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Course Code: Bus 102

Course Title: Business Communication

No of Credits: 3 Credits

Course Duration: Three hours per week for 15 weeks (45hrs)

Lecturer’s Name: Oladipo, Ganiyu Taiwo

Qualification: B.Sc, MBA, M.Sc, PGDCS, Unilorin PGDE NIM, CIMA

Office Location: Room 12 Department of Business Administration, Faculty ofBusiness and Social Sciences, University of Ilorin.

Consultation Hrs: Monday 2 – 4pm & Thursday 12 – 2pm

E-Mail Address: [email protected] &[email protected]

Course Content:Basic principles of communication, skills in writing letters, memos, reports andproposals application and resume. Business speaking skills for informing, instructing,job interview, selling, persuading and motivating. 45h (T) C.

Course Outline:Week 1 - CommunicationWeek 2 - Nature and Purposes of CommunicationWeek 3 - Principle of Effective Communication ProcessesWeek 4 - Fundamental of Communication ProcessesWeek 5 - Oral CommunicationWeek 6 - Application and resumeWeek 7 - Business CorrespondenceWeek 8 - Organizational CommunicationWeek 9 - Business ReportWeek 10 - Job InterviewingWeek 11 - MemoWeek 12 - Business ProposalWeek 13 - MotivatingWeek 14 - Selling and PersuadingWeek 15 - Revision/General Class Discussion

Course JustificationToday the world is communication link and technology driven, the study BusinessCommunication discusses the concept of business communication from variousperspectives and in broad term, the relevance of business communication including thevery important oral presentation skill required of business executives. Effectivebusiness communication is necessary to equip the student understanding the worldbusiness communication.

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Thus, the study is a challenge as most commercial organization require individuals whocan communicate effectively with customers or audience in order to ensure theircontinued patronage and achieve the aim and objective of the organization.

Objectives:The aim of this course is to introduce to the students effective business communicationand to appreciate the importance of communication in business administration and thedevelopment of the society at large and at the end of this course students should beable to: Define communication in a broad term and to explain the concepts, nature and

purposes of communication. Explain the relevance of oral communication. Fundamentals of communication. To understand the types of report and explain them report and explain each. To explain interview as a word and to know the purposes of interview and

highlight the types of interview and explain. They should be able to define business report and to explain the ways of

collecting reports.

Course Requirement:Bus 102 – is a compulsory course for all students in the business administrationdepartment. Therefore, every student is required to participate actively in class, ingroup discussions and study group activities At least 75% attendance record ismandatory for a student to qualify to sit for the end of semester examination.As such attendance of lectures is compulsory.

Method of GradingS/No Types Scores (%)

1 Group, individualDiscussion/ assignment


2 Continuous assessment(Test)


3 Comprehensive finalExamination


4 Total Score 100%

Course Delivery Strategy:Traditional face to face teaching, group discussion/presentation method would beadopted for this course subscription would be made to use online resources inlibrary blogs while comments could be utilized as part of the course deliverymethod.

Week 1: Communication definition and Concepts

Objectives:At the end of the lectures student should have an overview of the course, should beable to explain the nature and purpose of communication and to demonstrate theunderstanding of the fundamental of communication and should be able to definecommunication and its concepts in a broad term.

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Week 1

Description:The first lecture would set the tone for the entire semester work by doing a generaloverview of the entire course. Define communication in a broad term and understandCommunication concept in detail.

Study Question:(1) Define communication in a broad term.(2) Explain communication as a concept.

Week 2:

Description:This week lecture focuses on communication nature, communication purposes and therelevant of communications in business.

Study Question:(1) Explain the nature of communication.(2) What are the principles engaged in effective communication.(3) Explain communication purpose.(4) Who are the Communicators

Week 3:

Description:This week the lecture will centre on principles of effective communication processesand the golden rules of communication and it will be concluded with an interactivesession where student will participate.

Study Question:(1) Explain communication process(2) State and explain the golden rules of communication

Week 4: Fundamental of Communication Process

Description:This week lecture will focuses its discussion extensively on the fundamentals ofcommunication process.

Study Question:(1) Discuss the fundamentals of communication process(2) Diagramatically explain the communication models(3) Explain effective communication

Week 5:

Description:Oral communication will be introduced to the students this include the relevance of oralcommunication advantages and disadvantages of oral communication. Thedisadvantages of oral communications formal and informal communication and thetechniques of effective oral communication and there will be oral presentation wherestudent would be taught face to face communication. References shall be made totelephone communication and audience purpose.

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Study Question:(1) What is oral communication(2) What are the techniques of effective oral communication(3) Explain formal and informal communication(4) Explain face to face communication(5) Explain how telephone serve as a public relation to the company(6) Mention and explain tips for public speaking(7) Who are the audience

Week 6:Description:This week lecture will focuses its attention and discussion on writing of application andresume stating the importance of application letters, layout of application and resumeand the factors to be considered in writing application and resume.

Study Question:(1) State the importance of business letter.(2) What is memoranda(3) What are the layout of business letter(4) What are the factors to consider in business correspondence.(5) Distinguish between Formal and Informal letter

Week 7:

Description:The lecture will centre its discussion on Business Correspondence on employees andthe organization, downward, upward communication and barriers to effectivecommunication.

Study Question:(1) What is downward communication(2) What are the conditions to be met before downward communication can be

effective.(3) What are the barriers to effective communication.(4) What is Upward CommunicationWeek 8:

Description:The lecture will introduce to the student, organizational communication such as,business report stating what is a report, types of report, ways of collecting data forreports, stages in report writing and importance of a report.

Study Question:(1) What is report(2) What are the stages in report writing

Week 9: Business Report

Description:The lecture will be a continuation of the previous teaching on report but now centeringon report writing techniques, qualities of a good report formal and informal reports andthe planning stage of report writing.

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Study Question:(1) Explain formal and informal report(2) What are the importance of a report

Week 10: Job Interviewing

Description:The lecture stresses the definition on interview the purpose and time, how to developinterviewing skills and interviewing processes and emphasis would be placed oninterview and the interviewer.

Study Question:(1) What is interview(2) Mention the interviewing processes(3) How do you develop interviewing skills(4) Who are the Interviewers(5) State the purpose of Interview

Week 11: Memo

Description:This week lecture focuses on memo writing what is a memo, what are the natures ofmemo, the roles of memo in an organization. The position of a secretary during andafter a meeting also how documentation is done, the notice of a meeting and theagenda would be treated.

Study Question:(1) What is a memo(2) What is the nature of memo writing in an organization(3) State the duties of memo writing

Week 12: Business ProposalDescription:This week lecture deals with Business proposal, the nature, purpose and the role ofbusiness proposal. what is teleconferencing.

Study Question:(1) What is Business Proposal(2) How do you write business proposal(3) What are the nature of business proposal(4) Explain the purpose and roles of business proposal

Week 13: Motivating

Description:This week focus will be placed on motivation:- What is motivation, what are thecharacteristics of motivation and what are the types of motivation and emphasiswould be placed on how motivation serves as a mode of communication and used toachieved organizational goals.

Study Question:(1) What is motivation(2) What are the characteristics of motivation(3) Identify the types of motivation

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(4) How does motivation relate to communication

Week 14: Selling and Persuasion

Description:This week lecture focuses on how communication enhance selling, the principles ofselling and how is relates with persuasion in achieving goals and target. Barriers toeffective selling, techniques to employ when persuading, the advantages of persuasionand the types of selling and keys to selling.

Study Question:(1) What is a selling(2) What are the techniques to effective persuasion(3) Describe how communication enhance selling(4) What are the barrier to effective selling(5) What are the keys to selling(6) Explain the relationship between selling and persuasion

Week 15: Revision/General Discussion

Reading List:

Communication studies and introductory reader. Edward Arnold, London.Peter Little (1980) Communication in business. Longman Group Limited, London.

Aprix R.D. (1982 Communication for productivity Harper and Row Publisher, New York.

Matthukutty M.D. (2006) Business Communication Strategies New Delhi, Tata McGrawHill Publishing Company Limited.

Bergin F.J. (1978) Practical Communication. London: Pitman Publishing Limited.

Desmond D. Evans (1994) People and Communication, Pitman Publishing, London.Bergin F.J. (1976) Practical Communication, Pitman House Parker Street Kingsway,

London WC2B 5PB.

Desmond D. Evans (1984) People and Communication, London Pitman Publishing.Devito J.A. (1989) The Interpersonal Communication Book. New York: Harper and Row

Saad A.O.; Akanbi R.K and Akewusola L. (2002) Practical Business Communication.Ilorin: Olad Publishers

Little P. (1996) Communication in Business. London: Longman

Micheal J. Glauser (1984) Upward Information flows in organization. “Review andinceptions analysis” Human relation 37 No. 613 – 643.

Listening and responding to employee’s concern “Harvard Business review Jan-Feb-1980, pg. 101 – 114.

Sandra, L. (ed) (2000) The Communication Handbook. Cape town, Juta & Co., Limited.Leyton, D.C. (1968) The Art of Communication. London: Pitman Ltd.

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Akewusola, L. (2006) Effective leadership as a sine qua non for OrganizationalEfficiency. Ilorin Journal of Administration, Kwara State Polytechnic.

M.F and Van de Marwu N.M. (1991) A guide to effective spoken and writtencommunication. Cape Town: Anow Publishers

Charles Redding (1984) The Corporate Management guide to better communication.Glenuiew 111, SCOH Foressman, page 74 – 75.

Chruden J.A.W. Sharman (1978) Reading in personnel management. Cincinate Oluo:South West Publishing Ltd.

Folaranmi O.M. (1996) Management Skills (a theoretical approach) Fortune Consults.

Larry J. Rosenberg (1977) Marketing. New Jersey Prentice Hall Inc.Levit Thodore (1964) Marketing Myopia in modern marketing strategy. Harvard

University Press

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Course Code: Bus 321

Course Title: Elements of Management

No of Credits: 3 Credits

Course Duration: Three hours per week for 15 weeks (45hrs)

Lecturer’s Name: Oladipo Ganiyu Taiwo

Qualification: B.Sc., MBA, M.Sc., PGDCS. Unilorin PGDE NIM. CIMA

E-Mail Address: [email protected] & ganiyu - [email protected]

Office Location: Room 12 Department of Business Administration, Faculty ofBusiness and Social Sciences, University of Ilorin, Ilorin.

Consultation Hrs: Monday 2 -4 & Thursday 12 - 2

Course Content:A study of the basic concepts in management: management principles, the functions ofthe manager; planning: nature and purpose. Organization nature and purpose. Span ofmanagement, Departmentation, line and staff authority, service departments, staff anddirecting: selection of management development nature of directing, motivation,leadership controlling: the control process control technique, recent developments inthe control process. The Nigeria environment, management problems in Nigeria,challenges of indigenization, transferability of management systems.

Course Justification:The course elements of management is to introduce to the students, the core conceptsof management principles and concepts in broad terms and to bring to the studentsthe dynamics of management as it applies to the Nigerian system since Nigeria hasundergo so many changes in its political, social, and economic system. Effectivemanagement is therefore the pillar for economic development.

Course Objectives:The main aim of this course is to introduce to the students the basic concept ofmanagement and management principles as it relates to the Nigerian system problems in Nigeria the challenges of indigenization and thetransferability of management systems at the end of this course student should be ableto: Explain the basic concept in management State the functions of a manager Explain departmentation Explain the nature of directing Define control and control process State the challenges of indigenization State the management problems in Nigeria

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Course Requirement:Bus 321 – is compulsory for all studentsTherefore every student is expected to participate actively in class, in groupdiscussion and study group activities as such attendance at lecture is compulsory atleast 75% attendance record is mandating for student to qualify to sit for the endof semester examination.

Method of GradingS/No Types Scores (%)

1 Group/ individualAssignments


2 Continuous Assessment(test)


3 Comprehensive final exam 70%4 Total Score 100%

Course Delivery Strategy:Traditional face to face teaching, group discussion/presentation and web interactionwill be adopted for the course. Web interaction will be utilized as part of coursedelivery methods.

Course Outline:Week 1 - Basic Concept in ManagementWeek 2 - Management PrinciplesWeek 3 - Functions of the ManagerWeek 4 - Planning, Nature and PurposeWeek 5 - Organization: Nature and purpose, Span of ManagementWeek 6 - Departmentation, Line and Staff AuthorityWeek 7 - Service DepartmentWeek 8 - Staff and directing: Selection of management developmentWeek 9 - Controlling: The control process and techniques.Week 10 - The Nigeria Environment, Management problem in NigeriaWeek 11 - Management DevelopmentWeek 12 - Nature of directing, Motivation, LeadershipWeek 13 - Challenges of IndigenizationWeek 14 - Transferability of ManagementWeek 15 - Revision/General Class Discussion

Week 1

Description:The first lecture will set the tone for the semester work by an introduction to the worldof management by defining management in a broad term, discuss management as ascience, and art and the relativity of administration and management.

Study Question:(3) Explain management as a science(4) Explain management as an art(5) Define management in a broad term(6) Explain the relationship between administration and management.

Week 2:


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This teaching will deal with principles, theories and concepts of management. Theuniversality of management, management pyramid reasons for delay in thedevelopment of management thoughts, industrial revolution modern approach tomanagement.

Study Question:(1) Explain the theories of management(2) Explain the universality of management(3) What are the delay in the development of management thoughts.(4) State and explain the modern approach to management.

Week 3:

Description:This lectures will centre on functions of the manager and the general principles ofmanagement and the qualities of a manager and the effects of the scientificmanagement movements. The human relation school and the administration school oftaught.

Study Question:(1) What are the general principles of management(2) What are the qualities of a manager(3) Explain the human relation school(4) Explain the administrative school

Week 4:

Description:This lecture centres on planning. Since nearly everyone plans and it essence which isto prepare for and to predict future events the lectures will also deal with the nature ofplanning, types of planning and it classification by breadth and scope, function, term,time and business.Characteristics of a good plan would be treated with advantages and disadvantages ofplanning and why people fail in planning and the difficulties in planning. Also thepurposes of planning and planning processes the approaches to planning and the toolsused in planning and the principles of planning would be taught.Study Question:(1) Why do people fail in planning(2) What is planning(3) What are the principles of planning(4) Mention the types of planning and characteristics of a good plan(5) Why do we plan(6) What are the planning processes

Week 5

Description:This week lecture will focuses its attention and discussions on organization, nature andpurpose, organizational structure and the span of management.

Study Question:(1) What is an organisation(2) Diagratimatically represent an organization structure of the University of Ilorin..(3) Discuss span of management

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(4) Mention and explain the types of span of management

Week 6

Description:This week lecture will focuses its discussion on departmentation and express the lineand staff authority in an organization and also discuss – serviced department in broadterm with references to various organizational setting.

Study Question:(1) What is departmentation(2) Highlight and explain types of departmentation(3) Explain to distinquish line and staff authority.(4) What are the advantages of line and staff authorities(5) What is service department(6) Discuss the relevant of service department to other department on the


Week 7

Description:The lecture deals with service department, the essence and importance of servicedepartment and the place of service department in the organization structure and theevaluation of service department.

Study Question:(1) What is service department(2) What are the importance of service department(3) What is the place of service department in the organization structure.

Week 8

Description:This week the lectures will focuses it’s discussion on the term staff and directing and aswell discuss on the selection of management development in broad term.

Study Question:(1) Explain your understanding on the term staff and directing(2) What is directing in management contest(3) Identify benefit derived in effective directing(4) Explain management development

Week 9

Description:This week the lecture centres on control definition of control in a broad term and whatare the prerequisites of control system, the elements of control. The characteristics ofeffective control systems, types of control methods, control processes the keyconsideration in establishing a control system, problems in establishing effectivecontrol system reasons for negative reaction to control, how to overcome negativereaction to control and the advantages of control would be fully taught.

Study Question:(1) What is control

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(2) What are the characteristics of effective control system(3) Mention and explain the control processes(4) What are the advantages of control(5) Why negative reaction to control. How do you overcome negative reaction to


Week 10

This lecture focuses on management in the Nigeria context as a developing countryand the managerial problems facing Nigeria.

Study Question:(1) Explain management in the Nigerian context(2) Mention the managerial problems facing Nigeria and explain each.

Week 11

Description:The lecture deals with management development, the purpose of managementdevelopment factors to be considered in management development processes andtechniques used in managerial development and the problems associated withmanagement development in Nigeria and the principles for effective managerialdevelopment programs.

Study Question:(1) What is management development(2) What are the purpose of management development(3) What are the techniques used in management development(4) What are the problems associated with management development in Nigeria.

Week 12

Description:This week lectures will focuses its attention and discussion on the nature of directing,motivation and leadership style in an organization in broad term, motivation processes,theories and philosophies of human nature shall be describe in the contents.

Study Question

(1) Explain the nature of directing in an organization(2) State and explain the theories of leadership(3) Highlight types of leadership(4) What is Motivation(5) State the advantages of motivation in an organization(6) Explain motivation process(7) What does it take one to be a leader(8) Who is a Leader

Week 13

Description:This lecture would be focusing on indigenization, its objectives, reasons forindigenization, types of indigenization advantages and disadvantages of indigenization

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policy and the problems to the indigenization decree. The prerequisite forindigenization.

Study Question:(1) What are the objectives of indigenization(2) State the types of indigenization(3) State the prerequisite for indigenization(4) What are the advantages of indigenization decree

Week 14

Description:This week lecture will focuses on the transferability of management system,universality of management and its application to various management organization,its advantages and disadvantages.

Study Question:(1) Discuss your understanding on the term transferability of management.(2) Examine the meaning of universality of management(3) What are the advantages derivable from transferability of management.

Week 15

Revisions/General Class Discussion

Reading List:Brech, E.F.L. The Principles and Practice of Management (Longmans, Green & Co. 2nd

Edition (1963).E. Flippo (Management behavioural Approach) Boston: Allyn Cn Bacon, 1970 pg 385 –


Gerald H. Graham: Management the individual, the organization the process. WaclSmith Publishing Company in bermont Califonia.

William F. Glueck – Management Dryden Press Illinoss.

Ansoff H.I. Ed. Business Policy (London Penguin 1969)Fieldler F.S. A theory of leadership effectiveness. New York: McGraw Hill 1967John F. Mee: Matrix organization business horizon 7, No.2 (Summary 1964) page 70 –

72.Harold Kerzner: Matrix implementation obstacles problem, questions and answers

“David I creland ed. Matrix management systems handbook (New York: VanNostrand Reinhold 1984) pp. 307 – 327.

Bufta: Elwood S. Modern production operations management 8th ed. New York: JohnWiley & Sons 1987

Ansott H.I. Ed. Business Policy (London, Penguin 1969)

Himes G.K. Management leadership styles supervision 42 November 1980, p.9 – 11.Keith Dauis Communication within management. Re-sonel Vol.3, November 1954,

pp.212 – 217.

W. Bennis Leadership. A Beleaquere speces? Organizational dynamics 5, 1976, p.13 –14.

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Hime G.K. Management leadership styles supervision 42, Nov 1980-9-11.

Nukchukwu C.C. Management theory and practice (4th edition) 1989 Prentice Hall, NewDelhi

James A.F. Stoner and R. Edward freeman management (4th edition) 1989 PrenticeHall, New Delhi

Judith 12. Gordon et. al. Management and organizational behavior. Allyn and BaconUSA.

U.A. Graicunas et. al. Relationship of organizations in papers on the science ofadministration ed. L. Gulic and Ururick (New York Columbia University Press)1947.

Ernest Dale – Management – Theory and Practice. New York: McGraw Hill BookCompany.

Brech E.F.L. The principles and practice of management. London: Longman Green &Co. (2nd ed.) 1963.

Nwachukwu C.C. Management theory and practice (4th edition). Africana FEP PublisherLimited Nigeria 1988.

Gerald Graham – Management the individual, the organization, the process wadswarhPublishing Company in Belmont California.

Robbet Trentha and Gernew Pat: Management functions and behavior Dalias TexasBusiness Publication Inc. 1976.

Judith R. Gedon “Management and Organizational behavior” Allyn and Bacon

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ELEMENTS OF MARKETING I (2 Credits – Compulsory)

Course Code: Bus 203

Course Title: Element of Marketing I

Number of Credit: 2 Credit

Course Duration: 2 hours per week for 15 weeks (30hrs)

Lecturer’s Name: OLADIPO, Ganiyu Taiwo

Qualification: B.Sc, M.BA, M.Sc, P.G.D.C.S, Unilorin PGDE NIM,CIMA

Email Address: [email protected] & ganiyu- [email protected]

Office Location: Room 12 Department of Business AdministrationFaculty of Business and Social Sciences, Universityof Ilorin, Ilorin.

Consultation hrs: Monday 2 – 4pm & Thursday 12 – 2pm

Course Content:

A study on Element of Marketing with particular reference to Marketing definition and concepts.The Marketing System, Marketing Analysis, the Marketing Environment, Market Segmentation, theMarketing Mix, The Products, Concepts, Product Life Cycle (30hrs) T.

Course Outline:

Week 1 Marketing Definition and ConceptsWeek 2 Marketing SystemWeek 3 Marketing AnalysisWeek 4 Marketing PlanningWeek 5 Marketing ResearchWeek 6 Marketing DecisionWeek 7 Marketing EnvironmentWeek 8 Marketing SegmentationWeek 9 Marketing MixWeek 10 The Product ConceptWeek 11 The Price ConceptWeek 12 Place/Distribution ConceptWeek 13 Promotion ConceptWeek 14 Product Life CycleWeek 15 Revision/General Class Discussion

Course Justification:Every organization, be it profit making or non-profit entity, need to think about its markets andhow effectively it meets the customers or clients’ needs for instance, the banking industry innigeria has been experiencing a dramatic increase in the hiring of marketing talents and the size ofmarketing budgets. What has caused this greater interest in marketing and what does it mean for

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a bank to be market-driver?. Organization that do not satisfy their customers, sooner or laterdisapear – and usually its sooner rather than later conversely, organization that find new andbetter ways to meet needs, prosper and grow. This study Element of Marketing will introducestudent to the basic concept of marketing and its application to all business endeavour to achieveaim and objective in marketing and business career.

Course Objectives:

The main aim of the course is to introduce student to the basic concept of marketing and for themto understand and appreciate the importance of marketing in all business activities and itsapplication to all discipline of the society at the end of this course, students will be able to:

Explain and define Marketing in broad term. Understand the Marketing Concepts and explain the concept i.e. need, want,

Demand, products and exchange. Identify and understand the approaches to the study of market. Understand the analysis of marketing management and marketing management task. Understand the Marketing Management Philosophy and examine the production

concept, product concept, sales concept, marketing concept, societal concept. The study will enhance student the knowledge of entire monetary system and the

structure of National Marketing System. The student will be able to examine the environment in which Marketing exist. The study will introduce student to understand all about market and market

segmentation and its application. Understand the Marketing Strategy, identify internal controllable variables and

external uncontrollable variables, its application in Marketing activities. Finally understand the product life cycle and its application in marketing activities.

Course Requirement:

Bus 203 is compulsory for all students in the business adminstration department. Therefore, everystudent is required to participate actively in class, in group discussions and study group activities.As such attendance of lectures is compulsory. At least 75% attendance record is mandatory for astudent to qualify to sit for the end of semester examination.

Method of Grading:

No Types Scorce (%)

1 Group, Individual Assignment/Discussion 10

2 Continuous Assessment (Test) 20

3 Comprehensive Final Examination 70

4 Total Score 100

Course Delivery Strategies:

Traditional face to face teaching, group discussion/presentation of group assignement.

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Lecture Content:

Week 1 Marketing Definition and Concept


The first lecturer will set the tone for the entire semester’s work by understand the basicintroduction to the Meaning of Marketing in broad term.

Study Questions:

1. Define the Marketing2. Explain the Importance of Marketing3. Identify the Marketing Concept4. Explain the relationship of Marketing Concept to the society5. identify how Marketing is applicable to other discipline or profession.

Week 2 Marketing System


This week lecture will focuses on the Marketing system and the time involved in marketingmanagement. The relevance of Marketing Management and its application to variousdiscipline or profession.

Study Question:

(1) Explain your understanding on the term Marketing System.(2) Identify the task involve in the Marketing Management.(3) Discuss the relevance of Marketing Management to the society(4) Explain the relationship of Marketing Management to other discipline in

the society.

Week 3 Marketing Analysis


This week lecture will focuses on the Marketing Analysis describe the Structure of Marketingand Approaches to the study of marketing.

Study Question:

(1) Explain the Meaning of Marketing Analysis.

(2) Structural representation of National Marketing System.

(3) Identify and explain various approaches to Marketing.

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Week 4 Marketing Planning


This week lecture will centre on marketing planning development and marketing strategy’sinfluence on its environment, marketing plan, marketing ethics and social responsibility.

Study Question:

(1) Explain the Marketing Strategy influence on its environment.

(2) Discuss Marketing Plan.

Week 5 Marketing Research


This week lecture will centre on the marketing research, marketing research process, marketpotential and sales forecasting relationship between market potential industrial sales andcompany. Technique of market measurement, management’s use of market research.

Study Question:

(1) What is marketing research.

(2) What are the technique for market research.

(3) Explain the advantages and disadvantages of marketing research

Week 6 Marketing Decision


This week lecture will centre on marketing decision areas and explain the basis formarketing decision, discuss various decision method

Study Question:

(1) Explain Marketing decision.

(2) Describe the basis for marketing decision for pricing.

(3) Identify various decision method in marketing.

Week 7 Marketing Environment


This week lecture will focuses on the Environment in which marketing exist and explain theinternal marketing and external marketing environment, discussed the distinction betweenthe internal controllable and external uncontrollable in the marketing environment.

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Study Question:

(1) Explain Marketing Environment.

(2) Identify and explain the Controllable factor of the Internal Marketingenvironment.

(3) Identify and explain the uncontrollable factor of the external marketingenvironment.

(4) Diagrammatically explain the relationship of the marketing environment.

Week 8 Market Segmentation


This week lecture will focuses on the market discussion, how market is being segmented tosuit consumer’s need and the basis for market segmentation and condition forsegmentation. Various approaches to market segmentation will be discuss as well.

Study Question:

(1) Explain the term Market.

(2) Discuss your Understanding of Market Segmentation.

(3) Describe the basis for Market Segmentation.

(4) State and explain the Conditions for Segmentation.

(5) Distinguish the various approaches to Market Segmentation.

Week 9 Marketing Mix 4 p’s


This week lecture will focuses on the indepth discussion of Marketing Mix, the importance ofthe Marketing Mix, the relationship of the Marketing Mix, the Application of Marketing Mix tomarketing activities in achieving the marketing objectives.

Study Question:

(1) What is Marketing Mix.

(2) Explain the Importance of Marketing Mix.

(3) Describe the relationship that exist among the Marketing Mix.

(4) Explain the Application of Marketing Mix to all marketing activities.

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Week 10 The Product Concept


This week lecture will discuss the concept of product in broad term , reasons for developingproduct, new product development, product development process and productclassification.

Study Question:

(1) Explain the concept of a product.

(2) What is a Product

(3) Identify the reasons for developing product.

(4) Highlight the classifications of Product

(5) Describe product development processes.

Week 11 The Price Concepts


This week lecture will focus on price concepts and programme by explaining what is priceand pricing, setting the price and methods in price setting.

Study Question:

(1) What is pricing.

(2) What is a Price

(3) What are the methods of techniques of pricing

Week 12 Place/Distribution Concept


This week lecture would centre on place/distribution of products, channels of distribution ofproduct and movement of product from the production to the final customer.

Study Question:

(1) What is a Place.

(2) Identify the channels of product distribution.

(3) Describe movement of product from production to the final consumer.

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Week 13 The promotion Concepts


This week lecture will focuses on the promotion concept in marketing and its objectives in abroad terms and will describe and demonstrate the means of promotion in achievingmarketing objectives.

Study Question:

(1) Define promotion in a broad term.(2) What are the basis for promotion.(3) Identify and discuss briefly the promotional mix.(4) State and explain briefly the major objective of promotion in marketing


Week 14 Product Life Cycle


This week lecture will focuses on the detail discussion in the life cycle of a product, describethe stages in the life of product, discuss the development, introduction, growth, maturityand declining stages of the product.

Study Question:

(1) What is a product life cycle.(2) Identify and describe stages in life of product.(3) Examine the importance of stages of life of a product.

Week 15 Revision and General Discussion

Reading List:

Kotler P. and Gary Armstrong (2006) Principle of Marketing Element Edition.

Pride and Ferrell (2002) Marketing Concepts and Strategies Tenth Edition.

Richard, D. Crisp (Marketing Research 1957) McGraw Hill book, New York.

Thomas J.M. and Waite N.E. The Marketing Digest (1988) Heinman.

Baker M.J. (1983) Market Development Harmond with Pequine book.

Exter T. (1986) looking for brand loyalty. American Demographics April

1986, p.33.

S.S.A UMAISHA (2001) Understanding Marketing. University of Jos press Ltd. Jos

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J.A. Bamiduro (2000) Essential of Marketing Management. Tim-Sal Pub. Co. Coker Village,Lagos

Sheith Jagadish & Dennis Garet Marketing Management of Comprehensive Reader (1986)South Western Publishing Company, Ohio, USA.

Philip Kotler

Gary Armstrong

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