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thomas caggiano <[email protected]>

How utterly corrupt are the US Attorney General and NJ Attorney Generakand courts TOTAL1 message

thomas caggiano <[email protected]> Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 6:51 AMTo: "oig.hotline" <[email protected]>, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>,breakingnews <[email protected]>, stephen_sifuentes <[email protected]>, marypawar <[email protected]>, kay mack <[email protected]>, Senator_Chiesa<[email protected]>, "Drakeford LeDet, Kellie (Menendez)"<[email protected]>, senbeck <[email protected]>, aswmchose<[email protected]>, *TIGTA Investigations Complaints Unit <[email protected]>, "marie.sette-hughes" <[email protected]>, "mrsombudsman.mailbox"<[email protected]>, "MEROmbudsman.Mailbox"<[email protected]>, [email protected], John Paff <[email protected]>, PaulFishman <[email protected]>, pmulshine <[email protected]>, "peter.ramos"<[email protected]>, Winn Baggs <[email protected]>, "William E. Hinkes"<[email protected]>, "william.ziff" <[email protected]>, Janine Gibson<[email protected]>, "Gallagher, Gabrielle" <[email protected]>,[email protected], [email protected], lcr <[email protected]>, relia<[email protected]>, [email protected]

read a certified return receipt eltter that was mailed on Mar 25, 2013As noted by the ?State of Nv Attorney General the federal crimes alione have sentence of lifeimprisonment or death. In the state of NJ the state crimes rise to willfulplanned murder with terrorism, permanent bodily harm, assualt adn false imprisonment first degree cirmesof course attoenys were fully aware of lies, deceit and perjury andviolation of my constuttional rights but the corrutpion continuesfro yestereday I was hung up on the telephone 3 times by the FBI duty agents in Las Vegas, NV and theIffice of Inopsctor Geenral for the Department of justice alone. as noted before the corruptJduge Craig U Dana JMC in his corrupt joint municpal court in green, fredon, hampton and borough of Andvioer hehad NOjurisdiction to even have municipal trails which were jsut kangaroo courts of course or even worse.The attached record from the Bprpough of Stanhope over 7 years ago shows I ahve no civl rights nor caould I evengoi into its corrupt court to enter a guilty with condcitiosn plea as the corruptborough of stanhope transferred cases to even another county Morris Ciounty which had NO jurisdiction and NOcourt order was prvodied me signed by an Assignemnt jduge to transfer jurisdiction fro thefilings in Stanhope state WITHIN THWE JURISDICTION OF THIS COURT as Netcong surely never had any asthe corrupt Betcong court did NOT allow me to even plea and itscorrupt jdgue adn chief of police both threatenedmy by mail and its excellent court administrator Ann Shreidan could NO longer handle the corrupton and retiredon disabiltiy. the corrupt mt olive towsnhip then had its borough attorney and its municpal clerk write a perjuriedstatemetn of infoamtuion to the corrutpDeaprtment of Comunity Affairs Gvoernmen record council taht munipcal prosecutor records are NOT accessibleunder OPRA but of course they by law aretto be retaiend by the municpal clerk for 15 years and were protrectedby the corrupt Morris County State prosecutor as normal for tha's the job of corrupt County state prosecturosprotect the corrupt municpalities for their corrupt Board of Chosen Freeholders pay their salaries and thedetectives are county employees and for the annual financial report filings these State county prosecutors areNOT considered state employees but county employees as teh fudns for their salary is from teh county and thecounty tax payers.

So for now the corrutpion jsut continues so read that Mar 25, 2013 twenty one apge filing on

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and the 42 page filing t othe US Senate onhttp:/

and the filing t othe corrupt Essex County Assignment Jduge and FBI on

and to the corrupt State of NJ Surpeme Court, its corrupt Advsiory Committee on Juducial Conduct ACJC and thecorruptDepartment of Justice's PublicCorruption Unit as the Public Integrity Section did NOT even admit its own missionStatement and refused to tell me the name of thesuperiors I talked with or the anme iof the office they reported which of course is teh corruptAAGfor the entire Department of Justice overseeign the FBI and the orrupt US Marshall office in Las Vegas whcisent to US marshalls to our home to intimiadate us but when I went fo file State of NV criminal cahrges thecorrupt North Las Vegas Police Deparatment HQ stated they did NOT even ahve a copy of the NV criminal codeand eor the State of NV Attorney General when Calrk county Dsitrict Chief Jduge adn her staff with theknowledge of the jury commissioer enter fasle records into theState of NV judicary branch records its NOT a State crime nor is it a federal nor state crime in Sussex CountyNweton NJ whuich has dozens of unconstittioonal court orders and in Morris county Jduge Thomas manahanJSC issues court roders fo hsi own without docket numbers, mispells the defeandt's name katherine caggianoand doesn't even send her a copy of his court roder forbidding her to sign a CDR-1 Summons in any municpalcout in Sussex or Morris County writing he alone has jursidcition and you can';t appeal his OWN court decisionsto anyone for he falsely states you have NO standing for I am the KING of the vicnage NOcourt or person can reviwe my own decison I amke in chambers alone.

The corruption continues.


Read as the comptroller Matt Boxer who is also the Stae of NJinspector general and an attorney has known about the corruption,fraud since his first day in office.

Read what the State of NJ Judciary Cahir now has in his lap on

Read what the State of NJ Office of Professional responsiblity has in its alp and

show you what the US Judiciary commitee has as well as Senator Harry Ried the State of NV corrupt US Seantemajority leader as he protrects Eric Holder and the Presdient obama administration and the Gov Chris Christieadministration for Chris is like the State of NJ Seantors Essex County democrat corrutpion machine with thiscounty administrator the corruptSpeaker of NJ Assembly too. READ the fax that the corrupt Shirley Olver has on

adn what the corrupt Jduge craig U Dana, JMChas in the corrupt jointmunicpal court of Wantage, Stillwater and broough of Andvoer

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or read an old chronology of how the corruption was started to be expsoed over a decade ago on

adn read the latest corruption of the Morris County/ Sussex County Civl part on

So long US we are off to Sydney and Caldonea wherethe British adn French sent its prisoners aka Guantanimo

Most fo the prisoners of the french died in taht horrendous prison and the spanish jsut kileld the population in Chile as they even posted rewards to kill its people. The Pope of course gavethe eastern part of south america to portugal adn west to spain. Chile supports the british on the falkland Islandsagainst its enemy argentina .

That's the world of policitains who amke the wars.

An die: all laws passed in the US and NJ MUST apply to the members fo congress and the NJ Senate andgeenral assembly.Abloish all case law and cour rules that give total immunity t othe corrupt jdgues the legaltorsappoint in NJ s they appint the corrupt lcoal politicans to be jduges.

Allow in NJ people to vote out corrupt judges like in other states.

Change the elctorial college for in Calrnai even igals county as democrat votes for presidentas do votes passed for the repbulcian aoprty as its a blue state which is why the democrats desire a welfarestate these people depeand upon a largee govt fo debt with earned incmecredit as the rich use tax loopholes likeGE adn Google NOT to pay company income taxes as the CEOs gvie them hundreds of millions in salary andstock options as $13 Billion fine is paid by JP Morgan as to date NOT one person has gone to jail for the trilliondolalr fraud in derviatives adn mortages Nor has one persin been fried because of bengazi.

So hilary will be the USA next preseint sa the cunty become mroe depeandant on welfare or food stampes builton $@0 Trillion dolars of debt.

Just wait until the private bank that is unadutied the FED stops printing $ 80 billion dollars every month

and US interst rates go up there will be NO discretionary funding unless billions of IOUs copies are put in socialsecurity account for its spent before the IOU get thre.the house of cards will collpase as 30 million people are added to health paplas as United Health just fired 5,000doctors.

Thomas CaggianoAuthor and Publisher of FreedomNewsDigest.com7086 Arcadia Glen CourtNorth Las Vegas, NV 89084702-586-6768fax 702-577-0097

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Published as a PUBLIC RECORD and is a Verified Certified Affidavit based upon my on knowledge

with adopted exhibits which per Rules of Evidence is evidence usable in courts and other administra-

tive hearings and contains reference to 20,000 pages of court records, provide over 100 witnesses and

lists 100 witnesses against more then 250 conspirators as criminal coercion, judicial fraud, deceit, lies,

accomplices continues unabated as unconstitutional court orders are issued and false court orders and

findings entered into US District Court records, and the State of New Jersey and State of Nevada in a

continuing repeated pattern in structured organizations in a repeated pattern of agreement to deny me

due process on filed malicious charges and convictions against me as demonstrated in the letter from

the racketeering enterprise structured as the Borough of Stanhope noted below:

as you can listen to the now corrupt Commissioner of Labor Hal Wirths for the State of NJ anon the 10

minute recording of the infested State of NJ Board of Chosen Freeholders meeting of Nov 5, 2008

wherein I described the corruption of government which as only increased

Page 6: 10/22/13 Gmail - How utterly corrupt are the US Attorney · on disabiltiy. the corrupt mt olive towsnhip then had 081105SussexCountyFreeholdersMtg.mp3

The court video recording of the corrupt Morris County / Sussex County Assignment Judge Thomas

Weisenbeck, A.J.S.C. and attorneys Kevin Kelly, Esq. and Richard Campbell, Esq. for five plaintiffs is

shown and published on and that of the

former corrupt Assignment Judge B. Theodore Bozonelis, A.J.S.C. and the corrupt Laddey, Clark and

Ryan LLC Borough of Stanhope attorney and its corrupt municipal prosecutor Richard Stein, Esq. who

said falsely I submitted 800 OPRA requests in two years and ALL were on zoning which is false as

proven by the corrupt Department of Community Affairs Government Record Council web site

by entering as exact match in its search function Thomas Caggiano

Below are some of the search results

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The Department of Community Affairs✥ has been corrupt since Commissioner Susan Bass Levin, Esq.

was commissioner and all acting commissioners since to the current including its Codes and Standards

Division , Local Government Services Division and Local Finance Board as shown on court records

filed on as witnesses include the fired by retribution Borough of

Stanhope Town Administrator Richard Stewart on Dec 2, 2010 who reported the corruption ins Stan-

hope to the FBI and the State of New Jersey State police Official Corruption Bureau as have the Sussex

County Superior Court Criminal Division✥s scheduler the excellent Kay Mack and the excellent former

deputy court administrator for the corrupt Township of Newton and now court administrator in the in-

fested Joint municipal court of Wantage, Stillwater and Borough of Andover Ms Tania Ell. I adopt the

letter and CD provided me by the Township of Wantage✥s administrator on Aug 7, 2013 which included

1 inches of relevant material evidence to confirm the above foregoing statements.

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as the crimes that have been reported to the FBI for over 6 years include that that have

life or death sentences as the corrupt State of NJ by its corrupt Gov Christie administration with the

support of the Hudson Democrats now fill have both its corrupt Fed Senators from the infested Essex

County as its administrator is the corrupt Speaker of the Assembly Shirley Oliver and the Judiciary in

both the US District Court 9th District appointed by NV's corrupt Senate majority leader Harry Reid

has known about the corrupt Eric Holder and his widespread infested Department of Justice for four

years. The US Marshall's office was used to further threaten me by sending two US marshals to my

home. The North Las Vegas Police Hq when I went to file a State of NV quasi-criminal charge stated

the HQ of the Police Dept did NOT have a copy of the NV State criminal code. the

corrupt Democratic NV attorney general office issued a false letter stating the

corrupt State of NV 8th District Chief District Judge Jenn Togliatti, her law clerk and jury commis-

sioner A-12-671554-C who together put false records into the judicial records did NOT commit a State

of NV crime? The Gov of NV and Mayor of North Las Vegas, NV were informed and the City attorney

of Las Vegas, NV for the Mayor of Las Vegas, Nv told me by their staff since these people are not in

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the supervisory chain of the Mayor of Las Vegas even though they are in Las Vegas and conspiring to

commit both Federal crimes and separate state crimes

they would NOT even accept my letter filed now with dozens of federal and state committees the IRS Special agents criminal in-

vestigators pointed the finger as the FBI does NOT contact me of course for evidence nor other retali-

ated informants as the corruption just continues on and on now for 11 years exposing more then 30

years of fraud, perjured financial reports, bribery, racketeering, criminal abuse of curt processes with

more criminal coercion as the US Marshall�s office in Las Vegas, NV refused to identify the US Mar-

shall that came to my house apparently at the direction of the corrupt US District magistrate George Fo-

ley Jr who return letters mailed to the court so investigators can not see them as also done by the in-

fested State of NJ's Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders, Newton NJ as the corruption of its

courts just continues as the corrupt judge Edward Gannon JSC whom Judge William J Mc Govern, III,

JSC issued a court order recusing himself on Oct 3, 2013 noting the court records in Board of Chosen

Freeholder v Thomas Caggiano were NOT correct and directed me to contact Judge Gannon who di-

rected his staff I can NOT communicate with him on Docket SSX-L-164-13 as once again the corrupt

Sussex County Superior Court are false as N Peter Conforti JSC on IND 08-09-316-I malicious

criminal charges

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Thomas Caggiano7086 Arcadia Glen CourtNorth Las Vegas, Nv 89084Publisher under Freedom of the Press to expose corruption in Governmentaccessible via address phone: 702-586-6768efax 702-577-0097cell [email protected] 25, 2013Pro Se

Take Juridical Notice: Published under the Freedom of the Press exposes thecorrupt Gov Chris Christie, Esq. administrationand his many corrupt Cabinet level Officials,

his buddy the corrupt Chief Justice Stuart Rabner and 250 officials and Govt employees

Chambers Hon. Thomas L. Weisenbeck, A.J.S.C. Vicinage 10Proof of Service U.S.P.S. Tracking No. 7012-1010-0000-4445-3649 Priority certified mailState of New Jersey Superior CourtP.O. Box 910Morristown, N.J. 07963-0910

U.S. Attorney Eric Holder Jr. (Ref DOJ✥s Public Integrity Section Case file DA300337340)Proof of Service U.S.P.S. Tracking No. 7012-1010-0000-4445-0630 Priority certified mailDocket 2:12-cv-01484-GMN-GWF Thomas Caggiano vs. Eric HolderU.S. Magistrate George Foley U.S. District Court District of NvWrit of Mandamus for independent federal grand jury for determination of probable cause forviolations of Federal Title 18 U.S.C. crimes and others using as basis950 Penn Ave. NWWashington, D.C. 20535-0001

Kelly and Ward LLCKevin Kelly, Esq. alleged attorney for Township of Green vs. Thomas CaggianoDocket No. SSX-C-1-13About three inches of evidence available by OPRA request to the Township of Green for under $5.00or via R:1:38 court document request to the excellent Sussex County Superior Court

Civil Part Asst. Civil Div. Manager Marie Sette-Hughes (973) 579-0645

Proof of Service U.S.P.S. Tracking No. 7012-1010-0000-4445-0647 Priority certified mail93 Spring St. - Suite 401P.O. Box 887Newton, N.J. 007860-0887

State of N.J. Office of Attorney General Jeffrey S. Chiesa, Esq.Per Title 2C:2-1 Crime of omission Public duty requirement to report thousands of alleged criminalacts for apparently over 20 years in Federal, State, County and Municipal Govt in State of the State vs.

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WE the PEOPLE being Tyranny with dozens of tip line reports to the Dept. of Law and Public SafetyP.O. Box 080Trenton, N.J. 08625-0080

State of New Jersey Supreme CourtSupreme Court Clerk's OfficeMark Neary, ClerkSubject: R 1:20-7(j)2 Complaint Against Stuart Rabner, Chief Justice, Glenn Grant, J.A.D. and ACJC,OAE, OAE investigator Harry Norton Jr., various District Ethics Committees for avoiding DRB over-sight by willfully NOT assigning Docket numbers or contacting retaliated witnesses by official miscon-duct and violations of oath of office not assigning Docket Case numbers and the State of New JerseySupreme Court Disciplinary Review Board (DRB) with First Assistant Counsel Ellen A. Brodsky, Esq.and dozens of Superior Court and Municipal Judges and dozens of attorneys protected therein from vio-lations of Codes of Ethics including various Judicial court administratorsComplaint: Docket SSX-C-1-13 Township of Green vs. Thomas Caggiano (Per my telephone callplaced per the excellent DRB Chief Counsel Jennifer against the corrupt Judiciary Stuart Rabner, for-mer corrupt State of New Jersey Attorney General and leader of the infested State of New Jersey Judi-ciary Branch that operated in TOTAL SECRECY regarding complaints with supposed absolute immun-ity ( NICE GIG pass your on rules to protect your corrupt fraternity from any public oversight using ab-solute confidentiality by NOT assigning a Docket number to the compliant by the District Ethics Com-mittee, the OAE and just make them vanish as the respondents name are not even mentioned in theDRB�s self exercise of protection ) for official misconduct per R 2:14-1 Removal of Judges, Chief Jus-tice, Glenn Grant, J.A.D. official misconduct N.J.S.A. 2C:30-6 violation of R. 1:38-10(b), ACJC,OAE, and DRB, investigator Harry Norton, Jr. Esq.( Mercer, Supreme Court�s Sussex, Essex, , Mercer,Morris and Passaic County District Ethics Committees (excluding Jennifer DeCore, Esq., Chief Coun-sel who was very helpful and against 100 other judges, attorneys and judicial employees. Download for summary 100 plus page report and note other directories andreferenced adopted court records exceeding 10,000 pages)P.O. 970Trenton, N.J. 08625-0970(609) 292-4837

Appellate Division Superior court for the State of New JerseyHonorable Ariel A. RodríguezActing Presiding Judge for Administration ( Violated Directive #5-05, et. al. )Clerk Joseph Orlando of the Appellate Division and Supervisor Teri CrawfordRe:Docket A-001721-10 State of New Jersey vs. Thomas Caggiano Remove unconstitutional Court Re-cords denied me in violation of court rules R. 1:30-10 by OAC Glenn Grant, J.A.D., Vicinage 10 TrialCourt Administrators as known by hundreds of public officials and others including numerous courtsfrom the city of Trenton, Newark, Morris County and through out Sussex County including municipalprosecutor records with false court orders filed in Sussex County Superior CourtsP.O. Box 006Trenton, N.J. 08625-006(609) 292-4822

State of New Jersey Senator Barbara BuonoChair Senate Budget and Appropriations CommitteeTwo Lincoln HighwaySuite 401

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Edison, NJ 08820NJEABox 1211Trenton, NJ 08607-1211

_______________________________________________| State of New Jersey Superior Court

Township of Green, | Sussex County Superior CourtPlaintiff | Chancery Division

|v. | Docket SSX-C-1-13

|Thomas Caggiano, | Change of Venue, Foreign Magistrate,

Defendant | Violation of Code of Ethics, Fraud,| Common Law Right of Access, and| Discovery, Sanctions, Points for| Teleconference, Violations of Due| Process, OPRA and OPMA|

Pretrial Conference R. 4:25-2(b) filing to the court and plaintiff

Take Judicial Notice of Law, Adjudicative Facts and Legislative intent of OPRA and OPMA:

Letter from Sussex County Superior Court, Derek W. Orth, Law Clerk to Judge Weisenbeck✁s instruc-tions dated Mar 19, 2013 for telephonically appearing at a schedule Order to Show Cause hearing onDocket SSX-C-1-13 Township of Green v. Thomas Caggiano on Mar 27, 2013 was not received untilMar 23, 2013.

4:25-2. Notices; Filing of Pretrial Memorandum(a) Notice of Pretrial Conference. Thirty days' notice of the pretrial conference shall be provided to all parties or theirattorneys. The notice shall not be given earlier than 150 days after service of the original complaint on the defend-ant, except that the court may direct earlier notice either on its own motion or for good cause on the application of aparty, with or without consent of the adverse party.

(b) Filing and Service of Memorandum. The parties shall submit to the court and serve on all other parties a pretrialmemorandum, as prescribed by R. 4:25-3, at least three days prior to the pretrial conference date specified in the noticeof pretrial conference

I the defendant was notified of the pretrial conference date inadequate time to prepare a more detailedPretrial memorandum and I have not received any memorandum from the opposing party.. Due to shortadvance notice please accept this letter brief in place of a more formal response. Whereas Judge Gan-non, J.S.C. struck out the immediate unconstitutional temporary restrictions requested by the plaintiffwhich violate Due Process, Legislative intent of OPRA and OPMA, and Common law right of accessbut the plaintiff using a deceptive Verified certified affidavits and has violated Rules of ProfessionalConduct 1.9 Duties to former clients as Kelly and Ward LLC and Kevin Kelly, Esq. has representedDr. Nielsen, MD who was an instrumental part of the illegal release of private false HIPPA mentalevaluation materials with defamation of my character by Township of Green and Borough of Stanhope

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officials and employees to obstruct the administration of law to deprive me in a conspiracy against myrights under the color of law as the court order stated: ✂I must pay taxes, my sewer bill, water bill andcould make 911 calls and had NO other civil rights in the Borough of Stanhope as noted in my Appel-late Division Appeal A-001721-10 State v. Thomas Caggiano that is ripe. Whereas Kevin Kelly, Esqwrote false statements to my attorney Robert Mattia, Esq. that Judge Dana, J.M.C. which would beknown by the Township of Green DID NOT receive any written court order by Judge Craig U. Dana,J.M.C. to release my private mental evaluation records to the Township which such data was used tofalsely imprison me and berate me causing tort claim act violations of breech of duty, outrage and caus-ing great prolonged emotional distress to myself, wife Kathryn, family and now deceased father. TheTownship of Green through its attorneys William Hinkes, Esq. and Kevin Kelly, Esq. and their lawfirms per RPC 5.1 have been initially referred to the Supreme Court of the State of New Jersey as wellas other Judges and Attorneys based upon conversations with the The of NJ Supreme Court DRB ChiefCounsel and this memorandum serves such notice. The attorneys in my opinion also violated RPC 3.1Meritorious Claims and Contentions rules, RPC 4.1 Truthfulness in Statements to others, RPC 8.3.aand 8.3.b and RPC Misconduct ethics codes

Federal Jurisdiction:

28 U.S.C. § 1443 Civil rights cases; Any civil actions or criminal prosecutions commenced in a Statecourt may be removed by the defendant to the District Court of the United States

Heck v. Humphrey, 512 U.S. 477, 481-484 (1994)Rose v. Bartle, 871 F. 2d 331 (3d Cir. 1989)Losch v. Borough of Parkesbury, 736, F. 2d 903 ( 3d Cir 1984)Bivens v. SIX UNKNOWN FED. NARCOTICS AGENTS, 403 U.S. 388 (1971)NOTE: A cause of action and damages remedy can be implied directly under the Constitution when the DueProcess Clause of the Fifth Amendment is violated. Cf. Bivens v. Six Unknown Fed. Narcotics Agents, 403 U. S.

388; Butz v. Economou, 438 U. S. 478. Pp. 442 U. S. 233-249, Davis v. Passman, 442 U.S. 228, 245-247(1979 )


Harry Truman: When even one American - who has done nothing wrong - is forced by fear to shut hismind and close his mouth - then all Americans are in peril.

Harry Truman: I do not believe there is a problem in this country or the world today which could not besettled if approached through the teaching of the Sermon on the Mount.

George Washington: If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, likesheep to the slaughter

St. Catherine of Siena: Proclaim the truth and do not be silent through fear.

State of New Jersey Constitution:



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1. All persons are by nature free and independent, and have certain natural and unalienable rights,among which are those of enjoying and defending life and liberty, of acquiring, possessing, and protect-ing property, and of pursuing and obtaining safety and happiness.

2. All political power is inherent in the people. Government is instituted for the protection, security,and benefit of the people, and they have the right at all times to alter or reform the same, whenever thepublic good may require it.

6. Every person may freely speak, write and publish his sentiments on all subjects, being responsiblefor the abuse of that right. No law shall be passed to restrain or abridge the liberty of speech or of thepress. In all prosecutions or indictments for libel, the truth may be given in evidence to the jury; and ifit shall appear to the jury that the matter charged as libelous is true, and was published with good mo-tives and for justifiable ends, the party shall be acquitted; and the jury shall have the right to determinethe law and the fact.

10. In all criminal prosecutions the accused shall have the right to a speedy and public trial by an im-partial jury; to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the wit-nesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor ...

U.S. Constitution Fifth Amendment:

✄ Procedural due process

This protection extends to all government proceedings that can result in an individual's deprivation, whether civil or crimi-nal in nature, from parole violation hearings to administrative hearings regarding government benefits and entitlements tofull-blown criminal trials. The article "Some Kind of Hearing" written by Judge Henry Friendly created a list of basic dueprocess rights "that remains highly influential, as to both content and relative priority." These rights, which apply equally tocivil due process and criminal due process, are:

1. An unbiased tribunal.2. Notice of the proposed action and the grounds asserted for it.3. Opportunity to present reasons why the proposed action should not be taken.4. The right to present evidence, including the right to call witnesses.5. The right to know opposing evidence.6. The right to cross-examine adverse witnesses.7. A decision based exclusively on the evidence presented.8. Opportunity to be represented by counsel.9. Requirement that the tribunal prepare a record of the evidence presented.10. Requirement that the tribunal prepare written findings of fact and reasons for its decision.11. Civil due processAt a basic level, procedural due process is essentially based on the concept of "fundamental fairness." For example, in 1934,the United States Supreme Court held that due process is violated "if a practice or rule offends some principle of justice sorooted in the traditions and conscience of our people as to be ranked as fundamental."

As construed by the courts, it includes an individual's right to be adequately notified of charges or proceedings, the oppor-tunity to be heard at these proceedings, and that the person or panel making the final decision over the proceedings be im-partial in regards to the matter before them.

Or, to put it more simply, where an individual is facing a deprivation of life, liberty, or property, procedural due processmandates that he or she is entitled to adequate notice, a hearing, and a neutral judge.☎

1. The Plaintiff, the Township of Green, for years among the Joint Municipal Court Committee of theTownship of Green, Fredon, Hampton and Borough of Andover with dozens of Superior Court and Mu-

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nicipal Judges and dozens of Attorneys in my opinion and other informants to the FBI for violation ofFederal laws and to the State Police Official Corruption Bureau have been retaliated against by federal,state, county and municipal officials (N.J.S.A. 2C:28-5) hindering apprehension N.J.S.A. 2C: 29-3),with Prohibited activities ( N.J.S.A. 2C:4-12) and criminal conduct designed to aid another in continu-ing commission of federal and state crimes (N.J.S.A. 2C:5-1), Conspiracy (N.J.S.A. 2C:5-2), Accompli-ces/ Complicity (N.J.S.A 2C:2-6), False imprisonment (N.J.S.A. 2C:13-3), Offering false instrumentsfor filing (N.J.S.A. 2C:31-3), Offenses involving false government documents (N.J.S.A. 2C:21-2.1,Money Laundering through Government accounts (N.J.S.A.21-25), Bribery in official matters(N.J.S.A. 2C:27.1), filing declarations in violations of my civil rights (N.J.S.A. 2C:30-6 ad 2C:30-5)and other title 2C criminal codes such as mail fraud, tax fraud, criminal disbursements, perjury, falseunsworn statements and threats and other improper influence in official matters including many sepa-rate federal code violations of Title 18 and Tile 42 violations which continue I and my threatened wifeKathryn Caggiano by persons with death threats, assault, illegal court orders without docket numbersor due process, false reports to and by law enforcement officials or investigators, pattern of official mis-conduct, and Enterprise and Pattern of Racketeering with violation of law intended to protect publichealth and safety (N.J.S.A. 2C:40-18.b) are done on a repetitive bases as noted in filed in over 12,000court pages and adopted exhibits in Federal and State courts in New Jersey, Nevada and Pennsylvaniaas the perjury and false swearing by Government its bribed agents without valid contracts awarded forprofessional services continues as by former death threats made against me after I testified under oathbefore the Land Use Board in Stanhope, New Jersey 07874 against State and Municipal officials andthe bribed John Cilo Jr. pretending to have a valid contract with his employee professional plannerScarlett Doyle and thereafter other corrupt professional planners and professional engineers posed byfraud before the public in Town Council Meetings and with tens of thousands of false mailed bulletinsand public announcement and court submissions signed documents submitted in violation of the Stateof NJ Map Filing Law by fraud N.J.S.A. 2C:21-2.1 False Government Documents and whereas theCode Enforcement Official, the Stanhope Environmental Commission, the former retaliated againstBorough of Stanhope municipal; clerk Ms Robin Kline, RMC now a Municipal official in South Or-ange Village whom I talked with recently and mauled her reminders of the actions she took, the formerTown Administrator Richard Stewart who attempted to gain me access to the Borough of Stanhope Mu-nicipal Court as malicious charges were filed against me repetitively for which Judge Mulhern, JMCand Judge Devine, JMC transferred dozens of cases to other municipalities and counties and the deter-mination by Superior Court Judge N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C. with agreement of the Sussex County Pros-ecutor✆s Office that represents the State of New Jersey Attorney General agreed that Judge Craig U.Dana, J.M.C. and William Hinkes, Esq. the alleged attorney for the Joint Municipal Court violatedcourt rules constantly and repeatedly and that at NO time was my mental competency mention duringthe long pre-hearings, conference or kangaroo court that had 13 NON-criminal charges fled against mein the Borough of Stanhope as all were transferred to the Township of Green. I have no record of theBorough of Stanhope Municipal court as required by the rules governing the courts to the AssignmentJudge with reasons stated therein for dozens of malicious filed dockets against me transferred to othermunicipal jurisdictions and even counties by the Borough of Stanhope. The Borough of Netcong courtmagistrate protected like dozens of Superior Court Judges by the totally secret and protected SupremeCourt Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct (ACJC) by New Jersey✆s abused Rules of the Court bythe judges and attorneys thereon and the Office of Attorney Ethics with conspirators in the persons ofStuart Rabner Chief Justice of the NJ Supreme Court and Glenn Grant, J.A.D have been protected formany years by the U.S. Attorney Eric Holder, the Executive Office of U.S. Attorneys, the AAG for theDepartment of Justice and other attorneys and U.S. Attorneys that were formerly in the corrupt U.S. At-torney✆s Offices in the infested City of Newark with the corrupt City of Newark municipal court andother Essex County officials protecting them and committing the alleged federal crime 18 U.S.C. §4Misprision of Felony, State crime N.J.S.A. 2C:2-1 crime of omission, violation of codes of ethics, pub-

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lic duties and official misconduct NOT performing officials duties and aiding others in criminal actionsand attempts documents in federal courts, the U.S.P.S. Inspection Service, Office of Professional re-sponsibility and in vast internet blogs and other newspaper reports which can be determined by goo-gling the internet for such descriptions as ✝thomas caggiano jersey✞, and reviewing the files on theadopted exhibits provided the Department of Justice Public Corruption Unit entered into federal andstate courts and other investigation inspection services published under the Freedom of the Press on and

Morris County and Morris County Superior Court Presiding Judge Thomas Manahan, P.J.S.C. issuedhis own court order without any docket number, without any filed complaint to him, without any noticeto Thomas Caggiano or Kathryn Caggiano as the corrupt judge even did NOT spell his name correctlybut wrote Katherine Caggiano and distributed his own made up unconstitutional court order violatingthe State of New Jersey Court Rules R 7:2-1 that NO municipal court judge in Morristown nor SussexCounty could even review for probable cause any submitted summons or affidavit of probable causefor an indictments nor send the evidence to the county prosecutor within 48 hours after receipt and anydecision he made in another letter he made in his private chambers without even notice of any munici-pal probable cause affidavit was not even eligible for any appeal to any level of government of his uni-lateral total secret private review as he stated in writing falsely I would NOT have any standing in anycourt to appeal his decision. Such is the tyranny permitted by the Supreme Court of the State of NewJersey and not reported per the rules of ethics by any attorney in violation of NOT only rules of profes-sional conduct but duties under the Declaration of Independence as Judge Manahan, JSC is a typicalcorrupt Judge protected by the Speaker of the Assembly for the State of NJ, the Governor of New Jer-sey and through the FBI director and U.S. Attorney as treason is upon the Citizens of New Jersey andthe State of Nevada as shown in the filed evidence under Chief Judge Jennifer Togliatti, 8th JudicialCourt District for the State of Nevada and others in the Eastern District Court of the District of Penn-sylvania next to the Liberty Bell against numerous corrupt U.S. Attorneys protected by the the Discipli-nary Review Board of the Supreme Court of the New Jersey✟s Ellen A. Brodsky, Director Charles Cen-tinaro of the OAE and his corrupt patsy the corrupt Harry D. Norton, Jr. Esq. as the FBI located on thesame floor in Garret Mountain Plaza, Woodland Park, NJ have mounds of referenced evidence againsthundreds of federal, various state and other officials, representatives and hundreds of others engaged ina 12 year cover-up of 20 or 30 years of corruption and fraud, waste, perjured filings to the IRS, to In-vestigators and in tens of thousands of false mailings with false audited reports, false investigation re-ports and deceitful documents and altered official court orders and maps and plans approved by Superi-or Court Judges and State officials themselves with massive suppression of all civil rights.

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The corrupt Judge Paparazzo, J.M.C. NOT even allow me to enter a plea of Guilty with conditionswhich would then require the municipal prosecutor to discuss the situation and drop the proposed bailrequirements and other court actions which were nothing but retaliation and obstruction of the law asrequired as the plea would have been as I discussed in the Township of Green court. Guilty with Condi-tions which the municipal prosecutor would be required to enter discussions and provide the court theState✠s agreement to proceed to the Appellate Division wherein Due process would STOP immediatelyall proceedings pending a review of the constitutionality of the charges for per the United States Con-stitution and Bill of Rights one has inalienable rights to protect themselves, their family and privateproperty. As noted in letters to the Borough of Stanhope in a petition signed by 14 property owners andindividual property owners all surrounding the illegal development of Block 10902 Lots 10 and 12, 2and 6 Oak Drive as the three lots owned by Eleanor Dawalt on 2,4 and 6 Oak drive are reconfigured asnoted in the deeds I had the Sussex County Clerk print-out for me. The Deputy Clerk was Brian McNeilly the former Mayor of Stanhope who stated in the minutes that he had reviewed the PROJECTand he had no problem wit the project and stated on the official minutes as noted in the referencesadopted by my answer to deny such constraints which themselves would NOT even allow discovery forper the court orders issued by the Township of Green by Judge Craig U. Dana, J.M.C. in agreementwith the alleged Municipal prosecutor who is also the Borough attorney for the four municipalitieswhich in itself is an apparent conflict of interest as criminal charges were filed under oath againstJudge Craig U. Dana, J.M.C., William Hinkes, Richard stein, Mayor Diana Kuncken for on the recordMayor Diana Kuncken created a fantasy and when I asked her if what she stated were the words on a

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commercial post card she admitted the words ✡SHE stated under oath were NOT on the evidence. Itwas perjury. Richard stein, Esq. constantly for over ten years has lied in Statements of Information andthe Department of Community Affairs made findings of DOZENS of denial of access against the Bor-ough of Stanhope as dozens of cases AFTER a finding of denial of access were made were then proc-essed even against the guidance given by the GRC Counsel Vince Maltese, Esq. as the GRC had al-ready determined a denial of access was made. As stated by the Office of Administrative Law JamesGeraghy, ALJ that he was deceived by Richard Stein, Esq. in the first of two teleconferences. AS statedby Richard Stein, Esq. he considers the ✡court orders☛ of the OAL using standard prescribed formswhich is how the court operate NOT proceedings and only forms. Such forms are mandated and signedby the ALJ which I read to the former Morris County Vicinage Judge B. Theodore Bozonelis, Esq. andprovided a copy of the video recording to our court and the Plaintiff on the CD with other vast refer-enced exhibits which as stated by the pontiff☞s own filed verified certified affidavit was which is stamped on thousands of court records for under Docket 08-09-316-I State of NJ v.Thomas Caggiano 13 criminal charges were filed and David Weaver, Esq has been aware of the corrup-tion since his first day in office as the recording of his own First Assistant Prosecutor and a county de-tective were shown photos proving false inspection reports were constantly made by the Borough ofStanhope and the Department of Agriculture as the proof can NOT disappear. The corrupt SussexCounty Soil Conservation District Clifford Lundin, Esq. even approved a false drawing which was atampered with approved Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plan by the Board of Adjustment and in-cluded in the Deeds which was the resolution forming the two lots minor subdivision This tamperedwith drawing was a defense exhibit with notes that has been introduced in Superior Courts and Munici-pal courts and in hundreds of Verified Certified Affidavits and 15 property signed a letter of violationsof Safety and Health laws including the violation of the Wetland Permit on Block 10902 Lot 10 for asstated in a fining after 8 months of contrived review by the corrupt executive director of the State SoilConservation Committee James Sadley and his associate who then became the executive director FrankMinch, it was determined the State was NOT even informed of the start of the development on the MI-NOR subdivision stated in the deeds themselves ( see for copy ofannotated deeds to the Clerk and Sussex County Administrator). Since the State made a finding the fullcertificate of occupancy was issued on 6 Oak Drive and development filling the lot on 2 Oak Drive hadoccurred with their knowledge until I brought it to their attention as noted in the minutes I read to theAssignment Judge B. Theodore Bozonelis, A.J.S.C., and I read from a widely distributed CAG reportsowing how funds were laundered through Stanhope on other project, read the actual court orders is-sued by the OAL stated to be irrelevant by Laddey, Clark and Ryan☞s thirty year long attorney for theinfested Borough of Stanhope and corporate attorney Richard A. Stein, Esq. the lead coordinator asshown by Kevin Kelly, Esq. sending him copies of all documents and to other conspirators as the listcontinues to grow and as Kevin Kelly the alleged attorney for the township of Green which has refusedmy valid OPRA and Common Law right of access request for a government record of his contract forprofessional services with the Township of Green the copy of the required newspaper announcement ofthe contract in four areas required by the Local Public Contracts Law and a copy of the bills which areto be immediate delivery were refused by Kevin Kelly, Esq. acting for the Township of Green

Other factors are noted below:

Source Sheri K. Siegelbaum, Chair of Scarinci Hollenbeck's Public Law Group -

✌Additional Guidance from the [ State of New Jersey✍s Department of Community Affairs ] Local Finance Board -The Local FinanceNotice, LFN2010-3, dated January 15, 2010, provides certain guidance concerning professional service and extraordinary unspecifi-able service contracts as well as other contracting issues ...The Notice indicates, contrary to previous guidance from the Departmentof Community Affairs, that governmental agencies must publish a notice of award concerning all professional service or extraordi-nary unspecifiable service contracts over the bid threshold for that entity. ... The Notice also states that all contracts for professional

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services or extraordinary unspecifiable services require that the amount of the contract, not just the hourly rate, be included in thenotice of the award.✎

According to papers filed by his law firm Kelly and Ward, LLC. falsely told the tribunal untruths andfalse unsworn statements that I submitted 800 OPRA requests in two years ALL on zoning is false onits ace as none of the dozens of denials of access made by the GRC were on zoning. In addition thestatements made by Kevin Kelly that my requests are frivolous are not only absurd but willful state-ments to have the court issue immediate restraints that would NOT even allow and answer. In additionthe court orders issued by the Township would not even allow me to have discovery of any former orcurrent official or employee of the Borough of Stanhope. As as known by William Hinkes, JSC JudgeDana, J.M.C. sustained objections to objections that were NOT even made by the State such as JudgeDana✏s court order violate the freedom of assembly which is guaranteed in the Constitution of New Jer-sey and stated in the Bill of Rights. I can not even submit a common law right of access or OPRA re-quest in writing to the Borough of Stanhope to even get copies of my property record cards, write thetax assessor to reduce my property taxes, review any municipal code, file any court document per Rule7:2 Process, get a book out of the library, plead not guilty to any charge in the Borough of Stanhope✏smunicipal court, obtain a copy of my signed Miranda statements, copies of my dozens of fingerprintprint cards, obtain copies of the many voluntary police reports I made while attending town councilmeetings being overwatched by the local police and having the police officer sing the voluntary state-ments wherein I reported the observed criminal conduct. The minutes were written by Ellen Horak inboth the Land Use Board and the Town Council against the Borough of Stanhope regulations for inde-pendence and deceptive. A member of the Land Use Board was also a voting member on the Stanhopeenvironmental Commission against the Borough of Stanhope resolution forming the Stanhope Environ-ment al Commission as NO member of the Land Use Board could be on the Committee. The ShadeTree Commission that was to enforce the destruction of Shade trees did NOT even exist. The Mayorand Governing Body were the parties to assure the laws of the State of NJ were executed faithfullywhich included the safety and health laws and municipalities✏ own by laws. The by laws require twoGoverning Body members approve every claim and did NOT happen per the by laws. James Bensonheld four positions approving funds for John Cilo Jr. Associates, Omland Engineering Associates andP. David Zimmerman, PE for Area in Need of Redevelopment report and NONE had valid contracts forover 20 years as requests for contracts and bills per OPRA and Case law are to be IMMEDIATE. WhenI requested a copy of Kelly and Ward LLC contract, the required notice in the newspaper, =Mayor andtown council resolution approving his contract, Kevin Kelly✏s response was my request was frivolousand refused to respond to my OPRA and Common Law Right of Access request as the three prongs areobviously met as Kelly and Ward LLC has represented to the court and me the plaintiff that the lawfirm has a valid contract for he has stated under affidavit supported by the Township of Green that hehas a valid contract which the township refuses to provide despite Judge Edward Gannon, J.S.C. strik-ing out the request for immediate restrictions as the request itself was a violation of due process and perthe directive from the court.

I have requested sanctions against Kelly and Ward LLC Per Rules of Professional Conduct 5.1and RPC 3.1 meritorious Claims and Contentions , RPC 3.3(a)(4) Candor Toward the Tribunal,RPC 3.4(a) Fairness to Opposing Party by unlawfully obstruct the other party by requestingvoiding due process, OPRA, OPMA and common law rights of access., RPC 4.1 Truthfulnessin Statements to others (a) (1) and (2) by reporting toe the Press that I had submitted manyOPRA requests during the last three years and when I requested by OPRA and Common Lawright of access the attorney Kevin Kelly, Esq. Stated my requests were frivolous but meant toprove the violations of the foregoing violations of rules of ethics as per the recent direction ofthe Chief Counsel Julianne K. Decore. Esq. of the State of New Jersey Disciplinary reviewBoard per R 1:20-7(j)2 as I noted the State of New Jersey Supreme Court, the FBI at Garret

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Mountain Plaza, the OAE, OAC and ACJC I shall be proceeding to the Supreme court on viola-tion of official conduct as the Morris County/Sussex County Vicinage Trial Court administra-tors as known to the Vicinage Assignment Judge and Office of Administrator of the CourtGlenn Grant, J.A.D. have all violated their official duties by NOT obtaining my municipal courtrecords denied me under Docket A-001721-10 State of New Jersey v. Thomas Caggiano. TheState Prosecutor for Sussex County David Weaver was protected by the series of State of N.J.Attorney Generals and Board of Chosen Freeholders for Sussex County and has refused to pro-vide me prosecutor records even for the Dismissed with Prejudice CRIMINAL charges for vio-lating similar unconstitutional court orders issued by Assignment Judge B. Theodore Bozonelis,A.J.S.C. and Judge David Rand, P.J.Ch, Superior Court Judge N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C., Superi-or Court Judge Thomas Manahan, J.S.C. and other Judges ( See ) including those of the Township of Greens✑Municipal Court JudgeCraig. U. Dana, J.M.C., Judge John Mulhern, J.M.C. in Stillwater/ Hampton Municipal Courtsin Hampton, Stillwater, Stanhope and Newton t, Judge Paparazzo, Netcong, Judge Shuster,J.S.C., Judge Sypek, J.S.C, Judge Innes, P.J.Ch. and I have been convicted of petty disorder of✒criminal trespass✓ by the Township of Green of the malicious filings transferred by Judge Mul-hern, J.M.C.. without any court order signed by the Assignment Judge for Vicinage 10 nor appa-rent court order approved by the Assignment Judge nor did Judge James Devine, J.M.C. havesuch authority as acting Borough of Stanhope to transfer other non-criminal cases to anotherMunicipal court without notice and approval of the Assignment Judge as the reason and justifi-cation must be documents and provided the prosecutor and the defendant. as it appears transfersare done without stated reasons and when my reasons are based upon facts to change venue orcases the Superior Courts and Municipal Courts through the Vicinage are engaged in violatingcourt rules, due process in what appears to many a systemic STATE OF CORRUPTION andagreement within the Vicinage among its Judges and State and municipal prosecutors at all lev-els including my own attorney Robert Mattia, Esq in both the Township of Green Municipalcourt and the Sussex County Superior Courts of Judge N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C. joined in by thecorrupt Department of Community Affairs Government Record Council in the Superior Courtsand Municipal courts in Trenton, City of Newark Office of Administrative Law - ) OAL)✒courts✓ and through-out the Supreme Court OAC, ACJC and DRB and the Chief JusticeStuart Rabner and former counsel to Gov Jon Corzine as noted in the Office of Governor of NJData base provided as an adopted exhibit by reference in direc-tory and directly accessible at . Whereas the Gov Chris Christie, Esq. office has been made aware of the corruption ofmany of his cabinet level officials as well as reports to his OCR, he and others maybe made re-spondents in my cross complaint with the request also for a jury trial and punitive damages for12 years of tyranny to my family and many other retaliated informants such as Mary Pawar andher husband Iqbal who were in effect retaliated against by the Board of Engineers and she wasdirectly retaliated against by having a subpoena issue to her in the Stillwater court by the cor-rupt District Attorney and attorney for the Sussex County Soil Conservation District for submit-ting an OPRA request for the Project on Block 10902 Lot 10 and Lot 12 as Lot 11 was elimi-nated in the Borough of Stanhope✑s Board of Adjustment with approved variance resolutionforming the two lot Minor Subdivision with over 20,000 feet disturbed which contrary to falsestatements made willfully by Richard A. Stein was never objected to by any adjacent propertyowner but the petition signed by 14 surrounding property owners was to comply with the siteplan which was down repeatedly as noted in published petitions published on the CDs providedthe court and the infested Township of Green in my ANSWER.

The corrupt Judge Craig U. Dana, J.M.C. who has refused repeatedly to provide me access to

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my own court records in the Joint municipal court of Green, Hampton, Fredon and Borough ofAndover and the Joint municipal court of Wantage, Stillwater and Borough of Sussex, as knownto the Assignment Judge Thomas Weisenbeck, A.J.S.C., Judge Thomas Manahan, P.J.S.C andPresiding Municipal Judge Frank Zinna, P.J.M.C, and numerous other Parties. In addition underAppellate Division Superior Court Appeal which is ripe, the Sussex county State Persecutor Da-vid Weaver, Esq. the former law partner of the Township of Green✔s alleged municipal prosecu-tor and also Borough Attorney a case of immediate conflict of interest and the laws should bechanged to NT allow such immediate conflicts as also does in the Borough of Stanhope for over20 years by used of the Borough to using the exception clause kept awarding both professionalservice contracts apparently to Richard A. Stein, Esq who has committed perjury in dozens ofOffice of Administrative Law actions wherein the corrupt conspirator being the Department ofCommunity Affairs GRC executive director of the Government Record Council and the lastseveral Commissioner of Community Affairs from Susan Bass Levin, Esq. to the current Com-missioner of Community Affairs Richard E. Constable III, Esq. and the corrupt Office of Attor-ney General✔s Department of Community Affairs, Department of Law and Public Safety Divi-sion of Law Debra Allen, Esq. who represented the State of New Jersey for a Docket MER-C-102-07 identify with two Captions by the corrupt Mercer County Superior Court Judges Shus-ter, Sypke and Innes all conspired for years to issue court orders issued under Docket SSX-C-102-07 State v. Thomas Caggiano and Government Record Council v. Thomas Caggiano asnoted in the filed complaint to the corrupt State of New Jersey Supreme Court and filing withthe Department of Law and Public Safety, State of NJ Attorney General and U.S. Attorney EricHolder under Docket 2:12-cv-01484-GMN-GWF in the U.S. District Court District of Nv Tho-mas Caggiano vs. Eric Holder, whereas the U.S. Attorney, N.J. Attorney General, FBI, SolicitorGeneral were all provided vast evidence as stated in Certified Filed Affidavits noted in the sub-mitted ANSWER to Judge Thomas L. Weisenbeck, A.J.S.C with complaints filed to the corruptSupreme Court Advisory Committee on Judicial Condcut that operates in TOTAL SECRECYas has the Office of Attorney Ethics on more then a dozen filed complaints against the Office ofAdministrative Law Judges that conspired with the Government Record Council and its attor-neys and superiors via the crime of complicity since the Commissioner of Community AffairsSusan Bass Levin, Esq. was made known of false unsworn statements made during an officialinvestigation by the Codes and Standard investigation wherein its investigator John Maher pre-pared a false and deceptive investigation report noted by me to the Commissioner of the Depart-ment of Community Affairs and is published on the earlier index accessible with other lettersadopted by reference on and was falsely told by theSussex County Soil Erosion and Sediment Control District Manager Winifred Straub later pro-moted to the corrupt Board of Supervisors and wit the form Mayor Clifford Lundin, Esq. theformer Mayor of Hopatcong wherein for years the municipal court administrator Ana Torres hasrefused to provide my own municpal court records from the Borough of Stanhope in the newShared Municipal Court of Hopatcong and Stanhope and whereas in the corrupt Joint MunicipalCourt of Wantage, Stillwater and Borough of Sussex the outstanding court administrator TaniaL. Ell, has been performing her public duty under Title 18 Section 4 Misprision of Felony, Title2C N.J.S.A. 2C:2-1 Crime of Omission, C.E.P.A. and other oath of office duties per the Rulesof Ethics unlike many dozens of Judges, Attorneys and other Judicial employees as noted in therecent filings to the DRB published under the Freedom of the Press and provided to the Press in the State of New Jersey Star Ledger to exposed fraud, waste,criminal conspiracy and harassment Based upon the written response by the DRB Ellen A.Brodsky, Esq and her superior Julianne K, Decore, DRB Chief Counsel providing the State ofNew Jersey Court rule R. 1:20-7(j)2 the State of New Jersey Supreme Court Clerk was providedevidence of massive violation of court rules by the Administrator of the Courts Glen Grant,

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J.A.D., various Vicinage Judges and Chief Judge Stuart Rabner and in his former official dutyalso as the corrupt State of New Jersey Attorney General, the Vicinage Trial Court Administra-tors under the Assignment Judge Thomas Weisenbeck, A.J.S.C., Thomas Manahan, P.J.S.C. andthe corrupt Judge B. Theodore Bozonelis, A.J.S.C. David Rand, P.J.Cv under Docket SSX-L-347-07 Borough of Stanhope v. Thomas Caggiano and Government Record Council whereinRichard Stein, Esq. willfully lied to the equally corrupt former Assignment Judge B. TheodoreBozonelis, A.J.S.C. as shown in the video of the Superior Court hearing as the GRC in responseto my OPRA request admitted by the corrupt case manager Frank Caruso who wrote me NOState agency nor any company in the State of New Jersey could make a copy of an audio record-ing cassette of an open public meeting of the GRC where I exposed the corruption of the Stateand municipal governments and the minutes only mention three speakers with no statements ofwhat any discussed. Under the former excellent GRC attorney Vince Maltese, Esq. he broughtin a court reporter to document in the minutes the corruption of the Chair Robin Berg Tabakin,Esq for as stated in Frank Caruso✕s written response to my OPRA request, the GRC has essen-tially has no court records about the Case while the excellent Maria Sette Hughes the Civil Div-sion Manager in Sussex County Suprior Court Civil Division has provided me over 1,700 pagesof court documents that are adopted as referenced exhibits to justify my common law right ofaccess request, written questions to hundreds of officals including the Governor of New Jersey,Chief Justice Stuart Rabner, Assignment Judge Thomas Weisenbeck, the ACJC, OAC and U.S.Attorney Eric Holder, various U.S. Attorneys in NJ, PA, NV and IL and FBI and IRS agents todetermine the extent of additional parties I expect to aide to the claim with punitive damages asthe court records under IND 08-09-316-I State v. Thomas Caggiano State Prosecutor records ofDavid Weaver, Esq. have been refused under OPRA and Common Law requests and as the de-fendant maliciously for years denied access to the OPRA custodian and even e-mail address andVictim Ombudsman in his corrupt gang of State attorneys and staff. including the 7,400 pagesof court records assembled by Kay Mack for municipal appeals 13-04-09, 19-05-09 and 31-09-07 all before the Appellate Division under Docket A-001721-10 State v. Thomas Caggiano andcourt documents under IND 08-09-316-I State vs Thomas Caggiano wherein the State conspiredwith the Commissioner of Mental Health Services Jennifer Velez, Esq., Anne Klein ForensicCenter Center and its corrupt State psychologists protected by the Office of Attorney General✕sDivision of Consumer Affairs Director and others and its Board of Psychological Examiners asthe dozens of pages provided me by the Anne Klien OPRA custodian are made part of these re-corded with redactions of private mental evaluation data that is HIPPA protected. The SussexCounty Superior Court Criminal Division scheduler also performed her public duty in reportingapparent Federal and State criminal conduct to the FBI and State Police Official Corruption Bu-reau wherein witnesses include the outstanding Sgt. Eric Fowkles Badge 4792 that in my opin-ion prove beyond any reasonable doubt not only that Richard Stein lied to the question fromJudge Bozonelis paraphrased in response to a question on the Verified Certified Affidavit: Areyou saying Thomas Caggiano copied an OPRA request form 800 times during two years andthey were all on zoning? And Richard Stein as shown on the court✕s video published on and provided on the CD to the plaintiff theTownship of Green that continues to inform Richard Stein,Esq. as the Borough Attorney ofsome unknown municipality as Laddey, Clerk and Ryan LLC serves as the Borough Attorneyand/ or municipal prosecutor in the Joint municipal court of Hampton and Stillwater whereinthe corrupt Borough of Stanhope municipal Judge John Mulhern, J.M.C., Andrew Frazier, Esq.has written to Thomas Caggiano in response to my valid OPRA request he no longer has theJoint Municipal court Stillwater/Hampton municipal prosecutor records in violated of the Statelaw on record retention, the Borough Attorney and Municipal clerk in Mt. Olive when requestedfor copies of municipal prosecutor records denied such OPRA request in a conspiracy as both

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the Mt. Olive Municipal Clerk and the Borough Attorney under oath in a Statement of Informa-tion falsely reported as now known by Frank Zinna, P.J.M.C. Secretary that the municipal pros-ecutor is NOT a judiciary employee and by Record retention law records must keep the recordswith the municipal clerk for 15 years. The GRC has NOT placed the Docketed complaint on itsagenda in months for any review by the GRC panel.. The corrupt Morristown Assistant Prosecu-tor Webber, Esq. conducted an investigation and never contacted the complainant nor did theGRC which found the Borough of Stanhope denied the OPRA dozens of times ever allow testi-mony in its council as the GRC did NOT even appear before the corrupt conspirator executiveindependent administrative judges under the direct supervision of the corrupt Gov Chris Chris-tie, Esq. and the Secretary of State being the Lt. Gov Kim Guadagno, Esq. who does not enforcethe record retention laws and allows Municipal prosecutors and the Sussex County ProsecutorDavid Weaver, Esq. t destroy his government records even though dozens of cases before JudgeCraig U. Dana, J.M.C. and Sussex County Superior Court Judge N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C. areunder Appellate Division Appeal A-001721-10 and were referred to the Department of JusticePublic Integrity Section and given Case file number DA 300337340 as noted in the publishedletters to the Public Integrity Section (PIN) and Public Corruption Unit as a letter from the while at the same time a letter from the U.S. Departmentof Justice Criminal Division Chief Rena Y. Kim by Kenneth Courter under CRM-20130014Facknowledges the receipt of my correspondence dated Feb 21, 2103 has construed my requestfor State Court records which have been denied me as noted in my filings with the Appellate Di-vision for access to my own court records denied me by the OAC, the Vicinage Trail Court Ad-ministrator, many municipal clerks for cases under municipal appeal dozens of fines by the cor-rupt Judge Craig U. Dana, J.M.C. and his partner in crime the Greens✖ court administrator Ma-ria Spiegler who wrote me a letter that NO DEFENDANT can have access to their own recordsper State law obviously violated her oath of office and Rule 114 and was reported to the OACGlenn Grant, J.A.D. who allows unconstitutional court orders to be issued and for the judicialemployees to obey corrupt judges and NOT give loyalty to the Constitutions of the UnitedStates and New Jersey in constant obstruction of law, and denial of my civil rights of due proc-ess and tort act violations with others of Breech of Duty, Outrage and causing emotional dis-tress The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of Professional Responsibility to which Iwas referred by the DOJ✖s Public Corruption Unit has stated ✗It is, however, the policy of thisOffice to refrain from investigating issues or allegations that still may be address in the courseof litigation and their office does not have jurisdiction over judges or state or local employeesand have concluded that no action is warranted and can NOT be of further assistance by Jaque-line Robertson, Program Analyst. Since when does Jurisdiction ignore the Declaration of Inde-pendence and Title 18 U.S.C. Section 4 Misprision of Felony duties that applies to all persons?The DRB wrote me a response by mail fraud and deceitful response to my complaint letter ofcorruption within the OAE and its investigator which continues of my adopted referenced letterpublished on with copy to the FBI Field Office atGarret Mt wherein the FBI offices are located in the same building as the corrupt State of NewJersey Supreme Court investigator where William Ziff, Esq. without assigning any Docket num-ber and by fraud and trickery with obstruction of law and giving aide to other attorneys engagedin continuing criminal abuse of court process in Docket SSX-C-1-13 wherein an informant is re-taliated by the Township of Green that by its willful agreed upon activity seeks to have immedi-ate restraint orders so severe that an ANSWER to the plaintiff could NOT even be filed with thecourt per common law and court rules. Harry Norton, Jr. the township of Green even NOT al-low the retaliated against informant Mary Pawar to appear as a my character witness nor anypersons as the team of William Hinkes, Esq and his coordinator Laddey, Clark and Ryan LLCRichard A. Stein, Esq. and with the corrupt Office of Attorney General✖s Department of Law

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and Public Safety Division of Law Department of Community Affairs Deputy Attorney Generalfor the GRC Debra Allen, Esq. coordinated their conspiracy via email among themselves with-out my knowledge as each attacked by slander and libel numerous items in public court ses-sions and dozens of times in the Borough of Stanhope Town✘s Council Meetings with lies anddeceit, tens of thousands of deceptive news bulletins, rampant cover-up of twenty years of rack-eteering, bribery, tax fraud, criminal disbursements of federal, state, county and Municipalfunds, with false audit reports, false filings to municipal and Superior Courts are an every dayrepeated pattern of agreed upon conduct in a structured organization as I noted in the hearingsbefore the corrupt Judge Craig U. Dana, J.M.C., the alleged municipal prosecutor WilliamHinkes, Esq. and its court administrator as known to the Joint Court Committee and hundreds ofpersons as noted in filing with the Office of Governor Of NJ, the U.S. Attorney General, theState of New Jersey judges at all levels and over 80 attorneys and judicial employees and theState Bar Association and newspapers cost to coast. and manipulated minutes by Ellen Horakthe deputy municipal clerk an defamed with others to discredit me and make me appear by falsereports by Dr. Peter Paul, Phd of me so mentally insane that even with an attorney I could NOTsupport the attorney which is laughable as Robert Mattia, Esq. on the court record requested myassistance. My Pro Se motions are not the vague unproven statements made by Government of-ficials and employees as shown that such statements were in fact total lies to prevent me fromacting Pro Se even with a stand-by attorney so that using my technical knowledge of codeswhich themselves are in error and outdated constantly attacked me and assaulted me repeatedlyeven in public town council meetings and the Township of Green✘s municipal court as I stoodhandcuffed behind my back and slammed from the back without warning onto the Defendantstable terrorizing my wife and shocking Mary Pawar my character witness and the State evenfiled resisting arrest charges convicting me with its planned set-up that continues of 12 years ofretaliation that continues as due process does NOT exist as shown by A-0011721-10 actions bythe courts and the corrupt Sussex County Prosecutor and his assistant prosecutors acting togeth-er with infamous Judiciary branch of appointed judges protected by the Speaker of the Assem-bly Oliver and the State Bard Association. e and in different courts from the City of Trentonthroughout Sussex County and Morris County Superior Court and all municipal courts by theactions of Thomas Manahan, P.J.S.C. in his court order against my mentally tormented spousefor 12 years and others In a planned coordinated criminal abuse of court processes documentedin thousands of pages of court records the record prove beyond any reasonable doubt in theopinion of many that a willfully planned conspiracy in structured governmental agencies incriminal agreement and conspiracy witht he State of New Jersey✘s Government with the protec-tion of the federal government by threats made upon me by IRS agents reported to TIGTA andthe U.S. District Court of District of Nv and the U.S. Attorney General and FBI in WashingtonD.C. and Las Vegas Offices thus and giving aide to another between the State and numerouscorrupt municipalities in Morris County and Sussex County as proven in my opinion by over 50denials of access, over 50 filed affidavits of probable cause without any probable cause hearingswith CDR-2 or CDR-1s entered, and without contracts by various attorneys and professional en-gineers and planners for over a decade. I believe a foreign judge or change in venue from Vicin-age 10 based upon R: 3-14-2 type rationale based upon pretrial publicity of my dozens of con-victions and defamatory and malicious public statements made by the Township attorneys, Statepsychologists, Borough of Stanhope officials in dozens of false charges for years and a foreignjury be empanelled State v. Harris, 156 N.J. 122, 147-148 (1998) and added delay in proceed-ings until the U.S. Government responds to my freedom of information act request, the State po-lice respond to my common law right of access request and the Department of consumer affairsofficials which are evaluating their response to my common law request directly related and rel-evant to the prior activities of Kevin Kelly with his client Dr. M. Nicolai Nielsen, MD without

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my knowledge to the township of Green with further U.S. Government HHS review and inves-tigation expected for violation of HIPPA violations which alone would have a $250,00 fine and10 year prison sentence. The foreign jury similar to per R:3:14-3 should be selected in somemanner from some other county from which they are taken. I also note the Mandatory Joiner re-quirement was violated which was compulsory were held in different courts and neither munici-pal prosecutors complied with must be appointed for this civil case Docket SSX-C-1-13 and aspecial prosecutor to investigate the dozens of criminal actions via an investigative interrogativeperN.J.S.A. 2C:21-29.a as over 40 persons have requested investigations which include federal sen-ator, two members of House of Representatives, two State Senators, 2 members of the Assem-bly, the Sussex County administrator and other government officials, Stanhope officials andcommittees and court employees and over a dozen property owners. Let this travesty of justiceend after 12 years its harassment, terrorism and criminal coercion and causing great emotionaldistress to dozens of persons. I adopt the letter of April 30, 2011 Subject: Complaint against theperjury, false unsworn statements by the pathetically corrupt Laddey, Clark and Ryan LLC Bor-ough Attorney and Municipal Prosecutor fro the Racketeering enterprise and structure estab-lished as the Borough of Stanhope, Sussex County, New Jersey and investigation by U.S.P.S.Inspection Service for Mail Fraud, Conspiracy and Harassment by Richard Stein, Esq. repre-senting the corrupt infested Borough of Stanhope with a perjurer Mayor Diana Kuncken and fel-ons on the Governing body, its Finance Committee and other corrupt officials, lawyers and em-ployees therein and an OPRA and Common Law Request for Government Documents ( whichNOT responded to by the corrupt conspirator of the Township of Green where dozen of caseswere transferred without any court order request to the Assignment Judge of Vicinage 10. Thisletter included my Apr 29, 2001 letter to the corrupt investigator Harry, Norton, Higgins andRosa P.C., Office of Attorney Ethics Director and Janice Richter, Esq., Supreme Court Discipli-nary Review Board, Chief of Administrator of Courts Hon. Glenn Grant,J.A.D. and Stuart Rab-ner, Chief Justice of the State of NJ Supreme Court, Superior Court Appellate Division DocketA-001721-10, ACJC, Mercer County District Ethics Committee, U.S.P.S. Postal InspectionServices Mail Fraud, Conspiracy and Harassment postal investigators at 222 South RiversidePlaza, Chicago, Il 60606 based upon direction of the Las Vegas FBI ( see ) and the U.S.P.S. complaint file established in USPS HQ Az Case file$1621210546 and subsequently the Department of Justice Public Integrity Section and PublicCorruption Unit Case file #16210546 regarding decades of mail fraud, e-mail fraud, conspiracyby dozens of officials, law firms and others (letter is attached as adopted referenced exhibit intothis Verified Certified Affidavit with it referenced exhibits also adopted by referenced and alsocontained hereto based upon my personal knowledge and thereby useful in courts and hearingsas evidence per rules of evidence of N.J. courts and are relevant per Court rules Article II JUDI-CIAL NOTICE of Law and Adjudicative facts and the intent of law ( OPRA, OPMA and R:1:38 )This material proves an overview of the misconduct of the Plaintiff to deceive the tribunalwith false statements easily proven if the Plaintiff responded to OPRA and Common Law Rightof Access requests which the Plaintiff has willfully refuses despite Judge Gannon, J.S.C, strik-ing out the requests for such relief to prevent is own detection of hindering and obstruction jus-tice wit criminal abuse of court processes and even to suppress the Federal Civil Rights of Dis-covery and other civil rights violating Title 18 U.S.C. Sections 241 and 242 on a continuous pat-tern of willful conduct. Per Rule 402 this material is relevant evidence and is NOT a waste oftime as stated falsely in submission violating RPC RPC 8.4 Misconduct by engaging in conductinvolving dishonesty, fraud, deciet or misrepresentation and (f) knowingly assist a Judge in con-duct that is a violation of the code of Judicial Conduct or other law and (a) violate or attempt toviolate the Rules of Professional Conduct and knowingly assist or induce another to do so or so

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do through the acts of another which applies to dozens of attorneys noted on the cited specified as a basis for filing the unconstitutional immediate restraints requestedby William Hinkes and supported by the ring leader Laddey,Clark in Ryan LLC as Borough At-torney and/or Municipal prosecutor in so many towns through the infested Vicinage 10 as pro-vided in thousands of pages of evidence, movies, transcripts on andis related relevant directors and files but reduces court time by exposing the continued abuse ofthe court by deceit, false sworn statements and false unsworn statements. As noted in Rule 5403my OPRA and Common Law request were NOT frivilious as stated repeatedly by the Plaintiffhad had substantial probative value of evidence from government records available to the publicby OPRA and Common Law as the 3 prongs are met and the Plaintiff id NOT required balanc-ing nor requested and justify any redactions are required by OPRA. I appreciate the opportunityto be heard per Rule 201(e) these adjudicative and legislative intent.

I also desire to discuss during the schedule conference to discuss the discovery and other re-lated motions the required recusal of Kevin Kelly, Esq. and the law firm of Kelly and WardLLC partners if required per RPC 5.1 responsibilities and as he will be called as a witness asJudge Dana, J.M.C. conspired with his client and my paid and fired medical doctor for massiveHIPPA violations who refuses to give me my own medical records, violated medical privacylaws with Judge Craig U. Dana, J.M.C., Sussex County Probation officials as noted in my filingof other Title 2C criminal charges against over 50 times against numerous alleged criminal ac-tivity by federal, state, county and other officials from coast to coast as filing also included doz-ens of complaints filed with the IRS agents in Las Vegas, U.S.P.S offices in Az, Il and Newarkfor mail fraud, criminal conspiracy and harassment as dozens of officials government employ-ees and numerous other citizens were retributed for many years which continues with unendingretaliation under courts in New Jersey with allege official misconduct at the highest level of thefederal government attorneys, State and dozens of Judges acting in concert in planned agreedupon criminal conduct through-out government in structure organizations with complicity / ac-complices called racketeering , other high level legislative representatives not performing oversight responsibilities and impeachment official duties constitution duties to protect persons andprivate property as safety and environmental laws, contract laws, rules of ethics are not onlyNOT enforced but fraud is constant by the evaluators with impeachment duties ignored by theSpeaker of the Assembly and other responsibility of Judiciary oversight committees for im-peachment of very high level officials at the federal and state levels as tyranny exists as notedby over 100 witnesses as noted in published movies, audio recording, data with the Office ofGovernor and NJ and LT Gov for almost a decade requiring a submission of a petition of Writof Mandamus for an independent grand jury under the auspices of U.S. Magistrate George Fo-ley Docket 2:12-cv-01484-GMN-GWF, Thomas Caggiano v. Eric Holder and prior filing in theU.S. District Court of Eastern PA against Eric Holder, the Executive Office of U.S. Attorneys,U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman, Esq., U.S. Attorney PA, and hundreds of alleged crimes in a feder-al criminal escape of terrorism and retaliation and failure to protect the safety, heath, privateproperty and civil rights of U.S. citizens with continue threats by the filing of Docket SSX-C-1-13 Township of Green vs. Thomas Caggiano to remove all his civil and due process rightsunder the U.S. Constitution, Supreme Court Case law, N.J. Constitution, Open Public MeetingsAct, Open Public Record Act, Federal and State Rules governing its courts, other inalienableand Common Law rights of access, presenting grievances, due process rights, mailing and otheremail communication rights and rights under the Freedom of the Press as published by Inside onthe Outside under the news digest or directly via and its directories pdf (reports), transcripts, corruptjudges and the index filehttp:/ and all adopted

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by reference into this VERIFIED CERTIFIED affidavit based upon my own knowledge andtherefore IS EVIDENCE usable in federal and state oversight committees, courts and adminis-trative hearings. per federal and state rules of evidence ignored for over 12 years of continuingas spreading corruption by more accomplices noted in hundreds of filings in courts and execu-tive and legislative review bodies and so called investigative bodies including the State of NJJersey✙s Comptroller Matt Boxer, Esq. for fraud and waster and inspection duties and the Statelegislators State Commission of Investigation which wrote me years ago there was too muchcorruption for them to handle and see the State of NJ attorney General or State County Prosecu-tor. Why didn✙t the SCI notify the Legislative review committees with over sight responsibilityof its findings, the FBI per 18 U.S.C. § 4 and the NJ Department of Law and Public Safety✙sState Police Official Corruption Bureau per one✙s public duty NJSA 2C:2-1?The last five attor-ney generals of New Jersey and its Department of Law and Public Safety, Department of Lawand Public Safety, State Ethics Commission, Division of Consumer Affairs and many of itsBoard, Office of Government Integrity have engaged in a planned willful cover-up with over250 officials across the county with federal, state, county, and municipal officials officials, andemployees not only violating their officials duties by NOT performing them, but engaging inthe conspiracy and engaged in criminal acts to suppress or destroy records, prepare false investi-gation and deceptive investigative reports, not contact retaliated informants who reported al-leged crimes and even filed Affidavits of Probable Cause for violation of State Title 2C crimesagainst the U.S. Attorneys, IRS Special Agents in Las Vegas to Treasury Inspector General forTax Administration (TIGTA) numerous times and filed Docket Aas Affidavits of Probable Cause were filed against U.S. Attorneys and FBI agents and U.S.Treasury IRS agents to . In addition, wherein Kevin Kelly✙s letter to Robert Mattia, Esq. wasfalse, and whereas his statement that Judge Dana for the Township of Green issued a court orderto his client made by Kevin Kelly, Esq. as the Township of Green✙s alleged attorney if he has avalid contract was false information to Robert Mattia, Esq acting as my attorney. This actionhas been reviewed with the Federal Government and actions are being taken to have a HIPPAviolation review which would itself result in a $250,00 fine and 10 year federal prison sentenceand a submittal under common law right of access request is now before the Office of AttorneyGeneral✙s Department of Consumer Affairs awaiting a response to obtain its own investigativematerials and my complaint submittal and other records therein.

constitutions of U.S. and N.J., and attending Municipal court meetings that even the Departmentof Community Affairs charge Judge James Geraghy, ALJ who charged with an $8,000 fineraised to $21,000 in his hearing wherein the corrupt Richard Stein, Esq attended and heard 4.5hours of testimony against the infested Borough of Stanhope and other State officials and itsprotected ENF Development and bribed professional engineer John Cilo Jr. and Scarlett Doylewho defrauded the IRS for federal and state govt with perjuries annual financial reports, falseaudited reports by the CFO, Municipal clerk, Governing Body, Finance Board, Mayor andothers. and all fines were vacated as were all fines by Judge Craig U. Dana, J.M.C. and 10 daysof his increasing sentences and all probation yet the corrupt court orders remain state state: Payyour taxes, sewer bill and water bill and the only civil right you have is to place 911 calls.When I attempted to get my own court records, the Town Administrator Richard Stewart at-tempted to gain me access to the court but the Chief of Police who refuses assess to me of myarrest records and other voluntary reports prepared by me of obvious violations of state law andMunicipal codes signed by his own police force threatened me with immediate arrest and beingjailed as my wife and I fled for our safety to North Las Vegas, Nv selling our 10 East Drivehome and were then threatened by mail and harassed by Richard Stein, Esq. and the town mu-nicipal clerk Ellen Horak which was reported to the U.S.P.S. Inspection Service. I have been

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reporting mail fraud, criminal conspiracy and harassment to the Hq, Phoenix, Az, and its 222Riverside Plaza, Chicago, Il for years as the threats, falsehoods, conspiracy continue underDocket SSX-C-1-13 Township of Green v. Thomas Caggiano and in Judge Craig U. Dana,J.M.C. Joint Municipal Court of Wantage, Stillwater and Borough of Sussex, the Shared munic-ipal court of Hopatcong and Stanhope, the Township of Mt. Olive✚s Borough Attorney and Mu-nicipal clerk and Morristown County Prosecutor✚s Office and the infested Department of com-munity Affairs Government Record Council, State Police and actions of others. The 116 pageCAG report provided on CD in my answer and published on http://thomascaggianom/index.pdfis adopted by reference and other files on the CD provided with my ANSWER costing me hun-dreds of dollars in filing fees and mailing and copying cost alone which Judge Edward Gannon,J.S.C. should have rejected and reported the two attorneys for violation of his Codes of Ethicsand Directive 5-05. Whereas the Governor of New Jersey, Attorney General of U.S., AttorneyGeneral of NJ, Chief Justice Stuart Rabner will all be provided written questions under discov-ery as they have extension knowledge of the corrupt activities for years and whereas com-plaints have been filed to the corrupt ACJC, OAE and OAC ignored without a hearing or testi-mony of retaliated witnesses being held, and whereas NO confrontation nor even using methodsto keep all records secret by the ACJC and OAE and DRB First Assistant Council Ellen A.Brodsky, Esq. via Superior Court filings for Common Law right of access violations and priorviolations of discovery violations by Superior Court Judge N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C. and withthe Superior Court Orders filed by Judge N. Peter Conforti, J.S.C. filed in the official file doNOT even agree with those provided to my directed Attorney over my objections and motionsRobert Mattia, Esq. I request a discussion of a foreign magistrate of special magistrate as I ex-pect to add many parties to my complaint for damages and punitive damages.

In addition I shall consider requested separate trials as noted in:

I note Kelly and Ward LLC and the Township of Green in untruthful statements to the court formy own court records and municipal prosecutor records are frivilious is in direct violation ofcourt directive #3-11

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I certify the foregoing statements made by me are true. I am aware that if any of the foregoingstatements made by me are willfully false that I am subject to punishment The foregoing state-ments and adopted exhibits hereto are based upon my own personal knowledge I am a lay per-son acting Pro Se however I may at some time obtain a standby attorney and reserve the right tomade additional motions and petitions. Whereas the Gov Christie Christie, Esq and others haveyears of knowledge such as Chief Justice Stuart Rabner and previously as Attorney General ofthe State of NJ as well as the former Gov Jon Corzine, the Speaker of the Assembly, the formerSenate President and acting Gov of NJ Richard Codey via his aide Justine Davis was madeaware of the continuing alleged criminal conduct by hundreds of officials, lawyers, judges, andothers that were bribed and were made aware of the situation for years and whereas SenatePresident Codey mailed a very large box of evidence to Office of the State of New Jersey Attor-ney General, the FBI Special Agents in New Jersey, the U.S. Attorney Eric Holder, Esq and oth-er US District Court Judges in California and Nv ins ripe US District Court actions and the Ap-pellate Division Superior Court of NJ and the Superior Court for the State of Nv and other mu-nicipal cases in Wantage Municipal court of Judge Craig U. Dana, J.M.C. as well as OPRA de-

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nial of Access complaints that continue before the Government Record Council and the Su-preme Court of N.J. will be filed complaints per R 1:20-7(j)2 as suggested as known by theChief Counsel of the DRB and Clerk of the Supreme Court and newspapers and State Senatorsand Members of Assembly and public, a continuance is also suggested to assimilate the comingevidence and actions of so many directly related court and executive actions. The Office ofGovernment Integrity acted in a conspiracy with others and whereas the large box of evidencewas provided the U.S. Attorney Chris Christie✛s Offices, the need for a Special magistrate issuggested to avoid apparent conflicts of interest with a change of venue to another County.

As paraphrased by my prior attorney Walter Risi, Esq. who was aware of the conspiracy, viola-tion of health and safety laws, has a Master✛s Degree in 383 West Blackwell Street, Dover, NJ07801, Office: 973-328-3700: You are nothing but a pebble in a wall to them you are no one.

I certify the foregoing statements made by me are true. I am aware that if any of the foregoingstatements made by me are willfully false that I am subject to punishment.


✜✢✣✤✦✧ ★✦✩✩✪✦✫✣ Mar 25, 2013

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