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    GENNADY P. MANCHENKO, Ph.D.Institute of Marine BiologyRussian Academy of Science

    Vladivostok, Russia

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    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Manchenko, Gennady P.Handbook of detection of enzymes on electrophoretic gels / by Gennady P.

    Manchenko.2nd ed.p. cm.

    Includes bibliographical references and index.ISBN 0-8493-1257-4 (alk. paper)1. EnzymesPuriÞcationHandbooks, manuals, etc. 2. Gel

    electrophoresisHandbooks, manuals, etc. I. Title.QP601 .M314 2003572'.7dc21 2002031312


  • Preface

    Isozymes detected by zymogram techniques presented in this book continue to be widely used as gene markers. However,principally new applications of enzyme electrophoresis and zymogram techniques have appeared which are outlined inPart I, Introduction. These include (1) involvement of enzymatic proteins in proteome studies, (2) testing of enzyme-coding genes for their expression at protein level, and (3) identiÞcation and study of a new type of enzyme proteinisoform (alternative isozymes) generated by alternative splicing. The principles of zymogram techniques have notundergone drastic development so that only several additions were made to Part II, General Principles of EnzymeDetection on Electrophoretic Gels. Part III, Methods of Detection of SpeciÞc Enzymes, is completely updated.Zymogram techniques are added for about 100 enzymes not previously included in the book. In total, this editionincludes more than 900 different methods suitable for detection of more than 400 different enzymes. Information onthe subunit structures of a majority of these enzymes is included in enzyme sheets to facilitate the interpretation ofisozyme patterns developed on zymograms. Enzyme names and nomenclature numbers are given according to the lastedition of the Enzyme List by the Nomenclature Committee of the International Union of Biochemistry and MolecularBiology (1992). Appendix C is added which contains information on buffer systems most commonly used for enzymeelectrophoresis in starch, cellulose acetate, and polyacrylamide gels. The number of references is almost doubledthroughout the book due to inclusion of a bulk of new information related to zymogram techniques, which has appearedduring the last decade.

    Preparation of the 2nd edition of the book was much helped by my three short sojourns (in 1995, 1999, and 2001)at Bodega Marine Laboratory (BML), University of California, Davis, where I could work with the literature at CadetHand Library. The library also provided me access to the Web-of-Science (Science Citation Index database, Institutefor ScientiÞc Information, Philadelphia, PA). These visits were supported by gifts from the Eugene GarÞeld Foundationto BML. I greatly appreciate the generous and cordial hospitality of colleagues at BML, its secretarial and technicalstaff. Special thanks are due to Dennis Hedgecock, who was my host there and who bore all the weight of cares aboutmy stay and work and whose support I always felt. I am deeply indebted to the successive directors of BML, Jim Cleggand Susan Williams, for the welcome I received at the lab. Working at libraries at Davis campus I twice enjoyed thehospitality of Andrei and Irina Zalensky, my old friends since their time at the Institute of Marine Biology (IMB) inVladivostok, Russia. Really, old friends and old vines are the best. It is also a pleasure to thank my younger friends,former colleagues at the Genetics Lab of the IMB: Dmitri and Svetlana Zaykin (Raleigh, NC), Dmitri Churikov (BodegaBay, CA), and Andrei and Olga Tatarenkov (Irvine, CA). It was most unselÞsh of them to offer me help and encour-agement during my peregrination in the United States. During these visits, I also had opportunities to work at librariesof the University of Washington in Seattle. In this wonderful city, I enjoyed the hospitality of Robin Waples and hislovely family and of Fred Utter. Bright memories of my short visits with Dick Koehn (then at the University of Utah,Salt Lake City) and with Oleg Serov (then at the University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) greatly elevated my spirit andthus encouraged the work. I am thankful to Anton Chichvarkhin and Victoria Pankova, both of the IMB, for technicalhelp in the Þnal stage of getting the book ready. I appreciate the support and understanding of Vladimir Kasyanov, thedirector of IMB. Special thanks are due to Alexander Pudovkin of IMB, whose help and support I enjoyed during thework on this project, as well as during my entire scientiÞc career. Preparation of this edition was partly supported bya grant from the Governor of Primorye (Russia). My last (but not the least) thanks go to the many colleagues fromdifferent countries who sent reprints of their publications, which were of great help in bringing new material into thebook, that is presented now for their judgment.

  • Preface to the First Edition

    Gel electrophoresis of enzymes is a very powerful analytical method which is at present widely used in various Þeldsof biological and medical sciences and successfully applied in different Þelds of practical human activity. The tremendousexpansion of the method is mainly due to its simplicity and its ability to separate isozymes and allozymes, which haveproven to be very useful genetic markers.

    The key step of enzyme electrophoresis is the detection of enzymes on electrophoretic gels, i.e., the procedure ofobtaining enzyme electropherograms, or zymograms. Within about 35 years since the Þrst adaptations of histochemicalmethods for purposes of electrophoretic zymography there were many signiÞcant advances in this Þeld, which wasextremely active in respect to development of new techniques. Information on enzyme-detection techniques, which iscontained in some well-known handbooks and manuals, does not reßect these new developments and in this respect isout of date.

    The purpose of this book is to bring together descriptions of numerous enzyme-detection techniques, which havebeen developed during the last three and a half decades, in one special volume. This book should be useful not onlyfor those who work professionally in the Þeld but also for those who are only starting to master techniques ofelectrophoretic zymography. Therefore, the book includes detailed descriptions of numerous enzyme-speciÞc methodssuitable for detection of more than 300 different enzymes, as well as descriptions of the general principles of enzymedetection on electrophoretic gels.

  • The Author

    Gennady P. Manchenko, Ph.D., is senior researcher at the Laboratory of Genetics at the Institute of Marine Biology ofthe Russian Academy of Sciences at Vladivostok.

    Dr. Manchenko graduated from Novosibirsk State University in 1973 with the qualiÞcation of a cytogeneticist. Asa probationer, he joined the Institute of Marine Biology at Vladivostok in 1973 and was promoted to junior researcherin 1975. He obtained his Ph.D. in 1981 from the Leningrad State University. From 1983 he was employed as the seniorresearcher at the Laboratory of Genetics of the Institute of Marine Biology at Vladivostok.

    Dr. Manchenko was a member of the American Genetic Association from 1978 to 1983 and is a member of theVavilov Society of Geneticists and Breeders in Russia, and a member of the ScientiÞc Council of the Institute of MarineBiology at Vladivostok.

    He has been the recipient of research supports from the George Soros Foundation, Eugene GarÞeld Foundation,International Science Foundation, and Russian Foundation for Basic Research. Current research interests focus ontheoretical and applied isozymology.

  • Acknowledgments

    I should like to thank Dr. Alexander I. Pudovkin (Institute of Marine Biology, Vladivostok) and Dr. Robert P. Higgins(Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.) for reading some parts of the manuscript and correcting my English. Ishould also like to thank my Russian colleagues for their encouragement and my foreign colleagues for reprints oforiginal papers, which are referred to in the book. However, the Þrst and most honorable position in the list ofacknowledgments must be given to my Þrst teacher in isozymology, Dr. Oleg L. Serov (Institute of Cytology andGenetics, Novosibirsk), who introduced me to this exciting Þeld of molecular genetics two decades ago when I wasstill an undergraduate at the State University at Novosibirsk.

    Preparation of the manuscript was partially supported by the George Soros Foundation.

  • To Clement L. Markert

  • Table of Contents

    Part I



    References for Part I


    Part II

    General Principles of Enzyme Detection on Electrophoretic Gels


    Section 1

    Chromogenic Reactions

    .......................................................................................................5Products Reducing Tetrazolium Salts ...................................................................................5Products Capable of Coupling with Diazonium Salts ..........................................................6Products that Cause a pH Change.........................................................................................7Orthophosphate ......................................................................................................................8Pyrophosphate........................................................................................................................9Hydrogen Peroxide ................................................................................................................9Carbonate Ions .....................................................................................................................10Colored Products .................................................................................................................10Products Bearing Reduced Thiol Groups ...........................................................................10Products that Inßuence the StarchIodine Reaction...........................................................11Products of Polymerizing Enzymes ....................................................................................11Products of Depolymerizing Enzymes................................................................................11

    Section 2

    Fluorogenic Reactions

    .......................................................................................................12NADH and NADPH ............................................................................................................124-Methylumbelliferone ........................................................................................................12Products that Form Luminescent Lanthanide Chelates ......................................................13Miscellany............................................................................................................................13

    Section 3



    Section 4



    Section 5

    Two-Dimensional Gel Spectroscopy


    Section 6


    ..................................................................................................................15Immobilization Matrices......................................................................................................15Transfer of Proteins .............................................................................................................16SpeciÞc Antibodies and Labeled Anti-Antibodies..............................................................17Detection of Transferred Proteins on Blots ........................................................................17

    Section 7


    .........................................................................................................................18Detection by Incorporating Water-Insoluble Substrates into Separating Gels...................18Detection of Lipid-Metabolizing Enzymes.........................................................................18Detection by a Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis Procedure ............................................18Detection of Enzymatic Proteins by SpeciÞc Probes .........................................................19

    Labeled Aptamers and Aptamer Beacons as SpeciÞc Probes...................................19Labeled Inhibitors as SpeciÞc Probes .......................................................................19

    SpeciÞc Detection of Some Nonenzymatic Proteins ..........................................................20Detection of Proteinase and Ribonuclease Inhibitory Proteins Using Reverse

    Zymography ..........................................................................................................20Detection of Proteinase Inhibitory Proteins Using Biotinylated Proteinases

    as SpeciÞc Probes .................................................................................................20

  • Biotinylated Hyaluronan as a SpeciÞc Probe for Hyaluronan-Binding Proteins .....20Transferrin ..................................................................................................................20

    References for Part II


    Part III

    Methods of Detection of SpeciÞc Enzymes


    Section 1

    The Structure of Enzyme Sheets


    Section 2

    General Considerations, Comments, and Recommendations

    .......................................25The Choice of Support Medium for Enzyme Electrophoresis and Detection ...................25

    Cellulose Acetate Gel.................................................................................................25Polyacrylamide Gel....................................................................................................26Starch Gel...................................................................................................................27

    Strategies of Gel Staining....................................................................................................27The Choice of Zymogram Method............................................................................28Preparation of Staining Solution ...............................................................................28Modes of Application of Staining Solutions .............................................................29Modes of Enhancement of Staining Intensity of Enzyme Activity Bands...............30SpeciÞcity of Zymogram Methods and Some Related Problems.............................31

    Recording and Preservation of Zymograms........................................................................33Resource-Saving Strategies .................................................................................................34

    Simultaneous Detection of Several Enzymes on the Same Gel ...............................34Successive Detection of Different Enzymes on the Same Gel.................................35The Reuse of Staining Solutions ...............................................................................36The Use of Several Origins on One Gel ...................................................................36Multiple Replication of Electrophoretic Gels by Electroblotting.............................36The Use of Semipreparative Gels for Production of Preparations

    of Linking Enzymes ..............................................................................................36Troubleshooting ...................................................................................................................37Safety Regulations ...............................................................................................................37References............................................................................................................................38

    Section 3

    Enzyme Sheets


    Appendix A-1

    Minimal Medium for

    Escherichia coli


    Appendix A-2

    Citrate Medium for

    Pediococcus cerevisiae


    Appendix B

    Alphabetical List of Enzymes


    Appendix C

    Buffer Systems Used for Enzyme Electrophoresis


    * More than 400 different enzymes are considered in this section, presented in numerical order according to their Enzyme Commission numberspublished in 1992. For convenience, the enzyme numbers are given at the beginning of each enzyme headline. An alphabetical list of the enzymesis also given as Appendix B.

  • 1



    Detection of enzymes on electrophoretic gels means visualiza-tion of gel areas occupied by speciÞc enzyme molecules aftertheir electrophoretic separation.

    Electrophoresis is the migration of charged particles (e.g.,protein molecules) in an electrolyte under the inßuence of anelectric Þeld. Tiselius may be considered the father of proteinelectrophoresis. He developed the moving boundary methodto separate serum proteins in solution.


    As the result of furtherdevelopments, a modiÞed method called zone electrophoresiswas devised in which different protein molecules were separatedinto distinct zones in stabilized media. In 1955 Smithies intro-duced starch gel as a stabilized (or supporting) medium forelectrophoretically separated proteins.


    In 1957 Kohn reportedthe use of cellulose acetate as a very useful supporting medium.


    Polyacrylamide gel was introduced 2 years later by Ornstein andDavis


    and Raymond and Weintraub.


    At present these support-ing media are the most widely used for electrophoretic separationof proteins. The pore size of starch and polyacrylamide gelmatrices is of the same order-of-magnitude as the size of proteinmolecules. This results in the molecular sieving effect, whichallows more effective electrophoretic separation of similarlycharged protein molecules that differ in size and shape. Thus,during zone electrophoresis molecules of each protein type moveat different rates along the gel according to their speciÞc prop-erties. Using different concentrations of polyacrylamide or starch(this inßuences the pore size of the gel matrix) and differentelectrophoretic buffer systems (this inßuences the net charge ofthe protein molecule), discrete zones on electrophoretic gels maybe obtained almost for each protein type. It is beyond the scopeof this book to give a full theoretical treatment of the principlesunderlying protein electrophoresis. This was done extremelywell by Andrews.


    The basis for the speciÞc enzyme detection was set in 1939by the pioneering efforts of Gomori, who developed histochem-ical methods for visual identiÞcation of sites of alkaline phos-phatase activity in animal tissues.


    Further developments haveled to the foundation of enzyme histochemistry as a separateÞeld of biological investigation.


    In 1957 Hunter and Markert Þrst applied histochemicalstaining procedures to starch gel after electrophoresis of crudetissue extracts for the visualization of gel areas containingesterase activity.


    As a result, the position of the enzyme wasmarked by a band (or zone) of stain directly in the gel. Thisvisual display of enzymes on electrophoretic gels has beentermed a




    Since that time methods of detection ofenzymes on electrophoretic gels are also known as zymographic(or zymogram) techniques.

    The term




    ) was introduced in 1959by Markert and Möller to designate different molecular formsof the same enzyme occurring either in a single individual or indifferent members of the same species.


    Numerous studies of

    different enzymes have shown that there are three main causesof formation of multiple molecular forms of enzymes: (1) thepresence of more than one gene locus coding for the enzyme,(2) the presence of more than one allele at a single gene locuscoding for the enzyme, and (3) the posttranslation modiÞcationsof the formed enzymatic polypeptides resulting in formation ofnongenetic or so-called secondary isozymes.


    According tothe recommendations of the Commission on Biological Nomen-clature of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistryand the International Union of Biochemistry (IUPAC-IUB),isozymes are deÞned as genetically determined, multiple molec-ular forms of an enzyme.


    The term


    is usually used todenote multiple molecular forms deriving from different geneticloci, whereas the term


    is used to denote multiplemolecular forms deriving from different alleles of the samegenetic locus. The term

    allelic isozymes

    is also used by someisozymologists.

    Since the advent of the zymogram method and the discoveryof isozymes, enzyme electrophoresis has been used increasinglyto provide useful information in a wide range of biological andbiochemical Þelds and in different Þelds of practical humanactivities. The use of isozymes and allozymes as gene markerssigniÞcantly advanced our knowledge in such areas as populationand evolutionary genetics, developmental genetics, molecularevolution, and enzymology. Isoenzymes and allozymes arewidely used for solving numerous problems of systematics aswell as for reconstruction of phylogenetic relationships betweenrelated species. They are of considerable importance for clinicaland diagnostic medicine and medical genetics, breeding controlof agricultural organisms, agricultural entomology, Þshery man-agement, genetic monitoring of environmental pollution, estima-tion of genetic resources, forensic science, etc.

    For a long period of time the major limitation of enzymeelectrophoresis was a relatively small number of enzymes forwhich speciÞc zymogram methods have been developed. By themiddle of the 1970s, only about 50 enzymes were available forelectrophoretic analysis.


    The popular and frequently citedhandbook of enzyme electrophoresis and detection techniques,written by Harris and Hopkinson at the end of the 1970s,


    includes speciÞc zymogram methods for only 80 of the 3200enzymes that had been identiÞed by 1992 by the NomenclatureCommittee of the International Union of Biochemistry andMolecular Biology (NC-IUBMB).


    New zymographic methods(predominantly histochemical and autoradiographic) were devel-oped from time to time for different purposes. They accumulatedat a slow rate and were frequently hidden in special journals,and thus were not easily available for those who work withisozymes. Since the late 1970s and early 1980s several, princi-pally new, approaches were implemented that considerablyenriched electrophoresis and enzyme detection. These were(1) bioautographic methods based on the use of a microbial

  • 2

    reagent to locate speciÞc enzyme activity after gel electrophore-sis;


    (2) two-dimensional spectroscopy of electrophoretic gelsusing special optical devices, which permitted one to analyzetwo-dimensional gels in a fashion analogous to one-dimensionalspectroscopy of solutions;


    and (3) immunoblotting, or the pro-cedure for immunohistochemical visualization of an enzymeprotein, which was based on the use of monoclonal antibodiesspeciÞc to a certain enzyme.


    Theoretically, these methods per-mit the detection of isozyme patterns of almost all the knownenzymes. However, bioautographic and two-dimensional spec-troscopy methods did not receive further development since theirÞrst introduction into enzyme electrophoresis. The most impres-sive is the expansion of immunoblotting techniques. Monoclonaland polyclonal antibodies about Þve tens of different enzymesare now commercially available (e.g., see Sigma Catalog,2002/2003, Antibody Index). Nevertheless, the immunoblottingtechnique is still not as widely used as other zymogram tech-niques because of several objective reasons (see Part II, Section 6 Immunoblotting).

    This book was conceived with only the purpose to bringtogether in one volume all speciÞc zymogram techniques devel-oped since the pioneer work by Hunter and Markert in 1957.


    Therefore, it does not cover practical aspects of gel electrophore-sis, genetic interpretation of banding patterns developed onzymograms, and numerous applications of enzyme electrophore-sis and zymogram techniques in biological and medical research.These areas are covered in other publications,


    whichmake excellent companion references for this handbook.

    The general principles of visualization of enzymes on elec-trophoretic gels are outlined in Part II, which includes descrip-tions of histochemical, autoradiographic, bioautographic, two-dimensional spectroscopic, immunoblotting, and other methods.Part III includes three sections. Section 1 describes the structureof enzyme sheets given in Section 3. General considerations,comments, and recommendations concerning the choice of sup-port medium and zymogram technique, the recording and pres-ervation of zymograms, resource-saving strategies, and trouble-shooting and safety regulations are given in Section 2. Section3, which comprises the main and largest part of the book, con-tains detailed descriptions and outlines of more than 900 zymo-gram techniques suitable for detection of over 400 differentenzymes.

    Enzyme electrophoresis remains the most simple and pow-erful tool for separation and identiÞcation of the second-levelstructural gene products. Despite the overwhelming expansionof DNA technologies and DNA markers during the last twodecades, there are several important and obvious advantages ofenzyme electrophoresis and isozymes as gene markers.


    First,gel electrophoresis and zymogram methods are technically sim-ple and not time consuming. Second, genetic polymorphisms ata large number of nuclear gene loci scattered over the genomecan be studied using these techniques with relative ease, speed,and low cost. Third, genotypic interpretation of individual vari-ation of isozyme patterns can usually be inferred directly fromthese patterns taking into account the codominant expression ofallelic isozymes (allozymes) and the highly conserved subunitstructure of enzymes.


    Finally, the most important advantage ofisozymes over DNA markers is that their study can bring molec-ular evolutionists much closer to the real stuff of adaptiveevolution.


    Thus, this handbook should prove useful for all those

    who traditionally use isozymes as gene markers in various Þeldsof biological and medical research.

    Besides being valuable gene markers, isozymes are structuralisoforms of enzymatic proteins and thus serve as the subject ofinquiry of proteomics the hottest growth area in the postge-nome biology.


    IdentiÞcation of proteins and their isoforms sep-arated by gel electrophoresis is the main problem and the mostlaborious task of functional proteomics.


    It is important to stresshere that it is the combination of gel electrophoresis and enzyme-speciÞc zymogram techniques that enables the coupling of elec-trophoretic separation and the detection and identiÞcation ofenzyme protein isoforms in a single procedure. The goal of pro-teomics is fundamental analysis of a complete protein set of anorganism (i.e., the proteome), including electrophoretic detectionof multiple isoforms of protein molecules, determination of theirfunction, and localization of their expression. Strikingly, almostthe same purposes were recognized and formulated for isozymol-ogy by Clement Markert as early as the mid-1970s.


    Enzymesconstitute a signiÞcant part of organismal proteins.


    Therefore,it is clear that isozymology may essentially be considered theproteomics of enzymatic proteins. It has an obvious advantageover proteomics dealing with nonenzymatic proteins. Indeed, theuse of gel electrophoresis and zymogram techniques enables ver-satile analysis of unpuriÞed enzyme preparations, including:

    1. Detection and identiÞcation of enzyme proteins andtheir structural isoforms (i.e., isozymes)

    2. In-gel examination of functional properties ofisozymes

    3. Examination of spatial and temporal expression andlocalization of isozymes

    4. Inference of the genetic basis of isozymes from indi-vidual variation and tissue speciÞcity of their band-ing patterns detected on zymograms

    5. Discrimination between different enzymes with sim-ilar and overlapping substrate speciÞcities

    6. IdentiÞcation of enzyme proteins with wide substratespeciÞcities, which demonstrate several distinct cat-alytic functions

    7. Determination of subunit structure of enzyme mole-cules from their allozyme and isozyme patterns

    8. Estimation of molecular weights of differentisozymes by combination of native and sodium dode-cyl sulfatepolyacrylamide gel (SDS-PAG) electro-phoresis

    9. Determination of isoelectric points of isozymes byisoelectric focusing technique, etc.

    These examples demonstrate the valuable but not yet fully real-ized application of enzyme electrophoresis and zymogram tech-niques in proteome investigations.

    Another but related application of these techniques concernsdetermination of expression of DNA sequences coding forenzymes at the translational level. Testing of sequences for theirexpression usually involves the search of the mRNA or cDNAsequence in question for insertions, deletions, or stop codons.


    Sometimes the testing of an enzyme-coding DNA sequence forexpression of catalytically active enzyme molecules is realizedusing

    Escherichia coli

    strains deÞcient for the enzyme in ques-tion. The use of zymogram techniques for this purpose is moreeffective, cheap, and time saving. The number of applications of

  • 3

    zymogram techniques for testing cloned enzyme-coding genesfor their expression at the protein level is rapidly growing.


    One commonly used strategy of gene cloning is the screening ofDNA libraries with suitable DNA probes deduced from the aminoacid sequences of the enzyme in question. The use of gel elec-trophoresis for protein separation, followed by subsequent N-ter-minal amino acid sequencing, is a fast method for generating thenecessary amino acid sequence.


    An absolute prerequisite forthis is the speciÞc and sensitive zymogram technique suitable fordetection of the enzyme inside the gel.

    The unexpectedly high diversity of protein isoforms generatedby alternative splicing of pre-mRNAs transcribed from singlegenes represents a challenge for postgenome biology and an impe-tus for proteomics.


    Alternative isozymes generated via alter-native splicing represent a phenomenon of general biological sig-niÞcance.


    Although electrophoretic patterns of alternativeisozymes (determined by single genes) resemble those of con-ventional isozymes (determined by separate genes), in somespecial cases this type of isozyme may be identiÞed with cer-tainty.


    DiversiÞed electrophoretic investigation of alternativeisozymes initiates a new and promising application of enzymeelectrophoresis and the zymogram techniques.


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    37. Markert, C.L., Biology of isozymes, in

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    39. Charlesworth, D., Liu, F.-L., and Zhang L., The evolutionof the alcohol dehydrogenase gene family by loss of intronsin plants of the genus



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    De Boer, P., Vreeburg, J.T.M., Vos, E.A., Van Der Lende,T., and Grootegoed, J.A., Testis-speciÞc expression of afunctional retroposon encoding glucose-6-phosphate dehy-drogenase in the mouse,


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    B., Isozyme pattern of glycogen phosphorylase in the ratnervous system and rat astroglia-rich primary cultures:electrophoretic and polymerase chain reaction studies,

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    the detection of hydantoinases with respect to their enanti-oselectivity on acrylamide gels based on enzyme activitystain,

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    43. Okwumabua, O., Persaud, J.S., and Reddy, P.G., Cloningand characterization of the gene encoding the glutamatedehydrogenase of

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  • 5


    General Principles of Enzyme Detection on Electrophoretic Gels

    The objective of this part is to describe the general principlesinvolved in visualization of gel areas containing speciÞcenzymes separated during gel electrophoresis. These principlesmay be classiÞed as resulting in positive or negative zymograms,as chemical or physical, as chromogenic or ßuorogenic, as basedon chemical coupling or enzymatic coupling, etc. It seems, how-ever, that the mixed operational classiÞcation will be preferablefor purely practical consideration. According to this classiÞca-tion, the main principles of enzyme visualization on electro-phoretic gels are deÞned as:

    1. Based on chromogenic reactions2. Based on ßuorogenic reactions3. Autoradiography4. Bioautography5. Two-dimensional gel spectroscopy6. Immunoblotting7. Miscellanies

    Two-dimensional spectroscopy of electrophoretic gels andimmunohistochemical methods have good perspectives and areof great value for further developments in electrophoreticzymography. However, the great majority of zymographic tech-niques so far developed are based on the use of chromogenicand ßuorogenic reactions or autoradiography.



    Chromogenic reactions are those that result in formation of achromophore at sites of enzyme activities. The great majority ofthese reactions were adopted from well-tried histochemical orcolorimetric enzyme assay methods. In a simple one-step chro-mogenic reaction a colorless substrate is enzymatically con-verted into a colored product. In a broad sense, the class ofchromogenic reactions includes any reactions or set of reactionsthat reveal discrete zones (or bands) of enzyme activity visibleat daylight. In most cases the primary product(s) of an enzymereaction is not readily detectable, and a supplementary reagent(s)is added to the reaction mixture, which somehow reacts with theprimary product(s) to form a visible secondary product(s). Thesesecondary products can be formed as the result of spontaneousreactions or so-called chemical coupling. In some cases, how-ever, none of the primary products can be detected by chemicalcoupling, and an additional enzymatic reaction(s) is needed inorder to reach a detectable product(s). This procedure is called

    enzymatic coupling, and supplementary exogenous enzymes thatare added to reaction mixtures are known as linking or auxiliaryenzymes. The resultant zymogram is positively stained (coloredbands on achromatic background) if the color is formed by areaction with the product of the enzyme activity. A negativelystained zymogram (achromatic bands on colored background) isobtained if the color is formed by a reaction with the substrate.

    Many different enzymes produce the same molecules (e.g.,NADH, NADPH, orthophosphate, ammonia, hydrogen peroxide,etc.) or different molecules with essentially the same chemicalproperties (e.g., aldehydes, ketones, reducing sugars, thiols, etc.).This means that very similar or identical chromogenic reactionscan be used to detect different enzymes. Thus, classiÞcation ofchromogenic reactions based on properties of products that aredetected seems to be the more useful and practical approach.Such classiÞcation is advantageous because it allows one tochoose an adequate chromogenic reaction to visualize activitybands even of those enzymes that have not yet been detected onelectrophoretic gels.









    The Þrst histochemical method for the detection of enzyme activityusing a tetrazolium salt was developed in 1951 by Seligman andRutenberg.


    Markert and Möller


    were the Þrst to adopt this his-tochemical procedure for detection of NAD(P)-dependent dehy-drogenases on electrophoretic gels. These dehydrogenases producereduced NADH or NADPH, the electron donors for reduction oftetrazolium salts, which are especially good electron acceptors.Reduction of a tetrazolium salt results in the formation of anintensely colored, water-insoluble precipitate, formazan. Thereductive reaction proceeds rapidly in the presence of some electroncarrier intermediaries. Initially, the diaphoraseMethylene Bluesystem was used for the transfer of electrons from NAD(P)H to atetrazolium salt.


    Further, it was found that phenazine methosulfate(PMS) is preferable as an intermediary catalyst. Molecules of PMScan accept electrons from NAD(P)H and reduce a tetrazolium salt,repeating the cycle and thus being very effective, even at lowconcentrations. Many NAD(P)-dependent dehydrogenases aredetected on electrophoretic gels using the PMStetrazolium system(e.g., see ADH, Method 1; MDH, Method1; ME; IDH, Method 1, etc.).*

    * Referenced enzymes and methods can be found in Part III, Section 3,where they are listed in numerical order according to the EC numbersrecommended in 1992 by the Nomenclature Committee of the Interna-tional Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

  • 6

    Detection of Enzymes on Electrophoretic Gels

    The enzymes that are FMN (ßavin mononucleotide)- orFAD (ßavin-adenine dinucleotide)-containing ßavoproteins(e.g., many oxidases) can also be detected using the PMStet-razolium system by a mechanism similar to that described abovefor NAD(P)-dependent dehydrogenases. In an oxidase detectionsystem PMS molecules accept electrons from a reduced ßavinegroup of an enzymatic ßavoprotein and transfer them to a tetra-zolium salt (e.g., see GOX, Method 1; XOX, Method 1). Being the prosthetic groups, FMN and FADare tightly bound to the enzyme molecules and are not dissoci-ated during electrophoresis, so they can be omitted from stainingsolutions used to detect oxidase activities.

    Different tetrazolium salts that vary in their reduction poten-tials are now commercially available. Tetrazolium salts with highreduction potential are reduced with greater ease than those withlow reduction potential. Among tetrazolium salts commonlyused in electrophoretic zymography, methyl thiazolyl tetrazo-lium (MTT) is usually preferable for NAD(P)H detectionbecause of its high reduction potential and photostability. Tet-ranitro blue tetrazolium (TNT) possesses a somewhat lowerreduction potential than MTT, but a higher one than nitro bluetetrazolium (NBT). The lowest reduction potential is character-istic for triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC).

    The products of enzymatic reactions containing free sulfhy-dryl groups (e.g., coenzyme A (CoA)SH) can also reduce tet-razolium salts (usually NBT and MTT are preferable) in thepresence of PMS or another intermediary catalyst, dichlorophe-nol indophenol (DCIP). An example is the detection method ofcitrate synthase ( CS).

    When DCIP is substituted for PMS, NAD(P)H cannot effec-tively reduce MTT, but sulfhydryls (e.g., glutathione) can do thisby the use of DCIP as an intermediary catalyst. This propertyof DCIP is used in detection methods developed for NAD(P)H-dependent glutathione reductase ( GSR, Method 2)and NAD(P)H diaphorases ( DIA(NADPH); DIA(NADH)).

    Such products of enzymatic reactions as 4-imidazolone-5-propionate and


    -sulÞnylpyruvate can also reduce tetrazoliumsalts (viz., NBT) in the presence of PMS ( GOT,Method 3; UH). 5-Bromo-4-chloro-3-indoxyl candirectly reduce NBT at room temperature without any interme-diary catalyst ( ALP, Method 2).

    Reducing sugars cause the reduction of TTC in an alkalinemedium at room temperature (ketohexoses) or at 100°C (aldohex-oses). Many enzymes producing ketosugars (e.g., D-fructose) andaldohexoses (e.g., D-mannose) are detected using this tetrazoliumsalt ( SP, Method 1; TDPGD;


    -MAN, Method 3; FF, Method 4).Some nonenzymatic proteins containing sulfhydryl groups

    may be nonspeciÞcally stained on dehydrogenase zymogramsobtained using the PMSNBT or PMSMTT system at alkalinepH. This nonspeciÞc staining of SH-rich proteins is sometimeserroneously attributed to so-called nothing dehydrogenases(1.X.X.X NDH). Unlike real nothing dehydrogenases, how-ever, SH-rich proteins can also be stained in alkaline tetrazo-lium solutions lacking PMS.

    The ability of free SH groups to reduce NBT (or MTT) inan alkaline medium is used to detect some enzymes generatingalkaline products (for details, see below, Products that Cause apH Change).

    Many enzymes generate products that are the substrates forcertain NAD(P)-dependent dehydrogenases. These enzymes canbe detected using exogenous dehydrogenases as linking enzymescoupled with the PMSMTT or PMSNBT system. For example,the stains for hexokinase ( HK), phosphoglucomutase( PGM, Method 1), and glucose-6-phosphateisomerase ( GPI) all use glucose-6-phosphate dehy-drogenase as a linking enzyme; the stain for fumarate hydratase( FH, Method 1) uses exogenous malate dehydroge-nase; the stain for aconitase ( ACON, Method 1) usesauxiliary isocitrate dehydrogenase ( IDH, Method 1),etc. Similarly, xanthine oxidase coupled with the PMSMTTsystem is used as a linking enzyme in the enzyme-linked stainfor purine-nucleoside phosphorylase ( PNP).

    For the detection of some enzymes, one or even more linkedenzymatic reactions are used in order to reach a product detect-able via dehydrogenase or oxidase. For example, mannose-6-phosphate isomerase ( MPI) is detected using twolinked reactions sequentially catalyzed by auxiliary glucose-6-phosphate isomerase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.Similarly, the stain for adenosine deaminase ( ADA,Method 1) uses exogenous purine-nucleoside phosphorylase toproduce hypoxanthine, which is then detected by xanthine oxi-dase coupled with the PMSNBT or PMSMTT system. Thedetection system of mannokinase ( MK) includes threelinked enzymatic reactions sequentially catalyzed by auxiliarymannose-6-phosphate isomerase, glucose-6-phosphateisomerase, and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. Three link-ing enzymes are also used in the detection system of dextransu-crase ( DS, Method 3).

    It should be noted that staining solutions containing PMSand a tetrazolium are light sensitive. Thus, incubation of gels inPMStetrazolium solutions should be carried out in the dark.

    Even today, the tetrazolium dyes are of central importancein enzyme staining methods. A great majority of zymographictechniques described in Part III of this handbook are based onthe use of the PMStetrazolium system.













    Many hydrolytic enzymes (e.g., aminopeptidases, esterases, gly-cosidases, phosphatases) are visualized on electrophoretic gelsusing artiÞcial substrates that are naphthol or naphthylaminederivatives. When naphthol or naphthylamine is liberated enzy-matically, it immediately couples with a diazonium salt. Aninsoluble colored precipitate (an azo dye) is formed as a resultof the coupling reaction in gel areas where speciÞc hydrolaseactivity is located.

    There are two main components of the azo coupling system.The Þrst one is the diazonium ion. The diazonium ions are not

  • 7

    General Principles of Enzyme Detection on Electrophoretic Gels

    stable and need to be in a salt form for prolonged storage.


    Anumber of different stabilized diazonium salts are now commer-cially available. Usually these are salts or double salts of zincchloride (e.g., Fast Blue B salt, Fast Blue BB salt, Fast Blue RRsalt, Fast Violet B salt), tetraßuoroborate or sulfate (e.g., FastGarnet GBC salt), naphthalenedisulfonate (e.g., Fast Red B salt),etc.


    For further stabilization such inert additives as aluminum,magnesium, sodium and zinc sulfates, magnesium oxide andbicarbonate, and others can also be added to commercial dia-zonium salt preparations.

    It should be taken into account that some enzymes may beinhibited by these additives. When the diazonium salt acts as anenzyme inhibitor, a two-step, or so-called postcoupling, stainingprocedure is recommended. In this procedure, the gel is initiallyincubated in substrate solution for an essential period of time(usually 30 min) and only then diazonium salt is added. However,the one-step azo coupling procedure is usually preferablebecause it considerably reduces diffusion of enzymatically lib-erated naphthols and naphthylamines and results in developmentof more sharp and distinct activity bands.

    Dissolved diazonium salts give very unstable ions, so solu-tions should be prepared immediately before use. The stabilityof diazonium ions depends on the pH of the staining solution.For example, Fast Black K salt is stable in acidic pH, while FastBlue RR salt is recommended for use at neutral and alkaline pH.High temperature also contributes to decreasing stability of dia-zonium salts. When the azo coupling system is used to detectthe enzyme, a compromise should be achieved between the pHoptimum of the enzyme activity and diazonium salt stability. IfpH values extreme for diazonium salt stability must be used, itis recommended that the diazonium salt solution be replaced asoften as necessary, depending on the total period of gel incuba-tion. Because diazonium ions can themselves act as enzymeinhibitors, the use of optimal concentrations of 1 mg/ml isrecommended.


    The second component of the azo coupling system is anenzyme-speciÞc artiÞcial substrate that is an amide, an ester, ora glucoside of the coupling agent (naphthol or naphthylamine).The substrates that are derivatives of substituted naphthol (e.g.,6-bromo-2-naphthol) or substituted naphthylamine (e.g., 1-meth-oxy-3-naphthylamine) may be preferable; this is because somesubstituted naphthols coupled with diazonium ions give azo dyesof greater insolubility. The use of derivatives of 1-methoxy-3-naphthylamine, which complexes much more quickly with dia-zonium ions than does 2-naphthylamine, reduces the problem ofproduct diffusion during color formation.

    Examples of the use of the azo coupling system in electro-phoretic zymography are the detection of esterases (3.1.1 ... EST, Method 1) and acid phosphatase ( ACP, Method3), with


    -naphthol as the coupling agent; the detection of


    -glucuronidase (


    -GUS, Method 2), with naphthol-AS-BI or 6-bromo-2-naphthol as coupling agents; the detectionof leucine aminopeptidase ( LAP, Method 1), with2-naphthylamine as the coupling agent; and the detection ofsome proteinases (3.4.2124 ... PROT, General Principles of

    Detection), with 1-methoxy-3-naphthylamine as the couplingagent.

    Diazonium ions also couple with such enzymatic productsas oxaloacetate, which serves as a coupling agent of the azocoupling system in the detection of some nonhydrolyticenzymes, e.g., glutamicoxaloacetic transaminase ( GOT, Method 1), phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase ( PEPC), and pyruvate carboxylase ( PC).

    The azo coupling system was the Þrst enzyme-staining sys-tem successfully adopted from histochemistry for purposes ofelectrophoretic zymography.


    A great number of zymographictechniques described in Part III are based on the use of thisstaining system.








    H C


    Local acidicalkaline pH change takes place in areas of acidelectrophoretic gels where enzymes producing ammonia ions arelocalized. These enzymes are detected by incubation of electro-phorized gels in staining solutions containing the substrate andan appropriate pH indicator dye, e.g., Phenol Violet, which islight orange at acidic pH and becomes dark blue at alkaline pH.Examples are the detection of urease ( UR, Method 1),adenosine deaminase ( ADA, Method 3), and AMPdeaminase ( AMPDA, Method 3).

    The local pH increase due to enzymatic production ofammonia ions is used in catalyzing silver deposition from neutralnitrate solution in the presence of photographic developers,4-hydroxyphenol and 4-hydroxyaniline and the reducing thiolreagent 2-mercaptoethanol.


    2-Mercaptoethanol is used toincrease the difference of the reduction potential between ammo-nia-producing enzyme bands and gel background. In the absenceof this reducing agent the intensity of the enzyme activity bandsis sensibly decreased and the gel background increased. Optimalcontrast between enzymatic bands and the background is due to4-hydroxyaniline, which reduces the initially oxidized4-hydroxyphenol, which reduces faster and with more contrastto the black metallic form than the silver ions to the blackmetallic form. The photographic developers initiate silver dep-osition, which further proceeds in an autocatalyzed way. Thus,the method is based on the faster deposition of metallic silverfrom a neutral silver solution in gel areas where the ammonia-producing enzyme is localized than in enzyme-free gel areas.The example of successful application of the silver depositionmethod is urease ( UR, Method 2).

    Tetrazolium salts may also be used to detect enzymes thatproduce ammonia ions and so elevate pH in those gel areas wherethey are localized. In these cases the elevated pH increases therate of reduction of tetrazolium salt by the sulfhydryl compounddithiothreitol, which is included in the staining solution alongwith the substrate and a tetrazolium salt. The slightly less-sen-sitive NBT is recommended for use in these stains in preferenceto MTT.


    Examples of applications of this detection system arestaining methods for arginase ( ARG, Method 1) andcytidine deaminase ( CDA, Method 1).

  • 8

    Detection of Enzymes on Electrophoretic Gels

    Local alkalineacidic pH changes can also occur in electro-phoretic gels as a result of the catalytic activity of some enzymes.These local pH changes are detected using such pH indicatordyes as Bromothymol Blue (blue at pH > 7.6; yellow at pH < 6.0)or Phenol Red (red at pH > 8.2; yellow at pH < 6.8). Examplesof this are the detection of trypsin ( T; Other Methods,A), esteroprotease ( EP, Method 2), and carbonicanhydrase ( CA, Method 1). The orthophosphate, lib-erated by enzymatic activity, treated with calcium ions, liberatesprotons during the formation of calcium phosphate gel. So, phos-phatase activity bands can also be detected by the color changeof the pH indicator dye. The example is alkaline phosphatase( ALP, Method 6).

    The following conditions should be kept when any methodof the local pH change detection is applied: (1) nonbufferedstaining solutions should be used, and (2) gel buffers should beof minimal concentrations and desirable pH values to allow thepH change to occur as the result of an enzyme action.

    The main disadvantage of all staining methods using pHindicator dyes is the diffused character of developed enzymeactivity bands. This is not the case, however, for the NBTdithio-threitol method, which results in formation of practically non-diffusable formazan.



    Many enzymes liberate orthophosphate as the reaction product.Several different methods were developed for the visualizationof phosphate-liberating enzymes. These include the lead sulÞdemethod and its reduced modiÞcation, the calcium phosphatemethod, the acid phosphomolybdate method and its MalachiteGreen modiÞcation, the pH indicator method (described above),and the enzymatic method. All these methods may be appliedonly when electrophoresis and gel staining are carried out inphosphate-free buffers.



    was the Þrst to use calcium ions to precipitateorthophosphate released by the action of phosphate-liberatingenzymes. Calcium phosphate precipitate, however, is soluble inacidic solution and so cannot be used for the detection of somephosphate-liberating enzymes with acidic pH optimum, e.g., acidphosphatase. In order to avoid this drawback, a lead is used thatforms insoluble lead phosphate.


    This phosphate salt is colorlessand therefore not easily recognizable; however, treating it withsulÞde results in the formation of a brownish black insolubleprecipitate of lead sulÞde. Examples of the application of thelead sulÞde method in electrophoretic zymography are the detec-tion methods for alkaline phosphatase ( ALP, Method7) and acylphosphatase ( AP). The main disadvantageof the method is the need for sequential treatment of electropho-rized gel with several solutions in order to achieve a colored endproduct. When this method is used, it should be rememberedthat lead also precipitates borate ions. So, borate-containing buff-ers should not be used for electrophoresis or staining. The silvernitrate may be used to form silver phosphate, which is thenreduced by sodium hydroxide treatment to black metallic silver.This method has some advantages over the lead sulÞde method.

    The example of application of this method is aldolase ( ALD, Other Methods).

    The reduced Gomori method can be applied to transparentelectrophoretic gels (e.g., polyacrylamide gel (PAG)). It is basedon the formation of white calcium phosphate precipitate, whichis insoluble in alkaline conditions. The white bands of calciumphosphate precipitation are clearly visible when the stained gelis viewed against a dark background.


    For example, this methodis used to detect fructose bisphosphatase ( FBP,Method 2), dehydroquinate synthase ( DQS), and cho-rismate synthase ( CHOS). When more opaque elec-trophoretic gels are used (e.g., starch or acetate cellulose), cal-cium phosphate may be subsequently stained with AlizarinRed S.

    The acid phosphomolybdate method is based on the forma-tion of phosphomolybdate and its subsequent reduction by ami-nonaphthol sulfonic acid


    or ascorbic acid,


    which results in ablue stain. The example is the detection method for inorganicpyrophosphatase ( PP, Method 1). The phosphomolyb-date method, however, suffers from the diffusion of both ortho-phosphate and phosphomolybdate. Isozyme patterns visualizedby this method fade quickly. To reduce diffusion of the coloredend product, the use of an additional stain ingredient, MalachiteGreen, is recommended.


    The Malachite Greenphosphomolyb-date complex formed is almost fully insoluble, so zymogramsobtained by this method may be stored for several months (fordetails, see PP, Method 1,



    The enzymatic method


    has proven to be the most sensitivefor the detection of phosphate-liberating enzymes. The principleof the method involves employing the phosphate-requiring phos-phorolytic cleavage of inosine catalyzed by auxiliary purine-nucleoside phosphorylase to produce hypoxanthine, which isthen detected using a second linking enzyme, xanthine oxidase,coupled with the PMSNBT or PMSMTT system. The coloredend product is blue formazan. The enzymatic method, comparedto other methods for the detection of orthophosphate, is advan-tageous due to its high sensitivity and generation of a nondif-fusible formazan. The example of this method is the detectionof alkaline phosphatase ( ALP, Method 8).

    Other enzymatic methods for detection of orthophosphateexist that use linked enzymatic reactions involving either theglyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase

    1 5

    or thephosphorylase


    reactions. Both these methods include readilyreversible enzymatic reactions. In addition, the Þrst one requiresglyceraldehyde-3-phosphate, which is unstable, while the otherinvolves three enzymatic steps subsequently catalyzed by auxil-iary phosphorylase, phosphoglucomutase, and glucose-6-phos-phate dehydrogenase, and so is very complex. Because of thesedisadvantages, neither enzymatic method is in wide use.

    Some enzymes that produce phosphorus-containing com-pounds also can be detected by appropriate phosphate-detectingmethods described above after the cleavage of orthophosphateby auxiliary alkaline phosphatase (e.g., see CNPE,Method 2; CMP-SH; 3.6.1.X NDP). In thesecases, however, it should be taken into account that auxiliary

  • 9

    General Principles of Enzyme Detection on Electrophoretic Gels

    alkaline phosphatase must not cleave orthophosphate from phos-phorous-containing substrates.

    Orthophosphate can also be cleaved from glucose 1-phos-phate and ribose-1-phosphate by treatment with H




    and sub-sequently detected by the acid phosphomolybdate method or theMalachite Green phosphomolybdate modiÞcation of thismethod. As a result, the positively stained zymograms areobtained for enzymes that produce these phosphosugars ( PPM, Method 3), whereas negative zymograms are obtainedwhen these phosphosugars are used as substrates ( PGM, Method 2). Orthophosphate can be liberated from glyc-erone phosphate and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate by treatmentwith iodacetamide or iodacetate and then detected by a suitablephosphate-detecting method. For example, see aldolase ( ALD, Other Methods).

    Since many enzymes liberate orthophosphate as the reactionproduct or produce phosphorus-containing products from whichorthophosphate can be readily cleaved chemically or enzymati-cally, the phosphate-detecting methods are of great importancefor electrophoretic zymography.



    Pyrophosphate-liberating enzymes can be visualized by incuba-tion of transparent electrophoretic gels with buffered solutionscontaining certain substrates and subsequently treating the gelswith calcium ions.


    As a result, white bands of calcium pyro-phosphate precipitation are clearly visible when the stained gelis viewed against a dark background. Examples are detectionmethods for DNA-directed RNA polymerase ( DDRP)and UDPglucose pyrophosphorylase ( UGPP,Method 3).

    Manganese ions also can be used to detect the productpyrophosphate on transparent electrophoretic gels. The bandsformed as a result of manganese pyrophosphate precipitation arenot apparent when stained gel is placed directly on a dark back-ground, but they are very distinct when gel is held a few inchesfrom a dark background and lighted indirectly. An example isthe detection method for hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltrans-ferase ( HPRT, Method 3).

    A coupled reaction catalyzed by auxiliary inorganic pyro-phosphatase from yeast can be used to convert the product pyro-phosphate into orthophosphate, which is then visualized by anappropriate phosphate-detecting method (see the section onorthophosphate, above). Yeast inorganic pyrophosphatase is aspeciÞc catalyst for the hydrolysis of pyrophosphate in the pres-ence of magnesium ions, and several organic pyrophosphates,such as ATP and ADP, are not attacked. This method may notbe used for detection of pyrophosphate-releasing enzymes,which use substrates also hydrolyzed by auxiliary pyrophos-phatase. An example of successful application of this method issulfate adenylyltransferase ( SAT).

    Pyrophosphate can also be detected using three coupledreactions sequentially catalyzed by auxiliary enzymes pyrophos-phate-fructose-6-phosphate 1-phosphotransferase (PFPPT),aldolase, and NAD-dependent glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate

    dehydrogenase coupled with the PMSMTT system. The use ofbacterial PFPPT is recommended because the plant enzymerequires for its activity fructose-2,6-bisphosphate, which is veryexpensive. Triose-phosphate isomerase may be used as the fourthauxiliary enzyme to accelerate coupling reactions and to enhancethe intensity of colored bands. This enzymatic method is adoptedfrom the detection method for PFPPT ( PFPPT).Fluorogenic modiÞcation of the method may also be found inthe same place.





    Hydrogen peroxide is the obligatory product of almost all oxi-dases that use oxygen as an acceptor. It also serves as a proton-accepting substrate for peroxidase. So, a coupled peroxidasereaction is widely used to detect enzymes producing hydrogenperoxide. There are many redox dyes that can be used as protondonors in the peroxidase reaction. The more frequently used dyesare 3-amino-9-ethyl carbazole,


    -dianisidine dihydrochloride,and tetramethyl benzidine (see PER, Method 1).When oxidized, these redox dyes change in both color and sol-ubility. They are soluble when reduced but become insolubleupon oxidation. The former goes from a yellow or light browndye to a red or dark brown compound, while the latter two changefrom colorless to orange and blue, respectively.

    The chromogenic peroxidase reaction also is used as the laststep in some enzyme-linked detection systems. The more widelyused one is the staining method for peptidases (3.4.11 or 13 ... PEP, Method 1), where the peroxidase reaction is usedtogether with the Þrst-step coupled reaction catalyzed by auxil-iary L-amino acid oxidase. Another example is the enzyme-linked detection system for


    -fructofuranosidase ( FF, Method 3), in which the chromogenic peroxidase reactionis used coupled with a hydrogen peroxide-generating reactioncatalyzed by the other auxiliary enzyme glucose oxidase.

    Hydrogen peroxide also takes part in chemical chromogenicreactions, which usually are used in detection methods forenzymes utilizing hydrogen peroxide as the substrate. In thesecases, negatively stained zymograms are obtained. Two suchchromogenic reactions are used to detect catalase ( CAT, Methods 1 and 2). The Þrst one is based on the formationof a dark green compound as a result of the chemical reactionbetween hydrogen peroxide and potassium ferricyanide in thepresence of Fe


    ions. The second chromogenic reaction pro-ceeds between potassium iodide and starch in the presence ofhydrogen peroxide and thiosulfate. In areas of the starch gel (orPAG-containing starch) where CAT is localized, hydrogen per-oxide is enzymatically destroyed. Upon exposure to potassiumiodide, wherever hydrogen peroxide is not destroyed, the iodideis oxidized to iodine and an intense blue starchiodine chromato-phore is formed. Thiosulfate is inactivated in gel areas wherehydrogen peroxide is presented and remains active in areas ofCAT activity where hydrogen peroxide is destroyed. The func-tion of thiosulfate is to reduce any iodine that escapes intosolution during the staining procedure and settles on the gel areasoccupied by CAT.


  • 10

    Detection of Enzymes on Electrophoretic Gels

    The highly sensitive lanthanide luminescence method hasbeen developed based on the photoassisted oxidation of phenan-troline dicarboxylic acid dihydrazide (PDAdh) by hydrogen per-oxide. The resulting PDA interacts with europium ions andluminescent Eu:PDA complex forms, which can be observedunder ultraviolet (UV) light (for more details, see Products thatForm Luminescent Lanthanide Chelates in Section 2).

    Hydrogen peroxide can be detected using cerium and diami-nobenzidine (DAB). Cerium chloride reacts with hydrogen per-oxide, forming the insoluble cerium perhydroxide of a pale yel-low color. This pale reaction product can be converted to areadily visible precipitate by the addition of DAB. Cerium per-hydroxide oxidizes DAB to its insoluble polymeric form of adark brown color. The ceriumDAB method was successfullyused to detect sulfhydryl oxidase (see TO), L-2-hydroxyacid oxidase (see HAOX, Method 3), andamino acid oxidases (see LAOX, Method 2; DAOX, Method 4) on native electrophoretic gels and nitro-cellulose blots.





    Carbon dioxideproducing enzymes are visualized using the cal-cium carbonate method.


    This method is based on the formationof a white calcium carbonate precipitate in gel areas where theenzyme producing carbon dioxide is localized. The method isapplicable only for transparent gels and is applied as a one-stepprocedure using buffered staining solution containing theenzyme-speciÞc substrate(s) and Ca


    ions. After an appropriateperiod of incubation in staining solution the gel is viewed againsta dark background for white bands of calcium carbonate precip-itation. The examples are detection methods for isocitrate dehy-drogenase ( IDH, Method 2) and pyruvate decarbox-ylase ( PDC, Method 1).

    The calcium carbonate method is essentially the same as thecalcium phosphate and calcium pyrophosphate methods (seeabove), but about ten times less sensitive. An enzymatic methodfor detection of carbon dioxide-producing enzymes also exists.This method uses a linked enzymatic reaction catalyzed by aux-iliary phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase to convert phosphoe-nolpyruvate and carbon dioxide into orthophosphate and oxalo-acetate. Oxaloacetate is then coupled with diazonium salt to forminsoluble azo dye ( PEPC).

    The modiÞcation of this method is possible by the use ofan additional linked reaction catalyzed by auxiliary malate dehy-drogenase in place of the azo coupling reaction. In this modiÞ-cation oxaloacetate and NADH are converted by malate dehy-drogenase into malate and NAD. Gel areas where NADH-into-NAD conversion occurs may be registered in long-wave UV lightas dark (nonßuorescent) bands visible on a light (ßuorescent)background. When bands are well developed, the gel may betreated with PMSMTT to obtain a zymogram with achromaticbands on a blue background.

    Further modiÞcation of the enzymatic method may consistof the application of different phosphate-detecting methods (seeabove) to visualize areas of orthophosphate production by

    linked-enzyme phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase. The calciumphosphate method, however, may not be used because calciumcarbonate precipitate will also form and block the linked reactionof phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase.

    The use of plant phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase is pref-erable because it does not require acetyl-CoA for its activity.





    In some cases the products of enzymatic reactions are readilyvisible due to the acquisition of some properties not found inthe substrates. For instance, chromogenic synthetic substratesthat are derivatives of


    -nitrophenol or


    -nitroaniline areused to detect some hydrolytic enzymes. These substrates arecolorless; however, hydrolytically cleaved


    -nitrophenol and


    -nitroaniline are yellow (e.g., ALP, Method 4; THR). Colored bands developed by the use of thesechromogenic substrates may be too faint for visual quantitativeanalysis and are usually registered spectrophotometrically ontransparent gels using a scanning spectrophotometer. The treat-ment of acidic gels with alkali enhances the band colorationcaused by


    -nitrophenol ( SE, Method 1). Yellow


    -nitroaniline may be converted into a readily visible red azodye after diazotation with




    Theexamples are detection methods for trypsin ( T,Method 3) and chymotrypsin ( CT, Method 3).

    Another example of the detection methods based on forma-tion of a colored product is the use of phenolphthalein phosphateas a substrate for acid phosphatase ( ACP, Method 1).In this method, released phenolphthalein leads to the formationof pink zones after treatment of the gel with alkali.

    Synthetic chromogenic substrates that are derivatives of theindoxyl are also used to detect different hydrolytic activities.When indoxyl derivatives (e.g., indoxyl esters) are hydrolyzed,the liberated indoxyl is oxidized by atmospheric oxygen to anintensely colored indigo dye. This oxidation, however, occursvery slowly, especially in acidic conditions. So, undesirable dif-fusion of soluble indoxyl may be signiÞcant. Derivatives of5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indoxyl, ammonium 5-indoxyl, and 5-bro-moindoxyl are usually used in place of simple indoxyl deriva-tives (e.g., ALP, Method 2; PDE-1,Method 2;


    -GUS, Method 3). Hydrolyticallycleaved 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indoxyl forms a ketone, whichdimerizes under alkaline conditions into dehydroindigo andreleases hydrogen ions. If NBT is added, it is reduced by theseions to blue formazan. Thus, the formation of insoluble formazanand an indigo dye occurs simultaneously, resulting in develop-ment of sharp colored bands. An example is the detection methodfor alkaline phosphatase ( ALP, Method 2).











    There are at least three different methods for the detection ofproducts bearing reduced thiol groups. The disulÞde 5,5'-dithio-bis(2-nitrobenzoic acid) (DTNB) reacts with a free thiol at pH8.0 and yields a compound of yellow color. This reaction is used

  • 11

    General Principles of Enzyme Detection on Electrophoretic Gels

    in the detection method for glutathione reductase ( GSR, Method 3). DTNB attached to polyacrylamide was syn-thesized and shown to be useful for detection of thiol-producingenzymes after PAG electrophoresis ( ACHE, Method2; ALP, Method 9).


    The products bearing free thiol groups reduce ferricyanideto ferrocyanide, which further reacts with mercury and yields areddish brown precipitating complex. For instance, this reactionis used to detect acetyl-CoA hydrolase ( ACoAH) andmalate synthase ( MS).

    Free thiol groups can also reduce tetrazolium salts via theintermediary catalyst dichlorophenol indophenol, resulting information of insoluble formazan (see also Products ReducingTetrazolium Salts, above). Examples include the detectionmethods for glutathione reductase ( GSR, Method 2)and citrate synthase ( CS).

    A starchiodine chromogenic reaction also can be used todetect enzymes that use or produce compounds bearing reducedthiol groups (for details, see the paragraph below).













    The starchiodine chromogenic reaction has been known formore than a century. However, iodine (I


    ) is insoluble in water.Its solubility increases considerably in the presence of iodide(I

    ), so KI is usually included in iodine solutions. Some com-pounds inßuence the starchiodine reaction due to their abilityto reduce iodine to iodide, which fails to react with starch. Suchreductive properties toward iodine are displayed by some com-pounds bearing free thiol groups, e.g., by reduced glutathione.On the contrary, oxidized glutathione does not preclude theformation of the starchiodine chromophore. Thus, positivelystained zymograms can be obtained after starch gel electrophore-sis (or electrophoresis in PAG containing soluble starch) by theuse of the starchiodine reaction for those enzymes that convertreduced glutathione into its oxidized form. The examples aredetection methods for glutathione transferase ( GT,Method 1) and glyoxalase I ( GLO, Method 3). Usingthe starchiodine reaction, negatively stained zymograms willbe obtained for enzymes that convert oxidized glutathione intoits reduced form. In principle, glutathione reductase can serveas a good candidate for application of the starchiodine detectionmethod; however, several more sensitive and practical methodsare available for detection of this enzyme ( GSR).

    Hydrogen peroxide inßuences the starchiodine reactiondue to its ability to oxidize iodide in acid conditions into iodine,which then takes part in formation of the starchiodine coloredcomplex. This property of hydrogen peroxide is used to obtainnegatively stained zymograms of catalase (for details, seeHydrogen Peroxide, above).

    Enzymes that release iodine can be detected after electro-phoresis in starch-containing gels using an acid peroxidereagent.


    The only enzyme detected by this method is glu-tathione transferase ( GT, Method 2). In this case the

    detection depends on the release of iodine from synthetic sub-strate (which is the iodide derivative) as a result of its conjugationwith reduced glutathione and subsequent oxidation of the iodideto iodine. In gel areas where iodide is enzymatically liberated,blue staining develops due to starchiodine complex formation.








    Some enzymes catalyze reactions of polymerization using spe-ciÞc polymeric molecules as primers. Detection of theseenzymes is based on the elevation of concentration of polymericmolecules in those gel areas where polymerizing enzymes arelocated. The use of stains speciÞc to polymeric molecules usuallyresults in the appearance of intensely stained bands visible on aless intensely stained background. For instance, iodine solutionis used as a speciÞc stain for detection of starch or glycogensynthesized by phosphorylase ( PHOS, Method 1).Methylene Blue and Pyronin B are used as speciÞc stains forpoly(A)ribonucleotide molecules synthesized by polyribonucle-otide nucleotidyltransferase ( PNT) and mRNA repli-cas produced by RNA-directed RNA polymerase ( RNAP).

    In some cases, when direct chromogenic staining of poly-meric products is not possible, additional chemical treatmentsmay be needed to visualize polymerase activity bands (e.g., see2.4.1.5 DS, Method 2).








    There are many hydrolytic enzymes that display depolymerizingactivity toward such polymeric molecules as polypeptides, RNA,DNA, polysaccharides, and mucopolysaccharides. The generalprinciple of the methods used to detect depolymerizing enzymesis the incorporation of a speciÞc polymeric substrate into a reac-tive agarose plate, which is held in contact with an electrophorizedgel. After incubation of this sandwich for a sufÞcient period oftime, a substrate-containing agarose plate is treated with a sub-strate-precipitating agent, washed to remove the low-molecular-weight products of depolymerization, and speciÞcally stained forgeneral proteins, nucleic acids, polysaccharides, or mucopolysac-charides. Depolymerase activity areas appear as achromatic bandson colored backgrounds. Examples of the sandwich method aredetection procedures for endopeptidases (3.4.2124 ... PROT),endonucleases ( DNASE; RNASE,Method 1), and endoglucanases ( EG).

    In some cases depolymerase activity bands become visiblejust after treatment with a substrate-precipitating agent, so thatno additional staining of the substrate-containing gel is needed.The example is the detection method for polygalacturonase( PG, Method 1).

    Different modiÞcations of the sandwich method have beendeveloped. Some of them consist of methods using colored sub-strates and are based on decoloration of the substrate-containingagarose gels in those areas that are in contact with regions ofthe depolymerizing enzyme located in separating gels. Examplesare detection methods for cellulase ( CEL, Method 2)

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    Detection of Enzymes on Electrophoretic Gels

    and endoxylanase ( EX, Method 1). The inclusion ofpolymeric substrates into the separating gel matrix may be pref-erable for detection of depolymerizing enzymes, which may berenaturated after electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate(SDS)-containing gels, where SDS is used to inactivate depoly-merizing enzymes and prevent substrate hydrolysis during therun. This modiÞcation is advantageous because separatedenzymes do not need to diffuse out of the separating gel, andtherefore, isozymes with slight differences in electrophoreticmobility can be readily differentiated (e.g., CEL,Method 2,


    ; DNASE,


    ).The separating starch gel itself serves as a substrate for

    amylase (


    -AMY, Method 1) and phosphorylase( PHOS, Method 3).

    All methods described above are negative in the sense thatcolor is formed by a chromogenic reaction with the substrate.These methods are usually used in a two-step procedure. Theexceptions are those methods where colored substrates are used.



    Fluorogenic reactions are those that result in formation of aßuorochrome at sites of enzymatic activities in electrophoreticgels. Fluorochromes are molecules that, being irradiated by UVlight, reradiate with emission of light of a longer wavelength.Positive ßuorescent methods depend on the generation of ahighly ßuorescent product by an enzyme action on a nonßuo-rescent substrate(s). On the contrary, negative ßuorescent meth-ods depend on the generation of a nonßuorescent product froma ßuorescent substrate.

    The more widely used in electrophoretic zymography arethe natural ßuorochromes NADH and NADPH, which lose theirßuorescent properties upon oxidation. There is also a diversegroup of artiÞcial ßuorochromes. Among these, 4-methylumb

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