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  • 7/31/2019 10x Ways Report



    10x ways10x Vital Steps to Grow Your Business andIncrease Your Protability Dramatically

  • 7/31/2019 10x Ways Report


  • 7/31/2019 10x Ways Report



    Table of contents

    4 Understand the 7 ways to grow your business

    6 Develop your back end

    8 Understand the lifetime value of a customer

    10 Improve the eectiveness of your advertising

    12 Talk in Whats In It For Me Language

    14 Test and measure everythi ng you do

    16 Guarantee

    18 Delivering a WOW experience explained

    20 Use your cross-selli ng techniques to increase youraverage sales value

    22 Upselling

    24 Attract referrals

    27 In summary

    28 About the 10x Coaching Club

    34 Like to nd out more?

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    Understand the 7 ways to growyour business

    Before we examine in detail the dierent strategies

    for increasing your results, its important to look at

    whats possible.

    It doesnt matter what business you are in or where you

    are located, fundamentally there are 7 ways to increase

    the protability of your business:

    1. Attract new potential customers (lead generation)

    2. Turn more of those potential customers into

    customers (sales conversion)

    3. Keep more of those customers from defecting to your

    competition (retention rate)

    4. Get those customers to do business with you more

    often (transaction frequency)

    5. Encourage them to spend more money with you each

    time they buy (average sale or transaction value)

    6. Reduce the Cost of Goods Sold (prot improvement)

    7. Reduce the Expenses (prot improvement)

    Which of these areas do you focus on the most?

    If youre like most people, you spend most of your time

    focusing on point number 1 attracting new potential

    customers or generating leads.

    And while you focus all your attention on this area, you

    end up neglecting other areas which are potentially even

    more protable for their business.

    Moreover, while you focus all your time on attracting new

    leads, youre actually missing some absolutely

    massive sales and prot opportunities (absolutely

    MASSIVE ones).

    Heres a simple exercise that illustrates this MASSIVE

    impact in detail

    First for the purposes of this exercise, lets say that in

    any year you attract 10,000 leads to your business by

    way of advertising, yers, direct mail, word of mouth,

    passing trade, and other promotional activities that

    you undertake.

    Then lets say that you discovered a new advertising

    method that enabled you to attract 10% more enquiries

    each year which in turn meant 10% more new customers.

    Your customers have now increased to 11,000.

    Next picture what would happen if you increase your

    sales conversion ratios by 10%. So lets say that your

    sales conversion rate (the number of people who buy in

    relation to the number of people who enquire) is 30%

    and by increasing your conversion rate by 10% that

    number grows to 33%.

    Then you might notice that over the course of the year,about 5% of your customers tend to drift away to your

    competition. What if you could reduce that customer

    defection rate by 10% to 4.5%. If your customer

    retention rate was 95% before, it would now by 95.5%.

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    Now, lets imagine that you managed to get your

    customers to deal with you 10% more often over the year

    so instead of doing business with you once, they do

    business with you 1.1 times.

    Next, you work out that by implementing certain

    initiatives you can get customers to spend 10% more

    with you each time they visit. That takes your average

    transaction value from, say $1,000 to $1,100.

    As you can see, only small 10% changes were made to

    each of these areas.

    But when you put all these changes together the

    improvements are dramatic way more than the small

    10% gure.

    Heres an illustration of that. The following calculation

    shows the numbers before any increase and multiplies

    them to estimate turnover roughly.

    No. of




    No. of




    No. of




    Fill out your own details below.

    No. of




    No. of




    No. of




    See what happens to your revenue when we increase just

    one area attracting new leads by 10%.

    No. of




    No. of




    No. of



    1100 x 30% = 330 x .80 = 264

    Lets take that a step further. Write your new, increased

    gures down below

    ________ x ________ x $_______ = $__________Now, when we increase the conversion rate by 10% see

    what happens.

    1,000 x 1.1 x $100 = $110,000

    And for your business?

    ________ x ________ x $_______ = $__________

    Now what if we increased your retention rate by 10%,

    from, say 80% to 88%


    1,000 x .88 x $110 = $96,800

    Complete the gures below for your business and

    calculate the results:

    ________ x ________ x $_______ = $__________

    Now work out the results that occur when you increase

    EACH area by 10% at the same time.

    1,100 x 1.1 x $110 x .88 = $117,128 Turnover!

    Incredible, isnt it. Theres a multiplier eect. The

    revenue isnt increased by just 10% but by a

    massive 47%

    In the above example, that means an additional $37,128

    in revenue simply by making very small adjustments to

    what youre currently doing.

    Try this calculation on your own business now.

    _____ x ______ x $_____ x _____ = $______ Turnover!

    Exciting news, isnt it!

    But that news gets even better when you consider

    what activities need to be undertaken to achieve these

    increases. The answer is very little. You see, the

    changes in each of these areas only needs to be small.

    So achieving them is quite easy with the right strategies

    in place.X X=

    X X=

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    Develop your back end

    The most important order you ever get from a customer

    is the second order. Why? Because a two-time buyer isat least twice as likely to buy again as a one-time buyer.

    Maxwell Sackheims Gospel

    Ever heard the term front end and back end in

    relation to marketing and selling?

    You may know that the term front end is used to

    describe the initial sale of products or services to

    a customer.

    This is the area where many businesses focus all their

    attention. They consider that this IS the backbone of

    their business. In reality, it isnt.

    The back end is. The back end focuses on repeat

    sales from your existing customers. The bigger your

    back end the more protable your business is.

    In other words, the more you delight your existing

    customers, and the greater the number of additional

    sales you can generate from them, and the more

    frequently you can do that, the more protable your

    business will be.

    The biggest mistake that most businesses make

    Did you know that its at least 6 times easier (and more

    protable) to get an existing customer to do business

    with you again than it is to attract a new customer?

    The crazy thing is though, many business owners

    spend all their time focusing on advertising to get new

    customers. A big majority of their marketing budget

    goes in that direction. Their sales people focus all their

    attention on getting new business too.

    With that, they dont have time to build relationships

    with their existing customers. Nor do they do anything togenerate repeat sales.

    In fact:

    Most businesses dont thank their customers for

    doing business with them

    Most dont put in place customer delight measures to

    ensure customers dont leave

    Most dont even send newsletters

    Most dont ask their customers to purchase from

    them again And most dont ask for referrals

    Its little wonder then that their existing customers feel

    neglected and many head for the competition.

    Instead, imagine for a moment what would happen

    if businesses DID delight their customers. If they

    delivered a wow experience every time that customer

    encountered the business. Imagine that the business

    makes customers feel really special. And imagine:

    they send thank you letters regularly...

    they send newsletters regularly

    they have special customer only oers

    and events

    they regularly ask customers to buy from them again

    and again

    What would happen?

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    Theyd experience an absolute deluge of sales for very

    little outlay and virtually no risk. So much so that theycould double or even triple their sales overnight.

    Think about this for a moment

    Q Who is most likely to buy your product or service?

    Someone who hasnt heard of your products or

    services before, or an existing customer who has

    purchased from you before and likes what you have to


    A The answer is the existing customer, of course.

    (The exception to this rule is if you only sell one producton a single purchase basis, but even these types of

    businesses can have a lucrative back end. Youll nd

    out more about how to do this, later in this guide.)

    Existing customers know you. They know your product.

    They know the results it gets. They trust you.

    Whats more, you know for a fact that they are in the

    market for your type of product or service.

    Why? Because theyve already bought from you

    before. So its relatively easy to get them to buy from

    you again.

    Tapping in to the back end, back end marketing, or

    simply back ending is the act of generating repeat

    sales from existing customers.

    How protable is your back end?

    Whenever businesses advertise to attract new

    customers, most focus on how many initial sales

    they need to produce to break even on the front end of

    the transaction.

    In other words, if an advertisement costs $8,000 and

    their average prot per sale is $800, they need to attract

    10 sales to break even on the front end.

    Lets say that you run the ad and you only generate 5

    sales or $4,000 in front end revenue. At face value,

    thats a loss.

    Instead, consider this

    Put in place some initiatives to nurture your customers

    and that $800 customer might actually be worth as much

    as $4,800 to you over a few short years.

    When you think of it that way, a whole new world of

    possibility opens up, doesnt it!

    The good news is, turning that $800 into $4,800 is much

    easier than most people think.

    First lets say that within the rst 45 days of that

    customers rst purchase you build a really strongrelationship with them and you do something that gets

    them to purchase from you again. In that instance, you

    double the value of that customer.

    You have now gone from making $4,000 loss on the

    initial $8,000 advertising campaign to breaking even

    within the rst 45 days.

    But, thats not all.

    Then what if you put in place special oers and

    customer loyalty measures to encourage your customersto come back and purchase from you again, every 3

    months automatically.

    That advertising campaign then becomes very protable

    indeed, doesnt it!

    As you can see, theres a massive amount of opportunity

    to tap into the power of back end marketing and

    signicantly increase your revenue and prots

    easily. You can discover more about the steps to prot

    from this strategy as a 10x Coaching Club member. A

    comprehensive Back End Marketing strategy guidealong with exercises and action steps, together with

    100s more strategy guides is available to you free of

    charge as part of the club. Talk to your 10x Coach for

    more details.

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    Understand the lifetime value ofa customer

    The lifetime value (or marginal net worth) is a calculation

    that shows how much a client is worth to your business

    over the period of time that they do business with you.

    Knowing what this gure is enables you to determine

    how protable each customer is for your business, as

    well as how much you can protably spend to acquire

    a new customer. In other words, what your break-even

    point is.

    To work out what the lifetime value of a customer the rst

    thing you need to do is to multiply:

    the average period of time that a customer continues

    to do business with you


    the average net prot you make per customer per year

    then ...

    consider the value of customers that they refer to you.

    For instance, you might nd that your A clients refer

    1 client to you every two years. This then need to be

    factored in to your lifetime value equation.

    Heres an example a graphic design rm.

    Clients stay with the rm for approximately 4 years. Each

    year clients contribute $327 to the prot of the rm. They

    stay with the rm for approximately 4 years and they

    refer .5 customers over that period of time.

    Heres how we calculate lifetime value or marginal

    net worth:

    (average period of time) = 4 years x (average net prot

    per customer ) $327 = $1308 (A)

    No. of customer they refer over that period = .5 x

    (lifetime (raw) value of a customer) $1308 = $654 (B)

    A ($1308) + B ($654) = C Lifetime Value ($1962)

    Of course, when calculating this gure you might alsowant to take into account things like ination and price

    increases, but this above equation gives you a basic

    understanding of how the lifetime value principle works.

    So in this example, the lifetime value of one customer

    when you take into account referrals is $1962.

    From there, you then make allowances for referrals. For

    instance if each customer refers half a customer to the

    business over that 3 year period youd then multiply the

    above lifetime value gure x the .5 gure and then add it


    Lets summarise

    Your lifetime value is:

    your average sale or average gross prot multiplied

    by the number of purchases per year, by the average

    number of years they stay with you equals the lifetime

    value of a customer.

    That means that theoretically a company can aord to

    spend $1961 to acquire each new customer and still be

    in front.

    Interesting, isnt it!

    Opens you up to a whole new world of advertising

    opportunities, doesnt it!

    As part of the 10x Coaching Club you discover ways

    use this Lifetime Value information to rethink your

    advertising and marketing so you attract more customers

    faster and maximise your long term prots. Theres also

    a comprehensive Strategy Guide on Lifetime Value

    available to you as part of your 10x Coaching Club


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    Improve the eectiveness of youradvertising

    Fundamentally, successful advertising is nothing

    more than salesmanship in print. For instance, in a sales

    presentation you greet the prospect and build rapport

    with him or her.

    You then ask questions to determine their problems

    or needs.

    You then introduce yourself and show your prospect how

    your product or service fulls those needs.

    Along the way you ask questions to further qualify

    the prospect and to determine hot buttons and any

    objections. You handle objections and you then ask for

    the order.

    The format of any piece of marketing collateral is exactly

    the same.

    Any advertising or promotion that you do, whether its

    via newspaper ads, yers, radio or direct mail, should

    have one thing in mind TO SELL. Either to sell an oer

    or a contact or sell o the page.

    In advertising there are two main formulae to follow.

    Heres one of them.


    Attract Attention

    Create Interest

    Maintain Desire

    Incite Action


    Start with a headline or opening paragraph that:

    ags your reader down eg. Business owners, orists,

    overworked butchers etc.

    identies with a problem they are having

    promises a strong benet

    arouses their curiosity

    gives them news that may interest them

    scares them silly

    Here are some examples

    Say goodbye to these 9 business problems that can

    cripple any business

    Turn $5 into $500

    Wanted: 10 business owners who are desperate to

    Get a life!

    Notice how they either of an attention-grabbing benet

    or address a challenge that people may be facing?

    For more ideas refer to the Headlines Strategy Guide.


    Once you have grabbed their attention you need to

    interest them enough to keep reading. The way to do that

    is to expand on the benets or points mentioned in the

    headline then hint at a solution.

    For more details about writing in a benet-oriented way

    see the Features/Benets Strategy Guide and the

    Whats In It For Me Strategy Guide.


    This is when you go into benets in greater detai; Dissolve scepticism by mentioning a guarantee

    or other credibility enhancing measures such as


    Handle any objections in advance

    Summarise the benets


    Make a limited oer

    Give the reasons why you are making the oer

    Ask them to act

    Make it easy for them to do so by giving them as many

    options as possible

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    Attention Wise Muer Buyers [ags the target

    audience down great for attracting

    attention]Heres how to save money and have a

    quieter, safer, better performing and fuel

    ecient vehicle with the most advanced

    muer systems from Perth Exhaust Centre

    [mentions benets]

    Interest A poorly maintained muer system is

    down right dangerous, not to mention

    the great amount of money you waste on

    costly fuel and engine maintenance. You

    can avoid all these pitfalls if you see Perth

    Exhaust Centres right now.

    The subheads in this ad create and

    maintain desire and the body copy

    expands on the desire created in each

    subhead. The relevant subheads re:

    How to choose the right muer system

    for your car

    See whats replaced while you wait

    Heres how to nd out if your current

    muer is working properly [including the 4

    bullet point/instructions below]

    Desire Some exciting oers are included in two

    sections of the ad. They have the following


    Check out our value for money prices,

    fully guaranteed, on our comprehensive

    range of vehicles including .

    Check out our specials for the month

    Action Book in your car at Perth Exhaust Centre


    This formula works well in advertising, direct mail and in

    all promotional situations that focus on a positive gain

    benet. If your product appeals to fear motives in a

    buyer or their need to avoid a certain situation (eg. stop

    arthritis pain etc.), theres another formula that works

    even better. Its called Problem, Agitation, Solution

    and we explain it in detail inside the Advertising

    Formula 10x Strategy Guide. Its available to you free as

    part of your membership of the 10x Coaching Club.

    AAIDA copy examples

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    and/or their needs. Or more specically, theyre not

    speaking in WII-FM language.

    Theyre not telling the customer about how the product

    will transform their lives.

    Theyre not mentioning why the customer should do

    business with them?

    Theyre keeping quiet about how and why the product

    gives better results than anything else on the market.

    And so on.

    The same goes for marketing material. It happens allthe time. The businesses often mention things about

    themselves and say nothing about the product benets.

    Throughout the material you nd a proliferation of words

    like our, we, us, and were throughout the

    marketing material.

    Potential customers really dont care about your business

    or how big you are or what your business is like. All they

    want to do is know whats in it for them.

    There are several techniques for writing and speaking

    in Whats In It For Me language. These are covered inextensive detail in the Whats In It For Me Strategy

    Guide which is available free of charge to members of the

    10x Coaching Club. To nd out more simply speak with

    your 10x Coach.

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    Test and measure everythingyou do

    This is one of those topics that perhaps isnt the most

    favourite activity on the earth but for those who embrace

    it, its probably THE most eective thing they can do to

    consistently increase their sales.

    In fact, ask the most successful direct marketers on the

    planet what their top 5 keys to success are and chances

    are that each one of them will mention that one of those

    ve secrets is their relentless pursuit of the perfect

    marketing result. In other words, they relentlessly

    test absolutely everything to do with the marketing of

    their business.

    They know to the last cent how protable every

    marketing initiative they do is. They know to the last cent

    how much each customer is worth to them, what works

    and what doesnt.

    How do you fare in that department?

    If you dont know, thats okay. Youre not alone. This

    guide is to introduce you to a very simple yet HUGELY

    successful way of increasing your prots exponentially

    over a period of time, using the power of testing.

    You can: Increase the number of leads your advertising


    Increase the number of sales generated from those


    Get many more sales per ad

    Enjoy a higher quality leads

    Testing means rstly monitoring then measuring the

    results of all your marketing eorts. Then once you have

    done that, trying dierent variations of those campaigns

    to see which campaign performs the best.

    Most small to medium businesses dont test. Most

    dont know exactly how protable or unprotable their

    advertising is.

    Consequently, most are needlessly wasting many

    thousands of dollars each year on advertising that isnt

    working. Moreover, theyre missing out on improving

    whats already working and bringing in even more salesfrom those successful campaigns.

    The simple act of testing dierent ideas can produce

    amazing prot improvements for your business.

    Knowledge is power and armed with knowledge on which

    products, prices, advertising media, advertising copy,

    oers and time periods are working best for you, you can

    make better informed decisions on future promotions.

    You can avoid much of the hit and miss of your

    advertising and accurately forecast your sales well into

    the future. You can easily inch up those results over time.Ever wonder why McDonalds colours are red and yellow?

    Results of testing showed that red and yellow produce

    better results for them.

    The aim is to nd out how high is high.

    Measure EVERY variable.

    Heres an example of where some people go wrong.

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    Some people stop running a protable ad because that

    ad has been running for a while and they as owners are

    sick of getting sick and tired of seeing the ad. They gure

    that if theyre getting sick of the ad, their customers must

    be also. Quite often this is completely untrue.

    Dont change for the sake of change. You could be

    throwing money down the drain.

    Keep running that ad until youve proven that it stops

    working (testing small variables of it along the way).

    Ill repeat my earlier comment dont change for the

    sake of change.

    Instead, test very small variations of that ad (one at a

    time) to see if you can better it.

    Keep doing that until you have found out how high

    is high.

    It becomes a game of beat the control. (The control

    is the ad or marketing piece that is working the best.

    Whenever you beat the control, the new winner becomes

    the new control).

    What to test?

    The answer is everything, but start with the elements

    that are likely to have the biggest impact:



    ad types

    ad sizes




    toll free vs normal phone number

    live postage stamp versus postage paid

    promotional periods


    return policies


    sales approaches



    You name it, they test it.

    Ad placement positioning top, bottom, left,

    right etc.

    Newspaper vs magazine or radio station vs

    radio station

    Studies show that certain elements of your advertising

    have more of an impact on your advertising results than

    others. We talk about these elements in more detail

    in the 10x Strategy Guide on testing. Youll also see

    examples and results of marketing tests.

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    Lets face it - 8 out of 10 potential customers who visit

    any business are sceptical to some degree of another.Some of those people are quite open to you but have a

    slight nagging doubt. They wonder whether your product

    or service will live up to their expectations.

    Others are pure, dyed-in-the-wool cynics and they are

    sceptical about everything to do with your business.

    And when you think about it, why shouldnt they be

    sceptical? After all, theyre about to take a risk by buying

    from you. They are about to exchange their hard-earned

    cash for your product or service, so obviously theyre a

    little nervous about that.

    Regardless of the type of business you have, the type

    of product or service you sell, the size of your business,

    or where youre located, your customers all have

    similar objections or fears when making that

    purchasing decision.

    They wonder:

    Will the product work?

    Is your company above-board?

    Will the product do what it says it will do within an

    acceptable time frame?

    Do your people have the right kind of experience to


    Does your company have the exibility and capacity

    to deliver?

    Will the product fall apart?

    Can I get better value for money somewhere else?

    They need to make a yes/no decision on one or all of

    these questions based on the experience they have

    dealing with the salesperson in your organisation.

    In some (and sometimes many) cases, theyll simply walk

    away and NOT purchase because, for whatever reason,

    they perceive that its too risky to do business with

    your company.

    Instead, if there was a consistent and powerful way for

    you to allay those fears, youd experience a dramatic

    increase in sales correct?

    Well, by far the best way to turn sceptical prospectsinto delighted buyers is to lower the barriers to doing

    business with you. The best way of doing that is by

    oering risk-reversal measures. In other words, oer

    a guarantee.

    A guarantee is a risk-reversal measure that gives

    customers peace-of-mind knowing that if they dont

    like your product or service or if it doesnt live up to its

    claims, they can return it for a full refund.

    Solid guarantees have an absolutely massive impact on

    every business they are in place for.When used in your advertising material, guarantees

    increases the number of advertising responses you get.

    They also increase your conversion rates. Not only that,

    theyre also a great management tool in helping with

    quality control.

    The biggest reason why people dont oer a

    guaranteeVery few industries oer money-back guarantees (mail

    order industry is an exception). The reason why they

    dont is that they wrongly perceive that there is a

    big downside. They perceive that they will get

    bombarded with refund requests and consequently

    go out of business.

    Obviously, the occasional person will ask for their money

    back on a purchase. 99% of those people will genuinely

    have a concern with the quality of your product or

    service. Only 1% of that 1% will try to take advantage

    of you.

    BUT even though refunds do happen, having a

    guarantee in place dramatically (very dramatically in

    many cases) increases sales WAY in excess of the

    refunds generated.

    Let me explain

    Lets say that nobody in your industry oers a money

    back guarantee yet potential customers have big fears

    about whether your product or service delivers. So - you

    put in place a 90 day money-back guarantee.

    You promote that guarantee by featuring it prominently

    in all your signage and point-of-sale material. You also

    feature that guarantee prominently in all your advertising

    material as well AND your sales people make a point of

    mentioning it to all potential customers.

    As a result of these measures, your sales increase by,

    just 25% from, say, $750,000 to $1,125,000 which

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    is an increase of $375,000. Lets say that your averagesale is $1,000 which means you have attracted 375 new

    customers as a result of your guarantee with a total of

    1,125 sales for the year.

    Your refund rate would need to be 1 in 2 for that

    guarantee to be costing your business money. And the

    only way for that to happen is if your product or service is

    really shoddy.

    According to Christopher Hart, author of Extraordinary

    Guarantees: A New Way To Build Quality Throughout Your

    Company And Ensure Satisfaction For Your Customers[out of print], unfair refunds come in at only 0.1%

    If your sales increase by 50%, isnt a refund rate of 1%

    very, very acceptable?

    The reality is the implementation of a guarantee is more

    likely to increase your business by up to 350% its

    THAT powerful.

    So the fear that guarantees will send you broke is just an

    irrational fear. It wont happen. In fact, the reverse will

    happen. It will send you smiling all the way to the bank!

    Here is an example of what has happened whencompanies put in place guarantees:

    Perth-based safety shoe company Steel Blue Co-

    founder Peter Nichols was so condent their safety

    boots were a winner, that he took a risk oering

    a 30-day money-back guarantee (the only safety

    footwear brand in the world to be sold with a money-

    back guarantee), or a promise to buy a customer apair of his competitors shoes. It took a bit of time

    to pay o, but it has paid o! says Nichols. Steel

    Blues sales have grown 25% a year for the last six

    years; selling around 900,000 pairs of safety boots

    in 2005- 06 despite the fact that the boots are more

    expensive than their competitors.

    There are some rules to follow to ensure your guarantee

    has the best possible impact. More examples of these

    guarantees as well as details of what these rules are, can

    be found inside the 10x Guarantees Strategy Guide which

    is available free to 10x Coaching Club members along

    with 100s of other strategy guides. For more details

    about the 10x Coaching Club simply contact your

    10x Coach.

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    During each ight the Keepers of the Nuts serves thenest peanuts slowly basted and carried in special

    peanut carts.

    As the Keeper rolls the cart through the cabin,

    salivating travellers are tempted by the smell of the nuts

    and the special dipping sauces simmering in the copper

    receptacles at the side of the cart.

    The nuts are dipped in a sauce, placed lovingly into

    custom made brown paper bags with a pinch of salt in a

    twist of blue paper and nally served to each passenger

    with silver tongs on a silver tray.Customers can read the story of this golden aristocracy

    of peanuts on the brown paper packaging how they

    were tenderly shelled by dusky virgins in the Senegal

    and own in on specially chartered planes ... etc, etc.

    How to Create a WOW Experience

    The rst thing to consider is that a customer develops

    an impression of your business at many dierent points

    throughout a transaction.

    The rst impression they have is the most lasting

    so the rst touch with your organisation is of critical


    Lets consider this

    When you dine at a restaurant there are as many 24

    touch points for you to be either delighted or disgustedby the service at that restaurant.

    Lets take a look at what they are:

    1. You see the ad in the newspaper

    2. You ring up to reserve a table

    3. You arrive at the restaurant, walk in and see the

    maitre de

    4. You are seated at the table

    5. the waiter or waitress gives you menus and asks you

    if you would like a drink

    6. Brings back drinks

    7. Asks you for meal order

    8. Adjusts the table setting to suit the meal you ordered

    9. Brings out your entre

    10. Clears your entre

    Delivering a WOWexperience explained

    People expect a certain type of experience when they do

    business with a company. When you go above

    and beyond their expectations THATS when you

    create delight.

    And when you create delight, you create a positive buzz

    which increases your referrals and your sales.

    Not only that, theres also a ow on eect in all areas of a

    business especially in morale, energy and productivity.

    This is an excerpt from The Absolutely Critical Non-

    Essentials by Paddi Lund. Its a great example of

    creating a WOW experience.

    More details at

    Nuts about Nuts A What If Story

    Say you are the CEO of an airline. You have the idea that

    you want to do away with inight meals. You want to be

    the airline that serves peanuts.

    Many people disparage your plans because they feel that

    to your customers the usual packet of airline peanuts will

    not be a very satisfactory substitute for an inight meal.

    However, you decide that you are going to do this wholepeanut theme to the nth degree and make the idea work

    amazingly well.

    A few months later customers are getting the full

    peanut experience.

    The rst thing that hits them as they walk onto the plane

    is the aroma... the delicious smell of fresh roasted nuts.

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    Use cross-selling techniques toincrease your average sale value

    Cross-selling is such a powerful yet easy way ofincreasing your average transaction value, and in turn,

    increasing your prots.

    The most commonly known example is McDonalds.

    The cashier at Maccas always asks, Would you like fries

    with that?

    Or - maybe youve walked into a ladies fashion store

    before to buy a dress and youve walked out with a

    dress, cardigan, earings and shoes- all because the

    salesperson did a fantastic job of recommending other

    products to you.Cross-selling means recommending to a new customer

    as they purchase, other items from across your range.

    It doesnt cost you anything to implement and it takes

    absolutely no time to get going. All you need to do is

    train your sales people and you can start proting from

    this strategy immediately.

    For instance, if you sell silver jewellery you might also

    cross-sell a jewellery cleaning cloth.

    If you are a restaurant you might recommend extra side

    dishes with the main meal.

    If you are a mechanical repair workshop you might

    recommend a wheel alignment when people come in for

    a quick service on their vehicle.

    Most business professionals spend most of their time

    generating leads for their business.

    Very little eort is spent on getting the most from the

    leads and customers they already have. Employing thiscross-selling strategy will have a dramatic eect on

    your business.

    How to Cross Sell

    Before you start cross-selling, its important to know

    what the starting point is. In other words, know what an

    average sale is worth to your business.

    One of the most benecial things about this strategy is

    that youre actually doing your customers a great service

    by implementing cross-selling measures.

    You see, people visit your business because they want a

    certain result.

    They select a product or service because they believe

    that this product will give them the results theyre

    looking for. They often arent aware of all the dierent

    options they can take advantage of, to achieve their

    desired outcome.

    You and your salespeople obviously have a lot of

    expertise in recommending all the solutions that are

    likely to best meet a customers needs. Correct?

    Well, it makes sense to give these customers the advice

    that helps achieve these results in the best way possible

    for them. And in doing so, recommend the add-on

    products that will help them do that.

    Make sense?

    After all, customers come to you for help. If you dont

    give it to them and recommend the options and

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    additional items that can achieve that for them, youreactually doing them a dis-service.

    And every time you fail to do that, its another sales

    opportunity you have missed!

    Think of it like this

    You paid a lot of money to get that customer contact you.

    Doesnt it make sense to make the most of that money

    invested in acquiring that customer.

    Before you work on ways to do that, take a few minutes

    to consider where you are right now. In other words, howmuch is the average customer spending with you right

    now. Whats the average transaction value?

    You can work that out by dividing your weekly revenue

    by the number of customers. Assuming those customers

    only come in once during that week, that gure becomes

    your average transaction value.

    If they do come in more than once a week, simply divide

    that number by the average no. of times a customer visits

    you in a week.

    Heres an example

    Lets say last weeks sales totalled $47,547. After

    checking your records you notice that you sold to

    257 customers.

    Your average transaction value is the $47,547 in

    weekly revenue divided by the 257 customers, which

    equals $185.

    Then by cross-selling additional products you caneasily increase that gure dramatically. Lets say you

    adopted some of the ideas inside this Strategy Guide

    and as a result of your eorts your average transaction

    value went up to $200. Thats an increase of just $15

    per sale or an increase of less than 10%. Extrapolate

    that across all transactions and your weekly revenue

    increases to $51,400 or an increase of $3853 per week.

    Great isnt it, especially when you consider that it didnt

    cost you a cent to implement.

    And think about how much this adds to your revenue

    over a year.

    $3853 x 52 weeks is a very healthy $200,356.

    So take some time now to work out what your average

    transaction value currently is.

    And how much would a 10% increase add to your revenue

    over a 12 month period?

    First, lets consider what you can cross-sell.

    Lets take a look.

    First, lets once again get clear on what cross-selling

    is. Cross-selling happens when you recommend an

    additional product or service over and above what the

    customer is purchasing.

    Cross-selling is also known as suggestive selling or add-

    on selling.

    To work out the best items to recommend to your

    customer, ask yourself these questions:

    What else can we oer the customer to go withthis purchase?

    What else could we oer that would add value and make

    the use of this product or service better?

    What else, when coupled with this product or service,

    would help them get the most out of it?

    10x Coaching Club members receive comprehensive

    coaching in this area. In fact, as a member youll get to

    discover exactly what you should and shouldnt be cross-

    selling for maximum impact. Whats more, you receive

    even more guidance through the 10x Strategy Guide oncross-selling which is available free of charge to all 10x

    Coaching Club members. To nd out more about the 10x

    Coaching Club simply call the 10x Coach who provided

    you with this guide.

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    Like cross-selling, up-selling is another very powerful yet

    easy way of increasing your average transaction value,and in turn, increase your prots.

    Up-selling means recommending a more expensive

    version of a product or service that they have decided

    to purchase.

    And like with cross-selling, it doesnt cost you anything

    to implement and it takes absolutely no time to get

    going. All you need to do is train your sales people and

    you can start proting from this strategy immediately.

    For instance, if you sell motor vehicles and a customer

    is interested in the base model, you could make themaware of all the exciting features and benets of the

    deluxe model and suggest they purchase that instead.

    If you are a baker and someone wants a standard

    wholemeal loaf, you could recommend they instead get

    the gourmet 7 seeds loaf instead (for $1 more).

    If you are a jeweller and somebody wants to purchase a

    .75 carat diamond ring, recommend the 1 carat instead.

    In each of these examples you have increased your

    average sale and therefore increased your prots.

    And best of all, it hasnt cost you any time or money toachieve this.

    As weve mentioned in earlier Strategy Guides, most

    business professionals spend most of their time

    generating leads for their business.

    They spend very little eort getting the most from the

    leads and customers they already have.

    Employing this up-selling strategy will have a dramatic

    eect on your business.Down-selling is a slight variation of that.

    With up-selling the customer identies that they want a

    certain product and your aim is to encourage them to buy

    the more expensive option like the super sizing upsells

    that happen at McDonalds.

    Up-selling happens at the point of sale once someone

    has already decided to purchase.

    Downselling, on the other hand, happens before the sale

    occurs. Once the salesperson identies the customers

    needs he/she recommends the highest priced option tothe customer (assuming, of course, that this product is a

    match for their needs).

    Its then up to the customer to either make a decision

    that they want the most expensive option or downgrade

    themselves to a lower priced option.

    Lets say that you have a mower shop and a customer

    walks in and wants to purchase a ride on mower to mow

    his 5 acre property. You ask him a series of questions

    based around his needs. You identify whats important to

    him when making a decision about purchasing a ride-onmower. You determine what frustrates him about ride-on

    mowers and you nd out what other mowers he has seen

    so far.

    After nding out this information you identify that there

    are 3 mowers that are suitable for the customers needs:

    Mower A - $7000

    Mower B - $5000

    Mower C- $3000

    You recommend the highest priced option to them and

    mention why this model is best for their needs.

    At that point, the customer can either decide to take the

    mower, decide to leave the store without purchasing, or

    ask if theres a lowerpriced option.

    If it appears that the expensive option is too much for

    the customer, the salesperson then mentions the next

    highest priced option, in this case, Mower B.Before you start up-selling, its important to know what

    the starting point is. In other words, know what an

    average sale is worth to your business.

    In the cross-selling Strategy Guide you would have

    discovered how to calculate your average sale or average

    transaction value.

    You will also have discovered that its important that your

    team members can see that the acts of cross-selling and

    up-selling are about giving your customers the advice

    and solutions that will best meet their needs. If you dontrecommend the best possible solutions, youre doing

    your customer a dis-service. (For more information see

    the 10x Cross-Selling Strategy Guide).

    After all, many people go with the cheapest version of

    a product or ser vice because they believe that this will

    give them the best value-for-money. But when you factor

    in how long the product will last for, as well as how

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    (without annoying them, of course) the more they want

    to become one.Have you heard about the dentist who only sees new

    patients whove been referred to him from his existing

    patients? His name is Paddi Lund.

    Paddis philosophy is that he is in business to have fun

    and he only wants patients who are a joy to deal with, so

    it stands to reason that friends of his existing patients

    are also highly likely to be a joy to work with. Golf clubs,

    mens clubs and turf clubs all work in a similar fashion.

    Having a By Referral Only business means he only

    attracts the kind of patients that he enjoys helping.Having a nely tuned referral system in place is one of

    the keys to Paddis Success.

    Whats Possible?

    Referrals are already a lucrative source of income for

    most businesses yet the further potential for most

    businesses is enormous. Heres an example of that

    Lets say that you have 100 customers who are worth

    around $5,000 in fees to you each year.

    Thats $500,000 ...

    Imagine that you also have 20 customers who each

    provide you with $10,000 in fees each year. Thats

    another $200,000.

    If each of those customers referred one person who was

    of similar value to you, your revenue doubles.

    Even if only 33% of those customers referred one

    customer per year to you, your business has increased by33% for very little outlay.

    When youre promoting your business, think about

    how much it costs you to acquire a new customer when

    compared to acquiring a new customer through referral.

    Your acquisition costs are lower AND invariably theyre a

    better quality customer.

    Before you start asking for referrals, its important to

    spend some time thinking about your customers and

    your friends situations, that might mean they have a

    need for your product or services. Heres an example

    featuring a nancial planner

    semi-retired people who recognise that their children

    should be starting to prepare for their future now;

    brothers, sisters or friends who are of a similar age

    and hear about the great results the customer is

    getting using your services;

    parents who are reaching retirement and dont know

    where to turn;

    colleagues who are in the same nancial position as

    the customer is and may have similar needs; redundancy clients who have colleagues who are in a

    similar position;

    retirement clients who have colleagues or friends also

    reaching retirement;

    business owner clients who can recommend that their

    sta members seek your advice;

    Attract referrals

    Imagine having a business where you dont spend a cent

    on advertising to attract new customers. Where everynew customer who comes through your door comes by

    way of referral from some of your existing customers.

    It would be fantastic wouldnt it! A dream come true for

    most business owners!

    Business owners often spend a small fortune on

    advertising to attract new customers, yet the most

    lucrative source of sales (on a prot per sale basis) is

    referrals or word-of-mouth. Referral sales cost virtually

    nothing to attract because theres no need to spend big

    money on advertising. Whats more, because theyre

    referred from your best clients, theyre usually a joy todeal with as well.

    The biggest challenge that busines owners have with

    referrals is that there usually arent enough of them.

    Inside this Strategy Guide youll be shown how to tap

    the power of referrals so you dramatically increase your

    referral sales easily.

    Believe it or not, some businesses have been so

    successful at generating referrals they only accept new

    customers and clients by way of referral.

    At rst thought this may sound a little frighteningbut think about it in this way if someone hears that

    they can only do business with you by being referred,

    becoming one of your clients becomes a status thing

    for them.

    Youve heard the term people want what they cant have

    so the more dicult you make it to become a client

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    franchisees who can recommend you to

    other franchisees; business owners who deal business-to-business and

    can promote your services to their customers as a way

    of adding value;

    any other industry contacts you may have;

    business owners who are members of networking

    groups or associations.

    5 Steps to Creating a Referral System

    1. Become more attractive to your customers.

    Before anyone wants to sing your praises to their friendsthey need to have an incredible experience when doing

    business with you. That means your customer service

    and/or the results you deliver must be outstanding.

    In this guide we will show you how to set up your own

    referral program and introduce it to customers but before

    you start asking for referrals, its critical that you create

    an environment where customers want to refer you.

    Creating that environment is about going way beyond

    the call of duty to deliver a service that literally makes

    customers go WOW when they experience it.

    Its not about oering good service or delivering on time

    or producing a product that does everything that you say

    it will do. Its about oering MORE than expected.

    That means look at:

    The way in which you answer the phone

    The appearance of your premises

    The can do attitude of your team

    The professionalism of your service

    The quality of your product

    Your turnaround times

    For more ideas on customer service see the Under-

    promise and Overdeliver Strategy Guide and the

    Create a Wow Experience Strategy Guides.

    2. Give customers an incentive for referring their friends

    Think of an exciting introductory oer can you make to

    potential clients something that your customers would

    be thrilled to share with their friends.

    Maybe you have some tickets to a seminar, that you can

    give away. Or maybe its a voucher for a free meal at your

    restaurant or a free weeks membership at your gym.

    When you think of what you can gift, come up with

    something that has a high perceived value but a low

    hard cost.

    Maybe you can bundle some e-books together or reports,

    which might each have a perceived value of $50 to $100

    but the hard cost is $10 or less.

    3. Actively Ask For Referrals

    Most business owners and salespeople DONT ask for

    referrals and it doesnt occur to your customers to

    refer their friends. With that, many an opportunity is

    being missed.

    The simple act of asking for referrals will dramatically

    increase your results.

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    valuable advice and also outlines how you can

    help them.Set the Expectation Up-Front

    Firstly, let your customers know that you would like them

    to refer others to you. The best way to do that is to simply

    ask them. Set the expectation up-front, when you rst

    meet them.

    Simply say that once they are happy with the service that

    you oer, you ask that they refer at least one customer of

    similar calibre your way. Your customers will always be

    happy to do that.

    Weve found that one of the best ways to do that is toposition it with your customers up-front, either verbally

    or in a written agreement like a Team Commitment

    statement. In fact, if you have a team commitment

    statement that spells out what you are prepared to do

    for your customers and the commitment that you expect

    them to make to you, you can mention referrals there.

    For instance

    We want you to be happy with our service, so we ask

    that you let us know how were doing (either good or

    bad) so we can see know how well were meeting yourexpectations. We also ask that, after 3 months, if you are

    delighted with our service, we ask that you refer at least

    2 friends, family or acquaintances who you believe may

    also benet from our service.

    Remember that in point #1 we discussed how important

    it is to ensure that you create an environment wherepeople actively want to refer their friends. Well, here are

    some tips to do that:

    1. Finish all client projects ASAP and within deadlines.

    2. Thank customers for doing business with you by

    sending a thank you letter or package. This shows

    that theyre important to you and that you genuinely

    are ensuring they experience outstanding results.

    3. Give customers a post-sale telephone call to touch

    baes with them, see how theyre liking the product,

    answer any questions they have and generallygauge feedback.

    4. Next send a letter telling customers how you value

    the relationship that is developing and how you would

    like more customers who are great to work with like

    they are. Then introduce your referral program, how

    they can refer people and the incentives theyll earn.

    5. Ensure you have a way of tracking referrals so you

    know who the source of every referral is. As part of

    that process always ask new referred customers who

    referred them and record the details on your contact

    management software.

    6. Send the referrer a letter thanking them for referring

    their friend and mentioning what they receive for that


    7. Send a welcome letter to the referred customer

    thanking them for enquiring about your services

    together with an information package that gives

    The best time to ask for referrals is just after youve made

    a sale. This is the time when customers are most excitedabout your company.

    4. Develop a system for encouraging referrals

    Asking for referrals is one thing but having a systemised

    way of making sure those referrals happen will improve

    your sales even further.

    You can tap into a great opportunity for your business

    by generating referrals systematically from almost every

    customer ... every time they deal with you!

    To do this, develop an automated system for asking

    for referrals in dierent ways, using dierent methods,at dierent stages in the sales process. Also, develop

    a way of recording those referrals and rewarding your

    customers for referring others.

    Doing this ensures you maximise referral opportunities.

    It also gives customers more of an incentive to

    refer people.

    Heres how referral incentives work

    First you provide customers a reward or gift for every

    paying customer they refer your way. This may take the

    form of a tangible gift or it could be referral dollarsthey can use towards future purchases.

    Second oer a welcome deal for the referred person.

    Its important that the person being referred is oered

    something special just for being the friend of your

    customer. This helps your customer look like a hero in

    the eyes of their friend.

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    In summary

    As you can see, there are lots of possibilities for

    increasing the protability of your business by makingjust a few small changes to what youre doing right now.

    Your 10x Coach can help you turn these possibilities

    into reality when you become a member of the 10x

    Coaching Club.

  • 7/31/2019 10x Ways Report



    potentially take on the very real development of

    your business).

    By the way, if you dont receive clarity and value from

    your Discovery Consultation simply let us know and well

    give you $590.00 worth of services from our rm FREE!

    (You can see, were very condent in the dierence this

    meeting alone makes to your business future.)

    At this obligation free meeting, we take approximately

    an hour and a half to do some basic analysis of where

    you are now and where you want to be, we look at thenancial, marketing and other levers and dials of

    your particular business and personal situation. We

    really do discover ways to immediately impact your

    results. Then we review the likely positive nancial

    impact 10xCoaching Club would oer you, the return on

    investment you can expect and how we can have this

    work for you, your budgets and current cash ow.

    We do all this so that together, we both make sure

    there is a very real match between your needs and what

    10xCoaching Club will oer you. If there is that match

    and only if there is that strong match we can moveforward and place you in the right Club for you and

    your business.

    About the 10x Coaching Club

    5 Key questions to help you discover if 10x

    Coaching Club is for you...If you own a business that is currently operating,

    large or small, and you genuinely want your business

    to grow and improve 10xCoaching Club could be

    a match for you. Here are some key questions to

    determine if 10x Coaching Club is an opportunity you

    should seriously consider. As a business owner:

    1 Is revenue growth something that is important

    to you?

    2 Is cash ow an area you would like to seeimprove?

    3 Is protability taking more money home for

    yourself critical to your and your familys future

    as well as your personal goals?

    4 Is increasing (and protecting) the value of your

    business asset something youve been hoping for

    or wanting?

    5 And what about the future is planning your

    succession within the business or the successful

    sale of the business something to consider?

    YES NO

    YES NO

    YES NO

    YES NO

    YES NO

    While the 10xCoaching Club is a ver y real opportunity for

    anyone who participates, frankly, its not for everyone.

    You see, while its not in any way dicult or hard,

    you do have to be committed... Committed to making a

    dierence in your own business and life, committed to

    improving the performance of your business, committed

    to achieving your goals and committed to taking actions

    that are going to produce dramatically better results.

    As a result, it is very important that we identify what

    could be possible in your business and whether this is a

    match for you nancially and in all aspects. We do that at

    what we call a Discovery Consultation valued at $590.00

    (when you mention youve received this brochure, its

    yours as our gift consider it our congratulations for

    being someone willing to look at whats possible and

    Discover the hidden leverage points in yourbusiness the very real levers and dials thatimmediately lift your results without huge expenseand drive your prots upwards.

    If you answered yes to these questions you are acandidate for 10xCOACHING CLUB. And you are not alone a recent survey of 1,077 business owners via 129accounting rms across Australia and New Zealandproves you are part of the majority with every respondentlisting those as THE critical issues they needed andwanted support on. Now via 10xCOACHING CLUB, youcan impact each and every one of those key areas in anenvironment designed to bring out the best in you, your

    team and your business.

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    You will achieve dramatically improved results.Typical Coaching Club Member results...

    >> A sole trader went from a prot of $270k to $403k in

    just 12 months

    >> Another business increased prots by 141% and

    revenue by 41%

    >> Another increased their business value by 212% while

    decreasing his time worked to just 35%

    >> Another grew their business by 45% with innovative

    marketing strategies

    >> Using those same innovative marketing strategies

    and requesting one on one sales coaching had

    another business grow gross revenues from $650,000

    to $2.3M in a 4 year period

    >> Another discovered ways to have their administration

    team be far more eective and used the excess

    capacity created in their more senior sta to increase

    prots by $128,058 per year per team member.

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    and challenges you are facing as you implement

    ideas and projects identied at your last Coaching

    Club Meeting and youll get what you need to keep

    on keeping on with your projects so you can return

    triumphant to your next Meeting! These calls are typically1.5 to 2 hours per call.

    4 Hit your targets

    Building on your Performance Goals Action Strategy &

    Planning Session, the Proactive Performance

    System sits at the hub of your accountability. It is a

    comprehensive and unique business monitoring tool

    to ensure you are on track to achieve your goals. Every

    month you track your results to pinpoint your areas of

    opportunity. Many businesses tell us that tracking the

    numbers and being accountable forreaching their nancial goals is one of the most powerful

    aspects of 10xCoaching Club. Heres an interesting fact:

    when Apollo 11 landed on the moon what percentage

    of the time do you think it was on course? Of course,

    given they landed youd expect the answer to be 100%

    right? Wrong. In fact, they were on course just 3% of the

    time 97% of the time they were o course!! How then,

    could they possibly have gotten there? Simple every

    moment the team was following a process of check and

    correct. The Proactive Performance System has you do

    that, so you too can adjust quickly and eectively before

    another month or indeed a quarter or a year has own bywith you the worse o for it...

    5 New strategies mean new results for you

    Imagine having access to leading edge business

    strategies in key areas that drive the success and

    protability of your business. Imagine having the

    expertise of your 10x Coach an accountant or

    1 Performance Goals Action

    When you join 10xCoaching Club, one of the very rst

    processes you benet from is completing an in-depth

    questionnaire and participating in your one on onePerformance Goals Action Strategy & Planning Session.

    This meeting is designed to get you completely focused

    on the most important projects for performance, goals

    and actions that will provide breakthrough nancial

    results over the coming 12 to 24 months and beyond.

    2 10xCoaching Club Meetings

    Every 90 days your 10xCoaching Club meets face to face.

    Most businesses send 1-2 people to each meeting.

    Your group will be chaired by your 10x Coach. At these

    meetings you report on results, set your projects,

    discover new strategies via key learning insights,begin implementation and be held accountable to your

    projects and your targets. You will be grouped with non-

    competing businesses who, like you are committed to

    improving their businesses signicantly.

    Being a member means you also get Coaching Club

    MEMBER ONLY privileges. As a 10xCoaching Club Member

    you get to enjoy certain benets, youll be invited to

    attend exclusive 10xEvents as a V.I.P. (typically at a far

    better rate than any other attendees) and have your team

    attend also. From time to time, youll even participate

    with your fellow 10xCoaching Club members, in a private

    Q&A session with the key 10x speakers we bring to these

    Events... and much more.

    3 10x Momentum Conference Calls

    Approximately 6 weeks after your Coaching Club Meeting

    your 10xCoaching Club meets over the phone on a pre-

    arranged conference call. Youll share any opportunities

    Heres 10reasonswhy joining


    Club is thebest decisionyou can make

    to take your

    business tothe 1 , 2 ,3 , 4 and

    far beyond.


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    someone who has been helping people grow their

    businesses for at least 10 to 20 years - at your nger tips.

    Through their support and the learning and

    development component of 10xCoaching Club called

    Insights, youll discover new strategies and techniquesto produce dramatically dierent results in all key areas

    of your business. Robert Kiyosaki the author of Rich Dad

    Poor Dad said this: the denition of insanity is doing

    the same thing over again and expecting a dierent

    result. We do that a lot in business where in fact, its

    new strategies and ideas youll discover via 10x, that will

    produce new results for you.

    6 Experience speeds your growth and increasesyour chances of success

    Each 10xCoaching Club is made up of 8 business ownersall committed to developing their businesses massively

    (each, like you, signs a Condentiality Agreement and

    agrees to the 10x Code of Conduct). Now imagine

    having 7 other business owners people like yourself,

    your peers from all walks of life and industry sectors

    bringing their collective experience, strategies, input and

    ideas to you as well.

    You benet by easily leveraging o their experience

    a) you dont need to make the same mistakes - theyve

    been there and done that so you dont have to and

    b) theyve had some wins we call this research anddevelopment. Copy what theyve done and youll achieve

    the same results or better faster and more

    cost eectively!

    7 You are not alone...

    Many business owners report being alone in their

    businesses. If youre like most, your husband, wife or

    partner may have heard enough already - in fact, they

    wish youd leave it at the door before you come home!

    Many just dont understand the reality of what it takes,

    day to day, to successfully manage a business. Add to

    that the fact that the business owner cant really goto their team to discuss a key issue when sometimes

    the key issue is that team! And then when it comes to

    sharing with other friends or colleagues in business

    it happens socially with scribblings on serviettes

    the outcome (typically not the most productive) or, at

    networking events where its hard to share the real ins

    and outs and feel condent that information will

    remain private.

    Now, see yourself instead as part of a team of people

    including your 10x Coach and your 7 peers people who

    are there to support and encourage you. People whogenuinely get it, they understand the opportunities,

    challenges and demands of being in business. People

    you can talk openly and condentially to about your

    business and its future. People who become your

    core support team. When you imagine all that, that

    gives you just a small sense of the very real power of

    the relationships you build and benet from, within

    a 10xCoaching Club (of course, most Coaching Club

    Members report doing business together, cross

    promoting and more as well).

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    8 Be accountable

    While we all like the idea, mostly were hopeless at it.

    Youll probably agree its incredibly hard to hold yourself

    accountable even when you have the best intentionsof getting this done or nally achieving this or

    implementing that great idea youve had for years the

    demands of your business and your life only allowing

    for so much.

    Imagine instead, having a breakthrough in time

    management (one of the very rst key results people

    experience) and your 10x team, your 10x Coach and

    peers - holding you to account for producing key results

    in your business each and every quarter, while you do

    the same for them. Imagine just how much more youd

    accomplish? In our experience its simply massesmore. And those accomplishments in turn produce

    results. Just to name a few typically reported: lifting your

    revenues, your prots, improving your quality of life and

    decreasing the time spent in your business.

    Each Member Business typically takes on 5 to 7 projects

    per quarter before you panic its okay, relax! No

    matter where you are starting 10xCoaching Club from,

    you dont and more importantly, wont have to do them

    all yourself. Instead you will see to it that they happen

    and be accountable for having your team meet deadlines

    etc. At the same time youll also be accountable for andtracking your nancial results impacted by those

    very projects.

    9 Knowledge really IS power...

    As you implement new strategies, its to be expected

    you may need additional information and tools. As a

    10xCoaching Club Member, as well as the quarterly

    Coaching Club Meeting and your Momentum Conference

    Call, you also have access to an extensive online library

    called the 10xKnowledge Builder. This knowledge

    covers key topics like marketing, selling, delivering,

    servicing, productivity, leadership and administration.In each key area youll nd:

    >> 10x Strategy Outlines on a wide variety of topics.

    Most come with matching 10x Strategy Guides and

    Powerpoints to make sharing the concepts with your

    team easy (on certain topics, streaming video with

    input from the 10x Co-Founders and team as well

    as 10x Coaches is available to take that one

    step further).

    >> Youll nd a variety of tools designed to expedite your

    implementation of ideas. These tools can includechecklists, forms, ready made letters, phones scripts,

    role plays and much more that mean you can pick up

    an idea and run with it.

    >> To give you just a small sense of whats available

    online you could search for everything from: how

    to write a great Yellow Pages Ad, how to increase

    our sales conversion rate, how to create a great

    referral program, how to write a powerful position

    description, how to systemize our business, to how

    to recruit and retain team members more eectively

    and many more.>> Member businesses also love sharing (and hearing)

    ideas and methods that have already been developed

    and tested. The sharing of content between Member

    businesses via the exclusive Coaching Club area of

    the website, means there is no need to reinvent the

    wheel its right there for you to benet.

    This additional and invaluable information (it represents

    years and years worth of Intellectual Property combined)

    is available as you need it. We do that to help you

    drastically improve your rate and success in the

    implementation of new ideas. It has your team well onthe way to even greater results, sooner and that means

    more prots and a better lifestyle for you.

    10 At last, realise your true vision.

    If you think about it when you started or purchased

    your business you were probably interested in having

    greater independence and lifestyle. Maybe being your

    own boss and having more time for travel or family

    and friends, as well as earning a higher income and

    ultimately, enjoying more freedom.

    And yet, regrettably, people often nd they get theprecise opposite of what they initially hoped for. Instead,

    they struggle to nd great team members, spend hours

    at work, (doing work they no longer love) or if it is going

    well still experience that there seems to be a lid on the

    business ...

    As a 10xCoaching Club Member, at last, you really will

    fulll on your original vision. At 10x we know its possible

    for you now its simply time to back yourself and your

    future and join.

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  • 7/31/2019 10x Ways Report



    Like to nd out more?

    There are some ways we can help you

    Yes, Id like to nd out more about joining a 10x

    Coaching Club. Please contact me with more details.

    Yes, Id like to nd out more about the next Edge:

    Gaining the Unfair Advantage and Increased Prots

    event in my area. Please contact me with details.

    Yes, Id like to nd out more about the dierent ways

    that your rm can help me grow my business. Please

    contact me with more details.

    Yes, Im considering changing accountants and Idlike to nd out how your rm can help me achieve

    my goals.

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