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Tricia has been studying astrology

for over thirty five years, and currently lives in UK. She has been featured by media such as radio, TV, magazines including Starteller, and currently writes western sun columns for two UK newspapers and online magazines. She has studied Vedic astrology since 1988, and is a member of The British Association of Vedic Astrologers, whose journal Gocara has featured some of her articles. You can visit her website to find out more:

12 Signs In 2009 By

Tricia, U.K.

009 is going to be a tough and challenging year on many fronts and for most people. First of all the

governments of the world are going to be encountering many challenges to their regimes regardless of the style from dictatorship to democracy. Dramatic developments will shake up the world order and make themselves felt for the next ten to twelve years, whilst a new world order and system of governing is re established around the globe.

We see both Saturn and Jupiter entering new signs this year, heralding changes ahead in the climate and in personal and interpersonal relationships. Saturn is exalted in Libra by the end of the year and will be taking to task those who fail to align themselves with fairness and justice as represented by the scales of the seventh sign of the zodiac.

Saturn retrogrades from the onset of the year till May and can bring harsh lessons for all, but especially socially for the less well off, those in low paid employment as well pensioners and unions who represent those working in low paid and manual jobs. Difficult times in employment fields will upset all as old forms of employment are lost, and new ones begin to take their place. A challenge for the entrepreneurial, but very disturbing for those who just want a reliable job and work routine. This movement of Saturn is keenly felt by Capricorns and Aquarians as they have Saturn as their ruler and will find health and well‐being is keenly threatened under this retrogradation. Countries ruled by Saturn such as Russia will also be



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exercising more power but finding they have to take a step back in time as the muscle they flex is not as influential or powerful as they once believed, their range of rule over countries they denied democracy to, is waning fast, and the movement of Saturn into Libra ensures they are not going to get much support for continuing with oppressive practice in the traditional ways they once employed.

Jupiter is retrograde from June till October and this is not good for commerce, publishing fields, the press generally nor for the oligarchs and oiligarchs who seek to sustain an old empire which the new order disdains and which no longer looks respectable or desirable as the new world order begins to shake up old values and priorities. More religious riots can break out and disputes between religious leaders will also make the headlines.

Stars 2009

Aries n December 2008 Mars your ruler conjoined with Pluto in solar tenth bringing a dramatic change into your career zone as well as your status. 2009 will see you desperately trying to find out how it happened and what you can do to put everything

back to normal.

Sustaining progress in life and improving your public image will take your expertise and initiative to the limits in 2009. Certainly opportunities for new career directions and life paths are presented but the climate is so unpredictable even you might feel that losses possible outweigh the advantages of any benefits of risk taking.

You begin the year promoting major changes at work and home, and some may even be negotiating new land or property moves. After 22 August into the second half of the year, environmental conditions begin to change whether you want them to do so or not.

You are advised to take extra care while travelling in January but also in September and October. More journeys in connection with work are highly likely; ensure mechanical failures don't upset plans and use reputable transport companies for boosting security levels for long distance travel.

Mid February brings a weekend retreat or pleasure outing but you will be taking time to pay more care to health and exercise regimes also.

July can be a stressful time due to changes demanding a new style of operating and mid September to mid October bring challenges in situation where you have to be on your toes with many around you vying for power or struggling to dominate you and take control.

Venus retrograde from 6th March ‐ 17th April suggests either you or a loved one, or both,



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may be ill or be visiting someone in hospital. Expenditure can also be a source of distress at these times. Those who are single can expect some romantic attraction to raise hopes of new relationship. Avoid triangular relationships as you are scandal prone in the year ahead.

By October expect to be deafened by the sound of wedding bells, but take care of finance and use any increase in income to help out when the going gets tough again by the end of December.

Your best bet for 2009 if you are looking to get the most fun out of life, is to join as many groups as possible, or go on new courses to make the most of planetary support. A male associate will help with providing a new opportunity for gain and success. You can get a more tailored account of your year ahead by ordering a personal reading from Tricia at

Taurus ou begin the year with Mars in solar tenth actively animating a huge drive in your campaign to sort out property and career prospects. This makes you more ambitious than ever before.

The second week in January brings the prospect of more travel connected to business affairs and some may even be flying at home or abroad. Ensure vehicle maintenance is up to scratch, get windscreen wipers changed, and top up the de frost, and be extra vigilant while driving. Health needs some minor attention at the start of the year also. Avoid viruses and people with sniffles.

The second half of February brings a hectic time and a kick start to business affairs taking you in some new and unusual directions.

March to April Venus is retrograde so be extra patient and wait for frustrations and delays to disappear rather than fighting them and lowering vitality. March to April can be challenging financially and some extra expenses or debts will force you to be extra careful with the limited resources at your disposal. Energy levels can be low at this time too. Money or lack of it can be a problem.

July brings plans to fruition or completion plans made in February, and by the beginning of August you are ready for a complete new start in a different direction.

A change in direction or status is important for you in the year ahead, but don't let this override the need to uphold good health regimes

September 21‐ mid October brings more changes in the types of activity you get involved with and there could be the loss of one role of responsibility but this brings more leisure time. Last year was unpredictable and you would have found yourself going in one direction only to find opportunities came from another. This year brings to an end the obstacles to progress and better trends for feeling more in control of the direction you want to go in. Watch



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August for more support for what you set out to achieve.

Finances can be more reliable from June‐October so use any gains for essentials not desirables. October‐November brings a few power struggles which can be irritating but also creative as you develop new strategies to ward off those who compete for control. June is a lovely month for travel and small self indulgences, also for the possibility of romance to boost your ego. You will make extra effort to look good and admirers will be around to notice. You can get a more tailored account of your year ahead by ordering a personal reading from Tricia at

Gemini f you haven't already made changes then these are likely this year before the end of October, possibly bringing a promotion. However till 14th May some financial catastrophes could force you to reassess your spending habits and sort out essentials

from desirables to balance the books. 2009 is a year of making new friends in high places, and feeling that the luck which deserted you last year has finally returned thank goodness! Rather than doubt yourself you begin to develop awareness that there is a higher force at work it was just that you didn't know which way they were taking you.

March‐ April is not your best time for affairs related to children, investments or love affairs, wait until May for these areas of life to be less frustrating and challenging. Those entering education will find this time of year especially challenging.

November and December bring a creative time of the year but also a need to work out what you want and how to gain the co operation of others in order to get it.

A trine between Jupiter, Saturn and your natal sun begins to form by the end of October bringing the opportunity to make great progress into realising your dreams and hopes for the future, though you will also have to put experience and lessons learned to good use to make this a reality.

Mars in solar first during late July to August can be unsettling making you prone to rash actions and impulsiveness which could bring regrets. You’ll want to initiate new friendships and business directions but find yourself overcome by insecurity and nervousness which interferes with creating good rapport. You'll tend to adopt a pioneering and overly competitive approach which antagonises people and stops them from cooperating. This gives rise to a situation in September where you will need to be extra careful about how you speak to others if you want to avoid disputes and hostility. Men around you could also be vulnerable with many distressing changes affecting their health.

May ‐ July brings a pleasant and relaxing time when your talents attract admiration and a romantic interlude ensures you charm everyone under your spell.



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You can get a more tailored account of your year ahead by ordering a personal reading from Tricia at

Cancer he first half of the year continues in ways you have become accustomed to while autumn could provide a financial jolt which rocks the boat a little. Jupiter moves into your solar eighth early in the year and this means good luck trends slowly

change and come in from new directions. This can bring family matters to a head and if tension has been simmering then 2009 will bring them to a head with separations likely. Opposition surrounds you at the start of the year with someone trying to outsmart every move you make. It could be that cultural differences begin to create communication problems and throughout the year this will present many barriers and a need to establish new family boundaries.

Men are especially antagonistic and hostile till May, then again for the second half of the year, and could be in need of a health check up, or just some TLC.

By the beginning of July relationship issues reach a climax as you get caught between health constraints and career demands, and perhaps some debts which drain resources to stretching point. By the end of July you will need to carefully introduce a new health and exercise regime, and plan goals and directions more carefully for success. The 22nd July brings some space for starting new projects and for promoting your own ideas and personal goals. Take care of father figures and mentors as they could feel threatened by your thrust for freedom or are suffering major setbacks themselves.

The first three weeks in August bring a little romance your way as well as deeper self understanding. You feel more attractive and your social life will be more upbeat. You could meet a soul mate in a group or team setting and this looks set to get your pulse rating. By the end of the year you encounter problems with someone who doesn't appreciate your contribution or expertise, possibly a Capricorn who feels they know better than you. You can get a more tailored account of your year ahead by ordering a personal reading from Tricia at

Leo any Leo's are mourning the loss of either a love that might have been or a loved one that has departed. Financial pressures surround you and continue to do so till October, depressing family joy, and bringing likelihood of family separations

before the end of October. Tough times will eventually disappear and on a brighter note, you find it easier to deal with the stresses and strains in life.

Communication skills need developing so courses on how to improve them should be



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greeted with open arms. You are wiser in the year ahead and in a better position to bring

about improvements with greater ease than last year.

The second week in January brings travel for work purposes while some changes in the work routines arrive during the first two months of the year. You might experience the worst side of possibly an Aquarian during 20th January to 20th February, but use the encounter to strengthen your own position, and learn new skills, rather than allowing it to turn into an explosive situation. Around 9th February you're best advised to sort out essential domestic and work administration and put personal affairs in order. Father figures or employers are encountering their own problems and will be difficult to deal with. You'll find women around you more supportive at this time.

February to March can bring financial setbacks perhaps due to lack of support from the bank or credit company and money owed does not get paid.

15th June ‐13th October brings another round of spending cuts as finance or incomes are under threat. 22nd July sees good support for plans made in February to conclude or come to fruition, while some projects are completed and come to an end. Overseas travel is highlighted but so are hospital checkups, and even some secret affairs which could cause a stir or a sparkle depending on how you react.

The beginning of August brings business and relationship affair to a climax where it is make or break time. Avoid the limelight and provoking arguments to win the day, or risk losing a good friend. Late August through September brings pleasant and appealing time when you easily persuade all around you that despite your occasional battle for their admiration, you are essentially a charming person who is full of good ideas. This era is also an excellent time for initiating new plans and life directions as few will oppose you and vitality will match ambition. You can be accused of exaggerating in order to illustrate, but your dramatic approach is what singles you out as an entertaining and lively companion. You can get a more tailored account of your year ahead by ordering a personal reading from Tricia at

Virgo uite a struggle continues between a need for doing something new, but having to face constraints which continue old patterns you have felt as frustrating and limiting for a few years. The good news is that Saturn moves out of your solar first by October

leaving you wiser, freer but oh so much older with age marks to prove it!

The bad news is that mortgage or other debts pose many problems and this situation plants a seed of trouble which could grow into a family rift unless handled carefully.

You’ve worked so hard this past few years in spite of unhappy if not



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depressing circumstances which have upset your life plans. Jupiter

aspects solar tenth from 6th January promising some easier flow of energy where opportunity and achievement are concerned, so make the most of this trend to find out which tasks to prioritise.

February to March sees you set to lose a friend, who tries to dictate unreasonable terms, while partners could be more competitive and argumentative, but debts and health problems are affecting their overall performance and so patience is needed.

March‐April could bring more financial worries and a need to take a closer look at where expenditure can be controlled in painless ways. Changes in the work routine are also likely. July highlights a pleasurable interlude where leisure and pleasure trips offset some trying times, but don't neglect minor health problems which arise as you get rid of tensions.

August brings to end problems with transport or roads which have interrupted many of your domestic and work routines.

21 September ‐ 15 October Venus brings new clothes and more relaxation and even the chance of a makeover to cheer you up. Make the most of pleasant vibes that surround you as you'll look good, feel good and will be winning friends and admirers and influencing everyone you come into contact with. There could even be a nice little romantic encounter. Do take care of health however, as there is a warning of some exhausting factors which leave you in need of a little respite from all the summer activity.

By the end of December you'll be loosening many of the shackles which have held you back for the past two and a half years and life will take on a more optimistic feel than ever before with a brighter looking future than you ever dared wish for. You can get a more tailored account of your year ahead by ordering a personal reading from Tricia at


he year ahead brings major changes in the second half but let’s take a look at the beginning of the year before revealing more about those.

Jupiter moves into solar fifth from 6 th January and can activate romantic yearnings as well as a need to learn more, socialise and spend more time with younger people. However, it can also be a trigger for job changes and for problems to emerge with employers, bank managers and other people in positions of authority. It can also bring some health issues to a head which won’t wait any longer for proper investigation, so take care.

January 26 th brings some changes in the work routine and although you balance DIY projects with work activity a warning comes not to overdo it. 15 th June‐ 13 October is especially vulnerable times for health, but also times when you need to get specialist advice.



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July brings a need for a change in life direction and modification of

ambitions to accommodate emerging market trends.

By August a good trend supports taking time out for leisure or a holiday, though I do hope this isn’t enforced, and comes from choices you made for yourself. You’re very adaptable in the work environment and take a caring approach in all you do, but it may be that this year you need to learn to accept the care of others instead of always being the one to give it.

After 2 nd August a new trend arrives, a sudden upheaval could spoil things or turn things around in ways you hadn’t thought would happen. This could indicate a domestic situation which gets out of hand, or a need to stay away from home for some reason, could even be a hospital stay for some, so take care, as this trend seems to last for the final months of the year.

Venus your ruler is retrograde from 6 th March‐17 th April and is not good for progress or the feel good factor. It augurs a trend for unexpected and rather frustrating and delaying circumstances to surround plans and goals with many surprises to upset the daily routine.

October 15 th ‐8 th November sees a more supportive role from Venus who helps make you more relaxed, more positive, radiant and optimistic and anticipating some much needed sharing with those you love. Enjoy it while it lasts…………….. You can get a more tailored account of your year ahead by ordering a personal reading from Tricia at

Scorpio he 9 th February eclipse brings the need to make important decisions about career moves. A new opportunity could be offered but also a need to examine it more carefully so you don’t jump out of the frying pan and into the fire. This time of year

also makes you inclined to make new moves in your job but there is a warning to wait until the end of the month to avoid making hasty decisions based upon temporary situations.

Many of you could either be living in a new home or be coming to the end of an unsettled phase in your home life, thank goodness.

January brings transport problems to the fore along with a need to take extra care of pets if you have any, while February brings a need to be extra careful when crossing roads or travelling so don’t take any risks.

20 th April‐May brings a situation where you look to be lashing out at someone who is trying to control what you do or manipulate you in some way. Take a backward step to see if anything they are saying has any truth in it, if not then carefully explain your position before moving on to pastures new.



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7 th ‐31 May and 7‐29 September brings tough times financially so be prepared to make do and

mend or at least learn to cut back spending and live within your means.

20 May‐21 June brings currents of change on the work front and responsibilities could change with a shakeup in roles and status, some of which might not meet with your approval sadly, but then this year is set to be stimulating, and frustrating simultaneously and you could drive with one foot on the accelerator and the other on the brake not knowing which pedal to press down, especially around November/ December later in the year.

2008 was an excellent year for enterprise and adventure but 2009 brings a need to consider more carefully what your long term goals and aspirations are, and you do need to spring clean the wardrobe of your ambitions and decide which fits and which should be thrown out as no longer appealing or useful.

Venus brings a ‘‘Trinny and Susannah’’ moment from 9‐31 December when a makeover and new set of clothes and accessories will help you feel and look good and attract the right sort of admiration from those you seek to impress. You’ll look beguiling and have an irresistible mystique which is attractive to others and ensures you come into contact with a range of potential partners ready to navigate the new path you have singled out for your future. You can get a more tailored account of your year ahead by ordering a personal reading from Tricia at

Sagittarius he major problem area for you seems to be stores of vitality which seem to fluctuate wildly for the first eight months. The reason could be a rise in the need to travel more frequently than usual, and often through heavy traffic in city and urban areas.

Some stressful situations could arise where energy is drained leaving you needing time to unravel from the stress and lack of progress which ensues.

Your appetite for adventure and exploration becomes almost compulsive during the first half of the year. Be warned however that not all journeys will go to plan and be prepared for some quite unexpected encounters. The roads look like being subject to many weather foul ups so ensure a blanket and spares, along with emergency supplies are kept in a safe place in your vehicle or rug sack.

After August things become less fraught and more settled with enjoyable opportunities and more gainful travel. Watch out for a rise in appetite as comfort eating and compulsive eating habit can upset the digestive system more than ever this year, and you are more prone to indisposition if not ‘time out’ as a result of poor diet.

Take care of the pennies till later this year as the credit crunch spoiled every aspect of business, domestic and social life for you, although with your entrepreneurial abilities you are also well placed to find some creative solutions which have excellent profitability built



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into them as well!

March‐April brings a change in the usual routine when either a new focus or temporary break from normal patterns or even a new work environment can be expected. 4‐17 th July also shows a time when your routine, job or status undergoes a surprising stimulus for transformation.

21 May‐22 June sees a time when you find it hard to understand why some people around you insist in throwing their weight around or obstructing or opposing your plans, challenging your very modus operandi in the most provocative way. They can be overly controlling or overbearing and your broad mindedness and renowned sense of humour is going to be tested to its limit in this situation. A time maybe to assert your needs, set out boundaries and let the other person know just how far you allow them to go before you put your foot down. This situation could result in you having to make a decision to make a break from certain quarters or group of people and take on their work yourself, instead of continuing with them.

Independence and entrepreneurial adventures are keynotes for you in 2009 with many opportunities for expanding your horizons and testing new initiatives will stimulate your creativity and innovative talents.

December brings a time when you are recognised and rewarded for the things you do as well as there being a few admirers who give a welcome boost to your ego. Watch out for a few romantic moments to brighten up the year.

Jupiter is retrograde 15 th June‐ 13 October and this signals an era when you have to go backwards and retrace your steps before you can go forwards again. You might have to take more time to examine plans more carefully or get help ironing out the details before progress will be made. Health will need care, be aware that this time too will pass, and take some time out to visit a health or personal trainer who can deliver good programmes for healthy regimes as well. You can get a more tailored account of your year ahead by ordering a personal reading from Tricia at


aturn is retrograde from the turn of the year to 17 th May and for you this brings delays and obstacles as you are confronted with financial, family or health matters which will not go away and constantly demand your attention, time and energy.

March‐ April your solar tenth ruler Venus is retrograde bringing some challenging situations at work where you may not get the promotion you sought, or have to take on more responsibility which places you in a compromised situation for a while. Love affairs and children can also be challenging, play it by ear and know it isn’t likely to last long, just exercise patience and wait for 17 th April when things should resolve themselves.



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Just when you feel those things are under control an unexpected turn of events in June‐ August means heavy spending on family, home and health, with some parting of the ways with a family member to deal with. Be warned to keep up with insurance payment and to ensure all treasured possessions are not exposed to danger or theft especially until the end of August.

15 th June‐13 October can also bring a sudden halt or interference with personal plans and projects. Ruler Saturn will be exalted in Libra by the 30th promising a better phase for you where your special talent for dealing considerately and fairly with others is going to be put to the test. A change in circumstances is promised for this time as well as changes in your personal circumstances, career and status which may leave you breathless as to its magnitude of impact on your life. Write to me and let me know how this works out for you when it happens.

July brings the need to tidy up important personal affairs especially where health, image and behaviour is concerned. You will also be initiating long standing heartfelt projects. Men around you such as father figures, mentors, the bank mangers, bosses or others in positions of authority will be sending out distress signals. During 21st June‐ 22 nd July is not a good time to ask your bank manager for a favour or expect your employer to offer you a raise in position or salary, unless you are prepared to do some very skilful grovelling to get what you want! 7 th June‐‐‐6 th July brings either a break from work, more enjoyable interactive social events, or even a career change which proves welcome in the end.

Between 6 th March‐17th April you will be given some idea of what lies ahead career wise but investments could also prove a source of worry at this time, take care that it doesn’t get out of hand on the dates mentioned for July. Investments particularly may be a source of irritation when they fail to yield the expected result.

By the end of the year all’s well that ends well and you greet New Year celebrations with a cheery smile, new polished public image and a few admirers making you feel all the ups and downs of the year were worth it. You can get a more tailored account of your year ahead by ordering a personal reading from Tricia at

Aquarius upiter enters your solar first from 6 th January, offering challenges to your perspective and grasp of love life and the universe, so be on your guard in the year ahead, and don’t take anything for granted, many see this as a positive influence, but be aware that while

Jupiter in solar first does make you feel more positive and humorous in your approach to life, it also gives many new and challenging changes which can create so many stressful times.

The last week in January brings changes in your routine and a busy time to test your



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reserves. You could end up going on a wild goose chase, or simply campaigning to support a favourite cause political or environmental or both.

Sadly the financial downturn has hit you more than most and Feb‐ March sees you robbing Peter to pay Paul with little left to buy basics let alone desirable things in life. February you need to ensure your food intake is well balanced and nourishing, and power struggles around you can be a cause of endless upset and annoyance.

7 th ‐31 st May and again 7‐29 th September sees you struggling again to make ends meet and don’t overspend next December as another downward spiral sees you trying hard to hang on to slim gains this year.

Jupiter comes to your aid this year but he tends to be a rescuer from dire trouble and only intervenes as a last resort, rather than providing the fast track you would prefer to have. Certainly he will open doors for you at the last minute when all others have closed, but are you ready and willing to take advantage of all new offers? Changes, challenges, sadness, partings and family separations have left their scars, but ruler Saturn moves into solar ninth and is exalted by November making you look more closely at how you relate to others as well as the new situations you find yourself in. A test of how much you know, and how much you are prepared to reconcile this with past lessons and integrate this with new learning is about to be presented.

Mid July to mid August brings another ego conflict to deal with, but by now you should be weary of competing with the problems others present, so just agree with their demands to keep the peace but do what you want anyway!

After July changes to the work scene take up time and energy and you will either need to be extra flexible or just take time out for some relaxation before throwing yourself into anything too unsuitable for your talents and skills.

Around 6 th August you’ll be making up for lost time when things didn’t got so well in July, and you’ll be starting some new projects and moving towards more positive trends which aid your progress. After 22 nd August things will fall into place more clearly and you begin to manage life more effectively.

Venus retrogrades March to April and can interfere with domestic plans and with faith in good fortune in life. Your beliefs are going to be put to the test at this time.

Venus helps with the sticky patch in July by sending a loving vibe that makes you more charming and less likely to upset those around you, and gives you the edge you need when dealing with sticky situations. A romantic encounter could also occur providing a much needed distraction from some of the troubles you face, but only time can tell if it will be long lasting‐‐or an astrologer who looks more closely at your personal astrological chart. You can get a more tailored account of your year ahead by ordering a personal reading from Tricia at


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Pisces 009 should bring many surprise gains, and excellent group encounters and team endeavours to be thankful for, especially May‐July. The year is going to be more challenging certainly but also lively and interesting.

There is a need to be more secretive and diplomatic due to many secretive affairs taking place around you, which not all are aware of. However this year you can expect completion of one area of life in relationships or business and perhaps a new career or role at work.

Sadly some mourning for things past and passed away colours your life at the beginning of the year and leaves you with a heavy heart or even hostility, and this could last for months to come in 2009. From June –Oct you are especially vulnerable to feeling under the weather, but don’t let it spoil things at work or allow it to cloud the future, which does look brighter.

28 th March is a watershed where fiancés and family are concerned, so keep money on one side to get you through a reversal of financial stability, and get a part time job to boost income. The first week in August you need to take care of expenditure especially if you are planning an overseas trip where the pound might not stretch as far as you thought it would.

Saturn is retrograde till May and this can mean that career and status take a backward step and plans for promotion may recede rather than take a giant leap forward. Work issues and personal plans will be obstructed and sorry but some of you could find the recession means major work changes are in the pipeline, but see it as an opportunity to reshape your dreams……

Saturn moves into solar eighth by November bringing hard work and a need to pay special attention to detail, especially in administrative task either at home or work. You will need to set boundaries and establish proper guidelines not just on spending habits but also upon what others can realistically expect from you. There may be a situation where you have a parting in the family or a fall out which creates distance between yourself and family members, so patience in relationships will be required if permanent splits are to be avoided, for the next two years. Career moves are likely to be a source of stress, and any gains you thought were going to arrive may be from insurance companies, or even the benefit system…

Jupiter is retrograde from June to October so money will be in short supply providing some stressful times when things don’t go to plan and finances don’t support new initiatives as it is being needed for more mundane matters like essentials. Good fortune may feel as though it has deserted you, but hang in there and wait for your ruling planet to go ahead, sometimes the obstacles are there to stop you going in the wrong directing.

November brings some pleasant encounters with more harmony and pleasantness in your life, and if you are looking for romance then this is the month when it can come into your life, a time when the difficulties in love during March and April can be revisited and evaluated so that you can set the record straight and get onto a more harmonious footing with loved ones. You can get a more tailored account of your year ahead by ordering a personal reading from Tricia at



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