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(701)I am saying, ‘you will’, I say you are already drenched into that bliss. Keep it up.Now, how to do it?Actually in everyday life how to kill the memory of the past? To kill the memory of the past is to have new memories. You must remember when you first got your realisation. Always think of it.Whenever any such memory comes to you, try to think how you got your realisation. Any memory that is troublesome or so-called elating, you just try to remember how realisation has come to you. When you feel aggressive about something, just try to remember how you felt the joy of surrendering.Just think of that joy of surrendering, of dissolving yourself. So the new memories must be built up.If you start building up new memories, then you will start collecting moments, to establish other moments which have such memories, like a memory when you tried to help somebody; you raised the Kundalini of someone.

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(702)Now, the problem would be that when you would be raising the Kundalini of others, you would be in thoughtless awareness – there wouldn’t be any thought – and thought is the only thing which impresses.But that time you can record the joy of raising the Kundalini.If you could record the joy of raising the Kundalini of others, you will feel a new wealth of these beautiful moments, will be accumulated and all these moments which were giving you confusion or fear, or so-called unhappiness or happiness will drop out, and pure joy will remain.Because now most of the experiences you have had are more of joy.Joy has no thoughts.It is just an experience – Pratyaksha.That is why I said, ‘keep your eyes open’I hope you’ll understand what I meant by that.May God Bless You all.

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(703)Prayer to the AlmightyYou must pray to God and ask what you want. Ask for:‘Complete satisfaction in my heart, Joy in my heart,Bliss in my heart, so the whole world becomes blissful.Give me Love, Love, that I could love the whole world, and the whole world becomes one in love.Give Salvation to the entire humanity which is suffering.Take me to Your Feet.Cleanse me with Thy Love.’Now see if there is God or not. You can feel it within yourself. He hears you. He is the Glory of all the Glory.He loves you, He protects you, He guides you, He has created you to be really His Love, but accept it.Any time any thought is coming to you, pray, and you will be moving in the way of that Ocean which is the unconscious mind, which starts with thoughtless awareness. If you cannot become thoughtless, you pray to Him:‘Forgive me for what I’ve done, and forgive those who have done harm to me.’

Shri Mataji, Bombay 9 Feb. 1975

(704 A)The quality of attention changes according to the state of your condition. So where is the attention place in a human being? It is not

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a fixed point. We can say attention is the surface, or the edge of awareness, wherever we are made aware, the attention gets diverted to that point. Wherever we are attracted our attention goes there. It is existing in the whole body, in the sense that it can be delivered outside the body. Also inside the body, in case there is any pain or trouble. It floats over the nerves, over the whole nervous system, but there is a controlling centre in the brain, if it is hit, then we can remain conscious, but without any attention.Also if something is hit on the Vishuddhi chakra, or even the lower chakras, that part will lose its attention because you cannot feel in that part. But there is a point in our being, if that is hit, then we cannot even think. We are just lying unconscious, eyes open, hands and legs moving. That point is the Vishuddhi chakra, if you draw a line from here to the point where is the pitha of Vishuddhi chakra, is inside the brain, along that line, if you are hit anywhere, you become attentionless. This line also passes through Agnya Chakra, because when this point is connected with the Vishuddhi Chakra at the back, if here, and at the pitha inside, a kind of triangle is formed, and this line on this area can affect your attention. Your heart and limbs are moving but you cannot pay attention anywhere.

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(704 B)So when you pay attention to something, actually you pay attention normally, when you are not realised, through your brain centres. After realisation you can pay attention through your other centres also, you do pay. This is a very big difference between a person who is realised

and who is not realised or you can that, you can become effective through your other centres by paying attention to them. You can feel the centres which are obstructed in your body, which you never felt before.Not only that, you can feel the centres of other people, that means your central nervous system is being blessed by a new awareness, by which it can convey to you, communicate to you, the Attention paid by your centres, and also it can take your Attention in a subtler way into the centres of others. So the first thing that happens to you is that your Attention becomes subtler, means you start understanding deeper things. For example a bird can see a flower but cannot feel the beauty of a flower, and an unrealised person can see the beauty of a flower but cannot see the vibrations of a flower. So you become subtler. Your Attention becomes subtler.You definitely are at a higher evolutionary stage than the other people are.

V4.20.Mar 84.p27(705)Just enjoy!Some of you, not understanding that you’ve become somebody else, take it for granted already, ‘Mataji has been very kind. She says I am a Paar (realised soul), but how am I to believe?’As if by believing they are going to give some money to Me, or, I don’t know what, they are going to give.‘I can see the vibrations comings, but what is the use of getting the vibrations, why did She give us Vibrations?’Again, come back to the gross idea of utility, because that has been, that is what human nature has been so far – to make everything into utility. Everything must be utilised.Man thinks no end of himself, so he starts putting his realisation into utility. Everything must be utilised, ‘What utility it has? How many people are going to get it? What is to happen? What is the schedule? What is this? What is that?’You have been given this subtleness to Enjoy!

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(706)You’ve been given this subtleness to enjoy. Like if we enjoy the beauty of a flower, we just enjoy. Do we go to the books and find out what we should do about this enjoyment of ours? No, to enjoy this flower and then what to do? And who has described about the flower so that we can see if this is fitting into that? But it is done very commonly and I

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really don’t know what to day, because it’s a foolish thing and I am only afraid that sometimes if I say they will feel hurt.And as human beings are, they get hurt for nothing at all, that’s very foolish.Children are very sensible that way.Once they get it they start enjoying it, they just enjoy, they just sleep off, they are not bothered. They think that something is to be enjoyed, let us enjoy it.

V4.20.Mar 84.p27(707)So, at the very outset, it happens like that, and a man doesn’t know what, how he has ma\de himself even much more gross than he ever was in this Kali Yuga – in these modern times. By organising things according to his own ideas and conceptions, he has become so unnatural, so foolish, that discrimination between joy and ugliness he doesn’t have, he is so confused.So, first of all, it is not only one reason, but there are many reasons, and as I described to you, inherently it is the human, gross activation before realisation. If he understands the disease from where it has come sometimes it is easier to correct it. You cannot just correct this disease without understanding the history behind it. If you are a student of History you will know how human beings have behaved. You just start wondering what’s wrong with these people. God created one world. Just think of a person like Me, coming on this earth, suddenly you will find there are so many countries being created. All right, separate countries you can have, if you cannot manage the whole world together, but then the fighting goes on, killing each other, all kinds of problems for nothing at all. I mean, it is such a madhouse. So, historically, if you see how man has made himself mad, it is not easy to compile all that into one lecture, there are already volumes of historical background which has spoiled your attention.

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(708)Those who come for physical handicap, or are sick, if they get the relief there is a little shadow of joy. But once they get the relief they disappear, not understanding that there is something greater than this to be tasted and enjoyed. And the physical enjoyment in Sahaja Yoga itself is sufficient to keep your attention subtle. You do not have to fix your attention, but you have to get subtler and subtler in your attention. Fixing up your attention, as you know, as you know, is a very wrong method that was done by some yogis and, you know what is the result of that? Their chakras were broken and finished. When

they fixed their attention onto Agnya Chakra, you’ve seen that Agnya Chakra is broken. You have not to fix any attention but you have to make your attention subtler and subtler. As I told, that a magnet when brought near the stones, nothing happens to the stones, they are just there, you move the magnet any way you like, but when you take it to the iron filings, only the filings are attracted towards the magnet. In the same way, the attention of a Sahaja Yogi should be so subtle that he should feel the vibrations; he should think of vibrations; he should eat vibrations, drink vibrations – and enjoy them. V4.20.Mar 84.p28

(709)Today’s subject is relationship between Kundalini and Kalki. The word Kalki is actually an abbreviation of the word Nishkalank, means the same as my name is, which means Nirmala, that means it is spotlessly clean without any spot or marks.Now, this incarnation (Kalki), has been described in many Puranas, and will be coming on this earth on a white horse, in a village of Sambhalpur, as they call it. It is very interesting how people take everything literally, the word Sambhal means bhal, is forehead, means, at that sage, that means Kalki is situated on your Bhal. Bhal is the forehead and here his going to be born, that is the real meaning of the wordFor us, in between Christ and this destroying incarnation of Mahavishnu, called as Kalki, there is a time given to human beings to rectify themselves, for them to enter in the Kingdom of God, which in the Bible is called as the Last Judgement. That you will be judged, all of you will be judged on this earth. The population of the world is maximum, say, because, all those, practically all those who have aspirations to enter into the Kingdom of God are born in modern times, and are going to be born very soon.


(710A)This is the most important time because Sahaja Yoga is the last judgement. It is fantastic to have this, but that’s a fact and is the truth, though you can understand that Mother’s Love makes it very easy for you to get through your realisation, and that the whole story of the last judgement looks such as horrifying experience, has been made very beautiful and very tender and delicate and does not disturb you.But this is the last judgement, I tell you, and you are all going to be judged through Sahaja Yoga, whether you can enter into the Kingdom of God or not.

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Now in Sahaja Yoga people come in with different kinds of attentions or Chitta. There could be people who have too much of Tamsivrati (left sided) and what you call inertia or the more sort of sluggishness or slow movement temperament. These, when they are exaggerated, people take to an addiction, or take to alcohol or some such things, which take you away from reality and make you numb.


(710 B)The other side, as you know, is right-hand-sided people who have got too much ambitions. That extremely ambitious people they want to win the whole world, and they want to become something independent, on their own – malignant and cancerous.They do not want to keep their relationship with God. You see in Kaliyuga, how people have gone to extremes. Some of them are very much indulging into the too much of alcoholism or you can call it something – running away from your awareness, or from your self, from truth and beauty.The others are denying everything that is beautiful, and are ego oriented. So we have people who are super ego oriented, very much conditioned and lethargic and lazy and absolutely revolting. The other side people, who are extremely ambitious, dominating and are destroying each other by their competition.These two types of people, of extremes nature, are rather difficult to enter Sahaja Yoga.


(711)But people who are in the centre are easily absorbed in the Sahaja Yoga. Moreover people who are less complicated, simple-hearted – as they are in the villages – are very easily absorbed by Sahaja Yoga and they take to it without any difficulty.In the city you can see the result of so much work of mine that there are hardly 200-300 people here today, but if I go to the villages, the whole village of 5,000 to 6,000 people come round and all of them get their realisation without any difficulty.Because in the city people are supposed to be very busy. They think other things are much more important than seeking God and wasting your time in such pursuits like seeking god. Under such circumstances Sahaja Yoga takes its roots, very sweetly into the hearts of all seekers.

It works very spontaneously; you get your realisation without any difficulty, without any efforts, without paying for it, without going into any sort of strenuous exercise.


(712)When we talk of Kalki we have to remember that between getting our realisation and entering into the Kingdom of God, we can falter very much.This is called as Yoga Bhrasta Sthiti. People take to yoga, enter into the yoga, and are still enchanted by their Pravaruttis – e.g. an ego-oriented man, or a money-oriented man, who wants to dominate, can form a group of people whom he will dominate by his ideas, can go in for a fall, and the rest of the people will also go with him, in Sahaja Yoga itself.This has been happening in Bombay very often. This has been a common thing that is going on, but this is know as Yoga Bhrasta, where a person falls from his Yoga, comes down from his Yoga, because Sahaja Yoga gives you all the freedom, whether to fall or come up. But if you go to any other Guru, doing other sort of yoga in which purification takes place, and where people are trained and disciplined from their childhood, in that yoga the Guru sees that you are somehow or other you are injured or hurt so badly that you have no connections with anybody else; like an operation, they take out that person and throw him out.


(713)In Sahaja Yoga it is left to your freedom to understand that you have to keep to the mains, you have to keep to the growth, you have to keep to the whole and not on one person here and there who is trying to overpower the rest.In Sahaja Yoga anybody who tries to come up too much is put down, because in nature you must have seen that nothing grows out of bounds, like human beings are of certain height, trees are of certain heights, everything is controlled.You cannot show off in Sahaja Yoga, neither can you make groups of some special thing. Specially I have seen in Sahaja Yoga that there are people who come up and ask others to touch their feet. It is more surprising that invariably such people will get exposed in no time and one knows that they have gone out of Sahaja Yoga. It is because their chakras are caught, very badly caught, thought they may not feel it for

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a while, their vibrations may be there, but they come down and down until they are completely finished.


(714)This Yogabhrasta Sthiti is the worst thing that can happen to any Sahaja Yogi. First of all you don’t get your Yoga, and if you get Yoga and then jump into this sort of condition – about which Shri Krishna has described –that you go to Rakshasa Yoni.Those who come to Sahaja Yoga must know that you have to stick on one thing properly, otherwise what is the yoni you get if you die without Yoga?May be that you will be born again as a human being, may be, but this life is wasted.If you try such tricks after coming to Sahaja Yoga, and try to impress on others that you are a very great realised soul, that you have achieved this and achieved that, all this nonsense that you have doing before getting the realisation – then there is a very serious offence and you are punished for that.This is the Power of Kalki which is secretly working behind Sahaja Yoga.


(715)Kalki means there are eleven powers which are guarding the beauty of Sahaja Yoga. Anybody who tries to play around with Sahaja Yoga is harmed very badly.So, today is the day of telling you about the dangers of playing with the Divine.So far people have been taking them for granted. They have tortured great saints; all the time human beings are tortured. Now I am warning them in almost every lecture of mine that, don’t try this trick today because Kalki is already on.Don’t try to trouble anybody who is a saintly person, who is a good person. Be careful about it because Kalki is on. And once this power comes on you, you would not know how to hide yourself, not only to the Sahaja Yogis, but his I am telling the world today that, ‘Be Careful!’Do not try to harm others.Do not try to take advantage of others, and do not try to show off your own powers.

Because once this destruction starts in your life you won’t know how to stop it.


(716)This time that we have got is a most precious time and one has to be very careful and alert about oneself.One should not depend on any other person for help in this, but should try to completely consolidate ones own being into the kingdom of God, and occupy the highest seat in the heart of God Almighty.Because, when Kalki will come, he will slaughter all these people without any compassion. He is devoid of any compassion.There are Eleven Rudras in Him; means there are eleven destructive powers, absolutely settled in Him.When I see all that, because I can see all that, and this emergency grows into Me, and I tell you, beware of Him. Don’t play fool with Him.Don’t take it easy and do not compromise with these nonsensical people. Stick on to the right.Otherwise the day is very near when Kalki is going to come.


(717)The other type of people are … who think through their intelligence. They have denied God. They say, ‘Where is God? There is not God. It is all nonsense, science is everything.’ What has science done so far?Let us see that science has done nothing so far.It has only done dead work.It has made you ego-oriented. They are finding all the methods of committing sin. (How to commit worst sins, there are some gurus in India who supply them knowledge of how to commit even worst and worst of sins) – so they can easily go with two easy jumps to Hell.Whatever is wrong is wrong.Whether it is today, tomorrow or yesterday, or thousands of years back, whatever is wrong with your Dharma or sustenance, is wrong. The New phase is, ‘What’s wrong in this? What’s wrong in that?’ The question will be answered by Kalki only. I am just telling you that it is wrong. It is extremely wrong. It is against your Ascent. It is against your being, and then you will not have time to repent and will not have any time to ask this question, ‘What’s wrong?’You will be chopped off. That is what is the Kalki incarnation. He is going to come on a white horse they say, it’s a tremendous thing that is going to work out.

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Y2.V12.Nov82.p9(718)In Sahaja Yoga it is very easy to desert and, even in London, I know who is going where and what they are doing! I write to them, I tell them, don’t do it, just don’t do it. Immediately you must understand that, ‘our Mother knows these things. She knows and if She has told, then it is to be done.’ It is not to be argued. Did you get your vibrations by argument? But still in Sahaja Yoga you can falter, and that is the worst thing you can do.Because Yogabhrashtas are the most condemned. Where will they go? I have to warn all the Sahaja Yogis who are here, because Sahaja Yoga is the last judgement, not only that you will be judged, that you are entering into the kingdom of God, but you become the citizens of God, is correct.Apart from that, you are capable of being there, where you have the complete surrendering and understanding of Divine Love. Even if you are belonging to, say, India, and you are a citizen of India, and if do thefts and commit criminal offence, you will be punished even then. So, if you are a citizen of God, you have to be very, very careful about it.

Y2.V12.Nov82.p11(719 A)The second thing I would like to tell you about is the destroying powers of Kalki.Today’s lecture is going to be very sharp for you because the incarnation you have asked me to speak on is a very sharp one. Is the sharpest of all.We had Krishna’s incarnation, for example. He has Hanana Shakti. He has killed Kansa, so many Rakshasas, you know, as a child also, He has killed Putana, but He had Leela also.He had love and He did give concessions to people, He forgave people.Christ is the embodiment of forgiveness.Forgiveness of Christ is nothing but is the power of sustenance within Him.If He explodes, the whole forgiveness will come on us as a big disaster if you are not able to understand the value of His forgiveness. He said very clearly that, ‘Anything against Me will be tolerated, but a word against the Holy Ghost won’t be tolerated’.No you have to understand that Holy Ghost is Adishakti.


(719 B)One has to understand that such an incarnation (Shri Kalki) is imminent and Sri Krishna’s powers are given to Him, which is only Hanana Shakti. Brahma Deva’s powers, which are only Hanana Shakti, are given to Him. Shiva’s powers, which are also Hanana Shakti, i.e. part of His Tandav is given to Him.Similarly, Bhairava’s Khadaga, Shri Ganesha’s Parshu, Shri Hanumana’s Gada and the Siddhis which are going to destroy, are given to Him.Buddha’s forgiveness and Mahavira’s Ahimsa are going to be turned upside down.All these eleven powers are going to come on top of us when we will be finished with Sahaja Yoga; when we will be absolutely sorted out, and the last killing will be done by Him.


(720 A)I wish it is just a killing. It is not going to be ordinary Hanana like even the Devi has done. Devi has killed all the Rakshasas, thousands of years back, but they are back in the seat again.Now the problem is very different at the present moment, which you should try to understand. In the old days, during Shri Krishna’s time, when He said, ‘Sanskrit’ means to destroy the cruel people, or the negative forces, and to save the saints.I am going to come again and again! But the problem of Kaliyuga is that there is not a pure and simple person as a Sadhu or Rakshasas.So many Rakshasas have entered into your brains. You side with so many people who are wrong and who are doing wrong, all sorts of things in the name of religion, of politics, progress and education and all that.Once you have sided with them, then they are in your brains, they are within you. When you are having them within you – how to destroy the negative forces? You may be a good person, but you may be destroyed because you are having them in your heads.


(720 B)So, there is not a hard and fast rule to say who is a real negative and who is a real positive person.

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Only Sahaja Yoga is going to cleanse you and make you absolutely positive, positively for the good and positive people.This is the only way, when your Ankura (sprouting), when it starts giving you realisation, you feel your self, and not this mirage. You start enjoying that Self.When you start enjoying it, you give up all the things that make you compromise and make you a horrible mixed-up person.All this confusion will then go along. So it is essential that you take to Sahaja Yoga in a most dedicated manner and free ourselves of all the wrong doings, and also the others whom we know. This is the only thing we can give to our friends, relations and all the world around.


(721 A)Champagne, whisky and presents are the religion now. But where is Christ on the day when He was born?They cannot understand God.How can they, when they have made god according to their own conception of falsehood?As a Mother I have to warn you. Be careful! Don’t play about with your Self!Do not go down, but come up! Come up! Come up!I am here to work for you day and night.You know that I work very hard for you.I spare no efforts, to help you, and do everything that is possible to make you alright; to make you pass the examination of the last judgement, but you have to co operate with Me, and you have to go headlong about it, and devote most of your time for Sahaja Yoga and for imbibing all that is great and noble.


(721 B)Kalki is a very big subject. If you see Kalki Purana, it is such a book. When is the time coming?If this is a living process, when will the work be finished?When you see that there is a not more chance of having any more people coming in this time – Kalki will come down.Let us see how many come in!

But for that there is a limit also. So I will request you to go out in the world, call your relatives; call your neighbours, all of them. Tomorrow is the last day of my programme of Navaratri, when they are going to have a little felicitation of the Mother. To me the greatest felicitation will be, that in this Bombay, I will find more people realised, taking to Sahaja Yoga seriously. After coming to Sahaja Yoga do not indulge in backbiting and small petty mindedness and getting angry with each other, but being loving and wise.It is most surprising that those who are supposed to be the cream of the nation, the most sophisticated people are so petty minded! I have to tell you these things because of the immediate emergency that is coming forward before me. Beware of this nonsense, following one man and getting lost!

Y2.V12.Nov82.p12(722)What God has done for Bombay people! And what they have to do for God?It is a very, very sad affair, extremely sad for the whole of this country, because people like to follow this Bombay. Many people like to follow actors and actresses than to follow God. This is the trouble with our superficial temperaments.Tomorrow we have a very good programme of releasing the book, ‘Advent’ written by G. de Kalbermatten, who is the son of a Baron, a Swiss boy. When he came to me I could see clearly that he is a seeker, I had to work hard with him for a year to bring him round to his normal senses.But when there is not any seeking within you, and when you go back, what will happen to you? I don’t know.So be careful, be very careful!Today is the day of warning you, because you have asked me to speak on Kalki.


(723)He is placed on our forehead.When the chakra of Kalki is caught up the whole of the Murdha, which is on the top, goes out of order. In the Kundalini awakening, we find that if the Murdha goes out of order, the Kundalini doesn’t rise. The whole head becomes logged.Such people do not allow the Kundalini to rise about the Hamsa chakra. At the most, they might try to raise it up to Agnya but then it drops

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down. There is another reason also, as I have said, that if you put your head on the feet of wrong Gurus, you suffer. Too much thinking also creates problem, at the right-hand side, and one of the aspects of Kalki gets spoiled: there is imbalance created on this side.The whole forehead, if it is full of lots of bumps, then we must know that the Kalki chakra is out of order.If it is out of order then the person is about to go into some sort of very bad calamity, it is a sign on a person when he is going to get it when the Kalki chakra is caught up, all your fingers start burning, on the hands, on the palms, and at the same time in your body, you get terrible burning.

Y2.V12.Nov82.p13(724 A)So the Kalki chakra must be kept all right.There are at least eleven Sukshma Chakras in the Kalki Chakra. Out of that, at least try to keep some of them alive, so that others can be restored. If all the eleven chakras are ruined, then it is very difficult to give realisation.What is the thing that one should do to keep the Kalki all right? To keep your Kalki Chakra all right you must have an awe for God.If you do not have an awe for God, if you are not afraid of God, if you are not afraid that if you do wrong, He is there with his wrath, and that he is a wrathful God, that he is full of poison for us if you try to do anything wrong, if there is not fear of that … Not that it is to be hidden from Me or from anybody else, but you yourself know that you are doing wrong.If you are doing something wrong, and in your heart of hearts you know it, then please don’t do it, otherwise Kalki will go out.When you have that awe for God, and when you know that God is all pervading, all-powerful … He has the powers to raise us to this state of higher being and also He has powers to bestow all the blessings that He has.


(724 B)He is the most compassionate God, or, we can say, the compassionate Father that one can think of. But, in the same way, he has a wrath, and a wrath that, when if falls upon you, be very, very careful about the wrath of your Father because, if He comes on you with that wrath, nobody can slip it. Nobody can stop it!And the compassion of your Mother will not be listened to, because He may say that, ‘You have spoiled your children by giving them too much looseness’. So, I have to tell you, please don’t do anything that is

wrong, and do not make Me feel bad about it, because for Mother it is very difficult to tell these things. It is very hard for a Mother who has a tender heart, a kind heart for you, to say all these things, but I have to request you, ‘Don’t play about, because your Father is full of wrath. he can punish you for doing anything wrong. But if you do anything for Him, or for your own being, or for your self-realisation, you will be placed in the highest position. The most important thing is where you are as far as God is concerned. That relationship you must establish by first finding out your Self, your Atma, to Sahaja Yoga and then relating yourself to that.May God Bless you all. Y2.V12.Nov82.p14(725 A)Agnya means the witness. Was created in the human being when he started thinking. Ego is on the left-hand side (of the head) and super ego on the right-hand side. Conditioning is on the right-hand side and gives us the fears and dangers. There is no need to have a thought about the past or the future. Humans think about everything and think it is wise to sit down and think. It should be spontaneous, like inspiration, it should just come to you.Thinking is the playing of the dead.Agnya is the centre of Christ. He resides in this centre. He developed into Maha Vishnu. Actually Christians don’t know anything about this becoming, how He became Christ and why God didn’t come down Himself and do the job.It’s a most important incarnation. He (Christ) is the principle of Creation Tattwa. Ganesha resides in the Mooladhara chakra gradually evolves to be Christ at this stage. He is the Principle.

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(725 B)What is our Principle?The Kundalini you can say.Creation, the whole creation, is the Principle and support. At this creation, He represents the essence of creation, i.e. in the family, the husband and wife and child. The child is the essence of the husband and wife, the essence of the house.Until they had the child, there was no meaning.Like Christ was the essence of the first sound, ‘Om’When the Primordial Father and Mother separated, they made that sound. He is that sound, that supports and looks after, more the support of all the Universe. Because He is just the essence, the essence never dies.

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My essence is Spirit, the Spirit never dies. The body dies but the essence is there.He is the most important Incarnation.Y2.V12.Nov82.p17

(726 A)He, Christ, is placed in our Agnya in the centre where the optic nerve and optic thalamus cross; it’s a very subtle point.It creates two sounds, Hum and Kshum.Hum on the right-hand side superego and Kshum on the left-hand side ego. Hum and Kshum create two kinds of vibrations.The Hum sound creates the vibration, I am, I am.Hum, this comes from our existence power, that we know we have to live in this world and we are not going to die.Any human being who tries to kill himself is considered not normal. Normally, every human being or animal tries to retain its life, that is through the power of Hum, I am, the superego on the right-hand side and ego on the left-hand side is Kshum.


(726 B)This superego, you are conditioned by so many things, that you have worried, because these experiences make you the kind of person to have fear in the mind, and this fear is settled in the superego.It starts from your amoeba stage and until today, store there, you are afraid of police, this and that.Some people are not afraid of these things but are afraid of something else. Whatever have been your conditionings, your experiences, all are in the superego.This centre sends messages:‘Hum, Hum, I am, I am, you are Hum – don’t be afraid’.You can discriminate between the two types: one are very aggressive, one are subordinated, frightened. Say Hum, the vibrations will drive away the fear.

It’s how you can get help from the Divine by saying Hum.Y2.V12.Nov82.p18

(727 A)Clear the Agnya and have pure eyes.When you are realised, and when you glance at someone, you might suddenly get a headache or feel like a dart has just hit your head, you might feel you’re blinded by someone, that’s how important your eyes are. Everything, all nervousness, can be cured if you have pure eyes.It’s such a vicious circle, that all the bad is gathered in the Agnya and you have to clear the Agnya to clear the eyes. We have to ask for forgiveness. We have to bring Christ into our Agnya. We have to give up drugs and intoxicants, which will come naturally in Sahaja Yoga. Eyes express the whole of your being: brains, bodies, limbs, everything. If your Agnya is all right, then your eyes are perfectly all right. They emit nothing but Love wherever they glance. Only a glance of your eyes can raise a Kundalini. With a glance your eyes can cure people, bring Joy into the destroyed, ruined people; with your eyes, the window of your being. When the Kundalini rises, your eyes become dilated.There is a tremendous difference between a realised soul’s eyes and a non-realised soul’s eyes. A realised soul’s eyes sparkle like diamonds. If your eyes are not pure, your Spirit will not shine through.We have to respect our eyes.

Y2.V12.Nov82.p20(727 B)Mother is a living example of this. Liberate your wisdom and intelligence. These poisons, inside and out, throw them away. Every human being is a store of joy unlimited. That store of all the beauty and wealth which is in every human being, every moment it is bubbling.For Agnya, it’s a good thing, a time when Shri Mataji has to wish us a happy Christmas. One must know what to order and how to obey. Obey the Divine. Obey our elders. Obey your Self, and not your ego. Then you can also order others. Not only human beings, but the sun, the moon and the winds. If you know someone is going to do something wrong, take his name to your Agnya and he won’t do it. It’s a trick for realised souls. But your Agnya must have Christ there; your Agnya has to be clear. Because you have the great support awakened within you, which is all pervading into all small molecules and atoms everywhere, into everywhere you go. So, try to master your Agnya.

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Mother wants us to have the most powerful Agnyas, so when people see you they will know Christ is reborn again within you.

Y2.V12.Nov82.p24(728 A & B)(These words of HH Mataji were recorded at Sholapur in Jan 82 when She spoke about predictions done long ago about Her Advent and Sahaja Yoga in ‘Narthi Granth’ by Acharya Kaka Bhujander Satwachary.)About 2000 years back, one of the great astrologers of this place, a little downward in Karnataka, has described it so clear-cut that you will be amazed. He said that this Great Yogi will come on this Earth on Pisces – and so I am born just on the cusp of Pisces and Aries, but that is not so important. Then he says, gradually we will start seeing some miracles from 1964 – 1966, but the real change in the age (Manvatar) will start from 1970, and by 1980 it will take its grip. That time by this new method, new age will be formed; the old one (Vaivasta) will be over. You see we have the Yugas. One of the Yugas will be over and that Yuga is Kali-yuga. By 1970 Kaliyuga will start receding back, and a new age of ‘Active Divinity’ will start – Krita-Yuga. That time the Sun will rule in a new way. The axis of the earth will be reduced gradually, and at that time a great MahaYogi will be born who will be completely Parabrahma – that’s Me. (JAGAT MATA NIRMALA DEVI KI JAI)(728 B) The new great MahaYogi will possess all the powers to do or not to do, that means Mahakali and Mahalakshmi – all the powers. Before this people used to go into Bhakti (devotion), Gyana means reading Pantajali Yoga and then they used to get their Mokshas. But with this new method that this MahaYogi will bring in the pure power within you, in your Chakras, will rise, and as a result the Kundalini Shakti will be awakened and will be enlightening. Because of this new method of Mahayoga, you will see with your own eyes and you will get in this body, in your lifetime, the realisation, the Joy of realisation. Imagine, 2000 years back! He is greater than Blake I must say. His name was Acharya Kaka Bhujander Satwachary.You don’t have to sacrifice this body. Many people, great saints, sacrificed their body in living condition. They went into a cave, shut themselves in, and died. That is not necessary with this new method. You won’t die either, means you will achieve your Spirit (Sakshatkari Sant), realised souls, the saints who have realised the Brahmananda, the Joy of Brahma, by this new yoga, and they won’t have to go into Samadhi. Samadhi is where people just sit down and go on meditating for hours together and the ants grow on them, and all that! Just

without doing anything like that they will get their realisation, enjoy the Joy of Brahma. This is Sahaja-Samadhi.(729 A) Sahaja-SamadhiAmongst millions, first one will get realisation.So you understand your own position. You see the way sometimes we fritter away our attention in nonsensical things, you realise that among millions you are one. This is written here. We fritter away our attention in useless things like my wife, my husband, my children, this, that. It is written here that among millions only one will be selected. Do you follow that point?Then all the human race can get over their death, i.e. destruction, through this Yoga.You will have to lead a life, a married life, a normal life, you may not be married, but life a live of a normal householder, otherwise you cannot get this Yoga.Like if you become a big saint or Sadhu-Baba or a Guru, then you cannot get this Yoga.Sansarik means living on this earth, living down to grass roots level.

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(729 B)Then all the diseases will disappear, so fast, in this Yoga, that you will not need anything like a hospital. Great. In the beginning this Great Yogi (now you people also) only by touching people, can cure people.This is a fact, like an Ardhnarinateshwara (is like Shiva), that will be this thing for human beings.The old age will disappear, their body will remain as it is, and they will have a body which is Divine. What a promise! So don’t worry too much about your bodily comforts. All right, maybe that some of you, if you want, can fly in the air also with that body. Also they can become subtle and enter into the body of others to get them cured. That you are already doing.They will not be touched by the fire and by any weapons. Also you will be able to see these subtle things with your own eyes.You can see them. This will not only happen in India, but all over the world.

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(730 A) The value of marriageSahaja Yoga is first to start your germination, then it grows. In that growth you have to become a wider personality. With a marriage you develop even a

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better personality. Now why is marriage necessary for Sahaja Yogis? First and foremost it is the most normal thing to do, is to marry. God has give you this desire to be married for some purpose, but this same desire, if you do not use it for the purpose it is given, it can become a perversion, it can become a nasty thing, it can be very detrimental to your growth. So one should understand this desire within us to have a marriage.Marriage means wife who is part and parcel of your being, a wife on whom you can depend. She’s your mother, she’s your sister, she’s your child. She’s everything. You share all your feelings with your wife, so it is important that the wife should be such that she should understand that this is the need of a marriage.Now, in Sahaja Yoga, as you have seen, all of you have problems either of the left or of the right. Now when these marriages will take place, most spontaneously, it will happen, by Nature’s plan itself, that you marry a person who is complementary personality to you, because if you are a left-sided person and you marry a strong left-sided person, it will compensate and make a good marriage.

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(730 B)But for a good marriage, one thing is important, that you must share. You must share life, every moment of it, every bit of it. If you do not know how to share life it’s going to be very difficult. When it comes to love, how do we express our love? By sharing all our joys, all our pains, all our problems… But in Sahaja Yoga it is a little more, I think quite a lot more, much more. Here you have to share the community. The marriage is not for individuals in Sahaja Yoga, not at all. If anybody has a feeling a marriage in Sahaja Yoga is between two people, is a wrong thing. It is two communities, it can be two nations, it can be completely two universes. So it is not to be enjoyed between yourselves. If you are a good husband and wife to each other, it is not sufficient in Sahaja Yoga. That love should be enjoyed by everyone else in the society, in the community. If you cannot do that then you have not achieved Sahaja Yoga marriage, it is just an ordinary marriage, as people have, just that, nothing special. Sahaja marriages should be able to give chances for very great souls to come on this earth. A person who is married in Sahaja Yoga, who are Sahaja Yogis, who are sharing their love equally with the Sahaja Yogis and the society that is Sahaja Yoga, then only Great People will be born.

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(731)Unless and until it happens that you share the love in your marriage it has no meaning, no meaning at all. So first test of a Sahaja Yoga marriage is how much have you been able to share, by this marriage, love with other people. Now, for example, in a normal marriage, man is the person who is head of the family, as you say, now, he has to be

the head for certain reasons, there is nothing wrong with man becoming the head, it’s all right, you become the heart. Heart is more important than the head. Perhaps we do not realise that, how heart is important, you see, even if the head fails the heart can go on. WE can always go on up till the heart is going on, but if the heart fails, the head fails too. So, you are the heart as the woman and he is the head of the family. Let him have that feeling that he is the head; it is a feeling, just like a feeling. Like the head always feels he decides, but the brain also knows that it is the heart one has to cater for, it is the heart which is all-pervading, is the real source of everything. So the woman’s position, if she understands how important it is, she would never feel let down or dominated, if she knows she is the heart. I think this is the point people, women especially, in the West, have lost and have forgotten and have not realised. If they had realised this point there would have been much less problem.

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(732)Now see, it is not the way people think they control others, or dominate others, or sort of try to suppress them. It is not that way. It is heart which really governs everything. Heart rules out everything else, it is heart which has got the power to envelop the brain, to soothe it. Brain is a headache, you know, it works, works like mad, but heart is the one which really covers the body with its love and can soothe, give it joy and happiness.It is the heart which contains the Spirit.So heart is a very important thing, which is the power of the body, like ultimately you have to become the Spirit which is in the heart.

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(733)With brain you notice, and that’s why man has to become the head, he has to go out, he goes to work, he has to deal with people, he is an extrovert, as you call it; and a woman has to work sometimes if there’s difficulties and troubles.But the woman should not feel dominated if the man says, ‘All right, you don’t work’, but if he says it in love! Now, if the brain starts dominating the heart too much, what will happen? Then there will be dryness, you see, like many men are very meticulous, very particular,

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they are headaches, absolute headaches to themselves, to others and to the whole society.Such people can become extremely dry, and they can be all the time, you see, like they can never enjoy their wives, they cannot enjoy their children, they cannot enjoy anything whatsoever, because, you see, they are so particular. Like, they say, ‘Come at 5.10’, if you reach at 5.9 or 5.11, you have had it. They are just watching time, just to find out the faults. You see, as soon as the wife comes in they’ll be shouting, ‘What! You come so late!’ How many? 45 Seconds lost.You see the wife is coming, the expectancy, the meeting of it, the joy of it; you are going to meet your own heart! It’s lucky!You miss your luck! Y2.V9 May 82(734 A)Now this brain can go all off the rule, you see it, it can go off and it can be very, very taxing, it creates tremendous problems with it. So, heart must be respected, heart must be obeyed. That’s the point, heart must be obeyed. But that doesn’t mean that the women should dominate men! It doesn’t mean that. Obeyed means, you must understand what your love says. You see, do it in love, it is very good. For example, I am lecturing you morning till evening, you are not tired, you are not tired of my lectures. Normally people should be, ‘What’s this sermon going on? This lady all the time talking to us..’ But you do not mind it, for one reason, why? Because you know I love you very much. In the same way the woman must establish the role – that she loves. The man may become a little funny, but he’ll come round. He’ll go a little astray, but he’ll come round. But do not judge him in outward dominations … like you see if he says, ‘this colour is not good’ – ‘all right, whatever you like I’ll put it’. Then he’ll say, ‘Oh, I think the one you have put was good, you know I was really foolish.’ He would say like that. You just agree to them you know.

Y2.V9 May 82(734 B)It is not necessary for women to dominate men. I mean I have experimented this in my own life. I have done it. For example, my husband doesn’t know much of roads. So, supposing we are going somewhere, and he says, ‘I think this is the way you have to go’. I say, ‘Oh, all right, you can go ahead and I’ll walk with you.’ But I said, ‘You know, I think it’s not the road, I’ll have to walk back again. I know for definite, but all right, if you want I can walk with you. All right, I’m walking, I’m just enjoying, I many have to go this way only so…’ then he starts thinking, ‘you know that? Is it true? Is it correct? Is it really?’ Or maybe, ‘because She has instincts?’ You see, because She has intuition, She has got so many things. She gets that, what you call a hunch, they get a hunch of it, and that’s what it is.And once they start understanding that the hunches of the wife are correct, then they follow you? It’s wrong I think. There’s no need for him to

follow…‘You go this way’ … what need is there to do all that? We are going the same way, but we must know somebody is on the left, one is on the right. The left has to be on the left, supposing the left wheel starts going to the right! There are two wheels need to give it balance, but we are going the same way. These people don’t realise.

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(735)In a marriage, there are no two ways about it, there are two wheels needed to give it balance, but we are going the same way. These people don’t realise.They think one wheel has to go to the right; another has to turn to the left. So, imagine what will be the condition of such a family. We are going the same way. Only understanding is needed, that one has to live with the powers of the heart, and another has to live with the powers of rationality, of understanding. Now, when it comes to rationality, ultimately it will turn to heart, because it reaches a point when it does not know, you see, then it comes to heart.Once women realise this, that they have this within themselves – but you must nurture your power of the heart.But you compete with them in everything, if he goes on a horse, he can drive, he can do this, why can’t I? You see, wisdom lies in doing many things, by avoiding them. You see, for example, I don’t drive, so everybody drives me around; I don’t type very good, everybody types for me.But I do some things which nobody can do as well as I do, like I can cook very well, so when it comes to cooking they have to come to me. But you don’t do everything that men want to do, or men don’t do everything that women want to do. Men cooking and women driving is a wrong thing.

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(736)Men should know all manly things and women should know all womanly things. They must learn. They must put their hearts into it. I mean, women can be equally intelligent, men can be equally intelligent. Women can go on the right-had and men can go on the left-hand, no doubt about it, but you put imbalance to the whole universe by that, that’s the point. Is not that by doing that you are in any way less or more; this idea should go out of your minds absolutely, that men think ‘I am the man who ears the pants’, all right, wear the pants, but we wear the beautiful skirts, all right? That’s the way it should be looked after.You see once this goes away, Sahaja Yoga will work out better.The domination is felt, only when there is no Love!You see, sometimes people like to dominate, isn’t it?For example, they say, ‘Now come along, have this food, you must have this’, and you like it because somebody cares for you, there’s a concern, somebody loves you, wants you to have this, and wants you to do that, you like such a person, you want somebody to do that, you do not want to be left to the dogs that, ‘Do whatever you please’. That kind of thing is no good, and once you

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develop that feeling, ‘Oh that person cares for me’, you see that person loves, then you start also caring for the feeling of that person.

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(737)You also start to understand about the role of men and women. (Now again the guilt is working, now will you stop feeling guilty about anything. I do not say these things to make you feel guilty, but just to understand you have to be in a very light mood.) This balance has been created a long time back, say even when Radha Krishna existed. Radha was the Power and Krishna was the One who was expressing it. It’s, as you say, the potential and the kinetic. People only know about Krishna, but Radha was the power. When He had to kill Kama, he had to ask Radha to do it. It was She who did everything. She had to dance, and He pressed Her feed and He said; ‘Now you must be tired’. Why did She dance? Because without Her dancing the thing could not work out.So it is to be interdependent, as you cannot have only a wick and you cannot have only the light. You cannot have these two things separate. If you can understand that, then this balance is completely harmonious, it is between God and his Power: absolutely One. You cannot imagine how it is One with God and His Power!His Power, His Desire, is the same as God – there is no difference at all.

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(738)But in human beings you are disintegrated people, your desire is different, your thinking is different, your asking is different, everything is so disintegrated. That’s why marriages are disintegrated. The complete integration is intermingling. If the wife has to work, one need not worry; if the man has to work it does not worry, as long as there is complete understanding of integration, of balance, within you.Of course women are responsible - the grace of the family. She has to be gracious, it doesn’t look nice for a woman to behave like a man, because a man need not be that gracious as a woman, he is, after all, a man, so it’s all right in his behaviour – he need not be atrocious but I mean, sometimes if he swears sometimes, doesn’t matter in a way for a man, but for a woman it does, because she is a gracious thing. But there are some things a man cannot do you see, like taking an interest in women. Some men are so hot, you know, horrible, absolutely. I cannot understand the way they take an interest in women, what dresses women wear, what perfumes, all this sort of rat-like behaviour is horrible and cannot be manly. That means they are such slaves of

women (People from Australia wanting to buy Mrs Kennedy’s underwear), they are just worse than earthworms, I don’t know where they come from. A man has to be a man like Rama.

Y2.V9 May 82 p11(739)So a man has to be a man, a man is a man like Rama. You have heard about his life, how he was, you see how He loved his wife, respected his own chastity. A man who cannot respect his chastity is not a man, he is absolutely an earthworm. So this is what it is, a man has to have character, he has to have the chivalry in him, he has to have that courage in him, he has to have the protective thing. If thieves come in the house, the man tells the wife, ‘Oh you go and open the door and I’m going to hide’, and when the thieves go away he says. ‘I’m going to dominate’. That’s not the way. The man has to protect. The man has to look after.That’s why doesn’t matter if he is a little crude sometimes, doesn’t matter, because he has to face, he’s, you can say, he’s like a thorn and women are like flowers.No in the thorn and the flower, you (women) would like to be the flower, isn’t it? But in a man and woman you would like to be a thorn, so it’s wrong.He has to protect, he has to look after the invasions on family life and other things. Y2.V9 May 82 p11(740)So everything has two sides, you can see clearly. If it is done in love it is perfect, but if it is done in domination it’s nonsensical. Why dominate? I mean I don’t understand the word domination. When there are two wheels do they dominate each other? Can they? If one dominates, say one becomes bigger than the other, kit will go round and round, won’t it?There’s no question of domination in this, but is a question of integration and understanding and complete co-operation with themselves, which must permeate into the society, into the family.The marriages which are not helpful to the society are of no use; they are just a waste, you see. We have so many marriages like this, people get married, live well, happily among themselves, and finish off! These are the marriages which are going to change the society, with their joy, happiness, make a home where everybody is expected, look after them, do for others.You see, there are many people who think, ‘nobody’s doing anything for us’. What have you done for others? Have you done anything for them? This, once you start deciding and understanding, it will be very good.

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Y2.V9 May 82 p12(741)Normally a woman is, if not brought up properly … can be very, very conceited and can be very selfish and self-centred. Man can be also, but women can be, because if they’re not brought up properly, I am saying they might not like to spend their money on others, they wouldn’t like others to come into the house and share this and that. But again we have to judge it, is it done in love or not? Like the husband, you see, brings his friends and they might not like the friends coming in because it means money, you see; they would like to have more ornaments to themselves, than to have some friends for their friend. Can be like that. Some men could be like that also, but both the things are wrong. This should be shared to be understood, and the whole thing is that you must lavish your love on others. Need not spend money for that, need not, you can just be kind to them, nice to them, a little money too, you see there’s no harm in spending a little money for others – and expressing your love.You see, we are still very meticulous in our Sahaja Yoga, as far as money’s concerned, as far as love is concerned, we are very, very cautious, we have so much fear inside us.

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(742)Now domination should never come in Sahaja Yoga at all. For example, when I am telling you anything, an outsider might think that I am dominating you, because really I am touching very sore points within you if you see it clearly.(It is there putting the Left side too much, you are all feeling guilty, that’s not good, come along …)So the … this is also an escape, you see, that you start feeling guilty and then you just don’t cure yourself.Just don’t feel guilty about anything.You see, I am just telling you this because I have to tell you.Now, once can felt his is domination if they do not see the love behind it, the beauty behind it, the compassion there.So, never to feel that anybody dominates you, it is the best way.

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You see, how can you be dominated? You are the Spirit.Your ego can be hurt, you are the Spirit, it cannot be dominated.But you are the Spirit. Are you feeling your Spirit?If you are feeling your Spirit, it can never be dominated.No one can dominate you.But if you feel that way all the time, that you are dominated, you will become a very, very nervous person, you can be a horrible person, you cannot face people. So it is time that you realised you are the Spirit, and your husband also is Spirit; or if you are the husband, you must know the wife is also the Spirit, and a mutual respect must grow in that level because both of you are saints, you are Sahaja Yogis.You must respect each other because you are Sahaja Yogis.You should be conscious of that, but do not become vain.Others are children of the same Mother, more so when you are husband and wife. There should be a competition in being trusting, honest, being kind and being in service, then you’ll achieve results, instead of dominating, being afraid and all that nonsense.

Y2.V9 May 82 p13(744)That’s another thing which I must point out – which happens to a married couple and which is very, very wrong also, that both of them take the role of very miserable people, the Les Miserables, you see. They sit down crying, boo-hoo-hoo, for nothing at all you see, the whole world is collapsing before them. Now there are some great poets, like Lord Byron maybe or someone, horrible people who have written horrible poems like that and then they will recites those poems, ‘Oh, the sweetest poems are those…’ and all sorts of nonsense.Now for Sahaja Yogis, you are not to indulge into this kind of nonsense of sitting down and indulging into this kind of enjoying the miseries of each other.For the present you have no miseries, whatever has been there is past and finished.Now you are new people, with new awareness, with new things, you have no miseries. So forget all those things and try to enjoy each other’s company. And if you start that, sitting down and enjoying the miseries, you get out of it immediately and say, ‘Oh we are getting into the same play of Lord Byron’.I do not want to crate Lord Byrons out of Sahaja Yogis any more.

Y2.V9 May 82 p13(745)So please remember that, don’t sit down and discuss and analyse your miseries, you have no miseries of any kind.

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You are the Spirit, you are the source of Joy for yourself and for others, and you have not business to sit down and to cry and weep.I don’t know what’s happening; I don’t know why you don’t know your Spirit. Don’t you know your Spirit? You know? Then why don’t you know? You have your vibratory awareness, and why is it you are saying you do not know. You have to know everything, it has to be a very positive act to be happy, to be fragrant with Joy and to give Joy to others: that has to be with you otherwise everything has no meaning.You see, I try my level best to make every marriage a very beautiful thing, but ultimately, what do I find? Two crumpled people sitting down there, you know, sulking… Then image the children who are going to be born! They will think, ‘What! These sulking parents! Oh God save us from these crying babies.’ So don’t put all my hopes to a completely shattered stage by this kind of attitude. Now if you have any questions ask them.

Y2.V9 May 82(746)Today we are celebrating here in this Holy land (Switzerland) the birthday of Shri Krishna, the ultimate of the fatherhood that I described to you before, who came on this earth and illustrated the ultimate of that.So on this Earth, the highest fatherhood is Shri Krishna’s awareness, but in the Kingdom of God, we can say in the Heavens, or even above everything else, resides Sadashiva who does not take incarnations. He, Shri Krishna, is one of the aspects of Sadashiva which is the Father; and the Adi Shakti or the Holy Ghost, is the other aspect of Sadashiva, which is his Power.So when Shri Krishna incarnated on this Earth, an aspect of this Adi Shakti came on this earth as Radha. She is the same who came as the Mother of Christ, and She gave the name of Christ as the surname of Shri Krishna, as if it is Krishna’s name, from Krishna.He’s called as ‘Krisht’ in Indian languages, Krisht, and I have told you before why He was called as Yeshu or Jesu (from Yeshoda). So today we are going to see to the two aspects of Shri Krishna, which were the manifestation of his Divine birth.

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(747)In Rama’s life they showed a man, a Purushottama, the best of the father in worldly affairs, and in Shri Krishna’s life they showed Him the highest fatherhood as in Yogeshwara, or in Divine work. So, the first aspect of Shri Krishna we have to understand is the Yogeshwara, and the second aspect of him as the Virata.Yogeshwara means the Lord of Yoga, or the Power of Yoga. He is called that because He reached the optimum that one has to reach as a Yogi. As if He is the ideal you have to reach. Now, as a Yogi, He was born of a royal

family but He lived in the jungles, in the forest, with the cows, with the ordinary people. He used to sleep on the ordinary places, like sometimes on the stone, on the grass, when He would go with His cows for their feeding.He was very aware, very, very aware, absolutely aware of His Powers without any ego. He had a special power called Samhara Shakti by which He could destroy all those people who tried to harm the Divine manifestation – expressed as the Chakra (Sudarshan) in His hand, and the Gada (mace) in His hand. These two Powers within Him, and He acted according to the power of Radha, because She is the one who sustained the power of Shri Krishna. The proof of that is this, that when He was in Gokul with Radha he did all His Samhara work; afterwards He just became a chariot driver for Arjuna.

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(748)Then another great quality of Yogeshwara was complete discretion built in. So He know who was a devil and who was not, who is good and who is bad, who is possessed and who is not possessed, who is innocent and who is not.This was built within Him, this power of complete discrimination. And He had a capacity more expressing His witness-hood as a Sakshi. He had the capacity of witnessing the whole world as a play. At the time of Rama, Rama was the one who got involved into His problems, to show as if He is a full human being, so that human beings should not say that He was God, so how could we accept God, because He was God after all?Now, this capacity in Him to witness has to be seen in every Yogi.The element He controls is ether. We call it Akasha in Sanskrit.

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(749)The ether, Akasha, as you know, we are using for our television, for our radio, for every sort of collective work.So we have to be in charge of the ether element as yogis, and that is the subtlest of all, in the sense that you permeate everything with that, and is above all.Like plastic also permeates into everything, into matter, into everything up to the air, but it cannot enter into ether.So the negativity cannot enter into ether. So when you enter into your ethereal zone, you actually enter into the area which is thoughtless awareness.

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So to achieve your ethereal stage, you have to expand your thoughtless awareness, and the sustenance of that is done by Christ, by the Spirit. So you can realise now, as a Yogi your state of mind should be ethereal.

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(750)And what should be the state of your superego? This is the ego part of it, that you should be in ethereal state, and as superego you should see it as a play, you should see the play of the negativity.Negativity will run away, but don’t get involved into it, don’t play into their hands, then the negativity will separate from you. So the ego and the superego both rise from the Vishuddhi chakra. They can be receded by the Agnya chakra, but have to be sucked into the Vishuddhi.The greatest quality of Yogeshwara is that He is not at all involved into it, detached absolutely. If He eats His food, He does not eat it; if He speaks, He does not speak; if He sees, He does not see; if he hears, He does not hear, it has not effect on him, no retention on Him, no action on Him. Whatever He is, He is complete; sixteen petals is complete moon, sixteenth day of the moon is the Purnima.That is how one has to be, complete in oneself, complete confidence in oneself. But confidence should not be confused with ego. But confidence is complete wisdom; it’s complete dharma, complete love, complete beauty. That’s what it should be.

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(751 A)Now, when He said that ‘You give up all your dharmas and surrender to Me’ in Gita, what He was meaning is that all other things about which you are worried, ‘you give up and become one with Me, so I look after you.’Give up the responsibility to Shri Krishna, so the complete integrated Divinity will start expressing through you – means, if you say that you have to be responsible then He says, ‘All right, go ahead, try!’

But if you say that, ‘You are responsible, I’m just an institution or an instrument in Your hand’, then you start manifesting it well, and that is how your Vishuddhi chakra gets opened up.This is some part of the Yogeshwara I have spoken to you, but as He is the brain within us, He becomes the brain within us; we have to know all the qualities of a Divine brain are within.

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(751 B)So, whatever we do with our brain, like intrigue, the deception, all which are bad things by your brain, as they call it, are done by Him for the Divine purpose, without getting any blemish upon Himself.And the other side of it, so-called positive, like politics, like diplomacy, or like leadership, all that is His own doing, like even the thinking of the future and all that. He does planning, thinking, all those things, administration, as a play, everything is done as a play because He’s the master, as we call, a Sutra dhara, the one who does the prologue in a drama, the one who plays with the strings with the pantomimes.

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(752)Now the other thing that we have to understand about Shri Krishna at this stage of Sahaja Yoga, that it is the Virata Shakti that is manifesting at this time and not the Shri Krishna Shakti which was at His time, and that the power that is working here is no more that of Radha or Mary, but of Viratangana.That’s why the knowledge of Sahaja Yogis is much wider than the knowledge of all the saints of ages, but it is not deeper than them. If you can deepen your knowledge, this wider knowledge will have proper roots within the brain ‘are’ the roots, here are the roots of the whole tree of life.

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Actually, Kundalini comes up and waters the brain first, so that the whole tree of life is drenched in the Divine Bliss and Divine Knowledge.

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(753)So this Virata Shakti that we have to work out gives us the sense of collective consciousness first. First we understand it through our brainpower. But the whole brain power is to be guided by the Heart, is to be watered - but in Sanskrit is a very beautiful word, sinchan, like dewdrops, spray – with the Love of God.So the integration of this brain has to take with Heart, and with your liver. Then only the Virata-Shakti takes another form. The weapons of killing become the weapons of forgiveness. Every sort of destructive power is used for the construction, as if it is tricked.(Like now, I told them a trick, how to trick these Gurus. The power they have can be tricked against them as it is said that their teeth must be put into their necks, into their throats. Instead of taking out their teeth, better put them back in their throats. And, if you can do that, then there is no problem as far as their effect on us is concerned because you are more powerful and more tricky.) Vol 3 No17 Sept 83(754 A)Because the Virata Shakti has not taken that form, like the tree when it grows, it grows upwards. But when it is laden with fruit, it comes down. First it is attractive by its flowers, by its timber, by the other parts of its body, and people try to destroy it for it. But when the fruits appear, they want to preserve it, and the tree bends down with humility – is very valuable.So you are the fruits, that Viratangana Shakti, you are the fruits because you are so valuable that those people who wanted to ruin or destroy the Divine power from this Earth will start thinking that they have to gain something out of these fruits. So the Virata Shakti has given you a great value because people see that by having one Sahaja Yogi with them it is so precious. Say one ordinary man gets his realisation, then he develops his value. In that, his own value, he can be respected, love and he can be given the highest, if he’s a proper Sahaja Yogi.So you should understand today that Virata Shakti is, we are going to worship that Virata Shakti which has given fruits. As a result of that all these different churches, fanaticism, atheism, communism, and all that

-ism will neutralise because they will see their benefit in it. But you have to become that, that is the biggest one has to know, to bend down towards Mother Earth. Be humble, absolutely. The humility inside is going to give you the complete value of Sahaja Yoga Fruits.

Vol 3 No17 Sept 83(754 B)Those Sahaja Yogis who boast about themselves are like the fruits which are getting ruined on the tree. Only the fruits that bend down are accepted as good and matured fruits, and not those who assert that they are the highest. But some of the negative people should not, by any chance, take advantage of this and say that they are good because they are bending down. It’s not the logic. Some of them pose as humble, even a rotten fruit bends down, but the mature fruit shows its humility by its weight.That is the Guru Tattwa weight.So from the Viratangana Power you get the power of maturity, up to the fruit, and then we become blessed by Guru Principle. Those who are still involved in getting to better sunshine, better water supply, or all these things, are not yet matured, because the fruit doesn’t need anything anymore. It doesn’t need anything from Mother Earth nor from the elements, but it surrenders, it bows to the Mother Earth. So the Sahaja Yogi who goes on asking questions to Mother, bring personal problems, stupid ideas, negativity, all those people are still not yet the fruits.

Vol 3 No17 Sept 83(755)But the matured people are those who surrender, who bow to Mother Earth. So the capacity to bow is the best judgement of yourself, and leaving everything to the power of gravity of your Mother to do every work for you. And, leaving all your small, little worries behind, you have to rise above these distracting powers and achieve the completion of this Virata Shakti which ultimately becomes a Madhura Shakti. Madhura – there is no word like it in English language, but it means ‘sweet power’. Like the fruit becomes sweet, that’s how you all have to become very sweet.Krishna tried to make everything very sweet in the sense it was all a Madhura Shakti that was acting, all His play, all His dancing, all His stories, if you read is nothing but Madhura Shakti, towards Gopas and Gopis, towards other Sahaja Yogis.So you have to keep your mother pleased by pleasing other Sahaja Yogis and not other people. They are not important.

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So, today we are going to shorten the Puja, that’s why it took so much time upstairs! So time lost is time gained forever and ever.

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(756)I wanted to speak more about the Vishuddhi Chakra and Shri Krishna’s aspect within us; there is no end to it because it is the centre of the Virata. One has to realise that the message of Shri Krishna was to surrender. Now the surrendering that we think of in the gross way is like an enemy surrenders to another enemy, so when the word surrender is spoken we build up our barriers by thinking that we have to surrender something to the other part.But when Shri Krishna was talking about surrender, He was saying that, ‘Surrender your enemies to me so that I will get rid of them’. Now the worst enemy we have is our ego, and with the ego starts all kinds of other problems, because it is the biggest barrier for our growth, and the ego starts from the Vishuddhi Chakra, and can be sucked into the Vishuddhi Chakra.

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(757)Now let us see how is Vishuddhi Chakra made. All the vowels we use come from Vishuddhi Chakra, and, like in Deva-nagri language, it is a ang-aha. So, as you know, you cannot compile a word without a vowel, it is so important. A consonant is weak, without any strength, without the vowel, so the strength of a person comes through his speed you surrender; words or a mantra are as effective as good, effective, efficient weapons.

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(758)Now when we talk, les us see how I see your ego expressed in your talk, so that you will understand how to address Me and judge yourself.For example, shaking your necks too much is a sing of Mr Ego shaking head for nothing at all.Like many people have a habit, ‘Yes’, if it is said, they will go on like this for ten times. There is no need.Actually, you should move only once, with humility, the head, ‘Yes, Mother’, is all right. You must move your neck with respect and with understanding that Shri Krishna is sitting there, with Dignity.But we forget it all the time and we start using it to assert ourselves when we talk to someone, and we shake it too much or we push it in such a way that another person is sort of dominated by it.

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(759)Now there is another method when you talk to Me, like saying, ‘No Mother’. It is very common if I say anything, the first reaction of people could be, ‘No, Mother’. After all, you see there is a course going on, even when I’m speaking it is a mantra, when I’m not speaking, is a mantra flowing and suddenly you come along with your ‘No Mother’, you create a ripple back in the whole thing. Now, at that time, if you just listen to Me, what I’m saying, the saying itself will work it out, you don’t have to do anything.Now another way is the style in which you talk to Me, also I can see the right Vishuddhi acting. It is when we talk normally to each other, if we have to say ‘Yes’, we’ll say, ‘mhm’, that is very common here, ‘a-a’, this style, they say, ‘hmmmm’, as if you see it clearly. It is, you are not receiving anything in it, but you are trying to put it to an equal pressure on the flow.

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(760)The humility is the best way of conquering this ego of Vishuddhi, and when talking to others try to develop sweet methods, unhurting other people, and you will be surprised that Vishuddhi will

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immediately start behaving in such a sweet manner, because the bhoots don’t like sweetness, they are quarrelsome, they are harsh, they are always trying to say something to hurt.So this Vishuddhi, on the Right side is to be controlled by surrendering as it is said. Actually, you surrender your ego to begin with, and this ego, when you surrender, it has to be done from the heart, it should not be a lip service.From your heart, ‘I don’t want this ego any more. I want Reality.’‘Let the Reality be seen by me, felt by me, enjoyed by me.’And once you start doing it from your heart, you will be amazed that your voice will become sweet.Apart from that you will have the Divine Power flowing through it, that is what we say that you have now, Wakshakti, means the power of speech.

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(761)So when you surrender your ego, what you do actually is to say that, ‘I’m not doing anything, it is You who do everything’. So that a little drop has now become an ocean.Now, the second thing you have to surrender is the pride, or vanity. Now the vanity can be of many types which are artificial things absolutely.Before God, what is your property? What is your money? What is your position? What is your family? What is your education?You see, everything has no value in the presence of God. The possessions that one values so much have no value! So one has to realise that if we are the possessions of God, we should be proud of one thing only, that His vibrations flow through us, that He is proud of us.

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(762 A)Then the human mind has another capacity, to be jealous, to be jealous of others. This also comes of unwise understanding. If you surrender your jealousies at the Lotus Feet of God, I mean, you are

doing all rubbish actually. The stupid jealousies that you have are, as you know, of no value, either in this world or in that world. The most surprising thing is that Sahaja Yogis feel jealous of each other! And I still can’t understand how can it be. If you are standing in the sunshine, then you are all jealous of your shadows! Somebody’s shadows are big, somebody’s shadows are small, so you are jealous of each other? Sometimes I give a present to one person, can’t give to others, then they get jealous!If I give more time to somebody, the others are jealous! I only give more time sometimes to people who are really getting lost. So one has to understand those who are not realised, they are jealous of Sahaja Yogis, and they try to make them fall! Instead of becoming jealous they should become like Sahaja Yogis!

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(762 B)In Sahaja Yoga also I’ve seen some very funny things happen and incidents, like a person came to me and was very angry that, ‘Mother you spent so much time with that particular person, and I’m very jealous, and you said I have to be like the people about whom I’m jealous, so I would like to know how to be like the person who was with you for such a time.’So I said, ‘That fellow is really a lunatic! You want to be a lunatic? Have you no discretion?’A Sahaja Yogi must have discretion if his Vishuddhi is all right. You should understand that what I’m saying is to be used discreetly, not blindly, so you can understand. Without discretion, whatever I say how funnily you can use it, so detrimental to your growth.So another offshoot of ego is called as hot temper. Of course, it is aid to be used against people who try to insult your Mother; you have to do that, that must be used for people who go against the Holy Ghost, as Christ has said.In the same way, you should not tolerate any nonsense against Me from anyone whatsoever, not even ‘this’ much. But you can tolerate other Sahaja Yogis in other matters.(763)Another enemy we have is greed. I mean material greed, and also human greed like possessing your wife, possessing your children, possessing this, possessing Mataji also.This also must be surrendered.

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And this could be very dangerous in Sahaja Yoga also; this is my carpet, this is my camera; this is my tape recorder; my job, or my business, or my enterprise.Once you start understanding what is mine is not the truth, nothing is mine, that’s the Truth.

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(764)So the greed, also the lust of other women and indulging lust too much, giving too much importance to the agencies of lust, that creates great problems, not only for Sahaja Yogis, but, on the whole for Sahaja Yoga also.It is expressed in both types of people; those who are living in a very free world as well as those people who are over-suppressed.I know of people, those who are supposed to be brought up in very so-called religious atmosphere, exposed to women, suddenly they get too much attracted towards them.

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(765 A)See, it is that maturity of your innocence that must be developed, that keeps you a very religious, dharmic person, and the innocence to know how far to go with men and women. That’s the wisdom of innocence.Children, if you se, they know exactly, if there is a man, if there is a lady, how to behave. So the innocence is not stupidity, it is complete wisdom, and very mature, some in its full form.

It just knows how to be with people without indulging into any one of these enemies.Each enemy is sufficient to finish not only one person, but billions and billions.So best way to develop that absolute nature of your Vishuddhi Chakra is to witness the whole thing with a detached mind, and to develop love for your Mother in your Heart, so that She cleanses all these enemies in such a way that when you are faced with them, you are a powerful person.

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(765 B)Mentally, I think most of the Sahaja Yogis understand that Obedience to the Divinity is the only way, mentally, rationally. Now even if you understand something mentally, and it’s not your innate nature, so, what I told you about yesterday, when you accept something mentally and you cannot do it, you feel guilty about it.Then you become your own Guru and punish yourself and try to make this as your innate nature. It’s a state, it clicks.Once it clicks you can see immediately. I know who is surrendered. So Shri Krishna has said, ‘Sarva dharmanam…’ He has said, ‘Give up all your dharmas and surrender them to Me, surrender to My dharma only’.So the Dharmas we have in our country, as we say it is a pitra dharma, what you owe your father; matru dharma, what you owe to your mother, then what you owe to your husband, like that you see, that relationship in which you owe to them. But, when he says, ‘Surrender all these dharmas’ He is meaning to say, ‘You should only know what you owed to Me’, meaning the Divinity.

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(765 C)Now Shri Krishna is not there, it’s Me who is Shri Krishna, so you must know what you owed to Me.I only changed My language, He used to take out His finger and to say that, ‘Give up everything and surrender everything to Me’I don’t do that in that way, I give a big lecture and bring you to a point so that should not divert your attention from the right goal that you have to achieve by surrendering.

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And it is going to work out very well with you people here, I’m sure and one day I’ll find the whole Germans surrender at the Lotus feet of the Divine.

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(766A) Shri Saraswati PujaWith Love, all kinds of creative action takes place.And as love will increase, your creativity will develop. So the basis of all creativity of Saraswati is Love. If there is no love, there is no creativity. It is even in the deeper sense, you see, people who have crated all the scientific things are also out of love to the masses, not for themselves. Nobody has produced anything themselves.If they make something for themselves it has to become for universal use, otherwise it has no meaning. Even is you say Atom bomb, and all these things created from science, they are also very protective - if they had not been created those people would not have taken their minds from war.Now, nobody can think of having a big war. Of course they are having cold wars, but that also will gradually stop when they will be fed up. So all the activity on the right side of Saraswati, basically, has to end up in Love. Starts with Love, ends up in Love. Whichever does not end up in Love, coils up and finishes off. It just disappears.So, you can see that even matter, which is not used for love, just finishes off. The basis has to be Love.

Vol 3 No17 Sept 83 p 15(766 B)Now, this love that we talk of, the great Love of God we talk off, we know that it’s for definite through vibrations. All people who do not have vibrations, but still they can feel the vibrations in a very unconscious way. All the great paintings of the world have vibrations. Only those which have vibrations have been sustained by time, otherwise all other things are destroyed. There must have been monuments and horrible statues and horrible things that have been created a long time back, but hey are all destroyed by nature, as they could not stand the impact of Kala, i.e. the destructive power of time.

So, at that is sustaining, all that is nurturing, all that is ennobling, comes to us from this sense of Love which is within us very developed, but within others also who are not yet realised.

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(767)Now Saraswati’s blessings are so many that one cannot describe in such a short time, and the Surya (Sun) has given us so many powers that it is impossible to tell them even in ten lectures. But how we go against Surya, and Saraswati, while doing the worship of Saraswati is to be seen very clearly within ourselves.Western people are very fond of the Surya because they have no sun, but they go too far with it and create complications within themselves of Surya, but the main that one has to achieve through Surya is the light, Vivek, the light within.And if Surya Chakra, at the Agnya level is occupied by Lord Jesus Christ, then it is even more essential that the purity of life, what you call Niti is the morality of life. Now, morality itself has become very much a sort of argument in the West. People don’t have any sense of absolute morality. On vibrations you know, but they have all gone against it because you cannot be a Surya if you don’t have a proper sense of morality and holiness. The Surya itself brings light to see everything clearly. Those who are the worshippers of Lord Jesus, of the Surya, of the Saraswati, have all gone against the powers of Surya, just disobeying it. So many qualities Surya has got. It dries up everything that is wet, dirty, filthy, parasites, horrible cults and things which have come into those countries which are supposed to be full of light, and in that darkness they exist.

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(768)In countries which are supposed to be full of light, in that darkness they exist; darkness about the Spirit, darkness about their own knowledge and darkness about love. These three things have taken over in the places where you are supposed to love light. Light does not mean what you see with your gross eyes, light means from within, the light of Love – and it is so soothing, so sweet, so beautiful, so enamouring, it is so abounding that unless and until you can feel that light within you, that light which is of pure love, of purity, pure relationship, pure understanding – if you can develop that kind of a light within yourself, then the whole thing will be cleansed, ‘Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow’.

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This is what happens to you when you are completely cleansed. The purest form of Nature is within us, our chakras are made out of the purest form of Nature. We are the only people who are spoiling it by our mental thinking against the same Saraswati power. You are going against Saraswati itself. Saraswati cleanses all that is impure in Nature while, with our brain activity we are spoiling all that. All our brain activity goes against pure intelligence, one has to understand that this pure intelligence is not to be soiled by our thinking, which can make us so bumptious, so ego oriented, so impure, that we can really eat the poison and say, ‘what is wrong in it?’ - just the opposite of Saraswati. If She is within us, She gives us Subuddhi, wisdom.

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(769) Letter of Shri Mataji, London 11 July 1980I suggested in My earlier letters to think of Atma Tattwa, because you are Atma Swaroop, your mind, intellect and ego should be enlightened by the Atma Jyoti.The light of wisdom shines in the intellect only when Atma-Jyoti illumines in its fullness.Then, mind emits fragrance of love and ego does great and noble work.You should be able to rely on Atma Tattwa, accommodate others in it, but first stabilise it.

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(770)Today again is New Year’s Day. Every New Year comes because we have to take something that is new. It has been so arranged that the sun has to move for 365 days, and again a New Year has come. Actually, the whole solar system is moving in a spiral way, so there is definitely a higher, higher state of this solar system. Every year it is rising higher in a spiral way. It has moved a step forward, higher than what it was.Now we can see that in awareness, human beings have definitely risen much higher than what they were, say, about 2000 years back. But the first system that started the whole universe was the first model, you can say ‘was created’, and that model has to be perfect. And that was a perfect model which then started perfecting the rest of it. So, that is the perfect model which is in the principle of this ascent, and that is working out this ascent. Now the perfection of the rest of the

universe takes place in various directions but today we have to consider the Mahalakshmi Principle. (See 771)

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(771)Now, Mahalakshmi, as I told you, is a perfect principle.It’s a perfect principle; it’s perfect, it is born perfect, will remain as perfect, will be always eternally perfect, so that it is not necessary to be corrected.Now this Mahalakshmi’s thing I am discussing here, because you may be able to go today and see the temple of Mahalakshmi. Now when you go there, you have to know that this Deity has come out of the Mother Earth in this particular place. That means this place has got the capacity to give you a force, you can say and additional force, or an intensive feeling of evolution, if you are sensitive enough, you can see that, you can feel it and you can do it. If you are not so sensitive, you are still so conditioned and still outside, that may not work out.I mean, all kinds of things can be done but if somebody wants to remains a stone you cannot do anything about it.(So this Mahalakshmi principle is working out in this place, Kolhapur. Normally this place should be very, very warm because of its position, but even in summer this place keeps very cool because of its vibrations from the temple that is emitted. The people in this place may not be so aware either as negativity has come forward. There are lots of sugar factories and alcoholism going on here, but we have to take best advantage of every place created specially for a particular purpose. It is a pilgrimage. Mahalakshmi starts at the Nabhi and is surrounded by the Guru Principle)

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(772)Now the Guru Principle within us, if it is upset, if it is juxtapositioned, placed in juxtaposition where … if it is not properly embedded within us, to the nerves, if it is not emitting through our character and behaviour, Mahalakshmi Tattwa cannot be established.Mahalakshmi Tattwa is strengthened through Guru Principle. Now we are lucky today because there was the birthday of Datta, the Dattatreya, just the other day when we had the Pooja, and today is this Mahalakshmi puja. So to have the Guru principle all right we must make our Dharmas correct.Look after these ten Dharmas in a very careful manner.

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(773)Now these Dharmas, as I have told you many times, are ten, and we should look after these ten Dharmas in a very careful manner. These are expressed outside, but whatever is inside comes out. Now I find when you people talk, and you say things, I know that this person is negative, that person is definitely positive. There are so many ways of expression of positivity but how I know that I cannot tell you because I don’t know how to tell you that, but I just know that such a person is definitely positive and such a person is negative.The positivity lies in understanding why we are here first of all, why are we on this Earth? Why are we human beings?In understanding, what are we going to do about it?Why are we Sahaja Yogis? What a Sahaja Yogi has to do?What is his responsibility as a Sahaja Yogi?Then he moves forward to understand: why Mother is so kind to me? Why have I got vibrations? Why am I among the very few who have got this special blessing?

Vol 3 No16 July 83 p4(774)Why am I among the very few who have got this special blessing, the special knowledge of vibratory awareness? And then ask yourself, what am I doing about it? Am I still very much embedded in my sheepishness or my childishness, in my stupidity, in my harshness, in my aggressiveness?We always see these things in other people, not in ourselves, so we are not Sahaja Yogis.We should understand at that point, when se start seeing these things in other people, then we are not Sahaja Yogis. We should see in our selves and emit pure compassion to others, but always people see that, it is in another person this exists. Whatever I try to say they always see in another person.Now, supposing there is a negative person amongst us, you need not be compassionate to that person. On the contrary, better be away. Get rid of that person. As far as possible don’t have anything to do, is a definite sign of great compassion to yourself, if not to other. Better not having anything to do with a person who is negative, if you have to

come up. He may be your brother, sister, anyone, but try to be away from a person who is not positive. It causes a lot of problems.

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(775)I have been telling you this (not to have anything to do with a negative person) and I have been requesting you, but conditioning is such that still, though you have become a guru Tattwa, you don’t understand that you have to be detached.For a guru there is no brother, sister, or any other relationship, except the relationship of the Mother. There is no other relationship.This principle is to be understood. Very important I feel is for all of you that, ‘Our relationship is only to Mother and to Sahaja Yogis, and to any relationship which has come to us, whether through Sahaja Yoga or whether through anything else’.Now this I have been explaining because our Mahalakshmi Tattwa is not all right.That is whey we get, sort of… fritter away, lost into these things.

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(776)And the Mahalakshmi Tattwa has to be like an ascending force, all put together. Like my father used to give an example that, supposing you have collected lots of wheat and you spread it on the ground, it will be all lost. It will be spread out like this, this side, that side – it will all be lost. But, if you put it in a bag, it will rise in height naturally. It will have those Maryadas; it will rise and it will go higher and higher.In the same way, this principle of Mahalakshmi can spread just across like that, and can destroy all that Mother has given us , and all that we have had all these years, only by spreading it out.Now to collect it inside (Mahalakshmi Principle) is to pay attention to yourself. First of all try to clarify your ideas and your understanding, in brain, is important because Mahalakshmi Tattwa ultimately works in the brain. Is enlightenment of the brain, is done by Mahalakshmi Tattwa. It gives you Sat, the Truth, you see. So, in the brain you must clarify, reach logically. Logically we must reach the conclusion, ‘I don’t have to do these things, I have to ascend. This is why I am here. What am I supposed to do now?’ Logically, you convince your brain first of all. It is very important now, after realisation, because if logically your brain does not understand it

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will always be cheapish, childish, undignified, harsh, horrible oppressive – could be one of these.

Vol 3 No16 July 83 p5(777)So in Guru Tattwa there are ten elements. Five of them deal with weight. ‘Weight’, Guru is the weight, the weight of a person.1) How much weight have you got?The gravity as we call it, person has a gravity. When he talks, how much balance has he got? See in Indian music, we call it vazan, means the weight. The weight of the person means when he is dealing with himself or with others, how much weight he carried. In English also they use this ‘weight’. ‘How much weight he carries with others’ means how much he can really impress others. If you impress too, all right, then the person will say, ‘Oh it is too much’, that is a very big quality with Western people, ‘Oh it is too much!’, ‘Oh She is too much!’I move slowly, slowly - ‘It is too much for me’, it is very common. It is very common reaction.So, how much weight do you have?

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(778)The second one is the quality of Magnetism: two things, weight and magnetism.first is the quality of weight; how dignified you are, how you talk, how your language is, how your behaviour is. You should be Human, but sometimes, even with me, I find people talk in a very funny manner. I just don’t understand how is it that always they say the wrong thing? I mean, even if they have to say one sentence, they will say the wrong thing. it is absolutely with them. It is also Vishuddhi, which is also Nabhi. Comes from Nabhi, because you must know that Vishuddhi Chakra is the ascent of the Nabhi Chakra. So, what happens that a person, whatever he is, is expressed through his language, through his behaviour, through his face, through his nose, his eyes, everything, through the Vishuddhi Chakra. So the ascent of the Nabhi is expressed, shown, through the Vishuddhi Chakra. Now whatever you have in the Nabhi is shown here. Supposing now a person who has the Mahalakshmi Tattwa properly developed, such a person will have a way of dealing with another person where he will have the weight as well as the understanding how to go with that person, how far to think about it, how much importance to be given. That is one point, it is very important.

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2) And another point is how much magnetism you have. So you reverse back to yourself. The magnetism is the magic, the magic of a person. A person is magnetic because he has a certain magic. Now, this magic comes from your own personality. So the basis of magnetism on the left-hand side starts, and that basis is Shri Ganesha. So, your innocence is the best way to have that magnetism. Magnetism you cannot explain in material way, it is not material stuff, but it is something abstract which comes from the quality of Shri Ganesha. Such a person is magnetic; means such a person attracts another person because of the weight and quality of that person. Such a person attracts, but not for lust, greed and nonsensical things, but because of the fragrance of love in the subjects. Not is always confused because it is such an abstract thing, so one must understand it in a very subtle way, what is this magnetism. You see, there are some gestures people use artificially, which they have been using just to attract other people: the way they walk, dress, the way they live. All these things are of no use. It is something so inner, that fragrance is so inner which must be developed. But in Sahaja Yoga I have seen people just do not bother about it; they think the way they have been living as English, French, Indian, Kolapur, they will be like that. First these ideas must be curbed off because they fragrance spreads everywhere through, first of all, the Ganesha Principle within.

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(780)Now a Ganesha person is not a person who is absolutely a remorse type, or a person who is such a gone case that even if you beat him up and make him into a complete minced thing he will bear it. It’s not like that, it’s not that. On the contrary, the quality of magnetism is such that it attracts you to a point where you are not disturbed. Now, this is a very important point we should know. You see, if you other loves, love like carnal love and all other love you have, then that love, you may attract another person, then that person can destroy you, and it destroys you always, but this attraction does not destroy, does not destroy. The attraction is up to that point that you are not destroyed because you being much higher, much deeper and much weightier, you cannot be destroyed by a thing that… whom you are attracting. The greater magnet attracts the smaller magnet, and that is what one should understand. The magic and this charisma, charismatic temperament of a person, comes by, first of all, the Ganesha Tattwa, innocence; and secondly by complete dedication and devotion. Those who are completely dedicated and devoted to Mother, not to anything else – Ganesha Tattwa again; not to your wife, husband, sister, country – not to anyone but Mother. Complete dedication gives you that charisma or that attraction. In Sahaja Yoga such a person because really attractive and such a person has it.

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Now, some people think that if you are a very passive person, an ‘if anybody says anything to you, you don’t mind’ sort of a person, you are charismatic, it is not. People like you because they can dominate you. Now if you think that by your aggressiveness, shouting and screaming at these people you will achieve that charismatic temperament, you cannot. You cannot achieve that height. So, how do you achieve it? By becoming innocent. Now, how innocence develops in a person is by not thinking about it. Like, you see, somebody asked my ‘How do you manage your income tax?’, I said, ‘By having no income at all’ Car problem? By not having any car of my own. House problem? By having no house of my own. ‘Nihi, Nihi’ - everything Nihi for me.Then how do you, sir, solve this problem? By not having it. Don’t take headaches upon yourself.See, when you take headaches upon yourself, then only the innocence is reduced. Headaches like this: this is my shawl, my sari, my this thing.But only one thing is that: ‘this is my Mother and I have to proclaim Her’, that is all. If that is the way, then the innocence starts rising like Shri Ganesha, and by having no other headache.

Vol 3 No16 July 83 p7(782)This is mine, that is mine; this ‘mine’ business causes the problem I think, personally, I think this ‘mine’ business must be the reason.Somebody told me a very good argument: whatever is ‘mine’ is not ‘I’, means not Sahaja, my body, my head, everything my – she gave me this idea; ‘I’, what is ‘I’? Then ‘I’ is separated. Whatever is not ‘mine’ is ‘I’, so what remains is your Spirit.Somebody gave me this good argument to work it out, then whatever remains is the ‘I’, and that is the one we have to see to. So you go on reducing all these ‘mines’ so the Pure Spirit of innocence will rise.So the idea about Spirit also, people think that if you become spiritual, I mean, I don’t know what people think about spiritual people, but the idea is that you have something terrific, like a bull, or, I don’t know, you have to be sharp like a fox or an intellectual like Freud or something. All sorts of ideas people have. No, it is not, Spiritual person is just innocent, just innocent.There is no intelligence, nothing, just innocence. So whatever one says it comes through, innocence not intellect, reading understanding, analysing. It is just pure and simple innocence. It is so clean. It all works out very well. It just says what it knows, and what it knows is the Highest.

Vol 3 No16 July 83 p4(783)The answer is here.So even the atmosphere is innocent, the whole situation is so innocent that the solution is presented by innocence to innocence.

Innocence works out everything you see because everyone has a little bit of innocence in everyone, isn’t it? So you can, … it is like a fifth column you see, He (Ganesha) will work on your fifth column and will make you all right.When you give bandhan to others, what happens, you actually bind him by your innocence and the poor fellow does not know.He has his innocence within Him; you capture that innocence, that is all you have done, that’s how you manage.It is very simple to work out things.Only principle, the Tattwa, the whole thing rests on that Tattwa – is nothing but Innocence.

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(784)So try to develop this by all these things saying ‘Not this, not this’ (Neti, Neti) to all your faults.‘Not this, not this, not this’ – you reach there.‘Not mine, not mine, not mine- you reach there.And that is how it is, and you see the whole material world is not attacking the innocence, because they are frightened.Innocence cannot be destroyed. It cannot be destroyed. Innocence is something is all pervading, so whatever people may try, it cannot be destroyed, but it can be covered, it can recede, but it cannot be destroyed. It will act in its own way. So try to develop that innocence which is the basis of Mahalakshmi Tattwa, we should say, or that is the essence of Mahalakshmi Tattwa. So the outward things, the weightage, the weight, the dignity, the behaviour, everything – it is the outward thing and the inside thing – the Tattwa, the Principle, on which it is based is Innocence. Now if it is this, if we understand Mahalakshmi Tattwa within us, how it has to work out – again I would say I don’t want you to project your intellect into it, just remain where you are, and you will find the answers coming to you, automatically – just don’t project your minds into it, just you will get answer to every question just like that.

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(785)Because innocence in everyone is the simple answer – where all the complications drop out, innocently you will get the answer to every question, and that is what is the Love of God; is the Love of God.

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So don’t confuse this with love, will all your nonsensical love, ideas you have about people and identification – misidentification – this is Pure Love within us. The purity, the innocence, is Love, and which is Life itself, we should say, is a part of that, the prized.But Pranashakti (Power of Life Force) is not Mahalakshmi. So Mahalakshmi is the essence, and the essence of everything, because if creation has to take place, also if ‘Desire of God’ is there, and if there is no Mahalakshmi Tattwa, then what is the use of having desire? Is finished.Supposing, even if you have creation and you don’t have Mahalakshmi Tattwa, how will it work out? You cannot work it out. You have to have Mahalakshmi Tattwa because otherwise there is no meaning.

Vol 3 No16 July 83 p8(786 A)So, outwardly it is Mahalakshmi Tattwa, but inside, inside is, we can say, there are three cores. The first core is Mahalakshmi Tattwa; outside to look at, you see the growth all right.But inside is the Creation, that is all the elements being created and all that. But inside that is the desire, and inside the desire is the half-one, you can say is Ganesha. So this Ganesh Tattwa ultimately overpowers everything and permeates through everything, and this is, I would say that, just don’t think about it, just allow your innocence to grow. Simple innocence and your Dignity, that is very important, you have to have your dignity. Like some people think if they wear tall clothes and walk about on the street and all, they are big Sanyasis. It is wrong. Why? You are not being dignified and God has given you so much why should you try to show off that you have not got anything? Just to show off that you have not got anything God has given. This is just a sort of thanksgiving to God; you have given me so much you have to wear the best. Like in puja, if you see the ladies here, ear all their nose-rings and all their ornaments and everything, in the temple they wear, and in the same way men also wear their very clean dresses, whatever they have, but no ostentation. It is just a thing by which you express that God has give you this, ‘Oh God I thank You.’

Vol 3 No16 July 83 p8(786 B)It is such a great day today to be the New Year to be here on Mahalakshmi’s place of Kolhapur, and this is also called Kolhapur because Kolhasura was killed here. Kolhasura was a horrible fellow, like a fox, and he was born again, now he is again dead. Thank God! He was here and now he is dead. Kolhasura died. Don’t think about it,

again your mind goes out. I will tell you about it. I have deliberately avoided the name. He was born again and he was pitched out!So this is the place where Kolhasura was killed, where this was established. So Mahalakshmi incarnation came in, and that is how this place has a special value, that we have come here for a pilgrimage and let us be in a humble way – think about it.Actually these things could not take place in the West because even if they had come out of Mother Earth, who would have recognised them? Who would have known about them? Who would have respected them? Who would have worshipped them?

Vol 3 No16 July 83 p9(786 C)That is why it did not happen in the West so often, but it is there, little bit is there, no doubt. But here now we have all these temples and the attack on the innocence has come from the tantrikas. And so the tantrikas rented out this temple and they tried to establish themselves and, gradually, they are being neutralised and cleaned out. These tantrikas have gone into every temple of all the Goddesses and they will be gradually all out, straight out. So this is the attack that came through and that is how these Brahmins came down and settled in these places, so-called Brahmins – and tried to preach about tantric method and things, here in the temple and they really spoiled the atmosphere here. So may God Bless you all. I want you people to develop concentration of mind so that you rise above all other misidentifications, and get identified with the Pure Spirit, through your Mahalakshmi principle.May God Bless you.

Vol 3 No16 July 83 p9(787)Spirit is the most precious thing that we have within ourselves. The preciousness of your Spirit is immeasurable and that is why it is called the thing of eternal value, because it is infinite. We cannot measure. Now, God the Almighty we say is Sat-Chit-Anand. Sat means Truth. The truth we understand in human terminology is relative, but the Truth I am telling you is absolute, from where all the relations start. Example I will tell you how to understand: this earth has got oceans and rivers and all kinds of waters you say, but the earth is enveloping all of them. If the Mother Earth was not there, there could not have been any of these existing. So we can say that the Mother Earth is the support of all the things that exist on earth. She is enveloping us. In the atoms she exists, because the elements are part of that earth.

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In the same way is God Almighty. The Sat part of Him, the Truth is the support of all the things that are created or not created. Another example: you try to understand how the Sat is the Purush, is the God who does not take part, actual part, in the creation itself but is a catalyst. The example can be like this, that I am doing all the work, I am creating everything, but I have a light in my hand. Without the light I cannot do anything. Light is the support of my work, but the light does not in any way do anything about what I do. In the same way, God Almighty is just the witness, like a light.

Vol 3 No16 July 83 p10(788)But His… another quality is the Chit. It is Attention. When it is excited (In Sanskrit there is a good word for ‘excited’ – ‘it is the pulsation’ or ‘when it is pulsated’), His attention, or, when it pulsates through His Attention, He starts creating.And He has a third quality which we call Anand, is the feeling of Joy that He gets by His perception, by His creation, the Joy that He gets.All these three things, Sat-Chit-Anand, when they are at zero point, where they meet, then they become the Principle of Brahma.When these three things are one, where there is complete silence, nothing is manifested, but the Joy is one with the Attention, because the Attention has reached to merge into Joy, and Joy has become one with the Truth.

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(789)This combination of three qualities separate and create three types of phenomena: Anand, the joy inwards, merged with His creation and with the Truth. When Joy starts moving with the creation, the creation starts moving down from the first, the Sat or Truth stage to Asat, i.e. untruth, to Maya, i.e. illusion. And that time, the creation starts on working gout, and when it starts working out the Joy, which is on the left-hand side, the emotional side of God – also starts becoming grosser and grosser, till they reach the stage where there is, we can say, a complete darkness of Tamo-guna, the complete cessation of the creativity and the complete sleeping of the Joy.Is it clearer?You will understand now, Mahalakshmi, Mahakali and Mahasaraswati. That is why Christ has said, ‘I am the Light’ because He represents the Sat, the Light of God. And when the Light of God becomes absolutely

gross, dormant or dead, then it reaches the second stage of creation. All these things go deeper and deeper, grosser. That is one part of the parabola.

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(790)Now another parrot of the parabola starts when you are attaining back God Almighty. That process now gradually starts becoming higher and higher, subtler and subtler, finer and finer. In the refinement, ultimately the light works for the evolutionary process. Gradually the grosser parts start becoming enlightened. You find the lower animal is not so much enlightened as the higher animal. Gradually even the Joy starts becoming subtler and subtler. We can call it beautiful. Human joys are much more beautiful than that of animals. So the joy also starts changing their manifestation in the sense you start more and more and wider range of Joy comes into your hands. To a dog beauty and decency has no meaning, so at a stage when you reach, when you are a human being to that extent you develop your Sat, which is awareness, your Joy and creative action, now you see how the creativity of God passes into the hands of man when he turns out, how the Joy of God passes into the hands of man, and how His Light comes into the heart of Man as Spirit.

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(791)Because of that Light we talk of religion, we talk of God and we talk of Eternal things. But it is really a precarious stage, that is to be a human being, because at this stage you have to jump only a little bit that side, while you start jumping this side and that side, because this jumping is not possible unless and until the awareness reaches that stage where you become independent. As long as you are a slave, or under bondage, or something that is gross, how can you enjoy that Eternal Joy that is within you?So it is for you to expose yourself more to that Joy, by opening out your Self more and more, and getting subtler and cleaner, so that you feel that Divine.

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(792)Once you know this point, after getting self-realisation, unless and until these three things start merging together, you cannot feel that you have established your Self.The Joy within you must be felt through your awareness, otherwise you cannot see it. Suppose you have no eyes, then how can you see?If you were not aware to see Me, how will you see Me?If you are not aware to hear Me, how will you understand Me?And once that awareness comes to you, then only the Joy awakens within you, because only through these subtle feelings of awareness you are going to absorb the Joy. Just now you felt, you said, ‘What a beautiful thing it is’, you felt very happy, you are feeling the Joy of creation at this stage, and man is the summit of creation, but only the crown part is such a little thing, very little it is. Very little distance it covers in no time, but only thing is that, three things have to be combined, and that is why you find, even if you realisation, you do not feel the Silence, because you have not become the Light. You do not feel the Joy because you have not become the Anand. That is the Left side of you.

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(793)In everything there is Joy. As a human being you start seeing Joy in patterns. You see a key box, you open it out, you see the patterns. You call it the veneer, roughness, smoothness and the harmony of it. You start feeling the matter, the Joy of His Creation. But after realisation you start Feeling the Joy of creation. The summit of creation is the human being and that is why for a Sahaja Yogi he must realise if he tries to be friendly or interested or involved in a person who is at a lower person, he can never get the Joy from that person. Only thing he can do is to raise that person higher to his own level, and make him also feel the same joy as you are getting. Supposing a man who is an artist marries a blind girl, what is the use? She cannot enjoy the arts created by this man. In the same way, if you are interested in your family people, in your relations, friends, the first, finest and greatest thing you can do is give them self-realisation, which means the Joy of your Spirit. Expose them to the Joy of their Spirit, which is the most precious thing, and this is the reason why people flicker, fiddle and feel uneasy and lose their joy very easily at small things that has parts of it – and finished. It is like the ocean before you, where I am there and I want you all to come into it and enjoy. It is for all of you. Whole thing was created for your enjoyment. You have to become subtle. You are wasting time here on very gross things, you have noticed.

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(794) I am so happy and joyous to be here (Paris) with so many Sahaja Yogis and so many of them are very new, not very new to Me, perhaps I have known all of you thousands of years back!In Sahaja Yoga, you all have to understand one simple thing, that you are the Spirit and whatever is not the Spirit is not your Self.We can compare the Spirit with the sun; the sun can be covered with clouds, there can be superimposition on the sun, but the sun remains as it is at this point. You cannot enlighten the sun, it is illuminated by itself. Now, when the clouds are removed, the superimposition is removed, the sun shines through the atmosphere. So, our Spirit is also superimposed by ignorance, as long as there is superimposition, you cannot see the Spirit, and even when a few clouds disappear, the superimposition exists. One has to have a clear sky to see the light of the Spirit shining through.

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(795)There are many ways by which we can try to remove the clouds. The first and foremost thing is the assumption, the faith, that we are the Spirit, and the rest is superimposition; you have to assume that within yourself - after realisation, it should become very easy – that you are something much more, something very different from what you have known so now the new situation arises, that you do not have blind faith, but you have a faith that has come out of an experience, so your intellect should not fight it, it should not try to challenge it, or again you will go down.Even if you get the glimpses of a star in the sky, then the scientists believe there is a start. So, in the same manner, if you get glimpses of your realisation you have to at least believe that you are also the Spirit. You go on, sticking to that experience, and keeping your attention on the fact that you are the Spirit. Tell your intellect not to cheat you any more.You can turn the face of your intellect by this.

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(796)Now your intellect will start working for the pursuit of the Spirit. This is what faith means. Faith gives rise to Pure Intelligence. Now, once you have seen the clouds removed, still there are clouds.So you have to use the wind to remove the clouds – wind of the Holy Ghost, and that you know there are many ways of taking advantage of the Wind. So the wind comes from some other source.That is the source of the Holy Ghost, your own Kundalini!And also you have, in person, the Primordial Kundalini before you.Compared to many other seekers who came before you, you are very fortunate.

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(797)Worshipping any vigraha, any statue of self-crated vibrations of Mother Earth, people had big problems. They had to first of all do a meditation which was called as Sarvikalpa Samadhi, that means in that state you have to concentrate on such a statue, and then you go on looking at that statue, and try to raise your Kundalini. And Kundalini used to come up to Agnya, but the jumping beyond the Sahasrara was an impossible task because one has to go from form to formless, and it was difficult to get out of form, to formless, and even to concentrate on abstract or formless was another impossible task, as Muslims did or many others tried to do. Under these circumstances it was necessary that the formless had to take a form so that there were no more complications. As soon as you concentrated on the form, you became formless. (Like if you have ice before you, as soon as you start touching the ice, it melts away and you start feeling the cool, so the problem is very easily solved now.)Puja is one of the things by which you can excite the forms into the formless. Now, your centres are the centres of energies, but they have a guiding Deity sitting on all these chakras. They are also formless made into forms, and when you do the Puja, the forms melt into formless energies, and these formless energies start flowing, and then blows the Wind! And that is how these

misidentifications, these superimpositions of the Spirit are removed.

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(798 A)Now, you cannot think about Puja. These are things which happen into a realm which is beyond thinking. So you have to understand that you cannot rationalise the Puja. You should have the maximum advantage of your chakras. For that, you must fully concentrate on the Puja and how the Wind is blowing. And the Wind will see to it that it drives out all the clouds.So your only work is – your only method is- just to concentrate on the Puja and witness. You are a seer.Seer has a double meaning, the one who sees only, just sees, and he is only knowledge, he is the seer.For me sometimes it is burdensome because there should be some parity between you and the Deities, some balance must be there.

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(798 B)Here you are, saying all the mantras, and the Deities are awakened, and there you are, who do not want to receive anything within your heart, so I am the one who ahs to stock up all the extra energy that is produced in My body. So it would be better if you all keep your hears opened, and watch the Puja without thinking about it. Today we will reverse the method of Puja. First we will do the Havan, and then the Puja. It will be better because by that we will evoke the fire element which burns away all the evils.When you wash My Feet you do the same thing, and even when you evoke the Fire, you do the same thing.You can wash Me with Water, or with Fire. The essence of Fire is the Glow.All that is wrong, all that is evil is burnt off, and then the Glow shows on the faces and the bodies of the seekers, and also the atmosphere is charged with beautiful vibrations when you have the Havan.May God Bless you.

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(799A)I realise that when something is important from God’s point of view, all the negative forces work out their plan on how to delay, how to put obstructions, or how to bring hindrances. It is very surprising.Today it would be best if I tell you about God’s will and how we, the human beings, go against it all the time.God’s will is extremely simple.He is Divine Love.He is compassion and He is the Ocean of Mercy.He created this world and then created human beings, just to give them the highest thing in life – Joy.Joy, which is a simple thing, does not have that duality like borrowed happiness. But how are we anti-God and anti-joy and how does it happen? Our awareness, as you know, grows, through our brain, downwards, and what starts growing downwards takes us away from God.Ultimately we have to achieve God, but first we go al little away from that awareness of being one with God, just to understand that freedom has to be used properly.

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(799 B)

Freedom has to be used properly. Without that training, without that education, it is no use giving freedom to human beings. You have seen the free countries, in their freedom what have they achieved? Atom bombs to kill ourselves! It is stupidity. It is foolish. It is absurd, but we have done it. We are proud of it and are still busy on how to make it worse and worse for ourselves. This is how we move.The awareness that was our own, human awareness, was given to us for our freedom, to be tested, to be experimented and to be seen, and, finally, to have the ultimate freedom by which you become the Spirit. You have to become the Spirit ultimately, but as we start growing in our awareness –so-called – our concern is not for the Spirit.I would say that we are like a tree which pushes its roots down into the earth so as to stand and grow, so also the roots we have are in our brain, and then we start growing upward s and upwards till the leaves emerge, flowers bloom and fruits are created. But, on the contrary, before reaching the fruit stage what happens to us is that we start creating artificial leaves and enjoying them. We take to artificiality. Once this identification with artificiality starts, we begin to move away from Reality to negative thoughts, or to over-positive thoughts, which are actually anti-God because it is with them that we make atom bombs and all that.

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(800)So, there are really two branches into which we branch off. Some people like to go towards the left side or the negative attitude. They

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destroy themselves, trouble themselves and do all kinds of things by which they can die and in the most miserable manner. They get all kinds of diseases upon themselves. They torture their body; they torture everything that they have. Then, on the other side, is the right-hand side in which they move to torture others, to overpower others.Both the ways are away from God, His mercy and His grace.The concern throughout should be towards the Spirit. Only then is the movement in the right direction.But this concern breaks up very easily in human beings because they have the freedom to do it. In their ego they break it up so much that when you develop the artificial way of life then even the consciousness of God is lost; that He exists, that He is the One who is running the show.We become so conscious of ourselves that we think there is nothing wrong. We do this, do that and plunge into all kinds of problems. What we are doing is really against ourselves, and ourselves means God, because God has created us and He loves us.We don’t love ourselves. If we had loved ourselves we would not have abused our body and our own systems, and everything that we have by saying, ‘What is wrong? Why not do it?’You must love this body of yours, this mind of yours and this society. You must love everything that you have because God created you in His love.It is such a beautiful world God has created for us, but we, in our ignorance, in our so-called freedom, have ruined so many things. Innately within us resides the Spirit, which wants to enlighten you, to give you the Peace, the Bliss and the Joy of our being.

Vol 3 No16 July 83

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