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College For Every

Student Scholar Times

July 2016




Develop Good Study Habits à  Don’t  procrastinate—begin  studying  for  tests  at  least  a  week  in  advance.  Making  a  habit  of  taking  good  notes  and  planning  your  time  will  help  you  better  transition  to  college.  

Engage in Leadership à  Seek  out  leadership  opportunities,  join  a  club  or  sport,  or  engage  in  other  extracurricular  activities  to  build  your  college  resume  and  your  confidence  in  your  abilities.  Service  projects  to  help  better  your  community  are  a  great  way  to  build  leadership  and  other  skills  that  you’ll  need  in  college  (and  after)!  

Prepare for Standardized Tests à  Most  colleges  require  you  to  send  them  SAT  or  ACT  scores;  make  sure  you’re  prepared  and  register  early.  Practice  tests  and  exercises,  including  a  daily  SAT  question  app,  are  available  online.  Visit  for  new  study  ideas!  






Utilize your CFES Mentor!  à  Ask  your  mentor  for  advice  and  use  them  to  make  connections—that’s  what  they’re  there  for.  Your  CFES  Mentor  has  a  wealth  of  college  knowledge  –  knowing  this  stuff  is  their  job!  

Challenge Yourself à  Enroll  in  AP  or  advanced  level  courses;  college  admissions  officer  like  to  see  vigor.  Maintain  your  grades  in  all  classes  through  the  end  of  your  senior  year  –  colleges  will  look  at  your  academic  record  even  after  your  acceptance.  





#TIPS4SCHOLARS College  For  Every  Student  is  here  to  help  you  develop  the  essential  skills  –  aspirations,  self-­‐reliance,  resilience,  and  leadership  –  that  will  help  you  meet  your  goals.  We  want  to  provide  you  with  the  resources,  knowledge,  and  support  to  develop  YOUR  personal  pathway  to  college.  

Once  you  have  found  that  pathway  to  college,  take  advantage  of  this  opportunity  by  making  it  the  best  experience  possible.    If  you  would  like  advice  on  how  to  maximize  your  success  at  college,  check  out  our  video  clips  on  our  #tips4scholars  webpage  or  find  hundreds  of  scholar  resources  on  the  CFES  Scholars  &  Families  page.

Preparing for College What You Can Do NOW


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College  Explore  is  a  three-­‐day  residential  program  that  provides  opportunities  for  CFES  Scholars  entering  their  junior  or  senior  year  to  experience  life  on  a  college  campus.  Scholars  live  in  college  dorms,  attend  classes  taught  by  college  professors,  participate  in  admissions  and  financial  aid  workshops,  learn  college  interview  and  essay  writing  skills,  and  take  part  in  leadership  activities.  This  summer  Scholars  attended  College  Explores  in  North  Carolina,  West  Virginia,  and  New  York.  



Western Carolina University Cullowhee,  North  Carolina        


Marshall University Huntington,  West  Virginia                                                                  


“College Explore changed my life. I was scared to leave home but after three days I didn’t want to leave my new friends. I learned so much about choosing a college and how to apply.” – CFES Scholar

ü Time  Management  

Prepare  a  weekly  schedule  that  is  broken  down  into  the  following  categories:    class  time,  study  time,  extra-­‐curricular  activities,  work,  meals,  and  time  with  friends.    

ü Stress  Management  Regular  exercise,  adequate  rest,  good  nutrition,  meditation,  communicating  with  friends  and  family,  engaging  in  activities  you  enjoy,  and  listening  to  music  are  all  ways  to  reduce  stress.    

 ü Study  Skills  

Even  some  of  the  best  high  school  students  haven’t  fully  developed  good  study  habits.  Knowing  how  to  pull  out  important  information  from  a  textbook,  take  notes  in  class,  and  maximize  library  resources,  are  all  skills  that  will  help  you  be  succeed  in  the  classroom.    

ü Money  Management  Learn  how  to  budget  your  money,  monitor  your  accounts  for  fraudulent  activity,  use  an  ATM,  read  a  bank  statement,  understand  credit  card  and  bank  fees,  and  make  responsible  budgeting  decisions.  This  will  help  you  stay  out  of    financial  troubles  in  college  and  beyond.  



ü Self  Care    Get  enough  sleep  and  eat  your  vegetables!  Adequate  sleep  and  a  healthy  diet  can  improve  mood,  athletic  and  classroom  performance,  as  wells  as  reduce  stress.    It’s  important  to  get  enough  physical  activity  and  down  time  to  maintain  a  healthy  lifestyle.    

ü Keep  Safe  and  Avoid  Risky  Behaviors  The  freedom  of  being  away  from  home  and  in  charge  of  your  own  life  is  exciting!  However,  you’ll  have  to    make  smart  choices  and  avoid  people  and  situations  that  keep  you  from  accomplishing  your  goals.  Advocate  for  your  own  wellbeing!  


Checklist  modified  from  Clarke  University’s  Counseling  Center  








Skills for College Success Heading  to  college  is  a  big  step!  To  help  you  ease  into  this  new  and  exciting  stage  of  life,  we  have  compiled  a  list  of  skills  that  will  help  you  be  successful  in  your  college  endeavors:  


College  Explore  at    Skidmore  College,    Saratoga  Springs,    New  York  

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Think  about  your  positive  traits  and  strengths.  What  makes  you  unique?  What  are  you  proud  of?  

1. Ask  yourself  what  life  events  helped  shape  your  life.  Every  person  comes  equipped  with  a  special  set  of  life  experiences  and  skills  that  helps  them  stand  out  in  a  crowd  of  applicants.    Make  sure  to  capitalize  on  all  of  your  meaningful  life  experiences.  

2. Outline  your  main  ideas  and  begin  to  think  about  the  structure  of  your  essay.    

3. Write  your  first  draft.  The  easiest  way  to  begin  is  to  just  start  writing!  Don’t  be  afraid  to  revise  your  document  many  times.      

4. Seek  out  feedback.  Have  at  least  three  people,  who  know  you  well,  read  your  essay  and  provide  constructive  criticism.    

5. Revise  your  essay.  Correct  grammatical  errors  and  make  sure  that  your  essay  flows  logically.  Consider  feedback  from  your  editors  and  fix  any  problems  in  the  first  draft.  


Get Ready Now!    Download  our  quiz  app  to  test  your  college  &  career  knowledge  –  and  try  to  top  the  leader  

board  on!  


DoDownload    Get  Ready  Now  in  the  app  store.






How to Write a College Essay Part  of  the  college  application  process  is  producing  a  college  essay.    To  help  you  with  this  important  piece—follow  these  steps:  

by  [Article  Author]  

Word Search What  might  a  freshman  want  to  take  with  them  to  college?                      

There  are  14  possible  answers  in  the  puzzle  below.  

Words of Wisdom    “If  I  had  the  opportunity  to  give  my  younger  self  some  career  advice,  I  would  say  ‘don’t  be  afraid  of  not  knowing,  ask  lots  of  questions  and  intern!’  Being  the  ‘newbie’  gives  you  a  free  pass  to  ask  ‘dumb  and  silly  questions’.  This  automatically  positions  you  to  learn  and  take  away  as  much  more  possible  than  those  who  are  too  afraid  to  ask  questions  when  they  have  been  there  too  long.  That  leads  me  to  the  most  important  part,  taking  action.    Internships  are  the  best  way  of  applying  your  knowledge  in  a  real-­‐work  environment  and  most  importantly,  that’s  where  real  learning  happens—with  people!”    

-­‐Yadira  Rosas,  Manager,  Community  Empowerment  &  Partnerships,  Univision  34    


“If  it  falls  your  lot  to  be  a  street  sweeper,  go  out  and  sweep  streets  like  Michelangelo  painted  pictures.    Sweep  streets  like  Handel  and  Beethoven  composed  music.    Sweep  streets  so  well  that  all  the  hosts  of  heaven  and  earth  will  have  to  pause  and  say,  ‘here  lived  a  great  street  sweeper  who  swept  his  job  well.’”    

–Martin  Luther  King  Jr.  


P F N P P B I O V K W T H G X R W S D C Z H W R K A P U C T A H I W E E A L E T F J K K E E O O R X K S E X Q T S E S Z C V K K N N L S P C K K T Y O H T W K B S O G M M C N A Y I E R D W H G E O L W U F I P M I O A T R A V K H X I P T A M C N H R X V I D L L D B T V V L A G M F D M A I A O N W O P K N O O F H P I P B G L O H Q R A N D Y V T U F N G E A W E A V K X Q B G J L O C M U A F I R U P B T K L X K S F D T L R O S E L H B S L I S C K K H Y P S G N P M P A Z E A F Q J W C E E K C A P K C A B D D Q U S L Q C S X E F L I P F L O P S N E W I K O M K O T L I W I A G I Q H G H J C W E P Y H S E D U T I T T A D O O G A O O T E E T X N L V A H E X E C J V G L L O R R Q U N B B X Y N M O T K K H L C V C U F X Q A E J M A W H A V L Z I T K W N F H R X Q B E G R I P J D U P Y I J S O Y S L G  

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