  • 1. World War IWilson and Neutrality 10.2
    Page 328-333

2. 3. New Kind of War
The new technology of the Modern Age will prove to make World War I more deadly than any previous war.Examples:
Early radio
Machine guns
Heavy artillery
Poison gas
4. 5. Contrast with the Franco-Prussian War of 1871
6. Trench Warfare
Strategy where each side prepares to hold its ground by digging in and setting up fortifications
7. Trench quality ranged from simple holes in the ground, to complex networks with rooms for sleeping and eating.
Trenches were cold, wet, dirty, filled with rats, and soldiers were forced to stay in them for weeks at a time.
8. 9. No Mans Land
The area between the trenches of opposing forces
Filled with barbed wire, craters, dead bodies
Armies would charge out of their trenches, over No Mans Land and into the enemy trenches to kill the other sides troops at close range
10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Tactics and Technology
Armies used airplanes to gather information, shoot down enemy planes, and fire on trenches
U-boats, or German submarines were used to sink Allied shipping boats.
British and French forces developed the tank to assist in infantry attacks on trenches
19. Military Deadlock
By late 1914, the war had become a STALEMATE a situation where neither side can win a clear victory
Massive battles would be fought with staggering amounts of death, only to move the battle lines a few miles in either direction.
Read page 330, both paragraphs
20. From Wikipedia:
The Battle of the Somme became one of the largest battles of the First World War and continued from 1 July to 18 November 1916. By the time the winter set in and fighting had receded, more than 1.5 million casualties had been suffered by the forces involved.
It is now understood to have been one of the bloodiest military operations ever recorded. It is difficult to declare the Battle of the Somme a victory for either side. The British had gained only twomiles and lost about 420,000 soldiers in the process, meaning that a centimeter cost about two men.
21. 22. American Involvement
Americans had immigrated from all parts of Europe, so some supported the Allies, while others supported the Central Powers
President Wilson declared that the United States would stay neutral not get involved
23. Official neutrality did not stop American businesses from selling weapons to European Powers both sides in fact
We sold more to the Allies though, and Germany eventually catches on that we werent quite neutral so they began to sink our merchant ships
Then they sank the passenger liner Lusitania, killing about 1,200 people including 128 Americans
READ 332 middle of the page In May 1915
24. Sussex Pledge
Germany sinks another passenger ship the Sussex less than a year after the Lusitania.
President Wilson is angry but gets Germany to promise that it will not sink ships without warning and without saving human lives.
Wilson is seen as a peacemaker, and wins re-election with that reputation.
(US Presidents serve for 4 years, no more than twice in their lives)
25. U.S.A. Joins the Conflict
Feb. 17th, 1917 Germany resumes unrestricted submarine warfare
US cuts off diplomatic relations
Then the US intercepts the Zimmerman Telegram from Germany to Mexico
26. 27. Although Mexico has little love for the United States, the decline the offer why?
German financial support would not be able to reach Mexico in any way
No way to control the English speaking US citizens if they were successful
Probably cant win a war against the US
Can barely hold together their own government as it is, let alone wage a war. (section 10.4)
28. Declaration
United States declares war on Germany on April 6th, 1917 three years after the war had started in Europe.
Wilson promises to keep the world safe for democracy.

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