  • 7/30/2019 11amEng 102 15Variety 9ParallelIdeas 31Prepositions DanglingModifiers


    ENG 102

    HackerChapter 15 Sentence VarietyChapter 9 Parallel IdeasChapter 31 PrepositionsChapter 12 Dangling & Misplaced Modifiers

  • 7/30/2019 11amEng 102 15Variety 9ParallelIdeas 31Prepositions DanglingModifiers


    PROVIDING SENTENCE VARIETYUse a variety of sentence structures Simple

    Frequently the cock combines the lifting of his tail with the raisingof his voice. Compound 2 independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction

    Any chickens dusting hole is out of place in a flower bed, but thepeafowls hole, being the size of a small crater, is more so.

    Complex always has because, since, after, although, when,that, who, or which (called dependent clauses) The peacock does most of his serious strutting in the spring andsummer when he has a full tail to do it with.

    Compound-complex uses one of words in complex ANDcontains two independent clauses joined with a conjunction. The cocks plumage requires two years to attain its pattern, andfor the rest of his life, this chicken will act as though he designedit himself.

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    PROVIDING SENTENCE VARIETYUse a variety of sentence structures Move adverbial modifiers

    A few drops of sap eventually began to trickle intothe bucket. Eventually a few drops of sap began to trickle intothe bucket.

    Move adjectives and participial phrases Edward, dejected and withdrawn, nearly gave uphis search for a job.Dejected and withdrawn, Edward nearly gave up hissearch for a job.

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    PROVIDING SENTENCE VARIETYTry inverting sentence occasionally A refrigerated case of mouthwatering cheeses is

    opposite the produce section; a friendly attendantwill cut off just the amount you want.

    Opposite the produce section is a refrigeratedcase of mouthwatering cheeses; a friendlyattendant will cut off just the amount you want.

    Huge lavender hearts outlined in bright whitelights were set at the top two corners of the stage. Set at the top two corners of the stage were huge

    lavender hearts outlined in bright white lights.

  • 7/30/2019 11amEng 102 15Variety 9ParallelIdeas 31Prepositions DanglingModifiers


    BALANCE PARALLEL IDEASBalance parallel ideas in a series Children who study music also learn confidence,

    discipline, and they are creative. Children who study music also learn confidence,

    discipline, and creativity. Impressionist painters believed in focusing on

    ordinary subjects, capturing the effects of light onthose subjects, and to use short brushstrokes.

    Impressionist painters believed in focusing onordinary subjects, capturing the effects of light onthose subjects, and using short brushstrokes.

  • 7/30/2019 11amEng 102 15Variety 9ParallelIdeas 31Prepositions DanglingModifiers


    BALANCE PARALLEL IDEASBalance parallel ideas presented as pairs Parallel ideas linked with coordinating

    conjunctionsEmily Dickinsons poetry features the use ofdashes and capitalizing common words.Emily Dickinsons poetry features the use of

    dashes and the capitalization of commonwords.

  • 7/30/2019 11amEng 102 15Variety 9ParallelIdeas 31Prepositions DanglingModifiers


    BALANCE PARALLEL IDEASBalance parallel ideas presented as pairs Parallel ideas linked with correlative conjunctions Eitheror, neithernor, not onlybut also,

    bothand, whetheror The clerk told me either to change my flight or take the

    train. The clerk told me either to change my flight or to take

    the train. Thomas Edison was not only a prolific inventor but also

    was a successful entrepreneur. Omit was

  • 7/30/2019 11amEng 102 15Variety 9ParallelIdeas 31Prepositions DanglingModifiers


    BALANCE PARALLEL IDEASRepeat function words to clarify parallels By, to, that, because

    Our study revealed that left-handed students weremore likely to have trouble with classroom desksand rearranging desks for exam periods was useful.

    Our study revealed that left-handed students weremore likely to have trouble with classroom desksand that rearranging desks for exam periods wasuseful.

  • 7/30/2019 11amEng 102 15Variety 9ParallelIdeas 31Prepositions DanglingModifiers


    PREPOSITIONSConsult chart on page 290 At, by, for, from, in, of, on, to , with Can you end a sentence with a preposition?

    Where are you at?Where are you?She displayed the good humor shes known for.She displayed the good humor for which she is

    known. I want to know where he came from. I want to know from where he came.

  • 7/30/2019 11amEng 102 15Variety 9ParallelIdeas 31Prepositions DanglingModifiers


    PREPOSITIONSShe is a person I cannot cope with.She is a person with whom I cannot cope.

    If the restructured sentence sounds contrivedand unnatural, simply rewrite the sentence: It is behavior I will not put up with. It is behavior up with which I will not put. It is behavior I will not tolerate.

  • 7/30/2019 11amEng 102 15Variety 9ParallelIdeas 31Prepositions DanglingModifiers


    ENG 102Misplaced & Dangling Modifiers

  • 7/30/2019 11amEng 102 15Variety 9ParallelIdeas 31Prepositions DanglingModifiers


    MISPLACED & DANGLING MODIFIERS Modifiers should point clearly to the words they

    modify As a rule, related words should be kept


  • 7/30/2019 11amEng 102 15Variety 9ParallelIdeas 31Prepositions DanglingModifiers


    PUT LIMITING MODIFIERS IN FRONT OF THEWORDS THEY MODIFY Limiting modifiers = only, even, almost, nearly, just These should appear in front of a verb only if theymodify the verbAt first, I couldnt even touch my toes, much lessgrasp them. If they limit the meaning of some other word in thesentence, they should be placed in front of thatword. The cathedral almost took six centuries tocomplete. The cathedral took almost six centuries tocomplete.

  • 7/30/2019 11amEng 102 15Variety 9ParallelIdeas 31Prepositions DanglingModifiers


    PUT LIMITING MODIFIERS IN FRONT OF THEWORDS THEY MODIFY Limiting modifiers = only, even, almost, nearly, just These should appear in front of a verb only if theymodify the verbAt first, I couldnt even touch my toes, much lessgrasp them. If they limit the meaning of some other word in thesentence, they should be placed in front of thatword. The cathedral almost took six centuries tocomplete. The cathedral took almost six centuries tocomplete.

  • 7/30/2019 11amEng 102 15Variety 9ParallelIdeas 31Prepositions DanglingModifiers


    PUT LIMITING MODIFIERS IN FRONT OF THEWORDS THEY MODIFY If you just interview chemistry majors, your pictureof the student bodys response to the new gradingpolicies will be incomplete. If you interview just chemistry majors, your pictureof the student bodys response to the new gradingpolicies will be incomplete. If you interview just chemistry majors, your pictureof the student bodys response to the new gradingpolicies will be incomplete.

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    PUT LIMITING MODIFIERS IN FRONT OF THEWORDS THEY MODIFY In the United States in 1860, not all black

    southerners were not slaves. In the United States in 1860, all black

    southerners were not slaves. In the United States in 1860, not all black

    southerners were not slaves.

  • 7/30/2019 11amEng 102 15Variety 9ParallelIdeas 31Prepositions DanglingModifiers



    The soccer player returned to the clinic wherehe had undergone emergency surgery in 2004in a limousine sent by Adidas.

    He had surgery in a limousine??? Traveling in a limousine sent by Adidas, the

    soccer player returned to the clinic where hehad undergone emergency surgery in 2004

  • 7/30/2019 11amEng 102 15Variety 9ParallelIdeas 31Prepositions DanglingModifiers



    There are many pictures of comedians whohave performed at Gavins on the walls. The comedians are performing on the walls? On the walls are many pictures of comedianswho have performed at Gavins. The robber was described as a six-foot-tall man

    with a heavy mustache weighing 170 pounds. Thats a heavy mustache!!! The robber was described as a 170-pound, six-foot-tall man with a heavy mustache.

  • 7/30/2019 11amEng 102 15Variety 9ParallelIdeas 31Prepositions DanglingModifiers



    A squinting modifier leads to ambiguity The exchange students we met for coffee

    occasionally questioned us about our latest slang. Did they meet occasionally? Or did the questioninghappen occasionally? The exchange students we occasionally met for

    coffee questioned us about our latest slang. The exchange students we met for coffee

    questioned us occasionally about our latest slang.

  • 7/30/2019 11amEng 102 15Variety 9ParallelIdeas 31Prepositions DanglingModifiers


    MOVE AWKWARDLY PLACED MODIFIERS A sentence should flow from subject to verb toobject without lengthy detours along with way Hong Kong, after more than 150 years of British

    rule, was transferred back to Chinese control in1997. After more than 150 years of British rule, HongKong was transferred back to Chinese control in1997. After more than 150 years of British rule, HongKong was transferred back to Chinese control in


  • 7/30/2019 11amEng 102 15Variety 9ParallelIdeas 31Prepositions DanglingModifiers


    AVOID AWKWARD SPLIT INFINITIVES Infinitive = to plus base form of a verb (to think) Split infinitive = modifier between to and verb (tocarefully balance, to completely understand) When a long word or phrase appears between partsof the infinitive, result is usually awkward If possible, the patient should try to avoid going upand down stairs. The patient should try to if possible avoid going upand down stairs. If possible, the patient should try to avoid going up

    and down stairs.

  • 7/30/2019 11amEng 102 15Variety 9ParallelIdeas 31Prepositions DanglingModifiers


    DANGLING MODIFIERS Modifier fails to refer logically to any word in thesentence Understanding the need to create checks and

    balances on power, the Constitution divided thegovernment into three branches. The document understood the need for checksand balances? Understanding the need to create checks andbalances on power, the framers of theConstitution divided the government into three


  • 7/30/2019 11amEng 102 15Variety 9ParallelIdeas 31Prepositions DanglingModifiers


    GRAMMAR PORTFOLIO Write a paragraph using each type of sentence

    variety (there are 7) Write an unbalanced example of each parallel

    rule (there are 4) Restructure or rewrite five sentences that end

    in a preposition. Make sure to include theoriginal sentence.

    Create and illustrate 5 misplaced or danglingmodifiers

  • 7/30/2019 11amEng 102 15Variety 9ParallelIdeas 31Prepositions DanglingModifiers


    FOR MONDAY Proposal Rough drafts

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