Page 1: 11 Quick Tricks To Stop Overeating

Quick Tricks


Page 2: 11 Quick Tricks To Stop Overeating


Sip a bowl of soup before digging into your entrée. It’ll be likely 20% fewer calories that you’re going to consume over the course of the meal. (one tip to remember if you’re going to overeat in a restaurant). The soup fills your stomach, sending signals to your brain that tell you to slow down eating. To maximize nutritional value and minimize intake of calories, choose vegetable or broth-based soup, and skip the cream-based selections.

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Food with a strong smell may help you curb your food control. On a study made in a group of participant in 2012, each were given vanilla custard and were exposed to different level of intensities for the vanilla scent. Participants who smelled more vanilla, ate smaller portion.

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Eat BREAKFAST Without Fail

A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition tracked the diets of nearly 900 adults and found that when people ate more fat, protein, and carbohydrates in the morning, they stayed satisfied and ate less over the course of the day than those who ate their bigger meals later on. Unfortunately, many Americans start off on an empty stomach. In one survey, consumers reported that even when they eat in the morning, the meal is a full breakfast only about one-third of the time.

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Munch FIBER All Day Long

Fiber can make you feel full faster and longer. Because the body processes a fiber-rich meal slowly. It also help you feel satisfied even long after eating. Fiber-packed foods are also high in volume which mean it fills you up and slows you down from eating calories. One review linked a high intake of cereal fiber with lower body mass index reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease

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Chew GUM or Suck on a MINT

This helps occupy you while giving your mouth something to do. Plus most food don’t taste that great with a minty mouth. This will help you prevent eating too much food.

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Be AWARE When you are eating while doing another activity, you will have no Stop signal that will tell you to stop eating. You’re mind is occupied with what you are doing, be it TV, computer, or even just talking to someone over the phone. These activities may cause you to shove food more in your mouth even when you’re already full. This is the very main reason why we should sit down and focus on what were eating so you will be aware of the body signals.

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HIDE it Fact: When we see food, we eat it. Study reveals that those chocolates candies in a clear container on a desk were eaten twice as much than those candies hidden in opaque container. Also candies were eaten less if it’s place at least 6 feet away from their desks. Keep calories treats covered, tucked in a cabinet or out of reach to avoid temptation.

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Foods that have high fluid content can help you suppress hunger. We should eat food with high water content like this fruits and vegetables to get bigger portion of food for lower calories. You consume more food but also cut the calorie intake at the same time.

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Always include PROTEIN

A study in the Purdue University asked 46 dieting women to eat either 18% or 30% of calories from protein. The high-protein eaters were less hungry and more satisfied with each meals. For 12 weeks, women preserved leaner body mass with a calorie-burning muscle.

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Drink lot’s of WATER

Most of the time we feel hungry, it is actually because we feel thirsty. Many people do not drink enough water on a daily basis. You need at least a minimum of 8 glasses of water or equivalent of half your body mass everyday. Specially when you are active, you need to drink more water to refill lost fluid.

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Chew more than NORMAL

To enjoy your food even longer and avoid overeating, count the times you chew for each bite. Try to chew 15-25 times for each bite of food. This naturally slows you down and makes you focus on eating. You get more enjoyment because you're taking longer to taste every bite. This increases your satiation so you are less compelled to eat a lot.

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