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Extension II Reflection

1. How confident are you that your major work has a clear purpose and direction? What concepts do you hope to communicate?

- The purpose of my story essentially stems from a simple reflection of how individuals tend to judge one another in society. - This ideology often referred to as “don’t judge a book by its cover” is a term that I passionately support.

- Since I was a child to even now, I’ve grown up listening to both sides of this controversial perspective. According to my mother, she believes that “if say Ben was getting attacked by John, and for instance a man turns up in a police officers uniform; and Ben essentially asks this man for help, considering he is wearing a police officers uniform. The apparent police replied “hey just because I’m dressed as a police, doesn’t mean I am one’.” So conceptually she strongly believes that if you present yourself as something then obviously people will pre-judge you to be that something whether you like it or not, i.e. prostitutes. Now for my fathers view… yes that’s all well and good, but is it right to do so, yes people will think a man in a police uniform an actual police, but who is to decide what a prostitute looks like? Since I was young, I have been torn into two views about this issue. Further to my fathers argument, even if a prostitute is a prostitute then why or how does that impact anyone else, why should anyone else be meddling and creating conceptions on other peoples lives, anything could’ve obliged them into the position they are now.

- As for the purpose of my medium, is to basically explore ways of thinking. I emphasise this ‘ways of thinking’ concept by the constant rejection of the protagonist. Resulting in her self-destruction, to the extent that, even after her escaping from the brothel, she initially has to go back, she has no choice but to go back. Before she leaves, her surrogate mother warns her “Malvika, the outside world is a dreadful world, our world may be talked about, and it may be seen as the exploited world. Essentially, whatever our world is, significantly it is, ‘our’ world. We cannot escape it”

- This medium should outline an individuals life which has been shaped by her context. (expand, relate to ext 1)

2. What is the purpose and intended audience of your work?

- Essentially, this medium is intended for the people don’t believe in a second chance.

A person who pre-judges other people to the extent that he/she will not take an initiative to actually insinuate other possibilities that may be the case for different outcomes in peoples lives.

- The purpose? Mentioned in question 1, (expand) I want my audience to initially “think

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outside the square” rather then living life with a narrow minded perspective - I would like my responders to realise, our post modern world is full of different people, and to accept and embrace every individual is important.

3. How does the chosen form of your composition and the language features you have employed support the central concepts of your work?

4. Can you explain what EXTENSIVE INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION you have undertaken or need to undertake in the development of your major work?

Sources: Throughout the development of my major work, I have managed to research a vast amount of texts which are evident in my journal. I have experienced the fact that there are many texts that fall under the category of being a text of integrity and longevity, and then there are others that aren’t. By having a range of different types of research, it has allowed me to determine what I want to do with my major work, and how I want to do it. I came to a realization that it is impossible to start writing this major work without relevant researching.In order to outline some of the sources that have been of any significance to me are definitely, the book I read at the beginning of the course to receive an insight on exactly how I should approach writing my medium was the “Writing Fiction” book by Garry Disher. This book ran through a lot of major do’s and don’ts which has assisted my style of writing. It really helped me clarify how I should set my plot, characters structure and really how I should plan it and be successful in creating an innovative writing piece. The next book I found helpful is “Iran Awakening”, memoirs produced by Nobel Prize Winner female lawyer and former judge. Shirin Ebadi’s memoir is what inspired me to write my medium in the form of a memoir. Her story, like mine, revolves around context, culture, tradition and personal aspects that had completely shaped her life.After reading that one memoir, I read a few more, some of which were hopeless, and others were really good. “Memoirs of a Geisha” by Arther Golden has a similar concept to my medium, and hence, I think I’ve mentioned in my journal about how I love Arthur Golden’s way of introducing his characters, he just gets straight into it. I’d just like to pick out an example to clarify what I mean, I think in the first few pages of the novel, the

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composer how Geisha just puts a smile on her face when she is unsure of what’s going on, something that she has self sufficiently taught herself and it successfully got her out of trouble. I just thought that gave amazing imagery and essence of her character in the first few pages of the book. It had me entwined into it straight away, exactly what I’d like to do with my short story as well. Other research that I’ve undertaken is, various poetry and song lyrics composed by some of the well-known Bangladeshi and Indian writers. Poetry, essentially allows emotions to be communicated in an intense manner, something I’d like to encompass in my story. Some of the poetry I am referring to is pasted in my journal; those are the types of poetry or song lyrics I’m going to put into my story as well. Apart from books and the usual scanning dozens of books for more and more insight into different types of literature, one of the most helpful independent investigations involved my family and relatives telling me about the time and place in which I am setting my story in. It has definitely assisted me the most, having people being there, who had experienced the types of situations I want to convey in my major work.

Techniques: One of the most significant techniques I have decided to incorporate is the use of first person. This technique creates various meaning for my short story, like, making it a lot more inclusive and conversational. It will allow the readers to relate to my character straight away, which is my main aim; to try and get the responders to feel her situation. Another technique I should point out is the use of time which will interpret a sense of urgency to my story. And I’m also incorporating poetry and song lyrics to further distinguish my characters cultures and traditions which go hand in hand with her characterization.

5. How has this investigation helped the development of the concepts of your work at this stage?

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