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Sermon Date: January 11, 2015

Sermon Title: Logic

Sermon Text: Luke 1:1-4

Video Series : The Reason For God

Session 1: Isn’t the Bible a Myth?

In Hebrews 11:1, Paul reminds us that faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance of what we do not see. This powerful stament is central to our belief. However, in a tangible world it can also leave us with doubts about “that which we have not seen” with our own eyes and experiences that we have not had for ourselves. Would you say believing in God is logical is ilogical? Why or why not?

1. What are some things that can cause us to doubt the existence of God?

2. Can you describe a moment when you questioned the existence of God? What did you do and how did others respond?

3. Read Ecclesiastes 3:11, define the following statement “I don’t have

enough faith, to be an atheist?

4. Describe a time when God has clearly revealed himself to you? How does that shape your faith today?

1. Read Mark 9:24. When doubts appear would you be willing to pray something like Mark 9:24. “God, if you’re real show me and reveal yourself to me” or “Lord, I believe, but will you please help my unbelief?”

2. How can we begin to use the love of Christ to prove the existence of God-in us?

3. What spiritual practices will can you apply to further grow in your relationship with Christ (praying, fasting, scripture reading)?

4. Read Luke 1:1-4. What does this mean to you? And how can you join someone in their “careful investigation” of the faith?

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