Page 1: 127 N 4th St Vandalia, IL 2020 Pews News.pdf · The recent furloughs and job losses may cause a greater need than usual; last year over ... Heath

First United Methodist Church 127 N 4th St Vandalia, IL 62471

First United Methodist Church of Vandalia: “Planting and nurturing seeds of faith, cultivating devoted disciples of Christ, and feeding souls for the glory of God”

Pastor: Tom Goodell Administrative Assistant: Casey Kistler: [email protected] Secretary: Sue Miller (Tues. & Fri.) Director of Music: Louise Weiss: [email protected] Childcare Provider: Amanda Milam Custodian: Nancy Meyers Assistant Custodian: Andy Sidwell

Inside this issue:

Prayer Concerns Shut-ins


Pastor’s Message Sermon Series


Music News


Operation Christmas Child


Random Acts of Kindness Challenge


July Birthdays and Anniversaries


Contact us

M-W-TR: 8a—4p

T-F: 8a-12p

Phone: 618-283-3684

Email: [email protected]


Church Staff

The 6th annual Backpack 2 School event will be held Wednesday, August 12, from 4:00p to 6:00p at the

Family Center. Due to Covid guidelines, the event will be scaled back. The recent furloughs and job losses may cause a greater need than usual; last year over

400 backpacks were given away. We still plan to offer free haircuts (If we enough beauticians volunteer). Receiving a backpack and haircut will slow down

traffic thru the building as the number of persons in at one time will have to be monitored. We still need many volunteers for

this even to be a success. Contact Kim Warner if you are able to help in any way. If you would like to make a donation, please make your check

to FUMC with “backpack” in the memo.

Pastor’s Bible Study

Wednesdays at 2:00p in the Church Library. We will be studying the book of James. BYOB

(Bring Your Own Bible) and join Pastor Tom. We will begin July 8.

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Patti Bohner (Don & Diane Adams’ daughter; mobility issues) Roger Clark (bladder cancer; additional tests) Mason Currier (6 year old grandson of Roger & Peg Clark; cancer treatments) Ricky Donaldson (Dannie & Patty’s nephew; completed radiation treatments for bone cancer) Gary Doolen (cancer) Mason Feltner (Kelly Clark’s 9 year old nephew; chemotherapy for A.L.L. leukemia) Phil Freeman (recuperating from surgery to remove cancerous node) Pastor Tom & Sherry Goodell (blessings as they begin ministry in Vandalia on July 1) Allison Horn (Don & Diane Adams’ daughter; kidney concerns; home) Carson LaDage (Bill & Sharon’s grandson; brain stem tumor & cysts) Carol Lewis (friend of Gail DePaolo; chemotherapy for cancer)

Wanda McCollum (lung cancer) Mark Miller II (recuperating from surgery for throat cancer) Mary Miller (treatment for lung cancer) Roy Nichels (friend of Dannie Donaldson; cancer) Heather Overlin (Larry Osborne’s daughter; showing improvement; undergoing more tests) TJ Pryor (Tony & Johanna Eckhardt’s nephew; recuperating from surgery for mass on his brain) Norman Rhoades (Kathryn Taylor’s father; Parkinson’s Disease) Sherry Schneider (hip surgery scheduled for July) Susann Schumacher (pulmonary fibrosis) Hannah Shroyer (lesion on brain) Lloyd Stanley (friend of Gene Schwarm; colon and liver cancer) Jackson Wenrich (Dannie & Patty Donaldson’s nephew; deployed to Middle East) Herb Woolsey (health concerns)

Nursing Home Residents & Shut-ins: Brookstone (1607 W. Fillmore) Diane Adams (Apt.15); Carlos Biellier (Apt. 2); Margaret Carroll (Apt. 10); Arlene Hoffman (Apt.4); Joyce Kidd; Iris Rademacher (Apt. 36); & Frank Roeder (Apt. 25) FCH/Long Term Care (650 West Taylor) Marian Miller, Priscilla Roeder, Eva Durbin Meramec Bluffs (50 Meramec Trail Dr., Ballwin, MO 63021) Mary Ann Rhoades (Rm 2012B)

Dolan Memory Care Homes (Dublin—11330 Dolan Way, St. Louis, MO 63146) Phyllis Rames Fair Havens Christian Village (1790 S Fairview Ave., Decatur, IL 62521) Alice Eakin Willowbrook (1124 Sunset Dr., Vandalia) Don Adams Larry & Sandy Peyton Norman Rhoades Shut-Ins: Mike Beckett, 2625 W. Jefferson St, Vandalia

1, Chad Bowers 2, Wayne Carter Jameson Vieregge Mollie Vieregge 4, Sandy Leidner 7, Mark Kirk 8, Mike Fulton Alayna Meyer 9, Olivia Bowen Sophie Eckhardt 10, Calvin Dothager 11, Sara Clark Molly Kern

13, Ed Foutch 14, Larry LeFevre 15, Cole Tarkington 16, Kendra Craig Ty McNary 18, Julie Dunn Nicholas Rosborough 19, Griffin Schneider 21, Donna Johnson 22, Lori Johnson Megan Moulton 24, Adelaide Schwarm

25, Mark Burnam 26, Ashley Hunter Barbara LeFevre Janie Nichols Lisa Troxell 27, Bob Cearlock Wyatt Struble 28, Kim Taylor 29, Steve Stombaugh 31, Amanda Bowers Mitch Casey Gary Hale

3, Heath & Megan McDowell 4, Denny & Deb Hamel 9, John & Tina Kaiser 12, Phil & Melody Freeman 13, Mitch & Sarah Johnson

16, Dan & Debbie Brantley 16, Zac & Kristin Stombaugh 23, Patrick & Katie Myers 24, Courtney & Gaynelle Scott 25, Mark Hayes & Janice Kramer

27, Mike & Pam Baker 29, Louis & Shirley Frick 29, Clayton & Brandi Gathe Jason & Tessa Opfer 30, Bud & Jill Zimmer

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The Outreach Committee is challenging the congregation to complete

100 Random Acts of Kindness. Cards have been purchased and will be handed out to the congregation next month. We encourage you

to take 1-10 cards and each time you complete an act, pass the card on. The back of the cards will be blank, so feel free to write a message on the card also. Below is a sample of some acts you can complete...feel free to add your own also!

We will have a full list available during worship in July.

-Pass on your dollar when you go shopping -Buy someone homeless a hot drink -Clean your elderly neighbors gutter -Buy extra food when you are out to feed the homeless -Donate to a local food bank -Donate to a local hospice -Give a stranger money when they are short -Give to a charity shop near you -Donate food to the Blessing Box -Bake for a friend -Be kind online, show someone you care -Send someone you know flowers -If you find money or things, turn it in -Hold the door open for someone -If someone looks in trouble, help them -Donate your umbrella if it’s raining to someone -Stop for people needing to cross the road -Smile at a stranger -Give blood -Become an organ donor -Offer to pay for someone's dinner

-Help a parent raveling alone to entertain their child -Take out a neighbor’s trash -Speak to a stranger -Paint a message on a rock and leave it -Donate a book to the library -Be honest on social media—just once! -Call a friend you haven’t spoken to recently -Buy a friend lunch -Bring in the mail for an elderly neighbor -Leave a nice note on a col-league’s desk -Tell the clerk to keep the change -Laugh hard with someone what needs it -Cry with someone that needs it -Encourage a stranger when they need it -Leave a book on the train with a note passing it on -Listen hard -Visit an elderly neighbor -Share your lunch with a stranger -Buy pet food, donate to local animal shelter -Take cookies to a neighbor -Thank a teacher -Leave money in a vending machine

-Let someone go first in line before you -Help clean someone else’s house -Recycle -Give someone homeless a blanket/coat -Help someone with their pets -Give a single parent friend a break by babysitting -Phone a friend -Share a snack -Thank a coworker -Listen with your heart -Visit a sick friend -Clean a neighbors’ walk -Leave a thank you note -Respect others -Give away a balloon -Read to a young child -Bake cookies for police or firefighter -Offer your seat -Help a student make a friend -Give a compliment -Leave the quarter in the cart at Aldi’s -Celebrate something every day -Encourage a friend -Make a new friend -Give an unexpected gift -Be kind -Be Tolerant

Matthew 1:23 “The virgin will give birth to a son and he shall be called ‘Immanuel’ or ‘God is with us.’” I am pretty good with names. Most of the time I will have the first name of newcomers committed to memory within a couple of weeks. To which my wife replies, “but he cannot remember to buy even three things at the grocery store!”. I don’t have a trick, or a process to remember names, that would be cool; I just seem to remember names.

I have experienced the joy, even pride, when someone of importance remembered my name. I once worked, briefly, for the Governor of Illinois, Jim Thompson, and he called me by name. I thought that astounding until I realized I was wearing a nametag that day. I am old enough to remember the kid’s television program “Romper Room”, during which Miss Vicky would look into her magic mirror and see the boys and girls of television land watching her. She would call out names and often my own, “I see Tom watching this morning”. I delighted that she almost never called out the name of my kid sister, “Laura”! I will do my level best to learn your names, and your stories. I have strived in every pastoral calling to make this a priority, because I believe it would be a priority for me. If I get your name wrong, gently correct me; I will learn. What truly astounds me, though, is the promise that God knows our name and our stories without our ever having to remind Him. God does not need a trick, mind reference or magic mirror to know the names of His children. God simply knows. We matter to Him. We are claimed by Him. One of the guiding principles of the church is that we live as though God has called each of us by name to live together. Let us live into this promise as we learn each other’s names (“Tom”, by the way; or “Pastor Tom” if you like using a title….not “Rev. Goodell” as that was my dad’s title!).

Sermon Series for July

As we resume in person worship, we will focus on our in person relationship with God in Jesus Christ. Read the Scriptures before you come to worship, or watch worship online!

July 5, “Remember! Who I am and who we are.” — Sermon text is 2 Timothy 1:3-7 July 12, “Essentials for the Christian Faith: From what do I need to be saved?” — Sermon

text is Romans 5:1-11 July 19, “Essentials for the Christian Faith: Atonement” — Sermon text is Romans 5:18-19 July 26, “Essentials for the Christian Faith: What is my response?” — Sermon text is Romans 5:20-21

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I am so happy that we will be able to be together again soon! It's been a long time not worshipping with all of you, and I look forward again to seeing your faces again (even though we will all be masked). Normally in the summer months, the opportunity is extended to other musicians to participate in a mini-concert, anthems,

offertory, and postlude. If you are interested in providing any of that on any Sunday from July 19-Aug. 30, (you don't have to do the entire set, but please do only what you can), below is a link for you to sign up for a specific Sunday and specific parts of the service.

I am in particular need for help on Aug. 9 (even the hymns) as Dennis and I will be attending a wedding Aug. 8 in northern Indiana and will miss that Sunday. As for choir, the normal plan would be to resume for the first Sunday in September. However, we will have to take direction from the bishop and medical professionals for any congregational and choir singing. As much as I am missing congregational/choir singing, I absolutely do not want to endanger any of you. We will make our way forward as we can. See you soon! In Christ's service, Louise

The Church Office is closed Friday,

July 3, in observance of Independence Day.

SENDING THE GOSPEL TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH At this point, the decision has been made by Samaritan’s Purse for Operation Christmas Child to move forward with collecting shoeboxes this year! God has called us to be faithful! He calls us to be faithful in both good times and bad. With all that is happening in the world, NOW more than ever, we need to persevere in getting the Word out to the people who have not heard Jesus’ name. This is done through our local churches sharing about Jesus to those in our community, as well as participating in global outreach ministries such as OCC. In Matthew 24:14 it says, “and this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” Until Christ comes back, He has given us this time and opportunity to share His love with others and to share His Father’s redemptive plan for mankind. We need to share with others how they can experience the same joy that we have by accepting Christ as their Savior and following Him. There are many Unreached People Groups that have never heard the name Jesus. One-half of all Unreached People Groups (UPG) live in Asia. If 11 millions shoeboxes were delivered to these groups each year for 13 years, we still would not have enough boxes to reach each of the children. We need to continue to reach all countries globally; therefore we cannot deliver 11 million boxes to one area. It will take many, many years to reach the children who need to hear about Jesus. The need is GREAT! We urge you to be part of the journey of reaching the children through shoeboxes, so the Gospel can be presented to them. We need you to help pack the boxes to make a difference for eternity. God is faithful and give us a reassurance of peace and hope for the future. One day, we will sit before his throne with those you reached in far off places through the ministry of Operation Christmas Child. In Revelation 7:9 it says, “After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the lamb.” I can’t imagine what it will be like; however I am sure that it will be the most glorious thing any of us could experience! In eleven years, our drop off has received 25,071 shoeboxes. FUMC has donated 4,819 of those boxes! You have already made a huge impact on His kingdom by serving Him in this way and it will be exciting to see how our church continues to reach out to the children around the world. The Lord is doing incredible things through you in the lives of these children and their families. One day, many children will be ushered into His kingdom because of your faithfulness in packing shoeboxes so they could hear about Jesus. Please take time to pray how God can use you in this ministry.

Our Caring Continues Operation Christmas Child exists because of the many people who are dedicated to spreading His word to the hurting children around the world through the means of a simple shoebox. It takes everyone working together for this ministry to be a SUCCESS! YOU ARE APPRECIATED! Dennette Guyer called to say that she has been busy crocheting items for the extra boxes that will be packed. I look forward to packing those items once we return to church. Thank you, Dennette, for blessing the children by making use of your extra time to make them things. Kim Warner made beautiful dresses with matching headbands! Each one is unique in it’s own way. I wish we could see the child’s face as they dress up in one of Kim’s creations. I’m sure they would have big grins! Thanks, Kim! By: Jill Zimmer

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