
By Dwight OtwellEditor

Two Andrews familiesescaped harm as their apart-ment building went up inflames early Monday morning.

The Gibson Apartments, 49Teas Street, caught fire shortlyafter 5 a.m.

Two of the five apartments

were occupied. A man in oneapartment woke up and noticedsmoke, said Andrews FireChief Jake Buchanan Jr. Theman crawled into the livingroom and saw the fire. He gothis wife and three children,ranging in age from about 1 to8, out of the apartment.

Buchanan said it was a�“close call.�”

�“I am really glad there wereno fatalities�”, he said.

The other family also gotout safely without injury.

Andrews Firefighter PaulEarwood was injured as he wasinside one of the apartmentstrying to keep the fire fromspreading. The ceiling fell onhim, Buchanan said. Earwood

By Dwight OtwellEditor

Two Murphy teen-agerscharged with murder are sched-uled to appear in CherokeeCounty Court Friday.

Christopher AlbertTarantino and Lauren Crowe,former Murphy High Schoolstudents, are on the administra-tive calender. Tarantino mayfind out if the state will seek the

death penalty forhis part in the July 10 murder ofCrowe�’s mother, Janet Crowe.

District Attorney Michael

Bonfoey said he will make thedecision on whether to seek thedeath penalty or whether to tryTarantino for first degree mur-der without seeking the deathpenalty. Crowe was too young,16, at the time of the murder tobe subject to the death penalty.Tarantino was 17 at the time ofthe murder and is thus subjectto the death penalty.

Crowe is charged with FirstDegree Murder of her mother.

She is also charged with solici-tation to commit murder forsoliciting Tarantino. Tarantinois charged with First DegreeMurder.

Crowe was found dead onJuly 10 at the 910 Crowe Roadhome she shared with LaurenCrowe. She sustained multiplegunshot and stab wounds, lawenforcement officers said.

Bonfoey said dates forother motions by attorneys will

be discussed. All the hearingswill take place in January orFebruary, he said.

Also, a possible trial datemay be discussed, he said. Noevidence will be presented.Crowe and Tarantino won�’t betried together, Bonfoey said.The trials will �“take sometime�”, he said.

When asked if any pleabargains have been discussedwith attorneys for either defen-

dant, Bonfoey said that in anycase before the court, there isalways the discretion to discussplea bargains. But that doesn�’tmean anything will come of thediscussions, he said.

The fatal blows wereinflicted by Tarantino at nightat Crowe�’s house, in JanetCrowe�’s bedroom, prosecutorAlan Leonard previously saidin court. He alleges that

By Dwight OtwellEditor

The top 10 percent ofgraduating high school seniorswould be assured of beingaccepted at state colleges ifNorth Carolina RepresentativeRoger West gets his way.

West told the Cherokee

County School BoardThursday that kids are beingturned down by colleges in thestate college system and hewants to present legislationthat would guarantee that thetop 10 percent of the graduat-ing class are automaticallyaccepted at state colleges.

�“Here in the western parto fthe

state a lot of our kids applyand aren�’t accepted,�” theMarble resident said.

School Board Member Dr.David Ackerman liked theidea. Some of the local kidsturned down by the state sys-tem end up going to collegeout of state, which is muchmore expensive.

West said he got the ideafrom Texas, where the top 10percent of high school seniorsare automatically acceptedinto the state college system.Students would still have to

Cherokee SentinelVOLUME 7, NUMBER 49 Cherokee County & Nantahala, NC FOUR SECTIONS �• December 15, 2004 50¢

Cherokee Sentinel 1162 Andrews Rd., Suite E

Murphy, NC 28906The Sentinel Newsgroup

(828) 837-6397

Tarantino and Crowe set to appear in court

Christopher Tarantino Lauren Crowe


First Baptist Singing Christmas Tree

Alice Blanton/Sentinel photo

The 27th Annual Singing Christmas Tree was held at Murphy First Baptist ChurchSaturday, Sunday and Monday. This year�’s production was �“One King�”. John Hilldirected the musical, which included a drama cast. Murphy First Baptist ChurchPastor Woody Bush said the Singing Christmas Tree is the church�’s gift to thecommunity.

West to push legislation to assure topstudents accepted at state colleges

By Dwight OtwellEditor

Cherokee County SchoolBoard members are searchingtheir brains to come up with aplan that will allow a limitedbudget to alleviate overcrowd-ing at Ranger School.

School board membersThursday threw out variousideas, from building new class-rooms at the present site tobuilding a new elementary ormiddle school.

Ranger Principal VirginiaWilliams said the elemen-

tary/middle school is about 150students over capacity and hasalmost as many mobile units forclassrooms as regular class-rooms.

Williams presented a pro-posal to the board for an addi-tion to the school. The newaddition would be on the schoolside of Hardy Truett Road, theroad that goes by the school.The addition would give eachschool grade level three roomsor approximately 20 additionalrooms. Williams said 20 addi-tional rooms are needed to getall the students out of closets

and mobile units. If that proposal were

approved, Williams wants theboard to petition the stateDepartment of Transportationto close Hardy Truett Road andmake it part of the campus. Thisis the cheapest alternative torelieving the severe overcrowd-ing at Ranger and could costaround $3 million to $4 million,Williams said.

However, she said the newaddition would solve the over-crowding problem for onlyabout five years. The plan

Overcrowding at Ranger discussed

Andrews Christmas parade

By Dwight OtwellEditor

North Carolina AttorneyGeneral Roy Cooper is threat-ening to take the TennesseeValley Authority (TVA) to courtfor polluting North Carolina�’sair.

TVA hasn�’t responded toCooper�’s call for TVA to com-ply with federal law and reducepollutants that result in dirty airover the mountains of westernNorth Carolina. Cooper said heintends to take legal action toforce coal-fired power plantsoperated by TVA to comply.

TVA and the EnvironmentalProtection Agency and environ-mental administrators inTennessee, Kentucky andAlabama wrote TVA a letter tonotify them that he intends tofile suit in federal district courtif TVA will not agree to signifi-cantly reduce pollution.

Cooper said several TVAplants contribute significantlyto air quality problems in NorthCarolina, resulting in adverseconsequences to the health andwelfare of the citizens of thestate.

Cooper alleges that TVAviolated New Source Review

provisions of the federal CleanAir Act by modifying several ofits coal-fired power plants with-out determining whether addi-tional emission controls arenecessary or installing the bestavailable technology to controldirty air created by the plants.The letter cites nine TVA plantslocated in Tennessee, Alabamaand Kentucky.

TVA spokesman BarbaraMartocci said TVA doesn�’tagree with Copper�’s allegation.TVA is in compliance, she said.

Martocci said TVA meetsall Clean Air Act requirements.TVA has spent more than $4 bil-lion since 1977 to reduce pollu-tants, she said. She said TVAhas reduced sulfur dioxide by76 percent and nitrogen oxideby 75 percent.

�“We have done a great dealto reduce emissions already,�”Martocci said.

TVA has six scrubbersoperating and will build fiveadditional scrubbers, she said.

�“The additional scrubbershave taken an additional200,000 tons of pollution a yearout of the air,�” she said.

In the letter, Cooper citedNorth Carolina�’s CleanSmokestacks Act, which he has

long encouraged other states touse as a model.

�“By its enactment in 2002of the Clean Smokestacks Act,North Carolina publicly com-mitted to dramatic reductions inemissions from coal-firedpower plants,�” he wrote. �“Thestate also was directed toaggressively pursue emissionsreductions from out-of-stateplants that are adversely affect-ing our air quality.�”

There are no TVA coalpowered plants in NorthCarolina. A spokesman fromCooper�’s office said nothinghas yet been filed in court. Theattorney general�’s office islooking at all options, he said.

Martocci said that TVAknows that it has been part ofthe problem.

�“Certainly, our emissionshave an effect,�” she said. �“Thatis why we are doing what we doto reduce them. People need tolook at all the sources of pollu-tion, not just power plants.There are vehicles, open burn-ing and natural emissions. Youcan�’t simply reduce one sourceand expect it to go away. The airhas never been better than it isnow across the TVA valley.�”

NC tells TVA to stop polluting air

Dennis Horne/Sentinel photo

Wet and cold from the rain and wind, those involved in the Andrews ChristmasParade Saturday showed a sunny spirit.


See TVA page 5ASee WEST page 5A


Families escape Andrews fire

See FIRE page 5A

Flying clubThe Overmountain Flyers meets the

second Saturday of every month at theAndrews-Murphy Airport from 9 a.m. tonoon. Occasional special events, such asfly-ins, will be held. For information, call837-3468.

Craft funA weekly Kids Craft Club is held on

Saturdays at 2 Much Fun Toy Store, 27Peachtree St., Murphy. Parents can droptheir children off at 10 a.m. and pick themup at 11 a.m. Children will make a craft andtake it home. The cost will be $5 per class.For more information, call 835-1234.

Tops�“Take Off Pounds Sensibly�” meeting

meets Mondays at 5 p.m. at the Glen MaryHall on the Andrews Rd. Call 837-4587 or837-4180 for more information.

Andrews Tops meeting art 5 p.m. atthe Andrews Church of God FellowshipHall on Mondays. For information call 321-5242.

MOPSMOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) is a non-denominational group of moms who meetevery other Tuesday during the school yearfrom 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Murphy FirstBaptist Church. Call 837-2615 for moreinformation.

Wood carving clubEveryone is welcome to join a wood carv-ing club �— experienced to beginners.Meetings will be held on the first and thirdMondays of each month at the MartinsCreek Community Center. For more infor-mation, call Jim Barton, 837-9736 or Bob

Crisp, 835-9429.

Reiki groupA �“Reiki�” group has been formed and ismeeting in the 409 Building, Suite D. Formore information, call 644-9101.

Abuse supportREACH holds a support group for adultsurvivors of child sexual abuse and incest.Meetings will be Thursdays, 4 to 5 p.m. atthe REACH office, downtown Murphy.

LUNA Moms ClubLUNA Moms Club of Murphy, a group formothers, is looking for participants interest-ed in stroller walking, playgroup gather-ings, and other activities. If you are inter-ested in joining our group please callKatrina at 644-0707 or 361-2770.

Teen trouble?Are you a parent or guardian raising a teenand feel you just don�’t have all theanswers? If you are interested in a parent-led support group for individuals raisingteens, contact Family Resources at 837-3460.

Alcoholics AnonymousThe Cherokee County Alcoholics

Anonymous has scheduled meetings asfollows: Tues., 7 p.m. and Sat., noon,Murphy Presbyterian Church (White Housein rear); Wed., 8 p.m., United MethodistChurch, Andrews, in the fellowship hall;Thursdays, 8 p.m., Murphy Medical Center,main conference room. For a completearea meeting schedule and more informa-tion, call 837-4440.

Jam SessionCall all pickers! Beginners to profes-

sional! �“AHA! Jam Session,�” every thirdThursday, 5 p.m. until, Topton CommunityCenter. Join us for some good old-timeypicking and singing. Sponsored by theAppalachian Heritage Alliance. Dinner andprogram follow; call 828-479-8642 for moreinformation.

People of FaithPeople of Faith Against the Death

Penalty meets the first Monday of eachmonth beginning at 7 p.m. Meetings areheld at the Glen Mary House, next to St.William Catholic Church. For more infor-mation, call 837-0867.

Action teamThe Far West Small Scale

Agricultural Action Team meets the secondMonday of each month in the St. AndrewsLutheran Church community room,Andrews. All farmers from Clay, Graham,Swain, Cherokee counties and the QuallaBoundary are invited to participate. Formore information, call Mary Janis, 828-389-1913; [email protected].

RoundtableThe Far West Heritage Tourism

Roundtable meets the first Tuesday ofeach month from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in theSt. Andrews Lutheran Church communityroom. Anyone interested in heritagetourism from Clay, Cherokee, Swain,Graham counties and the Qualla Boundaryis invited to attend. Lunch will be served tothose who RSVP to Mary Janis: 828-389-1913; [email protected].

BingoThe Andrews Veterans of Foreign

Wars Post 7620 hosts bingo everySaturday at the post home. Early birdgames begin at 5:30 p.m. and regulargames at 7 p.m. For information, call 321-3901.

Al-AnonThe Serenity Al-Anon Family Group

meets at the Ranger United MethodistChurch, 156 Ranger Road, Murphy, (westof Murphy off Highway 64). Al-Anon is a 12-step recovery program for family andfriends whose lives have been affected bysomeone else�’s drinking too much. Thegroup meets every Thursday at the churchfrom 4 to 5 p.m. For more information, call644-9441 or 837-8672.

Crime CommissionThe Cherokee County Crime

Commission meets the second Tuesday ofevery month, 7 p.m Programs and meetingplace are announced each month..

Library news -MurphyStorytime is Mondays, 10 a.m. for ages 3to 5, with fingerplays, stories, songs andmore. Library hours are Monday, Tuesday,Wednesday and Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.;Thursday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Saturday, 9a.m. to 2 p.m. Every Thursday night ismovie night at the Murphy Public Library.

AndrewsStorytime is Wednesdays 10:30 a.m. forages 3 to 5 with stories, fingerplays andmovies. Hours are Mondays, Wednesdaysand Fridays, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Tuesdaysand Thursdays, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., andSaturdays, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m

Story hourA weekly story hour for children is beingheld at the Shoppes of Murphy everySaturday morning, 11 a.m. at the CuriosityBook Store, 46 Valley River Ave., in TheShoppes of Murphy. For more information,call 835-7433.

VFW meetingThe Andrews Veterans of Foreign

Wars Post 7620 meets the third Thursdayof every month, 7 p.m., post home. Forinfor., call 321-3901.

HomemakersThe N.C. Extension and Community

Association Grape Creek Homemaker�’sClub meets the third Thursday of everymonth, 7 p.m., Grape Creek CommunityCenter.

Rod & Gun ClubThe Mountain Country Rod & Gun

Club meets the third Tuesday of everymonth, 7 p.m., at the The Old Ivie FuneralHome next to the Methodist Church indowntown Murphy. U.S.F.S. will be speak-ing on wildlife and National Forest. Forinfor. call Bob Aseere, 644-0729 or DickMiles, 644-5000. There will no meeting themonth of December.

Peachtree communityThe Peachtree Comm. Club holds a

potluck supper the first Tuesday of everymonth, 6:30 p.m. at the PeachtreeCommunity Center. Third Friday eachmonth grocery bingo and games starting at7:00 p.m.

Brasstown potluck

The Brasstown Community holds apotluck supper and meeting on the thirdThursday of each month, 6:30 p.m.,Brasstown Community Center, 255Settawig Road, Brasstown.

Quilting ClassesIn Nonnie�’s Attic, formerly Barb�’s

Quilting Quarters, is holding beginnersquilting classes on Wednesdays andSaturdays at 11 a.m. Please call 321-2800for more information.

Kids Christmas PartySaturday, December 18 from 1 - 3

p.m. Always an eagerly anticipated event

at the Folk School, kids and adults from

neighboring communities gather in the

Keith House for a cheery afternoon of sto-

rytelling, music, games and a special visit

from you know who.

Andrews Library ClosingsHoliday closings for the Andrews

Public Library will be Dec. 24-28. Special

hours will be Dec. 28-30 from 9 a.m.-6 p.m.

The library will close again on Dec. 31 and

Jan. 1, 2005 and will reopen Monday Jan. 3.

Santa ClauseSanta Clause will be in Nonnie�’s Attic

on December 18th from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.Kids of all ages are invited to come andsee St. Nick and explain all the little checkmarks in the �“ Naughty�” column. We arelocated in White�’s Plaza, right down fromthe Radio Shack. 321-2800.


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Local doctor attendedscientific symposium in Fla.

Dr. William Banks of theSmoky Mountain Foot Clinicrecently attended a scientificsymposium provided by thePodiatry Institute located inJacksonville, Florida. The pro-gram offered new insights intothe growing world of �“ortho-biologics.�”

This is a rapidly growingfield that deals with bone heal-ing through a variety of means,including electrical stimulation,bone grafting, platelet growthfactors, and the use of medica-tions to stimulate bone healingand bone growth.

Other topics covered in thesymposium were advanced

techniques for the treatment ofbunions of the feet, as well asarthritic changes of the fore-foot. These lectures includedadvances to implants or artifi-cial joints for the big toe.

Other topics included theuse of shock wave therapy forheel pain and new techniques inthe treatment of peripheral vas-cular disease for poor circula-tion.

The doctors at the SmokyMountain Foot Clinic routinelyattend continuing education inorder to provide the latest treat-ment modalities to theirpatients in western NorthCarolina.

Donation given to Sheriffs department

Photo Credit / Sentinel photo

This $1,000 donation from David and Donna Scheererand Yellow Rose (an English Labrador retriever) isgiven to the sheriff's department for use in the highlysuccessful canine drug program. Their hearts arewith deputy Tory and know how difficult the loss of"Yacco" was to his family at work and at home. �“Ourdonation is from compassion and understanding. Wewish for the deputy and his new Belgium pup to havea great and long partnership.�”

FEMA deadline around the cornerDecember 17 is the dead-

line for western NorthCarolinians to register for fed-eral assistance in recoveringfrom hurricanes Frances andIvan. The only way peoplecan even be considered forassistance is if they have regis-tered by December 17, so it iscrucial that anyone who sus-tained damage from the stormsregister by this deadline.

Those affected by thestorms that have not yetapplied for assistance shouldcontact FEMA at 1-800-621-FEMA(3362); or try TTY 1-800-462-7585 for those withspeech or hearing impairment.FEMA has also made it possi-ble to register online

This sign was recently placedat the Fort Butler Monumentpark. People can purchasecedar benches and metal signsin memory of a loved one. Aprofessional landscaper willlay out the park. Benches willbe placed at intervals in thepark. Left to right are WaltShatluck, Pearce Dorrell,Gordon Staton, Nell White,Mary Ruth Keller and AngieKephart. This park is a coordi-nated effort of the MurphyCivitan Club and the CherokeeCounty Historical Museum.

TRISH GOLDEN/Sentinel photo

New sign begins start-up on Ft. Butler Park

DWIGHT OTWELL/Sentinel photo

Barbara Hughes receives a check for $1,000 from Wal-Mart store manager Blair Stanley. The bonus grant is forthe Heritage Partners for Heritage Education andEnvironmental Preservation. The funds will be used forRiver Walk.

Wal-Mart gives to Heritage Partners



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By Donna Walp

Guest writerI had an experience yester-

day that I did not fully grasp untillater on. My sister-in-law wantedto get some Cabbage Patch Kidsfor her granddaughters forChristmas. She and I travelled toCleveland, Georgia where theyoriginated.

We were the only onesaround when we arrived. Thepleasant greeter at the desk saidto �“go right on in,�” so we enteredthe first room of dolls. All of thesedolls had cloth heads as well asbodies. We laughed when wesaw a sign on the wall statingsomething about seeing an atten-dant for prices as it was thoughthaving a price might scare thebabies. I picked up a darling in apink dress and checked thetrademark signature on her lowerhip, without thinking I was han-dling one of the originals.

I have a Cabbage Patch Kidof my own. I found her at agarage sale for $1 some yearsago. I can still remember howforlorn she looked, with her syn-thetic hair askew. Someone hadtaken a ball point pen andmarked her plastic face badly. Iimmediately picked her up andheld her, knowing then I wouldnot lay her back down to possiblybe thrown out with the trash whenthe sale was over at the end ofthe day. I once had bright redhair myself and found a kinship inthat. She was not responsible forwhat had happened to her.

When I got home, withabsolutely nothing to lose, Igrabbed a wet rag and thecleanser and scrubbed her face.Almost to my surprise, the inkcame off. Then I took off her dirtywhite dress with the blue andwhite checked trim and washedit, along with her arms and legs. Iuntangled and smoothed her long

red hair andgathered it intothe characteris-tic ponytail. Iswear, whengot her backtogether thesmile on herface was more genuine than theone that was molded. She camealive again.

Back at the Cabbage Patchhome, we enjoyed many moreoriginal dolls. Some in displaycases, some in incubators, somein beds, etc. We began to shop.We were overwhelmed with theabundance and selection.Marvelously soft and cuddlystuffed animals of all kinds. Alsoa smaller version of the hugestork we had seen. A haven forgrandparents.

There was a loud speakerannouncement of the coming of anew baby under the big tree if wewould like to attend the birth.There was already a room full ofshoppers to see what was aboutto happen when we arrived at thetree. A nurse in white stoodunder the expanse of the tree.She was up high enough that nottoo many details would be dis-played above the foliage. Shestood aside to display a TV mon-itor, telling us this was about toshow us whether this baby was aboy or girl. Knowing children aremuch more aware these daysabout anatomy, I was personallyrelieved when the screen cameup pink to show us this baby wasa girl.

I was pleased when I real-ized I happened to be standingnext to the proud new mother. Itwas a wonderful experience.

Sitting here reflecting, I amaware that I already experiencedone of the joys of Christmas. Ihave felt the profound joy I had asa little girl with a new doll.

Even to mention the phrase,�“Political Correctness�”, causesotherwise sane men and women torant, rave, and generally make

fools of themselves. And we sen-iors, because we are older, aresometimes more guilty of this thanour younger folks. As a group wetend to be more resistant tochange.

Let�’s examine the roots ofpolitical correctness. Most of youare old enough to remember all ofthe derogatory, demeaning nameswe both gave and received. Whata sad list of names! There was�“Nigger, kike, wop, spic, Pollock,kraut, gook, slant-eye, rag-head,�”to name just a few. They wereabusive and insulting! Rememberthe ethnic jokes and slurs.Remember the disrespectfulnames given to women such as�“broad and dame.�” If a man wasoutspoken and ambitious, he wasaggressive. If a woman was out-spoken and ambitious, she was a�“pushy broad.�”

The purpose of PoliticalCorrectness was to eliminate, or atleast decrease the slurs with whichwe attacked others. Political cor-rectness was not meant to elimi-nate dissent. It was not meant todenigrate who we are. Politicalcorrectness does not eliminatefree speech in an open forum, butit should not allow meanness,incitement, slander, and libel. Wemay not agree with the speaker,but we also have the choice ofwhether or not to listen to him orher, and if we do decide to listen,then we can choose to agree ordisagree, follow or oppose, or sim-ply to ignore what they said. Thatis freedom of choice.

I may or may not agree withdisplaying the confederate battleflag in front yards and on pickuptrucks, but I respect the right ofthose who do so. I may not agreewith an individual�’s liberal or con-servative attitudes, but I respecttheir right to both think and speakof them. I may not agree with anindividual�’s religious beliefs, but

they are free to worship andbelieve as they please. As long asthey don�’t infringe on my rights,United States citizens can believe,speak, worship, watch, listen, andread whatever they want.

So, in my humble opinion, Ibelieve Political Correctness,when properly and judiciouslyapplied is simply another way ofexercising the �“Golden Rule.�” �“Dounto others as you would havethem do unto you.�”

Viso Gero!

By Dwight Otwell

I came away from a weekendin Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg fat,entertained, with an empty wallet,an unwashed hand and a thankful-ness for home.

Susan and I had never seenthe Christmas lights of the touristmecca so we made it our fourthanniversary trip.

The fat part came from thegigantic and delicious meals weconsumed. Friday night we ate atthe Applewood FarmhouseRestaurant, part of the Apple Barncomplex. Everything I was toldabout the restaurant was true. Itwas great.

We were seated at a table withporch swings as seats. I had to getinto a rhythm to eat. With theupswing to the table I forked myfood and ate it on the backswing.As I approached the table again Iwas ready to spear my food.However, this was especially diffi-cult with soup.

I was relieved when Susantold me I didn�’t have to swing like awild man. Dining was much easieras I sat calmly eating, saving theswinging for later.

The meal started with applefritters with apple butter. They werescrumptious. The homemade veg-etable soup and biscuits were fan-tastic. My main dish was chickenand dumplings and homemademashed potatoes. I also had friedapples. The meal came withdessert but we had to put that andsome leftover apple fritters in a boxto take home.

We liked the meal here somuch that we returned Saturdaynight. I had prime rib as my maincourse.

Someone told us that a cele-brated Christmas parade wasscheduled Friday night inGatlinburg. We decided to go,

since we planned to ride aroundand look at the Christmas lightsanyway. We had to park about amile away from the parade. It wascold, but the floats and marchingbands warmed us up. My favoriteentry in the parade was the wash-ing machine, rolling all around thestreets, trailing an electric chord.Dancing boxes of Tide and Cheeraccompanied the washingmachine, which was an entry of alocal laundry �“Duds N Suds�”.

Our wonderful meals were off-set somewhat by our continentalbreakfast at our hotel. Sugary, littledonuts and instant grits that wereapparently left over fromSherman�’s march through Georgiawere our morning fare.

All weekend, I had to get usedto big city traffic again. We crept instop and go traffic everywhere wewent. My hybrid car could only get33 miles per gallon in this type oftraffic. It usually gets 46 to 50 milesper gallon.

Susan wanted to complete herChristmas shopping at some of theoutlet stores. While there wassome interesting merchandise inthe stores, I became interested inthe men, apparently tagging alongwith their wives.

Some of the men stood aroundwith their hands in their pockets,looking vacantly into space. Theywere probably visualizing the open-ing kickoff of their favorite collegeteams. Others stood behind theirwives in the �“yes dear�” syndrome.Many of the men looked like theyhadn�’t had so much fun since theirlast visit to the proctologist.

Saturday night we went to theLouise Mandrell Theater. I�’m notsure how old Louise Mandrell is,but she said she is five and a halfyears younger than her sisterBarbara Mandrell. She is no springchicken.

But she played several musi-

cal instruments, including a horn,the guitar, a violin and the drums.She also acted, sang and dancedaround, doing acrobatic maneu-vers. She seemed to do a little ofeverything. I expected her to diveinto a Pepsi Cola bottle next.

But the best part was that sheran around the theater during onenumber greeting the audience. Itouched her hand. That�’s why Icame back home with anunwashed hand.

Sunday, we attended thefamous Dixie Stampede. I wasinterested to see how Susan, veryetiquette conscious, would take toeating without silverware.

She actually did very well anddidn�’t complain once. We hadsoup, in a cup with a handle, bis-cuits, a whole rotisserie chicken,pork, potatoes and a dessert.

The Christmas show was veryentertaining.

One thing I found very encour-aging was that both Christmasshows we attended gave tribute toJesus. Louise Mandrell said it isher theater and she can talk andsing about Jesus if she wishes.After all, Christmas is a celebrationof the birth of Jesus the Christ.

While we had a great time onour weekend outing, I was veryglad to get back to the quiet streetsof Murphy. I�’ll never again complainabout waiting for a few cars to passbefore I can turn.

Who we are:


OPINIONDwight Otwell

Trish Golden

Alice Blanton

Megan Sills

Dwight Otwell is editor of theCherokee Sentinel Newspaper. Hecovers news, features and businessstories throughout the county.

Alice Blanton is an ad sales associ-ate and staff writer for the SentinelNewspapers. Her main beat is inAndrews.

Trish Golden is a full-time editorialassistant and graphic artist. She is alife-long resident of Cherokee County.

Megan Sills, a long-time resident ofCherokee County, joins theCherokee Sentinel staff as editorialassistant. She lives in the GrapeCreek community with her husbandand their 1-year-old daughter.

You can reach ourstaff by calling828-837-6397


[email protected]

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Debbie Walker has been with theSentinel for nine years. She is incharge of distribution for all fiveSentinel papers. Debbie also helpswith office details and production.

From the porchWe went into the glitz

To the EditorMayor Bill Hughes says thanks

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone whoworked so hard in making this year�’s Christmas activities success-ful. The tree lighting downtown, caroling at the L&N Depot, and theChristmas parade didn�’t just happen, many good people workinghard made them happen.

I think we have a beautiful little town. These activities make itbatter.

Thank You!Bill Hughes, Mayor

A Senior MomentBy Ron Mack

What�’s Wrong With a Little Political Correctness?

Cabbage Patch Kids leave a big mark

What do you know aboutthe 1960's? Does the CubanMissile Crisis and PresidentKennedy come to mind? Doyou think of hippies and theanti-war movement? If yougrew up in the 60's, then youmay remember fear of TheBomb. And if you were ateenager in the 60's, then youremember what all teenagersremember: rebelling. Thenext film at the MurphyPublic Library covers all thisterritory. "Falling Angels" isabout the Field family: threesisters growing up in the 60'swith a bomb shelter in theirbackyard and a dysfunctionalfamily in the house. It's adark, witty award winner byCanadian filmmaker, ScottSmith, and will be shown atthe library on Thursday,December 16 at 6 PM.

The three sisters are intheir teens and at the pointwhere they are desperate tofind happiness out in the realworld while still trying tocome to terms with what theyhave at home. That includesa depressed mother (played bytwo-time Golden Glob win-ner, Miranda Richardson)who quietly lies on the couchwatching TV and drinking allday. And a father (the favoriteCanadian actor, Callum KeithRennie) who runs the houselike a boot camp includingdrills in case of The Bomb.

The film is based on anovel by Canadian writer,Barbara Gowdy. Gowdyinstructed the screenwriter,Esta Spalding, to simply makesure the characters were true.As a result, Spalding, a pub-lished poet and novelist, hascreated characters with depthand a balance of both humorand drama. For instance,there's the family secret,which explains a lot about thedysfunction of the parents.But knowing a secret doesn'talways make life easier. Andeach member of the familydeals with it in a differentway, just like in real life.

All this takes place inSaskatchewan. But like manyof the films shown at thelibrary, it could as easily have

taken place in Murphy. It'sabout caring for the peoplewho seem to be doing theirbest to drive you crazy. It'sabout protecting the one in thefamily who is the most fragile.It's about recognizing that thestrongest person in a family isalso fragile. It's about sistersgetting along and getting intoeach other's hair. It's about the

different roles each of us hasin the family circle and thebalancing act needed to keepthe family going.

This film contains adultsituations and is not suitablefor children. There is nocharge. The public is wel-come. For further informa-tion, call the library at 837-2417.


NEWS & JUMPSCrowe/Tarantino:State to seek deathContinued from page 1A



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West: 10% of students to be acceptedContinued from page 1A

would not require migration ofstudents to Ranger fromMartins Creek and HiwasseeDam schools.

“If even a third of (new)housing developments (in thedistrict) have half their lots soldto people with children, thiswill last only five years,” shesaid.

Finance Officer TerelleBeaver said the $3 million to$4 million figure is only aguess. Services of an engineerand architect are needed, shesaid. The pay-back on a loanfor construction is usually 15years, she said.

Williams said what shewould really like to see andwhat is needed is a separatemiddle school for Ranger onthe same property. That wouldmean purchasing more landand would be more costly thanan addition, she said.

Some school board mem-bers called a new addition atRanger a bandaide, which willsolve the problem only for ashort time.

Superintendent of SchoolsDr. Jeanette Hedrick said it ispossible to have two schools on

the Ranger site with the pur-chase of additional land. Oneoption would be to turn theexisting school into a middleschool and build a new elemen-tary school. That would be“much cheaper” than keepingthe existing school as an ele-mentary school and building anew middle school, she said.

State requirements are thata new middle school have 15acres plus one additional acrefor each 100 students and anew elementary school have 10acres plus an additional acre foreach 100 students.

Hedrick said she believesland is available to purchaseadjacent to Ranger school.

“I believe we should planfor what we need and I thinkwe need to plan for the next 10years,” said Board Member Dr.David Ackerman. “I think this(classroom additions) willsolve our problem only forthree years.”

Board Vice-Chairman Dr.Brian Mitchell said he wantsoptions and information abouttransportation, playing fields,acreage needed, etc. concern-ing a new school or classroom

addition. Mitchell said the issue of

objections from Martins Creekstudents and faculty over mov-ing to a new western schoolcan’t be ignored.

“I don’t support MartinsCreek School going into a newmiddle school,” Mitchell said.“They made such a clear issueof it. We should expand thatschool (Martins Creek).”

Mitchell said the board stillbelieves there should be threehigh schools in the county. Hesaid he would like to see a newmiddle school in the districtand Hiwassee Dam HighSchool preserved.

The board set a work ses-sion concerning the Ranger sit-uation for the first week inJanuary. The board hopes to seta joint work session with theboard of county commissionersshortly after their work sessionto discuss what to do aboutRanger overcrowding.

The board approved amotion by Ackerman to allowup to $10,000 for architectur-al/consultation on the variousoptions for Ranger School.

Ranger School:overcrowding discussedContinued from page 1A

In March of this year,Cooper filed a petition underSection 126 of the Clean AirAct asking the federal govern-ment to force coal-fired powerplants in 13 other states to cutdown on pollution they arecontributing to NorthCarolina.

The North Carolina

General Assembly approvedthe Clean Smokestacks Act in2002 in an effort to clean theair, which lawmakers saidwould lead to fewer cases oflung disease and asthma, lesssmog and acid rain and lowermercury levels in the state’swaterways. They say dirty airreduces visibility in the North

Carolina mountains, wherevistas are an important drawfor the tourism industry. Dirtyair also costs people and busi-ness in increased doctor andhospital visits, higher healthinsurance costs and lost pro-ductivity due to illness,Cooper said.

TVA: NC tells TVA to stop pollutingContinued from page 1A

Murphy Public Library to show Canadianfilm about growing up in the 60's.



The Eta Tau chapter ofAlpha Beta Gamma (ABG), anational Business HonorSociety, welcomed 280 thirdgrade students to the maincampus of Tri-CountyCommunity College (TCCC)for a Fire Safety AwarenessDay.

The event was held incooperation with the TCCCDivision of ContinuingEducation and its Fire andRescue Training Center staff.In addition, members of theAndrews, Brasstown, Murphyand Peachtree volunteer firedepartments assisted in thedemonstrations.

According to JennyMashburn, President of thecollege ABG chapter, all of thethird grade classes inCherokee, Clay and Grahamcounties were invited.

Attendees included students,teachers and chaperones fromAndrews, Hiwassee Dam, TheLearning Center, Peachtree,Ranger and Robbinsville.

The program began at theTCCC Fire and RescueTraining Center with a tour ofthe facility and a live burn.Sparky the Firedog also visit-ed with the students and posedfor photographs. Most of thestudents were allowed to notonly hold a fire hose, but alsodirect a stream of water fromthe hose.

Demonstrations were pre-sented on the elements of full"turn-out" gear, including oxy-gen tanks and various fire-fighting equipment and appa-ratus.

The business club alsopresented each student with a"goodie packet" that included

a fire safety coloring book,candy and gift items.

"We were very fortunatethat the day was sunny andcool and the students werevery well behaved, but enthu-siastic," said Mashburn. "Theteachers were also very sup-portive and asked us to pleaseconsider repeating the eventagain next fall, and I believeplans are already underway."

ABG was established in1970 to recognize and encour-age scholarship among two-year college students in busi-ness curricula. Students mustbe enrolled in a business relat-ed program of study, have atleast 12 hours toward a busi-ness-related degree and have acumulative grade point aver-age of 3.0 or better to be in theNational Honor Society.

TCCC business club hosts third graders

Fire: Family escapes fire in AndrewsContinued from page 1A

pay tuition and costs. Board Member Tim West saidhe would like to see a higherpercentage of students automat-ically accepted.“I don’t think we are going toget it any higher,” West said. “Itwill be a battle. The Universityof North Carolina College sys-tem will fight it. They don’t likeit.”

Board Member Dr. BrianMitchell said many ofCherokee County’s studentsfulfill the academic require-ments to be accepted into the

state system. “I think the top 10 percent of

our students will be well quali-fied to attend. It will have to bespelled out who the top 10 per-cent of our students are.”In another matter, the boardrecognized four new NationalBoard Certified teachers. Theteachers are Ben Joyner, a mathteacher at Murphy Elementary,Vivian Johnson, a media coor-dinator at RangerElementary/Middle, ToniaForrister, a teacher at RangerElementary and Amy Porter, a

middle school math teacher atMartins CreekElementary/Middle School. The teachers were awarded laptop computers. Jamie Barnettwas recertified.

Superintendent of SchoolsDr. Jeanette Hedrick said theCherokee County SchoolSystem has about 46 nationalboard certified teachers, whichis a very high ratio compared toother school systems in thestate.

Tarantino shot Janet Crowefour times with Lauren Crowenearby. Since Janet Crowe was-n’t dead, Tarantino stabbed herseveral times in the chest andback, Leonard said. Then,Tarantino took a knife and cutJanet Crowe’s throat and she

bled to death, he said. “This defendant (Lauren

Crowe) didn’t like her mother’scontrol and her mother didn’tlike her to be aroundTarantino,” Leonard said. “Thisis a vicious and brutal murder.”

Lauren Crowe’s attorney,

Karla Wood, said Tarantino didall the acts (striking blows), notLauren Crowe. Although shewas in the house at the time ofthe murder, there is no evidencethat she did any of the acts tocommit the murder, Wood said.

was treated and released fromthe hospital. He suffered a dis-located shoulder, Buchanansaid.

Cause of the fire is underinvestigation but it appearsthat it started in the livingroom of the family with threechildren, Buchanan said.

The apartment was in themiddle of the building and gotinto the attic.

Cherokee County FireMarshall W.C. King said thefire spread quickly throughthe common attic from oneend of the building to theother.

Andrews FirefighterChuck Reid said the fire wasfully involved when firefight-ers arrived on the scene.

Buchanan said the build-ing is probably a total loss.

The two families living in thebuilding lost everything, hesaid.

Responding to the firewere the Andrews FireDepartment, Valleytown FireDepartment, the AndrewsRescue Squad, the MurphyFire Department, thePeachtree Fire Departmentand the Andrews PoliceDepartment.

Many debates exist about themeaning of Christmas. I stay awayfrom that argument because thereis so much in this season I like.

I like seeing Christmas lightsas I travel on the road at night.They are a great change fromwhat you see most of the year.

The season has some greatstories. One of them involves a

plump old man in a red suit thatjumps down chimneys and deliv-ers presents. He travels all overthe world in one night in a sleighpulled by reindeer. I never havefigured out how those reindeer fly,but I like the story.

This season has great food.In my mind I can picture hams,turkeys, rolls, casseroles, pies,cakes, candies, and many otherthings. For a food lover like me,this is the best time of the year!

I like hearing people say"Merry Christmas." Somehowhearing those words makes theworld a better place to live in. Aftermonths of hearing people beingpeople, it is a good change.

I have no problem seeingChristmas abbreviated as X-mas.This has Christian origins and is tobe liked. "X" is the first letter in theGreek word for Christ. ManyChristians have lived and diedusing the "X" as a sign of their alle-giance to Christ.

Finally, the manger sceneneeds to be mentioned. Thisinvolves several things: a youngcouple with a baby, angels, shep-herds, wise men, and animals.The scene seems to be every-

where this time of the year. I like itbecause it is a true story repre-senting the best Christmas pres-ent that will ever be given, JesusChrist. Have you unwrapped andaccepted this gift?



APOSTOLIC CHURCH OF JESUSCHRISTApostolic Church of Jesus Christ591 Sunnyside Road, Hwy 288Hiawassee, GA. 706-896-6435Pastor Barry Dotson, l icensed withAssemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ.Services: Sun. �— 10 a.m. & 6 p.m.

Wed. �— 7:30 p.m.ASSEMBLY OF GODMt. Calvary Christian Fellowship Formely-Victorious TemplePastor John SorokaMurphy828-837-0155

BAPTISTBates Creek BaptistRev. Roy Graves, pastor828-837-5919.Boiling Springs BaptistRev. Eddis Dockery828-837-9463.Calvary Baptist ChurchRegal Street, MurphyCornerstone Baptist ChurchPastor: Mitch Rhinehardt81 Regan Ave., Andrews, next toPeachtree Industries.First Baptist Church of AndrewsPastor �— Dr.Tommy D. LambWorship service: 10:45 a.m.1606 Bus. 19, Andrews 828-321-5112First Baptist Church of MurphyDr. Woodrow Busch, pastor517 Hiawassee St., Murphy 828-837-2615Grace Fellowship Baptist ChurchMark Chase, PastorAndrews Town Plaza, Andrews, NC 828-321-6017Grandview BaptistRev. Lawrence English, pastor828-837-0691Grape Creek BaptistPastor Bob Gardner,5485 Joe Brown Hwy.Murphy NCSun. morning service 9:45, worshipserv. 11:00, Sunday nights 6:00 pm;Wed. 7:00 pmHanging Dog Baptist ChurchRev. Hadley Shields, Res. 706-374-5385, Church 828-837-5160Res. 706-374-5385, Mount MoriahPastor Jerry MorrowSS 10:00; Worship Service 11:00; Sun.Nights 6:00, Wed. nights 6:30Mt. Zion Baptist ChurchPastor Ronnie Dilbeck828-837-8116.

New Martin�’s CreekRev. Paul Ray MorganSS, 10 a.m., worship service 11 am Sun.night , 6:30; Wed. 7pmRed Marble BaptistPastor Mickey StewartSSl, 10 a.m., worship service 11 a.m.Sun night, 6:30pm, Wed. 7 pmUnaka Baptist ChurchJoe Brown HighwaySS 10 a.m., worship service 11 a.m.Sunday night 7pm; Wed. 7pm.Pastor Warren Golden828-835-3840

ROMAN CATHOLIC Catholic Church of Saint William765 Andrews Rd, Murphy837-2000. Services: Sat mass. 6PM,Sun. 11 AMHoly Redeemer Catholic Church214 Aquone Road, Andrews321-4463Sun. Mass: 11am & 3:30pmConf. 1 hr. before Sun. MassImmaculate Heart of MaryHwy. 65 West, Hayesville837-2220Mass Schedule: Sat. 4:00 PMSunday 9:00 AM.

CHURCH OF CHRISTChurch of ChristPastor Jake PadgettHwy 64, Murphy828-837-4371.Church of Christ Minister, Marcus Sparks Corner of 3rd & Walnut St., Andrews �•828-321-2337. CHURCH OF GODHayesville Church of God828-389-8248CHURCH OF THE NAZARENEHayesville Church of the NazarenePastor Terry L. Hensley

5760 Hwy 64, 5 mi. W. of Hayesville �•828-389-6358

EPISCOPALEpiscopal Church of the MessiahRev. Claude Stewart, InterimAcross from the courthouse in Murphy828-837-2021

JEHOVAH'S WITNESSESKingdom Hall 500 Maltby Rd. about 5 mi. E ofMurphy on Hwy. 74 E828-837-4352 or 837-6691.

CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST LATTERDAY STAINTLatter-Day Saints Murphy BranchPresident - Tom Booth Hwy. 141 inPeachtree Community,828-835-3955

LUTHERANSt. Andrew Lutheran ChurchRev. George L. Simmons882 Main Street, Andrews828-321-4656

METHODISTBellview United Methodist ChurchPastor Patt Miller Moccasin Creek Rd. , Murphy nearGA/NC state line & east of US 129First United MethodistRev. George Yates371 Valley River Ave., Murphy 828-837-2718Reid�’s ChapelPastor Mark Handy4281 Lower Bear Paw Rd (HiwasseeDam area) Murphy, NCSunday Worship 9:30am;Wed, Bible Study 7:00 pmAndrews United Methodist101 Chestnut St., AndrewsSS 9:45am; worship, 11am; middle/sen-ior high youth, 6pm; Mon., UM KidsChoir, 3:15 p.m.; Wed., middle/seniorhigh youth, 5:15 pm; food, faith, fellow-ship, 6 pm; choir practice, 7:30 pmPastor Rev. Benny Clodfelter andRev. Harry HawkSecretary �— Margie Carpenter828-321-5216

NON-DENOMINATIONALFull Gospel Business Men FellowshipInternationalHost Don Hunt, every Tues. breakfast, 7a.m., Country Cottage Restaurant,Hayesville.828-389-0140Light of HIs Glory Worship CenterRev. Harvey & Jody GlassPeace Valley Campground - Murphy NC1 1/2 miles eas of Wal-mart(828) 644-079510:30am Sunday, 7:00 P.M. Wed.Healing Rally 1st Sun. of each month at6:00 P.M.On Fire Family Church10:00 AM Morning Services, Children�’sChurch during services. Wednesdaynight Prayer Service at 7:00 pm

PRESBYTERIANAndrews Presbyterian PCA Church Rev. Gary LitchfieldCorner of Cherry St. & Aquone Rd.,\andrews_pcMurphy Presbyterian ChurchPastor Alan WildsmithSunday School 9:44, Worship Service,11:00Phone: 828-837-6153Providence Presbyterian Church2252 Harshaw Road, Murphy.Pastor James J. Conrad828-837-9412

SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTSeventh Day Adventist AndrewsPastor Richard PerkinsCorner of Aquone & Macon 321-5099 Worship service 9:30 a.m., Sabbathschool 11a.m., SaturdaysSeventh Day Adventist MurphyPastor Richard Perkins Hwy 64 West 837-0134Sabbath school, 9:30 a.m., worshipservice 11 a.m., Saturdays

UNITYUnity Church of the Mountains90 Blue Ridge St., Blairsville, GA10:30 AM Sunday WorshipAffi l iated with Unity School ofChristianityFor information call 706-781-0947

Ed Bowers, Owner30 Peachtree StreetMurphy NC 28906837-7474





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Christmas-A season to likeBy Keith Willliamson

Townson Rose Funeral HomesThe DignityTM Funeral Home

Recognizing All Employees

Townson-Rose Funeral home, locally managed for 71 years, has always employed local folks. In fact, the length of service for these people all together totals291 years.

Townson-Rose Funeral Home is managed by Joe Jefferies, who first joined the staff in 1975. He is a licensed embalmer and funeral director with completeauthority to manage and make the decisions that will benefit area families in their time of need. After being raised in Murphy, he and his wife Teresa raised threewonderful children in Andrews and now have a grandson in Hayesville.

Lou Jean Kilpatrick was born and raised in Cherokee County. She has worked for 42 years as a loyal secretary and bookkeeper assisting hundreds of fam-ilies while she and her husband Jim were busy raising their daughter, Angela. She still serves this community and enjoys two wonderful grandchildren.

Bruce Taylor is a licensed funeral director and has worked with Townson-Rose for 16 years. He is the "designated cook" for both the Police and Veteran'sDay annual barbeques sponsored by the funeral home. He and his wife Vicki are involved in Compassionate Friends, a local support group for parents whohave lost a child. Each year they hold their annual Remembrance Ceremony in the Chapel of Townson-Rose Funeral Home.

Dale Higdon is a licensed embalmer and funeral director from Andrews with many years of experience. After leaving the area for several years, he decid-ed he wanted to return home to Andrews. Dale is a trained Escape School Counselor; and has presented this nationwide Child Abduction Prevention Programto many of our local schools.

Clyde Collins is a licensed embalmer and funeral director and has been associated with Townson Rose for more than 35 years. He has more experienceembalming than any one in this area. Clyde and his wife Nora are also residents of Murphy. He was a native of Graham County and moved back to this areain 1968 when he finished Mortuary School.

Carmen Townson and her late husband J.C. first became involved with the funeral home in 1956. She is a loyal associate known for her compassion andskill in consoling the bereaved. Carmen lives in Murphy where she and J.C. raised their two children.

Teresa Rose Jefferies, the daughter of Frank and Opal Rose, serves as Office Manager. She is also in charge of Community Outreach Programs includingthe social support group for widows and widowers of Cherokee and Clay Counties called L.I.F.T. She is the wife of Joe Jefferies; they reside in Clay County.

Debra Jefferies served her apprenticeship with Townson Rose before moving to Asheville in March of 1999. She now resides in Blairsville, Ga. and returnedto our team in August 2003, as a licensed funeral director and family service counselor. We are glad to have her back with us.

Ralph Rayfield, a World War II hero who opens the office each morning, has also been on the staff for more than 40 years. Ralph and his wife Ruth haveraised two children in Murphy.

Jearold Stiles and Diane Craig work visitations and funeral services in Murphy. They are both natives and lifetime residents of Murphy. Diane also helpswith our Community Outreach Programs. Rondle "Bo" Ford is also a native of Cherokee County and is now a resident of Clay County where he retired fromIngles after 15 years. He now works part-time in our Hayesville location. Lois Waldroup is also part-time and works in our Andrews location. She is also a life-time resident of Andrews, NC. These are all competent, compassionate, community oriented employees who feel called to serve our families.

Frank and Opal Rose, along with Gwen Rose Byers, support the staff of Townson Rose Funeral Home and are each licensed to provide funeral services tothe public. When a funeral service is needed call a local person at Townson-Rose Funeral Home, The DignityTM Funeral Home.

Joe Teresa Lou Jean Bruce Dale Clyde Debra

Carmen Diane Bo Frank Jr. & Opal RoseRalphJearold

All Townson-Rose Funeral Home Facilities in Andrews, Murphy and Hayesville are owned 100% by Frank & Opal Rose.


OBITUARIESHarold Stilwell �“Mr. Pumber�”

DeVoreA master plumber

Harold Stilwell �“Mr.Plumber�” DeVore, 95, of Murphy,died Tuesday, Dec. 7, 2004, at theMurphy Medical Center NursingHome in Murphy.

He was a native of MonroeCounty, Ohio, and had lived inMurphy for the past seventeenyears. Mr. DeVore was a masterplumber and owned and operatedhis plumbing business located onHighway 64 West. He was a mem-ber of the Seventh Day AdventistChurch. He was a son of the lateRowley Lilburn and Lulu LucasDeVore.

Mr. Devore is survived by hisloving wife of seventy-six years,

Mary Elsie Swearengin DeVore;three sons and their wives, Larryand Carol DeVore of Orange City,Florida, Ronnie and ShirleyDeVore of Defuniak Springs,Florida, and Lonnie and DarlingDeVore of Deltona, Florida; sixdaughters, Donna DeVore ofMurphy, Rita Conrad of Bascom,Florida, Bonnie Hesler and hus-band, Tom of Copperhill,Tennessee, and Mary Smith andhusband Christy, Carol Wilkersonand husband, Charles, and CherylMorris and husband Marvin, all ofOrlando, Florida; twenty-ninegrandchildren; several great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren; and a host of niecesand nephews.

Funeral services were heldDec. 10 at the Townson RoseFuneral Home Chapel in Murphy.Pastor Richard Perkins officiated.Burial was in the Memory HillsCemetery in Murphy. Pallbearerswere grandsons.

Townson Rose Funeral Homewas in charge of arrangements.

The Sentinel extends condo-lences to the Harold StilwellDeVore family.

Rachel Martin HodgesEnjoyed gardening, music & grandchildren

Rachel Martin Hodges, 69, ofHayesville, died Wednesday, Dec.8, 2004, at her residence. She wasa native of Clay County where shehad lived most of her life. She wasthe daughter of the late Harve andEtta Jones Martin. She enjoyedgardening, music, and her grand-children. Rachel was a member ofthe Martin Hill Baptist Church.

She was preceded in death byone sister, Della Mae Martin, andthree brothers, William, Zed, andWalter Martin.

Surviving are a daughter,Sharon Hollifield and husband,John of Hayesville; two sons, Chad

Hodges and wife, Lee Ann, ofWarne, and Dexter Hodges, ofHayesville; three brothers, Adenand Richard Martin, both ofHayesville, and Melvin Martin ofConcord; and four grandchildren,Matthew, and Nathan Hollifield,and Mariah, and Reid Hodges.

Funeral services were heldDec. 11 in the Chapel of IvieFuneral Home in Hayesville, withthe Rev. Jimmy Rogers officiating.Burial was in the Martin FamilyCemetery. Pallbearers were Mikeand Dennis Martin, Larry Rumfelt,Trent Proctor, Rich Garretson, andErnest Rogers.

The family requests memori-als be made to the Good ShepherdHome Health and Hospice Agency,P.O. Box 465, Hayesville, N.C.28904.

Ivie Funeral Home inHayesville was in charge of allarrangements.

An online guest register isavailable at �“Obituaries�”

The Sentinel extends condo-lences to the Rachel MartinHodges family.

Harold James MasonWorld War II Veteran

Harold Mason of Topton, diedSunday, Dec. 12, 2004, in aGraham County care center sur-rounded by family members.

He was the son of the lateRoyal and Bertha Gregory Masonand was preceded in death by hisbeloved son, H. Lynn Mason. Hewas a Veteran of World War II andserved as a Sergeant in the Armyin the Asiatic Pacific. Haroldworked for large constructionfirms in various states beforereturning to Cherokee County towork with his brother-in-law,Doug Postell, as a carpenter andconcrete mason.

Harold was an avid sports fanand boxed in the army; he was alsoan expert table tennis player andwas challenged constantly byfriends, family, and players he metduring his jobs away from home.Harold loved his extended familyand spent most of his adult lifetraveling, picnicking, eating out,and having fun with them.

Losing a loved one at thistime of the year is difficult; how-ever, God moves in mysteriousways. During this holiday, friendsand family of Harold�’s willremember his laughable spirit andthe belief that loving each other isindeed the greatest gift we cangive. They will always hold funny

stories and warm memories of himin their hearts as he had alwayskept these loving recollections inhis.

Surviving are his wife, BobbiePostell Mason; a daughter, Leslieand husband Keith Henry, ofAndrews; a nephew who grew upin the home, Randy Mason, of PellCity, Alabama; Ron Mason, also anephew who assisted in his healthcare in his later years; a sister, JeanGibson of Bethlehem,Georgia; abrother, DeWitt Mason of Topton;three grandchildren whom heloved dearly, Candice Mason,Colby Orr, and Skee Or; and manyfamily members, in-laws, niecesand nephews of whom he was veryfond.

Funeral services were held inthe Red Marble Baptist Churchwith the Revs. Lewis Welch,Mickey Stewart, Daniel Stewart,France Postell, and MaeburlTincher presiding. Interment wasTuesday morning in the churchcemetery. Pallbearers were Colbyand Skee Orr, Randy and RonMason, Doug Postell, and GarySolesbee.

In lieu of flowers the familyrequests memorials be made to theRed Marble Baptist ChurchCemetery Fund, c/o MarthaPostell, 1201 Red Marble Road,Andrews, N.C. 28901, or to the H.Lynn Mason Scholarship Fund, c/oUnited Community band,Andrews, N.C. 28901.

Ivie Funeral Home inAndrews was in charge of thearrangements.

An online guest register isavailable at �“Obituaries�”

The Sentinel extends condo-lences to the Harold James Masonfamily.

Don L. MayberryRetired from the textile industry

Don L. Mayberry, 85, ofReservoir Road, Murphy, diedWednesday, Dec. 8, 2004, at hishome after a period of declininghealth.

A native of Cookeville,Tennessee, he had lived inCherokee County all his life andwas of the Baptist faith. He hadworked in the textile industry. Donwas a son of the late Clarence andDaisy Mae Stewart Mayberry andwas preceded in death by twogreat-grandchildren, Faith HopeMayberry and Joseph CodyMayberry; three brothers, WinterV. �“Doc�” Mayberry, HaroldMayberry and Willard Mayberry;

and a sister, Nellie Mayberry.He is survived by his wife of

forty-three years, Georgia MozelleJames Mayberry; two sons,Charles Mayberry and his wifeMaxine, and Danny Mayberry, allof Murphy; three daughters,Georgia and husband JamesTanner of the PeachtreeCommunity in Murphy, Eleen andhusband David Young, of Marble,and Rosie Mayberry ofRobbinsville; eleven grandchil-dren; and three great-grandchil-dren.

Funeral services were heldDec. 10 at the Townson RoseFuneral Home Chapel in Murphy.The Rev. Aud Brown officiated.Burial was Saturday, Dec. 11 in theGreenlawn Memorial Gardens inMurphy.

Pallbearers were RandyFreeman, Traz Killian, JustinMickens, Raymond Cote, TerryWilliams and James Tanner.

Townson Rose Funeral Homewas in charge of arrangements.

The Sentinel extends condo-lences to the Don L.Mayberry family.

Ora Mae Floyd TotherowA homemaker

Ora Mae Floyd Totherow, 80,of Dallas, formerly of Murphy,died Friday, Dec. 10, 2004, at theGaston Memorial Hospital inGastonia.

A native of Murphy, she hadlived in Gastonia the last fewyears. She was a member of theBear Paw Baptist Church and wasa homemaker. Mrs. Totherow wasa devoted mother and loved spend-ing time with her grandchildren.She loved her church and Christianfriends and gardening.

She was a daughter of the lateCharlie Monroe and Dora ClarkFloyd and was preceded in deathby her husband of 50 years,Shirdon George Totherow; oneson, Shirdon Totherow, Jr.; one

daughter, Grace Blankenship; twobrothers, Gilbert Floyd andGarfield Clark and one sister,Florence Walker.

She is survived by three sons,James Totherow, Johnny Totherowand Bruce Totherow all of Dallas;three daughters, Betty Truett ofMurphy, Judy Frady of Dallas,Edna Reece of Ranlo; two broth-ers, Lester Floyd and SherdonFloyd, both of Murphy; one sister,Emily Summit of Bessemer City;22 grandchildren, and 22 great-grandchildren.

Funeral services were heldDec. 14 at the Townson RoseFuneral Home Chapel in Murphy.The Rev. Hoyt Brown officiated.Music was provided by the WilsonFamily Singers. Burial was in theBear Paw Baptist ChurchCemetery. Pallbearers were BarryTotherow, Travis Frady, DustyBlankenship, Cody Cornwell,Christopher Reece, and RobertTotherow, Jeff Totherow and GregTotherow.

Townson Rose Funeral Homewas in charge of all arrangements.

The Sentinel extends condo-lences to the Ora Mae FloydTotherow family.

Frank L. WatsonRetired counselor in N.C. Prison System

Frank L. Watson, 82, ofMarble, died Tuesday, Dec. 7,2004, in a Cherokee County carefacility. A native of Muldrow,Oklahoma, he moved to CherokeeCounty in 1944. He was the son ofthe late Clarence C. and MyrtleCook Watson. He was a retiredcounselor for hard core youthoffenders in the N.C. PrisonSystem. He was a member of theVengeance Creek Baptist Church.His hobbies included reading, andFrank had written and published abook entitled �“Been There andBack.�”

Surviving are his wife, RuthThompson; two sons, John Watsonand wife, Beth, of Acworth,Georgia, and Lane Watson ofKansas City, Missouri; two grand-children, Dr. Christopher Watsonand wife, Jennifer, and AllisonProhl and husband, Curtis; and a

great-granddaughter, Gracie Prohl.Funeral services were Dec. 9

in the Vengeance Creek BaptistChurch with the Rev. FredLunsford officiating. Burial was inthe Greenlawn Memorial Gardens.Pallbearers were Jerry Ledbetter,Louis Oliver, Marvin Guffey, JimRogers, Kendall Barnett, and JerryMcColley.

The family requests memori-als be made to the VengeanceCreek Baptist Church, P.O. Box253, Marble, N.C. 28905.

Ivie Funeral Home in Murphywas in charge of all arrangements.

An online guest register isavailable at �“Obituaries�”

The Sentinel extends condo-lences to the Frank L. Watson fam-ily.

Wendell Lee WoodrumU. S. Navy Veteran

Wendell Lee Woodrum, 72, ofHayesville, died Tuesday, Dec. 7,2004, in a Clay County care facility.A native of Bidwell, Ohio, he wasthe son of Elizabeth RutanWoodrum of Oberlin, Ohio, and thelate Irvin Lee Woodrum.

He was a veteran of the KoreanConflict, serving in the U. S. Navy.Wendell was a truck driver, retiringin 1995 and he had also worked forBrasstown Valley Resort for sixyears. He was a former member ofthe Moose Lodge in Winter Haven,Florida.

He was preceded in death by abrother, Charles Woodrum.

Surviving, in addition to hismother, are his wife of 47 years,Carol Ann Geist Woodrum; threedaughters, Dawn Saltz and hus-band, Bill, of Franklin, LindaCarringer and husband, Perry, ofHayesville, and Lora Ramsey andhusband, James, of Gastonia; foursisters, Leah Lively of Leesburg,Florida, Dorothy Clark of Loraine,Ohio, Sue Swinehart of Vermillion,Ohio, and Janie Yakunovich of

Oberlin, Ohio; a brother, JimWoodrum of Oberlin and PaulWoodrum of Elyria, Ohio; and fourgrandchildren, Luke, Logan,Amanda, and Ryan.

Funeral services were Dec. 11in the Chapel of Ivie Funeral Homein Hayesville, with the Rev. KeithNuckolls and Troy Long officiating.

In lieu of flowers, the familyrequests memorials be made to theTruett Memorial Baptist ChurchBuilding Fund, P.O. Box 464,Hayesville, N.C. 28904, or theMeadow Grove Baptist ChurchBuilding Fund, c/o Carolyn Dendy,30 Slave Drive, Hayesville, N.C.28904.

Ivie Funeral Home inHayesville was in charge of allarrangements.

An online guest register isavailable at �“Obituaries�”

The Sentinel extends condo-lences to the Wendell Lee Woodrumfamily.

John Michael Hogsed, 54 ofOdessa, Florida and Atlanta,Georgia died November 21 inOdessa, Fla. Mr. Hogsed was bornMarch 25, 1952 to the lateLeonard Hogsed and RomonaBates Hogsed. He was the grand-son of the late Charlie and BessieBates.

Survivors include mother,Romona Bates Hogsed of Odessa,Fla. and Atlanta, Ga., formerly ofUnaka; sister and brother-in-law,

Sharon and Ron Ledford ofTampa, Fla.; and brother and sis-ter-in-law, Gary and Adel Hogsedof Atlanta, Ga. Many of familymembers and friends also survive.

Service information will beannounced at a later date.

This notice courtesy of theCochran Funeral Home ofMurphy.

The Sentinel extends condo-lences to the John Michael Hogsedfamily.

John Michael HogsedFlorida and Atlanta Resident

Adrienne Dannielle FloydEnjoyed singing, playing guitar

Adrienne Dannielle Floyd, 18,of Hiwassee Dam Access Road,Murphy, died Sunday, Dec. 12,2004, at the Murphy MedicalCenter in Murphy.

A lifelong resident ofCherokee County, Adrienne was astudent, and a member of theFields of the Wood Church of Godof Prophecy. She enjoyed singing,playing the guitar and listening tomusic. She was a daughter of thelate Lisa Michelle Harrison Floyd,who died in 1996, and was preced-ed in death by her brother, JohnErnest Floyd who died April 1,2004; maternal grandmother,Janice Lee McJunkin Weaver, whodied March 29, 2004; and herpaternal grandmother, Mamie L.Price.

Adrienne is survived by herfather, Jefferson Daniel Floyd ofthe Hiwassee Dam Community; aclose friend, Sheena Morrow ofHiwassee Dam; paternal grandfa-ther, Ernest Floyd of HiwasseeDam; maternal grandfather, MartinHarrison of Athens, Tennessee;maternal great-grandparents, MaeBelle Rose Taylor and John Taylorof Murphy; half-brothers Jonathan

Avery Floyd of Murphy, and JasonJ. Floyd and Aaron D. Floyd, bothof Franklin; half-sisters, JessicaAngel Floyd Maddy of Franklin,and Peggy Lynn Rary of Conyers,Georgia.

Funeral services will be heldThursday, Dec. 16, at Reid�’sChapel United Methodist Churchin Murphy. The Revs. CalvinMurphy and Ray Morrow will offi-ciate. Burial will be in the Reid�’sChapel United Methodist ChurchCemetery.

The family will receivefriends from 6-8 p.m. Wednesday,Dec. 15 at the Townson RoseFuneral Home in Murphy.

In lieu of flowers, donationsmay be made in memory ofAdrienne Dannielle Floyd to theReid�’s Chapel United MethodistChurch Cemetery Fund in care ofAlex Starks, 3071 Hiwassee DamAccess Road, Murphy, N.C.28906.

Townson Rose Funeral Homeis in charge of all arrangements.

The Sentinel extends condo-lences to the AdrienneDannielle Floyd family.

James F. Hendrix ofMurphy has been elected tothe board of directors of theBaptist State Convention ofNorth Carolina and will helpmanage the state�’s largestchurch group during a one-year term.

Hendrix, a retired phar-macist, is a member ofPeachtree Memorial BaptistChurch on Upper PeachtreeRoad in Murphy. He servesas deacon and Sunday Schoolteacher at the church, whichhas some 300 members.

Hendrix is also a memberof the Gideons, devoted todistributing Bibles. He hasmade church-related missionstrips to Africa and Honduras.

The Baptist StateConvention of North Carolina

has just over 4,000 affiliatedcongregations with more than1.2 million members acrossthe state. Local Baptistchurches are autonomous butestablished the state conven-tion in 1830 to more effec-tively work together in sup-porting missions, ministryand education.

Business matters areapproved in the convention�’sannual meeting eachNovember, and the board ofdirectors meets three times ayear to conduct business mat-ters for the convention.

In 2005 North CarolinaBaptists will have a budget of$35,675,000 which they willuse to support five colleges, aBible institute, BaptistHospital, retirement homes,children�’s homes, conferencecenters, newspaper, founda-tion and other ministries, suchas the starting of new congre-gations.

On Dec. 6, Hendrixattended an orientation ses-sion for new directors at theconvention�’s state office inCary, where a staff of about100 help strengthen churchesthrough training and otherevents.

Murphy man to lead Baptist group


2004-05 Hiwassee Dam High SchoolHomecoming Court

DWIGHT OTWELL/Sentinel photo

The Hiwassee Dam High School Homecoming court will be presented Saturday at Hiwassee Dam�’s home-coming game against Asheville Christian. The men�’s and women�’s junior varsity basketball teams will play, fol-lowed by the boys and girls varsity games. The homecoming queen will be crowned during the event.

Andrews Tour of Homes

Kay and Aaron Hudson stand beside the harp belonging totheir son, Sam. The Cover-Ennis-Hudson House on WilsonStreet in Andrews was one of five homes featured in the 2004Holiday Tour of Homes sponsored by the Valleytown CulturalArts and Historical Society. Each room of the three storyhouse has a different �‘flavor�’, all decorated by Kay and Aaron,since they purchased the home in 1988. The music room holdsa grand piano, a harp, and a violin. Their son, Sam, is the musi-cian in the family.

Deidra Davis, president of the Valleytown Cultural Artsand Historical Society, stands beside the tree decorat-ed by Gayle Horton. Gayle and husband Phil are thecurrent owners of the Cover House, built in 1908 byGiles William Cover. The home has been restored to itsVictorian beauty by the Hortons.

Susie and JerryCox enter-tained guestsover the week-end for the2004 HolidayTour of Homes.Susie lavishlydecorates theirhome everyChristmas. Shesaid she did notdo anything dif-ferently thisyear. Thet h r e e - s t o r yhome, set on amountaintop, isspecially builtwith Eco-Blocks, makingit super energyefficient.

An upstairs bedroom of the Cover-Ennis-Hudson Housecould be called the �“pink sugar-plum�” room.

The crystal-like dining room at the Cox home was ele-gantly warm and inviting.

A large bowl of decorations accents the stone fireplacein the great room of Hawkesdene House in the Andrews2004 Tour of Homes.

Sentinel photos by Alilce Blanton

Sarah Smith, sophomore Cortney Walker, junior Danna Miles, junior Kayla Wilkins, junior Libby Stahl, sophomore Amanda Barmmer, senior

Brittany Picklesimer, senior

Alisha Chastain, senior

Megan Bateman, senior

Candace Shields, freshman

Sports & RecreationDecember 15, 2004 CHEROKEE SENTINEL & BUSINESS REPORT Page 1B

1BBy Dennis HornSports Writer

The Andrews boys and girlsvarsity basketball teams crushedNantahala on December 7.

The boys jumped out to a15-point advantage in the firstquarter at Andrews�’ home court.

The Wildcats filtered in its

second string but still maintaineda 20 point advantage at the half.

The first string was back inthe game at the start of the sec-ond half. Junior varsity playersgot some playing time for theWildcats varsity in the fourthquarter. The final score was 59-25 with the boys gaining theirfourth victory against no losses.

The Lady Wildcats camealive near the end of the first peri-od against Nantahala and eraseda six-point deficit. The LadyWildcats took the lead and main-tained it throughout the secondquarter. There were a number offouls in the game. The LadyWildcats led 25-20 at the half.

Late in the third quarter theLady Hawks came back within

four points of Andrews. But theLady Wildcats used fast breaksto maintain a six to eight pointlead. Andrews held on to win 47-41. Whitney Luther led the LadyWildcats with 13 points. BethStephens had 11 points.

Jack Henderson won the$500 shopping spree at AndrewsHardware and Rental.

Wildcats sweep Nantahala - boys/girls games

By Dwight OtwellEditor

The Hiwassee Dam boyssaw their first half lead overRobbinsville vanish late in thethird quarter as the BlackKnights pressure defense andlong-range shooting led to a71-42 victory for Robbinsville.

The Hiwassee Dam girlslost their basketball game toRobbinsville 58-39.

The boys got the openingtipoff in the game played atRobbinsville. Sam Morrowscored the opening points on aturnaround jumper.Robbinsville tied the game andT.J. Posey made a layup to putthe Eagles ahead 4-2.

Posey hit a nice seven-footjump shot to give the Eagles a6-3 lead. He hit a three-pointshot from the side to send theEagles ahead 9-3.

HD boys succumb to pressure defense and 3-point shooting of Black Knights


DENNIS HORNE/Sentinel photo

Kendra Worley shoots a free throw in the Lady Wildcats 47-41victory over Nantahala.

DENNIS HORNE/Sentinel photo

Beth Stevens keeps the ball away from a Nantahala defender. Stevens scored 11 points.

DENNIS HORNE/Sentinel photo

An Andrews player fights for the ball in theWildcats win over Nantahala.

DENNIS HORNE/Sentinel photo

Andrew Mashburn (#55) watches as an Andrews play-er shoots the ball.

DENNIS HORNE/Sentinel photo

Andrew Mashburn has the ball as Jonathan Flowers watches.

DWIGHT OTWELL/Sentinel photo

A Hiwassee Dam player shoots the ball in the gameagainst Robbinsville.

DWIGHT OTWELL/Sentinel photo

Sam Morrow scores against theBlack Knights.

DWIGHT OTWELL/Sentinel photo

Kena Bush moves past a Robbinsville defend-er.


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Even Start thanks Pizza-Hut

Sentinel photo submitted

The Even Start Family Literacy Pre-K would like tothank Pizza-Hut of Murphy for giving us our wonderfulholiday treat. Our seven children made a turkey picturewith a poem and presented it to Pizza-Hut on Monday,November 22.

Murphy Bulldogs wrestling team takes 48-30 victory over WildcatsBy RANDY GLASSSentinel sports writer

The Bulldogs came awaywith a victory 48-30 in theirmatch at home with theAndrews Wildcats.

Even though Andrews hasonly had a wrestling team fortwo years, they fought valiantlywith the Bulldogs.

Coaches Butler and

Williams are doing a good jobwith the Dogs. The wrestlerslooked to be in great shape andwrestling moods.

The Bulldogs will have theHayesville Yellow Jackets overon Thursday at 6 p.m. foranother conference match.

Curtis Victor (Andrews)112 weight, pinned SheaBirdwell.

Justin Guffey (Murphy)119 weight, wins by forfeit.

Jamie Cochran (Andrews)125 weight, wins by forfeit.

Eddie Stiles (Andrews),130 weight, wins by forfeit.

Jacky McClain (Murphy),135 weight, wins by forfeit

Ben Ledford (Murphy),140 weight, wins by forfeit.

Timmy Williams

(Murphy), 145 weight, wins byforfeit.

T.C. Moore (Murphy)pinned Justin Hensly, 150weight class.

Ethan Palmer (Murphy),pinned Patrick Brannon, 160wight class.

Jimmy Garrison(Andrews), pinned BillyRogers, 171 weight class.

Daniel Cable (Murphy),pinned his opponent, 189weight class.

Logan Clontz (Murphy),pinned Kevin Cochran in 215weight class.

Michael �“Mookie�” Booth(Andrews), pinned Ryon Stilesin heavyweight class.

The Bulldogs went to atwo-day tournament in Towns

County and had two newwrestlers place. Shea Birdwellplaced fourth and got a medal.This is Shea�’s first yearwrestling.

Ryan Stiles placed thirdand this is also his first year.

Congratulations to bothwrestlers.

The Black Knights tied thegame 9-9. The Eagles turnedthe ball over three straighttimes but Robbinsville didn�’ttake advantage. Morrow madea basket off an offensiverebound to give the Eagles an11-9 lead after one quarter ofplay.

Hiwassee Dam continuedthe good play in the secondquarter, jumping to a 20-13lead. The half ended with theEagles looking good and lead-ing 30-22.

Hiwassee Dam increasedthe lead to 38-29. That�’s whenRobbinsville started its run.

The Black Knights used apressure defense to forceEagles�’ turnovers. The BlackKnights hit several three-pointshots to take the lead.

Robbinsville went from aneight-point deficit at the half toan eight-point lead after threequarters, 46-38.

Hiwassee Dam scored onlyfour points in the final stanza asthe Black Knights scored 25 towin 71-42.

The Lady Eagles werebehind 6-0 before a pass foundMichelle Garland under thebasket. She scored to make it 6-2.

Alisha Chastain hit a 12-foot jumper to make it 10-4. Agood pass to Dania Hyde underthe basket resulted in anotherEagles score. The first quarterended with the Lady Eaglestrailing 14-8. Robbinsvillemaintained its lead and led 31-15 at the half. The final scoresaw the Lady Eagles lose 58-39.

The Hiwassee Dam boysjunior varsity beat Robbinsville40-31. The Hiwassee Dam jun-ior varsity girls lost toRobbinsville.

Hiwassee Dam vs Black KnightsContinued from page 1A

At the beginning of the2004-05 school year, Federallegislation authorized funds fora program to offer free freshfruits and vegetables to studentsduring the school day. NorthCarolina was one of the threestates chosen to participate inthe pilot program. The programwill provide funds to enable 25schools in our state to servemore fresh fruits and vegetables

as part of the school breakfast,lunch and snack programs.

Cherokee County was for-tunate to have two schoolsselected to participate in NC�’sFruit and Vegetable Program forthe 2004-2005 school year,Murphy Elementary andPeachtree Elementary. Eachschool developed a proposal tointroduce and educate the stu-dents on the importance of fresh

fruits and vegetables in theirdiets daily. December 1 wasthe kick off day for the Fruit andVegetable Program at MurphyElementary and PeachtreeElementary. The schools choseto offer the fruit and vegetables asa part of the snack time for stu-dents. The students have enjoyedsuch items as oranges, celerysticks, apples, grapes, and carrotsticks.

Elementary students participate in pilot program

Peachtree Elementary (L-R) Nick Gamble,Jusin Moffitt, Background: Child NutritonEmployee Vicky Grant

Murphy Elementary students: TylerKepharts and Philip Kilton.

MES students build a gingerbread castle

Trish Golden / Sentinel photo

Mrs. Mary Beth Cornwell�’s and Mrs. Debbie White�’s language/art classes built a gingerbread castle out ofeditible items. Students incorporated academic skills such as math and sceince to build the castle. Studentswill be visiting the National gingerbread competitons in Grove Park Inn in Asheville , NC. to see gingerbreadhouses. Pictured (L-R) front: Mikie Wickline, Beth Hewatt, Snoi Robinson, Eric Markland, Kyle McClure, RyanHamby, Brandy Bailer. Back row (L-R) Rachel Brown, Jason McCoy, Joseph Palmer, Dakota Beaver, JasonRadford, and Becky Turner

DWIGHT OTWELL/Sentinel photo

Dania Hyde (#23), Meridith Keough (#15), andAlisha Chastain (#10) to for the ball.

DWIGHT OTWELL/Sentinel photo

Michelle Garland shoots theball for Hiwassee Dam.

Entering the building is much warmer, thanks toSheila Stern of Hearths ofFire. Stern donated theelectric fireplace settingwhich operates with theuse of a light bulb.








COMMUNITYKids show off for Dad

Billy Palmer/Sentinel photo

(L-R) Jack, Madison and Zach, children of BillyPalmer, show off their Dad�’s 19 point local deer hescored.

Grape Creek communityhelps Pool Project

Sentinel photo submitted

Vance Hedrick and Jean McDonald of the Grape CreekCommunity Center present a contribution to Dr. BrianMitchell, chairman of the committee raising funds forthe new Hiwassee Valley Pool and Wellness Center. Thenew facility will offer year around swimming for all ages,with a special pool for children, as well as a full servicefitness center, aerobics area, health education class-room and supervised day care.

The Chamber of Commerce holds open house

Ruth LeFeat, who helped openthe chamber in the late 1970�’swith the late Dot Mason, wason hand to share chamber his-tory with visitors.

Mayor Bill Hughes, left, and BenLeFeat, chamber staff member, goback a long time.

Rhea Crisp shares some of her duties with chamberboard President Marvin Raper as Ben LeFeat lookson.

Pat Love, Andrews Chamber ofCommerce executive director, looksat a display showcasing some of thecounty�’s businesses.

Wal-Mart gives to the Murphy Rotary Club

Trish Golden / Sentinel photo

(l-r) Judy McNew, Terrie Kelly, Blair Stanley; Wal-Mart store manager, and TinaWoods. Wal-Mart presented the Murphy Rotary Club with a $2,000 grant check.The Murphy Rotary Club will use the funding to support their various programsthat help the local community, such as the Cherokee Clay House Raising, SharingCenter Food Bank, Hurlbert Johnson Homeless Shelter, Shoe Fund and REACH(Women�’s Shelter).

Christmasat Home

Members of the OakGrove Baptist Church onOak Grove Road,Murphy, donated $800 tobuy non-food gifts forresidents of local nursinghomes.

A wide assortment ofsweatsuits, robes, tissues,soaps, and lap-throwswere brought to theSentinel office to morethan fill the box madeavailable by Blue RidgeMountain EMC, thesponsors of �“ChristmasAt Home�”

Tri-CountyCommunity College(TCCC) will apply for a$1.8 million Title III grant.

The board of trustees atthe December 2 meetingvoted to apply for the grant.

The proposal will be sent inFebruary and would beawarded sometime in thesummer of 2005. Only 50of these grants are awardedin the country.

The trustees discussed

the nursing consortium pro-gram. Approval was givento start the applicationprocess for an independentnursing program, if needed.One of the three colleges inthe consortium is pullingout. TCCC officials saidthey intend to retain anursing program.

TCCC President Dr.Norman Oglesby intro-duced three prospectiveemployees, who were laterapproved by the board foremployment. They areJason Outen, network andtechnology securityadministrator; BrianL a m b e r t ,maintenance/custodianand Robin Stevenson,ABE coordinator.



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Enriching your mental healthBy DR. JIM KOWALSKISpecial to the Sentinel

As we go through the hol-iday season we often think ofgifts as material stuff thatsomeone gives us or we giveto others. I have beenbestowed some non-materialgifts of late. One gift came asa holiday concert at a local

college. The singing andorchestra was delightful.Another gift came from thepriest at church who told awonderful Christmas story. AChristmas parade is a gift.How nice is it to see peoplecome out to enjoy an eventand wish each other holidaycheer. These gifts helped me

transition into the holidayspirit. Last night there was abeautiful sunset. What a gift!To see the sun rise each day isa gift.

The holidays are a time toenjoy friends and family. It isimportant to set aside time toshare with the people we love.

�“Recognizing Depression Key to Recovery�”Depression is a medical ill-

ness that effects a surprisingnumber of people in our com-munities. Estimates show thatone out of every five adultsmay experience a depressiveepisode at some point duringhis or her life. Unfortunately,many of these individuals willnot seek treatment, which isessential to recovery. A rarebut tragic outcome of untreateddepression is suicide, whichclaims the lives of over 30,000people a year. Statistics hardlycapture the impact that depres-sion can have on those affect-ed.

A woman from our arearelates, �“depression left mefeeling empty, sad and extreme-ly unmotivated to do all thethings I needed and wanted todo in my life. Every day was astruggle..I had to force myselfto get up, put a smile on my

face and go out into the world.For a long time, I was able tohide my depression from myselfand those around me. On thesurface, I appeared to be doingwell, but I finally came to aplace where things started tofall apart, and I began missingwork and withdrawing fromactivities and people I caredfor. When I began expressingthoughts of suicide, my familyintervened and helped me rec-ognized that I was in crisis.�”

She relates that she gath-ered the courage to seek help.�“I finally sought help and wasadmitted to The Balsam Centerfor Hope and Recovery.During my stay, I was able towork with the psychiatrist toget medication to help managemy symptoms. I was able towork with the staff in develop-ing my Wellness RecoveryAction Plan (WRAP), which

gave me the tools to begin myjourney to wellness.Participating in a peer supportgroup connected me with oth-ers who felt like I did...I beganto build hope and regain asense of control my life anddepression. I am now activelyengaged with a therapist whosupports my recovery. With hersupport and that of family, I amusing new tools to find happi-ness and purpose.�”

In contrast to normal expe-riences of sadness, grief, loss orpassing moods, major depres-sion is extreme and persistent.Symptoms include: depressedmood, diminished interest orpleasure in activities, signifi-cant change in appetite and/orweight, sleep disturbances,restlessness or sluggishness,loss of energy, lack of concen-tration or indecision, feeling ofworthlessness or guilt or

thoughts of death or suicide.A combination of counsel-

ing and medication can greatlyalleviate the systems of depres-sion and restore an individualto a healthy and productive life.Most individuals can be treatedsuccessfully on an outpatientbasis. Some 70 percent of peo-ple diagnosed with depressionimprove substantially withinone to three months with treat-ment and 90 percent respondby the end of the first year.More importantly, treatmentgreatly reduces the risk of sui-cide.

For more informationabout depression or to get sup-port for yourself or a loved one,please call a Care Manager atyour local Smoky MountainCenter or 1-800-849-6127, 24hours a day, seven days a week.

There�’s an easy way tohelp a soldier stationed in Iraqor overseas connect with lovedones during the holidays!Bring a used cell phone andone attached battery that canbe recycled to Liberty TaxService, an official collectionsite for Cell Phones For

Soldiers ( Visit theLiberty Tax Service ( office at 279Ocoee St. (Hwy 68)Copperhill. Every donatedphone can buy a calling cardup to 100 minutes.

Phones can be dropped off

at the Polk County CopperBasin Chamber of Commerceoffice in Ducktown on MainStreet Mon.-Fri., from 10a.m.-3 p.m. or Liberty TaxService office in CopperhillMon. and Wed. from 5 p.m.-9p.m.

Cell phones wanted for soldiersTCCC seeks $1.8 million grant

2004 Andrews annual Christmas Parade

Clarks Auto Shop and Sounds Good Electronics team up to lightup Main Street for the 2004 Andrews Christmas Parade.

The Remax float won second place in the AndrewsChristmas Parade.

Vengeance Creek Baptist Church float waschosen as first place in the parade.

The float, �“Angels Among Us�” is a good reminder of allthe U.S. troops who are in harms way this Christmas sea-son.

Santa has the reins of the Andrews Hardware andRental float, which won an award as well.Even in the cold rain, the Andrews High School 2004

Homecoming Court was all smiles.Parade photos by Dennis Horne


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�• (828) 837-6397


!"#$%&' #"$()*+,-**%.'-*/+00-

!"!#$!%#!$&&Authorized Quasar & Zenith Sales & Service

C-BandDSS Dish

Installation~ 42 Years ~CombinedExperience

AntiquesANTIQUES, SPINNING WHEEL, FLAX wheel, depres-sion glass, lead crystal, 4 piece bar, end tables, refrigerator, quilts. 7597 Hwy 76

AppliancesKEROSENE HEATER SALES, REPAIR & maintenance. Wicks for all models in stock. We will do specialty orders. Clay TV, Hwy 64 Bus. Near Hogsed Car Wash 828-389-8311

WASHERS, DRYERS, RANG-ES, REFRIGERATORS, freez-ers, new, used appliances, parts (828)389-8138

Health & BeautyMASSAGE BY SHARMAN RE-LAXATION, stress reduction and pain relief. Licensed and practicing since 1986. Next to Blimpies in YH. 706-379-1740

MASSAGE IS THERAPY IN the comfort of your home. Li-censed. Call Gerri Baker at 706-896-6108.



maintainence, power saw, tractor work, bushogging,

backhoe, Long-arm, dump-truck, haul gravel, dirt,

mulch. For sale: Mulch $15 a yard.

Fencing-split rail, wooden, electric 828-389-0405


Lost & Found2 BASSETT HOUNDS, 1 male & 1 female, light brown & white in color. Last seen on 11/30/04 on Carter Cove. If found, please call (828) 389-1623

VERY FRIENDLY AMERICAN BULLDOG, white with brown over right eye, three year old male. Answers to Buster. Last seen in Trout Cove Road, Brasstown Nov. 27th. If seen, please call (828) 389-6926


IS YOUR most economical way to get your business known. Call

in your ad. 828-389-8338.

Deadline for classifieds isFriday at NOON.

NOTHING BUT BEDSMATTRESS Outlet - CHRIST-MAS SPECIAL 0 Save 10 - 50%. Queen Sets starting at $199. Andrews (828) 321-2835

VFW THRIFT STORE, HIA-WASSEE: Best buys around for �“recycled�” clothing and house-hold furnishings. Call 706-896-1953 for additional info.

Merchandise: Furniture

DIRECT MATTRESS SALESYOUR Sealy Headquarters. Queen Sets starting at $299.00 Murphy (828) 835-8686

QUEEN SIZE MAPLE HIGHgloss 5 piece bedroom suite, like new, excellent condition. $1200.00 OBO (828) 389-2379

SOFA, NEVER USED, BEAU-TIFUL material, green and bone plaid. Wholesale $1600- $400.00 (706) 896-6123.

Miscellaneous1997 150 JOHNSON FIGNTmotor for sale. Will sell for parts or entire motor. New computer brain and new ignition sensor. Call 479-3067 and leave mes-sage.

DELUXE HYDROTHERAPY SPA, SEATS 5 with lounger like new, warranty $2500 OBO (864) 216-3565

DIRECT MATTRESS SALESYOUR Sealy Headquarters. Queen Sets starting at $299.00 Murphy (828) 835-8686

LIONEL TRAIN LAYOUT, COMPLETE 828/837-7736. Leave message, will return calls.

MusicMAW SOUND, RECORDING, SOUND, lighting, special ef-fects. Tents, moonwalk for con-certs, parties, church and youth events. 706 896-4560 www.mawsound.comTWO CHURCH ORGANS THO-MAS and Hammond $400 each OBO 389-8144

PersonalsMAN IS IN WHEELCHAIR due to fall, can thake care of himself. Looking for a female compan-ion. 828/837-7736. Leave mes-sage. All calls will be returned. Merry Christmas everyone.

Pets & Livestock

AKC ROTTWEILER PUPPIES HOLIDAY SPECIAL. KEL-SEY�’S Training Kennels Pro-fessionally trained, �“No Fuss. No Muss�” Model. Nine months old. Males and Females. Written guarantee. $600. - $800. Call for details and references. 828 321-3004

CHI-MOUNTAIN SPECIAL �“T�’S�” LONG & short haired Chi-huahuas. Home raised and cared for. 706-379-1402

FOR SALE REGISTERED CHOCOLATE and black Lab. puppies. Will be ready Nov. 15 $300 to $350. Reserve yours now. 706 745-9841 or 706 781-8069

FOR SALE: CKC POM-POO�’SMales, 7 weeks old, wormed, first shots. $150.00 each. Ready November 29th. Call (828) 837-8350 after 6:30pm

GOLDENDOODLE: MT HOLLY KENNELS PROUDLY announ-ces our breeding of this wonder-ful mixed heritage- Golden Re-triever and Standard Poodle. Goldendoodles are a hybrid dog, a first generation cross. the puppies take on the best traits of both breeds. This cross be-tween these breeds makes for a terrific family dog, friendly, intel-ligent, affectionate and easy to train. The Goldendoodles may inherit fur which looks retriever-like or poodle-like, but usually something in-between. This means that most don�’t shed, or shed lightly, and may not pro-duce An allergic reaction. All our puppies are black. $1,000.00 firm. Call 828 389-0770 and visit our PET-SITTING RETIRED HIGH SCHOOL teacher will take care of your animals and your home while you are away. Call Laurie Boyer 706-745-2823

RUSSELS GRIFFION: MT HOLLY Kennels has these adorable AKC puppies (male & female) available and ready for Christmas. Our puppies are raised with and handled by chil-dren and are both the rough and soft-coated variety. they are in-telligent, alert and almost hu-man in expression. $750-$1250 depending upon �“breed stand-ard�”. Call 828 389-0770 and check out our website:

SMALL DASCHUND DOG FORsale $25.00 835-9561

TOY TEDDIES & SMALL Mini Rat Terrier Pups--U.K.C.I. Reg-Championship Line-great in-door/outdoor pets. Bright, lov-ing, loyal easily trained-choice of 4 colors- 1st shots and wormed - training kit, health re-cord, starter food & toy. Ready Jan. 14th & 21st. $175.00 to $250.00. Call (828) 389-6279 to reserve.

UKCI REG. SMALL & Large �“Mini�” Rat Terrier puppies-Championship Line- Great in-door/outdoor pets. Bright, loving & easily trained-wormed & 1st shots, training kit, health record, starter food & toy- $150-$200.00. Ready Nov. 27th & Dec 11th(will hold for Christ-mas) Call (828) 389-6279


BRYAN GREEN, SR. CUSTOMResidential Contractor & Mini Loader service. Nantahala/An-drews/Murphy 828-321-2222 www.bryangreenesr.comCLEONA�’S CARPET CLEAN-ING $15.00-UP Includes moving furniture. 828-837-8484 , 877-837-8484

CONNLEY�’S TREE & LAWNSERVIC. Take down trees, cut danger trees, 17 yrs. experi-ence, insured, chipper & dump truck, views and under brushing. Total Tree & Lawn Service. 828-321-3010.

DIRECT MATTRESS SALESYOUR Sealy Headquarters. Queen Sets starting at $299.00 Murphy (828) 835-8686





ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, & APPLIANCE REPAIR SERV-ICE: Buddy Garrett, licensed and experienced. Call 706-896-1897.

FILL DIRT FOR SALE�•Grading and Hualing


Call Shawn Johnston706-896-7373

Cell: 706-476-1551

FIREPLACE MANTELS ALL OF our mantels are made from quality dried wood. Shelf type & surrounds. All styles, rea-sonably priced 828-389-1999.FREE DIRECT TV SATELLITEsystem. Up to 5 rooms free. Free Installation. 1-800-374-9964 Promo code: 1065

FREE ESTIMATES D&L ROOFING-METAL Roof. Office 828-479-4052, Mobile 828-508-5270

HOUSE DOCTOR INC. HOMErepairs, carpentry, interior/ exterior painting, decks, plumbing contractor- licensed, insured, work guaranteed. Call Bill Waters 828-389-9829.

HOUSE PLANS DRAWNTED Beiger, Designer Since

70�’s (828)479-2672 888-423-1437 Toll-Free

HURRICANE CLEANING SERVICE, NO extra charges for laundry or ironing, references 835-9561

JACOB ANDERSON TREE COMPANY, bonded & insured all tree work, chopping, debris removal, dangerous removal, logging, bobcat work, experi-enced. (828) 837-8189 (828) 361-4316



MOUNTAIN RIDGE CON-STRUCTION - we specialize in all phase building and remold-ing. We do all types of framing from building decks, porches, garages and storage buildings, new homes or turnkey jobs. We also specialize in all types of painting, interior or exterior, and staining. We do drywall hanging and finishing and texturing, all types of masonry, block work and concrete driveways, side-walks and patios, etc. All types of additions and simple home improvements and any kind of remolding. We have over 20 years experience serving time in the Tri-state area. No job is too big or too small. We appreciate your business. If you want prompt and courteous service at an affordable cost, call 706-745-0979 for a free estimate.

MOVING...CALL FRIENDS!Local or long distance, Licensed and insured

Best prices! Free estimates! Friends Moving Company

706-896-7720 or 896-7248, 1-888-794-0526



Licensed & Insured NC & Ga Local or long distance!

Certified movers on staff - 30 plus years of

professional service New larger trucks(828)-389-4818 or


NOTHING BUT BEDSMATTRESS Outlet - CHRIST-MAS SPECIAL 0 Save 10 - 50%. Queen Sets starting at $199. Andrews (828) 321-2835

PAT�’S CLEANING SERVICE- NEED your home cleaned for holidays? Offering Gift Certifi-cates. (706) 896-1762


Land clearing, septic tanks re-paired and installed, base-

ments, home sites, fill dirt and trenching. Free estimates (706)896-2330 / (706)781-


TERRY�’S SHARP SHOP FORall your sharpening needs. Commercial, household, land-scaping. 706-745-1329.

UGLY CONCRETE? COVER IT! Decorative concrete coatings Since 1980- Pool decks, patios, driveways, walk, acrylics, epox-ies, masonry & rubber (706)896-4560

WNC WALL COVERINGS RESIDENTIAL Painting and Pressure Washing. Interior and Exterior. Free Estimates, call Chad Burchfield 828/479-8921

Yard/Garage SalesMOVING SALE. DINING SET,bedroom set, living room set, misc. Saturday Dec. 18th at 29 Panther Top Road, Hwy 64-294, first road on right, first drive on left from 10-4:30pm.

Just shopping around

Sentinel photo submitted

Shopping at the Appalachian Heritage Crafters�’ AfterHours event on Dec. 7 are, left, Cecilia Champion ofJoanna Cornerstone Ministries, and Karen Duncan,Cherokee County Chamber of Commerce administrativeassistant. After Hours is a networking function of thechamber. For membership information, call 837-2242.

Call today foryour classfied!


The Sentinel



To apply for positions, please contact the Personnel Department between 8:00a.m. and 4:30 p.m., or call

(828) 835-7683Or send resumes to: Murphy Medical Center, Personnel Department4130 US Highway 64E, Murphy, NC 28906 or Fax: (828) 835-7700.

The Following Positions Are Available

Murphy Medical Center• OR-RN (FT)

• ER-RN (FT)


• CRNA-Nurse Anesthetist (FT)

• Weekend Radiology Tech (FT)

Chatuge Regional Hospitaland Nursing Home

Positions AvailableRNs - Hospital, 7 p.m. - 7 a.m. (Full Time)

RN or LPN for ICU, ACLS Certified, PRN

Physical Therapist and PT Assistant For Hospital and Outpatient Services

C.N.A. Class beginning 1/10/2005Taking applications through 12/27/2004

Prep Cook - Full time - Nursing Home

Apply at Union General Hospital (706-745-2111) or Chatuge Regional Hospital (706-896-2222)

Good benefit package includesInsurance, PTO, Sick leave, Retirement and Credit union.

Sparks Fund Scholarship available to advance nursing careers.

All interested applicants should contactRita Bradshaw, Human Resource Director

706-896-2222, ext. 199. EEO

Affiliated with Union General Hospital

Cherokee County SchoolsVacancy announced

Cherokee County Schools has a vacancy for a HeadCoach/Teacher at Andrews High School. The deadline toapply for this position is January 28, 2005. You may call 837-2722 Ext. 229 to activate an application already on file. Youmay pick up an application at 911 Andrews Rd., daily form8:00 am-4:00 pm. Cherokee County Schools is an equalopportunity employer.

EBCIJob Announcements

1. Equipment Operator-CDOT

2. Part-Time Event Workers-4 Positions

3. Case Support Professional (2 Positions)


Anyone interested in picking up a job appli-

cation or job description should see Jessica

Lambert or Angie Wolfe or call 497-

8117. Closing date for these positions will

be Tuesday, December 28th, 2004 at 4:00

PM-Due to the Christmas Holidays.

Indian Preference does apply and a current

job application must be submitted; also note

that resumes will not be accepted in lieu of

a Tribal application.

Cherokee Indian HospitalJOB ANNOUNCEMENT

Week-end Radiology TechnologistOpen: 12/06/04 Until filled

Business Office ManagerOpen 12/06/04 until filled

CFOOpen 12/06/04 until filled

Accounting ManagerOpen 12/06/04 until filledDental TechnicalOpen 12/06/04 until filled

Anyone interested in picking up an application and jodescription should see Christine Toineeta at the

Cherokee Indian Hospital between the hours of 8:00 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Indian Preference does apply and a current job application must be submitted; also note that resumes

will not be accepted in lieu of a Tribal application.


COBB HATCHERY IN BLAIRS-VILLE has several jobs availa-ble at this time. Weekend work is required if interested please apply in person at 1239 Thomas Farm Rd, Blairsville, GA or call (706) 781-3320 ext. #223 for more info.

LIBERTY MISIONARY CHURCH IS prayfully seeking a pastor. If you feel that God is calling you to serve him in a church dedicated to growing through and for his son Jesus Christ, please call Michelle at 828/479-6156 or Myron at 828/479-6014.

MOMS AND DADS! GREAT in-come for home (888) 901-9969

NEEDED A REAL ESTATEsales person, licensed, self starter for friendly locally owned office. CALL MARGARET WARNER, WARNER REALTY (828)837-8777

PART TIME HELP for local moving company. 706-896-1574

PART-TIME CARE GIVER FORhandicapped woman living in Warne Community to include light house keeping duties. Call 389-0963

THE LINCARE CENTER INYoung Harris, GA has an imme-diate opening and are accepting applications for a Respiratory Therapist. The Healthcare Spe-cialist position requires in home patient care and travel within our territory. This position has on-call duties, including week-ends, and some lifting. Re-sumes can be made to: Lincare Inc., 1615 Hwy 17, Suite 8, Young Harris, GA 30582. attn: Center Manager or faxed to (706) 896-2820

TWO POSITIONS- CABINET MAKER with experience in all phases of custom cabinet mak-ing and experienced Cabinet In-staller. Must have valid drivers license. Pay commensurate with experience. Benefits: medical insurance, paid vacation. Apply at Boyd�’s Countertops, 2088 US Hwy 64 West, Murphy, M-F 8:00am - 4:30pm (828) 837-5808


The tax listing period will begin on January 1, 2005. Final date for listing will be January 31,2005.

Cherokee County began a permanent listing for real property in 1994. Real property ownerswill not receive a listing abstract each property owner, however, is required to report any changesmade to their property.


Listing abstracts will be mailed to aid in listing personal property if you fail to list and do notsign the listing form, you will, by law, be charged a 10% penalty that cannot be removed. NorthCarolina General Statute 105.308 requires that in addition to all other penalties prescribed by law,any person whose duty it is to list any property, who willfully fails or refuses to list the same with-in the time prescribed by law shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceedfive hundred ($500.00) dollars or imprisonment not to exceed six (6) months.


All persons 65 years of age or all persons permanently disabled with a home or mobile home,that is their permanent residence whose disposable income is less that $19,200 dollars, are enti-tled up to $20,000 or fifty (50%) percent of the appraised value of a permanent residence ownedand occupied by a qualifying owner. Applications for this exemption are available in the taxappraiser s office. Proof of income must be submitted with the application. Any taxpayer that isalready receiving this exemption does not need to apply.

NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL STATUTES 105-316 REQUIRED THE FOLLOWING: Mobilehome parks, marinas, aircraft storage operations are required to make a report to the tax asses-sor of all house trailers and mobile homes, boats, airplanes or other aircraft, when spaces rent-ed or leased are three (3) or more. This list should contain the owners name, address, and adescription of said personal property. If the operator fails to make such a report by January 15,2005, they become liable for the taxes, plus a $250.00 fine.

You are no longer required to list for property taxes of vehicles which are currently licensedwith the North Carolina division of motor vehicles. The tax on these vehicles will be billed by thecounty after the current registration is renewed or application is made for a new registration. Listall boats, motors, jet skis, and all unlicensed trailers, campers, and motorcycles. RESIDENTSARE REQUIRED TO LIST ANY VEHICLES THAT ARE (UNTAGGED.)

All business listings are required by law to be listed at 100% cost when purchased. The taxdepartment then applies the proper and uniform depreciation to the listing. ALL BUSINESSOWNERS SHOULD READ CAREFULLY THE INSTRUCTIONS ON THE FORM AND NOTETHAT THEIR LISTING IS SUBJECT TO AN AUDIT FOR THE CURRENT YEAR PLUS FIVE (5)PREVIOUS YEARS.

Assistance in filling out the forms will be available at the tax office. If you should not receive alisting form (for personal property) you should come to the tax office and list your property.

Lynn C. ShoreCherokee County Tax Administrator




Notice of Serviceof Process By Publication

Shirley Jean Stroud,Plaintiff,vs.Kelly Gene Stroud,Defendant

To: KELLY GENE STROUDTake notice that a pleading

seeking relief against you, ,hasbeen filed in the above-entitledaction. The nature of the reliefbeing sought is as follows:

Complaint for Absolute

DivorceYou are required to make

defense to such pleading notlater than the 31st day ofJanuary, 2005, said date being40 days from the first publica-tion of this notice, or from thedate your Answer is required tobe filed, whichever is later; andupon your failure to do so theparty seeking service againstyou will apply to the court forthe relief sought.

This the 13th day ofDecember, 2004.

Beverly B. CookAttorney for PlaintiffP. O. Box 993Murphy, N.C. 28906828-835-7388

12/15/04 - 2/2/05


Having qualified as Adminstratrixof the Lonnie Deal Seabolt, Jr.deceased, late of Cherokee County,North Carolina, this is to notify all per-sons having claims against the Estateof said deceased to exhibit them to theundersigned at 200 Brinke Lane,Murphy NC 28906 on or before the 10th

day of March 2005, or this notice will bepleaded in bar of their recovery.

All persons indebted to saidestate will please make immediate pay-ment.

This is the 29th day of November,2004.

Kelly L. Seabolt &Sarah S. Brinke

Administratrix of theEstate of

Lonnie Deal Seabolt, Jr.,Deceased


CREDITOR�’S NOTICEHaving qualified as Executrix of

the Estate of Anna L. Hancockdeceased, late of Cherokee County,North Carolina, this is to notify all per-sons having claims against the Estateof said deceased to exhibit them to theundersigned at 82 Whitaker Lane,Murphy, NC 28906 on or before the10th day of March 2005, or this noticewill be pleaded in bar of their recovery.

All persons indebted to the saidestate will please make immediate pay-ment. This the 2nd day of December,2004.

Shirley J. ZimmermanExecutrix of the Estate of

Anna L. Hancock, deceased12/08-12/29

Creditor�’s Notice04 E 189

Having qualified asAdministratrix of the Estate ofRichard Neal Taylor deceased, lateof Cherokee County, NorthCarolina, this is to notify all personshaving claims against the Estate ofsaid deceased to exhibit them to theundersigned at 7845 Martins CreekRd., Murphy, N.C. 28906 on orbefore the 10th day of March 2005,or this notice will be pleaded in barof their recovery.

All persons indebted to saidestate will please make immediatepayment.

This the 29th day ofNovember, 2004.

Ada TaylorAdministratrix of the Estate of

Richard Neal Taylor, deceased12/1/04 - 12/22/04




If you can drive it, push it, ride it, drag

it, cook on it, eat on it, sleep on it, wear it,

walk on it or live in it . . .

you can sell it in the Sentinel Classifieds!

Call 837-6397

First Grade A/BJenna Bello, Hailey Brown,Joseph Chastain, BooneDobbs, Michelle Dowlin,Charity Hampton, DustinHooper, Zachary Jones,Madison Ledford, NoahPinkleton, Cheyanne Rapuano,Emily Robinett, Cody Truett,Shannon Wilson and TaylorWoodySecond Grade A

Ashley Baizer, Sierra Brantley,Caitlin Clement, Emily Cook,Rebecca Hampton, AidenMcCoy, Maddy Mock, ChristianSykes, Grant Taylor, TimothyThrasher and Chris WareA/BDalton Anderson, Douglas Ball,Andrew Bevins, Cort Carringer,Austen Evans, Maura Gerson,Douglas Harmon, Dillon Hunt,Sydney Leslie, Travis Long,Gaige Moss, Brittley Oliver,Austin Phillips, AustinRustausky, Brock Snow, NoahStrickland, Paige Walker, andApril WilsonThird Grade ADonna Blekfeld-Sztraky,Austen Casey, Alex Kerber,Morgan Ledford, KyleMcKellar, D.J. Mock, MeganPendley, Ashley Self, CaitlinSpikes, Anna Wilson, ShelbyWilson and Matthew WoodyA/BJesse Bates, Gavin Davis,Davis Gentry, IvaLee Hunter,Cassandra Long, EvanLysaght, Teonna Morin,Courtney Mull, Corie Pressleyand Katie PressleyFourth Grade ATaylor Bello, Clay Collins,Charlie Cordell and CourtneyKeenerA/BChase Brown, Lucas Cannon,Trevor Crouch, Nina Collett,Caroline Dobbs, LaurenDockery, Hannah Fleming,Evan Hughes, Mark Lovingood,Sean McGrath, Tori Moss,Dylan Ownbey, Devin Wareand Ariel WoodyFifth Grade ADevin Keener, Braley Murphy,Tori Pinkleton, Mark Wilsonand Amber WoodyA/BAustin Balzer, Josh Cook,Tripp Ledford, Jackie Parks,Brandi Svoboda and PreciousSwansonSixth Grade AMarissa PellA/BTaylor Cordell, Charlie Farver,Chelsie Gilreath, LacyHemphill, Ashley Jones, TaylorOliver, Bonnie Rockwood andChelsie StefaniSeventh Grade AAnnie Biggs, David Kelly,Hannah Larson, CourtneyMoorman and Ben WilsonA/BAutumn Blevins, WesleyBuchanan, James Casey,Samantha Chivira, BraileyDerreyberry, Whitney Laney,Amy Lysaght, Lacee McKeller,Kayla Patterson, Cody Riffle,Stephen Volkman and JessicaWilsonEighth GradeKaty Beaver, Brandi Oliver andMorgan Oliver

December 6, 2004Jesse Watts, 18, of Murphy,

breaking and entering andfelony larceny; Christina Gates,27, of Murphy, true bill;Christopher Ware, 26, ofMurphy, statutory rape/sexualoffender greater than six yearsolder;

December 7, 2004Danny Hopkins, 31, of

Murphy, probation violation;Jennifer Prince, 22, of Murphy,larceny by employee; ScottyDereberry, 31, of Murphy, serv-ing 72 hours; MichaelTimmerman, 58, of Murphy,serving 72 hours; AmarPatterson, 21, of Murphy, pro-bation violation; Cory BryceKasu, 18, of Murphy, larceny byemployee; Royce Rowland, 45,of Murphy, intoxicated and dis-ruptive and open container;Justice Phillips, 16, ofBlairsville, misdemeanor pos-session of Schedule VIControlled Substance and pos-session of drug paraphernalia;Matthew Chandler, 16, of

Blairsville, Ga., misdemeanorpossession of a drug and pos-session of drug paraphernalia;Timothy Anderson, 20, ofMurphy, probation violation;Tiffany Suarz, 31, of Blairsville,Ga., maintaining avehicle/dwelling for drugs, pos-session with intent to manufac-ture, sell and deliver marijuanaand possession of marijuana;Joshua Chandler, 17, ofBlairsville, Ga., misdemeanorpossession of a Schedule VIControlled Substance and pos-session of drug paraphernalia;Natasha Kelly, 19, of Murphy,failure to appear; JamesMichael Dockery, 22, ofMurphy, probation probation;

December 8, 2004Edward Samuel Stiles, 30,

of Murphy, DWI; Terry DealColeman, 44, of Murphy, com-municating threats and intoxi-cated and disruptive; CarolineFawn Hughes, 21, of Murphy,felony harboring escapee;Bradlee Wayne Davis, 19, ofNewnan, Ga., obtaining proper-

ty by false pretenses; TommieGwen Vermillion, 55, ofAndrews, failure to appear;Steven Mitchell, 47, of Murphy,misdemeanor larceny (twocounts);

December 9, 2004Aaron Keith Orr, 19, of

Robbinsville, taking deer byspotlight; Kyle Lane Marcus,18, of Robbinsville, taking deerby spotlight; Steven McLain, 27,of Murphy, assault on femaleand injury to real property;Bruce Frederick Caldwell, 29, ofAndrews, injury to real property;Royce Rowland, 45, of Murphy,p o s s e s s i o n / c o n s u m i n gbeer/wine on public street, vio-lation of court order and intoxi-cated and disruptive; JohnnyHartnes, 45, of Murphy, resist-

ing public officer (three counts),misdemeanor possession of aSchedule VI ControlledSubstance (six counts) ,manu-facture of marijuana, posses-sion of stolen firearm,altering/removing NMV serialnumber, fleeing to elude arrestand felony maintaining a vehi-cle/dwelling place for a con-trolled substance;

December 10, 2004Jill Kozma, 20, of Andrews,

driving while license revoked;Christopher Mays, 21, ofMurphy, pointing gun (domesticviolence);

December 13, 2004Billy Daniel Beavers, 30, of

Murphy, assault with a deadlyweapon, intent to kill and inflictserious injury.

The Sentinel



Hwy 64, Hayesville, NC ¥ 828-389-6326 Visit us at www.jjfordhayesville.comS i D t O M F 8 5 ¥ S l H M F 8 7 S t 8 5

JACKY JONESof Hayesville

What’s on Your List?





‘04 F150 STXExtended Cab, V8, Auto, Speed Control, Trailer towing, CD, Fog lamps, Black

List $30,420, JJ Rebate $9,421

SALE PRICE$20,999*

‘05 Focus STCD Silver, Rear spoiler, Leather wrapped steeringwheel, Anti-lock brakes, 16” wheels, 6 disc CD withaudiophileList $18,830, JJ Rebate $4,031SALE PRICE $14,799



‘04 Explorer XLT4 Door, Redfire, Sports package, 17” wheels, V6,Auto, Reverse sensing, 3rd row seatList $34,400, JJ Rebate $5,601SALE PRICE $28,799*


‘04 Crown Vic. LXDark Red, Leather, Performance package, side impact bags,

Premier group, loadedList $30,725, JJ Rebate $7,826

SALE PRICE$22,899*


* Must finance through FMCC


706-745-7952AFTER HOURS CALL 745-7210


MON-FRI 8:30-5:30SATURDAY 8:30-3

’69 Z-28 CAMARO - $18,988350 - 4-speed - Power Disc Brakes

New Paint - Very Sharp! Black and White Stripes

’02 FORD RANGER X-CAB $7,988

Like new - Great gas mileage - 4 cyl. 5 speed - Air - Sharp color! Ready for


’01 EXPLORER XLT 4x4-$7,9884 Dr. - Loaded - New Michelins - Auto

Extra Clean - Great Buy in a SUV!

’01 DODGE RAM 2500 QUADCAB TURBO DIESEL - $19,9883/4 Ton - Heavy Duty - 4 Door - Auto

Loaded - SLT Pkg. - Low Miles Only 47K! Tow Pkg. and More!


V-8 - Loaded - Leather - Third SeatTow Pkg. - Rear AC - Heated Seats &

More! Sharp Color Combo!

’00 CROWN VICTORIA - $7,9884 Door - V8 - Loaded - Low Miles

Extra Clean Touring Sedan

’00 CHEVY Z-71 EXTRA CAB4x4-$12,488

Pwr. Windows - Locks - Tilt - Cruise5.3 V8 - Auto - Michelin Tires CD Player - Extra Clean 4x4!!


Leather - Pwr. Seats - WindowsLocks - 6 Cyl. - Select Trac

CD and More!


Premier - Loaded - LeatherNew Michelins - Low Miles!

Great Color Combo

’99 RANGER SPORT - $5,988New Tires - Automatic - Low Miles

Only 43K - Very Sharp Truck & It’s RED!


4 Dr. - All Wheel Drive - V8 - Leather -Sunroof - Loaded - Luxury SUV.

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V8 - Loaded - Leather - Sunroof Tow Pkg. - Low Miles - Hurry!

NOW ALWAYS OVER 50 UNITS TO CHOOSE FROM!Trucks • Cars • SUV’s • Vans • 4x4s • Jeeps

FULLY SERVICED AND ALWAYS PRICED RIGHT!Come See Us! 1-1/2 miles west of town on Old Blue

Ridge Hwy (Old 76), across from Ace Hardware in Blairsville, Georgia


’89 DODGE DAYTONASuper Clean , 1 Owner, Low Miles

’95 VW PASSAT GLX - 3,488VR6, Auto, Sunroof, PW, PL, Tilt, Cr.,24-28 mpg. Only 86K Miles! 1 Owner!



2003 BOMBARDIER OUT-LANDER 400CC Rotax high output 4x4, 2500lbs Warn wench, drop basket, and hitch with transferable extended war-ranty, 389-3114, serious inqui-ries only

USED CAMPERS AND MO-TOR Homes. Blairsville RV Sales Inc. 6 Miles east of Blairs-ville on Hwy 76 (706)379-1984. New and used RV parts and service 706-379-2716

RV: Lot Rentals

RV LOTS FOR RENT: 2535 Honaker Road, just off Pat Col-well Road. All utilities available. OPEN YEAR ROUND, $100-$115 per month. 706-745-1725.

WatercraftFOR SALE: 14-FT ALUMINUMBass boat, 15hp Evinrude mo-tor, new trolling motor, battery, live wells, trailer, swivel seats, 6-gal. gas tank, four life jackets. (828) 837-0230 leave message $1,000 OBO


1996 GRAND CHEROKEE LIMITED Jeep, 115K, 6 cyl, 4WD, drives & rides great, very good condition-all options in-cluding leather- Dec N.A.D.A. retail $7000.00, will sell for less than trade in value @ $5,095.00. Call (828) 389-6279 or see @ West Bros. Motors on 64 West.

2000 CRYSLER LHS, SILVER,moonroof, leather, premium sound, cd changer, traction con-trol, good tires, excellent condi-tion. OBO 828-389-1216

2001 HONDA XR200R, $2,000.Please call (828) 837-8051, leave message.

�‘94 FORD TAURUS, RUNSgreat, needs body work. $900.00 (828) 835-3430

95 FORD EXPLORER, 4WD,runs great on snow/ice, new transmission w/3yr 35,000 mile warranty, new tires and rods. Asking $5,200 (828) 837-0676

Cherokee County Sheriff�’s Report Dec. 6-Dec. 13

Murphy Police weekly reportArrests:12/7 Charles Nipper, WM, 37,Murphy, (Served Warrant) stalk-ing/Comm. Threats12/7 Royce Dane Rowland,WM, 45, Murphy, D&D/Openliquor12/7 Cory Bryce Kasa, WM,18, Murphy, Larceny by employ-ee12/8 Tommie GwenVermillon, WF, 55, Topton, Failto appear12/8 Edward Samuel Stiles,WM, 30, Murphy,DWI/DWLR/RD/Fict. Reg.

12/8 Steven John Mitchell,WM, 47, Murphy, Larceny12/9 Royce Dane Rowland,WM, 45, Murphy, D&D

Investigations:4�–Auto accidents1�–Fraud1�–Noise Complaint1�–B,E & L2�–Larceny1�–Damage to Property

Assists: 8 CitationsIssued: 10 WarningsIssued: 18

Martins Creek School Honor Roll


The Qualla Housing Authority is taking applications for a Housing

Management Director. Job description and application can

be picked up at the QHA Office onAcquoni Road or by calling Shane

at (828) 497-9161, Ext. 227.Resumes will not be accepted in lieuof an application. Drug test must be

passed. QHA Benefits mirror EBCITribal Benefits. If claiming IndianPreference, proof will need to be

provided of Tribal Affiliation.Closing date is December 30th.

Subscription call 837-6397




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