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10am, July 26, 2020

8th Sunday after Pentecost

Holy Communion

WEEK 4: Micah 6:8, Galatians 3:23-29,

Luke 18:1-8

Hosanna Lutheran Church 780-484-3932 [email protected]

Pastors: James Hendricksen and Anna Thede

Director of Education & Family Ministries: Sonja Carmichael

Organist/ Accompanist: Kari Heise

Administrative Secretary: Lena Nikolic

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CONGREGATIONAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Congregational responses in this bulletin are printed in bold.



P: Grace, mercy and peace be to you.

This gift is for the many not the few.

C: All praise is due, God makes us new.

Allelu! Allelu! Allelu!

OPENING HYMN: ELW 697 – Just a Closer Walk with Thee

(I really enjoy it! – Pat Becker)

INVITATION TO WORSHIP (Steffler-Rogers Family)


P: The Lord be with you.

C: And with you too.

P: Let us pray. God of creation,

C: you declared our world very good. Yet we have harmed what you

have made. Help us to see your presence in all that is around us so it

may strengthen our resolve to join our neighbors in the work of

restoration. Amen.



READING FROM SCRIPTURE: Micah 6:8 (Cindy Schriner)

‘With what shall I come before the LORD,

and bow myself before God on high?

Shall I come before him with burnt-offerings,

with calves a year old?

Will the LORD be pleased with thousands of rams,

with tens of thousands of rivers of oil?

Shall I give my firstborn for my transgression,

the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?’

Word of God; Word of Life. Thanks be to God.

READING FROM SCRIPTURE: Galatians 3:23-29 (Cindy Schriner)

Now before faith came, we were imprisoned and guarded under

the law until faith would be revealed. Therefore the law was our

disciplinarian until Christ came, so that we might be justified by

faith. But now that faith has come, we are no longer subject to a

disciplinarian, for in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through

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faith. As many of you as were baptized into Christ have clothed

yourselves with Christ. There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no

longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are

one in Christ Jesus. And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s

offspring, heirs according to the promise.

Word of God; Word of Life. Thanks be to God.


READING FROM SCRIPTURE: Luke 18:1-8 (Marg Daly)

Then Jesus told them a parable about their need to pray always

and not to lose heart. He said, ‘In a certain city there was a judge who

neither feared God nor had respect for people. In that city there was a

widow who kept coming to him and saying, “Grant me justice against

my opponent.” For a while he refused; but later he said to himself,

“Though I have no fear of God and no respect for anyone, yet because

this widow keeps bothering me, I will grant her justice, so that she may

not wear me out by continually coming.” ’ And the Lord said, ‘Listen to

what the unjust judge says. And will not God grant justice to his chosen

ones who cry to him day and night? Will he delay long in helping

them? I tell you, he will quickly grant justice to them. And yet, when the

Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?’

Word of God; Word of Life. Thanks be to God.


HYMN OF THE DAY: ELW 656 – Blest be the Tie That Binds

(Martha & Alex Ropchan)

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We will now say what we believe

In the words of the Apostles’ Creed.


I believe in God, the Father almighty,

creator of heaven and earth.

I believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, our Lord,

who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,

born of the virgin Mary,

suffered under Pontius Pilate,

was crucified, died, and was buried;

he descended to the dead.

On the third day he rose again;

he ascended into heaven,

he is seated at the right hand of the Father,

and he will come to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit,

the holy catholic church,

the communion of saints,

the forgiveness of sins,

the resurrection of the body,

and the life everlasting. Amen.

PRAYERS OF INTERCESSION (Steffler-Rogers Family)

READER: In this place, and on this day, C: Hear our voices as we pray.

Today we pray for Jamie Smith, Graeme Jahns, Rita Lutz, Barry

Lyall, and for those included in the extended prayer list.

EXTENDED PRAYER LIST: Sheila Johnson, Edith Preiksaitis, Hilda Lindae,

Margot Koeppen, Monica Gibson, Paul Johnson, Gordon Landro, Al and Tess

Wende, Michael Newsom, Clara Jonsson, Mercedes R, Brandon R., Pauline

Gibson, Darlene Anderson, James Sloan, Chelsea Sloan, Owen Wiig, Scott Brown,

Stephanie B., Sebastian B., Ted B., Sharon B., Jonathan B., Dwayne B., Marc B.,

Barb Clausen, Eric Lange, John Sims, Lynn Kitchen, Irene Erickson, Dale Grinde,

Marvin Seifert, Emily Stebner

Those Celebrating Birthdays/ Special Anniversaries This Week: Laura Bures, Gary Corrigal, Trudy Sjoberg, Kate Litzenberger

Prayer requests may be made by phoning the office

or contacting one of the pastors.

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Final Petition:

P: Among all our prayers we list last but not least,

In this world you’ve created, we pray for peace.

With our family and with our friends,

From our beginnings and our ends,

C: We stand together, and together we send

From earth to heaven, our heartfelt Amen.


An ancient custom we observe,

To find the one we seek and serve.

When we lay our conflicts down,

Fellowship helps to gather us ‘round.

Jesus showed how much he cares:

He said, “My peace is what I share”.

And we think that we should share it, too.

So, we answer when we’re called.

The peace of Christ be with you all.

And, then we say, “and also with you”.

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OFFERING MUSIC (Erik & Tyra Heise)


ELW 583 – Take My Life, That I May Be, refrain, v.3 refrain


Let us pray. Everything that’s done through you

Becomes refreshed and made anew.

Take the gifts that we have brought

These simple things, or so we thought.

And, do the things you do through them.

May your love be known through them.

And, remember, we pray, just the same,

We bring ourselves in Jesus’ name. C: Amen.

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God is with you.

And with you as well.

We’ve got a story to pray

And a prayer to tell.

So lift your hearts high

Right to the sky. We come to the table, one and all.


It’s all about thanks, for this and for that,

For the sun and the rain and a cat in a hat,

For everything that comes from God,

The high and the low, the even, the odd.

Our thanks are to God, the God who made us.

And loved us and laughed us, and danced us, and played us.

So, God, we say thanks, right from our hearts,

‘Cause everyone knows that that’s where it starts.

Thank you for guidance through deserts and seas,

And protection from plagues, like frogs and the fleas.

Thanks for apostles and prophets of old,

For the lessons they taught and the stories they told.

We know it wasn’t all cookies and cake,

What you would offer, we wouldn’t take.

We figured, “We’re clever! We’ll find something new!”

And we wound up worshipping things that weren’t you.

And when we were guilty of too much celebrating,

We came to our senses and found you were waiting.

Waiting for us to come to return,

‘Cause sooner or later, you knew we would learn.

Your voice had an “I heard it before” kind of ring

And your welcome was always an “open arms” thing.

We remember your blessings all through the ages,

They colour our windows; you wrote them on pages.

And because we’re so grateful we just can’t resist

Singing your praise with something like this:

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As time went by we made it hard for you to reach us

And so you sent Christ, to be with us and teach us.

He talked of peace; he shared his healing.

He heard our words; he felt our feeling.

Daylight came to the dark-of-nighted,

And the frightened be came unfrighted.

The lame were walking,

The mute were talking,

The locked up prisoners go their unlocking.

All of this was so you’d have our attention,

So we could approach without apprehension.

And on the night before he died,

Jesus did something he hadn’t tried.

In a room where the stairway ends,

He shared a meal with some of his friends.

He looked at them, he took the bread,

He gave the blessing, and then he said

“This bread we share is my body, you see,

Take it, and eat in memory of me.”

Then after supper, before they cleaned up,

The wine was poured and he took the cup

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And offered thanks and said, “Here, drink.

There’s more in here than what you think.”

“This is my blood I give for you

And those who think their life is through

Because they’ve sinned. They should be living

And remember that our God is forgiving.”

So bless this meal with your Holy Spirit

And those who taste, and see it, hear it.

Make us one with him you sent

To show us you’re so excellent.

So, glory to God, for now and for then.

Forever, and always, together: Amen.


Gathered into one by the Holy Spirit, let us pray so all can hear it:

We hold you dear as children should.

Your name is holy, true and good.

Your kingdom come, your will be done

In heaven like on earth, as one.

Give us today our daily bread,

Forgive the things we’ve done and said,

As we forgive things done to us.

And, save us from the tempt-uous.

Keep evil things from us and ours,

For the kingdom and the powers,

And the glory, just for you.

From now until all time is through.



One bread, two bread, me bread, you bread.

Take the old and make it new bread.

All are welcome at this table.

Gather here, willing and able.


The body of Christ, given for you.

The blood of Christ, shed for you.


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Let us pray.

May we who’ve taken holy things.

Know the joy that blessing brings.

And, as we move from where we are

To share those blessings near and far,

Give us strength along the way.

This, in Jesus’ name, we pray.




Hold feelings and knowledge in your hearts and your brains

Of God, and Christ, and the Spirit that sustains.

When you’re at your worst and at your best,

Know that we are truly blessed.

If the day’s been hard and you’re feeling stressed,

Know that we are truly blessed.

When life feels like it’s been a test,

Know that you are truly blessed.

And, one more prayer, to bless our lunch:

Bless our food, and bless this bunch

That we may go to love and serve,

And share your Word without reserve.


OUR COVID-19 EXPERIENCE (Campbell Family)


SENDING HYMN: ELW 779 – Amazing Grace

(I think that we are very fortunate to have such blessing. – Marg Miller)

(It was always a great favorite of mine. – Marlene Chapman)


WA: Go out and be new. Take Christ’s light with you!

C: We’ll go out and do the things that we do –

Thanks be to God! Allelu, Allelu!


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Permission to livestream the music in this service obtained from

OneLicense with license “A-733297”.

With thanks to those serving today:



Readers Marg Daly, Cindy Schriner

Invitation to Worship

and Prayers

Steffler-Rogers Family

Special Music Erik & Tyra Heise

Altar Guild Glenys Schmidke

Our Covid-19 Experience John & Lorelei Campbell

Technology Helena Hendricksen, Sam Robinson

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10AM Holy Communion LIVESTREAM, followed by VBS

(Virtual Bible Sundays)

THIS WEEK: July 27th – August 2nd

MONDAY 8pm AlAnon

TUESDAY 1pm Quilters/ 1pm Staff Meeting

WEDNESDAY 9:30am Quilters/ 7:30pm Outdoor Evening Worship

THURSDAY 2pm Food Bank/ 6pm JRF church

FRIDAY 7pm JRF Church

SATURDAY 8am 12 Step Group

SUNDAY 10am Service of the Word/ 2pm JRF Church

Staff Away Dates: Sam away July 30th.

You Pick Hymns has returned for the summer! This means we need

you to send in your favorite’s name, number (if possible), and why you

like it. Submissions can be sent to Pastor Anna at

[email protected] or by phoning the church office.

We are looking for volunteers willing to help us in worship. We need

readers, litany readers, actors, musicians and others. If you are willing to

be a part, please speak with Pastor Anna who is organizing volunteers

during the pandemic. Submissions can be submitted at:


Did you know that the Food Bank distribution centre at our church

has been open throughout the pandemic? We are so thankful for our

volunteers, as Hosanna was one of the few distribution centres that

remained open to folk, when they were needed the most!

Now that things are opening up a bit more, we are wondering if there are

any members of Hosanna that would like to take on volunteering to

distribute food to Food Bank clients on Thursday afternoons. If you

would like to volunteer on a Thursday afternoon please let Lena know at

the church office or text/call Nina Tanti at 780-619-3031 or email

[email protected] or Liz Tanti at 780-993-2806 or email at

[email protected]. Thanks.

The new Eternity for Today and Christ in Our Home has arrived. Please

call the church office if you would like a copy.

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The 2021 Shepherd’s Guide Directory has arrived at the church. Please

call the office if you would like one.

The devotional resource, God’s Story, Our Story, is available on the

Hosanna website.

If committees would like to meet by ZOOM, please contact Pr. Anna for

setup details.

Usher & Offering Counter volunteers: please keep an eye on the

HAPPENINGS for future scheduling.

Special Note about donations while we are unable to offer in- person worship:

We just want to let you know how you can still make donations to

Hosanna during this crisis. Our operations and expenses still continue

even though we are not meeting in person.

PAR: If you are on PAR, everything will proceed like normal – thank you.

If you would like to join PAR, let us know we will send you the form

(or you can pick one up at the office).

Mail/Mailbox: You can mail in your donations (some of you already do

this – thank you), or you can drop them off at the office or in the locked

mailbox by the front door.

Online: You can also donate online via credit card. Here is the link to

the Hosanna website page with the donation link:

If you give online, please note a couple of things, 1) you will receive a

receipt from Canadahelps - not Hosanna. 2) This option costs the church

the most, as we pay a fee for the credit card and a fee to Canadahelps. It

is not huge, so this remains a viable option, but if you can do one of the

other choices, your money goes a bit further.

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For this week’s craft you’ll need:

a plate (preferably white, you can get one at a dollar store if you

don’t have something on hand)

Sharpie markers in various colours

And for the cooking segment you’ll need ingredients for biscuits:


baking powder

butter or hard margarine




and an apple!

Sam I Am has an experiment that you can try. For that you’ll need:


food coloring

dish soap

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780-484-3932 [email protected]

OUR MISSION Hosanna Lutheran Church equips God’s people of all

ages for Christian witness and service through worship, learning,

fellowship and spiritual care.

OUR VISION Empowered by dynamic and creative liturgical Lutheran

worship, Hosanna Lutheran Church will lead Edmonton in equipping

Christians for spiritual growth and service.


Rev. Dr. James Hendricksen, Senior Pastor

[email protected]

In case of emergency, call (H) 780-430-9835 or (Cell) 780-222-5451

Rev. Anna Thede, Assistant Pastor

[email protected]

In case of emergency, call (Cell) 780-405-7840

Sonja Carmichael Director of Education & Family Ministries

[email protected]

Kari Heise Organist/ Accompanist

Lena Nikolic Administrative Secretary [email protected]

Sam Robinson Summer Intern [email protected]

Cameron Terry Outdoor Custodian


Helen Bowden, Youth, 780-757-4501

Gary Corrigal, Vice-Chair – Personnel, Education 780-619-2212

Marlene Grinde, Fellowship 780-484-1733

Rick Hernder, Treasurer, Personnel - Finance 780-483-1505

Ray Janke, Stewardship 780-686-6418

Don Newsom, Care 780-456-5242

Karen Peitsch, Capital Development, Property 780-484-2714

Margaret Sadler, Chair, Personnel – Social Justice 780-435-3025

Liz Tanti, Secretary -Worship & Music, I Have An Idea 780-452-2806

Peder Vinge, Communications 780-455-7530

Live Streaming: We livestream the first service every Sunday. To view the

stream or for more information, see our website:

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