Page 1: 10X more productive series FIVE REPORTS EVERY VP OF SALES · sales funnel analysis can tell you exactly where the whole team

FIVE REPORTS EVERY VP OF SALES SHOULD MASTERTurn visual data into actionable insights

10X more productive series

Page 2: 10X more productive series FIVE REPORTS EVERY VP OF SALES · sales funnel analysis can tell you exactly where the whole team

It’s 8 a.m. Monday morning. Your sales team is sleepily returning to work, pouring the morning’s first coffee and firing up their machines. You are at a conference table surrounded by your colleagues. You are here to report on last week’s closed deals and this week’s anticipated volume. Accuracy is key because nothing kills a meeting’s effectiveness like a fact-less anecdote. But it’s Monday. Morning. And you couldn’t bring yourself to spend your precious weekend minutes on Monday morning meeting prep. This is when your CRM comes in, steps up and saves the day. Or should.

A smart CRM has the power to tell you what your hazy memory of last week can not; it remembers with precision exactly how many leads your team generated, how many quotes were issued and how many deals were made. Make sure you are using it to its fullest potential and pulling these essential reports. Let your CRM do the Monday morning heavy lifting and provide you with the key reports you need. And if your CRM doesn’t offer these reports out of the box, it might be time to find a new one.

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Page 3: 10X more productive series FIVE REPORTS EVERY VP OF SALES · sales funnel analysis can tell you exactly where the whole team

This is your panorama report. The sales funnel analysis report tells you where your team stands at all points in your pipeline and what your business has to lose or gain. While each sales rep should be able to tell you which deals they won, what they’ve lost and what they are waiting on - sales funnel analysis can tell you exactly where the whole team stands, as well as the individual.

When you pull the sales funnel analysis report you see the hard numbers of your team’s activity over a given timeframe. You see how many deals came in, how many were qualified and what happened from there. And here’s where the real perk of this report comes in - you can see where your team stands and pinpoint where they need coaching. The sales funnel report calculates conversions at every milestone along your sales process and this is insight you will use well beyond your Monday meeting.

Sales funnel analysis conversion reporting breaks down into percentages how many leads qualified, how many qualified leads were given a quote, how many quotes moved into the contract phase and how many contracts were won. With this data you can identify strengths and weaknesses in your lead generation and sales processes. If you see a high level of leads converting but never being quoted you can drill in and determine if your “qualification” process needs repair or if follow up is the problem. Or if you see an inordinate amount of business was lost between quote and contract


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Sales Funnel Analysis

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it might be time to coach on closing the deal. This level of detail makes you so much more than a Monday morning meeting hero – it outfits you with the information you need to be a truly helpful boss.

Example of a Sales Funnel Analysis Report

The Sales Funnel Analysis report in Base CRM can be filtered by date range, team

member or tag.  In this example, all qualified deals made it to the Quote stage, but

only two of four deals made it from the Quote stage to the Contract stage.

Wondering why? The Loss Reasons by Owner report can shed some light.

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Page 5: 10X more productive series FIVE REPORTS EVERY VP OF SALES · sales funnel analysis can tell you exactly where the whole team

It is time to report on your prospects. How did that recent marketing campaign work out? Are the newsletters still generating opportunities? It is time to count beans and calculate exactly how much business the marketing team is bringing to the table. The incoming deals volume report that will tell you exactly that. This report breaks down the number of deals registered over a period of time and percentage of total deal count. You can also filter the incoming deals report by team member or tag.

This highly visual incoming deals report lays out in no uncertain terms which campaign is pulling its weight and which one needs reworking. Base CRM’s incoming deals volume report has two viewing options, stacked and expanded, to help you visualize how campaigns performed collectively and how they compare against one another. This data will guide you in your collaborations with marketing and is essential for measuring effectiveness.

Neither you nor the marketing team wants to shoot in the dark. Unfortunately, most marketing measurement tools come in the form of click-throughs counts, likes and opens. The incoming deals volume report will help you help the marketing team refine their work by differentiating between what generates interest and what generates business.


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Incoming Deals Volume Report

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Example of an Incoming Deals Volume Report

In Base CRM, the Incoming Deals Volume report breaks down the number of deals

registered over a period of time, according to team member, number of deals and

percentage of total deal count. You can also filter this report by team member or tag.

When you’re in the Base app, you can also hover your cursor over a date on the

graph to show a snapshot of who registered deals on a given date. 

With Base, you'll be able to quickly identify the strengths and weaknesses in your sales funnel to improve sales performance. Measure your team's performance and gather insights to help you grow your business.

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Page 7: 10X more productive series FIVE REPORTS EVERY VP OF SALES · sales funnel analysis can tell you exactly where the whole team

Show me the money. No really. Show me the money. The CFO has walked in the room and wants to know exactly how much revenue your team expects to bring to the table over the next three months. A smart CRM will know down to the dollar, how much money is in the pipeline and so should you. Find out for yourself (and your CFO) and pull a sales forecasting report and see precisely how many dollar bills your team expects to bring in over a specified date range and from where. Your sales forecasting report will tell you the total value of all deals in the pipeline and how much of that amount your business can realistically expect to bring in.

Sales forecasting doesn’t just predict expected revenues - it helps you pinpoint which deals you should be focusing on. The report pools data on the deals your reps create and estimates the likelihood of closure based on where the deal stands in the pipeline. You can use this information to decide how to allocate your resources and how to most efficiently reach your sales goals in the short and long term.

Sales forecasting is also an excellent motivator for your sales reps. In Base CRM each prospective deal self reports on its dollar value and its likely it is to make it to close. These numbers sit on the left hand side of their dashboard - reminding them where to focus, when to move and when to move on.


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Sales Forecasting

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Example of a Forecasted Sales Report

There are two types of Forecasted Sales reports in Base CRM. This first one

provides a view of forecasted and actual sales over time.

Example of a Forecasted Sales by Source Report

The Forecasted Sales by Source Report gives you a different view into forecasted

sales. Instead of a trend line over time, this report breaks down your forecast by the

source of where the lead came from to begin with. You can adjust the date range to

see how the composition of your deal sources changes.

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Page 9: 10X more productive series FIVE REPORTS EVERY VP OF SALES · sales funnel analysis can tell you exactly where the whole team

Goal-setting is a universal business activity. Companies set goals for growth, adoption, performance, expansion, employee retention and more. But no one goal is more essential for the long-term health and stability of a company than the sales revenue goal. The bottom line? It all comes down to the bottom line. Revenue generation is why your team exists. Your ability to optimize revenue generating activities is how you earned your title in the first place. It is why you set specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, time-based goals. Now its time to track and report on them.

Your CRM should to be as on-board and up-to-date about revenue goals as your CEO is. When you incorporate sales revenue goals into your CRM dashboard you create a benchmark for performance and give your team members something to strive for. Base allows you to set individual team member goals for sales revenue and number of deals won (more on that later). The Base dashboard offers a quick snapshot of progress on for a given reporting period - you can select monthly, quarterly, or annual intervals for your goals. Sales revenue goal reporting will let you know which reps on your team are excelling at at their jobs and which ones could use a nudge.


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Sales Revenue Goals

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Example of a Sales Revenue Goals Report – snapshot

Since the Sales Revenue Goals report is such a commonly visited report, you’ll see it

in two places in Base CRM. The example pictured above is on your dashboard so

that you have a quick snapshot of where you stand against your sales goals every

time you log in.

Example of a Sales Revenue Goals Report – full view

This is what the full Sales Revenue Goals report looks like in Base. It shows you how

the team is doing as well as how various team members are performing. If you’d like

to learn more about goal setting, please check out this blog post.

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get back to the office to update your CRM are over. No matter where

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perfect complement to the robust Base web application.

Page 12: 10X more productive series FIVE REPORTS EVERY VP OF SALES · sales funnel analysis can tell you exactly where the whole team

It is time to report on your reports. How is the new guy working out? Is Jane still closing the most deals? Put personality politics and perceptions aside and use the won deals report to find out exactly what each of your team members is bringing to the table. This report tells you the number of deals won, by team member, over any resolution period you choose. The report calls on the goals you set for your team and lets you know how the number of actual won deals are stacking up against your ambitions. Base CRM makes the report simple to read - displaying user stats either in green or red depending on whether or not they are on track to meet their goal for the period.

The won deals report also paints the bigger picture of how your whole team is doing and if they are meeting their deal quota for the resolution period. The cumulative team goal is displayed at the top of the bar graph making it easy to determine if your team is on track or if its time to get cracking.


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Won Deals Goals

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Example of a Won Deals Report

As with most reports, you probably want to see deals won on a team scale as well

as on an individual level. The Won Deals Goals report in Base CRM gives you both.

Every bar is labeled with the actual number of deals in case that’s easier for you

than looking at percentages (x-axis).

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Page 14: 10X more productive series FIVE REPORTS EVERY VP OF SALES · sales funnel analysis can tell you exactly where the whole team

Many CRMs offer customer satisfaction reports and while those insightful little reports those have their place, your job is sales. Not customer loyalty. Not product development. Look for a CRM that reports on the information most relevant to your job title: sales.

Your job is make sure your sales team is closing as many deals as possible. Of course you want clients to be happy with the product and loyal to the company. After all, you want to sell to those clients again in the future. But that data isn’t your to track.

Choose the CRM that offers the insights your business needs. Base developed their line of reports with you in mind. That is why they offer sales funnel analysis, incoming deals volume reports, sales forecasting, sales goals reports, and won deals reports. But that’s just the most important reports for a VP of sales. There’s a slew of other useful reports in Base CRM that you would make you a more productive, more informed leader.

Inspired? Sign up for a FREE trial of Base CRM.


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Reports that matter

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Reports are essential for every data-driven company. They don’t just make your Monday morning meetings for informative, they make your everyday decisions more effective. When it comes to sales reporting, don’t rely on estimations and impressions. Use these reports to bring facts to the table and optimize prospects and processes. Don’t settle for a CRM that doesn’t offer this level of insight and don’t overlook the opportunity to use it. Make your meetings meaningful and your conference table contributions count. The whole company benefits when the sales team thrives – that’s the bottom line.

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Other useful reports to have in your CRM

Total Sales

The total sales report shows the value of your won deals over a period of time. To know

where you are going, you must know where you’ve been. Use this report to build next

quarter’s benchmarks.

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Deal SourcesThe deal sources report breaks down exactly where your deals are coming from. You can filter this report by date range, team member, tag, or stage. Use this report to reward people who generate leads and to rework programs that aren’t pulling their weight.

Deals by StageThis report gives a percentage breakdown of where your current deals are at in a given timeframe. This snapshot provides a quick comparison of how many deals your team or team member has won, lost or is pursuing.  

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Deal Source PerformanceShows the percentage of won deals by source and team member. Where do we get the most qualified leads? Speculate no more. This report lets you in on where the business is coming from.

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