cabin.

- The ship is exactly as I imagined. Dad told me that

captain's quarters are usually very luxurious as this, with curtains

watchmen on the walls and tables.

In fact, the paintings of battle ships were of poor quality, but

seemed so integrated into the environment, which Minella like to enjoy them.

There was also a bookshelf with several books about ships and she wished

had time to read a lot before reaching Cairo.

They knocked on the door and a waiter came, bringing a bottle of wine

white in a bucket of ice and a coffee pot.

- They are very kind, but I guess I should not drink coffee at night, but is

able to give me insomnia - commented after the boy left.

- I doubt it! - Cosmo replied. - The last two nights in the castle you

slept the sleep loose!

Minella laughed.

- You must have found me rude for having gone to bed so early, but always

get up so early that shortly after ten o'clock at night, I'm dying

sleep. I think it has become a habit for me to go to bed so early, which

Connie feels ridiculous.

When he finished speaking, he realized he had made another slip. If

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was an actress and had participated in one piece, should stay up

long after ten o'clock at night.

Fear that Cosmo had not lost that comment, but he said

nothing. Simply, poured himself a glass of wine.

The valet entered the room they were sitting at the table drinking.

- Have you packed everything, sir. If you need anything else, please

ask someone to call me.

- You can leave, Hayes. Good night!

- Good evening, sir! Good evening, ladies!

The valet left the cabin, and after taking coffee, Minella was to

fourth, already pulling the cloak and hat. He placed them on a chair and

was looking around for a closet when froze,


Hayes had put her nightgown on one side of the bed and on the other, the

pajamas, robe and slippers to Cosmo.

For a moment, he could not believe his own eyes. In

then almost ran into the room.

- I think there is a ... mistake - she said with a gasp.

Cosmo put his empty cup on the tray.

- A mistake?

- Where is ... your room?

There was a moment of absolute silence.

- I think it's time to stop representing the innocent girl,


- No. .. I'm ... understanding!

- It was a brilliant performance, as I have said several times, and would

actually fooled someone less experienced than me, but now it's over!

- Do not know what you ... 're talking about!

- Then I will explain better, Minella. I find you very attractive and I do not know

why do not we take our trip to Cairo as they think they are:

husband and wife!

She stared at him with wide eyes and for a moment, unable


- You are ... implying that ...

- I'm saying that I'll take care of you when we get back to

England - Cosmo answered objectively. - I will accommodate her in a house

in St. John's Wood, Chelsea or, if you prefer, and give you a

carriage. I think we will be very happy together, Minella!

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She sighed painfully.

- You're asking me to ... be your ... lover?

I did not know very well what were the implications of such a situation, but

had read about the mistresses of Charles II and the French kings and knew

that even if they knew it was an issue that the ladies not commented.

Cosmo smiled.

- I'm asking you to stay with me, Minella, and let me love her. If

really want to work in the Gaiety, I promise that you'll get a good role

to receive a salary higher than reasonable.

Minella gave a shriek of horror.

- I can not ... accept any of that! I can not!

- Why not? Me thinks so repulsive that?

- No. .. I do ... I was just pretending to be an actress, because ... Connie

wanted all couples were in full ... weekend at


- And Connie was sure that I would be attracted to you, which of

actually happened! I want you, Minella! Stop resisting something that will

wonderful for both of us!

Cosmo approached Minella and began to retreat.

- No! No! Connie did not intend ... This!

- I'm pretty sure that meant! After all, as you

know very well, Connie is living with Connington and has had many

other lovers, including Charlie and Roy Heywood!

For a moment, she was completely paralyzed. Then he shouted,


- How dare you say such horrible things to Connie? Connie is a

good ... girl. Her father is a pastor and dad helped her, as all helped

world, but he would never do anything to rnagoá it. Never! Never! Never!

Minella spoke so violently that his voice echoed through the entire cabin.

Only when faced Cosmo, feeling his face red with anger, realized

he had said.

I was so shocked and horrified by what he had heard that suddenly

the tears started streaming down her face. He turned and covered

eyes with his hands.

- Are you saying that is the daughter of Roy Heywood? - Cosmo asked in a voice


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Minella did not answer and he approached.

- Do not cry, Minella, please. I want you to tell me the whole truth.

- How were you able to say these things so horrible about ... Connie

and ... Dad? - She sobbed.

Cosmo embraced her, she was so shaken, that gesture comforted her.

Pressed her face into his shoulder and continued crying.

- Connie is ... good! I know she is good! - Muttered, as if to

convincing. - She admired Dad since we were teenagers and

We had classes together ... but it was just never happened any more ...

- I do not want to bother, Minella, and believe in you. She raised her

face covered with tears.

- Believe ... me?

Minella saw that he was staring at her with an expression altogether.

Realizing suddenly that his face was very close to her,

tried to pull away, but he did not allow.

- I think I know what caused an almost unbearable torture, for me

fell for you - he said, with that strange voice and calm, she

hardly recognized.

- You. .. love me? - The words of Minella were not more than one


- I love you!

Just for a split second, she thought she would resist, but so

Cosmo's lips clung to her, she understood what it was

he wanted, though he had no conscience.

It was part of the fairy tale that had begun to live in the castle and

everything we dreamed of there most beautiful in the world.

The kiss started soft and full of tenderness. Then, delighted with the

Minella of innocence, Cosmo's lips became more possessive and


She had a feeling that her heart was being ripped from his

body. It was as if the sun itself was involved in a halo of

gold, joining their souls.

It was a moment so wonderful that Minella thought he could die

at that moment, as achieved perfection.

When stopped kissing, she looked at him, his expression completely

modified for happiness.

- I love you ... I love ... you! But did not know until ... kiss me!

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- And I love you! - Cosmo replied. - I love you baby, since joining

in my room. At that moment, I had never seen a woman

so beautiful and perfect in every way.

- You tell me ... loves ... Really?

- I love so much that I do not know how to talk about my feelings. Words do not

suffice to describe what I feel.

Then Cosmo kissed her again, firmly and passionately, as if

afraid of losing it.

Minella was not afraid. He only knew that he was the man she had always

dreamed, prayed for the man who one day find.

They realized that the engines began to throb, and the ship began to leave

Slowly the port of Southampton and the waters toward

the sea.

Still hugging her, Cosmo sat in a chair and settled at Minella

his side. The seat was wide and he held her very close, if not as

I wanted to let her get away for even one minute.

He stared at her for a long and intense moment, before saying:

- How could you do something so dangerous as pretending it was a


- I went to see Connie because she needed his help to arrange

some ... employment.

Cosmo looked puzzled.

- You know that daddy died? - She asked, wanting to elucidate it on

their situation.

- I heard in the club, although have not left anything in the newspapers.

- Yeah, I should have advertised in The Times or Morning Post, but not ...

had money.

- I had no money?

- Santa left many debts and still ... left some ... to pay.

- But why would you searched Connie?

- We studied together as teenagers. Connie's father taught us.

I found a letter from her thanking Dad for some favor, saying that

hoped one day repay him. Only after I learned that the favor was

Dad have helped her to come to the Gaiety.

Minella did not notice the expression that came over his face Cosmo. He

knew very well what was the form of Connie reward you.

- The only alternative I had was to go ... live with my aunt, Lady

Banton, in Bath - she continued. - It is a very bitter and rancorous

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and I know that my life would be much ... sad.

- So you came straight from the interior to London! - Said Cosmo, as

wanted to convince himself that she had not done anything.

- I arrived on Friday, and while I was talking to Conme that

still unaware of the death of my father, Gertie and Nellie arrived, telling that

Katy was very sick and could not go to the castle.

- So that's how it happened!

- It was they who suggested I take the place of Katy and Connie


- What most absurd idea!

- I do not know why you say that, Connie said that no one should

I was to learn that Clinton Minella-Wood, daughter of Lord Heywood,

it was a lady and my name should not be attached to the actresses

Gaiety. But I knew that his castle was exactly like those where

Dad was staying and had a great desire to go.

- His father was already staying there and was one of the nicest and guests

fun I've ever had!

- Thanks for telling me that. I think maybe Dad is looking

by me and has helped me to find ... you.

Minella said, showing a bit of shyness and Cosmo hugged her even with

harder and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

- I'm sure that helped his father, but you run a risk that their

mother would never allow corressse.

Minella laughed.

- That's exactly what I thought. However, when you asked me to

accompany him to Cairo almost hear Dad tell my

side: "Never run away from a difficult barrier!" - Suddenly remembering

how it had all started, said quietly: - I love you, but ... know

my mother would not approve of me ... accept what you ... suggested.

- Of course not! - Cosmo replied firmly. - Honey: I have a

question for you.

He put his hand under the chin Minella and forced her to look at him.

He stared at her intently for a moment.

- If I divorce my wife, as she requested, you marry


Minella's face was so radiant that Cosmo knew the answer, even

without her say so.

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- Do you really sure you want me as his wife and not ... as

suggested just now? - Asked, a little hesitant.

- Oh, well, I just made that suggestion through their own fault

- Cosmo replied, looking a little upset. - As I said, I

loved from the first moment I saw you and every moment we spend

together makes me love her even more. However, dear, would not be possible

met and married an actress you should also understand that I had a

terrible fear of making a second mistake.

- Maybe it's a mistake ... marry me. Cosmo smiled.

- I've been battling my love for you, my intuition that against me

said it was pure and innocent and not what he pretended to be.

- E. .. now? - She asked, a little anxious.

- Now, I know you is exactly what I sought in my

life, but my situation is so difficult!

His voice became rough and there was so much pain in his eyes, that Minella

said impulsively:

- Oh, please do not feel that way swear I'll never hurt you! In

Actually I want is ... protect it ...

Cosmo smiled.

- Is that I thought I would do that!

- Maybe love will give the people to protect the person who is

loves anything that can hurt you ... physically or spiritually.

- My God, how I love you, Minella!

He kissed it again, with so much passion that suddenly Minella not

I could think of more, feeling that the two were already part of each other and

that nothing in the world or the holy sacrament, could make them more


A long time later, Cosmo said:

- My love, you are tired and need to sleep. Minella looked at him,


- You know I would not do anything to upset her, and although it is very

difficult, I'll wait until we get married and be free before love her as

I wish - he concluded.

She sighed, happy, and buried her face in his neck.

- It would be very embarrassing to ask another cabin for the captain continued

Cosmo, as if thinking alone. - In addition, he said that the

ship is full. I might as well sleep in that chair, and tomorrow

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morning, go to the room before entering Hayes.

Minella looked at the seats and realized that, as they were fixed on the ground,

could not be moved around so he stretched his legs.

- I have an idea, but maybe ... you will be shocked. Cosmo smiled.

- I do not believe you to be able to say something to let me

shocked. I'm listening.

- Well .. Once again, Dad told me of a strange custom that exists in

Sweden, where, because of the cold, the couple can go to bed together

to talk, but not allowed to ... touching each other.

- Are you suggesting we do that?

- Well, I can lie down and you ... stay on the covers with a

and other quilted blankets to warm him. What do you think? - Minella

blushed. - I guess I should not be ... This suggests, but does not

I want ... be uncomfortable.

- I love you! - He replied, stroking her hair. - I love

that his practical way, mainly because it is bothering me.

She stared at him intensely, looking for some sign of disapproval and Cosmo

could not resist. He kissed her again, until it is impossible to think of any

anything other than the sensations he caused him.

Suddenly he stood up and pulled her.

- Go get dressed. I would spend the whole night here, kissing you,

but I want to be beautiful tomorrow, that all men of the ship

die of envy me.

- Never in my life been around so many men!

Cosmo was taking her to the room and stood near the door, passing the

arm around her shoulders.

- I'll tell you one thing: I will be dying of jealousy, and if you look at

any other man, not let out more of the cab to get to

Egypt. Then take you to England and one of the towers of the stride

castle to get married!

Minella laughed, delighted.

- No need to worry, Cosmo. I did not think existed in

world a man as handsome as daddy. Until I met you. Now, I know

you can not be someone as wonderful or as ... exciting.

He hesitated to say the last word, and the blush, Cosmo thought

had never seen anything so wonderful in your entire life.

Determined, took her to the bedroom and saw that the bed was big enough

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to accommodate two people with a wide space between them.

There was a padded room, Minella as imagined and as Hayes

knew his job very well and always thought in the comfort of your love,

Also there were two extra blankets in a drawer.

Minella saw them at the same time that Cosmo and giggled.

- See how I was right?

- I see you spend a night very comfortable - he replied,

kissing her again.

Cosmo took the pajamas that Hayes had left and went to tidy the room.

- Call me when you're ready - said from the doorway. - Want me to help

to unbutton her dress?

- I. .. I can unbutton it alone - Minella said, staring at him. -

You are not even shocked? Would not it be better if I sleep in the room? Am

much smaller than you and me could accommodate the chair.

Cosmo opened her arms and she ran to him.

- Let's try to put our plan into practice tonight. If you want

modify it tomorrow, just tell me. But, my love, I want you to trust


- Of course I trust you!

Minella was very surprised and he realized that she had not

understood what had hinted.

When he went to the room, thought it could not exist in the world a man

happier or more fortunate than he. Never would have thought that, at the wheel

social attended, much less among girls Gaiety, with

who amused himself, could find someone as pure and innocent as

Minella, and at the same time, as smart and interesting.

He had been fascinated and intrigued by almost everything she had told

during the last weekend in the castle, and thought it unbelievable

that a person as intelligent and well informed wanted to join the


The actresses of the Gaiety, as Gertie and Nellie, were beautiful and stunning,

but most did not offer anything that would stimulate the intelligence of a


He went to a lookout look to the distant shores, while the vessel is

Southampton away, and thought his life would be enriched by

her presence, because it opened new horizons, made him think of things

that it had never crossed his mind.

The potentiality of intellectual Minella seemed extraordinary

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considering that he was so young.

Never been interested in any other woman either.

He wanted her and her beauty left him completely astonished. However, no

was only physical beauty but an inner glow that emanated from his


"I love her," he thought, desperately trying to figure out how long

would take until they could marry.

When Minella called him, was already in pajamas and robe with long silky.

He entered the room and saw that she had left only a light next to the bed.

She was lying with her blond hair splayed on the pillow,

as seen in his room the night before.

Cosmo realized that he could never let her know what he

wanted and that she, in her innocence, never imagined.

At that moment, I had already understood, though not admitted, he wanted

as his wife, to see her one day holding his son, snuggled as

Elspeth small.

He walked to the bed and noticed that Minella was embarrassed. When

their eyes met, she blushed even more violently.

- Put a ... a cushion in the middle of the bed as Dad said do

Sweden. I thought ... could be more ... comfortable ... you.

Cosmo smiled, but said nothing. He sat on the bed, looked at

Minella and held his hand.

- You know I love you, baby, and one day I can make it entirely

mine. It will be wonderful for both of us, but also be beautiful and blessed

the sky and we will remember this moment all our lives.

She squeezed his hand.

- I think ... I think I'm very ignorant about what is ... make love ...

because Mom never told me anything, but if you like, when you me

kissed, I know it will be wonderful and a gift from God.

- Is it really. Now, good night, my love. Promise you will dream with me.

Minella laughed.

- I think it would be impossible not to dream!

He kissed her hand and went to the other side of the bed, taking the candle.

He lay on the cushion covers and felt she had colo

market. Then, if covered with quilted blankets and others.

- Will it get warm? - Minella asked anxiously.

- Do not worry about me. When I was in the army, many slept

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times the floor. And that's what I'll do tomorrow, if you ask me

sleeping in the room.

- I love to have you by my side. I feel safe and not afraid to commit

no mistake and leave you angry with me.

- I would never be mad at you!

- Nellie thought you said a person ... scary and I also

I thought ... when I first saw it.

- And now?

- I find it wonderful! I'll say a prayer of thanks ... because you

love me.

- After sleep - he said quietly. - Good night, my love.

- Good night!

Minella began to pray, but was very tired and slept before


Cosmo stayed awake for a long time, listening to the breathing

quiet and paced her.

I thought, although not deserve it, God had led him to

entrance of paradise!


When they reached the Bay of Biscay, the ship started to play a lot and Minella

Cosmo was pleased to have by your side at night.

He noted that he had not touched any time, except to give a kiss

goodnight in his hand. He thought it was the way he found to show you

how much he loved and respected as his future wife. However, as

loved him increasingly want their kisses.

Once we were alone in the room, Minella fell into his arms, always

feeling that he was charged for that wonderful paradise that not


Now, the ship began to make strange movements and play a hand

to another, as he walked most dangerous seas. Fortunately, she did not

felt bad, but very scared.

As they crossed the Channel, the sea was calm and quiet, but as

dined with the captain and some other officers, Minella had

noticed that the wind was getting stronger.

- It is a good sailor, ma'am? - The captain had asked.

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- I hope so, but to be honest, this is the first time I travel


- So we must do our best to not have memories

nasty edge, lady. - The captain smiled.

After finishing dinner, talked a bit more with the crew

Minella and Cosmo but soon parted, retiring to his quarters.

For the first time, she realized it was difficult to balance due

Ship to game ...

When they were alone in the room, he sat down in a chair beside her and

had kissed so intensely, that Minella forgotten sea and only

able to think about how wonderful he was.

After already were lying, realized that the movement was getting

worse and the ship was tossed to and fro with increasing


Suddenly she felt invaded by a terrible fear and reached the

Cosmo direction.

- You do not think ... the ship can turn around and ... sink? Although not

had certainly hoped he was awake.

He was right, because Cosmo immediately took her hand and turned.

- We are safe, honey. These vessels are made to face

seas worse than this.

- I'm ... scared!

- I understand, but we are in good hands, stay quiet. Minella has not withdrawn

your hand and gently approached him and

put his arm around her shoulders.

- Glad you're here - she murmured. - If it were not, I guess

that would cover his head and praying under the covers!

- I'd rather talk about us two, so you'll have other things to


- It is hard to think of other things. I can only think of you!

- That's what I wanted to hear. Now, let me tell you my plans.

- What plans? - Asked apprehensively.

Suddenly, as if by magic, he realized he was no longer

scared or afraid, because I was hugging Cosmo. Although he did not

have kissed her, their faces were very close.

- I told the captain that I have a very important message of

Queen for our ambassador to Italy. He did not intend

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stop in Naples, but only now agreed to anchor the weather

enough for me to accomplish my mission.

Minella listened attentively, but did not understand very well

Cosmo who wanted it all.

- What am I gonna do, really, is to look for my wife and ask her

give me the evidence I needed to get a divorce so

back to England - he concluded, after all.

- You mean you will come out in the newspapers?

- I'm afraid so, of course I get nervous thinking about what newspapers

will say. Above anything, you can not be involved in

any way, which means we will have to separate.

Minella squealed.

- Oh .. not ... I can not stand!

- We can not do anything - Cosmo replied calmly. I'm

questioning whether, when we return from Cairo, you'd better go live

with his aunt or leave you with my mother, in southern France.

She said nothing, suddenly sad and touched by his unfortunate situation.

- It will take several months for the process to begin, and until then, the

people who see us together in Cairo can not find it odd that

in terms of dumb and resolved to separate.

- There was a rough note in his voice as he continued: - You can not

imagine how much I hate the fact to make people believe that you are

my wife and who behaved like that despicable!

Cosmo stopped talking for a moment and his breathing was


- At the moment, however, we can not do anything but take all

precautions to keep you away from the public eye. I will hire the

best lawyers I know, of course!

They were silent, disturbed, until Minella spoke almost between


- It will be so difficult that maybe I ... not married ... with


He hugged her tighter.

- You really think I would leave now? Every minute

we spent together I love you more, my dear, and never lived a happy

so intense until I met you.

- It's ... truth?

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- I guess now we know each other very well and you notice if I

was lying.

- As you would realize I was!

- You'll never get me fooled. Actually, I could not

deceive. Just was intrigued because, as you told me it was a

thing, my intuition told me it was another.

- You came to believe that I was just like Nellie, and Gertie ... Beryl?

Cosmo realized that she had purposely omitted the name of Connie and

said calmly:

- I think not. You was just a brilliant actress in the performance of their

own role. Right now, you see, although pretending to be my

wife, in reality you already are in my mind, in my ideal. -

Cosmo hugged her tighter when completed: - How Countess

Wynterborne, the only thing you know about the actresses of the Gaiety, is

that attended and applauded the cabin!

Minella laughed.

- I thought the show the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life. The

music was beautiful and the girls too.

- What you always remember what you saw in front of the stage and not what

seen or heard in the hallways and dressing rooms.

- If you want so ... - She replied simply.

- I love you! Now, my love, I'd better try to sleep. Hope

tomorrow morning the sea is calmer now again, but feel

fear, know that I'm here.

- It is so wonderful to feel you near me ... I think I will continue

pretending I'm afraid.

Cosmo laughed.

- I know you're just playing. Then sleep, dear.

I guarantee that we are safe.

with great effort, Minella turned to the other side and closed his eyes.

He was thinking how horrible it would be all the scandal and rumors

inevitable in a divorce and tried to imagine if there was

somehow to save Cosmo.

"Maybe I should leave him," she thought. Then a prayer addressed to her

father: "Help me, Daddy! Help me take the right attitude. Mr.

I know better than the society in which it circulates, but not

stand that his position was undermined in court or passing the

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be rejected by friends ... '

He was still asleep when praying ...

The next morning, Minella remained concerned, nor the beauty of

Mediterranean could dissipate the little shadow that had on their


One night before arriving in Naples, dined alone in the cabin and then

the waiter left, she said with a serious voice:

- I want to talk to you. Let sit comfortably. Come.

Cosmo surprised by the tone of her voice, but she obeyed without question.

He sat in one of the armchairs and reached for the bride, Minella

shook his head and sat on the carpet, and at his feet.

Now who knew her best, Cosmo realized that never in all his

life, met a woman whose eyes espelhassem more clearly their


Every minute they spent together, fell in love and more by Minella

knew that, amazingly, had found that every man sought: the

perfect love and a woman who was a complement your personality.

- What is it, my love? - He asked.

- I was thinking ... tomorrow.

For a moment, Cosmo looked down, as if wondering how

would revise his nasty wife.

He had not told Minella, but if the child born to his wife

were a boy, would be the first legally heir to the earldom.

She was so furious at the thought that not wanted to know when the

child was born, nor what sex was.

Always ignored letters from his wife, begging to grant him the

divorce. However, as not wanted to go down to her level

and lover, who kept sending his allowance instituted for Olive

when they married. It was a considerable sum and the bank made the

transfer to Naples every four months.

Not considered his gesture as generous. It was simply a way of

prevent people would know that it had been abandoned a

week after the wedding.

- Do not wanna think about tomorrow, but I think we can not avoid

- He said, in a voice that was not heard Minella more after that

had declared love for each other.

- And I know this ... because I love you, I ... an idea.

- What idea?

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Cosmo realized she was shaking violently and flushed when

said quietly:

- Soon to come ... to the ship ... you made me a ... I call ...

I refused.

- You know I only suggested it because he loved you and i did not know it was

daughter of Roy Heywood, nor that it was everything I wanted

my wife.

- Thank you for saying that. But how do I know that a divorce is

very complicated and ends up hurting people, now I'm ready to ...

accept his ... suggestion.

It was so hard to talk, she stumbled on the words and not holding on to

shame, rested his face on his knees. Cosmo stood for a


- Now I know you love me as much as I love you, baby

- He said, anyway. - I'll never forget what he said. - He pulled her

to sit in the chair beside her and hugged her tightly. However,

darling, my final and indisputable answer is "no."

- But why?

- Why do not you want hidden in a house in St. John's or Chelsea!

How did I get stupid in thinking that this would be possible! I want it

as my wife. - Cosmo kissed her hair before

continue: - I want you as the owner of my castle and all other

I own homes! I want you with me every day in my arms and all


The way he spoke was so moving that the eyes of Minella up

filled with tears.

- I'm just trying ... help - she murmured.

- I know, but what they are offering is not enough. I want to complete

and my absolutely all the time. You're mine, Minella, and can not

live without you!

He kissed her passionately and possessively and it was impossible to say no


However, when they came down in Naples, she was very apprehensive because

knew Cosmo was already nervous and afraid of what might happen

after he saw his wife.

In any other circumstance, Minella would have been delighted to see

Naples unfolding in front, with Mount Vesuvius cut

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against the sky. But at that moment, nothing mattered before the

Cosmo would accomplish that mission. And, moreover, powerless to sentiase

help you.

On the pier there was a chariot drawn by two horses, waiting for them.

They reached the highest part of the city and the carriage stopped in front of a

home very picturesque. It seemed exactly the kind of place that an artist

Eccentric choose to make your studio.

Cosmo stood still for a moment and Minella slid his hand to him,

softly, saying:

- God be with you, dear!

The pressure of his fingers was the only answer.

After telling the driver to wait, he disappeared into the house

and, as it was very sunny, Minella opened the umbrella she had brought.

The only thing he could do was keep praying and asking for help

his father, as he had asked many times, that all went well and

so that the English newspapers were unable all the details about the

Wedding Cosmo.

Minella had the sense to wait for an eternity until you see the door

Cosmo open house and leave.

He sat down beside her and said to the driver:

- For the English Consulate!

When the coach left, she realized he was breathing

suspended. He looked scared, scared of what would stamped on

his face, but he smiled and it was like the sun shine again in all

its splendor.

- It was all ... well? - She asked, her voice trembling totally.

Cosmo took her hand and squeezed it so hard that got to hurt.

- I can not believe it's true!

- What?

- My wife died more than a year and your child was born dead!

Minella's eyes widened.

- And they ... warned not you?

- The man with whom she lived, which is a negligible, wanted to continue

getting the money I sent.

- So, you're free for a long time, Cosmo!

- For more than a year! - He replied. He turned to Minella, as if only

that moment knew what that meant: And now, my love,

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we can get married!

- Sure, oh ... sure it?

- Absolute Certainty! And I will not postpone it for a moment, dear.

- We're getting married at the Consulate English? Cosmo nodded.

- No, it would be a mistake, as would knowing that you have traveled far

me, without being truly my wife.

- So ... what do we do?

- I've been thinking about it and just have a plan. I hope you

approve, Minella.

Minella gave her hand to him.

- That's true even if you're saying that we can get married?

- We're getting married, my love. I think your prayers and helped us know

that everything will work out.

- Tell me what you're planning. Cosmo took a deep breath before speaking.

- Let's just make a courtesy visit to the English Consulate, but

when we get back to the ship, the captain will say that, while we were

there, got very unpleasant news from England.

- What news? - She asked anxiously.

- I will say that we learned that our marriage, celebrated for eight months

under special license of the Protestant Church in Nice, in the opinion of

Archbishop of Canterbury, it is completely legal because it was done

by a pastor who is not considered very respectable by the Church.

Minella looked at him with eyes wide open and not completely

could say nothing.

- So, begging secret to the captain and explaining that I do not want

this situation will become public, he will ask the case

at sea.

- No. .. sea?

- Yes, you should know that the authority of a captain is absolutely

cool. When he concluded the ceremony, we will be husband and wife!

She gave a little cry and could not stop the tears from running

freely down her face.

- My prayers were answered. I'm sure Daddy heard me

when ... I asked him ... to help us.

- And how his prayers would not be answered? - Cosmo asked.

Then she wiped her tears quickly to see that the horses

were going through the huge gates of the English Consulate.

Later that night, Minella lay down, with only a candle

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beside the bed, and Cosmo entered the room, as he had every night

since they were in the vessel.

As before, sat on the bed and took his hand.

She looked at him and thought it was not possible that there is another man

seemed happier and at the same time, so beautiful and manly.

Knowing that this night would be different from all others, Minella

blushed and could not face the eyes of Cosmo.

Upon returning to the ship that afternoon had been apprehensive when

he had been talking to the captain, leaving her alone in the cabin.

He had taken some time, but had been unable to sit Minella

waiting. She had been walking from one side to another, realizing that the

ship was already in motion, and therefore, were on their way from Egypt


He had changed clothes, going to wear a dress that had to be one of

preferred and most elegant lady Sybil.

Made of chiffon, with ruffles that formed in small waves

back of his legs and a bodice that marked him well to waist

thin, was a white dress, which Minella had found suitable for


In Naples back to the ship, Cosmo had bought her two huge

baskets of flowers: a rose bud and yet another orchid in


- The first time I saw you, you wore orchids in her hair

- He told her. - I had the impression that shone like stars and

you whole emanated a divine light that I had never seen.

Wanting to please him, she had arrested some rosebuds on the belt

dress and made a small bouquet of orchids.

When Cosmo entered the cabin together with the captain, the expression of

his eyes clearly reflected how much he loved her. Minella not realized

that his face also was transfigured by happiness and excitement at

would happen next.

- Mr. Earl explained the problem they are experiencing, lady - said

Captain. - I have all the conditions to resolve any issue

on the legal aspect of your wedding, do not worry.

- Thank you ... is much ... its goodness - she managed to respond.

- It is an honor and a pleasure for me, lady. You can be sure that

never speak of this subject, unless it becomes necessary under the

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standpoint of law.

- My wife wants me to thank the captain, to come to our aid

- Cosmo interfered. - You can understand that we were very shaken

with the news that we received at the Consulate English.

- Of course I understand. If they get in front of me now, we will ensure that

become adequately united forever.

The captain opened the gospel and had started the wedding ceremony.

Cosmo and Minella were holding hands, and when the count put the alliance

on her finger, now true, it was so emotional, not

managed to suppress some tears.

Intensely felt the presence of his father by his side, handing it to

Cosmo, as he would if he were alive. Had assured then that

whatever the problems and difficulties that life them

reserved, he was always around to help them and protect them.

When the brief ceremony ended, the captain concluded solemnly:

- Invested power granted by Her Majesty, Queen Victoria,

As captain of H. M. S. Victorious, I now pronounce you husband and wife. God

bless this union.

They sat in silence as he closed the gospel.

- Thank you - Cosmo said quietly.

- We must celebrate this event - said the captain.

- I've sent the best place on ice champagne that we have on board.

The champagne was served in the cabin and, after drinking in honor of

couple, the captain came out.

Only when they were alone, Cosmo opened his arms and went to his Minella


- We're married! - She said. - We've been married for real!

- Can we get married over five hundred times if you want, but all that

matters now is that you're my wife, and nobody can take it away from me. -

Cosmo's voice was enebriada of happiness. We no longer

difficulties to face.

- What will you say to people ... England, Cosmo?

- Leave it to me. 've Planned every detail. I'll warn newspapers

my wife died a long time and then we go back to

a long, very long honeymoon, we will announce our marriage.

Before she had time to answer, Cosmo kissed

passionately. However, being so moved as she, her kiss

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had something sacred and reverent, as it was revealed that his immense

Love ... But now, after everything that had happened, if Minella

felt shy.

Understanding the mood of his young wife, Cosmo

said affectionately:

- I could spend the whole night sitting here, admiring her

Beauty and telling you how to love. But I want you closer

me, Minella, without that damn cushion between us! Who invented

Swedish custom that should be punished!

Never expected him to say that and laughed. He took off his robe and laid

in bed beside her.

- I will be very kind, my love. Are you afraid of me? She hid

her face in his shoulder.

- I'm so ... fool! ... I'm afraid to do something ... wrong.

Cosmo hugged her more tightly and in his eyes there was an expression

no other woman knew.

- My love, my baby love, everything you do is beautiful and perfect! I is

I'm scared because not bear act in a way that made her leave

loving me.

Minella looked up to him.

- This is absolutely impossible, because I love you enough to feel that

we are united from the beginning of time!

- How could I imagine that fate would be so generous with us?

Cosmo did not wait more and kissed her.

Feeling as if he was a star of happiness in her hands, she

realized that his father and his mother had helped them by diverting

obstacles, and she and Cosmo show your appreciation by providing

a little of your happiness to other people.

It was what his father had always done, with their kindness and joy

contagious, and Minella was sure that in the future, the happiness

those involved would be so intense and intoxicating, which would eventually make

others feel the same.

Suddenly, he could not think of anything else. Feeling lips

him on his, and his hands covering his body Cosmo, she felt almost


That love consumed them like a burning flame, and increasingly high

strong, fusing them into one person.

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- I love you! - Cosmo said hoarsely. - Oh, dear, how I love you!

- I. .. I love you! - Whispered Minella ... - Make me your wife

truth and forever!

The childhood dream, the desire to hold a star in his hands, if

conducted at the meeting of true love.

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