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Friday, October 23, 2009 Serving the University of Alabama since 1894 Vol. 116, Issue 46



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Red flags dot Quad for Alcohol Awareness Week

By Kelsey HendrixStaff Reporter

What if this Halloween, students and community members spent a little less time preparing their costumes and planning their parties, and a little more time walking to raise awareness and funds for a dangerous disease that affects some on the UA campus every day? This is exactly what Dana Lewis, event coordinator and a senior major-ing in public relations and political sci-ence, is proposing with the first ever Step Out: Walk to Fight Diabetes event in Tuscaloosa. The walk, which will take place on

Oct. 31, is a fundraising and advo-cacy event for the American Diabetes Association. This is the first diabetes walk in the Tuscaloosa community and will shed light on the issues surround-ing the disease that impacts so many local residents. “I have been involved in walks in Huntsville and Birmingham before but have been in Tuscaloosa for a long time now and thought it was about time for the Tuscaloosa community to come together to raise awareness and funds for people with diabetes,” Lewis said. “Since I myself have Type 1 diabetes, I thought it was very important to bring the event to Alabama to raise more local awareness.”

Lewis said that one in every 10 adults in Alabama lives with diabetes and this event will work to raise awareness

By Victor LuckersonStaff Reporter

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas will speak today at 2 p.m. at the UA School of Law. Thomas will present the law school’s Albritton Lecture, which brings national and international judiciary fig-ures to Tuscaloosa each year.

Since 1996, eight Supreme Court justices have presented the lecture, including cur-rent justices Antonin Scalia, Anthony Kennedy, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer and Samuel Alito. “We’re honored to host Justice Thomas once again for what will be his second visit with our law students in the last four years,” said law school

s p o k e s -man Aaron L a t h a m . “This occa-sion sets up a unique d y n a m i c where our law stu-dents, who stand on

the cusp of launching their own

legal careers, interact face-to-face with someone such as Justice Thomas, who stands at the very pinnacle of the legal profession.” After a short speech, Thomas will devote the majority of his time to answering ques-tions from the audience. The event is open to the public, but seating is limited. Bookbags, handbags and large coats will

not be permitted. A video and a podcast of the event will be available next week on the law school’s Web site and on the University’s iTunesU page. Law students were excited for the chance to hear Thomas speak. “I think it’s amazing, but it’s also really important,”

By Drew TaylorAdministrative Affairs Editor

What started as small talk between a few friends leaving a football game has now become a widespread effort to promote awareness of breast cancer. The UA chapters of Delta Zeta sorority and Zeta Tau Alpha sorority are encouraging stu-dents to wear an article of pink clothing to the football game against Tennessee Saturday in observance of Breast Cancer Awareness month. Mary Beth Harrison, a fresh-man majoring in communication studies, said she and a couple of friends were talking about how to honor the month as they walked out of Bryant-Denny Stadium after the game against Arkansas. Harrison said it would be a good idea if the whole UA student sec-tion wore pink in honor of breast cancer awareness. “A few people told me, ‘That will never happen,’” Harrison said. Harrison said her aunt is a breast cancer survivor, and the disease tends to be a troubling subject for many women. “It’s scary to think that I’ll have to go through this [test-ing for breast cancer] one day,” Harrison said. Starting small, Harrisonfocused on her own soror-ity, Delta Zeta, discussing with Sarah Beth Henson, president of the sorority, about how they could go get its members to wear pink for the game. Eventually, both girls decided to team up with Zeta Tau Alpha in wear-ing pink for the football game against Tennessee. Numerous e-mails and flyers later, the sky is the limit. “It’s grown like wildfire,” Harrison said. Now, Harrison said those who

UA fans asked to wear pink

Justice Thomas speaks on campus

Clarence Thomas

See THOMAS, page 3

CW | Katie BennettThe "Red Flags of Awareness" were placed on the Quad this week for Alcohol Awareness week to promote awareness of the affects of alcohol abuse.

By Christi CowanStaff Writer

Best Buy employees clad in the company’s classic blue shirts greeted customers Thursday night as the fully stocked store opened its doors to a crowd of excited people. The line of customers extended around the corner of the store and past Old Navy in Midtown Village. The store opened about 45 minutes early due to potential rain, but the employees did not let the weather stop them from being energetic.

Best Buy opens

Student plans Diabetes Walk

By Karissa BurschStaff Reporter

Tuscaloosa will welcome one more football fan today at 2 p.m. at the UA School of Law. The honorable Clarence Thomas, an associate justice on the U.S. Supreme Court, will speak at the law school’s annual Albritton Lecture. The SGA Senate introduced a resolu-tion Thursday that welcomed Thomas to the University and “sincerely thank[ed] Thomas for taking the time to travel and speak to the law school.”

Matthew Laney, a law school sena-tor and third-year law student, is the author of the resolution. He said Thomas is a football fan, so he wrote the resolution hoping it would give Thomas a warm welcome to the home of the Associated Press’ No. 1 football team. “I thought it would be nice to show our hospitality and be gracious,” Laney said. “He’s a big football fan, and this would give him a good impression of the Crimson Tide.” Thomas originally is from the South and was born in a community near Savannah, Ga., according to the offi-cial Supreme Court Web site. He has been a justice since 1991 after being appointed by former President George

H.W. Bush. Thomas is considered part of the far-right political opinion and commonly votes with the Justice Antonin Scalia, another known conservative judge, Laney said. Thomas characteristically gives short, to-the-point dissenting opinions, Laney said. He has been silent on ques-tioning attorneys for the past three years of his time as associate judge on the Supreme Court. Laney said he hopes students will take advantage of the opportunity and come out to hear Thomas speak. “I think there are so many opportu-nities that students are provided that

SGA Senate welcomes law speakerSenators promote Rising Tide tailgate at meeting

• What: UA law school’s Albritton Lecture featuring Justice Thomas

• Where: UA School of Law

• When: Today at 2 p.m.


• The UA chapters of Delta Zeta and Zeta Tau Alpha are en-couraging students to wear an article of pink clothing to Saturday’s game.


See PINK, page 3

• Step Out: Walk to Fight Diabetes will be held Oct. 31. • One in every 10 adults in Alabama lives with diabetes.


See DIABETES, page 2

See SENATE, page 3

“We are excited to be a part of the

Tuscaloosa community,”

— Ryan Johnston, Best Buy store manager

{ } Before letting in the cus-tomers, store manager Ryan Johnston performed the official ribbon-cutting with Tuscaloosa Mayor Walt Maddox. Johnston then gave a welcome speech and thanked the community for its continued hospitality. “We are excited to be a part of the Tuscaloosa community,” Johnston said. He also presented a $5,000 check on behalf of Best Buy to the West Alabama Red Cross, as well as to the Community Music School. Maddox thanked the city coun-cil for its support, and he said a Best Buy will generate money for the community. “Tuscaloosa is a city of cham-pions,” he said. “We can tell that just by looking at Bryant-Denny Stadium. Tonight we couldn’t be any more excited about Best Buy. Coming to Tuscaloosa is a deci-sion that you will not regret.” The grand opening event included a moon bounce for chil-dren and free popcorn. The store also gave $20 gift certificates to the first 100 people in line. Blake Vaughan, a senior majoring in aerospace engineer-ing, said he came to the event to see the store’s deals and get the free gift card, which he used to buy the “Batman” four-disc col-lector’s edition DVD. He said he definitely will be coming back to shop at Best Buy. Vaughan also said he enjoyed the grand opening event. “I thought it was real nice. They gave out a lot of free items to bring more people out here to

See BEST BUY, page 3


First ‘Big Al’ comes to First ‘Big Al’ comes to Bryant MuseamBryant Museam

Page 2: 10.23.09

The Crimson White NEWS Friday, October 23, 2009 3

By Tayler ReidStaff Writer

The Alabama Center for Real Estate Leadership Council based on campus has added 40 new members to its ranks. The council consists of busi-ness leaders from all over the state of Alabama and from the finance, construction, law, sales and marketing sectors of the real estate community. The appointments are two years, and members meet twice annually. “The Culverhouse College of Commerce is fortunate to have the support of the real estate

industry leaders that com-prise the ACRE Leadership Council,” said Grayson Glaze, the executive director for the Alabama Center for Real Estate. “Council members rep-resent a wealth of expertise, resources and experiences. In effect, they are extensions of the center, a network through which our industry outreach is enhanced and enriched.” The ACRE Leadership Council focuses on long-term growth and development of the Center and provides insight and counsel on current mar-ket trends and future areas of concentration. ACRE also con-sults and networks with indus-

try peers to promote ACRE and its services and programs to Alabama’s real estate com-munity, Glaze said. Robbie Gring Campbell, president of Gring Consultants and a member of the leader-ship council, said one primary function of the group is to par-ticipate in electronic surveys designed to gauge expert opin-ions on issues impacting the Alabama real estate market. The council also will con-tribute to the development of the Alabama Real Estate Confidence Index, a quar-terly survey that examines key factors that influence the real estate industry. The

ARECI research will be pat-terned after the University of Alabama’s Alabama Business Confidence Index generated by the Center for Business and Economic Research. “I believe the goal to estab-lish the Alabama Real Estate Confidence Index is very worthwhile and well on its way to being accomplished,” said Jason Hale, the president of MarketGraphics Alabama and a member of the coun-cil. “Additionally, just the opportunity to be involved with such a knowledge group of individuals is worthwhile.” Tracy Gatewood, president of Tracy Gatewood Strategic

Marketing Inc. and a member of the council, said the index will represent another invalu-able tool for the real estate industry to use as a general indicator of trends, decision making and short-term plan-ning, comparing to their own projections and sharing with clients and customers. “Although there are nation-al indexes, none specifically address the Alabama real estate market,” Gatewood said. “We firmly believe that our statewide practitioners have a clearer understanding of their ‘local’ markets and we hope that our index can provide a conduit for their market knowl-

edge in the aggregate to be effectively and usefully deliv-ered to our industry and to the consumers we serve on a daily basis.” The Commercial Real Estate Conference will be held on Jan. 29 at the Cahaba Grand Conference Center in Birmingham. Alabama Republican Sen. Richard Shelby will be the keynote speaker. Mike Lipsey and Tim Newberry will speak at this conference as well. Those interested in learn-ing more about the Leadership Council or ACRE in general can visit the program’s Web site:

ACRE Leadership Council announced

the grand opening,” he said. Vaughan said he liked Best Buy much better than Circuit City, the store that previously occupied that location. He said Best Buy is more competitive and also more willing to help its customers, which results in better deals. “We wanted to make sure that we captured not only just our Best Buy customers but also the people who don’t know that much about Best Buy,” Johnson said. “We felt like if we offered the $20 gift card, it would drive people into our building.” Johnston said he thought the event had a great turnout. Some public officials, includ-ing members of the Chamber of Commerce, attended the event, and several managers from other nearby Best Buy stores came to support the grand opening. “I could not be happier,” Johnston said. “It’s fantastic. A lot of people from the commu-nity are here.” The entire staff of the store, about 100 employees, came to make sure things went smooth-ly opening night. Johnston said the staff was prepared and had a great timeline leading up to the opening, but Thursday afternoon was a little hectic. “The last few hours have been our hardest point, but every-thing went excellent,” he said. He said the store had gotten a good amount of media coverage and excitement from the commu-nity, and he thinks the musical instrument section of the store will be the most talked about. Out of the 1,000 Best Buy stores in the United States, 86 have a similar section, and Johnston said he thinks it will play a big part in bringing in customers.

BEST BUYContinued from page 1

said Victoria Smythies, a second-year law stu-dent. “The University of Alabama is highly ranked but under-appreciated. Having a

Supreme Court justice speak shows we can be a player in the real world.” Smythies said she would not miss an oppor-tunity to see a Supreme Court justice speak. “It’s sort of the goal for lawyers,” she said. “If you want to become a judge, you want to become a Supreme Court justice.” Smythies said even those who have ideo-logical differences with Thomas should attend the lecture. “At the very least,” Smythies said, “he’s going to give you talking points to refute.” Alicia Lewis, a second-year law student, said while one of her profes-sors made attendance mandatory, she would have gone to the lecture regardless. “I hope to become motivated to study the law and become a law-yer,” Lewis said. Alex Vaughn, a sec-ond-year law student,

said he had been plan-ning to attend the lec-ture for weeks. “The main thing I want to get is an insight into the way he thinks,” Vaughn said. “It’s eas-ier to do that by hear-ing someone speak. I’m very intrigued at the

possibility of getting to see a Supreme Court justice think on his feet and see how he talks to people — to see what his opinions are.” This will be Thomas’s second trip to the Capstone. He also gave the lecture at the law school in 2005. The Albritton Lecture series was created by UA Law alumnus William Albritton. In the spring, Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts will present the lecture.

Managing Editor Will Nevin contributed to this report.

THOMASContinued from page 1

will be showing their sup-port by wearing pink includethe SGA, the PanhellenicCouncil, the Million DollarMarching Band and severalothers. Students are encouragedto wear anything pink to thegame Saturday, from T-shirtsto bracelets to ribbons. Inaddition, Delta Zeta will pro-vide the Greek section withstickers, while Zeta TauAlpha will provide pink shak-ers to the sororities. “It’s great because we’renot just supporting our foot-ball team, but a great cause aswell,” said Henson, a seniormajoring in political scienceand public relations. Henson said she could notbe more proud of Harrisonand her work in getting peo-ple involved with this initia-tive. “She’s really run withthis idea to what it is now,”Henson said. “I look forwardto great things from her.” Despite finishing her timeat the University in May,Henson said she hopes thistradition does not leave withher. “I hope this tradition con-tinues to grow year afteryear,” Henson said.

PINKContinued from page 1

don’t come along very often,” Laney said. “Students at a lot of other schools don’t have the opportunities or the resources to see them.” Laney recommended stu-dents arrive for the speech by 1 p.m. since the lecture space is expected to fill up quickly. There will be an over flow room provided. “Students interested in pur-suing legal education and American history would espe-cially enjoy it,” Laney said. “Everybody can still learn a lot from well-noted legal authori-ties, though. I would recom-mend everybody attend.” Thomas spoke at the Albritton Lecture in fall 2005, and Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts will speak at the Albritton Lecture in spring 2010, Laney said. Other resolutions introduced at Senate on Thursday include a resolution to encourage par-ticipation in and endorse SGA goes pink, a resolution to add the “colleges” section under the “academics” tab of to the “students” tab and a resolution supporting and encouraging attendance at the Rising Tide nonalcoholic tail-gate before the football game on Saturday.

SENATEContinued from page 1

“It’s sort of the goal for lawyers. If you want to become a judge, you want to

become a Supreme Court justice.”

— Victoria Smythies{ }

The Associated Press

SAN FRANCISCO — The U.S. Census Bureau is making an unprecedented effort to include same-sex couples in next year’s national population count, but legally married gay couples won’t show up as such in the official once-a-decade tally, bureau representatives said Thursday. Statistical problems related to the development of the 2010 census form and the evolving legal state of same-sex rela-tionships led Census officials to conclude that trying to include married gay couples in the overall snapshot of house-hold marital status could yield an inaccurate number, said Gary Gates, a University of California, Los Angeles demog-rapher who has been advising the bureau on gay issues. Instead, same-sex married couples will be added into the category for unmarried part-ners, just as they were for the 2000 census. But in a marked policy departure, the agency plans to make the data on same-sex couples who described themselves as married avail-able on a state-by-state basis. “The Bureau has decided to give us the information, but be a little cautious,” Gates said. The decision to develop sep-arate sets of numbers was a compromise position that was “less about politics and more about accurate data,” he said. Gates stressed that it was important for gay couples to participate in the census, not-ing that information drawn from the last one had been used in lawsuits dealing with same-sex marriage and to lobby con-gressional representatives who may wrongly assume they do not have many gay constitu-ents. Because same-sex marriages were not legal in any U.S. state a decade ago, the 2010 cen-sus is the first for which the bureau has wrestled with how to count married same-sex cou-ples. In June, census officials announced that they would make the attempt, reversing an earlier decision made under the Bush administration.

NEWS in brief

Census bureau says 2020 count could include gays

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Page 3: 10.23.09




Friday, October 23, 2009Editor • Alan Blinder

[email protected] 4

WE WELCOME YOUR OPINIONSLetters to the editor must be less than 300 words and guest columns less than 800. Send submissions to [email protected]. Submissions must include the author’s name, year, major and day-time phone number. Phone numbers are for verification and will not be published. Students should also include their year in school and major. For more information, call 348-6144. The CW reserves the right to edit all submissions.


Amanda Peterson EditorWill Nevin Managing EditorAlan Blinder Opinions Editor

“Parking benefi ts or bonuses for

students who have environmentally

friendly vehicles.”

— Andrew Kue-hndorf, junior,


“Maybe more on-line work, instead of so much hand-ing in paperwork, would help. And turn off the sprin-kler system when

itʼs raining.”

— Kimberly Jay, junior, psychology

“I think they should improve the mass


— Ross Owens, junior, anthropology

and German


Confirm Benjamin


In short: The GOP needs to allow a confi rmation vote for surgeon general. {

By Ian Sams

I can’t tell you how many times over the past few weeks I have heard the gubernatorial con-tests in Virginia and New Jersey referred to emphatically as the “first electoral tests of the Obama presidency.” Yes, in a mere 11 days, those two states will elect governors, but to deem them “tests of the Obama presidency” is a bit imprudent. In Virginia, we have seen a strange campaign. In the Democratic primary, a car-pet-bagging Clintonite, Terry McAuliffe, launched a quixotic campaign but ended up losing to a little-known and less-funded state senator, Creigh Deeds, from rural western Virginia. For the Republicans, Virginia’s tough-on-crime and picture-perfect attorney general, Bob McDonnell, was ushered in as their candidate for governor. McDonnell, since mid-2008, had been branded as a rising GOP star, one with a serious chance of reclaiming the governorship of Virginia for the Republicans for the first time since 2002. The general election has been wacky, to say the least. McDonnell’s graduate school thesis has emerged, in which he brands working women as dan-gerous to the family unit and contributory to a worsening soci-ety. Deeds avidly thrust abortion into the discussion, hoping to capitalize on women’s skepticism towards McDonnell. In reality, Deeds has turned off women by expecting them to be one-issue voters. McDonnell has shrugged off his thesis as a past whim. All along, McDonnell has led

in the polls. The current counts have him with an eight-point lead on Deeds. McDonnell should win this race, and I expect we’ll hear a lot about Obama, not Deeds, los-ing Virginia as it turns red again. But truthfully, Obama has played such a minor role in the politics of this race that a McDonnell victo-ry can’t accurately be portrayed as an Obama loss. Deeds has run a miserable cam-paign, and he surely is not in ide-ological step with the president. He is conservative on the death penalty, gay marriage, guns and immigration. So, if he loses, why blame Obama, who won Virginia being quite liberal on at least three of those issues? New Jersey is arguably an even more insular case. Campaigns in the Garden State are notori-ous. They are knockdown, drag-out slugfests. (Anyone wanting to see how hard-scrabble and nasty campaigns in Jersey can be should Netflix “Street Fight,” a documentary about the 2002 may-oral race in Newark.) This year, we’re watching a three-way race between incum-bent Democrat Jon Corzine, a near billionaire former CEO of Goldman Sachs; Republican Chris Christie, a former lobbyist and U.S. Attorney; and independent Chris Daggett, a former envi-ronmental regulator on both the state and federal levels. This race has devolved into Corzine attacking Christie for being overweight. Seriously, his most recent ad shows a plump Christie stepping out of a car awkwardly as his rotund midsec-tion bounces and the narrator asks ominously if Christie’s been “throwing his weight around.”

Corzine maintains a slight lead today, with Daggett gaining steam as a spoiler and Christie pulling even, but who knows what the results will be? It is a tradition-ally blue state, so even Christie’s close polling has been a pain for many Democrats. If Christie pulls off a win, pun-dits will clamor about Obama’s effect on this race even more so than in Virginia. But maybe Christie’s repetition of Corzine’s status as a former Wall Street CEO in a time when everyone seems to hate Wall Street CEOs is costing Corzine. Maybe it is the base-level campaign tactics that are pushing public opinion in such strange ways. The bottom line is if Democrats lose either of these two races, media pundits will obsess over the “Obama effect” for days, if not weeks. Politicos will brand this as a loss for Obama and argue that these were resounding defeats for his still-young agenda. In truth, Obama has not been an issue in either of these races. The president won both states, so why would Republicans even tar-get him? At the end of the day, guberna-torial contests often are removed from federal politics. States vary intensely when it comes to select-ing their independent leaders, and we’re seeing that here. Obama has only been presi-dent for nine months, so let’s not blame any political shifts on him yet. As all the Nobel naysayers would argue, he just has not done enough yet to merit it.

Ian Sams is a junior majoring in political science. His columns run weekly on Friday.

By Jeff Haas

College football Saturdays in Tuscaloosa were the deciding fac-tor that made me choose to attend the University. I always have loved the tradition and excitement associated with Southeastern Conference football. One of the other great aspects of Saturdays across the country involve the coming together of friends and family over food and fun at tail-gates. The Quad is the best place on campus to enjoy the atmo-sphere associated with this game-day activity. However, there are a number of individuals who have chosen to take advantage of the

unwritten rule involved with tail-gating on the quad. As many know, there aren’t parking spaces around the Quad for people to lock up their tailgat-ing gear in their car during the game. So, that being said, the unwritten rule of tailgating on the Quad consists of the following: Do not steal from individual tailgates while the owners are enjoying the game in Bryant-Denny Stadium. Unfortunately, this rule con-tinues to be broken. Opposing fans and random members of the Tuscaloosa community don’t do this often. Rather, more often than not, it is people who attend the University. Our own Crimson

Tide fans are stealing from our tailgates on the Quad. I would like to challenge all of those who call the Quad home on Saturdays to keep an eye out for suspicious activity. If you see what you believe to be theft occur-ring at a tailgate, take a stand and approach the individual. These are weak-minded people who probably have been disciplined only rarely and will definitely avoid confrontation. I’m challeng-ing you to do your part to help prevent crime from occurring on the Quad.

Jeff Haas is a senior majoring in business management.

When President Obama nominated Regina Benjamin of Bayou la Batre to be the nation’s next surgeon general, we were ecstatic. So was the entire Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, which unanimously approved the nomination of an innova-tive medical practitioner who has shown grit and resolve in her mission to provide health care to rural, underserved populaces. But some Republican senators have been holding her confirmation hostage. Over the last month, some prominent Republicans, including Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., have thwarted Benjamin’s confirmation over concerns about health care reform. The surgeon general is responsible for public health initiatives, not health insurance. The only statutory obligation of the surgeon general remotely related to insurance is to promote awareness and prevention — a bipartisan component of health reform that some say will cut costs. But, for a moment, let’s say Republicans were right to play politics with Benjamin’s nomination. The primary concern of Republicans — that insur-ance companies couldn’t lobby consumers about the effects of health reform — has been resolved. That means it’s time for Republicans to step aside and support Benjamin’s confirmation. The bright spot for Alabama is that neither Alabama senator participated in this political power grab. Republicans Jeff Sessions and Richard Shelby said they shared the concerns of some Republicans, but they refused to allow those concerns to inter-fere with their support of a strong candidate for sur-geon general. In fact, Shelby’s office said the senator hoped the upper chamber would move “expeditious-ly” on Benjamin’s nomination. We hope so. It is time for Republicans to stop play-ing charades with public health. Benjamin has the potential to guide the United States in a new direc-tion, one that emphasizes and rewards preventive care. It is time for her to have the chance.

Our View is the consensus of The Crimson White’s editorial board.

By Taylor Ashy

On Nov. 3, Ohio is set to become the 22nd state in the U.S. to legalize gambling, which is projected to create 34,000 jobs and raise almost $1 billion in revenue. The gaming industry nationally is a $54 bil-lion industry that employs more than 350,000 peo-ple annually and in many states fully funds college scholarship programs. Alabama currently is one of five states that does not allow any form of legalized gambling, including land-based casinos, sports wagering, pari-mutuels or a lottery. This fiscal year, Alabama reported a $1.1 billion deficit, and Gov. Bob Riley recently announced a 7.5 percent cut from the Education Trust Fund, which is funneled to K-12 schools around the state. Florida, Massachusetts, Maryland, Kansas and Illinois have all legalized gambling in the past three years and traditionally anti-gambling states such as Hawaii, Utah and South Carolina cur-rently have measures in their state legislatures that are proposing to legalize some form of gaming to meet the unemployment, housing or education woes in their state. It has been 10 years since Gov. Don Siegelman’s constitutional amendment that would have autho-rized a state education lottery was defeated, and while the state still is feeling the effects of the reces-sion, I believe there has never been a better time to push for legalization. The demand for gambling is one of the few markets that has remained con-stant through the past year, and more than half of the states with lotteries have reported rising sales over the past six months. As the citizens of this state search for new solu-tions to our economy, I hope they can overlook the far-too-exaggerated social issues and do a simple cost-benefit analysis. I hope at least one of the guber-natorial candidates in next year’s election will put future generations’ education at heart and decide to support a much needed lottery.

Taylor Ashy is a junior majoring in finance.

MCT Campus

LETTER TO THE EDITORGambling legalization would help education

It is not an Obama effect

Combat gameday Quad crime



By Jacob Summers

I want to focus on a broad topic this week: The imbalance of affairs in our country. This is a bit generic, so let me throw out a hypothetical situation. Imagine, if you will, that our country is struggling to reach a decision on the health care plan while fighting a war we were supposed to have finished. Also suppose we have just experienced an economic low beat only by the Great Depression. Now flip on your television to find out what’s going on, how you can stay informed and what your nation’s leaders are doing to fix it. Balloon Boy. Obama’s Nobel Prize. Michael Jackson’s death. The point for me, conservative rant

aside, is we have been allocating too much of our mental capacity to things that should rank much lower on our list of priorities. Sure, the death of a nation-al pop icon is important. However, that happened about every week last sum-mer. It would have been impossible to give all of them our attention. Sure, our president winning the Nobel Prize is important, albeit unde-served. There is much controversy sur-rounding the legitimacy of his reception of the award. But really… Balloon Boy? This is the best we can watch and keep up with? It hit its pinnacle with the number of updates our precious CNN sent out about it. Even those who love to be surrounded by monotonous publicity stunts were calling out, “Why?” as CNN

unleashed a flood of constant updates. This obviously presents a clear and present danger. Our citizens are thirsty for distraction from real issues and/or our media is helping distract our citi-zens from real issues. Either way, what this says for our country may be the sin-gle greatest issue we fact today — not just apathy, but the evolving ability to be controlled as though we were sheep. Not only are so many Americans often incapable of asking the right ques-tions, they do not want to ask the right questions. Sure, this has been going on for some time now, and our foreign counterparts jab at the issue all the time, with phrases like “the uninformed Americans,” “the lazy Americans” and the like. If you don’t believe me, read comments on any given American news

site. Listen to the way reports of othercountries handle U.S.-related stories. But now is even worse. Now we havescandals, lies and distractions as sec-ond place. Citizens can either no longersee the problem, or see the problem andact as though it’s a natural part of theirlife and the lives of any person living onAmerican soil. Rosy tint aside, no longer is the ques-tion, “Is our government corrupt?” or“Can we fix it?” but rather, “Would itreally make a difference if we did fix it?”What will it take to stop this? Are we even willing to fix it?

Jacob Summers is a senior majoringin public relations, business and com-puter science. His column runs weeklyon Friday.

Media, America keep focusing on wrong issues

Page 4: 10.23.09

The Crimson White NEWS Friday, October 23, 2009 5

By Matthew DalyThe Associated Press

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration said Thursday it is designating more than 200,000 square miles in Alaska and off its coast as “criti-cal habitat” for polar bears, an action that could add restric-tions to future offshore drilling for oil and gas. Federal law prohibits agen-cies from taking actions that may adversely affect critical habitat and interfere with polar bear recovery. Assistant Interior Secretary Tom Strickland called the habi-tat designation a step in the right direction to help polar bears stave off extinction, while recognizing that the greatest threat to the bear is the melting of Arctic sea ice caused by cli-mate change. “As we move forward with a comprehensive energy and climate strategy, we will con-tinue to work to protect the polar bear and its fragile envi-ronment,” Strickland said at a news conference. The total area proposed for critical habitat designa-tion would cover about 200,541 square miles — about half in the rugged Chukchi Sea off Alaska’s northwest coast. About 93 percent of the area proposed for the polar bear is sea ice, with the remaining 7 percent made up of barrier islands or land-based dens of snow and ice. Designation as critical habi-tat would not, in itself, bar oil or gas development, but would make consideration of the effect

on polar bears and their habitat an explicit part of any govern-ment-approved activity. Thursday’s announcement starts a 60-day public comment period, with a final rule expected next year. Interior faces a June 30 deadline for critical habitat designation under terms of a settlement agreement between the government and three envi-ronmental groups. The Bush administration last year declared polar bears “threatened,” or likely to become endangered. The May 2008 order by then-Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne cited the bear’s need for sea ice, the dramatic loss of such ice in recent decades and computer models that suggest sea ice is likely to recede further in the future. Environmental groups hailed the habitat announcement, but noted that it came in the same week that the Interior Department approved a plan by a subsidiary of Royal Dutch Shell to drill exploratory wells on two leases in the Beaufort Sea off Alaska’s north coast. The proposed drilling sites are within the area proposed for critical habitat designation. “If polar bears are to survive in a rapidly melting Arctic, we need to protect their critical habitat, not turn it into a pol-luted industrial zone,” said

Brendan Cummings, a lawyer with the Arizona-based Center for Biological Diversity, which filed a lawsuit in the polar bear case. Cummings called the Interior Department “schizophrenic” — on the one hand declaring its intent to protect polar bear habitat in the Arctic, yet at the same time “sacrificing that hab-itat to feed our unsustainable addiction to oil.” The announcement comes one day after the state of Alaska filed a new complaint in its effort to overturn the listing of the polar bear as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. Former Gov. Sarah Palin filed suit last year, saying that Interior did not respond to the state’s concerns in a timely manner before listing the polar bears as threatened. State officials say the listing could cripple offshore oil and gas development in the Chukchi and Beaufort seas, which pro-vide prime habitat for the polar bears. Gov. Sean Parnell, who suc-ceeded Palin upon her resig-nation last summer, said the Endangered Species Act was being used as a way to shut down resource development along Alaska’s northern coast. Parnell said he does not intend to let that happen.

By David EspoThe Associated Press

WASHINGTON — Senior Senate Democrats at work with White House officials on health care legislation are strongly considering a requirement for the federal government to sell insur-ance in direct competition with private industry, offi-cials said Thursday, with individual states permitted to drop out of the system. Liberals in Congress long have viewed such an approach, called a pub-lic option, as an essential ingredient of the effort to overhaul the nation’s health care system, and President Barack Obama has said frequently he favors it. But he has also made clear it is not essential to the legisla-tion he seeks, a gesture to Democratic moderates who have opposed it. Sens. Ben Nelson, D-Neb., and Kent Conrad, D-N.D., said in separate interviews they had been told the plan was drawing interest in the private negotiations unfold-ing in an ornate room in the Capitol down the hall from the Senate chamber. The final decision is up to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., who led a delegation of Democrats to the White House late in the day to discuss health care with Obama. “I’m not part of those dis-cussions. What I’m hearing is that this is the direction of the conversation,” said Conrad, who supports an alternative approach under which nonprofit co-ops would compete with private industry. “I keep hearing there is a lot of leaning toward some sort of national pub-

APThe Obama administration is setting aside 200,000 square miles in Alaska and off its coast as "critical habitat" for polar bears, an action that could add restrictions to future offshore drilling for oil and gas.

Feds designate ‘critical habitat’ for polar bear

“If polar bears are to survive in a rapidly melting Arctic, we need to protect their critical habitat, not

turn it into a polluted industrial zone.”

— Brendan Cummings, a lawyer with the Center for Biological Diversity

{ }



Negotiators consider public option in bill

APPeople grab signs at the start of a rally in support of health care insurance reform in Washington on Thursday.

lic option, unfortunately, from my standpoint,” Nelson said. The White House declined to comment. Reid’s office did likewise, and the Nevada Democrat left the White House without talk-ing with reporters. Several officials said no final decisions had been made about including the so-called public option into the legisla-tion. In the extraordinarily complicated atmosphere sur-rounding health care, one possibility seemed to be that the idea of a public option was being given wide circulation to see whether it could attract enough support to survive on the Senate floor. If not, it surely would be jet-tisoned beforehand, with liber-als urged to accept something less or risk defeat of health care legislation. There is lit-tle margin for error among Obama’s allies in the Senate as they confront nearly unani-mous Republican opposition. Democratic moderates are

skeptical of allowing the government to sell insur-ance, concerned that it would mark an unwarranted federal intrusion into the private marketplace. And even if they agreed, it would raise questions of payment rates for doctors, hospitals and other providers. The public option issue has been one of the most vex-ing of the yearlong effort by Obama and his Democratic allies in Congress to remake the nation’s health care sys-tem. Legislation taking shape in the House is also expect-ed to include a public option, although it is unlikely states will be allowed to opt out. After months of struggle, both houses are expected to vote in the next few weeks on sweeping legislation that expands coverage to mil-lions of people who lack it, ban industry practices such as denial of coverage for pre-existing medical conditions and slow the growth of medi-cal care spending in general. The House and Senate measures aim to expand coverage to about 95 per-cent of the population, and include federal subsidies to help lower-income families afford coverage and permit small businesses to provide it for their employees. The two bills differ at many points, although both are paid for through a com-bination of cuts in future Medicare spending and higher taxes — a levy on high-cost insurance policies in the case of the Senate and an income surcharge on very high income indi-viduals and families in the House measure.

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Page 5: 10.23.09

6 Friday, October 23, 2009 NEWS The Crimson White

By Hrvoje HranjskiThe Associated Press

MANILA, Philippines — Living up to its name, Typhoon Lupit — meaning cruel in Filipino — zigzagged around the rain-soaked northern Philippines on Friday, keeping weary resi-dents on edge and forecasters guessing about its next move. The third successive storm in a month has been hover-ing for several days near the coast and inland mountains, sending thousands to seek shelter following two back-to-back typhoons that killed nearly 1,000 people, most of them buried in dozens of mud-slides. Lupit’s erratic direction baf-fled forecasters and frustrated the local media who kept pre-dicting its landfall every day. The weather bureau said in a nationally televised briefing Thursday evening that Lupit would ram into northeast-ern Cagayan province early Friday. After crawling for the last two days, it barreled on course to hit shore then stalled again Friday, delaying landfall by another day — or two, or three, said chief forecaster Nathaniel Cruz. The reason is two high-pres-sure areas that sandwiched Lupit from the South China Sea in the west and the Pacific

Ocean in the east, each pulling the storm in its direction, Cruz said. Typhoons usually slice through the northern Philippines from the Pacific and exit through the South China Sea. The archipelago nation, known as the welcome mat for typhoons, gets about 20 a year during the rainy season from June to December. Lupit weakened overnight and was packing winds of 75 miles (120 kilometers) per hour and gusts of up to 93 mph (150 kph), Cruz said. It was still a dangerous system that could drench the north of the main island of Luzon on the heels of the worst flooding in the Philippines in 40 years. Tropical Storm Ketsana on Sept. 26 inundated much of the capital, Manila, and surround-ing areas, including the coun-try’s largest Lake Laguna, kill-ing 464 people. It was followed by Typhoon Parma, which unleashed mudslides along the Cordillera mountain range Oct. 3, leaving 465 dead. For the past week, army troops and disaster-relief officials have ferried tons of canned food and clothes and moved rubber boats and heli-copters along the coast and the interior. At least 1,500 residents living along the Cagayan River and its tributaries were moved to

Erratic typhoon keeps Philippines on edge

high ground, said provincial Gov. Alvaro Antonio. Another 1,000 people left their homes in Appari township, including

some 200 after a wave surge collapsed a 65-feet (20-meter) high sea wall in San Antonio village early this week.

APFilipino Muslim women ride on a pedicab to keep them dry from the almost month-long fl oodwaters, in Pinagbuhatan, Pasig city, east of Manila, Philippines on Wednesday.

By Michael RubinkamThe Associated Press

SWIFTWATER, Pa. — The federal government originally promised 120 million doses of swine flu vaccine by now. Only 13 million have come through. As nervous Americans clam-or for the vaccine, production is running several weeks behind schedule, and health officials blame the pressure on pharma-ceutical companies to crank it out along with the ordinary flu vaccine, and a slow and anti-quated process that relies on millions of chicken eggs. There have been other bottle-necks, too: Factories that put the precious liquid into syring-es have become backed up. And the government itself ran into a delay in developing the tests required to assess each batch before it is cleared for use. What effect the delays will have on the course of the outbreak is unclear, in part because scientists cannot say with any certainty just how dangerous the virus is, how eas-ily it spreads, or whether it will mutate into a more lethal form. Since April, swine flu has killed more than 800 people in the U.S., including 86 children, 39 of them in the past month and a half, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. More than half

of all hospitalizations since thebeginning of September were people 24 and under. “We’re in this race against the virus, and only Mother Nature knows how many cases are going to occur over the nextsix to 10 weeks,” said MichaelOsterholm, a vaccine expert at the University of Minnesota. In the meantime, many states have had to postpone mass vaccinations. Clinics around the country that man-aged to obtain doses of the vac-cine have been swamped. And doctors are getting bombardedwith calls from worried and angry parents. “Nobody has it,” said AnnMarie O’Connor, who wait-ed more than four hours for the vaccine in Rockville, Md., stand-ing in line with her two young children and about 1,000 other people. Health officials “said the shots would be here in early October. But where are they?” Federal officials counsel patience, saying that eventu-ally there should be enough of both vaccines for everyone who wants them. “We wish we had better ways to produce vaccines per-fectly predictably, but this is how influenza vaccine pro-duction often goes,” Dr. Anne Schuchat, who heads the CDC’s immunization and respiratory disease section, said last week.

Production of swine fl u vaccineis way behind

Page 6: 10.23.09

The Crimson White NEWS Friday, October 23, 2009 7

By Jay ReevesThe Associated Press

An investment banker who pleaded guilty to brib-ing Birmingham Mayor Larry Langford testified Thursday he hoped to get lucrative bond work when he provided money and high-priced gifts to Langford, who was in “very dire” financial straits. The plan worked, accord-ing to testimony by banker Bill Blount during Langford’s corruption trial. Soon after Langford took over as presi-dent of the Jefferson County Commission, Blount’s com-pany, Blount Parrish & Co. Inc., was included in a string of county bond deals worth mil-lions. Blount, of Montgomery, is the prosecution’s main witness in the trial of Langford, who will be removed from office if convicted on any of multiple counts of bribery, fraud, con-spiracy, money laundering or filing false tax returns. Blount, a former chairman of the Alabama Democratic Party, recounted how he first began providing a string of loans, checks and lavish gifts

to Langford, 63. Blount said he hired a for-mer executive director of the Alabama Democratic Party, lobbyist Al LaPierre, to be his “eyes and ears” in Jefferson County, Alabama’s most popu-lous county and financial cen-ter. After Langford won the Democratic primary for a commission seat in June 2002, Blount testified, LaPierre told him Langford was in “very dire need” of money to pay clothing bills. Blount said he arranged a $50,000 loan for Langford because he didn’t want the debt problems to become pub-lic and ruin a promising politi-cal career. Prosecutor George Martin asked Blount if he had other motives. “I certainly hoped that in the event Jefferson County did any public finance work my firm would be included,” Blount. Prosecutors said Blount’s gambit paid off in a big way: Blount Parrish made $7.1 mil-lion from deals involving the county as Blount showered Langford with some $235,000 in expensive gifts, checks and hefty loans.

Blount said many of his dealings with Langford were routed through LaPierre to dis-guise them. Langford contends he and Blount were only old friends exchanging gifts, and Blount confirmed on cross-exami-nation they had known each other for years and swapped items back and forth a number of times. Defense lawyer Mike Rasmussen told jurors in opening arguments Langford didn’t consider any of Blount’s largesse to be bribes, and he repeatedly got Blount to admit Langford never asked for any-thing. Testimony by employees of six luxury stores in New York — including Salavatore Ferragamo, Oxford Clothes and Turnbull and Asser — showed multiple purchases by Blount of items including suits, jackets, shoes and watches, with the items often shipped to Langford’s courthouse office. Evidence showed the pur-chases coincided with trips to New York by Langford, Blount and others for meetings with attorneys and financiers to discuss Jefferson County

Key witness testifi es in Langford trial Birmingham Mayor Larry Langford speaks to reporters at the federal build-ing with his wife Melva Langford for jury selection in his trial on Monday in Tusca-loosa. Langford is accused of taking about $230,000 in bribes to fun-nel bond work to Montgomery investment banker Bill Blount during Langfordʼs time as president of the Jefferson County Commission.


bond deals. Going through one shopping spree after another, Martin repeatedly asked Blount why he bought certain items in New York. “Mayor Langford saw some-thing he liked and wanted it,” he replied. Blount said he want-ed to “keep Mayor Langford happy” and “make sure Blount

Parrish was included” in as many deals as possible.” Trying to head off an attack on Blount’s credibility by the defense, prosecutors brought out that Blount was testifying in a plea deal with the govern-ment after admitting to bribery and conspiracy. Rather than facing 60 years in prison if convicted of all the

crimes he was indicted for, Blount said prosecutors will recommend a sentence of just more than four years in prison in return for his assistance. “My responsibilities are to tell the truth,” said Blount. LaPierre also pleaded guilty in the bribery scheme and is expected to testify against Langford after Blount.

By Desiree HunterThe Associated Press

MONTGOMERY — State schools Superintendent Joe Morton unveiled a plan Thursday to deal with budget cuts for fiscal year 2011 partly by making teachers pay more for health insurance and retire-ment benefits. The plan also calls for a con-stitutional amendment that would base appropriations to K-12, postsecondary and four-year universities on the number of students enrolled at each level of education, a move supported by the state teachers union. But the Alabama Education

Association voiced less enthusi-asm for other parts of his plan, which would: —Freeze state funding to the Public Education Employees’ Health Insurance Plan at the FY 2010 level and direct the plan’s board to develop a program to match available funds —Raise the amount of experi-ence required for future educa-tion employees to retire from 25 years to 30 years —Increase the amount edu-cation employees pay into their retirement plans from 5 percent to 6 percent —Raise the minimum age for future participants in the Deferred Retirement Option

Plan, or DROP, to 30 years of service and 57 years of age Speaking to the State Board of Education at its monthly K-12 worksession, Morton said he thinks the amendment basing funding on enrollment “is the only thing that would save K-12 education.” It “cuts right to the heart of the matter and we don’t caught up in bickering,” Morton told the board. Currently there is no exact formula state Legislators use to decide the education budget and often base it partly on pre-vious appropriations that might not have been adequate in the first place.

“It’s an annual decision and an annual fight,” Morton said. “It’s an annual debate — you can’t make any long-term plans.” His proposal also says K-12 education should receive at least 70 percent of all expenditures for the fiscal year 2011 education budget that the Legislature will enact next year. The new fiscal year that began Oct. 1 started with a 7.5 percent across-the-board cut to education budgets. That was on top of a record 11 percent cut in the previous fiscal year. Some school systems, especially those in areas with low local support, will likely be forced to take out loans but those with local finan-

cial reserves and good tax bases will fare a little better. Mary Bruce Ogles, assis-tant secretary for the Alabama Education Association, said the teacher’s union supports the constitutional amendment for enrollment and the move to guarantee education funding at 70 percent. But she said the group has problems with the rest of Morton’s plan. “We’re a little concerned that Dr. Morton would want to bal-ance the budget on the backs of educational employees,” she said Thursday. “He wants to be charging more for their health insurance and making changes

to their retirement plans. We don’t think that’s the way to go.” Morton said raising the retire-ment age would save money by reducing the number of years the department would be responsible for an employee’s medical care before they would become eligible for government-funded Medicare. “I don’t know what the board will do and don’t know what the Legislature will do but I’m hop-ing that if this board endorses the plan the Legislature will support it,” Morton said. “Let’s not keep using all the money we have for health insurance and use what’s left over for our students.”

Morton: Teachers should help offset budget cuts

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Page 7: 10.23.09

8 Friday, October 23, 2009 NEWS The Crimson White

By Sheila ByrdThe Associated Press

JACKSON, Miss. — The University of Mississippi has shortened one of its fight songs to discourage football fans from chanting “the South will rise again” during part of the tune, which critics say is an offensive reminder of the region’s intolerant past. However, some fans have continued to recite the chant at the end of the song, “From Dixie With Love,” despite the change made last week at the chancellor’s request. The Ole Miss band performs the med-ley before and after games. Earlier this month, the Ole Miss student government passed a resolution suggest-ing the chant be replaced by the phrase, “To hell with LSU.” Dan Jones, who became Ole Miss chancellor in July, said he asked the school’s band direc-tor, David Wilson, to modify the song to support the efforts of the Associated Student Body. He said he has received complaints from alumni that the slogan is offensive. “The fact is, the phrase ‘The South Will Rise Again’ is not

part of our tradition or spirit, and it is inconsistent with the university’s values and what Ole Miss stands for — a great public university with a focus on the future,” Jones said in a phone interview Thursday from the campus in Oxford. The modified version of the song ends abruptly before the chanting phase starts. It was first played Saturday at Ole Miss’s homecoming game against the University of Alabama at Birmingham, but that didn’t stop some fans from chanting. Brian Ferguson, 26, head of the Colonel Reb Foundation, said he views the univer-sity actions as an attempt to silence students. “I think it’s a big to-do about nothing. There were very few people other than the stu-dents who knew to say it,” said Ferguson, whose organization works to preserve traditions at Ole Miss. But Ferguson agreed that the chant really isn’t a tradition. “If the students get fired up and upset enough about it, they’re going to continue to say it. Our biggest fear is that that’s going to lead them

to eliminate ‘From Dixie With Love,’ altogether.” The song blends the Confederate Army’s fight song, “Dixie,” with the Union Army’s “Battle Hymn of the Republic,” according to Peter K. Frost, a visiting professor of history and international stud-ies at Ole Miss. The school has worked to erase its image as a bastion of the Old South, which was solidified in 1962 when James Meredith’s admission as the first black student led to a bloody standoff. The university six years ago decided not to have an on-field mascot during sport-ing events, getting rid of the long-standing Colonel Rebel, a white-haired old man who carries a cane and resembles a plantation owner. At the time, school officials had said they needed a more athletic-look-ing mascot. The teams are still called the Rebels. Sophomore Cortez Moss, director of communications for the ASB, said the organiza-tion is trying to explain to stu-dents why the phrase is offen-sive. “You take back on that slave

APThe University of Mississippi band, “The Pride of the South,” plays the national anthem in Oxford, Miss. on Saturday. The university wants to rid its football games of a custom some fans have taken to chanting, “the South will rise again,” at the end of the song, “From Dixie With Love.”

Ole Miss seeks to silence ‘rising South’ chant

mentality,” said Moss, who is black. “I know the South won’t rise again and the South can’t rise again.” Roun McNeal, a former ASB

president who is now in law school at Ole Miss, said his own decision to refrain from the chant was easily made. “I said the chant one day

and there was a black fam-ily sitting in front of me and they turned around and gave me this look like I hurt them,” McNeal said.

By Seth BorensteinThe Associated Press

WASHINGTON — NASA needs to make a major detour on its grand plans to return astronauts to the moon, a spe-cial independent panel told the White House Thursday. Under current plans, NASA has picked the wrong destina-tion with the wrong rocket, the panel’s chairman said. A test-flight version of the rocket, the new Ares I, is on a launch pad at Cape Canaveral, awaiting liftoff later this month for its first experimental flight. Instead, NASA should be concentrating on bigger rock-ets and new places to explore, the panel members said, as they issued their final 155-page report. The committee, cre-ated by the White House in May to look at NASA’s troubled exploration, shuttle and space station programs, issued a summary of their findings last month, mostly urging more spending on space. On Thursday in a news conference, panel chairman Norman Augustine focused on fresh destinations for NASA, saying that it makes more sense

to put astronauts on a nearby asteroid or one of the moons of Mars. He said that could be done sooner than returning to the moon in 15 years as NASA has outlined. The Augustine commission wants NASA to extend the life of the space shuttle program and the International Space Station. Space shuttles are due to retire Oct. 1, 2010, but should keep flying until sometime in 2011 because they won’t get all their flights to the space sta-tion done by that date. And the space station itself — only now nearing completion — should operate until at least 2020, allowing for more scientific experiments, part of its reason for existence. NASA’s timetable calls for plunging it into the ocean in 2015. The White House will review the panel’s analysis “and then ultimately the president will be making the final decision,” White House spokesman Nick Shapiro said in an e-mail. The committee outlines eight options. Three of those involve a “flexible path” to explore someplace other than the moon, eventually heading to a Mars landing far in the future.

The flexible path suggests no-landing flights around the moon and Mars. Landing on the moon and then launching back to Earth would require a lot of fuel because of the moon’s gravity. It would take less fuel to land and return from asteroids or comets that swing by Earth or even the Martian moons, Augustine said. In a news conference to dis-cuss their report, Ed Crawley, a panel member, and Augustine said the current NASA plans were well conceived at the time, in 2005. But when money got diverted and launch dates delayed, NASA’s new Ares I rocket began to look like it lost one of its major purposes: fer-rying astronauts to the space station. Crawley said the panel liked the idea of a commercially operated, more basic rocket-taxi to get astronauts into the low-Earth orbit of the space station. If NASA spent about $5 billion to help kick-start the embryonic commercial space business to do the people-car-rying, then the space agency could concentrate on heavier rockets that do the real far-off

Panel says NASA should skip moonexploring, he said. Senator Richard Shelby, R-Ala., criticized the idea of using unproven commercial carriers instead of the Ares, which was designed in his state. He said the report was “unsat-isfactory and disappointing.”


Page 8: 10.23.09



ARTS & ENTERTAINMENTPage 9 • Friday, October 23, 2009

Editor • Steven [email protected]



• ABXY Game Night Stage 5: Ferguson Game Room, 7 p.m. to midnight.• Popped-Collar Comedy Tour: Brown’s Corner, 7 p.m.

• Actor’s Charitable Theatre presents “Guys and Dolls”: Bama Theatre, 7:30 p.m.

• Saturdays in the Park: Moundville Archaeological Park, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

A&Ethis weekend

By Sarah LangcusterStaff Writer

This Saturday, the Upstairs Bar at Mellow Mushroom will host Moon Taxi at 10 p.m. Moon Taxi, described on their MySpace as an “explosive” jam band from Nashville, formed at Belmont University. “We all met there and actu-ally started out as the rhythm section of a rap group our fresh-man year,” lead singer Trevor Terndrup said. The band is a five-piece instru-mental group with Terndrup on lead vocals and guitar, Spencer Thomson on guitar, Tommy Putnam on bass, Wes Bailey on keys and Tyler Ritter on drums. Most of the members actually attended high school in Alabama. Since then, Moon Taxi has opened for several well-known bands, including Gov’t Mule, The New Mastersounds and DJ Logic. They have performed at several music festivals including Birmingham’s City Stages and Big Spring Jam in Huntsville and plan to tour the Southeast. The band will start a new

tour in November following the release of their live album Live Ride, which was recorded in Nashville. They also will play with Modest Yahoo at their New Year’s Show in Nashville. Moon Taxi is an up-and-coming band that prides itself on being fun to watch, having a great live show and talented musicians, Trevor said. “We’re offering a great show with dueling guitars and great vocal harmonies,” he said. The band has received great reviews from many musical outlets, including the American Music Channel, which called Moon Taxi “a band of songwrit-ers.” “We’re a really original band,” Terndrup said. “It’s unique to play in a place where people have such an appreciation for music.” Terndrup assures fans that music from bands such as The Allman Brothers, Widespread Panic and The Roots will not dis-appoint. “We’ve been playing in Tuscaloosa for quite awhile, even when The Booth was still there. We once played there

By Crystal McGoughStaff Writer

After traveling the country pursuing a career in comedy, Tuscaloosa native and UA alum-nus Patton Smith will return to Tuscaloosa to perform with the Popped-Collar Comedy Tour at Brown’s Corner Dueling Piano Bar and Grill Friday night. The Popped-Collar Comedy

Tour is a college-themed tour intended to bring stand-up com-edy to students who do not have local access to a comedy scene. “It’s really about putting on comedy shows in a college town that doesn’t have a comedy club,” Smith said. “I wanted to bring the show to a college cam-pus because college kids are the ideal comedy audience. They’re so glad you’re there because

they don’t get to see that kind of stuff all the time.” Smith’s career in comedy took off in March 2008 when he won an online contest put on by CBS called “Big Shot Live.” The win-ner of the contest won a trip to Los Angeles, to meet with a pro-fessional stand-up comedian and perform at the Laugh Factory. “I literally had been doing [comedy] for like 72 hours, and

I won this contest,” he said. “They flew me out to L.A., and I’m meeting Jamie Kennedy and performing at the Laugh Factory. It really gave me a boost to my career, which had kind of helped me progress quicker.” Since his initial break, Smith has traveled the country per-forming at different comedy clubs and events, but he mostly sticks to performing in the

Moon Taxi to play in Tuscaloosa

until 5:45 in the morning.” he said. “But we’re excited to be back and will put out a raging performance.” Since then, they have played at the Brick House and on cam-pus at a fraternity band party. “We’re all excited,” Ritter said. “People in Tuscaloosa are great, and it’s fun to turn heads in a place where people really like music.” The band is playing a

three-hour set, including some old favorites, popular covers, new originals and some surpris-es for the audience. “We’re going to try to bring as much as we possibly can,” Ritter said. “We’re going to bring on the heat, and anybody thinking about coming definitely should because this is going to be a badass show.” The band has a full weekend packed with four shows, with the

Mellow Mushroom show being the third. Ritter said this is great news for Tuscaloosa because it gets the kinks out of the show and gives them a chance to make the set the best it can be. Thomson, the band’s guitar-ist, promises the show will not disappoint and will be worth the hype surrounding the band. “It’ll be the best thing to do on Saturday night, for sure,” he said.

Submitted photoThe fi ve-piece jam band Moon Taxi performs live at 12th and Porter in Nashville, Tenn.

Comedy tour to bring laughs to TuscaloosaSoutheast, he said. He currently lives in Atlanta. “We’ve got a great comedy scene here,” he said. “A bunch of clubs and a bunch of com-edy rooms that are going pretty much every night of the week.” There are four other come-dians on the tour including local comedian Keenan Burton, Atlanta-based comedians Justin Morgan and Dave Stone and Florida native Dan Weeks, who lives in Atlanta. “Patton’s a cool guy, and I’ve already met a lot of his friends, so when he asked me if I wanted to do a show, I was like, ‘Yeah, let’s do this,’” Weeks said. “Then he named some of the other comics who were doing the show, and I was very happy to be included because these are some of the best comics in Atlanta. It’s kind of a little bit of an ego boost.” Several of the comedians describe their style as fresh and different from what is usually seen in comedy clubs. “We’re all pretty original com-ics, and we all have a unique voice,” Weeks said. “As a group, I think we’ll continue to define that originality in stand-up com-edy.” Although the name of the tour makes a pun off of the well-known Blue-Collar Comedy Tour, the guys in the Popped-Collar Comedy Tour said their style of comedy is completely different. “It’s not exactly ‘Larry the Cable Guy’ Southern comedy,” Smith said. “We’re a different kind of Southern comedy. I guess I’d say it’s kind of the alternative to what might be in a comedy club. It’s definitely the younger voice of comedy.” In addition to performing in college towns, the Popped-Collar Comedy Tour is branching out to different types of venues. “So many people associate comedy club comedy with the comedy boom in the 1980s,” Dave Stone said. “I think by tak-ing it out of the comedy club and putting it in the non-traditional venues, there’s a different level of expectations, which is good.” For the most part, the comics agree their goal is to provide good comedy to college students who have limited access to com-edy or have been turned away by some mainstream comedy. Stone said the point of the show is to prove that stand-up com-edy can be appealing to younger crowds. “It’s bringing good comedy to good people,” Weeks said. “I’d say that’s what it’s all about.” The show is tonight at 7:30 p.m. at Brown’s Corner on the corner of University Boulevard and Greensboro Avenue. The doors will open at 7 p.m. and admissions will be $10 at the door and $5 for students with ACT cards.


• Actor’s Charitable Theatre presents “Guys and Dolls”: Bama Theatre, 2:30 p.m. matinee and 7:30 p.m..• “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest:” Ferguson Center Theatre, 7 p.m. 1307 University Blvd Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 205-248-6611

Page 9: 10.23.09

10 Friday, October 23, 2009 A&E The Crimson White

By Bradley KlapperThe Associated Press

GENEVA — American pros-ecutors closely monitored Roman Polanski in Austria and considered seeking his arrest there days before the director’s apprehension in Switzerland, documents obtained by The Associated Press show. Los Angeles officials decid-ed against filing a warrant for Polanski’s arrest with the Austrian government after questioning how accommo-dating it would be to an extra-dition request. They also were concerned about the limited time available before Polanski left the country, according to e-mails obtained by the AP under U.S. public records request. The e-mail exchange Sept. 23 came three days before Polanski traveled to Switzerland and was arrested Sept. 26 at Zurich’s airport. It sheds new light on how close-ly U.S. officials were moni-toring the 76-year-old direc-tor’s movements after being tipped off that he was outside France, and why they chose to go after him in Switzerland, where they are now seeking his extradition for having sex in 1977 with a 13-year-old girl. “I don’t have experience with any Austrian extradi-tions so I don’t know how ‘friendly’ they would be to extradition on such a case,” Diana Carbajal, a Los Angeles deputy district attorney, wrote in an e-mail. She wrote that Polanski had checked out of an Austrian hotel that morning and was “on the move” ahead of his scheduled appearance at the Zurich Film Festival on Sept. 26. With the little time avail-able and questions over extra-

By Kerie KerstetterStaff Writer

The Actor’s Charitable Theatre company will stage a production of “Guys and Dolls,” beginning tonight at the Bama Theatre. Show times are Friday, Sunday and Monday at 7:30 p.m. with an additional matinee performance at 2:30 p.m. on Sunday. Actor’s Charitable Theatre is a nonprofit organization started by local UA theater students. Joey Lay, who is a sophomore, and Alisha Powell, a graduate student and co-creator, created the program to give back to the community. The company provides quality theater productions for both the students and residents of Tuscaloosa while donating a portion of the proceeds to local charities. “Our charity for this produc-tion is Caring Days,” Powell said, referring to the local pro-gram that assists adults with Alzheimer’s and other memo-ry disorders. “Our goal for this weekend is to put on a good show while raising money for a great cause.”

Film director Roman Polan-ski in Montrouge, France. Docu-ments obtained by The Associated Press show the arrest of fugitive director Roman Polanski was set in motion by Swiss authorities, who sent an urgent fax to the U.S. Offi ce of International Affairs on Sept. 22, 2009 stating Polanski was ex-pected in Zurich for a fi lm festival.


‘Guys and Dolls’ helps community

Actor’s Charitable Theatre has been an excellent way to gain experience and get involved in the community.

“I’ve enjoyed it,” Walker said. “But we have also been working very hard. It’s a new company, so we’re still getting

our feet wet, and we’re all open to learning from this perfor-mance.” “Guys and Dolls” will be the

company’s fourth play since the Actor’s Charitable Theatre was created in December 2008. Despite their preparation, the cast admits they have faced a few challenges. “Due to extenuating cir-cumstances, we’ve have had to shift some roles around,” Harper said, who will play Nathan Detroit, one of the play’s main characters, in addi-tion to directing. “In commu-nity theatre, you never know what’s going to be handed to you. How the show plays out this weekend is how it’s meant to be.” Powell said Actor’sCharitable Theatre partici-pants invite everybody to see the production at one of the four showings. “It is a great, classic Broadway musical,” Powell said. “Both romantic and funny. People will enjoy them-selves as they give back to the community. Tickets are available at the Bama Theatre box office, which is open this afternoon from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Tickets also are available at the door or by phone at 205-345-9474.

Submitted photoThe Hot Box Girls will be featured in the Actorʼs Charitable Theatre production of “Guys and Dolls”, starting Friday at the Bama Theatre.

“Guys and Dolls” is set in the late 1940s and follows two New York city slickers and their encounters with love. Director Perry Harper said the play was an interactive experience in the world of dancers and gam-blers. “We chose this play because it is one of the classic musicals that most people have heard or know,” Harper said. “We thought this would be a great family show for the communi-ty.” The ”Guys and Dolls” production cast has a range of talent from UA students to community actors. Tommy Walker, a freshman majoring in musical theatre, said the

• What: Guys and Dolls

• Where: Bama Theatre

• When: Tonight, 7:30 p.m.; Sunday, 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Monday, 7:30 p.m.


E-mails: US discussed nabbing Polanski in Austria

dition, she asked whether it was better to “maintain our position to extradite from Switzerland.” Lael Rubin, another deputy district attorney, answered: “Yes.” Polanski had been in Austria as early as Sept. 16, when he

attended the opening night of his cult musical “Dance of the Vampires” in Vienna. E-mails obtained by the AP show U.S. officials only learned of his upcoming trip to Zurich after the Swiss asked if Washington would be submitting a request for

his arrest. Swiss Justice Ministry spokesman Folco Galli said the Americans immediately confirmed they would seek Polanski’s arrest. As a result, Switzerland was required by treaty to apprehend Polanski, the director of such film clas-sics as “Rosemary’s Baby” and “Chinatown.” It is unclear from the e-mails why Los Angeles offi-cials were concerned about Austrian cooperation on a Polanski extradition request. There was no reference to Polanski’s history as a Jewish Holocaust survivor whose mother died in Auschwitz, or the sensitivities about hav-

ing him pursued in the land of Adolf Hitler’s birth. Austria and the United States have an extradition agreement, and the Vienna prosecutor’s spokesman Gerhard Jarosch said wanted individuals have been sent to the U.S. Jarosch said the U.S. sent no arrest request, and Austrian Justice Ministry spokesman Paul Hefelle said authorities did not detain Polanski while he was in the country because he was not wanted domestically. Still, U.S. officials expressed stronger confidence in the Swiss justice system. “Generally, Switzerland does not release fugitives

sought for extradition,” a Sept. 25 e-mail states. Later, on Oct. 5, nine days into Polanski’s imprison-ment, another e-mail states that the Swiss government had assured U.S. officials that Polanski would probably be sent back to Los Angeles to face justice after the U.S. submits its formal extradition request. The U.S. has until Nov. 26 to do so. “While the Swiss officials cannot speak for the judge, the extradition will likely be ordered based upon the facts submitted in our papers,” according to the e-mail, relay-ing a conversation between Washington and Bern.

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Page 10: 10.23.09



Page 11 • Friday, October 23, 2009

Editor • Jason Galloway crimsonwhitesports@

SPORTS this weekend

FRIDAY• Women’s volleyball vs Auburn: 6 p.m.

• Women’s Golf Landfall Tradition: Wilmington, N.C., all day

• Women’s tennis: Auburn, all day

• Football vs Tennessee: Tuscaloosa, 2:30 p.m.


By Johnny EsfellerStaff Writer

On Jan. 1, 1980, under the lights of the Louisiana Superdome, coach Paul “Bear” Bryant’s Alabama Crimson Tide was set to face Lou Holtz’s Arkansas Razorbacks. The Tide won its 11th football national championship, and one of the most endearing tra-ditions of the Crimson Tide was introduced. Big Al made his debut. Since then, Big Al has stomped his way into the hearts and minds of Tide fans of all ages. The story behind the cre-ation of Big Al is intriguing, and has a great deal of meaning to the people that were instru-mental in his adoption. “At first, Coach Bryant was reluctant to have a mascot, and

Big Al embodies Alabama traditionUA athletic mascot "Big Al" urges the crowd to cheer during a 2005 foot-ball game. The popular mascot traces his origins back to the 1980 Sugar Bowl; when Alabama defeated the Arkansas Ra-zorbacks for the Tide's 11th national title.

UA Athletics

it took a lot of advocacy,” said Kathleen Cramer, senior asso-ciate vice president of student affairs. “Coach Bryant did not want us to have something silly. He wanted a classy elephant.” At the time, other schools in the Southeastern Conference had prominent mascots, such

as Aubie and Mike the Tiger, and Tide fans thought Alabama deserved to have a mascot of its own. Cramer was part of the group that traveled to Memphis, Tenn., to attend a mascot con-ference where they studied other mascots and worked on Big Al’s design.

“It took us years, and it was very deliberate,” Cramer said. “We wanted it to be up to Alabama standards, and we wanted to make Coach Bryant proud.” It also was important that Big Al exemplify the spirit of the Crimson Tide. “It is important to show school spirit,” Cramer said. “Big Al was a symbol of the class Alabama showed. He was always a good sport, didn’t get in fights with mascots. Big Al always expects to win. Big Al loves children, and he’s never too busy to stop for a photo. He loves every sport and is not just a football mascot.” After some urging by stu-dents, most notably by the late Craig Cantrell, Bryant got behind the idea of Big Al. Cantrell also was influential in convincing Hugh Dye, the first student to wear the suit, to audition to be the first mascot. Dye won the job over 16 other students. Dye, whose son Allen cur-rently is a freshman on the Alabama baseball team, said he remembers his time as the mas-cot fondly. “I was just real fortunate to be that first one,” Dye said. “At

the time, I didn’t really under-stand what it meant and didn’t have a long term idea of what it would be… Now, Big Al is a big part of the identity of the University.” Nearly 30 years later, Big Al is still an integral part of the tra-dition of Alabama and is among the most recognized mascots in college sports. “Imagine if you went to a game and Big Al wasn’t there,” Dye said. “Everyone would notice. That should tell you that he is part of that tradition now.” The earliest incarnation of the Big Al suit now resides in the Paul W. Bryant Museum, after recently being moved from the Ferguson Center. “This is a part of history, and to have that first costume is important to us,” said Ken Gaddy, director of the Bryant Museum. “People can look at the history and see the chang-es in Big Al over time. People like to see that and collect the details.” Now everyone can experi-ence another part of Alabama’s storied history among the other collections housed in the Bryant Museum. Admission is free for students, faculty and staff.

“Imagine if you went to a game and Big Al wasn’t there. Everyone would notice. That should tell you

that he is part of that tradition now.”

— Hugh Dye, the first Big Al mascot{ }

First mascot costume moved to Bryant Museum

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Page 11: 10.23.09

12 Friday, October 23, 2009 SPORTS The Crimson White

By Jordan BannisterStaff Writer

The 2009-10 season is start-ing off on the right foot for the Crimson Tide swimmers. On Oct. 3, the men’s swimming and diving team defeated Georgia Tech 190.5 to 100.5 at its first official meet. Also compet-ing in the opener was Florida Atlantic, a team the Tide crushed 208-83. “Coming off the bus and just getting into our first com-petition of the year is always exciting,” said head coach Eric McIlquham. “For these fresh-men, it’s their first go-round and for our seniors it’s their last go-round, so the first meets always have some sentimental value.” Most recently, the Tide claimed another victory over the Centenary men’s team 196-99 in Tuscaloosa on Oct. 10. The Tide will have almost an entire month off of competition but won’t be letting up in practice by a long shot. “We’ll be working on body alignment, good turns, good starts, just the small details as well as some endurance work,” said freshman Jake Reynolds, winner of the 50m freestyle for the second meet in a row. The next meet is against Louisiana State University on Nov. 6 at the Alabama Aquatic Center, and the team is ready for action.

UA AthleticsSenior Riley Boulden competes in the breaststroke in the Tide's fi rst home meet of the season against Vanderbilt and Centenary on Oct. 10.

By Lauren DunningStaff Writer

After an impressive show-ing in its first two meets, the Alabama women’s swimming and diving team looks to improve even more during its three-week hiatus. The Tide came away with overall victories from both the first away and home meets. With two meets under their swim caps, the Tide swimmers and divers hope to continue that drive throughout the rest of the season. In the season opener held in Atlanta, the Tide women won against four out of the five teams competing, includ-ing Georgia Tech, Georgia Southern, Florida Atlantic and Florida Gulf Coast. Winning 10 of 16 events, Alabama had dominant show-ings by freshman Jenna Gallo (1000 freestyle) and senior Agustina de Giovanni (100 and 200 breaststoke) in the swim-ming competitions. In the diving events, junior Lauren Dunn and sophomore Carrie Dragland took the top spots in the three-meter and one-meter competition, respectively. The momentum continued to

the first home meet, where the Tide took on Vanderbilt and Centenary and won 14 individ-ual events between 11 different athletes. Dragland (one and three-meter diving) and de Giovanni (400 IM and 500 breaststroke) came away with two wins apiece, and junior Paige Troyan (100 and 200 breastroke) also added two wins to help the Tide sweep the meet. “I feel that the team really came together in the meets, which helps out a lot with everyone’s individuals, and I think that the best has yet to come,” said senior Maggie Zblewski. “We did what we were sup-posed to do at that point in time and our training, and obviously wins are good, but putting our kids in a racing environment where they compete will help with upcoming meets,” said head coach Eric Illquham. With the season just begin-ning, that experience will con-tinue to prove helpful with meets in the Southeastern Conference, which has proven to be the toughest conference in swimming and diving. “We have big goals in the SEC this year,” senior Brooke

Baldi said. Looking ahead to the nextmeet, Illquham emphasized theimportance of continuing to getbetter. “We are working on improv-ing our aerobic capacity andincreasing strength,” he said.“It is important to continueimproving and getting betterresults.” Not only is this the attitudefor the upcoming meet, but itwill continue to be the goal forthe rest of the season. “No matter what, even ifyou’re Michael Phelps, youcan still improve on things,”Zblewski said. The next meet, and the firstSEC showdown, will be againstLouisiana State University atthe Alabama Aquatic CenterFriday, Nov. 6 at 3 p.m. As part of Alabama’s Powerof Pink initiative, the LSUmatch-up will be a “PinkMeet”, where the athletes willdon pink swim caps to promoteCaps for the Cure and breastcancer awareness. “We always have a greatmeet against LSU, and lastyear we tied, which is very rarein swimming, and it’s alwaysa very fast and competitivemeet,” Illquham said.

Senior Kacey Wed-dle competes in the butterfl y in the Tide's fi rst home meet of the season against Vanderbilt and Centenary on Oct. 10.

UA Athletics


Tide gets month off after perfect start

“With LSU in the last two years, it’s sort of come down to the wire,” said All-American Mark Randall. “Hopefully this year everyone can step up and get us some wins, but we’re definitely looking forward to it.” “Coming down to the wire” explains the sort of rivalry between Alabama and LSU. In the past couple of years, the Tide and the Tigers truly have faced off for victory. Just last year, Alabama lost to LSU 174-124. In 2007, however, Alabama was the team that drowned the Tigers. Hoping for a good turnout, the talent-packed teams said they hope to put on a suspense-ful show. “It’s on a Friday. It’s the day before the LSU football game

and if we can just get some peo-ple in here, it’ll be a good place to be,” McIlquham said. On an individual standpoint, Randall happens to be a big name in the news. At the meet against Centenary, he swam the best time of the season on the national level thus far, 15:18.68. “I don’t go in with any certain expectations because every season is different,” he said. After facing LSU on Nov. 6, the Tide will travel to Auburn, the defending national champi-on, on Nov. 12 for the swimming and diving version of the Iron Bowl. “It’s always great to go against Auburn, the national champions,” Randall said. “We’re expecting to go there and shake things up a little bit and win some events.”


Tide looking to improve

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Page 12: 10.23.09




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Page 13: 10.23.09

14 Friday, October 23, 2009 NEWS The Crimson White

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