  • 8/12/2019 13299233 Body Language Power Point Presentation



  • 8/12/2019 13299233 Body Language Power Point Presentation



  • 8/12/2019 13299233 Body Language Power Point Presentation


    You have probably already heard you shouldnt cross your armsas it might make you seem defensive or guarded.

    This goes for your legs too. Keep your arms and legs open.

  • 8/12/2019 13299233 Body Language Power Point Presentation


    If there are several people you are talking to, give them allsome eye contact to create a better connection and see ifthey are listening.

    Keeping too much eye-contact might creep people out.

    Giving no eye-contact might make you seem insecure. Ifyou are not used to keeping eye-contact it might feel a littlehard or scary in the beginning but keep orking on it andyoull get used to it.

  • 8/12/2019 13299233 Body Language Power Point Presentation


  • 8/12/2019 13299233 Body Language Power Point Presentation


    Taking up space by for e!ample sitting or standing ithyour legs apart a bit signals self-confidence and that you arecomfortable in your on skin.

  • 8/12/2019 13299233 Body Language Power Point Presentation


    "hen you feel tense its easily inds up as tension in yourshoulders.

    They might move up and forard a bit. Try to rela!. Try toloosen up by shaking the shoulders a bit and move them

    back slightly.

  • 8/12/2019 13299233 Body Language Power Point Presentation


    #od once in a hile to signal that you are listening. $utdont overdo it and peck like "oody "oodpecker.

  • 8/12/2019 13299233 Body Language Power Point Presentation


    $ut i n a r ela!ed a y, no t in a to o t ens e m anne r.

  • 8/12/2019 13299233 Body Language Power Point Presentation


    If you a nt to sh o tha t you are inte rest ed inha t some on e is saying, lean toa rd the pe rsonta lking.If you a nt to sh o tha t you re co nfide nt inyour se lf and re la !ed le an ba ck a bi t. $ut do n tle an in too much or you mig ht seem ne edy anddes pe rate for som e appr oval. %r lea n ba ck toomuch o r you m ig ht see m a rroga nt a nd d ist ant .

  • 8/12/2019 13299233 Body Language Power Point Presentation


    l ig hten up, d on t t ake you rself t oo seri ousl y.&ela! a bi t, sm ile and laug h hen som eone sayssom et hing funny . 'eopl e i ll be a lot more incli ned tolist en t o you i f you seem t o be a p osit ive perso n.$ut don t be the first to laug h at yo ur on (ok es, itmakes you seem ne rvou s and nee dy. )mil e hen youare int roduced to som eo ne but don t keep a sm ileplast ere d on yo ur fac e, yo u ll seem in sincere.

  • 8/12/2019 13299233 Body Language Power Point Presentation


    It might make you seem nervous and can bedis tra cti ng for the li ste ne rs or the pe ople in theconversation

  • 8/12/2019 13299233 Body Language Power Point Presentation


    *o nt ke ep your eyes on th e gr ound , it mi gh tma ke you se em inse cure and a bi t los t. Ke ep yourhe ad up stra ig ht and your eyes to a rds thehori+on.

  • 8/12/2019 13299233 Body Language Power Point Presentation


    Th is goe s for ma ny th ing s. "a lk ing sloe r no tonly makes you seem more calm and confident, iti ll a ls o ma ke y ou f ee l less s tre ssed . If someo ne addr esse s you, dont sna p your e nec kin the ir dir ect ion, tur n it a bit mor e slo lyinst ead.

  • 8/12/2019 13299233 Body Language Power Point Presentation


    Tr y to avoid , pha se out or tr ansfor m fidg et ymo vem ent and ner vous ticks such as sha king yourle g or ta ppi ng your fing ers aga ins t the ta blerapi dly . o ull see m ne rvous and fid ge ting can be adis tra cti ng h en you t ry t o ge t s ome th ing a cr oss. *e clut te r your mo veme nts if you are all over th e

    pla ce . Tr y to rela! , slo don and focus yourmo vem ent s

  • 8/12/2019 13299233 Body Language Power Point Presentation


    Inst ead of fidget ing ith your hand s and scra tch ingyo ur face use them to communi cat e h at you ar etryi ng to s ay. se your hand s to describe som et hing or to ad dei gh t to a poin t you are tryi ng to make . $ut don t usethem to much or it mi ght becom e dist rac ting . nd

    don t le t yo ur hand s flai l aroun d, use them it h som econt ro l.

  • 8/12/2019 13299233 Body Language Power Point Presentation


    *o nt ho ld your dr ink in front o f your che st . In fact ,don t hold any thi ng in front of your he art as it i llma ke y ou se em gua rded a nd di sta nt.o e r i t a nd h old i t be side your leg i ns te ad.

  • 8/12/2019 13299233 Body Language Power Point Presentation


    /any peop le mig ht sit or stand i th a str aig htback in a goo d postu re.0o e ver, the y mig ht think that the sp ine en dshe re the ne ck be gins and th er efor e cr ane th ene ck f or ar d in a /o ntgo me ry $ urns- pose. o ur sp ine end s in the back of you r he ad. Keepyou hol e spine str aig ht and alig ne d for betterpostu re.

  • 8/12/2019 13299233 Body Language Power Point Presentation


    %n e of th e thi ngs e learne d from )e inf eld is th ateve rybody ge ts ei rded out by a clos e-t alk er. e tpe ople ha ve t he ir pe rsona l sp ace , do n t inv ade i t.

  • 8/12/2019 13299233 Body Language Power Point Presentation


    %f ten hen you get along ith a perso n, hen the t o ofyou get a good con nect ion, you il l sta rt to mi rro r eachot her un con scious ly. Tha t mean s that you mi rror the ot her person s bod ylan guag e a bit. To make the con ne ction be tter you ca n try a

    bi t of proa ctive mi rrorin g. If he lea ns for ard , you mig ht lean fo r ard . If she holdsher han ds on her thig hs, yo u mi ght do the same. $ut don treact in sta ntly and do n t mirro r every cha nge in bod ylan guag e. Then ei rdness il l en sue.

  • 8/12/2019 13299233 Body Language Power Point Presentation


    last but not least, keep a positive, open and rela!edatti tude . 0o you feel i ll co me thr oug h in your bodyla ngua ge a nd c an ma ke a ma (or d i f ferenc e.

  • 8/12/2019 13299233 Body Language Power Point Presentation


    Thank You

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