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RECIPESHundreds of Delicious Recipes

from Dinner to Dessert ThatLet You Live Your Low-Carb

Lifestyle and Never Look BackDana Carpender

Bestselling author 500 Low-CarbRecipes

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CHAPTER 1 Ingredients YouNeed to Know About

CHAPTER 2 Beverages

CHAPTER 3 Appetizers andSnacks

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CHAPTER 4 Eggs and Dairy

CHAPTER 5 Breads

CHAPTER 6 Salads



CHAPTER 9 Fish and Seafood

CHAPTER 10 Poultry

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CHAPTER 12 Pork and Lamb

CHAPTER 13 Sauces andSeasonings

CHAPTER 14 Sweets


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What’s the hardest thing about your low-carb diet? And what’s the most commonreason that people abandon their low-carb way of eating and all the healthbenefits and weight loss that come withit? It’s boredom. After a few weeks ofscrambled eggs and bacon for breakfast,a hamburger with no bun for lunch, and asteak—no baked potato—for dinner, dayafter day, people get fed up and quit.They just can’t face a life of foodmonotony. Does this sound familiar?

If you’ve been getting bored with yourlow-carb diet, this is the book for you.

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You’ll find dozens of exciting ways tovary a hamburger, a steak, pork chops,chicken, and even fish. You’ll find awide variety of side dishes and salads.You’ll find snacks and party foods thatyou can eat without feeling like you’redepriving yourself. You’ll even findrecipes for bread—really, truly bread—not to mention muffins, waffles, andpancakes. In short, this book has recipesfor all sorts of things you never dreamedyou could have on a low-carb diet.

Did I come up with these recipes foryou? Heck, no! I came up with theserecipes for me.

Who am I? I’m a person who, throughcircumstances that surely could havehappened to anyone, has spent the past

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several years writing about low-carbohydrate dieting. In fact, I spent somuch time answering questions for thecurious that I finally wrote a book, HowI Gave Up My Low Fat Diet and LostForty Pounds! To supplement the book,I started an “e-zine”—an Internetnewsletter—for low-carb dieters, calledLowcarbezine! So for the past fewyears, through the wonders of theInternet, I’ve been writing anddeveloping recipes for a growingaudience of low-carb dieters around theworld.

I’ve always loved to cook, and I’vealways been good at it. My friends longago dubbed me “The God of Food.” Sowhen low-fat, high-carb mania hit in the

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1980s, I learned how to make a killerlow-fat fettuccine Alfredo, curriedchicken and mixed grain pilau, blackbeans and rice, blue corn pancakes, low-fat cheesecake—you name it.

And I got fat—really fat and sick andtired. Thank heavens, in 1995 I got smartand tried going low carb, instead. Withintwo days my energy levels skyrocketedand my clothes were looser. It wasoverwhelmingly clear that this was theway my body wanted to be fed and thatthis was the way of eating that wouldmake me well. I had set my foot upon apath from which there was no turningback; I was low carb for life.

The only thing that nearly derailed mewas a terrible sense of Kitchen

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Disorientation. I had to discard the vastmajority of my recipes when I droppedthe grains, beans, potatoes, and sugarfrom my diet. For the very first time inmy life, I’d walk into my kitchen andhave no idea what to cook—and I hadalways known what to cook and how toput together a menu. It really was prettyscary, and it certainly was depressing.But I set out to become as good a low-carb cook as I had been a low-fat cook.

What you hold in your hands is theend result of years and years of trial anderror, of learning what works and whatdoesn’t and of experimenting to find outwhich substitutes are yummy and whichare just plain lame.

This is not, for the most part, a

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gourmet cookbook, which means that therecipes you find here are recipes you’llactually use. You’ll find a lot of fairlysimple recipes and a few more complexones for special occasions. There’s lotsof family fare here—pork chops, meatloaf, burgers, and chicken. You’ll findlots of meals you can cook on the stovetop in a simple skillet and plenty ofsalads you can make ahead and stash inthe refrigerator, ready to be pulled outand served when you dash in the door ata quarter-to-dinnertime. You’ll findmany one-dish meals that are protein andvegetables combined, from main dishsalads to thick, hearty soups tocasseroles. You’ll also find ethnicflavors from around the world right

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alongside comfort foods you won’tbelieve are low carb!

Why Is There Such a Wide Range of Carb Countsin the Recipes in This Book?

If carbs are your problem, then they’regoing to be your problem tomorrow, nextweek, next year, and even when you’reold and gray. You cannot think in termsof going on a low-carb diet, losing yourweight, and then going off your diet—you’ll gain back every ounce just as sureas you’re born. You’ll also go back toblood-sugar swings, energy crashes, andnagging, insatiable hunger, not tomention all the health risks ofhyperinsulinemia. In short, you are inthis for life.

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So if you are to have any hope ofdoing this forever, you’re going to needto enjoy your food. You’re going to needvariety, flavor, color, and interest.You’re going to need festive dishes,easy dishes, and comfort foods—awhole world of things to eat.

Because of this, I’ve includedeverything from very low-carb dishes,suitable for folks in the early, very low-carb “induction” stage of their diet, to“splurge” dishes, which would probablymake most of us gain weight if we atethem every day but which still have farfewer carbs than their “normal”counterparts.

There’s another reason for the rangeof carb counts: Carbohydrate intolerance

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comes in degrees, and different peoplecan tolerate different daily carbohydrateintakes. Some of you, no doubt, need tostay in that 20-grams-a-day-or-lessrange, whereas many others—luckysouls—can have as much as 90 to 100grams a day and stay slim. Thiscookbook is meant to serve you all.

Only you can know, through trial anderror, how many grams of carbs you caneat in a day and still lose weight. It is upto you to pick and choose among therecipes in this book while keeping aneye on the carbohydrate countsprovided. That way, you can put togethermenus that will please your palate andyour family while staying below thatcritical carb level.

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However, I do have this to say:Always, always, always the heart andsoul of your low-carbohydrate dietshould be meat, fish, poultry, eggs,healthy fats, and low-carb vegetables.This book will teach you a bogglingnumber of ways to combine these things,and you should try them all. Don’t justfind one or two recipes that you like andmake them over and over. Try at leastone new recipe every week; that way,within a few months you’ll have a wholenew repertoire of familiar low-carbfavorites!

You will, as I just mentioned, findrecipes in this book for what are bestconsidered low-carb treats. Do not takethe presence of a recipe in this book to

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mean that it is something that you can eatevery day, in unlimited quantities, andstill lose weight. I can tell you fromexperience that even low-carb treats, ifeaten frequently, will put weight on you.Recipes for breads, cookies, muffins,cakes, and the like are here to give you asatisfying, varied diet that you can livewith for life, but they should not becomethe new staples of your diet. Do not tryto make your low-carbohydrate dietresemble your former StandardAmerican Diet. That’s the diet that gotyou in trouble in the first place,remember?

One other thought: It is entirelypossible to have a bad reaction to a foodthat has nothing to do with its

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carbohydrate count. Gluten, a proteinfrom wheat that is essential for bakinglow-carb bread, causes bad reactions ina fair number of people. Soy productsare problematic for many folks, as arenuts. Whey protein, used extensively inthese recipes, contains lactose, whichsome people cannot tolerate. And surelyyou’ve heard of people who react badlyto artificial sweeteners of one kind oranother. I’ve also heard from diabeticswho get bad blood-sugar spikes fromeating even small quantities of onions ortomatoes.

Yet all of these foods are just fine formany, many low-carb dieters, and thereis no way I can know which foods maycause a problem for which people. All I

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can tell you is to pay attention to yourbody. If you add a new food to your dietand you gain weight (and you’re prettycertain it’s not tied to something else,like a new medication), or you findyourself unreasonably hungry, tired, or“off” despite having stayed within yourbody’s carbohydrate tolerance, you maywant to consider avoiding that food. Oneman’s meat is another man’s poison, andall that.

What’s a “Usable Carb Count”?

You may or may not be aware of theconcept of the usable carb count,sometimes called the “effective carbcount”; some low-carb books utilize thisprinciple, whereas others do not. If

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you’re not familiar with the concept,here it is in a nutshell:

Fiber is a carbohydrate and is, at leastin American nutritional breakdowns,included in the total carbohydrate count.However, fiber is a form ofcarbohydrate made of molecules so bigthat you can neither digest nor absorbthem. Therefore fiber, despite being acarbohydrate, will not push up yourblood sugar and will not cause an insulinrelease. Even better, by slowing theabsorption of the starches and sugars thatoccur with it, fiber actually lessens theirbad influence. This is very likely thereason that high-fiber diets appear to beso much better for you than “AmericanNormal.”

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For these reasons, many (if not most)low-carb dieters now subtract the gramsof fiber in a food from the total grams ofcarbohydrate to determine the number ofgrams of carbohydrates that are actuallya problem. These are the “usable” carbs,or the “effective carb count.” Thesenonfiber grams of carbohydrates arewhat we count and limit. Not only doesthis approach allow us a much widervariety of foods, especially lots morevegetables, but it actually encourages usto add fiber to things such as bakedgoods. I am very much a fan of thisapproach, and therefore I give the usablecarbohydrate count for these recipes.However, you will also find thebreakdown of the total carb count and

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the fiber count.

Using This Book

I can’t tell you how to plan your menus. Idon’t know if you live alone or have afamily, if you have hours to cook or arepressed for time every evening, or whatfoods are your favorites. I can, however,give you a few pointers on what you’llfind here that may make your mealplanning easier.

There are a lot of one-dish meals inthis book—main dish salads, skilletsuppers that include both meat andvegetables, and hearty soups that are afull meal in a bowl. I include thesebecause they’re some of my favoritefoods, and to my mind, they’re about the

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simplest way to eat. I also think theylend a far greater variety to low-carbcuisine than is possible if you’re tryingto divide up your carbohydrateallowance for a given meal among threeor four different dishes. If you have acarb-eating family, you can appeasethem by serving something on the side,such as whole wheat pitas split in halfand toasted, along with garlic butter,brown rice, a baked potato, or somenoodles. (Of course, I don’t recommendthat you serve them something likecanned biscuits, Tater Tots, or MinuteRice, but that shouldn’t surprise you.)

When you’re serving these one-dishmeals, remember that most of yourcarbohydrate allowance for the meal is

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included in that main dish. Unless youcan tolerate more carbohydrates than Ican, you probably don’t want to serve adish with lots of vegetables in it witheven more vegetables on the side.Remember, it’s the total usable carbcount you have to keep an eye on.Complement simple meat dishes—suchas roasted chicken, broiled steak, orpan-broiled pork chops— with the morecarbohydrate-rich vegetable side dishes.

There’s one other thing I hope thisbook teaches you to do, and that’s breakout of your old ways of looking at food.There’s no law insisting that you eateggs only for breakfast, have tuna saladfor lunch every day, and serve some sortof meat and two side dishes for dinner.

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Are you short on both time and money?Serve eggs for dinner a couple of nightsa week; they’re fast, cheap, andunbelievably nutritious. Are you planinga family video night or game night? Skipdinner and make two or three healthysnack foods to nibble on. You just can’tface another fried egg at breakfast?Throw a pork chop or a hamburger onthe electric tabletop grill and you’ve gota fast and easy breakfast. Are you sick ofsalads for lunch? Take a protein-rich dipin a snap-top container and some cut upvegetables to work with you.

Helpful General Hints

• If you’re not losing weight, goback to counting every carb.

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Remember that snacks andbeverages count, even if they’remade from recipes in this book.A 6-gram muffin may be a lotbetter for you and your waistlinethan a convenience store muffin,but it’s still 6 grams, and itcounts! Likewise, don’t lie toyourself about portion sizes. Ifyou make your cookies reallybig, so that you only get twodozen instead of four dozen froma recipe, the carb count percookie doubles, and don’t youforget it.

• Beware of hidden carbohydrates.It’s important to know that thegovernment lets food

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manufacturers put “0 grams ofcarbohydrates” on the label if afood has less than 0.5 gram perserving and “less than 1 gram ofcarbohydrate” if a food hasbetween 0.5 gram and 0.9 gram.Even some diet sodas containtrace amounts of carbohydrates!These amounts aren’t much, butthey do add up if you eat enoughof them. So if you’re havingtrouble losing, count foods thatsay “0 grams” as 0.5 gram andfoods that say “less than 1 gram”as 1 gram.

• Remember that some foods youmay be thinking of as carb-freeactually contain at least traces of

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carbohydrates. Eggs containabout 0.5 gram apiece, shrimphave 1 gram per 4-ounce portion,natural cheeses have about 1gram per ounce, and heavy creamhas about 0.5 gram pertablespoon. And coffee has morethan 1 gram in a 10-ounce mugbefore you add cream andsweetener. (Tea, on the otherhand, is carb-free.) If you’rehaving trouble losing weight, geta food counter book and use it,even for foods you’re sure youalready know the carb counts of.

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1Ingredients You Need to

Know About

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Black Soy Beans

Most beans and other legumes are toohigh in carbohydrate for many low-carbdieters, but there is one exception: Blacksoy beans have a very low usable carbcount, about 1 gram per serving, becausemost of the carb in them is fiber. Severalrecipes in this book call for cannedblack soy beans. Many natural foodstores carry the Eden brand; if yoursdoesn’t, I’ll bet they could special-orderthem for you. Natural food stores tend tobe wonderful about special orders.

If you can’t find canned black soybeans, you may be able to find them dry

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and uncooked; if so, you’ll have to soakthem and then cook them for a very longtime until they soften—soy beans can bestubborn. I’d recommend using yourslow cooker.

I would also recommend not eatingsoy bean recipes several times a week. Iknow that soy has a reputation for beingthe Wonder Health Food of AllExistence, but there are reasons to becautious. Soy has been known fordecades now to be hard on the thyroid,and if you’re trying to lose weight andimprove your health, a slow thyroid isthe last thing you need. More alarmingly,there was a study done in Hawaii in2000 that showed a correlation betweenthe amount of tofu subjects ate in middle

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age and their rate and severity ofcognitive problems in old age. Sincescientists suspect the problem lies withthe soy estrogens that have been sohighly touted, any unfermented soyproduct, including our canned soy beans,is suspect.

This doesn’t mean we shouldcompletely shun soy beans and soyproducts, but it does mean we need toapproach them with caution and eat themin moderation. Since many lowcarbspecialty products are soy-heavy, you’llwant to pay attention there, too.

Personally, I try to keep my soyconsumption to 1 serving a week or less.


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There are a few recipes in this book thatcall for raw eggs, an ingredient currentlyfrowned upon by nutritional“officialdom” because of the risk ofsalmonella. However, I have it on prettygood authority that only 1 out of every16,000 uncracked, properly refrigeratedeggs is actually contaminated. As onewoman with degrees in public health andfood science put it, “The risk is less thanthe risk of breaking your leg on anygiven trip down the stairs.” So I use raweggs now and again without worryingabout it, and we’ve never had a problemaround here.

However, this does not mean thatthere is no risk. You’ll have to decidefor yourself whether this is something

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you should worry about. I generally usevery fresh eggs from local smallfarmers, which may well be safer thaneggs that have gone longer distances, andthus have a higher risk of cracking orexperiencing refrigeration problems.

One useful thing to know about eggs:Although you’ll want very fresh eggs forfrying and poaching, eggs that are atleast several days old are better for hardboiling. They’re less likely to stick totheir shells in that maddening way we’veall encountered. So if you like hard-boiled eggs (and they’re certainly one ofthe most convenient low-carb foods),buy a couple of extra cartons of eggs andlet them sit in the refrigerator for at leastthree or four days before you hard boil

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Fats and Oils

Bland Oils

Sometimes you want a bland oil in arecipe, something that adds little or noflavor of its own. In that case, Irecommend peanut, sunflower, or canolaoil. These are the oils I mean when Isimply specify “oil” in a recipe. Avoidhighly polyunsaturated oils such assafflower; they deteriorate quickly bothfrom heat and from contact with oxygen,and they’ve been associated with anincreased risk of cancer.


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When a recipe says butter, use butter,will you? Margarine is nasty, unhealthystuff, full of hydrogenated oils, trans fats,and artificial everything. It’s terrible foryou. So use the real thing. If real butterstrains your budget, watch for sales andstock up; butter freezes beautifully. Shoparound, too. In my town I’ve foundstores that regularly sell butter foranywhere from $2.25 a pound to $4.59 apound. That’s a big difference, and oneworth going out of my way for.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil makes an excellentsubstitute for hydrogenated vegetableshortening (Crisco and the like), whichyou should shun. You may find coconut

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oil at natural food stores or possibly inOriental food stores. One large localgrocery store carries it in the “ethnicfoods” section with Indian foods. Mynatural food store keeps coconut oil withthe cosmetics. They’re still convincedthat saturated fats are terrible for you, sothey don’t put it with the foods, but somefolks use it for making hair dressings andsoaps. Coconut oil is solid at roomtemperature, except in the summer, but itmelts at body temperature. Surprisingly,it has no coconut flavor or aroma; youcan use it for sautéing or in bakingwithout adding any “off” flavor to yourrecipes.

Olive Oil

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It surely will come as no surprise to youthat olive oil is a healthy fat, but youmay not know that there are variouskinds. Extra-virgin olive oil is the firstpressing. It is deep green, with a full,fruity flavor, and it makes all thedifference in salad dressings. However,it’s expensive and also too stronglyflavored for some uses. I keep a bottle ofextra-virgin olive oil on hand, but I useit exclusively for salads.

For sautéing and other general uses, Iuse a grade of olive oil known as“pomace.” Pomace is far cheaper thanextra-virgin olive oil, and it has a milderflavor. I buy pomace in gallon cans atthe same Middle Eastern grocery storewhere I buy my low-carb specialty

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products. These gallon cans are worthlooking for because they’re the cheapestway to buy the stuff. If you can’t findgallon cans of pomace, feel free to buywhatever cheaper, milder-flavored typeof olive oil is available at your grocerystore.

Be aware that if you refrigerate oliveoil it will become solid. This is no bigdeal—it will be fine once it warms upagain. If you need it quickly, you can runthe bottle under warm water. Or if thecontainer has no metal and will fit inyour microwave, microwave it for aminute or so on low power.

Flour Substitutes

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As you are no doubt aware, flour is out,for the most part, in low-carb cooking.Flour serves a few different purposes incooking, from making up the bulk ofmost baked goods and creatingstretchiness in bread dough to thickeningsauces and “binding” casseroles. In low-carb cooking, we use differentingredients for these various purposes.Here’s a rundown of flour substitutesyou’ll want to have on hand for low-carb cooking and baking:


Because fiber is a carbohydrate that weneither digest nor absorb, brans of onekind or another are very useful forbulking up (no pun intended!) low-carb

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baked goods. I use different kinds indifferent recipes. You’ll want to have atleast wheat bran and oat bran on hand;both of these are widely available. Ifyou can also find rice bran, it’s worthpicking up, especially if you have highcholesterol. Of all the kinds of brantested, rice bran was most powerful forlowering high blood cholesterol.

Ground Almonds and Hazelnuts

Finely ground almonds and hazelnuts arewonderful for replacing some or all ofthe flour in many recipes, especiallycakes and cookies. Packaged almondmeal is becoming easier to find; thewidely distributed Bob’s Red Millbrand makes one. It’s convenient stuff,

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and you certainly may use it in any of therecipes that call for almond meal. If youcan purchase hazelnut meal locally, itshould also work fine in these recipes.

However, I prefer to make my ownalmond and hazelnut meal by grindingthe shelled nuts in my food processorusing the S-blade. It takes only a minuteor so to reduce them to the texture ofcorn meal, after which I store the meal ina tightly lidded container. Why do Ibother? Because the carb count is lower.How on earth can that be? Because Igrind my nuts with the brown skins stillon them, while commercial nut meal ismade from almonds and hazelnuts thatare “blanched”—have the skinsremoved. Since the skins are practically

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pure fiber, the fiber count of myhomemade meal is higher, and the usablecarb count per cup is accordingly lower.The carb counts in this book reflect myhomemade, high-fiber meal; if you usepurchased meal you’ll want to reviseyour estimated carb count a gram or twohigher per serving.

It’s good to know that both almondsand hazelnuts actually expand a littleduring grinding. This surprised mebecause I thought they’d compress a bit.Figure that between 2/3 and ¾ of a cupof either of these nuts will become 1 cupwhen ground.

Guar and Xanthan Gums

These sound just dreadful, don’t they?

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But they’re in lots of your favoriteprocessed foods, so how bad can theybe? If you’re wondering what the heckthey are, here’s the answer: They’reforms of water-soluble fiber, extractedand purified. Guar and xanthan are bothflavorless white powders; their value tous is as low-carb thickeners.Technically speaking, these are carbs,but they’re all fiber, so don’t worryabout using them.

You’ll find guar or xanthan used insmall quantities in a lot of these recipes.Don’t go dramatically increasing thequantity of guar or xanthan to get athicker product, because in largequantities they make things gummy, andthe texture is not terribly pleasant. But in

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these tiny quantities they add oomph tosauces and soups without using flour.You can always leave the guar orxanthan out if you can’t find it; you’lljust get a somewhat thinner result.

You’ll notice that I often tell you toput the guar or xanthan through theblender with whatever liquid it is thatyou’re using. This is because it is verydifficult to simply whisk guar into asauce and not get little gummy lumps inyour finished sauce or soup, and theblender is the best way to thoroughlycombine your ingredients.

If you don’t own or don’t want to usea blender, put your guar or xanthan in asalt shaker, and sprinkle it, bit by bit,over your sauce, stirring madly all the

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while with a whisk. The problem here,of course, is there’s no way to knowexactly how much you’re using, so you’lljust have to stop when your dish reachesthe degree of thickness you like. Still,this can be a useful trick.

Your natural food store may well beable to order guar or xanthan for you (Islightly prefer xanthan, myself) if theydon’t have it on hand. You can also findsuppliers online. Keep either one in a jarwith a tight lid, and it will never go bad.I bought a pound of guar about 15 yearsago, and it’s still going strong!

Low-Carbohydrate Bake Mix

There are several brands of low-carbohydrate bake mix on the market.

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These are generally a combination ofsome form of powdery protein and fiber,such as soy, whey, and sometimes oat,plus baking powder, and sometimes salt.These mixes are the low-carb world’sequivalent of Bisquick, although they donot have shortening added. You willneed to add butter, oil, or some otherform of fat when using them to makepancakes, waffles, biscuits, and such. Imostly use low-carb bake mix in lesserquantities, for “flouring” chicken beforebaking or frying or replacing flour as a“binder” in a casserole. If you can’t findlow-carbohydrate bake mix locally,there are many Web sites that sell it.

Oat Flour

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A handful of recipes in this book call foroat flour. Because of its high fibercontent, oat flour has a lower usablecarb count than most other flours. Evenso, it must be used in very smallquantities. Oat flour is available atnatural food stores. In a pinch, you cangrind up oatmeal in your blender or foodprocessor.

Psyllium Husks

This is another fiber product. It’s thesame form of fiber that is used inMetamucil and similar products.Because psyllium has little flavor of itsown, it makes a useful high-fiber “filler”in some low-carb bread recipes. Lookfor plain psyllium husks at your natural

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food store. Mine carries them in bulk,quite cheaply, but if yours doesn’t, lookfor them among the laxatives and “colonhealth” products. (A brand called“Colon Cleanse” is widely available.)

Pumpkin Seed Meal

A few recipes in this book call forpumpkin seed meal—I startedexperimenting with it after getting a fairamount of e-mail from folks whocouldn’t make my baked goods becauseof an allergy to nuts, and I’ve found itworks quite well. (If you’re allergic tonuts and want to make any of my recipesthat call for almond meal, I’d trysubstituting pumpkin seed or sunflowerseed meal.)

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It’s very easy to make pumpkin seedmeal. Just buy raw shelled pumpkinseeds at your natural food store or at anymarket that caters to a Mexican-American population—sometimesthey’ll be labeled “pepitas.” Then putthe pumpkin seeds in your foodprocessor and grind them with the S-blade until they reach a cornmealconsistency. That’s all. (Do not try thiswith the salted pumpkin seeds in theshell that are sold as snacks! You’ll getsalty food with a texture like woodpulp.)

By the way, when I first published myrecipe for Zucchini Bread, which callsfor pumpkin seed meal, a fewLowcarbezine! readers wrote to tell me

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that their bread was tasty, but that it hadcome out green. I assume this is becauseof the green color of the seeds. I haven’thad this problem, but it’s harmless.

Rice Protein Powder

For savory recipes such as main dishes,you need a protein powder that isn’tsweet and preferably one that has noflavor at all. There are a number of theseon the market, and some are blander thanothers. I tried several kinds, and I’vefound that rice protein powder is the oneI like best. I buy Nutribiotics brand,which has 1 gram of carbohydrates pertablespoon, but any unflavored riceprotein powder with a similar carbcount should work fine. For that matter, I

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see no reason not to experiment withother unflavored protein powders, if youlike.

Rolled Oats

Also known as old-fashioned oatmeal,rolled oats are oat grains that have beensquashed flat. These are available inevery grocery store in the WesternHemisphere. Do not substitute instant orquick-cooking oatmeal.

Soy Powder, Soy Flour, and Soy Protein Isolate

Some of my recipes call for soy powder.None call for soy flour. If you use soyflour in a recipe that calls for soypowder, you won’t get the results I got.

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You also won’t get the right results withsoy protein powder, also known as soyprotein isolate. What is the difference?Soy protein isolate is a protein that hasbeen extracted from soybeans andconcentrated into a protein powder. Soyflour is made from raw soybeans thathave simply been ground up into flour,and it has a strong bean flavor. Soypowder, also known as soy milkpowder, is made from whole soybeans,like soy flour, but the beans are cookedbefore they’re ground up. For somereason I don’t pretend to understand, thisgets rid of the strong flavor and makessoy powder taste quite mild. If yourlocal natural food store doesn’t stocksoy powder, they can no doubt order it

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for you; I recommend Fearn brand.You should be aware that despite the

tremendous marketing buildup soy hasenjoyed for the past several years, thereare some problems emerging. Soy iswell known to interfere with thyroidfunction, which is the last thing you needif you’re trying to lose weight. It alsocan interfere with mineral absorption. Itis also less certain, but still possible,that regular consumption of soy causesbrain deterioration and genital defects inboy babies born to mothers with soy-heavy diets. For these reasons, althoughI do not shun soy entirely, I use otheroptions when possible.

Vital Wheat Gluten

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Gluten is a grain protein. It’s the glutenin flour that makes bread dough stretchyso that it will trap the gas released bythe yeast, letting your bread rise. We arenot, of course, going to use regular, all-purpose flour, with its high carbohydratecontent. Fortunately, it is possible to buyconcentrated wheat gluten. This high-protein, low-starch flour is absolutelyessential to making low-carbohydrateyeast breads.

Buying vital wheat gluten can be aproblem, however, because thenomenclature is not standardized. Somepackagers call this “vital wheat gluten”or “pure gluten flour,” whereas otherssimply call it “wheat gluten.” Still otherscall it “high-gluten flour.” This is a real

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poser, since the same name is frequentlyused for regular flour that has had extragluten added to it; that product issomething you definitely do not want.

To make sure you’re getting the rightproduct, you’ll simply have to read thelabel. The product you want, regardlessof what the packager calls it, will havebetween 75 and 80 percent protein orabout 24 grams in ¼ cup (30 g). It willalso have a very low carbohydratecount, somewhere in the neighborhoodof 6 grams of carbohydrates in that same¼ cup (30 g). If your natural food storehas a bulk bin labeled “high-glutenflour” or “gluten flour” but there’s nonutrition label attached, ask to see thebulk food manager and request the

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information off of the sack the flourcame in. If the label on the bin says“vital wheat gluten” or “pure glutenflour,” you can probably trust it.

At this writing, the most widelydistributed brand of vital wheat gluten inthe United States is Bob’s Red Mill.More and more grocery stores arebeginning to carry this line of products.If your grocery store doesn’t yet, youmight request that they start.

Wheat Germ

The germ is the part of the wheat kernelthat would have become the plant if thegrain had sprouted. It is the mostnutritious, highest-protein part of thewheat kernel, and it is much lower in

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carbohydrates than the starchy part thatbecomes white flour. A few recipes inthis book call for raw wheat germ,which is available at natural food stores.Raw wheat germ should be refrigeratedbecause it goes rancid pretty easily. Ifyour natural food store doesn’t keep theraw wheat germ in the cooler, I’d lookfor another natural food store.

If you can’t get raw wheat germ,toasted wheat germ, such asKretchmer’s, is a usable second-best.It’s widely available in grocery stores.

Wheat Protein Isolate

A few of these recipes, particularlysome of the baked goods, call for wheatprotein isolate. This is just what it

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sounds like—it’s a protein powder madefrom wheat. It has a high gluten contentbut also contains other proteins found inwheat. Wheat protein isolate has verylittle flavor and very little carbohydrate—just 1.5 grams per cup.

Wheat protein isolate is not widelydistributed yet, but it is availablethrough a few online sources. Inpa r ti c ul a r, both carry it.

Whey Protein Powder

Whey is the liquid part of milk. If you’veever seen yogurt that has separated, theclearish liquid on top is the whey. Wheyprotein is of extremely good quality, andthe protein powder made from it is tops

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in both flavor and nutritional value. Forany sweet recipe, the vanilla-flavoredwhey protein powder is best, and it’sreadily available in natural food stores.Keep in mind that protein powders varyin their carbohydrate counts, so look forthe one with the fewest carbohydrates.Also beware of sugar-sweetened proteinpowders, which can be higher in carbs.The one I use is sweetened with steviaand has a little less than 1 gram ofcarbohydrates per tablespoon.

Natural whey protein powder is justlike vanilla-flavored whey proteinpowder, except that it has not beenflavored or sweetened. Its flavor isbland, so it is used in recipes where asweet flavor is not desirable. Natural

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whey protein powder is called for insome of the recipes that other folks havedonated to my books; I generally use riceprotein powder when a bland proteinpowder is called for.


Ketatoes is a low-carb version of instantmashed potatoes. It actually containssome dehydrated potato, diluted with alot of fiber. You simply mix the powderwith equal amounts of water. Personally,I find Ketatoes made according topackage directions unappealing—theysmell good, but the texture is off.However, used in small quantities,Ketatoes mix allows us to give a

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convincingly potatoey flavor to a varietyof dishes. I’ve used Ketatoes mix in anumber of the recipes in this book. Beaware that Ketatoes come in a variety offlavors, but all my recipes call forKetatoes Classic—that is, plain potatoflavor.

If you can’t buy Ketatoes in yourhometown, there are about a billiononline merchants who would be only toohappy to ship them to you.



A few recipes in this book call for beer.The lowest carbohydrate beers currently

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on the market are Michelob Ultra, at 2.8grams per bottle, and Miller Lite andMilwaukee’s Best Light, both 3.5 gramsper can. These are what I recommendyou use. These are also what Irecommend you drink if you are a beerfan.


Canned or boxed chicken and beefbroths are very handy items to keeparound, and it’s certainly quicker tomake dinner with these than it would beif you had to make your own fromscratch. However, the quality of most ofthe canned broth you’ll find at your localgrocery store is appallingly bad. Thechicken broth has all sorts of chemicals

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in it and often sugar, as well. The “beef”broth is worse, frequently containing nobeef whatsoever. I refuse to use theseproducts, and you should too.

However, there are a few canned andboxed broths worth buying. Manygrocery stores now carry a brand calledKitchen Basics, which contains nochemicals at all. It’s packaged in 1-quart(960-ml) boxes, much like soy milk, andit’s available in both chicken and beef.Natural food stores also have goodquality canned and boxed broths. BothShelton and Health Valley brands arewidely distributed in the United States.

Decent packaged broth won’t cost youa whole lot more than the stuff that ismade of salt and chemicals. If you watch

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for sales, youcan often get it as cheaply as the bad

stuff; stock up on it then. (When mynatural food store runs a sale of goodbroth for 89 cents a can, I buy piles ofthe stuff!)

One last note: You will also findcanned vegetable broth, particularly atnatural food stores. This is tasty, but itruns much higher in carbohydrates thanthe chicken and beef broths. I’d avoid it.

Carb Countdown Dairy Beverage

A very useful addition to low-carbcuisine is this carbohydrate-reducedmilk product, available in full-fat, 1%,and skim, not to mention an exceedinglyyummy chocolate variety. To me, Carb

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Countdown tastes just like milk, and I’veused it pretty extensively in theserecipes.

I checked with the manufacturer, andCarb Countdown is nationallydistributed, so you should be able to findit near you. However, if you cannot, trysubstituting half-and-half or equal partsof heavy cream and water. For thatmatter, if you’re on the South BeachDiet, low-fat milk is allowed; feel freeto use it in place of Carb Countdownwherever I’ve specified it.


Various recipes in this book call forwine vinegar, cider vinegar, sherryvinegar, rice vinegar, tarragon vinegar,

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white vinegar, balsamic vinegar, andeven raspberry vinegar, for which you’llfind a recipe. If you’ve always thoughtthat vinegar was just vinegar, thinkagain! Each of these vinegars has adistinct flavor all its own, and if yousubstitute one for the other, you’llchange the whole character of the recipe.Add just one splash of cider vinegar tothe Asian Chicken Salad (page 159), andyou’ve traded your Chinese accent for anAmerican twang. Vinegar is such a greatway to give bright flavors to foods whileadding very few carbs that I keep all ofthese varieties on hand. This is easy todo, because vinegar keeps for a verylong time.

As with everything else, read the

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labels on your vinegar. I’ve seen cidervinegar that has 0 grams ofcarbohydrates per ounce and I’ve seencider vinegar that has 4 grams ofcarbohydrates per ounce—a hugedifference. Beware, also, of applecider–flavored vinegar, which is whitevinegar with artificial flavors added. Ibought this once by mistake. (You’dthink someone who constantly remindsothers to read labels would be beyondsuch errors, wouldn’t you?)


There are several recipes in thiscookbook calling for either dry red ordry white wine. I find the inexpensivebox wines, which come in a mylar bag

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inside a cardboard box, very convenientto keep on hand for cooking. The simplereason for this is that they don’t go badbecause the contents are never exposedto air. These are not fabulous vintagewines, but they’re fine for our modestpurposes, and they certainly are handy.Igenerally have both Burgundy andChablis wine-in-a-box on hand. Be waryof any wine with “added flavors.” Toooften, one of those flavors will be sugar.Buy wine with a recognizable name,such as Burgundy, Rhine, Chablis,Cabernet, and the like, rather than stufflike “Chillable Red,” and you’ll getbetter results.

Low-Carb Tortillas

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These are becoming easier and easier tofind. I can get them at every grocerystore in town. If you can’t buy them at alocal store, you can order them online.They keep pretty well. I’ve had themhang around for 3 or 4 weeks in a sealedbag without getting moldy or stale, soyou might want to order more than onepackage at a time.

I use La Tortilla Factory brandbecause they’ve got the lowest usablecarb count of any I’ve found, just 3grams. They’re mostly made of fiber!Beware: I have recently seen “low-carb” tortillas with deceptive packaging.The listed serving size turned out toequal only half of one tortilla. That’s nota serving, as far as I’m concerned!

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Nuts, Seeds, and NutButters

Nuts and Seeds

Low in carbohydrates and high inhealthy fats, protein, and minerals, nutsand seeds are great foods for us. Notonly are they delicious for snacking orfor adding crunch to salads and stir-fries, but when ground, they can replacesome of the flour in low-carb bakedgoods. In particular, you’ll find quite afew recipes in this book calling forground almonds, ground hazelnuts, andground sunflower seeds. Since theseingredients can be pricey, you’ll want toshop around. In particular, natural food

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stores often carry nuts and seeds in bulkat better prices than you’ll find at thegrocery store. I have also found thatspecialty ethnic groceries often havegood prices on nuts. I get my best dealon almonds at my wonderful MiddleEastern grocery, Sahara Mart.

By the way, along with pumpkin andsunflower seeds, you can buy sesameseeds in bulk at natural food stores for afraction of what they’ll cost you in alittle shaker jar at the grocery store. Buythem “unhulled” and you’ll get bothmore fiber and more calcium. You canalso get unsweetened coconut flakes atnatural food stores.


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Flaxseed comes from the same plant thatgives us the fabric linen, and it is turningout to be one of the most nutritious seedsthere is. Along with good-qualityprotein, flaxseeds have tons of soluble,cholesterol-reducing fiber and are a richsource of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA),the same fats that make fish so heart-healthy.

Most of the recipes in this book thatuse flaxseed call for it to be ground upinto a coarse meal. You can buy pre-ground flaxseed meal (Bob’s Red Millsells it, among others), but I much preferto grind my own. The simple reason forthis is that the fats in flaxseeds are verystable so long as the seeds are whole,but they go rancid pretty quickly after the

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seed coat is broken.Grinding flaxseed is very easy if you

have a food processor. Simply put theseeds in your ood processor with the S-blade in place, turn on the machine, andforget about it for about 5 minutes. (Yes,it takes that long!) I have heard from afew people that a far better tool is anelectric coffee grinder, though you’llwant to use one you don’t use for coffeeor clean it meticulously of coffee residuebefore using it. You can then add yourflaxseed meal to whatever it is you’recooking.

If you don’t have a food processor ora coffee grinder, you’ll just have to buyflaxseed meal pre-ground. If you do,keep it in an airtight container,

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refrigerate or freeze it, and use it up asquickly as you can.

Nut Butters

The only peanut butter called for in thiscookbook is “natural” peanut butter, thekind made from ground, roasted peanuts,peanut oil, and salt—nothing else. Mostbig grocery stores now carry naturalpeanut butter; it’s the stuff with the layerof oil on top. The oil in standard peanutbutter has been hydrogenated to keep itfrom separating out (that’s what givesbig name-brand peanut butters thatextremely smooth, plastic consistency)and it’s hard to think of anything worsefor you than hydrogenated vegetable oil—except for sugar, of course, which is

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also added to standard peanut butter.Stick to the natural stuff.

Natural food stores carry not onlynatural peanut butter but also almondbutter, sunflower butter, and sesamebutter, generally called “tahini.” All ofthese are useful for low-carbers. Keepall natural nut butters in the refrigeratorunless you’re going to eat them up withina week or two.


Bouillon or Broth Concentrates

Bouillon or broth concentrate comes incubes, crystals, or liquids. It is generallyfull of salt and chemicals, and it doesn’t

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taste notably like the animal itsupposedly came from. It definitely doesnot make a suitable substitute for good-quality broth if you’re making a pot ofsoup. However, these products can beuseful for adding a little kick of flavorhere and there, more as seasonings thanas soups, and for this, I keep them onhand. I use a paste bouillon concentrateproduct called Better Than Bouillon,which comes in both chicken and beefflavors; I do find it preferable to theother kinds. But, use what you have onhand; it should be okay. If you can getthe British product Bovril, it might evenbe better!

Chili Garlic Paste

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This is a traditional Asian ingredient,consisting mostly, as the name stronglyimplies, of hot chilies and garlic. If, likeme, you’re a chili-head, you’ll findendless ways to used the stuff once youhave it on hand. Chili garlic paste comesin jars and keeps for months in therefrigerator. It’s worth seeking out atAsian markets or in the internationalfoods aisle of big grocery stores.

Chipotle Peppers Canned in Adobo Sauce

Chipotle peppers are smoked jalapeños.They’re very different from regularjalapeños, and they’re quite delicious.Look for them, canned in adobo sauce, inthe Mexican foods section of big grocerystores. Because you’re unlikely to use

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the whole can at once, you’ll be happy toknow that you can store your chipotles inthe freezer, where they’ll keep formonths. I just float my can in a bowl ofhot tap water for 5 minutes until it’sthawed enough to peel off one or twopeppers, then I put it right back in thefreezer.

Diet-Rite Tangerine Soda

Just a few recipes in this book call forDiet-Rite tangerine soda. I’ve specifiedDiet-Rite brand because it’s sweetenedwith sucralose (Splenda) rather thanwith aspartame. This is importantbecause aspartame loses its sweetnesswhen heated for any length of time whilesucralose does not. Diet-Rite is

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nationally distributed, I understand, soyou should be able to find it. If you canfind another brand of tangerine- ororange-flavored diet soda that issweetened with sucralose instead ofaspartame, feel free to substitute it (andlet me know!). However, do notsubstitute aspartame-sweetened soda.Your recipe won’t come out right.

Fish Sauce or Nuoc Mam or Nam Pla

This is a salty, fermented seasoningwidely used in Southeast Asian cooking.It’s available in Asian grocery storesand in the Asian food section of biggrocery stores. Grab it when you find it;it keeps nicely without refrigeration.Fish sauce is used in a few (really great)

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recipes in this book, and it adds anauthentic flavor. In a pinch, you cansubstitute soy sauce, although you’ll losesome of your Southeast Asian accent.


Say “fruit two-oh,” as in H2O with fruitflavor added. Fruit2O is a new,nationally distributed beverage lineconsisting of water with natural fruitflavors and a touch of Splenda. It’s awonderful, refreshing thing to drink.More important for our purposes here,however, is the fact that it lets us addfruit flavors to recipes without addingcarbohydrates or calories. You’ll find afew recipes calling for peach-flavored,

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lemon-flavored, and orange-flavoredFruit2O in this book. Look for Fruit2O inthe water aisle of your grocery store.


Garlic is a borderline vegetable. It’sfairly high in carbohydrates, but it’svery, very good for you. Surely you’veheard all about garlic’s nutritionalprowess by now. Garlic also, of course,is an essential flavoring ingredient inmany recipes. However, remember thatthere is an estimated 1 gram ofcarbohydrates per clove, so go easy. A“clove,” by the way, is one of those littleindividual bits you get in a whole garlicbulb. If you read “clove” and use awhole bulb (also called a “head”) of

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garlic, you’ll get lots more carbs—and alot stronger garlic flavor—than youexpected.

I only use fresh garlic, except for inthe occasional recipe that calls for asprinkle-on seasoning blend. Nothingelse tastes like the real thing. To mytaste buds, even the jarred, choppedgarlic in oil doesn’t taste like freshgarlic. And we won’t even talk aboutgarlic powder. You may use jarredgarlic if you like; ½ teaspoon shouldequal about 1 clove of fresh garlic. Ifyou choose to use powdered garlic,well, I can’t stop you, but I’m afraid Ican’t promise the recipes will taste thesame either. Figure that ¼ teaspoon ofgarlic powder is roughly equivalent to 1

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clove of fresh garlic.By the way, the easiest way to crush a

clove or two of garlic is to put the flatside of a big knife on top of it and smashit with your fist. Pick out the paperyskin, which will now be easy, chop yourgarlic a bit more, and toss it into yourdish. Keep in mind that the distinctivegarlic aroma and flavor only developsafter the cell walls are broken (that’swhy a pile of fresh garlic bulbs in thegrocery store doesn’t reek), so the morefinely you crush or mince your garlic, themore flavor it will release.

Fresh Ginger

Many recipes in this book call for freshginger, sometimes called gingerroot.

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Fresh ginger is an essential ingredient inAsian cooking, and dried, powderedginger is not a substitute. Fortunately,fresh ginger freezes beautifully; just dropyour whole gingerroot (called a “hand”of ginger) into a resealable plasticfreezer bag and toss it in the freezer.When the time comes to use it, pull itout, peel enough of the end for yourimmediate purposes, and grate it. (It willgrate just fine while still frozen.) Throwthe remaining root back in the bag andtoss it back in the freezer.

Ground fresh ginger in oil is availablein jars at some very comprehensivegrocery stores. I like freshly gratedginger better, but this jarred ginger willalso work in these recipes.

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Low-Sugar Preserves

In particular, I find low-sugar apricotpreserves to be a wonderfully versatileingredient. I buy Smucker’s brand andlike it very much. This is lower in sugarby far than the “all fruit” preserves,which replace sugar with concentratedfruit juice. Folks, sugar from fruit juiceis still sugar. I also have been known touse low-sugar orange marmalade andlow-sugar raspberry preserves.


If you’ve read my newsletter,Lowcarbezine!, you know that I’m a bigfan of Vege-Sal. What is Vege-Sal? It’sa salt that’s been seasoned, but don’t

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think “seasoned salt.” Vege-Sal is muchmilder than traditional seasoned salt. It’ssimply salt that’s been blended withsome dried, powdered vegetables. Theflavor is quite subtle, but I think itimproves all sorts of things. I’ve givenyou the choice between using regularsalt or Vege-Sal in a wide variety ofrecipes. Don’t worry, they’ll come outfine with plain old salt, but I do thinkVege-Sal adds a little something extra.Vege-Sal is also excellent sprinkledover chops and steaks in place of regularsalt. Vege-Sal is made by ModernProducts and is widely available innatural food stores.


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Blackstrap Molasses

What the heck is molasses doing in alow-carb cookbook? It’s practically allcarbohydrates, after all. Well, yes, butI’ve found that combining Splenda (seepage 28) with a very small amount ofmolasses gives a good brown-sugarflavor to all sorts of recipes. Always usethe darkest molasses you can find; thedarker it is, the stronger the flavor andthe lower the carb count. That’s why Ispecify blackstrap—the darkest,strongest molasses there is. It’s nice toknow that blackstrap is also where allthe minerals they take out of sugar endup, so it may be full of carbs, but at leastit’s not a nutritional wasteland. Still, I

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only use small amounts.Most natural food stores carry

blackstrap molasses, but if you can’t findit, always buy the darkest molassesavailable, keeping in mind that mostgrocery store brands come in both lightand dark varieties.

Why not use some of the artificialbrown sugar–flavored sweeteners outthere? Because I’ve tried them, and Ihaven’t tasted even one I would bewilling to buy again. Ick.


Polyols, also known as sugar alcohols,are widely used in sugar-free candiesand cookies. There are a variety ofpolyols, and their names all end with

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“tol”: sorbitol, maltitol, mannitol,lactitol, xylitol, and the like. (Okay,there’s one exception: isomalt. I don’tknow what happened there.) Polyols are,indeed, carbohydrates, but they arecarbohydrates that are made up ofmolecules that are too big for the humangut to digest or absorb easily. As aresult, polyols don’t create much rise inblood sugar, nor much of an insulinrelease.

This does not, however, mean thatpolyols are completely unabsorbed. Ihave seen charts of the relativeabsorption rates of the various polyols,and I am here to tell you that you do,indeed, absorb carbohydrates from thesesweeteners, in varying degrees. Sadly,

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the highest absorption rate seems to befor maltitol, which is the most widelyused of the polyols. You absorb about2.5 calories for every gram of maltitolyou eat. Since you would absorb 4calories for a gram of sugar, simplearithmetic tells us that you’re absorbingmore than half of the carbohydrate in themaltitol you eat.

Why do manufacturers use polyolsinstead of sucralose (Splenda)? Polyolsare used in commercial sugar-freesweets because, unlike Splenda andother artificial sweeteners, they willgive all of the textures that can beachieved with sugar. Polyols can beused to make crunchy toffee, chewy jellybeans, slick hard candies, moist

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brownies, and creamy chocolate, just assugar can.

However, there are one or twoproblems with polyols. First of all, thereis some feeling that different peoplehave differing abilities to digest andabsorb these very long-chaincarbohydrates, which means that forsome people, they may cause more of aderangement of blood sugar than forothers. Once again, my only advice is topay attention to your body.

The other problem with polyols is onethat is inherent in all indigestible,unabsorbable carbohydrates: they cancause gas and diarrhea. Unabsorbedcarbs ferment in your gut, you see, withintestinal gas as a result; it’s the exact

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same thing that happens when people eatbeans. I find that even half of a low-carbchocolate bar is enough to cause mesocial embarrassment several hourslater. And I know of a case where eatinga dozen and a half sugar-free taffiesbefore bed caused the hapless consumerforty-five minutes of serious gut-cramping intestinal distress at four in themorning.

Don’t think, by the way, that you canget around these effects of polyolconsumption by taking enzymes that helpyou digest complex carbohydrates, suchas Beano. It will work, but it will workby making the carbohydrates digestibleand absorbable—meaning that any low-carb advantage is gone. I’ve known folks

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who have gained weight this way.What we have here, then, is a

sweetener that enforces moderation.Personally, I think this is a wonderfulthing!

Polyols have become available for thehome cook. I have started to use them inmy recipes, because they do, indeed,offer a textural advantage. In particular,my cookie recipes were often toocrumbly and sometimes too dry. Polyolssolve this problem.

However, I have become increasinglywary of using polyols in any greatquantity, because I am convinced weabsorb more carbohydrate from themthan the food processors want to let on.So here’s what I do: When I feel that

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adding polyol sweetener to a recipe willimprove the texture, I use just enough ofthe sweetener to get the effect I want,and then I add Splenda to bring therecipe up to the level of sweetness I’mlooking for. This has worked very wellfor me. It also makes the resulting foodeasier on both your gut and your bloodsugar than it would be if I’d used allpolyol.

I use erythritol whenever possible, inpreference to maltitol, isomalt, or any ofthe other granular polyols. Why?Because erythritol has the lowestdigestion and absorption rate of all thepolyols—you get only 0.3 calories pergram of erythritol, which tells us thatwe’re absorbing very little indeed.

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Erythritol also seems to be easier on thegut than the other polyols.

There are, however, recipes where Iuse other polyols. I use sugar-free darkchocolate not infrequently (and if youhaven’t tried the sugar-free chocolateyet, you’re missing something!). I alsouse sugar-free pancake syrup and thenew sugar-free imitation honey.Obviously, with these products, I’mstuck with whichever polyol themanufacturer used.

I also have found one application inwhich I can get only maltitol to work:Chocolate sauce. I have tried repeatedlyto make a decent no-sugar-addedchocolate sauce with erythritol, and itsimply isn’t happening. The stuff starts

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out looking all right, but as soon as itcools, it turns grainy on me. Maltitolmakes a perfectly textured chocolatesauce. So for that purpose alone, I keepa little maltitol in my pantry.

I confess, I am at a loss as to how tocount the carbohydrate grams thatpolyols add to my recipes, since I can’tknow which of the polyol sweetenersyou’ll be using, and they do, indeed,have differing absorption rates.Therefore, I have left them out of thenutritional analyses in this cookbook,which puts me on the same footing as thefood processors, I guess. I havementioned this in the recipe analyses. Beaware that you’re probably getting atleast a few grams of extra carb per

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serving in these recipes.


Splenda is the latest artificial sweetenerto hit the market, and it blows all of thecompetition clear out of the water! Feednondieting friends and family Splenda-sweetened desserts, and they will neverknow that you didn’t use sugar. It tastesthat good.

Splenda has some other advantages.The table sweetener has been bulked sothat it measures just like sugar, spoon-for-spoon and cup-for-cup. This makesadapting recipes much easier. Also,Splenda stands up to heat, unlikeaspartame, which means you can use itfor baked goods and other things that are

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heated for a while.Be aware that Splenda granular—the

stuff that comes in bulk in a box or thenew “Baker’s Bag”—is different thanthe stuff that comes in the little packets.The stuff in the packets is considerablysweeter—one packet equals 2 teaspoonsgranular. Whenever the ingredients listsays only “Splenda,” it means Splendagranular, the stuff you buy in bulk.

However, Splenda is not completelycarb-free. Because of the maltodextrinused to bulk it, Splenda has about 0.5gram of carbohydrates per teaspoon, orabout of the carbohydrates of sugar. Socount half a gram per teaspoon, 1½grams per tablespoon (1.5 g), and 24grams per cup (25 g). At this writing,

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McNeil, the company that makesSplenda, has no plans to release liquidSplenda in the United States, but I amhoping that they will change their minds.The liquid, available in some foreigncountries, is carb-free. So while it willtake a little more finesse to figure outquantities, it will also allow me to slashthe carb counts of all sorts of recipesstill further! Stay tuned.

Stevia/FOS Blend

Stevia is short for Stevia rebaudiana, aSouth American shrub with very sweetleaves. Stevia extract, a white powderfrom stevia leaves, is growing inpopularity with people who don’t careto eat sugar but who are nervous about

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artificial sweeteners.However, stevia extract has a couple

of faults: First, it’s so extremely sweetthat it’s hard to know just how much touse in any given recipe. Second, it oftenhas a bitter taste as well as a sweet one.This is why some smart food packagershave started blending stevia withfructooligosaccharide, also known asFOS. FOS is a sugar, but it’s a sugarwith a molecule so large that humans canneither digest nor absorb it, so it doesn’traise blood sugar or cause an insulinrelease. FOS has a nice, mild sweetnessto it; indeed, it’s only half as sweet astable sugar. This makes it the perfectpartner for the too-sweet stevia.

This stevia/FOS blend is called for in

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just a few recipes in this book. It isavailable in many natural food stores,both in packets and in shaker jars. Thebrand I use is called SteviaPlus, and it’sfrom a company called Sweet Leaf, butany stevia/FOS blend should do for therecipes that call for it.

My favorite use for this stevia/FOSblend, by the way, is to sweeten myyogurt. I think it tastes quite good, andFOS actually helps the good bacteriatake hold in your gut, improving yourhealth.

Sugar-Free Imitation Honey

This is one of those “I knew low carbhad really hit the mainstream when . . .”products. I knew we were mainstream

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when my grocery store started carryingsugar-free imitation honey! This is apolyol syrup with flavoring added tomake it taste like honey, and the two I’vetried, one by Honey Tree and the otherby Steele’s, are not bad imitations.

Sugar-free imitation honey isbecoming more and more available, anda useful little product it is—in bakedgoods it adds some extra moisture, whilein things like barbecue sauces it adds thefamiliar syrupy quality. I can get sugar-free imitation honey here in Bloomingtonat my local Marsh grocery store, andI’ve heard that Wal-Mart now carries abrand. For that matter, many of the low-carb online retailers carry Steele’sbrand of imitation honey. In short, it

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shouldn’t be too hard to get your handson some.

Remember that sugar-free imitationhoney is pretty much pure polyol. Slatherit on your low-carb pancakes or biscuitswith too free a hand, and you’ll pay theprice in gastric distress.

Sugar-Free Pancake Syrup

This is actually easy to find; all my localgrocery stores carry it—indeed, theyhave more than one brand. It’s usuallywith the regular pancake syrup, but itmay be lurking with the diabetic or dietfoods. It’s just like regular pancakesyrup, only it’s made from polyolsinstead of sugar. I use it in smallquantities in a few recipes to get a maple

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Several recipes in this book call foravocados. Be aware that the little, black,rough-skinned California avocados arelower in carbohydrate (and higher inhealthy monounsaturated fat) than the biggreen Florida avocados. All nutritionalanalyses were done assuming you usedCalifornia avocados.


Because carrots have a higher glycemicindex than many vegetables, a lot of

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low-carbers have started avoiding themwith great zeal. But while carrots dohave a fairly high blood sugar impact,you’d have to eat pounds of them to getthe quantity that is used to test with. Sodon’t freak when you see a carrot usedhere and there in these recipes, okay?I’ve kept the quantities small, justenough to add flavor, color, and a fewvitamins. There’s certainly not enough totorpedo your diet.

Frozen Vegetables

You’ll notice that many of these recipescall for frozen vegetables, particularlybroccoli, green beans, and cauliflower. Iuse these because I find them veryconvenient, and I think that the quality is

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quite good. If you like, you may certainlysubstitute fresh vegetables in any recipe.You will need to adjust the cookingtime, and if the recipe calls for thevegetable to be used thawed but notcooked, you’ll need to “blanch” yourvegetables by boiling them for just threeto five minutes.

It’s important to know that frozenvegetables are not immortal, no matterhow good your freezer is. Don’t buymore than you can use up in four to sixweeks, even if they’re on sale. You’llend up throwing them away.


Onions are borderline vegetables.They’re certainly higher in

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carbohydrates than, say, lettuce orcucumbers. However, they’re loadedwith valuable phytochemicals, so they’revery healthful, and of course they add anunmatched flavor to all sorts of foods.Therefore I use onions a lot, but I try touse the smallest quantity that will givethe desired flavor. Indeed, one of themost common things I do to cut carbcounts on “borrowed” recipes is to cutback on the amount of onion used. If youhave serious diabetes, you’ll want towatch your quantities of onions prettycarefully, and maybe even cut backfurther on the amounts I’ve given.

Different types of onions are good fordifferent things. There are mild onions,which are best used raw, and there are

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stronger onions, which are what youwant if you’re going to be cooking them.My favorite mild onions are sweet redonions; these are widely available, andyou’ll see I’ve used them quite a lot inthe recipes here. However, if you prefer,you can substitute Vidalia or Bermudaonions anywhere I’ve specified sweetred onions. Scallions, also known asgreen onions, also are mild and are besteaten raw or quickly cooked in stir-fries.To me, scallions have their own flavor,and I generally don’t substitute for them,but your kitchen won’t blow up oranything if you use another sort of sweetonion in their place.

When a recipe simply says “onion,”what I’m talking about is good old

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yellow globe onions, the ones you canbuy 3 to 5 pounds at a time in net sacks.You’ll be doing yourself a favor if youpick a sack with smallish onions in it sothat when a recipe calls for just a ¼ or½ cup (40 or 80 g) of chopped onion,you won’t be left with half an onion. Forthe record, when I say “small onion,” Imean one about 1½ inches (3.8 cm) indiameter, or about ¼ to cup (40 to 50g) when chopped. A medium onionwould be about 2 inches (5 cm) indiameter and would yield between ½and ¾ cup (80 and 120 g) whenchopped. A large onion would be 2½ to3 inches (6.3 to 7.5 cm) across andwould yield about 1 cup (160 g) whenchopped. Personally, I’m not so

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obsessive about exact carb counts that Ibother to measure every scrap of onion Iput in a dish; I think in terms of small,medium, and large onions, instead. If youprefer to be more exact, that’s up to you.

Tomatoes and Tomato Products

Tomatoes are another borderlinevegetable, but like onions, they are sonutritious, so flavorful, and so versatilethat I’m reluctant to leave them out oflow-carb cuisine entirely. After all,lycopene, the pigment that makestomatoes red, has been shown to be apotent cancer-fighter, and who wants tomiss out on something like that?

You’ll notice that I call for cannedtomatoes in a fair number of recipes,

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even in some where fresh tomatoesmight do. This is because fresh tomatoesaren’t very good for much of the year,whereas canned tomatoes are all cannedat the height of ripeness. I’d rather havea good canned tomato in my sauce orsoup than a mediocre fresh one. Sincecanned tomatoes are generally used withall the liquid that’s in the can, thenutritional content doesn’t suffer the wayit does with most canned vegetables.

I also use plain canned tomato sauce,canned pizza sauce, canned pasta sauce,and jarred salsa. When choosing theseproducts, you need to be aware thattomatoes, for some reason, inspire foodpackers to flights of sugar-fancy. Theyadd sugar, corn syrup, and other carb-

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laden sweeteners to all sorts of tomatoproducts, so it is very important that youread the labels on all tomato-basedproducts to find the ones with no addedsugar. And keep on reading them, evenafter you know what’s in them. Thegood, cheap brand of salsa I used forquite a while showed up one day with“New, Improved!” on the label. Can youguess how they improved it? Right—they added sugar. So I found a newbrand.

Here is a small note on ketchup:Commercially-made low-carb ketchup isnow available and is often lower carbthan my version. All recipes containingketchup in this book are based on thenutritional analysis of my ketchup

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All of the bread recipes in this bookwere developed using plain old activedry yeast, not “bread machine yeast” andcertainly not “rapid rise” yeast. Indeed,one of my testers had some spectacularfailures using rapid rise yeast in herbread machine with one of my recipes,but the recipe worked brilliantly foranother tester who used regular yeast.

The best place to buy yeast is at agood natural food store, where yeast isgenerally available in bulk for a tinyfraction of what it would cost you inlittle packets at the grocery store. Yeast

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should be stored in a cooler at thenatural food store and the refrigerator athome.

One last note: Don’t buy more yeastthan you’re likely to use up in four to sixweeks. It will eventually die on you, andyou’ll end up with dough that won’t rise.When you’re using expensiveingredients, like we do, this is almostmore than a body can bear.

Yogurt and Buttermilk

Yogurt and buttermilk both fall into thecategory of “cultured milks”—milk thathas deliberately had a particularbacteria added to it and then been keptwarm until the bacteria grows. These

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bacteria give yogurt and buttermilk theircharacteristic thick textures and tangyflavors.

If you look at the label of either ofthese cultured milk products, you’ll seethat the nutrition label claims 12 gramsof carbohydrates per cup (and by theway, 8 grams of protein). This is thesame carbohydrate count as the milkthese products are made from. For thisreason, many low-carbers avoid yogurtand buttermilk.

However, in GO-Diet, Dr. Goldbergand Dr. O’Mara explain that in actuality,most of the lactose (milk sugar) in themilk is converted into lactic acid by thebacteria. This is what gives these foodstheir sour taste. According to the

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doctors, the labels say “12 gramscarbohydrate” largely becausecarbohydrate count is determined by“difference.” What this means is that thecalorie count is determined first. Thenthe protein and fat fractions aremeasured, and the number of caloriesthey contribute is calculated. Anycalories left over are assumed to comefrom carbohydrate.

However, Goldberg and O’Mara saythat this is inaccurate in the cases ofyogurt and buttermilk, and they say weshould count just 4 grams ofcarbohydrates per cup for these culturedmilks. Accordingly, I have added themback to my diet, and I have had notrouble with them, meaning no weight

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gain and no triggering of “blood sugarhunger.” I really enjoy yogurt as a snack!Based on this, the carb counts in thisbook are calculated using that 4-grams-of-carbohydrates-per-cup figure.

Keep in mind that these numbers onlyapply to plain yogurt. The sweetenedkind is always higher in carbohydrate. Ifyou like fruit-flavored yogurt, flavor ityourself. You’ll find a recipe for makingyour own plain yogurt, easy as pie, inChapter 4, but any store-bought plainyogurt is fine.

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Florida Sunshine Smoothie

Mixed citrus flavors really sing togetherto make this smoothie a dose of morningsunshine in a glass.Combine all of theingredients in your blender and blenduntil smooth and well combined.

1 cup (245 g) plain non-fat yogurt½ cup (120 ml) Carb Countdown

dairy beverage¼ teaspoon pink grapefruit

sugar-free drink mix powder teaspoon orange sugar-freedrink mix powder

teaspoon sugar-free lemonade

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Combine all of the ingredients in yourblender and blend until smooth and wellcombined.

Yield: 1 serving

Each with 19 g protein, 5 gcarbohydrate, 0 g dietary fiber, 5 gusable carbs.

Honeydew Lime Cooler

1 cup (245 g) plain non-fat yogurt½ cup (120 ml) Carb Countdown

dairy beverage½ cup (90 g) honeydew melon

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chunks or balls, frozen¼ teaspoon lemon-lime sugar-

free drink mix powderGuar or xanthan

Combine all of the ingredients in yourblender and blend until smooth and wellcombined.

Yield: 1 serving

Each with 19 g protein, 5 gcarbohydrate, 0 g dietary fiber, 5 gusable carbs.

Peach-Orange Pleasure

1 cup (245 g) plain non-fat yogurt

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½ cup (120 ml) Carb Countdowndairy beverage

½ cup (125 g) sliced peaches,frozen

½ teaspoon orange sugar-freedrink mix powder

½ teaspoon guar or xanthan

Combine all of the ingredients in yourblender and blend until smooth and wellcombined.

Yield: 1 serving

Each with 20 g protein, 15 gcarbohydrate, 2 g dietary fiber, 13 gusable carbs.

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Apple Pie Smoothie

This smoothie is cinnamon-apple spicy,and the vanilla protein powder adds thatà la mode note!

1 cup (245 g) plain non-fat yogurt½ cup (120 ml) Carb Countdown

dairy beverage2 tablespoons (16 g) vanilla whey

protein powder2 tablespoons (28 ml) green apple

sugar-free syrup¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon1 pinch ground cloves

Combine all of the ingredients in yourblender and blend until smooth and well

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Yield: 1 serving

Each with 41 g protein, 8 gcarbohydrate, 1 g dietary fiber, 7 gusable carbs.


If you’d like to make this even moremixed-melon-y, use half cantaloupe andhalf honeydew, but the color won’t be aspretty.

1 cup (245 g) plain non-fat yogurt½ cup (120 ml) Carb Countdown

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dairy beverage½ cup (90 g) cantaloupe chunks

or balls, frozen 2 tablespoons(28 ml) watermelon sugar-freesyrup

Guar or xanthan

Combine all of the ingredients in yourblender and blend until smooth and wellcombined.

Yield: 1 serving

Each with 20 g protein, 12 gcarbohydrate, 1 g dietary fiber, 11 gusable carbs.

Cherry Vanilla Sundae in a

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Do you love cherry-vanilla ice cream?Try this smoothie!

½ cup (70 g) no-sugar-addedvanilla ice cream

1½ cups (355 ml) CarbCountdown dairy beverage

¼ cup (30 g) canned sour cherriesin water, drained

2 tablespoons (16 g) vanilla wheyprotein powder

1 tablespoon (15 ml) cherrysugar-free syrup

½ teaspoon vanilla extract Guaror xanthan

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Combine all of the ingredients in yourblender and blend until smooth and wellcombined.

Yield: 1 serving

Each with 40 g protein, 13 gcarbohydrate, 1 g dietary fiber, 12 gusable carbs. *The carb count does notinclude the polyols in the sugar-free icecream or syrup.

Razzleberry Smoothie

1 cup (245 g) plain non-fat yogurt½ cup (120 ml) Carb Countdown

dairy beverage cup (85 g) raspberries, frozen

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2 tablespoons (30 ml) strawberrysugar-free syrup

Combine all of the ingredients in yourblender and blend until smooth and wellcombined.

Yield: 1 serving

Each with 19 g protein, 10 gcarbohydrate, 3 g dietary fiber, 7 gusable carbs. Carb count does notinclude polyol in syrup.

Strawberry-Kiwi Sparkler

You got your kiwi-strawberry soda, yougot your strawberries, you got your kiwi.

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What could be easier? Fortunately, thecombination of colors doesn’t turn thissmoothie brown. I was a little worriedabout that.

1 cup (245 g) plain non-fat yogurt½ cup (120 ml) kiwi-strawberry

Diet Rite soda½ kiwi fruit, peeled (I didn’t

bother to freeze mine.)5 medium strawberries, frozen

Combine all of the ingredients in yourblender and blend until smooth and wellcombined.

Yield: 1 serving

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Each with 14 g protein, 14 gcarbohydrate, 3 g dietary fiber, 11 gusable carbs.

Blueberry Pancakes in aGlass

I figured if blueberries are good inpancakes, with syrup and all, why not trythe same flavors in a smoothie?

1 cup (245 g) plain non-fat yogurt½ cup (120 ml) Carb Countdown

dairy beverage½ cup (75 g) blueberries, frozen2 tablespoons (30 ml) sugar-free

pancake syrup

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¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon

Combine all of the ingredients in yourblender and blend until smooth and wellcombined.

Yield: 1 serving

Each with 19 g protein, 16 gcarbohydrate, 2 g dietary fiber, 14 gusable carbs.* The carb count does notinclude the polyols in the sugar-freepancake syrup.

The King’s Smoothie

Reportedly, Elvis’s favorite food wasfried peanut-butter-and-banana

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sandwiches on white bread. If he’ddrunk these instead, he would have beenhealthier!

1½ cups (355 ml) CarbCountdown dairy beverage

3 tablespoons (50 g) naturalpeanut butter

2 tablespoons (16 g) vanilla wheyprotein powder

2 tablespoons (30 ml) bananasugar-free syrup

Guar or xanthan

Combine all of the ingredients in yourblender and blend until smooth and wellcombined.

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Yield: 1 serving

Each with 49 g protein, 17 gcarbohydrate, 4 g dietary fiber, 13 gusable carbs.

Hazelnut-Amaretto FrozenLatte

This is nutty-good. Atkins makeshazelnut syrup, and DaVinci makesamaretto syrup.

½ cup (70 g) no-sugar-addedvanilla ice cream

1 cup (240 ml) Carb Countdowndairy beverage

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1 tablespoon (8 g) vanilla wheyprotein powder

1½ teaspoons instant coffeegranules

1 tablespoon (15 ml) hazelnutsugar-free syrup

1 tablespoon (15 ml) amarettosugar-free syrup Guar orxanthan

Combine all of the ingredients in yourblender and blend until smooth and wellcombined.

Yield: 1 serving

Each with 23 g protein, 5 gcarbohydrate, trace dietary fiber, 5 g

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usable carbs. Carb count does notinclude polyol in syrups.

Almond Joy in a Glass

Make this without the almond extract ifyou like for a Mounds smoothie.

1½ cups (360 ml) chocolate-flavored Carb Countdowndairy beverage

2 tablespoons (16 g) chocolatewhey protein powder

2 tablespoons (10 g) unsweetenedcocoa powder

¼ teaspoon almond extract¼ teaspoon coconut extract

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Combine all of the ingredients in yourblender and blend until smooth and wellcombined.

Yield: 1 serving

Each with 24 g protein, 8 gcarbohydrate, 4 g dietary fiber, 4 gusable carbs.

Death by Chocolate

I put every chocolate ingredient I had onhand in this. Not surprisingly, it wasgreat!

½ cup (70 g) no-sugar-addedchocolate ice cream

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1½ cups (360 ml) chocolate-flavored Carb Countdowndairy beverage

2 tablespoons (16 g) chocolatewhey protein powder

2 tablespoons (30 ml) chocolatesugar-free syrup

2 tablespoons (10 g) unsweetenedcocoa powder

Combine all of the ingredients in yourblender and blend until smooth and wellcombined.

Yield: 1 serving

Each with 24 g protein, 8 gcarbohydrate, 4 g dietary fiber, 4 g

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usable carbs. Carb count does notinclude polyol in syrup.

Root Beer Float

My sister keeps IBC Sugar-Free RootBeer and Dreyer’s Vanilla No-Sugar-Added Ice Cream in the house for thispurpose and this purpose alone.

1 small scoop vanilla no-sugar-added ice cream or 1 servingAtkins Endulge Super PremiumIce Cream, vanilla flavor

1 can or bottle (12 ounces, or 360ml) sugar-free root beer, wellchilled

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Each Put the ice cream in a large glassor mug and pour the root beer over it.Serve with straws and a long-handledspoon.

Yield: 1 serving

The carb count will depend on yourbrand of no-sugar-added ice cream.

Chocolate Float

If you can get chocolate-flavored dietsoda in your region, this is a nice variantof the Root Beer Float.

1 small scoop vanilla no-sugar-added ice cream or 1 serving

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Atkins Endulge Super PremiumIce Cream, vanilla flavor

1 can (12 ounces, or 360 ml)sugar-free chocolate-fudgeflavored soda, well chilled

Put the ice cream in a large glass or mugand pour the soda over it. Serve with astraw and a long-handled spoon.

Yield: 1 serving

The carb count will depend on yourbrand of no-sugar-added ice cream.

Canfield’s makes diet chocolate-fudgeflavored soda. If you can’t find it in alocal grocery store, there are severalwebsites that sell it. Be aware, however,

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that this is one of those love-it-or-hate-itproducts. Faygo also makes a chocolatesoda.

Dreamsicle Float

If you were a fan of Dreamsicles as akid, you’ll love this float!

1 small scoop no-sugar-addedvanilla ice cream or 1 servingAtkins Endulge Super PremiumIce Cream, vanilla flavor

1 can (12 ounces, or 360 ml)sugar-free orange soda, wellchilled

Put the ice cream in a large glass or mug

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and pour the soda over it. Serve with astraw and a long-handled spoon.

Yield: 1 serving

The carb count will depend on yourbrand of no-sugar-added ice cream.

Farmer’s Soda

This is simpler than a float and a bitlower carb.

¼ cup (60 ml) heavy cream1 can (12 ounces, or 360 ml)

sugar-free soda, flavor of yourchoice, well chilled

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Simply pour the cream into the bottom ofa large glass and pour the soda over it.

Yield: 1 serving

3 grams of carbohydrates, no fiber, andno protein.

Cyndy Riser’s Spiced Tea

This is a low-carb version of an oldfavorite

1 package sugar-free Tang(makes 6 quarts [5.7 L])

cup (80 g) instant tea mix2 packages sugar-free lemonade

(each makes 2 quarts [1.9 L])

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1 tablespoon (6.3 g) groundcloves

1 tablespoon (6.9 g) groundcinnamon

2 cups (50 g) Splenda

Mix all ingredients. Store it in an airtightcontainer. Add 1 heaping teaspoon to 1cup (240 ml) hot water.

Yield: 40 servings

Each with trace protein; 1 gcarbohydrate; trace dietary fiber; 1 gusable carb.

Spices can be adjusted to taste. Cindylikes a little more cinnamon and clovesthan indicated. However, my family

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likes it just the way it is.

Sweet Tea

Sweet tea—iced tea with plenty of sugarin it—is the default summer beverage inthe South. Here are the proportions formaking a big pitcher of this classic,without the sugar.

6 cups (1.5 L) water4 family-sized tea bags1 cup (25 g) SplendaWater to fill

Bring the 6 cups (1.5 L) of water to aboil in a saucepan and then add the teabags. Let it simmer for just a minute and

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then remove from heat and let it sit forabout 10 minutes. Remove the tea bags,squeezing them out in the process.

Add the Splenda and stir briefly todissolve. Now pour this concentrate intoa 1-gallon (3.8-L) pitcher and fill withwater. Serve over ice!

Yield: Makes 16 servings of 8 ounces(240 ml) each

3 grams of carbohydrate, a trace of fiber,a trace of protein.

Do you want to make this virtually zerocarb? Order some Zero Carb Syrup BaseConcentrate— a concentrated liquidform of Splenda— If you want a

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version with no artificial sweeteners,you can try using stevia; I know peoplewho like stevia even better than sugar orSplenda in iced tea. I favor a blend ofstevia extract and FOS (a naturallyoccurring long-chain sugar too big to bedigested by the human gut) called SteviaPlus—look for it at natural food stores.The label says 2 tablespoons equals 1cup of sugar in sweetness, but I’d tasteas you go.


This is for those of you who are able toconsume raw eggs. My husband wouldgladly have this for breakfast every day!

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3 eggs ½ cup (120 ml) heavycream

½ cup (120 ml) half-and-half2 tablespoons (3 g) Splenda1 teaspoon vanilla extractPinch of saltPinch of nutmeg

Put the eggs, heavy cream, half-and-half,Splenda, vanilla, and salt in a blenderand run it for 30 seconds or so. Pour intoglasses, sprinkle a little nutmeg on top,and drink up.

Yield: 2 servings

Each with 9 grams of carbohydrates, nofiber, and 11 grams of protein.

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Cooked Eggnog

This is for you folks who cannotconsume a raw egg—and it’s mightytasty, too. It just takes more work.

2 cups (475 ml) half-and-half1 cup (240 ml) heavy cream¼ cup (6 g) Splenda 1 teaspoon

vanilla extract¼ teaspoon salt6 eggs1 cup (240 ml) waterPinch of nutmeg

In a big glass measuring cup, combinethe half-and-half and cream. Microwaveit at 70 percent power for 3 to 4 minutes

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or until it’s very warm through but notboiling. (This is simply a time-saver andis not essential; if you prefer, you cansimply heat the half-and-half and creamover a low flame in the saucepan you’lluse to finish the recipe.)

After microwaving, pour the half-and-half mixture into a heavy-bottomedsaucepan and whisk in the Splenda,vanilla, salt, and eggs. Turn the burner tolowest heat (if you have a heat diffuseror a double boiler, this would be a goodtime to use it) and stand there and stiryour eggnog constantly until it’s thickenough to coat a metal spoon with a thinfilm. This will, I’m sorry to say, take atleast 5 minutes and maybe as many as20.

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Stir in the water and chill. Sprinkle alittle nutmeg on each serving and feelfree to spike this, if you like!

Yield: About 6 servings of 1 cup (240ml)

Each with 5 grams of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 9 grams of protein.


My darling friend Nicole is a devotee ofthis spiced Indian tea. She suggested Icome up with a low-carb version, andhere it is. Make up a batch, and yourwhole house will smell wonderful.

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1 tablespoon (6 g) fennel seed oranise seed

6 green cardamom pods12 whole cloves1 cinnamon stick¼ inch (6 mm) of fresh ginger

root, thinly sliced¼ teaspoon whole black

peppercorns2 bay leaves7 cups (1.7 L) water2 tablespoons (13.5 g) loose

Darjeeling tea cup (8 g) Splenda tablespoon blackstrap molasses

½ cup (120 ml) heavy creammixed with ½ cup (120 ml)

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water, or 1 cup (240 ml) half-and-half

Combine the fennel, cardamom, cloves,cinnamon, ginger, peppercorns, bay leaf,and water. Bring this to a simmer, andlet it simmer for 5 minutes.

Add the tea, turn off the heat, cover,and let the mixture steep for 10 minutes.

Strain and stir in the Splenda,molasses, and cream. You canrefrigerate this for a day or two andreheat it in the microwave whenever youwant a cup.

Yield: 8 servings of 1 cup (240 ml)each.

Made with heavy cream, each serving

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will have about 7 grams ofcarbohydrates, no fiber (you’ve strainedit out), and 2 grams of protein. Madewith half-and-half, it’ll have 8 grams ofcarbs, no fiber, and 2 grams of protein.


The lowest carbohydrate hot chocolatemix on the market is Swiss Miss Diet,but this is much better.

1 cup (240 ml) heavy cream1 cup (240 ml) water2 tablespoons (11 g) unsweetened

cocoa powder1½ or 2 tablespoons (2 or 3 g)


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2 tablespoons (16 g) vanilla wheyprotein powder

Tiny pinch of salt

Over the lowest possible heat (it doesn’thurt to use a heat diffuser or a double-boiler) combine the cream and water.When they’re starting to get warm, addthe cocoa, Splenda, protein powder, andsalt; whisk until well combined. Bringjust barely to a simmer and then pourinto cups.

Yield: 2 servings

Each with 10 grams of carbohydratesand 2 grams of fiber, for a total of 8grams of usable carbs and 15 grams of

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The amount of protein in this cocoameans that a cup of this doesn’t make abad breakfast. And for grownups, this isvery nice with a shot of Mockahlua orMochahlua (page 46) in it—but not inthe morning!

Hot Cinnamon Mocha

Assemble this in your slow cookerbefore going skating, caroling, or to afootball game and have a winter partywaiting when you get home!

½ gallon (1.9 L) chocolate-flavored Carb Countdown

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dairy beverage2 cinnamon sticks3 tablespoons (9 g) instant coffee

granules1½ teaspoons vanilla extract

Combine everything in your slow cookerand give it a stir. Cover the slow cooker,set it to high, and let it cook for 3 hours.Turn the slow cooker to low and servefrom the slow cooker.

If it’s a grown-up party, put a bottle ofMockahlua (page 46) on the side forspiking!

Yield: 10 servings

Each with 10 g protein, 5 g

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carbohydrate, 2 g dietary fiber, 3 gusable carbs.

Creamy Vanilla Coffee

Reader Honey Ashton sends this sweetlittle treat and says it’s also good iced.

1 hot cup (240 ml) decaffeinatedcoffee

2 tablespoons (56 g) low-carbvanilla shake meal-replacement powder

1 to 2 teaspoons sugar-freevanilla coffee-flavoring syrup

Cinnamon (optional)

Combine the coffee, vanilla shake

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powder, and coffee-flavoring syrup.Garnish with cinnamon (if using).

Yield: 1 serving

Each No more than 2 grams ofcarbohydrates, no fiber, and no protein.Carb count does not include polyol insyrup.

Irish Coffee

If you’re having this after dinner, youmay want to use decaf instead of regularcoffee.

2 ounces (60 ml) Irish whisky6 ounces (170 ml) hot coffee

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1 to 2 teaspoons Splenda1 tablespoon Whipped Topping

(page 552)

Put the whisky into a stemmed Irishcoffee glass or a mug. Fill with coffee.Stir in Splenda and top with whippedcream.

Yield: 1 serving

Each 2 grams of carbohydrates, no fiber,and only a trace of protein.

Café Chantilly

This is a classic!

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1 tablespoon (15 ml) cognac4 ounces (120 ml) brewed coffeeUnsweetened whipped cream

(Whip chilled heavy cream byitself with an electric mixer.)

Just stir the cognac into the coffee, topwith a dollop of whipped cream, andserve.

Yield: 1 serving, with just 1 gram ofcarbohydrates, no fiber, and no protein.

Each serving has only 65 calories!

Mexican Coffee

Traditionally this is made with

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pilloncillo sugar— Mexican brownsugar—and milk, but that’s too manycarbs for us. Here’s the reduced-carbversion.

6 ounces (170 ml) brewed coffee2 to 3 tablespoons (30 to 45 ml)

heavy cream2 teaspoons Splenda2 drops blackstrap molasses*Tiny pinch of ground cinnamonTiny pinch of ground cloves

Pour the coffee and stir in the cream,Splenda, and molasses. Sprinkle thespices over the top and serve.

Yield: 1 serving

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3 grams of carbohydrates, the meresttrace of fiber, and 1 gram of protein.

*It helps to keep your blackstrapmolasses in a squeeze bottle. I buy minein bulk from my natural food store andkeep it in one of those “honey bears.”

Café Vienna

This is either coffee for chocolate loversor chocolate for coffee lovers.

6 ounces (170 ml) brewed coffee2 tablespoons (30 ml) sugar-free

chocolate coffee flavoringsyrup

2 tablespoons (30 ml) heavy

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creamTiny pinch of ground cinnamon

Pour the coffee, stir in the chocolatesyrup and heavy cream, dust thecinnamon over the top, and serve.

Yield: 1 serving

Assuming you use Atkins or Da Vincicoffee flavoring syrup (which are madewith Splenda instead of polyols), thiswill have 2 grams of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 1 gram of protein.

If you’d like to spiff this up for company,use whipped cream (see WhippedTopping on page 552) instead of theplain heavy cream.

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Chocolate Orange Coffee

I came up with this one morning whenmy husband was out of cream for hiscoffee—it kept me from having to runout to the store before breakfast, and heloved it!

6 ounces (170 ml) brewed coffee1 tablespoon (15 ml) sugar-free

chocolate coffee flavoringsyrup

1 or 2 drops orange extract

Pour the coffee and stir in the syrup andthe extract. That’s all!

Yield: 1 serving

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Again assuming you use Atkins or DaVinci brand syrup, you’ll have just 1gram of carbohydrates here, no fiber,and no protein.

Café Incontro

This is for adults only, of course!

6 ounces (170 ml) brewed coffee1 scant shot (about 1 ounce, 28

ml) dark rum2 teaspoons sugar-free chocolate

coffee flavoring syrupSplenda to taste, if desired

Pour the coffee, add the rum, syrup, andSplenda, and serve. That’s all!

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Yield: 1 serving

Just 1 gram of carbohydrates (again,we’re talking the Atkins or Da Vincisyrup), no fiber, and no protein. Add 0.5grams of carbohydrates for eachteaspoon of Splenda you add.

Kay’s Hot Rum Toddy

This a delicious winter libation is foradults only! The rum is carb-free, but itwill slow down your metabolism, so goeasy.

2¼ cups (56 g) Splenda2 teaspoons blackstrap molasses1 teaspoon ground nutmeg

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1 teaspoon ground cinnamon1 teaspoon ground cloves1 teaspoon ground cardamom1 bottle (750 ml) top-quality dark


Put the Splenda, molasses, nutmeg,cinnamon, cloves, and cardamom in afood processor with the S-blade inplace. Process until it’s smooth andcreamy, scraping down the sides of theprocessor once or twice to make sureeverything combines evenly.

Scoop this “batter” mixture into asnap-top container and keep it in thefridge. (The batter will keep well, andthat means you can make only a servingor two at a time, if you like.)

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To serve the toddy, warm a coffeemug by filling it with boiling water andpouring it out. Then fill it again,halfway, with more boiling water. Add 1to 2 tablespoons of the batter and stiruntil it dissolves into the water (a smallwhisk works well for this). Add twoshots of dark rum, stir, and sip.

Yield: About 12 servings.

Each 2 tablespoon serving of batter willhave 5 grams of carbohydrates, a traceof fiber, and a trace of protein.

Kay says that one theory of hot-toddymaking is that it is impossible to use toomuch batter and you should keep stirringmore in until you are bored with stirring.

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Another theory of hot toddy making isthat it is impossible to use too much rum,and that you should keep stirring in moreuntil your friends panic. Use your bestjudgment.

Laure’s Homemade LC“Bailey’s Mae”

This is named in honor of Laure’schocolate lab! Barbo Gold, our tester,had a really good time testing this recipeand says it’s tops.

2 cups (480 ml) any booze (rum,vodka, bourbon, SouthernComfort, or brandy)

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14 ounces (415 ml) heavy cream1 cup (240 ml) half-and-half2 tablespoons (15 ml) no-sugar

chocolate syrup(Laure usesWalden Farms brand)

2 teaspoons instant coffeegranules

1 teaspoon vanilla½ cup (12 g) Splenda½ teaspoon almond extract

Combine all in a blender. Put in a talljar. Store in fridge. Stir before serving.YUM!

Yield: 10 servings, ½ cup (120 ml) each

Each with 2 g protein; 2 g carbs; no

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fiber; 2 g usable carbs. Carb count doesnot include polyol in syrup.

Dana Massey’s Low-CarbIrish Cream Liqueur

Our tester, Barbo Gold, loved this.(Come to think of it, how come Barbogets all the really fun recipes?)

1¼ cups (300 ml) heavy whippingcream

3 egg yolks¼ cup (6 g) Splenda¼ cup (60 g) erythritol (can be

replaced with another ¼ cup [6g] Splenda)

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1 tablespoon (8 g) DiabetiSweet

Whisk all ingredients together in theorder given in a saucepan over low heat.Stir constantly until thickened and becareful not to overcook. Coolcompletely and set aside.

3 eggs (or equivalent egg substitute, ifyou prefer not to use raw egg)

2 tablespoons (30 ml) sugar-freechocolate syrup (likeHershey’s syrup; WaldenFarms makes one and so doesSorbee)

2 tablespoons (30 ml) vanillaextract

1 tablespoon (3 g) instant coffee

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powder (not granular) cup (80 ml) water

1 cups (320 ml) Irish Whiskey

In a blender, blend eggs, chocolatesyrup, vanilla, coffee powder, and wateruntil well mixed. Stir in whipping creammixture and whiskey (don’t blend). Pourinto container with a tight-fitting lid.Refrigerate up to 3 weeks. Enjoy!

Yield: About 20 1½-ounce (40 ml)“shots”

Each with 2 g protein; 1 g carbohydrate;0 g dietary fiber; 1 g usable carb. Carbcount does not include the polyol in thesyrup.

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Dana’s note: Feel free to use a combined5 tablespoons of any polyol sweetener inplace of the erythritol and DiabetiSweet.


My sister, a longtime Kahlua fan, saysthis is addictive. And my husbanddemanded to know, “How did you dothat?” You can make this with decaf ifcaffeine bothers you. This recipe makesquite a lot, but don’t worry about that;100-proof vodka’s a darned goodpreservative. Your Mockahlua will keepindefinitely.

2½ cups (570 ml) water3 cups (75 g) Splenda

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3 tablespoons (9 g) instant coffeegranules

1 teaspoon vanilla1 bottle (750 ml) 100-proof vodka

(Use the cheap stuff.)

In a large pitcher or measuring cup,combine the water, Splenda, coffeecrystals, and vanilla. Stir until the coffeeand Splenda are completely dissolved.

Pour the mixture through a funnel intoa 1.5- or 2-liter bottle. (A clean 1.5-literwine bottle works fine, so long asyou’ve saved the cork.) Pour in thevodka. Cork and shake well.

Yield: 32 servings of 1½ ounces (42 ml)—a standard “shot.”

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Each will have 2 grams ofcarbohydrates, no fiber, and the meresttrace of protein.

Variation: Mochahlua. Try this one ifyou like a little chocolate with yourcoffee. Just cut the water back to 1½cups (360 ml) and substitute a 12-ounce(355 ml) bottle of sugar-free chocolatecoffee flavoring syrup for the Splendaand vanilla. This has only a trace ofcarbohydrates per shot, because theliquid Splenda used to sweeten thechocolate coffee flavoring syrup doesn’thave the maltodextrin used to bulk thegranular Splenda.

Variation: Mockahlua and Cream.This makes a nice “little something” to

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serve at the end of a dinner party, in lieuof a heavier dessert. For each servingyou’ll need a shot of Mockahlua (orMochahlua) and 2 shots of heavy cream.Simply mix and sip! Each serving has 4grams of carbohydrates, no fiber, and 2grams of protein.

Black Russian

1 shot (1½ ounces, or 42 ml)vodka

½ shot (¾ ounce, or 20 ml)Mockahlua

Just pour both liquors over ice in a rocksglass. That’s it!

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Yield: 1 serving

2 grams of carbohydrate, no fiber, noprotein.

White Russian

1 shot (1½ ounces, or 42 ml)vodka

½ shot (¾ ounce, or 20 ml)Mockahlua

1 shot (1½ ounces, or 42 ml)heavy cream

Combine and pour over ice if desired.

Yield: 1 serving

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3 grams of carbohydrate, 0 grams fiber,1 gram protein.

Frozen White Russian

This is seriously decadent and not aslow carb as some of our other beverages—I’d recommend stopping at one! Still,this makes a great dessert for an adults-only cookout.

1 shot (1½ ounces, or 42 ml)Mockahlua

1 shot (1½ ounces, or 42 ml)vodka

½ cup (65 g) sugar-free vanillaice cream

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Put everything in a blender and run theblender until well combined. Pour into asmallish glass—a rocks glass or awineglass will work nicely.

Yield: 1 serving

The carb count on this will depend onthe brand of sugar-free vanilla ice creamyou use. If you use one of the lowest-carb—Atkins Endulge or Breyer’s CarbSmart—your drink will have 6 grams ofcarbohydrate, 0 grams fiber, 3 gramsprotein. And it will be unbelievably,decadently delicious.

Gin Rickey

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This old-fashioned cocktail is one of mynew favorites!

1 tablespoon lime juice1 shot (1½ ounces, or 42 ml) ginClub soda to fill

Put the lime juice and gin in the bottomof a tall glass. Fill with ice and then addclub soda to the top.

Yield: 1 serving

1 gram of carbohydrate, a trace of fiber,and a trace of protein.


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Forget all those strawberry daiquiris andbanana daiquiris—this is the original,and it’s remarkably refreshing.

1 shot (1½ ounces, or 42 ml) limejuice

2 shots (3 ounces, or 85 ml) whiterum

1 tablespoon (1.5 g) Splenda

You can make this two ways: on therocks or frozen. For a daiquiri on therocks, simply mix all the ingredientswell and pour over ice. For a frozendaiquiri, plunk all the ingredients plus 3to 4 ice cubes in your blender and blenduntil the ice is pulverized.

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Yield: 1 serving

4 grams of carbohydrate, no fiber, noprotein (hah!).

Dana Massey’s Low-CarbStrawberry Daiquiris

This is a sweet indulgence, so have fun!

3 to 4 cups (330 to 440 g) fresh orfrozen unsweetenedstrawberries, thawed if usingfrozen

½ to ¾ cup (120 to 180 ml) lightrum

¼ cup (60 ml) lime juice (Don’t

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use Rose’s bottled lime juice—it has sugar added.)

¼ to cup (6 to 8 g) Splenda (youmay use a different sugarsubstitute; adjustmeasurements accordingly)

Crushed ice

Place strawberries, rum, lime juice, andsugar substitute in a blender. Blend untilsmooth. Add ice; continue to blend untilwell combined.

Yield: 4 to 6 servings

Assuming 4, each will have 1 g protein;11 g carbohydrate; 3 g dietary fiber; 8 gusable carbs.

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To make Low-Carb StrawberryMargaritas, replace the rum with tequila.

Dana Massey’s note: We useerythritol in this recipe.

Dana Carpender’s note: I’d probablyuse Splenda, myself.

Margarita Fizz

1 shot (1½ ounces, or 42 ml)tequila

1 shot (1½ ounces, or 42 ml) limejuice

1½ teaspoons Splenda8 ounces (240 ml) unsweetened

orange-flavored sparklingwater

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Put the tequila, lime juice, and Splendain the bottom of a tall glass and stir. Fillwith ice and pour in orange-flavoredsparkling water to fill.

Yield: 1 serving

4 grams of carbohydrate, a trace of fiber,and a trace of protein.

Seabreeze Sunrise

If you like fruity drinks, try this!

1 shot (1½ ounces, or 42 ml)tequila

1 shot (1½ ounces, or 42 ml) low-sugar cranberry juice cocktail

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(Ocean Spray makes one.)8 ounces (240 ml) pink

grapefruit–flavored CrystalLight (or any no-sugargrapefruit-flavored drink mix),prepared

Combine the tequila and cranberry juicecocktail in a tall glass, fill with ice, andpour in the grapefruit-flavored drink.

Yield: 1 serving

3 grams of carbohydrate, 0 grams fiber,and 0 grams protein.

Hard Lemonade

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Commercially made hard lemonade isactually a malt beverage—in the sameclass as beer. That makes it high carbright there, plus it has sugar. But howhard can it be to make your own?

1 shot (1½ ounces, or 42 ml)vodka

Sugar-free lemonade (BothCountry Time and Wyler’smake a sugar-free lemonademix.)

Just fill a tall glass with ice, pour in thevodka, and fill with sugar-freelemonade. Garnish with a lemon slice, ifyou like!

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Yield: 1 serving

1 gram carbohydrate, 0 grams fiber, and0 grams protein.


I’m tragically unhip. I discovered theMojito while writing this book and fellin love with it—only to learn it had beenthe hot drink for at least a year!

If you haven’t tried this classic Cubandrink, you must. (Don’t have fresh mint?There’s nothing easier to grow—indeed,plant mint and it will threaten to takeover your yard!)

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1 shot (1½ ounces, or 42 ml) white rum1 tablespoon (15 ml) lime juice1 sprig fresh mint1 teaspoon SplendaClub soda to fill

Combine the rum, lime juice, mint, andSplenda in the bottom of a tall glass.Using the back of a spoon, press the mintwell to release the flavor and stireverything together. Now fill the glasswith ice, then with club soda.

Yield: 1 serving

2 grams carbohydrate, a trace of fiber,and a trace of protein.

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Wine Spritzer

This is a great drink if you wantsomething mild that you can sip on for awhile without getting incapacitated. (Agood thing to bear in mind if you have toplay around with the grill rack andmanipulate hot coals!)

3 ounces (90 ml) dry red wineUnsweetened berry-flavored

sparkling water to fill.

Pour the wine over ice in a tall glass andpour in berry-flavored sparkling waterto fill

Yield: 1 serving

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1 gram carbohydrate, 0 grams fiber, atrace of protein.

Wine Cooler

You have a lot of leeway here!Basically, you’re combining wine anddiet soda. Experiment to find yourfavorite combinations.

3 to 5 ounces (90 to 150 ml) drywine—red or white, whicheveryou prefer

Diet soda—consider tryinglemon-lime, red raspberry,tangerine or orange, orgrapefruit (Fresca)

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Pour the wine over ice in a tall glass andfill with the soda of your choice.

Yield: 1 serving

Assuming you use 3 ounces (90 ml) ofwine, this will have about 1 gram ofcarbohydrate, 0 grams fiber, and a traceof protein.

Salty Dog

This old summer favorite is usuallymade with grapefruit juice—at 22 gramsof carbohydrate per cup. We’d better usethe pink grapefruit–flavored CrystalLight!

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Coarse salt1 shot (1½ ounces, or 42 ml) ginCrystal Light pink grapefruit–

flavored sugar-free drink mix(or any no-sugar grapefruit-flavored drink mix), prepared

Rim a tall glass with salt. Fill it with iceand add the gin and Crystal Lightgrapefruit-flavored drink.

Yield: 1 serving

1 gram carbohydrate, 0 grams fiber, 0grams protein.

Dark and Stormy

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A classic Dark and Stormy is made withginger beer, not ginger ale, but there isno such thing as low-carb ginger beer, atleast that I know of. So, I tried it withdiet ginger ale and got a very tasty drink!

1 shot (1½ ounces, or 42 ml) darkrum

1 shot (1½ ounces, or 42 ml) limejuice

Vernor’s Diet Ginger Ale (I liketo use Vernor’s because it’sparticularly crisp, but if youcan’t find it, use any dietginger ale you can get.)

Put the rum and lime juice in a tall glass,add ice, and fill with ginger ale.

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Yield: 1 serving

3 grams of carbohydrate, a trace of fiber,and a trace of protein.


This is a classic British summer cooler.If you make two, you’ll use up all thebeer and all the ginger ale!

6 ounces (180 ml) chilled lightbeer

6 ounces (180 ml) chilled dietginger ale

Simply combine the two in a tall beerglass.

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Yield: 1 serving

Using the lowest-carb light beer, thiswill have less than 2 grams ofcarbohydrate per serving, with no fiber,and a trace of protein.

Cuba Libre

I bet most of you thought of this on yourown, but here’s for those of you whodidn’t.

1 shot (1½ ounces, or 42 ml)white rum

Diet colaWedge of lime

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Put the shot of rum in a tall glass, fillwith ice, and pour diet cola to the top.Squeeze in a wedge of lime.

Yield: 1 serving

2 grams of carbohydrate, a trace of fiber,and a trace of protein.


This is a refreshing summer favorite!

1½-liter bottle of dry red wine—burgundy, merlot, or the like(You can use the cheap stuff!)

cup (16 g) Splenda½ teaspoon orange extract

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½ teaspoon lemon extract1 orange1 lemon1 limeOrange-or lemon-flavored

unsweetened sparkling water

Pour the wine into a nonreactive bowl.Stir in the Splenda and the extracts.

Now, you have to decide if you’regoing to serve your sangria from a punchbowl or put it into a clean old jug. Me, Iput it in an old 1-gallon (3.8 L) vinegarjug, but I was taking my sangriacamping.

If you’re going to put your sangria in apunch bowl, simply scrub your fruit andslice it as thin as humanly possible. Put

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it in the punch bowl with thewine/Splenda mixture and let the wholething macerate for an hour or so beforeserving.

If you’re using a jug, you’ll need tocut your fruit into small chunks that willfit through the neck. Force the fruit intothe jug and then pour the wine/Splendamixture over it. Again, let it macerate forat least an hour.

When the time comes to serve yoursangria, fill a tall glass with ice, pour in4 ounces (120 ml) of the wine mixture,and fill to the top with lemon-or orange-flavored sparkling water.

Yield: 12 servings

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Each with 6 grams of carbohydrate(assuming you actually eat all the fruit,which you won’t—I’m figuring it’sreally between 4 and 5 grams), a trace offiber, and a trace of protein.

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3Appetizers and Snacks

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Wicked Wings

Once you try these, you’ll understand thename— they’re “wicked good”! Theseare a bit messy and time-consuming tomake, but they’re worth every minute.They’ll impress the heck out of yourfriends too, and you’ll wish you’d mademore of them. They also taste great thenext day.

4 pounds (1.8 kg) chicken wings1 cup (100 g) grated Parmesan

cheese2 tablespoons (2.6 g) dried


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1 tablespoon (5.4 g) driedoregano

2 teaspoons paprika1 teaspoon salt½ teaspoon pepper½ cup butter

Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C, orgas mark 4). Line a shallow baking panwith foil. (Do not omit this step, oryou’ll still be scrubbing the pan a weeklater.)

Cut the wings into “drummettes,”saving the pointy tips. (Not sure what todo with those wing tips? Freeze them forsoup—they make great broth.)

Combine the Parmesan cheese and theparsley, oregano, paprika, salt, and

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pepper in a bowl.Melt the butter in a shallow bowl or

pan.Dip each drumstick in butter, roll in

the cheese and seasoning mixture, andarrange in the foil-lined pan.

Bake for 1 hour—and then kickyourself for not having made a doublerecipe!

Yield: About 50 pieces

Each with only a trace of carbohydrates,a trace of fiber, and 4 grams of protein.

Chinese Peanut Wings

If you love Chinese barbecued

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spareribs, try making these.

¼ cup (60 ml) soy sauce3 tablespoons (4.5 g) Splenda3 tablespoons (48 g) natural

peanut butter2 tablespoons (30 ml) dry sherry1 tablespoon (15 ml) oil1 tablespoon (15 ml) apple cider

vinegar2 teaspoons Chinese Five Spice

powder¼ teaspoon red pepper flakes (or

more, if you want them hotter)1 clove garlic, crushed12 chicken wings or 24 drumettes

Preheat the oven to 325°F (170°C, or

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gas mark 3).Put the soy sauce, Splenda, peanut

butter, sherry, oil, vinegar, spicepowder, pepper flakes, and garlic in ablender or food processor and blendwell.

If you have whole chicken wings andwant to cut them into “drummettes,” do itnow. (This is a matter of preference andis not essential.)

Arrange the wings in a large bakingpan, pour the blended sauce over them,and then turn them over to coat on allsides. Let them sit for at least half anhour (an hour is even better).

Bake the wings for an hour, turningevery 20 minutes during baking.

When the wings are done, put them on

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a serving platter and scrape the saucefrom the pan back into the blender orfood processor. Blend again for just amoment to make it smooth and servewith the wings.

Yield: 24 pieces

Each with 1 gram of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 5 grams of protein.

Chili Lime Wings

1 tablespoon (7 g) paprika1 teaspoon chili powder1 teaspoon dried oregano,

crumbled¼ teaspoon salt

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¼ teaspoon pepper½ teaspoon garlic powder1½ pounds (680 g) chicken wings3 tablespoons (45 ml) olive oil1 lime, cut in wedges

Preheat oven to 375°F (190°C, or gasmark 5).

In a small bowl, combine the paprikaand the next 5 ingredients (through garlicpowder).

If you like individual “drummettes,”cut your wings up (or you can buy themthat way!). Arrange them in a pan andbrush them with the olive oil. Nowsprinkle the paprika mixture evenly overyour wings.

Roast for at least 45 minutes, and an

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hour isn’t likely to hurt. You want themcrispy! If you have a rotisserie with abasket, that’s a great way to cook theseas well.

Serve hot, with wedges of lime tosqueeze over the wings.

Yield: About 14 pieces

Each with 5 g protein; 1 g carbohydrate;trace dietary fiber; 1 g usable carb.

Chinese Sticky Wings

Mmmmm—everyone loves Chinesechicken wings.

3 pounds (1.4 kg) chicken wings

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¼ cup (60 ml) dry sherry¼ cup (60 ml) soy sauce¼ cup (60 ml) sugar-free

imitation honey1 tablespoon (6 g) grated ginger

root1 clove garlic½ teaspoon chili garlic paste

Cut your wings into “drummettes” if theyare whole. Put your wings in a bigresealable plastic bag.

Mix together everything else,reserving some marinade for basting,and pour the rest into the bag. Seal thebag, pressing out the air as you go. Turnthe bag a few times to coat the wings andthrow it in the fridge for a few hours (a

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whole day is brilliant).Preheat oven to 375°F (190°C, or gas

mark 5). Pull out the bag, pour off themarinade, and arrange the wings in ashallow baking pan. Give them a goodhour in the oven, basting every 15minutes with the reserved marinade. Usea clean utensil each time you baste.

Serve with plenty of napkins!

Yield: About 28 piecesEach with 5 g protein; trace

carbohydrate; trace dietary fiber; 0usable carb. Carb count does not includepolyols in the sugar-free imitation honey.

Lemon Soy Chicken Wings

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These are Chinese-y too, just in adifferent sort of a way.

8 whole chicken wings3 cloves garlic1 tablespoon (6 g) grated ginger

root2 tablespoons (30 ml) lemon juice3 tablespoons (45 ml) soy sauce1 tablespoon (15 ml) sugar-free

imitation honey1 tablespoon (1.5 g) Splenda½ teaspoon chili powder

If you like your wings cut into“drummettes,” do that first. This keepsbeing repeated. Put wings in aresealable plastic bag.

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Combine everything else. Reservesome liquid for basting and pour the restover the wings. Seal the bag, pressingout the air as you go, and turn it a fewtimes to coat. Let wings marinate for atleast an hour, and all day won’t hurt abit.

Preheat oven to 375°F (190°C, or gasmark 5). While the oven’s heating, drainthe marinade off of the wings. Arrangewings in a shallow baking pan and roastfor 1 hour, basting two or three timeswith the reserved marinade and using aclean utensil each time.

Yield: 16 pieces

Each with 5 g protein; 1 g carbohydrate;

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trace dietary fiber; 1 g usable carb. Carbcount does not include polyol in sugar-free honey.

Lemon-Mustard ChickenWings

10 chicken wings3 tablespoons (45 ml) brown

mustard2 tablespoons (3 g) Splenda2 tablespoons (30 ml) lemon juice½ teaspoon chili paste¼ teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal

Preheat your oven to 400°F (200°C, orgas mark 6). Cut wings into drummettes.

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Arrange the wings in a baking pan.Mix together everything else. Brush

half of the mixture over the wings andbake for 20 to 25 minutes. Turn thewings, brush with the rest of the mustardmixture using a clean utensil, and bakefor another 20 to 25 minutes. Serve.

Yield: 20 pieces

Each with 5 g protein; tracecarbohydrate; trace dietary fiber; nousable carb.

Stuffed Eggs

Don’t save these recipes for parties: Ifyou’re a low-carb eater, a refrigerator

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full of stuffed eggs is a beautiful thing.Here are six varieties. Feel free todouble or triple any of these recipes—you know they’ll disappear.

Southwestern Stuffed Eggs

These spicy eggs were a huge hit at theparty I took them to!

6 hard-boiled eggs2 tablespoons (28 g) mayonnaise1 tablespoon (15 g) plain yogurt1 tablespoon (10 g) minced onion¾ teaspoon chili powder1 tablespoon (15 ml) cider


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teaspoon garlic, finely minced

Peel the eggs and slice the eggs in half.Carefully remove the yolks to a mixingbowl and arrange the whites on a platter.

Mash the yolks well with a fork andthen mash in the mayonnaise and yogurt.When the mixture is smooth, stir in theremaining ingredients.

Spoon the mixture back into thehollows in the egg whites. You maysprinkle a tiny bit of chili powder orpaprika on top to make them lookfestive.

Yield: 12 pieces

Each with 3 g protein; 1 g carbohydrate;trace dietary fiber; 1 g usable carb.

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Onion Eggs

6 hard-boiled eggs5 tablespoons (70 g) mayonnaise1 teaspoon spicy brown or Dijon

mustard2½ teaspoons very finely minced

sweet red onion5 drops hot pepper sauce¼ teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal

Peel the eggs and slice the eggs in half.Carefully remove the yolks into a

mixing bowl and arrange the whites on aplatter.

Mash the yolks with a fork. Stir in themayonnaise, mustard, onion, hot peppersauce, and salt and mix until creamy.

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Spoon the mixture back into thehollows in the egg whites.

Yield: 12 halves

Each with a trace of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 3 grams of protein.

Fish Eggs

That’s eggs with fish, not eggs from fish.If you thought stuffed eggs couldn’t go toan upscale party, these will change yourmind.

6 hard-boiled eggs2 tablespoons (28 g) mayonnaise2 tablespoons (30 g) sour cream

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¼ cup (50 g) moist smokedsalmon, mashed fine

1 tablespoon (15 g) jarred, gratedhorseradish

2 teaspoons finely minced sweetred onion

teaspoon salt

Peel the eggs and slice the eggs in half.Carefully remove the yolks into a

mixing bowl and arrange the whites on aplatter.

Mash the yolks with a fork. Stir in themayonnaise, sour cream, salmon,horseradish, onion, and salt and mixuntil creamy. Spoon the mixture backinto the hollows in the egg whites.

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Yield: 12 halves

Each with a trace of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 3 grams of protein.

Stilton Eggs

This is for all you blue cheese fans! Ifyou don’t have Stilton—the particularlystrong English blue cheese—on hand, goahead and use whatever blue cheeseyou’ve got.

6 hard-boiled eggs2 tablespoons (28 g) mayonnaise2 tablespoons (30 g) plain yogurt2 ounces (60 g) Stilton cheese,

crumbled pretty fine

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3 scallions, minced¼ teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal

Peel the eggs and slice the eggs in half.Carefully remove the yolks into a

mixing bowl and arrange the whites on aplatter.

With a fork, mash the yolks well. Stirin the mayonnaise and yogurt. When theyolks are smooth and creamy, mash inthe Stilton, leaving some small lumpsand then stir in the scallions and the salt.

Spoon the yolk mixture back into thehollows in the egg whites.

Yield: 12 pieces

Each with 3 g protein; 1 g carbohydrate;trace dietary fiber; 1 g usable carb.

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Hammond Eggs

Deviled ham gives these eggs a countrysort of kick.

6 hard-boiled eggs1 can (2¼ ounces, or 62 g) of

deviled ham4 teaspoons spicy brown mustard3 tablespoons (42 g) mayonnaise¼ teaspoon saltPaprika

Peel the eggs and slice the eggs in half.Carefully remove the yolks into a

mixing bowl and arrange the whites on aplatter.

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Mash the yolks with a fork. Stir in theham, mustard, mayonnaise, and salt andmix until creamy.

Spoon the mixture back into thehollows in the egg whites. Sprinkle witha little paprika for color.

Yield: Makes 12 halves

Each with 1 gram of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 4 grams of protein.

Cajun Eggs

6 hard-boiled eggs cup (75 g) mayonnaise

2 teaspoons horseradish mustard1 teaspoon Cajun Seasoning

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(page 484)

Peel the eggs and slice the eggs in half.Carefully remove the yolks into a

mixing bowl and arrange the whites on aplatter.

Mash the yolks with a fork. Stir in themayonnaise and mustard and mix untilcreamy.

Add the Cajun seasoning and blendwell.

Spoon the mixture back into thehollows in the egg whites.

Yield: 12 halves

Each with 1 gram of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 3 grams of protein.

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Artichoke Parmesan Dip

Serve this party favorite with pepperstrips, cucumber rounds, celery sticks,or low-carb fiber crackers.

1 can (13½ ounces, or 380 g)artichoke hearts

1 cup (225 g) mayonnaise1 cup (100 g) grated Parmesan

cheese1 clove garlic, crushed, or 1

teaspoon of jarred, choppedgarlic


Preheat the oven to 325°F (170°C, orgas mark 3).

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Drain and chop the artichoke hearts.Mix the artichoke hearts with the

mayonnaise, cheese, and garlic,combining well.

Put the mixture in a small, oven-proofcasserole dish, sprinkle a little paprikaon top, and bake for 45 minutes.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 3 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 2 grams ofusable carbs and 10 grams of protein.Analysis does not include dippers.

Spinach Artichoke Dip

This is a great, equally yummy version

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of the previous recipe, but keep in mindthat it does make twice as much dip.

1 can (13½ ounces, or 380 g)artichoke hearts

1 package frozen choppedspinach (10 ounces, or 280 g),thawed

2 cups (450 g) mayonnaise2 cups (200 g) grated Parmesan

cheese2 cloves garlic, crushed, or 2

teaspoons jarred, choppedgarlic


Preheat the oven to 325°F (170°C, orgas mark 3).

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Drain and chop the artichoke hearts.Combine the spinach, mayonnaise,

cheese, and garlic in a large casseroledish (a 6-cup [1.4-L] dish is aboutright). Sprinkle with paprika.

Bake for 50 to 60 minutes.

Yield: 8 servings

Each with 4 grams of carbohydrates and2 grams of fiber, for a total of 2 grams ofusable carbs and 10 grams of protein.

Curried Chicken Dip

Not only will this mildly spicy dipplease your friends and family, butcarried in a snap-top container with a

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bag of cut-up veggies, it would make agreat lunch.

1 can (5 ounces, or 140 g) chunkchicken, drained

3 ounces (85 g) light creamcheese

1 tablespoon (14 g) mayonnaise2 tablespoons (20 g) minced red

onion¾ teaspoon curry powder1 teaspoon brown mustard¼ teaspoon hot pepper sauce, or

to taste2 tablespoons (10 g) minced fresh


This is pretty darned easy—just

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assemble everything in your foodprocessor with the S-blade in place andpulse until it’s smooth. Put your dip in apretty bowl and surround it withcucumber slices, celery sticks, and/orpepper strips.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 7 g protein; 2 g carbohydrate;trace dietary fiber; 2 g usable carbs.Carb count does not include vegetabledippers.


This is a very simple guacamole recipe,without sour cream or mayonnaise, that

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lets the taste of the avocados shinethrough.

4 ripe black avocados2 tablespoons (20 g) minced

sweet red onion3 tablespoons (45 ml) lime juice3 cloves garlic, crushed¼ teaspoon hot pepper sauceSalt or Vege-Sal to taste

Halve the avocados and scoop the fleshinto a mixing bowl. Mash coarsely witha fork.

Mix in the onion, lime juice, garlic,hot pepper sauce, and salt, stirring toblend well and mashing to the desiredconsistency.

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Yield: 6 generous servings

Each with 11 grams of carbohydratesand 3 grams of fiber, for a total of 8grams of usable carbs and 3 grams ofprotein.

This recipe contains lots of healthy fatsand almost three times the potassiumfound in a banana.

Dill Dip

This easy dip tastes wonderful with allsorts of raw vegetables; try serving itwith celery, peppers, cucumber,broccoli, or whatever else you have onhand.

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1 pint (460 g) sour cream¼ small onion1 heaping tablespoon (3 g) dry dill

weed½ teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal

Put the sour cream, onion, dill weed, andsalt in a food processor and processuntil the onion disappears. (If you don’thave a food processor, mince the onionvery fine and just stir everythingtogether.)

You can serve this right away, but ittastes even better if you let it chill for afew hours.

Yleld: 1 pint

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25 grams of carbohydrates and 1 gram offiber, for a total of 24 grams of usablecarbs and 16 grams of protein in thebatch. (This is easily enough for 10 to 12people, so no one’s going to get morethan a few grams of carbs.) Analysisdoes not include vegetable dippers.

Hot Crab Dip

Here's hot crab, hot cheese, and garlic—what’s not to like?

1 cup (225 g) mayonnaise8 ounces (225 g) shredded

cheddar cheese4 scallions, minced6 ounces (170 g) canned

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crabmeat, drained1 clove garlic, crushed3 ounces (85 g) cream cheese,

softened, cut into chunks

Combine everything in your slow cookerand stir together. Cover the slow cooker,set it to low, and let it cook for 1 hour.Remove the lid and stir to blend in thenow-melted cream cheese. Re-cover andcook for another hour.

Serve with celery, pepper, andcucumber dippers.

Yield: 8 servings

Each with 13 g protein, 1 gcarbohydrate, trace dietary fiber, 1 g

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usable carbs. Analysis does not includevegetable dippers.

Clam Dip

With some celery sticks and pepperstrips for scooping, this would make agood lunch. Of course, you can alsoserve it at parties with celery, greenpepper, cucumber rounds, or fibercrackers for you and crackers or chipsfor the non-lowcarbers.

2 packages (8 ounces, or 225 geach) cream cheese, softened

½ cup (115 g) mayonnaise2 to 3 teaspoons Worcestershire


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1 tablespoon (15 ml) Dijonmustard

8 to 10 scallions, including thecrisp part of the green shoot,minced

2 cans (6½ ounces, or 185 g each)minced clams, drained

Salt or Vege-SalPepper

Combine all the ingredients well. A foodprocessor or blender works well forthis, or if you prefer to leave chunks ofclam, you could use an electric mixer.Chill and serve.

Yield: 12 servings

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Each with just under 4 grams ofcarbohydrates, a trace of fiber, and 10grams of protein. Analysis does notinclude vegetable dippers or crackers.

Bacon-Cheese Dip

Bacon and cheese together—It justmakes you glad to be a low-carber,doesn’t it?

16 ounces (455 g) light or regularcream cheese, softened

2 cups (225 g) shredded cheddarcheese

2 cups (230 g) shreddedMonterey Jack cheese

½ cup (120 ml) Carb Countdown

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dairy beverage½ cup (120 ml) heavy cream2 tablespoons (30 ml) brown

mustard1 tablespoon (10 g) minced onion2 teaspoons Worcestershire

sauce½ teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal¼ teaspoon cayenne1 pound (455 g) bacon, cooked,

drained, and crumbled

Cut the cream cheese in cubes and putthem in your slow cooker. Add thecheddar cheese, Monterey Jack cheese,Carb Countdown, cream, mustard, onion,Worcestershire sauce, salt, and cayenne.Stir to distribute the ingredients evenly.

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Cover the slow cooker, set it to low, andlet it cook for 1 hour, stirring from timeto time. When the cheese has melted, stirin the bacon.

Serve with cut-up vegetables, fibercrackers, or other low-carb dippers.

Yield: 12 servings

Each with 25 g protein, 2 gcarbohydrate, trace dietary fiber, 2 gusable carbs. Carb count does notinclude vegetable dippers or crackers.

Avocado cheese Dip

This dip has been known to make mymom a very popular person at parties.

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Dip with pork rinds, vegetables, orpurchased protein chips. It can also beserved over steak, and it makes perhapsthe most elegant omelets on the face ofthe earth.

2 packages (8 ounces, or 225 geach) cream cheese, softened

1½ cups (180 g) shredded whiteCheddar or Monterey jackcheese

1 ripe black avocado, peeled andseeded

1 small onion1 clove garlic, crushed1 can (3 to 4 ounces, or 85 to 115

g) green chilies, drained, orjalapeños, if you like it hot

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Combine all the ingredients in a foodprocessor and process until very smooth.

Scrape into a pretty serving bowl andplace the avocado seed in the middle.For some reason, placing the seed in themiddle helps keep the dip from turningbrown as quickly while it sits out. But ifyou’re making this a few hours ahead oftime, cover it with plastic wrap, makingsure the wrap is actually touching thesurface of the dip. Don’t make this morethan a few hours before you plan toserve it.

Yield: About 5 cups (1.1 L), plenty for agood-size party The batch contains 45grams of carbohydrates and 9 grams offiber, for a total of 36 grams of usable

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carbs and a whopping 83 grams ofprotein. Analysis is for dip only.

Smoked Gouda Veggie Dip

This dip is great with celery, peppers, orany favorite raw veggie. Combine youringredients with a mixer, not a foodprocessor, so you have actual little bitsof Gouda in the dip.

1 package (8 ounces, or 225 g)cream cheese, softened

cup (150 g) mayonnaise1 cup (150 g) shredded smoked

Gouda6 scallions, including the crisp

part of the green shoot, sliced

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2 tablespoons (12.5 g) gratedParmesan cheese

½ teaspoon pepper

Beat the cream cheese and mayonnaisetogether until creamy, scraping the sidesof the bowl often.

Add the Gouda, scallions, Parmesan,and pepper and beat until well blended.

Chill and serve with raw vegetables.

Yield: At least 8 servings

Each with 2 grams of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 7 grams of protein.Analysis does not include vegetabledippers.

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My friend Lou Anne brought this Turkish“dry dip” along on a campout, and I’vebeen nagging her for the recipe eversince. Although Dukkah is traditionallyeaten with bread, it also adds an exotic,fascinating flavor to simple rawvegetables.

cup (50 g) almonds or hazelnuts¼ cup (30 g) white sesame seeds¼ cup (20 g) coriander seeds¼ cup (24 g) cumin seedsSalt and pepper to taste

In a dry saucepan, toast the nuts, sesameseeds, coriander seeds, and cumin seeds

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over high heat for 1 minute, stirringconstantly.

Use a food processor, coffee grinder,or mortar and pestle to crush the toastedmixture and then season it with salt andpepper. (Don’t over-grind; you want aconsistency similar to coarse-groundcornmeal.)

Put your Dukkah in a bowl next to abowl of olive oil and set out cut-up rawvegetables. Dip the vegetables first intothe oil, then into the Dukkah, and eat.

Yield: Just over a cup, or about 10servings

Each with 4 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 3 grams of

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usable carbs and 2 grams of protein.(Analysis does not include vegetables.)

Country-Style Paté

This is really good. Plus, as paté goes,it’s easy to make.

6 slices bacon2 tablespoons (28 g) butter1 cup (70 g) sliced mushrooms½ cup (80 g) chopped onion1 cup (225 g) chicken livers½ teaspoon Worcestershire sauce2 tablespoons (28 g) mayonnaiseScant ½ teaspoon salt or Vege-


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¼ teaspoon pepper

In a heavy skillet over medium heat, frythe bacon until it just starts to get crisp.Remove the bacon and then drain andreserve the grease.

Turn the heat down to low and meltthe butter and a little bacon grease in theskillet. Sauté the mushrooms and onionin the skillet until they’re quite limp(about 15 minutes).

While they’re sautéing, fill a mediumsaucepan with water and bring it to aboil.

Put the chicken livers in the water(make sure you keep stirring thosesautéing vegetables) and bring the waterback to a boil. Cover the pan, turn off the

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heat, and let it sit for 15 minutes.Drain the chicken livers. Put them in a

food processor with the S-blade in placeand pulse two or three times to grind thechicken livers. Crumble and add thebacon and the mushroom and onionmixture. Pulse to combine. Add theWorcestershire sauce, mayonnaise, salt,and pepper, and pulse again until wellcombined. Serve with celery sticks,pepper strips, or low-carb crackers.

Yield: 12 servings

Each with 2 grams of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 5 grams of protein.Analysis does not include vegetabledippers or crackers.

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Tuna Paté

If you throw in some veggies fordipping, this versatile dish makes a greatsnack, first course at a dinner party, oreven a fine brown bag lunch.

2 tablespoons (28 g) butter2 cloves garlic, crushed½ medium onion, chopped1 can (4 ounces, or 115 g)

mushrooms, drained½ teaspoon orange extract1 tablespoon (1.5 g) Splenda1 package (8 ounces, or 225 g)

cream cheese, softened1 can (6 ounces, 170 g) tuna,

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drained2 tablespoons (7.6 g) fresh

parsleyGrated rind of half an orange¼ teaspoon salt¼ teaspoon pepper

In a small, heavy skillet over mediumheat, melt the butter and sauté the garlic,onion, and mushrooms until the onion islimp. Add the orange extract andSplenda and stir well. Cool.

Place the cream cheese, tuna, parsley,orange rind, salt, and pepper in a foodprocessor with the S-blade in place.Pulse to blend. Add the sautéed mixtureand pulse until smooth and well blended.

Spoon into a serving bowl and chill.

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Serve with celery sticks, pepper strips,cucumber rounds, and crackers (for thecarb-eaters).

Yield: At least 6 servings

Each with 3 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 2 grams ofusable carbs and 11 grams of protein.Analysis does not include vegetabledippers or crackers.

Tuna Puffs

1 egg2 tablespoons(20 g) pumpkin seed meal or

almond meal

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2 tablespoons (20 g) rice proteinpowder

1 tablespoon (14 g) butter, melted2 tablespoons (30 ml) half-and-

half1½ teaspoons lemon juice½ teaspoon chili garlic paste6 ounces (170 g) canned tuna,

drained4 scallions, sliced thinSalt and pepper to tasteEasy Orange Salsa (page 496)

Preheat oven to 375°F (190°C, or gasmark 5) and spray a mini-muffin panwith nonstick cooking spray.

In a mixing bowl, beat the egg for aminute or so. Now stir in the pumpkin

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seed meal, rice protein powder, meltedbutter, half-and-half, lemon juice, andchili garlic paste.

Add the tuna, breaking it up well asyou stir it in. Stir in the scallions andadd salt and pepper to taste.

Spoon into prepared mini-muffin cupsand bake for 12 to 15 minutes.

When Tuna Puffs are done, place on aplatter surrounding a bowl of EasyOrange Salsa.

Yield: 24 puffs

Each with 3 g protein; 1 g carbohydrate;trace dietary fiber; 1 g usable carb.Analysis includes the Easy OrangeSalsa.

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Marinated Mushrooms

The quality of the vinaigrette dressingmakes all the difference here, so use thebest you can make or buy.

8 ounces (225 g) small, freshmushrooms

1½ cups (360 ml) vinaigrettedressing (homemade or store-bought)

Thoroughly wipe the mushrooms cleanwith a soft cloth.

Place them in a saucepan, cover themwith the dressing, and simmer overmedium-low heat for 15 minutes.

Chill and drain the mushrooms, saving

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the dressing to store any leftovermushrooms in. (You can even simmeranother batch of mushrooms in it whenthe first batch is gone.) Arrange themushrooms on lettuce with toothpicksfor spearing.

Yield: Depending on the size of yourmushrooms, this will make about 12 to15 servings

Each with about 1 gram of carbohydratesand not enough fiber or protein to talkabout.

Garlic Cheese StuffedMushrooms

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These are the easiest stuffed mushroomsyou’ll ever make and really yummy, too.

6 small portobello mushrooms,totaling 6 ounces (170 g)

1 package (6 ounces, or 170 g)garlic and herb spreadablecheese (such as Boursin orAlouette)

2 tablespoons (10 g) crushed porkrinds

Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C, or gasmark 4).

Wipe the mushrooms clean andremove the stems (save them to slice andsauté to serve over steaks or in omelets).Divide the cheese between the

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mushroom caps. Sprinkle each one witha teaspoon of pork rind crumbs.

Arrange your mushrooms in a shallowbaking pan. Add just enough water tocover the bottom of the pan. Bake for 30minutes and serve hot. These are goodwith the Mustard-Horseradish DippingSauce (page 477), but they’re just fine asis.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 1 g protein; 1 g carbohydrate;trace dietary fiber, 1 g usable carb.

Spinach Stuffed Mushrooms

People scarf these right down!

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1½ pounds (680 g) mushrooms,

wiped clean2 tablespoons (28 g) butter½ cup (80 g) chopped onion4 cloves garlic, crushed10 ounces (280 g) frozen chopped

spinach, thawed4 ounces (115 g) cream cheese¼ teaspoon pepper½ teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal1½ teaspoons Worcestershire

sauce¼ cup (25 g) Parmesan cheese,

plus a little extra for sprinkling

Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C, or gasmark 4).

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Wipe the mushrooms clean andremove the stems. Set the caps aside andchop the stems fairly fine.

In a large, heavy skillet, overmedium-low heat, melt the butter. Addthe chopped stems and the onion. Sautéthese until the mushroom bits arechanging color and the onion is soft andtranslucent. Add the garlic, stir it up, andsauté for another couple of minutes.

While that’s happening, dump yourthawed spinach into a strainer and pressall the water out of it that you can. Nowstir it into the mushroom-onion mixture.Next, stir in the cream cheese. When it’smelted, add the pepper, salt,Worcestershire sauce, and Parmesan.

Stuff the spinach/mushroom mixture

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into the mushroom caps. Arrange thestuffed caps in a baking pan as you stuffthem.

When they’re all stuffed, sprinkle alittle Parmesan cheese over them tomake them look nice. Add enough waterto just barely cover the bottom of thepan. Bake for 30 minutes. Serve warm.

Yield: About 40 pieces

Each with 1 g protein; 1 g carbohydrate;trace dietary fiber; 1 g usable carb.

Two-Cheese Tuna-StuffedMushrooms

Of all the stuffed mushrooms I’ve

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cooked or sampled, these are myabsolute favorites.

½ pound (225 g) fresh mushrooms1 can (6 ounces, or 170 g) tuna½ cup (60 g) shredded smoked

Gouda2 tablespoons (12.5 g) grated

Parmesan cheese3 tablespoons (42 g) mayonnaise1 scallion, finely minced

Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C, orgas mark 4).

Wipe the mushrooms clean with adamp cloth and remove their stems.

Combine the tuna, Gouda, Parmesan,mayonnaise, and minced scallion and

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mix well.Spoon the mixture into the mushroom

caps and arrange them in a shallowroasting pan. Add just enough water tocover the bottom of the pan. Bake for 15minutes and serve hot.

Yield: About 15 servings

Each with 1 gram of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 4 grams of protein.

Turkey-Parmesan StuffedMushrooms

1 pound (445 g) ground turkey¾ cup grated (75 g) Parmesan

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cheese½ cup (115 g) mayonnaise1 teaspoon dried oregano1 teaspoon dried basil2 cloves garlic, crushed1 teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal¼ teaspoon pepper1½ pounds (670 g) mushrooms

Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C, orgas mark 4).

Combine the turkey, Parmesan,mayonnaise, oregano, basil, garlic, salt,and pepper, mixing well.

Wipe the mushrooms clean with adamp cloth and remove their stems.

Spoon the mixture into the mushroomcaps and place them in a shallow

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roasting pan. Add just enough water tocover the bottom of the pan. Bake for 20minutes and serve hot.

Yield: About 45 mushrooms

Each with 1 gram of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 3 grams of protein.

Soy and Ginger Pecans

I gave away tins of these for Christmasone year and got rave reviews.

2 cups (200 g) shelled pecans4 tablespoons (56 g) butter,

melted3 tablespoons (45 ml) soy sauce

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1 teaspoon ground ginger

Preheat the oven to 300°F (150°C, orgas mark 2).

Spread the pecans in a shallowroasting pan. Stir in the butter, coatingall the nuts.

Roast for 15 minutes and then removefrom the oven and stir in the soy sauce.Sprinkle the ginger evenly over the nutsand stir that in as well.

Roast for another 10 minutes.

Yield: 8 servings

Each with 6 grams of carbohydrates and2 grams of fiber, for a total of 4 grams ofusable carbs and 3 grams of protein.

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Worcestershire Nuts

I like to use this combination of nuts, butfeel free to use just one or the other or toexperiment with your own proportions.

1 cup (150 g) shelled walnuts1 cup (100 g) shelled pecans4 tablespoons (56 g) butter,

melted3 tablespoons (45 ml)

Worcestershire sauce

Preheat the oven to 300°F (150°C, orgas mark 2).

Spread the nuts in a shallow bakingpan and stir in the butter, coating all thenuts.

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Roast for 15 minutes and then removefrom the oven and stir in theWorcestershire sauce.

Roast for another 10 minutes.

Yield: 8 servings

Each with 6 grams of carbohydrates and2 grams of fiber, for a total of 4 grams ofusable carbs and 3 grams of protein.

Smoked Almonds

These are crunchy with a nice kick!

1 pound (455 g) almonds3 tablespoons (42 g) butter2 teaspoons Classic Barbecue

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Rub (page 486, or usepurchased rub)

2 teaspoons salt2 teaspoons liquid smoke

Preheat the oven to 300°F (150°C, orgas mark 2).

Lay a big flat roasting pan over aburner and melt the butter in it.

Stir in the seasonings, making surethey’re blended into the butter.

Now add the almonds and stir untilthey’re well-coated. Roast for 30 to 40minutes. Store in an airtight container.

Yield: 12 servings

Each with 8 g protein; 8 g carbohydrate;

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4 g dietary fiber; 4 grams usable carbs.

Blue Cheese DressingWalnuts

I originally wanted to make these withpowdered blue cheese dressing mix,only to find that there is no such thing, atleast not in my grocery stores. So I triedusing liquid dressing instead. It didn’tend up tasting a lot like blue cheese, butit did end up tasting really good.

4 cups (400 g) walnuts½ cup (120 ml) blue cheese salad

dressing1 teaspoon garlic salt

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Combine the walnuts and dressing inyour slow cooker. Stir until the nuts areevenly coated with the dressing. Coverthe slow cooker, set it to low, and let itcook for 3 hours, stirring once halfwaythrough.

Stir in the garlic salt just beforeserving.

Yield: 16 servings

Each with 8 g protein, 4 g carbohydrate,2 g dietary fiber, 2 g usable carbs.

Maple-Glazed Walnuts

3 cups (300 g) walnuts1½ teaspoons ground cinnamon

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1 tablespoon (14 g) butter, melted¼ teaspoon salt2 teaspoons vanilla extract

cup (78 ml) sugar-free pancakesyrup

cup (8 g) Splenda, divided

Put the walnuts in your slow cooker.In a bowl, mix together the cinnamon,

butter, salt, vanilla extract, pancakesyrup, and ¼ cup (6 g) of the Splenda.Pour the mixture over the nuts and stir tocoat. Cover the slow cooker, set it tolow, and let it cook for 2 to 3 hours,stirring every hour or so.

Then uncover the slow cooker andcook, stirring every 20 minutes, until thenuts are almost dry. Stir in the remaining

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Splenda, cook for another 20 minutes,and then remove from the slow cookerand cool. Store in an airtight container.

Yield: 9 servings

Each with 10 g protein, 6 gcarbohydrate, 2 g dietary fiber, 4 gusable carbs. Analysis does not includepolyol in sugar-free syrup.

Dana’s Snack Mix

You can buy shelled sunflower seedsand pumpkin seeds in bulk at mostnatural food stores, and you should beable to get raw cashew pieces there, too.For variety, try adding 2½ cups (75 g) of

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low-carb garlic croutons along with theseeds and nuts.

6 tablespoons (84 g) butter3 tablespoons (45 ml)

Worcestershire sauce1½ teaspoons garlic powder2½ teaspoons seasoned salt1 teaspoon onion powder2½ cups (560 g) raw, shelled

sunflower seeds2½ cups (560 g) raw, shelled

pumpkin seeds1 cup (150 g) almonds1 cup (100 g) pecans1 cup (150 g) walnuts1 cup (150 g) raw cashew pieces

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Preheat the oven to 250°F (120°C, orgas mark ½).

In a small pan, melt the butter and stirin the Worcestershire sauce, garlicpowder, seasoned salt, and onionpowder.

In a large bowl, combine the seedsand nuts. Pour the melted butter mixtureover them and mix very well.

Put the mixture in large roasting panand bake for 2 hours, stirringoccasionally.

Allow the mixture to cool; store in anairtight container.

Yield: 18 servings

Each with 14 grams of carbohydrates

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and 5 grams of fiber, for a total of 9grams of usable carbs and 13 grams ofprotein.

Ranch Mix

2 cups (450 g) raw, shelledpumpkin seeds

2 cups (450 g) raw, shelledsunflower seeds

2 cups (290 g) dry-roastedpeanuts

1 cup (150 g) raw almonds1 cup (150 g) raw cashew pieces2 tablespoons (30 ml) canola oil1 packet dry ranch salad dressing


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1 teaspoon lemon pepper1 teaspoon dried dill½ teaspoon garlic powder

Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C, orgas mark 4).

In large mixing bowl, combine thepumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds,peanuts, almonds, and cashews. Add thecanola oil and stir to coat. Add thedressing mix, lemon pepper, dill, andgarlic powder and stir until welldistributed.

Put the seasoned nuts in shallowroasting pan and roast for 45 to 60minutes, stirring occasionally, until thealmonds are crisp through.

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Yield: 16 servings

Each with 15 grams of carbohydratesand 5 grams of fiber, for a total of 10grams of usable carbs and 16 grams ofprotein.

Pepitas Calientes

Hot and sweet and crunchy—theseMexican-style pumpkin seeds will be thehit of any gathering you serve them at.Feel free to double or triple this!

1 cup (225 g) raw, shelledpumpkin seeds

2 teaspoons garlic powder¼ teaspoon salt

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2 teaspoons chili garlic paste1 teaspoon Splenda1 teaspoon lime juice

Heat a medium-size heavy skillet overmedium-high heat. Add the pumpkinseeds and dry-fry them for a fewminutes, stirring constantly. After a littlewhile, you’ll see them swell a bit andbecome a bit plumper. This meansthey’re just about done.

Stir in the garlic powder, salt, chiligarlic paste, Splenda, and lime juice,making sure all the seeds are wellcoated. Continue to stir over heat untilthey dry and then serve hot.

Yield: 4 servings of ¼ cup (60 g) each

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Each with 3 g protein; 10 gcarbohydrate; 2 g dietary fiber; 8 gusable carbs.

Asian Punks

Pumpkin seeds are terrific for you—they’re a great source of both magnesiumand zinc. And they taste great, too.

2 cups (450 g) raw, shelledpumpkin seeds

2 tablespoons (30 ml) soy sauce½ teaspoon powdered ginger2 teaspoons Splenda

Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C, orgas mark 4).

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In a mixing bowl, combine thepumpkin seeds, soy sauce, ginger, andSplenda, mixing well.

Spread the pumpkin seeds in ashallow roasting pan and roast for about45 minutes or until the seeds are dry,stirring two or three times duringroasting.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 13 grams of carbohydratesand 3 grams of fiber, for a total of 10grams of usable carbs and 17 grams ofprotein. (These are also a terrific sourceof minerals.)

Indian Punks

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You can actually buy curry-flavoredpumpkin seeds, but these are bettertasting and better for you.

4 tablespoons (56 g) butter2½ tablespoons (15 g) curry

powder2 cloves garlic, crushed2 cups (450 g) raw, shelled

pumpkin seedsSalt

Preheat the oven to 300°F (150°C, orgas mark 2).

Melt the butter in a small skillet overmedium heat. Add the curry and garlicand stir for 2 to 3 minutes.

In a mixing bowl, add the seasoned

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butter to the pumpkin seeds and stir untilwell coated.

Spread the pumpkin seeds in ashallow roasting pan and roast for 30minutes. Sprinkle lightly with salt.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 15 grams of carbohydratesand 4 grams of fiber, for a total of 11grams of usable carbs and 18 grams ofprotein.

In addition to all the minerals found inthe pumpkin seeds, you get the turmericin the curry powder, which is believedto help prevent cancer.

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Punks on the Range

This snack is spicy-chili-crunchy. If youmiss barbecue-flavored potato chips, trysnacking on these.

2 cups (450 g) raw, shelledpumpkin seeds

1 tablespoon (15 ml) canola oil1 tablespoon (7.8 g) chili powder1 teaspoon salt

Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C, orgas mark 4).

In a mixing bowl, combine thepumpkin seeds and canola oil, stirringuntil well coated. Add the chili powderand salt and stir again.

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Spread the seeds in a shallow roastingpan and roast for about 30 minutes.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 13 grams of carbohydratesand 3 grams of fiber, for a total of 10grams of usable carbs and 17 grams ofprotein.

Barbecued Peanuts

1 tablespoon (15 ml) liquid smokeflavoring

1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauceDash of hot pepper sauce½ cup (120 ml) water1½ cups (220 g) dry-roasted

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peanuts3 tablespoons (42 g) butterGarlic salt

Preheat the oven to 250°F (120°C, orgas mark ½).

In a saucepan, combine the liquidsmoke, Worcestershire sauce, hotpepper sauce, and water.

Bring to a simmer.Turn off the heat and stir in the

peanuts. Let the peanuts sit in the liquidfor 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Drain off the liquid and spread thepeanuts in a shallow roasting pan. Bakefor at least 1 hour or until good and dry.(Stir occasionally to help speed up theprocess.)

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When the peanuts are thoroughly dry,melt the butter and stir it into the peanutsto coat. Sprinkle lightly with garlic salt.

Yield: 3 servings

Each with 16 grams of carbohydratesand 6 grams of fiber, for a total of 10grams of usable carbs and 17 grams ofprotein.

Brie and WalnutQuesadillas

cup (40 g) chopped walnuts8 ounces (225 g) Brie6 low-carb tortillas

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Preheat your oven to 350°F (180°C, orgas mark 4). Spread your walnuts in ashallow roasting pan. Put them in theoven and let them roast for 8 to 10minutes—set the oven timer!

While that’s happening, cut your Brieinto quarters and thinly slice off the rind.Now, slice the Brie. If it’s too soft forthat, cut it into little cubes.

Lay a tortilla in a big, heavy skilletover medium-low heat. Cover it withslices or small hunks of Brie and let itheat until the cheese begins to melt andthe walnuts are done. Scatter of thewalnuts over the cheese and top thewhole thing with another tortilla. Turnyour quesadilla over and continue tocook until the cheese is good and melty.

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Transfer to a plate and cover with a lidto keep warm while you make two more!

Cut into wedges and serve.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 15 g protein; 12 gcarbohydrate; 8 g dietary fiber; 4 gusable carbs.

Warm Brie with Sticky Nuts

This is an unusual and delectable partyoffering. It is also very rich; if you’replanning on serving dinner as well,consider sharing this six ways! I thinkthis would also make an elegant dessert.

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8-ounce (225 g) wheel of Brie(Don’t buy a slice from abigger wheel.)

cup (40 g) chopped pecans3 tablespoons (45 g) butter1 tablespoon (15 g) polyol1 teaspoon sugar-free imitation

honey1 tablespoon (1.5 g) Splenda¼ teaspoon blackstrap molasses1 pinch salt

Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C, or gasmark 4). Unwrap cheese and place it in ashallow baking dish. Put it the oven andset your timer for 10 minutes.

Meanwhile, in a saucepan, startsautéing the chopped pecans in the butter

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—give them about 5 minutes overmedium-low heat. Then stir in thepolyol, imitation honey, Splenda, andmolasses and keep stirring for 3 or 4minutes. When the cheese is just aboutready, stir in the salt.

Fetch the Brie out of the oven andplace it on a serving plate. Scoop thenuts—they’ll now be sticky andclumping a bit—out of the butter andspread them evenly across the top of thecheese.

Serve by cutting into 4 wedges and eatwith a fork.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 13 g protein; 2 g

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carbohydrate; 1 g dietary fiber; 1 gusable carb. Carb count does not includepolyols.

Cheese-Pecan Nibbles

These are quite simple to make and sureto delight your guests. Feel free to useeither the regular or the light garlic andherb cheese—they have about the samecarb count.

2 cups (300 g) pecan halves4 ounces (115 g) garlic and herb

spreadable cheese (such asBoursin or Alouette)

You can make this with canned, roasted,

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and salted pecans, or if you prefer, youcan roast your own. If you choose thelatter, preheat your oven to 350°F(180°C, or gas mark 4). Spread 2 cups(300 g) of unbroken pecan halves in ashallow baking pan. Stir in 1 teaspoonoil to coat—it will take a fair amount ofstirring to get that little oil to coat thismany nuts, so keep stirring! Sprinklewith salt and roast for 8 to 10 minutes.Remove from oven and let them coolbefore the next step.

Spread a dollop—between ¼ and ½teaspoon— of garlic and herbspreadable cheese on the flat side of apecan half, and then press the flat side ofanother pecan half against it to make apecan-and-cheese sandwich! Place on a

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serving plate and continue with the restof the cheese and the rest of the pecans.

Yield: Enough for about 6 people

Each of person will get 4 g protein; 7 gcarbohydrate; 3 g dietary fiber; 4 gusable carbs.

Fried Cheese

This is the sort of decadence I wouldnever have considered in my low-fatdays. If you miss cheese-flavoredsnacks, you’ve got to try this.

2 or 3 tablespoons (30 or 45 ml)olive or canola oil

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½ to ¾ cup (60 to 90 g) shreddedCheddar, Monterey Jack, orjalepeño Jack cheese

Spray a small, heavy bottomed, nonstickskillet with nonstick cooking spray andplace over medium-high heat.

Add the oil and then the cheese. Thecheese will melt and bubble and spreadto fill the bottom of the skillet.

Let the cheese fry until it’s crisp andbrown around the edges. Use a spatula tolift up an edge and check whether thecheese is brown all over the bottom; if itisn’t, let it go another minute or so.

When the fried cheese is good andbrown, carefully flip it and fry the otherside until it is brown.

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Remove the cheese from the skillet,drain, and lie it flat to cool. Break intopieces and eat.

Yield: 2 servings

Each with 1 gram of carbohydrates, nofiber, and 11 grams of protein.

Variation: Cheesy Bowls and TacoShells—For a tasty, cheesy, tortilla-likebowl, follow the directions for FriedCheese until both sides are cooked.Remove and drain the cheese but drapeit over the bottom of a bowl to cool.When it cools and hardens, you’ll have acheesy, edible bowl to eat a taco saladout of.

You can also make a taco shell by

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folding the cheese disc in half andpropping it partway open. Be carefulwhen handling it; hot cheese can burnyou pretty seriously.


If you’ve never tried the Greek cheeseKasseri, you’re in for a treat. This dishis fantastically delicious, and it has adramatic, fiery presentation to boot.

¼ pound (115 g) Kasseri, in a slab½ inch (1.3 cm) thick

1 egg, beaten2 to 3 tablespoons (16 to 24 g)

rice protein powder, (10 to 15g) soy powder, or (14 to 21 g)

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low-carb bake mixOlive oil1 shot (1½ ounces, or 42 ml)

brandy¼ lemon

Dip the slab of cheese in the beaten egg,then in the protein powder, coating it allover.

Heat ¼ inch (65 cm) of olive oil in aheavy skillet over medium heat. Whenthe oil is hot, add the cheese.

Fry until golden and crisp on bothsides, turning only once. Remove fromthe pan and put on a fire-proof plate.

Pour the brandy evenly over the hotcheese, strike a match, and light thebrandy on fire. It is traditional to shout

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“Opa!” at this moment.Squeeze the lemon over the flaming

cheese, putting out the fire. Divide inhalf and scarf it down!

Yield: 2 servings

Each with 3 grams of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 17 grams of protein.

Southwestern Saganaki

This is a yummy twist on the traditionalSaganaki and a perfect starter for a fieryMexican dinner for two.

¼ pound (115 g) pepper Jackcheese, in a slab

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½ inch (1.3 cm) thick 1 egg,beaten

2 to 3 tablespoons (16 to 24 g)rice protein powder, (10 to 15g) soy powder, or (14 to 21 g)low-carb bake mix

Olive oil1 shot (1½ ounces, or 42 ml)

tequila¼ lime

Dip the slab of cheese in the beaten egg,then in the protein powder, coating it allover.

Heat ¼ inch (65 cm) of olive oil in aheavy skillet over medium heat. Whenthe oil is hot, add the cheese.

Fry until golden and crisp on both

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sides, turning only once. Remove fromthe pan and put on a fire-proof plate.

Pour the tequila evenly over the hotcheese, strike a match, and light thetequila on fire.

Squeeze the lime over the flamingcheese, putting out the fire.

Yield: 2 servings

Each with 3 grams of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 17 grams of protein.

Cheese Cookies

This recipe requires a food processor,so if you only have a tiny one, cut therecipe in half. Despite the name, these

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are not sweet; they’re more like cheesecrackers.

½ pound (225 g) processedAmerican loaf cheese, likeVelveeta (Store brand worksfine.)

½ pound (225 g) sharp cheddarcheese

¼ pound (115 g) butter1 cup (80 g) soy powderAbout 6 dozen pecan or walnut

halves (optional)

Preheat the oven to 400°F (200°C, orgas mark 6).

Cut the loaf cheese, cheddar, andbutter into chunks.

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Put the cheese chunks, butter, and soypowder in the food processor and pulseuntil the dough is well combined.

Coat a cookie sheet with nonstickcooking spray. Drop spoonfuls of doughonto the cookie sheet and press half apecan or walnut in the top of each one (ifusing).

Bake for 8 to 10 minutes or until thecookies are just getting brown aroundthe edges.

Yield: This will depend on how big youmake your cookies. I make mine smalland get 6 dozen.

Each with 1 gram of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 2 grams of protein.

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This easy dish makes a nice lightsummer supper. Use some or all of theingredients listed here, adjustingquantities as necessary.

Wedges of cantaloupeSalamiBoiled hamPepperoncini (mildly hot salad

peppers, available in jars nearthe pickles and olives)

Halved or quartered hard-boiledeggs

Marinated mushroomsBlack and green olives (Get the

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good ones.)Strips of canned pimentoSolid-pack white tuna, drizzled

with olive oilSardinesMarinated artichoke hearts

(available in cans)

Simply arrange some or all of thesethings decoratively on a platter, put out astack of small plates and some forks, anddinner is served.

Yield: Varies with your taste and needs,but here are the basic nutritionalbreakdowns for the items on yourantipasto platter:

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Cantaloupe, of a small melon: 4.5grams of carbohydrates and 0.5 grams offiber, for a total of 4 grams of usablecarbs and 0.5 grams of protein

Salami, 1 average slice: 0.5 grams ofcarbohydrates, a trace of fiber, and 3grams of protein

Boiled ham, 1 average slice: a trace ofcarbohydrates, no fiber, and 3.5 gramsof protein

Pepperoncini, 1 average piece: 0.5grams of carbohydrates, a trace of fiber,and no protein

Hard-boiled eggs, ½: 0.3 grams ofcarbohydrates, no fiber, and 3 grams of

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Marinated mushrooms, 1 average piece:1 gram of carbohydrates, a trace of fiber,and no protein

Black olives, 1 large: 0.5 grams ofcarbohydrates, a trace of fiber, and noprotein

Green olives, 1 large: a trace ofcarbohydrates, a trace of fiber, and noprotein

Pimento, 1 slice: a trace ofcarbohydrates, a trace of fiber, and noprotein

Tuna, 3 ounces: no carbohydrates, no

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fiber, and 22 grams of protein

Sardines, 2 average: no carbohydrates,no fiber, and 5 grams of protein (not tomention 91 milligrams of calcium)

Artichoke hearts, 2 quarters: 2 grams ofcarbohydrates, 1 gram of fiber, and noprotein

Pickled Shrimp

This recipe will feed a crowd, so makeit when you have plenty of people toshare with.

6 cups (1.4 L) water¼ cup (60 ml) dry sherry

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½ teaspoon peppercorns1 bay leaf6 teaspoons (36 g) salt, divided3 pounds (1.4 kg) raw shrimp,

shelled and deveined1 cup (240 ml) oil

cup (160 ml) lemon juice½ cup (120 ml) white vinegar3 tablespoons (20 g) mixed

pickling spice2 teaspoons Splenda2 sprigs fresh dill, coarsely


In a large saucepan over high heat, bringthe water, sherry, peppercorns, bay leaf,and 2 teaspoons (12 g) of salt to a boil.

Add the shrimp and bring back to a

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boil. Cook 1 minute longer and drain.In a large bowl, combine the oil,

lemon juice, vinegar, pickling spice,Splenda, dill, and the remaining 4teaspoons (24 g) of salt. Add the shrimpand toss with this pickling mixture.

Cover the bowl and chill it and theplatter you will serve the shrimp on inthe refrigerator overnight.

To serve, drain off and discard themarinade and arrange the shrimp on theplatter. Garnish with additional dill, ifdesired.

Yield: This is enough for a party of afew dozen people, but the carb countwill differ according to how big yourshrimp are, of course! Figure 24

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Each with less than 1 gram ofcarbohydrates, a trace of fiber, and 12grams of protein.

If it’s going to be a long party, it’s agood idea to set the platter or bowl on abed of crushed ice in another containerto keep the shrimp cold.

Easy Party Shrimp

How easy is this? Yet your guests willdevour it. If you can’t find the crab boilspices in the spice aisle at your grocerystore, ask the fish guys. They shouldknow where it is.

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1 envelope (3 ounces, or 85 g)

crab boil spices12 ounces (360 ml) light beer1 tablespoon (18 g) salt or Vege-

Sal4 pounds (2 kg) easy-peel shrimp

or frozen shrimp, unthawed

Drop the crab boil spice net bag in yourslow cooker and pour in the beer. Addthe salt or Vege-Sal and stir. Add theshrimp. Add just enough water to bringthe liquid level up to the top of theshrimp. Cover the slow cooker, set it tohigh, and let it cook for 1 to 2 hours oruntil the shrimp are pink through. Set thepot to low.

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Serve the shrimp straight from theslow cooker with low-carb cocktailsauce, lemon butter, or mustard andmayo stirred together, for dipping. Orheck, serve all three. This is enoughshrimp for a good-sized party, at least15 or 20 people, if you’re serving it asan appetizer/party snack.

Yield: 20 servings

Each with 18 g protein, 1 gcarbohydrate, 0 g dietary fiber, 1 gusable carbs. (Analysis does not includeany dipping sauces.)

Crab and Bacon Bundles

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This quick, hot appetizer will impressyour guests.

1 can (6 ounces, or 170 g) crab,drained

1 scallion, finely minced½ pound (225 g) baconDuck Sauce (page 465)

Preheat the broiler.Flake the crab, removing any bits of

shell or cartilage. Stir in the mincedscallion and set aside.

Cut all your bacon strips in halfcrosswise to make two shorter strips.Place a rounded ½ teaspoon or so of thecrab mixture on the end of a bacon stripand roll the strip up around it, stretching

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the bacon slightly as you go. Pierce thebundle with a toothpick to hold. Repeatuntil all the crab and bacon strips areused up.

Broil about 8 inches (20 cm) fromheat, turning once or twice, until thebacon is crisp—no more than 10minutes. Serve with Duck Sauce fordipping.

Yield: About 2 dozen servings

Each with only a trace of carbohydrates,a trace of fiber, and 4 grams of protein.(Analysis does not include Duck Sauce.)

Cocktail Ham Tartlets

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These hot appetizers are a throwback tothe 1960s, but they’re darned tasty.

Pie Crust (page 520)2 cans deviled ham, one the 4.25-

ounce (120 g) size, the otherthe 2.25-ounce (60 g) size

¾ cup (180 g) Simple No-SugarPickle Relish (page 497)

2 teaspoons spicy brown mustard

Make your pie crust first, but don’t pat itinto a pie pan. Instead, you’re going touse two 12-cup muffin tins. Spray themwith nonstick cooking spray, nip off 1-inch (2.5-cm) balls of dough with yourfingers, and press each one evenly overthe bottom of a muffin cup.

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Now, preheat your oven to 375°F(190°C, or gas mark 5). Mix together allthe remaining ingredients and spoonabout a teaspoon of the mixture into eachmuffin cup, spreading it with the back ofthe spoon.

Bake your Cocktail Ham Tartlets forabout 20 minutes and then let them cooljust a bit before using the rounded tip ofa butter knife to loosen each one and liftit out to a serving plate. Serve warm.

Yield: 24 servings

Each with 6 g protein; 2 g carbohydrate;trace dietary fiber; 2 g usable carbs.

Cranberry Barbecue

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Boring old ground turkey does aCinderella turn and comes to the party inthis dish!

2 pounds (1 kg) ground turkey2 eggs4 scallions, minced2 tablespoons (28 ml) soy sauce¼ teaspoon orange extract½ teaspoon pepper1 teaspoon Splenda¼ cup (60 ml) oil1 cup (240 ml) low-carb barbecue

sauce (your choice from theSauces and Seasonings

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chapter, or purchased)1 cup (110 g) cranberries (These

are strictly seasonal, but theyfreeze well.)

¼ cup (6 g) Splenda

In a big mixing bowl, combine theturkey, eggs, and scallions.

In another bowl, mix together the soysauce, orange extract, pepper, and 1teaspoon Splenda and pour into the bowlwith the turkey. Now use clean hands tosmoosh it all together until it’s very wellblended. Make 1-inch (2.5-cm)meatballs from the mixture.

Heat half the oil in a big, heavy skilletover medium heat. Brown the meatballsin a few batches, adding the rest of the

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oil as needed. Transfer the brownedmeatballs to your slow cooker.

In a blender or food processor with anS-blade, combine the barbecue sauce,cranberries, and ¼ cup (6 g) Splenda.Run it until the berries are puréed. Pourthis mixture over the meatballs.

Cover the slow cooker, set to low,and let it cook for 5 to 6 hours. Serve hotfrom the slow cooker with toothpicks forspearing!

Yield: 48 meatballs

Each with 4 g protein, 1 g carbohydrate,trace dietary fiber, 1 g usable carbs.

Colombo Meatballs with

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Jerk Sauce

Colombo is the Caribbean version ofcurry, and jerk is the notoriously fierybarbecue marinade from Jamaica. Theheat of this recipe is best controlled bychoosing your hot sauce wisely. If youuse Tabasco or Louisiana hot sauce,they’ll be spicy. If you use JamaicanScotch Bonnet sauce or habanero sauce,they’ll take the top of your head right off!

FOR MEATBALLS:1 pound (455 g) ground lamb1 egg¼ cup (40 g) minced onion¼ teaspoon ground coriander

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¼ teaspoon ground turmeric teaspoon anise seed, ground

1 clove garlic, minced¼ teaspoon dry mustard2 teaspoons lemon juice½ teaspoon Splenda½ teaspoon salt2 tablespoons (30 ml) olive oil1 bay leaf

FOR SAUCE:¼ cup (40 grams) minced onion1 teaspoon ground allspice1 tablespoon (6 g) grated ginger

root1 tablespoon (15 ml) soy sauce¼ teaspoon dried thyme¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon

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1 tablespoon (1.5 g) Splenda2 cloves garlic, crushed¼ cup (60 ml) low-carb ketchup1 tablespoon (15 ml) lemon juice1 tablespoon (15 ml) lime juice1½ teaspoons hot pepper sauce

To make the meatballs: In a big mixingbowl, add the lamb, egg, minced onion,coriander, turmeric, anise seed, mincedgarlic, dry mustard, lemon juice,Splenda, and salt. Using clean hands,moosh it all together till it’s wellblended. Then make 1-inch (2.5-cm)meatballs, pressing them together firmly.Heat the oil in a big, heavy skillet overmedium heat and brown the meatballs intwo batches. Drop the bay leaf in the

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bottom of the slow cooker and then putthe meatballs on top of it.

To make the sauce: Mix together theminced onion, allspice, ginger, soysauce, thyme, cinnamon, Splenda,crushed garlic, ketchup, lemon juice,lime juice, and hot pepper sauce. Pourthis sauce evenly over the meatballs.Cover the slow cooker, set it to low, andlet it cook for 3 hours. Serve hot fromthe slow cooker. Remove the bay leafbefore serving.

Yield: 35 servings

Each with 2 g protein, 1 g carbohydrate,trace dietary fiber, 1 g usable carbs.

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Zippy Cocktail Dogs

Here’s an easy way to jazz up littlecocktail wieners.

¼ cup (60 ml) Dana’s No-SugarKetchup (page 463) orpurchased low-carb ketchup

¼ cup (6 g) Splenda½ teaspoon blackstrap molasses1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce¼ cup (60 ml) bourbon½ pound (225 g) cocktail-size hot


In a large bowl, stir together the ketchup,Splenda, molasses, Worcestershiresauce, and bourbon.

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Put the hot dogs in the slow cookerand pour the sauce over them. Cover theslow cooker, set it to low, and let itcook for 2 hours. Then uncover and cookfor 1 more hour. Serve with toothpicksfor spearing.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 5 g protein, 4 g carbohydrate,trace dietary fiber, 4 g usable carbs.

If you can’t get cocktail-size hot dogs,use regular hot dogs cut in chunks.They’re not as cute, but they should tastethe same!

Orange Smokies

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Put these out at your next Super Bowlparty and watch people eat!

1 pound (455 g) small smokedsausage links

¼ cup (60 ml) Dana’s No-SugarKetchup (page 463) orpurchased low-carb ketchup

¼ cup (60 ml) lemon juice2 tablespoons (3 g) Splenda¼ teaspoon orange extract¼ teaspoon guar or xanthan


Put the sausage in your slow cooker.In a small bowl, stir together the

ketchup, lemon juice, Splenda, andorange extract. Thicken the mixture just a

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little, if you think it needs it, with guar orxanthan. Pour the sauce over the sausage.Cover the slow cooker, set it to low, andlet it cook for 3 hours. Keep thesausages hot in the slow cooker to serve.

Yield: 8 servings

Each with 8 g protein, 1 g carbohydrate,trace dietary fiber, 1 g usable carbs.

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4Eggs and Dairy

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Dana’s Easy OmeletMethod

If I had to choose just one skill to teachto every new low-carber, it would behow to make an omelet. They’re fast,they’re easy, and they make a widevariety of simple ingredients seem like ameal!

First, have your filling ready. Ifyou’re using vegetables, you’ll want tosauté them first. If you’re using cheese,have it grated or sliced and ready to go.If you’re making an omelet to use upleftovers—a great idea, by the way—warm them through in the microwave

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and have them standing by.Spray your omelet pan well with

cooking spray if it doesn’t have a goodnonstick surface and put it over medium-high heat. While the skillet’s heating,grab your eggs—2 is the perfect numberfor this size pan, but 1 or 3 will work—and a bowl, crack the eggs, and beatthem with a fork. Don’t add any water ormilk or anything while mixing.

The pan is hot enough when a drop ofwater thrown in sizzles right away. Adda tablespoon of oil or butter, spread itaround to cover the bottom, and thenpour in the eggs all at once. They shouldsizzle and immediately start to set. Whenthe bottom layer of egg is set around theedges—this should happen quite quickly

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—lift the edge using a spatula and tip thepan to let the raw egg flow underneath.Do this all around the edges until there’snot enough raw egg to run.

Now, turn your burner to the lowestheat if you have a gas stove. If you havean electric stove, you’ll have to have a“warm” burner standing by; electricelements don’t cool off fast enough forthis job. Put your filling on one half ofthe omelet, cover it, and let it sit oververy low heat for a minute or two, nomore. Peek and see if the raw, shiny eggis gone from the top surface (althoughyou can serve it that way if you like—that’s how the French prefer theiromelets) and the cheese, if you’ve usedit, is melted. If not, re-cover the pan and

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let it go another minute or two.When your omelet is done, slip a

spatula under the half without the fillingand fold it over; then lift the whole thingonto a plate. Or you can get fancy and tipthe pan, letting the filling side of theomelet slide onto the plate, folding thetop over as you go, but this takes somepractice.

This makes a single-serving omelet. Ithink it’s a lot easier to make severalindividual omelets than to make one bigone, and omelets are so fast to make thatit’s not that big a deal. Anyway, that wayyou can customize your omelets to eachindividual’s taste. If you’re making morethan 2 or 3 omelets, just keep them warmin your oven, set to its very lowest heat.

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Now here are some ideas for what toput in your omelets!

Macro Cheese Omelet

This is my husband’s favorite! With allthat cheese, this is mighty filling.

1 tablespoon (14 g) butter2 eggs, beaten1 to 2 ounces (28 to 55 g)

cheddar, sliced or shredded1 to 2 ounces (28 to 55 g)

Monterey Jack, sliced orshredded

1 slice processed Swiss

Make your omelet according to Dana’s

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Easy Omelet Method (page 82), placingthe cheese over half of your omelet whenyou’re ready to add the filling. Cover,turn the heat to low, and cook until thecheese is melted (3 to 4 minutes).Follow the directions to finish makingthe omelet.

Yield: 1 serving

3 grams of carbohydrates, no fiber, and46 grams of protein.

Apple, Bacon, and BlueCheese Omelet

These are three of my favorite things—wrapped in eggs, another of my favorite

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3 slices bacon¼ Granny Smith or other crisp,

tart apple, thinly sliced2 teaspoons butter, divided2 eggs, beaten1 ounce (30 g) crumbled blue


Start the bacon cooking in themicrowave—if you don’t own amicrowave bacon rack, a glass pie platewill work just fine. (In my microwave, 3to 4 minutes on high is about right, butmicrowave power varies.)

While the bacon’s cooking, melt 1teaspoon of butter in your omelet pan

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over medium-high heat. Add the applesand fry for 2 to 3 minutes per side oruntil they’re slightly golden. Remove theapple slices and keep them on hand.

Melt the remaining butter in theskillet, spread it about, and make youromelet according to Dana’s Easy OmeletMethod (page 82), using nonstickcooking spray if necessary. Arrange thefried apples on half the omelet, top withthe blue cheese, cover the pan, and turnthe heat to low.

Go check on that bacon! If it needsanother minute, do that now, while thecheese is melting. Then drain it andcrumble it over the now-melted bluecheese. Fold and serve.

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Yield: 1 serving

6 grams of carbohydrates and 1 gram offiber, for a total of 5 grams of usablecarbs and 23 grams of protein.

Mexican Omelet

This will open your eyes in the morning!It’s one of my favorites—I enjoybreathing fire.

1 tablespoon (14 g) butter2 eggs, beaten2 ounces (55 g) jalapeño Jack

cheese, shredded or sliced2 tablespoons (32 g) salsaHot pepper sauce (optional)

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Make your omelet according to Dana’sEasy Omelet Method (page 82), placingthe cheese over half of your omelet whenyou’re ready to add the filling. Cover,turn the heat to low, and cook until thecheese is melted (3 to 4 minutes).Follow the directions to finish makingthe omelet. Top with salsa and hot sauce(if using).

Yield: 1 serving

5 grams of carbohydrates and 1 gram offiber, for a total of 4 grams of usablecarbs and 25 grams of protein.

Taco Omelet

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This is a great way to use up leftovertaco filling.

1 tablespoon (14 g) butter2 eggs, beaten¼ cup (50 g) beef, turkey, or

chicken taco filling, warmed.2 tablespoons (15 g) shredded

Cheddar cheese2 tablespoons (32 g) salsa1 tablespoon (15 g) sour cream

Make your omelet according to Dana’sEasy Omelet Method (page 82), placingthe taco filling and cheese over half ofyour omelet when you’re ready to addthe filling. Cover, turn the heat to low,and cook until the cheese is melted (3 to

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4 minutes). Follow the directions tofinish making the omelet. Top with salsaand sour cream.

Yield: 1 serving

3 grams of carbohydrates and 1 gram offiber, for a total of 2 grams of usablecarbs and 24 grams of protein. (Analysisdoes not include garnishes.)

You can, if you like, jazz up this omeletwith a little diced onion, olives, orwhatever else you like on a taco.

Fajita Omelet

Again, this is a great way to use up

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1 tablespoon (15 ml) olive oil2 eggsLeftover steak or chicken fajita,

warmed1 tablespoon (15 g) sour cream

Make your omelet according to Dana’sEasy Omelet Method (page 82), placingthe fajita filling over half of your omeletwhen you’re ready to add the filling.Cover, turn the heat to low, and cook for2 to 3 minutes. Follow the directions tofinish making the omelet and top with thesour cream.

Yield: 1 serving

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The carb count for this omelet willdepend on your recipe for fajitas. Theeggs and sour cream will add only 2grams of carbs, no fiber, and 11 gramsof protein.

Kasseri Tapenade Omelet

This omelet is loaded with cool Greekflavors! Look for jars of tapenade, anolive relish, in big grocery stores.Kasseri is a Greek cheese; all my localgrocery stores carry it, so I’m guessingyours do too.

2 to 3 teaspoons olive oil2 eggs, beaten1 ounce (30 g) kasseri cheese,

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sliced or shredded1½ tablespoons (23 ml) tapenade

Make your omelet according to Dana’sEasy Omelet Method (page 82). Coverhalf the omelet with the cheese and thentop with the tapenade when you’re readyto add the filling. Cover, turn the heat tolow, and let it cook for a couple ofminutes until the cheese is melted. Foldand serve.

Yield: 1 serving

4 grams of carbohydrates, no fiber, and18 grams of protein.

Club Omelet

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One of the few high-carb meals I miss isthe turkey club sandwich—so here’s theomelet equivalent!

2 slices bacon, cooked anddrained

2 ounces (55 g) turkey breastslices

½ small tomato, sliced1 scallion, sliced2 eggs1 tablespoon (15 g) mayonnaise

Have your bacon cooked and drained—Ilike to microwave mine and crumble itup. Cut the turkey into small squares andhave the tomato and scallion sliced andat hand.

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Beat the eggs, and make your omeletaccording to Dana’s Easy OmeletMethod (page 82), adding just the baconand turkey while it’s still cooking. Onceit’s cooked to your liking, sprinkle thetomato and scallion over the meat,spread the mayo on the other side, fold,and serve.

Yield: 1 serving

Each with 29 g protein; 5 gcarbohydrate; 1 g dietary fiber; 4 gusable carbs.

Tuna Melt Omelet

It’s worth making extra tuna salad just to

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make this omelet. This is a great lunch.

1 tablespoon (14 g) butter2 eggs, beaten1 ounce (28 g) Swiss cheese or

processedSwiss-style singles½ cup (100 g) leftover tuna salad,

warmed to room temperature

Make your omelet according to Dana’sEasy Omelet Method (page 82), placingthe Swiss cheese over half of youromelet when you’re ready to add thefilling. Spread the tuna salad over thecheese, cover, turn the heat to low, andcook until hot all the way through (3 to 4minutes). Follow the directions to finish

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making the omelet.

Yield: 1 serving

The carb count of this omelet willdepend on your recipe for tuna salad.The eggs and cheese will add only 2grams of carbohydrates, no fiber, and 19grams of protein.

Denver Omelet

1 tablespoon (14 g) butter2 eggs1 ounce (28 g) cheddar cheese,

shredded or sliced¼ cup (40 g) diced cooked ham¼ green pepper, cut in small

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strips and sautéed¼ small onion, sliced and sautéed

Make your omelet according to Dana’sEasy Omelet Method (page 82), placingthe cheese and the sautéed ham andvegetables over half of your omeletwhen you’re ready to add the filling.Cover, turn the heat to low, and cookuntil the cheese is melted (3 to 4minutes). Follow the directions to finishmaking the omelet.

Yield: 1 serving

7 grams of carbohydrates and 1 gram offiber, for a total of 6 grams of usablecarbs (and you can cut that by usingseriously low-carb ham) and 25 grams

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of protein.

Artichoke Parmesan Omelet

This is a terrific combination.

1 tablespoon (14 g) butter2 eggs, beaten1 to 2 tablespoons (14 to 28 g)

mayonnaise1 canned artichoke heart, sliced2 tablespoons (12.5 g) grated

Parmesan cheese

Make your omelet according to Dana’sEasy Omelet Method (page 82),spreading mayonnaise over one half ofyour omelet and topping it with the

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artichoke heart and Parmesan whenyou’re ready to add the filling. Cover,turn the heat to low, and cook until thecheese is melted (3 to 4 minutes).Follow the directions to finish makingthe omelet.

Yield: 1 serving

11 grams of carbohydrates and 5 gramsof fiber, for a total of 6 grams of usablecarbs and 18 grams of protein.

Roman Mushroom Omelet

Believe it or not, this is classical Italianfood, with no pasta in sight.

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2 cups (200 g) sliced mushrooms¼ small onion, sliced thin1 stalk celery, diced fine2 tablespoons (30 ml) olive oil1 clove garlic½ teaspoon chicken bouillon

granules½ teaspoon SplendaSalt and pepper4 eggs½ cup (80 g) shredded Romano

cheese, divided

In your big skillet, start sautéing themushrooms, onion, and celery in theolive oil. When the mushrooms havechanged color and the onion istranslucent, add the garlic, chicken

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bouillon granules, and Splenda, stirringuntil the bouillon dissolves. Let cook foranother minute or so. Add salt andpepper to the mushroom mixture to tasteand remove from skillet.

Now, in your omelet pan, make 2omelets, one after the other, according toDana’s Easy Omelet Method (page 82),using the mushrooms as filling and ¼cup (40 g) of shredded Romano cheeseper omelet on top. Cover and cook untilthe cheese melts, fold, and serve. (Youcan keep the first omelet warm longenough to make the second omelet bysimply covering the plate with a sparepot lid. For that matter, you can halvethis recipe to make one omelet!)

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Yield: 2 omelets

Each with 22 g protein; 8 gcarbohydrate; 1 g dietary fiber; 7 gusable carbs.

Curried Cheese and OliveOmelets

This was originally a spread for Englishmuffins and the like, but it makes awicked omelet. I know that thiscombination of ingredients sounds alittle odd, but the flavor is magical.

1 cup (120 g) shredded cheddarcheese

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5 or 6 scallions, finely sliced,including the crisp part of thegreen

1 can (4.25 ounces, or 120 g)chopped ripe olives, drained

3 tablespoons (42 g) mayonnaise½ teaspoon curry powder6 eggs, beaten

Simply plunk the cheese, scallions,olives, mayonnaise, and curry powder ina mixing bowl and combine well. Now,make 3 omelets according to Dana’sEasy Omelet Method (page 82), usingthe cheese-and-olive mixture as thefilling. If there’s only one of you,however, just use 2 eggs to make 1omelet. The cheese mixture will keep

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well for a couple of days in a closedcontainer in the refrigerator, letting youmake fabulous omelets very quickly fora few days running.

Yield: 3 servings

Each with 6 grams of carbohydrates and3 grams of fiber, for a total of 3 grams ofusable carbs and 21 grams of protein.(As a bonus, you get 372 milligrams ofcalcium!)

“My Day to Crab” Omelet

My grandmother never got to gocrabbing when the family was at theshore because she was too busy keeping

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house. Finally she declared, “It’s my dayto crab!” If it’s your day to crab, thisomelet will cheer you up.

¼ cup (35 g) canned crabmeat,flaked and picked over forshells and cartilage

2 scallions, sliced, including thecrisp part of the green

1 tablespoon (14 g) butter2 eggs, beaten1 to 2 tablespoons (14 to 28 g)


Mix the crab meat with the scallions andhave the mixture standing by. Make youromelet according to Dana’s Easy OmeletMethod (page 82), spreading

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mayonnaise over half the omelet andtopping it with the crab and scallionmixture when you’re ready to add thefilling. Cover, turn the heat to low, andcook until the cheese is melted (3 to 4minutes). Follow the directions to finishmaking the omelet.

Yield: 1 serving

3 grams of carbohydrates and 1 gram offiber, for a total of 2 grams of usablecarbs and 19 grams of protein.

Leftover Lamblet

I adore roast lamb, and the leftovers areway too good to waste! This is very

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hearty and would make a great quicksupper.

¼ pound (115 g) leftover roastlamb, cut into small chunks

½ small onion2 tablespoons (12.5 g) grated

Parmesan cheese3 tablespoons (42 g) mayonnaise½ teaspoon prepared horseradish1 tablespoon (14 g) butter2 eggs, beaten

In a food processor with the S-blade inplace, grind the lamb and the oniontogether. When you have a pretty uniformconsistency, add the Parmesan,mayonnaise, and horseradish and pulse

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until everything is combined. Place in amicrowave-safe bowl and microwaveon 50 percent power for just 1 minute orso to warm through.

Make your omelet according toDana’s Easy Omelet Method (page 82),placing the lamb mixture evenly overhalf of your omelet when you’re ready toadd the filling. Cover, turn the heat tolow, and cook until the eggs are set (60to 90 seconds). Follow the directions tofinish making the omelet.

Yield: 1 serving

6 grams of carbohydrates and 1 gram offiber, for a total of 5 grams of usablecarbs and 38 grams of protein.

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Sloppy Tom Omelet

I like this omelet as a quick lunch.Indeed, I’ve been known to make SloppyToms just to have them on hand for thispurpose. If you have a favorite low-carbSloppy Joe recipe, feel free to use itinstead.

2 eggs¼ cup (50 g) Sloppy Toms (page

354)1 ounce (30 g) cheddar cheese or

Monterey Jack, sliced orshredded

If your Sloppy Toms are left over,straight out of the fridge, warm them a

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bit in the microwave before you startcooking the eggs. Then make your omeletaccording to Dana’s Easy OmeletMethod (page 82), adding the cheesefirst, then the Sloppy Toms on top of thecheese. Cover, turn heat to low andfinish cooking, and then fold and serve.

Yield: 1 serving

Each with 27 g protein; 7 gcarbohydrate; 1 g dietary fiber; 6 gusable carbs.

Pizza Omelet

Remember that the pizza sauce is wherethe carbs are in this omelet, so govern

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yourself accordingly.

1 tablespoon (15 ml) olive oil2 eggs, beaten 2 ounces (55 g)

mozzarella cheese2 tablespoons (30 ml) jarred no-

sugar-added pizza sauce,warmed

1 teaspoon grated Parmesancheese

Make your omelet according to Dana’sEasy Omelet Method (page 82), placingthe mozzarella over half of your omeletwhen you’re ready to add the filling.Cover, turn the heat to low, and cookuntil the cheese is melted (2 to 3minutes). Follow the directions to finish

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making the omelet and top with the pizzasauce and Parmesan.

Yield: 1 serving

6 grams of carbohydrates (and you canlower that if you use the lowest-carbpizza sauce), no fiber, and 24 grams ofprotein.

California Omelet

I’ve had breakfast down near thewaterfront in San Diego. This is what ittastes like.

1 tablespoon (15 ml) olive oil2 eggs, beaten

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2 ounces (55 g) Monterey Jackcheese, shredded

3 or 4 slices ripe black avocado¼ cup (4 g) alfalfa sprouts

Make your omelet according to Dana’sEasy Omelet Method (page 82), placingthe Monterey Jack over half of youromelet when you’re ready to add thefilling. Cover, turn the heat to low, andcook until the cheese is melted (2 to 3minutes). Arrange the avocado andsprouts over the cheese and follow thedirections to finish making the omelet.

Yield: 1 serving

4 grams of carbohydrates and 1 gram of

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fiber, for a total of 3 grams of usablecarbs and 26 grams of protein (and asmuch potassium as a banana!).


Should you happen to have leftoverguacamole— an unlikely circumstance,I’ll admit—this is a fine thing to do withit.

1 tablespoon (15 ml) oil2 eggs, beaten2 ounces (55 g) Monterey Jack

cheese, sliced or shredded¼ cup (59 g) guacamole

Make your omelet according to Dana’s

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Easy Omelet Method (page 82), placingthe cheese over half of your omelet whenyou’re ready to add the filling. Spreadthe guacamole over the cheese, cover,turn the heat to low, and cook until thecheese is melted (3 to 4 minutes).Follow the directions to finish makingthe omelet.

Yield: 1 serving

6 grams of carbohydrates and 1 gram offiber, for a total of 5 grams of usablecarbs and 26 grams of protein (and awhopping 487 milligrams ofpotassium!).

Avocado Cheese Dip Omelet

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This is perhaps the most decadentlydelicious omelet I know how to make,and it’s certainly a good enough reasonto hide some of the Avocado Cheese Dipat your next party.

1 tablespoon (15 ml) olive oil2 eggs, beaten

cup (80 g) Avocado Cheese Dip(page 61)

Make your omelet according to Dana’sEasy Omelet Method (page 82), placingthe Avocado Cheese Dip over half ofyour omelet when you’re ready to addthe filling. Cover, turn the heat to low,and cook until hot all the way through (3to 4 minutes). Follow the directions to

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finish making the omelet.

Yield: 1 serving

6 grams of carbohydrates and 1 gram offiber, for a total of 5 grams of usablecarbs and 19 grams of protein.

“Clean the Fridge” Omelet

The name is not a joke—I made thisomelet up out of whatever I foundkicking around in the refrigerator,needing to be used up before it wentbad. The results were definitely goodenough to make it again.

½ red bell pepper, cut into thin

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strips¼ medium onion, thinly sliced3 tablespoons (45 ml) olive oil2 eggs, beaten1 ounce (30 g) jalapeño jack,

shredded or sliced½ black avocado, sliced

In your skillet over medium-high heat,sauté the pepper and onion in the oiluntil the onion is translucent and thepepper is going limp. Remove from thepan and keep on hand. If your pan isn’tnonstick, give it a shot of nonstickcooking spray before putting it back onthe heat and increasing the heat a touchto high.

Make your omelet according to

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Dana’s Easy Omelet Method (page 82).Put the cheese on half the omelet and topwith the avocado and then the pepperand onion. Cover, turn the heat to low,and let it cook until the cheese is melted.Fold and serve.

Yield: 1 serving

14 grams of carbohydrates and 6 gramsof fiber, for a total of 8 grams of usablecarbs and 21 grams of protein. (Thisalso contains a whopping 821milligrams of potassium!)

New York Sunday BrunchOmelet

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My husband was absolutely blown awayby this. It’s unbelievably filling, by theway.

1 tablespoon (14 g) butter2 eggs, beaten2 ounces (55 g) cream cheese,

thinly sliced¼ cup (50 g) flaked smoked

salmon2 scallions, sliced

Make your omelet according to Dana’sEasy Omelet Method (page 82), placingthe cream cheese over half of youromelet when you’re ready to add thefilling. (Don’t try to spread the creamcheese—it won’t work!) Top with the

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salmon, cover, turn the heat to low, andcook until hot all the way through (2 to 3minutes). Scatter the scallions oversalmon and follow the directions tofinish making the omelet.

Yield: 1 serving

5 grams of carbohydrates and 1 gram offiber, for a total of 4 grams of usablecarbs and 22 grams of protein.

Ropa Vieja Omelet

Here’s another way to use your RopaVieja (page 380)

cup (70 g) Ropa Vieja

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1 ounce (30 g) Monterey Jackcheese

¼ black avocado, sliced2 eggs

Warm your Ropa Vieja in themicrowave, slice or shred your cheese,and slice your avocado; have everythingstanding by!

Now heat your omelet pan and add alittle oil. Beat up your eggs, and whenthe skillet’s hot, pour them in and makeyour omelet according to Dana’s EasyOmelet Method (page 82). When it’stime to add the filling, put the cheese infirst, then the Ropa Vieja, and then theavocado. Cover, turn heat to low, andfinish cooking. Fold and serve.

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Yield: 1 serving

Each with 29 g protein; 5 gcarbohydrate; 2 g dietary fiber; 3 gusable carbs.

Omelet Cordon Bleu

Canned asparagus is fine for this, butyou may cook some up if you prefer oruse leftover asparagus, should you haveany.

1 tablespoon (14 g) butter2 eggs¼ cup (30 g) shredded Gruyère

cheese1 ounce (28 g) boiled or baked

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deli ham (or sliced leftoverham)

3 asparagus spears, cooked

Make your omelet according to Dana’sEasy Omelet Method (page 82), placingthe Gruyère, ham, and asparagus overhalf of your omelet when you’re ready toadd the filling. Cover, turn the heat tolow, and cook until the cheese is melted(2 to 3 minutes). Follow the directionsto finish making the omelet.

Yield: 1 serving

3 grams of carbohydrates and 1 gram offiber, for a total of 2 grams of usablecarbs and 25 grams of protein.

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Braunschweiger Omelet

Hey, don’t look like that! Some of uslove liverwurst!

1 tablespoon (14 g) butter2 eggs, beaten2 ounces (55 g) braunschweiger

(liverwurst), mashed a bit witha fork

2 or 3 slices ripe tomato

Make your omelet according to Dana’sEasy Omelet Method (page 82),spooning the mashed braunschweigerover half of your omelet and toppingwith the tomato slices when you’reready to add the filling. Cover, turn the

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heat to low, and cook until heatedthrough (2 to 3 minutes). Follow thedirections to finish making the omelet.

Yield: 1 serving

4 grams of carbohydrates, a trace offiber, and 19 grams of protein.

Chili Omelet

You can use either beef chili or turkeychili.It doesn’t matter—they both make agreat omelet.

1 tablespoon (15 ml) olive oil2 eggs, beaten½ cup (100 g) all-meat chili,

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warmed2 tablespoons (8 g) shredded

cheddar cheese1 tablespoon (15 g) sour cream

Make your omelet according to Dana’sEasy Omelet Method (page 82), placingthe chili over half of your omelet whenyou’re ready to add the filling. Top withthe cheddar, cover, turn the heat to low,and cook until the cheese is melted (2 to3 minutes). Follow the directions tofinish making the omelet and top with thesour cream.

Yield: 1 serving

About 6 grams of carbohydrates

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(depending on your chili recipe), nofiber, and 33 grams of protein.


This falls somewhere between a blintzand an omelet—hence the name. Theseare not dirt-low in carbs, but they’rereally yummy. They can be a specialbreakfast—you’ll want to add a littlemore protein on the side, maybe someham—or even a light dessert.

1 cup (225 g) 4% or 2% cottagecheese

2 tablespoons (30 g) sour cream½ teaspoon vanilla extract1 tablespoon (1.5 g) Splenda

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4 eggs¼ cup (30 g) vanilla whey protein

powder6 tablespoons (90 ml) low-sugar

strawberry preserves

Put the cottage cheese, sour cream,vanilla, and Splenda in your foodprocessor with the S-blade in place.Process until smooth.

Put the eggs and the protein powder ina blender and whirl for 20 seconds orso.

Heat an 8- or 9-inch (20- or 25-cm)nonstick skillet over medium-high heat.Make sure it’s hot before you cook!Even though it’s nonstick, spray it withnonstick cooking spray. Now, pour in a

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small puddle of the egg mixture andswirl the pan to coat the whole bottom—the idea is to use just enough of the eggmixture to cover the bottom of the skilletwith a thin but solid layer. Cook until thetop of the egg is set—this takes only aminute or so—and then turn briefly. Theprotein powder makes this mixture veryfragile, so be careful.

Lay the thin, eggy pancake on a plate,spread 1 tablespoon of the preserves onone half, and spoon 3 tablespoons of thecottage cheese mixture over it. Fold andserve. Repeat with remainingingredients.

Yield: Makes 6

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Each with 9 grams of carbohydrates and11 grams of protein. You can cut thecarb count of each serving 3 grams byusing just ½ tablespoon of preserves ineach one. Or you could thaw ½ cup (150g) of frozen unsweetened strawberries,mash them with a tablespoon or two ofSplenda, and use them in place of thepreserves. This would save 5 grams ofcarbs per serving.


The frittata is the Italian version of theomelet, and it involves no folding! Ifyou’re still intimidated by omelets, try afrittata.

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Confetti Frittata

¼ pound (115 g) bulk porksausage

¼ cup (38 g) diced green pepper¼ cup (38 g) diced sweet red

pepper¼ cup (40 g) diced sweet red

onion¼ cup (25 g) grated Parmesan

cheese1 teaspoon salt-free seasoning,

such as original flavor Mrs.Dash

8 eggs, beaten

Preheat the broiler.

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In a large, oven-proof skillet, startbrowning and crumbling the sausageover medium heat. As some fat starts tocook out of it, add the green peppers, redpeppers, and onion to the skillet. Cookthe sausage and veggies until there’s nopink left in the sausage. Spread thesausage and veggie mixture into an evenlayer in the bottom of the skillet.

In a medium bowl, beat the Parmesancheese and seasoning into the eggs andpour the mixture over the sausage andveggies in the skillet.

Turn the heat to low and cover theskillet. (If your skillet doesn’t have acover, use foil.) Let the frittata cookuntil the eggs are mostly set. This maytake up to 25 to 30 minutes, but the size

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of your skillet will affect the speed ofcooking, so check periodically.

When all but the very top of thefrittata is set, slide it under the broilerfor about 5 minutes or until the top isgolden. Cut into wedges and serve.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 4 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 3 grams ofusable carbohydrates and 17 grams ofprotein.

Artichoke MushroomFrittata

3 tablespoons (42 g) butter

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1 cup (300 g) canned, quarteredartichoke hearts, drained

4 ounces (115 g) freshmushrooms, sliced

½ small onion, sliced8 eggs, beaten6 ounces (170 g) shredded

Gruyère cheese

Preheat the broiler.In a heavy skillet, melt the butter and

sauté the artichoke hearts, mushrooms,and onion over medium-low heat untilthe mushrooms are limp.

Spread the vegetables evenly over thebottom of the skillet and pour the eggsover them.

Turn the heat to low and cover the

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skillet. (If your skillet doesn’t have acover, use foil.) Let the frittata cookuntil mostly set (7 to 10 minutes).

Top with the Gruyère and slide theskillet under the broiler, about 4 inches(10 cm) from the heat. Broil for 2 to 3minutes or until the eggs are set on topand the cheese is lightly golden. Cut intowedges and serve.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 7 grams of carbohydrates and3 grams of fiber, for a total of 4 grams ofusable carbs and 26 grams of protein.

Artichoke and FriendsFrittata

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3 tablespoons (45 ml) olive oil¼ pound (115 g) zucchini (about 1

really little zucchini), dicedsmall

3 tablespoons (30 g) choppedonion

1 clove garlic, crushed½ small green pepper, diced½ small red pepper, diced1 cup (300 g) canned artichoke

hearts, drained and chopped1 cup (110 g)¼-inch (6-mm) ham cubes¼ cup (15 g) chopped fresh

parsley10 eggs1 tablespoon (5 g) oregano

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cup (33.3 g) grated Parmesancheese

Preheat the broiler.For this you need an oven-safe skillet

—a big cast-iron skillet works great.Spray the skillet with nonstick cookingspray and put it over medium-high heat.Add the olive oil and start sautéing thezucchini, onion, garlic, and peppers.When the vegetables are starting tosoften, stir in the artichoke hearts, hamcubes, and fresh parsley. Let the wholething continue cooking while youprepare the eggs.

Scramble up the eggs with the oreganoand Parmesan.

Arrange everything in the skillet in an

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even layer and pour in the eggs. Coverthe pan, turn the heat to low, and let thewhole thing cook for 15 to 20 minutes oruntil all but the top is set.

Run the skillet under the broiler for 3or 4 minutes until it starts to brown alittle. Then cut frittata in wedges toserve.

Yield: 4 to 5 servings

Assuming 5 servings, each will have 20g protein; 8 g carbohydrate; 1 g dietaryfiber; 7 g usable carbs.

Chorizo Frittata

This recipe is very South of the Border.

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If you like chorizo (Mexican sausage),you might cook some up, drain it well,and keep it in a container in the freezerso you can whip up one of these omeletson short notice.

1 tablespoon (15 ml) oil½ green pepper, diced1 small onion, sliced

cup (75 g) cooked, crumbled,drained chorizo

cup (173 g) salsa8 eggs, beaten6 ounces (170 g) shredded

cheddar or Monterey Jack

Preheat the broiler.In a large, heavy skillet over medium

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heat, heat the oil and sauté the greenpepper and onion for a few minutes untiltender-crisp. Add the chorizo and thesalsa, stir well, and heat through.

Spread the mixture into an even layeron the bottom of the skillet and pour inthe eggs.

Turn the heat to low and cover theskillet. (If your skillet doesn’t have acover, use foil.) Let the frittata cookuntil the eggs are mostly set (7 to 10minutes).

Top with the shredded cheese andslide the skillet under the broiler, about4 inches (10 cm) from the heat. Broil for2 to 3 minutes or until the eggs are setand the cheese is melted. Cut intowedges and serve.

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Yield: 4 servings

Each with 8 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 7 grams ofusable carbs and 32 grams of protein.

UnPotato Tortilla

Don’t think Mexican flatbread, thinkeggs. In Spain, a “tortilla” is much likean Italian frittata— a substantial eggdish, cooked in a skillet and served inwedges. This one is my version of atraditional dish served in tapas bars allover Spain. As bar food goes, it’s aheckuva step up from beer nuts and stalepopcorn!

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¼ head cauliflower1 medium turnip1 medium onion, sliced thin3 tablespoons (45 ml) olive oil,

divided6 eggsSalt and pepper

Thinly slice your cauliflower—includethe stem— and peel and thinly slice yourturnip. Put them in a microwaveablecasserole dish with a lid, add a coupleof tablespoons of water, and microwaveon high for 6 to 7 minutes.

In the meanwhile, start the onionsautéing in 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of theolive oil in an 8- to 9-inch (20- to 23-cm) skillet—a nonstick skillet is ideal,

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but it’s not essential. If your skillet isn’tnonstick, give it a good squirt ofnonstick cooking spray first. Usemedium heat.

When your microwave goes beep,pull out the veggies, drain them, andthrow them in the skillet with the onion.Continue sautéing everything, adding abit more oil if things start to stick, untilthe veggies are getting golden around theedges—about 10 to 15 minutes. Turn theheat to low and spread the vegetables inan even layer on the bottom of theskillet.

Mix up the eggs with a little salt andpepper and pour over the vegetables.Cook on low for 5 to 7 minutes, liftingthe edges frequently to let uncooked egg

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run underneath. When it’s all set exceptfor the top, slide the skillet under a lowbroiler for 4 to 5 minutes or until the topof your tortilla is golden. (If your skilletdoesn’t have a flameproof handle, wrapit in foil first.) Cut in wedges to serve. Asprinkling of chopped parsley is nicegainish.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 6 g protein; 4 g carbohydrate;1 g dietary fiber; 3 g usable carbs.


When both omelets and frittatas are toomuch trouble, just make a scramble. The

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ways of varying scrambled eggs areendless, so you could have them severaltimes a week and never get bored. Thesehave been analyzed assuming a three-eggserving, but if you want a lighter meal,leave out one egg and subtract 0.5 gramof carbohydrates and 6 grams of proteinfrom my analysis.

Country Scramble

This fast-and-filling family-pleaser is agreat way to use up leftover ham.

1 tablespoon (14 g) butter¼ cup (40 g) diced cooked ham¼ cup (38 g) diced green pepper

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2 tablespoons (20 g) diced onion3 eggs, beatenSalt and pepper

Melt the butter in a skillet over mediumheat. Add the ham, green pepper, andonion and sauté for a few minutes untilthe onion is softened.

Pour in the eggs and scramble until theeggs are set. Add salt and pepper to tasteand serve.

Yield: 2 servings

Each with 7 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 6 grams ofusable carbs and 23 grams of protein.

Don’t look at the number of servings and

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assume you can’t feed a hungry familywith a scramble— these recipes are asnap to double, as long as you have askillet large enough to scramble in.

Huevos Con El Sabor deChiles Rellenos

Chiles Rellenos—green chilies stuffedwith cheese, dipped in batter, and thenfried—are irresistible, and very time-consuming to make. However, since thetraditional batter is egg-rich, it occurredto me to incorporate the chilies and thecheese into a scramble. It’s delicious! Ifyou haven’t tried canned green chilies,you should know that they’re only

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slightly spicy—this recipe won’t leaveyou gasping and reaching for a glass ofwater.

6 eggs¼ cup (30 g) canned diced green

chilies1 tablespoon (14 g) butter or oil4 ounces (115 g) Monterey Jack

cheese, cut into small chunks

Beat the eggs with the chilies. Spray alarge, heavy skillet with nonstickcooking spray and put it over medium-high heat. When the skillet is hot, add thebutter or oil, and move it around to coatthe bottom of the skillet.

Pour in the beaten eggs with chilies

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and scramble them until they’re abouthalf-set. Add the chunks of MontereyJack, continue scrambling until set, andthen serve.

Yield: 2 or 3 servings

Assuming 2 servings, each will have 4grams of carbohydrates, a trace of fiber,and 31 grams of protein.

Inauthentic Machaca Eggs

True Machaca is made with beef thatyou’ve salted and dried, then rehydratedin boiling water, and pounded intoshreds. It’s very tasty, but I don’t know alot of people who want to do that much

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work. The beef shreds from the RopaVieja work beautifully in this scramble!

2 tablespoons (30 ml) olive oil1 cup (200 g) Ropa Vieja (page

380)½ green bell pepper, diced½ onion, chopped1 clove garlic, crushed1 cup (240 g) canned tomatoes

with green chilies, drained5 eggs¼ cup (16 g) chopped fresh


Heat the olive oil in a large, heavyskillet and add the Ropa Vieja, dicedpepper, onion, and garlic. Sauté them

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together, stirring often, until the onionand pepper are becoming a little soft. Inthe meanwhile, measure your tomatoesand beat your eggs.

Okay, your onion is translucent, andyour pepper’s starting to soften. Add thetomato, stir it up, and then pour in thebeaten eggs. Scramble until the eggs areset. Divide evenly between two plates,top each serving with half the cilantro,and serve.

Feel free to add some choppedjalapeños or more green chilies to this,if you’d like it spicy. Or you could use apasilla or Anaheim chili in place of thegreen pepper.

Yield: 2 to 3 servings

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Assuming 2 servings, each will have 30g protein; 12 g carbohydrate; 2 g dietaryfiber; 10 g usable carbs.

Curry Scramble

I’m in love with curry. With a greensalad, this makes a great light supperwhether you’re a devoted curry lover ornot.

1 tablespoon butter¼ teaspoon curry powder½ clove garlic, crushed3 eggs1 tablespoon (15 ml) heavy cream3 slices bacon, cooked until crisp

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Melt the butter in a heavy skillet andsauté the curry powder and garlic overmedium-low heat for a minute or two.

Beat the eggs and cream together,pour into the skillet, and scramble untilthe eggs are set. Crumble bacon over thetop.

Yield: 1 serving

3 grams of carbohydrates, a trace offiber, and 23 grams of protein.

Smoked Salmon and GoatCheese Scramble

This sounds fancy, I know, but it takesalmost no time and is very impressive.

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It’s terrific to make for a special brunchor a late-night supper. A simple greensalad with a classic vinaigrette dressingwould be perfect with this.

4 eggs½ cup (120 ml) heavy cream1 teaspoon dried dill weed4 scallions¼ pound (115 g) chevre (goat

cheese)¼ pound (115 g) moist smoked

salmon1 to 2 tablespoons (14 to 28 g)


Whisk the eggs together with the creamand dill weed. Slice the scallions thin,

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including the crisp part of the green. Cutthe chevre—it will have a texturesimilar to cream cheese—into littlehunks. Coarsely crumble the smokedsalmon.

In a big (preferably nonstick) skillet,melt the butter over medium-high heat.(If your skillet doesn’t have a nonsticksurface, give it a shot of nonstickcooking spray before adding the butter.)When the butter’s melted, add thescallions first and sauté them for just aminute. Add the egg mixture and cook,stirring frequently, until the eggs arehalfway set—about 1 minute to 90seconds. Add the chevre and smokedsalmon, continue cooking and stirringuntil the eggs are set, and serve.

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Yield: 3 servings

Each with 5 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 4 grams ofusable carbs and 27 grams of protein.

Springtime Scramble

4 stalks asparagus8 fresh snow pea pods1 scallion3 eggs1 teaspoon olive oil

Snap the bottoms off your asparaguswhere they break naturally and then cutthe stalks into ½-inch (1.25-cm) pieceson the diagonal. Pinch the ends off the

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snow peas and pull off the strings. Thencut them into ½-inch (1.25-cm) pieces,too. Put the two in a microwaveablebowl, add a couple of teaspoons ofwater, cover, and microwave on high forjust 3 minutes. Uncover as soon as themicrowave beeps! While this ishappening, slice your scallion, includingthe crisp part of the green, and whiskyour eggs.

Okay, pull your asparagus and snowpeas out of the microwave. Spray amedium skillet with nonstick cookingspray and place over medium heat. Addthe olive oil and let it start heating.Drain the asparagus and snow peas andthrow them in the skillet, along with thescallion. Now pour in the eggs and

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scramble until set. That’s it!

Yield: 1 serving

Each with 19 g protein; 8 gcarbohydrate; 2 g dietary fiber; 6 gusable carbs.


Say “peep-er-ahd.” This Basque peasantdish has so many vegetables in it that it’sa whole meal in itself.

2 tablespoons bacon grease¼ cup diced onion½ cup diced green pepper

cup diced tomato (very ripe

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fresh or canned)3 eggs, beatenSalt and pepper

Heat the bacon grease in a heavy skilletover lowest heat. Add the onion andsauté for 5 to 7 minutes or until the onionis soft.

Add the pepper and the tomato. Stir,cover, and cook at lowest heat for 15minutes, stirring once or twice. (Youwant the vegetables to be quite soft.)

Pour in the eggs and scramble slowlyuntil the eggs are just set. Add salt andpepper to taste and serve.

Yield: 1 serving

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13 grams of carbohydrates and 3 gramsof fiber, for a total of 10 grams of usablecarbs and 18 grams of protein.

Variation: Hearty Piperade—Make justas you would regular Piperade, but add¼ cup (40 g) diced ham for eachserving. (This is a great time to use upany leftovers you’ve been saving.) Sautéthe ham with the vegetables and then addthe eggs and scramble as usual.

Yield: 1 serving

14 grams of carbohydrates and 3 gramsof fiber, for a total of 11 grams of usablecarbs and 24 grams of protein.

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Moroccan Scramble

With all these vegetables, this is a mealin itself. It’s exotic and fabulous.

1 tablespoon (15 ml) olive oil¼ cup (30 g) chopped onion½ teaspoon minced garlic or 1

clove garlic, crushed1 tablespoon (15 ml) tapenade¼ cup (60 g) canned diced

tomatoes3 eggs½ teaspoon ground cumin2 tablespoons (8 g) chopped fresh

cilantroSalt and pepper

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In a skillet, heat the olive oil over highheat and start sautéing the onion andgarlic. When the onion is translucent,add the tapenade and tomatoes and stir.Now, whisk the eggs with the cumin andpour into the vegetable mixture.Scramble until mostly set and then addthe cilantro and scramble until done.Add salt and pepper to taste and serve.

Yield: 1 serving

11 grams of carbohydrates and 1 gram offiber, for a total of 10 grams of usablecarbs and 18 grams of protein.

Italian Scramble

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This is a good quick supper. Serve itwith a green salad and some garlicbread for the kids.

2 tablespoons (30 ml) olive oil¼ cup (40 g) diced green pepper¼ cup (40 g) chopped onion1 clove garlic, crushed3 eggs1 tablespoon (6.3 g) grated

Parmesan cheese

Heat the olive oil in a heavy skillet overmedium heat and sauté the pepper,onion, and garlic for 5 to 7 minutes oruntil the onion is translucent.

Beat the eggs with the Parmesan andpour into the skillet. Scramble until the

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eggs are set and serve.

Yield: 1 serving

8 grams of carbohydrates and 1 gram offiber, for a total of 7 grams of usablecarbs and 17 grams of protein.

Parmesan Rosemary Eggs

This is so simple and so wonderful. Ifyou like Italian food, you have to try this.It’s also easy to double or triple.

3 eggs2 tablespoons (30 ml) heavy

cream¼ cup (25 g) grated Parmesan

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cheese½ teaspoon ground rosemary*½ teaspoon minced garlic½ tablespoon butter

Whisk together the eggs, cream, cheese,rosemary, and garlic. Put a medium-sizeskillet over medium-high heat (if it isn’tnonstick, give it a shot of nonstickcooking spray first). When the pan is hot,add the butter, give the egg mixture onelast stir to make sure the cheese hasn’tsettled to the bottom, and then pour theegg mixture into the skillet. Scrambleuntil the eggs are set and serve.

Yield: 1 serving

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3 grams of carbohydrates, a trace offiber, and 25 grams of protein.

*You can use whole, dried rosemary, butyou’ll have little needles in your food. Ifyou do use whole rosemary, increase theamount to 1 teaspoon.

Greek Scramble

2 tablespoons (30 ml) olive oil1 tablespoon (10 g) minced onion6 good, strong, black Greek

olives, chopped3 eggs, beaten¼ cup (38 g) crumbled feta


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Heat the oil in heavy skillet overmedium heat. Sauté the onion for aminute or two and then add the olivesand sauté for a minute more.

Pour in the eggs and add the feta.Scramble until set and serve.

Yield: 1 serving

6 grams of carbohydrates, a trace offiber, and 22 grams of protein.

French Country Scramble

This is for anyone who doesn’t think thateggs can be elegant.

4 ounces (115 g) sliced

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mushrooms3 scallions, coarsely sliced1 tablespoon (14 g) butter2 canned artichoke hearts,

chopped6 eggs½ cup (120 g) shredded Gruyère

If you haven’t purchased yourmushrooms already sliced, slice them upwhile you slice the scallions. In a large,heavy skillet over medium-high heat,sauté the mushrooms and scallions in thebutter. When the mushrooms have turneddarker, add the artichoke hearts (I justslice mine right into the skillet) and stirthe whole thing up. Then beat the eggs,add them to the skillet, and scramble the

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whole thing. When the eggs are abouthalf-set, add the cheese and scrambleuntil done. Serve.

Yield: 2 or 3 servings

Assuming 3 servings, each will have 10grams of carbohydrates and 4 grams offiber, for a total of 6 grams of usablecarbs and 19 grams of protein. Note:Keep in mind that much of thecarbohydrate in artichokes is in the formof inulin, about the lowest-impactcarbohydrate yet discovered, so theblood sugar impact is less than thenumbers would imply— which is prettylow to begin with.

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Hangtown Fry

This is a very famous dish originating, Ibelieve, in the Gold Rush days ofCalifornia.

8 large oysters2 tablespoons (16 g) low-carb

bake mix or rice proteinpowder

4 tablespoons (55 g) butter4 eggs2 tablespoons (30 ml) cream2 tablespoons (12.5 g) grated

Parmesan cheese2 tablespoons (7.6 g) chopped

fresh parsley

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Coat the oysters with the bake mix orprotein powder, either by putting thebake mix or protein powder in a shallowdish and rolling the oysters in it or byshaking them in a small brown paper bagwith the mix in it.

Melt the butter over medium heat in alarge, heavy skillet. Add the oysters andfry until golden all over, about 5 to 7minutes.

While the oysters are frying, beat theeggs and the cream together. When theoysters are golden, pour the beaten eggsinto the skillet and scramble until set.Divide between 2 serving plates,sprinkle a tablespoon of Parmesan and atablespoon of parsley over each portion,and serve.

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Yield: 2 servings

Each with 5 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 4 grams ofusable carbs and 21 grams of protein.

Hot Dog Scramble

Okay, it’s not haute cuisine, but I’ll betyour kids will eat it withoutcomplaining.

1 tablespoon (14 g) butter1 hot dog, sliced into rounds½ small onion, chopped3 eggs, beaten¼ cup (30 g) shredded cheddar


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Melt the butter in a heavy skillet overmedium heat. Add the hot dog slices andonion and sauté until the onion is limpand the hot dog slices are starting tobrown.

Add the eggs and scramble until half-set. Add the cheese and continue toscramble until the eggs are set and thecheese is melted. Serve.

Yield: 1 serving

8 grams of carbohydrates and 1 gram offiber, for a total of 7 grams of usablecarbs and 31 grams of protein.

Chipotle Eggs

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Smoky and complex in flavor, chipotlepeppers— smoked jalapeños—are veryspecial, and they make these eggs veryspecial, too. Personally, I think a side ofavocado slices with a little lime orlemon juice would be nice with this.

½ cup (80 g) finely chopped onion½ teaspoon minced garlic or 1

clove garlic, crushed1 tablespoon (15 ml) oil2 small chipotle peppers canned

in adobo sauce, finely minced—about 2 teaspoons

6 eggs½ cup (50 g) shredded Monterey

Jack cheese

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Spray a large, heavy skillet withnonstick cooking spray, place it overmedium-high heat, and start sautéing theonion and garlic in the oil. When theonion is translucent, add the choppedchipotles, stir them in, and let the wholething cook for another minute. (This is agood time to break and scramble theeggs.)

Pour the eggs into the skillet andscramble until nearly set. Scatter thecheese evenly over the top, turn the heatto low, cover the skillet, and let it keepcooking until the cheese is melted— justa minute or two. Serve.

Yield: 2 or 3 servings.

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Assuming 2 servings, each will have 5grams of carbohydrates and 1 gram offiber, for a total of 4 grams of usablecarbs and 24 grams of protein. This alsocontains 285 milligrams of calcium and248 milligrams of potassium. (They’llbe more potassium if you have thoseavocado slices!)

Fried Eggs

Are you tired of all that scrambling?These next few recipes are, in one formor another, good old fried eggs.

Fried Eggs Not Over Really

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If you’re like me, you like your eggsover-easy so that the whites are entirelyset and the yolks are still soft—but youfind it maddeningly difficult to flip afried egg without breaking the yolk.Here’s the solution!

3 eggs½ tablespoon butter or oil1 teaspoon water

Spray your skillet with nonstick cookingspray and place it over medium-highheat. When the skillet is hot, add thebutter and coat the bottom of the panwith it. Crack your eggs into the skillet

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—careful not to break the yolks!—andimmediately cover them.

Wait about 2 minutes and check youreggs. They should be well set on thebottom but still a bit slimy on top. Add ateaspoon of water for each serving (youcan approximate this; the quantity isn’tvital), turn the heat to low, and cover thepan again.

Check after a minute; the steam willhave cooked the tops of the eggs. Ifthere’s still a bit of uncooked white,give it another 30 seconds to 1 minute.Lift out and serve.

Yield: 1 serving

About 1.5 grams of carbohydrates, no

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fiber, and 16 grams of protein.

For the easiest eggs, use a skillet that fitsthe number of eggs you’re frying. A 7-inch (18-cm) skillet is just right for asingle serving, but if you’re doing twoservings, use a big skillet.

Huevos Rancheros

1 tablespoon (14 g) butter or oil2 eggs3 tablespoons (49 ml) salsa (hot

or mild, as you prefer)2 ounces (55 g) Monterey Jack

cheese, shredded

Spray a heavy skillet with nonstick

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cooking spray and set it over mediumheat. Add the butter or oil and crack theeggs into the skillet. Turn down the heatand cover. Let the eggs fry for 4 to 5minutes.

While the eggs are frying, warm thesalsa in a saucepan or in the microwave.

When your fried eggs are set on thebottom but still a little underdone on top,scatter the cheese evenly over the friedeggs, add a teaspoon or two of water tothe skillet, and cover it again. In aminute or two, the tops of the eggsshould be set (but the yolks still soft)and the cheese melted.

Transfer the eggs to a plate with aspatula, top with warmed salsa, andserve.

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Yield: 1 serving

4 grams of carbohydrates and 1 gram offiber, for a total of 3 grams of usablecarbohydrates and 25 grams of protein.

Asparagi All’Uovo

This Italian dish turns a couple of eggsinto a light supper. This looks like a lotof instructions, but none of the stepstakes much time.

1 pound (455 g) asparagus½ teaspoon minced garlic or 1

clove garlic, crushed¼ cup (60 ml) olive oil½ cup (50 g) grated Parmesan

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cheese8 eggs

Preheat the broiler.Snap the bottoms off the asparagus

where they break naturally. Put theasparagus in a microwaveable casseroledish or a glass pie plate. Add a coupleof tablespoons of water and cover. (Useplastic wrap or a plate to cover a pieplate.) Microwave on high for 3 to 4minutes.

While the asparagus is cooking, stirthe garlic into the olive oil.

When the asparagus is done, drain it.If you have 4 single-serving oven-proofdishes long enough to hold asparagus,they’re ideal for this recipe—divide the

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asparagus between the 4 dishes. If not,you’ll need to use a rectangular glassbaking dish. Arrange the asparagus in 4groups in the baking dish.

Whether you’re using the individualdishes or the single baking dish, drizzleeach serving of asparagus with the garlicand olive oil. Sprinkle lightly with saltand pepper and divide the cheesebetween the 4 servings. Put theasparagus under the broiler, about 4inches (10 cm) from low heat. Let itbroil for 4 to 5 minutes.

While the asparagus is broiling, frythe eggs to your liking. Either use yourbiggest skillet to do them all at once ordivide them between two skillets.

When the Parmesan is lightly golden,

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take the asparagus out of the broiler. Ifyou’ve cooked it in one baking dish, usea big spatula to carefully transfer eachserving of asparagus to a plate. Top eachserving of asparagus with 2 fried eggsand serve.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 4 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 3 grams ofusable carbs and 16 grams of protein. Ifyou’d like 22 grams of protein, add athird egg to each serving.

Rodeo Eggs

This was originally a sandwich recipe,

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but it works just as well without thebread.

4 slices bacon, chopped into 1-inch (2.5-cm) pieces

4 thin slices onion4 eggs4 thin slices cheddar cheese

Begin frying the bacon in a heavy skilletover medium heat. When some fat hascooked out of it, push it aside and put theonion slices in, too. Fry the onion oneach side, turning carefully to keep theslices together, until it starts to looktranslucent. Remove the onion from theskillet and set aside.

Continue frying the bacon until it’s

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crisp. Pour off most of the grease anddistribute the bacon bits evenly over thebottom of the skillet. Break in the eggsand fry for a minute or two until thebottoms are set but the tops are still soft.(If you like your yolks hard, break themwith a fork; if you like them soft, leavethem unbroken.)

Place a slice of onion over each yolkand then cover the onion with a slice ofcheese. Add a teaspoon of water to theskillet, cover, and cook for 2 to 3minutes or until the cheese is thoroughlymelted.

Cut into four separate eggs with theedge of a spatula and serve.

Yield: This serves 2 if they’re good and

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hungry or 4 if they’re only a bit peckishor if they’re kids.

In 2 servings, each will have 4 grams ofcarbohydrates, a trace of fiber, and 27grams of protein.

Gruyère Eggs

1 tablespoon (14 g) butter2 eggs¼ cup (30 g) shredded Gruyère

cheese1 scallion, sliced

Spray a heavy skillet with nonstickcooking spray and melt the butter in itover medium-high heat. Crack the eggs

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into the skillet and fry them until thebottoms are done but the tops are still alittle soft.

Scatter the Gruyère over the eggs.Add a couple of teaspoons of water tothe skillet, cover, and let cook anothercouple of minutes until the cheese ismelted and the whites are set.

Move the eggs to a serving plate,scatter the sliced scallion on top, andserve.

Yield: 1 serving

2 grams of carbohydrates, a trace offiber, and 19 grams of protein.

Chili Egg Puff

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Serve this versatile dish for brunch orsupper. And don’t be afraid of thosechilies: The mild ones aren’t hot, they’rejust very flavorful. (And if you like hotfoods, feel free to use hotter chilies.)

5 eggs3 tablespoons (15 g) soy powder

or (24 g) rice protein powderr ½ teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal½ teaspoon baking powder1 cup (225 g) small-curd cottage

cheese8 ounces (225 g) Monterey Jack

cheese, grated3 tablespoons (42 g) butter,

melted1 can (4 ounces, or 115 g) diced

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green chilies, drained

Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C, orgas mark 4). Spray a 6-cup (1.4-L)casserole dish with nonstick cookingspray or butter it generously.

Break the eggs into a bowl and beatthem with a whisk. Whisk in the soypowder, salt, and baking powder, mixingvery well.

Beat in the cottage cheese, MontereyJack, melted butter, and chilies. Pour thewhole thing into the prepared casseroledish, put it in the oven, and bake forabout 35 minutes. (It’s okay if it’s a littlerunny in the very center when you spooninto it; that part acts as a sauce for therest.)

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Yield: 4 servings

Each with 7 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 6 grams ofusable carbohydrates and 30 grams ofprotein.

Don’t know how big your casserole dishis? Fill it with water using a measuringcup. You want one that just holds 6 cups(1.4 L) of water, although just a tadbigger or smaller won’t matter.

Swiss Puff

This is a great comfort-food-typesupper.

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4 eggs1 batch Ultimate Fauxtatoes

(page 209)¾ teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal½ teaspoon pepper1 tablespoon (15 g) butter2 cups (240 g) shredded Swiss

cheese4 scallions, sliced, including the

crisp part of the green shoot2 tablespoons (7.6 g) chopped

parsley4 drops hot pepper sauce

Preheat oven to 375°F (190°C, or gasmark 5).

Separate your eggs. (Since whiteswith even a tiny speck of yolk in them

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will stubbornly refuse to whip up, doyourself a favor and separate each egginto a small cup or bowl.) Dump theyolks into the Fauxtatoes and beat themin; add the salt, pepper, and butter.Dump your (presumably yolkless) eggwhites into a deep mixing bowl and setaside.

Stir the shredded Swiss cheese intothe Fauxtatoes and then stir in thescallions, parsley, and hot pepper sauce.

Now, using an electric mixer, beat thewhites until they stand in soft peaks.Fold gently into the Fauxtatoes. Spoonthe whole thing into a 6-cup (1.4-L)casserole dish you’ve sprayed withnonstick cooking spray. Bake for 40 to45 minutes.

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Yield: 4 to 5 servings

Assuming 4 servings, each will have 32g protein; 18 g carbohydrate; 8 g dietaryfiber; 10 g usable carbs.

Ham and Cheese Puff

This dish reheats particularly well,making it the perfect leftover meal.

¼ pound (115 g) ham¼ pound (115 g) cheddar cheese1 green pepper1 can (4 ounces, or 115 g)

mushrooms, well drained5 eggs3 tablespoons (15 g) soy powder

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or (24 g) unflavored proteinpowder

½ teaspoon baking powder½ teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal1 cup (225 g) small-curd cottage

cheese2 tablespoons (30 g) grated


Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C, orgas mark 4). Spray a 6-cup (1.4-L)casserole dish with nonstick cookingspray or butter it generously.

Use a food processor with the S-bladein place to grind the ham, cheddar, greenpepper, and mushrooms together untilfinely chopped (no chunks of pepper orham should be bigger than a ½-inch [1.3-

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cm] cube).In a large bowl, beat the eggs well.

Add the soy or protein powder, bakingpowder, and salt and beat well again.

Beat in the cottage cheese andhorseradish and then add the choppedham mixture.

Pour the egg mixture into the preparedcasserole dish. Bake for about 40minutes or until it is puffy and set butstill jiggles a bit in the middle when youshake it.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 10 grams of carbohydratesand 2 grams of fiber, for a total of 8grams of usable carbohydrates and 29

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grams of protein.

The carb analysis of your recipe mayvary from mine, depending on the ham,cheddar, and cottage cheese you use. Asalways, you can trim this carb count byusing the lowest-carbohydrateingredients you can find. And watch outwhen you buy your horseradish: I had toread a lot of labels to find one that didn’tadd sugar.

Turkey Club Puff

Disguise your Friday-after-Thanksgivingleftovers in this delicious puff.

5 eggs

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¼ cup (20 g) soy powder or (32 g)unflavored protein powder

½ teaspoon salt½ teaspoon baking powder1 cup (225 g) cottage cheese½ pound (225 g) Swiss cheese,

cubed¼ cup (120 ml) melted butter¾ cup (130 g) cubed cooked

turkey6 slices bacon, cooked until crisp

Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C, orgas mark 4). Spray a 6-cup (1.4-L)casserole dish with nonstick cookingspray or butter generously.

Break the eggs into a bowl and beatthem with a whisk. Whisk in the soy

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powder, salt, and baking powder, mixingvery well.

Beat in the cottage cheese, Swisscheese, melted butter, cubed turkey, andcrumbled bacon. Pour the whole thinginto the prepared casserole dish. Bakefor 35 to 40 minutes or until set.

Yield: 5 servings

Each with 5 grams of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 33 grams of protein.

Sausage, Egg, and CheeseBake

1 pound (455 g) pork sausage (hotor mild, as you prefer)

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½ cup (75 g) diced green pepper½ cup (80 g) diced onion8 eggs¼ teaspoon pepper1 cup (120 g) shredded cheddar

cheese1 cup (110 g) shredded Swiss


Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C, orgas mark 4).

In a large, heavy, oven-proof skillet,start browning and crumbling thesausage over medium heat.

When some grease has cooked out ofthe sausage, add the green pepper andthe onion and continue cooking, stirringfrequently, until the sausage is no longer

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pink.In a large bowl, beat the eggs and

pepper together and stir in the cheddarand Swiss cheeses.

Spread the sausage and vegetablesevenly on the bottom of the skillet andpour the egg and cheese mixture over it.Bake for 25 to 30 minutes or until mostlyfirm but still just a little soft in thecenter.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 4 grams of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 26 grams of protein.

Quiche Lorraine

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Quiche has somehow acquired areputation for being foofy, girly food—but it’s entirely made of stuff men love!So tell your husband this is “Bacon, Egg,and Cheese Pie” and watch him it down.

1 Pie Crust, unbaked (page 520)8 ounces (225 g) Gruyère cheese12 slices bacon5 eggs½ cup (120 ml) Carb Countdown

dairy beverage½ cup (120 ml) heavy cream, or

you can use 1 cup (240 ml)half-and-half in place of theCarb Countdown and thecream

1 pinch ground nutmeg

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1 tablespoon (15 ml) dryvermouth

½ teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal¼ teaspoon pepper

Have your crust ready in the pan andstanding by. Preheat oven to 350°F(180°C, or gas mark 4).

Shred your cheese and cook and drainyour bacon—I microwave my bacon,and I find that 1 minute per slice on highis about right, but your microwave maybe a little different.

First put the cheese in the pie shell,covering the bottom evenly. Crumble thebacon evenly over the cheese.

Now whisk together the eggs, CarbCountdown dairy beverage, cream,

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nutmeg, vermouth, salt, and pepper. Pourthis over the cheese and bacon. Bake for45 minutes and then cool. It’s actuallytraditional to serve Quiche Lorraine atroom temperature, but you certainly maywarm it if you like.

Yield: 8 servings

Each with 32 g protein; 4 gcarbohydrate; 1 g dietary fiber; 3 gusable carbs.

Spinach Mushroom Quiche

Almond-Parmesan Crust,prebaked (page 136)

8 ounces (225 g) sliced

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mushrooms½ cup (80 g) chopped onion2 tablespoons (30 g) butter10 ounces (280 g) frozen chopped

spinach, thawed3 eggs¾ cup (175 ml) heavy cream¾ cup (175 ml) Carb Countdown

dairy beverage2 tablespoons (30 ml) dry

vermouth½ teaspoon salt¼ teaspoon pepper1½ cups (180 g) shredded

Monterey Jack cheese

Have your crust ready first. Preheat ovento 325°F (170°C, or gas mark 3).

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In a large, heavy skillet over medium-high heat, sauté the mushrooms andonion in the butter until the onion istranslucent and the mushrooms are limp.Transfer the mixture into a large mixingbowl, preferably one with a pouring lip.

Dump your thawed spinach into astrainer and using clean hands, squeezeall the moisture out of it you can. Add itto the mushroom mixture.

Now add the eggs, cream, and CarbCountdown dairy beverage. Whisk thewhole thing up until well combined.Whisk in the vermouth, salt, and pepper.

Cover the bottom of the Almond-Parmesan Crust with the Monterey Jackand put it in the oven for a couple ofminutes until the cheese just starts to

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melt. Take it out of the oven and pour inthe egg-vegetable mixture—your quichewill be very full! Very carefully place itback in the oven. It’s a good idea toplace a flat pan under it, on the floor ofthe oven, to catch any drips.

Bake for 50 to 60 minutes or until justset in the center. Let cool. Quiche istraditionally served at room temperature,but if you like it warm, it’s better tomake this ahead, let it cool, chill it, andthen cut slices and warm them for aminute or two on 70 percent power inyour microwave, rather than serving itright out of the oven.

Yield: 8 servings

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Each with 17 g protein; 10 gcarbohydrate; 4 g dietary fiber; 6 gusable carbs.


This crustless quiche is wonderful, butfeel free to make any quiche recipeyou’ve got, minus the crust, in the sameway. For this recipe, I use broccoli cutsthat are bigger than chopped broccoli butsmaller than florets, and I think they’reideal.

2 cups (500 g) frozen broccoliflorets, thawed and coarsely

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chopped, or a bag of broccolicuts

2 cups (225 g) shredded Colbycheese

6 slices cooked bacon4 eggs2 cups (475 ml) Carb Countdown

dairy beverage1 teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal1 teaspoon dry mustard2 teaspoons prepared horseradish¼ teaspoon pepper

Spray a 1½-quart (1.4-L) glasscasserole dish (make sure it fits insideyour slow cooker) with nonstick cookingspray.

Put the broccoli in the bottom of the

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casserole dish. Spread the cheese evenlyon top of the broccoli and crumble thebacon evenly over the cheese.

In a bowl, whisk together the eggs,Carb Countdown, salt or Vege-Sal, drymustard, horseradish, and pepper andpour it over the broccoli in the casseroledish.

Place the casserole dish in your slowcooker and carefully pour water aroundthe casserole dish to within 1 inch (2.5cm) of the rim. Cover the slow cooker,set it to low, and let it cook for 4 hours.

Turn off the slow cooker, uncover it,and let the water cool until you canremove the casserole dish without riskof scalding your fingers. Serve hot or atroom temperature.

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Yield: 6 servings

Each with 20 g protein, 6 gcarbohydrate, 2 g dietary fiber, 4 gusable carbs.

Eggs Fu Yong

This can be made on the stove top, isquick and cheap to make, uses up anysort of leftover meat, is high in proteinand low in carbohydrates, needs no sidedishes, is infinitely variable, and tastesgood to boot! How much more can youask from a recipe? Because this recipecan be varied so much, what I’ve givenyou is more a guideline than hard andfast rules.

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4 eggs2 teaspoons dry sherry1 tablespoon (15 ml) soy saucePeanut oil, or other bland oil for

frying½ teaspoon grated ginger2 to 3 ounces (50 to 90 g) leftover

cooked meat, cut into smallstrips,* or canned chunkturkey, chicken, or ham, orcanned shrimp or crabmeat

1 cup (75 g) Napa cabbage orgreen cabbage, finelyshredded, or bagged coleslawmix, or 1 cup (50 g) beansprouts, or some combinationof the two

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¼ cup (30 g) mushrooms, cannedor fresh, finely chopped

¼ cup (40 g) onion or scallions,finely minced

¼ cup (30 g) bamboo shoots, cutinto matchstick strips

Beat the eggs with the sherry and the soysauce. Set aside. In a large skillet, heat afew tablespoons of oil over high heat.Add the ginger, then the meat andremaining ingredients. Stir-fry until theonion is translucent and the cabbage orbean sprouts are tender-crisp. Stir themeat and vegetables into the seasonedeggs. Add another few tablespoons ofoil to the skillet and heat.

Ladle about ½ cup (120 ml) of the egg

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mixture at a time into the skillet and fryon both sides until the egg is set.

You can cook this in a wok if youwant to be authentic, but I actually findthat a skillet is a lot easier for thisrecipe.

Yield: 2 servings

The carb count will vary a little, buteach serving will have close to 6 gramsof carbohydrates and 2 grams of fiber,for a total of 4 grams of usable carbs and26 grams of protein.

* Use ham, pork, turkey, chicken, orshrimp— whatever you’ve got. If they’relittle bitty shrimp, leave ‘em whole. Ifthey’re great big shrimp, chop them

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Kedgeree is a traditional dish made withrice, flaked smoked mackerel or halibut,and hardboiled eggs. I wanted to decarbit, but smoked mackerel and halibut arehard to come by, and I refuse to includeimpossible-to-find ingredients. Then Ifound a recipe for “Vedgeree,” avegetarian take-off, so I decarbed it, andit was yummy. This recipe will make asatisfying one-dish meal out of a coupleof hard-boiled eggs. You do keep hard-boiled eggs in the fridge, don’t you?

¼ head cauliflower

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½ cup (75 g) frozen cross-cutgreen beans

¼ cup (30 g) chopped onion1 cup (100 g) sliced mushrooms½ tablespoon butter2 hard-boiled eggsSalt and pepper

Run the cauliflower through theshredding blade of a food processor. Putthe cauliflower in a microwaveabledish, put the frozen green beans on top,add a couple of tablespoons of water,cover, and microwave on high for 7minutes.

While the cauliflower and beans arecooking, sauté the onion and mushroomsin the butter until the onions are limp and

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translucent and the mushrooms haveturned dark. Peel the eggs, quarter themlengthwise, and set them aside.

When the cauliflower and beans aredone, pull them out, drain them, and stirthem into the mushrooms and onions.Add salt and pepper to taste. Place thehard-boiled egg quarters on top of thevegetables, turn the heat to low, coverthe pan, and let the whole thing cook forjust another minute or two to heat theeggs through. Serve.

Yield: 1 serving

14 grams of carbohydrates and 4 gramsof fiber, for a total of 10 grams of usablecarbs and 16 grams of protein.

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When I tell people I make my ownyogurt, they react as if I’d said I couldtransmute base metals into gold. But asyou’ll see, it’s easy to make andconsiderably cheaper than buying thecommercial stuff. “Officially,” plainyogurt has 12 grams of carbohydratesper cup, but Dr. Goldberg and Dr.O’Mara point out in The GO-Diet thatmost of the lactose (milk sugar) isconverted to lactic acid, leaving onlyabout 4 grams per cup. So if you likeyogurt, enjoy!

1 tablespoon (15 g) plain yogurt1½ to 2 cups (180 to 240 g)

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instant dry milk, or a 1-quart(960-ml) envelope

Fill a clean, 1-quart (960-ml) snap-topcontainer half full with water.

Put the plain yogurt in the water andstir. Add the powdered milk and whiskuntil the lumps are gone.

Fill the container to the top withwater, whisk it one last time, and put thelid on.

Put your yogurt-to-be in a warmplace. I use a bowl lined with an oldelectric heating pad set on low, but anywarm spot will do, such as inside anold-fashioned gas oven with a pilotlight, on the stove top directly over thepilot light, or even near a heat register in

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winter.Let your yogurt sit for 12 hours or so.

It should be thick and creamy by then,but if it’s still a little thin, give it a fewmore hours. When it’s ready, stick it inthe refrigerator and use it just like store-bought plain yogurt. Or flavor it withvanilla or lemon extract and someSplenda or stevia/FOS blend. You canalso stir in a spoonful of sugar-freepreserves or mash a few berries with afork and stir them in.

For your first batch, you’ll use store-bought plain yogurt as a starter, but afterthat you can use a spoonful from theprevious batch. Every so often it’s agood idea to start over with fresh, store-

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bought yogurt.Regarding those two different amounts

of dry milk: Using the full 2 cups willgive you richer, creamier yogurt withmore protein and more calcium but witha couple extra grams of carbohydrates aswell. It’s up to you. If you’d like, youcan add ¼ cup (60 ml) of heavy cream inplace of ¼ cup (60 ml) of the water tomake a higher-fat “whole milk” yogurt.You can also, if you prefer, make youryogurt from liquid milk, but it’s a pain.You have to scald the milk first and thencool it again before adding the “starter”yogurt, which seems like a lot of botherto me.

One last useful tidbit: If you find youuse a lot of buttermilk—for example, if

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you decide you really enjoy low-carbmuffins and such—you can make yourown buttermilk exactly the same wayyou’d make yogurt. Simply substitute acouple of tablespoons of commercialbuttermilk for a “starter” instead of theyogurt.

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White Bread

This bread has a firm, fine texture and agreat flavor.

1 cup (240 ml) water¼ cup (25 g) oat bran2 tablespoons (22 g) psyllium

husks¾ cup (75 g) vital wheat gluten½ cup (64 g) vanilla whey protein

powder cup (40 g) rice protein powder

1 teaspoon salt1 tablespoon (15 ml) oil

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1 tablespoon (1.5 g) Splenda2 teaspoons yeast

Put the ingredients in your breadmachine in the order given and run themachine. When finished, promptlyremove the loaf from the machine andbread case to cool.

Yield: About 10 slices

Each with 5 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 4 grams ofusable carbs and 24 grams of protein.

“Whole Wheat” Bread

Slice this extra-thin so you can “afford”

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two slices, and it makes a great grilledcheese sandwich.

½ cup (120 ml) warm water½ cup (120 ml) heavy cream1 tablespoon (14 g) butter,

softened1 egg1 teaspoon salt¾ cup (75 g) vital wheat gluten2 tablespoons (14 g) raw wheat

germ2 tablespoons (14 g) wheat bran¼ cup (45 g) psyllium husks½ cup (60 g) oat flour½ cup (64 g) vanilla whey protein

powder2 teaspoons yeast

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Put the ingredients in your breadmachine in the order given and run themachine. When finished, promptlyremove the loaf from the machine andbread case to cool.

Yield: About 10 slices

Each with 13 grams of carbohydratesand 7.5 grams of fiber, for a total of 5.5grams of usable carbs and 19 grams ofprotein (more than two eggs!).

Seed Bread

This bread is nutty and filling! Makesure you chop your sunflower seeds, orthey’ll mostly sink to the bottom of your

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½ cup (120 ml) warm water½ cup (120 ml) heavy cream1 tablespoon (15 ml) oil1 egg½ teaspoon salt¾ cup (75 g) vital wheat gluten½ cup (50 g) oat bran

cup (40 g) ground almonds cup (40 g) sunflower seeds,coarsely chopped

¼ cup (32 g) rice protein powder2 tablespoons (14 g) ground

flaxseed½ teaspoon blackstrap molasses1 teaspoon Splenda2 teaspoons yeast

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Put the ingredients in your breadmachine in the order given and run themachine. When finished, promptlyremove the loaf from the machine andbread case to cool.

Yield: About 10 slices

Each with 8 grams of carbohydrates and2 grams of fiber, for a total of 6 grams ofusable carbs and 21 grams of protein.

Mom’s Oatmeal MolassesBread

This is my de-carbed version of thebread that won my mom first prize at thecounty fair. This has the best texture of

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any low-carb bread I know!

¼ cup (20 g) rolled oats2 tablespoons (14 g) raw wheat

germ cup (160 ml) boiling water

1 tablespoon (15 ml) blackstrapmolasses

1 tablespoon (1.5 g) Splenda1 tablespoon (14 g) butter,

softened1 teaspoon salt½ cup (60 g) ground almonds¾ cup (75 g) vital wheat gluten¼ cup (32 g) vanilla whey protein

powder2 tablespoons (30 ml) water2 teaspoons yeast

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Put the rolled oats and wheat germ in thebread case of your bread machine. Pourthe boiling water over them and let themsit for at least 15 minutes.

Add everything else in the order givenand run the machine. When finished,promptly remove the loaf from themachine and bread case to cool.

Yield: 8 slices

Each with 5.5 grams of carbohydratesand 0.5 gram of fiber, for a total of 5grams of usable carbs and 25 grams ofprotein.

Maple Oat Bread

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Sugar-free pancake syrup gives thisbread a very special flavor.

7 ounces (205 ml) water2 teaspoons sugar-free pancake

syrup¾ cup (75 g) wheat gluten½ cup (60 g) wheat protein

isolate¼ cup (20 g) rolled oats2 tablespoons (14 g) wheat bran¼ cup (25 g) wheat germ2 tablespoons (14 g) ground

flaxseed1 tablespoon (8 g) oat flour¼ teaspoon salt1 tablespoon (14 g) butter,


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2 teaspoons active baker’s yeast(one packet)

Put the ingredients in your breadmachine in the order given, unless theinstructions with your unit call forsomething quite different—then do itaccording to instructions!

Run the bread machine through twoknead-and-rise cycles. In my cheapie,l o w - t e c h , twelve-year-old breadmachine, this means unplugging themachine when the first knead-and-risecycle is through, plugging it back in, andhitting start again—but if your machinewill automatically run two knead-and-rise cycles before baking, go with it.After the second rise, let the bread bake.

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Promptly remove the loaf from the breadcase when done and cool before slicingand/or wrapping.

Yield: 12 slices

Each with 21 g protein; 5 gcarbohydrate; 2 g dietary fiber; 3 gusable carbs. Carb count does notinclude the polyols in the sugar-freepancake syrup.

Sesame Seed Bread

I like to eat this toasted, along with abowl of soup.

1 cup (240 ml) warm water

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¼ cup (25 g) oat bran¼ cup (25 g) wheat bran¼ cup (30 g) sesame seeds¼ cup (32 g) vanilla whey protein

powder1 cup (100 g) vital wheat gluten1¼ teaspoons salt1 tablespoon (15 ml) blackstrap

molasses2 teaspoons yeast

Put the ingredients in your breadmachine in the order given and run themachine. When finished, promptlyremove the loaf from the machine andbread case to cool.

Yield: 12 slices

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Each with 6.5 grams of carbohydratesand 1.7 grams of fiber, for a total of 4.8grams of usable carbs and 18 grams ofprotein.

Poppy Seed Bread

This bread has a firm, close-grainedtexture that lends itself to thin slicing. Italso doesn’t rise more than about 4inches (10 cm), but I liked the flavor andtexture so much, I thought I’d include itanyway. Don’t eat poppy seeds if you’refacing a drug test! You run the risk oftesting positive for opiates.

cup (160 ml) water cup (70 g) gluten

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3 tablespoons (20 g) wheat bran3 tablespoons (25 g) oat flour

cup (80 g) almond meal cup (35 g) wheat protein isolate

2 tablespoons (18 g) poppy seeds3 tablespoons (25 g) powdered

milk1 tablespoon (14 g) butter,

softened2 teaspoons active baker’s yeast½ teaspoon salt1 tablespoon (1.5 g) Splenda

Put everything in a bread machine in theorder specified in the instructions thatcome with your unit. Run the doughthrough two knead-and-rise cycles andthen bake. When finished, promptly

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remove the loaf from the bread case andcool before slicing thin to serve.

Yield: About 12 slices

Each with 19 g protein; 6 gcarbohydrate; 2 g dietary fiber; 4 gusable carbs.

Rye Bread

I love rye bread, and it’s so nice to beable to have it again! Leave out thecaraway if you don’t like it, but to manyof us, it’s just not proper rye breadwithout it.

1 cup (240 ml) warm water

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½ cup (50 g) wheat bran½ cup (60 g) whole grain rye flour¼ cup (32 g) rice protein powder¾ cup (75 g) vital wheat gluten1 teaspoon salt1 tablespoon (15 ml) oil1 tablespoon (6.3 g) caraway

seeds1½ teaspoons yeast

Put the ingredients in your breadmachine in the order given and run themachine. When finished, promptlyremove the loaf from the machine andbread case to cool.

Yield: 12 slices

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Each with 6.8 grams of carbohydratesand 2 grams of fiber, for a total of 4.8grams of usable carbs and 14 grams ofprotein.

Cinnamon Raisin Bread

This is so sweet and cinnamony! Have aslice of this toasted and slathered withbutter for breakfast, and you’ll neverknow you’re on a low-carb diet!

¾ cup plus 2 tablespoons (190 ml)warm water

¼ cup (25 g) oat bran½ cup (60 g) ground almonds

cup (40 g) vanilla whey proteinpowder

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1½ teaspoons cinnamon¾ cup plus 3 tablespoons (95 g)

vital wheat gluten¼ cup (6 g) Splenda1 tablespoon (15 ml) oil1 teaspoon salt2 teaspoons yeast2 tablespoons (18 g) raisins, each

snipped in half

Put the ingredients in your breadmachine in the order given and run themachine. When finished, promptlyremove the loaf from the machine andbread case to cool.

Yield: 12 slices

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Each with 6 grams of carbohydrates and0.6 grams of fiber, for a total of 5.4grams of usable carbs and 19 grams ofprotein.

The reason you cut the raisins in half isto let them distribute more evenlythroughout the bread; even so, therearen’t a lot of them, I’ll admit. That’sbecause the raisins are the highest-carbpart of this bread. If you want, you canleave them whole so each one will bemore noticeable.

Zucchini Bread

Many low carbers tell me they misshaving “a little something” with a cup of

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coffee or tea for breakfast and express aprofound weariness with eggs. Here’ssomething for you! This Zucchini Breadis moist, sweet, cinnamon-y, anddelicious— not to mention being lowcarb and having as much protein perslice as a couple of eggs!

½ cup (120 ml) canola oil¼ cup (60 ml) sugar-free

imitation honey2 eggs

cup (80 g) plain yogurt1 cup (125 g) pumpkin seed meal*1 cup (125 g) vanilla whey protein

powder1½ teaspoons baking soda½ teaspoon salt

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1 teaspoon cinnamon cup (18 g) Splenda granular

1 cup (125 g) chopped walnuts1½ cups (180 g) shredded

zucchini (about one 6-inch [15-cm] zucchini)

Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C, orgas mark 4).

In a good-sized mixing bowl, combinethe oil, imitation honey, eggs, and yogurt.Whisk these together. Now, in a secondbowl, add the dry ingredients: theground pumpkin seeds, vanilla wheyprotein powder, baking soda, salt,cinnamon, and Splenda. Stir themtogether, making sure any little lumps ofbaking soda get broken up. Now whisk

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the dry ingredients into the wetingredients. Stir just until everything iswell combined; There is no need forprolonged beating. Finally, stir in thewalnuts and the shredded zucchini,mixing well.

Pour the mixture into a loaf panyou’ve sprayed well with nonstickcooking spray—my loaf pan is large, 5 ×9 inches (13 × 23 cm). Bake for about50 minutes or until a toothpick insertedinto the center comes out clean. Turn thebread out onto a wire rack for cooling.

Yield: About 16 slices

Each with 14 g protein; 5 gcarbohydrate; 2 g dietary fiber—for a

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usable carb count of just 3 g a slice.Carb count does not include polyols inthe sugar-free imitation honey.

*To make your own pumpkin seed meal,buy raw shelled pumpkin seeds, whichare sometimes called pepitas (not thesalted pumpkin seeds in the shell sold assnacks). Grind them in your foodprocesser with the S-blade until theyreach a cornmeal consistency.

Heart-y Bread

This is so named because both rice branand flax are known to lower cholesterol.Want more good news? This breadtastes as good as it is good for you.

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1 cup plus 2 tablespoons (270 ml)

water cup (30 g) rice bran cup (20 g) flaxseed meal

1 cup (100 g) vital wheat gluten cup (40 g) vanilla whey proteinpowder

2 teaspoons blackstrap molasses1 teaspoon salt1 tablespoon (15 ml) oil2 teaspoons yeast

Put the ingredients in your breadmachine in the order given and run themachine. When finished, promptlyremove the loaf from the machine andbread case to cool.

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Yield: 11 slices

Each with 6.7 grams of carbohydratesand 2.6 grams of fiber, for a total of 4.1grams of usable carbs and 19 grams ofprotein.

Dinner Rolls

These have a more elastic texture thancarb-y dinner rolls; it comes from thehigh protein content. (They’re so high inprotein, you could have a leftover roll inthe morning and call it breakfast.) Butthey come out wonderfully crusty andhave a good yeasty flavor. We had themfor a holiday meal, and everyone likedthem, texture and all.

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5½ ounces (155 ml) water3 tablespoons (25 g) instant dry

milk¾ cup (75 g) wheat gluten¾ cup (75 g) wheat protein

isolate½ cup (60 g) oat flour2 tablespoons (28 g) butter½ teaspoon salt2 teaspoons active baker’s yeast

(one packet)

Put everything in your bread machine inthe order specified with your unit. Putthe dough through two knead-and-risecycles. Remove from the machine.

Spray a 12-cup muffin tin with

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nonstick cooking spray.Nip off bits of dough and roll them

into balls about 1 inch (2.5 cm) indiameter. Place three dough balls in acloverleaf configuration in each muffintin.

The dough will be extremely elastic!Don’t worry about trying to make eachball completely smooth.

Let rolls rise for 60 to 90 minutes in awarm place. Preheat oven to 350°F(180°C, or gas mark 4) and bake rollsfor 10 to 15 minutes or until golden.Serve with plenty of butter!

Yield: 12 rolls

Each with 26 g protein; 8 g

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carbohydrate; 1 g dietary fiber; 7 gusable carbs. Analysis does not includebutter.

Buttermilk Drop Biscuits

You wouldn’t believe how much troubleI had coming up with a decent low-carbbiscuit! Everything I made either ran allover the baking sheet or wasunpleasantly heavy. And I couldn’t get adough that could be rolled out and cutwithout sticking! Finally, I hit on theidea of drop biscuits baked in a muffintin, and sure enough, it worked out great.

1 cup (125 g) almond meal½ cup (125 g) rice protein

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¼ cup (25 g) gluten2 tablespoons (28 g) butter2 tablespoons (30 ml) coconut oil½ teaspoon salt2 teaspoons baking powder½ teaspoon soda¾ cup (180 ml) buttermilk

Preheat oven to 475°F (240°C, or gasmark 9)—the oven must be up totemperature before you add thebuttermilk to the dry ingredients, so dothis first!

Put everything but the buttermilk intoyour food processor with the S-blade inplace. Pulse the food processor to cut inthe butter—you want it evenlydistributed in the dry ingredients. Dump

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this mixture, which should have a mealytexture, into a mixing bowl.

Spray a 12-cup muffin tin withnonstick cooking spray. Don’t use papermuffin cups; you want the browningyou’ll get from direct contact with thehot metal.

Check to make sure your oven is up totemperature—if it isn’t, have a quick cupof tea until it’s hot. Now measure thebuttermilk, pour it into your dryingredients, and stir it in with a fewswift strokes—don’t overmix; you justwant to make sure everything’s evenlydamp. This will make a soft dough.Spoon it into your prepared muffin tin,smoothing the tops with the back of thespoon. Put in the oven immediately and

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bake for 10 to 12 minutes or until goldenon top. Serve hot with butter, and if youlike, low-sugar preserves or sugar-freeimitation honey.

Yield: 12 biscuits

Each with 14 g protein; 4 gcarbohydrate; 1 g dietary fiber, 3 gusable carbs. Analysis does not incudetoppings.

English Muffins

Yes, you can make your own low-carbEnglish Muffins. The yogurt is whatgives them that characteristic, mildlysour taste.

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½ cup (120 ml) warm water½ cup (115 g) yogurt1 teaspoon salt

cup (70 g) vital wheat gluten¼ cup (45 g) psyllium husks2 tablespoons (14 g) raw wheat

germ¼ cup (25 g) wheat bran½ cup (60 h) oat flour½ cup (65 g) vanilla whey protein

powder1½ teaspoons yeast

Put the ingredients in your breadmachine in the order given and run untilthe end of the “rise” cycle. Remove thedough from the machine.

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Using just enough oat flour on yourwork surface to keep the dough fromsticking, pat the dough out so it’s ½ inch(1.3 cm) thick.

Using a tin can with both endsremoved as a cutter (a tuna can workswell), cut rounds from the dough. Coverthem with a clean cloth, set them aside ina warm place, and let them rise for about1 hour or until they’ve doubled in bulk.

Heat a heavy skillet or griddle overmedium-low heat. Scatter the surfacelightly with wheat germ to preventsticking and place as many muffins in theskillet as will fit easily. Let the muffinscook for about 6 minutes per side oruntil they’re browned. Eat these just likeyou would regular English muffins—

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split them, toast them, and butter them.

Yield: About 6 muffins, or 12 servings

Each with 13 grams of carbohydratesand 6.5 grams of fiber, for a total of 6.5grams of usable carbs and 14 grams ofprotein. Analysis does not includebutter.

French Toast

Make this for breakfast some lazyweekend morning, and the family willthink you’re cheating on your diet!

4 eggs½ cup (120 ml) heavy cream

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½ cup (120 ml) water1 teaspoon vanilla extract

(optional)6 slices low-carb bread of your

choice (White, “whole wheat,”cinnamon raisin, and oatmealmolasses are all good choices.


Beat together the eggs, heavy cream,water, and vanilla extract (if using) andplace the mixture in a shallow dish, suchas a pie plate.

Soak the slices of bread in the mixtureuntil they’re well saturated; you’ll haveto do them one or two at a time. Let eachslice soak for at least 5 minutes, turningonce.

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Fry each soaked piece of bread inplenty of butter over medium heat in aheavy skillet or griddle. Brown well oneach side.

Serve with sugar-free syrup,cinnamon and Splenda, or sugar-freepreserves, as you choose.

Yield: 6 servings

The carb count will vary with the type ofbread you use, but the egg and cream addonly 2 grams of carbs, no fiber, and 4grams of protein per slice. Analysisdoes not include toppings.

Kim’s Dutch Baby

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A Dutch Baby is a big, puffy, eggy,baked pancake, and my sister Kimadores them, so I came up with thisrecipe for her. It’s great for Sundaybrunch.

2 tablespoons (28 g) butter cup (37 g) low-carb bake mix cup (40 g) rice protein powder

¼ cup (6 g) Splenda½ teaspoon salt½ teaspoon cinnamon4 eggs1 cup (240 ml) half-and-half2 teaspoons canola or other

vegetable oil1 teaspoon vanilla extract

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Preheat the oven to 425°F (220°C, orgas mark 7). It is essential that the ovenbe up to temperature before putting yourDutch Baby in, so don’t combine the wetand dry ingredients until the oven isready.

Spray a large, cast-iron skillet or a10-inch (25-cm) pie pan with nonstickcooking spray and melt the butter in thebottom. Set aside.

In a bowl, combine the bake mix,protein powder, Splenda, salt, andcinnamon.

In a separate bowl, beat together theeggs, half-and-half, oil, and vanillaextract and whisk it vigorously for acouple of minutes. (Beating air into itwill make the Dutch Baby puff more.)

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Beat in the dry ingredients just untilwell mixed and then pour the batter intothe prepared pan.

Bake for 20 minutes; reduce thetemperature to 350°F (180°C, or gasmark 4), and bake for another 3 to 5minutes.

Yield: 2 big servings or 4 small ones (ifyou serve 4, you’ll want some sausageor something along with it, I think).

Depending on the brand of low-carbbake mix and protein powder you use,figure 20 to 25 grams of carbohydratesin the whole Dutch Baby and 3 to 4grams of fiber. Two servings wouldeach have about 10 grams of usable

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carbs and about 38 grams of protein.

Your Dutch Baby will come outgloriously puffed, but it will quickly sinkin the middle. That’s okay— it’ssupposed to. It will be crunchy aroundthe edges and soft in the middle. Thetraditional accompaniment for a DutchBaby is a sprinkle of lemon juice andconfectioner’s sugar, but lemon andSplenda works great. You could also trycinnamon and Splenda, plain Splenda,some thawed frozen berries, or sugar-free jam or jelly. They’re all Yummy!

“Whole Wheat” ButtermilkPancakes

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½ cup (60 g) almond meal½ cup (65 g) vanilla whey protein

powder¼ cup (25 g) gluten2 tablespoons (15 g) wheat germ1 tablespoon (7 g) wheat bran1 teaspoon baking powder½ teaspoon baking soda1 cup (240 ml) buttermilk1 egg2 tablespoons (28 g) butter,


In a mixing bowl, combine the almondmeal and the next 6 ingredients (throughbaking soda). Stir together so everythingis evenly distributed.

In a 2-cup (475 ml) glass measure,

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combine the buttermilk, egg, and meltedbutter; stir together.

Take a moment to set your big skilletor griddle over medium heat so it’sready when you are.

Now, pour the wet ingredients into thedry ingredients and stir together with afew swift strokes of your whisk.

When your skillet is hot enough that asingle drop of water sizzles and dancesaround when dripped on the surface,you’re ready to cook. If your skilletdoesn’t have a good nonstick surface,spray it with nonstick cooking spray.(Turn off the heat first or remove theskillet from the burner and turn awayfrom the flame—that spray isflammable!) Now you’re ready to fry

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your pancakes—I like to use 2tablespoons (30 ml) of batter perpancake. Fry the first side until thebubbles around the edges leave littleholes when they break and then flip andcook the other side. Repeat until all thebatter is used up!

Serve with butter and your choice oflow-sugar preserves, cinnamon andSplenda, or sugar-free syrup—and don’tthink you’re limited to maple-flavoredpancake syrup! Consider using yourfavorite sugar-free coffee-flavoringsyrup.

Yield: 5 servings (about 15 pancakestotal)

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Each with 23 g protein; 7 gcarbohydrate; 2 g dietary fiber; 5 gusable carbs. Analysis does not includetoppings.

Perfect Protein Pancakes

These taste just like mom used to make—you’d never guess they were lowcarb.

2 eggs½ cup (125 g) ricotta cheese¼ cup (30 g) vanilla whey protein

powder½ teaspoon baking powder

teaspoon salt

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Spray a heavy skillet or griddle withnonstick cooking spray and place it overmedium heat.

In a mixing bowl, whisk together theeggs and ricotta until quite smooth.Whisk in the whey protein powder,baking powder, and salt, only mixinguntil well combined.

Drop batter onto the skillet or griddleby the tablespoonful. When the bubbleson the surface of the pancakes arebreaking and staying broken, flip themand cook the other side.

Serve with butter and sugar-freesyrup, sugar-free jelly, Splenda andcinnamon, or a few mashed berriessweetened with Splenda.

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Yield: 14 “silver dollar” pancakes

Each with about 0.6 grams ofcarbohydrates, no fiber, and 2.5 gramsof protein. Analysis does not includetoppings.

I’d call five of these tiny pancakes a“serving,” so double or triple yourbatches accordingly. Even better, makeextras to freeze, and you can warm themup in the toaster oven for a healthybreakfast on a hurried morning.

Oat Bran Pancakes

I like these for their grainy-cinnamonyflavor. I eat them with butter and a little

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cinnamon and Splenda.

½ cup (50 g) oat bran1 cup (130 g) vanilla whey protein

powder1¼ cups (155 g) almond meal¼ cup (6 g) Splenda1 teaspoon baking powder½ teaspoon baking soda teaspoon salt

½ teaspoon cinnamon2 cups (480 ml) buttermilk2 eggs

In a medium-size mixing bowl, combinethe oat bran and the next 7 ingredients(through cinnamon) and stir to distributeevenly. Measure the buttermilk in a glass

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measuring cup and break the eggs into it.Whisk the two together. Dump thebuttermilk-and-egg mixture into the dryingredients. Mix with a few quickstrokes of the whisk, just enough to makesure all the dry ingredients areincorporated.

Heat a heavy skillet or griddle over amedium-high flame until a single drop ofwater skitters around when dripped onthe surface. Using a pot holder, removefrom the heat just long enough to spraywith nonstick cooking spray and thenreturn to the heat (the spray isflammable, so you don’t want to bespraying it at a hot burner!).

Pour about 2 to 3 tablespoons (30 to45 ml) of batter at a time onto the hot

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griddle. Cook until the bubbles aroundthe edges start to break and leave littleholes and then flip and cook the otherside.

Serve with butter and your choice ofsugar-free pancake syrup, sugar-freejelly or preserves, or cinnamon andSplenda.

Yield: 8 servings

Each with 32 g protein; 12 gcarbohydrate; 3 g dietary fiber; 9 gusable carbs. Analysis does not includetoppings.

Zucchini Pancakes

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I know the name sounds strange, but ifyou like zucchini bread you shouldreally try Vicki Cash’s pancakes.

3 eggs (or 2 eggs and 2 eggwhites)

2 tablespoons (30 ml) half-and-half

¼ cup (60 ml) canola oil cup (75 g) low-carb bake mix

1 teaspoon cinnamon½ teaspoon salt½ teaspoon nutmeg1 small zucchini, shredded (1 to

1½ cups [125 to 190 g])

Mix the eggs, half-and-half, canola oil,bake mix, cinnamon, salt, and nutmeg

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together until no longer lumpy. Mix inthe zucchini and let the batter sit for 5minutes.

While the batter sits, spray a nonstickgriddle or skillet with canola cookingspray and place it over medium-highheat.

Pour the batter onto the griddle about¼ cup (60 ml) at a time. Flip thepancakes when their edges are slightlybrown and cook thoroughly on bothsides. Serve with butter or puréedberries or peaches.

Yield: 3 servings

The carb count will vary with the brandof low-carb bake mix you use, but figure

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about 5 grams of usable carbs and about20 grams of protein. Analysis does notinclude toppings.

Almond Pancake andWaffle Mix

This makes nice, tender pancakes andwaffles that have a nutty taste and atexture similar to cornmeal pancakes andwaffles.

2 cups (250 g) almond meal½ cup (50 g) oat bran½ cup (65 g) vanilla whey protein

powder½ cup (65 g) rice protein powder

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2 tablespoons (14 g) wheat bran2 tablespoons (14 g) raw wheat

germ2 tablespoons (14 g) vital wheat

gluten2½ teaspoons (12 g) baking

powder1½ teaspoons salt

Assemble all the ingredients in a foodprocessor with the S-blade in place. Runthe processor for a minute or so,stopping once or twice to shake it soeverything is well combined.

Store the mix in an airtight containerin the refrigerator.

Yield: Makes about 4 servings of 1 cup

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(120 g)

Each with 33 grams of carbohydratesand 3 grams of fiber, for a total of 30grams of usable carbs and 36 grams ofprotein.

Pancakes from Almond Mix

I like to eat these topped with sugar-freegrape jelly, but you could also servethem with sugar-free syrup, sugar-freejam, thawed sugar-free frozen fruit, orSplenda and cinnamon.

2 cups (240 g) Almond Pancakeand Waffle Mix (page 125)

2 eggs

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1 cup (240 ml) water1 tablespoon (15 ml) canola,

peanut, or sunflower oil

Spray a skillet or griddle with nonstickcooking spray and set it over mediumheat.

Mix all the ingredients with a whiskand drop the batter by the tablespoonfulonto the griddle or skillet. Cook as youwould regular pancakes, turning tobrown lightly on each side. Stir thebatter between batches to prevent it fromsettling.

Yield: About 16 pancakes

Each with 4 grams of carbohydrates, a

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trace of fiber, and 6 grams of protein.

For a little added flavor, melt a littlebutter on the griddle or skillet beforeyou cook the batter.

Waffles from Almond Mix

These remind me a lot of cornmealwaffles, and they’re really good withbacon on the side.

1 cup (120 g) Almond Pancakeand Waffle Mix(page 125)

1 teaspoon Splenda½ cup (120 ml) half-and-half1 egg¼ cup (60 ml) oil

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Preheat a waffle iron.In a mixing bowl, stir together the mix

and Splenda.In a separate bowl, stir together the

half-and-half, egg, and oil and pour themixture into the dry ingredients. Stir onlyuntil everything is wet, and there are nobig lumps of dry mix.

Bake in the waffle iron according tothe machine’s directions. Serve withbutter and sugar-free syrup, cinnamonand Splenda, sugar-free jam or jelly, oranother low-carb topping of your choice.

Yield: In my waffle iron, this makes 6servings.

Each with 5 grams of carbohydrates, a

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trace of fiber, and 6 grams of protein.Analysis does not include toppings.

Crunchy Protein Waffles

½ cup (50 g) raw wheat germ1 cup (80 g) soy powder½ cup (65 g) vanilla whey protein

powder½ teaspoon salt1 tablespoon (6 g) Splenda½ cup (60 g) sesame seeds3 eggs¾ cup (180 ml) heavy cream½ cup (120 ml) water4 to 6 tablespoons (60 to 90 ml)

oil or melted butter

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Preheat a waffle iron.Combine the wheat germ, soy powder,

whey protein powder, salt, Splenda, andsesame seeds in a large bowl.

Separate the eggs, reserving the yolks.Whip the whites until they’re stiff andset aside.

Whisk the cream, water, and oiltogether with the egg yolks and pourthem into the dry ingredients. Mix welland gently fold in the egg whites.

Use a cup to pour the batter onto yourwaffle iron and bake until waffles aregolden brown and crispy. Serve withbutter and sugar-free syrup, sugar-freejam or jelly, cinnamon and Splenda, or—my favorite—thawed, frozenstrawberries and whipped cream.

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Yield: This depends on the size of yourwaffle iron; mine makes rectangularwaffles, and I get about 10 servings.

Each with 8 grams of carbohydrates and2 grams of fiber, for a total of 6 grams ofusable carbs and 10 grams of protein.Analysis does not include toppings.

Gingerbread Waffles

Really make Sunday breakfast somethingspecial! Double or triple this recipe, andyou’ll have extra waffles to freeze andreheat on busy mornings. Tip—they’ll bea lot crispier and tastier if you reheatthem in the toaster than if youmicrowave them.

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1 cup (125 g) almond meal1 cup (120 g) vanilla whey protein

powder½ teaspoon salt¼ cup (6 g) Splenda1 tablespoon (14 g) baking

powder2 teaspoons ground ginger1½ cups (360 ml) Carb

Countdown dairy beverage or¾ cup (180 ml) heavy creamand ¾ cup (180 ml) water

2 eggs4 tablespoons (60 g) butter,


Preheat waffle iron.

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Combine almond meal, proteinpowder, salt, Splenda, baking powder,and ginger. In a glass measuring cup,whisk together the Carb Countdown orcream and water and the eggs and thenstir the butter into them. Pour this intothe dry ingredients with a few quickstrokes.

Ladle the batter into the waffle ironand bake until done—my waffle iron hasa light that goes out when the waffle isready, but follow the instructions foryour unit.

Serve with whipped cream.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 35 g protein; 9 g

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carbohydrate; 3 g dietary fiber, 6 gusable carbs. Analysis does not includewhipped cream.

Exceedingly Crisp Waffles

You have to separate eggs and all, butthese waffles are worth it!

½ cup (60 g) almond meal cup (40 g) vanilla whey proteinpowder

¼ cup (30 g) oat flour½ teaspoon baking powder1 tablespoon (1.5 g) Splenda¼ teaspoon baking soda¾ cup (180 ml) buttermilk

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¼ cup (60 ml) Carb Countdowndairy beverage or half-and-half

6 tablespoons (90 ml) canola oil1 egg

In one mixing bowl, combine the almondmeal, protein powder, oat flour, bakingpowder, Splenda, and baking soda. Stirthe dry ingredients together.

Measure the buttermilk and CarbCountdown dairy beverage into a glassmeasuring cup. Add the canola oil.

Now’s the time to plug in your waffleiron and get it heating; you want it to beready as soon as your batter is!

Separate that egg, making sure youdon’t get even a tiny speck of yolk in thewhite. Add the yolk to the liquid

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ingredients. Put the white in a small,deep bowl and beat until stiff. Set aside.

Whisk all the liquid ingredientstogether and pour them into the dryingredients. Mix everything quickly witha few quick strokes of your whisk. Mixonly enough to be sure all the dryingredients are moistened.

Add about of the beaten egg whiteto the batter and fold in gently using arubber scraper. Then fold in the rest ofthe egg white.

Bake immediately according to thedirections that come with your waffleiron.

Serve with butter and sugar-freepancake syrup, cinnamon and Splenda,or low-sugar preserves.

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Yield: How many waffles you get willdepend on the size of your waffle iron; Igot 6.

Each with 15 g protein; 9 gcarbohydrate; 2 g dietary fiber, 7 gusable carbs. Analysis does not includetoppings.

Buttermilk Bran Muffins

These muffins are tender, moist, sweet,and perfumed with cinnamon. And usingthe GO-Diet’s figure of 4 grams ofcarbohydrates per cup of buttermilk,these are a bad deal, carbohydrates-wise.

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cup wheat bran¾ cup plus2 tablespoons (105 g) vanilla

whey protein powder2 tablespoons (13 g) vital wheat

gluten¼ teaspoon salt1 teaspoon baking soda¼ cup (6 g) Splenda½ teaspoon cinnamon½ cup (60 g) chopped walnuts or

pecans (optional)1 cup (240 ml) buttermilk1 egg3 tablespoons (45 ml) oil1 tablespoon (15 ml) blackstrap


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Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C, orgas mark 4).

In a mixing bowl, combine the wheatbran, protein powder, wheat gluten, salt,baking soda, Splenda, cinnamon, andnuts and stir until well combined.

In a measuring cup, stir together thebuttermilk, egg, oil, and molasses.

Spray 10 cups of a muffin tin wellwith nonstick cooking spray.

Give the wet ingredients one last stirand pour them into the dry ingredients.With a spoon, stir just long enough tomoisten all the dry ingredients. Do notover-mix! The batter should look rough,and a few lumps are fine.

Spoon the batter into the preparedmuffin cups, dividing the mixture evenly

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(the muffin cups should be about 2/3full).

Bake for 20 to 25 minutes and thenturn the muffins out of the muffin cupsonto a wire rack to cool.

Yield: 10 muffins

Each with 13.5 carbohydrates and 6grams of fiber, for a total of 7.5 grams ofusable carbs and 9 grams of protein.

Sour Cream, Lemon, andPoppy Seed Muffins

1 cup (125 g) almond meal1 cup (130 g) vanilla whey protein

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powder1½ teaspoons baking powder½ teaspoon salt

cup (8 g) Splenda1 teaspoon baking soda2 tablespoons (18 g) poppy seeds1 cup (230 g) sour cream2 eggs2 tablespoons (30 ml) water2 teaspoons lemon extractGrated rind of 1 lemon

Preheat the oven to 400°F (200°C, orgas mark 6).

In a mixing bowl, combine the almondmeal, protein powder, baking powder,salt, Splenda, baking soda, and poppyseeds and stir until well combined.

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In a separate bowl, combine the sourcream, eggs, water, lemon extract, andlemon rind and whisk together well.

When your oven is up to temperature,spray 16 muffin cups well with nonstickcooking spray. (You can use paperliners, if you prefer.)

Pour the sour cream mixture into thedry ingredients and stir together with justa few strokes—just enough to make themixture evenly moist. Do not over-mix.

Spoon the batter evenly into muffincups and bake for 20 minutes.

Yield: Makes 16 muffins

Each with 5.25 grams of carbohydratesand 1 gram of fiber, for a total of 4.25

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grams of usable carbs and 7.75 grams ofprotein.

Cranberry Nut Muffins

I tried Cranberry Nut Bread, and it wasa failure— all the cranberries rose, sothe top of the bread was soggy. Butmuffins worked out fine!

½ cup (60 g) pecans½ cup (50 g) cranberries¾ cup plus 2 tablespoons (110 g)

almond meal¾ cup (90 g) vanilla whey protein

powder2 tablespoons (30 g) gluten2 tablespoons (30 g) polyol

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¼ cup (6 g) Splenda2½ teaspoons baking powder2 eggs¾ cup (180 ml) Carb Countdown

dairy beverage3 tablespoons (42 g) butter,

melted¼ teaspoon orange extract

Preheat your oven to 400°F (200°C, orgas mark 6). Spray a 12-cup muffin tinwith nonstick cooking spray or line itwith paper muffin cups if you prefer.

Chop your pecans, then yourcranberries—I do them by pulsing the S-blade of my food processor, and if youdo them in this order, you won’t havepecans sticking to the moisture left

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behind by the cranberries. Set aside.In a mixing bowl, combine the almond

meal and the next 5 ingredients (throughbaking powder). Stir together to makesure everything is distributed evenly.

Whisk together the eggs, CarbCountdown dairy beverage, meltedbutter, and orange extract.

Make sure your oven is up totemperature before you add the wetingredients to the dry ingredients. Whenit is, pour the wet ingredients into thedry ingredients and stir the two togetherwith a few swift strokes of your whiskor a spoon. Do not overmix! A fewlumps are fine. Now add the pecans andcranberries and stir just enough toincorporate into the batter. Spoon the

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batter into the prepared muffin tin andbake for 20 minutes. Remove the muffinsfrom the pan to a wire rack to cool.

Yield: 12 muffins

Each with 18 g protein; 5 gcarbohydrate; 2 g dietary fiber; 3 gusable carb. Carb count does not includepolyol sweetener.

Pumpkin Muffins

Just as with the Cranberry Nut Muffins,these muffins happened because Icouldn’t get pumpkin bread to work out!

cup (50 g) almond meal

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¼ cup (25 g) gluten¼ cup (30 g) vanilla whey protein

powder¼ teaspoon salt¼ cup (6 g) Splenda1 teaspoon baking powder½ teaspoon ground cinnamon½ teaspoon ground nutmeg½ cup (120 g) canned pumpkin1 egg2 tablespoons (28 g) butter,

melted¼ teaspoon orange extract

cup (80 ml) Carb Countdowndairy beverage

½ cup (60 g) chopped pecans

Preheat oven to 400°F (200°C, or gas

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mark 6). Spray a 12-cup muffin tin withnonstick cooking spray, or if you prefer,line it with paper muffin cups.

In a mixing bowl, combine the almondmeal and the next 7 ingredients (throughnutmeg). Stir them together to evenlydistribute ingredients.

In a separate bowl, combine thecanned pumpkin, egg, melted butter,orange extract, and Carb Countdowndairy beverage and whisk together.Make sure your oven is up totemperature before you take the nextstep!

Pour the wet ingredients into the dryingredients and with a few swift strokes,combine them. Stir just enough to makesure there are no big pockets of dry stuff;

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a few lumps are fine. Quickly stir in thepecans and spoon the batter into aprepared muffin tin. Bake for 20minutes; remove the muffin’s from thepan to a wire rack to cool.

Yield: 12 muffins

Each with 9 g protein; 3 g carbohydrate;6 g usable carbs.


This isn’t super-low in carbs, and it’sreally more for eating duringmaintenance than during weight loss. Butit’s far lower in carbs than standardgranola, high in protein, very filling, and

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best of all, it tastes like real cereal!

2½ cups (200 g) rolled oats¾ cup (170 g) sunflower seeds¾ cup (90 g) sesame seeds

cup (70 g) wheat germ¾ cup (50 g) flaked, unsweetened

coconut½ cup (60 g) chopped walnuts½ cup (60 g) slivered almonds½ cup (70 g) wheat bran¼ cup (30 g) flaxseeds1 teaspoon cinnamon½ cup (12 g) Splenda¾ cup (95 g) vanilla whey protein

powder¼ teaspoon blackstrap molasses½ cup (120 ml) canola oil

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Preheat the oven to 250°F (120°C, orgas mark ½).

In a large, shallow roasting pan,combine the rolled oats, sunflowerseeds, sesame seeds, wheat germ,coconut, walnuts, almonds, bran,flaxseeds, cinnamon, Splenda, andprotein powder, mixing them very well.

Stir the molasses into the canola oil; itwon’t really blend with it, but it willhelp the molasses get distributed evenly.Pour the mixture over the dry ingredientsand stir until it’s uniformly distributed.

Place in the oven and toast for anhour, stirring once or twice. Store in atightly covered container. Serve toppedwith cream or half-and-half.

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Yield: Makes about 16 servings of ½cup

Each with 21.8 grams of carbohydratesand 6 grams of fiber, for a total of 15.8grams of usable carbs and 11.6 grams ofprotein. Analysis does not include creamor half and half.

Hot Almond Cereal

Here’s a recipe for all of you who misshot cereal in the morning. It’s loadedwith fiber, and it’s a great way to get thebenefits of flax—not to mention that it’sreally, really tasty.

1 cup (170 g) flaxseeds

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1 cup (125 g) ground almonds½ cup (50 g) oat bran1¼ cups (125 g) wheat bran1 cup (130 g) vanilla whey protein


Preheat the oven to 300°F (150°C, orgas mark 2).

Grind your flaxseeds in a foodprocessor with the S-blade in place.Flaxseeds take a while to grind up, soyou may have to run the processor forseveral minutes. (You can buy flaxseedmeal if you prefer, but flaxseed oilspoils pretty quickly after the seeds areground, so I much prefer to grind myown.)

While the food processor is running,

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lightly toast your ground almonds byputting them in a shallow baking pan inthe oven for 5 minutes or so.

When the flaxseeds are ground and thealmonds are toasted, combine them withthe oat bran, wheat bran, and proteinpowder and store in an airtightcontainer.

To make a bowl of cereal, put ½ cup(60 g) of the mixture in a bowl and add¾ cup (180 ml) of boiling water and apinch of salt. Stir and let your cereal sitfor a few minutes before eating.

Yield: About 9 servings

Each with about 16 grams ofcarbohydrates and 9 grams of fiber, for a

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total of 7 grams of usable carbs and 11grams of protein.

Try this with a little Splenda and creamor even a little cinnamon. Personally, Ilike to add just a drop or two ofblackstrap molasses to give it a brown-sugar flavor without many extra carbs.

Cinnamon Hot Cereal

This recipe is for those of you who usedto eat your oatmeal with cinnamon andsugar. Add Splenda and cream to taste.

1 cup (110 g) ground flaxseeds1 cup (125 g) ground almonds½ cup (50 g) oat bran

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1½ cups (150 g) wheat bran½ cup (65 g) vanilla whey protein

powder2 teaspoons cinnamon

Combine all the ingredients well andstore in an airtight container.

To make a bowl of cereal, put ½ cup(55 g) of the mixture in a bowl and add¾ cup (180 ml) boiling water and apinch of salt. Stir and let your cereal sitfor a few minutes before eating.

Yield: About 5 servings

Each with 15 grams of carbohydratesand 9.5 grams of fiber, for a total of 5.5grams of usable carbs and 11 grams of

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Graham Crackers

These are wonderful! Eat them as is,with some milk or reduced-carb dairybeverage, or spread them with a littlecream cheese.

cup (80 g) vanilla whey proteinpowder

cup (80 g) almond meal cup (35 g) oat bran

¼ (25 g) wheat gluten½ cup (50 g) wheat bran½ cup (50 g) wheat germ1 teaspoon baking powder

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½ teaspoon baking soda½ teaspoon salt½ cup (120 ml) coconut oil¼ cup (50 g) granular polyol

sweetener¼ cup (6 g) Splenda1½ teaspoons blackstrap

molasses½ cup (120 ml) Carb Countdown

dairy beverage

In a mixing bowl, combine the proteinpowder and the next 8 ingredients(through salt). Stir to evenly distributethe ingredients. Set aside.

Using an electric mixer, beat thecoconut oil with the granular polyolsweetener, Splenda, and molasses until

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the mixture is fluffy. Now beat in the dryingredients and the Carb Countdowngradually, alternating which you add.

When all the dry ingredients and milkare beaten in, scrape the dough into aball and refrigerate overnight. (Thisdoes something magical to the texture. Idon’t understand it, myself.)

Okay, the next day you can pull yourdough out of the fridge. Let it warm upfor 15 or 20 minutes—while that’shappening, you can preheat your oven to350°F (180°C, or gas mark 4).

Divide the dough into two equal parts.Cover a cookie sheet with bakingparchment or a Teflon pan liner andplace one of the dough balls on it. Coverit with another sheet of baking parchment

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or another pan liner. Using a rolling pin,roll out the dough between the twolayers of parchment or liner, just a littlethinner than a commercial grahamcracker. Peel off the top sheet and use apizza cutter or a sharp, thin-bladed knifeto score into squares. Prick each cracker3 or 4 times with a fork.

Repeat this with the second doughball and with a second set of parchmentor pan liners (you can use the same topsheet for both).

Bake for about 15 to 20 minutes oruntil browned a bit around the edges. Letcool, rescore, and break apart. Storethem in an airtight container.

Yield: 36 crackers

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Each with 6 g protein; 3 g carbohydrate;1 g dietary fiber, 2 g usable carbs. Carbcount does not include polyol sweetener.

Sunflower ParmesanCrackers

These have a great, crunchy texture and awonderful flavor.

1 cup (225 g) raw, shelledsunflower seeds

½ cup (50 g) grated Parmesancheese

¼ cup (60 ml) water

Preheat the oven to 325°F (170°C, or

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gas mark 3).Put the sunflower seeds and Parmesan

in a food processor with the S-blade inplace and process until the sunflowerseeds are a fine meal almost theconsistency of flour. Add the water andpulse the processor until the dough iswell blended, soft, and sticky.

Cover a cookie sheet with a piece ofbaking parchment. Turn the dough outonto the parchment, tear off another sheetof parchment, and put it on top of thedough.

Through the top sheet of parchment,use your hands to press the dough into asthin and even a sheet as you can. Takethe time to get the dough quite thin—thethinner, the better, so long as there are

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no holes in the dough. Peel off the toplayer of parchment and use a thin, sharp,straight-bladed knife or a pizza cutter toscore the dough into squares ordiamonds.

Bake for about 30 minutes or untilevenly browned. Peel the crackers offthe parchment, break along the scoredlines, and let them cool. Store them in acontainer with a tight lid.

Yield: How many carbs are these percracker? It will vary with the size andthickness of your crackers. I get about 6dozen.

Each with just a trace of carbohydrates,a trace of fiber, and 1 gram of protein.

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But you can eat the whole batch for just13 grams of usable carbohydrates, sowho’s counting?

Sunflower Wheat Crackers

1 cup (225 g) sunflower seeds½ cup (50 g) wheat germ¼ cup (25 g) wheat bran¼ cup (25 g) oat bran½ teaspoon salt1 tablespoon (1.5 g) Splenda¼ cup (60 ml) canola oil¼ cup (60 ml) water

In your food processor with the S-bladein place, grind the sunflower seeds untilthey’re a fine meal. Add the wheat germ,

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wheat bran, oat bran, salt, and Splendaand pulse to mix. Now pour in the oiland pulse to mix that in. Finally, add thewater and pulse to make an evenlyblended dough.

Cover a cookie sheet with bakingparchment or a Teflon pan liner. Turnthe dough out onto this. Cover withanother sheet of parchment or anotherpan liner. Now roll the dough outthrough the top sheet, making it as thin asyou can without making holes in it. It’sreally worth the time to make thisseriously thin.

Using a knife with a thin, straight,sharp blade or a pizza cutter, score thedough into squares or diamonds. I makemine about the size of Wheat Thins.

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Bake for about 30 minutes or untilevenly golden. Rescore to help youseparate the crackers without breakingthem. Store them in a tightly liddedcontainer.

Yield: About 6 dozen small crackers

Each with 1 g protein; 1 g carbohydrate;trace dietary fiber; 1 g usable carb.

Sunflower Sesame Crackers

1 cup (225 g) raw, shelledsunflower seeds

½ cup (60 g) sesame seeds½ teaspoon salt, plus additional

for sprinkling

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¼ cup (60 ml) water

Preheat the oven to 325°F (170°C, orgas mark 3).

In a food processor with the S-bladeattached, grind the sunflower seeds to afine meal.

Add the sesame seeds and salt andpulse the food processor just longenough to combine. (You want thesesame seeds to stay whole.) Add thewater and pulse to make a dough.

Cover a cookie sheet with a piece ofbaking parchment. Turn the dough outonto the parchment, tear off another sheetof parchment, and put it on top of thedough.

Through the top sheet of parchment,

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use your hands to press the dough into asthin and even a sheet as you can. Takethe time to get the dough quite thin—thethinner, the better, so long as there areno holes in the dough. Peel off the toplayer of parchment and use a thin, sharp,straight-bladed knife or a pizza cutter toscore the dough into squares ordiamonds. If you like, you could sprinklea little salt over the surface and gentlypress it into the dough before scoring thecrackers.

Bake for about 30 minutes or untilthey’re a light golden color. Peel thecrackers off the parchment, break alongthe scored lines, and let them cool. Storethem in a container with a tight lid.

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Yield: About 6 dozen small crackers

Each with 1 gram of carbohydrates andabout 0.5 gram of fiber, for a total of 0.5gram of usable carbs and 1 gram ofprotein.

Sunflower CheddarCrackers

Do you miss Cheese Nips? Try these.

1½ cups (340 g) raw, shelledsunflower seeds

1½ cups (180 g) grated cheddarcheese

½ teaspoon salt, plus additional

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for sprinkling¼ cup (60 ml) water

Preheat the oven to 325°F (170°C, orgas mark 3).

In a food processor with the S-bladeattached, grind the sunflower seeds to afine meal.

Add the cheddar and salt and pulsethe processor six to eight times to blend.Add the water and pulse until a doughball forms.

Cover a cookie sheet with a piece ofbaking parchment. Turn the dough outonto the parchment, tear off another sheetof parchment, and put it on top of thedough.

Through the top sheet of parchment,

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use your hands to press the dough into asthin and even a sheet as you can. Takethe time to get the dough quite thin—thethinner, the better, so long as there areno holes in the dough. Peel off the toplayer of parchment. Sprinkle a little saltover the surface and gently press it ininto place. Use a thin, sharp, straight-bladed knife or a pizza cutter to scorethe dough into squares or diamonds.

Bake for about 30 minutes. Peel thecrackers off the parchment, break alongthe scored lines, and let them cool. Storethem in a container with a tight lid.

Yield: About 6 dozen crackers

Each with 1 gram of carbohydrates and

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0.5 gram of fiber, for a total of 0.5 gramof usable carbs and 1 gram of protein.

Thanks to the cheese, these crackerscome with a bonus: 21 milligrams ofcalcium!

Bran Crackers

Tired of paying through the nose forfiber crackers? These are similar toFiber Rich or Bran-a-Crisp except thatthey’re thinner, crispier, lower-carb—and a whole lot cheaper. Plus they’regreat with dips, patés, and tuna or eggsalad.

1½ cups (150 g) wheat bran

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½ cup (65 g) rice protein powder1 teaspoon salt1½ cups (360 ml) water

Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C, orgas mark 4).

Combine the wheat bran, proteinpowder, and salt, stirring them togetherwell. Stir in the water, making sureeverything is wet, and let the mixture sitfor about 5 minutes.

Cover a cookie sheet with bakingparchment and turn the dough out ontothe parchment (the dough will be verysoft). Using the back of a spoon, pat andsmooth this out into a thin, even,unbroken sheet.

Bake for 10 minutes and then use a

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pizza cutter or a knife with a thin, sharpblade to score the sheet of dough intocrackers. Put the sheet back in the ovenand bake for another 20 minutes.

Turn the oven to its lowesttemperature and let the crackers sit in thewarm oven for at least 3 hours untilthey’re good and dry and crisp.

Break apart and store them in anairtight container.

Yield: 3 dozen crackers

Each with just over 2 grams ofcarbohydrates and 1 gram of fiber, for atotal of about 1 gram of usable carbs andjust a trace of protein.

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Almond-Parmesan Crust

This is a good “crumb crust” for savorydishes, like quiche.

1 cups (200 g) almonds½ cup (50 g) grated Parmesan

cheese6 tablespoons (90 g) butter,

melted1 tablespoon (15 ml) water

Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C, or gasmark 4).

In your food processor with S-bladeattached, grind the almonds until they’rethe texture of cornmeal. Add theParmesan cheese and pulse to combine.

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Pour in the butter and the water and runthe processor until a uniform dough isformed—you may need to stop theprocessor and run a butter knife aroundthe bottom edge of the processor bowlhalfway through.

Turn the mixture out into a 10-inch(25-cm) pie plate you’ve sprayed withnonstick cooking spray. Bake for about10 to 12 minutes. Cool before filling.

Yield: 8 servings

Each with 7 g protein; 5 g carbohydrate;3 g dietary fiber, 2 g usable carbs

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Greek Salad

This is a wonderful, filling, fresh-tastingsalad we never get tired of.

1 large head romaine lettuce1 cup (60 g) chopped fresh

parsley ½ cucumber, sliced1 green pepper, slicedGreek Lemon Dressing (page

172)¼ sweet red onion, thinly sliced

into rings12 to 15 Greek olives2 ripe tomatoes, cut into wedges

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4 to 6 ounces (115 to 170 g) fetacheese, crumbled

Anchovy fillets packed in olive oil(if desired)

Wash and dry your romaine and break orcut it into bite-sized pieces. Cut up andadd the parsley, cucumber, and greenpepper. (You can do this step ahead oftime, if you like, which makes this saladvery doable on a weeknight.)

Just before serving, pour on the Greekdressing and toss the salad like crazy.

Arrange the onions, olives, andtomatoes artistically on top and sprinklethe crumbled feta in the middle. You canalso add the anchovies at this point, ifyou know that everybody likes them, but

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I prefer to make them available for thosewho like them to put on their individualserving.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 16 grams of carbohydratesand 6 grams of fiber, for a total of 10grams of usable carbs and 11 grams ofprotein.

Autumn Salad

The flavor contrasts in this salad arelovely, and I’ve kept the pear to aquantity that won’t add too many carbs.

2 tablespoons (28 g) butter

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½ cup (60 g) chopped walnuts10 cups (200 g) loosely packed

assorted greens (romaine, redleaf lettuce, and fresh spinach)

¼ sweet red onion, thinly sliced¼ cup (60 ml) olive oil2 teaspoons wine vinegar2 teaspoons lemon juice¼ teaspoon spicy brown or Dijon

mustard teaspoon salt teaspoon pepper

½ ripe pear, chopped cup (40 g) crumbled bluecheese

Melt the butter in a small, heavy skilletover medium heat. Add the walnuts and

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let them toast in the butter, stirringoccasionally, for about 5 minutes.

While the walnuts are toasting—andmake sure you keep an eye on them anddon’t burn them—wash and dry yourgreens and put them in salad bowl withthe onion. Toss with the oil first. Thencombine the vinegar, lemon juice,mustard, salt, and pepper and add that tothe salad bowl. Toss until everything iswell covered.

Top the salad with the pear, the warmtoasted walnuts, and the crumbled bluecheese; serve.

Yield: 4 generous servings

Each with 13 grams of carbohydrates

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and 6 grams of fiber, for a total of 7grams of usable carbs and 10 grams ofprotein.

Classic Spinach Salad

4 cups (80 g) fresh spinach large, sweet red onion, thinlysliced

3 tablespoons (45 ml) oil2 tablespoons (30 ml) apple cider

vinegar2 teaspoons tomato paste1½ teaspoons Splenda¼ small onion, grated teaspoon dry mustard

Salt and pepper

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2 slices bacon, cooked until crisp,and crumbled

1 hard-boiled egg, chopped

Wash the spinach very well and dry.Tear up the larger leaves. Combine withthe onion in a salad bowl.

In a separate bowl, mix up the oil,vinegar, tomato paste, Splenda, onion,mustard, and salt and pepper to taste.Pour the mixture over the spinach andonion and toss.

Top the salad with the bacon and egg;serve.

Yield: 2 generous servings

Each with 7 grams of carbohydrates and

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2 grams of fiber, for a total of 5 grams ofusable carbs and 2 grams of protein.

Spinach-Strawberry Salad

This salad is simply extraordinary! Formy money, this is the best salad in thisbook. If you don’t try a single othersalad recipe, try this one! It’s beautiful,too, and very nutritious.

1 pound (455 g) bagged,prewashed baby spinach

1 batch Sweet Poppy SeedVinaigrette (page 171)

1 cup (170 g) sliced strawberries3 tablespoons (25 g) slivered

almonds, toasted

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½ cup (60 g) crumbled fetacheese

Put the baby spinach in a big salad bowl.Pour on the dressing and toss well. Topthe with strawberries, almonds, and fetaand serve.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 8 g protein; 11 gcarbohydrate; 5 g dietary fiber; 6 gusable carbs.

Summer Treat SpinachSalad

Worried about where you’ll get your

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potassium now that you’re not eatingbananas? Each serving of this salad hasmore potassium than three bananas!

2 pounds (910 g) raw spinach1 ripe black avocado¼ cantaloupe½ cup (15 g) alfalfa sprouts2 scallions, slicedFrench Vinaigrette Dressing

(page 169)

Wash the spinach very well and dry.Tear up the larger leaves.

Cut the avocado in half, remove thepit and the peel, and cut into chunks.

Peel and chunk the cantaloupe or use amelon baller.

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Add the avocado and cantaloupe tothe spinach, along with the alfalfasprouts and scallions. Toss with thevinaigrette right before serving.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 11 grams of carbohydratesand 5 grams of fiber, for a total of 6grams of usable carbs and 5 grams ofprotein.

Dinner Salad Italiano

1 head romaine lettuce, washed,dried, and broken up

1 cup (70 g) sliced freshmushrooms

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½ cucumber, sliced¼ sweet red onion, thinly sliced½ pound (225 g) sliced salami, cut

into strips½ pound (225 g) sliced provolone,

cut into strips Italian orvinaigrette dressing (bottled,or page 169)

2 ripe tomatoes, cut into wedges

Make a big tossed salad from the lettuce,mushrooms, cucumber, onion, salami,and provolone. Toss with Italian orvinaigrette dressing and then add thesliced tomatoes and serve.

Yield: 3 servings

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Each with 17 grams of carbohydratesand 6 grams of fiber, for a total of 11grams of usable carbs and 36 grams ofprotein.

Orange, Avocado, andBacon Salad

8 cups (160 g) mixed greensCitrus Dressing (page 172)½ navel orange½ black avocado6 slices bacon, cooked and

drained red onion

Put your greens in a big mixing bowl and

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pour the dressing over them. Toss well.Peel your half-orange and separate the

sections; halve each one again. Slice theavocado, crumble the bacon, and slicethe red onion paper-thin. Now streweverything artfully over the greens andserve.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 6 g protein; 9 g carbohydrate;5 g dietary fiber; 4 g usable carbs.

Mixed Greens with WarmBrie Dressing

This elegant dinner party fare is acarbohydrate bargain with lots of flavor.

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6 cups (120 g) torn romaine

lettuce, washed and dried6 cups (120 g) torn red leaf

lettuce, washed and dried2 cups (40 g) torn radicchio,

washed and dried1 cup (60 g) chopped fresh

parsley4 scallions, thinly sliced, including

the crisp part of the greenshoot

½ cup (120 ml) extra-virgin oliveoil

½ small onion, minced3 cloves garlic, crushed6 ounces (170 g) Brie, rind

removed, cut into small chunks

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¼ cup (60 ml) sherry vinegar1 tablespoon (15 ml) lemon juice1½ teaspoons Dijon mustard

Put the lettuces, radicchio, parsley, andscallions in a large salad bowl and keepcold.

Put the olive oil in a heavy-bottomedsaucepan over medium-low heat. Addthe onion and garlic and let them cookfor 2 to 3 minutes.

Melt in the Brie, one chunk at a time,continuously stirring with a whisk. (It’lllook dreadful at first, but don’t sweat it.)

When all the cheese is melted in,whisk in the sherry vinegar, lemon juice,and Dijon mustard. Let it cook for a fewminutes, stirring all the while, until your

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dressing is smooth and thick. Pour overthe salad and toss.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 7 grams of carbohydrates and3 of fiber, for a total of 4 grams ofusable carbs and 8 grams of protein.

Chef’s Salad

10 cups (200 g) romaine, iceberg,red leaf, or any other favoritelettuce

¼ pound (115 g) deli turkeybreast

¼ pound (115 g) deli ham¼ pound (115 g) deli roast beef

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¼ pound (115 g) Swiss cheese1 green pepper, cut into strips or

rings½ sweet red onion, cut into rings4 hard-boiled eggs, halved or

quartered2 ripe tomatoes, cut vertically

into 8 wedges eachSalad dressing

Make nice beds of the lettuce on 4serving plates.

Cut the turkey, ham, roast beef, andSwiss cheese into strips. (It’s nice, bythe way, to get fairly thickly sliced meatand cheese for this.) Arrange all of thisartistically on the beds of lettuce andgarnish with the pepper, onion, eggs, and

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tomatoes. Let each diner add his or herown dressing.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 13 grams of carbohydratesand 4 grams of fiber, for a total of 9grams of usable carbs and 37 grams ofprotein. (Analysis does not include saladdressing.)

This salad is infinitely variable, ofcourse; if you don’t eat ham, hate roastbeef, or love Swiss cheese, feel free toplay around with these instructions. Ionly put down amounts so we couldanalyze the carb count and give you aguide to work from.

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Vietnamese Salad

This really exotic tossed salad fromSoutheast Asia makes a great firstcourse!

4 cups (80 g) romaine lettuce,broken up

4 cups (80 g) torn butter lettuce3 scallions, sliced, including the

crisp part of the green shoot1 ruby red grapefruit 1

tablespoon (1.5 g) Splenda3 tablespoons (45 ml) fish sauce

(nuoc mam or nam pla)3 tablespoons (45 ml) lime juice1½ teaspoons chili garlic paste

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2 tablespoons (15 g) choppedpeanuts

½ cup (32 g) chopped cilantro½ cup (12.8 g) chopped fresh mint

Wash and dry your lettuce, combine it,and then divide it onto 4 salad plates.

Slice your scallions and scatter overthe lettuce.

Halve your grapefruit and use a sharp,thin-bladed knife to cut around eachsection to loosen. Divide the grapefruitsections between the salads.

Mix together the Splenda, fish sauce,lime juice, and chili paste. Drizzle equalamounts of the dressing over each salad.Then top each portion with choppedpeanuts, cilantro, and mint and serve.

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Yield: 4 servings

Each with 4 g protein; 14 gcarbohydrate; 4 g dietary fiber; 10 gusable carbs.

Our Favorite Salad

We’ve served this salad over and over,and we never tire of it. This dressingtastes a lot like Caesar, but it’s lesstrouble, and there’s no blender to washafterwards.

1 clove garlic½ cup (120 ml) extra-virgin olive

oil1 head romaine

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½ cup (30 g) chopped freshparsley

½ green pepper, diced¼ cucumber, quartered and sliced¼ sweet red onion2 to 3 tablespoons (30 to 45 ml)

lemon juice2 to 3 teaspoons Worcestershire

sauce¼ cup (25 g) Parmesan cheese1 medium ripe tomato, cut into

thin wedges

Crush the clove of garlic in a smallbowl, cover it with the olive oil, and setit aside.

Wash and dry your romaine, break itup into a bowl, and add the parsley,

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pepper, cucumber, and onion. Pour thegarlic-flavored oil over the salad andtoss until every leaf is covered.

Sprinkle on the lemon juice and tossagain. Then sprinkle on theWorcestershire sauce and toss again.Finally, sprinkle on the Parmesan andtoss one last time. Top with the tomatoesand serve.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 7 grams of carbohydrates and3 grams of fiber, for a total of 4 grams ofusable carbs and 4 grams of protein.

Update Salad

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This recipe went around in the 1960s,but it used curly endive instead of thismixture of bitter greens, and sugar in thedressing. I like to think I’ve brought itinto the 21st century—hence the name. FOR THE SALAD:

2 medium green peppers, cut insmallish strips

1 large bunch parsley, chopped cup (13 g) torn radicchio cup (13 g) chopped curly endive cup (13 g) chopped frisée

3 tomatoes, each cut in 8lengthwise wedges

of a large, sweet red onion,thinly sliced

2 tablespoons (18 g) chopped

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black olives

FOR THE DRESSING:¼ cup (60 ml) water½ cup (120 ml) tarragon vinegar½ teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal1½ tablespoons (23 ml) lemon

juice1 tablespoon (1.5 g) Splenda

teaspoon blackstrap molasses6 tablespoons (90 g) sour cream

To make the salad: Put the peppers,parsley, radicchio, endive, frisée,tomatoes, onion, and olives in a bigbowl and set aside.

To make the dressing: In a separatebowl, combine the water, vinegar, salt,

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lemon juice, Splenda, and molasses.Pour it all over the salad and toss.

Stick the whole thing in therefrigerator and let it sit there for a fewhours, stirring it now and then if youthink of it.

To serve, put a 1-tablespoon (15 g)dollop of sour cream on each serving.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 9 grams of carbohydrates and2 grams of fiber, for a total of 7 grams ofusable carbs and 2 grams of protein.

Avocado-Walnut Salad

¼ cup (30 g) chopped walnuts

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8 cups (160 g) romaine lettuce,broken up

Cumin Vinaigrette (page 171)½ black avocado, cut in½-inch (1.3-cm) cubes 1 stalk

celery, diced medium cucumber, diced

¼ small red onion, sliced paper-thin

Toast your walnuts—you can simply stirthem in a hot skillet or toast them in a300°F (150°C, or gas mark 2) ovenwhile you’re assembling the rest of thesalad.

Toss the lettuce with the CuminVinaigrette. Top with everything elseand serve.

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Yield: About 4 to 5 servings

Assuming 5 servings, each will have 4 gprotein; 8 g carbohydrate; 3 g dietaryfiber; 5 g usable carbs.

Cauliflower Avocado Salad

4 cups (600 g) cauliflower1 black avocado, peeled and diced½ green bell pepper, diced8 kalamata olives, pitted and

chopped4 scallions, thinly sliced, including

the crisp part of the greenshoot

Sun-Dried Tomato–Basil

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Vinaigrette (page 171)

Cut your cauliflower in roughly ½-inch(1.3-cm) chunks. Put it in amicrowaveable bowl, add 1 tablespoon(15 ml) of water, and cover. Microwaveon high for 7 minutes.

When the cauliflower is ready, drainit and dump it in a mixing bowl. Addeverything else, including the Sun-DriedTomato–Basil Vinaigrette, and toss.Serve warm on a bed of lettuce.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 3 g protein; 11 gcarbohydrate; 4 g dietary fiber; 7 gusable carbs.

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Sour Cream and Cuke Salad

1 green pepper2 cucumbers, scrubbed but not

peeled½ large, sweet red onion½ head cauliflower2 teaspoons salt or Vege-Sal1 cup (230 g) sour cream2 tablespoons (30 ml) vinegar

(Apple cider vinegar is best,but wine vinegar will do.)

2 rounded teaspoons dried dillweed

Slice the pepper, cucumbers, onion, andcauliflower as thinly as you possibly

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can. The slicing blade on a foodprocessor works nicely, and it saves youmucho time, but I’ve also done it with agood, sharp knife.

Toss the vegetables well with the saltand chill them in the refrigerator for anhour or two.

In a separate bowl, mix the sourcream, vinegar, and dill, combiningwell.

Remove the veggies from the fridge,drain off any water that has collected atthe bottom of the bowl, and stir in thesour cream mixture.

Yield: 10 servings

Each with 4 grams of carbohydrates and

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1 gram of fiber, for a total of 3 grams ofusable carbs and 1 gram of protein.

You can eat this right away and it willbe great, but it improves overnight.

Thai Cucumber Salad

This salad is sweet and hot and so good!This, by the way, is one of thosemagnificent recipes that is low-carb,low-fat, low-calorie, okay forvegetarians, and tastes great.

½ small red onion1 small, fresh jalapeño, seeds

removed3 medium cucumbers

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2 or 3 cloves fresh garlic, crushed2 tablespoons (12 g) grated fresh

ginger½ cup (120 ml) rice vinegar½ teaspoon salt¼ teaspoon pepper2 tablespoons (3 g) Splenda

Using a food processor with the S-bladein place, put the onion and jalapeño inthe food processor and pulse until theyare both finely chopped.

Remove the S-blade and put on theslicing disk. Quarter the cucumberslengthwise and then run them through theprocessor. (If you’re not using a foodprocessor, you’ll want to dice the onionand mince the jalapeño and then slice the

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cucumber as thin as you can.)Put the onion, jalapeño, and

cucumbers in a big bowl. In a separatebowl, thoroughly combine the garlic,ginger, vinegar, salt, pepper, andSplenda. Pour over the vegetables andmix well.

Chill for a few hours before servingfor the best flavor.

Yield: 8 generous servings

Each with 6 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 5 grams ofusable carbs and 1 gram of protein.

Cauliflower-Olive Salad

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This salad is unusual and unusuallygood.

½ head cauliflower, broken intosmall florets

½ cup (80 g) diced red onion1 can (2¼ ounces, or 60 g) sliced

ripe olives, drained½ cup (30 g) chopped fresh

parsley¼ cup (60 ml) lemon juice¼ cup (60 ml) olive oil¼ cup (60 g) mayonnaise½ teaspoon salt or Vege-SalAbout a dozen cherry tomatoes

Lettuce (optional)

Combine the cauliflower, onion, olives,

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and parsley in a bowl.Combine the lemon juice, olive oil,

mayonnaise, and salt in a separate bowl.Pour over the veggies and toss well.

Chill for at least an hour—a wholeday wouldn’t hurt a bit. When you’reready to serve the salad, cut the cherrytomatoes in half and add them to thesalad. Serve on a bed of lettuce if youwish, but it’s wonderful alone, too.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 7 grams of carbohydrates and2 grams of fiber, for a total of 5 grams ofusable carbs and 1 gram of protein.

Ensalada de “Arroz”

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½ head cauliflower, shredded6 scallions, sliced, including the

green½ yellow pepper, diced½ green pepper, diced½ ripe tomato, diced¼ cup (16 g) chopped fresh

cilantro¼ cup (60 ml) extra-virgin olive

oil1 tablespoon (15 ml) red wine

vinegar1 tablespoon (15 ml) balsamic

vinegar1½ teaspoons Dijon mustardSalt and pepper

Put the cauliflower in a microwaveable

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casserole dish with a lid, add a coupleof tablespoons (30 to 45 ml) of water,cover, and microwave on high for 6minutes.

When the microwave beeps, uncoverthe cauliflower immediately to stop thecooking. Drain it well and dump it into alarge mixing bowl. Let it cool for 5 to 10minutes (stir it once or twice during thistime).

Stir the chopped vegetables into your“rice.” Now, mix together everythingelse, pour over the salad, and toss well.Chill before serving.

Yield: 5 serving

Each with 1 g protein; 4 g carbohydrate;

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1 g dietary fiber; 3 g usable carbs.

Broccoli Salad

½ cup (120 ml) olive oil¼ cup (60 ml) vinegar1 clove garlic, crushed½ teaspoon Italian seasoning herb

blend½ teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal

teaspoon pepper4 cups (1 kg) frozen broccoli


Whisk the olive oil, vinegar, garlic,herbs, salt, and pepper together.

Don’t even bother to thaw the

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broccoli—just put it in a bowl and pourthe olive oil mixture on top of it. Mixwell and let it sit for several hours in thefridge. Stir it now and then if you thinkof it and serve as-is or on greens.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 7 grams of carbohydrates and4 grams of fiber, for a total of 3 grams ofusable carbs and 4 grams of protein.

Of course, if you prefer, you can usefresh broccoli to make this salad. You’llhave to peel the stems, cut it up, andsteam it for about 5 minutes first. And atthat point, it will be very much likethawed frozen broccoli! Personally, Itake the easy route.

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Snow Pea Salad Wraps

This salad is unusual but very good.

2 cups (150 g) snow pea pods4 medium celery stalks, diced fine½ cup (80 g) minced red onion½ cup (60 g) chopped peanuts¼ cup (60 g) mayonnaise¼ cup (60 g) plain nonfat yogurt1 tablespoon (15 ml) lemon juice

teaspoon cayenne8 slices bacon, cooked and

drained24 lettuce leaves

Pinch the ends off your snow peas andpull off any strings. Cut them into ½-inch

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(1.3-cm) pieces—measure them aftercutting, not before.

Put the snow pea bits in amicrowaveable bowl with just ateaspoon of water, cover, andmicrowave on high for just 1 minute.Uncover the bowl immediately!

Put your snow peas in a mixing bowland add the celery, onion, and choppedpeanuts. Mix together the mayonnaise,yogurt, lemon juice, and cayenne; pourover the veggies and toss. Crumble inthe bacon and toss again.

Arrange four lettuce leaves on eachplate— I like Boston lettuce for this.Spoon a mound of the snow pea saladnext to the lettuce. To eat, spoon thesnow pea mixture onto a lettuce leaf,

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wrap, and eat.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 8 g protein; 8 g carbohydrate;3 g dietary fiber; 5 g usable carbs.

Crunchy Snow Pea Salad

This salad is different and tasty! Do usesnow peas instead of sugar snap peas—they’re lower carb.

2 cups (150 g) snow peas4 slices bacon

cup (50 g) roasted, saltedcashews

1 cup (160 g) diced celery

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1 cup (150 g) diced cauliflower(about ½-inch [1.3-cm] chunks)

½ cup (120 ml) ranch saladdressing

½ cup (120 g) plain yogurt1 teaspoon spicy brown mustard

You’ll want to pinch off the ends of yoursnow peas first and pull off any toughstrings. Cut them into ½-inch (1.3-cm)pieces. Put your bits of snow peas in amicrowavable bowl, add a tablespoon(15 ml) or so of water, and cover with asaucer or with plastic wrap. Microwaveon high for just 1½ to 2 minutes and thenremove from the microwave anduncover to stop the cooking.

Put the bacon on a microwave bacon

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rack or in a glass pie plate, microwave 4minutes on high or until crisp, and thendrain.

While the bacon’s cooking, coarselychop your cashews. Combine all thevegetables, including the snow peas, in amixing bowl. Combine the ranchdressing, yogurt, and mustard; pour overthe vegetables and toss. Crumble in thebacon, add the cashews, and toss again.Chill before serving.

Yield: 4 to 5 servings

Assuming 4, each will have 8 grams ofcarbohydrate and 2 grams of fiber, for ausable carb count of 6 grams; 5 grams ofprotein.

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Parmesan Bean Salad

This salad is filling enough to make anice light lunch.

1 pound (455 g) bag frozen,crosscut green beans

½ cup (80 g) minced red onion¼ cup (60 ml) extra-virgin olive

oil5 tablespoons (75 ml) cider

vinegar½ teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal½ teaspoon paprika¼ teaspoon dried ginger¾ cup (75 g) grated Parmesan


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Steam or microwave the green beansuntil they’re tender-crisp.

Let the beans cool a bit and then stirin the onion, oil, vinegar, salt, paprika,ginger, and Parmesan cheese. Chill welland serve.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 12 grams of carbohydratesand 4 grams of fiber, for a total of 8grams of usable carbs and 9 grams ofprotein.

Sauerkraut Salad

This salad has the advantage of usingmostly stuff that keeps well—so you just

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might have the ingredients hangingaround the house when you discover thatthe head of lettuce you bought last weekhas gone south.

2 cups (280 g) sauerkraut, rinsed½ green bell pepper1 large rib celery¼ medium red onion¼ cup (6 g) Splenda2 tablespoons (30 ml) cider

vinegar2 tablespoons (30 ml) oil

Rinse your sauerkraut and put it in abowl. Slice your pepper into matchstickstrips and thinly slice your celery andonion; add all the vegetables to the

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sauerkraut. Now, add the Splenda, cidervinegar, and oil, toss, and stick the bowlin the fridge. Let the whole thingmarinate for a few hours before serving.

Yield: 4 to 5 servings

Assuming 5, each will have 7 grams ofcarbohydrate and 3 grams of fiber, for ausable carb count of 4 grams; 1 gramprotein.

Low-Carb Rosy RadishSalad

This looks very pretty and tastessurprisingly mild.

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1 pound (455 g) bag frozencrosscut green beans

4 slices bacon, cooked until crisp,and crumbled

1 small onion, chopped1 cup (100 g) sliced radishes3 tablespoons (45 ml) cider

vinegar1½ tablespoons (2.3 g) Splenda¾ teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal¼ teaspoon pepper

Steam or microwave the beans untilthey’re tender-crisp.

Combine the beans, bacon, onion, andradishes in a mixing bowl. In a separatebowl, combine the vinegar, Splenda,salt, and pepper.

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Pour the mixture over the salad, toss,and serve.

Yield: 5 servings

Each with 10 grams of carbohydratesand 3 grams of fiber, for a total of 7grams of usable carbs and 4 grams ofprotein.

Nicer Niçoise

Salad niçoise is traditionally made withgreen beans and cold, boiled potatoes,but of course, we’re not going to beeating those potatoes. I thought I’d try itwith cauliflower, and sure enough, itworked great!

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head cauliflower

1 pound (455 g) bag frozen,crosscut green beans, thawedbut not cooked

1 clove garlic, crushed¼ to ½ cup (15 to 30 g) fresh

parsley, minced¼ medium, red onion, diced8 to 10 olives, sliced (I used

stuffed olives, but usewhatever you like best.)

½ to ¾ cup (120 to 180 ml)vinaigrette dressing(homemade or bottled)

Lettuce (to line plate)3 cans (6 ounces, or 170 g each)

tuna, drained

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6 hard-boiled eggs, sliced3 tomatoes, sliced

Slice your cauliflower quite thin. Put itin a microwave-safe bowl with about 1tablespoon (15 ml) of water, cover, andcook it for 4 to 5 minutes (we’re lookingfor it to be just tender).

Combine the green beans, garlic,parsley, onion, and olives in a good-sizebowl. When the cauliflower is done, addthat as well, and pour ½ cup (120 ml) ofdressing over the whole thing. Stir welland stick it in the fridge. Let it marinatefor several hours to a day, stirring nowand then when you think of it.

When you’re ready to eat the salad,put a few nice lettuce leaves on each

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plate and spoon a mound of themarinated mixture on top. Put the tuna ontop and in the middle—use as much asyou like—and surround it with slices ofhardboiled egg and tomato. Garnish itwith more olives, drizzle more dressingon top, if you like, and serve.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 12 grams of carbohydratesand 3 grams of fiber, for a total of 9grams of usable carbs and 30 grams ofprotein.

UnPotato Salad

You are going to be so surprised; this is

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amazingly like potato salad.

1 large head of cauliflower, cutinto small chunks

2 cups (240 g) diced celery1 cup (160 g) diced red onion2 cups (450 g) mayonnaise¼ cup (60 ml) cider vinegar2 teaspoons salt or Vege-Sal2 teaspoons Splenda½ teaspoon pepper4 hard-boiled eggs, chopped

Put the cauliflower in a microwave-safecasserole dish, add just a tablespoon (15ml) or so of water, and cover. Cook it onhigh for 7 minutes and let it sit, covered,for another 3 to 5 minutes. You want

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your cauliflower tender, but not mushy.(And you may steam it, if you prefer.)

Drain the cooked cauliflower andcombine it with the celery and onions.(You’ll need a big bowl.)

In a separate bowl, combine themayonnaise, vinegar, salt, Splenda, andpepper. Pour the mixture over thevegetables and mix well. Mix in thechopped eggs last and stir lightly topreserve some small hunks of yolk. Chilland serve.

Yield: 12 servings

Each with 3 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 2 grams ofusable carbs and 3 grams of protein.

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Use the time while the cauliflower cooksto dice your celery and onions.

Southwestern UnPotatoSalad

Of all the unpotato salads I’ve come upwith, this one is my favorite!

½ head cauliflower½ cup (120 g) mayonnaise2 tablespoons (30 ml) spicy

mustard1 tablespoon (15 ml) lime juice1 small jalapeño½ cup (30 g) chopped cilantro1 clove garlic, crushed

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½ cup (40 g) diced red onion1 small tomato

First, cut your cauliflower into ½-inch(1.3-cm) chunks—don’t bother coring itfirst, just trim the bottom of the stem andcut up the core with the rest of it. Putyour cauliflower chunks in amicrowavable casserole dish with a lid,add a few tablespoons of water, andcook it on high for 7 minutes.

When your cauliflower is done, drainit and put it in a large mixing bowl. In amedium-size bowl, whisk together themayo, mustard, and lime juice; then pourit over the cauliflower and mix well.

Cut the jalapeño in half, remove theseeds, and mince it fine. Add it to the

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salad along with the cilantro, garlic, anddiced red onion (don’t forget to washyour hands!); mix again.

Finally, cut the stem out of the tomatoand cut the tomato into smallish dice.Then carefully stir it in. Chill the saladfor a few hours before serving.

Yield: 6 servings

Each serving will have 3 grams ofcarbohydrate and 1 gram of fiber, for ausable carb count of 2 grams; 1 gramprotein.

Curried Cauliflower Salad

I think this would be great with grilled

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or barbecued lamb, myself.

½ head cauliflower5 scallions4 hard-boiled eggs½ cup (120 g) mayonnaise1 tablespoon (15 ml) spicy brown

mustard1 teaspoon curry powder1 dash salt1 dash pepper

Chop your cauliflower, including thetrimmed stem, into ½-inch (1.3-cm) bits.Put it in a microwavable casserole dishwith a lid, add a couple of tablespoonsof water, cover, and cook it on high for 7minutes.

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Meanwhile, slice your scallions,including the crisp part of the green, andchop up your hardboiled eggs. Next,measure the mayonnaise, mustard, currypowder, salt, and pepper into a bowland whisk them together.

Okay, the cauliflower is done now!Drain it, put it in a mixing bowl, andpour the dressing over it. Stir it up wellso the cauliflower is coated with thedressing. When it’s had a chance to coola little, add the scallions and eggs andstir it up again. Refrigerate until a halfhour before dinner. Remove from thefridge and let it warm up a little beforeserving—this is good at roomtemperature.

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Yield: 4 to 5 servings

Assuming 4, each will have 3 grams ofcarbohydrate, with 1 gram of fiber, for ausable carb count of 2 grams; 8 gramsprotein.

Bacon, Tomato, andCauliflower Salad

This recipe originally called for cookedrice, so I thought I’d try it withcauliflower “rice.” I liked it so much, Imade it again the very next day.

½ head cauliflower½ pound (225 g) bacon, cooked

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until crisp, and crumbled2 medium tomatoes, chopped10 to 12 scallions, sliced, including

all the crisp part of the green½ cup (115 g) mayonnaiseSalt and pepperLettuce (optional)

Put the cauliflower through a foodprocessor with the shredding disk.Steam or microwave it until it’s tender-crisp (about 5 minutes on high in amicrowave).

Combine the cooked cauliflower withthe bacon, tomatoes, onions, andmayonnaise in a big bowl. Add salt andpepper to taste and mix.

This salad holds a molded shape

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really well, so pack it into a custard cupand unmold it on a plate lined withlettuce; it looks quite pretty served thisway.

Yield: 5 servings

Each with 6 grams of carbohydrates and2 grams of fiber, for a total of 4 grams ofusable carbs and 15 grams of protein.

Cauliflower-MozzarellaSalad Basilico

Just like the Bacon, Tomato, andCauliflower Salad, this originally calledfor rice, but it works great withcauliflower. Make your own pesto or

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use store-bought, whichever you prefer.

½ head cauliflower, run throughthe shredding blade of a foodprocessor

15 cherry tomatoes, halved15 strong black olives, pitted and

coarsely chopped pound (150 g) mozzarella, cutin ½-inch (1.3-cm) cubes

1 tablespoon (10 g) finely mincedsweet red onion

2 tablespoons (30 ml) olive oil¼ cup homemade or purchased

pesto1 tablespoon (15 ml) wine vinegar½ teaspoon salt¼ teaspoon pepper

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Cook the cauliflower “rice” until tender-crisp (about 5 minutes on high in amicrowave). Let it cool.

When the “rice” is cool, add thetomatoes, olives, mozzarella, and onionand toss well.

Whisk together the olive oil, pesto,vinegar, salt, and pepper. Pour themixture over the salad and toss.

Let the salad sit for at least a half anhour for the flavors to blend; overnightwouldn’t hurt.

Yield: 5 servings

Each with 6 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 5 grams ofusable carbs and 9 grams of protein.

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Mozzarella Salad

This is rich and filling. The texture isquite different depending on whether youuse shredded or cubed cheese, butthey’re both good.

1½ cups (175 g) shredded ordiced mozzarella

¼ cup (25 g) sliced scallions½ cup (60 g) diced celery¼ cup (60 g) mayonnaise2 tablespoons (30 ml) wine

vinegar½ teaspoon oregano½ teaspoon basil

Combine the mozzarella, scallions, and

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celery in a mixing bowl.In a separate bowl, combine the

mayonnaise, vinegar, oregano, and basil.Pour the mixture over the salad, stir tocombine, and serve.

Yield: 2 servings

Each with 6 grams of carbohydrates and2 grams of fiber, for a total of 4 grams ofusable carbs and 20 grams of protein.

Avocado, Egg, and BlueCheese Salad

This makes a very unusual egg salad!Avocados are not only delicious andlow carb, but they’re the best source of

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potassium on the planet!

1 stalk celery, diced2 scallions, sliced, including the

crisp part of the green shoot½ black avocado, diced3 hard-boiled eggs, chopped¼ cup (30 g) crumbled blue

cheese3 tablespoons (45 ml) vinaigrette

dressing (I like Paul Newman’sOlive Oil and Vinegar.)

This is very simple. Just combine thevegetables, eggs, and cheese in a mixingbowl. Add the dressing and toss. Serveon a bed of lettuce.

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Yield: 2 servings

Each with 14 g protein; 7 gcarbohydrate; 2 g dietary fiber; 5 gusable carbs.

Egg Salad Francais

This recipe is completely different fromany egg salad you’ve ever had and quitewonderful! It is actually a Frenchtradition.

8 ounces (225 g) baggedEuropean style salad*

2 scallions, sliced cup (80 ml) bottled balsamicvinaigrette (I like Paul

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Newman’s.)Salt and pepper¼ cup (20 g) shredded Parmesan

cheese**1 tablespoon (15 ml) vinegar4 very fresh eggs

First put 1 inch (2.5 cm) of water in alargish saucepan and put it overmedium-high heat. Ignore that for aminute while you put the greens andscallions in a big salad bowl. Pour thevinaigrette over the whole thing, add saltand pepper as desired, and toss well.Set aside.

Spray a microwaveable plate withnonstick cooking spray and spread theParmesan on it. Microwave on high for 1

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minute.While the cheese is cooking, let’s get

back to that water. It should be good andhot by now; turn it down to barely asimmer, add the vinegar, and poach theeggs in it. It helps to break each egg intoa small cup or dish first to make surethat it’s good and fresh and that the yolkdoesn’t break. (If it does, keep it forsomething else and use another egg forpoaching.) Then slide each egg gentlyinto the water and poach to the desireddegree of doneness.

While the eggs are poaching, removethe Parmesan from the microwave—itwill now be a crispy, lacy sheet. Breakit up. Pile the salad on 2 serving platesand top each one with crispy Parmesan

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bits. Lift the now-poached eggs out ofthe pan with a slotted spoon, place 2 oneach salad, and serve.

Yield: 2 servings

Each with 10 grams of carbohydratesand 4 grams of fiber, for a total of 6grams of usable carbs and 20 grams ofprotein.

* The mixture should include somefrisée, so read the label! If you can’t findone with frisée, you can still make thesalad, but it will be less authentic.

** It is very important to use good-quality shredded (not grated) Parmesanwith no additives. Regular Parmesan inthe round green shaker won’t work; the

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cellulose in it messes it up for this.


This is my standard coleslaw recipe,and it always draws compliments. Thetiny bit of onion really sparks the flavor.

1 head green cabbage¼ sweet red onionColeslaw Dressing (page 176)

Using a food processor’s slicing bladeor a sharp knife, reduce your cabbage tolittle bitty shreds and put those shreds ina great big bowl.

Mince the onion really fine and putthat in the bowl, too.

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Pour on the dressing and toss well.

Yield: 10 servings

Each with 1 gram of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 1 gram of protein.

Did you just get invited to a picnic andare short on time for making somethingthat’ll feed a crowd? This recipe makesa veritable bucketful, and it’s awonderful side dish to almost any plainmeat, including chops and chicken. Ifyou like, you could even use baggedcoleslaw from the grocery store and justadd my dressing; I promise not to tell!

Coleslaw for Company

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The colors in this slaw are so intense,it’s almost too beautiful to eat.

1 head red cabbage1 small carrot, shredded¼ sweet red onion, finely mincedColeslaw Dressing (page 176)

Using a food processor’s slicing bladeor a sharp knife, shred your cabbage andput it in a big bowl.

Add the carrot and onion and tosswith the dressing. Admire and enjoy.

Yield: 10 servings

Each with 2 grams of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 1 gram of protein.

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Napa Mint Slaw

Napa’s distinctive texture and mildflavor are quite different from thefamiliar green cabbage, and mint setsthis recipe apart even more! As a result,this slaw appeals even to people whoaren’t big fans of standard coleslaw. Ifyou decide you like fresh mint incooking, consider growing some. It’s asnap to grow—indeed, it’s so invasivethat once you plant it, you may havetrouble growing anything else!

1½ pounds (680 g) Napa cabbage½ cup (12.8 g) chopped fresh mint3 scallions, slicedOrange Bacon Dressing (page

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173) cup (40 g) chopped peanuts

5 slices bacon, cooked anddrained

An average-sized head of Napa shouldbe about 1½ pounds (680 g). Removeany bruised or wilted leaves and thenlay the whole head on your cutting boardand cut across it at ¼-inch (6 mm)intervals, all the way down to thebottom. Scoop your shredded Napa intoa big bowl.

Add the chopped mint and slicedscallions to the cabbage.

Toss the salad with the dressing, addyour peanuts and bacon to the slaw, tossagain, and serve.

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Yield: 5 servings

Each with 5 g protein; 4 g carbohydrate;2 g dietary fiber; 2 g usable carbs.

Asian Ginger Slaw

Even my slaw-hating husband likes this!It’s got a very different texture andflavor than your standard slaw.

4 cups (360 g) finely shreddednapa cabbage

¼ cup (30 g) shredded carrot2 scallions, thinly sliced¼ cup (30 g) pale, inner celery

stalk, thinly sliced¼ cup (60 g) mayonnaise

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1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger2 tablespoons (30 ml) rice vinegar1 teaspoon soy sauce1 teaspoon Splenda

Combine the cabbage, carrot, scallions,and celery in a salad bowl.

In a separate bowl, combine themayonnaise, ginger, vinegar, soy sauce,and Splenda. Beat together until smooth,pour over the vegetables, toss, andserve.

Yield: 8 servings

Each with 4 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 3 grams ofusable carbs and 1 gram of protein.

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Spicy Peanut Slaw

I like peanuts in my coleslaw. Does itshow? The chili garlic paste gives this akick that sets it apart.

1 head cabbage, shredded, or 7cups (525 g) bagged coleslawmix

8 scallions sliced1 cup (240 g) mayonnaise1 tablespoon (1.5 g) Splenda

teaspoon blackstrap molasses2 teaspoons chili garlic paste½ cup (75 g) chopped dry-roasted


Put your cabbage in a big mixing bowl

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and add the scallions. Stir together themayo, Splenda, molasses, and chiligarlic paste; pour the dressing over thevegetables and toss. Add the peanuts andtoss again.

Yield: 8 servings

Each serving will have 4 grams ofcarbohydrate and 1 gram of fiber, for ausable carb count of 3 grams; 3 gramsprotein.

Sesame-Almond Napa Slaw

I liked this slaw so much, I ate the wholedanged batch right out of the mixingbowl! I suppose there are worse things I

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could binge on.

½ big head Napa cabbage—Ifthey’ve got only smallish headsat the grocer, use the wholething!

2 scallions1 tablespoon (9 g) sesame seeds¼ cup (30 g) slivered almonds1 teaspoon butter½ teaspoon chicken bouillon

granules2 tablespoons (30 ml) canola oil2 tablespoons (30 ml) rice vinegar1½ teaspoons soy sauce1½ teaspoons sesame oil1 tablespoon (1.5 g) Splenda

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Shred your Napa cabbage fine and sliceyour scallions; put them in a big mixingbowl.

In a medium skillet, over low heat,sauté the sesame seeds and almonds inthe butter until the almonds are golden.Add to the cabbage.

Stir together everything else until thebouillon is dissolved; pour over theslaw and toss. You can eat this rightaway, but an hour’s chilling is a fineidea. Toss again right before serving.

Yield: 5 servings, unless you’re acookbook author who waits to makedinner until 9 p.m., when she’s starving.

Each with 2 g protein; 3 g carbohydrate;

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1 g dietary fiber; 2 g usable carbs.

Lemon Slaw

The lemon flavor in this slaw makes it anatural with grilled fish, seafood, orpoultry. And the combination ofvegetables makes it appealinglycolorful!

½ head cabbage, shredded, or 4cups (300 g) bagged coleslawmix

1 green pepper, cut in matchstickstrips

½ cup (80 g) diced red onion1 small carrot, shredded¼ cup (15.2 g) chopped fresh

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parsley½ cup (120 g) mayonnaise½ cup (120 g) plain yogurt¼ cup (60 ml) lemon juice2 tablespoons (30 ml) olive oil1 tablespoon (15 ml) white wine

vinegar½ teaspoon pepper2 tablespoons (30 ml) Dijon

mustard1 tablespoon (1.5 g) Splenda1 tablespoon (15 g) prepared

horseradish½ teaspoon celery seed

Combine the cabbage, pepper, onion,carrot, and parsley in a big mixing bowl.In a separate bowl, whisk together

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everything else, pour your dressing overthe cabbage mixture, and toss well. Chillfor at least a few hours before serving.

Yield: 6 servings

Each serving will have 7 grams ofcarbohydrate and 2 grams of fiber, for ausable carb count of 5 grams; 2 gramsprotein.

Confetti UnSlaw

This may be a raw cabbage salad, butit’s not much like coleslaw. Plus, it’sutterly gorgeous on the plate.

2 cups (180 g) shredded green

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cabbage2 cups (180 g) shredded red

cabbage½ sweet red pepper, chopped½ green pepper, chopped4 scallions, sliced, including the

crisp part of the green cup (40 g) grated carrot

1 small celery rib, thinly sliced2 tablespoons (7.6 g) minced

fresh parsleyCreamy Garlic Dressing (page


Just cut up and combine all thesevegetables. Then toss with the CreamyGarlic Dressing.

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Yield: 8 servings

Each with 6 grams of carbohydrates and2 grams of fiber, for a total of 4 grams ofusable carbs and 1 gram of protein.

Chicken Waldorf Salad

Measure your apple carefully since it’sthe main source of carbs here.

1½ cups (340 g) diced cookedchicken

½ cup (45 g) diced apple2 big ribs celery, diced½ cup (60 g) chopped walnuts

cup (75 g) mayonnaise

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Combine all the ingredients, mix well,and serve.

Yield: 2 servings

Each with 9 grams of carbohydrates and3 grams of fiber, for a total of 6 grams ofusable carbs and 40 grams of protein.

Artichoke Chicken Salad

½ cup (150 g) canned artichokehearts, sliced

2 cups (220 g) diced cookedchicken

cup (75 g) canned waterchestnuts, diced or sliced

¼ cup (25 g) stuffed olives, sliced

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1 tablespoon (15 ml) soy sauce¼ cup (60 ml) Italian salad

dressing, homemade or bottled¾ cup (90 g) diced celery1 tablespoon (15 g) butter½ cup (60 g) pecans, chopped

Combine everything but the butter andpecans in a medium-size mixing bowland toss well.

In a medium-size heavy skillet, overmedium heat, melt the butter and add thepecans. Let them toast, stirring often, for5 or 6 minutes. Add to the salad andtoss.

Serve on a bed of lettuce, if you like.

Yield: 3 servings

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Each with 31 g protein; 12 gcarbohydrate; 3 g dietary fiber; 9 gusable carbs.

Cajun Chicken Salad

2 boneless, skinless chickenbreasts

1 teaspoon Cajun Seasoning(store-bought, or page 484)

1 sweet red pepper, cut into smallstrips

1 green pepper, cut into smallstrips

¼ sweet red onion, thinly sliced3 tablespoons (45 ml) tarragon


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1 teaspoon spicy brown or Dijonmustard

1 clove garlic, crushed cup (80 ml) olive oil

1 teaspoon dried tarragonSalt and black pepper to taste

Place a chicken breast in a large, heavyresealable plastic bag and pound with ameat tenderizer, hammer, or whateveryou have available, until it’s ¼-inch (6mm) thick. Repeat with the secondbreast.

Sprinkle both sides of each poundedchicken breast with the Cajun seasoning.Grill or sauté until cooked through.

Cut both chicken breasts in stripsabout ¼-inch (6 mm) wide. Combine

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with the peppers and onion.In a small bowl, combine the tarragon

vinegar, mustard, garlic, oil, driedtarragon, and salt and pepper to taste;mix well. Pour over the chicken andvegetables and toss. Serve right away orlet it sit for several hours for the flavorsto blend.

Yield: 2 servings

Each with 11 grams of carbohydratesand 3 grams of fiber, for a total of 8grams of usable carbs and 29 grams ofprotein.

Ginger-Almond ChickenSalad

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1½ pounds (680 g) boneless,skinless chicken breast

¼ cup (60 ml) Teriyaki Sauce(page 465)

6 cups (120 g) iceberg lettuce,chopped

6 cups (120 g) red leaf lettuce,chopped

2 cups (150 g) shredded redcabbage

2 cups (150 g) shredded cabbage(Use bagged coleslaw mix, ifyou like.)

½ cup (60 g) shredded carrot8 scallions, sliced, including the

crisp part of the green shoot1 tablespoon (15 g) butter

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cup (80 g) slivered almonds1 cup (240 ml) Ginger Salad

Dressing (page 173)

Marinate the chicken breasts in theTeriyaki Sauce for at least 30 minutes,and all day won’t hurt a bit.

When mealtime rolls around, plug inyour electric tabletop grill to preheat.While that’s happening, start assemblingthe lettuce, cabbage, carrot, andscallions in a big salad bowl.

Okay, the grill’s hot. Throw yourchicken breasts in and set a timer for 3minutes.

Melt the butter in a medium skillet andstart sautéing the almonds in it. Youwant them just barely golden.

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While the chicken and almonds arecooking, pour the dressing over thevegetables and toss the salad.

The timer went off! Go baste thechicken on both sides with the TeriyakiSauce it marinated in and close the grillagain. Reset the timer for another 2 to 3minutes. Stir the almonds while you’rethere!

Whew! Okay, the chicken is done, andthe almonds are golden. First, take thealmonds off the heat so they don’t burn.Now remove your chicken from the grillto your cutting board.

Pile the salad on four serving plates.Slice the chicken breasts and dividebetween the four salads. Top each withalmonds and serve.

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Yield: 4 servings

Each with 48 g protein; 21 gcarbohydrate; 8 g dietary fiber; 13 gusable carbs.

Dilled Chicken Salad

1½ cups (340 g) cooked chicken,diced

1 large rib celery, diced½ green pepper, diced¼ medium, sweet red onion, diced3 tablespoons (42 g) mayonnaise3 tablespoons (42 g) sour cream1 teaspoon dried dill weedSalt

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Combine the chicken, celery, pepper,and onion in a bowl.

In a separate bowl, mix together themayonnaise, sour cream, and dill. Pourthe mixture over the chicken andveggies, toss, add salt to taste, andserve.

Yield: 2 servings

Each with 5 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 4 grams ofusable carbs and 24 grams of protein.

This is wonderful when made withleftover turkey, too.

Jerk Chicken Salad

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1 cup (110 g) diced cookedchicken

4 scallions, sliced, including thecrisp part of the green shoot

1 stalk celery, diced2 tablespoons (30 g) mayonnaise1 teaspoon spicy brown mustard½ teaspoon sugar-free imitation

honey1 teaspoon lime juice½ teaspoon jerk seasoning,

purchased or homemade¼ cup (50 g) diced peaches (I

used frozen unsweetenedpeaches, but use fresh ifyou’ve got them.)

Put your chicken, scallions, and celery in

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a mixing bowl. Whisk together the mayo,mustard, sugar-free imitation honey, limejuice, and jerk seasoning; pour it overthe chicken and toss.

Add the peach dice, toss again, andthen serve on lettuce, if you like.

Yield: 2 servings

Each with 22 g protein; 6 gcarbohydrate; 2 g dietary fiber; 4 gusable carbs. Analysis does not includepolyol in sugar-free honey.

Asian Chicken Salad

This is an wonderful salad, differentfrom any I’ve ever tried. Do use rice

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vinegar instead of another kind and napacabbage instead of regular. They mayseem like small distinctions, but theymake all the difference.

2 tablespoons (30 ml) oil½ cup (60 g) walnuts, chopped4 boneless, skinless chicken

breasts3 cups (210 g) thinly sliced bok

choy3 cups (210 g) thinly sliced napa

cabbage¼ cup (30 g) grated carrots1 cucumber, thinly sliced½ cup (50 g) sliced scallions½ cup (30 g) chopped fresh


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cup (80 ml) soy sauce¼ cup (60 ml) rice vinegar1 tablespoon (15 ml) lime juice2 tablespoons (3 g) Splenda3 cloves garlic, crushed½ teaspoon red pepper flakes (or

to taste)

Put the oil in a heavy skillet overmedium heat and toast the walnuts,stirring for about 4 to 5 minutes or untilthey’re brown and crisp. Set aside.

Grill your chicken breasts and slicethem into strips. (I use my electrictabletop grill, but you can use whatevermethod you prefer.)

Combine the bok choy, cabbage,carrots, cucumber, scallions, and

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cilantro in a big bowl.In a separate bowl, combine the soy

sauce, rice vinegar, lime juice, Splenda,garlic, and red pepper flakes. Pour abouttwo-thirds of this dressing over the saladand toss well, coating all the vegetables.

Heap the salad onto four servingplates, top each with a sliced chickenbreast, and drizzle the rest of thedressing over them. Sprinkle withchopped walnuts and serve.

Yield: 4 generous servings

Each with 15 grams of carbohydratesand 4 grams of fiber, for a total of 11grams of usable carbs and 36 grams ofprotein.

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We generally only have 2 people to eatall this salad, so I set half of thevegetable mixture aside in a container inthe refrigerator. Don’t put dressing onthe half you plan to reserve, just put thedry, shredded vegetables in a containerin the fridge, save half of your dressingto go with it, and reserve some of thewalnuts, as well. This is wonderful tohave on hand for a quick, gourmet lunch—just grill a chicken breast, toss thesalad with the dressing, and presto,lunch is served.

Thai Cobb Salad

Hey, a classic salad deserves avariation!

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12 ounces (340 g) boneless,

skinless chicken breast2 tablespoons (30 ml) Teriyaki

Sauce (page 465)6 cups (120 g) torn mixed greens

(I used romaine, leaf lettuce,and iceberg.)

½ cup (30 g) chopped cilantro½ cup (120 ml) Ginger Salad

Dressing (page 173)½ teaspoon red pepper flakes

(optional)½ black avocado

cup (40 g) shredded carrot¼ cup (30 g) chopped peanuts4 scallions, sliced, including the

crisp part of the green shoot

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1 cup (100 g) diced cucumber

Put the chicken in a resealable plasticbag with the Teriyaki Sauce. Seal thebag, pressing out the air as you go, andturn the bag a few times to coat. Let thechicken marinate for at least ½ hour, andlonger would be nice.

When the time comes to actually makeyour salad, pull out your marinatedchicken and pour off the marinade. Heatyour electric tabletop grill.

While the grill is heating, put yourgreens in a big salad bowl with thecilantro, add the Ginger Salad Dressingand red pepper flakes, and toss well.

Okay, the grill is hot. Throw in thechicken and set a timer for 5 minutes.

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While the chicken is cooking, sliceyour avocado.

Pile the dressed greens on twoserving plates. Arrange the variousingredients in stripes or in spokefashion, leaving room for the chicken.

When the timer beeps, pull out thechicken, throw it on your cutting board,and slice or cube it. Arrange it on thesalads as well and serve.

Yield: 2 to 3 servings

Assuming 2, each will have 50 g protein;25 g carbohydrate; 12 g dietary fiber; 13g usable carbs.

Oriental Chicken, “Rice,”

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and Walnut Salad Wrappedin Lettuce

½ head cauliflower1 tablespoon (15 g) butter½ cup (60 g) walnuts, chopped4 teaspoons soy sauce, divided2 cups (220 g) diced cooked

chicken2 tablespoons (30 ml) rice vinegar2 tablespoons (30 ml) oil3 teaspoons grated gingerSalt20 lettuce leaves

First, run your cauliflower through theshredding blade of your food processor.

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Put it in a microwaveable casserole dishwith a lid, add a couple of tablespoonsof water, cover, and cook it on high for 6minutes. When the microwave beeps,uncover your cauliflower right away!You don’t want white mush.

While that’s happening, melt the butterin a medium skillet and add the walnuts.Stir over medium heat for a few minutesuntil they’re getting crisp.

Stir in 2 teaspoons of the soy sauceand sauté for another minute toevaporate the soy sauce a bit. Removefrom heat.

Put the diced chicken, walnuts, andcauli-rice in a big mixing bowl. In aseparate bowl, stir together the ricevinegar, oil, grated ginger, and the

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remaining 2 teaspoons of soy sauce.Pour over the chicken and cauliflowerand toss well. Add salt to taste.

Serve the salad mounded on 4 plateswith lettuce leaves on the side. Wrap thesalad up in the leaves to eat.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 26 g protein; 5 gcarbohydrate; 2 g dietary fiber; 3 gusable carbs.

Chicken Chili Cheese Salad

You got your chicken, you got yourvegetables, and you got your cheese.Pretty nutritious, don’t you think? All

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that and it tastes good, too. Feel free tomake this with leftover turkey or ham, ifyou prefer. Or for that matter, make itwith canned chunk chicken if you don’thave any cold cooked chicken in thehouse.

½ head cauliflower1 cup (120 g) diced celery½ red bell pepper, diced

cup (55 g) diced red onion¼ cup (30 g) diced green chilies4 ounces (115 g) Monterey Jack

cheese, cut into ¼-inch (6-mm)cubes

1½ cups (340 g) diced cookedchicken

cup (80 g) mayonnaise

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½ teaspoon ground cumin1 teaspoon chili powder½ teaspoon dried oregano1 tablespoon (15 ml) white

vinegar1½ teaspoons lime juice2 ounces (55 g) sliced black

olives, drained

First, chop your cauliflower into ½-inch(1.3-cm) chunks. Throw it in amicrowaveable casserole dish with alid, add a couple of tablespoons ofwater, cover, and cook it on high for 7minutes.

While that’s cooking, assemble thecelery, pepper, onion, chilies, cheese,and chicken in a big mixing bowl.

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As soon as the microwave beeps, pullout your cauliflower, uncover it, anddrain it. Let it sit and cool for a fewminutes, though—you don’t want to meltyour cheese. While you’re waiting forthe cauliflower to cool, combine themayonnaise, cumin, chili powder,oregano, vinegar, and lime juice in abowl. Stir everything together.

Okay, when the cauliflower hascooled a bit, dump it in with the chicken,cheese, and veggies

and stir everything to mix. Dump inthe olives, pour on the mayonnaisemixture, and toss to coat. You can eatthis right away, if you like, or chill it fora few hours. This is nice served on abed of lettuce, but you could serve it

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stuffed into tomatoes, too.

Yield: 3 to 4 servings

Each with 24 g protein; 7 gcarbohydrate; 2 g dietary fiber; 5 gusable carbs. Analysis is for salad only.

Tex-Mex Chicken Salad

½ head cauliflower½ red bell pepper, diced

cup (55 g) diced red onion¼ cup (30 g) canned green chiles4 ounces (115 g) Monterey Jack

cheese, cut in¼-inch (6 mm) cubes¼ cup (25 g) sliced black olives

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1 cup (225 g) diced cookedchicken

cup (80 g) mayonnaise½ teaspoon ground cumin½ teaspoon dried oregano1 teaspoon chili powder1 tablespoon (15 ml) white wine

vinegar1½ teaspoons lime juice

cup (21.3 g) chopped freshcilantro

Chop the cauliflower, including thestem, into ½-inch (1.3-cm) bits. Put themin a microwaveable casserole dish witha lid, add a couple of tablespoons ofwater, cover, and cook it on high for 7minutes.

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Assemble the red pepper and the next5 ingredients (through chicken) in a bigmixing bowl.

When the cauliflower comes out,uncover it and let it sit to cool for atleast 5 minutes, and more won’t hurt—you don’t want it to melt your chunks ofcheese. When the cauliflower has cooleda bit, drain it and add it to the chickenmixture.

Meanwhile, mix together the mayo,cumin, oregano, chili powder, whitewine vinegar, and lime juice. Pour overthe chicken-cauliflower mixture and tosswell. Add the cilantro and toss again.Chill it if you have time, but it’s prettydarned good even if it’s still slightlywarm!

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Yield: 3 servings

Each with 25 g protein; 9 gcarbohydrate; 3 g dietary fiber; 6 gusable carbs.

Taco Salad

This is a great summer supper. The wildcard in this recipe is the ranch dressing—different brands vary tremendously incarb count. Choose a really, really low-carb one, and you’ll drop the carb countbelow what’s listed here.

8 cups (160 g) romaine or iceberglettuce, washed, dried, andbroken up

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1 cup (150 g) diced green pepper½ medium cucumber, sliced1 medium tomato, sliced into thin

wedges, or 15 cherry tomatoes,halved

½ cup (80 g) diced sweet redonion

½ ripe black avocado, peeled,seeded, and cut into smallchunks

½ cup (32 g) cilantro, chopped(optional)

1 can (4 ounces, or 115 g) slicedblack olives, drained (optional)

cup (173 g) salsa plus additionalfor topping

½ cup (120 ml) ranch dressing

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1 batch Chicken or Beef TacoFilling*

1 cup (120 g) shredded Cheddaror Monterey Jack cheese

Sour cream

Put the lettuce, pepper, cucumber,tomato, onion, avocado, cilantro (ifusing), and olives (if using) in a largesalad bowl.

Stir together the 2/3 cup (173 g) ofsalsa and the ranch dressing, pour it overthe salad, and toss.

Divide the salad between the servingplates and top each one with the tacofilling and shredded cheese. Put thesalsa and sour cream on the table so thatfolks can add their own.

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Yield: 6 servings

Each with 12 grams of carbohydratesand 4 grams of fiber, for a total of 8grams of usable carbs and 22 grams ofprotein.

*To make chicken taco filling, combine1 pound (455 g) boneless, skinlesschicken breasts, 1 cup (240 ml) chickenbroth, and 2 tablespoons Taco Seasoning(page 483) in a large, heavy-bottomedsaucepan. Cover, put it over low heat,and simmer for 1½ hours. Tear chickeninto shreds.

To make beef taco filling, crumble 1pound (455 g) ground beef into a heavyskillet over medium-high heat and cook

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until brown. Drain and stir in 2tablespoons Taco Seasoning (page 483)and ¼ cup (60 ml) water.

Souvlaki Salad

This skewered lamb is usually served asa sandwich in pita bread, but it makes afabulous salad for a lot fewer carbs.

2 pounds (910 g) lean lamb, cutinto 1-inch cubes

½ cup (120 ml) olive oil1 cup (240 ml) dry red wine1 teaspoon salt¼ teaspoon pepper1 teaspoon oregano3 cloves garlic, crushed

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1 head romaine lettuce¼ sweet red onion, sliced paper-

thin24 cherry tomatoes, halved

cup (160 ml) Greek LemonDressing (page 172)

6 tablespoons (90 g) plain yogurtor sour cream (The yogurt ismore authentic.)

Put the lamb cubes in a large resealableplastic bag.

Combine the oil, wine, salt, pepper,oregano, and garlic. Pour the mixtureover the lamb cubes in the bag. Let thismarinate for at least a few hours.

When you’re ready to cook the lamb,pour off the marinade and thread the

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cubes onto skewers. You can grill theseor broil them 8 inches (20 cm) or sofrom the broiler. Turn the kebabs whilethey’re cooking and check for donenessby cutting into a chunk of meat after 10minutes. They should be thoroughlycooked in 15 minutes. (If you don’t haveany skewers, you can always just lay thelamb cubes on the broiler pan. They’re alot easier to turn over if they’re onskewers, however.)

While the meat is cooking, wash anddry your lettuce and arrange it on servingplates.

Push the cooked meat off the skewersand onto the prepared beds of lettuce.Scatter some red onion over each plateand arrange 8 cherry tomato halves on

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each. Drizzle each plate with a couple oftablespoons of dressing and top eachwith a tablespoon of yogurt.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 11 grams of carbohydratesand 4 grams of fiber, for a total of 7grams of usable carbs and 34 grams ofprotein.

Summer Tuna Salad

1 medium cucumber, cut intochunks

cup (50 g) sweet red onion,sliced

cup (20 g) chopped fresh

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parsley½ large green pepper, cut into

small strips15 cherry tomatoes, quartered1 can (6 ounces, or 170 g) tuna,

drained¼ cup (60 ml) extra-virgin olive

oil2 tablespoons (30 ml) wine

vinegar1 clove garlic, crushed¼ teaspoon salt teaspoon pepper

Put the cucumber, onion, parsley,pepper, tomatoes, and tuna in a saladbowl.

In a separate bowl, combine the oil,

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vinegar, garlic, salt, and pepper. Pourthe mixture over the salad, toss, andserve.

Yield: 2 servings

Each with 16 grams of carbohydratesand 4 grams of fiber, for a total of 12grams of usable carbs and 25 grams ofprotein.

Tuna Egg Waldorf

2 large ribs celery, diced½ cup (80 g) diced red onion½ cup (43 g) diced red apple½ cup (60 g) chopped pecans1 can (6 ounces, or 170 g) tuna,

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drained3 hard-boiled eggs, chopped¾ cup (175 g) mayonnaiseSaltLettuce

Put the celery, onion, apple, pecans,tuna, and hard-boiled eggs in a big bowl.Toss with the mayonnaise until it’s allcoated. Add salt to taste and serve on alettuce-lined plate, if you like.

Yield: 3 servings

Each with 10 grams of carbohydratesand 3 grams of fiber, for a total of 7grams of usable carbs and 23 grams ofprotein.

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Thai-Style Crab Salad inAvocados

Short on time, I got my pal JulieMcIntosh to try out this recipe for me.She loved it the way I’d conceived of itbut suggested a little more cilantro, plusa little scallion, so that’s what we did.Thanks, Julie!

1 ripe black avocado3 tablespoons (45 ml) lime juice,

divided1 can (6 ounces, or 170 g)

crabmeat, or 6 ounces cookedlump crabmeat

1 teaspoon lemon juice

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¼ cup (60 g) mayonnaise2 tablespoons (8 g) chopped

cilantro1 scallion, thinly sliced¼ teaspoon pepper, or to tasteSalt, if desired

Split the avocado in half, remove theseed, and sprinkle the cut surfaces with1 tablespoon (15 ml) of the lime juice toprevent browning.

Combine the crabmeat, remaining 2tablespoons (30 ml) lime juice, lemonjuice, mayonnaise, cilantro, scallion,pepper, and salt in a mixing bowl andmix well. Stuff into the avocado halves,piling it high. Garnish with extracilantro, if desired, and serve.

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Yield: 2 servings

Each with 9 grams of carbohydrates and5 grams of fiber, for a total of 4 grams ofusable carbs and 20 grams of protein.

This salad also provides 932 milligramsof potassium and 110 milligrams ofcalcium.

Shrimp and Avocado Salad

Here’s a cool summer night’s dinner thatwill take all of 10 minutes to assemble,yet impress the heck out of any guestswho might happen to have wandered in—or just the family.

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2 pounds (910 g) shrimp, cookedand shelled

1 black avocado10 scallions, sliced thin

cup (160 ml) bottled vinaigrettedressing (I like Paul Newman’sOlive Oil and Vinegar.)

1 head romaine lettuce

This is very simple if you buy yourshrimp already shelled and cooked. Ilike to use little bitty shrimp for this, butfeel free to use middle-sized shrimp ifthat’s what you have on hand. Put theshrimp in a big mixing bowl. Peel andseed your avocado and dice it,somewhere between ¼-inch (6 mm) and½-inch (1.3 cm) big. Put that in the

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bowl, too. Slice your scallions,including the crisp part of the green, andthrow them in the bowl as well.

Pour on the dressing and gently stirthe whole thing up to coat all theingredients. Let that sit for a few minuteswhile you break or cut up the lettuce.Arrange it in beds on 6 serving plates.

Now stir the shrimp salad one lasttime to get up any dressing that’s settledto the bottom of the bowl and spoon itout onto the beds of lettuce. Serveimmediately.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 35 g protein; 8 gcarbohydrate; 4 g dietary fiber; 4 g

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usable carbs.

Ham and Cheese Salad

When I tried this recipe, I didn’t eatmuch else till it was gone!

½ head cauliflower8 ounces (225 g) cooked ham, cut

in ¼-inch (6 mm) cubes8 ounces (225 g) Swiss cheese,

cut in ¼-inch (6 mm) cubes¼ cup (40 g) finely diced red

onion¾ cup (75 g) chopped dill pickle¾ cup (60 g) snow pea pods, cut

in ½-inch (1.3-cm) pieces

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cup (80 g) mayonnaise1 tablespoon (15 ml) brown

mustard1 tablespoon (15 ml) white wine

vinegar1 teaspoon dried tarragon

First chop your cauliflower into ½-inch(1.3-cm) chunks—include the stem. Putit in a microwaveable casserole dishwith a lid, add a couple of tablespoonsof water, and cover. Cook it on high for7 minutes.

Use the time while your cauliflower iscooking to combine your ham, cheese,onion, and pickle in a big mixing bowl.

Then pinch the ends off of your snowpea pods and pull off any strings. Cut

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into ½-inch (1.3-cm) pieces and putthose in a microwaveable bowl. Add atablespoon (15 ml) of water and cover.When the cauliflower is done, pull it outof the microwave and uncover itimmediately—both to stop the cookingand to let it cool. Put your snow peas inthe microwave and cook them on highfor just 1 minute. When they’re done,uncover immediately, drain them, andadd them to the mixing bowl.

While your cauliflower is cooling,combine the mayo, mustard, vinegar, andtarragon in a small bowl and stirtogether well.

When the cauliflower is cool enoughto not melt the cheese, drain it and add itto the ham and cheese mixture. Add the

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dressing and toss to coat. This is goodright away, but it’s better if you let it sitin the fridge for at least a few hours tolet the flavors blend.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 28 g protein; 8 gcarbohydrate; 1 g dietary fiber; 7 gusable carb.

Ham-Pecan Salad withApricot Dressing

Always read the labels and buy thelowest-sugar ham you can find—theyvary quite a lot in carbohydrate content.This recipe assumes ham with 1 gram of

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carbohydrate per 3-ounce (85 g) serving.

5 ounces (140 g) cooked ham,diced

1 stalk celery, diced2 tablespoons (20 g) diced red

onion¼ cup (30 g) chopped pecans2 tablespoons (30 g) mayonnaise2 teaspoons low-sugar apricot

preserves1 teaspoon spicy brown or Dijon

mustard¼ teaspoon soy sauce

Mix together the ham, celery, onion, andpecans in a mixing bowl. Combine themayonnaise, preserves, mustard, and soy

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sauce and pour this over the hammixture. Mix well and serve. This isreally nice on a bed of lettuce.

Yield: 1 serving

15 grams of carbohydrates and 4 gramsof fiber, for a total of 11 grams of usablecarbs and 29 grams of protein.

Artichoke Prosciutto Salad

This salad is rich and more filling thansome others in this book. Serve it with alighter grilled dish—maybe a seafoodkebab or grilled chicken.

1 can (14 ounces, or 400 g)

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artichoke hearts, drained2 ounces (55 g) prosciutto or

good-quality deli ham, thinlysliced

½ cup (50 g) chopped kalamataolives

1 medium tomato¼ cup (10 g) chopped fresh basil3 tablespoons (45 ml) extra-virgin

olive oil1 tablespoon (15 ml) white wine

vinegar1 clove garlic½ teaspoon Dijon mustard1 teaspoon Splenda

Coarsely chop the artichoke hearts andthrow them into a mixing bowl. Cut the

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prosciutto or ham into strips about 1 inch(2.5 cm) long and ½ inch (6 mm) wideand throw that in, too. Chop the olivesand add them; then dice the tomato andput that in. Finally, throw in the choppedfresh basil.

Mix together everything else and pourit over the vegetables. Stir. Let itmarinate for several hours beforeserving.

Yield: 4 servings

Each serving will have 7 grams protein,10 grams carbohydrate, and 1 gramfiber, for a usable carb count of 9 grams—but a lot of the fiber in artichokes is inthe form of inulin, which has a very low

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glycemic index, so this is considerablyeasier on your blood sugar than that 9-gram figure would suggest.

Submarine Salad

Here’s a salad with everything you’dfind in a great submarine sandwich—except the bread! If your grocery storedeli doesn’t have some of these coldcuts, substitute your favorites. Exceptbologna. One slice of bologna, andyou’ve lost your East Coast sub shopaccent.

8 cups (160 g) shredded lettuce,loosely packed

1 ounce (30 g) prosciutto or

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boiled ham1 ounce (30 g) capacolla1 ounce (30 g) mortadella1 ounce (30 g) Genoa salami1 ounce (30 g) provolone cheese

(smoked provolone if you canget it!)

1 ounce (30 g) mozzarella cheese medium red onion, sliced paper-

thin3 tablespoons (21 g) roasted red

pepper, diced4 fresh basil leaves, minced½ small tomato, sliced in thin

wedges2 tablespoons (30 ml) olive oil½ clove garlic, crushed

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1 tablespoon (15 ml) red winevinegar

1 dash pepper1 dash salt

Make a bed of lettuce on each of twoserving plates.

Slice the meats and cheeses intostrips. Arrange artistically on the beds oflettuce. Top that with the onion, dicedred pepper, and chopped fresh basil.Add the tomato wedges, too. Now mixtogether the oil, garlic, vinegar, pepper,and salt. Drizzle it over the salads andthen serve.

Yield: 2 servings

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Each with 18 g protein; 13 gcarbohydrate; 5 g dietary fiber; 8 gusable carbs.

Italian Roast Beef Salad

This makes a great meal, all from deliroast beef! Feel free to use leftover steakin this instead if you have that.

8 cups (160 g) bagged Europeanor Italian blend greens

¼ cup (40 g) thinly sliced sweetred onion

¼ medium green pepper, slicedinto small strips

3 tablespoons (45 ml) extra-virginolive oil

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½ teaspoon minced garlic or 1clove garlic, crushed

1½ tablespoons (23 ml) balsamicvinegar

½ teaspoon spicy brown or Dijonmustard

¼ cup (30 g) crumbledGorgonzola

4 ounces (115 g) sliced deli roastbeef

2 tablespoons (18 g) toasted pinenuts

Place the greens, onion, and greenpepper in a large salad bowl. Combinethe oil and garlic, pour over the salad,and toss well. Stir together the balsamicvinegar and mustard and set them aside.

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Crumble the Gorgonzola (if you didn’tbuy it precrumbled) and add it to thesalad. Slice the roast beef into strips andthrow it in there, too. Pour the balsamicvinegar mixture over the whole thing andtoss very well. Pile onto 2 servingplates, top each with a tablespoon ofpine nuts, and serve.

Yield: 2 servings

Each with 19 grams of carbohydratesand 9 grams of fiber, for a total of 10grams of usable carbs and 27 grams ofprotein. You’ll also get 1,153milligrams of potassium and 247milligrams of calcium, plus almost threetimes your daily requirements of

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vitamins C and A, and 100 percent ofyour daily requirement of folacin.

Gorgonzola is the Italian version of bluecheese. It is a bit milder and creamierthan most blue cheeses. If you can’t findit, substitute any blue cheese you like.

French Vinaigrette Dressing

No, this is not that sweet, tomatoey stuffthat somehow has gotten the name“French dressing.” No Frenchman wouldeat that stuff on a bet! This is a classicvinaigrette dressing.

½ teaspoon salt¼ teaspoon pepper

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¼ to cup (60 to 80 ml) winevinegar

½ teaspoon Dijon mustard¾ cup (180 ml) extra-virgin olive


Put all the ingredients in a container witha tight lid and shake well. Shake againbefore pouring over salad and tossing.

Yield: 12 servings

Each with only a trace of carbohydrates,fiber, and protein.

The French Vinaigrette and ItalianVinaigrette Dressing recipes makeapproximately enough for two big,family-size salads, but feel free to

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double them and keep them in the fridge.

Italian Vinaigrette Dressing

Add a little zip to the French Vinaigrette,and you’ve got Italian Vinaigrette.

cup (80 ml) wine vinegar2 cloves garlic, crushed½ teaspoon oregano¼ teaspoon basil1 or 2 drops hot pepper sauce

cup (160 ml) extra-virgin oliveoil

Put all the ingredients in a container witha tight-fitting lid and shake well.

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Yield: 12 servings

Each with 1 gram of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and a trace of protein.

Variation: Creamy Italian Dressing. Thisis a simple variation on the ItalianVinaigrette. Just add 2 tablespoons ofmayonnaise to the Italian VinaigretteDressing and whisk until smooth.

Big Italian RestaurantDressing

This is my clone of the dressing from apopular Italian restaurant chain—minusthe sugar, of course.

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½ cup (120 ml) white vinegar cup (80 ml) water cup (80 ml) olive oil

¼ cup (6 g) Splenda2½ tablespoons (30 g) grated

Romano cheese2 tablespoons (30 ml) beaten egg1¼ teaspoons salt1 teaspoon lemon juice1 clove garlic, crushed1 tablespoon (3.8 g) minced

parsley1 pinch dried oregano1 pinch red pepper flakes½ teaspoon guar or xanthan

This one’s really easy: Just assembleeverything in your blender and run the

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sucker for 10 to 15 seconds. Keep in anairtight container in the fridge.

Yield: 1½ cups (360 ml), or 12 servingsof 2 tablespoons (30 ml)

Each with 1 g protein; 1 g carbohydrate;trace dietary fiber, 1 g usable carb.

If you’re uncomfortable using 2tablespoons (30 ml) of raw egg, you canuse egg substitute or pasteurized eggsinstead.

Raspberry VinaigretteDressing

This dressing is so sweet and tangy.

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Raspberry vinaigrette is a favorite you’llget to enjoy more often once you’remaking your own low-carb variety.

¼ cup (60 ml) Raspberry Vinegar(see below)

¼ cup (60 ml) canola or otherbland oil

3 tablespoons plus 1 teaspoon (45g) mayonnaise

1 teaspoon spicy brown or Dijonmustard

Pinch salt and pepper

Blend all the ingredients and store in therefrigerator in a container with a tight-fitting lid.

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Yield: 6 servings

Each with a trace of carbohydrates,fiber, and protein.

To make your own raspberry vinegar,combine ½ cup (120 ml) white vinegar,¼ teaspoon raspberry cake flavoring(this is a highly concentrated oil in ateeny little bottle), and 3 tablespoons(4.5 g) Splenda and store in a containerwith a tight-fitting lid. This makes about½ cup (120 ml), with 11.5 grams ofcarbohydrates in the whole batch or 1.5grams of carbohydrates per tablespoon,with no fiber, and no protein.

Cumin Vinaigrette

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This dressing is good with anythingSouth-of-the-Border-ish or MiddleEastern, for that matter.

cup (160 ml) olive oil cup (80 ml) lemon juice

2 teaspoons ground cuminSalt and pepper to taste

Just whisk everything together and tosswith your salad.

Yield: 1 cup (240 ml), or 8 servings of 2tablespoons (30 g)

Each with trace protein; 1 gcarbohydrate; trace dietary fiber; 1 gusable carb.

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Sweet Poppy SeedVinaigrette

½ cup (12 g) Splenda¼ cup (60 ml) white wine vinegar3 tablespoons (45 ml) olive oil2 teaspoons minced red onion1½ teaspoons poppy seeds1 teaspoon paprika¼ teaspoon salt

Measure everything into a bowl, whisk ittogether, and it’s ready to go!

Yield: Makes roughly ½ cup (120 ml),or 4 servings of about 2 tablespoons (30ml)

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Each with trace protein; 2 gcarbohydrate; trace dietary fiber; 2 gusable carbs.

Sun-Dried Tomato– BasilVinaigrette

8 sun-dried tomato halves2 tablespoons (30 ml) balsamic

vinegar2 tablespoons (30 ml) red wine

vinegar2 cloves garlic, crushed½ teaspoon salt½ cup (120 ml) extra-virgin olive

oil4 teaspoons dried basil, or 2

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tablespoons (5.3 g) fresh,minced

Chop the sun-dried tomatoes quite fine.Now simply whisk everything togetherand toss with your salad.

Yield: Makes roughly cup (160 ml),or about 5 servings of 2 tablespoons (30ml)

Each with 1 g protein; 5 g carbohydrate;1 g dietary fiber; 4 g usable carbs.


3 tablespoons (45 ml) balsamic

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vinegar cup (80 ml) extra-virgin oliveoil

1 tablespoon (14 g) mayonnaise2 cloves garlic, crushed1 teaspoon grated onion¼ teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal¼ teaspoon pepper1 teaspoon spicy brown or Dijon

mustard1 tablespoon (6.3 g) grated

Parmesan cheese

Whisk all the ingredients together untilsmooth. Store in a container with a tight-fitting lid and shake or whisk againbefore tossing with salad.

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Yield: 6 servings

Each with 1 gram of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and a trace of protein.

Citrus Dressing

2 tablespoons (30 ml) lemon juice2 tablespoons (30 ml) lime juice1 tablespoon (15 ml) white

vinegar2 tablespoons (30 ml) canola oil¼ teaspoon orange extract1 tablespoon (1.5 g) Splenda1½ teaspoons sugar-free

imitation honey

Simply combine everything in a bowl

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and whisk together. Alternately,assemble the ingredients in your blenderand run it for a few seconds.

Yield: 4 to 5 servings

Assuming 4 servings, each will havetrace protein; 2 g carbohydrate; tracedietary fiber; 2 g usable carbs. Analysisdoes not include polyol in imitationhoney.

Greek Lemon Dressing

The use of lemon juice in place ofvinegar in salad dressings isdistinctively Greek.

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¾ cup (180 ml) extra-virgin oliveoil

¼ cup (60 ml) lemon juice2 tablespoons (10.8 g) dried

oregano, crushed1 clove garlic, crushedSalt and pepper

Put all the ingredients in a container witha tight-fitting lid and shake well.

Yield: 12 servings

Each with 1 gram of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and a trace of protein.

This is best made at least a few hours inadvance, but don’t try to double the

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recipe and keep it around. Lemon juicejust doesn’t hold its freshness the wayvinegar does.

Soy and Sesame Dressing

2 tablespoons (30 ml) soy sauce1½ tablespoons (25 ml) oil1½ tablespoons (25 ml) rice

vinegar1 tablespoon (1.5 g) Splenda1 clove garlic, crushed½ teaspoon dark sesame oil1½ teaspoons lemon juice¼ teaspoon pepper

Simply whisk everything together or

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whirl in your blender.

Yield: cup (80 ml), or 3 servings of 2tablespoons (30 ml)

Each with 1 g protein; 2 g carbohydrate;trace dietary fiber; 2 g usable carbs.

Orange Bacon Dressing

3 tablespoons (45 ml) bacongrease

¼ cup (60 ml) white wine vinegar1 tablespoon (15 ml) lemon juice1½ tablespoons (2.25 g) Splenda¼ teaspoon orange extract

Simply combine everything in a bowl

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and whisk together.

Yield: ½ cup (120 ml), or 4 servings of2 tablespoons (30 ml)

Each with trace protein; 1 gcarbohydrate; trace dietary fiber; 1 gusable carb.

Ginger Salad Dressing

¼ cup (40 g) minced onion½ cup (120 ml) canola oil

cup (80 ml) rice vinegar2 tablespoons (30 ml) water2 tablespoons (20 g) grated

ginger2 tablespoons (20 g) diced celery

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2 tablespoons (30 g) Dana’s No-Sugar Ketchup (page 463)

4 teaspoons soy sauce 2teaspoons Splenda

2 teaspoons lemon juice½ teaspoon salt¼ teaspoon pepper1 clove garlic

Simply assemble everything in yourblender and run for 10 to 15 seconds.Store in a snap-top container in thefridge.

Yield: 1½ cups (360 ml), or 12 servingsof 2 tablespoons (30 ml)

Each with trace protein; 2 g

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carbohydrate; trace dietary fiber; 2 gusable carbs.

Tangy “Honey” MustardDressing

You know that honey, despite being“natural,” is pure sugar, right? Make thisinstead.

¼ cup (60 ml) canola oil2 tablespoons (30 ml) apple cider

vinegar2 tablespoons (30 ml) spicy brown

or Dijon mustard1 tablespoon plus2 teaspoons (2.5 g) Splenda

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teaspoon pepper teaspoon salt

Combine all ingredients and store in acontainer with a tight-fitting lid.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 1 gram of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and a trace of protein.

This makes a little over ½ cup (120 ml),or just enough for one big salad, but feelfree to double or even quadruple thisrecipe.

Catalina Dressing

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Catalina dressing and its close relative,that red stuff that calls itself “FrenchDressing” (I’m betting it has nothing todo with French cuisine!), are some of themore sugary dressings on the market. Ikept thinking I should come up with alow-carb version, but the truth is, I neverliked the stuff. So when reader EmilyBorman wrote me, asking me if I had alow-carb version, I jumped at thechance! I found a Catalina recipe,rewrote it with no-sugar ketchup andSplenda, and sent it to her. She promptlytried it, tweaked it with more ketchupand Splenda, and sent back the results.So here, thanks to Emily, is a Catalinadressing recipe for all you fans!

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½ cup plus 2 tablespoons (150 g)Dana’s No-Sugar Ketchup(page 463)

½ cup plus 2 tablespoons (16 g)Splenda

cup (160 ml) canola or peanutoil

cup (160 ml) red wine vinegar2 cloves garlic, crushed2 tablespoons (20 g) minced onionSalt to taste

Simply assemble everything in a bowl oryour blender and whisk or blend ittogether. Store in an airtight container inthe fridge.

Yield: 1¾ cups (420 ml), or 14 servings

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of 2 tablespoons (30 ml)

Each with 1 g protein; 4 g carbohydrate;1 g dietary fiber; 3 g usable carbs.

Blue Cheese Dressing

2 cups (450 g) mayonnaise½ cup (120 ml) buttermilk½ cup (115 g) small-curd cottage

cheese½ teaspoon Worcestershire sauce1 clove garlic, crushed1 teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal3 ounces (85 g) crumbled blue


Whisk together the mayonnaise,

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buttermilk, cottage cheese,Worcestershire, garlic, and salt, mixingwell. Gently stir in the blue cheese topreserve some chunks. Store in acontainer with a tight-fitting lid.

Yield: Makes roughly 3 cups (720 ml)

A 2-tablespoon (30-ml) serving has 1gram of carbohydrates, a trace of fiber,and 2 grams of protein.

Ranch Dressing

1 cup (225 g) mayonnaise1 cup (240 ml) buttermilk2 tablespoons (12 g) finely

chopped scallions

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¼ teaspoon onion powder2 tablespoons (7.6 g) minced

fresh parsley1 clove garlic, crushed¼ teaspoon paprika teaspoon cayenne pepper or a

few drops of hot pepper sauce¼ teaspoon salt¼ teaspoon black pepper

Combine all ingredients well and storein the refrigerator in a container with atight-fitting lid.

Yield: Makes about 24 servings

Each with 1 gram of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 1 gram of protein.

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Parmesan PeppercornDressing

2 tablespoons (30 ml) olive oil3 tablespoons (42 g) mayonnaise2 tablespoons (30 ml) wine

vinegar3 tablespoons (18.8 g) grated

Parmesan cheese1 teaspoon freshly ground black

pepper (Coarse-crackedpepper will do, if you don’thave a pepper mill.)

Blend all the ingredients and store in therefrigerator in a container with a tight-fitting lid.

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Yield: 6 servings

Each with 1 gram of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 1 gram of protein.

Creamy Garlic Dressing

Look at all that garlic! If you plan to getkissed, make sure you share this saladwith the object of your affections.

½ cup (115 g) mayonnaisePinch each of pepper and salt8 cloves garlic, crushed2 tablespoons (30 ml) olive oil2 tablespoons (30 ml) wine


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Combine all the ingredients well andstore in the refrigerator in a containerwith a tight-fitting lid.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 2 grams of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and a trace of protein.

This is only enough for one big salad,but I wouldn’t double it; I’d make thisone fresh so the garlic flavor will bebetter.

Caesar Dressing

If you cannot use raw eggs, you coulduse Egg Beaters or check your grocery

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store for pasteurized eggs. This is farbetter than any bottled Caesar dressingI’ve found, even if it’s not quite aswonderful as what I had on myhoneymoon in Mexico—although Isuspect that the atmosphere hadsomething to do with that.

¼ cup (60 ml) lemon juice¼ cup (60 ml) olive oil1 teaspoon pepper1½ teaspoons Worcestershire

sauce1 clove garlic, peeled and

smashed½ teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal1 raw egg½ cup (50 g) grated Parmesan

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2 inches (5 cm) anchovy paste(You could use an anchovyfillet or two if you prefer, butanchovy paste is handier, and itkeeps forever in the fridge.)

Put everything in a blender, run it for aminute, and toss with one really hugeCaesar salad— dinner-party-sized—or acouple of smaller ones. Use it up prettyquickly and keep it refrigerated becauseof the raw egg.

Yield: 8 servings

Each with 1 gram of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 3 grams of protein.

If you’d like this a little thicker, you

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could add ¼ teaspoon of guar or xanthanto the mix.

Coleslaw Dressing

Virtually all commercial coleslawdressing is simply full of sugar, which isa shame, since cabbage is a very low-carb vegetable. I just love coleslaw, so Icame up with a sugar-free dressing.

½ cup (115 g) mayonnaise½ cup (115 g) sour cream1 to 1½ tablespoons (15 to 23 ml)

apple cider vinegar1 to 1½ teaspoons prepared

mustard½ to 1 teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal

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½ to 1 packet artificialsweetener, or 1 teaspoon ofSplenda

Combine all the ingredients well andtoss with coleslaw.

Yield: 12 servings

Each with 1 gram of carbohydrates, witha trace of fiber, and a trace of protein.

You may, of course, vary theseproportions to taste. Also, a teaspoon orso of celery seed can be nice in this for alittle variety. I use this much dressing fora whole head of cabbage. If you’re usedto commercial coleslaw, which tends tobe simply swimming in dressing, you

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may want to double this or use thisrecipe for half a head.

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California Soup

This makes a quick and elegant firstcourse.

1 large or 2 small, very ripe blackavocados, pitted, peeled, andcut into chunks

1 quart (960 ml) chicken broth,heated

Put the avocados in a blender with thebroth, purée until very smooth, andserve.

Yield: 6 servings (as a first course)

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Each with 3 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 2 grams ofusable carbs and 4 grams of protein.

If you like curry, you’ve got to try this:Melt a tablespoon (14 g) or so of butterin a small saucepan and add ½ teaspoonor so of curry powder. Cook for just aminute and then add the mixture to theblender with the broth and avocados.

Corner-Filling Consommé

2 tablespoons (28 g) butter4 ounces (115 g) sliced

mushrooms1 small onion, sliced paper-thin1 quart (960 ml) beef broth

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2 tablespoons (30 ml) dry sherry¼ teaspoon pepper

Melt the butter in a skillet and sauté themushrooms and onions in the butter untilthey’re limp. Add the beef broth, sherry,and pepper. Let it simmer for 5 minutesor so, just to blend the flavors a bit, andserve.

Yield: 6 appetizer-size servings

Each with 5 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 4 grams ofusable carbs and 8 grams of protein.

Peanut Soup

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If you miss split pea or bean soup, trythis. Try it even if you don’t miss othersoups—you may find you have a newfavorite.

3 tablespoons (42 g) butter2 or 3 ribs celery, finely chopped1 medium onion, finely chopped2 quarts (1.9 L) chicken broth½ teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal1¼ cups (325 g) natural peanut

butter (I use smooth.)1 teaspoon guar gum (optional)2 cups (420 ml) half-and-half or

heavy creamSalted peanuts, chopped

Melt the butter in a skillet and sauté the

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celery and onion in the butter. Add thebroth, salt, and peanut butter, and stir.Cover and simmer on the lowesttemperature for at least 1 hour, stirringnow and then.

If you’re using guar gum (it makes thesoup thicker without adding carbs; mostpeanut soup is thickened with flour),scoop 1 cup (240 ml) of the soup out ofthe pot about 15 minutes before you wantto serve it. Add the guar gum to this cup,run the mixture through the blender for afew seconds, and whisk it back into thesoup.

Stir in the half-and-half and simmerfor another 15 minutes. Garnish with thepeanuts.

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Yield: 5 servings

The carb count will depend on whatbrand of natural peanut butter you use(they have varying amounts of fiber) andwhether you use half-and-half or heavycream. Figure each serving has about 19grams of carbohydrates and 3 grams offiber, for a total of 16 grams of usablecarbs and 29 grams of protein.

If your slow cooker will hold thisquantity of ingredients (mine will), it’sideal for cooking this soup. Set it onHigh, cover it, and let it go for 2 to 3hours.

Artichoke Soup

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3 to 4 tablespoons (42 to 56 g)butter

1 small onion, finely chopped2 stalks celery, finely chopped1 clove garlic, crushed1 can (14 ounces, or 400 g)

quartered artichoke hearts,drained

4 cups (0.9 L) chicken broth,divided

½ teaspoon guar or xanthan1 cup (240 ml) half-and-halfJuice of ½ lemonSalt or Vege-SalPepper

In a heavy skillet, melt the butter andsauté the onion, celery, and garlic over

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low to medium heat. Stir from time totime.

Drain the artichoke hearts and trim offany tough bits of leaf that got left on. Putthe artichoke hearts in a food processorwith the S-blade in position. Add ½ cup(120 ml) of the chicken broth and theguar gum and process until theartichokes are a fine purée.

Scrape the artichoke mixture into asaucepan, add the remaining chickenbroth, and set over medium-high heat tosimmer.

When the onion and celery are soft,stir them into the artichoke mixture.When it comes to a simmer, whisk in thehalf-and-half. Bring it back to a simmer,squeeze in the lemon juice, and stir

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again. Add salt and pepper to taste. Youcan serve this immediately, hot, or insummer you can serve it chilled.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 10 grams of carbohydratesand 3 grams of fiber, for a total of 7grams of usable carbs and 4 grams ofprotein. (Note: Much of thecarbohydrates in artichokes is inulin,which remains largely undigested, sothis carb count is actually misleadinglyhigh.)

Olive Soup

Olives are so good for you that you

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should be eating more of them! Thismakes a fine first course.

4 cups (0.9 L) chicken broth,divided

½ teaspoon guar or xanthan1 cup (100 g) minced black olives

(You can buy cans of mincedblack olives.)

1 cup (240 ml) heavy cream¼ cup (60 ml) dry sherrySalt or Vege-SalPepper

Put ½ cup (120 ml) of the chicken brothin the blender with the guar gum andblend for a few seconds. Pour into asaucepan and add the rest of the stock

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and the olives.Heat until simmering and then whisk

in the cream. Bring back to a simmer,stir in the sherry, and add salt andpepper to taste.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 3 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 2 grams ofusable carbs and 2 grams of protein.

Eggdrop Soup

This soup is quick and easy, but it’sfilling and can practically save your lifewhen you’ve got a cold. You don’t haveto use the guar, but it gives the broth the

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same rich quality that the cornstarch-thickened Chinese broths have.

1 quart (960 ml) chicken broth¼ teaspoon guar (optional)1 tablespoon (15 ml) soy sauce1 tablespoon (15 ml) rice vinegar½ teaspoon grated fresh ginger1 scallion, sliced2 eggs

Put 1 cup (240 ml) or so of the chickenbroth in your blender, turn it on low, andadd the guar (if using). Let it blend for asecond and then put it in a largesaucepan with the rest of the broth. (Ifyou’re not using the guar, just put all thebroth directly in a saucepan.)

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Add the soy sauce, rice vinegar,ginger, and scallion. Heat over medium-high heat and let it simmer for 5 minutesor so to let the flavors blend.

Beat your eggs in a glass measuringcup or small pitcher—something with apouring lip. Use a fork to stir the surfaceof the soup in a slow circle and pour inabout ¼ of the eggs, stirring as they cookand turn into shreds (which will happenalmost instantaneously). Repeat threemore times, using up all the egg and thenserve!

Yield: 3 biggish servings, or 4 to 5 smallones (but this recipe is easy to double).

In 4 servings, each will have 2 grams of

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carbohydrates, a trace of fiber, and 8grams of protein.


This is the Italian take on eggdrop soup,and it’s delightful.

1 quart (960 ml) chicken broth,divided

2 eggs½ cup (50 g) grated Parmesan

cheese½ teaspoon lemon juicePinch of nutmeg½ teaspoon dried marjoram

Put ¼ cup (60 ml) of the broth in a glass

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measuring cup or small pitcher. Pour therest into a large saucepan over mediumheat.

Add the eggs to the broth in themeasuring cup and beat with a fork.Then add the Parmesan, lemon juice, andnutmeg and beat with a fork until wellblended.

When the broth in the saucepan issimmering, stir it with a fork as you addsmall amounts of the egg and cheesemixture until it’s all stirred in. (Don’texpect this to form long shreds likeChinese eggdrop soup; because of theParmesan, it makes small, fluffyparticles instead.)

Add the marjoram, crushing it a bitbetween your fingers, and simmer the

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soup for another minute or so beforeserving.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 2 grams of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 12 grams of protein.

Sopa De Frijoles Negros

This is a really-truly bean soup! Thehigh-carb but flavorful black beans arediluted with the low-carb blacksoybeans. Add plenty of seasonings, andyou’ve got a great south-of-the-bordersoup.

2 cans (15 ounces, or 420 g) Eden

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brand black soybeans1 can (15 ounces, or 420 g) black

beans1 can (14½ ounces, or 411 ml)

chicken broth1 tablespoon (15 ml) olive oil½ cup (80 g) chopped onion4 cloves garlic, crushed1 cup (130 g) salsa2 tablespoons (30 ml) lime juice1 tablespoon (6.3 g) ground cumin½ teaspoon red pepper flakes½ teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal½ cup (115 g) plain yogurt¼ cup (16 g) chopped cilantro

Put half of the beans and half of thechicken broth in your blender or in your

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food processor with the S-blade inplace. Run the machine until the beansare puréed. Dump the mixture into abowl that holds at least 2 quarts (1.9 L)and purée the other half of the beans andthe other half of the chicken broth. Addthat to the first batch.

Heat the olive oil in a heavy-bottomedsaucepan over medium-low heat and addthe onion. Sauté until the onion startsturning translucent. Add the bean puréeand the garlic. Now stir in the salsa,lime juice, cumin, red pepper flakes, andsalt or Vege-Sal. Turn the heat up a bituntil the soup is heated through and thenturn it back down to the lowest settingand let your soup simmer for 30 to 45minutes. Serve with a dollop of plain

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yogurt (or sour cream, if you prefer) anda sprinkling of chopped cilantro.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 18 g protein, 25 gcarbohydrate, 13 g dietary fiber, 13 gusable carbs. (This is obviously not anInduction dish, but for comparison, Ianalyzed a standard black bean souprecipe. It had 43 grams of carbohydrateand 10 grams of fiber per serving, for ausable carb count of 33 grams, or abouttwo-and-a-half times as much. And ithad less protein, too.)

Curried Pumpkin Soup

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This is high enough in carbohydrate andlow enough in protein that you shouldthink of it as a first course, rather than amain course—and the yield for thisrecipe reflects that. But what a greatstarter for Thanksgiving dinner!

¼ cup (40 g) minced onion1 clove garlic1 tablespoon (14 g) butter1 quart (960 ml) chicken broth1½ cups (240 g) canned pumpkin½ cup (120 ml) Carb Countdown

dairy beverage2 teaspoons curry powderSalt and pepper to taste

In a large, heavy-bottomed saucepan,

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over medium-low heat, sauté the onionand garlic in the butter until justsoftened. Add the chicken broth andsimmer for a half an hour.

Stir in the canned pumpkin, CarbCountdown dairy beverage, and currypowder. Bring back to a simmer andsimmer gently for another 15 minutes.Add salt and pepper to taste and thenserve.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 5 g protein; 7 g carbohydrate;2 g dietary fiber; 5 g usable carbs.

Sopa Aguacate

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With a quesadilla on the side, this makesa nice light supper.

1 quart (960 ml) chicken broth1 ripe black avocado2 scallions2 canned green chilies or 1 or 2

canned jalapeños, if you like ithot!

2 tablespoons (8 g) choppedcilantro

½ teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal

Start heating the broth—you can put it ina pan on the stove or you can put it in alarge microwaveable container in themicrowave.

While the broth is heating, scoop the

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avocado out of its skin and into a foodprocessor with the S-blade in place.Add the scallions, chilies, cilantro, andsalt. Pulse to chop everything together—you can leave a few chunks of avocadoor purée it smooth, whichever youprefer.

When the broth is hot, divide theavocado mixture between 4 smallishsoup bowls. Ladle the hot broth over theavocado mixture and serve.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 6 grams of carbohydrates and3 grams of fiber, for a total of 3 grams ofusable carbs and 6 grams of protein.Bonus: You’ll get a whopping 572 mg

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potassium and only 125 calories!

Broccoli Blue Cheese Soup

I’d never had soup made with bluecheese before, but this is amazing. Itcertainly appealed to my blue-cheese-fan husband!

1 cup (160 g) chopped onion2 tablespoons (28 g) butter1 turnip, peeled and diced1½ quarts (1.4 L) chicken broth1 pound (455 g) frozen broccoli,

thawed1 cup (240 ml) Carb Countdown

dairy beverage

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¼ cup (60 ml) heavy cream1 cup (120 g) crumbled blue


In a large saucepan, sauté the onion inthe butter over medium-low heat—youdon’t want it to brown.

When the onion’s soft and translucent,add the turnip and the chicken broth tothe pot. Bring the mixture to a simmerand let it simmer over medium-low heatfor 20 to 30 minutes.

Add the thawed broccoli and let itsimmer for another 20 minutes.

Scoop the vegetables out with aslotted spoon and place them in ablender. Add a ladleful of the broth andrun the blender until the vegetables are

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finely puréed. Return the mixture to thepot.

Stir in the Carb Countdown, the heavycream, and the blue cheese. Simmer foranother 5 to 10 minutes, stirringoccasionally, and serve.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 14 g protein; 9 gcarbohydrate; 3 g dietary fiber; 6 gusable carbs.

Swiss Cheese and BroccoliSoup

2 tablespoons (20 g) minced onion1 tablespoon (14 g) butter

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14 ounces (400 ml) chicken broth10 ounces (280 g) frozen chopped

broccoli, thawed1 cup (240 ml) Carb Countdown

dairy beverage½ cup (120 ml) heavy cream1½ cups (180 g) shredded Swiss

cheeseGuar or xanthan

In a large, heavy-bottomed saucepan,sauté the onion in the butter until it’stranslucent. Add the chicken broth andthe broccoli and simmer for 20 to 30minutes until the broccoli is quite tender.

Stir in the Carb Countdown andcream. Bring it back up to a simmer.Now stir in the cheese, a little at a time,

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letting each batch melt before you addsome more. When all the cheese ismelted in, thicken a little with guar orxanthan, if you think it needs it, andserve.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 20 g protein; 7 gcarbohydrate; 2 g dietary fiber; 5 gusable carbs.

Tavern Soup

What's not to like about cheese soupwith beer! Don’t worry about the kids,the alcohol cooks off.

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1½ quarts (1.4 L) chicken broth¼ cup (30 g) finely diced celery¼ cup (30 g) finely diced green

bell pepper¼ cup (30 g) shredded carrot¼ cup (15.2 g) chopped fresh

parsley½ teaspoon pepper1 pound (455 g) sharp cheddar

cheese, shredded12 ounces (360 ml) light beer½ teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal¼ teaspoon hot pepper sauceGuar or xanthan

Combine the broth, celery, green pepper,carrot, parsley, and pepper in your slowcooker. Cover the slow cooker, set it to

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low, and let it cook for 6 to 8 hours(even a bit longer won’t hurt).

When the time’s up, either use a hand-held blender to purée the vegetablesright there in the slow cooker or scoopthem out with a slotted spoon, puréethem in your blender, and return them tothe slow cooker.

Now whisk in the cheese a little at atime until it’s all melted in. Add thebeer, salt or Vege-Sal, and hot peppersauce and stir until the foaming stops.Use guar or xanthan to thicken your soupuntil it’s about the texture of heavycream. Re-cover the pot, turn it to high,and let it cook for another 20 minutesbefore serving.

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Yield: 8 servings

Each with 18 g protein, 3 gcarbohydrate, trace dietary fiber, 3 gusable carbs.

Cream of Mushroom Soup

If you’ve only ever thought of mushroomsoup as gooey stuff that came in cans andwas used in casseroles, you need to trythis! It has a rich, earthy flavor. Even mymushroom-phobic husband liked it.

8 ounces (225 g) mushrooms,sliced

¼ cup (25 g) chopped onion2 tablespoons (28 g) butter

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1 quart (960 ml) chicken broth½ cup (120 ml) heavy cream½ cup (120 g) light sour creamGuar or xanthan (optional)

In a big, heavy skillet, sauté themushrooms and onion in the butter untilthe mushrooms soften and change color.Transfer them to your slow cooker. Addthe broth. Cover the slow cooker, set itto low, and let it cook for 5 to 6 hours.

When the time’s up, scoop out thevegetables with a slotted spoon and putthem in your blender or food processor.Add enough broth to help them processeasily and purée them finely. Pour thepuréed vegetables back into the slowcooker, scraping out every last bit with a

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rubber scraper. Now stir in the heavycream and sour cream and add salt andpepper to taste. Thicken the sauce a bitwith guar or xanthan if you think it needsit. Serve immediately.

Yield: 5 servings

Each with 6 g protein, 5 g carbohydrate,1 g dietary fiber, 4 usable carbs.

Cream of Cauliflower

You’ll be surprised by how much thistastes like Cream of Potato!

3 tablespoons (42 g) butter¾ cup (120 g) diced onion

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¾ cup (90 g) diced celery1 quart (960 ml) chicken broth1 package (10 ounces, or 280 g)

frozen cauliflower½ teaspoon guar or xanthan

(optional)½ cup (120 ml) heavy creamSalt and pepper

Melt the butter over low heat and sautéthe onion and celery in it until they’relimp. Combine this with the chickenbroth and cauliflower in a largesaucepan and simmer until thecauliflower is tender.

Use a slotted spoon to transfer thevegetables into a blender and then pourin as much of the broth as will fit. Add

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the guar or xanthan (if using) and puréethe ingredients.

Pour the mixture back into thesaucepan. Stir in the cream and add saltand pepper to taste.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 9 grams of carbohydrates and3 grams of fiber, for a total of 6 grams ofusable carbs and 7 grams of protein.

Cheesy Cauliflower Soup

This was originally a potato-cheesesoup, but it sure is good this way!

4 cups (600 g) cauliflower, diced

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small1 tablespoon (10 g) finely

chopped onion2 tablespoons (20 g) finely

chopped celery1 tablespoon (7 g) grated carrot3 cups (720 ml) chicken broth1 teaspoon salt2 teaspoons white vinegar1½ cups (360 ml) Carb

Countdown dairy beverage orhalf-and-half

1½ cups (180 g) shreddedcheddar cheese

Guar or xanthan (optional)2 slices bacon, cooked and


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1 tablespoon (6 g) minced scallion

Put the cauliflower, onion, celery, andcarrot in a large, heavy-bottomedsaucepan. Add the chicken broth, salt,and vinegar; bring up to a simmer and letcook for 30 to 45 minutes.

Stir in the Carb Countdown or half-and-half and then whisk in the cheese alittle at a time, giving each addition timeto melt before adding more. Thicken it alittle with guar or xanthan if you think itneeds it.

Top each serving with a littlecrumbled bacon and minced scallions(though it’s also wonderful withoutthem!).

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Yield: 5 servings

Each with 17 g protein; 7 gcarbohydrate; 2 g dietary fiber; 5 gusable carbs.

Cauliflower, Cheese, andSpinach Soup

Maria’s family gave this raves. It’s easy,too!

6 cups (900 g) cauliflower florets,cut into ½-inch (1.3-cm) pieces

1 quart (960 ml) chicken broth½ cup (80 g) minced red onion5 ounces (140 g) bagged baby

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spinach leaves, pre-washed¼ teaspoon cayenne½ teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal¼ teaspoon pepper4 cloves garlic, crushed3 cups (675 g) shredded smoked

Gouda cheese1 cup (240 ml) Carb Countdown

dairy beverageGuar or xanthan

In your slow cooker, combine thecauliflower, broth, onion, spinach,cayenne, salt or Vege-Sal, pepper, andgarlic. Cover the slow cooker, set it tolow, and let it cook for 6 hours or untilthe cauliflower is tender.

When the time’s up, stir in the Gouda,

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a little at a time, and then the CarbCountdown. Re-cover the slow cookerand cook for another 15 minutes or untilthe cheese has thoroughly melted.Thicken soup a little with guar orxanthan.

Yield: 8 servings

Each with 17 g protein, 7 gcarbohydrate, 2 g dietary fiber, 5 gusable carbs.

Cheesy Onion Soup

1 quart (960 ml) beef broth1 medium onion½ cup (120 ml) heavy cream

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½ cup (120 ml) Carb Countdowndairy beverage

1½ cups (180 g) shredded sharpcheddar cheese

Guar or xanthan (optional)Salt and pepper to taste

Pour the beef broth into a large saucepanand start it heating over a medium-highflame. Slice the onion paper-thin andadd it to the broth. When the broth startsto boil, turn the heat to low and let thewhole thing simmer for 1 hour. If youlike, you can do this ahead of time; turnoff the heat and let the whole thing cool,refrigerate it, and do the rest later. If youdo this, bring the broth up to heat againbefore proceeding.

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Gently stir in the cream and the CarbCountdown dairy beverage. Now stir inthe cheese, a bit at a time, until it’s allmelted in. Thicken a little if you wantwith guar or xanthan but stir with a ladleor spoon instead of a whisk—you don’twant to break up the strands of onion.Add salt and pepper to taste and serve.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 24 g protein; 8 gcarbohydrate; trace dietary fiber; 8 gusable carbs.

Cream of UnPotato Soup

I never cease to marvel at the versatility

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of cauliflower. This really does tastelike potato soup.

1 quart (960 ml) chicken broth½ head cauliflower, chunked½ cup (50 g) chopped onion½ cup (50 g) Ketatoes mix½ cup (120 ml) heavy cream½ cup (120 ml) Carb Countdown

dairy beverageGuar or xanthan (optional)5 scallions, sliced

Put the broth, cauliflower, and onion inyour slow cooker. Cover the slowcooker, set it to low, and let it cook for 4to 5 hours.

I use a hand blender to purée my soup

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right in the slow cooker, but you maytransfer the cauliflower and onion, alongwith 1 cup (240 ml) of broth, into yourblender or food processor instead.Either way, purée until completelysmooth and then blend in the Ketatoes. Ifyou have removed the cauliflower fromthe slow cooker to purée, pour the puréeback in and whisk it into the remainingbroth.

Stir in the cream and CarbCountdown. Thicken it a bit further withguar or xanthan if you feel it needs it.Add salt and pepper to taste and stir inthe sliced scallions. Serve hot rightaway or chill and serve as vichyssoise.

Yield: 6 servings

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Each with 12 g protein, 13 gcarbohydrate, 6 g dietary fiber, 7 gusable carbs.

German UnPotato Soup

This is worth the time you spend cuttingthings up! It’s hearty and filling.

1 head cauliflower, chunked2 stalks celery, sliced1 medium onion, chopped8 ounces (225 g) smoked sausage,

sliced1 tablespoon (15 ml) oil4 cups (960 ml) beef broth,


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2 tablespoons (30 ml) vinegar1 tablespoon (1.5 g) Splenda¼ teaspoon celery seed½ teaspoon dry mustard¼ teaspoon pepper2 cups (240 g) bagged coleslaw


Place the cauliflower, celery, and onionin your slow cooker.

In a big, heavy skillet, brown thesausage a bit in the oil. Transfer thesausage to the slow cooker.

Pour 1 cup (240 ml) of the broth intothe skillet and stir it around a bit todissolve the flavorful bits. Pour it intothe slow cooker.

In a bowl, combine the rest of the

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broth with the vinegar, Splenda, celeryseed, dry mustard, and pepper. Pourover the vegetables and sausage. Coverthe slow cooker, set it to low, and let itcook for 8 hours.

When the time’s up, stir in thecoleslaw mix and let it cook for another20 to 30 minutes.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 20 g protein, 17 gcarbohydrate, 2 g dietary fiber, 15 gusable carbs.

Spring Chicken Soup

This soup is a great way to use up

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leftovers—just substitute 1 cup (110 g)of leftover chicken for the chicken breastcalled for in the ingredients list.

6 cups (1.4 L) chicken broth1 can (6½ ounces, or 185 g)

mushrooms1 can (6½ ounces, or 185 g) cut

asparagus1 boneless, skinless chicken

breast, diced into small cubes¼ cup (60 ml) dry sherry1 tablespoon (15 ml) soy saucePepperSliced scallions

Combine the broth, mushrooms,asparagus, chicken, sherry, and soy

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sauce in a pot and heat. If you’re usingraw chicken, let it cook for 5 to 10minutes (that’s all it should take to cooksmall cubes of chicken through). Addpepper to taste and serve with ascattering of scallions on top.

Yield: 4 servings

Depending on the broth you use, thisshould have no more than about 17grams of usable carbs in the whole pot,plus about 0.5 gram for the little bit ofscallion you put on top of each bowl.Figure each serving has 6 grams ofcarbohydrates and 2 grams of fiber, for atotal of 4 grams of usable carbs and 23grams of protein.

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If you’re feeling ambitious, there’s noreason you couldn’t make this with freshmushrooms and fresh asparagus; you’lljust have to simmer it a little longer. Asit is, though, this soup is practicallyinstantaneous!

Chicken Minestrone

Here’s a decarbed version of the Italianfavorite. You’ll never miss the pasta!

3 slices bacon, chopped1 medium onion, chopped2 medium turnips, cut into ½-inch

(1.3-cm) cubes1 medium carrot, thinly sliced2 small zucchini, quartered and

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sliced2 stalks celery, thinly sliced3 tablespoons (45 ml) olive oil1½ quarts (1.4 L) chicken broth1½ pounds (700 g) skinless

chicken thighs, boned andcubed

1 tablespoon (3.9 g) Italianseasoning

1 can (14½ ounces, or 410 g)diced tomatoes, undrained

1 can (15 ounces, or 425 g) blacksoybeans

Salt and pepper

Spray a big, heavy skillet with nonstickcooking spray and start the bacon fryingover medium heat. As some grease

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cooks out of the bacon, add as many ofthe vegetables as will fit in the skilletand sauté them until they soften just a bit.Transfer the vegetables to your slowcooker and continue sautéing the rest ofthe vegetables, adding oil as needed,until all the vegetables are softened a bitand in the slow cooker.

Place the broth, chicken, Italianseasoning, tomatoes, soybeans, and saltand pepper to taste in the slow cooker.Cover the slow cooker, set it to low, andlet it cook for 7 to 8 hours.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 21 g protein, 18 gcarbohydrate, 6 g dietary fiber, 12 g

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usable carbs.

Sopa Tlalpeno

This simple Mexican soup takes no morethan 20 to 25 minutes to make!

1½ quarts (1.4 L) chicken broth1 pound (455 g) boneless, skinless

chicken breast1 chipotle chile canned in adobo1 black avocado4 scallions, slicedSalt and pepper¾ cup (90 g) shredded Monterey

Jack cheese

Pour the chicken broth into a large,

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heavy-bottomed saucepan, reserving ½cup (120 ml), and place it over medium-high heat. While it’s heating, cut yourchicken breast in thin strips or smallcubes and then add it to the broth. Let thewhole thing simmer for 10 to 15 minutesor until the chicken is cooked through.

Put the reserved chicken broth in yourblender with the chipotle and blend untilthe chipotle is puréed. Pour this mixtureinto the soup and stir.

Split the avocado in half, remove theseed, peel it, and cut it into ½-inch (1.3-cm) chunks. Add to the soup, along withthe scallions, and salt and pepper totaste.

Ladle the soup into bowls and topeach serving with shredded cheese.

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Yield: 6 servings

Each with 26 g protein; 4 gcarbohydrate; 2 g dietary fiber; 2 gusable carbs.

Spicy Chicken andMushroom Soup

This is exotic and delicious.

3 tablespoons (42 g) butter1 leek, thinly sliced (white part

only)8 ounces (225 g) sliced

mushrooms1 clove garlic, crushed

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2 teaspoons Garam Masala1 teaspoon pepper¼ teaspoon cayenne¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg1 quart (960 ml) chicken broth12 ounces (340 g) boneless,

skinless chicken breasts, cutinto thin strips

½ cup (120 ml) Carb Countdowndairy beverage

½ cup (120 ml) heavy cream3 tablespoons (12 g) chopped

fresh cilantro (optional)

Melt the butter in a big, heavy skilletover medium heat and sauté the leekwith the mushrooms until they bothsoften. Stir in the garlic, Garam Masala,

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pepper, cayenne, and nutmeg and sautéfor another minute or two. Transfer toyour slow cooker. Pour in the broth andadd the chicken. Cover the slow cooker,set it to low, and let it cook for 6 to 7hours.

When the time’s up, use a slottedspoon to scoop roughly two-thirds of thesolids into your blender or foodprocessor. Add 1 cup (240 ml) or so ofthe broth and purée until smooth. Stir thepurée back into the rest of the soup.(You may want to rinse the blender orfood processor out with a little broth toget all of the purée.) Stir in the CarbCountdown and cream. Re-cover the potand let it cook for another 30 minutes.Serve it with cilantro on top or not. It’s

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nice either way.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 18 g protein, 6 gcarbohydrate, 1 g dietary fiber, 5 gusable carbs.


This is a curried soup that came out ofthe British Colonial times in India. It’salso wonderful made with broth madefrom a turkey carcass, or for that matter,from the remains of a leg of lamb.

2 quarts (1.9 L) chicken broth2 cups (220 g) or more diced

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cooked chicken or dicedboneless, skinless chickenbreast

3 tablespoons (42 g) butter1 clove garlic, crushed1 medium onion, chopped1 small carrot, shredded2 ribs celery, diced2 teaspoons to 1½ heaping

tablespoons curry powder (Ilike it with lots of curry!)

1 bay leaf½ tart apple, chopped fine1 to 2 teaspoons salt or Vege-Sal½ teaspoon pepper½ teaspoon dried thymeZest of 1 fresh lemon, grated, or

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½ to 1 teaspoon dehydratedlemon zest

1 cup (240 ml) heavy cream

Put the broth and diced chicken in alarge stockpot and set the stockpot overlow heat.

Melt the butter in a heavy skillet andadd the garlic, onion, carrot, celery, andcurry powder. Sauté until the vegetablesare limp and add them to the stockpot.

Add the bay leaf, apple, salt, pepper,thyme, and lemon to the pot and simmerfor 30 minutes. Just before serving, stirin the cream and remove the bay leaf.

Yield: 6 servings

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Each with 8 grams of carbohydrates and2 grams of fiber, for a total of 6 grams ofusable carbs and 18 grams of protein.

Thai Chicken Soup

You can have this light but filling soupdone in half an hour!

1 quart (960 ml) chicken broth1 pound (455 g) boneless, skinless

chicken breast1 tablespoon (15 ml) lemon juice1 tablespoon (15 ml) lime juice2 tablespoons (12 g) grated fresh

ginger½ cup (120 ml) coconut milk

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8 scallions2 teaspoons chili garlic paste1 teaspoon fish sauce (nuoc mam

or nam pla)3 tablespoons (12 g) chopped

fresh cilantro

In a big, heavy saucepan, start heatingthe chicken broth while you cut thechicken breast into small cubes or thinstrips. Throw your cut-up chicken intothe pot, along with the lemon juice, limejuice, and ginger. Let the whole thingsimmer for 20 minutes.

Stir in the coconut milk and scallionsand let it cook another 10 minutes or so.

Stir in the chili garlic paste and fishsauce. Ladle into bowls, top each

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serving with chopped cilantro, andserve.

Yield: 3 to 4 servings

Assuming 4, each will have 32 g protein;6 g carbohydrate; 2 g dietary fiber; 4 gusable carbs.

Sopa Azteca

That’s soup made by Aztecs, not soupmade from Aztecs!

3 quarts (2.8 L) chicken broth2 cups (220 g) diced cooked

chicken or boneless, skinlesschicken breast

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¼ cup (60 ml) olive oil1 medium onion, chopped4 or 5 cloves garlic, crushed2 or 3 ribs celery, diced1 green pepper, diced1 small carrot, shredded1 small zucchini, diced2 tablespoons (10.8 g) dried

oregano2 tablespoons (9 g) dried basil2 teaspoons pepper2 cans (14½ ounces, or 410 g

each) diced tomatoes, includingjuice

1 package (10 ounces, or 280 g)frozen chopped spinach

At least 8 ounces (225 g)

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Mexican Queso Quesadilla orMonterey Jack cheese,shredded

Chipotle peppers in adobo sauce(These come canned.)

5 ripe black avocados

Heat the broth and the chicken in a largepot over low heat.

Heat the olive oil in a skillet overmedium heat and sauté the onion, garlic,celery, pepper, carrot, and zucchinitogether until they’re limp. Stir theoregano, basil, and pepper into thevegetables and sauté for another minuteand add them to the soup, along with thetomatoes and spinach. Let the wholething simmer for 30 minutes to 1 hour to

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let the flavors blend.When you’re ready to serve the Sopa

Azteca, put at least ¼ to ½ cup (30 to 60g) of cheese (more won’t hurt) in thebottom of each bowl and anywhere from1 to 3 chipotles, depending on how spicyyou like your food. (If you don’t likespicy food at all, leave the chipotles outentirely.) Ladle the hot soup over thecheese and peppers.

Use a spoon to scoop chunks of half ofa ripe avocado onto the top of each bowlof soup.

Yield: 10 servings

Each serving of soup alone has 21 gramsof carbohydrates and 6 grams of fiber,

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for a total of 15 grams of usable carbsand 25 grams of protein. One-half cup(60 g) of shredded cheese adds only agram or so of carbohydrates and 14grams of protein. Each chipotle pepperadds no more than 1 gram or so of carbs,and half an avocado has about 6 gramsof carbohydrates and 2.5 grams of fiber,for a total of 3.5 grams of usable carbsper serving.

The totals on this soup may sound like alot when you add them all up, but don’tforget that this is a whole meal in abowl: meat, vegetables, melted cheese,and lovely ripe avocado in each bite!You don’t need to serve another thingwith it, although you could serve

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tortillas or quesadillas for the carb-eaters in the crowd.

Instant Chicken Soup

Okay, so this isn’t quite as instant asthose little packets you mix with boilingwater. But it’s a lot tastier, a lot heartier,and a lot better for you.

¼ head cauliflower1 quart (960 ml) or 2 cans (14.5

ounces, or 410 ml) chickenbroth

10 to 12 ounces (280 to 340 g)boneless, skinless chickenbreast

1 stalk celery

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1 medium carrot¼ medium onion1 tablespoon (14 g) butter1½ teaspoons poultry seasoningSalt and pepper

Run the cauliflower through theshredding blade of your food processor.Put it in a microwaveable bowl, add atablespoon of water, cover, andmicrowave on high for 5 minutes.

While that’s cooking, pour the brothinto a large saucepan over high heat.Dice the chicken breast into small bits—about ½-inch (1 cm) cubes—and add itto the pot.

Take the shredding disc out of thefood processor and put the S-blade in

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place. Cut the celery, carrot, and onioninto a few big chunks and place in thefood processor bowl. Pulse untilvegetables are chopped to a medium-fine consistency.

Melt the butter in a medium-sizeheavy skillet over medium-high heat andadd the vegetables and the poultryseasoning. Sauté, stirring frequently.

When the microwave goes “ding,”pull the cauliflower out of themicrowave and add it to the soup. Youcan add the other veggies straight fromthe skillet or if you’d like them to be alittle softer, put them in the bowl youcooked the cauliflower in, add 1tablespoon (15 ml) of the broth from thesoup, cover, and microwave for 3 to 4

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minutes on high before adding them tothe soup.

Either way, stir the vegetables into thesoup, add salt and pepper to taste, andserve.

Yield: 3 or 4 servings

Assuming 3 servings, each will have 6grams of carbohydrates and 1 gram offiber, for a total of 5 grams of usablecarbs and 28 grams of protein.

If you’d prefer, you can make this withegg threads instead of the cauliflowerrice, and it will be higher in protein. Justbeat a couple of eggs in a measuring cupand pour the beaten egg over thesimmering soup, stirring slowly with a

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Chicken Soup with WildRice

Wild rice has more fiber and thereforefewer usable carbs than regular rice,either white or brown. And it adds acertain cachet to your soup!

2 quarts (1.9 L) chicken broth2 carrots, thinly sliced2 stalks celery, diced½ cup (50 g) chopped onion1 pound (455 g) boneless, skinless

chicken breast, cut into ½-inch(1.3-cm) cubes

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¼ cup (40 g) wild rice1 teaspoon poultry seasoning

Simply combine everything in your slowcooker, cover, set it to low, and let itcook for 6 to 7 hours.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 25 g protein, 10 gcarbohydrate, 2 g dietary fiber, 8 gusable carbs.

Chunky Cream of Chickenand Portobello Soup

This soup is so elegant!

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4 tablespoons (56 g) butter1 cup (160 g) chopped onion2 stalks celery, diced1 large carrot, shredded2 cups (200 g) portobello

mushrooms, cut in matchstickstrips

2 quarts (1.9 L) chicken broth2 bay leaves1 pound (455 g) boneless, skinless

chicken breast½ cup (120 ml) heavy creamSalt and pepperGuar or xanthan

Melt the butter in a large, heavy-bottomed saucepan and add thevegetables. Sauté until the onion is

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translucent and the mushrooms changecolor. Add the chicken broth and the bayleaves, bring to a simmer, and let cookon low for 30 minutes.

Scoop out about half of the broth andvegetables into your blender and purée.Return to the pan. Stir in the dicedchicken breast and let simmer foranother 20 minutes. Stir in the cream,add salt and pepper to taste, and thickenjust a little with guar or xanthan.Remove the bay leaves and serve.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 26 g protein; 11 gcarbohydrate; 2 g dietary fiber; 9 gusable carbs.

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Turkey Meatball Soup

This makes a light, quick, and tastysupper all by itself.

½ pound (225 g) ground turkey1½ tablespoons (9 g) oat bran2 tablespoons (7.6 g) minced

fresh parsley½ teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal½ teaspoon poultry seasoning

teaspoon pepper1 tablespoon (15 ml) olive oil½ cup (60 g) grated carrot2 cups (250 g) diced zucchini1 tablespoon (10 g) minced onion1 clove garlic, crushed

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1 quart (960 ml) chicken broth1 teaspoon dried oregano2 eggs, beaten¼ cup (25 g) grated Parmesan


In a mixing bowl, combine the groundturkey with the oat bran, parsley, salt orVege-Sal, poultry seasoning, andpepper. Mix well and form into balls thesize of marbles or so. Set aside.

In a large, heavy-bottomed saucepan,heat the olive oil over medium-high heat.Add the carrot and let it sauté for 2 to 3minutes. Then add the zucchini, onion,and garlic and sauté the vegetables foranother 5 to 7 minutes.

Add the chicken broth and oregano

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and bring the soup to a simmer for 15minutes. Drop the turkey meatballs intothe soup one by one and let it simmer foranother 10 to 15 minutes. (Taste the soupat this point and add more salt andpepper to taste, if desired.)

Just before you’re ready to serve thesoup, stir it slowly with a fork as youpour the beaten eggs in quite slowly.Simmer another minute and ladle intobowls. Top each serving with 1tablespoon (6.3 g) of Parmesan andserve.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 7 grams of carbohydrates and2 grams of fiber, for a total of 5 grams

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usable carbs and 21 grams of protein.

Turkey Sausage Soup

This is a great, filling family soup for acold night.

1½ pounds (700 g) bulk turkeysausage

1 can (14½ ounces, or 410 g)diced tomatoes

1 can (8 ounces, or 225 g) slicedmushrooms

1 turnip, diced1 cup (150 g) cauliflower, diced½ cup (50 g) chopped onion1 cup (120 g) chopped green bell

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pepper1 quart (960 ml) chicken broth2 teaspoons chicken bouillon

concentrate1 teaspoon dried basil2 teaspoons prepared horseradish1 cup (240 ml) heavy cream

In a large, heavy skillet, brown andcrumble the sausage. Pour off the fat andput the sausage in your slow cooker.Add the tomatoes, mushrooms, turnip,cauliflower, onion, and green pepper.

In a bowl, stir the broth and bouillontogether. Stir in the basil andhorseradish. Pour the mixture into theslow cooker. Cover the slow cooker, setit to low, and let it cook for 7 to 8 hours.

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When the time’s up, stir in the creamand let it cook for another 10 to 15minutes.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 17 g protein, 12 gcarbohydrate, 2 g dietary fiber, 10 gusable carbs.

Tuscan Soup

This Italian-style soup somehowmanages to be delicate and substantial atthe same time. It is really addictive.

16 ounces (455 g) hot Italiansausage links

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2 quarts (1.9 L) chicken broth1 cup (240 ml) heavy cream½ head cauliflower, sliced ¼-inch

(6 mm) thick6 cups (120 g) chopped kale½ teaspoon red pepper flakes2 cloves garlic, crushed

First, sauté the sausage until it’s done.Remove from your skillet and let it coola little. Meanwhile, start heating thechicken broth and cream in a big, heavy-bottomed saucepan over medium heat.Add the cauliflower and the kale to thesoup.

Okay, your sausage is cool enough tohandle! Slice it on the diagonal, about ½inch (1.3 cm) thick. I like to cut each

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slice in half, too, to make more bites ofsausage, but that’s not essential. Put thesliced sausage in the soup.

Stir in the red pepper flakes and thegarlic. Turn the burner to lowest heatand let the whole thing simmer for anhour, stirring now and then.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 20 g protein; 10 gcarbohydrate; 2 g dietary fiber; 8 gusable carbs.

Portuguese Soup

If this were really authentic, it wouldhave potatoes in it. But this decarbed

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version is delicious, and it’s a full mealin a bowl. Read the labels on thesmoked sausage carefully—they rangefrom 1 gram of carb per serving up to 5.

cup (80 ml) olive oil, divided¾ cup (120 g) chopped onion3 cloves garlic, crushed2 cups (300 g) diced turnip2 cups (300 g) diced cauliflower1 pound (455 g) kale1½ pounds (680 g) smoked

sausage1 can (14½ ounces, or 410 g)

diced tomatoes2 quarts (1.9 L) chicken broth,

divided¼ teaspoon hot pepper sauce

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Salt and pepper

Put ¼ cup (60 ml) of the olive oil in alarge soup pot and sauté the onion,garlic, turnip, and cauliflower overmedium heat.

While that’s cooking, chop the kaleinto bite-sized pieces and add it to thepot as well. (You may need to cram it inat first, but don’t worry—it cooks downquite a bit.) Let the vegetables sauté foranother 10 minutes or so, stirring to turnthe whole thing over every once in awhile.

Slice the smoked sausage lengthwiseinto quarters, then crosswise into ½-inch(1.3-cm) pieces. Heat the remaining oilin a heavy skillet over medium heat and

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brown the smoked sausage a little.Add the browned sausage, tomatoes,

and 7½ cups (1.8 L) of the chicken brothto the pot. Use the last ½ cup (120 ml) ofbroth to rinse the tasty browned bits outof the frying pan and add that too. Bringto a simmer and cook until thevegetables are soft (30 to 45 minutes).Stir in the hot pepper sauce, add salt andpepper to taste, and serve.

Yield: 10 servings

Each with 13 grams of carbohydratesand 2 grams of fiber, for a total of 11grams of usable carbs and 23 grams ofprotein.

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Bollito Misto

All this Italian soup-stew needs with itis a green salad and maybe some crustybread for the carb-eaters.

1 large onion, sliced2 carrots, cut ½ inch (1.3 cm)

thick3 stalks celery, cut ½ inch (1.3

cm) thick2 pounds (1 kg) beef round, cubed½teaspoon salt½ teaspoon pepper2 tablespoons (7.6 g) chopped

fresh parsley1 bay leaf

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3 teaspoons chicken bouillonconcentrate

1 quart (960 ml) chicken broth2 pounds (910 g) boneless,

skinless chicken thighs, cubed1 pound (455 g) Italian sausage

links½ cup (115 g) purchased pesto


Put the onion, carrots, and celery in yourslow cooker. Season the beef with thesalt and pepper and place them on top.Add the parsley and bay leaf. Stir thebouillon into the chicken broth and pourit into the slow cooker. Cover the slowcooker, set it to low, and let it cook for 5to 6 hours.

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Add the chicken, turn the heat up tohigh, and let the whole thing cookanother hour.

While it’s cooking, pour yourself aglass of Chianti and put out somevegetables and dip for the kids. In a big,heavy skillet, place the sausages, coverwith water, slap a lid on, and simmer for20 minutes over medium heat. Removethe skillet from the heat and leave thesausages in the water, keeping the lid on.

When the slow cooker’s time is up,drain the sausage and cut it into 1-inch(2.5-cm) chunks. Stir the sausage into thesoup in the slow cooker. Remove thebay leaf and ladle the soup into soupbowls. Top each serving with 1tablespoon (14.4 g) of pesto.

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Yield: 8 servings

Each with 44 g protein, 6 gcarbohydrate, 1 g dietary fiber, 5 gusable carbs.

Chicken and AndouilleGumbo

This chunky, vegetable-rich soup isspicy and filling! I’ve replaced thetraditional gumbo file (powderedsassafras leaves) thickener with guar orxanthan, because I figure you’ll have oneof these in the house anyway.

2 tablespoons (28 g) butter2 cloves garlic, crushed

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¾ cup (120 g) chopped onion½ cup (60 g) diced celery10 ounces (280 g) frozen sliced

okra, thawed1 pound (455 g) boneless, skinless

chicken breast, cut in ½-inch(1.3-cm) cubes

1 quart (960 ml) chicken broth1 can (14½ ounces, or 410 g)

diced tomatoes1 tablespoon (3.8 g) chopped

fresh parsley1 teaspoon dried thyme1 bay leaf½ teaspoon cayenne¼ teaspoon pepper1 pound (455 g) andouille sausage

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links2 tablespoons (30 ml)

Worcestershire sauce1 tablespoon (15 ml) lemon juiceHot pepper sauce to tasteGuar or xanthan

Melt the butter in a big soup pot overmedium-low heat and add the garlic,onion, and celery. Sauté them togetherfor 5 minutes or so until the onion is juststarting to soften.

Add the thawed sliced okra and thecubes of chicken and continue to sautéuntil the chicken is white all over. Addthe chicken broth, the can of dicedtomatoes, parsley, thyme, bay leaf,cayenne, and pepper, bring the whole

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thing up to a simmer, turn the heat down,and simmer for an hour.

When the hour’s up, put the andouillelinks in a skillet over medium-high heat.Brown them all over—prick the casingsall over with a fork as you do this. Whenthe sausages are browned, remove themfrom the skillet to your cutting board andslice ½ inch (1.3 cm) thick. You canleave the slices round or cut each roundin half, which is what I do—it dependson how big a bite of sausage you want!Add the sausage slices to the pot. Ladlea little of the broth into the skillet, stir itaround to dissolve the nice brown crustystuff, and pour it back into the pot.

Add the Worcestershire sauce andlemon juice to the soup and stir it up. Let

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the whole thing simmer for another 15minutes or so. Now check—is the levelof heat right? Or do you want it hotter? Ifso, stir in a little hot pepper sauce.Thicken the broth just a tad with guar orxanthan, remove bay leaf, and serve.

Now, you get to decide how you wantto serve your gumbo. You can serve it asis, of course, and it will be nice as canbe. But the traditional way to servegumbo is ladled over rice, and youcertainly may serve yours over cauli-rice. And here in my hometown ofBloomington, Indiana, there is a popularrestaurant that serves its “gumbo of theday” Hoosier-style—over mashedpotatoes. So you could have your gumboover a scoop of Ultimate Fauxtatoes

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(page 209)!

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 31 g protein; 13 gcarbohydrate; 2 g dietary fiber; 11 gusable carbs. Analysis does not includeany cauli-rice or fauxtatoes you mayserve with your gumbo.

UnPotato and Sausage Soup

Talk about comfort food! This is creamyand filling, with a good, rich potatoflavor. Just the thing for a stormy winternight.

1 pound (455 g) Polish sausage

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2 tablespoons (28 g) butter¾ cup (120 g) chopped onion4 cups (600 g) cauliflower, diced½ cup (60 g) shredded carrot1 small green pepper, diced3 cups (720 ml) water, divided1 teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal½ teaspoon pepper3 cups (720 ml) Carb Countdown

dairy beverage½ cup (25 g) Ketatoes mixGuar or xanthan (optional)

Slice your sausage into rounds. Melt 1tablespoon (14 g) of the butter in a bigskillet over medium heat and start fryingthe sausage slices in it—you’re justbrowning them a little. You can skip this

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step if you’re in a hurry, but I think itadds a bit of flavor.

In a big, heavy-bottomed saucepan,melt the rest of the butter and startsautéing the onion over medium-lowheat.

When the onions are turning golden,throw in the cauliflower, carrot, andgreen pepper. Pour in 2 cups (480 ml) ofthe water. When the sausage slices arebrowned on both sides, add them to thepot. Pour the remaining 1 cup (240 ml)of water into the skillet and scrape thebottom with a spatula to get all the goodbrown flavor stuck to the skillet. Pourthis into the saucepan, too. Add the saltand pepper. Bring everything to asimmer and let it cook for 30 minutes.

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When the cauliflower is soft, stir inthe Carb Countdown dairy beverage andthen whisk in the Ketatoes mix. Thickenyour soup a little more with guar orxanthan, if you like, and bring it back toa simmer. Serve.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 25 g protein; 19 gcarbohydrate; 8 g dietary fiber; 11 gusable carbs.

Italian Sausage Soup

It would take some serious multi-tasking,but this soup can be ready in 15 minutes.

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1½ quarts (1.4 L) chicken broth1-pound (455-g) bag frozen

Italian vegetable blend1 pound (455 g) Italian sausage,

mild or hot, as you prefer½ medium onion, chopped1 teaspoon minced garlic or 2

cloves garlic, crushed2 teaspoons Italian seasoning3 eggs5 tablespoons (31.3 g) grated or

shredded Parmesan cheese

First, put the broth in a large saucepan,cover it, and place it over high heat.Next, put the Italian vegetable blend in amicrowaveable casserole dish, add acouple of tablespoons (30 ml) of water,

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cover, and microwave on high for 12minutes.

Okay, that stuff is under control. Now,in a heavy-bottomed soup pot, startbrowning the Italian sausage overmedium-high heat. If the sausage is inlinks, slit the skins and squeeze it out, soyou can crumble it; bulk sausage you canjust plunk into the pot. As a bit of greasestarts to cook out of the sausage, add theonion and the garlic (you can chop theonion while the sausage is browning)and let them sauté together.

When the sausage is cooked through,add the chicken broth, which should behot by now. Stir and add the Italianseasoning. Let the mixture simmer whileyou crack the eggs into a glass measuring

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cup and beat them with a fork. Pour theeggs in, a little bit at a time—pour, thenstir, pour some more, and then stir somemore. This will make lovely egg shredsin your soup.

The vegetables should be done bynow, so pull them out of the microwave,drain, and dump them into the soup. Stir,let the whole thing simmer for justanother minute, and serve with 1tablespoon (6.3 g) of Parmesan cheeseon each serving.

Yield: 5 servings

Each with 11 grams of carbohydratesand 2 grams of fiber, for a total of 9grams of usable carbs and 26 grams of

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Hot-and-Sour Soup

Really authentic Hot-and-Sour Soupuses Chinese mushrooms, but this ismighty good with any variety—especially when you have a cold!

2 quarts (1.9 L) chicken broth1 piece of fresh ginger about the

size of a walnut, peeled andthinly sliced

½ pound (225 g) lean pork (I useboneless loin.)

3 tablespoons (45 ml) soy sauce1 to 1½ teaspoons pepper

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½ cup (120 ml) white vinegar2 cans (6½ ounces, or 170 g each)

mushrooms1 cake (about 10 ounces, or 280

g) firm tofu1 can (8 ounces, or 225 g) bamboo

shoots5 eggs

Put the broth in a soup pot and set it overmedium heat. Add the ginger to the brothand let it simmer for a few minutes.

While the broth simmers, slice thepork into small cubes or strips. (I likestrips.) Stir the pork, soy sauce, pepper,vinegar, and mushrooms (you don’t needto drain them) into the broth. Let itsimmer for 10 minutes or so until the

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pork is cooked through.Cut the tofu into small cubes. If you

like, you can also cut the canned bambooshoots into thinner strips. (I like thembetter that way, but sometimes I don’tfeel like doing the extra work.) Stir thetofu and bamboo shoots into the soupand let it simmer another few minutes.Taste the soup; it won’t be very hot—spicy-hot, that is, not temperature-hot—so if you like it hotter, add more pepperand some hot pepper sauce. If you like,you can also add a little extra vinegar.

Beat the eggs in a bowl and then pourthem in a thin stream over the surface ofthe soup. Stir them in, and you’ll get abillion little shreds of cooked egg inyour soup. Who needs noodles?

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Yield: 6 servings

Each with 10 grams of carbohydratesand 2 grams of fiber, for a total of 8grams of usable carbs and 25 grams ofprotein.

This is good served with a few finelysliced scallions on top (include some ofthe green part) and a few drops oftoasted sesame oil. Since I like my souphotter than my husband does, I use hottoasted sesame oil rather than putting hotsauce in the whole batch.

Stir-Fry Soup

The name says it all—a traditional stir-

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fry turned into a hearty soup. This worksequally well with chicken or pork, sotake your pick or use whatever iscluttering up the freezer.

2 quarts (1.9 L) chicken broth1 pound (455 g) boneless pork

loin or boneless, skinlesschicken breast

1 medium onion3 tablespoons (45 ml) oil1-pound (455-g) bag frozen stir-

fry vegetables, thawed1½ tablespoons (23 ml) soy sauce1½ tablespoons (23 ml) dry

sherry1½ tablespoons (12 g) grated


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1½ teaspoons minced garlic1½ teaspoons toasted sesame oil

Pour the chicken broth into a largemicrowaveable bowl or pitcher. Put it inthe microwave and heat it for 10 minuteson high.

Slice the pork or chicken as thin aspossible. (This is easier if the meat ispartly frozen.) Thinly slice the onion aswell. Heat the oil in the bottom of alarge soup pot and add the meat, onion,and stir-fry vegetables. Stir-fryeverything over highest heat while thebroth is warming in the microwave.

By the time the microwave goes“ding,” the pork or chicken should not bepink any more.

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Pour in the broth, add the soy sauce,sherry, ginger, garlic, and sesame oil,cover, and let the whole thing simmerfor 4 to 5 minutes before serving.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 9 grams of carbohydrates and2 grams of fiber, for a total of 7 grams ofusable carbs and 19 grams of protein.

Chinese Soup with BokChoy and Mushrooms

1 quart (960 ml) chicken broth2 tablespoons (16 g) grated


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2 teaspoons soy sauce1 cup (100 g) sliced mushrooms8 ounces (225 g) boneless pork

loin, cut in thin ½-inch (1.3-cm)strips

1½ cups (115 g) bok choy, slicedthin, leaves and stems both

1 egg

In a large saucepan over medium-highheat, combine the chicken broth, ginger,and soy sauce. Let them simmer togetherfor 5 minutes.

Now add the mushrooms and pork.Let the soup simmer for another 15minutes.

Stir in the bok choy and let the soupsimmer for another 5 to 10 minutes.

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Beat the egg. Now pour it in a thinstream over the surface of the simmeringsoup, let it sit for 10 seconds, and thenstir with the tines of a fork. Serve.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 17 g protein; 3 gcarbohydrate; 1 g dietary fiber; 2 gusable carbs.

Easy Tomato-Beef Soup

1¼ to 1½ pounds (570 to 680 g)ground beef

2 cans (14½ ounces, or 410 geach) beef broth

1 can (14½ ounces, or 410 g)

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diced tomatoes

In a skillet, brown the ground beef. Pouroff the grease and add the broth andtomatoes. Heat through and serve.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 9 grams of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 19 grams of protein.

Mexican Cabbage Soup

This is great on a nasty, cold, rainynight! This is not hot, despite the chiliesin the canned tomatoes—feel free topass the hot sauce at the table if youwant to spice it up. With all these

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vegetables, this is a complete meal, butif the family insists, you could add somecorn tortillas for them.

1 quart (960 ml) beef broth1 can (14 ounces, or 400 g) diced

tomatoes with green chilies1 pound (455 g) ground round or

other very lean ground beef1 tablespoon (15 ml) oil½ cup (80 g) chopped onion1 teaspoon minced garlic or 2

cloves garlic, crushed1 teaspoon ground cumin2 teaspoons oregano2 cups (150 g) bagged coleslaw


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In a large, microwaveable containercombine the beef broth and cannedtomatoes. Microwave on high for 8 to 10minutes.

Meanwhile, in a large soup pot orheavy-bottomed saucepan, startbrowning and crumbling the beef in theoil. When the beef is about halfbrowned, add the onion and garlic.Continue cooking until the beef isentirely browned. Add the cumin andoregano and then add the heated beefbroth and tomatoes. Stir in the coleslawmix and bring the whole thing to asimmer. Cook for another minute or soand serve.

Yield: 4 servings

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Each with 9 grams of carbohydrates and2 grams of fiber, for a total of 7 grams ofusable carbs and 24 grams of protein.

Jamaican Pepperpot Soup

This soup is unbelievably hearty, almostlike a stew, and very tasty!

½ pound (225 g) bacon, diced2 pounds (910 g) boneless beef

round or chuck, cut into 1-inch(2.5-cm) cubes

1 large onion, chopped4 cups (960 ml) water1 cup (240 ml) canned beef broth2 packages (10 ounces, or 280 g

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each) frozen chopped spinach½ teaspoon dried thyme1 green pepper, diced1 can (14½ ounces, or 410 g)

sliced tomatoes1 bay leaf2 teaspoons salt½ teaspoon pepper1 teaspoon hot pepper sauce (or

to taste)1 package (10 ounces, or 280 g)

frozen sliced okra, thawed3 tablespoons (42 g) butter½ cup (120 ml) heavy creamPaprika

Place the bacon, beef cubes, onion,water, and beef broth in a large, heavy

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soup pot. Bring to a boil, turn the heat tolow, and let the mixture simmer for 1hour.

Add the spinach, thyme, green pepper,tomatoes, bay leaf, salt, pepper, and hotpepper sauce. Let it simmer for another30 minutes.

Sauté the okra in the butter over thelowest heat for about 5 minutes, add it tothe soup, and simmer just 10 minutesmore.

Just before serving, remove the bayleaf, stir in the cream, and sprinkle just atouch of paprika on each serving.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 16 grams of carbohydrates

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and 5 grams of fiber, for a total of 11grams of usable carbs and 49 grams ofprotein.

Mexican Beef and BeanSoup

You know the family will love this!

12 ounces (340 g) ground round1 medium onion, chopped2 cloves garlic, crushed1 medium green bell pepper,

diced1 quart (960 ml) beef broth1 teaspoon beef bouillon


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1 can (14½ ounces, or 410 g)tomatoes with green chiles

1 can (15 ounces, or 425 grams)black soybeans

2 teaspoons ground coriander1 teaspoon ground cumin¼ cup (16 g) chopped cilantro6 tablespoons (70 g) sour cream

In a big, heavy skillet, brown andcrumble the ground beef. Drain it welland transfer it to your slow cooker.

Add the onion, garlic, bell pepper,broth, bouillon, tomatoes, soybeans,coriander, and cumin and stir. Cover theslow cooker, set it to low, and let itcook for 7 to 8 hours.

Top each bowlful with cilantro and

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sour cream.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 25 g protein, 14 gcarbohydrate, 5 g dietary fiber, 9 gusable carbs.

Oyster Stew

This is a classic recipe that simplystarted out fast, easy, and low-carb. Myhusband prefers me to cut really bigoysters into quarters. Since you can dothis as the cream and half-and-half areheating, it doesn’t add any time to therecipe— indeed, since the pieces ofoyster cook faster than whole ones, it

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cuts the cooking time a bit.

5 tablespoons (70 g) butter1 cup (240 ml) half-and-half1½ cups (360 ml) heavy cream½ cup (120 ml) water1½ pints (700 g) oystersSalt and pepper

teaspoon cayenne

Put the butter, half-and-half, heavycream, and water in a heavy-bottomedsaucepan over medium heat. As it comesto a simmer, add the oysters and stir.Simmer until the oysters are cooked,about 5 minutes. Add salt and pepper totaste, add the cayenne, and then serve.

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Yield: 4 servings

Each with 8 grams of carbohydrates, nofiber, and 11 grams of protein. Despitethe modest protein count, this is fillingbecause it is so rich.

If you’d like to speed this recipe up, youcan combine everything but the oystersin a large microwaveable container andcook it for 5 minutes on high, but it’s notessential.

Italian Tuna Soup

Okay, it’s not authentically Italian, butit’s a lot like minestrone. It’s easy, too.

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1 quart (960 ml) chicken broth1 can (14½ ounces, or 410 g)

diced tomatoes1 can (14½ ounces, or 410 g)

Italian green beans or 1package (10 ounces, or 280 g)frozen Italian green beans

½ cup (125 g) frozen broccoli cuts½ cup (115 g) frozen cauliflower

cuts1 cup (115 g) thinly sliced

zucchini, frozen or fresh3 tablespoons (45 ml) tomato

paste1 teaspoon Italian seasoning2 cans (6 ounces [170 g] each)


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Hot pepper sauce

Combine the broth, tomatoes, greenbeans, broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini,tomato paste, seasoning, and tuna. Add afew drops of hot pepper sauce (more ifyou like it hotter, less if you just want alittle zip) and simmer until thevegetables are tender.

Yield: 5 servings

Each with 14 grams of carbohydratesand 3 grams of fiber, for a total of 11grams of usable carbs and 23 grams ofprotein.

Check the frozen foods section of yoursupermarket for mixed bags of broccoli

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and cauliflower and substitute 1 cup(235 g) of the mix for the separatecauliflower and broccoli. That way,you’ll only have one partially eaten bagof veggies in the freezer to use up, ratherthan two.

Cream of Salmon Soup

One person who sampled this souppronounced it the best soup they’d everhad. And it’s so easy!

1½ tablespoons (21 g) butter¼ cup (40 g) finely minced onion¼ cup (30 g) finely minced celery2 cups (480 ml) heavy cream1 can (14 ounces, or 400 g)

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salmon, drained½ teaspoon dried thyme

In a heavy saucepan, melt the butter overmedium-low heat and add the onion andcelery. Sauté the vegetables for a fewminutes until the onion starts turningtranslucent.

Meanwhile, pour the cream into aglass 2-cup (480 ml) measure or anyother microwavable container bigenough for it and from which you canpour. Place it in the microwave and heatit at 50 percent power for 3 to 4 minutes.(This just cuts the time needed to heatthe cream through— you can skip thisstep and simply heat the soup on thestovetop a little longer, if you like.)

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Pour the cream into the saucepan andadd the salmon and thyme. Break up thesalmon as you stir the soup—I found mywhisk to be ideal for breaking thesalmon into fine pieces. Heat untilsimmering and serve.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 5 grams of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 23 grams of protein.

Manhattan Clam Chowder

4 slices bacon, diced1 large onion, chopped2 ribs celery, diced1 green pepper, chopped

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2½ cups (375 g) diced whiteturnip

1 grated carrot1 can (14½ ounces, or 410 g)

diced tomatoes3 cups (710 ml) water1 teaspoon dried thyme4 cans (6½ ounces, or 185 g each)

minced clams, including liquidHot pepper sauce1 teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal1 teaspoon pepper

In a large, heavy bottomed soup pot,start the bacon cooking. As the fat cooksout of it, add the onion, celery, and greenpepper and sauté them in the bacon fatfor 4 to 5 minutes.

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Add the turnip, carrot, tomatoes,water, and thyme and let the whole thingsimmer for 30 minutes to 1 hour.

Add the clams, including the liquid, adash of hot pepper sauce, the salt orVege-Sal, and pepper. Simmer foranother 15 minutes and serve.

Yield: 10 servings

Each with 11 grams of carbohydratesand 1 gram of fiber, for a total of 10grams of usable carbs and 21 grams ofprotein.

Seafood Chowder

My sister Kim, who tested this for me,

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said that you don’t have to stick toshrimp. You could use crab, chunks oflobster tail, or even a cut-up firm-fleshed fish fillet. Don’t use fakeseafood— “delicacies” and such. It hasa lot of added carbs.

1½ cups (225 g) shreddedcauliflower

cup (40 g) shredded carrots1 teaspoon dried thyme1 clove garlic1 tablespoon (10 g) finely minced

green bell pepper teaspoon cayenne

¼ teaspoon pepper3 cups (710 ml) chicken broth1 cup (240 ml) Carb Countdown

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dairy beverage¼ cup (60 ml) heavy cream8 ounces (225 g) shrimp, shells

removed1 tablespoon (5 g) Ketatoes mix¼ cup (25 g) scallions, thinly

slicedGuar or xanthan

Combine the cauliflower, carrots, thyme,garlic, green pepper, cayenne, pepper,and broth in your slow cooker. Coverthe slow cooker, set it to low, and let itcook for 4 hours.

Turn the slow cooker to high and stirin the Carb Countdown and cream. Re-cover the slow cooker and let it cook foranother 30 to 45 minutes. If your shrimp

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are big, chop them coarsely during thistime, but little, whole shrimp will lookprettier, of course!

Stir in the Ketotoes mix. Now stir inthe shrimp and re-cover the pot. If yourshrimp are pre-cooked, just give them 5minutes or so to heat through. If they’reraw, give them 10 minutes. Stir in thescallions and salt to taste. Thicken thebroth with the guar or xanthan.

Yield: 5 servings

Each with 17 g protein, 7 gcarbohydrate, 2 g dietary fiber, 5 gusable carbs.

Quick Green Chowder

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1 package (10 ounces, or 280 g)frozen chopped spinach,thawed

2 cans (6½ ounces, or 185 g each)minced clams, including theliquid

1 cup (240 ml) half-and-half1 cup (240 ml) heavy cream1 cup (240 ml) waterSalt and pepper

Put the spinach, clams, half-and-half,cream, and water in a blender or foodprocessor and purée.

Pour the mixture into a saucepan andbring to a simmer (use very low heat anddon’t boil!). Simmer for 5 minutes andadd salt and pepper to taste.

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Yield: 4 servings

Each with 12 grams of carbohydratesand 2 grams of fiber, for a total of 10grams of usable carbs and 29 grams ofprotein.

If you prefer, you can purée everythingbut the clams, adding them later so theystay in chunks.

Cheater’s Chowder

This recipe is so called because you’recheating on the usual ingredients, andyou sure are cheating on the cookingtime! You are not, however, cheating onyour diet. This filling soup is a meal in

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¼ head cauliflower1 medium turnip (just bigger than

a tennis ball)3 slices bacon½ medium onion2 cups (480 ml) half-and-half1 can (10 ounces, or 280 g)

minced clamsSalt or Vege-Sal and pepper

Whack the cauliflower into a few good-size chunks and put it in your foodprocessor with the S-blade in place.Peel the turnip, quarter it, and drop it inthere, too. Pulse the processor untileverything is chopped to a medium-fine

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consistency. Put the cauliflower andturnip in a microwaveable casseroledish with a lid, add a couple oftablespoons (30 ml) of water, cover, andmicrowave on high for 12 minutes.

While that’s cooking, chop up thebacon—I snip mine up with cookingshears, right into the pot—and startfrying it over medium-high heat in alarge, heavy-bottomed saucepan, stirringfrom time to time.

Put that food processor bowl back onits base with the S-blade in place, throwin the half-onion, and pulse until it ischopped medium-fine. Dump the onionin with the bacon, which should begiving off some grease by now. Fry theonion and bacon together until the onion

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is translucent.Pour the half-and-half and the clams

into the pot—don’t bother to drain theclams. Stir it and then let the whole thingcome to a simmer, stirring from time totime.

When the cauliflower and turnips aredone, add them to the pot, too—no needto drain. Stir them in, add salt or Vege-Sal and pepper to taste, let the soupsimmer just another minute or two, andserve.

Yield: 3 servings

Each with 16 grams of carbohydratesand 1 gram of fiber, for a total of 15grams of usable carbs and 31 grams of

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By the way, I tried running the nutritionalanalysis for this soup using heavy creamin place of the half-and-half. It only cut 1gram of carb off each serving—but itadded 175 calories. Not worth it, if youask me.

Pantry Seafood Bisque

This soup is quick, easy, tasty, and whata gorgeous pale pink color! It’s simpleto double, of course, but it’ll take a littlelonger for the larger quantity of half-and-half to heat through. You couldmicrowave it to speed things along, ifyou like.

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1 pint (480 ml) half-and-half3 tablespoons (49.5 g) tomato

paste1 can (4 ounces, or 115 g) tiny

shrimp, drained1 can (6 ounces, or 170 g) flaked

crab, drained1 teaspoon dried dill weed½ teaspoon lemon juiceSalt and pepper to taste

In a large saucepan over low heat, heatthe half-and-half to just below a simmer.Whisk in the tomato paste and then stir inthe shrimp, crab, dill, and lemon juice.Let the whole thing cook together for justa minute or two, add salt and pepper to

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taste, and serve.

Yield: 3 servings

Each with 11 grams of carbohydratesand 1 gram of fiber, for a total of 10grams of usable carbs and 24 grams ofprotein. Each serving also has 254milligrams of calcium!

Almost Lobster Bisque

Monkfish has long been known as “poorman’s lobster,” so I decided to use it ina classic lobster bisque. However, ifyour budget allows, feel free to uselobster tail in this recipe instead.

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½ cup (120 ml) heavy cream1 cup (240 ml) half-and-half½ cup (120 ml) water10-ounce (280-g) monkfish fillet½ cup (120 ml) dry sherry1½ teaspoons Dana’s No-Sugar

Ketchup (page 463) or othersugar-free ketchup

½ teaspoon Worcestershire sauce½ teaspoon lemon juice½ teaspoon salt or Vege-SalGuar or xanthan (optional)1 scallion, finely sliced

First combine the cream, half-and-half,and water in a large, microwaveabledish. Microwave for 5 to 6 minutes on70 percent power.

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While the cream is heating, cut themonkfish fillet into bite-sized pieces.Bring the sherry to a simmer in a large,heavy-bottomed saucepan over medium-high heat. Add the monkfish, turn the heatdown a little, and let the fish simmer inthe sherry, stirring occasionally, for 4 to5 minutes or until cooked through.

Stir in the cream, which should be hotby now. Stir in the ketchup,Worcestershire sauce, lemon juice, andsalt, and heat it only to a simmer. Ifyou’d like your bisque thicker, feel freeto use guar or xanthan, but it’s mightynice the way it is. Ladle into dishes andtop each serving with a scattering ofsliced scallion.

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Yield: 2 servings

Each with 10 grams of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 26 grams of protein.

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Cauliflower Purée (a.k.a.“Fauxtatoes”)

This is a wonderful substitute formashed potatoes with any dish that has agravy or sauce. Feel free, by the way, touse frozen cauliflower instead; it worksquite well here.

1 head cauliflower or 1½ pounds(680 g) frozen cauliflower

4 tablespoons (56 g) butterSalt and pepper

Put the cauliflower in a microwaveable

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casserole dish with a lid, add a coupleof tablespoons (30 ml) of water, andcover. Cook it on high for 10 to 12minutes or until quite tender but notsulfur-y smelling. (You may steam orboil the cauliflower, if you prefer.)Drain it thoroughly and put it through theblender or food processor until it’s wellpuréed. Add butter, salt, and pepper totaste.

Yield: At least 6 generous servings

Each with 5 grams of carbohydrates and2 grams of fiber, for a total of 3 grams ofusable carbs and 2 grams of protein.

The Ultimate Fauxtatoes

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I’m not crazy about Ketatoes bythemselves, but added to puréed-cauliflower Fauxtatoes, they add apotato-y flavor and texture that isremarkably convincing!

½ head cauliflower½ cup (25 g) Ketatoes mix½ cup (120 ml) boiling water1 tablespoon (14 g) butterSalt and pepper

Trim the bottom of the stem of yourcauliflower and whack the rest of thehead into chunks. Put them in amicrowaveable casserole dish with alid. Add a couple of tablespoons (30 ml)of water, cover, and microwave on high

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for 8 to 9 minutes.While that’s happening, measure your

Keta-toes mix and boiling water into amixing bowl and whisk together.

When the microwave beeps, pull outyour cauliflower—it should be tender.Drain it well and put it in either yourfood processor, with the S-blade inplace, or in your blender. Either way,purée the cauliflower until it’s smooth.Transfer the puréed cauliflower to themixing bowl and stir the cauliflower andKetatoes together well. Add the butterand stir until it melts. Add salt andpepper to taste and serve.

Yield: 4 servings

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Each with 10 g protein; 14 gcarbohydrate; 8 g dietary fiber; 6 gusable carbs.

Chipotle-Cheese Fauxtatoes

1 large chipotle chile canned inadobo, minced; reserve 1teaspoon sauce

½ cup (60 g) shredded MontereyJack cheese

1 batch The Ultimate Fauxtatoes(page 209)

Stir the minced chipotle, a teaspoon ofthe adobo sauce it was canned in, andthe shredded cheese into the UltimateFauxtatoes. Serve immediately!

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Yield: 4 servings

Each with 14 g protein; 14 gcarbohydrate; 8 g dietary fiber; 6 gusable carbs.


My husband was crazy about these!

½ head cauliflower, cut intoflorets

½ cup (120 ml) water½ cup (55 g) shredded cheddar

cheese2 teaspoons Classic Barbecue

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Rub (page 486) or purchasedbarbecue rub

2 tablespoons (10 g) Ketatoes mix

Put the cauliflower in your slow cooker,including the stem. Add the water. Coverthe slow cooker, set it to high, and let itcook for 3 hours. (Or cook it on low for5 to 6 hours.)

When the time’s up, use a slottedspoon to scoop the cauliflower out of theslow cooker and into your blender oryour food processor (have the S-blade inplace) and purée it there, or you candrain off the water and use a hand-heldblender to purée the cauliflower right inthe pot. Either way, drain thecauliflower and purée it!

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Stir in everything else until the cheesehas melted.

Yield: 3 servings

Each with 8 g protein, 6 g carbohydrate,3 g dietary fiber, 3 g usable carbs.

Italian Garlic and HerbFauxtatoes

½ head cauliflower, cut intoflorets

½ cup (120 ml) chicken broth1 teaspoon Italian seasoning1 clove garlic, crushed1 ounce (28 g) cream cheese

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Guar or xanthan

Place the cauliflower in your slowcooker. Add the broth, Italian seasoning,and garlic. Cover the slow cooker, set itto low, and let it cook for 5 to 6 hours.(Or cook it on high for 3 hours.)

When the time’s up, either remove thecauliflower with a slotted spoon and putit in your blender or food processor(with the S-blade in place) and purée itor drain the broth out of the slow cookerand use a hand-held blender to puréeyour cauliflower in the pot. Add thecream cheese and stir until melted.

The mixture will still be a littlewatery. Stir with a whisk as you useguar or xanthan to thicken it up a bit.

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Yield: 3 servings

Each with 2 g protein, 2 g carbohydrate,1 g dietary fiber, 1 g usable carbs.

Ranch and ScallionFauxtatoes

This is great with anything with abarbecue flavor.

1 head cauliflower, cut intoflorets

1 cup (240 ml) water1 cup (100 g) Ketatoes mix6 teaspoons ranch-style dressing


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4 scallions, thinly sliced

Place the cauliflower in your slowcooker with the water. Cover the slowcooker, set it to low, and let it cook for 5hours. (Or cook it on high for 3 hours.)

When the time’s up, the easiest thingto do is use a hand blender to purée thecauliflower right in the slow cooker.Don’t bother to drain the water first.Whisk in the Ketatoes, ranch dressingmix, and scallions.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 14 g protein, 23 gcarbohydrate, 11 g dietary fiber, 12 gusable carbs.

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Garlic-Onion Fauxtatoes

Our tester Maria said her kids wereparticularly impressed by this!

1 head cauliflower, cut intoflorets

½ cup (50 g) chopped onion3 cloves garlic, crushed

cup (160 ml) water cup (65 g) Ketatoes mix

3 tablespoons (42 g) butter

Place the cauliflower in your slowcooker. Add the onion, garlic, andwater. Cover the slow cooker, set it tohigh, and let it cook for 2½ to 3 hours.(Or cook it on low for 5 to 6 hours.)

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When the time’s up, use a hand-heldblender to purée the cauliflower, onion,and garlic right there in the slow cooker.Alternatively, scoop it all into a foodprocessor to purée, but you’ll want thewater in the pot, so if you transfer thevegetables, put the purée back in the potwith the water when you’re done. Nowstir in the Ketatoes, butter, and add saltand pepper to taste.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 9 g protein, 15 gcarbohydrate, 7 g dietary fiber, 8 gusable carbs.

Bubble and Squeak

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This is my decarbed version of atradition Irish dish—and very tasty, too!

1 tablespoon (14 g) butter2 cups (150 g) shredded cabbage1 medium carrot, shredded¾ cup (120 g) chopped onion1 batch The Ultimate Fauxtatoes

(page 209)½ cup (60 g) shredded cheddar


Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C, or gasmark 4).

Melt the butter in a big, heavy skilletand sauté the veggies until the onionstarts turning translucent and the cabbagehas softened a bit.

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Spray a 6-cup (1.4 L) casserole dishwith nonstick cooking spray. Spreadone-third of the Fauxtatoes on the bottomand then make a layer of half thecabbage mixture. Repeat the layers andfinish with a layer of Fauxtatoes. Topwith the cheese. Bake for 45 minutes andserve, scooping down through all thelayers.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 10 g protein; 14 gcarbohydrate; 6 g dietary fiber; 8 gusable carbs.

Cauliflower Rice

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I say thank you to Fran McCullough! Igot this idea from her book Living LowCarb, and it’s served me very wellindeed.

½ head cauliflower

Simply put the cauliflower through yourfood processor, using the shreddingblade. This gives a texture that isremarkably similar to rice. You cansteam this or microwave it or even sautéit in butter. Whatever you do, though,don’t overcook it!

Yield: This is about 3 cups (500 g), or atleast 3 to 4 servings

Assuming 3 servings, each will have 5 g

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carbohydrate, 2 g of which will be fiber,for a usable carb count of 3 g; 2 gprotein.

Cauliflower Rice Deluxe

This is higher-carb than plaincauliflower rice, but the wild rice addsa grain flavor that makes it quiteconvincing, and wild rice has about 25percent less carbohydrate than mostother kinds of rice do. I use this only forspecial occasions, but it’s wonderful.

3 cups (500 g) cauliflower rice—about ½ head’s worth

¼ cup (50 g) wild rice¾ cup (180 ml) water

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Cook your cauliflower rice as youplease—I microwave mine for makingthis—taking care not to overcook it tomushiness; you want it just tender. Putthe wild rice and water in a saucepan,cover it, and set it over the lowest heatuntil all the water is gone—at least halfan hour, maybe a bit more. Toss togetherthe cooked cauliflower rice and wildrice and season as you please.

Yield: 8 servings

Even with the wild rice, this has only 6 gcarb, with 1 g fiber, for 5 g usable carbper ½ cup (85 g) serving.

Company Dinner “Rice”

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This is my favorite way to season thecauliflower– wild rice blend above. It’sa big hit at dinner parties!

1 small onion, chopped1 stick (115 g) butter, melted1 batch Cauliflower Rice Deluxe

(page 212)6 strips bacon, cooked until crisp,

and crumbled¼ teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal¼ teaspoon pepper½ cup (50 g) grated Parmesan


Sauté the onion in the butter until it’sgolden and limp. Toss the CauliflowerRice Deluxe with the sautéed onion and

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the bacon, salt, pepper, and cheese.Serve.

Yield: 8 servings

Each with 8 grams of carbohydrates and2 grams of fiber, for a total of 6 grams ofusable carbs and 5 grams of protein.

Saffron “Rice”

What a brilliant color! This looks sobeautiful on your plate. It’s good withany main dish that’s a little fruity-spicy.

½ head cauliflower1 teaspoon saffron threads¼ cup (60 ml) water

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½ medium onion, chopped1 teaspoon minced garlic or 2

cloves garlic, crushed2 tablespoons (28 g) butter2 teaspoons chicken bouillon

granules¼ cup (30 g) chopped toasted


Run the cauliflower through the foodprocessor using the shredding blade. Putthe cauliflower in a microwaveablecasserole dish, add a couple oftablespoons (30 ml) of water, cover, andmicrowave on high for 7 minutes.

Start soaking the saffron threads in thewater. While that’s happening, sauté theonion and garlic in the butter over

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medium heat in a large, heavy skillet.When the cauliflower is done, remove

it from the microwave, drain it, and addit to the skillet. Pour in the water andsaffron and stir in the chicken bouillongranules. Let the whole thing cooktogether for a minute or two while youchop the almonds. Stir the almonds intothe “rice” and serve.

Yield: 5 servings of brilliantly yellow“rice”

Each with 4 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 3 grams ofusable carbs and 2 grams of protein.

Variation: Traditionally, saffron rice hasraisins in it. If you can afford the extra

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carbohydrates—if, for instance, you’reserving a very low-carb main dish—youcan stir in 3 tablespoons (25 g) ofraisins with the saffron and water. Eachserving of this version will have 8 gramsof carbohydrates and 1 gram of fiber, fora total of 7 grams of usable carbs and 2grams of protein.

Saffron is the most expensive spice inthe world and with good reason. Eachsaffron thread is the stamen of aparticular kind of crocus flower. Thereare four per flower, and they all have tobe plucked by hand with tweezers. Ittakes 50,000 of them to make a pound(455 g) of saffron! Luckily, smallquantities of saffron make a big impacton a dish. Do look for saffron in a store

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that sells bulk spices—many naturalfood stores do. At least that way you’renot paying extra for that little glass jar.

Japanese Fried “Rice”

½ head cauliflower, shredded2 eggs1 cup (75 g) snow pea pods, fresh2 tablespoons (28 g) butter½ cup (80 g) diced onion2 tablespoons (16 g) shredded

carrot3 tablespoons (45 ml) soy sauceSalt and pepper

Put the shredded cauliflower in a

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microwaveable casserole dish with alid, add a couple of tablespoons (30 ml)of water, cover, and microwave on highfor 6 minutes.

While that’s happening, whisk theeggs, pour them into a skillet you’vesprayed with nonstick cooking spray,and cook over medium-high heat. As youcook the eggs, use your spatula to breakthem up into pea-sized bits. Removefrom skillet and set aside.

Remove the tips and strings from thesnow peas and snip into ¼-inch (6-mm)lengths. (By now the microwave hasbeeped—take the lid off yourcauliflower or it will turn into a mushthat bears not the slightest resemblanceto rice!)

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Melt the butter in the skillet and sautéthe pea pods, onion, and carrot for 2 to 3minutes. Add the cauliflower and stireverything together well. Stir in the soysauce and cook the whole thing, stirringoften, for another 5 to 6 minutes. Add alittle salt and pepper and serve.

Yield: 5 servings

Each with 4 g protein; 5 g carbohydrate;1 g dietary fiber; 4 g usable carbs.

Chicken-Almond “Rice”

This is great for all of you who missRice-a-Roni and similar products. Andit’s terrific with a simple rotisserie

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½ head cauliflower½ medium onion, chopped2 tablespoons (28 g) butter,

divided1 tablespoon (6 g) chicken

bouillon granules1 teaspoon poultry seasoning¼ cup (60 ml) dry white wine¼ cup (30 g) sliced or slivered


Run the cauliflower through the foodprocessor using the shredding blade. Putthe cauliflower in a microwaveablecasserole dish, add a couple oftablespoons (30 ml) of water, cover, and

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microwave on high for 7 minutes.While that’s cooking, sauté the onion

in 1 tablespoon (14 g) of butter in alarge, heavy skillet over medium-highheat.

When the cauliflower is done, pull itout of the microwave, drain it, and add itto the skillet with the onion. Add thechicken bouillon granules, poultryseasoning, and wine and stir. Turn theheat down to low.

Let that simmer for a minute or twowhile you sauté the almonds in theremaining tablespoon of butter in asmall, heavy skillet. When the almondsare golden, stir them into the “rice” andserve.

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Yield: 5 servings

Each with 4 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 3 grams ofusable carbs and 2 grams of protein.

Sunkist now puts out sliced, toastedalmonds in various flavors, under thename “Almond Accents.” Feel free touse these to vary this dish!

Lonestar “Rice”

½ head cauliflower, shredded1 tablespoon (15 ml) olive oil1 tablespoon (14 g) butter¼ cup (40 g) chopped onion1 cup (100 g) sliced mushrooms

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½ cup (40 g) snow pea pods,fresh, cut in ½ -inch (1.3-cm)pieces

¼ teaspoon chili powder2 teaspoons beef bouillon

granules or concentrate

Put the cauliflower in a microwaveablecasserole dish with a lid. Add a coupleof tablespoons (30 ml) of water, cover,and microwave on high for 6 minutes.

While that’s cooking, heat the oliveoil and butter in a large skillet and sautéthe onions, mushrooms, and snow peas. Ilike to use the edge of my spatula tobreak up the mushrooms into smallerpieces but leave the slices whole if youlike them better that way—it’s up to you.

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When the mushrooms have changedcolor and the snow peas are tender-crisp, drain your cooked cauli-rice andstir it in. Add the chili powder and beefbouillon, stir to distribute the seasoningswell, and then serve.

Yield: 3 servings

Each with 2 g protein; 5 g carbohydrate;1 g dietary fiber; 4 g usable carbs.

Beef and Bacon “Rice” withPine Nuts

½ head cauliflower4 strips bacon

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½ medium onion, chopped1 tablespoon (15 ml) liquid beef

bouillon concentrate2 tablespoons (30 ml) tomato

sauce2 tablespoons (18 g) toasted pine

nuts2 tablespoons (7.6 g) chopped


Run the cauliflower through the foodprocessor using the shredding blade, putit in a microwaveable casserole dish,add a couple of tablespoons (30 ml) ofwater, cover it, and cook it on high for 7minutes.

While that’s cooking, cut the baconinto little pieces—kitchen shears are

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good for this—and start the little baconbits frying in a heavy skillet overmedium-high heat. When a little greasehas cooked out of the bacon, throw theonion into the skillet. Fry them until theonion is translucent and the bacon isbrowned and getting crisp.

By now the cauliflower should bedone. Drain it and throw it in the skilletwith the bacon and onion. Add the beefbouillon concentrate and tomato sauceand stir the whole thing up to combineeverything—you can add a couple oftablespoons (30 ml) of water, if youlike, to help the liquid flavorings spread.

Stir in the pine nuts and parsley (youcan just snip it right into the skillet withclean kitchen shears) and serve.

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Yield: 4 or 5 servings

Assuming 4 servings, each will have 3grams of carbohydrates and 1 gram offiber, for a total of 2 grams of usablecarbs and 4 grams of protein.

Venetian “Rice”

This is rich-tasting and slightly piquant.

½ head cauliflower1 tablespoon (15 ml) olive oil2 tablespoons (28 g) butter1 cup (100 g) sliced mushrooms3 anchovy fillets, minced1 clove garlic, crushed3 tablespoons (18.8 g) grated

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Parmesan cheese

Run the cauliflower through theshredding blade of your food processor.Put it in a microwaveable casserole dishwith a lid, add a couple of tablespoons(30 ml) of water, cover, and cook onhigh for 5 to 6 minutes. When it’s done,uncover immediately!

Combine the olive oil and butter in abig, heavy skillet over medium heat,swirling together as the butter melts.Add the mushrooms and sauté untilthey’re soft and changing color. If yourmushroom slices are quite large, youmay want to break them up a bit with theedge of your spatula as you stir.

When the mushrooms are soft, stir in

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the minced anchovies and garlic. Addthe cauli-rice, undrained—that little bitof water is going to help the flavorsblend. Stir well to distribute all theflavors.

Stir in the Parmesan cheese and serve.

Yield: 3 to 4 servings

Each will have 4 g protein; 2 gcarbohydrate; 1 g dietary fiber; 1 gusable carb.

Beef and Bacon “Rice” withPine Nuts

Since West Coasters call scallions“green onions,” I toyed with calling this

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“Blue-Green ‘Risotto.’ ” Making risottoout of cauliflower “rice” is one of thebest ideas I’ve ever had!

½ head cauliflower8 scallions, thinly sliced

cup (100 g) diced green pepper1 tablespoon (28 g) butter1 tablespoon (15 ml) olive oil1 teaspoon chicken bouillon

granules¼ cup (60 ml) dry white wine¼ cup (30 g) crumbled blue

cheese¼ cup (25 g) grated Parmesan

cheese2 tablespoons (30 ml) heavy


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Put the cauliflower through the foodprocessor using the shredding blade. Putit in a microwaveable casserole dish,add a couple of tablespoons (30 ml) ofwater, cover, and microwave on high for7 minutes.

While that’s cooking, slice thescallions and dice the pepper. In a large,heavy skillet over medium heat, startsautéing the scallions and pepper in thebutter and oil.

When the microwave goes “ding,”remove the cauliflower and drain it.When the green pepper is starting to getsoft, add the cauliflower to the skilletand stir it in. Then stir in the bouillon,white wine, blue cheese, Parmesancheese, and heavy cream. Cook for

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another 3 to 4 minutes and serve.

Yield: 5 servings

Each with 4 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 3 grams ofusable carbs and 4 grams of protein.

Mushroom “Risotto”

Man, this is good! One of the best sidedishes I’ve ever come up with.

½ head cauliflower3 tablespoons (42 g) butter1 cup (70 g) sliced mushrooms½ medium onion, diced1 teaspoon minced garlic or 2

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cloves garlic2 tablespoons (30 ml) dry

vermouth1 tablespoon (6 g) chicken

bouillon granules¾ cup (75 g) grated Parmesan

cheeseGuar or xanthan2 tablespoons (7.6 g) chopped

fresh parsley

Run the cauliflower through the foodprocessor using the shredding blade. Putthe cauliflower in a microwaveablecasserole dish, add a couple oftablespoons (30 ml) of water, cover, andmicrowave on high for 7 minutes.

While the cauliflower is cooking, melt

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the butter in a large skillet over medium-high heat and add the mushrooms, onion,and garlic and sauté them all together.

When the cauliflower is done, pull itout of the microwave and drain it. Whenthe mushrooms have changed color andare looking done, add the cauliflower tothe skillet and stir everything together.Stir in the vermouth, bouillon, andcheese and let the whole thing cook foranother 2 to 3 minutes.

Sprinkle just a little guar or xanthanover the “risotto,” stirring all the while,to give it a creamy texture. Stir in theparsley and serve.

Yield: 5 servings

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Each with 4 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 3 grams ofusable carbs and 6 grams of protein.


Here shredded cauliflower stands in forbulgar wheat instead of rice. This saladis incredibly delicious, incrediblynutritious, and quite beautiful on theplate. Plus it gets better after a couple ofdays in the fridge, so taking an extra fewminutes to double the batch is definitelyworth it.

½ head cauliflower

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cup (70 g) sliced stuffed olives*7 scallions, sliced2 cups (40 g) triple-washed fresh

spinach, finely chopped1 stalk celery, diced1 small ripe tomato, finely diced4 tablespoons (15.2 g) chopped

parsley¼ cup (60 ml) olive oil1 teaspoon minced garlic or 2

cloves garlic, crushed1 tablespoon (15 ml) red wine

vinegar2 tablespoons (28 g) mayonnaiseSalt and pepper

Run the cauliflower through the foodprocessor using the shredding blade, put

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it in a microwaveable casserole dish,add a couple of tablespoons (30 ml) ofwater, cover the dish, and cook it onhigh for just 5 minutes.

While that’s cooking, put the olives,scallions, spinach, celery, tomato, andparsley in a large salad bowl.

When the cauliflower comes out of themicrowave, dump it in a strainer and runcold water over it for a moment or twoto cool it. (You can let the cauliflowercool uncovered instead, but it will takelonger.) Drain the cauliflower well anddump it in with all the other vegetables.Add the oil, garlic, vinegar, andmayonnaise and toss. Add salt andpepper to taste, toss again, and serve.

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Yield: 6 servings

Each with 5 grams of carbohydrates and2 grams of fiber, for a total of 3 grams ofusable carbs and 1 gram of protein.

*You can buy sliced stuffed olives injars.

Hobo Packet

This cooks right on the grill along withyour meat course—not even a mixingbowl to wash! It’s really tasty, too.

½ head cauliflower½ medium onion1 medium carrot

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1 large rib celery½ teaspoon salt½ teaspoon pepper8 slices bacon, cooked2 tablespoons (28 g) butter

Start a charcoal fire or preheat a gasgrill.

Chop your cauliflower into smallishchunks. Coarsely chop the onion, slicethe carrot about ¼ inch (6 mm) thick,and slice the celery about the samethickness.

Tear off a piece of heavy-dutyaluminum foil about 18 inches (45 cm)long and lay it on the counter. Pile thevegetables in the middle. Sprinkle themwith salt and pepper, crumble the

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cooked bacon on top, and dot with thebutter. Fold the foil over the whole thingand fold the seam a few times to seal itwell. Roll up the ends to seal them, too.

Throw the whole packet on the grilland cook about 12 to 15 minutes per sideover a medium charcoal fire or gas grill.Pull the packet off the grill with tongs,put it on a plate to open it up, and serve.

Yield: 6 servings

Each serving will have 3 grams ofcarbohydrate and 1 gram of fiber, for ausable carb count of 2 grams; 3 gramsprotein.

Cauliflower Kugel

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A kugel is a traditional Jewish casserolethat comes in both sweet and savoryvarieties. This savory kugel makes anice side dish with a simple meatcourse. It could also be served as avegetarian main dish.

2 packages (10 ounces, or 280 geach) frozen cauliflower,thawed

1 medium onion, chopped1 cup (225 g) cottage cheese1 cup (120 g) shredded cheddar

cheese4 eggs½ teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal¼ teaspoon pepper Paprika

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Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C, orgas mark 4).

Chop the cauliflower into ½ -inch(1.3-cm) pieces. Combine with theonion, cottage cheese, cheddar, eggs,salt, and pepper in a large mixing bowland mix very well.

Spray an 8 × 8-inch (20 × 20-cm)baking pan with nonstick cooking sprayand spread the cauliflower mixtureevenly on the bottom. Sprinkle paprikalightly over the top and bake for 50 to 60minutes or until the kugel is set andlightly browned.

Yield: 9 servings

Each with 5 grams of carbohydrates and

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2 grams of fiber, for a total of 3 grams ofusable carbs and 10 grams of protein.

Little Mama’s Side Dish

This is just the thing with a simpledinner of broiled chops or a steak, andit’s even good all by itself. It’s beautifulto look at, too, what with all thosecolors.

4 slices bacon½ head cauliflower½ green pepper½ medium onion¼ cup (30 g) sliced stuffed olives*

Chop the bacon into small bits and start

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it frying in a large, heavy skillet overmedium-high heat. (Give the skillet asquirt of nonstick cooking spray first.)

Chop the cauliflower into bits about½ inch (1.3 cm). Chop up the stem, too;no need to waste it. Put the choppedcauliflower in a microwaveablecasserole dish with a lid, add a coupleof tablespoons (30 ml) of water, cover,and microwave for 7 minutes on high.

Give the bacon a stir, and then it’sback to the chopping board. Dice thepepper and onion. By now some fat hascooked out of the bacon, and it is startingto brown around the edges. Add thepepper and onion to the skillet. Sautéuntil the onion is translucent and thepepper is starting to get soft.

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By the time that confluence of eventstranspires, the cauliflower should bedone. Add it to the skillet withoutdraining and stir—the extra little bit ofwater is going to help to dissolve theyummy bacon flavor from the bottom ofthe skillet and carry it through the dish.

Stir in the olives, let the whole thingcook another minute while stirring, andthen serve.

Yield: 4 or 5 servings

Assuming 5 servings, each will have 3grams of carbohydrates and 1 gram offiber, for a total of 2 grams of usablecarbs and 2 grams of protein.

*You can buy sliced stuffed olives in

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Gratin of Cauliflower andTurnips

2 ½ cups (375 g) turnip slices2 ½ cups (375 g) sliced

cauliflower1½ cups (360 ml) carb countdown

dairy beverage¼ cup (60 ml) heavy cream¾ cup (90 g) blue cheese,

crumbled½ teaspoon pepper½ teaspoon salt1 teaspoon dried thymeGuar or xanthan (optional)

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¼ cup (25 g) grated Parmesancheese

Preheat oven to 375°F (190°C, or gasmark 5).

Combine the turnips and cauliflowerin a bowl, making sure they’re prettyevenly interspersed.

In a saucepan over lowest heat, warmthe carb countdown dairy beverage andheavy cream. When it’s hot, add the bluecheese, pepper, salt, and thyme. Stirwith a whisk until the cheese is melted.It’s good to thicken this sauce justslightly with guar or xanthan.

Spray a casserole dish with nonstickcooking spray. Put about one-third of thecauliflower and turnip slices in the dish

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and pour one-third of the sauce evenlyover them. Make two more layers ofvegetables and sauce. Sprinkle theParmesan cheese over the top. Bake for30 minutes.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 7 g protein; 8 g carbohydrate;3 g dietary fiber; 5 g usable carbs.

Mushrooms in SherryCream

This is rich and flavorful and bestserved with a simple roast or the like.

8 ounces (225 g) small, very fresh

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mushrooms¼ cup (60 ml) dry sherry¼ teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal,

divided½ cup (115 g) sour cream1 clove garlic teaspoon pepper

Wipe the mushrooms clean and trim thewoody ends off the stems.

Place the mushrooms in a smallsaucepan with the sherry and sprinklewith teaspoon of salt.

Bring the sherry to a boil, turn the heatto low, cover the pan, and let themushrooms simmer for just 3 to 4minutes, shaking the pan once or twicewhile they’re cooking.

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In another saucepan over very lowheat, stir together the remaining teaspoon salt, sour cream, garlic, andpepper. You want to heat the sour creamthrough, but don’t let it boil or it willseparate.

When the mushrooms are done, pouroff the liquid into a small bowl. As soonas the sour cream is heated through,spoon it over the mushrooms and stireverything around over medium-lowheat. If it seems a bit thick, add ateaspoon or two of the reserved liquid.

Stir the mushrooms and sour creamtogether over low heat for 2 to 3minutes, again making sure that the sourcream does not boil, and serve.

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Yield: 3 servings

Each with 4 grams carbohydrates and 1gram of fiber, for a total of 3 grams ofusable carbs and 2 grams of protein.

Avocado Cream Portobellos

These are outstandingly delicious andlook elegant on the plate, as well.

6 small portobello mushrooms(My grocery store has theseunder the name Baby Bellas.)

¼ cup (60 ml) olive oil2 cloves garlic1 tablespoon (4.2 g) dried thyme2 dashes hot pepper sauce

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1 small black avocado3 tablespoons (45 g) sour cream2 tablespoons (20 g) minced red

onionSalt6 slices bacon

Start a charcoal fire or preheat a gasgrill.

Remove the stems from yourportobellos (save them to slice and sautéfor omelets or to serve over steak!) andset the mushroom caps on a plate.Measure the olive oil and crush one ofthe cloves of garlic into it; then stir inthe thyme and the hot pepper sauce.Using a brush, coat the portobello capson both sides with the olive oil mixture.

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Next, cut open the avocado, removethe pit, and scoop it into a small mixingbowl. Mash it with a fork. Stir in thesour cream, the onion, and the otherclove of garlic, crushed. Add salt totaste.

Now we have to get your baconcooking. Lay it on a microwave baconrack or in a glass pie plate, and cook iton high for 6 minutes (times may vary abit depending on the power of yourmicrowave).

While your bacon is cooking, go grillyour mushrooms! Lay them on an oiledgrill over well-ashed coals or over a gasgrill set to medium to medium-low. Grillfor about 7 minutes per side or untildone through, basting frequently with the

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olive oil mixture—you’ll also want awater bottle to put out flare-ups.

When your mushrooms areappealingly grilled, put them back ontheir plate and march them back to thekitchen. Check your bacon; if it’s notcrisp, give it another minute or two andthen drain it. Divide the avocado mixturebetween the mushrooms, piling it high ina picturesque fashion. Crumble a slice ofbacon over each stuffed mushroom andserve.

Yield: 6 servings

Each will have 9 grams of carbohydrateand 3 grams of fiber, for a usable carbcount of 6 grams; 6 grams protein; 701

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milligrams of potassium!

Cumin Mushrooms

This is a simply amazing accompanimentto steak made with the Many-PepperSteak Seasoning (page 485). It alsomakes a killer omelet filling.

8 ounces (225 g) slicedmushrooms

1½ tablespoons (22 g) butter1½ tablespoons (22 ml) olive oil1 teaspoon ground cumin¼ teaspoon pepper2 tablespoons (30 g) sour cream

Start sautéing the mushrooms in the

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butter and oil in a skillet over medium-high heat.

When they’ve gone limp and changedcolor, stir in the cumin and pepper. Letthe mushrooms cook with the spices fora minute or two and then stir in the sourcream. Cook just long enough to heatthrough and serve.

Yield: 3 or 4 servings

Assuming 3 servings, each will have 4grams of carbohydrates and 1 gram offiber, for a total of 3 grams of usablecarbs and 2 grams of protein.

Slice of Mushroom Heaven

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This dish is rich enough to give DeanOrnish fits and is oh-so-good. Thanks tomy friend Kay for the name!

4 tablespoons (56 g) butter1 pound (455 g) mushrooms,

sliced½ medium onion, finely chopped1 clove garlic, crushed¼ cup (60 ml) dry white wine1 teaspoon lemon juice1 ½ cups (360 ml) half-and-half3 eggs1 teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal¼ teaspoon pepper3 cups (325 g) shredded Gruyère

cheese, divided

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Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C, orgas mark 4).

Melt the butter in a heavy skillet overmedium heat and begin frying themushrooms, onion, and garlic. When themushrooms are limp, turn the heat up abit and boil off the liquid. Stir in thewhite wine and cook until that’s boiledaway, too.

Stir in the lemon juice and turn off theheat. Transfer the mixture to a largemixing bowl and stir in the half-and-half,eggs, salt, pepper, and 2 cups (215 g) ofthe cheese.

Spray an 8 × 8-inch (20 × 20-cm)baking pan with nonstick cooking sprayand spread the mushroom mixture evenlyover the bottom. Sprinkle the rest of the

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cheese on top and bake for 50 minutes oruntil the cheese on top is golden.

Yield: 9 generous servings

Each with 5 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 4 grams ofusable carbs and 13 grams of protein.

This dish is good hot, but I actually likeit better cold—plus, when it’s cold, itcuts in nice, neat squares. I think itmakes a nice breakfast or lunch, and it’sdefinitely a fine side dish. It would evenmake a good vegetarian main course.

Grilled Portobellos

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4 large portobello mushrooms½ green pepper¼ small onion1 clove garlic, crushed¼ cup (60 ml) olive oilSalt and pepper¼ cup (25 g) grated Parmesan


Start a charcoal fire or preheat a gasgrill.

Remove the stems from yourportobellos (save them to slice foromelets or to sauté to go on steak) andlay the caps on a plate.

Whack the green pepper and onionboth into a few chunks and put them inyour food processor with the S-blade in

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place. Add the garlic and pulse untileverything is chopped fairly fine. Addthe olive oil and pulse again.

Lay your portobellos gill-side downon a grill over a medium fire and brushwith some of the oil in the green peppermixture—just dip a brush into it. Let themushrooms grill for 4 to 5 minutes. Turnthem over and spoon the green pepperand onion mixture into them. Let themgrill another 4 to 5 minutes. Watch forflare-ups from that olive oil! Remove toa serving plate, sprinkle with salt andpepper, and top each mushroom with 1tablespoon (6.3 g) of Parmesan cheese.Serve.

Yield: 4 servings

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Each serving will have 9 grams ofcarbohydrate and 2 grams of fiber, for ausable carb count of 7 grams; 6 grams ofprotein.

Mushrooms with Bacon,Sun Dried Tomatoes, andCheese

Just looking at the ingredients in the title,you know you’ll love this!

4 slices bacon8 ounces (225 g) sliced

mushrooms½ teaspoon minced garlic or 1

clove fresh garlic

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¼ cup (15 g) diced sun-driedtomatoes—about 10 piecesbefore dicing

2 tablespoons (30 ml) heavycream

cup (26.7 g) shreddedParmesan cheese

Chop up the bacon or snip it up withkitchen shears. Start cooking it in alarge, heavy skillet over medium-highheat. As some grease starts to cook outof the bacon, stir in the mushrooms.

Let the mushrooms cook until theystart to change color and get soft. Stir inthe garlic and cook for 4 to 5 moreminutes. Stir in the tomatoes and creamand cook until the cream is absorbed.

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Scatter the cheese over the wholething, stir it in, let it cook for just anotherminute, and serve.

Yield: 3 or 4 servings

Assuming 4 servings, each will have 5grams of carbohydrates and 1 gram offiber, for a total of 4 grams of usablecarbs and 6 grams of protein.

Zucchini-Mushroom Skillet

1 large or 2 medium zucchini8 ounces (225 g) mushrooms1 medium onion½ cup (120 ml) olive oil2 cloves garlic, crushed

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½ teaspoon oreganoSalt

Halve the zucchini lengthways and thencut into 1-inch (2.5-cm) sections. Wipethe mushrooms clean with a damp clothand quarter them vertically. Halve theonion and cut it into slices about ¼ inch(6 mm) thick.

Heat the olive oil in a heavy skilletover medium-high heat. Add thezucchini, mushrooms, onion, and garlicand stir-fry until the zucchini andmushrooms are just barely tender and theonion is tender-crisp (about 10 minutes).

Stir in the oregano, add salt to taste,and serve.

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Yield: 4 servings

Each with 7 grams of carbohydrates and2 grams of fiber, for a total of 5 grams ofusable carbs and 2 grams of protein.

Snow Peas, Mushrooms, andBean Sprouts

The combination of flavors here ismagical, somehow; these threevegetables seem to be made for eachother.

3 tablespoons (45 ml) peanut oil4 ounces (115 g) fresh snow peas4 ounces (115 g) fresh

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mushrooms, sliced4 ounces (115 g) fresh bean

sprouts1 teaspoon soy sauce

Heat the oil in a wok or heavy skilletover high heat. Add the snow peas andmushrooms and stir-fry until the snowpeas are almost tender-crisp (3 to 4minutes).

Add the bean sprouts and stir-fry forjust another 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Stir in the soy sauce and serve.

Yield: 3 servings

Each with 7 grams of carbohydrates and2 grams of fiber, for a total of 5 grams of

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usable carbs and 3 grams of protein.


8 ounces (225 g) mushrooms½ cup (120 ml) chicken broth¼ cup (60 ml) lemon juice½ cup (40 g) shredded Parmesan

cheese¼ cup (15.2 g) chopped fresh


Wipe the mushrooms clean with a dampcloth or paper towel and put them in aslow cooker. Pour the broth and lemonjuice over them. Cover the slow cooker,

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set it to low, and let it cook for 6 to 8hours.

Remove the mushrooms from the slowcooker with a slotted spoon and put themon serving plates. Sprinkle with theParmesan and parsley.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 6 g protein, 5 g carbohydrate,1 g dietary fiber, 4 g usable carbs.

Kolokythia Krokettes

These are rapidly becoming one of ourfavorite side dishes. They’re Greek andvery, very tasty. They make a terrificside dish with roast lamb or Greek

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roasted chicken.

3 medium zucchini, grated1 teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal3 eggs1 cup (150 g) crumbled feta1 teaspoon dried oregano½ medium onion, finely diced

teaspoon pepper3 tablespoons (15 g) soy powder

or (32 g) rice protein powderButter

Mix the grated zucchini with the salt in abowl and let it sit for an hour or so.Squeeze out and drain the liquid.

Mix in the eggs, feta, oregano, onion,pepper, and soy powder and combine

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well.Spray a heavy skillet with nonstick

cooking spray, add 1 tablespoon (14 g)of butter, and melt over medium heat.Fry the zucchini batter by thetablespoonful, turning patties onceduring cooking. Add more butterbetween batches, as needed, and keepthe cooked krokettes warm. The trick tothese is to let them get quite brown onthe bottom before trying to turn them, orthey tend to fall apart. If a few do fallapart, don’t sweat it; the pieces will stilltaste incredible.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 6 grams of carbohydrates and

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2 grams of fiber, for a total of 4 gramsusable carbs and 8 grams of protein.

Shave some time preparing theingredients for this dish by running thezucchini and the onion through a foodprocessor.

Zucchini-Crusted Pizza

This is like a somewhat-more-substantial quiche on the bottom andpizza on top.

3½ cups (440 g) shreddedzucchini

3 eggs cup (40 g) rice protein powder

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or (35 g) soy powder1½ cups (175 g) shredded

mozzarella, divided½ cup (50 g) grated Parmesan

cheeseA pinch or two of dried basil ½

teaspoon salt¼ teaspoon pepperOil1 cup (240 ml) sugar-free pizza

sauceToppings as desired (sausage,

pepperoni, peppers,mushrooms, or whatever youlike)

Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C, orgas mark 4).

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Sprinkle the zucchini with a little saltand let it sit for 15 to 30 minutes. Put itin a strainer and press out the excessmoisture.

Beat together the strained zucchini,eggs, protein powder, ½ cup (60 g) ofmozzarella, Parmesan, basil, salt, andpepper.

Spray a 9 × 13-inch (23 × 33-cm)baking pan with nonstick cooking sprayand spread the zucchini mixture in it.

Bake for about 25 minutes or untilfirm. Brush the zucchini crust with alittle oil and broil it for about 5 minutesuntil it’s golden.

Next, spread on the pizza sauce andadd the remaining 1 cup (120 g) ofmozzarella and other toppings. (If you’re

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using vegetables as toppings, you maywant to sauté them a bit first.)

Bake for another 25 minutes and thencut into squares and serve.

Yield: 4 generous servings

Each with 14 grams of carbohydratesand 2 grams of fiber, for a total of 12grams of usable carbs and 22 grams ofprotein. (Analysis does not includetoppings.)

Lemon-Garlic GrilledZucchini

This recipe has a sunny summer flavor!

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6 smallish zucchinis½ cup (120 ml) olive oil¼ cup (60 ml) lemon juice2 cloves garlic, crushedSalt and pepper

Split your zucchinis in half lengthwiseand cut off the stems. Put them in a largeresealable plastic bag. Mix together theolive oil, lemon juice, and garlic andpour the mixture into the bag. Press outthe air, seal the bag, turn it a few timesto coat the zucchini, and throw it in thefridge until you need it.

When grilling time comes, pull out thebag, pour off the marinade into a bowl,and throw the zucchini on the grill. Bastethem with the lemon dressing and grill

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them until they get soft and have browngrill marks. Sprinkle with salt andpepper and serve.

Yield: 6 servings

With the marinade, this comes to 7grams of carbohydrate per serving, and 2grams of fiber, but you’ll discard muchof that. I’d say 4 grams of carbohydrate,with those 2 grams of fiber, for a usablecarb count of 2 grams; 2 grams protein.


You pronounce this oh-so-French dish“rat-a-TOO-ee.”

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¾ cup (180 ml) olive oil3 cups (450 g) chopped eggplant,

cut into 1-inch cubes3 cups (350 g) sliced zucchini1 medium onion, sliced2 green peppers, cut into strips3 cloves garlic1 can (14½ ounces, or 410 g)

sliced tomatoes, undrained1 can (4 ounces, or 115 g) sliced

black olives, drained1½ teaspoons dried oregano½ teaspoon salt¼ teaspoon pepper

Heat the oil in a heavy skillet overmedium heat. Add the eggplant, zucchini,onion, peppers, and garlic.

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Sauté for 15 to 20 minutes, turningwith a spatula from time to time so allthe vegetables come in contact with theolive oil. Once the vegetables are allstarting to look about half-cooked, addthe tomatoes (including the liquid),olives, oregano, salt, and pepper.

Stir it all together, cover, turn the heatto low, and let the whole thing simmerfor 40 minutes or so.

Yield: 8 servings

Each with 11 grams of carbohydratesand 3 grams of fiber, for a total of 8grams of usable carbs and 2 grams ofprotein.

You want to use your largest skillet for

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this dish— possibly even your wok, ifyou have one. This amount of veggieswill cause even a 10-inch (25-cm)skillet to nearly overflow. And don’t beafraid to toss in a little more olive oil ifyou need it while sautéing.

Eggplant Parmesan Squared

When you use Parmesan cheese insteadof bread crumbs to “bread” the eggplantslices, it becomes Eggplant ParmesanSquared! This takes a little doing, butit’s delicious, and it’s easily fillingenough for a main dish.

½ cup (60 g) low-carb bake mixor unflavored protein powder

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2 or 3 eggs1¼ to 1¾ cups (125 to 175 g)

grated Parmesan cheese1 large eggplant, sliced no more

than ¼ -inch(6 mm) thickOlive oil for frying1 clove garlic, cut in half1½ cups (360 ml) sugar-free

spaghetti sauce8 ounces (225 g) shredded


Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C, orgas mark 4).

Put the bake mix on a plate, break theeggs into a shallow bowl and beat well,and put 1 to 1½ cups (100 to 150 g) ofParmesan cheese on another plate.

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Dip each eggplant slice in the bakemix so each side is well dusted.

Dip each “floured” slice of eggplantin the beaten egg and then in theParmesan so that each slice has a goodcoating of the cheese. Refrigerate the“breaded” slices of eggplant for at leasthalf an hour or up to an hour or two.

Pour inch (3 mm) of olive oil in thebottom of a heavy skillet over mediumheat. Add the garlic, letting it sizzle for aminute or two before removing. Now frythe refrigerated eggplant slices untilthey’re golden brown on both sides(you’ll have to add more olive oil as yougo along.)

Spread ½ cup (120 ml) of spaghettisauce in the bottom of a 9 × 11-inch (23

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× 28-cm) roasting pan. Arrange half ofthe eggplant slices to cover bottom ofpan. Cover with the mozzarella and topwith the remaining eggplant. Pour on therest of the spaghetti sauce and sprinklethe remaining Parmesan cheese on top.Bake for 30 minutes.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 13 grams of carbohydratesand 4.5 grams of fiber, for a total of 8.5usable carbs and 24 grams of protein.

How many eggs and how much cheeseyou will need depends on how big youreggplant is.

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Lemon Pepper Beans

I think this makes a particularly goodside dish with chicken or fish.

1 bag (1 pound, or 455 g) frozengreen beans, French cut orcrosscut, thawed

¼ cup (60 ml) olive oil1 clove garlic, crushed1 tablespoon (15 ml) lemon juice¼ teaspoon pepper

Over high heat, stir-fry the beans in theolive oil until they’re tender-crisp. Stirin the garlic, lemon juice, and pepper.Cook just another minute and serve.

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Yield: 4 servings

Each with 9 grams of carbohydrates and3 grams of fiber, for a total of 6 grams ofusable carbs and 2 grams of protein.

Country-Style Green Beans

Okay, truly country-style green beans arecooked for a billion hours with bacon ora ham hock, but these are much quicker.And this version tastes very good anddown-home.

1 pound (455 g) frozen “cut”green beans

3 slices bacon4 ounces (115 g) sliced

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mushrooms½ tablespoon butter1 tablespoon (15 ml) lemon juice

Put the beans in a microwaveablecasserole dish with a lid, add a coupleof tablespoons (30 ml) of water, cover,and microwave on high for 7 minutes.

Cut the bacon into little pieces and putit in a large, heavy skillet—I use kitchenshears to snip t right into the pan—andstart cooking it over medium-high heat.When a little grease starts to cook out ofthe bacon, add the mushrooms and butterand cook it all together, stirringfrequently, until the bacon is starting toget crispy and the mushrooms havesoftened and changed color.

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Somewhere during this process, yourmicrowave is going to go “ding!” Whenit does, go check the beans. Chances arethey’ll still be underdone in the center,so stir them up and give them another 4to 5 minutes.

When the beans are tender-crisp, pullthem out of the microwave, drain them,and stir them into the bacon andmushrooms. Stir in the lemon juice, letthe whole thing cook together for justanother minute or two to combine theflavors, and then serve.

Yield: 4 or 5 servings

Assuming 4 servings, each will have 10grams of carbohydrates and 4 grams of

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fiber, for a total of 6 grams of usablecarbs and 4 grams of protein.

Barbecue Green Beans

These are fab!

4 cups (600 g) cross-cut frozengreen beans, unthawed

¼ cup (40 g) chopped onion4 slices cooked bacon, drained

and crumbled cup (80 ml) low-carb barbecuesauce (see Chapter 13 or usepurchased sauce)

Put the green beans in a slow cooker.Add the onion and bacon and then stir in

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the barbecue sauce. Cover the slowcooker, set it to high, and let it cook for3 hours. (If you prefer, set it to low andlet it cook for 5 to 6 hours.)

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 3 g protein, 8 g carbohydrate,2 g dietary fiber, 6 g usable carbs.

Herbed Green Beans

3 tablespoons (42 g) butter1 bag (1 pound, or 455 g) frozen,

crosscut green beans, thawed¼ cup (30 g) finely diced celery¼ cup (40 g) finely diced onion1 clove garlic, crushed

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½ teaspoon dried rosemary,slightly crushed

½ teaspoon dried basil, slightlycrushed


Melt the butter in a heavy skillet overmedium heat. Add the beans, celery,onion, and garlic to the skillet and sautéuntil the beans are tender-crisp.

Stir in the rosemary and basil andsauté another minute or so. Add salt totaste and serve.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 10 grams of carbohydratesand 4 grams of fiber, for a total of 6

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grams of usable carbs and 2 grams ofprotein.

Stir-Fried Green Beans andWater Chestnuts

2 tablespoons (30 ml) oil2 cups (300 g) frozen green

beans, thawed½ cup (100 g) canned water

chestnuts, sliced or diced,drained

1 clove garlic, crushed¼ cup (60 ml) chicken broth1½ teaspoons soy sauceGuar or xanthan

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Heat the oil in a skillet or wok over highheat. Add the green beans and waterchestnuts and stir-fry until the greenbeans are tender-crisp. Stir in the garlic,chicken broth, and soy sauce and letsimmer for a couple of minutes; thickenthe pan juices just a little with guar orxanthan and serve.

Yield: 3 servings

Each with 2 g protein; 10 gcarbohydrate; 3 g dietary fiber; 7 gusable carbs.

Southern Beans

Southerners will be shocked to know

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that I never tasted green beans slowlycooked with bacon until I moved tosouthern Indiana, but I liked them rightoff. Around our house, this recipe isjokingly referred to as The SacredMasonic Vegetable, because myhusband’s never been to a Masonicbanquet that didn’t feature beans cookedthis way!

4 cups (600 g) frozen greenbeans, unthawed

cup (50 g) diced onion¼ cup (30 g) diced celery4 slices bacon, cooked and

crumbled1 tablespoon (15 ml) bacon


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½ cup (120 ml) water

Place the beans in the slow cooker andstir in everything else. Cover the slowcooker, set it to low, and let it cook for 4hours.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 3 g protein, 7 g carbohydrate,3 g dietary fiber, 4 g usable carbs.

Italian Bean Bake

If you’re having a roast, simplify yourlife by serving this dish—it can cookright alongside the meat.

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1 bag (1 pound, or 455 g) frozenItalian green beans, thawed

2 cans (8 ounces, or 225 g each)tomato sauce

¼ small onion, minced1 clove garlic, crushed1 teaspoon spicy brown or Dijon

mustardPepper½ cup (60 g) shredded mozzarella

Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C, orgas mark 4).

Put the beans in an 8-cup (1.9-L)casserole dish.

Combine the tomato sauce, onion,garlic, mustard, and a dash of pepper ina mixing bowl; stir into the beans.

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Bake for 1 hour or until the beans aretender. Then top with mozzarella andbake for another 3 to 5 minutes or untilthe cheese is melted. Serve.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 12 grams of carbohydratesand 4 grams of fiber, for a total of 8grams of usable carbs and 6 grams ofprotein.

If you’re not serving a roast and you’dlike to slice a half-hour off the bakingtime for this dish, microwave the beansuntil they’re tender-crisp before youcombine them with the sauce.

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Tangy Beans

4 cups (600 g) frozen greenbeans, unthawed

¼ cup (40 g) chopped onion¼ cup (30 g) chopped green bell

pepper¼ cup (60 ml) cider vinegar2 tablespoons (3 g) Splenda

teaspoon black pepper

Combine everything in your slowcooker. Stir to distribute evenly. Coverthe slow cooker, set it to low, and let itcook for 5 hours.

Serve with a pat of butter and a littlesalt.

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Yield: 4 servings

Each with 2 g protein, 12 gcarbohydrate, 4 g dietary fiber, 8 gusable carbs.

Greek Beans

2 tablespoons (30 ml) olive oil½ small onion, finely minced1 clove garlic, crushed1 bag (1 pound, or 455 g) frozen,

cut green beans, thawed½ cup (120 ml) diced canned

tomatoes¼ cup (60 ml) beef broth or


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¼ cup (60 ml) dry white wine

Heat the oil in a large, heavy skillet overmedium heat. Add the onion and garlicand sauté for a minute or two.

Drain the beans and add them to theskillet, stirring to coat. Sauté the beansfor 6 to 7 minutes, adding anothertablespoon (15 ml) of oil if the skilletstarts to get dry.

Stir in the tomatoes, broth, and wine.Turn up the heat to medium-high and leteverything simmer until the beans arejust tender-crisp and most of the liquidhas cooked off (about 5 minutes).

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 11 grams of carbohydrates

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and 3 grams of fiber, for a total of 8grams of usable carbs and 3 grams ofprotein.

Holiday Green BeanCasserole

You know that green bean casserole thatmom serves every holiday? The onewith the mushroom soup and the onionrings? It’s pretty high carb. I’d ratherhave beans amandine, myself. But foryou green bean casserole diehards—andI know that there are more than a few ofyou out there!— here’s the new,decarbed version.

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1 medium onion¼ cup (30 g) low-carb bake mix

or rice protein powder¼ teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal¼ teaspoon paprikaOil for frying4 cups (600 g) frozen green

beans, cut style1 can (4 ounces, or 115 g)

mushrooms2 tablespoons (20 g) minced onion1 tablespoon (14 g) butter1 cup (240 ml) heavy cream½ teaspoon Worcestershire sauce½ teaspoon chicken or beef

bouillon concentrate1 teaspoon soy sauce

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Salt and pepper to taste½ teaspoon guar or xanthan gum

Slice the onion thinly and separate intorings. Mix together the bake mix orprotein powder, salt or Vege-Sal, andpaprika. “Flour” the onion rings—theeasiest way is to put the “flouring”mixture in a small paper sack and shakea few onion rings in it at a time. Heatabout ¼ inch (6 mm) of oil in a heavyskillet over medium heat and fry the“floured” onion rings, turning once, untilgolden brown and crisp. Drain onabsorbent paper. You can do this partwell in advance, if you like.

When you’re ready to make yourcasserole, preheat oven to 350°F

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(180°C, or gas mark 4) and start yourgreen beans cooking—I like tomicrowave mine on high for about 7 or 8minutes, but you can steam them if youprefer. While that’s happening, drain theliquid off the mushrooms and reserve it.Sauté the mushrooms and the mincedonion in the butter until the onion is limpand translucent. Now add the cream, thereserved mushroom liquid, theWorcestershire sauce, the bouillonconcentrate, and the soy sauce and stir.Then add salt and pepper to taste.

Now you have a choice: you caneither pour this mixture into a blender oruse a hand blender. Either way, sprinklethe guar or xanthan over the top and runthe blender just long enough to blend in

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the thickener and to chop the mushroomsa bit—but not to totally purée them; youwant some bits of mushroom.

Okay, we’re on the home stretch.Drain your cooked green beans, and putthem in a 1½ -quart (1.4 L) casseroledish that you’ve sprayed with nonstickcooking spray. Stir in the mushroommixture and half of those fried onions.Bake for 25 to 30 minutes and then top itwith the rest of the fried onions and bakefor another 5 minutes.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 11 g carbohydrate and 4 g offiber, for a usable carb count of 7 g; 6 gprotein. For the record, this comes to

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just over half of the carb content of theoriginal recipe—and just about the samecalorie count.

Green Bean Casserole

28 ounces (785 g) frozen greenbeans, unthawed

1 cup (100 g) chopped mushrooms¼ cup (35 g) roasted red pepper,

diced¼ cup (40 g) chopped onion2 teaspoons dried sage1 teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal1 teaspoon pepper½ teaspoon ground nutmeg1 cup (240 ml) beef broth

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1 teaspoon beef bouillonconcentrate

½ cup (120 ml) heavy creamGuar or xanthan¾ cup (95 g) slivered almonds1 tablespoon (14 g) butter

Combine the green beans, mushrooms,red pepper, and onion in a slow cooker.

In a bowl, mix together the sage, saltor Vege-Sal, pepper, nutmeg, broth, andbouillon. Pour the mixture over thevegetables. Stir the whole thing up.Cover the slow cooker, set it to low, andlet it cook for 5 to 6 hours.

When the time’s up, stir in the creamand thicken the sauce a bit with guar orxanthan. Re-cover the slow cooker and

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let it stay hot while you sauté thealmonds in the butter until golden. Stirthem into the beans.

Yield: 8 servings

Each with 7 g protein, 12 gcarbohydrate, 4 g dietary fiber, 8 gusable carbs.

Green Beans a la Carbonara

Bacon, cheese, and garlic—if these threethings won’t get your family to eat greenbeans, nothing will. Another great recipefrom the Low Carb Success Calendar byVicki Cash, this has enough protein to bea main dish.

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7 to 10 thick strips of bacon1 teaspoon olive oil½ small onion, chopped1 clove garlic, minced1 bag (1 pound, or 455 g) frozen

green beans6 eggs3 tablespoons (45 ml) cream½ teaspoon red pepper flakes¼ teaspoon nutmegSalt and pepper¾ cup (75 g) grated Parmesan


Fry the bacon slices in a large, nonstickskillet over medium heat until they’re notquite crisp. Drain on paper towels.

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Sauté the onion and garlic in theremaining bacon grease until brown.

Place the green beans in a 2-quart(1.9-L) microwave-safe bowl with 1tablespoon (15 ml) of water. Cover andmicrowave on high for 10 minutes,turning bowl halfway through cooking.

While the beans are cooking, dice thebacon and add it to the onion and garlicin the skillet. Keep the skillet over lowheat. Beat together the eggs, cream,pepper flakes, nutmeg, and salt andpepper to taste as if you were preparingscrambled eggs.

Turn the heat under the skillet up tomedium. Add the egg mixture, hot greenbeans, and Parmesan to the skillet,stirring until the eggs are thoroughly

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cooked. Serve immediately.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 12 grams of carbohydratesand 3 grams of fiber, for a total of 9grams of usable carbs and 27 grams ofprotein.

Fried Brussels Sprouts

We’ve served these to company manytimes, and they’re always a hit, evenwith people who think they don’t likebrussels sprouts. We didn’t think weliked brussels sprouts, either, until ourdear friends John and Judy Horwitzserved them to us this way—and

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suddenly we were addicted.

1 pound (455 g) brussels sprouts(Fresh is best, but frozen willdo.)

Olive oil3 or 4 cloves garlic, crushed

If you’re using fresh brussels sprouts,remove any bruised, wilted, ordiscolored outer leaves and trim thestems. If you’re using frozen brusselssprouts, just thaw them.

In a heavy-bottomed pot or skillet,heat ½ inch (1.3 cm) of olive oil overmedium heat. Add the brussels sproutsand fry them, stirring occasionally, untilthey are very dark brown all over—you

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really want them just about burned.For the last minute or so, add the

garlic and stir it around well. Removethe skillet from the heat and serve thesprouts before the garlic burns. It’sunbelievable!

Yield: Technically 4 servings, but myhusband and I can easily eat a pound ofthese between the two of us.

Assuming you can bring yourself toshare with 3 other people, you’ll eachget 10 grams of carbohydrates with 4grams of fiber per serving, for a total of6 grams of usable carbs and 4 grams ofprotein.

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Nutty Brussels Sprouts

1 pound (455 g) brussels sprouts½ cup (75 g) hazelnuts6 tablespoons (84 g) butter,

divided4 slices bacon¼ teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal

teaspoon pepper

Trim the stems of the brussels sproutsand remove any wilted or yellowedleaves. Thinly slice brussels sproutsusing the slicing blade of a foodprocessor.

Chop the hazelnuts to a mediumtexture in a food processor.

Melt 2 tablespoons (28 g) of the butter

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in a heavy skillet over medium heat andadd the hazelnuts. Sauté, stirringfrequently, for about 7 minutes or untilgolden. Remove from the skillet and setaside.

Cook the bacon, either using aseparate skillet or the microwave. Whilethe bacon is cooking, melt the remaining4 tablespoons (56 g) of butter overmedium-high heat in the same skillet youused for the hazelnuts. Add the slicedbrussels sprouts and sauté, stirringfrequently, for 7 to 10 minutes or untiltender.

Stir in the toasted hazelnuts and theseasonings and transfer to a serving dish.Drain the bacon, crumble it over the top,and serve.

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Yield: 4 servings

Each with 12 grams of carbohydratesand 5 grams of fiber, for a total of 7grams of usable carbs and 8 grams ofprotein.

Orange Pecan Sprouts

My husband took a bite of these, pointedto his plate, and said, “You could makethese again!” They’re really wonderful.

1 pound (455 g) brussels sprouts cup (40 g) chopped pecans

3 tablespoons (42 g) butter1 teaspoon grated orange zest3 tablespoons (45 ml) orange

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Trim the stems of the brussels sproutsand remove any wilted outer leaves. Runthe sprouts through the slicing blade ofyour food processor.

In a large, heavy skillet over medium-high heat, start sautéing the pecans in thebutter. After about 2 minutes, add thebrussels sprouts and sauté the twotogether, stirring every few minutes untilthe sprouts soften and start to have a fewbrown spots. While they’re sautéing, youcan grate the orange zest and squeeze theorange juice. (You could use bottledorange juice, but since you need the zest,too, fresh just makes sense.) When thesprouts are tender and flecked with

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brown, stir in the zest and juice, cook forjust another minute, and serve.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 12 grams of carbohydratesand 5 grams of fiber, for a total of 7grams of usable carbs and 4 grams ofprotein.

Orange Mustard GlazedSprouts

These are wonderful!

1 pound (455 g) brussels sprouts,halved

3 tablespoons (42 g) butter

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2 tablespoons (30 ml) lemon juice1½ teaspoons brown mustard1 tablespoon (1.5 g) Splenda½ teaspoon soy sauce¼ teaspoon orange extract

Trim the stems of your brussels sprouts,remove any bruised leaves, and thenslice each one in half.

Melt the butter in a large, heavyskillet over medium heat. Add brusselssprouts and sauté until they’re juststarting to get tender and develop a fewbrown spots.

While the sprouts are sautéing, mixtogether everything else. When thesprouts are nearly done, pour themustard mixture into the skillet and stir

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to coat. Cook for another 2 to 3 minutesand serve.

Yield: 3 to 4 servings

Assuming 3 servings, each will have 5 gprotein; 13 g carbohydrate; 5 g dietaryfiber; 8 g usable carbs.

’Baga Fries

I’ll bet you’ve never tried a rutabaga,and you’re just guessing you’re not goingto like them. Well, everyone who triesthese likes them.

2 pounds (910 g) rutabaga3 to 4 tablespoons (42 to 56 g)

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butter Salt

Peel your rutabaga and cut it into stripsthe size of big steak fries using a big,heavy knife with a sharp blade.

Steam the “fries” over boiling waterin a pan with a tight lid until they’reeasily pierced with a fork but not mushy(about 10 to 15 minutes). You want themstill to be al dente.

Melt the butter in a heavy-bottomedskillet over medium-high heat and fry thestrips of rutabaga until they’re brownedon all sides. Sprinkle with salt andserve.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 12 grams of carbohydrates

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and 4 grams of fiber, for a total of 8grams of usable carbs and 2 grams ofprotein.

Glazed Turnips

These make wonderful substitute forpotatoes with a roast.

3 cups (450 g) chopped turnips,cut into small chunks

2 tablespoons (28 g) butter½ small onion1 teaspoon Splenda½ teaspoon liquid beef bouillon

concentrate teaspoon paprika

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Steam or microwave the turnip chunksuntil tender—I steam mine in themicrowave for about 7 minutes on high—and then drain.

Melt the butter in a heavy skillet overmedium heat. Add the turnips and onionand sauté until the onion is limp.

Stir in the Splenda, bouillonconcentrate, and paprika, coating all theturnips, and sauté for just another minuteor two.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 12 grams of carbohydratesand 3 grams of fiber, for a total of 9grams of usable carbs and 2 grams ofprotein.

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Mashed Garlic Turnips

This recipe is great with a steak, a roast,or chops.

2 pounds (910 g) turnips, peeledand cut into chunks

8 cloves garlic, peeled and sliced2 tablespoons (28 g) butter2 tablespoons (30 g) prepared

horseradish1 teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal½ teaspoon pepper

teaspoon ground nutmeg3 tablespoons (9 g) chopped fresh


Place the turnips and the garlic in a

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saucepan with a tight-fitting lid. Addwater to fill about halfway, cover, andplace over medium-high heat. Bring to aboil, turn down the heat, and simmeruntil quite soft (about 15 minutes). Drainthe turnips and garlic very well.

Using a potato masher, mash theturnips and garlic together. Stir in thebutter, horseradish, salt, pepper, andnutmeg and mix well. Just beforeserving, stir in the chives.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 10 grams of carbohydratesand 2 grams of fiber, for a total of 8grams of usable carbs and 2 grams ofprotein.

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Balsamic Veggie Packet

My husband, no big fan of summersquash, really liked this.

2 medium turnips, peeled and cutinto strips

½ medium onion, sliced1 medium yellow summer squash,

halved lengthwise and sliced(You can substitute zucchini, ifyou prefer.)

1 cup (70 g) broccoli florets¼ cup (60 ml) olive oil1 clove garlic, crushed2 tablespoons (30 ml) balsamic


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Salt and pepper

Start a charcoal fire or preheat a gasgrill.

You’ll need a big piece of heavy-dutyfoil. When you’ve got your vegetablescut up, heap them in the center of a pieceof foil, jumbling them together. Mix theoil, garlic, and balsamic vinegartogether. Make sure that the edges of thefoil are turned up a bit and drizzle thismixture over the vegetables. Sprinklesalt and pepper over the whole thing.Then bring the opposite sides of the foiltogether and roll down to make a strongseam. Roll up the ends. Throw the wholething on a medium grill for 12 minutesper side and then serve.

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Yield: 5 to 6 servings

Assuming 5, each will have 7 grams ofcarbohydrate and 2 grams of fiber, for ausable carb count of 5 grams; 1 gramprotein.

Turnips Au Gratin

This is sublime with top-qualityVermont cheddar cheese, but you canmake it with any good, sharp cheddar.

2 pounds (910 g) turnips, peeledand thinly sliced

1 cup (240 ml) heavy cream1 cup (240 ml) half-and-half3 cups (340 g) shredded sharp

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cheddar cheese, divided2 teaspoons prepared horseradish¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg½ medium onion, slicedSalt and pepper

Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C, orgas mark 4).

Steam the turnips until they’re justtender. (I steam mine in the microwavefor 7 minutes on high.)

While the turnips are cooking,combine the heavy cream and half-and-half in a saucepan over very low heat.Bring to a simmer.

When the cream is up to temperature,whisk in 22/3 cups (300 g) of thecheese, a couple of tablespoons at a

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time. Stir each addition until it’scompletely melted before adding more.When all of the cheese is melted into thesauce, whisk in the horseradish andnutmeg. Turn off the heat.

Spray an 8 × 8-inch (20 × 20-cm)glass baking dish with nonstick cookingspray. Put about one-third of the turnipsin the dish and scatter half of the slicedonion over it. Add another layer of one-third of the turnips, half of the onions,and the final third of the turnips on top.Pour the cheese sauce over the wholething and scatter the last cup (40 g) ofcheese over the top. Bake for 30 to 40minutes or until golden.

Yield: 6 servings

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Each with 12 grams of carbohydratesand 2 grams of fiber, for a total of 10grams of usable carbs and 17 grams ofprotein.

Jansonn’s Temptation

This Swedish favorite is traditionallymade with potatoes. I have no idea howthis decarbed version compares, but it’sutterly delicious in its own right. This isthe natural side dish to serve withSwedish Meatballs (page 317).

2 turnips½ head cauliflower1 onion2 tablespoons (28 g) butter

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1 tablespoon (15 g) anchovy paste¼ teaspoon salt, or Vege-Sal¼ teaspoon pepper½ cup (120 ml) heavy cream

Preheat oven to 400°F (200°C, or gasmark 6).

Peel the turnips and cut them intosmallish strips—about the size of fastfood French fries. Cut up thecauliflower, too—cut it in strips as muchas possible (include the stem), but beingcauliflower, it’ll crumble some. That’sfine. Combine the turnips andcauliflower and set aside.

Slice the onion quite thin. Melt thebutter in a heavy skillet over mediumheat and sauté the onion slices until

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they’re limp and turning translucent.Spray an 8 × 8-inch (20 × 20-cm)

baking dish with nonstick cooking spray.Layer the turnip/cauliflower mixture andthe onions in the baking dish.

Stir the anchovy paste, salt, andpepper into the cream until the anchovypaste is dissolved. Pour this mixtureover the vegetables. Bake for 45 minutesand then serve.

Yield: 5 servings

Each with 2 g protein; 6 g carbohydrate;2 g dietary fiber; 4 g usable carbs.

Indian Cabbage

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This is good with anything curried. Thiscombination of seasonings works wellwith green beans, too.

Oil or butter1 teaspoon black mustard seed1 teaspoon turmeric4 cups (280 g) shredded cabbage1 teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal

Put a heavy skillet over medium heat.Add a few tablespoons (30 to 45 ml) ofoil or butter (I like to use coconut oil)and then the mustard seed and theturmeric. Sauté together for just aminute.

Stir in the cabbage, add the salt orVege-Sal, and stir-fry for a few minutes,

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combining the cabbage well with thespices.

Add a couple of tablespoons (30 ml)of water, cover, and let the cabbagesteam for a couple more minutes until itis tender-crisp.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 4 grams of carbohydrates and2 grams of fiber, for a total of 2 grams ofusable carbs and 1 gram of protein.

Bavarian Cabbage

This is great with the Sauerbrauten onpage 401!

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1 head red cabbage1 medium onion, chopped1 medium Granny Smith apple,

chopped6 slices cooked bacon, crumbled2 teaspoons salt1 cup (240 ml) water3 tablespoons (4.5 g) Splenda

cup (160 ml) cider vinegar3 tablespoons (45 ml) gin

Whack the head of cabbage in quartersand remove the core. Then whack it intobiggish chunks. Put it in a big mixingbowl. Add the onion, apple, and baconto the cabbage. Toss everything together.Transfer the mixture to a slow cooker.(This will fill a 3-quart cooker just

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about to overflowing! I barely got thetop on mine.)

In a bowl, mix together the salt, water,Splenda, vinegar, and gin. Pour themixture over the cabbage. Cover theslow cooker, set it to low, and let itcook for 6 to 8 hours.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 2 g protein, 7 g carbohydrate,1 g dietary fiber, 6 g usable carbs.

Sweet-and-Sour Cabbage

3 slices bacon4 cups (280 g) shredded cabbage2 tablespoons (30 ml) cider

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vinegar2 teaspoons Splenda

In a heavy skillet, cook the bacon untilcrisp. Remove and drain.

Add the cabbage to the bacon greaseand sauté it until tender-crisp.

Stir in the vinegar and Splenda,crumble in the bacon, and serve.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 4 grams of carbohydrates and2 grams of fiber, for a total of 2 grams ofusable carbs and 2 grams of protein.

Dragon’s Teeth

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This hot stir-fried cabbage is fabulous. Ifyou didn’t think cabbage could beexciting, try this! Have the exhaust fan onor a window open when you cook this—when the chili garlic paste hits that hotoil, it may make you cough. It’s worth it!

1 head Napa cabbage¼ cup (66 g) chili garlic paste1 teaspoon salt2 teaspoons Splenda2 teaspoons toasted sesame oil2 tablespoons (30 ml) soy sauce2 tablespoons (30 ml) peanut or

canola oil2 teaspoons rice vinegar

I like to cut my head of Napa cabbage in

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half lengthwise and then lay it flat-sidedown on the cutting board and slice itabout ½-inch (1.3-cm) thick. Cut it onemore time, lengthwise down the middle,and then do the other half of the head.

Mix together the chili garlic paste,salt, Splenda, toasted sesame oil, andsoy sauce in a small dish and set by thestove.

In a wok or huge skillet over highestheat, heat the peanut or canola oil. Addthe cabbage and start stir-frying. Afterabout a minute, add the seasoningmixture and keep stir-frying until thecabbage is just starting to wilt—youwant it still crispy in most places.Sprinkle in the rice vinegar, stir oncemore, and serve.

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Yield: 4 servings

Each with 1g protein; 3 g carbohydrate;trace dietary fiber; 3 g usable carbs.

Thai Stir-Fried Cabbage

This exotic and tasty dish cookslightning-fast, so make sure you haveeverything cut up, mixed up, and ready togo before you start stir-frying.

2 tablespoons (30 ml) lime juice2 tablespoons (30 ml) Thai fish

sauce (nam pla) teaspoon red pepper flakes

Peanut, canola, or coconut oil6 cups (420 g) finely shredded

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napa cabbage6 scallions, sliced2 cloves garlic, crushed

cup (23 g) unsweetened, flakedcoconut

¼ cup (30 g) chopped, dry-roasted peanuts

Mix together the lime juice, fish sauce,and red pepper flakes. Set aside.

In a wok or heavy-bottomed skillet,heat a few tablespoons (30 ml) of oilover high heat. Add the cabbage,scallions, and garlic and stir-fry for nomore than 5 minutes or just until thecabbage is heated through.

Add the lime juice mixture to thecabbage and stir to coat. Let it cook just

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another minute and then stir in thecoconut. Serve topped with peanuts.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 13 grams of carbohydratesand 4 grams of fiber, for a total of 9grams of usable carbs and 5 grams ofprotein.

Roasted Cabbage withBalsamic Vinegar

This is a simple way to cook a lot ofcabbage!

½ head red cabbage½ head cabbage

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3 tablespoons (45 ml) olive oilSalt and pepper2 tablespoons (30 ml) balsamic


Preheat oven to 450°F (230°C, or gasmark 8).

Coarsely chop the two kinds ofcabbage and separate the leaves. Put itin a good-sized roasting pan and toss itwith the olive oil until it’s coated allover. Sprinkle with salt and pepper andtoss again.

Put the cabbage in the oven and roastfor 15 to 20 minutes, stirring once ortwice, until it’s just browning around theedges but still not entirely limp. Sprinklewith the balsamic vinegar, toss again,

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and serve.

Yield: 5 to 6 servings

Assuming 5 servings, each will havetrace protein; 1 g carbohydrate; tracedietary fiber; 1 g usable carb.

Blue Slaw

This is a really unusual twist on slaw.

4 cups (280 g) bagged coleslawmix

3 tablespoons (45 g) plain yogurt1 tablespoon (15 g) sour cream¼ cup (60 g) mayonnaise2 tablespoons (16 g) crumbled

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blue cheese

Just mix everything together—that’s all!

Yield: 4 or 5 servings

Assuming 4 servings, each will have 5grams of carbohydrates and 2 grams offiber, for a total of 3 grams of usablecarbs and 3 grams of protein.

If you want, you can streamline thisfurther by substituting ½ cup (120 ml)bottled blue cheese dressing, but it’slikely to have a little added sugar—notmuch, but a little.

Grilled Asparagus with

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Balsamic Vinegar

1 pound (455 g) asparagus2 tablespoons (30 ml) olive oil2 tablespoons (30 ml) balsamic

vinegar3 tablespoons (18.8 g) grated

Parmesan cheese

Preheat an electric tabletop grill (or youcan do this over your backyard grill!).Snap the ends off the asparagus wherethey break naturally. Put them on a plateand drizzle with the olive oil. Toss theasparagus a bit to make sure it’s allcoated with the oil.

Place the asparagus on your grill—you’ll probably have to do it in two

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batches unless your grill is a lot biggerthan mine. Set a timer for 10 minutes. (Ifgrilling out of doors, just keep an eye onit and grill until it’s tender with brownspots.)

If you’ve had to do two batches, putthe first batch on a plate and cover itwith a pot lid to keep it warm while thesecond batch cooks. When all theasparagus is done and all on the plate,drizzle with the balsamic vinegar. Roll itaround to coat it and then top it with theParmesan and serve.

Yield: 3 servings

Each with 6 g protein; 7 g carbohydrate;2 g dietary fiber; 5 g usable carbs.

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Asparagus with Aioli andParmesan

Cold asparagus dipped in garlic sauceand cheese—It’s so yummy!

2 pounds (910 g) asparagusAioli (page 479)½ cup (50 g) grated Parmesan


Break the ends off the asparagus wherethey snap naturally. Steam or microwavethe asparagus for 3 to 4 minutes or justuntil the color brightens. (You wantthese even less done than tender-crisp.)Chill the asparagus.

At dinnertime, give each diner a

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couple of tablespoons (30 ml) of aioliand a little bit of Parmesan. Dip eachasparagus stalk in the aioli, then in theParmesan, and eat.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 6 grams of carbohydrates and2 grams of fiber, for a total of 4 grams ofusable carbs and 5 grams of protein.

Asparagus with CurriedWalnut Butter

1 pound (455 g) asparagus4 tablespoons (56 g) butter2 tablespoons (16 g) chopped

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walnuts1 teaspoon curry powder½ teaspoon cumin1½ teaspoons Splenda

Snap the ends off of the asparagus wherethey want to break naturally. Put it in amicrowaveable container with a lid oruse a glass pie plate covered withplastic wrap. Either way, add atablespoon or two (15 to 30 ml) of waterand cover. Microwave on high for 5minutes. Don’t forget to uncover as soonas the microwave goes beep or yourasparagus will keep cooking and be limpand sad!

While that’s cooking, put the butter ina medium skillet over medium heat.

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When it’s melted, add the walnuts. Stirthem around for 2 to 3 minutes untilthey’re getting toasty. Now stir in thecurry powder, cumin, and Splenda andstir for another 2 minutes or so.

Your asparagus is done by now! Fishit out of the container with tongs, put iton your serving plates, and divide theCurried Walnut Butter between the threeservings.

Yield: 3 servings

Each with 3 g protein; 5 g carbohydrate;2 g dietary fiber; 3 g usable carbs.

Asparagus Bacon Bundles

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This tastes great and has a cool-lookingpresentation, to boot!

1 pound (455 g) pencil-thinasparagus

7 slices bacon

Preheat an electric tabletop grill.Snap the ends off the asparagus spears

where they break naturally. Divide theasparagus into 7 bunches and wrap aslice of bacon in a spiral around eachbunch. (In other words, don’t let thebacon overlap itself but cover as muchof the asparagus bundle as you can.)

Place the asparagus-bacon bundles onthe grill. How many will fit will dependon how big your grill is; mine will just

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fit all 7. Close the grill and let themcook for 7 minutes or until the bacon iscooked through and serve.

Yield: 7 servings

Each with 2 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 1 gram ofusable carbs and 3 grams of protein.

Asparagus Pecandine

I never thought anything could be asgood with asparagus as lemon butter is—and then I tried this.

5 tablespoons (70 g) butter½ cup (60 g) chopped pecans

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1½ teaspoons tarragon vinegar1 pound (455 g) asparagus,

steamed just until tender-crisp

Melt the butter in a heavy skillet overmedium-high heat. Stir in the pecans andsauté, stirring frequently, for 5 to 7minutes or until the pecans are goldenand crisp. Stir in the tarragon vinegar.

Place the asparagus on serving platesand spoon the sauce over it. Serveimmediately.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 8 grams of carbohydrates and4 grams of fiber, for a total of 4 grams ofusable carbs and 4 grams of protein.

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Grilled Sesame Asparagus

This is good with any of the Asian-influenced main courses in this book—or with anything else, for that matter.

1 pound (455 grams) asparagus2 tablespoons (30 ml) soy sauce2 tablespoons (30 ml) rice vinegar1 tablespoon (15 ml) toasted

sesame oil1 jalapeño, finely minced1 tablespoon sesame seeds

Have your charcoal or gas grill ready;the prep on this recipe doesn’t take muchtime.

Snap the bottom off of each stalk of

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asparagus where it breaks naturally. Mixtogether the soy sauce, rice vinegar,sesame oil, and minced jalapeño in abowl. (Now wash your hands! You mustalways wash your hands after handlinghot peppers, or the next time you touchyour eyes, nose, or mouth, you’ll besorry.)

Put the sesame seeds in a small, dryskillet, and shake them over medium-high heat until they start to make littlepopping sounds. Remove the pan fromthe heat.

Okay, throw your asparagus on thegrill, over a medium fire—it’s a goodidea to have a small-holed grill for this.Baste the asparagus with the soy saucemixture as it grills and turn the asparagus

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a few times. Grill until the asparagus hasbrown spots and then remove to servingplates. Drizzle with the remaining soysauce mixture, garnish with the toastedsesame seeds, and serve.

Yield: 4 servings

Each serving will have 4 grams ofcarbohydrate and 2 grams of fiber, for ausable carb count of 2 grams; 2 gramsprotein.

Asparagus with Sun-DriedTomatoes

1 pound (455 g) asparagus1 tablespoon (15 ml) olive oil

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2 tablespoons (28 g) butter2 tablespoons (20 g) minced red

onion½ clove garlic, crushed2 tablespoons (10 g) sun-dried

tomato halves, minced2 teaspoons lemon juice

Snap the ends off of the asparagus wherethey want to break naturally. Put them ina microwaveable casserole dish with alid, add a couple of tablespoons (30 ml)of water, and cover—but don’t cook ityet. Make your sauce first.

In a medium skillet, heat the olive oiland the butter, swirling them together asthe butter melts. Add the onion, garlic,and sun-dried tomatoes to the oil and

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butter and sauté until the onion is soft,being careful not to brown the onions orgarlic. Stir in the lemon juice. Turn offthe heat.

Okay, back to your asparagus.Microwave it on high for just 5 minutes.Uncover it the second it’s done! Divideit between 3 or 4 serving plates, spoonthe sauce over it, and serve.

Yield: 3 to 4 servings

Assuming 3 servings, each will have 3 gprotein; 10 g carbohydrate; 3 g dietaryfiber; 7 g usable carbs.

Basic Artichokes

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2 artichokes¼ cup (60 ml) lemon juice

Using kitchen shears, snip the pointy tipsoff the artichoke leaves. Split theartichokes down the middle, top tobottom, and scrape out the chokes.

Fill a slow cooker with water, add thelemon juice, and put in the artichokes.Cover the slow cooker, set it to high,and let it cook for 3 to 4 hours. Drain theartichokes.

Serve the artichokes with the dippingsauce of your choice, such as lemonbutter, mayonnaise, aioli, chipotlemayonnaise, or whatever you’ve got. Ifyou have a big slow cooker, feel free tocook more artichokes!

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Yield: 2 servings

Each with 4 g protein, 16 gcarbohydrate, 7 g dietary fiber, 9 gusable carbs. Analysis does not includedipping sauces.

Fried Artichokes

This is one of the fastest ways I know tocook artichokes.

1 large artichokeOlive oilLemon wedgesSalt

Cut about 1 inch (2.5 cm) off the top of

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your artichoke, trim the stem, and pulloff the bottom few rows of leaves. Nowslice it vertically down the center.You’ll see the “choke”—the fuzzy,inedible part at the center. Using the tipof a spoon, scrape every last bit of thisout (it pulls off of the yummy bottom partof the artichoke quite easily).

In a large, heavy skillet, heat 1 inch(2.5 cm) of olive oil over medium-highheat. When the oil is hot, add yourcleaned artichoke, flat side down. Fryfor about 10 minutes, turning overhalfway through. It should be tender andjust starting to brown a bit. Drain onpaper towels or a brown paper bag.

Serve the artichoke halves with lemonwedges to squeeze over them and salt to

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sprinkle on them to taste.

Yield: 1 serving

13 grams of carbohydrates and awhopping 7 grams f fiber, for a total of 6grams of usable carbs (a couple ofteaspoons of lemon juice add just 1 moregram) and 4 grams of protein.

If you’ve never encountered a freshartichoke, you’ll probably be surprisedto find that they’re sort of fun to eat: Youpeel off the leaves, one by one, and dragthe base of each one between your teeth,scraping off the little bit of edible stuffand the bottom of each leaf. Whenyou’ve finished doing that and you havea big pile of artichoke leaves on your

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plate, use a fork and knife to eat thedelectable heart.

Stir-Fried Spinach

Spinach originated in Asia, so stir-fryingis a very traditional way of preparing it.

¼ cup (60 ml) peanut oil2 pounds (910 g) fresh spinach,

washed and dried2 cloves garlic, crushed

Heat the oil in a heavy skillet or wokover high heat. Add the spinach andgarlic, stir-fry for only a minute or two,and then serve.

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Yield: 6 servings

Each with 6 grams of carbohydrates and4 grams of fiber, for a total of 2 grams ofusable carbs and 4 grams of protein.

Sicilian Spinach

3 tablespoons (42 g) butter2 pounds (910 g) fresh spinach,

washed and dried1 clove garlic, crushed1 or 2 anchovy fillets, finely


Heat the butter in a heavy skillet. Addthe spinach and garlic and sauté until thespinach is just limp. Stir in the

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anchovies and serve.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 5 grams of carbohydrates and4 grams of fiber, for a total of just 1gram of usable carbs and 5 grams ofprotein.

Not everyone likes anchovies, and ifyou’re among those who don’t, justleave them out.

Creamed Spinach

1 package (10 ounces, or 280 g)frozen, chopped spinach,thawed

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¼ cup (60 ml) heavy cream¼ cup (25 g) grated Parmesan

cheese1 clove garlic, crushed

Put all the ingredients in a heavy-bottomed saucepan over medium-lowheat and simmer for 7 to 8 minutes.

Yield: 3 servings

Each with 5 grams of carbohydrates and3 grams of fiber, for a total of 2 grams ofusable carbs and 6 grams of protein.

Easy Garlic CreamedSpinach

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This is about the easiest creamedspinach ever, and it’s quite good too.

Two 10-ounce (280 g) boxesfrozen chopped spinach,thawed, or two 10-ounce (280g) bags triple-washed freshspinach

1 tablespoon (14 g) butter5.2-ounce (145 g) package

creamy garlic-herb cheese(such as Boursin or Alouette)

If you’re using fresh spinach, you mightcoarsely chop it. Melt the butter in alarge, heavy skillet, and add the spinach.Cook, stirring, for 3 to 4 minutes—youwant fresh spinach just barely wilted

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and frozen spinach just well-heatedthrough.

Cut the cheese into a few chunks andadd it to the skillet. Stir until the cheeseis completely melted and then serve.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 4 grams of carbohydrates and3 grams of fiber, for a total of 1 gram ofusable carbs and 4 grams of protein.

Greek Spinach

1 tablespoon (14 g) butter¼ small onion, minced1 package (10 ounces, or 280 g)

frozen, chopped spinach,

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thawed¼ cup (40 g) crumbled feta

cheese¼ cup (55 g) cottage cheese

Melt the butter in a heavy skillet overmedium heat. Add the onion and let itsizzle for just a minute. Add the spinachand sauté, stirring now and then, for 5 to7 minutes.

Add in the cheeses and stir until theystart to melt. Let the spinach cook foranother minute or so and then serve.

Yield: 3 servings

Each with 6 grams of carbohydrates and3 grams of fiber, for a total of 3 grams of

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usable carbs and 7 grams of protein.

Sour Cream Spinach

My husband liked this so much, he atethe whole batch.

10-ounce (280-g) package frozenchopped spinach

¼ medium onion2 tablespoons (28 g) butter

cup (75 g) sour cream1 teaspoon cider vinegar

Unwrap the spinach and put it in amicrowaveable casserole dish with alid. Add a couple of tablespoons (30 ml)of water, cover, and cook it on high for 5

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minutes.Meanwhile, in a large, heavy skillet,

start sautéing the onion in the butter overmedium-high heat.

When the microwave goes “ding,”check to see if the spinach is done—youwant it good and hot all the way throughbut not cooked to death. If there’s still acold spot in the middle, stir it and put itback for another 2 minutes on high.

When the spinach is cooked and theonion is translucent, drain the spinachand stir it into the onion in the skillet,combining well. Stir in the sour creamand the vinegar, heat it through withoutletting it simmer, and then serve.

Yield: 3 servings

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Each with 6 grams of carbohydrates and3 grams of fiber, for a total of 3 grams ofusable carbs and 4 grams of protein.

Sag Paneer

With the cottage cheese, this isn’t totallyauthentic, but it’s mighty tasty.

2 tablespoons (28 g) butter1 teaspoon curry powder1 package (10 ounces, 280 g)

frozen, chopped spinach,thawed

1 teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal cup (75 g) small-curd cottagecheese

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2 teaspoons sour cream

Melt the butter in a heavy skillet overlow heat and stir in the curry powder.Let the curry powder cook in the butterfor 3 to 4 minutes.

Stir in the spinach and the salt. Coverthe skillet and let the spinach cook for 4to 5 minutes or until heated through.

Stir in the cottage cheese and sourcream and cook, stirring, until the cheesehas completely melted.

Yield: 3 servings

Each with 5 grams of carbohydrates and3 grams of fiber, for a total of 2 grams ofusable carbs and 6 grams of protein.

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Spinach Mushroom Kugel

I came up with this for a Passovercolumn I wrote, but it’s a great side dishfor anyone, any time of year!

8 ounces (225 g) slicedmushrooms

1 medium onion, chopped2 tablespoons (30 ml) olive oil3 10-ounce (280 g) boxes frozen

chopped spinach, thawed anddrained

2 eggs¾ cup (180 g) mayonnaise1 teaspoon beef bouillon


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2 tablespoons (20 g) almond meal½ teaspoon guar or xanthan

Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C, or gasmark 4).

Sauté mushrooms and onion in the oiluntil the onion is translucent and themushrooms soften. Transfer to a mixingbowl, reserving 9 mushroom slices forgarnish, and add the spinach; mix well.

Stir together the eggs, mayonnaise,and bouillon concentrate until theconcentrate dissolves. Stir intovegetables. Stir in the almond meal.Sprinkle half the guar or xanthan overthe mixture and stir in well; repeat withthe second half.

Spread evenly in a greased 8 × 8-inch

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(20 × 20-cm) baking dish. Decorate withreserved mushrooms. Bake for 1 hour.Cut in squares to serve.

Yield: 9 servings

Each with 6 g protein; 7 g carbohydrate;3 g dietary fiber; 4 g usable carbs.

Soy Grilled Vidalias

I’m always so torn about onions. On theone hand, they’re higher-carb than mostvegetables. On the other hand, they’reextremely nutritious and taste incrediblygood—and they certainly aren’t as high-carb as, say, a potato. So I grill onions,but I watch my portions.

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2 large Vidalia onions¼ cup (60 ml) soy sauce1 clove garlic, crushed2 teaspoons Splenda

Peel your onions and slice them prettythickly— about ½ inch (1.3 cm) or alittle thicker. Mix together everythingelse. Lay the onion slices in a grillbasket or on a small-holed grill rackover a medium fire. Baste them with thesoy sauce mixture and grill them untilthey’re limp with brown spots; thenserve.

Yield: 6 servings

If you can bring yourself to share these

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between 6 people, each of you will get 4grams of carbohydrate and 1 gram offiber, for a usable carb count of 3 grams;1 gram protein.

You may well find that your slices fallapart into individual rings when you turnthem. This doesn’t bother me, but if itbothers you, here’s a trick: beforeslicing your onions, pierce them withwooden or bamboo skewers (soak themin water for at least a half hour first) ½inch (1.3 cm) apart and then slicebetween the skewers. Your slices willcome out neatly skewered across therings for easy turning.

Unbelievable Onion Rings

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The thing you’ll find hard to believe isthat these are far lower-carb than thehigh-carb onion rings you get atrestaurants! They’re not dirt-low incarbs, but to me, onion rings are crack infood form, so being able to have a reallygood, reasonably low-carb onion ringnow and then is a very big deal.

3 medium Vidalia onions1 cup (115 g) Atkins Bake Mix2 tablespoons Atkins Cornbread

Mix¼ cup (30 g) oat flour1 teaspoon seasoned salt2 eggs12 ounces (360 ml) light beer

(Michelob Ultra, Miller Lite, or

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Milwaukee’s Best Light arelowest carb.)


Preheat a deep-fat fryer to 375°F(190°C).

Peel the onions and slice them fairlythick. Separate them into rings and setaside.

In a medium-size mixing bowl,combine the Atkins Bake Mix, AtkinsCornbread Mix, oat flour, and seasonedsalt, stirring them together well. Add theeggs and the beer and whisk them in.

When the fat is up to temperature, dipthe onion rings into the batter and thendrop them (carefully!) into the hot fat.(Note: If you’re using a deep-fat fryer,

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have your fry basket already submerged.If you put the batter-coated rings in thebasket and then lower it, your onionrings will weld themselves to your frybasket and create a royal mess.) Fryuntil golden (you may have to turn themover to get both sides browned), drainon absorbent paper, sprinkle with salt,and devour!

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 14 grams of carbohydrate and4 grams of fiber, for a usable carb countof 10 grams; 16 grams of protein. (Bycomparison, a serving of 8 to 9restaurant onion rings averages about 30grams of carbohydrate.)

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Broccoli with Lemon Butter

I’m always bemused when I see frozenbroccoli with lemon butter at the grocerystore. I mean, how hard is it to addbutter and lemon juice to your broccoli?

1 pound (455 g) frozen broccoli or1 large head fresh broccoli

4 tablespoons (56 g) butter1 tablespoon (15 ml) lemon juice

Steam or microwave the broccoli. Whenit’s cooked, drain off the water and tossthe broccoli with the butter and lemonjuice until the butter is melted. That’s it!

Yield: 4 servings

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Each with 6 grams of carbohydrates and3 grams of fiber, for a total of 3 grams ofusable carbs and 3 grams of protein.

Broccoli Piquant

This is a country-style dish that’s goodwith pork chops.

1 bag (1 pound, or 455 g) frozenbroccoli “cuts”

4 slices bacon1 clove garlic, crushed3 tablespoons (45 ml) cider


Steam or microwave the broccoli untiljust tender-crisp.

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While the broccoli is cooking, fry thebacon until crisp, remove from the pan,and drain. Pour off all but a couple oftablespoons (30 ml) of the fat.

When the broccoli is cooked, drainand add it to the bacon fat in the skillet.Add the garlic and vinegar and stir overmedium heat for a minute or two.

Crumble the bacon over the broccoli,stir for another minute or so, and serve.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 7 grams of carbohydrates and3 grams of fiber, for a total of 4 grams ofusable carbs and 5 grams of protein.

Grilled Broccoli Salad

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Before I made this salad, I’d never hadgrilled broccoli. It’s wonderful!

1 head broccoli2 tablespoons (30 ml) olive oil¼ cup (60 ml) rice wine vinegar¼ cup (60 ml) soy sauce2 tablespoons (30 ml) toasted

sesame oil¼ cup (30 g) sesame seeds

Start a charcoal fire or preheat a gasgrill.

Trim the bottom of the broccoli stemand cut into spears. Brush with a little ofthe olive oil and grill over a medium tomedium-low fire until flecked withbrown spots. Remove from the fire.

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Put the grilled broccoli in a bowl andadd the rest of the oil, the vinegar, thesoy sauce, and the sesame oil. Stir tocoat the broccoli and let the whole thingsit for at least a half hour or so.

Before serving, put the sesame seedsin a small, dry skillet and shake themover medium-high heat until they start tomake little popping sounds. Add to yoursalad, toss, and serve at roomtemperature.

Yield: 4 to 5 servings

Assuming 4, each will have 12 grams ofcarbohydrate and 6 grams of fiber, for ausable carb count of 6 grams; 7 gramsprotein.

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Broccoli Dijon

For the work involved—practicallynone—this is really great.

1 pound (455 g) frozen broccolicuts or spears

¼ cup (60 ml) vinaigrettedressing (I use Paul Newman’sOlive Oil and Vinegar.)

1 tablespoon (15 ml) Dijonmustard

3 scallions, sliced thin

I like to use broccoli cuts for this, butuse spears or florets if that’s what youhave on hand; it’ll be fine. If yourbroccoli is frozen in a clump, throw the

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bag on the floor, hard, a few times tobreak it up, or if it’s a box, slam allsides of it against the counter. This willmake sure it’s separated and cooksevenly. Put your smashed-apart broccoli,still frozen, in a microwaveablecasserole dish with a lid. Add a coupleof tablespoons (30 ml) of water, cover,and cook on high for 7 minutes. It shouldbe tender-crisp by then, but if there arestill cold spots, stir it and give it anotherminute or two. Don’t overcook!

While the broccoli is cooking,measure the dressing and the mustardinto a bowl and whisk together.

Okay, the broccoli’s done! Drain itand then pour the dressing over it andtoss. Add the scallions, toss again, and

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serve immediately.

Yield: 3 to 4 servings

Assuming 3 servings, each will have 5 gprotein; 9 g carbohydrate; 5 g dietaryfiber; 4 g usable carbs.

Ginger Stir-Fry Broccoli

2 to 3 tablespoons (30 to 45 ml)peanut oil or other bland oil

2 cloves garlic, crushed1 bag (1 pound, or 455 g) frozen

broccoli “cuts,” thawed1 tablespoon (6 g) grated fresh

ginger1 tablespoon (15 ml) soy sauce

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Heat the peanut oil in a wok or heavyskillet over high heat. Add the garlic andthe broccoli and stir-fry for 7 to 10minutes or until the broccoli is tender-crisp.

Stir in the ginger and soy sauce, stir-fry for just another minute, and serve.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 7 grams of carbohydrates and3 grams of fiber, for a total of 4 grams ofusable carbs and 4 grams of protein.

Broccoli with Bacon andPine Nuts

This is quite special. Don’t cook your

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broccoli any longer than 2 hours!

1 pound (455 g) frozen broccoli,unthawed

1 clove garlic, crushed3 slices cooked bacon, crumbled1 tablespoon (14 g) butter1 tablespoon (15 ml) oil2 tablespoons (30 g) pine nuts

(pignolia), toasted

Place the broccoli in a slow cooker. Stirin the garlic and crumble in the bacon.Cover the slow cooker, set it to low, andlet it cook for 2 hours.

Before serving, stir in the butter andoil and top with the pine nuts.

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Yield: 3 servings

Each with 8 g protein, 8 g carbohydrate,5 g dietary fiber, 3 g usable carbs.

About Cooking SpaghettiSquash

If you’ve never cooked a spaghettisquash, you may be puzzled as to how togo about it, but it’s really easy: Just stabit several times (to keep it fromexploding) and put it in your microwaveon high for 12 to 15 minutes. Then sliceit open and scoop out and discard theseeds. Now take a fork and startscraping at the “meat” of the squash.You will be surprised and charmed to

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discover that it separates into strandsvery much like spaghetti, only yellow-orange in color.

Spaghetti squash is not a terribly low-carb vegetable, but it’s much lower-carbthan spaghetti, so it’s a useful substitutein many recipes—especially casseroles.If you only need half of your cookedspaghetti squash right away, the rest willlive happily in a resealable plastic bagin your fridge for 3 to 4 days until youdo something else with it.

Spaghetti Squash Alfredo

We love this! My husband is an Alfredofiend, so by using spaghetti squashinstead of pasta, he gets his fix without

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all those additional carbs.

2 cups (450 g) cooked spaghettisquash, separated into strands

3 tablespoons (42 g) butter3 tablespoons (45 ml) heavy

cream1 clove garlic, crushed¼ cup (25 g) grated or shredded

Parmesan cheese

Simply heat up your squash and stir ineverything else. Stir until the butter ismelted and serve!

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 4 grams of carbohydrates, a

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trace of fiber, and 3 grams of protein.

This makes a very nice side dish withsome chicken sautéed in olive oil andgarlic.

Spaghetti SquashCarbonara

This makes a very filling side dish.

8 slices bacon4 eggs¾ cup (75 g) grated Parmesan

cheese3 cups (675 g) cooked spaghetti

squash, separated into strands

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1 clove garlic, crushed

Fry the bacon until it’s crisp. Remove itfrom the pan and pour off all but acouple tablespoons (30 ml) of grease.

Beat the eggs with the cheese and tosswith the spaghetti squash. Pour thesquash mixture into the hot fat in theskillet and add the garlic. Toss for 2 to 3minutes over medium heat.

Crumble in the bacon, toss, and serve.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 6 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 5 grams ofusable carbs and 11 grams of protein.

You can make this dish higher in protein

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by using a cup or two of diced leftoverham in place of the bacon. Brown theham in olive oil, remove from the pan,cook the squash mixture in the oil, andthen toss in the ham just before serving.

Spicy Sesame “Noodles”with Vegetables

This isn’t terribly low-carb, but it surecan pull you out of the hole when you’vegot vegetarians coming to dinner.

3 cups (675 g) cooked spaghettisquash, separated into strands

¼ cup (60 ml) water3 tablespoons (45 ml) soy sauce

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5 tablespoons (75 g) tahini1½ tablespoons (23 ml) rice

vinegar½ teaspoon red pepper flakes1 tablespoon (9 g) sesame seeds2 to 3 tablespoons (30 to 45 ml)

peanut oil or other bland oil1½ cups (105 g) mushrooms,

thickly sliced cup (100 g) diced green pepper

½ cup (60 g) diced celery ½ cup(80 g) chopped onion

¼ pound (115 g) snow peas, cutinto 1-inch (2.5-cm) lengths

2 tablespoons (12 g) grated freshginger

2 cloves garlic, crushed

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½ cup (55 g) cooked shrimp ordiced leftover chicken, pork, orham per serving (optional)

Place the spaghetti squash in a largemixing bowl.

In a separate bowl, combine thewater, soy sauce, tahini, rice vinegar,and pepper flakes, mixing well. Pourover the spaghetti squash and set aside.

Place the sesame seeds in a small,heavy skillet over high heat and shakethe skillet constantly until the seeds startto make little popping sounds and jumpin the skillet. When that happens,immediately turn off the heat and shakethe seeds out onto a small plate to cool.Set aside.

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Just before you’re ready to serve thedish, heat the oil in a large skillet orwok. Add the mushrooms, pepper,celery, onion, snow peas, ginger, andgarlic and stir-fry over high heat for 7 to10 minutes or until tender-crisp.

When the vegetables are done, addthem to the large mixing bowl with thespaghetti squash mixture and toss untilwell combined.

Pile the squash mixture on servingplates. Top the meat-eaters’ servingswith the shrimp, chicken, pork, or ham(if using) and scatter sesame seeds overeach serving.

Yield: 4 servings

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Each with 19 grams of carbohydratesand 4 grams of fiber, for a total of 15grams of usable carbs and 7 grams ofprotein. (Analysis does not includeoptional meat.)

This is a great dish to make for guestsbecause so much of it can be done aheadof time: You can prepare the “noodles”and the sesame seeds before yourcompany arrives and then just stir-fry thevegetables and garnish the plates whenit’s time to eat.

Grilled Radicchio withBalsamic Vinaigrette

The grilling mellows the bitter edge of

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the radicchio, and the balsamic vinegarcomplements and enhances its newfoundsweetness. I really love this!

¼ cup (60 ml) olive oil2 tablespoons (30 ml) balsamic

vinegar1 clove garlic1 dash salt1 dash pepper1 head radicchio

Mix together everything but theradicchio. Now, trim just the verybottom of the radicchio’s stem and cutthe whole thing in quarters from top tobottom (you want a bit of stem in eachquarter, holding it together). Put the

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radicchio quarters on a plate and spoonsome of the balsamic vinaigrette overthem, letting it drizzle down between theleaves.

Now grill your radicchio, turningonce or twice, until it’s going limp andstarting to brown. Then serve, drizzlingit with a little more vinaigrette if youlike.

Yield: 4 servings

Each serving will have 1 gram ofcarbohydrate and a trace of fiber, and atrace of protein.

Apple Walnut Dressing

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This dressing has no grain of any kind init, and it still tastes great. Serve with asimple poultry or pork dish.

4 tablespoons (56 g) butter1 crisp, tart apple (I use a Granny

Smith because I like the flavor,but one with a red skin wouldlook prettier.)

2 large stalks celery1 medium onion1 cup (150 g) shelled walnuts8 ounces (225 g) sliced

mushrooms¾ teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal1½ teaspoons poultry seasoning

Melt the butter in a large, heavy skillet

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over medium heat.Quarter the apple and trim out the

core, whack each quarter in half (makingeighths), and drop them in your foodprocessor with the S-blade in place.Whack each stalk of celery into 4 or 5big chunks and throw them in too.Quarter the onion, peel it, and throw it inand then dump in the walnuts. Pulse thefood processor until everything’s amedium consistency.

Dump this mixture, along with themushrooms (which we’re assuming youbought already sliced—if not, just chopthem with everything else), into thebutter in the skillet, turn the heat up tomedium-high, and sauté everything for aminute or two, stirring. Then cover it

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and let it cook for 10 minutes,uncovering every 3 minutes or so to stirthe whole thing again.

Stir in the salt and poultry seasoning,let it cook for another minute or two andserve.

Yield: 6 to 8 servings

Assuming 6 servings, each will have 9grams of carbohydrates and 3 grams offiber, for a total of 6 grams of usablecarbs and 6 grams of protein.

Hush Puppies

I didn’t know how this would work out,but it turned out very well indeed!

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You’ll need a deep-fat fryer or at least adeep, heavy pot and a fryingthermometer. My thanks to my Alabamanfriend Kay for helping me get this reciperight. (She also tells me, a bit late, thathush puppies really go with fish fries,but hey, I got the idea from SouthernLiving magazine. I’m a Yankee, what doI know?)

cup (80 g) Atkins CornbreadMix

2 tablespoons (15 g) Atkins BakeMix

¼ cup (30 g) rice protein powder1 teaspoon seasoned salt½ cup (120 ml) canola oil½ cup (120 ml) water

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2 eggs¼ cup (40 g) finely minced onion

Preheat a deep-fat fryer to 370°F(190°C).

In a medium-size mixing bowl, stir theAtkins Cornbread Mix, Atkins BakeMix, rice protein powder, and salttogether. In a 2-cup (480-ml) glassmeasure, measure the oil, then the water(so that together the level is 1 cup).Break the eggs into the oil-and-watermixture and whisk the wholecombination together. Stir the onion intothe liquid ingredients. Then pour the oilmixture into the dry ingredients and stirthe whole thing together with a few bigstrokes, just until everything’s wet—

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don’t overmix.When your oil is up to temperature,

drop the batter into the hot fat by thetablespoonful and fry until golden, just afew minutes. Drain on absorbent paperand serve hot.

Yield: 6 servings, at least!

Assuming 6, each serving will have 12grams of carbohydrate and 3 grams offiber, for a usable carb count of 9 grams;17 grams of protein. (By comparison, a5-pup serving of restaurant hush puppieswill generally contain about 35 grams ofcarbohydrate.)

Low-Carb BBQ Baked

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In many parts of the country, bakedbeans are an indispensable side dishwith any barbecue. Sadly, most beansare way too high carbohydrate for us.However, there is one sort of bean thatis low-enough carb for us: blacksoybeans. You’ll want to buy themcanned, because soybeans take foreverto cook soft—you can find them at thenatural food store; a company calledEden cans them. They’re sort of bland bythemselves, but add onions, celery, etc.,and they’re fabulous. These aren’t actually baked, I admit. Itrust you’ll forgive me. This makes only

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4 servings, but it’s very easy to double.

3 slices bacon¼ cup (40 g) minced onion¼ cup (30 g) minced celery¼ cup (35 g) finely chopped green

bell pepper1 15-ounce (420-g) can black

soybeans3 tablespoons (45 ml) Dana’s No-

Sugar Ketchup (page 463)2 tablespoons (3 g) Splenda½ teaspoon blackstrap molasses1 dash salt1 dash pepper1 dash hot pepper sauce

Chop up the bacon or snip it right into a

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saucepan with kitchen shears. Start itcooking over medium heat. When somegrease has cooked out of the bacon, addthe onion, celery, and green pepper.Sauté the vegetables in the bacon greaseuntil soft.

Drain the canned black soybeans anddump them in with the vegetables. Stir inthe ketchup, Splenda, molasses, salt,pepper, and hot sauce. Turn the heat tolow, cover, and let the whole thingsimmer for 15 minutes or so and thenserve.

Yield: 4 servings

Each serving will have 11 grams ofcarbohydrate and 6 grams of fiber, for a

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usable carb count of 5 grams; 11 gramsprotein. (Bush’s brand Barbecue BakedBeans have 32 grams of carbohydrate ina ½-cup (125 g) serving!)

Chili Lime Pumpkin

It’s such a shame fresh pumpkin isavailable for only a couple of months inthe autumn; it’s so wonderful. This sidedish is a tad high in carbs, but it’s sounusual and so good I had to include it.Don’t try shelling the seeds from thepumpkin you’re cooking to complete therecipe—it’s a tedious task! Just roastthem and salt them as is and snack onthem later.

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1 little pumpkin, about 2 pounds(910 g)

2 tablespoons (28 g) butter1 tablespoon (15 ml) oil½ cup (120 g) shelled pumpkin

seeds (pepitas)1 teaspoon chili garlic paste2 teaspoons lime juice

Whack your pumpkin in half and scoopout the seeds. Peel off the hard rind andthen cut the flesh into slices about ¼-inch (6-mm) thick.

Put the butter and the oil in a big,heavy skillet over medium heat. Swirlthem together as the butter melts. Now,lay the slices of pumpkin flat in thebutter/oil mixture and sauté until they’re

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lightly golden on both sides. They shouldbe tender but still al dente. You’ll needto do this in more than one batch; keepthe stuff that’s done warm on a plateunder a pot lid.

While this is happening, toast yourpepitas by stirring them in a dry skilletover medium-high heat until they swell abit—about 4 to 5 minutes. Remove fromthe heat when they’re done.

When the pumpkin’s all cooked, put itall back in the skillet. Mix together thechili garlic paste and the lime juice andgently mix it in, coating all of thepumpkin slices.

Lay the pumpkin slices on servingplates, top each serving with atablespoon of toasted pumpkin seeds,

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and serve.

Yield: 8 servings

Each with 2 g protein; 10 gcarbohydrate; 1 g dietary fiber; 9 gusable carbs.

Cranberry-Peach Chutney

This is seriously kicked-up from regularcranberry sauce! It’s a natural withcurried poultry, but try it with anysimple poultry or pork dish.

12 ounces (340 g) cranberries1½ cups (300 g) diced peaches (I

use unsweetened frozen peach

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slices, diced.)1 clove garlic, minced3 inches (7.5 cm) ginger, sliced

into paper-thin rounds1 lime, sliced paper-thin1 ¼ cups (30 g) Splenda1 cinnamon stick1 teaspoon mustard seed¼ teaspoon salt¼ teaspoon orange extract¼ teaspoon baking soda

Combine everything but the baking sodain a slow cooker. Cover the slowcooker, set it to low, and let it cook for 3hours, stirring once halfway through.

When the time’s up, stir in the bakingsoda and keep stirring until the fizzing

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subsides. Store in a tightly liddedcontainer in the fridge. If you plan tokeep it for long, freezing’s a good idea.

Yield: Makes about 2½ cups, or 20servings of 2 tablespoons

Each with trace protein, 8 gcarbohydrate, 1 g dietary fiber, 7 gusable carbs.

Why baking soda? Because byneutralizing some of the acid in thecranberries, it lets you get away withless Splenda—and fewer carbs.

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9Fish and Seafood

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Most countries in Latin America have aversion of this classic dish, in which thefish is “cooked” in lime juice instead ofby heat. This makes a posh appetizer orif you want to increase the serving sizes,a light main course. This is not onlylow-carb, it’s also very low-calorie—and except for squeezing all those limes,very simple.

1½ pounds (680 g) fish fillets8 limes2 tomatoes1 fresh jalapeño (optional)

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1 black avocado¼ red onion, diced¼ cup (16 g) chopped fresh

oregano¼ cup (16 g) chopped fresh

cilantroSalt and pepper to taste

This dish lends itself to endlessvariation, but one thing remains constant:Everything must be perfectly fresh,especially the fish. Talk to the fish guy atyour grocery store and tell him you’ll beusing the fish for ceviche (that’s “seh-vee-chay”). Tell him you need fish thathas never been frozen and choose fromwhat he has, rather than going into thestore with the idea of buying a particular

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kind of fish and ending up buyingsomething that’s been thawed. You canuse seafood as well as fish fillets—shelled shrimp, scallops, baby squid,and chunks of lobster tail all lendthemselves to this treatment. Or you canuse fin fish like mackerel, red snapper,grouper, halibut, cod, or flounder. It iscustomary to use two to four kinds,rather than just one, but suit yourself.

Cut any fish fillets into serving-sizedpieces. Put your fish or seafood in aglass or crockery dish. Squeeze 7 ofyour limes—you should have about 1¼to 1½ cups (300 to 360 ml) lime juice—and pour the lime juice over the fish.Turn the fish to make sure it’scompletely coated. Cover the dish with

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piece of plastic wrap and refrigerate for8 to 12 hours or overnight. If at allpossible, it’s best to turn the fish at leasta few times during the marinating time tomake sure it “cooks” evenly. Drain thefish or seafood and put it in a freshbowl.

Cut the tomatoes in half across theequator and squeeze them gently to getrid of the seeds. Dice them fairly fine.Seed the jalapeño, if you’re using it, anddice it fine, too. Cut the avocado in half,remove the seed, peel it, and cut it intodice as well. Put all of these vegetablesand the diced red onion in the bowl withthe fish. Throw in the fresh herbs, too.Squeeze the last lime over the wholething, season with salt and pepper, toss

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gently, and serve.

Yield: 8 appetizer servings

Each with 16 g protein; 5 gcarbohydrate; 2 g dietary fiber; 3 gusable carbs. This analysis assumes youdiscard all but about ¼ cup (60 ml) ofthe lime juice used to marinate the fish.

The Simplest Fish

Not only is this simple, but it’s lightning-quick, too.

1 fillet (about 6 ounces, or 170 g)mild white fish

1 tablespoon (14 g) butter

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1 tablespoon (3.8 g) minced freshparsley

Wedge of lemon

Melt the butter in a heavy-bottomedskillet over low heat. Add the fish filletsand sauté for 5 minutes on each side oruntil the fish is opaque and flakes easily,turning carefully.

Transfer to serving plates, top withthe minced parsley, and serve with awedge of lemon.

Yield: 1 serving

Trace of carbohydrates, no fiber, and 31grams of protein.

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Ginger Mustard Fish

4 (6 ounce, or 175 g) fish fillets,such as tilapia, cod, or orangeroughy

4 tablespoons (56 g) butter2 teaspoons minced garlic or 4

cloves garlic, crushed2 teaspoons grated ginger2 teaspoons spicy brown or Dijon

mustard1 tablespoon (15 ml) water

In a large, heavy skillet, start sautéingthe fish in the butter over medium-lowheat; 4 to 5 minutes per side should beplenty. Remove the fish to a plate.

Add the garlic, ginger, mustard, and

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water to the skillet and stir everythingtogether well. Put the fish back in,turning it over once, carefully, to makesure both sides get acquainted with thesauce. Let it cook for another minute orso and then serve. Scrape the sauce outof the skillet over the fish.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 1 gram of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 31 grams of protein.

Aioli Fish Bake

1 fillet (about 6 ounces, or 170 g)of mild, white fish

2 tablespoons (30 ml) Aioli (page

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479)1 tablespoon (6.3 g) grated

Parmesan cheese

Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C, orgas mark 4).

Spray a shallow baking pan (a jellyroll pan is ideal) with nonstick cookingspray. Working right on the baking pan,spread a fillet thickly with Aioli andsprinkle ½ tablespoon of Parmesan overthat. Turn the fillet over carefully andspread Aioli and sprinkle the remainingParmesan on other side. Bake for 20minutes and serve.

Yield: 1 serving

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1 gram of carbohydrates, a trace of fiber,and 32 grams of protein.

Microwaved Fish andAsparagus with TarragonMustard Sauce

Microwaving is a great way to cookvegetables and a great way to cook fish—so it’s a natural way to cookcombinations of the two.

12 ounces (340 g) fish fillets—whiting, tilapia, sole, flounder,or any other mild white fish

10 asparagus spears2 tablespoons (30 g) sour cream

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1 tablespoon (15 g) mayonnaise¼ teaspoon dried tarragon½ teaspoon Dijon or spicy brown


Snap the bottoms off the asparagusspears where they break naturally. Placethe asparagus in a large glass pie plate,add 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of water, andcover by placing a plate on top.Microwave on high for 3 minutes.

While the asparagus is microwaving,stir together the sour cream, mayonnaise,tarragon, and mustard.

Remove the asparagus from themicrowave, take it out of the pie plate,and set it aside. Drain the water out ofthe pie plate. Place the fish fillets in the

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pie plate and spread 2 tablespoons (30ml) of the sour cream mixture over them.Re-cover the pie plate and microwavethe fish for 3 to 4 minutes on high. Openthe microwave, remove the plate fromthe top of the pie plate, and arrange theasparagus on top of the fish. Re-coverthe pie plate and cook for another 1 to 2minutes on high.

Remove the pie plate from themicrowave and take the plate off. Placethe fish and asparagus on serving plates.Scrape any sauce that’s cooked into thepie plate over the fish and asparagus.Top each serving with the reservedsauce and serve.

Yield: 2 servings

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Each with 4 grams of carbohydrates and2 grams of fiber, for a total of 2 grams ofusable carbs and 33 grams of protein.

This dish also packs in 949 mg ofpotassium!

Grilled Fish with CaperSauce

This is more of a method for grilling awide variety of fish fillets and adding asimple but elegantly piquant sauce. Themain element of this recipe is the sauce.Ingredient amounts are not important, soyou can vary to taste. The resultingmixture should be something you spoonover the fish, not a pourable sauce. (Our

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tester said he used 2 tablespoons of eachof the following for 1 pound [455 g] offish fillets, and it worked very well.)This is a very piquant sauce, not for thetimid of palate, but most delicious!

As for grilling the fish, some peopleprefer to do it in the Spanish style offirst sprinkling salt on the fillets, lettingthem sit for 15 minutes or so, rinsing anddrying them, brushing them with oliveoil, and grilling them on a cast-irongriddle. Swordfish and sea bass arewonderful this way; so are tilapia fillets(which are much cheaper).

Grilled fish of your choiceGarlic, finely choppedParsley, flat-leaf preferable,

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finely chopped (or half parsley,half cilantro)

Anchovies, finely chopped (ifomitting, salt to taste)

Capers, drainedFresh lemon juiceOlive oil

Mix the garlic, parsley, anchovies,capers, lemon juice, and olive oil, spoonover grilled fish, and serve.

Yield: 4 servings

If sauce is made with the suggested 2tablespoons of each ingredient and 1pound (455 g) fish, each serving willhave 23 g protein; 2 g carbohydrate;

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trace dietary fiber; 2 g usable carbs.

Chinese Steamed Fish

I made this with tilapia, and while it wasquite tasty, it was also fragile. If you’rewilling to pay the difference for a firmerfish like orange roughy or cod, it will beeasier to handle.

12 ounces (340 g) fish fillets2 tablespoons (30 ml) dry sherry1 tablespoon (15 ml) soy sauce2 teaspoons grated ginger½ teaspoon minced garlic or 1

clove garlic, crushed1½ teaspoons toasted sesame oil1 or 2 scallions, minced (optional)

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Lay the fish fillets on a piece of heavy-duty aluminum foil and turn the edges ofthe foil up to form a lip.

Mix together the sherry, soy sauce,ginger, garlic, and sesame oil.

Fit a rack—a cake-cooling rack worksnicely—into a large skillet. Pour about¼ inch (6 mm) of water in the bottom ofthe skillet and turn the heat to high. Placethe foil with the fish on it on the rack.Carefully pour the sherry mixture overthe fish. Cover the pan tightly.

Cook for 5 to 7 minutes or until thefish flakes easily. Serve with mincedscallions as a garnish, if desired.

Yield: 2 servings

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Each with 2 grams of carbohydrates, nofiber, and 31 grams of protein.

Each serving has only 195 calories!

Baked Orange Roughy

1½ pounds (680 g) orange roughyfillets, cut into serving-sizedpieces

1 teaspoon salt or Vege-SalPepper

¼ medium onion, very thinlysliced

Juice of 1 lemon, or 2 tablespoons(30 ml) bottled lemon juice

¼ cup (56 g) butter, melted

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PaprikaMinced fresh parsley (optional)

Preheat the oven to 325°F (170°C, orgas mark 3). Spray a shallow bakingdish with nonstick cooking spray.

Arrange the fish in the prepared panand sprinkle with salt and pepper totaste. Scatter the onion over the fish.

In a small bowl, combine the lemonjuice and butter and pour over the fishand onions. Sprinkle with paprika.

Bake, uncovered, for 30 minutes.Sprinkle with parsley (if using) andserve.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 2 grams of carbohydrates, a

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trace of fiber, and 25 grams of protein.

Orange Roughy BonneFemme

This is my favorite fish recipe, and it’svery, very simple to make. Kids willprobably like it, too.

1½ pounds (680 g) orange roughyfillets

¼ cup (30 g) low-carb bake mixPinch of salt or Vege-Sal3 to 4 tablespoons (42 to 56 g)


Mix the bake mix with the pinch of salt

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(about teaspoon). Dip the fillets in thebake mix, covering them lightly all over.

Melt the butter in a heavy skillet overmedium heat. Sauté the “floured” filletsin the butter for 5 to 7 minutes per sideor until golden brown. Serve just as it isor with a squeeze of lemon juice.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 1 gram of carbohydrates, nofiber, and 25 grams of protein.

Almond-Stuffed FlounderRolls with Orange ButterSauce

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1 pound (455 g) flounder fillets, 4ounces (115 g) each

4 tablespoons (56 g) butter,divided

2 tablespoons (30 ml) lemon juice teaspoon orange extract

1 teaspoon Splenda cup (45 g) almonds

¼ cup (40 g) minced onion1 clove garlic, crushed1½ teaspoons Dijon mustard½ teaspoon soy sauce¼ cup (15.2 g) minced fresh

parsley, divided

Put 2 tablespoons (28 g) of the butter,the lemon juice, orange extract, andSplenda in a slow cooker. Cover the

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slow cooker, set it to low, and let it heatwhile you fix your flounder rolls.

Put the almonds in a food processorwith the S-blade in place and grind themto a cornmeal consistency. Melt 1tablespoon (14 g) of butter in a medium-size heavy skillet and add the groundalmonds. Stir the almonds over mediumheat for 5 to 7 minutes or until they smelltoasty. Transfer them to a bowl.

Now melt the final tablespoon (14 g)of butter in the skillet and sauté the onionand garlic over medium-low heat untilthe onion is just turning translucent. Addthem to the almonds and stir them in.Now stir in the mustard, soy sauce, and2 tablespoons (7.6 g) of the parsley.

Lay the flounder fillets on a big plate

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and divide the almond mixture betweenthem. Spread it over the fillets and thenroll each one up and fasten it with atoothpick.

Take the lid off the slow cooker andstir the sauce. Place the flounder rolls inthe sauce and spoon the sauce over them.Re-cover the pot and let the rolls cookfor 1 hour. When they’re done, spoon thesauce over the rolls and sprinkle theremaining parsley over them to serve.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 24 g protein, 5 gcarbohydrate, 2 g dietary fiber, 3 gusable carbs.

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Baked Sole in CreamyCurry Sauce

This is simple, and the curry makes it apretty yellow color.

2 pounds (910 g) sole fillets1 cup (230 g) plain yogurt½ cup (120 g) mayonnaise1 tablespoon (15 ml) lemon juice1 teaspoon curry powder

Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C, or gasmark 4).

Mix together everything but the solefillets to make a sauce. Pat your fishfillets dry. Spray an 8 × 8-inch (20 × 20-cm) baking dish with nonstick cooking

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spray.Now, spread each fillet with some of

the sauce—you want to use up about halfthe sauce, total, in this process. As eachfillet is spread with sauce, roll it up andplace the roll, seam-side down, in thebaking pan.

Spoon the rest of the sauce over andaround the fish. Bake for 30 minutes andserve.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 30 g protein; 2 gcarbohydrate; trace dietary fiber; 2 gusable carbs.

Sautéed Sole in White Wine

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This simple but elegant dish is veryItalian.

1 pound (455 g) sole filletsSalt and pepper2 tablespoons (28 g) butter1 tablespoon (15 ml) olive oil¼ cup (60 ml) dry white wine1 teaspoon dried oregano3 tablespoons (15 g) shredded

Parmesan cheese3 lemon wedges

Pat the sole fillets dry with a papertowel and sprinkle them on both sideswith a little salt and pepper. Lay them ona plate while you spray a big skillet withnonstick cooking spray and set it over

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medium heat. Add the butter and theolive oil to the skillet and swirl themtogether as the butter melts. When the fatis hot, lay the fillets in the pan and sautéthem just a few minutes on each side,turning carefully.

Pour the wine into the skillet—pour itin around the edge rather than pouring itright over the fish. Sprinkle the oreganoover the fish and let the fish simmer inthe wine for 5 minutes—if it brownsslightly on the bottom, all the better.Remove to serving plates, sprinkle eachserving with a tablespoon (5 g) ofParmesan cheese, and serve with alemon wedge to squeeze over it.

Yield: 3 servings

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Each with 31g protein; 1 g carbohydrate;trace dietary fiber; 1 g usable carb.

Wine and Herb TilapiaPackets

This is a simple company fish dish.

1½ pounds (680 g) tilapia fillets,cut into 4 portions

4 tablespoons (56 g) butter,divided

½ cup (120 ml) dry white wine,divided

¼ cup (16 g) minced fresh herbs(chives, basil, oregano, thyme,or a combination of these),

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Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C, orgas mark 4).

Tear a piece of aluminum foil about18 inches (45 cm) square for each fillet.Place a fillet in the center of the foilsquare and curl the edges of the foil up alittle. Put 1 tablespoon (14 g) of butter, 2tablespoons (30 ml) of wine, 1tablespoon (4 g) of minced herbs, andjust a little salt on the fillet.

Fold the foil up around the fish,rolling the edges down in the middle andat the ends so the packet won’t leak inthe oven. Repeat for all 4 servings.

Place the packets right on the oven

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shelf— there’s no need for a pan—andbake for 35 minutes.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 2 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 1 gram ofusable carbs and 31 grams of protein.

When it’s time to serve dinner, simplyplace a packet on each plate and letdiners open their own. That way, no oneloses a drop of the yummy butter, wine,and herb sauce the fish cooked in.

Tilapia on a Nest ofVegetables

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This meal is quite beautiful to look atand a fast one-dish dinner. You couldsubstitute green pepper for either the redor the yellow, if you like.

1 pound (455 g) tilapia fillets3 tablespoons (45 ml) olive oil1 cup (150 g) red pepper, cut into

thin strips1 cup (150 g) yellow pepper, cut

into thin strips1½ cups (180 g) zucchini, cut in

matchstick strips1½ cups (180 g) yellow squash,

cut in matchstick strips1 cup (160 g) sweet red onion,

thinly sliced1 clove garlic, crushed

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Salt and pepper¼ teaspoon guar or xanthanLemon wedges (optional)

Heat the olive oil in a heavy skillet overmedium-high heat and sauté the peppers,zucchini, squash, onion, and garlic forjust 2 to 3 minutes, stirring frequently.

Sprinkle the tilapia fillets lightly oneither side with the salt and pepper andthen lay them over the vegetables in theskillet. Cover, turn the heat to medium-low, and let the fish steam in themoisture from the vegetables for 10minutes or until it flakes easily.

With a spatula, carefully transfer thefish to a serving platter and use a slottedspoon to pile the vegetables on top of the

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fish. Pour the liquid that has accumulatedin the skillet into a blender and add theguar or xanthan. Run the blender for afew seconds and then pour the thickenedjuices over the fish and vegetables. Toserve, spoon a mound of the vegetablesonto each diner’s plate and place a pieceof the fish on top. A few lemon wedgesare nice with this, but they’re hardlyessential.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 11 grams of carbohydratesand 2 grams of fiber, for a total of 8grams of usable carbs and 22 grams ofprotein.

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Broiled Marinated Whiting

With a big salad and some crusty breadfor the carb-eaters, this makes a nice,simple supper.

6 whiting fillets½ cup (120 ml) olive oil3 tablespoons (45 ml) wine

vinegar1 tablespoon (15 ml) lemon juice1 teaspoon Dijon mustard1 clove garlic, crushed½ teaspoon dried basil¼ teaspoon salt¼ teaspoon pepper

Combine the oil, vinegar, lemon juice,

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mustard, garlic, basil, salt, and pepperand mix well.

Place the fillets in a large resealableplastic bag and pour in the oil mixture.Refrigerate for several hours, turning thebag over from time to time.

Preheat the broiler. Remove the fishfrom the marinade. Broil about 8 inches(20 cm) from the heat for 4 to 5 minutesper side or cook on a stovetop grill.

While the fish is cooking, put theleftover marinade in a saucepan, boil itbriefly, and then serve it as a sauce.

Yield: 3 servings

Each with just over 1 gram ofcarbohydrates, no fiber, and 34 grams of

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If you’re in a hurry or you just don’thave all the ingredients to make thisdish, use ¾ cup (180 ml) of store-boughtvinaigrette dressing, instead.

Whiting with MexicanFlavors

I made this for lunch when a friend of myhusband’s was visiting town, and we allagreed it was one of the best things I’veever made.

4 whiting fillets2 tablespoons (30 ml) lime juice,


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¾ teaspoon chili powder2 tablespoons (30 ml) oil1 medium onion2 tablespoons (30 ml) orange

juice½ teaspoon Splenda¼ teaspoon ground cumin¼ teaspoon dried oregano1 tablespoon (15 ml) white wine

vinegar½ teaspoon hot pepper sauceSalt and pepper

Lay the whiting fillets on a plate andsprinkle with 1 tablespoon (15 ml) oflime juice, turning to coat. Sprinkle theskinless sides of the fillets with chilipowder.

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Heat the oil in a heavy skillet overmedium heat. Add the whiting fillets.Sauté for about 4 minutes per side,turning carefully, or until cookedthrough. Remove to a serving plate andkeep warm.

Add the onions to the skillet and turnthe heat up to medium-high. Sauté theonions for a couple of minutes until theybegin to go limp. Stir in the remaininglime juice, orange juice, Splenda, cumin,oregano, vinegar, and hot pepper sauce.Cook them all together for a minute ortwo. Season with salt and pepper totaste. Spoon the onions over the fish andserve.

Yield: 4 servings

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Each with 5 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 4 grams ofusable carbs and 17 grams of protein.

Each serving has only 162 calories!

Pan-Barbecued Sea Bass

This has a lot of flavor for something soquick and easy! Feel free to cook anyfirm-fleshed fish this way.

1 pound (455 g) sea bass fillets1 tablespoon (8 g) Classic

Barbecue Rub (page 486, oruse purchased barbecue rub)

4 slices bacon2 tablespoons (30 ml) lemon juice

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Cut the sea bass fillets into servingportions. Sprinkle both sides liberallywith the barbecue rub.

Spray a big, heavy skillet withnonstick cooking spray and place overmedium-low heat. Using sharp kitchenshears, snip the bacon into small pieces,straight into the skillet. Stir it for amoment. As soon as a little grease startsto cook out of the bacon, clear a coupleof spaces for the fish and put the fish inthe pan. Cover and set your oven timerfor 4 minutes.

When time is up, flip the fish, and stirthe bacon around a bit, so it will cookevenly. Recover the pan and set thetimer for another 3 to 4 minutes. Peek atyour fish at least once; you don’t want to

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overcook it!When the fish is flaky, remove to

serving plates and top with the brownedbacon bits. Pour the lemon juice in theskillet, stir it around, and pour over thefish. Serve.

Yield: 3 servings

Each with 31 g protein; 2 gcarbohydrate; trace dietary fiber; 2 gusable carbs.

Sea Bass with TapenadeCream Sauce

This is another one of those recipes thatwould impress the heck out of you at a

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restaurant but is very little trouble tomake for yourself at home.

12 ounces (340 g) sea bass fillet3 tablespoons (45 ml) olive oil,

divided¼ medium onion½ teaspoon minced garlic or 1

clove garlic, crushed2 tablespoons (30 ml) tapenade1 tablespoon (15 ml) balsamic

vinegar1 teaspoon lemon juice3 tablespoons (45 ml) heavy

creamSalt and pepper

Preheat the broiler.

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If the bass is in one piece, cut it intotwo equal portions. Brush with 1tablespoon (15 ml) of the olive oil andput it under a broiler set on high, 3 or 4inches (7 to 10 cm) from the heat. Thelength of time the fish will need to broilwill depend on its thickness. I use filletsabout 1½ inch (4 cm) thick, and they takeabout 5 to 6 minutes per side.

While the fish is broiling, slice thequarter-onion in half lengthwise and thenslice as thinly as possible. Put the rest ofthe olive oil in a medium skillet overmedium heat and add the onion andgarlic. Sauté together for 3 to 4 minutes.

Add the tapenade, stir in, and sautéfor a few more minutes. (Remember thatsomewhere in here you’ll need to turn

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the fish!)Now, stir the vinegar and lemon juice

into the mixture in your skillet and let itcook down for 1 to 2 minutes. Stir in thecream and let the whole thing cook downfor another minute.

When the fish is done, place it on twoserving plates. Season the sauce withsalt and pepper to taste, spoon over thefish, and then serve.

Yield: 2 servings

Each with 4 grams of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 32 grams of protein.

Zijuatenejo Sea Bass

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1½ pounds (680 g) sea bass filletsSalt and pepper1 teaspoon ground cumin2 tablespoons (30 ml) olive oilEasy Orange Salsa (page 496)¼ cup (16 g) chopped fresh


Cut your fish into individual portions, ifneeded. Sprinkle it on both sides withsalt and pepper and the cumin. Heat theolive oil in a big heavy skillet overmedium-low heat and throw in the fish.Give it 4 to 5 minutes per side or untilopaque all the way through. Removeeach portion to a serving plate; top eachwith 2 tablespoons (30 g) Easy OrangeSalsa and 1 tablespoon (4 g) chopped

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Yield: 4 servings

Each with 32 g protein; 2 gcarbohydrate; 1 g dietary fiber; 1 gusable carb.

Brined, Jerked Red Snapper

Have you had one too many meals ofdried-out fish? Try brining it!

2 pounds (910 g) red snapperfillets

FOR THE BRINE: cup (100 g) kosher salt

3 quarts (2.8 L) water

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2 tablespoons Jerk Seasoning(page 484 or purchased)

FOR THE SEASONINGS:4 cloves garlic, crushed8 teaspoons olive oil1 rounded tablespoon Jerk

Seasoning (page 484 orpurchased)

¼ cup (60 ml) lemon juice4 teaspoons soy sauce4 scallions, sliced

To make the brine: In a shallow,nonreactive container big enough to holdyour fish fillets, dissolve the salt in thewater—this is easier if the water’swarm. Stir in the Jerk Seasoning. Ifyou’ve used warm water, let it cool to

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no warmer than tepid before adding yourfish fillets. Make sure they’re submergedin the brine and let them sit for 1 to 2hours in the fridge.

Okay, time’s up. Start a charcoal fireor preheat a gas grill. Drain the brine offof your fish. In a rimmed plate or pieplate, mix together the garlic and oliveoil and then stir in the Jerk Seasoning,lemon juice, and soy sauce. Reservesome marinade, lay the brined fillets inthe rest of this marinade, and turn themover once or twice to coat. Let the filletssit for 15 minutes or so. Then grill overa medium fire, 3–5 minutes per side.Baste both sides with the reservedseasoning mixture when you turn the fish.

When the fish is flaky, remove to

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serving plates and top each fillet with asliced scallion.

Yield: 4 servings

Each serving will have 4 grams ofcarbohydrate and 1 gram of fiber, for ausable carb count of 3 grams (less if youuse the Jerk Seasoning recipe); 41 gramsprotein.

Salmon with Lemon-DillButter

This is a classic flavor combination, andafter you make this, you’ll understandwhy.

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4 salmon steaks, each 1 inch thick4 tablespoons (56 g) butter,

softened1 tablespoon (15 ml) lemon juice1 teaspoon dry dill weed or 1

tablespoon (3.3 g) minced freshdill Olive oil

Put the butter, lemon juice, and dill in afood processor with the S-blade inplace. Pulse until well combined,scraping down the sides once or twice ifnecessary. (If you don’t have a foodprocessor, you can simply beat thesethings together by hand.) Chill.

About 15 minutes before dinner,preheat the broiler and rub each salmonsteak on both sides with olive oil.

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Arrange the steaks on the broiler rackand broil 8 inches (20 cm) from highheat for 5 to 6 minutes per side or untilthe salmon flakes easily.

Place on the serving plates, top eachsteak with a tablespoon of the lemon-dillbutter, and serve.

Yield: 4 very generous servings

Each with only a trace of carbohydrates,a trace of fiber, and about 34 grams ofprotein.

Salmon in Ginger Cream

This dish has all the goodness of salmonin an elegant sauce.

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2 salmon fillets, 6 ounces (170 g)

each, skin still attached2 tablespoons (28 g) butter1 teaspoon minced garlic or 2

cloves garlic, crushed2 scallions, finely minced2 tablespoons (8 g) chopped

cilantro¼ cup (60 ml) dry white wine2 tablespoons (12 g) grated

ginger4 tablespoons (60 g) sour creamSalt and pepper

Melt the butter in a heavy skillet overmedium-low heat and start sautéing thesalmon in it—you want to sauté it for

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about 4 minutes per side.While the fish is sautéing, crush the

garlic, mince the scallions, and chop thecilantro.

When both sides of the salmon havesautéed for 4 minutes, add the wine tothe skillet, cover, and let the fish cook anadditional 2 minutes or so until cookedthrough. Remove the fish to servingplates.

Add the garlic, scallions, cilantro, andginger to the wine and butter in theskillet, turn the heat up to medium-high,and let them cook for a minute or two.Add the sour cream, stir to blend, andadd salt and pepper to taste. Spoon thesauce over the fish and serve.

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Yield: 2 servings

Each with 5 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 4 grams ofusable carbs and 36 grams of protein

This dish also has lots of EPA—thegood fat that makes salmon so heart-healthy!

Salmon Stuffed with Lime,Cilantro, Anaheim Peppers,and Scallions

This is impressive for how simple it is,and it will feed a crowd.

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1 whole salmon, cleaned andgutted, about 6 pounds (2.7 kg)

1 lime, sliced paper-thin1 bunch cilantro, chopped1 Anaheim chili pepper, cut in

matchstick strips3 scallions, sliced thin lengthwise2 tablespoons (30 g) olive oil

This is simple. Preheat your oven to350°F (180°C, or gas mark 4). Lay thesalmon in a great big roasting panyou’ve sprayed with nonstick cookingspray. Now stuff everything else exceptthe oil into the salmon, distributingeverything evenly along the length of thebody cavity.

I like to sew the salmon up, using a

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heavy needle and cooking twine. Nowrub it with olive oil on both sides andthrow it in the oven for 30 to 40 minutes.It’s a good idea to stick a thermometer inthe thick part of the flesh to see if it’sdone; it should read between 135°F and140°F (about 60°C).

Cut into slices, with some of thestuffing in each serving.

Yield: 12 servings

Each with 45 g protein; 1 gcarbohydrate; trace dietary fiber; 1 gusable carbs.

Lemon-Herb StuffedSalmon

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This is a great recipe to serve at a partysince it will feed a dozen or morepeople. It will impress them, too!

1 whole salmon, cleaned and headremoved, between 6 and 7pounds (3 kg)

1 lemon, sliced as thinly ashumanly possible

6 scallions, any wilted bitstrimmed, and sliced very thinlylengthways

4 tablespoons (24 g) freshoregano leaves, minced

1 tablespoon (2.4 g) fresh thymeleaves, stripped off their stems

First, start a charcoal fire or preheat a

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gas grill. If you’re using charcoal, oncethe coals are ash-covered you’ll want touse fireproof tongs to arrange them in astrip roughly the length and width ofyour fish. Either way, charcoal or gas,you’ll want a medium-hot fire.

Lay the salmon out on a platter. Stuffthe lemon slices into the body cavity,distributing them evenly along the lengthof the fish. Do the same with thescallions. Mix together the two herbsand stuff them into the body cavity aswell.

Now, run toothpicks or skewersthrough the edges of the fish and usecooking twine to lace around theskewers to hold the edge of the fishclosed. Or if you prefer, use a big needle

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and cooking twine to sew the salmonclosed.

Slash the fish every couple of inches,down to the bone, to let the heat in. Nowplace the fish on an oiled grill over thefire and close the lid. After 15 to 20minutes, turn the salmon very carefully,using two spatulas, and re-situate it overthe fire.

Re-close the lid and give your salmonanother 15 to 20 minutes. It’s done whenit flakes easily and an instant-readthermometer registers between 135°Fand 140°F (60°C). Use your twospatulas to carefully remove the fish to aplatter and serve.

Yield: 12 servings

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Each serving will have just 1 gram ofcarbohydrate, a trace of fiber, and 49grams of protein.

Lemon-Mustard SalmonSteaks

This is so simple and classic. Thesalmon comes out tender and moist.

2 salmon steaks (totaling about 1pound, or 455 g)

2 tablespoons (28 g) butter1 tablespoon (15 ml) lemon juice1 teaspoon Dijon mustard1 pinch salt or Vege-Sal2 tablespoons (7.8 g) chopped

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fresh parsley

Combine the butter, lemon juice,mustard, and salt or Vege-Sal in a slowcooker. Cover the slow cooker, set it tolow, and let it cook for 30 to 40 minutes.Stir together.

Now put the salmon steaks in the slowcooker and turn them once or twice tocoat. Re-cover the slow cooker and let itcook for 1 hour. Spoon some of the potliquid over the salmon and sprinkle withthe parsley before serving.

Yield: 2 servings

Each with 46 g protein, 1 gcarbohydrate, trace dietary fiber, 1 gusable carbs.

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Feta-Spinach Salmon Roast

I saw something like this being sold foroutrageous amounts of money in the fishcase at the local grocery store, and Ithought, “I can do that!”

3 ounces (85 g) cream cheese,softened

¾ cup (115 g) crumbled feta2 scallions, thinly sliced, including

the crisp part of the green½ cup (10 g) fresh spinach,

chopped2 skinless salmon fillets of

roughly equal size and shape,totaling ¾ pound (340 g)

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Olive oil

Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C, orgas mark 4).

Combine the cream cheese and feta,mashing and stirring with a fork untilwell blended. Add the scallions andspinach and combine well.

Spread the mixture evenly over onesalmon fillet. (The filling will be about¾ inch [2 cm] thick.) Top with thesecond salmon fillet. Brush both sideswith olive oil, turning the whole thingover carefully with a spatula.

Place the loaf on a shallow bakingpan and bake for 20 minutes. Slicecarefully with a sharp, serrated knife.

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Yield: 2 servings

Each with 5 grams of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 45 grams of protein.

Buttered Salmon withCreole Seasonings

12 ounces (340 g) salmon fillet, intwo or three pieces

1 teaspoon Creole Seasoning(page 485 or purchased)

¼ teaspoon dried thyme4 tablespoons (56 g) butter1 teaspoon minced garlic or 2

cloves garlic, minced

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Sprinkle the skinless side of the salmonevenly with the Creole Seasoning andthyme. Melt the butter in a heavy skilletover medium-low heat and add thesalmon, skin side down. Cook 4 to 5minutes per side, turning carefully.Remove to serving plates, skin sidedown, and stir the garlic into the butterremaining in the pan. Cook for just aminute and then scrape all the garlicbutter over the salmon and serve.

Yield: 2 or 3 servings

Assuming 2 servings, each will have 2grams of carbohydrates and a trace offiber, for a total of 2 grams of usablecarbs and 35 grams of protein.

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Orange Salmon Packets

1 pound (455 g) salmon fillets¼ cup (60 g) plain yogurt2 tablespoons (30 g) mayonnaise¼ teaspoon orange extract1 tablespoon (1.5 g) Splenda1 tablespoon (15 ml) lemon juice2 scallions, finely minced1 tablespoon (3.8 g) parsley,

finely minced

Preheat the oven to 425°F (220°C, orgas mark 7).

Combine the yogurt, mayonnaise,orange extract, Splenda, lemon juice,scallions, and parsley. Set aside.

If your salmon fillets have skin on

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them, remove it and cut the fish into 4serving-sized pieces.

Tear 4 large squares of heavy-dutyaluminum foil. Place each piece ofsalmon in the center of a square of foiland spoon 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of thesauce over it. Fold the foil up over thesalmon, bringing the edges together, androll the edges to make a tight seal. Rollup each end as well.

When all your salmon fillets are snugin their own little packets, bake them for15 minutes. (You can put your salmonpackets in a roasting pan if you’re afraidthey’ll spring a leak, but I just put mineright on the oven rack.)

Place on individual serving plates, cutopen, and serve. If you have a little

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sauce left over, serve it on the side.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with less than 2 grams ofcarbohydrates, a trace of fiber, and 24grams of protein.

Orange-Sesame Salmon

1½ pounds (680 g) salmon fillet¼ cup (60 ml) sesame oil1 teaspoon orange extract

cup (80 ml) lemon juice4 teaspoons Splenda2 teaspoons Dijon mustard2 teaspoons dried tarragon,


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Cut the salmon into serving-sized piecesand lay it in a glass pie plate or any bigplate with a rim.

Mix together everything else and pourit over the salmon fillets, turning them tocoat. Stick the plate in the fridge and letthe fish marinate for at least 30 minutes(an hour’s fine).

Spray a big, heavy skillet withnonstick cooking spray and put it overmedium heat. When it’s hot, add the fish,reserving the marinade. Cook the salmonabout 4 minutes on each side—you wantit opaque almost all the way through.Then add the marinade and let the twocook together for another couple ofminutes. Serve with the liquid from thepan scraped over the fish.

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Yield: 4 servings

Each with 34 g protein; 2 gcarbohydrate; trace dietary fiber; 2 gusable carbs.

Glazed, Grilled Salmon

Of all the ways I’ve cooked salmon, thisdrew the most praise.

12 ounces (340 g) salmon fillet,cut into 2 or 3 serving-sizedpieces

2 tablespoons (3 g) Splenda1½ teaspoons dry mustard1 tablespoon (15 ml) soy sauce1½ teaspoons rice vinegar

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¼ teaspoon blackstrap molasses,or the darkest molasses youcan find

Mix together the Splenda, mustard, soysauce, vinegar, and molasses in a smalldish. Spoon out 1 tablespoon (15 ml) ofthis mixture and set it aside in a separatedish.

Place the salmon fillets on a plate andpour the larger quantity of the soy saucemixture over it, turning each fillet so thatboth sides come in contact with theseasonings. Let the fish sit for a fewminutes—just 2 or 3—with the skinlessside down in the seasonings.

Now, you get to choose how you wantto cook the salmon. I do mine on a

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stovetop grill, but you can broil it, cookit in a heavy skillet sprayed withnonstick cooking spray, cook it on anelectric tabletop grill, or even do it onan outdoor grill. However you cook it, itwill need about 5 minutes per side (orjust 5 minutes total in an electric grill).If you choose a method that requires youto turn the salmon, turn carefully!

When the salmon is cooked through,remove it to serving plates and drizzlethe reserved 1 tablespoon (15 ml)seasoning mixture over each piecebefore serving.

Yield: This makes 2 generous servingsor 3 smaller ones

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Assuming 2 servings, each will have 3grams of carbohydrates, a trace of fiber,and 35 grams of protein.

Maple-Balsamic GlazedSalmon

This was amazingly popular with friendswhen I served it at a dinner party. Feelfree to double this!

2 tablespoons (30 ml) extra-virginolive oil

¼ cup (60 ml) sugar-free pancakesyrup

2 cloves garlic, crushed½ teaspoon salt

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2 tablespoons (30 ml) balsamicvinegar

1 pound (455 g) salmon fillet

Start a charcoal fire or preheat a gasgrill.

Mix together everything but thesalmon and set aside half the mixture.Cut the salmon into 3 or 4 serving pieces(if you didn’t buy it in serving-sizedpieces), lay them on a plate, and brushboth sides of each piece of salmon withhalf of the pancake-syrup mixture. Grillthe salmon over well-ashed coals orover a gas grill set to medium-low about5 minutes per side or until cookedthrough. Place on serving plates, drizzlewith the reserved half of the syrup

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mixture, and serve.

Yield: 4 servings

Each serving will have 1 gram ofcarbohydrate, not including the polyolsin the sugar-free pancake syrup; a traceof fiber; and 23 grams protein.

Salmon Patties

These are quick, easy, and from-the-pantry-shelf convenient. If you don’thave scallions in the refrigerator, use atablespoon or so of finely minced onion.

1 can (14¾ ounces, or 415 g)salmon

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¼ cup (25 g) oat bran1 egg2 scallions, finely sliced3 tablespoons (42 g) butter

Drain the salmon, place it in a mixingbowl, and mash it well. (Don’t worryabout any skin that may be in there; mashit right in.)

Add the oat bran, egg, and scallionsand mix everything well. Form into 4patties.

Melt the butter in a heavy skillet overmedium heat. Sauté the patties in thebutter, turning carefully, until they’requite golden on both sides (7 to 10minutes per side).

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Yield: 2 servings

Each with 9 grams of carbohydrates and2 grams of fiber, for a total of 7 gramsusable carbs and 47 grams of protein.

Not only do these patties have lots ofhealthy fish oils, they also contain halfyour day’s requirement of calcium.

Orange Swordfish Steakswith Almonds

16 ounces (455 g) swordfish steak¼ cup (60 ml) lemon juice2 tablespoons (30 ml) olive oil½ teaspoon orange extract

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2 teaspoons Splenda2 tablespoons (28 g) butter2 tablespoons (15 g) slivered


Put the swordfish in a resealable plasticbag. Combine the lemon juice, olive oil,orange extract, and Splenda. Reservesome of the marinade and pour the restinto the bag. Seal the bag, pressing outthe air as you go, and turn the bag onceor twice to coat the fish. Throw it in thefridge. Let your fish marinate for anhour, turning it when you think of it.

Now, spray a skillet with nonstickspray and add half the butter. Melt overlow heat and then add the swordfishsteak. Pour off the marinade. Let the fish

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cook for 5 minutes and then turn it overand let it cook for another 5.

While the fish is cooking, melt theother half of the butter in a small skillet.Add the almonds and sauté, stirringfrequently, until golden. If they’re donebefore the fish is, remove from the heat.

When the 10 minutes of cooking timefor the fish is up, add the reservedmarinade to the pan. Let the fish cookanother 2 to 3 minutes, turning once.Remove to a serving plate, pour themarinade over it, and top with thealmonds. Serve.

Yield: 3 servings

Each with 31 g protein; 3 g

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carbohydrate; trace dietary fiber; 3 gusable carbs.

Panned Swordfish Steakswith Garlic and Vermouth

This dish is simple, fast, and elegant.And do you know how much you’d payfor this at a restaurant?

1 pound (455 g) swordfish steaksSalt and pepper1 tablespoon (15 ml) olive oil¼ cup (60 ml) water¼ cup (60 ml) dry vermouth2 or 3 cloves garlic, crushed3 to 4 tablespoons (11.4 to 15.2 g)

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minced parsley

Sprinkle the swordfish steaks lightly onboth sides with salt and pepper.

Place a heavy skillet over high heatand add the olive oil. When the oil ishot, add the swordfish and sear on bothsides (about 1 to 1½ minutes per side).Then add the water, vermouth, and garlicand turn down the heat to medium. Coverand let the fish simmer for 10 minutes.

Remove the fish to a serving platter orindividual serving plates and keepwarm. Turn the heat under the skillet tohigh and boil the pan juices hard for aminute or two until they’re reduced toabout ¼ cup (60 ml). Pour over the fishand top with parsley.

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Yield: 3 servings

Each with 2 grams of carbohydrates, nofiber, and 32 grams of protein.

Swordfish Veracruz

This is so simple and quick—yet it’s thesort of thing you’d pay big bucks for at afancy restaurant. Salsa verde is a greensalsa made from tomatillos. Look for itin the Mexican or international sectionof your grocery store.

24 ounces (680 g) swordfishsteaks

½ cup (120 ml) ruby redgrapefruit juice (I like to use

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fresh-squeezed.)½ teaspoon ground cumin1 tablespoon (15 ml) oil¼ cup (65 g) salsa verde

Cut the swordfish into 4 servings andplace on a plate with a rim. Mix togetherthe grapefruit juice and the cumin.Reserve some marinade and pour therest of it over the steaks, turning them tocoat both sides. Let the swordfish steakssit in the grapefruit juice for 5 minutes orso.

Spray a large, heavy skillet withnonstick cooking spray and place overmedium heat. When the skillet is hot, addthe oil and then the fish. Sauté for 4minutes per side. Then pour in the

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reserved marinade and let the fish cookin it for another minute or two, turningonce.

Place the fish on serving plates, topeach serving with a tablespoon of salsaverde, and serve.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 4 grams of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 34 grams of protein.

Variation: You can expand this recipe abit by serving the fish on a bed ofavocado slices— split one avocadobetween the 4 servings—and sprinklingchopped fresh cilantro on top. This willtake you up to 8 grams of carbohydratesper serving and 2 grams of fiber, for a

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total of 6 grams of usable carbs.

Curried Swordfish andCabbage

I’ll curry anything that stands still longenough! This is a fast and simple yetelegant meal, all made in one big skillet.But if you want to make more than 1 or 2servings, you’ll need to do it twice, orget a really, really huge skillet!

8 ounces (225 g) swordfish steak,1½ inches (3.75 cm) thick

2 tablespoons (28 g) butter1½ teaspoons curry powder2 cups (150 g) shredded cabbage

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(You can used bagged coleslawmix, if you like.)

¼ medium onion, sliced thin1 clove garlic, crushed

Spray a big skillet with nonstick cookingspray. Melt the butter in it over low heatand add the curry powder. Let it cookfor just a minute and then add thecabbage, onion, and garlic. Sauté thevegetables, stirring frequently, for 3 or 4minutes.

Make a hole in the middle of thecabbage big enough to lay yourswordfish steak on the pan. Cover thepan and set the oven timer for 5 minutes.

When the timer beeps, turn the fishover and stir the cabbage. Re-cover the

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pan and set the timer for another 5minutes. When time’s up, serve theswordfish with the cabbage heapedaround it.

Yield: 1 to 2 servings

Assuming 1, it will have 48 g protein; 13g carbohydrate; 5 g dietary fiber; 8 gusable carbs.

Citrus-Ginger Mahi Mahi

1 pound (455 g) mahi mahi fillets2 tablespoons (30 ml) lemon juice¼ teaspoon orange extract2 teaspoons soy sauce½ teaspoon Splenda

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1 tablespoon (6 g) grated ginger1 tablespoon (15 ml) oil

This goes fast, so start a charcoal fire orpreheat a gas grill before starting toprepare your food so you’re not hangingaround waiting for your fire to be ready.

On a plate with a rim or a glass pieplate, mix together everything but thefish. Lay the fish in the marinade andturn it over to coat. Let it sit for 15 to 30minutes, at which point you want yourgrill to be medium-hot. Grill for just 5 to6 minutes per side.

Yield: 2 to 3 servings

Assuming 2 servings, each will have 2grams of carbohydrate—actually less,

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because you won’t finish the marinade—a trace of fiber, and 41 grams protein.

Bacon-Wrapped GrilledTrout

This is simple and classic.

4 medium rainbow trout, cleaned,heads removed

8 sprigs fresh rosemary8 slices bacon

Start a charcoal fire or preheat a gasgrill.

Stuff the rosemary into the bodycavities of the trout. Wrap each trout

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with 2 slices of bacon, covering as muchof the skin of each fish as you can. Holdit in place with toothpicks you’vesoaked in water for a half hour or so. (Itcan be tough to get the toothpicks throughthe fish skin—use a metal skewer, a nutpick, or the point of a knife to assist, ifneeded.)

Grill over a medium fire, keepingdown flare-ups with a water bottle, untilthe bacon is done and serve.

Yield: 4 servings

Each serving will have 1 gram ofcarbohydrate and a trace of fiber (whichyou’ll get only if you eat the rosemary),and about 45 grams protein.

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Truite au Bleu

This is more a method of preparationthan a recipe, and it’s a true classic.Expand or contract this recipe at will toserve however many diners you have.

Trout, cleaned and beheaded, butwith the skin still on—about 10ounces (280 g) per serving as amain course, or 5 or 6 ounces(140 to 170 g) per serving as afirst course

WaterCider vinegarBay leavesPeppercorns or coarse cracked

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pepperSalt or Vege-SalButter

You’ll need a pan big enough for thetrout to lie flat—I generally do just onebig trout, weighing about a pound (455g), and the only pan I have where it canlie flat is my big soup pot. Use what youhave, but it should be a pan that won’treact with acid—stainless steel,enamelware, anodized aluminum, orstove-top glassware.

Next you make up a solution of waterand vinegar, just enough to completelycover the trout. The proportions youwant are roughly 3 or 4 parts water to 1part vinegar. I find that 1½ quarts (1.4 L)

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of water and 1½ cups (360 ml) ofvinegar are about right for my pan. Pourthis solution in your pan and turn the heatto high.

Stir in 1 or 2 bay leaves, ½tablespoon (3 g) of pepper per quart(litre), and 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of salt orVege-Sal per quart (litre). Bring thismixture to a simmer.

Simply lower the trout into thesimmering solution, reduce the heat tomedium-low, and let the fish simmer forabout 5 minutes. Lift the fish carefullyout of the simmering solution and servewith a pitcher of melted butter to pourover the fish.

Yield: Servings will depend on how

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many fish you cook, of course.

The fish itself is carb-free, and of coursemost of the poaching solution isdiscarded—you can figure on no morethan a gram of carbohydrates perserving, no fiber, and 59 grams ofprotein in a 10-ounce (280-g) trout.

Fried Catfish

I admit that without cornmeal this issomewhat inauthentic, but my catfish-loving spouse thought it was great.Catfish is among the least expensivefish, too, so this is a bargain to serve.

1 pound (455 g) catfish fillets

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¼ cup (30 g) finely groundalmonds

¼ cup (30 g) finely groundhazelnuts

2 tablespoons (16 g) rice proteinpowder

1½ teaspoons seasoned salt1 egg1 tablespoon (15 ml) waterOil for frying (peanut, canola, or

sunflower)Lemon wedges

On a plate, combine the almonds,hazelnuts, protein powder, and seasonedsalt, stirring well.

In a shallow bowl, beat the egg withthe water.

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Wash and dry the catfish fillets. Dipeach one in the egg and then in the nutmixture, pressing it well into the fish.

If you have a deep fryer, by all meansuse it to fry your fish until it’s a deepgold color (7 to 10 minutes). If youdon’t, use a large, heavy skillet. Pour 1inch (2.5 cm) of oil into the skillet andput it over medium-high heat. Let it heatfor at least 5 minutes; you don’t want toput your fish in until the oil is up totemperature. (To test the oil, carefullyput in one drop—no more—of water. Itshould sizzle, but not make the oil spit. Ifthe oil spits, it’s too hot. Turn the heatdown and wait for it to cool a bit.)

When the oil is hot, put in your fishand fry it until it’s a deep gold in color.

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If the oil doesn’t completely cover thefish, you’ll have to carefully turn it afterabout 5 minutes. (Figure 7 to 10 minutestotal frying time.) Serve with lemonwedges.

Yield: Serves 3, unless one of them ismy husband, in which case it may onlyserve 2

Assuming my husband isn’t at your house(and if he is, I’d like to hear about it),each serving has 4 grams ofcarbohydrates and 1 gram of fiber, for atotal of 3 grams of usable carbs and 30grams of protein.

Citrus Catfish

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Squeezing a little lemon over fish is aculinary classic—but this goes waybeyond just lemon!

1½ pounds (680 g) catfish fillets½ cup (120 ml) lemon juice½ teaspoon orange extract¼ cup (60 ml) soy sauce2 tablespoons plus2 teaspoons (4 g) Splenda2 cloves garlic, crushed¼ teaspoon pepper

Lay the fillets on a plate with a rim—apie plate (or two) is ideal. Combineeverything else, reserving somemarinade for basting, and pour the restover the fillets, turning to coat both

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sides. Let the fillets marinate for at least15 minutes, and a half hour won’t hurt.Heat a gas grill or get a charcoal firegoing in the meanwhile.

Make sure your grill is well oiled andgrill the catfish over medium heat orwell-ashed coals for about 5 minutes perside, basting it on both sides with thereserved marinade when you turn it—which you’ll want to do carefully! Whenthe fish is opaque and flaky, it’s ready toserve.

Yield: 3 servings

6 grams of carb if you eat all of themarinade—I’d put it closer to 4 grams, atrace of fiber, and 29 grams of protein.

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Indonesian Grilled Catfish

It’s low-carb, low-fat, low-cal—thisrecipe is low in everything but flavor!

4 catfish fillets¼ cup (60 ml) soy sauce1 tablespoon (15 ml) rice wine

vinegar1 teaspoon Splenda1 drop blackstrap molasses (If

you keep your blackstrapmolasses in a squeeze bottle,it’s easy to measure just 1drop.)

1 teaspoon grated ginger1 clove garlic, crushed

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Lay the catfish in a glass pie plate. Mixtogether everything else and pour overthe catfish, turning to coat. Stash thewhole thing in the fridge for at least ahalf hour, and a few hours would begreat. Flip the fish over halfway throughto marinate both sides evenly.

Start a charcoal fire or preheat a gasgrill. When marinating time is up, pullthe fish out and throw it on a well-oiledgrill over a medium fire. It shouldn’ttake more than 3 to 5 minutes per side tobe flaky and done—turn it carefully!

Yield: 4 servings

Each serving will have 2 grams ofcarbohydrate, a trace of fiber, and 27

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grams of protein.

This is good served with a cucumbersalad. (See page 144.)

Lemon-Balsamic CatfishKebabs

Catfish nuggets are often quiteinexpensive, and they’re great formaking kebabs. Adjust the heat in thisrecipe by what sort of hot pepper sauceyou use—Tabasco if you like it fairlymild or habañero or Scotch bonnet sauceif you like it spicy!

1 pound (455 g) catfish nuggets(If your grocery store doesn’t

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have catfish nuggets, cut upfillets.)

2 cloves garlic, crushed2 tablespoons (30 ml) lemon juice1 tablespoon (15 ml) balsamic

vinegar1 teaspoon soy sauce¼ teaspoon ground rosemary¼ to ½ teaspoon hot pepper

sauceOlive oil

Mix together everything but the catfishand the olive oil in a bowl big enough tohold the catfish nuggets. When themarinade ingredients are blended, addthe catfish nuggets and stir them up sothey’re coated.

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Let them marinate for at least 30minutes— during which time you can besoaking 3 or 4 bamboo skewers in waterso they won’t catch fire on the grill.

Okay, start your fire; you’ll want it atmedium or a little lower. Skewer thecatfish nuggets, doubling the long ones ifnecessary to avoid floppy, dangling bits.Pack the nuggets fairly closely to avoiddrying. Brush the kebabs with a littleolive oil and make sure the grill is welloiled, too. Now grill the kebabs forabout 4 to 5 minutes per side or untilflaky and then serve.

Yield: 3 to 4 kebabs

Assuming 3 servings, each will have 2

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grams of carbohydrate (actually less,because you won’t eat every drop of themarinade), a trace of fiber, and 25 gramsof protein.

Tuna Melt Casserole

Hey, we all grew up on tuna casserole.Here’s one with no noodles for the low-carb grownups we’ve become.

1 can (6 ounces, or 170 g)albacore tuna, drained andmashed

1 teaspoon oil1 cup (115 g) shredded Cheddar

cheese3 slices (1½ ounces, or 42 g)

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processed American cheese3 eggs3 tablespoons (20 g) ground

flaxseed meal or low-carb bakemix

1 teaspoon garlic powder½ to 1 teaspoon salt

Preheat the oven to 400°F (200°C, orgas mark 6) and grease a 9-inch (23-cm)pie plate with the oil.

In a large bowl, combine the tuna,cheeses, eggs, flaxseed meal, garlic, andsalt. Mix well.

Pour the tuna mixture into theprepared pie plate, pat down firmly, andbake for approximately 30 minutes oruntil browned and bubbly.

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Yield: 3 servings

Each with 5 grams of carbohydrates and3 grams of fiber, for a total of 2 grams ofusable carbs and 38 grams of protein.

Tuna Steaks with Peach-Citrus Relish

The quantity of relish is small here tokeep the carb count low—just enough topoint up the flavor of the fish.

2 pounds (910 g) tuna steaks1 ripe peach1 tablespoon (15 ml) lime juice¼ teaspoon orange extract

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1 clove garlic, crushed1 tablespoon (1.5 g) Splenda½ tablespoon soy sauceOlive oil

First peel the peach, cut it in half,remove the stone, and dice it small. Stirin the lime juice, orange extract, garlic,Splenda, and soy sauce. Set this aside—indeed, you can do this a few hours inadvance if you like and refrigerate therelish until dinnertime. If you do this, getthe relish out of the fridge before you getready to grill the fish—it will have moreflavor at room temperature.

When it’s time to cook, either light acharcoal fire and let the coals burn downtill they’re ash-covered or set your gas

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grill to medium. Cut the tuna steaks intoserving portions and rub each one lightlywith olive oil. Make sure your grill iswell oiled and grill the tuna no morethan 3 to 5 minutes per side—it shouldstill be red in the middle. (I learned thisthe hard way. Cook a tuna steak until it’spink all the way through, and it will bedry and tough.) Divide the relishbetween the portions and serve.

Yield: 4 servings

Each serving will have 4 grams ofcarbohydrate and 1 gram of fiber, for ausable carb count of 3 grams; and 53grams protein.

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California Tuna Fritters

This makes a quick and different supperout of simple canned tuna. You can makethis into a few big tuna burgers, if youprefer, to cut a few minutes off thecooking time, but we really like these aslittle fritters.

12 ounces (340 g) canned water-pack tuna, drained

1 stalk celery6 scallions½ green pepper2 tablespoons (7.6 g) chopped

parsley1 egg1 tablespoon (15 ml) spicy brown

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mustard or Dijon mustard cup (30 g) rice protein powder

4 to 5 tablespoons (56 to 70 g)butter, divided

Plunk the celery, scallions, pepper,parsley, egg, and mustard in a foodprocessor with the S-blade in place andpulse until the vegetables are chopped toa medium-fine consistency. Add the tunaand rice protein powder and pulse tomix.

Spray a large, heavy skillet withnonstick cooking spray and place overmedium-high heat. Melt 2 to 3tablespoons (28 to 42 g) of butter in itand drop in the tuna mixture by thetablespoonful. Fry until brown, turn, and

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brown other side. It takes two batches tocook all of this mixture in my skillet; addthe rest of the butter when you make thesecond batch. Serve with EasyRemoulade Sauce (page 476), whichtakes all of 2 or 3 minutes to make.

Yield: 4 or 5 servings

Assuming 5 servings, and not includingthe Easy Remoulade Sauce, each willhave 5 grams of carbohydrates and 1gram of fiber, for a total of 4 grams ofusable carbs and 32 grams of protein.

Pantry Seafood Supper

This is convenient because as the name

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strongly suggests it uses seafood you’vegot sitting in your pantry. If you’ve gotseafood sitting in your freezer, you canuse it instead—just let it cook an extra30 minutes or so to make sure it’sthawed and cooked through.

1 can (6 ounces, or 170 g) tuna,drained

1 can (6 ounces, or 170 g) crab,drained

1 can (6 ounces, or 170 g) shrimp,drained

¼ cup (45 g) roasted red peppersjarred in oil, diced small (about1 pepper)

cup (20.3 g) chopped parsley1 cup (70 g) chopped mushrooms

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¾ cup (180 ml) chicken broth¾ cup (180 ml) dry white wine2 tablespoons (20 g) minced onion2 teaspoons dried dill weed½ teaspoon paprika½ teaspoon hot pepper sauce1 cup (240 ml) Carb Countdown

dairy beverage¼ cup (60 ml) heavy creamGuar or xanthan

Combine the red peppers, parsley,mushrooms, broth, wine, onion, dill,paprika, and hot pepper sauce in a slowcooker. Cover the slow cooker, set it tolow, and let it cook for 3 to 4 hours.

When the time’s up, stir in the CarbCountdown and cream and thicken the

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sauce to your liking with guar orxanthan. Now stir in the tuna, crab, andshrimp and let it cook for another 15 to20 minutes.

Now you have a choice: You can eatthis as a chowder or you can serve itover Cauliflower Rice (page 212) orlow-carbohydrate pasta—or even overspaghetti squash. It’s up to you.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 33 g protein, 4 gcarbohydrate, 1 g dietary fiber, 3 gusable carbs.


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1 pound (455 g) raw shrimp in theshell

½ cup (115 g) butter¼ cup (60 ml) olive oil3 cloves garlic, crushed¼ cup (60 ml) dry white wine¼ cup (15.2 g) minced fresh


Melt the butter with the olive oil in aheavy skillet over medium-low heat.Add the garlic and stir it around.

Add the shrimp to the skillet. Ifthey’re room temperature, they’ll take 2to 3 minutes per side; frozen shrimp willtake 4 to 5 minutes per side. Be carefulnot to overcook them.

Add the wine and simmer for another

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1 to 2 minutes. Serve garnished with theparsley and put out plenty of napkins!

Yield: 3 servings

Each with 3 grams of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 31 grams of protein.

Feel free to increase this recipe tohowever much your skillet can hold.This makes a great fast-and-easycompany dinner; just add a salad andsome crusty bread for the carb-eatersand call it a party.

Shrimp and AndouilleJambalaya

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If you can’t find andouille, just substitutethe lowest-carb smoked sausage you canfind.

2 cups (260 g) shelled, deveined,medium-size shrimp (41/50count)

12 ounces (340 g) andouillesausage, sliced ½ inch thick

¼ cup (60 ml) olive oil 1 cups(215 g) chopped onion

2 cloves garlic, crushed1 large green pepper, diced1 can (14½ ounces, or 410 g)

diced tomatoes, including liquid1 cup (240 ml) chicken broth1 teaspoon dried thyme6 cups (900 g) Cauliflower Rice

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(about one good-sizecauliflower; page 212)

Salt and pepperHot pepper sauce

In a Dutch oven, start browning theandouille in the olive oil. When it’slightly golden on both sides, add theonion, garlic, and green pepper. Sautéthe vegetables until the onion startsgetting translucent.

Add the tomatoes, chicken broth, andthyme and bring to a simmer. Let itsimmer for 20 minutes or so, uncovered,to blend the flavors.

Add the “rice” and simmer for another15 minutes or until the cauliflower isstarting to get tender.

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Add the shrimp and simmer foranother 5 minutes or so—just longenough to cook the shrimp. Add salt,pepper, and hot pepper sauce to tasteand serve.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 12 grams of carbohydratesand 4 grams of fiber, for a total of 8grams of usable carbs and 32 grams ofprotein.

Cajun Skillet Shrimp

I threw this together when my husbandbrought a friend home for a quick lunch.This takes no more than 10 minutes, and

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it was a big hit.

2 cups (260 g) shelled, deveinedshrimp (cooked or uncooked)

3 tablespoons (45 ml) olive oil1 clove garlic, crushed1 small onion, sliced½ green pepper½ yellow pepper1 teaspoon Cajun seasoning

Heat the oil in a heavy skillet overmedium-high heat. If your shrimp areuncooked, throw them in now along withthe garlic, onion, and peppers and stir-fry them all together until the shrimp arepink all the way through and thevegetables are just tender-crisp. If

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you’re using cooked shrimp, sauté thevegetables first and then add the shrimpand cook just long enough to heat themthrough. (I threw mine in still frozen, andthey were thawed and hot in just 4 to 5minutes.)

Sprinkle the Cajun seasoning overeverything. Stir it in and serve.

Yield: 2 servings

Each with 11 grams of carbohydratesand 2 grams of fiber, for a total of 9grams of usable carbs and 28 grams ofprotein.

Curried Shrimp in CoconutMilk

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This is so exotic!

1 pound (455 g) large shrimp,shelled (31/35 count)

14 ounces (425 ml) coconut milk1½ tablespoons (9 g) curry

powder1 clove garlic, crushed1 teaspoon chili garlic paste1 tablespoon (15 ml) fish sauce2 teaspoons Splenda3 scallions, sliced thin¼ cup (16 g) chopped cilantro

In a large, shallow pan, combine thecoconut milk, curry powder, garlic, andchili garlic paste. Heat over medium-low and let simmer 7 to 10 minutes.

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Add shrimp, fish sauce, and Splenda.Stir and let simmer for 5 to 7 moreminutes or until shrimp are pink all theway through.

Stir in the scallions, let simmer foranother minute, and serve—spoon overCauliflower Rice (page 212) if desiredor eat as is. Top each serving withchopped cilantro.

Yield: 3 servings

Each with 29 g protein; 12 gcarbohydrate; 4 g dietary fiber; 8 gusable carbs.

Shrimp Alfredo

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I invented this for my Alfredo-obsessedhusband, and he loves it.

2 cups (260 g) thawed small,frozen shrimp, cooked, shelled,and deveined

2 cups (500 g) frozen broccoli“cuts”

3 tablespoons (42 g) butter3 cloves garlic, crushed¾ cup (180 ml) heavy cream¼ teaspoon guar or xanthan1 cup (100 g) grated Parmesan


Steam or microwave the broccoli untiltender-crisp.

Melt the butter in a heavy skillet over

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medium heat and stir in the garlic. Drainthe broccoli and add it to the skillet withthe shrimp; stir to coat with garlic butter.

While the shrimp is heating through,put the cream in the blender, turn it to alow speed, and add the guar. Turn theblender off quickly so you don’t makebutter.

Pour the cream into the skillet and stirin the Parmesan. Heat to a simmer andserve.

Yield: 3 servings

Each with 11 grams of carbohydratesand 4 grams of fiber, for a total of 7grams of usable carbs and 30 grams ofprotein.

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Easy Shrimp in Garlic HerbCream Sauce

This seems too easy! You may use full-fat garlic and herb cheese—such asBoursin or Alouette—if you prefer.Your calorie count will go up but notyour carb count.

1 pound (455 g) large shrimp,shelled (31/35 count)

2 tablespoons (28 g) butter½ cup (115 g) light garlic and

herb spreadable cheese¼ cup (60 ml) heavy cream4 tablespoons (15.2 g) chopped

fresh parsley

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Make sure your shrimp are shelled andready to go. Melt the butter in a bigskillet over medium heat and throw inthe shrimp. Sauté for 2 to 3 minutes perside or until pink. Add the cheese andstir until it melts. Your sauce will looklike a gloppy mess. Do not panic. Stir inthe cream, and the whole thing willsmooth out beautifully as you stir.Transfer to serving plates, top withparsley, and serve.

Yield: 3 servings

Each with 29 g protein; 3 gcarbohydrate; 1 g dietary fiber; 2 gusable carbs.

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Brined Lemon PepperShrimp

Brining shrimp makes them plumper andfirmer— some say the texture resembleslobster. It adds flavor, too! I mean, whatis sea water but a kind of brine? If youwant to be terribly authentic, use seasalt!

FOR THE BRINE:2 tablespoons (40 g) kosher salt

or large-crystal sea salt1 quart (960 ml) cold water2 tablespoons (3 g) Splenda¼ teaspoon blackstrap molasses

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1 pound (455 g) shrimp in theshell—whatever size you like

FOR THE SEASONING:2 cloves garlic¼ cup (60 ml) olive oil2 tablespoons (12 g) lemon


To brine the shrimp: Dissolve the salt inthe water. Stir in the Splenda andmolasses. Now pour this mixture overthe shrimp you’ve placed in a bowl or ina large resealable plastic bag. If you’reusing a bag, press out the air and seal it.Either way, make sure the shrimp aresubmerged. Let them sit in the brine for30 to 45 minutes for medium-size shrimp

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or as much as an hour for really hugeones.

To cook: While your shrimp arebrining, crush the garlic and pour theolive oil over it. That way, you’ll havegarlic-flavored olive oil by the time theshrimp are ready to cook.

Drain the brine off of the shrimp andpat them dry with a paper towel. Put theshrimp in a bowl, pour the garlic oliveoil over them, and toss. Now sprinklethe lemon pepper over them and tossagain.

You’ll need a small-holed grill rackor a grill wok—I like to use a grill wokfor this. Lift the shrimp out of the oliveoil with a fork to let the excess oil dripoff and put over a medium-hot fire. Grill

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quickly, turning two or three times, untilpink all the way through—the timingwill depend on the size of your shrimp,but it shouldn’t take more than 6 or 7minutes. If the olive oil causes flare-ups,keep them down with a squirt bottle.

Yield: 3 to 4 servings

Assuming 3, each serving would have 6grams of carb—if you drank the brine(but you won’t, of course). So figure nomore than 4 grams per serving, a trace offiber, and 31 grams of protein. (You’llactually get a little more protein if youcook big shrimp than if you cook littleones, because of the better shrimp-to-shell ratio.).

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Variation: Brined Old Bay Shrimp. Forthe seasoning, use ¼ cup (60 ml) oliveoil and 2 tablespoons (13 g) Old BaySeasoning (look for this in the spiceaisle). Drain the brined shrimp and patthem dry. Put them in a bowl, pour theolive oil over them, and toss. Sprinklethe Old Bay Seasoning over the shrimpand toss again. Finish as directed above.

Yield: 3 to 4 servings.

Assuming 3, figure about 2 gramscarbohydrate per serving, with no fiber,and 31 grams of protein.

Obscenely Rich Shrimp

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This is a bit of trouble, and it’s notcheap, so you’ll probably only want tomake it for company—but wow.

1 bag (14 ounces, or 400 g)frozen, cooked, shelled shrimp(small shrimp—51/60 count)

2 packages (10 ounces, or 280 geach) frozen chopped spinach

3 tablespoons (42 g) butter1 pound (455 g) mushrooms,

sliced1 small onion, diced2 teaspoons liquid beef bouillon

concentrate1½ cups (360 ml) heavy cream1 cup (230 g) sour cream1 cup (100 g) grated Parmesan

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cheese1 cup (70 g) unsweetened flaked


Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C, orgas mark 4).

Cook the spinach; I put mine in a glasscasserole dish, cover it, and microwaveit on high for 7 minutes.

Meanwhile, melt the butter in a heavyskillet over medium heat and startsautéing the mushrooms and onions.When they’re starting to get limp, breakup the frozen shrimp a bit and add themto the skillet.

When the shrimp are thawed and theonions are quite limp and translucent,scoop out the vegetables and shrimp

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with a slotted spoon and put them asidein a bowl. Turn up the heat to medium-high. A fair amount of liquid will haveaccumulated in the bottom of the skillet;add the beef bouillon concentrate to itand boil the liquid until it’s reduced toabout one-third of its original volume.

Turn the heat back down to low, stirin the heavy cream, sour cream, andParmesan and just heat it through (don’tlet it boil). Stir the shrimp andvegetables back into this sauce.

Rescue your spinach from themicrowave and drain it well by putting itin a strainer and pressing it with theback of a spoon to make sure all theliquid is removed.

Spray a 10-cup (2.4-L) casserole dish

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with nonstick cooking spray and spreadhalf of the spinach in the bottom of it. Puthalf of the shrimp mixture over that.Repeat the layers with the rest of thespinach and the rest of the sauce.

Top with the coconut and bake for 1½hours.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 15 grams of carbohydratesand 5 grams of fiber, for a total of 10grams of usable carbs and 26 grams ofprotein. (Not to mention outrageousamounts of fat, but that doesn’t botherus!)

Hot Paprika Shrimp

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1 pound (455 g) large shrimp,shelled

¼ cup (60 ml) oil4 teaspoons paprika4 teaspoons chili garlic paste4 cloves garlic, crushed

Just sauté the shrimp in the oil for about5 minutes until it’s pink. Sprinkle thepaprika over it and stir in the chili garlicpaste and garlic. Cook for anotherminute or so and serve.

Yield: 2 to 3 servings

Assuming 3, each will have 26 g protein;4 g carbohydrate; 1 g dietary fiber; 3 gusable carbs.

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Saigon Shrimp

This dish is vietnamese style—hot and alittle sweet.

1 pound (455 g) large shrimp,shelled and deveined (31/35count)

Scant ½ teaspoon saltScant ½ teaspoon pepper1½ teaspoons Splenda3 scallions¼ cup (60 ml) peanut or canola oil1½ teaspoons chili garlic paste2 teaspoons minced garlic

Mix together the salt, pepper, andSplenda in a small dish or cup. Slice the

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scallions thinly and set them aside.Gather all the ingredients except thescallions together—the actual cooking ofthis dish is lightning-fast!

In a wok or heavy skillet over highestheat, heat the oil. Add the shrimp andstir-fry for 2 to 3 minutes or until they’reabout two-thirds pink. Add the chiligarlic paste and garlic and keep stir-frying. When the shrimp are pink allover and all the way through, sprinklethe salt, pepper, and Splenda mixtureover them and stir for just another 10seconds or so. Turn off the heat anddivide the shrimp between 3 servingplates. Top each serving with ascattering of sliced scallion and serve.

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Yield: 3 servings

Each with 2 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 1 gram ofusable carbs and 25 grams of protein.

This dish comes in at a low 288 caloriesa serving.

Shrimp and Artichoke“Risotto”

Not only is it lower carb and lowercalorie to use cauli-rice to make“risotto,” but it’s tremendously quickerand easier, too. I adapted this recipefrom one of Emeril’s, and it’s fabulous.You can use precooked or raw shrimp in

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this—since you’re using the tiniestshrimp you can find, the cooking time isnext to nothing anyway. Just make sureyour shrimp are pink before you servethis—which should take approximately aminute and a half.

½ pound (225 g) extra smallshrimp (61/70 count)

½ head cauliflower, shredded½ cup (80 g) chopped onion4 cloves garlic1 tablespoon (15 ml) olive oil1 tablespoon (4.5 g) dried basil, or

¼ cup (10.6 g) chopped freshbasil

1 tablespoon (15 ml) lemon juice1 teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal

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½ teaspoon pepper1 can (14 ounces, or 400 g)

artichoke hearts, drained andchopped

1 teaspoon Creole Seasoning(page 485 or purchased)

½ cup (120 ml) heavy cream¾ cup (75 g) grated Parmesan

cheese4 scallions, sliced, including the

crisp part of the green shootGuar or xanthan

Put the cauliflower in a microwaveablecasserole dish with a lid. Add a coupleof tablespoons (30 ml) of water, cover,and microwave on high for 6 minutes.

While that’s happening, throw the

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onion and garlic in a big, heavy skilletalong with the olive oil. Sauté overmedium-low heat until the microwavebeeps—you want the onion to be turningtranslucent.

Okay, cauliflower’s done. Pull it out,drain it, and add it to the onions andgarlic. Stir in the basil, lemon juice, saltor Vege-Sal, pepper, chopped artichokehearts, Creole Seasoning, shrimp, andcream. Let the whole thing simmer for aminute or two to blend the flavors. Stirin the Parmesan and scallions, thickenjust until good and creamy with guar orxanthan, and serve.

Yield: 4 servings

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Each with 22 g protein; 14 gcarbohydrate; 2 g dietary fiber; 12 gusable carbs.

Noodleless Shrimp Pad Thai

This isn’t terribly low in carbs—it’s amaintenance dish, really—but I knowthat there are a lot of Thai food fans outthere. So this is a lot lower-carb thanPad Thai with noodles, plus it’s fast andincredibly tasty.

12 cooked, peeled shrimp2 tablespoons (30 ml) Thai fish

sauce1 tablespoon (1.5 g) Splenda2 tablespoons (30 ml) peanut oil

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or other bland oil2 cloves garlic, smashed2 eggs, beaten slightly3 cups (675 g) cooked spaghetti

squash, shredded1½ cups (75 g) bean sprouts2 tablespoons (16 g) dry-roasted

peanuts, chopped4 scallions, sliced2 tablespoons (8 g) cilantro,

chopped1 lime, cut into wedges

Mix the fish sauce and Splenda and setthe mixture aside.

Put the oil in a heavy skillet overmedium-high heat and sauté the garlicfor a minute. Add the shrimp and sauté

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for another minute. Add the fish saucemixture.

Pour the beaten eggs into the skillet,let them set for 15 to 30 seconds, andthen scramble. Stir in the spaghettisquash and bean sprouts, mixing with theshrimp and egg mixture. Cook until justheated through.

Place on serving plates. Top eachserving with chopped peanuts, scallions,and cilantro and serve with a wedge oflime on the side.

Yield: 3 servings

Each with 19 grams of carbohydratesand 2 grams of fiber, for a total of 17grams of usable carbs and 13 grams of

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If this carb count sounds way too high toyou, keep in mind that regular Pad Thaiusually has over 60 grams ofcarbohydrates per serving.

Shrimp in Sherry

This calls for 18 ounces (500 g) ofshrimp because the big shrimp I get atmy grocery run just about 1 ounce (30 g)apiece, and 6 big shrimp seemed a goodserving size. But if you only have apound of shrimp, don’t sweat it.

18 ounces (500 g) extra jumboshrimp—about an ounce (30 g)

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apiece—shelled (16/20 count)3 tablespoons (45 ml) olive oil3 tablespoons (45 ml) dry sherry¼ teaspoon hot pepper sauceGuar or xanthan

Have the shrimp shelled and ready to go.In a big skillet, sauté the shrimp in theolive oil over medium-high heat untilthey’re pink almost all over. Add thesherry and hot pepper sauce and stir. Letcook another minute or two. Thicken thepan juices just a tiny bit with guar orxanthan and serve.

Yield: 3 servings

Each with 28 g protein; trace

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carbohydrate; trace dietary fiber; traceusable carb.

Shrimp Stewed in CurryButter

Don’t bother with napkins; put the roll ofpaper towels on the table—this ismessy! It’s delicious, though.

24 large, raw, “easy peel” shrimp(31/35 count)

6 tablespoons (84 g) butter2 teaspoons curry powder1 teaspoon minced garlic or 2

cloves garlic, crushed

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Melt the butter in a large, heavy skilletover lowest heat. Stir in the currypowder and garlic and then add theshrimp in a single layer. Cook for 3 to 5minutes per side or until the shrimp arepink all the way through. Transfer toserving plates and scrape the extra currybutter over them.

Yield: 2 servings

Each with 2 grams of carbohydrates, 1gram of fiber (if you lick up every lastdrop of the curry-garlic butter), for atotal of a bit less than 1 gram of usablecarbs per serving and 15 grams ofprotein.

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Spicy Shrimp in Beer andButter

24 ounces (680 g) jumbo shrimp,shelled (21/25 count)

6 tablespoons (84 g) butter¾ teaspoon salt1½ teaspoons cayenne¾ teaspoon dried thyme½ teaspoon dried ground

rosemary½ teaspoon dried oregano6 cloves garlic, crushed1 tablespoon (15 ml)

Worcestershire sauce¾ cup (180 ml) light beer (I use

Miller Lite or Milwaukee’s

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Best Light.)

In a big, heavy skillet over very lowheat, start melting the butter. As it melts,stir in the salt and the next 6 ingredients(through Worcestershire sauce). Whenthe butter is all melted, add the shrimp—I like to use good, big ones about anounce (28 g) apiece. Let the shrimp sauté2 to 3 minutes per side, letting them getacquainted with the seasoned butter.

Now pour the light beer into theskillet. Cover the skillet and let theshrimp cook for 2 to 3 minutes. Uncoverand let them cook for another 2 minutesor so.

Remove the shrimp to serving platesand turn up the heat under the skillet. Let

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the sauce boil hard until it’s reduced byabout half and then pour over the shrimp.Serve.

Yield: 3 to 4 servings

Assuming 3, each will have 38 g protein;5 g carbohydrate; 1 g dietary fiber; 4 gusable carbs.

Shrimp in Brandy Cream

Wow—this dish is sheer elegance. Andit’s done in a flash!

1 pound (455 g) shrimp, shelledand deveined

4 tablespoons (56 g) butter

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cup (80 ml) brandy¾ cup (180 ml) heavy creamGuar or xanthan (optional)

Sauté the shrimp in the butter overmedium-high heat until cooked through—4 to 5 minutes. Add the brandy, turnup the heat, and let it boil hard for aminute or so to reduce. Stir in the creamand heat through. Thicken the sauce a bitwith guar or xanthan if you like and thenserve.

Yield: 3 or 4 servings

Assuming 3 servings, each will have 2grams of carbohydrates, no fiber, and 26grams of protein.

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Sweet and Spicy Shrimp

1 pound (455 g) large shrimp,shelled (31/35 count)

2 tablespoons (30 ml) oil½ teaspoon cayenne pepper1½ teaspoons five-spice powder2 cloves garlic, crushed1 tablespoon (6 g) grated ginger2 tablespoons (20 g) minced onion2 tablespoons (30 ml) rice vinegar2 tablespoons (3 g) Splenda

teaspoon blackstrap molassesSalt and pepper2 to 3 lime wedges

In a large, heavy skillet over medium-

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low, heat the oil and add the cayenne,five-spice powder, garlic, ginger, andonion. Stir for about 2 minutes or untilfragrant, taking care not to let the garlicturn brown.

Stir in the rice vinegar, Splenda, andblackstrap molasses. Now add theshrimp and stir to coat with theseasonings. Sauté the shrimp, turningfrequently, until they’re pink all the waythrough. Season lightly with salt andpepper, transfer to serving plates, andserve with a lime wedge.

Yield: 2 to 3 servings

Assuming 2, each will have 38 g protein;6 g carbohydrate; trace dietary fiber; 5 g

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usable carbs.

Sweet and Sour Shrimp

Adding the shrimp and snow peas at thelast moment keeps them from becomingdesperately overcooked.

1½ pounds (680 g) shrimp, shellsremoved

1 cup (220 g) peaches, peeled andcubed (Frozen unsweetenedpeaches work well. Just cutthem into smaller chunks,about ½ inch, or 1.3 cm.)

½ cup (80 g) chopped onion1 green bell pepper, diced

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½ cup (60 g) chopped celery½ cup (120 ml) chicken broth2 tablespoons (30 ml) dark

sesame oil¼ cup (60 ml) soy sauce2 tablespoons (30 ml) rice vinegar¼ cup (60 ml) lemon juice1 teaspoon red pepper flakes1 tablespoon (1.5 g) Splenda6 ounces (170 g) fresh snow pea

pods, trimmed cup (40 g) slivered almonds,toasted Guar or xanthan

Put the peaches, onion, pepper, celery,broth, sesame oil, soy sauce, vinegar,lemon juice, red pepper flakes, andSplenda in a slow cooker and stir them

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together. Cover the slow cooker, set it tolow, and let it cook for 4 hours. (Or youcould cook it on high for 2 hours.)

When the time’s up, turn the pot up tohigh while you trim the snow peas andcut them in 1-inch (2.5-cm) lengths. Stirthem in and let it cook for 15 to 20minutes. Now stir in the shrimp. Ifthey’re uncooked, give them 10 minutesor until they’re pink through. If they’recooked already, just give them 5 minutesor so to get hot through.

You can serve this over rice for thecarb-eaters in the family, of course. Ifyou like, you can have yours onCauliflower Rice (page 212), but thisdish is high-carb enough already that I’dprobably eat it plain.

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Yield: 6 servings

Each with 27 g protein, 13 gcarbohydrate, 3 g dietary fiber, 10 gusable carbs.

Coquilles St. Jacques

This is a seafood classic!

8 ounces (225 g) bay scallops1 tablespoon (15 g) butter1½ teaspoons minced onion½ clove garlic, crushed½ cup (35 g) chopped mushroomsSalt and pepper¼ cup (60 ml) dry white wine½ cup (120 ml) heavy cream

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Guar or xanthan cup (40 g) shredded Gruyere

Preheat the broiler to low.In a medium-size saucepan, melt the

butter over medium-low heat. Add theonion and garlic and sauté for just aminute or so. Now add the mushroomsand sauté, stirring frequently, untilmushrooms have changed color and arelimp. Season a little with salt andpepper and add scallops and wine. Heatit to a bare simmer and let simmer justuntil scallops are opaque; do notovercook.

Using a slotted spoon, scoop out thescallops and mushrooms and dividebetween two large scallop shells or two

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ovenproof ramekins.Turn up the heat under the liquid

remaining in the saucepan and let it boilhard for just a minute or so to reduce.Turn heat back down and stir in cream.Now, using a whisk and the guar orxanthan, thicken the sauce up a bit. Addhalf the cheese and whisk until it’smelted.

Divide the sauce between the twoshells or ramekins and divide theremaining cheese between the twoservings. Run the shells or ramekinsunder a low broiler about 4 inches (10cm) from the heat until the tops havegotten golden—just 4 or 5 minutes.Serve.

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Yield: 2 servings

Each with 26 g protein; 6 gcarbohydrate; trace dietary fiber; 6 gusable carbs.

Scallops Vinaigrette

This recipe is fast and simple.

2 cups (350 g) bay scallops2 tablespoons (20 g) minced onion½ red bell pepper, cut in

matchstick strips4 teaspoons olive oil¼ cup (60 ml) Italian salad

dressing (I used PaulNewman’s.)

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Guar or xanthan

In a big skillet, sauté the onion andpepper in the olive oil for a couple ofminutes. Add the scallops and sauté untilthey’re white all the way through. Stir inthe salad dressing and simmer for acouple of minutes. Thicken a little if youlike and serve. Cauliflower Rice (page212) is nice with this, though notessential.

Yield: 2 servings

Each with 40 g protein; 11 gcarbohydrate; 1 g dietary fiber; 10 gusable carbs.

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Lime-Basted Scallops

My seafood-loving husband thoughtthese were some of the best scallopshe’d ever had.

24 ounces (680 g) sea scallops¼ cup (60 ml) lime juice3 tablespoons (42 g) butter2 cloves garlicGuar or xanthan¼ cup (16 g) chopped fresh


Put the lime juice, butter, and garlic in aslow cooker. Cover the slow cooker, setit to high, and let it cook for 30 minutes.

Uncover the slow cooker and stir the

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butter, lime juice, and garlic together.Now add the scallops, stirring themaround to coat them with the sauce.Spread them in a single layer on thebottom of the slow cooker. (If the sauceseems to pool in one or two areas, try tocluster the scallops there. In my pot, thesauce liked to stay around the edges.)Re-cover the pot, set it to high, and let itcook for 45 minutes.

When the time’s up, remove thescallops to serving plates. Thicken thepot liquid just a tiny bit with guar orxanthan and spoon the sauce over thescallops. Top each serving with 1tablespoon (4 g) of cilantro.

Yield: 4 servings

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Each with 29 g protein, 6 gcarbohydrate, trace dietary fiber, 6 gusable carbs.

Stir-Fried Scallops andAsparagus

This stir-fry has a light, springlikeflavor.

2 cups (350 g) bay scallops10 asparagus spears10 scallions¼ cup (60 ml) canola oil½ cup (60 g) shredded carrot2 teaspoons soy sauce

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Snap the bottoms off of the asparaguswhere the stalks break naturally. Sliceon the diagonal into ½-inch (1.3-cm)pieces. Slice the scallions, too.

Heat the oil in a big skillet or in awok, if you have one, over high heat.

Add the scallops, asparagus,scallions, and carrot. Stir-fry until theasparagus is tender-crisp and thescallops are cooked through. Stir in thesoy sauce and serve.

Yield: 2 to 3 servings

Assuming 2, each will have 43 g protein;18 g carbohydrate; 5 g dietary fiber; 13 gusable carbs.

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Jalapeño Lime Scallops

I served this as a first course at a littledinner party, and everyone agreed they’dnever had a better scallop dish, even at arestaurant. It’s a sterling example of howa few perfect ingredients can combine tomake something greater than the sum ofthe parts. By the way, you can use seascallops instead of bay scallops if youlike, but since they’re bigger, they’ll takelonger to cook.

1½ pounds (680 g) bay scallops4 tablespoons (56 g) butter2 medium-size fresh jalapeños3 tablespoons (45 ml) lime juice3 tablespoons (12 g) chopped

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cilantro Guar or xanthan

Melt the butter in a big, heavy skilletover medium heat. Add the scallops andsauté for a few minutes, stirring often.Meanwhile, split the jalapeñoslengthwise and remove the stems, seeds,and ribs. Slice them lengthwise again,into quarters, and then slice them as thinas you can crosswise. Add to the skilletand sauté the jalapeños with the scallopsuntil the scallops are cooked through—they should look quite opaque all over.(And wash your hands! You must alwayswash your hands after handling hotpeppers or you’ll be sorry the next timeyou touch your eyes, lips, or nose.)

Stir in the lime juice and cook for

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another minute while you chop thecilantro. Thicken the pan juices slightlywith the guar or xanthan and divide thescallops between serving plates,spooning the pan juices over them.Scatter the cilantro on top and serve.

Yield: 4 main-dish servings or 6 first-course servings

Assuming 4 servings, each will have 6grams of carbohydrates, a trace of fiber,and 29 grams of protein.

Scallops with MoroccanSpices

This dish is fast, easy, tasty, and

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different enough to be interesting! Youcan use bay scallops if you prefer, but Ithink the big sea scallops make for amore impressive presentation.

1 pound (455 g) sea scallops2 tablespoons (30 ml) olive oil2 tablespoons (28 g) butter2 cloves garlic, crushed1 teaspoon ground cumin½ teaspoon ground ginger2 teaspoons paprika½ teaspoon hot pepper sauce½ lemon¼ cup (16 g) chopped fresh


In a big, heavy skillet, heat the olive oil

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and butter over medium heat and swirlthem together. Add the garlic, let it cookfor just a minute, and then add the cumin,ginger, paprika, and hot pepper sauce.Now add the scallops and sauté, stirringfrequently for about 5 to 7 minutes oruntil they’re opaque.

Squeeze the lemon over the scallopsand transfer to 4 serving plates. Scatter 1tablespoon (4 g) of cilantro over eachplate and serve.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 19 g protein; 5 gcarbohydrate; trace dietary fiber; 5 gusable carbs.

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Lemon-Maple ScallopKebabs

These are bacon-wrapped scallops, butthey’re so different!

32 sea scallops (about a pound, or455 g)

½ cup (120 ml) lemon juice½ cup (120 ml) sugar-free

pancake syrupBarbecue rub—your choice;

Classic Barbecue Rub (page486) is good here

16 slices bacon

Put the scallops in a bowl. Mix together

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the lemon juice and pancake syrup,reserving some marinade for basting,and pour the rest over the scallops. Givethem a stir. Then let them marinate for atleast a half hour, and a few hours won’thurt—stir them now and again whilethey marinate.

At least 30 minutes before cookingtime, put 4 bamboo skewers in water tosoak. Get your grill going before youassemble your kebabs.

Okay, time to make kebabs. With afork or slotted spoon, lift the scallopsout of their Marinade. Pat them dry witha paper towel and put them on a plate.Sprinkle them liberally with thebarbecue rub.

Cut the slices of bacon in half. Wrap

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each scallop around its circumferencewith a half-slice of bacon, piercing witha bamboo skewer to hold. Put 8 bacon-wrapped scallops on each skewer.

Grill, turning once or twice, over amedium-hot fire—have a water bottle onhand to put out flare-ups. Baste once ortwice with the reserved lemon-maplemarinade, using a clean utensil eachtime. Cook until the bacon is done andthe scallops are fairly firm.

Yield: 4 servings

If you consumed all the marinade, you’dget 15 grams of carb per serving, notcounting the polyols in the pancakesyrup, but you’re not going to. I’d give a

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generous estimate of 5 grams ofcarbohydrate per serving; 28 gramsprotein.

Broiled Orange ChiliLobster

If you ever manage to get tired of lobsterwith lemon butter or lobster with curriedmayonnaise, try this.

4 lobster tails, split down theback of the shell

2 tablespoons (28 g) butter1½ teaspoons chili garlic paste¼ teaspoon orange extract½ teaspoon Splenda

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1 teaspoon lemon juice

Preheat the broiler.The lobster tails should have their

shells split along the back. Put them on abroiler rack.

Melt the butter and then stir ineverything else. Baste the lobster tailswith this mixture, being sure to get somedown into the shell. Place the tails 5 to 6inches (13 to 15 cm) under the broiler,set on high.

Broil for 7 to 8 minutes. Baste everycouple of minutes with the buttermixture, using a clean utensil each time.End the basting about 2 minutes beforethe end of cooking time. Serve.

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Yield: 4 servings

Each with 53 g protein; 2 gcarbohydrate; trace dietary fiber; 2 gusable carbs.

Oysters en Brochette

Oysters are an oddity in the world ofanimal protein because they actuallycontain a few carbs of their own. Still,they’re quite nutritious (loaded withzinc), and many people love them. Thismakes an elegant appetizer or a verylight supper.

16 large oysters6 slices bacon

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24 mushroomsButter (optional)Lemon wedges (optional)

Preheat the broiler.You’ll either need metal skewers for

this or you’ll need to think far enoughahead to put 6 bamboo skewers in waterto soak for a few hours before you begincooking.

Either way, simply skewer a slice ofbacon near the end and then skewer amushroom. Fold the strip of bacon backover, skewering it again, add an oyster,and fold and skewer the bacon again—you’re weaving the bacon in and out ofthe alternating mushrooms and oysters,see?

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Lay the skewers on a broiler pan andbroil them close to the heat with thebroiler on low for about 10 minutes.Turn once or twice until the oysters aredone and the bacon’s getting crisp. Youcan baste these with butter while they’rebroiling if you like, but it’s not strictlynecessary. Serve one skewer per personas a first course, with lemon wedges ifyou like.

Yield: 3 servings

Each with 8 grams of carbohydrates and2 grams of fiber, for a total of 6 grams ofusable carbs and 10 grams of protein.

Two Variations: My husband, whorefers to mushrooms as “slime,” likes

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these without the mushrooms. This cutsthe carb count down to just 2 grams perserving.

If you’d like to impress the guests atyour next party, you can cut strips ofbacon in half and wrap each half-striparound an oyster, piercing with atoothpick to hold. Broil as directedabove until the bacon gets crispy andserve hot. These are called Angels onHorseback—I have no idea why—andthey’re a classic hot appetizer. Thesewill have just a trace of carbohydratesper piece.

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Drunken Chicken Wings

I’d call these Chinese-inspired exceptfor the bourbon, which is all-American.How about calling it East-Meets-West?

20 whole chicken wings, or 40drummettes

1 tablespoon (15 ml) fish sauce(nuoc mam or nam pla)

1 tablespoon (6 g) grated ginger2 teaspoons black pepper1 teaspoon chili garlic paste¼ cup (6 g) Splenda2 tablespoons (30 ml) sugar-free

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imitation honey¼ cup (60 ml) bourbon

Throw your wings into a largeresealable plastic bag. Mix togethereverything else. Reserve some of themarinade for basting and pour the restover the wings. Press out the air, seal thebag, and toss it in the fridge. Let yourwings live it up for at least a few hours.

When it’s time to cook, light yourgrill; you’ll want it medium-high. Whenthe fire is ready pour off the marinadeand arrange the wings on the grill. Grillfor 7 to 10 minutes per side, bastingoften with the reserved marinade. Makesure you use clean utensils each time youbaste to avoid cross-contamination.

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Yield: You will, of course, have 20wings or 40 drummettes—how manyservings will depend on whether you’reserving these as a main dish or anappetizer.

Whichever, each whole wing will havewell under 1 gram of usablecarbohydrate, and 9 grams of protein.Halve those figures for drummettes.Carb count does not include polyol insugar-free honey.

Roast Chicken withBalsamic Vinegar

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This has wonderfully crunchy skin and asweet-and-tangy sauce to dip bites ofchicken in.

1 cut up broiler-fryerBay leavesSalt or Vege-SalPepper3 to 4 tablespoons (45 to 60 ml)

olive oil3 to 4 tablespoons (42 to 56 g)

butter½ cup (60 ml) dry white wine3 tablespoons (45 ml) balsamic


Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C, orgas mark 4).

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Tuck a bay leaf or two under the skinof each piece of chicken. Sprinkle eachpiece with salt and pepper and arrangethem in a roasting pan.

Drizzle the chicken with olive oil anddot them with the same amount of butter.Roast in the oven for 1½ hours, turningeach piece every 20 to 30 minutes. (Thismakes for gloriously crunchy, tasty skin.)

When the chicken is done, put it on aplatter and pour off the fat from the pan.Put the pan over medium heat and pourin the wine and balsamic vinegar. Stirthis around, dissolving the tasty brownstuff stuck to the pan to make a sauce.Boil this for just a minute or two, pourinto a sauceboat or a pitcher, and servewith the chicken. Discard the bay leaves

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before serving.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 2 grams of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 44 grams of protein.

Orange-Five-Spice RoastedChicken

This is my way of combining my love ofChinese food with the current trendtoward citrus flavors. It’s good, too!

3 pounds (1.4 kg) chicken thighs¼ cup (60 ml) soy sauce2 tablespoons (30 ml) canola or

peanut oil

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1 tablespoon (15 ml) lemon juice1 tablespoon (15 ml) white wine

vinegar1 tablespoon (1.5 g) Splenda2 tablespoons (40 g) low-sugar

orange marmalade2 teaspoons five-spice powder

Place the chicken in a big resealableplastic bag. Mix together everythingelse. Reserve some of the marinade forbasting and pour the rest into the bag.Seal the bag, pressing out the air as yougo. Turn the bag to coat the chicken andthrow it in the fridge. Let it sit for atleast a couple of hours, and longer isfine.

Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C,

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or gas mark 5). Haul the chicken out ofthe fridge, pour off the marinade, andarrange the chicken in a baking pan.Roast your chicken for 1 hour and baste2 or 3 times with the reserved marinade,making sure to use a clean utensil eachtime you baste to avoid cross-contamination.

Yield: 5 to 6 servings

Assuming 6, each will have 32 g protein;3 g carbohydrate; trace dietary fiber; 3 gusable carbs—and that’s assuming youend up consuming all of the marinade.

Greek Roasted Chicken

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Many carry-out places do a briskbusiness in chickens roasted Greek-style, and it’s no wonder why—they’reterrific. But the best-kept secret aboutthose roasters is that they’re as easy ascan be to make at home.

3 to 4 pounds (1.4 to 1.8 kg) ofchicken (whole, split in half,cut-up broiler-fryer, or cut-upparts of your choice)

¼ cup (60 ml) lemon juice½ cup (120 ml) olive oil½ teaspoon salt¼ teaspoon pepper

Wash the chicken and pat it dry withpaper towels.

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Combine the lemon juice, olive oil,salt, and pepper and stir them togetherwell. If you’re using a whole chicken,rub it all over with some of this mixture,making sure to rub plenty inside the bodycavity as well. If you’re using cut-upchicken, put it in a large resealableplastic bag, pour the marinade over it,and seal the bag.

Let the chicken marinate for at least anhour or as long as a day.

At least 1 hour before you want toserve the chicken, pull it out of the bag.You can either grill your chicken or youcan roast it in a 375°F (190°C, or gasmark 5) oven for about 1 hour. Eitherway, cook it until the juices run clearwhen it’s pierced to the bone.

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Yield: 5 servings

Each with less than 1 gram ofcarbohydrates, a bare trace of fiber, and52 grams of protein.

If you have a rotisserie, this is a terrificdish to cook in it. Follow theinstructions that come with your unit forcooking times.

Absolutely ClassicBarbecued Chicken

You’ll notice that this is remarkablysimilar to the Absolutely ClassicBarbecued Ribs (page 435), the onlydifference being that it’s chicken!

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3 pounds (1.4 kg) cut-up chicken

(on the bone, skin on—chooselight or dark meat, as youprefer)

cup (40 g) Classic BarbecueRub (page 486)

½ cup (120 ml) chicken broth½ cup (120 ml) oil½ cup (120 ml) Kansas City

Barbecue Sauce (page 467)Wood chips or chunks, soaked for

at least 30 min

Get your grill going, setting it up forindirect smoking.

While the grill’s heating, sprinkle thechicken with all but a tablespoon of the

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rub. Combine the reserved rub with thechicken broth and oil to make a mop.

When your fire is ready, place thechicken over a drip pan, add the woodchips or chunks, and close the grill. Letit smoke for half an hour before you startto baste it with the mop. Then mop itevery time you add more chips orchunks, using a clean utensil each timeyou baste. Smoke the chicken for about90 minutes or until an instant-readthermometer registers 180°F (85°C).When the chicken is just about done,baste the skin side with the Kansas CityBarbecue Sauce and move it over thefire, skin-side down, for 5 minutes or so.Baste the other side with the sauce usinga clean utensil, turn it over, and give it

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another 5 minutes over the fire. Boil theremainder of the sauce and serve withthe chicken.

Feel free to use this same basicmethod with any rub and any sauce!

Yield: 5 servings

Each serving will have 9 grams ofcarbohydrate and 1 gram of fiber, for ausable carb count of 8 grams; 35 gramsprotein.

Korean Barbecued Chicken

Hot, spicy, garlicky, and a little sweet—this chicken is truly wonderful. Andunlike classic American barbecued

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chicken, this is actually grilled, so itcooks faster than the slow-smokedvariety.

2 pounds (910 g) chicken pieces2 tablespoons (33 g) chili garlic

paste3 tablespoons (45 ml) dry sherry1 tablespoon (15 ml) soy sauce4 cloves garlic, crushed1½ tablespoons (23 ml) toasted

sesame oil1 tablespoon (6 g) grated ginger2 scallions, minced2 teaspoons black pepper1 tablespoon (1.5 g) Splenda

Put the chicken in a large resealable

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plastic bag. Mix together everythingelse. Reserve some marinade for bastingand pour the rest over the chicken. Pressout the air, seal the bag, and toss it in thefridge. Let your chicken marinate forseveral hours.

When it’s time to cook, fire up thegrill. You’ll want it at medium tomedium-high. When the grill is ready forcooking, remove the chicken from thebag and pour off the marinade. Cook thechicken skin-side up for about 12 to 15minutes, keeping the grill closed exceptwhen basting. Turn it skin-side downand let it grill for 7 to 9 minutes, againwith the grill closed. Turn it skin-side upagain and let it grill until the juices runclear when pierced to the bone and an

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instant-read thermometer registers 180°F(85°C). Baste several times with thereserved marinade while cooking,making sure to use a clean utensil eachtime you baste. Discard remainingmarinade and serve chicken.

Yield: 4 servings

With all the marinade, each servingwould have 4 grams of carbohydrate and1 gram of fiber, but you won’t consumeall the marinade; I’d count no more than3 grams per serving; 30 grams ofprotein.

Orange-Tangerine Up-the-Butt Chicken

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Once someone figured out that standing achicken up on a beer can made for aperfectly roasted chicken, soda-canchicken was inevitable!

1 3½ to 4-pound (1.6 to 1.8 kg)whole roasting chicken

1 teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal1 teaspoon Splenda1 drop blackstrap molasses (It

helps to keep your molasses ina squeeze bottle.)

1 teaspoon chili powder3 tablespoons (60 g) low-sugar

orange marmalade1 12-ounce (360-ml) can

tangerine Diet-Rite soda,divided (Make sure the can is

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clean!)2 to 3 teaspoons oil1 teaspoon spicy brown mustard

Prepare your grill for indirect cooking—if you have a gas grill, light only oneside; if you’re using charcoal, pile thebriquettes on one side of the grill andlight.

Remove the neck and giblets from thechicken. Rinse the chicken and pat it drywith paper towels.

In a small bowl combine the salt orVege-Sal, Splenda, molasses, and chilipowder. Spoon out half the mixture (1½teaspoons) into a bowl and reserve; rubthe rest inside the cavity of your chicken.

Stir the low-sugar orange marmalade

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into the reserved seasoning mixture.Open the can of tangerine soda and pourout 2/3 cup (160 ml). Put ¼ cup (60 ml)of the soda you poured off into themarmalade/seasoning mixture and stir itin—you can drink the remainder of thesoda you poured off or throw it away.Now, using a church-key-type canopener, punch several more holesaround the top of the can. Spray the canwith nonstick cooking spray and set it ina shallow baking pan. Carefully placethe chicken down over the can, fitting thecan up into the cavity of the chicken. Rubthe chicken with the oil.

Okay, you’re ready to cook! Makesure you have a drip pan in place. Setthe chicken, standing upright on its soda

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can on the side of the grill not over thefire and spread the drumsticks out a bit,making a tripod effect. Close the grilland cook the chicken at 250°F (130°C)or so for 75 to 90 minutes or until thejuices run clear when it’s pricked to thebone. You can also use a meatthermometer—it should register 180°F(85°C).

while the chicken is roasting, add themustard to themarmalade/soda/seasoning mixture andstir the whole thing up. Use this mixtureto baste the chicken during the last 20minutes or so of roasting.

When the chicken is done, carefullyremove it from the grill—barbecuegloves come in handy here or use heavy

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hot pads and tongs. Twist the can toremove it from the chicken and discard.Let the chicken stand for 5 minutesbefore carving. In the meantime, heat anyleftover basting sauce to boiling—andserve as a sauce with the chicken.

Yield: 5 servings

Each serving will have 5 grams ofcarbohydrate and a trace of fiber.Assuming a 3½-pound (1.6-kg) chicken,each serving will have 40 grams ofprotein.


This is really unusual and wonderful!

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1 broiler-fryer, cut up—about 2½

to 3 pounds (1.1 to 1.4 kg)½ cup (120 ml) dry sherry3 tablespoons (45 ml) sugar-free

imitation honey 3 tablespoons(4.5 g) Splenda

2 teaspoons ground cinnamon1 teaspoon curry powder1 clove garlic, crushed½ teaspoon salt

Just combine everything but the chicken,reserving some marinade for basting,and pour the rest over the chicken in ashallow, nonreactive pan or a resealableplastic bag. If you’re using a bag, pressout the air and seal it. Put the chicken in

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the fridge and let it marinate foranywhere from a few hours to all day.

Then heat your grill—medium-highfor a gas grill or well-ashed coals in acharcoal grill. Grill the chicken bone-side down for about 12 minutes and thenturn it and grill it for 7 or 8 minutes skin-side down. Keep the hood closed exceptwhen turning the chicken or fighting offflare-ups with your squirt bottle. Turn itagain and grill until juices run clearwhen the chicken is pierced to the bone.Baste the chicken frequently with thereserved marinade using a clean utensileach time you baste.

Yield: 4 servings

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Each with 4 grams of carbohydrate, notcounting the polyols in the imitationhoney; 1 gram fiber. These figures,however, assume you’ll consume all ofthe marinade, which you won’t—so I’dguess no more than 2 grams per serving;36 grams of protein.

Balsamic-Mustard Chicken

1 broiler-fryer chicken, about 3pounds (1.4 kg), cut up, orwhatever chicken parts youlike

2 tablespoons (33 g) chili garlicpaste

½ cup (120 ml) spicy brown

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mustard¼ cup (60 ml) balsamic vinegar¼ cup (60 ml) olive oil

Put the chicken parts in a large, heavyresealable plastic bag. Combineeverything else and whisk together well.Reserve some marinade for basting andthen pour the rest into the bag with thechicken, press out the air, and seal thebag. Throw the bag in the fridge and letthe chicken marinate for anywhere froma few hours to all day.

When it’s time to cook, light yourcharcoal or gas grill; you’ll want amedium to medium-high fire. When thegrill is ready, pull the chicken out of themarinade using tongs and place it on a

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plate. Pour off the marinade.Now put the chicken on the grill skin-

side up and grill it for 12 to 15 minutes.Turn it and let it grill for 7 to 9 minutesskin-side down. Turn it again and cookfor another 5 to 10 minutes or until thejuices run clear when it’s pierced to thebone and an instant-read thermometerreads 180°F (85°C). Baste frequentlywith the reserved marinade using a cleanutensil each time you baste. Keep thegrill closed except when basting orturning the chicken.

Yield: 5 to 6 servings

Assuming 6 servings, if you consumedall the marinade, each would have 3

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grams of carbohydrate and a trace offiber, but actually you’ll get less thanthat. Assuming 6 servings, each willhave 30 grams of protein.

Spatchcocked (orUnSpatchcocked) Chickenwith Vinegar Baste

Treating chicken to an acidic baste ormarinade of some kind is a time-honoredway of bringing out the flavor of ourfavorite fowl. This baste also adds someheat and complex spiciness—yum! Whatthe heck is “spatchcocked” chicken? It’sa chicken that’s been cut along thebackbone and opened up flat for easier

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3½ pounds (1.6 kg) chicken—either whole or cut up

1 cup (240 ml) cider vinegar3 teaspoons chili powder2 tablespoons (3 g) Splenda1 teaspoon cayenne 1 teaspoon

paprika1 teaspoon dry mustard1 teaspoon black pepper½ teaspoon cumin½ teaspoon salt

Technically, you’re supposed to cutalong both sides of the backbone andremove it entirely, but that’s too muchwork for me, so I just let my chicken

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look uneven. I know this sounds hard,but if you have good poultry or kitchenshears— my Martha Stewart shears fromKmart work just fine—it takes all ofabout a minute and a half. Make the cutalong the bottom side of the chicken,grab either side of the cut, and pull thechicken open. Press down on thebreastbone until you hear a slight crack.Now you have a flat chicken you can layon a grill.

Or you can just not bother. I’mdescribing the process because it’sterribly, terribly trendy in grillingcircles right now, and anyway, wholechickens are often quite cheap.However, I think it’s easier just to use acut-up chicken, you know? The baste

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works just as well with the parts, andyou don’t have to carve.

Either way, start by lighting your grill;you’ll want it at medium heat. While thegrill is heating, combine everything butthe chicken.

Grill the chicken starting skin-side up,and keeping the grill closed except whenbasting or dealing with flare-ups, grillfor 15 minutes, basting frequently withthe vinegar mixture using a clean utensileach time. Turn skin-side down and grillfor 7 to 9 minutes, still basting; then turnskin-side up again and continue grillinguntil juices run clear when chicken ispierced to the bone or an instant-readthermometer registers 180°F (85°C).Serve.

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Yield: 5 servings

Even with all of the basting liquid you’dget only 5 grams of carb, with 1 gram offiber, or 4 grams of usable carb perserving—but you won’t consume all ofthe basting liquid. Count no more than 2grams per serving; 40 grams of protein.

Sherry-Mustard-SoyMarinated Chicken

3½ to 4 pounds (1.6 to 1.8 kg)cut-up chicken

¼ cup (6 g) Splenda3 tablespoons (45 ml) olive oil3 tablespoons (45 ml) sherry

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1 tablespoon (15 ml) mustard1 tablespoon (15 ml) soy sauce 1

tablespoon (6.3 g) black pepper½ tablespoon Worcestershire

sauce¼ cup (40 g) minced onion1 clove garlic, crushed2 tablespoons (30 ml) water

Combine everything but the chicken,mixing well. Put the chicken either in ashallow, nonreactive pan or in a largeresealable plastic bag. Reserve somemarinade for basting and pour the rest ofthe marinade over the chicken. If it’s in apan, turn it once or twice to coat. If it’sin a bag, press out the air, seal the bag,and turn it a few times to coat the

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chicken. Either way, stick the chicken inthe fridge and let it marinate for at least1 or 2 hours, and longer won’t hurt.

When the chicken is ready to grill,have the gas grill set to medium or thecharcoal covered with white ash. Grillthe chicken bone-side down for 10 to 12minutes with the lid closed (but checknow and then for flare-ups!), bastingwith the reserved marinade once ortwice using a clean utensil each time youbaste. Turn the chicken over with tongsand grill skin-side down for 6 to 7minutes, again with the grill closed, butcheck now and then for flare-ups. Turnthe chicken back to bone-side down,baste it one more time, and grill with thelid closed for another 5 to 10 minutes

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until the juices run clear when thechicken is pierced to the bone or until aninstant-read thermometer reads 180°F(85°C).

Yield: 5 to 6 servings

Assuming 6, and assuming you consumedall the marinade, each serving wouldhave 4 grams of carb and 1 gram offiber, for a usable carb count of 3 grams.Since you won’t consume all of themarinade, however, I’d count 2 gramsper serving; 34 grams protein.

Tarragon Chicken

1 cut up broiler-fryer

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2 tablespoons (28 g) butter1 teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal

Pepper3 tablespoons (4.8 g) dried

tarragon leaves1 clove garlic, crushed½ cup (120 ml) dry white wine

If your chicken is in quarters, cut the legsfrom the thighs and the wings from thebreasts. (It will fit in your skillet moreeasily this way.)

Melt the butter in a heavy skillet overmedium-high heat and brown thechicken, turning it once or twice, untilit’s golden all over.

Pour off most of the fat and sprinklethe chicken with the salt and just a dash

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of pepper. Scatter the tarragon over thechicken, crushing it a little between yourfingers to release the flavor, and thenadd the garlic and the wine.

Cover the skillet, turn the heat to low,and simmer for 30 minutes, turning thechicken at least once. Spoon a little ofthe pan liquid over each piece ofchicken when serving.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 2 grams of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 44 grams of protein.

San Diego Chicken

A version of this recipe appeared in my

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local paper, and though it looked tasty, itwas way too high-carb for us. I playedaround with it, cut out a lot of the carbs,and ended up with this recipe— fruityand tomato-y and yummy.

3 pounds (1.4 kg) cut-up chicken1 8-ounce (220 ml) can tomato

sauce1 tablespoon (15 ml) lemon juice1 tablespoon (15 ml) lime juice teaspoon lemon extract

½ teaspoon orange extract3 tablespoons (4.5 g) Splenda3 tablespoons (45 ml) white wine

vinegar (If you don’t have anyon hand, I’m sure cider vinegarwould taste fine—different,

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but fine.)2 cloves garlic, crushed1 teaspoon Italian seasoning1 teaspoon hot pepper sauce

Mix together everything but the chickenpieces. Place the chicken pieces in alarge resealable plastic bag and pour thetomato sauce mixture over it. Seal thebag, pressing out the air as you go, andturn to coat all the chicken pieces. Letyour chicken marinate for at least a fewhours, and I’m betting a day wouldn’thurt a bit.

When you’re ready to cook: Get yourgrill ready—charcoal covered withwhite ash or gas grill set to medium. Pullthe chicken out of the marinade and pour

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the marinade out of the bag and into asaucepan. Go throw the chicken on thegrill, bone-side down. Close the lid andset a timer for 13 to 15 minutes.

While the chicken is grilling, put thatpan of marinade over the heat and let itcome to a boil. Now, go check yourchicken for flare-ups—I keep a squeezebottle of water by the grill to keep theseat bay. You want your chicken cooked,not charred!

Has the timer gone “ding?” Turn thechicken using a pair of tongs. Set yourtimer for another 13 to 15 minutes. Whentime’s up, turn it skin-side up again andpierce a piece to the bone to make sureall the juices are running clear.If there’sany pink in the juices, let the chicken

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cook another few minutes.When it’s done, serve each piece with

a little of that marinade you boiledspooned over the top. Enjoy!

Yield: 6 servings

Each serving will have 5 grams ofcarbohydrate and 1 gram of fiber, for ausable carb count of 4 grams; 29 gramsof protein.

I use serious Jamaican scotch bonnet hotsauce in this, and it isn’t scorch-your-mouth hot, just nicely spicy. If you wantto, you can crank the heat up or down byeither using more or less hot peppersauce or using hotter or less-hot peppersauce.

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Curried Chicken

4 or 5 chicken quarters, cut upand skinned

1 medium onion1 tablespoon (28 g) butter1 rounded (6 g) tablespoon curry

powder1 cup (240 ml) heavy cream3 or 4 cloves of garlic, crushed½ cup (120 ml) water

Preheat the oven to 375°F (190°C, orgas mark 5).

Arrange the chicken in a shallowbaking pan. Chop the onion and scatter itover the chicken.

Melt the butter in a small, heavy

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skillet and sauté the curry powder in itfor a couple of minutes—just until itstarts to smell good.

Mix together the cream, garlic, water,and sautéed curry powder and pour thisover the chicken. Bake it uncovered for1 hour to 1 hour and 20 minutes, turningthe chicken over every 20 to 30 minutesso that the sauce flavors both sides.

To serve, arrange the chicken on aplatter. Take the sauce in the pan (it willlook dreadful and sort of curdled up, butit will smell like heaven) and scrape itall into your blender. Blend it with alittle more water or cream, if necessary,to get a nice, rich, golden sauce. Pour itover the chicken and serve.

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Yield: 4 generous servings

Each with 6 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 5 grams ofusable carbs and 42 grams of protein.

Pizza Chicken

This recipe is basically a skilletcacciatore, except for the mozzarella—that’s what makes it Pizza Chicken.

3 chicken quarters, either legs orthighs

1 to 2 tablespoons (15 to 30 ml)olive oil

1 can (8 ounces, or 225 g) plaintomato sauce

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1 can (4 ounces, or 115 g)mushrooms, drained

½ cup (120 ml) dry red wine1 green pepper, chopped1 small onion, chopped1 or 2 cloves garlic, crushed, or 1

to 2 teaspoons jarred choppedgarlic in oil

1 to 1½ teaspoons dried oregano3 ounces (85 g) shredded

mozzarella cheese Parmesancheese (optional)

Strip the skin off the chicken and cut theleg and thigh quarters in two at the legjoint.

Warm the olive oil in a big, heavyskillet and brown the chicken in it over

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medium heat.Pour in the tomato sauce, mushrooms,

and wine. Add the green pepper, onion,garlic, and oregano. Cover the wholething, turn the heat to its lowest setting,and forget about it for 45 minutes to 1hour.

When the chicken is cooked through,remove the pieces from the skillet andput them on the serving plates. If thesauce isn’t good and thick by now, turnup the heat to medium-high and let thesauce boil down for a few minutes.

While the sauce is thickening, sprinklethe shredded mozzarella over thechicken and warm each plate in themicrowave for 20 to 30 seconds on 50percent power to melt the cheese. (Your

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microwave may take a little more or alittle less time.)

Spoon the sauce over each piece ofchicken and serve. Sprinkle a littleParmesan cheese over your PizzaChicken, if you like.

Yield: 3 servings

Each with 16 grams of carbohydratesand 4 grams of fiber, for a total of 12grams of usable carbs and 49 grams ofprotein.

Chicken Tenders

These are good for when you’re havingfast-food cravings or the kids are

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nagging for “normal” food. You reallycan make these in 15 minutes— becausethe pieces are small, they cook veryquickly.

1 pound (455 g) boneless, skinlesschicken breast

1 egg1 tablespoon (15 ml) water¾ cup (85 g) low-carb bake mix½ teaspoon salt¼ teaspoon pepper

cup (80 ml) oil

Cut the chicken breasts into pieces about1 inch (2.5 cm) wide and 2 inches (5cm) long. Beat the egg with the water ina bowl. On a plate, combine the bake

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mix with the salt and pepper. Heat theoil in a heavy skillet over medium-highheat.

Dip each chicken piece in the eggwash, roll it in the seasoned bake mix,and drop it in the hot oil. Fry these untilgolden all over and serve with one of thedipping sauces in the Sauces andSeasonings chapter (page 462).

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 5 grams of carbohydrates and2 grams of fiber, for a total of 3 grams ofusable carbs (exclusive of the dippingsauces) and 40 grams of protein.

Chicken Sancocho

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This delicious, fresh-tasting Caribbeanchicken stew/soup is not a quick recipe,but it’s not terribly complicated, either.It’s great to make over the weekendwhen you’re getting other things done;you’ll just check in with your food everyso often. And it reheats like a dream!Sadly, the fresh pumpkin needed to makeit is only available for a few months inautumn, but then this makes a greatchilly-evening supper anyway!

1 whole chicken, about 5 to 5½pounds (2.3 to 2.5 kg)

FOR THE MARINADE:4 tablespoons (60 ml) lime juice1½ cups (180 g) diced celery

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1 large ripe tomato1 medium onion1 medium green pepper½ tablespoon (2.3 g) poultry

seasoning½ teaspoon ground nutmeg1 tablespoon ground cumin

FOR THE STEW:1 quart (960 ml) chicken broth1 large carrot, sliced1½ cups (210 g) cubed rutabaga1½ cups (175 g) cubed fresh

pumpkin1 small turnip, cubed1 cup (150 g) cauliflower florets

and stems, cut in small chunks3 cups (225 g) shredded cabbage

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—Prepared coleslaw mixworks nicely

1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon hotpepper sauce, or to taste—UseCaribbean Scotch bonnet sauceif you can get it!

Remove any giblets from the chicken’sbody cavity and place the chicken in asoup pot.

To make the marinade: Put all themarinade ingredients in a food processorwith the S-blade in place (you’ll want tocut everything in big chunks first andpeel the onion and core the pepper andall) and pulse until you have a coarseslurry. Pour this mixture over thechicken and use clean hands to rub it all

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over, including into the body cavity.Stick the whole pot in the fridge and letthe whole thing sit overnight, turning thechicken over once or twice in that time ifyou think of it.

To make the stew: The next day, pullthe pot with the chicken out of therefrigerator, put it on the stove, and pourthe chicken broth over the chicken.Cover it, put the whole thing overmedium heat, bring it to a simmer, turn itdown to low, and let it simmer for anhour. Turn it off and let the pot sit on thestovetop and cool.

When cooled, remove the chickenfrom the broth (big tongs work well forthis), put it on a platter, and set it aside.Skim the excess fat from the broth and

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skim out the vegetables that were in themarinade—I used a Chinese skimmer forthis, but you could just pour it through asieve if you like. Be sure to press anybroth out of the vegetables and back intothe pot before you discard them!

Put the pot of skimmed broth back onthe stove and turn the heat beneath it tomedium-high. Stir in the carrot, rutabaga,pumpkin, and turnip and let the wholething simmer for a half an hour. Whilethat’s cooking, remove the skin from thechicken and discard it. Then remove themeat from the bones, discard the bones,and cut the meat into bite-sized pieces.About 20 minutes before serving time,stir the chicken, the cauliflower, and thecabbage into the pot, along with the hot

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pepper sauce. Add water if needed, sothat the broth is level with the top of themeat and vegetables. Simmer for 20minutes and serve.

Yield: 8 servings

Each with 41 g protein; 13 gcarbohydrate; 3 g dietary fiber; 10 gusable carbs—but that figure is actuallya tad high, since you discard some of thevegetables. I’d call it 8 g per serving.There’s lots of beta carotene andcalcium, too.

Spicy Peanut Chicken

This takes 10 minutes to put together and

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only another 15 to cook. It’s hot andspicy—quasi-Thai.

2 or 3 boneless, skinless chickenbreasts

1 teaspoon ground cumin½ teaspoon ground cinnamon2 to 3 tablespoons (30 to 45 ml)

olive or peanut oil for sautéing(I think peanut is better here.)

½ smallish onion, thinly sliced1 can (14½ ounces, 410 g) diced

tomatoes, undrained2 tablespoons (32 g) natural

peanut butter1 tablespoon (15 ml) lemon juice2 cloves garlic, crushed Fresh

jalapeño, cut in half and

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On a saucer or plate, stir the cumin andcinnamon together and then rub into bothsides of chicken breasts.

Put the oil in a heavy skillet overmedium heat and add the chicken andsliced onion. Brown the chicken a bit onboth sides.

While that’s happening, put all theliquid and half the tomatoes from the canof tomatoes in a blender or foodprocessor along with the peanut butter,lemon juice, garlic, and jalapeño. (Washyour hands after handling that hot pepperor you’ll be sorry the next time you touchyour eyes!) Blend or process untilsmooth.

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Pour this rather thick sauce over thechicken (which you’ve turned at leastonce by now, right?), add the rest of thecanned tomatoes, cover, turn the heat tolow, and let it cook for 10 to 15 minutesor until the chicken is cooked through.

Yield: About 3 servings

Each with 14 grams of carbohydratesand 1 gram of fiber, for a total of 13grams of usable carbs and 26 grams ofprotein.

Some like it hot, and some like it a littlebit less so. So when you’re buying youringredients, choose a little jalapeño or abig one, depending on how hot you likeyour food. I use a big one, and it

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definitely makes this dish hot. And don’tforget, there’s no law against using onlyhalf a jalapeño.

Cashew-Crusted Chicken

Since cashews are a relatively high-carbnut, this is just a light coating—but it’svery flavorful. You can find rawcashews at most natural food stores.

½ pounds (680 g) boneless,skinless chicken breast

cup (90 g) raw cashew pieces¼ teaspoon salt½ teaspoon pepper¼ teaspoon paprika1 egg

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2 to 3 tablespoons (28 to 42 g)butter

First, put the cashew pieces in a foodprocessor with the S-blade in place andgrind them to a fine texture. Dump themout onto a plate and add the salt, pepper,and paprika, mixing the whole thingwell. Set aside.

Pound the chicken breasts until they’re½ inch (1.3 cm) thick all over. Cut into 4servings if necessary.

Break the egg into another plate with arim around it. (A pie plate would workwell.) Now, dip each chicken breastpiece into the egg and then into thecashew mixture, coating both sides.

Melt the butter in a heavy skillet over

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medium to medium-high heat and add thechicken. Sauté until it’s golden on bothsides and cooked through about 5minutes per side.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 6 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 5 grams ofusable carbs and 33 grams of protein.

Slow Cooker Chicken Mole

Chicken mole is the national dish ofMexico, and I’m crazy about it. On myhoneymoon in Mexico, I bought acontainer of chicken mole at the deli atthe local grocery store and kept it in the

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hotel room fridge to heat up in themicrowave! Here’s a slow cookerversion.

3 pounds (1.4 kg) skinless chickenthighs

1 can (14½ ounces, or 411 g)tomatoes with green chiles

½ cup (80 g) chopped onion¼ cup (30 g) slivered almonds,

toasted3 cloves garlic, crushed3 tablespoons (17 g) unsweetened

cocoa powder2 tablespoons (18 g) raisins1 tablespoon (9 g) sesame seeds1 tablespoon (1.5 g) Splenda¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon

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¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg¼ teaspoon ground coriander¼ teaspoon saltGuar or xanthan2 tablespoons (15 g) slivered

almonds, toasted

Put the tomatoes, onion, ¼ cup (30 g)almonds, garlic, cocoa powder, raisins,sesame seeds, Splenda, cinnamon,nutmeg, coriander, and salt in a blenderor food processor and purée coarsely.

Place the chicken in a slow cooker.Pour the sauce over it. Cover the slowcooker, set it to low, and let it cook for 9to 10 hours.

Remove the chicken from the slowcooker with tongs. Thicken the sauce to

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taste with guar or xanthan. Serve thesauce over the chicken. Top with the 2tablespoons (15 g) almonds.

Yield: 8 servings

Each with 37 g protein, 8 gcarbohydrate, 2 g dietary fiber, 6 gusable carbs.

Easy Mexicali Chicken

How simple is this? Yet you know thewhole family will like it. Just rememberto read the labels to get the lowest-carbsalsa.

1½ pounds (680 g) boneless,

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skinless chicken breast2 tablespoons (30 ml) oil4 ounces (115 g) Monterey Jack,

pepper Jack, or shreddedMexican cheese blend

½ cup (130 g) mild, medium, orhot salsa, as you prefer

Pound the chicken breasts to ½ inch (1.3cm) thick and divide into portions, ifneeded.

Place a large, heavy skillet overmedium-high heat, add the oil, and sautéthe chicken breasts for about 5 minutesor until the bottom is golden. Turn andsauté for another 3 to 4 minutes. Top thechicken with the cheese, turn the heatdown to medium-low, cover the skillet,

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and let the whole thing cook for another3 to 4 minutes or until the cheese ismelted.

While the cheese is melting, put thesalsa in a microwaveable dish and cookit for a minute at 50 percent power.

Remove the chicken to serving plates,top with the salsa, and serve. You couldadd a dollop of sour cream if you like ormaybe some chopped fresh cilantro, butit’s not really necessary.

Yield: 4 or 5 servings

Assuming 4 servings, each will have 2grams of carbohydrates and 1 gram offiber, for a total of 1 gram of usablecarbs and 45 grams of protein. Analysis

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does not include sour cream.

Chicken with Raspberry-Chipotle Sauce

Oh my—this is wonderful. My onlyregret about this recipe is that theRaspberry-Chipotle Sauce loses itsbrilliant ruby color during the long, slowcooking. But the flavor definitelyremains. Consider using this simple sauceuncooked as a condiment on roastedpoultry or pork. If you can’t findraspberry syrup at a local coffee shop,you can order it online.

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3 pounds (1.4 kg) chicken6 teaspoons adobo seasoning2 tablespoons (30 ml) oil1 cup (110 g) raspberries¼ cup (60 ml) raspberry-flavored

sugar-free coffee flavoringsyrup (I used Atkins brand, butDa Vinci would be fine, too.)

1 chipotle chile canned in adobosauce

1 tablespoon (15 ml) white winevinegar

¼ cup (16 g) chopped freshcilantro (optional)

Sprinkle the chicken all over with theadobo seasoning.

In a big, heavy skillet, heat the oil

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over medium-high heat and then brownthe chicken all over. Transfer thechicken to a slow cooker.

In a blender or food processor withthe S-blade in place, combine theraspberries, raspberry-flavored coffeesyrup, chipotle, and vinegar. Processuntil smooth. Pour the mixture evenlyover the chicken. Cover the slowcooker, set it to low, and let it cook for 6hours.

Stir the sauce before serving it overthe chicken. Sprinkle a little cilantroover each piece of chicken, if desired.

Yield: 5 servings

Each with 35 g protein, 5 g

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carbohydrate, 2 g dietary fiber, 3 gusable carbs.

Crispy Skillet BBQ Chicken

Add some slaw made from baggedcoleslaw mix, and supper is served.

1½ pounds (680 g) boneless,skinless chicken breast

Sprinkle-on barbecue dry rub or“soul” seasoning

½ cup (40 g) crushed barbecue-flavor pork rinds

2 tablespoons (30 ml)

One at a time, pound the chicken breastsuntil they’re about ½ inch (1.3 cm) thick

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all over. If necessary, cut the breasts into4 servings. Sprinkle both sides of eachpiece liberally with the seasoning. Thensprinkle each side of each serving with 1tablespoon of the pork rind crumbs andpress them onto the surface with a cleanpalm.

Heat the oil in a large, heavy-bottomed skillet over medium-high heat.Add the chicken breasts and sauté for 5to 6 minutes per side or until crispy andcooked through. Serve. This is greatwith any sort of salad or coleslaw as aside.

Yield: 4 servings

This has no carbs to speak of (maybe a

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tiny trace from the seasoning), no fiber,and 44 grams of protein per serving.Analysis does not include side dishes.

Slow Cooker ChickenGuadeloupe

This isn’t authentically anything, but itborrows its flavors from the Creolecooking of the Caribbean.

1 cut-up broiler-fryer chicken,about

3½ pounds (1.5 to 2 kg), orwhatever chicken parts youprefer

½ medium onion, chopped

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2 teaspoons ground allspice1 teaspoon dried thyme¼ cup (60 ml) lemon juice;

bottled is fine 1 can (14 ounces,or 400 g) diced tomatoes withchilies

1 shot (3 tablespoons, or 45 ml)dark rum

Guar or xanthanSalt and pepper

Just throw the chicken, onion, allspice,thyme, lemon juice, chilies, and rum in aslow cooker, set it to low, and let itcook for 5 to 6 hours. Fish out thechicken carefully—it’ll be sliding fromthe bone! Thicken up the stuff in the potwith the guar or xanthan, add salt and

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pepper to taste, and serve over thechicken.

Yield: 5 or 6 servings

Assuming 5 servings, each will have 6grams of carbohydrates and 1 gram offiber, for a total of 5 grams of usablecarbs and 35 grams of protein.

Skillet Chicken Florentine

My husband took one bite of this andsaid, “This is going to get you a lot ofnew readers!” I know of no other dishthat’s so quick and easy, yet soincredibly good.

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Olive oil2 or 3 boneless, skinless chicken

breasts1 package (10 ounces, or 280 g)

frozen chopped spinach,thawed

2 cloves garlic, crushed¼ cup (60 ml) heavy cream¼ cup (25 g) grated Parmesan


Warm a little olive oil in a heavy skilletand brown the chicken breasts overmedium heat to the point where they justhave a touch of gold. Remove thechicken from the skillet.

Add a couple more tablespoons ofolive oil, the spinach, and the garlic, and

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stir for 2 to 3 minutes. Stir in the creamand cheese and spread the mixtureevenly over the bottom of the skillet.Place the chicken breasts on top, cover,turn the heat to low, and let simmer for15 minutes.

Serve chicken breasts with thespinach on top.

Yield: 3 servings

Each with 5 grams of carbohydrates and3 grams of fiber, for a total of 2 grams ofusable carbs and 33 grams of protien

Chicken Cacciatore

Here’s a slow cooker version of an old

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favorite. It’s easy, too—what I call adump-and-go recipe.

6 skinless chicken leg and sidequarters (about 3 lbs/1.5 kg)

2 cups (480 ml) no-sugar-addedspaghetti sauce (I use Hunt’s.)

1 can (8 ounces, or 225 g) wholemushrooms, drained

2 teaspoons dried oregano½ cup (80 g) chopped onion1 green bell pepper, diced2 cloves garlic, crushed¼ cup (60 ml) dry red wineGuar or xanthan (optional)

Simply put everything except the guar orxanthan in a slow cooker and stir it up to

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combine. Cover the slow cooker, set itto low, and let it cook for 7 hours.

When the time’s up, remove thechicken with tongs and put it in a bigserving bowl. Thicken the sauce up alittle with the guar or xanthan if it needsit and ladle the sauce over the chicken.

If you like, you can serve this overCauliflower Rice (page 212), spaghettisquash, or even low-carb pasta, but I’dprobably eat it as is.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 42 g protein, 11 gcarbohydrate, 4 g dietary fiber, 7 gusable carbs. Analysis does not includeside dishes.

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Chicken and ArtichokeSkillet

This is quick and easy enough for aweeknight but elegant enough forcompany.

4 boneless, skinless chickenbreasts

3 tablespoons (42 g) butter,divided

1 can (14 ounces, or 400 g)quartered artichoke hearts,drained

½ red bell pepper, cut into strips1 medium onion, sliced1 clove garlic, crushed

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¼ cup (60 ml) dry white wine1 teaspoon dried thyme

Melt 2 tablespoons (28 g) of butter in aheavy skillet over medium heat and sautéthe chicken breasts until they’re golden(5 to 7 minutes per side). Remove fromthe skillet.

Melt the remaining tablespoon ofbutter and toss the artichoke hearts,pepper, onion, and garlic into the skillet.Sauté for 3 minutes or so, stirringfrequently.

Pour the wine into the skillet andsprinkle the thyme over the vegetables.Place the chicken breasts over thevegetables, turn the heat to medium low,cover, and simmer for 10 minutes.

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Yield: 4 servings

Each with 8 grams of carbohydrates and4 grams of fiber, for a total of 4 grams ofusable carbs and 26 grams of protein.

Chicken with Thyme andArtichokes

This dish is sort of a classic, yet it’svery little work.

1½ pounds (680 g) boneless,skinless chicken thighs

2 tablespoons (30 ml) olive oil½ cup (120 ml) dry white wine1 tablespoon (15 ml) lemon juice

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1 teaspoon chicken bouillonconcentrate

2 teaspoons dried thyme1 clove garlic, crushed¼ teaspoon pepper13 ounces (370 grams) canned

artichoke hearts, drainedGuar or xanthan

In a big, heavy skillet, brown the chickenin the oil over medium-high heat untilgolden on both sides. Transfer to a slowcooker.

In a bowl, stir together the wine,lemon juice, bouillon, thyme, garlic, andpepper. Pour the mixture over thechicken. Place the artichokes on top.Cover the slow cooker, set it to low, and

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let it cook for 6 hours.Scoop out the chicken and artichokes

with a slotted spoon. Thicken the liquidleft in the pot with just enough guar orxanthan to make it the thickness of half-and-half.

Serve the chicken and artichokes, plusthe sauce, over Cauliflower Rice (page212).

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 42 g protein, 7 gcarbohydrate, trace dietary fiber, 7 gusable carbs. Analysis does not includeCauliflower Rice.

Chicken with Asparagus

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and Gruyère

1½ pounds (680 g) boneless,skinless chicken breast

1 tablespoon (14 g) butter1 pound (455 g) asparagus1 tablespoon (15 ml) dry white

wine1 tablespoon (15 ml) lemon juiceSalt and pepper4 ounces (115 g) gruyère, thinly


First, pound the chicken breasts untilthey’re ¼ inch (6 mm) thick all over. Cutinto 4 portions.

Melt the butter in a large, heavyskillet over medium-high heat and start

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browning the chicken.While that’s happening, snap the ends

off the asparagus where they breaknaturally. Put the asparagus in amicrowaveable casserole dish or lay itin a glass pie plate. Add a couple oftablespoons (30 ml) of water and cover.(Use plastic wrap or a plate to cover ifyou’re using a pie plate.) Microwave onhigh for 3 to 4 minutes.

When the chicken is golden on bothsides, add the wine and the lemon juiceto the skillet and turn the chicken breaststo coat both sides. Season lightly withsalt and pepper. Turn the heat tomedium-low and let the chicken continueto cook until the asparagus is done micro

Remove the asparagus from the

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microwave and drain. Lay the asparagusspears over the chicken, dividingequally between the portions. Covereach with gruyère and cover the skilletwith a tilted lid. Continue cooking a fewminutes just until the cheese is melted.Serve.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 3 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 2 grams ofusable carbs and 38 grams of protein.

Tuscan Chicken

This is fabulous Italian chicken!

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4 pounds (1.8 kg) skinless chickenthighs

1 tablespoon (15 ml) olive oil½ cup (80 g) chopped onion1 red bell pepper, cut into strips1 green bell pepper, cut into

strips1 can (15 ounces, or 420 g) black

soybeans, drained1 can (14½ ounces, or 410 g)

crushed tomatoes½ cup (120 ml) dry white wine1 teaspoon dried oregano 1 clove

garlic, crushed1 teaspoon chicken bouillon


In a big, heavy skillet, brown the chicken

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in the oil over medium-high heat.Meanwhile, put the onion, peppers, andsoybeans in a slow cooker. Place thechicken on top of the vegetables andbeans.

In a bowl, stir together the tomatoes,wine, oregano, garlic, and bouillon.Pour the mixture over the chicken. Coverthe slow cooker, set it to low, and let itcook for 6 to 7 hours. Add salt andpepper to taste.

Yield: 8 servings

Each with 31 g protein, 10 gcarbohydrate, 5 g dietary fiber, 5 gusable carbs.

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Italian Chicken with WhiteWine, Peppers, andAnchovy

Don’t be afraid of the anchovy paste inthis sauce. There’s no fishy taste to therecipe; it’s just mellow and complex.

3 pounds (1.4 kg) chicken pieces¼ cup (60 ml) olive oil3 cloves garlic1 cup (240 ml) dry whitewine 1 tablespoon (15 g) anchovy

paste2 medium tomatoes, chopped1 large green bell pepper,


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Salt and pepper

In a Dutch oven, over medium heat,brown the chicken in the olive oil. Whenthe chicken is golden all over, remove toa plate and set aside. Pour off the fat.

Now add the garlic, white wine, andanchovy paste to the Dutch oven and stiruntil the anchovy paste is dissolved.Add the tomatoes and green

Sprinkle salt and pepper over thechicken and plunk it back into the Dutchoven. Cover, set to lowest heat, and letsimmer for 40 minutes. If you like, youcan thicken the liquid in the pot a littlebefore serving, but don’t thicken it toomuch.

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Yield: 5 servings

Each with 36 g protein; 5 gcarbohydrate; 1 g dietary fiber; 4 gusable carbs.

Italian Chicken andVegetables

2 pounds (910 g) skinless chickenbreasts

2 pounds (910 g) skinless chickenthighs

½ head cabbage, cut in wedges1 medium onion, sliced8 ounces (225 g) sliced


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2 cups (480 ml) no-sugar-addedspaghetti sauce (I use Hunt’s.)

Guar or xanthan (optional)Grated Parmesan cheese

Put the cabbage, onion, and mushroomsin a slow cooker. Place the chicken ontop of the vegetables. Pour the spaghettisauce over the top.

Cover the slow cooker, set it to low,and let it cook for 6 hours. Thicken thesauce with guar or xanthan if needed andserve with Parmesan cheese.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 46 g protein, 4 gcarbohydrate, 1 g dietary fiber, 3 g

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usable carbs.

Parmesan Chicken Breasts

You might recognize this recipe as beingquite similar to Wicked Wings.However, Wicked Wings take well overan hour, and this is quite quick.

1½ pounds (680 g) boneless,skinless chicken breast

1 cup (100 g) grated Parmesancheese

4 teaspoons dried oregano1 teaspoon garlic powder1 teaspoon paprika1 teaspoon pepper

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2 eggs4 tablespoons (56 g) butter

Pound the chicken breasts until they’re ¼inch (6 mm) thick and cut into 6portions. Set aside.

Combine the cheese with the oregano,garlic, paprika, and pepper on a plate.

On another plate or in a shallowbowl, beat the eggs. Dip the chicken inthe egg and then the cheese mixture,coating both sides well.

Melt the butter in a heavy skillet overmedium-low heat (higher heat willscorch the cheese) and sauté for 4 to 5minutes per side or until cooked through.

Yield: 6 servings

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Each with 2 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 1 gram ofusable carbs and 33 grams of protein.

*Use the Parmesan cheese in the round,green shaker fo


Who says all Italian food involvespasta?

4 boneless, skinless chickenbreasts

¼ pound (115 g) prosciutto orgood boiled ham, thinly sliced

40 leaves fresh or dry sage(Fresh is preferable.)

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2 tablespoons (28 g) butter2 tablespoons (30 ml) olive oil½ cup (120 ml) dry white wine

Place a chicken breast in a large, heavy,resealable plastic bag and pound it untilit’s ¼ inch (6 mm) thick. Repeat with theremaining chicken breasts.

Once all your chicken breasts arepounded thin, place a layer of theprosciutto on each one, scatter about 10sage leaves over each one, and roll eachbreast up. Fasten with toothpicks.

Melt the butter with the olive oil in aheavy skillet over medium heat. Add thechicken rolls and sauté, turningoccasionally, until golden all over.

Add the wine to the skillet, turn the

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heat to low, cover the skillet, andsimmer for 15 minutes.

Remove the chicken rolls to a servingplate and cover to keep warm. Turn theheat up to high and boil the liquid in theskillet hard for 5 minutes to reduce.Spoon over the chicken rolls and serve.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 2 grams of carbohydrates, nofiber, and 37 grams of protein.

Middle Eastern SkilletChicken

3 boneless, skinless chickenbreasts

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3 tablespoons (45 ml) olive oil1 medium onion, chopped½ teaspoon ground coriander1 teaspoon ground cumin¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon½ teaspoon turmeric¼ teaspoon black pepper1 tablespoon (6 g) freshly grated

ginger1 can (14½ ounces, or 410 g)

diced tomatoes2 cloves garlic, crushed1 cup (240 ml) chicken broth

Cut the chicken breasts into cubes. Heatthe olive oil over medium heat in aheavy skillet and add the chicken andonions.

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Sauté for a couple of minutes and thenstir in the coriander, cumin, cinnamon,turmeric, and pepper. Cook until thechicken is white all over.

Add the ginger, tomatoes, garlic, andbroth; stir. Cover, turn the heat to low,and simmer for 15 minutes.

Yield: 3 servings

Each with 14 grams of carbohydratesand 1 gram of fiber, for a total of 13grams of usable carbs and 26 grams of p

Aegean Chicken

The minute I told my sister about this,she started hounding me for the recipe.

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1½ pounds (680 g) boneless,

skinless chicken breast¼ cup (60 ml) olive oil4 ounces (115 g) kasseri cheese,

sliced8 tablespoons (120 ml) tapenade¼ cup (60 ml) dry white wine2 cloves garlic

One at a time, pound the chicken breastsuntil they’re ¼ inch (6 mm) thick allover. Cut the breasts into 6 servings, ifnecessary. Sauté them in the olive oilover medium-high heat. When they’returning golden on the bottom, turn themand lay the slices of kasseri over them.Let them cook another 2 to 3 minutes or

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until the cheese is starting to melt.Spread the tapenade over the breasts andadd the wine to the skillet. Let the wholething cook for another minute or two,just to warm the tapenade and make surethe chicken is cooked through. Removethe chicken to serving plates, add thegarlic to the wine left in the skillet, stirthe whole thing and let it boil for aminute or so, and pour it over thechicken before serving.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with just 2 grams of carbohydrates,a trace of fiber, and 40 grams of protein.

Greek Chicken with Yogurt

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3 pounds (1.4 kg) chicken pieces2 tablespoons (30 ml) lemon juiceSalt and pepper3 tablespoons (42 g) butter1 medium onion, sliced2 cloves garlic, crushed½ cup (120 ml) dry white wine1 cup (240 ml) chicken broth½ teaspoon ground rosemary1 cup (230 g) plain yogurtGuar or xanthan

Rub the chicken with the lemon juice andsprinkle it with salt and pepper.

Melt the butter in a big, heavy skilletover medium-high heat and brown thechicken all over. When the chicken isbrown, remove it from the skillet, pour

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off the fat, and put the chicken back.Add the onion, garlic, wine, chicken

broth, and rosemary to the skillet. Cover,turn the heat to low, and let the wholething simmer for 30 minutes or so.

When time’s up, pull the skillet off theheat and uncover. Let it cool for about10 minutes. Remove the chicken to aserving platter. Whisk the yogurt into thesauce in the skillet, stirring until itsmoothes out. Thicken a bit with guar orxanthan and serve over the chicken.

Yield: 5 to 6 servings

Assuming 5, each will have 38 g protein;6 g carbohydrate; trace dietary fiber, 6 gusable

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Chicken Kampama

This dish is Greek chicken, simmered inred wine, tomatoes, and spices. If allyou’ve had is Greek roasted chicken(which is wonderful, by the way!), trythis!

3 pounds (1.4 kg) cut-up chicken2 tablespoons (28 g) butter2 tablespoons (30 ml) olive oil1 cup (160 g) chopped onion1 cup (240 g) canned diced

tomatoes4 tablespoons (66 g) tomato paste¼ cup (60 ml) dry red wine1 clove garlic, crushed¼ teaspoon ground allspice

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½ teaspoon ground cinnamon¼ cup (60 ml) chicken broth

In a big, heavy skillet, brown the chickenall over in the butter and olive oil. Whenit’s golden, remove from the pan andpour off all but about 1 tablespoon (15ml) of the fat.

In that fat, sauté the onion a bit. Whenit’s golden, add the tomatoes, tomatopaste, wine, garlic, allspice, cinnamon,and chicken broth. Stir it all together andbring to a simmer.

Add the chicken back to the skillet,turn the heat to the lowest setting, cover,and cook for 30 minutes. Uncover andsimmer for another 30 minutes and thenserve.

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Yield: 6 servings

Each with 30 g protein; 8 gcarbohydrate; 1 g dietary fiber; 7 gusable carbs.

Picnic Chicken

1 cut up broiler-fryer cup (160 ml) apple cidervinegar

3 tablespoons (45 ml) oil2 teaspoons salt¼ teaspoon pepper

Combine the vinegar, oil, salt, andpepper. Reserve some marinade forbasting and pour the rest over the

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chicken in a large resealable plastic bag.Marinate for at least an hour; more timewouldn’t hurt.

Preheat the broiler to high. Take thechicken out of the marinade and broil itabout 8 inches (20 cm) from the flame.Baste it with the reserved marinadeevery 10 to 15 minutes while cookingusing a clean utensil each time you baste.Give it about 25 minutes per side oruntil cooked through. (Pierce it to thebone; the juices should run clear, notpink.) You may need to rearrange thechicken pieces on your broiler rack toget them to cook evenly so they’re allready at the same time.

Yield: 4 servings

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Each with 3 grams of carbohydrates perserving if you consumed all themarinade, but of course you don’t, soeach serving has less than 1 gram ofcarbohydrates, no fiber, and 44 grams ofprotein.

You may be wondering why this iscalled Picnic Chicken—it’s becausecome summer, if you really were goingon a picnic, you could bring the bag ofchicken and reserved marinade along inthe cooler and grill it at the park or thebeach. What a

Chicken Paprikash

Making my Paprikash with real sour

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cream is one of the great joys of low-carbing!

1 cut-up broiler-fryer3 tablespoons (42 g) butter1 small onion2 tablespoons (12.6 g) paprika½ cup (120 ml) chicken broth1 cup (230 g) sour creamSalt or Vege-Sal and pepper

Melt the butter in a heavy skillet andbrown the chicken and onions overmedium-high heat.

In a separate bowl, stir the paprikainto the chicken broth. Pour the mixtureover the chicken.

Cover the skillet, turn the heat to low,

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and let it simmer for 30 to 45 minutes.When the chicken is tender and

cooked through, remove it from theskillet and put it on a serving platter. Stirthe sour cream into the liquid left in thepan and stir until smooth and wellblended. Heat through but do not let itboil or it will curdle. Season with saltand pepper to taste and serve this gravywith the chicken.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 7 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 6 grams ofusable carbs and 53 grams of protein.

Be sure to serve plenty of CauliflowerPurée (page 209) with it to smother in

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the extra gravy!

Deviled Chicken

1 cut-up broiler-fryer4 tablespoons (56 g) butter½ cup (12 g) Splenda¼ cup (60 ml) spicy brown

mustard1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon curry


Preheat the oven to 375°F (190°C, orgas mark 5).

Melt the butter in a shallow roastingpan. Add the Splenda, mustard, salt, andcurry powder and stir until wellcombined.

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Roll the chicken pieces in the buttermixture until coated and then arrangethem skin side up in the pan. Bake for 1hour.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 5 grams of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 44 grams of protein.

Pollo en Jugo de Naranja(Mexican Chicken inOrange Juice)

The recipe I adapted this from wasterribly high-carb, including a cup oforange juice and a lot more raisins. The

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decarbed version is del

3 pounds (1.4 kg) cut-up chicken,whatever you like—I like legsand thighs.

Salt and pepper2 tablespoons (30 ml) oil1 orange¼ cup (30 g) slivered almonds,

toasted1 tablespoon (15 ml) lemon juice2 tablespoons (20 g) raisins¼ cup (40 g) chopped onion1 clove garlic, crushed

cup (160 g) canned dicedtomatoes, undrained

¼ cup (60 ml) dry sherry1 bay leaf

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¼ cup (15.2 g) snipped freshparsley

½ teaspoon dried thyme½ teaspoon dried oreganoGuar or xanthan gum (optional)

Sprinkle the chicken pieces with a littlesalt and pepper. In a large, heavy skillet,heat the oil and brown the chicken untilit’s lightly golden all over.

While that’s happening, grate the zestof the orange and reserve. If youralmonds aren’t toasted, this is a goodtime to do that too—simply stir them in asmall, heavy, dry skillet over mediumheat until they start to turn golden andthen set aside.

When the chicken is browned, pour

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off any excess fat. Squeeze in the juiceof the orange, adding any pulp that maysqueeze out. Add all remainingingredients, including the reservedorange zest, cover the pan, turn the heatto low, and let the whole thing simmerfor 45 to 50 minutes or until chicken istender. Remove chicken to a servingplatter.

Remove the bay leaf and thicken thesauce a bit with guar or xanthan, if youlike; serve with the chicken.

Yield: 5 to 6 servings

Assuming 6, each will have 31 g protein;9 g carbohydrate; 2 g dietary fiber; 7 gusable carbs.

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Key Lime Chicken

This is an unusual—and good!—combination of flavors.

1 cut-up broiler-fryer½ cup (120 ml) lime juice½ cup (120 ml) olive oil1 tablespoon (10 g) grated onion2 teaspoons tarragon1 teaspoon seasoned salt¼ teaspoon pepper

Arrange the chicken pieces on thebroiler rack, skin side down.

In a bowl, combine the lime juice, oil,onion, tarragon, salt, and pepper.Reserve some of this mixture in another

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small bowl. Brush the chicken well withthe marinade.

Broil the chicken about 8 inches (20cm) from the heat for 45 to 50 minutes,turning the chicken and basting with thereserved lime mixture every 10 minutesor so, using a clean utensil each time youbaste.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 4 grams of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 44 grams of p

Lemon Mustard HerbChicken

24 ounces (680 g) boneless,

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skinless chicken breast cup (80 ml) lemon juice cup (80 ml) spicy brownmustard

1 tablespoon (4 g) rubbed sage1½ teaspoons dried thyme3 cloves garlic, crushed3 scallions

This is quick and easy. Just mix togetherthe lemon juice, mustard, sage, thyme,and garlic. Put the chicken breasts on aplate and spread this mixture over bothsides. Let it sit for ten minutes, and alittle more won’t hurt.

Heat up an electric tabletop grill andthrow the chicken breast in. Set youroven timer for 5 minutes. Slice up the

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scallions, including the crisp part of thegreen. When the timer goes off, put thechicken on a serving plate, scatter thescallions over it, and serve.

Yield: 3–4 servings

Each with 53 g protein; 8 gcarbohydrate; 1 g dietary fiber; 7 gusable carbs.

Sweet Lemon-Brined andGlazed Chicken Breast

Like the convenience of boneless,skinless chicken breasts but find theyoften come out bland and dry? With thisrecipe, they’ll be plump, moist, and

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flavorful even if you overcook them alittle!

1½ pounds (680 g) boneless,skinless chicken breast

FOR THE BRINE:1 tablespoon (15 g) kosher salt16 ounces (475 ml) lemon-

flavored Fruit2O1 tablespoon (15 ml) soy sauce1 clove garlic1 dash hot pepper sauce

FOR THE GLAZE:2 tablespoons (30 ml) lemon juice1 tablespoon DiabetiSweet or

other polyol-based sweetener

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½ tablespoon soy sauce1 clove garlic

Cut the chicken breasts into 4 portions, ifneeded.

To make the brine: Dissolve the saltin the Fruit2O. (Heating the Fruit2O willhelp the salt dissolve.) Then stir in therest of the brine ingredients. Pour overthe chicken breasts in a shallow,nonreactive dish small enough that thebreasts are submerged and stick thewhole thing in the fridge.

Three to 4 hours later, get your grillgoing. When the coals are well ashed orthe gas grill is heated to medium, pullthe chicken out of the fridge and drainoff the brine. Make sure your grill is

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well oiled and grill the chicken about 7to 10 minutes per side or until an instant-read thermometer registers 180°F(85°C).

To make the glaze: While the chickenis grilling, combine the glaze ingredientsin a small saucepan and simmer for just1 to 2 minutes. Brush over the chickenduring the last few minutes of grilling. Ifthere’s any glaze left over, drizzle itover the chicken before serving.

Yield: 4 servings

Each serving will have 2 gramscarbohydrate, a trace of fiber, and 38grams protein. Carb count does notinclude polyol sweetener.

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Chicken Piccata

Meat cooked “piccata” is traditionallyfloured first, but with all this flavorgoing on, who’ll miss it?

4 boneless, skinless chickenbreasts

¼ cup (60 ml) olive oil1 clove garlic, crushed1 tablespoon (15 ml) lemon juice,

or the juice of ½ lemon½ cup (120 ml) dry white wine1 tablespoon (9 g) capers,

chopped3 tablespoons (11.4 g) fresh

parsley, chopped

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Place a chicken breast in a large, heavy,resealable plastic bag and pound it untilit’s ¼ inch (6 mm) thick. Repeat with theremaining chicken breasts.

Heat the olive oil in a large, heavyskillet over medium-high heat. Add thechicken; if it doesn’t all fit at the sametime, cook it in two batches, keeping thefirst batch warm while the second batchis cooking. Cook the chicken until it’sdone through (3 to 4 minutes per side).

Remove the chicken from the pan.Add the garlic, lemon juice, white wine,and capers to the pan, stirring it allaround to get the tasty little brown bitsoff the bottom of the pan. Boil the wholething hard for about 1 minute to reduce ita little.

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Put the chicken back in the pan foranother minute, sprinkle the parsley overit, and serve.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 1 gram of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 29 grams of protein.

Variation: Pork Piccata. Make thisvariation just like Chicken Piccatta, onlysubstitute 4 good, big pork steaks, chops,or thinly sliced pork butt (1 to 1½pounds [455 to 680 g] of meat total) forthe chicken breasts. (Cut the bones out ofthe pork steaks or chops and discard.)

Yield: 4 servings, each with 1 gram ofcarbohydrates, a trace of fiber, and 26

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grams of protein.

Lemon-Pepper Chicken andGravy

1 cut-up broiler-fryer1¼ teaspoons lemon pepper,

divided1¼ teaspoons onion powder,

divided1 teaspoon salt¼ cup (60 ml) chicken broth½ cup (120 ml) heavy cream1½ teaspoons spicy brown or

Dijon mustard

Preheat the oven to 375°F (190°C, or

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gas mark 5).Sprinkle the chicken pieces with 1

teaspoon of lemon pepper, 1 teaspoon ofonion powder, and the salt. Arrange in aroasting pan and roast, basting once ortwice, for about 1 hour or until the juicesrun clear when the chicken is pierced.

Remove the chicken from the roastingpan and skim off the excess fat, leavingjust the brown drippings. Place theroasting pan over low heat, add thechicken broth to the pan, and stir,scraping up the tasty brown bits off thebottom of the pan. When the broth issimmering, add the cream, the rest of thelemon pepper and onion powder, and themustard. Stir well, heat through, andpour over the chicken.

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Yield: 4 servings

Each with 2 grams of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 44 grams of protein.

Lemon-Rosemary Chicken

This is a very classic flavorcombination.

1 pound (455 g) boneless, skinlesschicken breast

¼ cup (60 ml) olive oil2 tablespoons (30 ml) lemon juice2 cloves garlic, crushed1 tablespoon (3.6 g) dried

rosemary, crushed a bit

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Mix together everything but the chicken.Put the chicken breasts in a shallowdish. Reserve some marinade for bastingand pour the rest the olive oil/lemonmixture over the chicken. Turn thebreasts over once or twice to coat them.(We’re not doing this in a bag becausewe’re going to marinate the chicken foronly a short time.)

Now, go start your grill. You’ll wantit at medium heat. When it’s ready,throw the chicken on the grill and cookfor about 7 minutes per side, bastingwith the reserved olive oil/lemonmixture a few times using a clean utensileach time you baste.

I like to heat any leftover marinadeuntil it boils hard and then spoon just a

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little over each breast while serving.

Yield: 3 servings

Even if you consumed all the marinade,which you won’t, you’d get only 2 gramsof carb per serving, 1 gram of whichwould be fiber. 34 grams protein.

Chicken Breasts L’Orange

Chicken combines so well with all sortsof fruit flavors, and this dish is sure tobe a hit with the whole family.

1½ pounds (680 g) boneless,skinless chicken breast

¼ cup (60 ml) oil

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cup (80 ml) orange juice2 tablespoons (3 g) Splenda2 teaspoons cider vinegar¼ teaspoon blackstrap molasses1 teaspoon spicy brown or Dijon

mustard1 teaspoon minced garlic or 2

cloves garlic, crushedSalt and pepper

Cut the chicken breasts into 4 portionsand brown them in the oil in a large,heavy skillet over high heat. While that’shappening, mix together the orange juice,Splenda, vinegar, molasses, mustard,and garlic.

When the chicken is light golden onboth sides, add the orange juice mixture

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to the skillet. Simmer the chicken foranother 7 to 8 minutes, turning once.Season with salt and pepper to taste andserve.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 4 grams of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 38 grams of protein.

Orange Teriyaki Chicken

This has been officially rated “VeryEasy and Very Good!”

2 pounds (910 g) boneless,skinless chicken breasts, cubed

16 ounces (455 g) frozen Oriental

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vegetable mixture, unthawed¾ cup (180 ml) chicken broth2 tablespoons (30 ml) Low-Carb

Teriyaki Sauce (page 465) orpurchased low-carb teriyakisauce

1 teaspoon chicken bouillonconcentrate

1 tablespoon (20 g) low-sugarorange marmalade

¼ teaspoon orange extract2 tablespoons (30 ml) lemon juice1 teaspoon Splenda1 teaspoon dry mustard½ teaspoon ground gingerGuar or xanthan

Pour the vegetables into a slow cooker.

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Place the chicken on top.In a bowl, combine the broth and the

next 8 ingredients (through ginger),stirring well. Pour the mixture over thechicken and vegetables. Cover theslower cooker, set it to low, and let itcook for 4 to 5 hours.

Before serving, thicken the sauce a bitwith guar or xanthan.

Serve over Cauliflower Rice (page212), if desired. Or for the carbivores,you can serve it over brown rice, lomein noodles, or plain old spaghetti.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 36 g protein, 7 gcarbohydrate, 2 g dietary fiber, 5 g

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usable carbs. Analysis does not includeside dishes.

Citrus Chicken

Don’t look at this list of ingredients andturn the page! This is actually easy—justmake a marinade, marinate your chicken,and while the chicken’s roasting, cookdown the marinade for a sauce. Sinceyou put the chicken in to marinate longbefore dinnertime, the actual oh-my-God-it’s-already-six-and-the-kids-are-screaming cooking time is quite short—just 20 to 30 m


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3 pounds (1.4 kg) cut-up chicken¼ cup (40 g) minced onion2 cloves garlic, crushed½ cup (120 ml) lemon juice½ teaspoon orange extract1 tablespoon (15 ml) soy sauce1 tablespoon (15 ml) rice vinegar¼ cup (6 g) Splenda1 tablespoon (6 g) grated ginger1 tablespoon (15 ml) brown

mustard2 tablespoons (30 ml) canola or

peanut oil1 tablespoon (15 ml) sesame oil

FOR THE SAUCE:1 cup (240 ml) chicken broth2 teaspoons spicy brown mustard

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2 teaspoons Splenda1 teaspoon beef bouillon

concentrateGuar or xanthan

To make the chicken: Combine theonion, garlic, lemon juice, orangeextract, soy sauce, rice vinegar, ¼ cup(6 g) Splenda, ginger, and 1 tablespoon(15 g) mustard. Put the chicken in a bigresealable plastic bag. Reserve somemarinade for basting and add the rest tothe bay. Seal the bag, pressing out the airas you go. Turn the bag a few times tocoat the chicken. Throw the bag in thefridge for at least a few hours, and allday won’t hurt a bit.

Okay, time to cook! Set your oven for

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500°F (250°C, or gas mark 10). (Yes, Ido mean 500°F!) Pull the chicken out ofthe fridge and pour off the marinade intoa saucepan. Arrange the chicken in aroasting pan. Now mix together thecanola and sesame oils and brush thechicken well all over with the mixture.When the oven is up to temperature, putthe chicken in and set a timer for 20minutes.

To make the sauce: Put the saucepanwith the marinade over medium-highheat, and add the chicken broth, the final2 teaspoons of mustard, the final 2teaspoons of Splenda, and the beefbouillon concentrate. Boil this mixturehard, until it’s reduced by half. Thickenjust a little—you want it about the

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texture of cream.When the oven timer goes off, check

the chicken. Pierce a piece to the bone—if the juices run clear, it’s done. If thejuices are pink, give it another fiveminutes and check again. When thechicken is done, serve with the sauce.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 30 g protein; 4 gcarbohydrate; trace dietary fiber; 4 gusable carbs.

Seriously Spicy CitrusChicken

You could cut back on the red pepper

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flakes if you’d like to make ModeratelySpicy Citrus Chicken.

1½ pounds (680 g) boneless,skinless chicken breast

¼ cup (60 ml) olive oil½ cup (120 ml) lime juice¼ cup (60 ml) lemon juice1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon (12

g) red pepper flakes1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon

(11.2 g) minced garlic1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon (8 g)

grated ginger¼ cup (6 g) Splenda4 scallions, finely sliced2 tablespoons (8 g) chopped


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Cut the chicken into 4 servings, ifnecessary. Sauté the chicken in the oliveoil over medium-high heat, covering thepan but tilting the lid. While it’ssautéing, mix together the lime juice,lemon juice, red pepper flakes, garlic,ginger, and Splenda. After the chickenhas turned golden on both sides (about 4to 5 minutes per side), pour the limejuice mixture into the skillet and turn thebreasts over to coat both sides. Sauté foranother 2 to 3 minutes on each side andthen move the chicken to serving plates,scraping the liquid from the pan over thechicken. Scatter sliced scallions andchopped cilantro over each portion andserve.

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Yield: 4 servings

Each with 8 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 7 grams ofusable carbs and 32 grams of protein.

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Citrus Spice Chicken

3 pounds (1.4 kg) skinless chickenthighs

cup (78 ml) lemon juice2 tablespoons (3 g) Splenda½ teaspoon orange extract½ cup (120 ml) Dana’s No-Sugar

Ketchup (page 463) orpurchased low-carb ketchup

2 tablespoons (40 g) low-sugarorange marmalade

½ teaspoon ground cinnamon½ teaspoon ground allspice teaspoon ground cloves

¼ teaspoon cayenne

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In a bowl, stir together the lemon juice,Splenda, orange extract, ketchup,marmalade, cinnamon, allspice, cloves,and cayenne.

Put the chicken in a slow cooker andpour the sauce over it. Cover the slowcooker, set it to low, and let it cook for 6hours.

Serve with Cauliflower Rice (page212).

Yield: 5 servings

Each with 31 g protein, 2 gcarbohydrate, trace dietary fiber, 2 gusable carbs. Analysis does not includeCauliflower Rice.

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Apricot-Bourbon Chicken

I like the Saffron “Rice” (page 213) as aside with this.

2 pounds (910 g) boneless,skinless chicken breasts

3 tablespoons (42 g) butter,divided

½ cup (60 g) chopped pecans¼ cup (80 g) low-sugar apricot

preserves¼ cup (60 ml) bourbon2 tablespoons (30 ml) plain

tomato sauce2 teaspoons spicy brown or Dijon


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½ teaspoon minced garlic or 1clove garlic, crushed

¼ cup (40 g) minced onion3 scallions, thinly sliced

First, pound the chicken breasts untilthey’re ½ inch (1.3 cm) thick all overand cut into 6 portions. Brown them in 2tablespoons (28 g) of butter in a large,heavy skillet over high heat.

While the breasts are browning, meltthe last tablespoon of butter in a small,heavy skillet and stir in the pecans. Stirthem over medium-high heat for a fewminutes until they begin to turn golden.Remove from the heat and reserve.

Stir together the preserves, bourbon,tomato sauce, mustard, garlic, and onion.

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When the chicken is light golden on bothsides, pour this mixture into the skillet.Turn the chicken over once or twice tocoat both sides with the sauce. Coverwith a tilted lid and let it simmer forabout 5 minutes or until cooked through.

Serve with the sauce spooned overeach portion and top each with thetoasted pecans and sliced scallions.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 7 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 6 grams ofusable carbs and 35 grams of protein.

Apricot-Rosemary GlazedChicken Breasts

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This is a very speedy meal, especially ifyou have a gas grill, and it’s very good!

4 boneless, skinless chickenbreasts-1½ to 2 pounds (680 to910 g) total

2 tablespoons (40 g) low-sugarapricot preserves

2 teaspoons ground rosemary2 teaspoons lemon juice 2 cloves

garlic, crushed

First, light a charcoal fire or startheating a gas grill. You’ll want mediumheat.

Simply combine everything but thechicken breasts in a bowl and mix well.Divide the mixture into 2 bowls,

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reserving the second bowl for basting.Cut the chicken breasts into servingsizedportions if needed. Start the chickenbreasts grilling over medium heat,brushing the side facing up with apricotmixture. After about 7 minutes, brushwith the apricot mixture again, turn, andbrush with the glaze again. Grill another7 minutes or so, brushing a couple oftimes with the reserved apricot glazeand using a clean utensil each time youbaste.

When the breasts are cooked through,serve. If there’s any apricot glazeremaining, you can heat it thoroughly inthe microwave—make sure it boils hard!—and spoon it over the breasts beforeserving.

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Yield: 4 servings

Each serving will have 4 grams ofcarbohydrate and a trace of fiber.Assuming 1½ pounds (680 g) of chicken,each serving will have 38 grams ofprotein.

Chicken-Almond Stir-Fry

Serve this tasty stir-fry over brown ricefor the carb-eaters in your family andenjoy yours straight.

3 large boneless, skinless chickenbreasts, cut into ½-inch (1.3-cm) cubes

2 tablespoons (30 ml) soy sauce

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¼ cup (60 ml) dry sherry1 clove garlic, smashed1 inch (2.5 cm) or so fresh ginger,

grated¼ teaspoon guar (optional)Peanut oil (Canola or coconut oil

would work, too.) cup (40 g) slivered almonds

1½ cups (110 g) snow peas, cut inhalf

1½ cups (105 g) mushrooms,sliced

15 scallions, cut into pieces about1 inch (2.5 cm) long

¼ cup (50 g) sliced waterchestnuts (optional; Theyincrease the carb count, but

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they’re tasty.)

There’s one hard-and-fast rule with stir-fries: Make sure all your ingredients arechopped, sliced, and grated before youbegin cooking. Once your ingredients areready, stir together the soy sauce, sherry,garlic, and ginger. (If you’re using theguar, put these seasonings through theblender with the guar.)

Heat a couple of teaspoons of thepeanut oil in a wok or large, heavyskillet over high heat. Add the almondsand stir-fry them until they’re lightgolden. Remove and set aside.

Heat another couple of tablespoons(30 ml) of oil in the pan and add thesnow peas, mushrooms, scallions, and

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water chestnuts (if using) to the pan.Stir-fry for about 5 minutes or until justbarely tender-crisp. Remove from thepan and set aside.

Heat another couple of tablespoons(30 ml) of oil in the pan and add thechicken. Stir-fry for 5 to 7 minutes oruntil done; there should be no pink left.

Return the vegetables to the skilletand add the soy sauce/sherry mixture.Toss everything together well. Coverand simmer for 3 to 4 minutes. Top withthe almonds and serve.

Yield: 3 servings

Each with 18 grams of carbohydratesand 6 grams of fiber, for a total of 12

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grams of usable carbs and 36 grams ofprotein.

Thai-ish Chicken Basil Stir-Fry

If all you’ve had are Chinese stir-fries,you’ll find this an interesting change.

3 boneless, skinless chickenbreasts cut into ½-inch (1.3-cm) cubes

2 tablespoons (30 ml) Thai fishsauce

2 tablespoons (30 ml) soy sauce1 teaspoon Splenda¼ teaspoon guar or xanthan

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2 teaspoons dried basil1½ teaspoons red pepper flakesPeanut, canola, or coconut oil2 cloves garlic, crushed1 small onion, sliced1½ cups (225 g) frozen, crosscut

green beans, thawed

Combine the fish sauce, soy sauce,Splenda, and guar or xanthan in ablender. Blend for several seconds, thenturn off the blender and add the basil andred pepper flakes, and set aside.

Heat a few tablespoons (30 ml) of oilin a wok or heavy skillet over high heat.When the oil is hot, add the garlic,chicken, and onion and stir-fry for 3 to 4minutes. Add the green beans and

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continue to stir-fry until the chicken iscooked through.

Stir the fish sauce mixture into thestir-fry, turn the heat to medium, cover,and let it simmer for 2 to 3 minutes (thebeans should be tender-crisp).

Yield: 3 servings

Each with 13 grams of carbohydratesand 3 grams of fiber, for a total of 10grams of usable carbs and 31 grams ofprotein.

Thai Chicken Bowls

This was a big hit with Maria’s family!

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8 boneless, skinless, bonelesschicken thighs, cubed (a littleover 2¼ lbs/1 kg)

2 cloves garlic, crushed½ cup (80 g) chopped onion2 stalks celery, sliced2 teaspoons grated ginger1 teaspoon five-spice powder½ teaspoon salt1 tablespoon (15 ml) lemon juice1 teaspoon hot pepper sauce

(optional)28 ounces (850 ml) chicken broth1 head cauliflowerGuar or xanthan6 tablespoons (35 g) sliced


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6 tablespoons (24 g) choppedcilantro

Place the chicken in a slow cooker. Topwith the garlic, onion, celery, ginger,five-spice powder, salt, and lemonjuice.

In a bowl, combine the hot peppersauce, if using, with the broth and pour itinto the slow cooker. Cover the slowcooker, set it to low, and let it cook for 5to 6 hours.

Okay, it’s almost supper time. Run thecauliflower through the shredding bladeof your food processor to make cauli-rice. Put the cauli-rice in amicrowaveable casserole dish with alid, add a couple of tablespoons (30 ml)

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of water, cover, and microwave on highfor 6 minutes.

Thicken up the sauce in the slowcooker with a little guar or xanthan toabout the texture of heavy cream.

Okay, the cauli-rice is done! Uncoverit immediately, drain, and divide it into6 bowls. Divide the chicken mixture,ladling it over the cauli-rice. Top withthe scallions and cilantro.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 20 g protein, 4 gcarbohydrate, 1 g dietary fiber, 3 gusable carbs.

Curried Chicken with

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Coconut Milk

The day I first made this my cleaningcrew was here, and they couldn’t stoptalking about how great it smelled. Ittastes even better! find coconut milk inthe Asian section of big grocery storesor at Asian markets. It comes in regularor light, and they generally have thesame carb count, so choose whicheveryou prefer.

3 pounds (1.4 kg) skinless chickenthighs

½ cup (80 g) chopped onion2 cloves garlic, crushed1½ tablespoons (8 g) curry


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1 cup (240 ml) coconut milk1 teaspoon chicken bouillon

concentrateGuar or xanthan

Put the chicken in a slow cooker. Placethe onion and garlic over it.

In a bowl, mix together the currypowder, coconut milk, and bouillon.Pour the mixture over the chicken andvegetables in the slow cooker. Cover theslow cooker, set it to low, and let itcook for 6 hours.

When the time’s up, remove thechicken and put it on a platter. Thickenthe sauce to a gravy consistency withguar or xanthan.

You’ll want to serve this with

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Cauliflower Rice (page 212) to soak upthe extra curry sauce. It’s too good tomiss!

Yield: 5 servings

Each with 32 g protein, 6 gcarbohydrate, 2 g dietary fiber, 4 gusable carbs.

Thai Grilled Chicken

1½ pounds (680 g) boneless,skinless chicken breast

¼ cup (60 ml) coconut milk (Youcan find this in cans at Asianmarkets or in grocery storeswith a good international

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section.)2 tablespoons (30 ml) fish sauce

(nuoc mam or nam pla)2 tablespoons (30 ml) lime juice2 teaspoons Splenda2 cloves garlic½ teaspoon turmeric

Combine everything but the chicken andstir well. Pour it over the chicken in alarge resealable plastic bag. Press outthe air, seal the bag, and toss it in thefridge for 1 or 2 hours, and all day won’thurt.

When dinnertime rolls around, light agrill. When the grill is hot, cook thechicken for about 7 minutes per side oruntil cooked through. Serve with Thai

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Peanut Sauce (below).

Yield: 5 servings

Each serving will have no more than 3grams of carbohydrate before adding thepeanut sauce—and once again, actually abit less because of the marinade that getsthrown away—31 grams of protein.Analysis does not include the ThaiPeanut Sauce.

Thai Peanut Sauce

½ teaspoon hot pepper sauce1 tablespoon (6 g) grated ginger1 clove garlic, crushed2 scallions, sliced, including the

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crisp part of the green cup (80 g) natural peanutbutter

cup (80 ml) coconut milk2 tablespoons (30 ml) fish sauce

(nam pla or nuoc mam)1½ tablespoons (23 ml) lime juice2 teaspoons Splenda

Put everything in a blender or a foodprocessor with the S-blade in place andprocess until smooth.

Yield: Makes roughly 1 cup (240 ml), or8 servings of 2 tablespoons each.

4 grams of carbohydrate per serving, and1 gram of fiber, for a usable carb count

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of 3 grams; 3 grams of protein.

Chili-Lime Chicken

This was a big hit at our annualToastmasters Bash at the Lake.

3 pounds (1.4 kg) chicken pieces—either a cut-up broiler/fryeror whatever parts you like (Iused thighs.)

1 tablespoon (16.5 g) chili garlicpaste

2 cloves garlic, crushed1 tablespoon (6 g) grated ginger¼ cup (60 ml) soy sauce½ cup (120 ml) lime juice

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3 tablespoons (4.5 g) Splenda

Place the chicken in a big resealableplastic bag. Mix together everythingelse, pour it into the bag with thechicken, press out the air, and seal thebag. Throw the bag in the fridge and letthe chicken marinate for at least a fewhours, and more won’t hurt.

When it’s time to cook, fire up thegrill—you’ll want medium to medium-high heat. Just drain the marinade off thechicken and throw it on the grill skin-side up when it’s ready. Close the grilland keep it closed until it’s time to turnthe chicken, unless you suspect a flare-up. Cook for about 12 to 15 minutes, turnskin-side down and cook another 7 to 9

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minutes, and then turn skin-side up again.Let it cook until the juices run clearwhen it’s pierced to the bone and aninstant-read thermometer registers 180°F(85°C). Then serve!

Yield: 6 servings

If you consumed all of the marinade,you’d get 5 grams of carb and a trace offiber per serving, but since you discardmost of it, you won’t get anywhere nearthat much—I’d count no more than 1 to 2grams per serving. Assuming 6 servings,each will have 30 grams of protein.

Thai Hot Pot

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This recipe takes a few more steps thansome, but the results are worth it! If youcan’t get Southeast Asian fish sauce, youcan substitute soy sauce.

1½ pounds (680 g) boneless,skinless chicken thighs

1 medium carrot, sliced1 medium onion, sliced1 clove garlic, crushed14 ounces (425 ml) coconut milk1 tablespoon (6 g) grated ginger2 tablespoons (30 ml) fish sauce

(nam pla or nuoc mam) or soysauce

1 tablespoon (15 ml) lime juice2 teaspoons Splenda½ teaspoon hot pepper sauce

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cup (85 g) natural peanutbutter

1 pound (455 g) shrimp, shelled1 cup (75 g) fresh snow pea pods,

cut into ½-inch (1.3-cm) piecesGuar or xanthan6 cups (720 g) Cauliflower Rice

(page 212) cup (40 g) chopped peanuts

Put the chicken in your slow cooker andadd the carrot, onion, and garlic.

In a blender, combine the coconutmilk, ginger, fish sauce or soy sauce,lime juice, Splenda, hot pepper sauce,and peanut butter and blend until smooth.Pour the sauce over the chicken andvegetables, using a rubber scraper to

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make sure you get all of it! Cover theslow cooker, set it to low, and let itcook for 8 hours.

Stir in the shrimp and snow peas, re-cover the slow cooker, and turn it up tohigh. Cook for 10 minutes or until theshrimp are pink all the way through.

Thicken the sauce slightly with guaror xanthan. Serve over the CauliflowerRice (or brown rice for the carb-eaters).Top each serving with the peanuts.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 33 g protein, 19 gcarbohydrate, 7 g dietary fiber, 12 gusable carbs. Analysis does not includeCauliflower Rice.

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Singing Chicken

This is another Vietnamese dish, and itis definitely for those who enjoybreathing fire. I’m a big fan of hot food,and this dish had me sweating byhalfway through the meal. It’s delicious!Broccoli goes nicely with this.

1½ pounds (680 g) boneless,skinless chicken breast, cutcrosswise into thin slices*

2 to 3 tablespoons (30 to 45 ml)vegetable oil, preferablypeanut

1 tablespoon (6 g) grated ginger1 teaspoon minced garlic or 2

cloves garlic, crushed

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2 tablespoons (3 g) Splenda¼ cup (60 ml) soy sauce1 teaspoon fish sauce (nuoc mam)

¾ cup (180 ml) dry white wine1 fresh jalapeño, or 2 or 3 littlered chilies, finely minced

1 teaspoon pepperGuar or xanthan

Have the chicken sliced, the ingredientsmeasured, the pepper minced, andeverything standing by and ready to gobefore starting to cook—once you startstir-frying, this goes very quickly.

Put a wok or heavy skillet over highheat. Add the oil, let it heat for a minuteor so, and then add the ginger and garlic.Stir for 1 minute to flavor the oil. Add

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the chicken and stir-fry for 1 to 2minutes. Add the Splenda, soy sauce,fish sauce, white wine, jalapeño, andpepper, stirring often, for 7 to 8 minutesor until the chicken is cooked through.Thicken the pan juices very slightly withguar or xanthan and serve.

Yield: 3 or 4 servings

Assuming 4 servings, each will have 4grams of carbohydrates, a trace of fiber,and 39 grams of protein.

*This is easiest if the meat is half-frozen.

Chicken Vindaloo

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I made this at a local campground overMemorial Day Weekend, and it was ahuge hit with fellow campers. It’s exoticand wonderful.

6 pounds (2.7 kg) boneless,skinless chicke

1 medium onion, chopped5 cloves garlic, crushed¼ cup (24 g) grated ginger4 teaspoons purchased garam

masala1 teaspoon ground turmeric¼ cup (60 ml) lime juice¼ cup (60 ml) rice vinegar½ cup (120 ml) chicken broth1 teaspoon salt

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Put the chicken, onion, and garlic in aslow cooker.

In a bowl, stir together the remainingingredients. Pour the mixture over thechicken. Cover the slow cooker, set it tolow, and let it cook for 6 to 7 hours.

Serve with Major Grey’s Chutney(page 496).

Yield: 12 servings

Each with 46 g protein, 2 gcarbohydrate, trace dietary fiber, 2 gusable carbs. Analysis does not includeChutney.

Chicken in CreamyHorseradish Sauce

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Don’t think that just because this hashorseradish it’s really strong. The sauceis mellow, subtle, and family-friendly.

4 pounds (1.8 kg) cut-up chicken1 tablespoon (14 g) butter1 tablespoon (15 ml) olive oil¾ cup (180 ml) chicken broth1½ teaspoons chicken bouillon

concentrate1 tablespoon (15 g) prepared

horseradish4 ounces (115 g) cream cheese,

cut into chunks¼ cup (60 ml) heavy creamGuar or xanthan (optional)

In a big, heavy skillet, brown the chicken

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in the butter and oil over medium-highheat. Transfer the chicken to a slowcooker.

In a bowl, stir together the broth,bouillon, and horseradish. Pour themixture over the chicken. Cover theslow cooker, set it to low, and let itcook for 6 hours.

When the time’s up, remove thechicken with tongs and put it on a platter.Melt the cream cheese into the sauce inthe slow cooker. Stir in the cream.Thicken the sauce with guar or xanthan ifyou think it needs it. Add salt and pepperto taste.

I think this would be good withFauxtatoes (page 209) and green beans.

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Yield: 8 servings

Each with 30 g protein, 1 gcarbohydrate, trace dietary fiber, 1 gusable carbs. Analysis does not includeside

Black and Bleu Chicken

This is quick and easy and very good.Why use only three chicken breasts?Because that’s what fits in my skillet!Once they were pounded out thin, theyjust barely squeezed in there together. Ifyou want to increase this recipe, you’llneed two skillets—but it will still bequick and very good!

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3 boneless, skinless chickenbreasts

Cajun seasoning, purchased orhomemade

3 tablespoons (42 g) butter¼ pound (115 g) blue cheese,


Start a large, heavy-bottomed skilletheating over medium-high heat. In themeanwhile, one at a time, place eachchicken breast in a heavy resealableplastic bag. Use a meat tenderizinghammer, a regular hammer, or whateverblunt object comes to hand (I use a 3-pound dumbbell!) to pound each breastuntil it’s about ¼ inch (6 mm) thick allover—this should take about 30 seconds

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per breast. Sprinkle both sides of eachpounded breast with the Cajunseasoning. Melt the butter in the skilletand add the chicken breasts. Sauté for 4to 5 minutes per side or until cookedthrough. When they’re just about done,sprinkle the crumbled blue cheese overthe chicken breasts, dividing it evenlybetween all three. Cover the skillet for aminute more to let the cheese melt andserve.

Yield: 3 servings

Each with 36 g protein; 2 g usable carbs;a trace of fiber.

Chicken with Root

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Vegetables, Cabbage, andHerbs

I think of this as being a sort of FrenchCountry dish. Of course, I’ve never beento the French countryside, so what do Iknow? It’s good, though, and you don’tneed another darned thing with it.

5 pounds (2.3 kg) chicken1½ tablespoons (23 ml) olive oil1½ tablespoons (21 g) butter2 medium turnips, cut into ½-inch

(1.3-cm) cubes2 medium carrots, cut into ½-inch

(1.3-cm) slices1 medium onion, cut into ¼-inch

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(6 mm) half-rounds1 head cabbage4 cloves garlic, crushed½ teaspoon dried rosemary½ teaspoon dried thyme½ teaspoon dried basil2 bay leaves, crumbled

In a big, heavy skillet, brown the chickenon both sides in the oil and butter overmedium-high heat.

When the chicken is browned allover, remove it to a plate and reserve.Some extra fat will have accumulated inthe skillet. Pour off all but a couple oftablespoons (30 ml) and then add theturnips, carrots, and onion. Sauté them,scraping the tasty brown bits off the

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bottom of the skillet as you stir, untilthey’re getting a touch of gold, to.

Transfer the sautéed vegetables to aslow cooker.

Cut the cabbage into eighths and put iton top of the vegetables. Arrange thechicken on top of the cabbage. Sprinklethe garlic over the chicken andvegetables, making sure some ends up onthe chicken and some down among thevegetables. Sprinkle the rosemary,thyme, basil, and bay leaves into theslow cooker, making sure some getsdown into the vegetables. Season withsalt and pepper. Cover the slow cooker,set it to low, and let it cook for 6 to 7hours.

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Yield: 8 servings

Each with 36 g protein, 6 gcarbohydrate, 2 g dietary fiber, 4 gusable carbs.

Chicken with Camembertand Almonds

4 boneless, skinless chickenbreasts

6 tablespoons (84 g) butter,divided

8 ounces (225 g) Camembert cup (40 g) slivered almonds 4scallions, thinly sliced

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Place a chicken breast in a large, heavy,resealable plastic bag and pound it untilit’s ¼ inch (6 mm) thick. Repeat with theremaining chicken breasts.

Melt 4 tablespoons (56 g) of the butterin a heavy skillet over medium heat.Sauté the chicken until it’s golden on thefirst side.

While the first side of the chicken iscooking, divide the cheese into fourequal portions, peel off the white rind,and thinly slice each portion.

Flip the chicken and lay a portion ofcheese over each chicken breast.

Melt the remaining 2 tablespoons (28g) of butter in a small skillet and add thealmonds. Stir until they’re lightly golden.

When the second side of the chicken

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is golden and the cheese is melted, placeeach breast on a serving plate and dividethe almonds evenly over them. Scatter asliced scallion over each breast andserve.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 4 grams of carbohydrates and2 grams of fiber, for a total of 2 grams ofusable carbs and 43 grams of protein.

If you’re the type of person who likes tomultitask, this recipe is for you. If youcan slice and peel the cheese while thefirst side of the chicken cooks and getthe almonds toasting. You should be ableto get the almonds done just in time tomove hot almonds onto just-done

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chicken breasts.

Slow Cooker BreweryChicken and Vegetables

There are plenty of vegetables in here,so you don’t need a thing with it, exceptmaybe some bread for the carb-eaters inthe family. And the gravy comes out abeautiful color!

2½ to 3 pounds (1.3 to 1.4 kg)cut-up chicken (I use leg andthigh quarters, cut apart at thejoints.)

8 ounces (225 g) turnips (twoturnips roughly the size of

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tennis balls), peeled and cutinto chunks

2 stalks celery, sliced1 medium carrot, sliced½ medium onion, sliced1 tablespoon (15 ml) chicken

bouillon concentrate12 ounces (360 ml) light beer1 can (14½ ounces, or 410 g)

tomatoes with green chilesGuar or xanthan (optional)

Put the turnips, celery, carrot, onion,bouillon, and chicken in a slow cooker.Pour the beer and the tomatoes over thelot. Cover the slow cooker, set it to low,and let it cook for 8 to 9 hours.

When the time’s up, remove the

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chicken with tongs and place it on aserving platter. Then use a slotted spoonto scoop out the vegetables. Put 1½ cups(360 ml) of them in a blender and pilethe rest on and around the chicken on theplatter. Scoop out 1½ to 2 cups (360 to480 ml) of the liquid left in the slowcooker and put it in the blender with thevegetables. Purée the vegetables andbroth and thicken the mixture a littlemore with the guar or xanthan, if itseems necessary. Add salt and pepper totaste and serve as a sauce with thechicken and vegetables.

Yield: 5 servings

Each with 30 g protein, 10 g

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carbohydrate, 2 g dietary fiber, 8 gusable carbs.

Sort-of-Ethiopian ChickenStew

The slow cooker method is hardlyauthentic, but the flavors come from anEthiopian recipe—except that theEthiopians would use a lot morecayenne! Increase it if you like really hotfood.

1 cut-up broiler-fryer, about 3pounds (1.4 kg)

1 medium onion, chopped1 teaspoon cayenne

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1 teaspoon paprika½ teaspoon pepper½ teaspoon grated ginger2 tablespoons (30 ml) lemon juice½ cup (120 ml) waterGuar or xanthan

Place the everything but the guar orxanthan in a slow cooker. Cover theslow cooker, set it to low, and let itcook for 5 to 6 hours.

If you’d like to make this reallystewlike, you can pick the meat off thebones when it’s done (which will bevery easy), thicken the gravy with guaror xanthan, and then stir the chicken backinto the liquid. Or you can just serve thegravy over the chicken. Take your pick.

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Yield: 5 servings

Each with 34 g protein, 3 gcarbohydrate, 1 g dietary fiber, 2 gusable

Stewed Chicken withMoroccan Seasonings

This is almost a Moroccan tagine, butall the recipes I’ve seen call for somesort of starch. So I ditched the starch andjust kept the seasonings, which areexotic and delicious.

3½ to 4 pounds (1.6 to 1.8 kg)chicken, cut up

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¼ cup (60 ml) olive oil1 medium onion, thinly sliced2 cloves garlic, crushed¾ cup (180 ml) chicken broth½ teaspoon ground coriander½ teaspoon ground cinnamon½ teaspoon paprika½ teaspoon ground cumin1 teaspoon ground ginger½ teaspoon pepper¼ teaspoon cayenne1 tablespoon (1.5 g) Splenda1 tablespoon (16.5 g) tomato

paste1 teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal

Heat the oil in a Dutch oven overmedium heat and brown the chicken in

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the oil.When the chicken is golden all over,

remove it from the Dutch oven and pouroff the fat. Put the chicken back in theDutch oven and scatter the onion andgarlic over it.

Combine the broth and the next 10ingredients (through salt) and whisktogether well. Pour over the chicken,cover the Dutch oven, and turn the heatto low. Let the whole thing simmer for agood 45 minutes.

Uncover the chicken and let it simmerfor another 15 minutes or so to let thejuices concentrate a bit. Serve eachpiece of chicken with some of the onionand juices spooned over it.

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Yield: 4 generous servings

Each with 6 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 5 grams ofusable carbs and 58 grams of protein.

Chicken Stew

This dish is a nice change from the usualbeef stew. It’s light, flavorful, and yourwhole meal in one pot.

1½ pounds (680 g) boneless,skinless chicken thighs, cut into1-inch (2.5-cm) cubes

2 tablespoons (30 ml) olive oil,divided

8 ounces (225 g) sliced

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mushrooms1 medium onion, sliced3 cups (345 g) zucchini slices4 cloves garlic, crushed1 can (14 ounces, or 400 g)

tomato wedges¾ cup (180 ml) chicken broth1 teaspoon chicken bouillon

concentrate1 tablespoon (3 g) poultry

seasoningGuar or xanthan

In a big, heavy skillet, heat 1 tablespoon(15 ml) of the oil. Brown the chickenuntil it is golden all over. Transfer thechicken to a slow

Heat the remaining 1 tablespoon (15

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ml) of oil in the skillet and sauté themushrooms, onion, and zucchini until themushrooms change color and the onionsare translucent. Transfer them to theslow cooker, too. Add the garlic andtomatoes to the slow cooker.

Put the broth and bouillon in theskillet and stir them around to dissolveany flavorful bits sticking to the skillet.Pour into the slow cooker. Sprinkle thepoultry seasoning over the mixture.Cover the slow cooker, set it to low, andlet it cook for 4 to 5 hours. When thetime’s up, thicken the liquid in the slowcooker with guar or xanthan.

Yield: 6 servings

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Each with 11 g protein, 12 gcarbohydrate, 2 g dietary fiber, 10 gusable carbs.


This chicken stew comes from Senegal.Traditionally it is quite hot, so feel freeto increase the cayenne if you like!

6 pounds (2.7 kg) chicken, cut up3 large onions, thinly sliced6 cloves garlic, crushed½ cup (120 ml) lemon juice1½ teaspoons salt ½ teaspoon

cayenne, or more to taste¼ cup (60 ml) oil8 cups (960 g) Cauliflower Rice

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(page 212)

In a slow cooker, combine the onions,garlic, lemon juice, salt, and cayenne.Add the chicken and toss so that all thechicken comes in contact with theseasonings. Cover your slow cooker andrefrigerate overnight. (It’s a good idea tostir this a few times if you think of it,though I don’t expect you to get up in themiddle of the night to do it!)

Using tongs, remove the chicken fromthe marinade. Pat it dry with papertowels and set it aside.

In a big, heavy skillet, heat the oilover medium-high heat. Place thechicken skin side down and cook it untilthe skin is browned. (You’ll need to do

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this in batches, unless your skillet is alot bigger than mine!) Don’t botherbrowning the other side of the chicken.

Transfer the chicken back to the slowcooker with the marinade. Cover theslow cooker, set it to low, and let itcook for 5 to 6 hours.

Remove the chicken from the slowcooker with tongs. Put the chicken on aplatter, cover it with foil, and put it in awarm place.

Ladle the onions and liquid out of theslow cooker into the skillet and turn theheat to high. Boil this hard, stirringoften, until most of the liquid hasevaporated. (You want the volumereduced by more than half.) Serve thechicken, onions, and sauce over the

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Cauliflower Rice.

Yield: 8 servings

Each with 45 g protein, 11 gcarbohydrate, 3 g dietary fiber, 8 gusable carbs.

Chicken and Dumplings

This takes some work, but boy, is itcomfort food. You could make this withleftover turkey instead if you prefer. Ifyou do that, put the cubed, cooked turkeyin about 5 to 6 hours into the initialcooking time.

1½ pounds (680 g) boneless,

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skinless chicken thighs, cut into1’ cubes

2 medium carrots, sliced1 medium onion, chunked2 medium turnips, cut into ½-inch

(1.3-cm) cubes1½ cups (225 g) frozen green

beans, cross-cut8 ounces (225 g) sliced

mushrooms1½ cups (360 ml) chicken broth1 teaspoon poultry seasoning3 teaspoons chicken bouillon

concentrate½ cup (120 ml) heavy creamGuar or xanthanDumplings (page 343)

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In a slow cooker, combine the carrots,onion, turnips, green beans, mushrooms,and chicken.

In a bowl, mix together the broth,poultry seasoning, and bouillon. Pour themixture over the chicken and vegetables.Cover the slow cooker, set it to low, andlet it cook for 6 to 7 hours.

When the time’s up, stir in the creamand thicken the gravy to a niceconsistency with guar or xanthan. Addsalt and pepper to taste. Recover theslow cooker and turn it to high.

While the slow cooker is heating up(it’ll take at least 30 minutes), make theDumplings, stopping before you add theliquid. Wait until the gravy in the slowcooker is boiling. Then stir in the

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buttermilk to the Dumpling dough anddrop it by spoonfuls over the surface ofthe chicken and gravy. Re-cover theslow cooker and let it cook for another25 to 30 minutes.

Yield: 8 servings

Each with 36 g protein, 14 gcarbohydrate, 4 g dietary fiber, 10 gusable carbs (calculations include thedumplings).


Feel free to use this with other meat-and-gravy dishes if you like! (Theseinstructions require gravy to boil the

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Dumplings in.)

¾ cup (90 g) ground almonds, or“almond meal”

½ cup (65 g) rice protein powder¼ cup (25 g) wheat gluten2 tablespoons (28 g) butter2 tablespoons (30 ml) coconut oil½ teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons

baking powder½ teaspoon baking soda¾ cup (180 ml) buttermilk

Put everything but the buttermilk into afood processor with the S-blade inplace. Pulse the food processor to cut inthe butter. (You want it evenlydistributed in the dry ingredients.) Dump

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this mixture into a mixing bowl.Check to make sure your gravy is

boiling. (If it isn’t, have a quick cup oftea until it is.) Now pour the buttermilkinto the dry ingredients and stir it in witha few swift strokes. (Don’t over-mix;you just want to make sure everything’sevenly damp.) This will make a softdough. Drop by spoonfuls over theboiling gravy, cover the pot, and let itcook for 25 to 30 minutes.

Yield: 12 servings

Each with 14 g protein, 4 gcarbohydrate, 1 g dietary fiber, 3 gusable carbs.

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Chunky Chicken Pie

This is a fair amount of work, but it’scertainly comfort food for a cold winternight!

1½ pounds (680 g) dark meatchicken, no skin, but on thebone

1 quart (960 ml) water1 tablespoon (15 ml) chicken

bouillon concentrate1 pound (455 g) frozen

California-blend vegetables1 cup (70 g) sliced mushrooms 1

cup (240 ml) Carb Countdowndairy beverage or half-and-half

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½ teaspoon poultry seasoningGuar or xanthanSalt and pepper1 batch Buttermilk Drop Biscuits

(page 120)

Plunk chicken in a big saucepan and addthe water and chicken bouillonconcentrate. Cover it, turn the heat tolow, and let the whole thing simmer for60 to 90 minutes.

Fish the chicken out with a fork ortongs and set it on a plate until coolenough to handle. In the meantime, addthe California-blend vegetables and thesliced mushrooms to the broth—Iactually cut mine up a little more, butyou can leave everything in really big

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chunks if you prefer. Let this simmer for25 to 30 minutes or until the vegetablesare tender but not mushy.

While that’s happening, strip thechicken off the bones. Discard the bonesand cut the meat into bite-sized pieces.Reserve.

Okay, your vegetables are cooked.Stir in the Carb Countdown dairybeverage and poultry seasoning. Thickenwith guar or xanthan to make a richgravy consistency. Now add salt andpepper to taste and stir in the chicken.Turn off the heat.

Preheat the oven to 475°F (240°C, orgas mark 9) and then make a batch ofButtermilk Drop Biscuit dough, stoppingright before you add the buttermilk to the

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dry ingredients.Spray a 2-quart (1.9-L) casserole dish

with nonstick cooking spray. When theoven is up to temperature, turn the heatback on under the chicken and vegetablemixture and bring it back to a boil.While that’s heating, stir the buttermilkinto the biscuit dough. Now, pour theboiling chicken mixture into thecasserole dish and spoon the dough overthe top. Don’t worry about coveringevery single millimeter of the gravy withthe dough; it’ll spread a bit. Just spoon iton pretty evenly, and it’ll be fine. Put itin the oven immediately and bake for 10to 12 minutes or until golden and thenserve.

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Yield: 6 servings

Each with 48 g protein; 13 gcarbohydrate; 5 g dietary fiber; 8 gusable carbs.

Mom’s 1960s Chicken,Redux

Back in the 1960s my mom would makea dish for company with chicken breasts,wrapped in bacon, laid on a layer ofchipped beef, topped with a sauce madeof sour cream and cream of mushroomsoup. It tasted far more sophisticatedthan it sounds and never failed to drawraves from dinner party guests. This is

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my attempt to de-carb and slow-cooker-ize the same dish— without the carb-filled cream of mushroom soup.

2 pounds (910 g) boneless,skinless chicken breasts

2¼ ounces (62 g) dried beef slices(aka “chipped beef”)

6 slices bacon1 cup (70 g) sliced mushrooms1 tablespoon (14 g) butter1 cup (240 ml) heavy cream1 teaspoon beef bouillon

concentrate1 pinch onion powder1 pinch celery salt¼ teaspoon pepperGuar or xanthan

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1 cup (230 g) sour creamPaprika

Line the bottom of a slow cooker withthe dried beef.

Place the bacon in a glass pie plate oron a microwave bacon rack andmicrowave for 3 to 4 minutes on high.Drain the bacon and reserve. (Whatyou’re doing here is cooking some of thegrease off of the bacon without cookingit crisp.)

Cut the chicken into 6 servings. Wrapeach piece of chicken in a slice of baconand place it in the slow cooker on top ofthe dried beef.

In a big, heavy skillet, sauté themushrooms in the butter until they’re

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soft. Add the cream and bouillon and stiruntil the bouillon dissolves. Stir in theonion powder, celery salt, and pepperand then thicken with guar or xanthanuntil the mixture reaches a gravyconsistency. Stir in the sour cream.

Spoon this mixture over the chickenbreasts and sprinkle with a littlepaprika. Cover the slow cooker, set it tolow, and let it cook for 5 to 6 hours.

To serve, scoop up some of the driedbeef and sauce with each bacon-wrapped piece of chicken.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 41 g protein, 4 gcarbohydrate, trace dietary fiber, 4 g

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usable carbs.

Chicken Liver Sauté

The worst possible thing you can do toliver of any kind is overcook it, whichmakes chicken livers an ideal candidatefor a super-fast gourmet supper. Thecauliflower rice is optional with this,but it takes very little extra time, addsonly 1 gram of extra carbs to a serving,and makes this seem more like a meal.

8 ounces (225 g) chicken livers½ head cauliflower (optional)4 ounces (115 g) sliced

mushrooms¼ medium onion

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1 tablespoon (14 g) butter½ teaspoon minced garlic or 1

clove garlic, crushed½ teaspoon ground rosemary*¼ cup (60 ml) dry sherry½ teaspoon lemon juiceSalt and pepperGuar or xanthan

If you want cauliflower rice to serve thechicken livers on, make that first. Runthe cauliflower through the shreddingblade of your food processor, put it in amicrowaveable casserole dish with alid, add a couple of tablespoons (30 ml)of water, cover it, and microwave it onhigh for 7 minutes. If the cauliflower isdone cooking before you’re quite done

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with your livers, remove the lid. Thiswill let the steam out and stop thecooking. Otherwise you’ll get a whitemush that bears little resemblance to riceor even cauliflower.

Okay, you’re ready to deal with thelivers. Cut each liver into 3 or 4 chunks.I’m assuming you bought preslicedmushrooms, but if you didn’t, slice themnow. Take the onion quarter, cut it inhalf again (making two eighths), and thenslice it as thin as you can. Melt the butterin a large, heavy skillet over medium-high heat. Add the livers, mushrooms,onions, and garlic, and stir-fry until themushrooms are starting to change colorand most of the pink is gone from thelivers. Add the rosemary, sherry, lemon

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juice, and a little salt and pepper and letit all simmer for just 1 to 2 minutes.Thicken the pan liquid slightly with guaror xanthan and serve, with or withoutcauliflower rice.

Yield: 2 servings

Without the cauliflower rice, eachserving will have 8 grams ofcarbohydrates and 1 gram of fiber, for atotal of 7 grams of usable carbs and 22grams of protein. If you serve it with thecauliflower rice, each serving will have10 grams of carbohydrates and 2 gramsof fiber, for a total of 8 grams of usablecarbs and 22 grams of protein.

*You can use a teaspoon of dried

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rosemary needles instead, and it willtaste good, but you’ll have little toughneedles in your food.

Chicken Liver and “Rice”Casserole

I’m a big fan of chicken livers, andthey’re highly nutritious. No, the liverdoes not contain every toxin eaten by theanimal during its life. The liverprocesses and removes this stuff. Itdoesn’t just hold on to it forever.

1 pound (455 g) chicken livers,cut into bite-sized pieces

1 stick butter

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1 small onion, chopped1 rib celery, including leaves,

diced1 bay leaf, crumbled fine½ teaspoon dried thyme½ teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal½ teaspoon seasoned salt4 cups Cauliflower Rice Deluxe

(page 212)¼ cup (25 g) grated Parmesan


Preheat oven to 375°F (190°C, or gasmark 5).

Melt the butter in a heavy skillet overmedium heat and sauté the onion, celery,bay leaf, thyme, salt, and seasoned salt.

When the onion is golden, add the

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chicken livers and cook for another 5minutes, stirring frequently. Toss thevegetables and livers together with theCauliflower Rice Deluxe.

Spray a good-sized casserole dish (10cups [2.4 L] or so) with nonstickcooking spray and dump the liver and“rice” mixture into the role dish.Sprinkle the top with the Parmesancheese and bake the whole thinguncovered for 15 minutes.

Yield: 5 servings

Each with 16 grams of carbohydratesand 3 grams of fiber, for a total of 13grams usable carbs and 21 grams ofprotein.

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Curried Chicken “Pilau”

Back in my low-fat, high-carb day, Imade a three-grain curried chicken pilauthat was our very favorite supper. Ihadn’t had it since the day I went lowcarb—but this is a really convincingdecarbed version and far faster to cook.Don’t omit the garnishes: chutney,chopped peanuts, and crumbled bacon.They’re what make the dish!

1 pound (455 g) boneless, skinlesschicken breast, cut in ½-inch(1.3-cm) cubes

½ cup (80 g) chopped onion2 cloves garlic, crushed2 tablespoons (12 g) curry

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powder1 tablespoon (14 g) butter½ cup (40 g) fresh snow pea pods

(measure them after you cutthem up!)

½ head cauliflower2 teaspoons chicken bouillon

concentrate¼ cup (60 ml) hot water

In a big, heavy skillet over medium heat,start the onion, garlic, curry powder, andchicken sautéing in the butter. Rememberto stir it once in a while during thesautéing process.

While that’s happening, pinch the endsoff of your snow peas, pull off anystrings, and cut them into ½-inch (1.3-

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cm) pieces. Run the cauliflower throughthe shredding blade of your foodprocessor—but this time, you’re notgoing to microwave your cauli-rice. Justhang on to it. In a cup or small bowl,dissolve the bouillon in the water.

When the chicken is white all overand the onion is translucent, stir in thecauli-rice and the dissolved bouillon,making sure everything is well combined—you want the chicken and curryflavors throughout the whole dish.Cover, turn the heat to low, and let itcook for 4 to 5 minutes. Uncover, addthe snow peas, and stir again. Re-coverand let cook for another 4 to 5 minutes.Then check to see how your cauli-rice is—you want it just barely tender, but not

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mushy. When it reaches that state, servewith Major Grey’s Chutney (page 496),crumbled bacon, and chopped saltedpeanuts.

Yield: 3 to 4 servings

Assuming 3, each will have 36 g protein;8 g carbohydrate; 3 g dietary fiber; 5 gusable carbs. Analysis does not includegarnishes.

Chicken “Risotto” allaMilanese

This is my decarbed version of a veryfamous Italian dish—and it’s quick andeasy enough for a weeknight supper. My

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husband loved this—but then, any foodwith butter, cream, and cheese,especially all three, is pretty much his

1 pound (455 g) boneless, skinlesschicken breast

½ head cauliflower3 tablespoons (42 g) butter¾ cup (120 g) chopped onion4 cup (60 ml) dry white wine2 teaspoons chicken bouillon

concentrate¼ teaspoon saffron threads1 clove garlic, crushed¼ cup (60 ml) heavy creamGuar or xanthanSalt and pepper½ cup (40 g) shredded Parmesan

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First, run the cauliflower through theshredding blade of your food processor.Put it in a microwaveable casserole dishwith a lid, add a couple of tablespoons(30 ml) of water, cover, and microwaveon high for 5 or 6 minutes. Uncover assoon as the microwave beeps!

Cut the chicken breast in ½-inch (1.3-cm) cubes. Melt the butter in a big,heavy skillet over medium to medium-high heat and start sautéing the chickenand onion.

When the chicken is white all overand the onion is softened, stir in thewine, bouillon concentrate, saffronthreads, and garlic. Stir it around until

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the bouillon concentrate dissolves.Drain the cauli-rice and throw it in the

skillet. Stir it around to blend all theflavors and let the whole thing cook for2 to 3 minutes. Stir in the heavy creamand cook for another minute. If you wantthe whole thing a little creamier, use justa little guar or xanthan, but I didn’tbother. Season with salt and pepper totaste.

Spoon onto plates or into bowls, topeach serving with 3 tablespoons (15 g)Parmesan, and serve.

Yield: 3 servings

Each with 30 g protein; 5 gcarbohydrate; 1 g dietary fiber; 4 g

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usable carbs.

Lettuce Wraps

These are currently a hot appetizer atAsian restaurants, and they’re delicious—but the restaurant version usuallycontains an unacceptable amount ofsugar. Serve these as an appetizer if youlike, but I like them as a light supper.Even if you have to make the AsianDipping Sauce too, this will take you allof 15 minutes.

1 pound (455 g) ground chicken1 can (8 ounces, or 225 g) water

chestnuts, drained1 cup (70 g) sliced mushrooms

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5 scallions, roots and limp shootremoved, cut into 2 or 3 pieceseach

3 tablespoons (45 ml) soy sauce2 tablespoons (3 g) Splenda½ teaspoon blackstrap molasses1½ teaspoons minced garlic or 3

cloves of garlic, crushed1½ teaspoons rice vinegar3 tablespoons (45 ml) oilGuar or xanthanIceberg or leaf lettuceAsian Dipping Sauce (page 478)

Place the water chestnuts, mushrooms,and scallions in a food processor withthe S-blade in place. Pulse just enoughto chop everything to a medium

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consistency.Combine the soy sauce, Splenda,

blackstrap molasses, garlic, and ricevinegar. Set aside.

Heat the oil in a wok or large skilletover highest heat. Add the chicken andstir-fry, breaking it up as it cooks. Whenabout half of the pink is gone from thechicken, add the chopped vegetables andstir-fry everything together for a fewmore minutes. When the chicken iscooked through, stir in the soy saucemixture and let everything cook togetherfor just another minute or so. Thicken thepan juices just a little with guar orxanthan and serve.

To eat this, you wrap spoonfuls of themeat mixture in lettuce leaves, dip the

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rolls in the Asian Dipping Sauce, andthen eat them by hand. The tidiest way todo this is to take a whole, firm head oficeberg lettuce and slice a good 2-inch(5-cm) thick slab off the side, makinglettuce “cups”—you can do this all overthe head, leaving the inside of the headfor salad. However, there’s no reasonnot to use leaf lettuce if you prefer it.

Yield: Figure this is 6 servings as anappetizer

Each with 10 grams of carbohydratesand 2 grams of fiber, for a total of 8grams of usable carbs (exclusive of thedipping sauce) and 25 grams of protein,which is a pretty filling appetizer!

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If you figure this is 4 servings as a maincourse, each with 15 grams ofcarbohydrates and 3 grams of fiber, for atotal of 12 grams of usable carbs (again,exclusive of the dipping sauce) and 37grams of protein.

Chicken Burritos

Wow—This is easy, delicious, low-carb, low-calorie, and reheats easily.What more do you want from a recipe?

2½ pounds (1.1 kg) boneless,skinless chicken thighs

5 cloves garlic, crushed2 tablespoons (15.6 g) chili


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2 tablespoons (30 ml) olive oil2 tablespoons (30 ml) lime juice1 teaspoon salt1 large jalapeño, minced, or 2

teaspoons canned jalapeños12 6-inch (15-cm) low-carb

tortillas1 cup (20 g) shredded lettuce1 cup (115 g) shredded cheddar

cheese cup (180 g) light sour cream

¾ cup (195 g) salsa½ cup (32 g) chopped fresh

cilantro (optional)

Place the chicken in a slow cooker.In a bowl, mix the garlic, chili

powder, oil, lime juice, salt, and

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jalapeño together. Pour over the chickenand stir to coat. Cover the slow cooker,set it to low, and let it cook for 10 hours.(Or cook on high for 5 hours.)

When the time’s up, stir the mixturewith a fork to reduce the chicken to a bigpot of tasty chicken shreds. Fill eachtortilla with cup chicken (75 g) andtop with lettuce, cheese, 1 tablespoon(15 g) sour cream, a generoustablespoon salsa, and a sprinkling ofcilantro, if desired. Wrap and devour!

This is a great meal for a family thathas some low-carbers and some non–low-carbers— just give them regular or(preferably) whole wheat flour tortillas.The chicken keeps well in the fridge,and it reheats quickly in the microwave

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for a fast snack. (I find that 45 secondson 70 percent power is about right for a

-cup serving.)

Yield: 12 servings

Each with 22 g protein, 14 gcarbohydrate, 9 g dietary fiber, 5 gusable carbs.

Seriously Simple ChickenChili

The name says it all!

2 pounds (910 g) boneless,skinless chicken breasts

1 jar (16 ounces, or 455 g)

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prepared salsa1 tablespoon (7.8 g) chili powder1 teaspoon chicken bouillon

concentrate3 ounces (85 g) shredded

Monterey Jack cheese6 tablespoons (90 g) light sour


Put the chicken in a slow cooker.In a bowl, stir together the salsa, chili

powder, and bouillon, making sure thebouillon dissolves. Pour the mixtureover the chicken. Cover the slowcooker, set it to low, and let it cook for 7to 8 hours.

When the time’s up, shred the chickenwith a fork. Serve topped with the

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cheese and sour cream.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 39 g protein, 6 gcarbohydrate, 2 g dietary fiber, 4 gusable carbs.

Turkey Tetrazzini

You’ll thank me for this recipe theweekend after Thanksgiving!

3 cups (330 g) diced leftoverturkey

2 tablespoons (28 g) butter1 small onion, diced2 4-ounce (115 g) cans

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mushrooms, drained1 cup (240 ml) heavy cream1 cup (240 ml) half-and-half2 teaspoons chicken bouillon

concentrate2 tablespoons (30 ml) dry sherry

1 teaspoon guar or xanthan(It’s optional, but it makes thesauce thicker.)

¾ cup (75 g) grated Parmesancheese

3 cups (675 g) cooked spaghettisquash, scraped into strings

Over medium heat, melt the butter in aheavy skillet and start the onions and themushrooms sautéing in it. While that’scooking, combine the cream, half-and-

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half, bouillon concentrate, sherry, andguar, if you’re using it, in a blender andblend it for just ten seconds or so tocombine. Go back and stir thevegetables! When the onion is limp andtranslucent, transfer half of thevegetables into the blender, add theParmesan cheese, and blend for another20 seconds or so to purée thevegetables. Combine this cream saucewith the spaghetti squash, the rest of thevegetables, and the turkey and mixeverything well. Put in a 10-cup (2.4-L)casserole dish that you’ve sprayed withnonstick cooking spray. Bake uncoveredat 400°F (200°C, or gas mark 6) for 20minutes or until bubbly.

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Yield: 6 to 8 servings

Assuming 6, each will have 7 gcarbohydrate; trace fiber; 24 g protein; 7g usable

This tetrazzini is wonderful; everyonewho tries it loves it. However, if youhave some folks in your family who aregoing to be unhappy about spaghettisquash, here’s what you do: use halfspaghetti squash and half spaghetti. Mixhalf of the sauce with the turkey. Dividethe other half of the sauce and the un-puréed mushrooms and onions between1½ cups (340 g) spaghetti squash and1½ cups (105 g) cooked spaghetti. Putthe spaghetti squash at one end of your

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casserole dish and the spaghetti at theother end (it helps to use a rectangularcasserole dish!). Then make a groovedown the middle of the whole thing,lengthwise and pour the turkey mixtureinto the groove. Bake according to theinstructions above.

Low-Carb MicrowavePasticcio

This has become my sister’s standbyrecipe for potlucks and other casseroleoccasions.

FOR THE PASTICCIO:1 pound (455 g) ground turkey

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½ medium onion, chopped1 clove garlic, crushed¾ teaspoon ground cinnamon

teaspoon ground nutmeg1 cup (250 g) ricotta cheese¼ cup (15.2 g) chopped fresh

parsley¼ teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal

teaspoon pepper

FOR THE SAUCE:2 tablespoons (28 g) butter½ teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal1½ cups (360 ml) heavy cream½ cup (50 g) grated Parmesan

cheese2 cups (450 g) cooked spaghetti


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To make the pasticcio: In a microwave-safe casserole dish, combine the onionand garlic; place the turkey on top.Microwave this uncovered for 5 minutesat full power. Stir it up a bit, breaking upthe ground turkey in the process.Microwave the turkey and onion mixturefor another 3 minutes or until the turkeyis cooked through.

Break up the turkey some more—youwant it well crumbled—and drain off thefat. Stir in the cinnamon and nutmeg andmicrowave it for just another minute toblend the flavors. Transfer the turkeymixture to a bowl and set aside.

In a separate bowl, combine thericotta cheese, parsley, and salt andpepper; set aside.

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To make the sauce: In yet anotherbowl or a measuring cup (okay, youneed both a microwave and adishwasher for this to be a convenientrecipe!) combine the butter, salt, cream,and cheese to make the sauce.

Spray a microwave-safe casseroledish with nonstick cooking spray. In thedish, layer half of the spaghetti squash,then half the turkey mixture, then half thericotta mixture, and then half the sauce.Repeat the layers, ending with the sauce.

Microwave the pasticcio at fullpower for 6 to 8 minutes or until it’sbubbly and hot all the way through. Let itsit for 5 minutes or so and serve.

Yield: 6 servings

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Each with 7 grams of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 22 grams of protein.

Homestyle Turkey Loaf

If you haven’t eaten a lot of groundturkey, you may find it’s a nice changefrom meat loaf made from ground beef.

1 pound (455 g) ground turkey½ cup (40 g) crushed pork rinds1 rib celery, finely chopped1 small onion, finely chopped½ cup (45 g) finely chopped apple1½ tablespoons (23 ml)

Worcestershire sauce2 teaspoons poultry seasoning

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1 teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal1 egg

Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C, orgas mark 4).

Combine all the ingredients in a bigbowl and with clean hands squeeze ittogether until it’s very well combined.

Spray a loaf pan with nonstickcooking spray and pack the turkeymixture into the pan. Bake for 50minutes.

Yield: 5 servings

Each with 5 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 4 grams ofusable carbs and 32 grams of protein.

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Turkey Loaf with ThaiFlavors

Ground turkey is cheap, low-carb, andlow-calorie—and by itself just plainboring. So jazz it up by adding someThai flavors.

2 pounds (910 g) ground turkey1 medium onion, chopped1 can (4½ ounces, or 130 g)

mushroom slices, drained4 cloves garlic, crushed2 tablespoons (30 ml) lemon juice4 tablespoons (60 ml) lime juice,

divided4 teaspoons chili paste

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3 tablespoons (18 g) gratedginger

1½ tablespoons (30 ml) fish sauce1½ tablespoons (23 ml) soy sauce1½ teaspoons pepper½ cup (40 g) pork rind crumbs

(Run some pork rinds throughyour food processor.)

½ cup (32 g) chopped freshcilantro

½ cup (115 g) mayonnaise

Place the turkey in a big mixing bowl.Place the onion, mushrooms, and

garlic in a food processor. Pulse untileverything is chopped medium-fine. Addit to the turkey.

Add the lemon juice, 2 tablespoons

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(30 ml) of the lime juice, the chili paste,ginger, fish sauce, soy sauce, pepper,pork rind crumbs, and cilantro to thebowl. Mix it around with clean handsuntil it is well blended.

Spray a rack or a collapsible-basket-type steamer with nonstick cookingspray and place it in your slow cooker.Add 1 cup (240 ml) of water under therack. If the holes in are pretty large,cover it with a sheet of foil and pierce itall over with a fork. Take two 18-inch(45-cm) squares of foil, fold them intostrips about 2 inches (5 cm) wide, andcriss-cross them across the rack orsteamer, running the ends up the sides ofthe slow cooker. (You’re making a slingto help lift the meat loaf out of the slow

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cooker.) Place the meat mixture on therack or steamer and form it into anevenly-domed loaf. Cover the slowcooker, set it to low, and let it cook for 6hours.

When the time’s up, use the strips offoil to gently lift the loaf out of the slowcooker and place it on a platter.

In a bowl, mix together themayonnaise and the remaining 2tablespoons (30 ml) lime juice. Cut theloaf into wedges and serve it with thelime mayonnaise.

Yield: 8 servings

Each with 25 g protein, 5 gcarbohydrate, 1 g dietary fiber, 4 g

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usable carbs.

Turkey Feta Burgers

1 pound (455 g) ground turkey2 tablespoons (20 g) minced red

onion1 teaspoon dried oregano1 clove garlic, crushed¾ cup (90 g) crumbled feta

cheese¼ cup (25 g) chopped kalamata

olives2 tablespoons (20 g) sun-dried

tomatoes, packed in oil,chopped

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Plunk everything in a mixing bowl andwith clean hands smoosh it all togetheruntil it’s very well blended. Form intofour burgers—the mixture will be prettysoft, so you may want to chill them for awhile before cooking.

Preheat an electric tabletop grill.When it’s hot, add the burgers and cookfor 6 minutes. That’s it!

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 24 g protein; 4 gcarbohydrate; 1 g dietary fiber; 3 gusable carbs.

Thai Turkey Burgers

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1 pound (455 g) ground turkey1 tablespoon (15 ml) lemon juice1 tablespoon (15 ml) lime juice½ cup (60 g) grated carrot2 teaspoons chili paste4 scallions, minced2 tablespoons (8 g) chopped

cilantro1 teaspoon fish sauce1 batch Chili Lime Mayo (page


This is very straightforward. Preheat anelectric tabletop grill. Then dumpeverything except the Chili Lime Mayoin a bowl, smoosh it all together reallywell with clean hands, and make threeburgers—the mixture will be pretty soft.

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When the grill is hot, slap the burgers init and cook for 5 minutes. Top with ChiliLime Mayo and serve.

Yield: 3 servings

Each with 27 g protein; 6 gcarbohydrate; 1 g dietary fiber; 5 gusable

Asian Turkey Burgers

Ground turkey is handy, but by itself itcan be bland. Here’s a good way toliven it up.

1 pound (455 g) ground turkey¼ cup (40 g) minced onion

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3 tablespoons (11.4 g) choppedfresh parsley

2 tablespoons (30 ml)Worcestershire sauce

2 tablespoons (20 g) mincedgreen bell pepper

1 tablespoon (15 ml) soy sauce1 tablespoon (15 ml) cold water1 tablespoon (6 g) grated fresh

ginger¼ teaspoon pepper2 cloves garlic, crushed

Combine all the ingredients in a bigbowl and with clean hands squeeze ittogether until it’s very well combined.

Divide into three equal portions andform into burgers about ¾ inch (2 cm)

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thick.Spray a skillet with nonstick cooking

spray and place over medium-high heat.Cook the burgers for about 5 minutes perside until cooked through.

Yield: 3 servings

Each with 5 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 4 grams ofusable carbs and 27 grams of protein.

Turkey Chorizo with Eggs

Here’s how to turn a pound of groundturkey into a quick-and-easy Mexicandinner!

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1 pound (455 g) ground turkey2 tablespoons (30 ml) olive oil4 cloves garlic, crushed2 teaspoons dried oregano½ teaspoon ground cinnamon½ teaspoon ground cloves1 teaspoon pepper2 tablespoons (30 ml) dry sherry1 teaspoon Splenda1 teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal8 eggs1 cup (240 g) canned diced

tomatoes, drained¼ cup (40 g) minced onion

Start the turkey browning in the oliveoil, crumbling it as you go. When it’smostly browned, add the garlic, oregano,

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cinnamon, cloves, and pepper. Cook itfor 2 or 3 more minutes and then stir inthe sherry, Splenda, and salt or Vege-Sal. Remove from the heat.

Now scramble the eggs and stir in thetomatoes and onion. Put the skillet backon the heat, pour the eggs over theturkey, and scramble until the eggs areset.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 32 g protein; 8 gcarbohydrate; 1 g dietary fiber; 7 gusable

Sloppy Toms

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This is an easy way to add interest to apound of plain old ground turkey. Youcan serve this on low-carb rolls, if youcan get them locally. I prefer to serve itover cauli-rice or in omelets—evenbetter!

1 pound (455 g) ground turkey1 tablespoon (15 ml) olive oil

cup (55 g) chopped onion1 clove garlic, crushed1 Anaheim chili pepper, diced½ cup (120 ml) Dana’s No-Sugar

Ketchup (page 463)1 tablespoon (15 ml) yellow

mustard2 tablespoons (30 ml) cider


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1 tablespoon (1.5 g) Splenda1 tablespoon (15 ml)

Worcestershire sauce

In a big, heavy skillet, start browningand breaking up the ground turkey in theolive oil. Throw in the onion, garlic, anddiced pepper.

When all the pink is gone from theturkey, stir in the ketchup, mustard,vinegar, Splenda, and Worcestershiresauce. Simmer the whole thing for 5minutes before serving.

Yield: 4 to 5 servings

Assuming 5, each will have 17 g protein;10 g carbohydrate; 2 g dietary fiber; 8 g

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usable carbs. Analysis does not includecauli-rice or low-carb rolls.

Braised Turkey Wings withMushrooms

Turkey wings are my favorite cut ofturkey for the slow cooker. They fit ineasily, they come in good individualserving sizes, and they taste great.

3¼ pounds (1.5 kg) turkey wings¼ cup (60 ml) olive oil½ cup (120 ml) chicken broth1 teaspoon chicken bouillon

concentrate1 teaspoon poultry seasoning

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1 tablespoon (16.5 g) tomatopaste

1 cup (70 g) sliced mushrooms½ medium onion, sliced½ cup (115 g) sour cream

In a big, heavy skillet, brown the turkeyall over in the oil over medium-highheat. Transfer the turkey to a slowcooker.

In a bowl, stir together the broth,bouillon, poultry seasoning, and tomatopaste. Pour the mixture over the turkey.Add the mushrooms and onion. Coverthe slow cooker, set it to low, and let itcook for 6 to 7 hours.

When the time’s up, remove the turkeyfrom the slow cooker with tongs. Whisk

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the sour cream into the sauce and servethe sauce over the turkey.

Yield: 3 servings

Each with 41 g protein, 6 gcarbohydrate, 1 g dietary fiber, 5 gusable

Lemon-Glazed TurkeyCutlets

Turkey cutlets—slices of turkey breastless than ¼ inch (6 mm) thick—are goodfor cooks in a hurry because they takealmost no time to cook through. They’repretty bland by themselves, however,and can easily turn dry and tough. But

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they take beautifully to this tart-sweetlemon glaze.

3 turkey cutlets, about 4 ounces(115 g) each

1 tablespoon (15 ml) olive oil1 tablespoon (15 ml) lemon juice1 tablespoon (15 ml) dry sherry2 teaspoons Splenda½ teaspoon soy sauceGuar or xanthan3 scallions, finely sliced

In a large, heavy skillet over mediumheat, brown the cutlets in the oil. Whilethat’s happening, mix together the lemonjuice, sherry, Splenda, soy sauce, andjust a sprinkle of guar or xanthan to

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thicken the mixture. When the cutletshave just a touch of golden color on eachside, pour the lemon juice mixture intothe skillet and turn the cutlets over onceto coat both sides. Turn the heat tomedium-low, cover, and let the cutletssimmer for just a few more minutes untilthe sauce reduces a little.

Serve with any glaze left in the panscraped over the cutlets and a slicedscallion scattered over each.

Yield: 2 or 3 servings

Assuming 2 servings, each will have 4grams of carbohydrates and 1 gram offiber, for a total of 3 grams of usablecarbs and 37 grams of protein.

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Mustard-Pecan TurkeyCutlets

Of all the things I’ve tried with turkeycutlets, this is my husband’s favorite.The mustard-mayo coating keeps thesefrom getting dry.

3 turkey breast cutlets, about 4ounces (115 g) each

½ cup (60 g) shelled pecans1 tablespoon (15 ml) spicy brown

or Dijon mustard3 tablespoons (45 g) mayonnaise1½ tablespoons (21 g) butter

Place the pecans in a food processor

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with the S-blade in place and pulse untilthey’re ground medium-fine.(Alternately, you could buy the pecansalready ground.)

Mix together the mustard andmayonnaise, blending well.

Lay the turkey cutlets on a plate andspread half of the mustard andmayonnaise mixture on one side.Sprinkle half of the ground pecans overthe mustard and mayonnaise and presslightly with the back of a spoon to helpthem stick.

Spray a large, heavy skillet withnonstick cooking spray. Place overmedium-high heat. Melt the butter andadd the cutlets, pecan side down. Sautéfor about 4 minutes. With the cutlets still

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in the pan, spread the remainingmustard-mayo mixture on the uncoatedsides and sprinkle the rest of the pecansover that, once again pressing them in abit with the back of a spoon. Flip thecutlets carefully, doing your best not todislodge the crust. Sauté for another 5minutes and serve. Scrape any yummytoasted pecans that are stuck to theskillet over the cutlets before serving.

Yield: 2 or 3 servings

Assuming 2 servings, each will have 4grams of carbohydrates and 2 grams offiber, for a total of 2 grams of usablecarbs and 39 grams of protein.

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Turkey with MushroomSauce

3 pounds (1.4 kg) boneless,skinless turkey breast (in onebig hunk, not thin cutlets)

2 tablespoons (28 g) butter¼ cup (15.2 g) chopped fresh

parsley2 teaspoons dried tarragon½ teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal¼ teaspoon pepper1 cup (70 grams) sliced

mushrooms½ cup (120 ml) dry white wine1 teaspoon chicken bouillon


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Guar or xanthan (optional)

In a big, heavy skillet, sauté the turkey inthe butter until it’s golden all over.Transfer the turkey to a slow cooker.

Sprinkle the parsley, tarragon, salt orVege-Sal, and pepper over the turkey.Place the mushrooms on top.

In a bowl, mix the wine and bouillontogether until the bouillon dissolves.Pour it over the turkey. Cover the slowcooker, set it to low, and let it cook for 7to 8 hours.

When the time’s up, remove the turkeyand put it on a platter. Transfer abouthalf of the mushrooms to a blender andadd the liquid from the slow cooker.Blend until the mushrooms are puréed.

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Scoop the rest of the mushrooms into thedish you plan to use to serve the sauce,add the liquid, and thicken further withguar or xanthan, if needed.

Yield: 8 servings

Each with 34 g protein, 1 gcarbohydrate, trace dietary fiber, 1 gusable carbs.

Orange Blossom TurkeyBreast

This is very moist and tasty! It’swonderful left over too, especially madeinto turkey salad.

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1 turkey breast, bone in, about 5pounds (2.3 kg)

½ cup (120 ml) white winevinegar

½ teaspoon orange extract¼ cup (60 ml) sugar-free

imitation honey¼ cup (6 g) Splenda¼ cup (60 ml) yellow mustard2 tablespoons (30 ml) soy sauce3 cloves garlicWood chips or chunks, soaked for

at least 30 minutes

For this recipe, it’s really nice to have ameat injector—basically a bighypodermic syringe used for injectingmeat with various flavors. They’re

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pretty easy to find and even easier touse! If you don’t have one, this is still agreat marinade, but it won’t penetrate themeat quite so much.

Mix together everything but the turkeybreast. Put the breast in a nonreactivebowl that’s fairly deep and narrow.Reserve some marinade for basting andpour the rest the marinade over theturkey. Stick the whole thing in the fridgeand let the breast marinate all day oreven overnight, turning it now and then.If you have a meat injector, suck upsome marinade with it and inject thebreast all over with the marinade.

When the time comes to cook, set up agrill for indirect cooking—pile thecharcoal to the side, or light only one

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gas burner. Have plenty of wood chipsor chunks soaking! Place a drip panunder the grill under where you’replacing the turkey, add the wood chipsor chunks, and put the turkey on the grill.Smoke the turkey for about 1¾ to 2hours, replacing the wood chips orchunks whenever the smoke stops andmaintaining the grill temperature at about225°F (110°C). Baste the turkey nowand then with the reserved marinade,using a clean utensil each time you baste.The turkey is done when a meatthermometer stuck in the thickest part ofthe breast (but not touching the bone)registers 170°F (80°C). Remove fromthe grill and let the breast sit for 10minutes before carving.

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Yield: 8 to 10 servings

Assuming 8 servings, each would have 9grams of carbohydrate (not counting thepolyols in the imitation honey) if youconsumed all of the marinade. Since youwon’t, figure closer to 4 or 5 grams perserving; 57 grams of protein.

Mediterranean MarinatedTurkey Legs

Turkey legs are a convenient cut to grillor barbecue. They cook relativelyquickly and are a nice one-serving size—they taste great, too!

3 turkey legs

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½ cup (120 ml) olive oil cup (80 ml) red wine vinegar

3 cloves garlic1 tablespoon (15 ml) lemon juiceWood chips or chunks, soaked for

at least 30 minutes

Put the turkey legs in a big resealableplastic bag. Mix everything elsetogether. Reserve some marinade forbasting and pour the rest into the bag,press the air out of the bag, and turn thebag a few times to coat. Stash in thefridge and let the turkey legs marinatefor several hours.

Okay, it’s cooking time! Get acharcoal or gas grill going; you’ll want amedium fire. Pour the marinade off. Add

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the wood chips or chunks to the grill.Smoke the legs over indirect heat in aclosed grill. Baste every 15 minutes orso with the reserved marinade, using aclean utensil each time you baste. Turnand then close the grill again. They’lltake about an hour.

Yield: 3 servings, 1 leg per person

Even if you used all the marinade you’dget only 3 grams of carbohydrate perserving, with a trace of fiber. As it is,I’d count no more than 2 grams, andmaybe 1. About 47 grams of protein—itdepends on the size of you legs!

Chipotle Turkey Legs

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This dish has a spicy, rich Southwesternflavor.

3 turkey legs1½ teaspoons cumin1 teaspoon chili powder1 teaspoon dried, powdered sage1 teaspoon minced garlic or 2

cloves garlic, crushed½ teaspoon red pepper flakes¼ teaspoon turmeric1 or 2 canned chipotle chilies in

adobo sauce, plus a couple ofteaspoons of the sauce theycome in

8 ounces (225 ml) tomato sauce1 tablespoon (15 ml)

Worcestershire sauce

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Guar or xanthan6 tablespoons (45 g) shredded

queso quesadilla (optional)*

Plunk the turkey legs in a slow cooker.(If you can fit more, feel free. My slowcooker will only hold 3.) Put the cumin,chili powder, sage, garlic, red pepperflakes, turmeric, chipotles, tomato sauce,and Worcestershire sauce in the blender,run it for a minute, and then pour themixture over the turkey legs. Cover, turnthe slow cooker to low, and leave it for5 to 6 hours.

When it’s done, remove each turkeyleg to a serving plate, thicken the juicesin the pot with guar or xanthan, andspoon over the turkey legs. If you like,

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sprinkle 2 tablespoons (7 g) of shreddedcheese over each turkey leg and let itmelt for a minute or two before serving.

Yield: 3 servings

Each with 8 grams of carbohydrates and2 grams of fiber, for a total of 6 grams ofusable carbs and— depending on thesize of the turkey legs— 40 to 50 gramsof protein.

Chipotle peppers are smoked jalapeños.They’re very different from regularjalapeños, and they’re quite delicious.Look for them, canned in adobo sauce, inthe Mexican foods section of big grocerystores. Since you’re unlikely to use thewhole can at once, you’ll be happy to

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know that you can store your chipotles inthe freezer, where they’ll live happilyfor months and stay pliable enough thatyou can peel one off when you want touse it. Queso quesadilla is a mild, whiteMexican cheese. Monterey Jack is anacceptable substitute.

Cranberry-Peach TurkeyRoast

This fruity sauce really wakes up theturkey roast!

3 pounds (1.4 kg) turkey roast2 tablespoons (30 ml) oil½ cup (80 g) chopped onion

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1 cup (110 g) cranberries¼ cup (6 g) Splenda3 tablespoons (45 ml) spicy

mustard¼ teaspoon red pepper flakes1 peach, peeled and chopped

If your turkey roast is a Butterball likemine, it will be a boneless affair of lightand dark meat rolled into an oval roast,enclosed in a net sack. Leave it in the netfor cooking so it doesn’t fall

In a big heavy skillet, heat the oil andbrown the turkey on all sides. Transferthe turkey to a slow cooker.

In a blender or food processor withthe S-blade in place, combine the onion,cranberries, Splenda, mustard, red

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pepper, and peach. Run it until you havea coarse purée. Pour the mixture over theturkey. Cover the slow cooker, set it tolow, and let it cook for 6 to 7 hours.

Remove the turkey to a platter, stir upthe sauce, and ladle it into a sauce boatto serve with the turkey. You can removethe net from the turkey before serving, ifyou like, but I find it easier just to use agood sharp knife to slice clear throughthe netting and let diners remove theirown.

Yield: 8 servings

Each with 31 g protein, 4 gcarbohydrate, 1 g dietary fiber, 3 gusable carbs.

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Tequila Citrus Game Hens

2 Cornish game hens½ cup (120 ml) lime juice½ cup (120 ml) lemon juice¼ teaspoon orange extract1 tablespoon (1.5 g) Splenda1 cup (240 ml) tequila¼ medium onion, minced fine¼ cup (60 ml) olive oil2 tablespoons (30 ml)

Worcestershire sauce1 whole jalapeno, seeded and

minced fineWood chips or chunks, soaked for

at least 30 minutes

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I like to put everything but the hens in ablender and whiz everything up (anddon’t forget to wash your hands afterhandling that jalapeno!). Put the hens in anonreactive container just big enough tohold them. Reserve some marinade forbasting and pour the rest of it over thehens. Turn them once or twice to makesure that the hens are coated and makesure some marinade gets inside the bodycavities. Stick the whole thing in thefridge for at least 3 or 4 hours, and allday won’t hurt a bit.

A couple of hours before dinnertime,get the grill going for indirect cooking(put the coals on one side of the grill orlight only one side). Add the wood chipsor chunks and place the hens on the grill.

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Baste the hens every 30 minutes or sowith the reserved marinade using a cleanutensil each time. Smoke the hens forabout 2½ hours or until their leg jointsmove freely. An instant-readthermometer inserted into the thickestpart of the meat (but not touching thebone) should register 180 to 185°F(85°C). Remove the birds from the grilland allow them to sit for 5 to 10 minutesbefore carving.

While those birds are resting, bringthe reserved marinade to a boil, and boilit hard for at least 3 or 4 minutes.Thicken it a little with guar or xanthan, ifyou like, and serve as a sauce with thehens.

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Yield: This is 2 hefty but elegant whole-bird servings, or 4 more reasonable butless picturesque servings.

Assuming 2 servings, you’ll get 16grams of carbohydrate and 1 gram offiber—if you consume all of themarinade. If you just have a spoonful ortwo, you can figure on getting 2 or 3grams of usable carb; 59 grams ofprotein.

Sesame Orange Duck

Duck is unbelievably rich—but what aspecial-occasion treat! If you’d like, youcan cook chicken the same way, for aless-expensive, lower-calorie dish.

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1 duck, cut into 4 servings¼ cup (60 ml) soy sauce2 tablespoons (40 g) low-sugar

orange marmalade¼ teaspoon orange extract2 teaspoons Splenda2 cloves garlic2 teaspoons grated ginger2 tablespoons (30 ml) white wine

vinegar4 tablespoons (32 g) sesame


Before we get to the recipe, let’s talkabout cutting up the duck. My grocerystore didn’t have duck in stock, so Iasked them to order a couple for me.

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They came in whole and frozen. I let myduck thaw, and it then took me about 5minutes to cut it up using my trustyKmart shears—not a big deal. However,if you’d prefer, you could ask the nicemeat guys at your grocery store if theycould order you a cut-up duck, oralternately, let the duck thaw there andcut it up for you. If you choose this lastoption, however, don’t take your duckhome and refreeze it—just arrange for itto be ready to pick up the day you wantto cook it.

Okay, time to cook your duck! Light acharcoal fire or preheat a gas grill. Mixtogether the soy sauce, orangemarmalade, orange extract, Splenda,garlic, ginger, and vinegar in a bowl.

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Tear off 4 sheets of heavy-dutyaluminum foil, each big enough to wrapone of your pieces of duck. Put a pieceof duck on a piece of foil and bend upthe edges enough that the sauce won’trun off. Spoon about 1 tablespoon (15ml) of sauce over the piece of duck,smear it around a little with the back ofthe spoon, and wrap the foil around thepiece of duck—fold opposite edges tothe middle, roll down, and then roll theends in. Repeat with the remaining 3pieces of duck and pieces of foil.

Grill the duck packets over a mediumfire for about 40 minutes, turninghalfway through.

In the meantime, toast the sesameseeds by putting them in a small, dry

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skillet and shaking them over a hotburner until they start to make littlepopping sounds. Remove from heat.

Okay, 40 minutes is up. Retrieve theduck from the grill and carefully unwrapeach piece. Put the unwrapped duckback on the grill skin-side down for 5minutes or until the skin is crisp.Remove to serving plates, top each with1 tablespoon (8 g) of sesame seeds, andserve.

Yield: 4 servings

Each serving will have 4 grams ofcarbohydrate and 1 gram of fiber, for ausable carb count of 3 grams; 39 gramsof protein.

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Bleu Burger

pound (150 g) hamburger patty1 tablespoon (8 g) crumbled blue

cheese1 teaspoon finely minced sweet

red onion

Cook the burger by your preferredmethod. When it’s almost done to yourliking, top with the bleu cheese and let itmelt. Remove from the heat, put it onplate, and top with onion.

Yield: 1 serving

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Only a trace of carbohydrates, no fiber,and 27 grams of protein.

Chipotle Cheeseburgers

These are truly great; my husband and Icouldn’t stop talking about how well thisrecipe worked out! Of course, since Ihave to keep cooking new stuff, wewon’t get to eat these again till 2012.But still, they’re just amazing.

2 pounds (910 g) ground beef6 chipotle chiles canned in adobo

sauce, minced½ cup (32 g) chopped cilantro2 cloves garlic, crushed¼ cup (40 g) minced onion

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½ teaspoon salt6 ounces (170 g) Monterey Jack

cheese, sliced

Plunk everything but the cheese into abig bowl and use clean hands to musheverything together until very wellblended. Form into 6 burgers about 1inch (2.5 cm) thick. Put your burgers ona plate and stick them in the fridge tochill for a good hour—it makes themeasier to handle on the grill.

Get your fire going—you’ll want yourgas grill on medium or a little lower orwell-ashed charcoal. Grill the burgersfor a good 7 to 10 minutes per side oruntil juices run clear, keeping downflare-ups with a water bottle. When the

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burgers are almost done, top with thecheese and let it melt. Serve withChipotle Sauce (page 477).

Yield: 6 servings

Exclusive of Chipotle Sauce, eachserving will have 1 gram ofcarbohydrate and 1 gram of fiber, for ausable carb count of 0 grams; 33 gramsprotein.

Smothered Burgers

This is a delicious burger smothered inmushrooms and onions—mmmm!

4 -pound (150 g) hamburger

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patties2 tablespoons (28 g or 30 ml)

butter or olive oil½ cup (80 g) sliced onion½ cup (35 g) sliced mushroomsDash of Worcestershire sauce

Cook the burgers by your preferredmethod. While the burgers are cooking,melt the butter or heat the oil in a small,heavy skillet over medium-high heat.Add the onion and mushrooms and sautéuntil the onions are translucent. Add adash of Worcestershire sauce, stir, andspoon over the burgers.

Yield: 4 servings

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Each with just 2 grams of carbohydrates,at least a trace of fiber, and 27 grams ofprotein.

Crunchy Peking Burgers

FOR BURGERS:1 pound (455 g) ground beef½ cup (100 g) canned water

chestnuts, drained2 scallions¼ cup (60 ml) soy sauce2 tablespoons (30 ml) dry sherry1 teaspoon Splenda1 teaspoon minced garlic or 2

cloves garlic, crushed½ teaspoon grated ginger

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FOR SAUCE:1½ tablespoons (30 g) low-sugar

apricot preserves1 teaspoon soy sauce¼ teaspoon grated ginger

Preheat an electric tabletop grill.Chop the water chestnuts a bit and

slice the scallions. Put them in a mixingbowl with all the other burgeringredients and use clean hands to mixthem well. Form into 4 burgers and putthem on the grill. Cook for 5 minutes.

While the burgers are cooking, mixtogether the preserves, soy sauce, andginger in a small dish. When the burgersare done, top each with a teaspoon ofsauce and serve.

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Yield: 4 servings

Each with 7 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 6 grams ofusable carbs and 20 grams of protein.


pound (150 g) hamburger patty1 ounce (28 g) jalepeño Jack or

Monterey Jack cheese1 tablespoon (16 g) salsa

Cook the burger by your preferredmethod. When it’s almost done to yourliking, melt the cheese over the burger.Top with salsa and serve.

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Yield: 1 serving

2 grams of carbohydrates, a trace offiber, and 27 grams of protein.

Paprika Burgers

Looking for something new to do withthe eternal hamburger, I thought of themiddle European flavors of Stroganoffand paprikash and invented this burger.

2 pounds (910 g) ground beef½ cup (80 g) minced onion2 tablespoons (13.8 g) paprika2 tablespoons (33 g) tomato paste2 tablespoons (30 ml)

Worcestershire sauce

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2 teaspoons saltSour cream or plain yogurt


Throw everything in a bowl and useclean hands to smoosh it all togetheruntil well blended. Form into 6 burgersand put them on a plate. Stash them in thefridge to chill for an hour.

Okay, light your grill—set your gasgrill to medium or a little lower or waituntil your charcoal has burned down towell-ashed coals. Throw the burgers onthe grill and cook for 7 to 10 minutes perside, keeping down flare-ups with awater bottle. Serve these with a dollopof sour cream or plain yogurt on top, ifyou like, to keep the Mitteleuropa theme

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Yield: 6 servings

Exclusive of sour cream or yogurt, eachwill have 4 grams of carbohydrate and 1gram of fiber, for a usable carb count of3 grams; and 28 grams protein. 1tablespoon (15 g) sour cream will add 1gram of carbohydrate, 0 grams fiber, anda trace of protein. 1 tablespoon of plainyogurt (15 g) will add 1 gram ofcarbohydrate (less, if you go by the GO-Diet’s count of 4 grams of carbohydrateper cup), 0 grams fiber, and 1 gramprotein.

Blue Bacon Burgers

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Here’s a bacon cheeseburger with thebacon and cheese cooked in!

1 pounds (600 g) ground chuck4 tablespoons (30 g) blue cheese,

crumbled4 tablespoons (60 ml) blue cheese

salad dressing4 tablespoons (40 g) minced red

onion6 slices cooked bacon, crumbled

Assemble everything in a mixing bowl.Use clean hands to smoosh everythingtogether well. Form into 4 to 6 burgers.It’s good to chill these for 30 minutesbefore cooking, but it’s not essential.

I like to cook my burgers in an

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electric tabletop grill for about 5 to 6minutes. You could also cook these forabout 5 minutes per side under thebroiler, in a hot skillet, or on your grilloutside.

Yield: 4 to 6 servings

Assuming 4, each will have 32 g protein;2 g carbohydrate; trace dietary fiber, 2 gusable carbs.

Poor Man’s Poivrade

This dish has a real peppery bite—it’snot for the timid!

pound (150 g) hamburger patty

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1 tablespoon (6.3 g) coarsecracked pepper

1 tablespoon (14 g) butter2 tablespoons (30 ml) dry white

wine, dry sherry, or dryvermouth

Roll the raw hamburger patty in thepepper until it’s coated all over.

Fry the burger in the butter overmedium heat until it’s done to yourliking.

Remove the burger to a plate. Add thewine to the skillet and stir it around for aminute or two, until all the nice browncrusty bits are scraped up. Pour this overthe hamburger and

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Yield: 1 serving

Between 4 and 6 grams of carbohydratesper serving (depending on whether youuse wine, sherry, or vermouth—wine islowest, vermouth is highest) and 2 gramsof fiber, for a total of 2 to 4 grams ofusable carbs and 27 grams of protein.

Bacon Chili Burgers

Here’s something interesting to do withyour ground beef when you’re weary ofplain burgers!

1 pound (455 g) ground chuck2 tablespoons (33 g) chili garlic


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¼ cup (40 g) minced onion6 slices bacon, cooked and


Put the ground chuck, chili garlic paste,and onion in a mixing bowl. Crumble thebacon into the bowl as well. Now, useclean hands to smoosh everythingtogether until it’s well mixed. Form into3 burgers. Put them on a plate and chillfor half an hour or so—this isn’t strictlynecessary, but it makes them easier tohandle.

Now you can cook your burgers—Ilike to give mine 6 minutes in an electrictabletop grill, but you can broil them for4 to 5 minutes per side or even cookthem on your grill outdoors.

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Yield: 3 servings

Each with 31 g protein; 2 gcarbohydrate; trace dietary fiber; 2 gusable carbs.

Pizza Burger

pound (150 g) hamburger patty1 tablespoon (15 ml) sugar-free

jarred pizza sauce2 tablespoons (15 g) shredded

mozzarella cheese

Cook the burger by your preferredmethod. When it’s almost done to yourliking, top with pizza sauce, thenmozzarella. Cook until the cheese is

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melted and serve.

Yield: 1 serving

With (depending on your brand of pizzasauce) no more than 2 grams ofcarbohydrates, no fiber, and 28 grams ofprotein.

One of the lowest-carb nationallydistributed brands of spaghetti sauce isHunt’s Classic. It has 7.5 grams of carbsper ½-cup (120-ml) serving, of which 4g is fiber, for an effective carb count ofjust 3.5 grams.

Ultra Meat Sauce

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This is spaghetti without the spaghetti, asit were.

1½ pounds (680 g) ground beef1 small onion, diced1 clove garlic crushed1 green pepper, diced1 can (4 ounces, or 115 g)

mushrooms, drained2 cups (480 ml) low-carb

spaghetti sauce

Brown and crumble the ground beef in alarge, heavy skillet. As the grease startsto collect in the skillet, add the onion,garlic, green pepper, and mushrooms.Continue cooking until pepper and onionare soft.

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Pour off the excess grease. Stir in thespaghetti sauce and serve.

Yield: 5 servings

Each with (if you use the lowest-carbohydrate spaghetti sauce) 11 gramsof carbohydrates and 4.6 grams of fiber,for a total of 6.4 grams of usable carbsand 25 grams of protein.

This is a good supper for the family,because again, it’s easy to add carbs forthose who want them—you eat your verymeaty meat sauce with a good sprinklingof Parmesan cheese, and you let thecarb-eaters have theirs over spaghetti.Serve a big salad with it, and there’sdinner.

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Skillet Stroganoff

1 pound (455 g) ground beef1 medium onion, diced1 clove garlic, crushed1 can (4 ounces, or 115 g)

mushrooms, drained1 teaspoon liquid beef broth

concentrate2 tablespoons (30 ml)

Worcestershire sauce1 teaspoon paprika¾ cup (180 g) sour creamSalt or Vege-Sal and pepper to


Brown and crumble the ground beef in a

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heavy skillet over medium heat. Add theonion and garlic as soon as there’s alittle grease in the bottom of the pan andcook until all pinkness is gone from theground beef.

Drain the excess grease. Add themushrooms, broth concentrate,Worcestershire, and paprika. Stir in thesour cream and then add salt and pepperto taste. Heat through, but don’t let itboil. This is great as-is, but you maycertainly serve it over noodles for thenon-low-carb set.

Yield: 3 servings

Each with 9 grams of carbohydrates and2 grams of fiber, for a total of 7 grams of

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usable carbs and 28 grams of protein.

Ground Beef “Helper”

When your family starts agitating for the“normal” food of yore, whip up thisrecipe.

1 pound (455 g) lean ground beefor ground turkey

½ cup (75 g) chopped greenpepper

½ cup (80 g) chopped onion½ cup (60 g) diced celery2 cans (8 ounces [225 g] each)

tomato sauce2 cloves garlic, crushed; 1

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teaspoon minced garlic; or ½teaspoon garlic powder

½ teaspoon Italian seasoning2 cups (220 g) shredded cheddar

or Monterey Jack cheese,divided

1 box (about 1¾ ounces, or 50 g)low-carb pasta

cup (80 ml) water Salt andpepper to taste

Preheat the broiler.In a large, oven-safe skillet, brown

the meat with the pepper, onion, andcelery. Drain off the grease.

Add the tomato sauce, garlic,seasoning, 1 cup (110 g) of the cheese,pasta, water, and salt and pepper to

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taste. Cover and simmer over low heatfor 10 minutes. Turn on the broiler topreheat during last the few minutes ofcooking time.

Stir well. Spread the remaining 1 cup(110 g) of cheese over the top and broiluntil the cheese starts to brown.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 11 grams of carbohydratesand 2 grams of fiber, for a total of 9grams of usable carbs and 36 grams ofprotein.

Hamburger Chop Suey

1 pound (455 g) ground round or

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other very lean ground beef2 tablespoons (30 ml) oil1 medium onion, sliced2 cups (140 g) sliced mushrooms2 stalks celery, thinly sliced on

the diagonal½ green pepper, diced½ teaspoon minced garlic or 1

clove garlic, crushed2 cups (100 g) bean sprouts

cup (80 ml) soy sauce½ teaspoon liquid beef bouillon


In a wok or large skillet over high heat,start browning the beef in the oil andbreaking it up. When it’s about halfwaybrowned, add the onion, mushrooms,

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celery, green pepper, and garlic.Continue breaking up the meat whilestir-frying the vegetables. When all thepink is gone from the beef and thevegetables are almost tender-crisp, addthe bean sprouts, soy sauce, and beefbouillon concentrate. Continue stir-frying until the bean sprouts are justbarely starting to wilt and then serve.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 8 grams of carbohydrates and2 grams of fiber, for a total of 6 grams ofusable carbs and 24 grams of protein.

Ground Beef Stir-Fry

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This looks like a lot of instructions, butit actually goes together rather quickly.It’s good when you’re missing Chinesefood, which is generally full of addedsugar and starch.

1 pound (455 g) ground beef2 tablespoons (30 ml) soy sauce,

divided3 tablespoons (45 ml) dry sherry,

divided1 or 2 cloves garlic, crushedPeanut oil or other bland oil for

stir-frying½ cup (60 g) coarsely chopped

walnuts2 cups (300 g) frozen crosscut

green beans, thawed, or 2 cups

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(500 g) frozen broccoli “cuts,”thawed

1 medium onion, sliced1½ teaspoons grated fresh ginger

Remember the Law of Stir-Frying: Haveeverything chopped, thawed, sliced, andprepped before you start cooking! In abowl, combine 1 tablespoon (15 ml) soysauce, 1½ tablespoons (23 ml) sherry,and the garlic. Add the ground beef andwith clean hands mix the flavorings intothe meat.

Heat 2 to 3 tablespoons (30 to 45 ml)oil in a wok or large, heavy skillet overhigh heat. Put the walnuts in the skilletand fry for a few minutes until crispy.Drain and put aside.

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Using the same oil, stir-fry bite-sizedchunks of the ground beef mixture untilcooked through. Lift out the beef anddrain.

Pour the oil and fat out of the skilletand put in a few tablespoons (30 ml) offresh oil. Heat it up over high heat andthen add the green beans, onion, andginger. Stir-fry until the vegetables aretender-crisp.

Add the beef back to the pan and stireverything up. Stir in the remaining soysauce and sherry and another clove ofcrushed garlic if you like.

Serve without rice for you and on topof rice for the carb-eaters in the family.Sprinkle the toasted walnuts on top ofeach serving and pass the soy sauce at

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the table for those who like more.

Yield: 3 servings

Each with 19 grams of carbohydratesand 6 grams of fiber, for a total of 13grams of usable carbs and 34 grams ofprotein.


Here’s a dish for all you pizza-lovers,and I know you are legion. Just add asalad and you have a supper that willplease the whole family.

1½ pounds (680 g) ground beef or¾ pound (340 g) each ground

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beef and Italian-style sausage1 small onion, finely chopped1 clove garlic, crushed1 teaspoon dried oregano or

Italian seasoning (optional)8 ounces (220 ml) sugar-free

pizza sauceParmesan or Romano cheese

(optional)8 ounces (225 g) shredded

mozzarellaToppings (peppers, onions,

mushrooms, or whatever youlike)

Olive oil (optional)

Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C, orgas mark 4).

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In a large bowl and with clean hands,combine the meat with the onion, garlic,and oregano or Italian seasoning (ifusing). Mix well.

Pat the meat mixture out in an evenlayer in a 9 × 12-inch (23 × 30-cm)baking pan. Bake for 20 minutes.Remove from oven and set broiler tohigh.

When the meat comes out, it will haveshrunk a fair amount because of thegrease cooking off. Pour off the greaseand spread the pizza sauce over themeat. Sprinkle the Parmesan or Romanocheese on the sauce (if using) and thendistribute the shredded mozzarellaevenly over the sauce.

Top with whatever you like: green

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peppers, banana peppers, mushrooms,olives, or anchovies.I love broccoli onpizza, and thawed frozen broccoli “cuts”work perfectly. You could also use meattoppings, such as sausage and pepperoni,but they seem a little redundant, since thewhole bottom layer is meat.

Drizzle the whole thing with a littleolive oil (if using; it’s really notnecessary).

Put your Meatza! 4 inches (10 cm)below a broiler set on high. Broil forabout 5 minutes or until the cheese ismelted and starting to brown.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with about 5 grams of

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carbohydrates per serving, only a traceof fiber, and 27 grams of protein. (Thisis based on using sugar-free pizza sauceand only cheese, no other toppings.)

If you haven’t been able to find a pizzasauce that doesn’t have sugar, you mightcombine an 8-ounce (225 g) can oftomato sauce with a crushed clove ofgarlic and some oregano.


This is our favorite one-dish skilletsupper. It’s flexible, too; don’t worry ifyou use a little less or a little moreground beef or one more or one feweregg. It’ll still come out great.

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1½ pounds (680 g) ground beef1 package (10 ounces, or 280 g)

frozen chopped spinach1 medium onion, chopped1 or 2 cloves garlic, crushed5 eggsSalt and pepper

In a heavy skillet over medium heat,begin browning the ground beef.

While the beef is cooking, cook thespinach according to the packagedirections (or 5 to 7 minutes on high inthe microwave should do it).

When the ground beef is half cooked,add the onion and garlic and cook untilthe beef is completely done. Pour off the

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extra fat.Drain the spinach well—I put mine in

a strainer and press it with the back of aspoon—and stir it into the ground beef.

Mix the eggs well with a fork and stirthem in with the beef and spinach.Continue cooking and stirring over lowheat for a few more minutes, until theeggs are set. Season with salt andpepper to taste and serve.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 4 grams of carbohydrates and2 grams of fiber, for a total of 2 grams ofusable carbs and 25 grams of protein.

My sister likes a little Parmesan cheesesprinkled over her Joe, and I surely

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wouldn’t argue about a little thing likethat!

Sloppy José

This is so easy it’s almost embarrassing,and the kids will probably like it.Different brands of salsa vary a lot intheir carb contents, so read labelscarefully.

1 pound (455 g) ground beef1 cup (240 g) salsa (mild, medium,

or hot, as you prefer)1 cup (115 g) shredded Mexican-

style cheese

In a large skillet, crumble and brown the

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ground beef and drain off the fat.Stir in the salsa and cheese and heat

until the cheese is melted.

Yield: About 4 servings

Each with 4 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 3 grams ofusable carbs and 27 grams of protein.

Variation: Mega Sloppy José. Tryadding another ½ cup (120 ml) salsa andanother ½ cup (60 g) cheese. Yield: 4servings

Each with 6 grams of carbohydrates and2 grams of fiber, for a total of 4 grams ofusable carbs and 30 grams of protein.

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This is good with a salad or even on asalad. Of course, if you have carb-eatersaround, they’ll love the stuff on somecorn tortillas.

All-Meat Chili

Some folks consider tomatoes in chili tobe anathema, but I like it this way. Don’tlook funny at that cocoa powder, by theway. It’s the secret ingredient!

2 pounds (910 g) ground beef1 cup (160 g) chopped onion3 cloves garlic, crushed1 can (14½ ounces, or 410 g)

tomatoes with green chilies1 can (4 ounces, or 110 ml) plain

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tomato sauce4 teaspoons ground cumin2 teaspoons dried oregano2 teaspoons unsweetened cocoa

powder1 teaspoon paprika

Brown and crumble the beef in a heavyskillet over medium-high heat. Pour offthe grease and add the remainingingredients. Stir to combine.

Turn the heat to low, cover, andsimmer for 30 minutes. Uncover andsimmer for another 15 to 20 minutes oruntil the chili thickens a bit. Serve withgrated cheese, sour cream, chopped rawonion, or other low-carb toppings.

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Yield: 6 servings

Each with 7 grams of carbohydrates and2 grams of fiber, for a total of 5 grams ofusable carbs and 27 grams of protein.Analysis does not include toppings.

It’s easy to vary this recipe to the tastesof different family members. If somepeople like beans in their chili, just heatup a can of kidney or pinto beans and letthem spoon their beans into their ownserving. If you like beans in your chili,buy a can of black soybeans at a naturalfood store; there are only a couple ofgrams of usable carbs in a couple oftablespoons. And of course, if you likeyour chili hotter than this, just add

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crushed red pepper, cayenne, or hotpepper sauce to take things up a notch.

Firehouse Chili

Here’s a crowd-pleaser! I served this ona rainy afternoon at our localcampground and made a lot of friends!You could halve this, but you’d be leftwith a half a can of soybeans. You knowyou’ll eat it up, so why

2 pounds (910 g) ground chuck1½ cups (240 g) chopped onion4 cloves garlic, crushed3 tablespoons (23 g) chili powder3 teaspoons paprika4 teaspoons ground cumin

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¼ cup (60 ml) Dana’s No-SugarKetchup (page 463) orpurchased low-carb ketchup

2 tablespoons (33 g) tomato paste1 can (14½ ounces, or 410 g)

diced tomatoes12 ounces (360 ml) light beer1 teaspoon Splenda2½ teaspoons salt1 can (15 ounces, or 425 g) black


In a big, heavy skillet, brown andcrumble the beef over medium-high heat.Drain it and place it in a slow cooker.Add the remaining ingredients. Stireverything up. Cover the slow cooker,set it to low, and let it cook for 8 hours.

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This is good with shredded cheeseand sour cream. What chili isn’t? But italso stands on its own very well.

Yield: 10 servings

Each with 21 g protein, 12 gcarbohydrate, 4 g dietary fiber, 8 gusable carbs. Analysis does not includetoppings.

Spanish “Rice”

Okay, this isn’t really Spanish. It’s noteven authentically Mexican. And ofcourse it’s not rice. But it is passinglylike the “Spanish Rice” my mom used tothrow together to make a quick, one-dish

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meal out of hamburger! Feel free to usedcanned, diced tomatoes without thechilies if you don’t like spicy food,although this is really quite mild.

1 pound (455 g) ground round orother very lean ground beef

1 to 2 tablespoons (15 to 30 ml)oil

½ head cauliflower½ green pepper, chopped½ medium onion, chopped1 teaspoon minced garlic1 can (14½ ounces, or 410 g)

diced tomatoes with greenchilies

½ teaspoon ground cumin1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce

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¼ cup (60 ml) waterSalt and pepper

In a large skillet, start browning the beefin the oil over medium-high heat.Meanwhile, run the cauliflower throughthe shredding blade of a food processor.Put the cauliflower in a microwavablecasserole dish, add a tablespoon or two(15 to 30 ml) of water, cover, andmicrowave on high for just 5 minutes.

Go back to the beef and start breakingit up. When you’ve got just a little fat inthe pan, add the pepper and onion andsauté them, too. When all the pink isgone from the meat, add the garlic,tomatoes, cumin, Worcestershire sauce,and water and bring the whole thing to a

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simmer. Stir in the cauliflower “rice,”cover, and let the whole thing simmerfor 3 to 5 minutes. Season with salt andpepper to taste and serve.

Yield: 4 or 5 servings

Assuming 4 servings, each will have 7grams of carbohydrates and 1 gram offiber, for a total of 6 grams of usablecarbs and 23 grams of protein.

Southwestern StuffedPeppers

This was one of those recipes you justcome up with out of what’s in the houseat the time—and it turned out so well,

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I’d be willing to go buy the ingredientsto make it!

1 pound (455 g) ground beef½ cup (80 g) chopped onion1 clove garlic, crushed1 can (14½ ounces, or 410 g)

tomatoes with green chilies,divided

1 egg½ cup (120 ml) half-and-half½ cup (70 g) pork rind crumbs1 teaspoon ground cumin1 teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal½ teaspoon pepper3 big, nicely shaped green


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Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C, or gasmark 4)

In a large bowl combine the groundbeef, onion, garlic, ½ cup (120 g) of thetomatoes with chilies, the egg, half-and-half, pork rind crumbs, and seasonings.Use clean hands to combine everythingwell. Cut the peppers in half from top tobottom and scoop out the seeds and core.Form the meat mixture into 6 equal ballsand press each into a pepper half,mashing it down a little to fill thepeppers. Arrange peppers in a bakingpan as you stuff them. Spoon theremaining tomatoes over the top andbake for 75 to 90 minutes.

Yield: This makes 6 servings from 1

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pound (455 g) of ground beef, which ispretty impressive! It’s filling, too.

Each serving has 9 g carbohydrate; 2 gfiber; for a usable carb total of 7 g; 27 gprotein.

Thai Beef Lettuce Wraps

This is fast to make, yet it’s interestinglyexotic. And it’s fun to eat wrapped-upstuff, whether you use tortillas or lettuceleaves!

1 pound (455 g) ground round1 teaspoon red pepper flakes½ cup (80 g) chopped onion1 clove garlic

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1 medium yellow pepper, diced (Ifyou don’t have a yellow one, agreen or red one will do!)

¼ cup (60 ml) lemon juice2 teaspoons chopped fresh mint1 teaspoon beef bouillon granules½ head cauliflower, shredded1 tablespoon (15 ml) fish sauce

(nuoc mam or nam pla)2 teaspoons soy sauce½ cup (60 g) chopped peanuts½ cucumber, diced small16 lettuce leaves

In a big, heavy skillet, start browningand crumbling the ground round alongwith the red pepper flakes.

When the beef is browned, tilt the pan

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and spoon off any fat that’s accumulated.Stir in the onion, garlic, pepper,

lemon juice, mint, and beef bouillongranules. Stir until the bouillondissolves. Turn the heat to low and letthe whole thing

While that’s happening, put thecauliflower in a microwaveablecasserole dish with a lid, add a coupleof tablespoons (30 ml) of water, cover,and microwave on high for 6 minutes.

By the time the cauliflower’s done,the pepper and onion should be tender.Drain the cauli-rice and stir it into thebeef mixture. Stir in the fish sauce andsoy sauce, too.

Put the peanuts and the cucumber insmall dishes. Arrange 4 good-sized

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lettuce leaves on each of 4 plates andspoon a mound of the meat mixture nextto them.

To eat, spoon some of the meatmixture into a lettuce leaf and sprinklewith cucumber and peanuts. Wrap in thelettuce and eat as you would a burrito.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 28 g protein; 12 gcarbohydrate; 3 g dietary fiber; 9 gusable carbs.

Unstuffed Cabbage

Stuffed cabbage is a perennial favorite,but it’s time consuming! Here’s a recipe

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that gives you all the flavor of stuffedcabbage at breakneck speed. Do usevery lean ground beef for this recipe—itsaves you the time needed to drain offthe grease.

1½ pounds (680 g) ground roundor other very lean ground beef

1 medium onion, chopped1 teaspoon minced garlic or 2

cloves garlic, crushed½ head cabbage, coarsely

chopped1 can (8 ounces, or 225 g) tomato

sauce2 tablespoons (30 ml) lemon juice½ teaspoon pepper½ teaspoon ground nutmeg

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½ teaspoon ground cinnamon1 teaspoon salt

Start the ground beef cooking in a heavyskillet over high heat; spread it out tocover the bottom of the pan so it cooksquicker.

While the ground beef is browning,chop the onion and crush the garlic.Plunk them in the pan with the groundbeef and stir it up using a spatula to turnit over and break it up so that it cooksevenly. Cover the pan and let it continuecooking.

Meanwhile, chop the cabbagecoarsely. Stir this into the beef mixture abit at a time—it will come close tooverwhelming your skillet, unless yours

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is bigger than mine. Again, take care toturn everything over to keep it cookingevenly. Re-cover the pan.

Continue to stir the meat mixture tokeep it cooking evenly, covering inbetween stirrings. When the cabbage isstarting to wilt, stir in the tomato sauce,lemon juice, pepper, nutmeg, cinnamon,and salt. Re-cover, let the whole thingsimmer for 5 minutes, and then serve.

Yield: 5 servings

Each with 7 grams of carbohydrates and2 grams of fiber, for a total of 5 grams ofusable carbs and 25 grams of protein.

Homestyle Meat Loaf

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1 pound (455 g) ground chuck2 tablespoons (15 g) oat bran1 egg¼ cup (60 ml) vegetable juice,

such as V8¼ cup (40 g) minced onion½ cup plus 1 tablespoon (135 g)

Dana’s No-Sugar Ketchup(page 463), divided

3 teaspoons spicy mustard,divided

½ teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal¼ teaspoon pepper3 tablespoons (4.5 g) Splenda½ teaspoon blackstrap molasses

Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C, orgas mark 4).

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Plop the ground chuck, oat bran, egg,vegetable juice, onion, 1 tablespoon (15ml) ketchup, 1 teaspoon spicy mustard,salt, and pepper into a big mixing bowland use clean hands to smoosh it alltogether really well. Pack it into a loafpan to mold it and then turn it out ontothe broiler rack. Bake for 1 hour.

Twenty minutes before it’s done,combine the remaining ½ cup (120 ml)ketchup, the Splenda, blackstrapmolasses, and the other 2 teaspoons ofmustard. Brush over the meat loaf toglaze and return to oven to finish baking.

Yield: 4 to 5 servings

Assuming 5, each will have 19 g protein;

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8 g carbohydrate; 1 g dietary fiber; 7 gusable carbs.

Mexicali Meat Loaf

1 pound (455 g) ground beef1 pound (455 g) mild pork

sausage1 cup (80 g) crushed plain pork

rinds1 can (4½ ounces, or 130 g) diced

mild green chilies1 medium onion, finely chopped8 ounces (225 g) Monterey Jack

cheese, cut into ¼- to ½-inch(0.6- to 1.3-cm) cubes orshredded

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¾ cup (195 g) salsa (mild,medium, or hot, as desired)

1 egg2 or 3 cloves garlic, crushed2 teaspoons dried oregano2 teaspoons ground cumin1 teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal

Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C, orgas mark 4).

Combine all the ingredients in a reallybig bowl and then with clean handsknead it all until it’s thoroughly blended.

Dump it out on a clean broiler rackand form into a loaf—it’ll be a big loaf—about 3 inches (7.5 cm) thick. Bakefor 1½ hours.

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Yield: 8 servings

Each with 5 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 4 grams ofusable carbs and 28 grams of protein.

Do chop the onion quite fine for yourmeat loaves. If it’s in pieces that are toobig, it tends to make the loaf fall apartwhen you cut it. The Mexicali Meat Loafmay crumble a bit anyway because it’squite

Chili-Glazed Meat Loaf

FOR THE MEAT LOAF:1 pound (455 g) ground chuck¼ cup (30 g) minced green bell

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pepper¼ cup (30 g) shredded carrot

cup (55 g) minced onion1 egg2 tablespoons (30 ml) Dana’s No-

Sugar Ketchup (page 463)1 teaspoon chili garlic paste2 tablespoons (15 g) oat bran¼ teaspoon dried oregano¼ teaspoon dried basil½ teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal¼ teaspoon pepper

FOR THE GLAZE:¼ cup (60 ml) Dana’s No-Sugar

Ketchup1 tablespoon (1.5 g) Splenda¼ teaspoon blackstrap molasses

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1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar1 tablespoon (15 ml) olive oil½ teaspoon chili garlic paste

Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C, or gasmark 4).

To make the meat loaf: First, put thepepper, carrot, and onion in a big mixingbowl. Add the remaining meat loafingredients. Using clean hands, smoosheverything together until it’s all verywell mixed. Pack it into a loaf pan tomold it and then turn the meat loaf outonto a broiler rack. Bake for 50 to 60minutes.

To make the glaze: Combine the glazeingredients in a small bowl. About 20 to30 minutes before baking time is up, take

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the meat loaf out of the oven and spreadthe glaze over it. Return it to the ovenuntil it’s done.

Yield: 4 to 5 servings

Assuming 5, each will have 19 g protein;8 g carbohydrate; 2 g dietary fiber; 6 gusable carbs.

Low-Carb Swiss Loaf

I adapted this from a recipe that had awhole pile of bread crumbs and a cup ofmilk in it. I simply left them out, and I’venever missed them.

2½ pounds (1.1 kg) ground beef

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5 ounces (140 g) Swiss cheese,diced small or grated

2 eggs, beaten1 medium onion, chopped1 green pepper, chopped1 small rib celery, chopped1 teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal½ teaspoon pepper½ teaspoon paprika

Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C, orgas mark 4).

With clean hands combine all theingredients in a large bowl until themixture is well blended.

Pack the meat into one large loaf panor two small ones. Turn out onto abroiler rack. Bake a large loaf for 1½ to

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1¾ hours. Bake two small loaves for 1¼hours.

Yield: 8 servings

Each with 3 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 2 grams ofusable carbs and 30 grams of protein.

I turn the loaf out of the pan and onto abroiler rack to bake so the excess fatruns off—not because I’m afraid of fat,but because I like it better that way. Ifyou like, though, you could bake yoursright in the pan, and it would probablybe a bit more tender.

Zucchini Meat Loaf Italiano

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The inspiration for this meat loaf was arecipe in an Italian cookbook. Theoriginal recipe was for a “zucchinimold,” and it had only a tiny bit of meatin it. I thought to myself, “How couldadding more ground beef be a problemhere?” And I was right; it’s very moistand flavorful.

1½ pounds (680 g) ground beef3 tablespoons (45 ml) olive oil2 medium zucchini, chopped

(about 1½ cups, or 190 g)1 medium onion, chopped2 or 3 cloves garlic, crushed2 tablespoons (7.6 g) snipped

fresh parsley1 egg

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¾ cup (75 g) grated Parmesancheese

1 teaspoon salt½ teaspoon pepper

Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C, orgas mark 4).

Heat the olive oil in a skillet andsauté the zucchini, onion, and garlic in itfor 7 to 8 minutes.

Let the vegetables cool a bit and thenput them in a big bowl with the beef,parsley, egg, cheese, salt, and pepper.Using clean hands, mix the ingredientsthoroughly.

Take the rather soft meat mixture andput it in a big loaf pan, if you like, orform the loaf right on a broiler rack so

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the grease will drip off. (Keep in mindthat if you do it this way, your loaf won’tstand very high—it’ll be about 2 inches[5 cm] thick.)

Bake for 75 to 90 minutes or until thejuices run clear but the loaf is not driedout.

Yield: 5 servings

Each with 3 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for total of 2 grams ofusable carbs and 29 grams of protein.

My Grandma’s StandbyCasserole

Okay, my grandma used egg noodles

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instead of spaghetti squash, but it tastesgood this way, too. This is handy forpotlucks and such.

1 pound (455 g) ground beef2 tablespoons (28 g) butter1 clove garlic, crushed1 teaspoon saltDash pepper2 cans (8 ounces, or 225 g each)

plain tomato sauce6 scallions3 ounces (85 g) cream cheese1 cup (230 g) sour cream3 cups (675 g) cooked spaghetti

squash½ cup (60 g) shredded cheddar


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Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C, orgas mark 4).

Brown the ground beef in the butter.Pour off the grease and stir in the garlic,salt, pepper, and tomato sauce.

Cover, turn the heat to low, andsimmer for 20 minutes.

While the meat is simmering, slice thescallions, including the crisp part of thegreen, and combine with the creamcheese and sour cream. Blend well.

In the bottom of a 6-cup (1.4-L)casserole dish, layer half the spaghettisquash, half the scallion mixture, andhalf the tomato-beef mixture; repeat thelayers. Top with the cheddar and bakefor 20 minutes.

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Yield: 5 servings

Each with 15 grams of carbohydratesand 2 grams of fiber, for a total of 13grams of usable carbs and 23 grams ofprotein.

Comfort Food Casserole

This is one of those meal-in-a-bowlsorts of things that just somehow seemcomforting. I’ve found that slow cookingreally brings out the best in turnips. Theyend up remarkably like potatoes.

1½ pounds (680 g) ground round1 tablespoon (15 ml) oil1 medium onion, chopped

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4 cloves garlic, crushed4 stalks celery, diced1 cup (240 ml) beef broth1 teaspoon beef bouillon

concentrate½ teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal1 teaspoon pepper2 teaspoons dried oregano1 teaspoon dry mustard2 tablespoons (33 g) tomato paste4 ounces (115 g) cream cheese3 turnips, cubed¾ cup (85 g) shredded cheddar


In a big, heavy skillet, brown andcrumble the beef over medium-high heat.Pour off the fat and transfer the beef to a

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slow cooker.Add the oil to the skillet and reduce

the heat to medium-low. Add the onion,garlic, and celery and sauté until they’rejust softened. Add the broth, bouillon,salt or Vege-Sal, pepper, oregano, drymustard, and tomato paste and stir. Nowadd the cream cheese, using the edge ofa spatula to cut the cream cheese intochunks. Let this mixture simmer, stirringoccasionally, until the cream cheese ismelted. Meanwhile, add the turnips tothe slow cooker.

When the cream cheese has meltedinto the sauce, pour the sauce into theslow cooker. Stir until the ground beefand turnips are coated. Cover the slowcooker, set it to low, and let it cook for 6

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hours. Serve with cheddar cheese ontop.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 35 g protein, 12 gcarbohydrate, 3 g dietary fiber, 9 gusable carbs.

Spicy Orange Meatballs

1 pound (455 g) ground round1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce½ teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal¼ teaspoon pepper¼ medium onion, minced fine¼ teaspoon chili powder1 clove garlic, crushed

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1 egg½ cup (120 ml) Dana’s No-Sugar

Ketchup (page 463)2 tablespoons (30 ml)

Worcestershire sauce2 tablespoons (40 g) low-sugar

orange marmalade1 pinch cayenne½ teaspoon chili powder¼ teaspoon orange extract2 tablespoons (30 ml) lemon juice2 tablespoons (30 ml) white

vinegar1½ tablespoons (2.25 g) Splenda½ cup (120 ml) beef brothGuar or xanthan

Plunk the ground round into a mixing

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bowl and add the next 7 ingredients(through the egg). Using clean hands,smoosh everything together untilit’s well blended and then form 1-inch(2.5-cm) meatballs. You should haveabout 40 of them.

Spray a big skillet with nonstickcooking spray and put it over mediumheat. Add the meatballs and let thembrown all over. Remove them to a plateand pour off the grease.

Add the ketchup and the next 9ingredients (through the beef broth) intothe skillet and whisk it all together overmedium heat until it’s smooth.

Thicken just a little with guar orxanthan. Put the meatballs back in theskillet, turning to coat with the sauce,

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and simmer for 10 minutes.You can serve this as is or over

Cauliflower Rice (page 212). They arealso very good as a party nibble; keepthem in a chafing dish and have a supplyof toothpicks on hand for spearing.

Yield: 3 servings

Each with 32 g protein; 6 gcarbohydrate; trace dietary fiber; 6 gusable carbs. Analysis does not includeCauliflower Rice.

Cranberry Meatballs

1½ pounds (680 g) ground beef1 egg

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½ cup (80 g) minced onion¾ teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal¼ teaspoon pepper1 teaspoon dry mustard1 can (8 ounces, or 225 g) tomato

sauce½ cup (50 g) cranberries3 tablespoons (4.5 g) Splenda1 tablespoon (15 ml) lime juice¼ cup (60 ml) water

In a big bowl, combine the ground beef,egg, minced onion, salt or Vege-Sal,pepper, and mustard. Using clean hands,smoosh everything until well combined.Form into meatballs about 1½ inches(3.75 cm) in diameter.

Put everything else in a food

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processor with the S-blade in place andpulse until the cranberries are choppedfairly fine.

Now spray a big, heavy skillet withnonstick cooking spray and put it overmedium-high heat. Brown the meatballsall over. Pour off the fat and add thecranberry mixture. Turn the burner tolow, cover, and simmer for 30 minutes.Serve over Cauliflower Rice (page 212)if you want something to sop up thesauce, but they’re fine alone.

Yield: 4 to 5 servings

Assuming 4, each will have 31 g protein;8 g carbohydrate; 2 g dietary fiber; 6 gusable carbs. Analysis does not include

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Cauliflower Rice.

Swedish Meatballs

This traditional Swedish favorite usuallyhas mashed potatoes in it, but theKetatoes mix works very well. Servethis with Jansson’s Temptation (page238) for a Swedish feast! Or keep thesewarm in a chafing dish, with a supply oftoothpicks, for a great hot appetizer.

1 pound (455 g) ground chuck¼ large onion, minced6 tablespoons (20 g) Ketatoes mix

cup (80 ml) heavy cream1 tablespoon (15 ml) water1 egg

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½ teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal¼ teaspoon pepper2 tablespoons (7.6 g) minced

parsley2 tablespoons (28 g) butter

Assemble everything but the butter in amixing bowl. Using clean hands, smooshit all together until it’s very wellblended. Form into meatballs about 1inch (2.5 cm) in diameter.

Put the meatballs in a heavy skilletover medium heat. Melt the butter andbrown the meatballs all over—you’llhave to do this in a couple of batchesunless your skillet is a lot bigger thanmine!

You can serve these as is, and they’re

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very nice. Or if you like, you can pouranother cup (240 ml) of heavy creamover them, let them simmer for 10minutes or so, and serve them overUltimate Fauxtatoes (page 209), or evenkeep them hot in a chafing dish and servethem as a hot appetizer.

Yield: Assuming this is dinner, not anappetizer, it’s 4 servings

Each with 30 g protein; 12 gcarbohydrate; 6 g dietary fiber; 6 gusable carbs. (Analysis does not includeadding the extra 1 cup [240 ml] ofcream. Add about 1.5 g carbs perserving if you use the cream. Analysisalso does not include Fauxtatoes.)

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Ropa Vieja

This is a basic recipe for Mexicanshredded beef that can be used in manyways. The name means “old clothes,”and it refers to the shredded texture ofthe meat.

2 pounds (910 g) boneless beefroast (Chuck or round is good.)

1 carrot, cut in chunks1 onion, sliced ¼ inch (6 mm)

thick1 stalk celery, whacked into 3 or

4 pieces

Place the beef, carrot, onion, and celeryin a Dutch oven or a slow cooker. Add

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just enough water to cover. If using aslow cooker, set to low; if using a Dutchoven, cover and set on very low heat.Either way, let the beef and vegetablessimmer until the beef wants to fall apartwhen you stick a fork in it—about 3 to 4hours on the stove and at least 7 or 8hours in a slow cooker. When the beef isvery tender, turn off the heat and let itcool in the broth.

Now, fish the beef out of the broth andput it on a big plate. Using clean handsor two forks, shred it until it’s a big pileof little beef threads. Now you’re readyto use this very tasty beef in a number ofways. Be sure and save the broth, too.

Yield: 5 servings

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Each with 29 g protein; 4 gcarbohydrates; 1 g fiber; 3 usable carbs(if you eat all of the vegetables).

Ropa Vieja Hash

This is a great Mexican take on hash. It’sbound to be popular with the family!

4 cups (800 g) Ropa Vieja (page380)

1 cup (150 g) turnip, diced small1 cup (150 g) cauliflower, diced

small1 medium onion, diced1 pasilla chili, diced, or 1 green

bell pepper, diced

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Red pepper flakes to taste1 clove garlic, crushed2 tablespoons (30 ml) oil1 cup (240 ml) Ropa Vieja broth

(page 381)1 cup (64 g) chopped cilantro

First, put the turnip and cauliflower in amicrowaveable container with a lid, adda tablespoon (15 ml) or so of water,cover, and cook it on high for 7 minutes.

While that’s happening, start sautéingthe onion, pepper, red pepper flakes, andgarlic in the oil over medium heat. Aftera couple of minutes, add the Ropa Viejaand stir everything together. Continuesautéing for about 10 minutes, stirringoften, at which time your turnip and

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cauliflower will be ready to add to theskillet.

So add them! Stir them in and keepsautéing! Give it another 5 minutes or soand then add 1 cup (240 ml) of the brothand some of the vegetables from theRopa Vieja. Stir this into the hash,chopping up the boiled vegetables withthe edge of your spatula or spoon.

Let everything cook, stirring from timeto time, until the broth has evaporatedand the whole thing is fairly dry. Servetopped with cilantro.

Yield: 5 servings

Each with 24 g protein; 9 gcarbohydrate; 3 g dietary fiber; 6 g

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usable carbs.

Basil Beef Stir-Fry

Basil in stir-fries is a Thai touch, butthis isn’t hot, like most Thai food is.

1 pound (455 g) boneless chuck½ cup (120 ml) peanut oil or other

bland oil6 scallions, including the crisp

part of the green, cut into 1-inch (2.5-cm) lengths

2 teaspoons dried basil or 2tablespoons (5.4 g) choppedfresh basil

1 tablespoon (15 ml) soy sauce

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¼ teaspoon SplendaPepper

Thinly slice the beef across the grain.Put the oil in a wok or heavy skillet

over high heat. When it’s hot, add thebeef and stir-fry for a minute or two.Add the scallions and stir-fry for another3 to 4 minutes or until all the pink isgone from the beef.

Add the basil, soy sauce, Splenda,and pepper to taste and toss with thebeef, cooking just another minute or so.

Yield: 3 servings

Each with 3 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 2 grams ofusable carbs and 25 grams of protein.

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Sesame Orange Beef

This is an unusual sort of stir-fry!

1 pound (455 g) beef chuck2 teaspoons dark sesame oil¾ cup (180 ml) white wine

vinegar2 tablespoons (3 g) Splenda1 teaspoon orange extract,

divided1 tablespoon (15 ml) soy sauce3 tablespoons (45 ml) peanut or

canola oil½ medium onion, sliced½ cup (60 g) shredded carrots

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2 cups (300 g) frozen cross-cutgreen beans, thawed

Guar or xanthan

Slice the beef thin across the grain andput it in a large resealable plastic bag.Combine the sesame oil, white winevinegar, Splenda, and ½ teaspoon of theorange extract and pour over the beef.Press the air out of the bag, seal, andturn it over a few times to coat the beef.Throw the bag in the fridge for a fewhours, and all day won’t hurt. Thiswould be a good time to pull the greenbeans out of the freezer to thaw, too!

Okay, it’s dinnertime. Pull the beefout of the fridge and pour off themarinade into a little bowl. Stir the soy

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sauce and the rest of the orange extractinto the marinade bring it to a boil, andhave this waiting by the stove.

Put a big, heavy skillet or a wok, ifyou have one, over highest heat and addthe oil. When it’s hot, throw in the beefand stir-fry it until all the pink is gone.Remove from the skillet to a bowl orplate. Add a little more oil, if needed,and let it heat. Throw in the onion,carrots, and green beans and stir-fryuntil they’re just tender-crisp. Add thebeef back to the skillet or wok, stir in theboiled marinade, thicken a tiny bit withguar or xanthan if you think it needs it,and serve alone or over CauliflowerRice (page 212).

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Yield: 4 servings

Each with 20 g protein; 10 gcarbohydrate; 2 g dietary fiber; 8 gusable carbs. Analysis does not includeCauliflower Rice.

Inauthentic Bulgogi Steak

True bulgogi is a popular Korean dishmade with very thin sheets of slicedbeef. That’s time-consuming, so we’reusing good old steak, and boy, the resultsare spectacular!

1½ pounds (680 g) tender, well-marbled steaks, ½ inch (1.3cm) thick—sirloin, rib eye,

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strip, whatever you like¼ medium onion2 teaspoons minced garlic or 4

cloves garlic, peeled¼ cup (60 ml) soy sauce2 tablespoons (3 g) Splenda1 teaspoon pepperA few dashes hot pepper sauce2 tablespoons (30 ml) toasted

sesame oil

Preheat the broiler.Put the onion, garlic, soy sauce,

Splenda, pepper, hot pepper sauce, andsesame oil in a food processor with theS-blade in place and run it until theonion is pulverized. Reserve some ofthis liquid for basting.

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Place the steaks on a plate and pourthe remaining seasoning mixture overthem, turning them so that they’re coatedon both sides. Let the steaks sit for aminute and then place them on a broilerrack. Broil the steaks as close to the heatas possible until they’re done to yourliking— 4½ to 5 minutes per side isright for me. When you’re turning thesteaks, baste with some of the reservedseasoning mixture, using a clean utensileach time.

Yield: 4 servings

Calculations show 4 grams per servingand a trace of fiber, but that would onlybe true if you consumed all of the

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seasoning mixture, which you won’t.Figure closer to 2 grams of carbs and 26grams of protein.

Beef and Artichoke Skillet

This is different and good. Because quitea lot of the carbs in artichokes are in theform of inulin, a very low-impact carb,this is even easier on your blood sugarthan the carb count would suggest.

1½ pounds (680 g) boneless beef—Sirloin or chuck are fine.

8 slices bacon½ medium onion, thinly sliced2 tablespoons (30 ml) olive oil¼ cup (60 ml) cider vinegar

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1 tablespoon (1.5 g) Splenda½ teaspoon pepper½ teaspoon minced garlic or 1

clove garlic, crushed1 can (14 ounces, or 400 g)

quartered artichoke hearts,drained

Lay the bacon on a microwave baconrack or in a glass pie plate. Microwaveon high for 8 minutes.

While the bacon is cooking, slice thebeef as thinly as you can and then cutacross the strips a couple of times sothey’re no more than 2 to 3 inches (5 to 7cm) long. (This is easiest if the meat ispartly frozen.) Slice up the onion now,to.

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Heat the oil in a large, heavy skilletover high heat and start stir-frying thebeef and onion. When the pink is gonefrom the beef, add the vinegar, Splenda,pepper, garlic, and artichoke hearts andlet the whole thing simmer for 5 minutesor so.

Check on the bacon while the beef issimmering. If it’s not crisp yet, cook itanother minute or so.

Divide the beef mixture between 6serving plates or bowls and crumbleabout a strip and a half of bacon overeach portion before serving.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 9 grams of carbohydrates and

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4 grams of fiber, for a total of 5 grams ofusable carbs and 23 grams of protein.

Balsamic-Olive Beef Kebabs

1 pound (455 g) beef round roast,trimmed

½ cup (120 ml) olive oil¼ cup (60 ml) balsamic vinegar1 clove garlic, crushedAbout 16 stuffed green olives½ medium onionSalt and pepper

Cut the beef into cubes about 1½ inches(4 cm) square. Put them in a nonreactivebowl or in a large resealable plasticbag. Combine the olive oil, balsamic

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vinegar, and garlic. Reserve somemarinade for basting and pour the restover the beef cubes. If you’re using abowl, stir the whole thing up to coat thecubes. If you’re using a resealableplastic bag, press out the air, seal it, andturn it a few times to coat. Either way,throw the beef in the fridge and let itmarinate for at least a few hours. Ifyou’re going to use bamboo skewers,this is a good time to put them in waterto soak, too.

When it’s time to cook, first get a firegoing. You’ll want to set a gas grill onmedium or let coals get well coveredwith ash.

Now, pull out the beef cubes, theolives, and the half onion. Cut the onion

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half into quarters. Separate the onioninto its separate layers. Drain themarinade off of the beef cubes. Skewer abeef cube, then an olive, then a layer ofonion, then a beef cube, and so forth.Build all three skewers evenly. Sprinklethe kebabs lightly with salt and pepper.

Fire ready? Throw the kebabs on thegrill and cook for about 7 to 10 minutesper side. Baste a few times with thereserved marinade, using a clean utensileach time. You want them cookedthrough but still a little pink in thecenter.

Yield: 3 servings

Each serving will have 5 grams of

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carbohydrate and 1 gram of fiber, for ausable carb count of 4 grams; 34 gramsof protein.

Beef Carbonnade

2 pounds (910 g) beef round, cutinto 1-inch (2.5-cm) cubes

2 tablespoons (30 ml) olive oil1 large onion, sliced2 medium carrots, cut 1 inch (2.5

cm) thick2 turnips, cubed12 ounces (360 ml) light beer¼ cup (60 ml) red wine vinegar3 tablespoons (4.5 g) Splenda¼ teaspoon blackstrap molasses

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1 cup (240 ml) beef broth2 teaspoons beef bouillon

concentrate3 cloves garlic, crushed2 teaspoons dried thyme2 teaspoons Worcestershire

sauce½ teaspoon pepper2 bay leavesGuar or xanthan

In a big, heavy skillet over high heat,sear the beef all over in the oil. Placethe beef in a slow cooker. Add theonion, carrots, and turnips and stireverything around a bit.

In a bowl, mix together the beer,vinegar, Splenda, molasses, broth,

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bouillon, garlic, thyme, Worcestershiresauce, and pepper. Pour the mixture intothe slow cooker. Throw the bay leaveson top. Cover the slow cooker, set it tolow, and let it cook for 8 hours.

When the time’s up, remove the bayleaves and add guar or xanthan tothicken the sauce a bit.

You can serve this as is, or to be moretraditional, serve it over Fauxtatoes(page 209).

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 34 g protein, 10 gcarbohydrate, 2 g dietary fiber, 8 gusable carbs. Analysis does not includeFauxtatoes.

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Pepper Steak with WhiskeySauce

1 pound (455 g) steak, 1¼ inches(3 cm) thick—Rib eye, sirloin,or T-bone would all be fine.

2 tablespoons (28 g) butter,divided

2 tablespoons (20 g) minced onion1 cup (240 ml) beef broth½ teaspoon beef bouillon granules¼ teaspoon pepper1 clove garlic1½ ounces (45 ml) bourbonGuar or xanthan1½ teaspoons coarsely ground


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1 tablespoon (15 ml) oil

Melt 1 tablespoon (14 g) butter in amedium saucepan and add the onion.Sauté 4 or 5 minutes until it’s just turninggolden.

Add beef broth, bouillon granules,pepper, garlic, and bourbon and let thewhole thing boil until it’s reduced byabout half. Thicken just a little with guaror xanthan—you want it about the textureof heavy cream—right before you servethe steak.

While the sauce is cooking down,sprinkle the pepper evenly over bothsides of the steak and press it into thesurface. Put a big, heavy skillet overmedium-high heat and add remaining

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butter and oil. As soon as the butter andoil are hot, throw in the steak. Assumingthe steak is 1¼ inches (3 cm) thick, Ithink 6½ minutes per side is about right—that gives me a steak that’s medium-rare—but cook it to your liking. Servewith the whiskey

Yield: 3 servings

Each with 26 g protein; 3 gcarbohydrate; trace dietary fiber; 3 gusable carbs.

Southwestern Steak

I adore steak and I adore guacamole—the combination is fantastic.

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1½ to 2 pounds (680 to 910 g)

well-marbled steak (sirloin, ribeye, or the like), 1 to 1½ inches(2.5 to 3 cm) thick

Olive oilGuacamole (page 59)Salt and pepper

Rub a couple of teaspoons of olive oilon either side of the steak.

Arrange your broiler so you can getthe steak so close that it’s almost but notquite touching the broiling element. (Ihave to put my broiler pan on top of askillet turned upside down to do this.)Turn the broiler to high and get that steakin there. Leave the oven door open—this

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is crucial. For a 1-inch (2.5-cm) thicksteak, set the oven timer for 5 to 5½minutes; for a 1½-inch (3-cm) thicksteak, you can go up to 6 minutes.

When the timer beeps, quickly flip thesteak, and set the timer again. Check atthis point to see if your time seems right.If you like your steak a lot rarer or morewell-done than I do or if you have adifferent brand of broiler, you may needto adjust how long you broil the secondside for.

When the timer goes off again, get thatsteak out of there quickly and put it on aserving plate. Spread each serving ofsteak with a heaping tablespoon ofguacamole and sprinkle with salt andpepper to taste.

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Yield: The number of servings willdepend on the size of your steak

The guacamole will add 4 grams ofcarbohydrates and 1 gram of fiber, for atotal of 3 grams of usable carbs. You’llalso get 275 milligrams of potassium.

Salisbury Steak

Talk about your old-time comfort food!Our tester said she’d happily pay for thisin a restaurant.

2 pounds (910 g) ground round¼ cup (25 g) oat bran¼ cup (20 g) crushed pork rinds4 tablespoons (60 ml) heavy

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cream, divided½ cup (80 g) minced onion,

divided1½ tablespoons (22.5 ml)

Worcestershire sauce, divided½ teaspoon salt or Vege-sal¼ teaspoon pepper8 ounces (225 g) sliced

mushrooms1 cup (240 ml) beef broth½ teaspoon beef bouillon granules1 clove garlic1 teaspoon tomato paste½ cup (120 ml) Carb Countdown

dairy beverageGuar or xanthanSalt and pepper to taste

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Preheat oven to 300°F (150°C, or gasmark 2).

In a big mixing bowl, combine theground round, oat bran, pork rindcrumbs, 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of theheavy cream, ¼ cup (40 g) of the mincedonion, 1 tablespoon (15 ml)Worcestershire sauce, ½ teaspoon salt,and ¼ teaspoon pepper. Using cleanhands, smoosh these together untilthey’re well-blended. Form into 6 ovalpatties. Brown them on either side in ahot skillet and then remove to a bakingdish.

Pour off all but about 1 tablespoon(15 ml) grease from the skillet. Add themushrooms and remaining ¼ cup (40 g)onion to the skillet and sauté until the

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mushrooms soften.Add the beef broth, beef bouillon

granules, garlic, and tomato paste andstir until the bouillon and tomato pasteblend in. Now stir in the CarbCountdown and the remaining 2tablespoons (30 ml) cream. Thicken to agravy consistency with guar or xanthan,stir in the remaining ½ tablespoon (7.5ml) Worcestershire sauce, and seasonwith salt and pepper to taste.

Pour the gravy over the patties,distributing the mushrooms evenly. Bakefor 1 hour. Serve with Fauxtatoes (page209) for that gravy!

Yield: 6 servings

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Each with 35 g protein; 7 g carb; 1 gdietary fiber; 6 grams usable carbs.Analysis does not include Fauxtatoes.

Chuckwagon Steak

2 to 2½ pounds (910 g to 1.1 kg)boneless beef chuck steak, 1½to 2 inches (4 to 5 cm) thick

2 teaspoons meat tenderizer1 cup (240 ml) olive oil¼ cup (60 ml) cider vinegar

cup (160 ml) lime juice

Sprinkle half the tenderizer evenly overone side of the chuck and pierce the meatall over with a fork. Turn it over andrepeat on the other side using the other

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teaspoon of tenderizer.Now, put the meat in a flat, shallow,

nonreactive pan that fits it fairly closelyor in a big resealable plastic bag. Mixtogether the rest of the ingredients andpour them over the steak. If you’re usinga bag, press out the air, seal it up, andturn it a few times to coat the wholepiece of meat. If you’re using a pan, turnthe meat to coat it. Stick the whole thingin the fridge, and let the meat marinatefor at least several hours, turning it afew times.

When dinnertime rolls around (oractually a bit beforehand), get a grillgoing—you’ll want your charcoal to bewhite or your gas grill on medium or atouch higher. Just pull the steak out and

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grill it—about 12 minutes per side putsit at about the degree of doneness I like,but you cook it to your liking; then sliceit across the grain.

This is great plain, but it’s also agood choice to serve with the CilantroChimichurri (page 476).

Yield: 6 servings

If you consumed all of the marinade,each serving would have 3 grams ofcarbohydrate and a trace of fiber, but ofcourse, you drain the marinade off. I’dcount no more than 1 gram ofcarbohydrate per serving, and I suspectthat’s a generous estimate; 30 grams ofprotein. Analysis does not include

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Cilantro Chimichurri.

Steak Diane

12-ounce (340 g) steak, ½ inch(1.3 cm) thick—Use rib eye,sirloin, strip, or whatever youlike.

2 tablespoons (28 g) butter3 scallions, finely minced1 tablespoon (3.8 g) minced

parsley1½ teaspoons minced garlic1 tablespoon (15 ml) brandy2 tablespoons (30 ml) dry sherry1½ teaspoons Worcestershire


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In a heavy skillet over medium-highheat, sauté the steak in the butter—figure5 to 6 minutes per side. While that’shappening, mince up the scallions andparsley.

When the steak is done to your liking,remove it to a platter and keep it warm.

Turn the heat down to medium. Addthe scallions, parsley, and garlic andsauté in the butter for a minute or so.Add the brandy, sherry, andWorcestershire sauce, turn the heat backup, and boil hard while stirring to scrapeany nice brown bits off the bottom of thepan. Let it boil for a minute or so toreduce, pour it over the steak, and serve.

Yield: 2 servings

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Each with 3 grams of carbohydrates and2 grams of fiber, for a total of just 1gram of usable carbs and 25 grams ofprotein.

Uptown Chuck

2 to 2½ pounds (910 g to 1.1 kg)boneless chuck steak, 1½ to 2inches (4 to 5 cm) thick

2 teaspoons meat tenderizer½ cup (120 ml) canola oil¼ cup (60 ml) soy sauce½ cup (120 ml) dry red wine1 tablespoon (6 g) grated ginger2 teaspoons curry powder2 tablespoons (30 ml) Dana’s No-

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Sugar Ketchup (page 463)¼ teaspoon pepper1 teaspoon hot pepper sauce

Sprinkle half the tenderizer over oneside of the steak, pierce it all over witha fork, turn it, and repeat with the rest ofthe tenderizer. This one works best witha shallow, flat, nonreactive pan. Placethe steak in the pan. Mix everything elsetogether, reserving some marinade forbasting. Pour the rest over the steak andthen turn the steak over to coat bothsides with the marinade. Stick the wholething in the fridge and let it marinate,turning it over when you think of it, for atleast several hours, and overnight iseven better.

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Start a charcoal fire or preheat a gasgrill. Once you have your grill going andyour coals are white or your gas grill isheated, grill the steak for about 12minutes per side or to your liking,basting a few times with the reservedmarinade and using a clean utensil eachtime you baste. Slice across the grainand serve.

Yield: 6 servings

3 grams of carbohydrate per serving, butagain, that assumes you consume all ofthe marinade. I’d count no more than 1gram per serving; 25 grams of protein.

Steak with Brandy-Stilton

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Cream Sauce

This is decadent beyond belief andabsolutely magnificent. Stilton, if youhaven’t tried it, is a very strong bluecheese from England. If you can’t find it,use whatever blue cheese you’ve gotkicking around, and I’m sure it will befine.

1 pound (455 g) beef rib eyesteak, 1¼ inches (3 cm) thick(or use any tender, broilablecut)

1 tablespoon (15 ml) olive oil2 tablespoons (30 ml) brandy½ cup (120 ml) heavy cream2 ounces (55 g) Stilton cheese,

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In a big, heavy skillet over medium-highheat, start pan-broiling the steak in theolive oil. About 6 minutes per side isright for my tastes, but do it to yourpreferred degree of doneness. When thesteak is done, remove to a platter andkeep t warm!

Remove the pan from the heat andcarefully pour in the brandy. Return thepan to the stove and stir the brandyaround, dissolving all the brown bitsstuck to the skillet. Now pour in thecream and stir. Add the Stilton and stiruntil it’s melted and the sauce smoothesout. Pour over the steak and serve.

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Yield: 3 servings

Each with 26 g protein; 1 gcarbohydrate; 0 g dietary fiber; 1 gusable carb.

Costa Brava Steak

I was surprised that this traditional,anchovy-based Spanish sauce was notparticularly fishy—just rich, mellow,and complex.

12 to 16 ounces (340 to 455 g)steak, ½ to ¾ inch thick (1 to 2cm)—rib eye, sirloin, strip,anything tender and fit forbroiling

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cup (50 g) shelled walnuts3 anchovy fillets½ teaspoon red wine vinegar or

sherry vinegar cup (80 ml) olive oil

Start the steak broiling as close aspossible to the heating element. Set yourtimer to remind you when to turn it—fora steak ½-inch (1 cm) thick, 5 minutesper side is about right for my tastes.

While the steak is broiling, put thewalnuts, anchovies, and vinegar in afood processor with the S-blade inplace. Pulse to chop everything together—unless your machine is smaller thanmine, the mixture will end up out againstthe walls of the processor bowl pretty

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quickly!Scrape down the sides of the

processor to get the mixture back into thepath of the blade. Put the top back on,turn the processor on, and slowly pour inabout half of the olive oil. If necessary,scrape down the sides of the processoragain at this point and then turn it backon and add the rest of the oil.

When both sides of the steak are done,spread this sauce over the steak. Turnthe broiler to low, put the steak backunder it for just a minute and then

Yield: The number of servings willdepend on the size of your steak

Assuming a 12-ounce (340 g) steak, I’d

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call it 2 servings, each with 3 grams ofcarbohydrates and 1 gram of fiber, for atotal of 2 grams of usable carbs and 31grams of protein.

Portobello Fillets

Here’s a very simple way to make thosewonderful but pricey little fillets mignonseem bigger, while impressing the heckout of your company. Add a big tossedsalad and a loaf of crusty bread for thecarb eaters, and you’ve got an elegantmeal that takes practically no work.

4 fillets mignon, about 5 ounces(140 g) each

4 large portobello mushrooms

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1 cup (240 ml) balsamicvinaigrette dressing

Olive oil for brushing

Lay the portobellos in a shallow bakingdish, gill-side up, and pour the balsamicvinaigrette over them. Turn them overonce or twice to make sure they’rethoroughly coated in the dressing andthen let them sit for 10 to 15 minutes.

Okay, now you’re going to multitask:Heat the broiler to high and brush thesteaks with a little olive oil. Also heatup an electric tabletop grill.

Start the fillets broiling close to theheat—I’d probably give them about 5 to5½ minutes per side, but cook them toyour own preference. When you turn

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them over, put the marinated mushroomsin the electric grill. Let them cook forabout 5 minutes. Your steak and yourmushrooms should be done right aboutthe same moment!

Put each mushroom on a plate and puta fillet on top of each. Serve piping hot.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 28 g protein; 9 gcarbohydrate; 2 g dietary fiber; 7 gusable carbs. However, this analysisassumes you consume all of the balsamicvinaigrette, while in actuality some willbe left in the dish you marinated themushrooms in. So you’ll actually getfewer carbs than this.

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Feel free to cut a larger steak intoindividual portions to serve on yourmushrooms, if you prefer. Those filletsjust come exactly the right size. Do,however, use a good thick steak for this—at least 1¼ inches (3 cm).

Ginger Marinated Chuck

I have a yummy pot roast recipe thatcalls for tomatoes, cider vinegar, andginger, so this idea was a natural.

2 pounds (910 g) boneless chuck,1½ to 2 inches (4 to 5 cm) thick

2 teaspoons meat tenderizer¼ cup (60 ml) Dana’s No-Sugar

Ketchup (page 463)

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¼ cup (60 ml) vinaigrettedressing (I use PaulNewman’s.)

2½ tablespoons (3.8 g) Splenda½ teaspoon blackstrap molasses2 teaspoons grated ginger½ teaspoon salt1 tablespoon (15 ml) water1 tablespoon (15 ml) cider

vinegar½ teaspoon soy sauce

First, sprinkle a teaspoon of tenderizerover one side of the meat, pierce it allover with a fork, flip it over, and repeatwith the rest of the tenderizer. Now putthe meat in a large resealable plastic bagor in a shallow, nonreactive pan. Mix

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together everything else and reservesome of the mixture for basting. Pour therest over the meat. If you’re using aresealable plastic bag, press out the airand seal it. Either way, turn the chucksteak over once or twice to make sureit’s coated with the marinade. Stash it inthe fridge and let it marinate for at leastseveral hours, and overnight is better.

When it’s time to cook, get the grillgoing, setting your gas grill to medium orletting your charcoal get a good coat ofash. Pull your steak out of the marinadeand grill it for about 10 minutes per side,basting frequently with the reservedmarinade and using a clean utensil eachtime.

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Yield: 6 servings

Each serving will have 3 grams ofcarbohydrate—again, that’s if youconsume all of the marinade. I’d countno more than 1 gram of carbohydrate perserving and 24 grams of protein.

Orange Tequila Steak

Here’s a Southwestern twist for yoursteak.

1 pound (455 g) beef steak—Ribeye is my choice, but sirloin orT-bone should do fine.

3 cloves garlic¼ cup (60 ml) lemon juice

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¼ cup (60 ml) lime juice1½ ounces (45 ml) tequila1½ teaspoons chili powder1 tablespoon (1.5 g) Splenda1½ teaspoons dried oregano3 tablespoons (45 ml) olive oil¼ teaspoon orange extract

Throw the steak in a big resealableplastic bag. Mix together everythingelse, reserving some liquid for basting,and pour the rest into the bag. Seal thebag, pressing out the air as you go. Turnthe bag to coat the steak and then throwit in the fridge and let the steak marinatefor at least a few hours, and a whole dayis fine.

Pull the steak out of the fridge and

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pour off the marinade. Now you get todecide—outside on the grill or inside inthe broiler? Either way, grill or broilyour steak fast, close to high heat (but ifyou’re using a charcoal grill, keep downflare-ups; they char, not cook). If yoursteak is 1¼ inch (3 cm) thick (that’s howI have the meat guys cut mine), about 6to 6½ minutes per side will be right formedium to medium-rare. Baste at least 2or 3 times with the reserved marinadeduring cooking—using a clean utensileach time you baste.

Yield: 2 to 3 servings

Assuming 3, each will have 26 g protein;6 g carbohydrate; 1 g dietary fiber—but

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this assumes you consume all of themarinade, which you won’t. I’d guess nomore than 3 g per serving. Analysis doesnot include any side

Carne Asada Steak

Carne asada is Spanish for “grilledbeef”—well, actually, “meat,” but beefis assumed. It’s a Mexican andSouthwestern specialty. I don’t knowhow authentic my version is, but it suretastes good, especially with an ice-coldlight beer.

2 pounds (910 g) boneless roundsteak or chuck, 1½ to 2 inches(4 to 5 cm) thick

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2 teaspoons meat tenderizer½ cup (120 ml) red wine vinegar¼ cup (60 ml) olive oil2 tablespoons (30 ml) Dana’s No-

Sugar Ketchup (page 463)1 tablespoon (15 ml) soy sauce2 cloves garlic, crushed2 teaspoons ground or rubbed

sage½ teaspoon salt1 teaspoon dry mustard1 teaspoon paprika2 jalapenos, minced

Sprinkle one side of the meat with 1teaspoon of the tenderizer and pierce itall over with a fork. Turn it over andtreat the other side the same way with

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the second teaspoon of tenderizer. Putthe meat in a large resealable plastic bagor in a shallow, nonreactive pan. Mixtogether everything else (wash yourhands after handling those jalapenos!).Reserve some marinade for basting andpour the rest over the meat. If you’reusing a bag, press out the air, seal it, andturn it a few times to coat the meat; ifyou’re using a pan, turn the meat overonce or twice to coat. Put the meat in therefrigerator and let it marinate for atleast several hours—overnight is better—turning it now and then.

When dinnertime rolls around, startyour grill and let your charcoal burndown to the well-ashed stage or set yourgas grill to medium. Grill your steak for

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about 10 minutes per side, bastingfrequently with the reserved marinade.Use a clean utensil each time you baste.If you’d like, you can put the leftovermarinade in a microwavable bowl or ina saucepan and either microwave it untilit’s boiled for a minute or bring it to aboil on the stove and then serve it as asauce.

Yield: 6 servings

If you do use the leftover marinade as asauce and eat all of it, each serving willhave 3 grams of carbohydrate, and atrace of fiber, for a usable carb count of3 grams; 29 grams of protein.

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Marinated Sirloin

1½ to 2 pounds (680 to 910 g)sirloin steak, 1 inch (2.5 cm)thick

1 cup (240 ml) water½ cup (120 ml) soy sauce3 tablespoons (45 ml)

Worcestershire sauce½ medium onion, finely minced1½ tablespoons (23 ml) balsamic

vinegar½ tablespoon wine vinegar1½ tablespoons (22.5 ml) lemon

juice1 tablespoon (15 ml) spicy brown

or Dijon mustard

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2 cloves garlic, crushed

Combine everything but the steak in alarge measuring cup or bowl with apouring lip. This is your marinade.

Place the steak in a large, resealableplastic bag, pour in the marinade, andseal the bag. Place it in a flat pan (incase the bag springs a leak) and stick thewhole thing in the fridge for at leastseveral hours or overnight if you havethe time.

About 15 minutes before you’re readyto cook, remove your steak from the bagand preheat the broiler or grill. Broil orgrill it to your liking.

Yield: Figure at least 4 servings from a

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1½-pound (680 g) steak, and 5 or 6servings from a 2-pounder (910 g).

There are a few grams of carbs in themarinade, but since you discard most ofit, there’s less than 1 gram ofcarbohydrates added to each serving, nofiber, and no protein. Each serving ofsteak has no carbohydrates, no fiber, andabout 25 grams of protein.

Smoky Marinated Steak

This has a subtle but great smoky flavorthat really enhances the meat.

1 pound (455 g) T-bone steak atleast 1 inch (2.5 cm) thick

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(Sirloin or rib eye would dotoo.)

1 tablespoon (15 ml) liquid smokeflavoring (Most big grocerystores carry this.)

1 teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal1 clove garlic, crushed1 dash pepper1 teaspoon olive oil teaspoon onion powder

¼ cup (60 ml) water

Put the steak in a resealable plastic bag.Mix together everything else, reservingsome marinade for basting. Pour the restinto the bag and seal, pressing out the airas you go. Turn the bag once or twice tocoat and throw the steak in the fridge for

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a few hours at least, and a day won’thurt a bit.

When dinnertime rolls around, preheatthe broiler. Pull out the steak and pouroff the marinade. Broil very close to ahigh broiler—for a steak about 1¼inches (3 cm), I like about 6 minutes perside, but do it to your liking. Bastehalfway through cooking each side, usingthe reserved marinade and a cleanutensil each time.

Yield: 3 servings

Each with 23 g protein; 1 gcarbohydrate; trace dietary fiber; 1 gusable carb.

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Steak Au Poivre withBrandy Cream

This dish is for black pepper loversonly!

¾ pound (340 g) tender, wellmarbled steak (such as rib eyeor sirloin), ½ to ¾ inch (1 to 2cm) thick

4 teaspoons coarse crackedpepper

1 tablespoon (14 g) butter1 tablespoon (15 ml) olive oil2 tablespoons (30 ml) brandy2 tablespoons (30 ml) heavy


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Place the steak on a plate and sprinklehalf of the pepper evenly over it. Usingyour hands or the back of a spoon, pressthe pepper firmly into the steak’ssurface. Turn the steak over and do thesame thing to the other side.

Add the butter and oil to a large,heavy skillet over high heat. When theskillet is hot, add the steak. For a ½-inch(1 cm) thick steak, 4½ minutes per sideis about right; go maybe 5½ minutes fora ¾-inch (2 cm) thick steak.

When the steak is done on both sides,turn off the heat, pour the brandy over it,and light it on fire.

When the flames die down, remove

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the steak to a serving platter and pour thecream into the skillet. Stir it around,dissolving the meat juices and brandyinto it. Season lightly with salt and pourit over the steak.

Yield: 2 servings

Each with 3 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 2 grams ofusable carbs and 25 grams of protein.

Platter Sauce for Steak

Make this with the drippings whenyou’re pan-broiling a steak (cooking it ina hot, dry skillet).

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2 tablespoons (28 g) butter1 teaspoon dry mustard½ teaspoon Worcestershire sauce½ teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal½ teaspoon pepper

After pan-broiling a steak, pour off mostof the grease. Melt the butter in the panand then stir in the mustard,Worcestershire sauce, salt, and pepper,stirring it around so you scrape up thenice brown bits from the pan.

Let it bubble a minute, pour it over thehot steak, and serve.

Yield: This is about enough for a 1-pound (455-g) steak

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1 gram of carbohydrates, no fiber, andno protein.

Cube Steaks in Gravy

1½ pounds (680 g) cube steaks1 tablespoon (15 ml) olive oil1 medium onion, sliced8 ounces (225 g) sliced

mushrooms3 cups (710 ml) beef broth1 tablespoon (15 ml) beef bouillon

concentrateGuar or xanthan

In a big, heavy skillet, heat the oil andbrown the steaks on both sides.

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Put the onion and mushrooms in aslow cooker.

In a bowl, stir the broth and bouillonand pour the mixture over thevegetables. Place the steaks on top.Cover the slow cooker, set it to low, andlet it cook for 6 to 7 hours.

When the time’s up, remove the steaksand thicken the sauce with guar orxanthan to your liking.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 29 g protein, 5 gcarbohydrate, 1 g dietary fiber, 4 gusable carbs.

Swiss Steak

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Here’s a no-work version of this old-time favorite.

1 large onion, sliced3 pounds (1.4 kg) beef round1 tablespoon (15 ml) beef bouillon

concentrate8 ounces (240 ml) vegetable juice

(such as V8)2 stalks celery, slicedGuar or xanthan (optional)

Place the onion in a slow cooker. Placethe beef on top.

In a bowl, stir the bouillon into thevegetable juice. Pour the mixture overthe beef. Scatter the celery on top. Coverthe slow cooker, set it to low, and let it

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cook for 8 to 10 hours.When the time’s up, thicken the juices

with guar or xanthan, if desired. Serveover Fauxtatoes (page 209).

Yield: 8 servings

Each with 35 g protein, 3 gcarbohydrate, 1 g dietary fiber, 2 gusable carbs. Analysis does not includeFauxtatoes.

Beef Burgundy

This is a handy one-dish company meal.Put it together on a Saturday morning,and it will cook happily by itself allafternoon.

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2 pounds (910 g) boneless beef

round or chuck, cut into 2-inch(5-cm) cubes

¼ cup (60 ml) olive oil1 cup (240 ml) dry red wine¾ teaspoon guar or xanthan1½ teaspoons salt or Vege-Sal1 teaspoon paprika1 teaspoon dried oregano1 big onion, sliced8 ounces (225 g) mushrooms,

wiped clean with a damp cloth2 green peppers, cut into chunks

Preheat the oven to 250°F (120°C, orgas mark ½).

Put the oil in a heavy skillet over

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medium-high heat and brown the beef inthe oil.

Put the browned beef in a 10-cup(2.8-L) casserole dish with a lid.

Combine the wine and guar in theblender, blending for 10 seconds or so,and then pour the mixture over the beef.

Add the salt, paprika, oregano, onion,mushrooms, and green peppers to thecasserole dish and give it a quick stir.Cover and put it in the oven for 5 hours.When it comes out, you can boil downthe liquid a bit in a saucepan to make itthicker, if you like, but it’s quite nicejust like this.

Yield: 6 generous servings

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Each with 8 grams of carbohydrates and3 grams of fiber, for a total of 5 grams ofusable carbs and 25 grams of protein.

Simple Salsa Beef

Here’s one of those super-simple dump-and-go recipes. It’s great for a day whenyou didn’t get dinner in the slow cookerthe night before!

3 pounds (1.4 kg) beef arm potroast

3 turnips, peeled and cubed1 pound (455 g) baby carrots2 cups (520 g) salsaGuar or xanthan (optional)

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Put the turnips and carrots in a slowcooker and place the beef on top. Pourthe salsa over everything. Cover theslow cooker, set it to low, and let itcook for 8 to 10 hours.

When the time’s up, remove the beefand pull it apart into shreds with twoforks. Scoop the vegetables out ontoserving plates with a slotted spoon. Pilethe beef on top. If desired, thicken thesauce with a little guar or xanthan.Spoon the sauce over the vegetables andbeef.

Yield: 8 servings

Each with 26 g protein, 11 gcarbohydrate, 3 g dietary fiber, 8 g

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usable carbs.

New England Boiled Dinner

This is our traditional St. Patrick’s Daydinner, but it’s a simple, satisfying one-pot meal on any chilly night. If you havecarb-eaters in the family, you can add afew little red boiling potatoes, still intheir skins.

1 corned beef “for simmering”(about 3 pounds, or 1.4 kg)

6 small turnips (golf ball to tennisball size)

2 big ribs celery, cut into chunks2 medium onions, cut into chunks½ head cabbage

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Spicy brown mustardHorseradishButter

Peel the turnips and throw them in intothe slow cooker along with the celeryand the onions. Set the corned beef ontop and add water to cover.

There will be a seasoning packet withthe corned beef—dump it into the slowcooker. Put the lid on the slow cooker,set it on low, and leave it alone for 10 to12 hours. (You can cut the cooking timedown to 6 to 8 hours if you set the slowcooker on high, but the low setting yieldsthe most tender results.)

When you come home from work allthose hours later, remove the corned

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beef from the cooker with a fork or sometongs, put the lid back on the slowcooker to retain heat, put the beef on aplatter, and keep it someplace warm. Cutthe cabbage into big wedges and drop itinto the slow cooker with the othervegetables.

Re-cover the slow cooker and turn itup to high. Have a green beer (lite beer,of course) while the cabbage cooks for30 minutes.

With a slotted spoon, remove all thevegetables and pile them around thecorned beef on a platter. Serve with themustard and horseradish as condimentsfor the beef and butter for the vegetables.

Yield: 8 servings (and of course, you

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don’t need a thing with it)

Each with 9 grams of carbohydrates and2 grams of fiber, for a total of 7 grams ofusable carbs and 26 grams of protein.

This is easy, but it takes a long time tocook. Do yourself a favor, and assembleit ahead of time.

Maple-Glazed Corned Beefwith Vegetables

This is a trifle less traditional but just asgood as the New England Boiled Dinner(page 396). The pancake syrup andmustard, plus last-minute glazing underthe broiler, give it a new aspect.

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5 pounds (2.3 kg) corned beef

brisket6 medium turnips, cut into chunks2 medium carrots, cut into chunks1 medium onion, quartered2 cups (480 ml) water1 medium head cabbage, cut into

wedges3 tablespoons (45 ml) sugar-free

pancake syrup1 tablespoon (15 ml) brown


Place the turnips, carrots, and onion inyour slow cooker. Place the corned beefon top. Scatter the contents of the

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accompanying seasoning packet overeverything and pour the water over thewhole thing. Cover the slow cooker, setit to low, and let it cook for 9 to 10hours, and a bit more won’t hurt!

When the time’s up, carefully removethe corned beef and put it on a broilerrack, fatty side up. Use a slotted spoonto skim out the vegetables, put them on aplatter, cover, and keep in a warm place.

Preheat the broiler.Place the cabbage in the slow cooker,

set it to high, and let it cook for 15 to 20minutes or until just tender. (Or you canpour the liquid from the pot into asaucepan and cook the cabbage in it onyour stovetop, which is faster.)

While the cabbage is cooking, mix

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together the pancake syrup and themustard. Spread the mixture over thecorned beef, just the side that is up.When the cabbage is almost done, runthe corned beef under the broiler for 2 to3 minutes until glazed.

Transfer the cabbage to the platterwith a slotted spoon. Slice the cornedbeef across the grain and serveimmediately with horseradish andmustard.

Yield: 12 servings

Each with 29 g protein, 10 gcarbohydrate, 3 g dietary fiber, 7 gusable carbs. (This carb count does notinclude the polyols in the pancake

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Beef in Beer

The tea, the beer, and the long, slowcooking make this as tender as can be.

2 pounds (910 g) boneless beefround roast

2 to 3 tablespoons (30 to 45 ml)olive oil

1 medium onion, sliced1 can (8 ounces, or 225 g) tomato

sauce12 ounces (360 ml) light beer1 teaspoon instant tea powder1 can (4 ounces, or 115 g)

unsweetened mushrooms,drained

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2 cloves garlic, crushed

Heat oil in a big, heavy skillet overmedium-high heat and sear the beef untilit’s brown all over. Transfer the beef toa slow cooker.

In the oil left in the skillet, fry theonion for a few minutes and add that tothe slow cooker, too.

Pour the tomato sauce and beer overthe beef. Sprinkle the tea over it and addthe mushrooms and garlic. Cover theslow cooker, set it to low, and let itcook for 8 to 9 hours. This is goodserved with Fauxtatoes (page 209).

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 28 g protein, 7 g

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carbohydrate, 2 g dietary fiber, 5 gusable carbs. Analysis does not includeFauxtatoes.

Beef with Asian MushroomSauce

Once you have the Hoisin Sauce onhand, this is very quick to put together.The Hoisin Sauce is a snap, and it keepswell in the fridge.

4 pounds (1.8 kg) beef tip roast4 ounces (115 g) sliced

mushrooms¼ cup (60 ml) Hoisin Sauce (page


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2 cloves garlic, minced½ teaspoon salt¼ cup (60 ml) beef brothGuar or xanthan6 tablespoons (35 g) sliced


Put the mushrooms in a slow cooker andplace the beef on top. Spread the HoisinSauce over the beef, scatter the garlicand salt over it, and pour in the brotharound it. Cover the slow cooker, set itto low, and let it cook for 9 hours.

When the time’s up, remove the beeffrom the slow cooker and put it on aplatter. Add guar or xanthan to thickenup the sauce a bit and then pour thesauce into a sauce boat. Slice the beef

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and serve it with the sauce, topped withthe scallions.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 61 g protein, 4 gcarbohydrate, 1 g dietary fiber, 3 gusable carbs.

Peking Slow-Cooker PotRoast

3 to 5 pound (1.4 to 2.3 kg) beefroast (round, chuck, or rump)

5 or 6 cloves garlic½ cup (120 ml) cider vinegar½ cup (120 ml) water

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1 small onion1½ cups (360 ml) strong coffee

(Instant works fine.)1 teaspoon guar or xanthanSalt and pepper

At least 24 to 36 hours before you wantto actually cook your roast, stick holes inthe meat with a thin-bladed knife, cut thegarlic cloves into slices, and insert aslice into each hole. Put the garlic-studded roast in a big bowl and pour thevinegar and the water over it. Put it inthe fridge and let it sit there for a day orso, turning it over when you think of it sothe whole thing marinates.

On the morning of the day you want toserve the roast, drain off the marinade

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and put the roast in the slow cooker.Thinly slice the onion and put it on topof the roast. Pour the coffee over theroast and onion, put on the lid, set thecooker on low, and leave it alone for 8hours for a smaller roast or up to 10hours for a larger one.

When you’re ready to eat, remove theroast from the cooker carefully becauseit will now be so tender it’s likely to fallapart.

Scoop out 2 cups (480 ml) of theliquid and some of the onions and putthem in the blender with the guar. Blendfor few seconds and then pour into asaucepan set over high heat. Boil thissauce hard for about 5 minutes to reduceit a bit. Season the sauce with salt and

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pepper to taste (it’s amazing thedifference the salt and pepper makehere; I didn’t like the flavor of this sauceuntil I added the salt and pepper, andthen I liked it a lot) and slice and servethe roast with this sauce.

Yield: If you use a 4-pound (1.8-kg),boneless roast, you’ll get 12 servings

Each with 3 grams of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 34 grams of protein.

Warning: Do not try to make this with atender cut of beef! This recipe willtenderize the toughest cut; a tender onewill practically dissolve. Useinexpensive, tough cuts and prepare tobe amazed at how fork-tender they get.

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Balsamic Pot Roast

Balsamic vinegar and rosemary give thispot roast an Italian accent.

3½ pounds (1.6 kg) beef round,trimmed of fat

2 tablespoons (30 ml) olive oil1 large onion, sliced2 cloves garlic, crushed1 cup (240 ml) beef broth1 teaspoon beef bouillon

concentrate¼ cup (60 ml) balsamic vinegar½ teaspoon dried rosemary,

ground1 cup (240 g) canned diced

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tomatoesGuar or xanthan

In a big, heavy skillet, sear the beef inthe oil until browned all over. Transferthe beef to a slow cooker. Scatter theonion and garlic around the beef.

In a bowl, stir together the broth,bouillon, vinegar, and rosemary. Pourthe mixture over the beef. Pour thetomatoes on top. Season with pepper.Cover the slow cooker, set it to low, andlet it cook for 8 hours.

When the time’s up, remove the beefwith tongs and place it on a servingplatter. Scoop the onions out with aslotted spoon and pile them around theroast. Thicken the juice left in the slow

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cooker with guar or xanthan and serve itwith the beef.

Yield: 8 servings

Each with 42 g protein, 5 gcarbohydrate, trace dietary fiber, 5 gusable

Ginger Beef

This is my favorite thing to do with a potroast. It has a bright flavor full oftomato, fruit, and ginger.

3- to 4-pound (1.4- to 1.8-kg)boneless chuck or round roast,about 2 inches (5 cm) thick

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3 tablespoons (45 ml) olive oil1 small onion1 clove garlic, crushed1 can (14½ ounces, or 410 g)

diced tomatoes1 tablespoon (1.5 g) Splenda1 teaspoon ground ginger¼ cup (60 ml) cider vinegar

Place the oil in a large, heavy skillet andbrown the roast in it over medium-highheat. When both sides are well-seared,add the onion, garlic, and tomatoes.

In a bowl, stir the Splenda and gingerinto the vinegar and add that mixture tothe skillet, stirring to combine.

Cover the skillet, turn the heat to low,and let the whole thing simmer for about

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1¼ hours. Serve with the vegetablespiled on top.

Yield: A 3-pound (1.4-kg) roast shouldyield at least 6 servings

Each with 6 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 5 grams ofusable carbs and 47 grams of protein.

Yankee Pot Roast

This old-time favorite is just as good asyou remember.

2½- to 3-pound (1.1- to 1.4-kg)boneless chuck roast

¼ cup (60 ml) olive oil

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1¾ cups (420 ml) water, divided1 medium onion, sliced1 large rib celery, sliced2 small turnips, cut into chunks1 medium carrot, sliced½ cup (30 g) chopped fresh

parsley4 ounces (115 g) mushrooms,

thickly sliced1 teaspoon liquid beef bouillon

concentrate½ teaspoon guar or xanthan gum

Put the oil in a Dutch oven over mediumheat and sear the roast in the oil until it’sdark brown all over. Remove the roastfrom the Dutch oven.

Put ¼ cup (60 ml) of the water and the

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sliced onions in the Dutch oven andplace the roast directly on top of theonions. Cover the Dutch oven, set theburner to low, and forget about it for 1½to 2 hours.

Remove the roast again—it’ll be verytender and may break a bit—and add 1cup (240 ml) of the water and the celery,turnips, carrot, parsley, and mushrooms.Put the roast back in on top of thevegetables and cover the Dutch oven.Let it simmer for another 30 to 45minutes or until the turnip and carrot aresoft.

Remove the roast to a serving platterand use a slotted spoon to pile thevegetables over the roast or in aseparate bowl, as you prefer.

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Put the last ½ cup (120 ml) of waterin the blender with the bouillon and guarand blend for 15 seconds or so until allthe thickener is dissolved. Scrape themixture into the Dutch oven and stir itaround to thicken the gravy. Pour thegravy over the roast or put it in a gravyboat or pitcher and

Yield: 6 to 8 servings, depending on thesize of the roast. A 3-pound (1.4-kg)roast has 8 servings

Each with 5 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 4 grams ofusable carbs and 28 grams of protein.

Pepperoncini Beef

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Pepperoncini are hot-but-not-scorchingpickled Italian salad peppers. You’llfind these in the same aisle as the olivesand pickles. They make this beef veryspecial.

2 to 3 pounds (910 g to 1.4 kg)boneless chuck pot roast

1 cup (120 g) pepperoncinipeppers, undrained

½ medium onion, choppedGuar or xanthan

Place the beef in a slow cooker, pour thepeppers on top, and strew the onion overthat. Cover the slow cooker, set it tolow, and let it cook for 8 hours.

When the time’s up, remove the beef,

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put it on a platter, and use a slottedspoon to scoop out the peppers and pilethem on top of the beef. Thicken thejuices in the pot with the guar or xanthan.Add salt and pepper to taste and servethe sauce with the beef.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 24 g protein, 3 gcarbohydrate, trace dietary fiber, 3 gusable carbs. (This analysis is for a 2-pound [910-g] roast.)


This classic German pot roast takesadvance planning, but it’s not a lot of

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work and yields impressive results.Don’t forget the Fauxtatoes (page 209)for that gravy!

4 pounds (1.8 kg) boneless beefround or chuck

1 cup (240 ml) cider vinegar1 cup (240 ml) water½ onion, sliced2 bay leaves1 teaspoon pepper¼ cup (6 g) Splenda2 tablespoons (26 g) bacon grease

or oil¼ teaspoon ground ginger1 cup (230 g) light sour cream

(Use full-fat sour cream if youprefer, but it’s no lower carb.)

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Guar or xanthan (optional)

Pierce the beef all over with a fork. In adeep, non-reactive bowl (stainless steel,glass, or enamel), combine the vinegar,water, onion, bay leaves, pepper, andSplenda. Place the beef in the marinadeand put the bowl in the refrigerator.Marinate the beef for at least 3 days, and5 or 6 days won’t hurt. Turn it over atleast once a day, so both sides marinateevenly.

When the time comes to cook yourSauerbrauten, remove the beef from themarinade and pat it dry with papertowels. Reserve the marinade.

In a big, heavy skillet, heat the bacongrease or oil and sear the beef all over.

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Transfer the beef to a slowScoop the onion and bay leaves out of

the marinade with a slotted spoon andput them on top of the beef. Remove 1cup (240 ml) of the marinade from thebowl and add the ginger to it. Pour thisover the beef and discard the remainingmarinade. Cover the slow cooker, set itto low, and let it cook for 7 to 8 hours.

When the time’s up, remove the beefto a serving plate. Remove the bayleaves. Stir the sour cream into theliquid in the slow cooker and thicken itwith guar or xanthan if you think it needsit. Add salt and pepper to taste and servethe sauce with the beef.

Yield: 10 servings

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Each with 38 g protein, 3 gcarbohydrate, trace dietary fiber, 3 gusable carbs. Analysis does not includeFauxtatoes.

Lone Star Brisket

The Texas BBQ Brisket Sauce on page472 would be a natural with this.

2 pounds (910 g) beef brisket1 teaspoon meat tenderizer½ cup (120 ml) oil½ cup (120 ml) cider vinegar1 teaspoon chili powder2 tablespoons (30 ml)

Worcestershire sauce1 teaspoon Splenda

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½ teaspoon pepperWood chips or chunks, soaked for

at least 30 minutes

Sprinkle one side of the brisket with ½teaspoon of the tenderizer and pierce themeat all over with a fork. Turn it overand repeat. Put the brisket in a shallow,nonreactive pan.

Mix together the remainingingredients. Reserve some marinade forbasting, pour the rest over the brisket,and turn it once or twice to coat. Let thebrisket marinate for several hours atleast, and overnight is great.

At least 3 hours before dinner, set upyour grill for indirect cooking (put thecoals on one side of the grill or leave

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half the burners off on a gas grill). Addwood chips or chunks. Smoke the brisketfor about 3 hours or until tender. Mopthe brisket with the reserved marinadeevery half hour or so, using a cleanutensil each time you baste.

Yield: 5 to 6 servings

Assuming 6, each would have 3 grams ofcarbohydrate if you consumed all themarinade—which you won’t. Figure thatyou’ll get no more than 1 gram of carbper serving, not including any finishingsauce you might add; 26 grams ofprotein.

Bodacious Brined and

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Barbecued Beef Brisket

Stand back when you say that! MostAmericans have tried one form of brinedbrisket—corned beef. Well, this may bea brined brisket, but it ain’t much likecorned beef—it’s hot and spicy and soyummy that adding sauce would be a sin.Eat it

2 pounds (910 g) beef brisket2 teaspoons meat tenderizer2 tablespoons (40 g) kosher salt1 quart (960 ml) water1 tablespoon (7.8 g) chili powder2 tablespoons (3 g) Splenda2 cloves garlic1 tablespoon (16.5 g) tomato

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pasteBodacious Beef Brisket Rub

(page 488)Bodacious Beef Brisket Beer

Mop (page 489)Wood chips or chunks, soaked for

at least 30 minutes

Put the brisket on a plate, sprinkle oneside with 1 teaspoon of the meattenderizer, and pierce it all over with afork. Flip it over and do the same to theother side with the remaining teaspoonof tenderizer. Let that sit a minute.

In a flat, shallow, nonreactivecontainer just big enough to hold thebrisket, dissolve the salt in the water(using warm water helps). Stir in the

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chili powder, Splenda, garlic, andtomato paste. Submerge the brisket in thebrine—add just a little more water if thebrisket isn’t totally submerged. Let thebrisket brine for 3 to 5 hours.

When brining time is up, pull out thebrisket and sprinkle it liberally all overwith the Bodacious Beef Brisket Rub.Set up your grill for indirect cooking(put the coals on one side of the grill orleave half the burners off on a gas grill).Add wood chips or chunks and smokethe brisket for a good 3 to 4 hours. Mopwith the Bodacious Beef Brisket BeerMop every half hour to 45 minutes, usinga clean utensil each time you baste.When smoking time’s up, slice thebrisket thin across the grain and serve.

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Yield: Figure 6 servings

This was one of the hardest recipes toestimate the correct carb count for. Theanalysis comes up saying 19 grams ofcarbohydrate per serving, with 3 gramsof fiber, but the vast majority of that is inthe brine and the mop. I’m going to sayabout 6 grams of carb per serving, and Ithink that’s actually high; 28 grams ofprotein.

Chipotle Brisket

Our tester, who loved this recipe, halvedit. You can feel free to do the same.

4 pounds (1.8 kg) beef brisket,

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cut into pieces if necessary tofit into your slow cooker

2 tablespoons (30 ml) olive oil1 medium onion, thinly sliced4 stalks celery, thinly sliced4 cloves garlic, crushed1 tablespoon (7.2 g) dry mustard1 tablespoon (5.4 g) dried

oregano1 teaspoon ground cumin2 teaspoons pepper1 teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal1 can (16 ounces, or 455 g)

tomato sauce½ cup (120 ml) beef broth1 teaspoon beef bouillon


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¼ cup (60 ml) red wine vinegar½ cup (12 g) Splenda½ teaspoon blackstrap molasses2 chipotle chiles canned in adobo

sauce2 bay leavesGuar or xanthan

In a big, heavy skillet, brown the beef allover in the oil over medium-high heat.Transfer the beef to a slow cooker.

Add the onion and celery to the skilletand sauté until softened. Stir in thegarlic, dry mustard, oregano, cumin,pepper, and salt or Vege-Sal and sautéfor another minute or two. Transfer themixture to the slow cooker.

In a blender or food processor,

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combine the tomato sauce, broth,bouillon, vinegar, Splenda, molasses,and chipotles and blend until smooth.

Put the bay leaves in the slow cookerand pour the sauce over the whole thing.Cover the slow cooker, set it to low, andlet it cook for 12 hours.

When the time’s up, remove the beefto a platter. Remove the bay leaves andthicken the sauce to taste with guar orxanthan. Serve the sauce over the beef.

Yield: 8 servings

Each with 41 g protein, 8 gcarbohydrate, 2 g dietary fiber, 6 gusable carbs.

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Good Low-Carb SlowCooked Short Ribs

This was one of the first recipes Iadapted from Peg Bracken’s I Hate ToCook Book, aka the World’s FunniestCookbook (and also one of the mostuseful). It was higher carb and wasn’toriginally a slow cooker recipe, but itadapted well to both!

3 to 4 pounds (1.4 to 1.8 kg) beefshort ribs, frozen or thawed

1 can (8 ounces, or 225 g) tomatosauce

¾ cup (180 ml) water2 tablespoons (30 ml) wine or

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cider vinegar¼ cup (60 ml) soy sauce2 teaspoons Splenda1 large onion, slicedGuar or xanthan (optional)

In a bowl, mix together the tomato sauce,water, vinegar, soy sauce, and Splenda.

Put the ribs in the slow cooker. Placethe onion on top of the ribs. Pour thesauce over the onion and ribs. Cover theslow cooker, set it to low, and let itcook for 8 to 9 hours. (If you put the ribsin thawed, cut about 1 hour off thecooking time.)

When the time’s up, thicken the saucewith guar or xanthan if you prefer. (Thisrecipe gives you tremendously tasty ribs

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in a thin but flavorful sauce—it’s morelike a broth. You can thicken it a bit withguar or xanthan, but I rather like it as itis.)

Yield: 7 servings

Each with 61 g protein, 5 gcarbohydrate, 1 g dietary fiber, 4 gusable carbs. (This analysis is for 3pounds [1.4 kg] of ribs. The total carbswill vary with how much of the sauceyou eat, because most of the carbs are in

Asian Slow Cooker ShortRibs

Look for black bean sauce in Asian

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markets or in the international aisle of abig grocery store. You’ll only use a littleat a time, but it keeps a long time in thefridge and adds authenticity to Asiandishes.

6 pounds (2.7 kg) beef short ribs3 tablespoons (45 ml) oil1 stalk celery, chopped¼ cup (30 g) shredded carrot½ cup (80 g) chopped onion2 tablespoons (12 g) grated

ginger6 teaspoons Chinese black bean

sauce3 teaspoons chili garlic paste3 cloves garlic, crushed¼ cup (60 ml) soy sauce

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1 cup (240 ml) dry red wine2 cups (480 ml) beef broth1 teaspoon five-spice powder1 tablespoon (1.5 g) SplendaGuar or xanthan

In a big, heavy skillet, brown the ribs allover in the oil. Transfer the ribs to aslow cooker.

Add the celery, carrot, and onion tothe skillet and sauté over medium-highheat until they soften and start to brown.Stir in the ginger, black bean sauce, chiligarlic paste, and garlic and sauté foranother couple of minutes. Now stir inthe soy sauce, wine, broth, five-spicepowder, and Splenda. Pour the mixtureover the ribs. Cover the slow cooker, set

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it to low, and let it cook for 6 to 7 hours.When the time’s up, transfer the ribs

to a platter and scoop the vegetables intoa blender with a slotted spoon. Add 2cups (480 ml) of the liquid and run theblender until the vegetables are puréed.Thicken the sauce to heavy creamconsistency with guar or xanthan andserve the sauce with the ribs.

Yield: 12 servings

Each with 35 g protein, 3 gcarbohydrate, trace dietary fiber, 3 gusable carbs.

Short Ribs with Wine andMushrooms

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Short ribs are very flavorful, and this isa simple way to make the most of them.

4 pounds (1.8 kg) beef short ribs2 bay leaves1 tablespoon (15 ml)

Worcestershire sauce1 tablespoon (15 ml) beef bouillon

concentrate½ cup (120 ml) dry red wine1 can (8 ounces, or 225 g)

mushrooms, drainedGuar or xanthan

Place the ribs in a slow cooker. Add thebay leaves, Worcestershire sauce, andbouillon. Pour the wine over everything.Place the mushrooms on top. Cover the

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slow cooker, set it to low, and let itcook for 8 to 10

When the time’s up, use a slottedspoon to scoop out the ribs andmushrooms and put them on a platter.There may be a fair amount of grease onthe liquid in the pot; it’s best to skim itoff. Remove the bay leaves and thickenthe sauce to taste with guar or xanthan.

Yield: 10 servings

Each with 42 g protein, 1 gcarbohydrate, trace dietary fiber, 1 gusable carbs.

Fauxtatoes (page 209) are the ideal sidewith this, so you'll have something to eatall that gravy on!

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Rosemary-Ginger Ribs withApricot Glaze

Blue Slaw (page 241) or any coleslawis good with these. Also, feel free to usea full-size slab of ribs—about 6 pounds(2.7 kg) worth—and double theseasonings if you’re feeding a family.

1 slab baby back ribs, about 2½pounds (1.1 kg)

Purchased Rosemary-Ginger Rub(such as Stubb’s)

2 tablespoons (40 g) low-sugarapricot preserves

1½ teaspoons spicy brownmustard

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1 teaspoon Splenda1½ teaspoons soy sauce

Sprinkle both sides of the slab of ribsgenerously with the Rosemary-GingerRub. Curl the slab of ribs around and fitit down into your slow cooker. Coverand set the slow cooker on low. Forgetabout it for 9 to 10 hours. (No, I didn’tforget anything. You don’t put any liquidin the slow cooker. Don’t sweat it.)

When the time’s up, preheat thebroiler. Mix together the preserves,mustard, Splenda, and soy sauce.Carefully remove the ribs from the slowcooker—they may fall apart on you a bitbecause they’re so tender. Arrange themmeaty-side-up on a broiler rack. Spread

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the apricot glaze evenly over the ribs.Place them under a broiler set on high atleast 3 to 4 inches (7.5 to 10 cm) fromthe heat for 7 to 8 minutes. Serve.

Yield: 2 or 3 servings

Assuming 3 servings, each will have 5grams of carbohydrates, a trace of fiber,and 38 grams of protein.

Roman Stew

Instead of using the usual Italianseasonings, this was adapted from ahistoric Roman stew recipe using spicesfrom the Far East. It’s unusual andwonderful.

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3 pounds (1.4 kg) beef stew meat,

cut into 1-inch (2.5 cm) cubes3 tablespoons (45 ml) olive oil4 cloves garlic2 cups (240 g) sliced celery1 teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon¼ teaspoon ground cloves¼ teaspoon pepper teaspoon ground allspice teaspoon ground nutmeg

1 can (14½ ounces, or 410 g)diced tomatoes, undrained

½ cup (120 ml) dry red wineGuar or xanthan (optional)

In a big, heavy skillet, brown the beef in

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the oil over medium-high heat in a fewbatches. Transfer the beef to a slowcooker. Add the garlic and celery to theslow cooker and then sprinkle the salt orVege-Sal, cinnamon, cloves, pepper,allspice, and nutmeg over the beef andvegetables. Pour the tomatoes and thewine over the beef and vegetables.Cover the slow cooker, set it to low, andlet it cook for 7 to 8 hours.

You can thicken the pot juices a littleif you like with guar or xanthan, but it’snot really necessary.

Yield: 8 servings

Each with 44 g protein, 5 gcarbohydrate, 1 g dietary fiber, 4 g

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usable carbs.

Mexican Stew

This Tex-Mex dinner is a simple family-pleaser.

2 pounds (910 g) beef stew meat,cut into 1-inch (2.5-cm) cubes

1 can (14½ ounces, or 410 g)tomatoes with green chiles

½ cup (80 g) sliced onion1 teaspoon chili powder1 envelope (1¼ ounces, or 35 g)

taco seasoning mix1 can (15 ounces, or 425 g) black


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½ cup (65 g) sour cream

Put the beef, tomatoes, onion, and chilipowder in a slow cooker. Cover theslow cooker, set it to low, and let itcook for 8 to 9 hours.

Stir in the taco seasoning andsoybeans. Re-cover the slow cooker,turn it to high, and let it cook for another20 minutes. Place a dollop of sour creamon each serving.

Yield: 6 generous servings, and it couldeven serve 8

Each with 46 g protein, 12 gcarbohydrate, 5 g dietary fiber, 7 gusable carbs.

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Carne all’Ungherese

The original recipe from which Iadapted this said it was an Italianversion of a Hungarian stew. Whateverit is, it’s good!

1½ pounds (680 g) beef stewmeat, cut into 1-inch (2.5-cm)cubes

¼ cup (60 ml) olive oil1 medium onion, chopped1 green pepper, cut into strips2 cloves garlic, crushed1 cup (240 ml) beef broth1 teaspoon beef bouillon


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1 teaspoon dried marjoram1 tablespoon (16.5 g) tomato

paste1 tablespoon (6.9 g) paprika1 tablespoon (30 ml) lemon juice½ cup (65 g) plain yogurt

In a big, heavy skillet, heat a tablespoonor two (15 to 30 ml) of the oil overmedium-high heat. Start browning thestew meat. It will take two or threebatches; add more oil as you need it.Transfer each batch of browned meat toa slow cooker as it’s done.

When all the meat is browned, put thelast of the oil in the skillet, reduce theheat to medium-low, and add the onion.Sauté the onion until it’s just softening

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and add it to the slow cooker. Add thegreen pepper to the slow cooker.

In a bowl, mix together the garlic,broth, bouillon, marjoram, tomato paste,paprika, and lemon juice, stirring untilthe bouillon and tomato paste aredissolved. Pour the mixture over themeat and onions. Cover the slow cooker,set it to low, and let it cook for 6 to 7hours. When the time’s up, stir in theyogurt. Serve over Fauxtatoes (page209).

Yield: 5 servings

Each with 38 g protein, 7 gcarbohydrate, 1 g dietary fiber, 6 gusable carbs. (Analysis does not include

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Beef and Zucchini Stew

Don’t try adding the zucchini at thebeginning, or they’ll cook to a mush! Putout some vegetables and dip for theravening hoards and sip a glass of winewhile you’re waiting that last hour.

2 pounds (910 g) boneless beefchuck, trimmed of fat andcubed

1 medium onion, sliced1 large red bell pepper, cut into

1-inch (2.5-cm) squares1 large green bell pepper, cut into

1-inch (2.5-cm) squares

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1 cup (240 ml) no-sugar-addedspaghetti sauce (I suggestHunt’s.)

½ cup (120 ml) beef broth½ teaspoon beef bouillon

concentrate1½ pounds (680 g) zucchini, cut

into ½-inch (1.3-cm) slicesGuar or xanthan (optional)

In a slow cooker, combine the beef withthe onion and peppers.

In a bowl, stir together the spaghettisauce, broth, and bouillon. Pour themixture over the beef and vegetables andstir. Cover the slow cooker, set it tolow, and let it cook for 9 hours.

Turn the slow cooker to high, stir in

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the zucchini, re-cover, and let it cook for1 more hour. When the time’s up, thickenthe sauce with guar or xanthan, ifneeded.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 27 g protein, 10 gcarbohydrate, 3 g dietary fiber, 7 gusable

Oxtails Pontchartrain

This has a lot of New Orleans elements,including some serious heat, so I namedit after Lake Pontchartrain. Oxtails arebony but very flavorful, and they takevery well to the slow cooker. If you

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haven’t had oxtails, don’t fear them;they’re just muscle meat, like a steak ora roast. It’s just that there’s a high bone-to-meat ratio.

4 pounds (1.8 kg) beef oxtails3 tablespoons (18 g) Cajun

seasoning2 tablespoons (30 ml) olive oil3 large banana peppers, sliced1 medium onion, sliced1 medium carrot, shredded2 stalks celery, sliced1 clove garlic, crushed1 cup (240 ml) dry red wine¼ cup (60 ml) brandy1½ teaspoons dried thyme3 bay leaves

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1 can (14½ ounces, or 410 g)diced tomatoes

2 chipotle chiles canned in adobosauce, chopped (You can usejust one if you’d like to cut theheat a bit.)

Sprinkle the oxtails all over with theCajun seasoning.

In a big, heavy skillet, heat the oil andbrown the oxtails all over. Transfer theoxtails to a slow cooker.

Add the peppers, onion, carrot,celery, and garlic to the skillet and sautéthem until they’re just softened. Addthem to the slow cooker and mix them inwith the oxtails.

Pour the wine and brandy in the skillet

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and stir it around. Stir in the thyme andadd the bay leaves, tomatoes, andchipotles. Stir this all up and pour itover the oxtails and veggies. Cover theslow cooker, set it to low, and let itcook for 8 hours. Remove the bay leavesbefore serving.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 96 g protein, 13 gcarbohydrate, 3 g dietary fiber, 10 gusable carbs.

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12Pork and Lamb

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Pork Chops with MustardCream Sauce

Here’s something good to do with porkchops, now that you’re not breadingthem.

1 pork chop, 1 inch (2.5 cm) thickSalt or Vege-SalPepper1 tablespoon (15 ml) olive oil1 tablespoon (15 ml) dry white

wine1 tablespoon (15 ml) heavy cream1 tablespoon (15 ml) spicy brown

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mustard or Dijon mustard

Sprinkle salt and pepper on both sides ofthe chop.

Heat the oil in a heavy skillet overmedium heat. Sauté the chop until it’sbrowned on both sides and cookedthrough. Put the chop on a serving platterand keep it warm.

Put the wine in the skillet and stir itaround, scraping all the tasty brown bitsoff the pan as you stir. Stir in the creamand mustard, blend well, and cook for aminute or two. Pour over the chop andserve.

Yield: 1 serving

2 grams of carbohydrates, a trace of

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fiber, and about 20 grams of protein.

Simple Spicy Pork Chops

1½ pounds (680 g) pork chops,about 1 inch (2.5 cm) thick

3 tablespoons (45 ml) olive oil1 clove garlic1 tablespoon (7.8 g) chili powder1 teaspoon ground coriander

Start a charcoal fire or preheat a gasgrill.

Measure out the olive oil; crush thegarlic and stir it into the oil. Rub thechops thoroughly with the garlicky oliveoil. Stir the chili powder and coriandertogether and sprinkle over both sides of

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the chops. Grill over well-ashed coalsor on a gas grill set to medium-low forabout 10 minutes per side or until aninstant-read thermometer registers 170°F(80°C).

Yield: 3 to 4 servings

Assuming 3 servings, each will have 2grams of carbohydrate and 1 gram offiber, for a usable carb count of 1 gram;35 grams protein.

Italian Herb Pork Chops

1 pork chop, 1 inch (2.5 cm) thick1 clove garlic, crushed½ teaspoon dried, powdered sage

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½ teaspoon dried, powderedrosemary

Salt or Vege-Sal2 tablespoons (30 ml) dry white


Rub the crushed garlic into both sides ofthe pork chop.

In a bowl, mix the sage and rosemarytogether and sprinkle this evenly overboth sides of the pork chop as well.Sprinkle lightly with the salt.

Place the chop in a heavy skillet (ifyou’re multiplying this recipe to feedseveral people, you may well need twoskillets) and add water just up to the topedge of the pork chop. Cover the skillet,turn the heat to low, and let the chop

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simmer for about 1 hour or until thewater has all evaporated.

Once the water is gone, the chop willstart to brown. Turn it once or twice toget it browned on both sides. (The porkchop will be very tender, so use aspatula and be careful. If it breaks alittle, it will still taste great.)

Remove the pork chop to a servingplatter and pour the wine into the skillet.Turn up the heat to medium-high and stirthe wine around, scraping up the stuck-on brown bits from the pan. Bring this toa boil and let it boil hard for a minute ortwo to reduce it just a little. Pour thissauce over the pork chop and serve.

Yield: 1 serving

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2 grams of carbohydrates, a trace offiber, and about 23 grams of protein.

Lemon-Ginger Pork Chops

1 pound (455 g) pork chops, 1inch (2.5 cm) thick

1 tablespoon (6 g) grated ginger1 tablespoon (15 ml) olive oil1 tablespoon (15 ml) soy sauce1 tablespoon (15 ml) dry sherry1½ teaspoons lemon juice1 tablespoon (15 ml) water½ clove garlic, crushed¼ teaspoon toasted sesame oil¼ teaspoon Splenda1 scallion, sliced, including the

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crisp part of the green shoot

In a large, heavy skillet over medium-high heat, brown the pork chops on bothsides in the olive oil. Mix togethereverything else but the scallion and pourinto the skillet. Turn the chops to coatboth sides. Cover the pan, turn the heatto low, and let the chops simmer for 30to 40 minutes. Spoon pan juices overchops and top with a little slicedscallion to serve.

Yield: 3 to 4 servings

Assuming 3, each will have 24 g protein;1 g carbohydrate; trace dietary fiber; 1 gusable carb.

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Pork Chops and Sauerkraut

3 pork chops, 1 inch (2.5 cm)thick

3 slices bacon1 small onion, chopped1 can (14½ ounces, or 410 g)

sauerkraut, drained2 tablespoons (3 g) Splenda¼ teaspoon dry mustard2 tablespoons (30 ml) dry white

wine¼ teaspoon blackstrap molasses

Fry the bacon until just barely crisp in aheavy skillet over medium heat. Drainand set aside.

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Pour off all but about 2 tablespoons(30 ml) of the grease and brown thechops in it over medium heat. (You wantthem to have just a little color on eachside.) Remove from the skillet and setaside.

Put the onion, sauerkraut, Splenda,mustard, wine, and molasses in theskillet and stir for a moment to blend.Crumble in the bacon and stir again, justfor a moment. Place the chops on top ofthe sauerkraut mixture, turn the heat tolow, and cover the pan. Simmer for 45minutes.

Yield: 3 servings

Each with 11 grams of carbohydrates

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and 4 grams of fiber, for a total of 7grams of usable carbs and 27 grams ofprotein.

Cherry Chops

An unusual sauce of tart cherries and acrunch of toasted almonds enhance thesepork chops. Don’t expect this sauce tobe cherry-red, though, unless you add adrop or two of food coloring.

4 thin pork chops, about 18ounces (500 g) total

Salt and pepper1 tablespoon (15 ml) olive oil½ cup (55 g) canned tart cherries

in water (pie cherries)

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1 tablespoon (15 ml) wine vinegar¼ teaspoon dry mustard teaspoon ground cloves

1½ tablespoons (2 g) Splenda teaspoon guar or xanthan cup (40 g) slivered almonds

½ tablespoon butter

Sprinkle salt and pepper over the chopslightly on both sides and start browningthem in the oil in a heavy skillet overmedium-high heat. Give them about 5minutes per side. While that’shappening, put the cherries, vinegar,mustard, cloves, Splenda, and guar orxanthan in a blender and purée the wholething together. (If you’d prefer to keepthe cherries whole, you could just mix

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everything together well. I like itpuréed.)

It’s time to turn the chops now! Whilethe chops are browning on their secondside, start browning the almonds in thebutter in a small skillet over mediumheat. Stir frequently so they don’t burn;you just want a touch of gold. When thealmonds are toasted, remove the panfrom the heat.

When the second side of the chops isbrowned—again, after about 5 minutes—pour the cherry sauce over them, turnthe heat to medium-low, and cover theskillet with a tilted lid. Let the wholething simmer for 5 minutes and serve.Scrape the sauce from the skillet overthe chops and top each with toasted

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Yield: 4 servings

Each with 6 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 5 grams ofusable carbs and 22 grams of protein.

Apple-Glazed Pork Chops

Pork and apples are a great combination.Ever since I stopped eating applesauce,I’ve been looking for a way to have thiscombination of flavors

2 pork chops, 1 inch (2.5 cm)thick (about 8 ounces, or 225 geach)

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2 tablespoons (30 ml) olive oil¼ cup (60 ml) cider vinegar1½ tablespoons (2 g) Splenda½ teaspoon soy sauce1 small onion, thinly sliced

Put the oil in a heavy skillet and brownthe pork chops in the oil.

When both sides are brown, stirtogether the vinegar, Splenda, and thesoy sauce and pour the mixture over thechops. Scatter the onion on top.

Cover and turn the heat to low. Let thechops simmer, turning at least once, for45 minutes or until the pan is almost dry.Serve the chops with the onions andscrape all the nice, syrupy pan liquidover them.

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Yield: 2 servings

Each with 8 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 7 grams ofusable carbs and 36 grams of protein.

Peach-Orange Brined PorkChops with Herb Rub

4 pork chops, totaling about 1½pounds (680 g)

1 bottle (16 ounces, or 480 ml)peach-flavored Fruit2O

1 tablespoon (18 g) salt¼ teaspoon blackstrap molasses¼ teaspoon orange extract1 clove garlic

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1 tablespoon (15 ml) olive oil1 teaspoon ground rosemary½ teaspoon ground or rubbed

sage½ teaspoon dried marjoram teaspoon cayenne

In a flat, shallow dish—a large glasscasserole dish is perfect—combine theFruit2O, salt, molasses, and orangeextract. Stir until the salt is dissolved.(Heating helps with this—you can openthe bottle of Fruit2O and microwave it ina separate bowl for a minute beforepouring it in the dish or you canmicrowave the whole batch of brine, ifyour dish is microwavable. Neither isessential, it just helps the salt dissolve.)

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Place the chops in the brine (make sureit’s cooled to lukewarm first), make surethey’re submerged, and stick the wholething in the fridge. Let them sit for about3 hours.

Okay, time to grill your pork. Firststart your grill heating—set a gas grill tomedium-high; with a charcoal grillyou’ll want to let your coals cook downto a medium heat. Crush the garlic andmix it with the olive oil in a small dish.In another dish combine the rosemary,sage, marjoram, and cayenne. Then pullthe chops out of the brine and put themon a plate; discard the brine. Pat thechops dry. Rub them all over with thegarlic and olive oil mixture, then theherb mixture.

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Grill chops about 12 minutes per sideor until there’s no pink left in the centerand then serve.

Yield: 4 servings

Each serving will have 1 gram ofcarbohydrate, a trace of fiber, 26 gramsof protein.

Pork Chops with Garlic andBalsamic Vinegar

The balsamic vinegar gives these atangy-sweet flavor.

2 or 3 pork rib chops, 2 inches (5cm) thick

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2 tablespoons (30 ml) olive oil¾ cup (180 ml) chicken broth3 tablespoons (45 ml) balsamic

vinegar3 cloves garlic, crushed¼ teaspoon guar or xanthan

Put the oil in a large, heavy skillet overmedium-high heat and sear the chops inthe oil until well-browned on both sides.Add the broth, vinegar, and garlic.

Cover the skillet, turn the heat to low,and let the chops simmer for 1 hour.Remove the chops to a serving platter orserving plates and put the liquid from thepan into a blender. Add the guar orxanthan, run the blender for a fewmoments, and pour the thickened sauce

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over the chops.

Yield: 2 or 3 servings

Each with 2 grams of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 36 grams of protein.

Gingersnap Pork

Okay, it doesn’t really have gingersnapsin it, but it is sweet and spicy and good!

4 thin pork chops, about 18ounces (500 g) total

1 tablespoon (15 ml) olive oil½ cup (120 ml) cider vinegar½ teaspoon pepper¼ teaspoon ground cloves

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1 tablespoon (16.5 g) tomatopaste

3 tablespoons (4.5 g) Splenda2 teaspoons grated ginger2 teaspoons lemon juice½ teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal¼ cup (30 g) finely diced celery,

including leaves

In a heavy skillet over medium-highheat, start browning the chops in the oil.While that’s happening, put the vinegar,pepper, cloves, tomato paste, Splenda,ginger, lemon juice, and salt in a blenderand run it for a second or two to blend.

When the chops are browned on bothsides—about 5 minutes per side—pourthe sauce over them, scatter the celery

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over the whole thing, turn the heat tolow, and cover with a tilted lid. Let itsimmer for 5 minutes and then serve.Don’t forget to scrape the extra sauce outof the pan and over the chops!

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 5 grams of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 20 grams of p

Polynesian Pork

4 or 5 large pork chops, 1 to 1½inches (2.5 to 4 cm) thick

½ cup (120 ml) soy sauce4 cloves garlic, crushed

cup (8 g) Splenda

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½ teaspoon blackstrap molasses1½ teaspoons grated fresh ginger

Preheat the oven to 325°F (170°C, orgas mark 3).

Put the pork chops in a largeresealable plastic bag.

Combine the soy sauce, garlic,Splenda, molasses, and ginger, mixingthem in a blender for a second or two ifpossible.

Reserve some marinade for basting,and pour the rest into the bag with thepork. Seal the bag and let it sit for 20minutes or so, turning once.

Remove the pork from the marinade.Place the chops in a shallow roastingpan and bake for 60 to 90 minutes or

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until cooked through. Brush once ortwice with the reserved marinade, usinga clean utensil each time.

Yield: 4 or 5 servings

If you were to eat all the marinade, eachserving would have 7 grams ofcarbohydrates, but you don’t, so figure 2or 3 grams of carbohydrates, a trace offiber, and 25 grams of protein.

This marinade works well with a porkroast, too, but of course it will takelonger to roast.

Island Pork Steaks

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This dish uses caribbean-styleseasonings!

1½ (680 g) pounds pork shouldersteaks

1 teaspoon ground allspice¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg½ teaspoon dried thyme

teaspoon cayenne2 tablespoons (30 ml) olive oil¼ cup (40 g) chopped onion¼ cup (60 ml) lime juice¼ cup (60 ml) chicken broth1 teaspoon Splenda3 cloves garlic, minced

Put the pork steaks on a big plate. Mixtogether the allspice, nutmeg, thyme, and

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cayenne, and sprinkle the mixture overboth sides of the pork. Let the steak sitfor 30 to 45 minutes.

Heat the olive oil in a big, heavyskillet over medium heat and throw inthe pork steaks. Give them 6 or 7minutes per side—you want them goldenon the outside and just cooked throughon the inside. Remove to a plate andcover with a spare pot lid to keep warm.

Throw the onion in the skillet andsauté it until it’s just translucent. Add thelime juice, chicken broth, Splenda, andgarlic. Turn up the heat and boil thesauce hard until it’s reduced by abouthalf. Pour over pork and serve.

Yield: 2 to 3 servings

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Assuming 3, each will have 30 g protein;5 g carbohydrate; 1 g dietary fiber; 4 gusable

Lemon-Garlic-JalapenoPork Steaks

1½ pounds (680 g) pork shouldersteaks

1 whole jalapeno, minced¼ cup (60 ml) olive oil2 tablespoons (30 ml) lemon juice2 cloves garlic, crushed¼ teaspoon cumin1 teaspoon adobo seasoning

(Look for this in the spiceaisle.)

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Simply stir together everything but thepork. Put the pork on a plate with a rim—a glass pie plate is ideal. Reservesome marinade for basting and pour therest over it. Turn the steaks over once ortwice to coat and let the steaks sit for atleast 30 minutes before grilling.

Grill over a medium charcoal or gasfire, holding down flare-ups with asquirt bottle, for 8 to 10 minutes perside. Baste once or twice during cookingwith the reserved marinade, using aclean utensil each time.

Yield: 3 servings

Each serving will have 2 gramscarbohydrate, a trace of fiber, and 30

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grams of protein.

Apple-Mustard Pork Steaks

I’ve always loved apples and porktogether, and the mustard just makes thewhole thing better!

1 pound (455 g) pork shouldersteaks

¼ cup (60 ml) cider vinegar2 tablespoons (3 g) Splenda1 clove garlic2 teaspoons soy sauce½ teaspoon grated ginger2 teaspoons spicy brown mustard

Place the pork steaks on a plate with a

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rim. Mix together everything else,reserving some marinade for basting,and pour the rest over the steaks. Turnthe steaks once or twice to coat and letthem sit for 30 minutes or so.Meanwhile, get a grill going.

Okay, fire’s ready! Grill over amedium gas grill or well-ashed coals forabout 8 to 10 minutes per side, bastingseveral times with the reservedmarinade and using a clean utensil eachtime. If you like, you can boil anyleftover reserved marinade and pour itover the steaks before serving.

Yield: 2 servings

Each serving will have 5 grams of

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carbohydrate, a trace of fiber, 30 gramsof protein.

Pork-Crusted Pork!

8-ounce (225 g) pork shouldersteak, ½ inch (1.3 cm) thick

cup (25 g) crushed barbecue-flavor pork rinds

1 to 2 tablespoons (15 to 30 ml)oil

Coat both sides of the pork steak withthe crushed pork rinds. (It’s easiest tospread the crushed pork rinds on a plateand press each side of the pork steakinto them.) Heat the oil in a heavy skilletover medium-high heat and sauté the

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steak until it’s crisp on both sides andcooked through—about 7 minutes perside.

Yield: 1 or 2 servings

There are no carbohydrates or fiber hereat all, and the whole steak will haveabout 45 grams of protein.

Sweet and Sour Pork

This is not exactly authentic, because thepork isn’t battered and fried. Still, ittastes great! And it’s far lower-carb thanSweet and Sour from a Chineserestaurant. If it feels strange to you not toserve this stir-fry over something,

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there’s no reason not to make somecauliflower “rice” to serve with it.

12 ounces (340 g) boneless porkloin, cut into thin strips

3 tablespoons (45 ml) rice orcider vinegar

1½ tablespoons (2 g) Splenda3 tablespoons (35 g) canned,

crushed pineapple in juice1 teaspoon soy sauce¼ teaspoon blackstrap molasses½ teaspoon minced garlic3 tablespoons (45 ml) oil½ medium green pepper, cut into

squares½ medium onion, slicedGuar or xanthan

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Mix together the vinegar, Splenda,pineapple, soy sauce, molasses, andgarlic and set it by the stove.

Heat the oil in a wok or large skilletover highest heat. Add the pork and stir-fry until it’s half-done. Add the peppersand onions and keep stir-frying. Whenall the pink is gone from the pork, addthe vinegar mixture and stir. Let thewhole thing simmer for a couple ofminutes, stirring once or twice, until thevegetables are tender-crisp. Thicken thepan juices just a touch with guar orxanthan and serve.

Yield: 2 or 3 servings

Assuming 2 servings, each will have 11

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grams of carbohydrates and 1 gram offiber, for a total of 10 grams of usablecarbs and 36 grams of protein.

Each serving also packs 782 mg ofpotassium!

Mu Shu Pork

I hear from lots of people that they missChinese food, so here’s a Chineserestaurant favorite, de-carbed. Low-carbtortillas stand in here for mu shupancakes, and they work fine. If youwant to de-carb this even further, just eatit with a fork and forget the tortillas.

8 ounces (225 g) boneless pork

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loin, sliced across the grain andthen cut into matchsticks

3 eggs, beatenPeanut oil½ cup (35 g) slivered mushrooms1 cup (70 g) shredded napa

cabbage3 scallions, sliced1 cup (50 g) bean sprouts3 tablespoons (45 ml) soy sauce2 tablespoons (30 ml) dry sherry4 low-carb tortillasHoisin Sauce (page 464)

First, in a wok or heavy skillet over highheat, scramble the eggs in a fewtablespoons of the peanut oil untilthey’re set but still moist. Remove and

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set aside.Wipe the wok out if there’s much egg

clinging to it. Add another ¼ cup (60 ml)or so of peanut oil and heat. Add thepork and stir-fry until it’s mostly done.Add the mushrooms, cabbage, scallions,and sprouts, and stir-fry for 3 to 4minutes. Add the eggs back into the wokand stir them in, breaking them intosmall pieces. Now add the soy sauceand sherry, and stir.

To serve, take a warmed, low-carbtortilla and smear about 2 teaspoons ofHoisin Sauce on it. Put about a quarterof the stir-fry mixture on the tortilla andwrap it up.

Yield: 2 servings

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Each with 11 grams of carbohydratesand 3 grams of fiber, for a total of 8grams of usable carbs and 27 grams ofprotein (Analysis does not include low-carb tortillas or hoisin sauce.)

Make sure you have everything cut upand ready to go before you cook, andthis recipe will be a breeze.

Chili Lime Pork Strips

This is so good and so versatile! Use thestrips for a salad or an omelet or justwrap them up in low-carb tortillas witha little salsa and sour cream.

1 pound (455 g) boneless pork

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loin1 to 2 tablespoons (15 to 30 ml)

oil1½ teaspoons chili powder1 tablespoon (15 ml) lime juice

Slice the pork as thinly as you can intosmall strips (this is easier if the pork ishalf-frozen). Heat the oil in a large,heavy skillet over medium-high heat andadd the pork. Stir-fry the pork stripsuntil they’re nearly done—about 6 to 7minutes—then stir in the chili powderand lime juice. Continue stirring andcooking for another 3 to 4 minutes.These strips keep well for a few days ina closed container in the fridge.

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Yield: 4 servings

Each with 1 gram of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 23 grams of protein.

Ginger Sesame Pork

You can serve this simple stir-fry overCauliflower Rice (page 212), if youlike, but it’s nice just as it is.

12 ounces (340 g) boneless porktop loin

2 tablespoons (12 g) gratedginger

4 teaspoons soy sauce1 teaspoon Splenda2 teaspoons toasted sesame oil

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4 scallions, sliced, including thecrisp part of the green

2 tablespoons (30 ml) dry sherry2 cloves garlic, crushed2 tablespoons (30 ml) peanut oil

Slice the boneless pork loin as thinly asyou can— it helps to have it half-frozen.

Mix together everything else in amedium-size bowl. Add the pork, stir tocoat, and let it marinate for at least a halfan hour.

Over high heat, heat the oil in a heavyskillet or wok. Add the pork with all ofthe marinade and stir-fry until meat iscooked through, about 4 to 5 minutes.Serve.

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Yield: 2 servings

Each with 31g protein; 5 g carbohydrate;1 g dietary fiber; 4 g usable carbs.

Asian Pork and Cabbage

I know of few dishes that offer so muchflavor for so little work.

1 pound (455 g) boneless porkloin

½ head cabbage1 small onionCanola or peanut oil for stir-

frying1 tablespoon (15 ml) black bean


Page 1884: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

1 to 2 tablespoons (16.5 to 33 g)chili garlic paste

Slice the pork loin as thin as youpossibly can—this is easier if the porkis partially frozen. Slice the cabbageabout ½ inch (1.3 cm) thick and cutacross it a few times. Thinly slice theonion.

In a wok or large skillet, heat 3 to 4tablespoons (45 to 60 ml) of oil overhighest heat. As soon as it’s hot, add thepork and stir-fry for 3 to 5 minutes. Addthe cabbage and the onion and continuestir-frying until the cabbage and onionare just tender-crisp. Stir in the blackbean sauce and the chili garlic paste andserve.

Page 1885: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

Yield: 3 servings

Each with 6 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 5 grams ofusable carbs and 32 grams of protein.

You can find black bean sauce, an Asiancondiment, in Asian or internationalgrocery stores or in the Asian section oflarger grocery stores. I actually boughtmine in the international aisle ofBloomingfoods, my beloved natural food

This has some sugar in it, but theamount of flavor it offers for the fewcarbs it adds is well worth it, to mymind. It keeps well in the fridge, sodon’t think you have to use it all upquickly.

Page 1886: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

Artichoke-Mushroom Pork

This is wonderful, and it cooks quitequickly because you pound the pork thin.

1½ pounds (680 g) boneless porkloin, cut into 4 slices across thegrain

4 tablespoons (56 g) butter,divided

1 small onion, sliced1 clove garlic, crushed8 ounces (35 g) sliced mushrooms1 can (14 ounces, or 400 g)

quartered artichoke hearts,drained

½ cup (120 ml) chicken broth

Page 1887: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

2 teaspoons Dijon or spicy brownmustard

Put a piece of pork into a heavyresealable plastic bag and pound until itis ¼ inch (6 mm) thick. Repeat for theremaining pieces of pork.

Melt 2 tablespoons (28 g) of the butterin a large, heavy skillet over mediumheat and brown the meat on both sides(about 4 minutes per side). You’ll haveto do them one or two at a time. Set thebrowned pork on a plate and keep itwarm.

Add the rest of the butter to the skilletand add the onion, garlic, andmushrooms. Sauté until the mushroomsand onion are limp. Add the artichokes,

Page 1888: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

chicken broth, and mustard and stiraround to dissolve the tasty brown bitson the bottom of the skillet.

Add the pork back into the skillet(you’ll have to stack it a bit), cover, andlet simmer for about 5 minutes. Serve thepork with the vegetables spooned overthe top.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 6 grams of carbohydrates and2 grams of fiber, for a total of 4 grams ofusable carbs and 25 grams of protein.

If you prefer, you can make this out of 4pork chops with the bones cut out.

Page 1889: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

Pork and Provolone withWhite Wine andMushrooms

I confess, I came up with this to get ridof extra pork, smoked provolone, andmushrooms I had kicking around myfridge—and it got top marks from myhusband! It is definitely worth makingagain.

2 pounds (910 g) boneless porkloin, in 4 slices about ¾ inch (2cm) thick

6 ounces (170 g) sliced smokedprovolone cheese

1 tablespoon (15 ml) olive oil

Page 1890: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

1 tablespoon (14 g) butter½ medium onion, chopped4 cloves garlic, crushed2 cups (140 g) sliced mushrooms1 cup (240 ml) dry white wine1 teaspoon chicken bouillon

concentrateGuar or xanthan (optional)

You’ll need four pieces of pork loin thatare roughly the same shape. One piece ata time, put the pork in a heavy resealableplastic bag. Using any heavy bluntinstrument that comes to hand (I use a 3-pound dumbbell), pound your pork outuntil it’s between ¼ inch (6 mm) and ½inch (1.3 cm) thick.

Sandwich the sliced smoked

Page 1891: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

provolone between the pounded piecesof pork, using 3 ounces (85 g) in each oftwo “pork and cheese sandwiches.”Heat the oil and butter in a big, heavyskillet over medium-high heat and laythe pork-and-cheese sandwiches in it.Sauté for about 5 minutes per side oruntil golden, turning carefully.

When the pork-and-cheesesandwiches are browned on both sides,add the onion, garlic, and mushrooms tothe skillet, scattering them around thepork.

Mix the wine and chicken bouillonconcentrate together and pour around thepork. Cover, turn heat to low, andsimmer for 20 minutes.

When time’s up, lift the pork-and-

Page 1892: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

cheese sandwiches out with a spatula,put them on a platter, and cover with alid to keep warm. Now turn up the heatunder the skillet and let the sauce boilhard for about 5 minutes—you want just½ cup (120 ml) or so of liquid leftamong the mushrooms and onions.Thicken this a trifle with guar or xanthanif you like, but it’s not essential by anymeans. Scrape the mushrooms, onions,and sauce over the meat and cheese andcut in portions to serve.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 39 g protein; 4 gcarbohydrate; trace dietary fiber; 4 gusable carbs.

Page 1893: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

Pineapple Glazed Pork Loin

You can double this recipe if you like,but if your skillet’s the size of mine,you’ll have to cook it in two batches—which, of course, takes twice the time.

¾ pound (340 g) boneless porkloin, cut about ½ inch (1.3 cm)thick

1 to 2 tablespoons (15 to 30 ml)olive oil

2 tablespoons (25 g) canned,crushed pineapple in juice

2 teaspoons cider vinegar2 teaspoons Splenda1 teaspoon spicy brown or Dijon

Page 1894: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

mustard½ teaspoon soy sauce1 teaspoon minced garlic or 2

cloves garlic, crushed

First, pound the pork until it’s about ¼inch (6 mm) thick. Heat the oil in aheavy skillet over medium-high heat andsauté the pork, covering it with a tiltedlid. Cook it 4 to 5 minutes per side.

While the pork’s browning, combinethe pineapple, vinegar, Splenda,mustard, soy sauce, and garlic. When thepork is browned on both sides, add thismixture to the skillet. Turn the pork overonce or twice to coat. Put the tilted lidback on the pan and cook for 1 to 2minutes, turn, re-cover the pan, and give

Page 1895: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

it another 1 to 2 minutes. Remove toserving plates and scrape any remainingliquid from the pan over the pork beforeserving.

Yield: 2 servings

Each with 4 grams of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 22 grams of protein.

Feel free to use thin pork chops, instead.

Orange Pork Loin

Boneless pork loin frequently goes onsale. It’s very lean, however, so it’soften both bland and dry. Slow cookingtakes care of that little problem! Sadly,

Page 1896: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

fresh pumpkin is only available for acouple of months in the autumn, so that’swhen you’ll need to make this dish. Buya small pumpkin, or you’ll have piles ofit leftover.

2 pounds (910 g) pork loin1 pound (455 g) pumpkin, peeled

and cut into ½-inch (1.3 cm)cubes

1 pound (455 g) rutabaga, cut into½-inch (1.3 cm) cubes

2 tablespoons (30 ml) olive oil2 tablespoons (40 g) low-sugar

marmalade or orangepreserves

¼ teaspoon orange extract2 teaspoons Splenda

Page 1897: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

2 cloves garlic, crushed½ teaspoon salt½ cup (120 ml) chicken brothGuar or xanthan

Put the pumpkin and rutabaga in thebottom of a slow cooker.

In a big, heavy skillet, heat the oilover medium-high heat and brown thepork all over. Put the pork in the slowcooker on top of the pumpkin andrutabaga.

In a bowl, stir together themarmalade, orange extract, Splenda,garlic, salt, and broth. Pour the mixtureover the pork. Cover the slow cooker,set it to low, and let it cook for 8 hours.

When the time’s up, carefully remove

Page 1898: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

the pork to a platter and use a slottedspoon to pile the vegetables around it.Use guar or xanthan to thicken the liquidin the pot to the consistency of heavycream. Serve the liquid with the porkand vegetables.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 34 g protein, 13 gcarbohydrate, 2 g dietary fiber, 11 gusable carbs.

Braised Pork with Fennel

This was one of my first great slow-cooking triumphs, and it still ranks asone of the two or three best dishes I’ve

Page 1899: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

ever cooked in my slow cooker. This iseasily good enough to serve to company.By the way, some grocery stores label“fennel” as “anise.” It looks like a bulbat the bottom, with celery-like stalksabove and feathery foliage. The stemsare tough, but the foliage can be choppedup in salads or used as a garnish. It has awonderful licorice-like taste.

4 pounds (1.8 kg) pork shoulderroast

2 tablespoons (30 ml) olive oil1 medium onion, sliced1 bulb fennel, sliced1 cup (240 ml) cider vinegar3 tablespoons (4.5 g) Splenda1 cup (240 ml) canned diced

Page 1900: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

tomatoes, drained1 cup (235 ml) chicken broth1 teaspoon chicken bouillon

concentrate2 cloves garlic, crushed½ teaspoon dried thyme½ teaspoon red pepper flakes, or

to tasteGuar or xanthan

In a big, heavy skillet, sear the pork inthe oil over medium-high heat until it’sbrown all over. (This will take 20minutes or so.) Transfer the pork to aslow cooker.

Pour off all but about 1 tablespoon(15 ml) of fat from the skillet and reducethe heat to medium-low. Sauté the onion

Page 1901: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

and fennel until they’re just getting alittle golden. Transfer them to the slowcooker, too.

In a bowl, mix together the vinegarand Splenda. Pour the mixture over thepork. Add the tomatoes.

In a bowl, mix together the broth andbouillon until the bouillon dissolves.Stir in the garlic, thyme, and red pepper.Pour this over the pork. Cover the slowcooker, set it to low, and let it cook for 8hours.

When the time’s up, remove the porkfrom the slow cooker and place it on aserving platter. Using a slotted spoon,scoop out the vegetables and pile themaround the pork. Cover the platter withfoil and put it in a warm place.

Page 1902: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

Ladle the liquid from the slow cookerinto a saucepan. Place it over the highestheat and boil it hard for 5 to 7 minutes toreduce the sauce a bit. Add some guar orxanthan to thicken the sauce a little. (Youwant it to be about the texture of half-and-half, not a thick gravy.) Serve thesauce over the pork and vegetables.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 41 g protein, 10 gcarbohydrate, 2 g dietary fiber, 8 gusable carbs.

Easy Pork Roast

This is basic, which is a strength, not a

Page 1903: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

weakness. It would be a great supperwith a big salad.

3 pounds (1.4 kg) boneless porkloin

2 tablespoons (30 ml) olive oil1 can (8 ounces, or 225 g) tomato

sauce¼ cup (60 ml) soy sauce½ cup (120 ml) chicken broth½ cup (12 g) Splenda2 teaspoons dry mustardGuar or xanthan (optional)

In a big, heavy skillet, brown the pork onall sides in the oil. Transfer the pork to aslow cooker.

In a bowl, mix together the tomato

Page 1904: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

sauce, soy sauce, broth, Splenda, anddry mustard. Pour the mixture over thepork. Cover the slow cooker, set it tolow, and let it cook for 8 to 9 hours.

When the time’s up, remove the porkto a serving platter. Thicken the potliquid, if needed, with guar or xanthan.Serve the juice with the pork.

Yield: 8 servings

Each with 37 g protein, 4 gcarbohydrate, 1 g dietary fiber, 3 gusable

Pork Roast with ApricotSauce

Page 1905: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

Here’s a fabulous Sunday dinner for thefamily— with very little work.

2½ pounds (1.1 kg) boneless porkloin

2 tablespoons (30 ml) olive oil cup (55 g) chopped onion

¾ cup (180 ml) chicken broth¼ cup (80 g) low-sugar apricot

preserves1 tablespoon (15 ml) balsamic

vinegar1 tablespoon (15 ml) lemon juice1 tablespoon (1.5 g) SplendaGuar or xanthan

In a big, heavy skillet, sear the pork allover in the oil. Transfer the pork to a

Page 1906: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

slow cooker. Scatter the onion around it.In a bowl, mix together the broth,

preserves, vinegar, lemon juice, andSplenda. Pour the mixture over the pork.Cover the slow cooker, set it to low, andlet it cook for 7 hours.

When the time’s up, remove the porkand put it on a serving platter. Seasonthe juices with salt and pepper to taste.Thicken the juices with guar or xanthan.Ladle the juices into a sauce boat toserve.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 40 g protein, 5 gcarbohydrate, trace dietary fiber, 5 gusable carbs.

Page 1907: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

Pork Roast with CreamyMushroom Gravy andVegetables

Here’s a great down-home dinner thefamily will love!

2½ pounds (1.1 kg) boneless porkloin

½ cup (60 g) sliced carrots4 ounces (115 g) sliced

mushrooms10 ounces (280 g) frozen cross-

cut green beans, unthawed1 tablespoon (15 ml) beef bouillon

concentrate2 tablespoons (30 ml) water

Page 1908: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

1 can (14½ ounces, or 410 g)tomatoes with roasted garlic

Guar or xanthan½ cup (120 ml) heavy cream

Put the pork in the bottom of a slowcooker. Surround the pork with thecarrots, mushrooms, and green beans.(Don’t bother thawing the green beans,just whack the package hard on thecounter before opening that so the beansare all separated.)

In a bowl, dissolve the bouillon in thewater. Stir in the tomatoes. Pour themixture over the pork and vegetables.Cover the slow cooker, set it to low, andlet it cook for 8 to 9 hours.

When the time’s up, remove the pork

Page 1909: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

and vegetables to a platter. Thicken thejuices in the pot with guar or xanthan andthen whisk in the cream. Add salt andpepper to taste. Serve the juices with thepork and vegetables.

Yield: 8 servings

Each with 23 g protein, 5 gcarbohydrate, 1 g dietary fiber, 4 gusable carbs.

Pork with Cabbage

Need I point out that this recipe is forcabbage lovers?

4 pounds (1.8 kg) boneless pork

Page 1910: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

shoulder roast, trimmed of fat2 tablespoons (30 ml) olive oil2 carrots, cut into 1-inch (2.5-cm)

pieces2 cloves garlic, crushed2 stalks celery, cut ½-inch (1.3-

cm) thick1 envelope (1 ounce, or 28 g)

onion soup mix1½ cups (360 ml) water1½ pounds (680 g) cabbage,

coarselyGuar or xanthan

In a big, heavy skillet, start browning thepork in the oil.

Place the carrots, garlic, and celery ina slow cooker. Add the soup mix and

Page 1911: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

water.When the pork is brown all over, put

it on top of the vegetables in the slowcooker. Cover the slow cooker, set it tolow, and let it cook for 7 hours.

When the time’s up, stir in thecabbage, pushing it down into the liquid.Re-cover the slow cooker and let it cookfor another 45 minutes to 1 hour.

Remove the pork and put it on aplatter. Use a slotted spoon to pile thevegetables around the pork. Thicken theliquid in the slow cooker with guar orxanthan. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Pour the liquid into a sauce boat andserve with the pork and vegetables.

Yield: 8 servings

Page 1912: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

Each with 31 g protein, 10 gcarbohydrate, 3 g dietary fiber, 7 gusable carbs.

Pork with Rutabaga

If you haven’t tried rutabaga, you simplymust. Also sometimes called a “swede”or a “yellow turnip,” rutabaga is similarto a turnip, except that it has anentrancing bitter-sweet flavor. Anyway,it’s fun confusing grocery store checkoutclerks who can’t figure out what that bigyellow root is! It’s actually delicious tomake this with half rutabaga and half afresh, cubed pumpkin, but it’s just notpossible to find fresh pumpkin someseasons of the year.

Page 1913: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

3 pounds (1.4 kg) boneless pork

shoulder roast, tied or netted2½ pounds (1.1 kg) rutabaga,

peeled and cubed½ teaspoon blackstrap molasses½ cup (12 g) Splenda¼ teaspoon cayenne1 clove garlic, minced

Put the rutabaga in the bottom of a slowcooker. Put the pork on top. Drizzle themolasses over the pork and rutabaga.

In a bowl, mix together the Splenda,cayenne, and garlic. Sprinkle the mixtureover the pork and rutabaga. Cover theslow cooker, set it to low, and let itcook for 8 to 9

Page 1914: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

When the time’s up, remove the porkfrom the slow cooker, cut off the stringor net, and slice or pull the pork apart.Serve the pork over the rutabaga withthe pot liquid.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 32 g protein, 16 gcarbohydrate, 5 g dietary fiber, 11 gusable carbs.

Pork Stew

This winter-night supper is not onlylow-carb, but it’s quite low-calorie, too.Pork loin is a very lean meat.

Page 1915: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

2 pounds (1.8 kg) boneless porkloin, cut in 1-inch (2.5-cm)cubes

1 tablespoon (15 ml) olive oil1 tablespoon (14 g) butter1 medium onion, sliced ¼-inch (6

mm) thick4 cloves garlic, crushed1 cup (130 g) sliced carrot8 ounces (225 g) sliced

mushrooms2 cans (14-ounce, or 400 ml)

chicken broth1 pinch ground cloves1 teaspoon salt¼ teaspoon pepperGuar or xanthan

Page 1916: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

Heat the olive oil and the butter in aDutch oven over medium heat. Add theonion and garlic and sauté for a fewminutes. Add the carrot and the next 6ingredients (through pepper) and stir tocombine. Cover, turn the heat to low,and let the whole thing simmer for 90minutes to 2 hours. Thicken the gravywith guar or xanthan and serve.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 30 g protein; 7 gcarbohydrate; 1 g dietary fiber; 6 gusable carbs.

Curried Pork Stew

Page 1917: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

This is not terribly authentic, but it’sawfully good. Try one of the chutneys(pages 495–496) with this.

1 pound (455 g) boneless porkloin, cubed

½ teaspoon salt2 tablespoons (12 g) curry

powder, divided1 tablespoon (15 ml) olive oil1 onion, sliced2 small turnips, cubed1 cup (240 ml) canned diced

tomatoes½ cup (120 ml) cider vinegar2 tablespoons (3 g) Splenda2 cups (300 g) diced cauliflower

Page 1918: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

Season the pork with the salt andsprinkle with 1 tablespoon (6 g) of thecurry powder. In a big, heavy skillet,heat the oil and brown the pork overmedium-high heat.

Place the onion and turnips in a slowcooker. Top with the pork and tomatoes.

In a bowl, stir together the vinegar,Splenda, and the remaining 1 tablespoon(6 g) curry powder. Pour the mixtureover the pork. Cover the slow cooker,set it to low, and let it cook for 7 hours.

When the time’s up, stir in thecauliflower. Re-cover the slow cookerand cook for 1 more hour or until thecauliflower is

Yield: 6 servings

Page 1919: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

Each with 17 g protein, 11 gcarbohydrate, 3 g dietary fiber, 8 gusable carbs. Analysis does not includechutney.

Pork and “Apple” Stew

The apple flavor here comes from theapple cider vinegar. Our tester, Maria,cut her turnips into apple-slice shapes,and her family thought they were apples!They loved the whole thing.

2 pounds (910 g) pork loin, cutinto 1-inch (2.5-cm) cubes

2 medium turnips, cubed2 medium carrots, cut ½ inch (1.3

cm) thick

Page 1920: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

1 medium onion, sliced½ cup (60 g) sliced celery1 cup (240 ml) apple cider vinegar3 tablespoons (4.5 g) Splenda1 cup (240 ml) chicken broth1 teaspoon chicken bouillon

concentrate1 teaspoon caraway seeds¼ teaspoon pepper

Combine the pork, turnips, carrots,onion, and celery in a slow cooker.

In a bowl, stir together the vinegar,Splenda, broth, and bouillon. Pour themixture over the pork and vegetables.Add the caraway seeds and pepper andstir everything. Cover the slow cooker,set it to low, and let it cook for 8 hours.

Page 1921: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 34 g protein, 10 gcarbohydrate, 2 g dietary fiber, 8 gusable carbs.

Easy Southwestern PorkStew

Our tester gave this a “10”—and so didher family!

2 pounds (910 g) boneless porkloin, cut into 1-inch (2.5-cm)cubes

1 medium onion, chopped3 cloves garlic, crushed

Page 1922: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

2 teaspoons ground cumin1 tablespoon (5.4 g) dried

oregano½ teaspoon salt1 can (15 ounces, or 425 g) black

soybeans1 can (14½ ounces, or 410 g)

tomatoes with green chiles1 cup (240 ml) chicken broth1 teaspoon chicken bouillon


Put the onion and garlic in a slow cookerand place the pork on top.

In a bowl, stir together the cumin,oregano, salt, soybeans, tomatoes, broth,and bouillon. Pour the mixture over thepork and vegetables. Cover the slow

Page 1923: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

cooker, set it to low, and let it cook for 8to 9 hours.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 34 g protein, 6 gcarbohydrate, 1 g dietary fiber, 5 gusable

Cocido de Puerco

This Mexican-style pork stew is simplymarvelous. Do use bony cuts of meatbecause they’re more flavorful—andcheaper, too.

3 pounds (1.4 kg) bony cuts ofpork (Meaty pork neck bones

Page 1924: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

are ideal.)2 tablespoons (30 ml) olive oil1 clove garlic, crushed1 large onion, sliced1 large green pepper, diced2 medium zucchini, cut into

chunks1 can (14½ ounces, or 410 g)

diced tomatoes2 teaspoons cumin2 teaspoons dried oregano½ teaspoon red pepper flakes


In a heavy skillet over medium-highheat, sear the pork bones in the oil untilthey’re brown all over.

Turn the heat to low and add the

Page 1925: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

garlic, onion, pepper, zucchini,tomatoes, cumin, oregano, and pepperflakes. Cover the skillet and let itsimmer for 1 hour.

Yield: About 6 servings, depending onhow meaty your bones are

Each with 13 grams of carbohydratesand 4 grams of fiber, for a total of 9grams of usable carbs and about 35grams of protein.

Pork Chili

The pumpkin seed meal used to thickenthis chili is an authentically Mexicantouch.

Page 1926: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

1½ pounds (680 g) boneless pork

loin, cut in ½-inch (1.3-cm)cubes

¾ cup (120 g) chopped onion4 cloves garlic, crushed 2

tablespoons (30 ml) olive oil2½ teaspoons chili powder1 teaspoon ground cumin1 green pepper, chopped1 cup (240 ml) chicken broth¼ cup (60 g) picante sauce3 chipotle chiles canned in adobo,

minced2 teaspoons adobo sauce from the

chili can¼ cup (60 g) pumpkin seed meal

(Grind raw shelled pumpkin

Page 1927: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

seeds in a food processor.)Salt to taste

In a big heavy skillet or Dutch oven,sauté the onion and garlic in the olive oiluntil the onions are translucent.

Add everything else except the groundpumpkin seeds and the salt, turn the heatto low, cover the pan, and let the wholething simmer for 45 minutes to an hour.

Now stir in the pumpkin seed mealand let it simmer another 10 to 15minutes. Season with salt to taste andserve.

Yield: 3 to 4 servings

Assuming 4, each will have 34 g protein;11 g carbohydrate; 3 g dietary fiber; 8 g

Page 1928: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back


Pork Slow Cooker Chili

Try this when you want to have peopleover after the kids’ soccer game!

2½ pounds (1.1 kg) boneless porkloin, cut into 1-inch (2.5-cm)cubes

1 tablespoon (15 ml) olive oil1 can (14½ ounces, or 410 g)

tomatoes with green chiles¼ cup (40 g) chopped onion¼ cup (30 g) diced green bell

pepper1 clove garlic, crushed

Page 1929: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

1 tablespoon (7.8 g) chili powder

In a big, heavy skillet, heat the oil andbrown the pork all over. Transfer thepork to a slow cooker. Stir in thetomatoes, onion, pepper, garlic, andchili powder. Cover the slow cooker,set it to low, and let it cook for 6 to 8hours.

Serve this with sour cream andshredded Monterey Jack cheese, if youlike, but it’s darned good as-is.

Yield: 8 servings

Each with 25 g protein, 3 gcarbohydrate, 1 g dietary fiber, 2 gusable carbs.

Page 1930: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

Apple Cheddar PorkBurgers

What can I say? I think apples and porkare a terrific combination.

1 pound (455 g) boneless porkloin, cut into 1½-inch (4 cm)cubes

½ Granny Smith or other crisp,tart apple, cut into a fewchunks (no need to peel it)

¼ medium onion, peeled and cutinto a couple of chunks

2 tablespoons (13 g) oat bran1 egg½ teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal

Page 1931: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

2 teaspoons prepared horseradish2 ounces (56 g) cheddar cheese,


Preheat an electric tabletop grill.Put the apple, onion, pork, oat bran,

egg, salt, and horseradish in a foodprocessor and pulse until the meat isground and everything is well blended.Add the cheese and pulse just longenough to blend it in—you’re trying tokeep some actual shreds of cheese in themixture.

Form into 4 burgers and slap them onthe grill. Cook for 7 minutes or until thejuices run clear.

Yield: 4 servings

Page 1932: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

Each with 5 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 4 grams ofusable carbs and 25 grams of protein.

Ham and Pork Burgers

These are sort of plain and simple, butmy husband loves them. This is a goodrecipe to help you use up leftover ham,should you have any on hand—but ofcourse, you can also buy a chunk ofprecooked ham at the grocery

¾ pound (340 g) boneless porkloin, cut into chunks

½ pound (225 g) cooked ham, cutinto chunks

2 tablespoons (13 g) oat bran

Page 1933: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

2 tablespoons (30 ml) heavycream

1 egg½ teaspoon pepper

Preheat an electric tabletop grill.Plunk the ham, pork loin, oat bran,

cream, egg, and pepper in a foodprocessor with the S-blade in place andpulse until the meat is finely ground.Form into 4 burgers and put them in thegrill. Cook for 6 to 7 minutes and serve.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with no more than 5 grams ofcarbohydrates (less, if you use reallylow-carb ham) and 1 gram of fiber, for a

Page 1934: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

total of no more than 4 grams of usablecarbs and 28 grams of protein.

Thai Burgers

Boy, are these good! If you can’t findfish sauce, you can substitute soy sauce,and this will still taste fine.

1½ pounds (680 g) boneless porkloin, cut into chunks

1½ teaspoons lemon juice1 tablespoon (16.5 ml) chili garlic

paste1 clove garlic or ½ teaspoon

minced garlic4 scallions, with the roots and the

Page 1935: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

tops cut off (Leave the crisppart of the green!)

1 can (4 ounces, or 115 g)mushrooms, drained

1 tablespoon (15 ml) fish sauce2 tablespoons (8 g) fresh cilantro3 tablespoons (45 ml) lime juice½ cup (115 g) mayonnaise

Preheat an electric tabletop grill.Put the pork loin, lemon juice, chili

garlic paste, garlic, scallions,mushrooms, fish sauce, and cilantro in afood processor with the S-blade inplace. Pulse until the meat is finelyground and everything is well combined.Form the mixture into 6 burgers and putthem on the grill. Cook for 6 to 7

Page 1936: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

minutes.While the burgers are cooking, stir the

lime juice (bottled works fine) into themayonnaise. When the burgers are done,top each one with a dollop of the limemayonnaise and serve.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 4 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 3 grams ofusable carbs and 24 grams of protein.

Luau Burgers

Again, all those ingredients make thislook intimidating, but it’s really just amatter of assembling everything in the

Page 1937: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

food processor and chopping it together.

1 pound (455 g) boneless porkloin

¼ medium onion, cut into chunks½ green pepper, cut into chunks1½ teaspoons grated ginger½ teaspoon minced garlic or 1

clove garlic, crushed1 tablespoon (15 ml) soy sauce1 egg¼ cup (20 g) crushed pork rinds,

plain or barbeque flavor½ teaspoon pepper½ teaspoon salt¼ cup (50 g) canned crushed

pineapple in unsweetened juice1 tablespoon (15 ml) tomato

Page 1938: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

sauce½ teaspoon blackstrap molasses½ teaspoon Splenda½ teaspoon spicy brown mustard

Preheat an electric tabletop grill.Place the pork, onion, pepper, ginger,

garlic, soy sauce, egg, pork rinds,pepper, and salt in a food processorwith the S-blade in place. (You’ll need afull-size food processor; thisoverwhelmed my little one!) Pulse untilthe meat is finely ground. Add thepineapple and pulse to mix.

Form into 5 burgers—the mixture willbe quite soft—and slap them on the grill.Set a timer for 6 minutes.

While the burgers are cooking, mix

Page 1939: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

together the tomato sauce, molasses,Splenda, and mustard. When the 6minutes are up, open the grill, spread thetomato sauce mixture evenly over theburgers and then close the grill and cookfor 1 more minute. Serve.

Yield: 5 servings

Each with 5 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 4 grams ofusable carbs and 22 grams of protein.

These are low-calorie, too! They havejust 178 calories per serving.


Page 1940: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

I didn’t know whether to put these tastyMexican meatballs in the pork chapter orthe beef chapter! They’re great bythemselves, or you can serve them overCauliflower Rice (page 212).

1 pound (455 g) ground pork1 pound (455 g) ground beef1 cup (120 g) shredded zucchini¼ cup (40 g) finely minced onion2 eggs½ teaspoon oregano½ teaspoon pepper½ teaspoon cumin1 teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal1 can (14½ ounces, or 410 g)

diced tomatoes, undrained2 chipotle chiles canned in adobo

Page 1941: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

(or less or more, to taste)¾ cup (180 ml) chicken broth

In a big mixing bowl, combine the twomeats. Add the zucchini, the onion, andthe eggs to the meat. Measure in theseasonings. Using clean hands, smoosheverything together until it’s all verywell combined—in particular, youshouldn’t be able to tell where one meatends and the other begins. Form intomeatballs a little smaller than a walnutin its shell. Put on a plate and set in thefridge.

Put the tomatoes in a blender—don’tdrain them first. Add the chipotles andthen blend the whole thing until smooth.Dump this combination into a big, heavy

Page 1942: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

skillet and put it over medium-high heat.When it comes to a boil, turn the heatdown and let the sauce simmer for 5minutes. Stir in the chicken broth andbring the sauce back to a

Add the meatballs and bring to asimmer a third time. Cover the skillet,let the whole thing simmer for 45 to 50minutes, and then serve.

Yield: 8 servings

Each with 22 g protein; 5 gcarbohydrate; 1 g dietary fiber; 4 gusable carbs. Analysis does not includeCauliflower Rice.


Page 1943: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

These brown and tender cubes of porkare a Mexican classic. Serve them overa salad or make a simple soft taco bypiling your carnitas on a low-carbtortilla.

3 pounds (1.4 kg) pork shoulder,skin and bone removed

Water1 tablespoon (15 ml) lime juice2 teaspoons salt

Cut the pork into 1-inch (2.5-cm) cubesand put them in a big, heavy skillet. Addjust enough water to barely cover thecubes. Add the lime juice, sprinkle withsalt, and bring to a boil. Do not coverthe pan.

Page 1944: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

Turn the heat down to medium-lowand let the meat continue to boil until allthe water has evaporated.

Turn the heat down even lower and letthe meat continue to cook, stirring often,until the meat cubes are browned allover, which may take as long as an hour.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 29 g protein; 0 gcarbohydrate; 0 g dietary fiber; 0 gusable carb. Analysis does not includelow-carb tortilla.

Carolina Pulled Pork

In much of the country, spareribs are the

Page 1945: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

favorite part of the pig to barbecue. Butin the Carolinas, barbecue means porkshoulder (or sometimes even the wholehog!) smoked for ages until it’s tenderand juicy. Then the meat is cut or pulledoff the bone and combined with one of afew different kinds of sauces, dependingon the region. The whole process takes alot of time (though not a tremendousamount of work), but the results arenothing short of spectacular!

1 pork picnic shoulder, about 4pounds (1.8 kg)

OilSalt and pepperBarbecue rub of choice (optional)Wood chips or chunks, soaked for

Page 1946: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

at least 30 minutes

This is way too simple. Set up a grill forindirect smoking (pile all the coals onone side or turn on only half the burnerson a gas grill) and add the wood chipsor chunks. Then rub the pork shoulder allover with a little oil, sprinkle it with saltand pepper, and sprinkle it liberallywith barbecue rub if desired. It’s a goodidea to insert a meat thermometer intothe center of the thickest part of the meat,taking care not to let it touch the

Then put that hunk of pork on the grill,fatty side up, and smoke it for a long,long time— 6 to 7 hours. (Don’t trysimmering this like you might a rack ofribs you wanted to speed up. If you don’t

Page 1947: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

have the time, make something else.)Make sure you replace the wood chipsor chunks when necessary so that you getplenty of good smoky flavor and takecare to keep the temperature between200°F and 225°F (95°C and 110°C).(Lower isn’t disastrous, but it can stretchout your cooking time even further.Higher and your meat will grill, notsmoke.) When the internal temperature isbetween 170°F and 180°F (80°C and85°C), your pork is done. Take it off thegrill and let it rest for 10 minutes beforecutting it up.

Okay, 10 minutes are up! Cut or pullthe pork off the bone; you can discardthe bone. Pull or cut off the outside fat.Then, either chop up the meat or pull it

Page 1948: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

apart with two forks until it’s in shreds.Now mix it with about 2/3 cup (160 ml)Piedmont Mustard Sauce (page 469),Eastern Carolina Vinegar Sauce (page469), or Lexington-Style BarbecueSauce (page 470).

How to serve your pulled pork? Afterall, it’s usually served on a bun, andwe’re sure not going to eat it that way.Well, you can just eat it with a fork byitself, of course, and it will be extremelynice. However, since Carolina barbecuesandwiches are usually topped withcoleslaw, why not serve yourself a bigpile of coleslaw, top it with pulled pork,and eat the two together as a main-dishsalad?

Page 1949: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

Yield: A 4-pound (1.8-kg) shoulder willyield about 6 servings

The carb count will depend on whichsauce you choose; the meat itself ispretty much carb-free; 39 grams ofprotein.

Cajun Barbecued Pork

This dish is hot! It’s not for the timid, butthe taste is complex and delicious.

4 pounds (1.8 kg) country-stylepork ribs

1 batch Cajun Rub (page 490)1 batch Cajun Rib Mop (page


Page 1950: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

cup (160 ml) Cajun Sauce(page 474)

Wood chips or chunks, soaked forat least 30 minutes

Set up a grill for indirect smoking (pileall the coals on one side or turn on onlyhalf the burners on a gas grill) and addthe wood chips or chunks. Rub thecountry-style ribs all over with theCajun Rub and place them on the grill.Smoke them for 30 to 45 minutes andthen start to baste them with the CajunRib Mop, using a clean utensil eachtime, every time you open the grill toadd more chips or chunks as the smokedies down. Smoke for 3 to 4 hours, atleast, or until an instant-read

Page 1951: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

thermometer registers 170°F (80°C).Serve with the Cajun Sauce.

Yield: 6 servings

Each serving will have 7 grams ofcarbohydrate and 1 gram of fiber, for ausable carb count of 6 grams; 36 gramsprotein.

Chinese Pork

Pork is the most popular meat in China,and this is a de-carbed version of aclassic Chinese seasoning. Feel free todo this with spareribs instead.

3 pounds (1.4 kg) country-style

Page 1952: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

pork ribs½ cup (120 ml) soy sauce¼ cup (60 ml) sherry1 clove garlic2 tablespoons (3 g) Splenda1 tablespoon (6 g) grated ginger¼ cup (60 ml) oil

Mix together everything from the soysauce through the ginger. Put the ribs in ashallow, nonreactive pan or a resealableplastic bag. Reserve some marinade forbasting and pour the rest over them. Ifyou’re using a bag, press out the air andseal it. Either way, turn the ribs to coat.Stick the ribs in the fridge and let themmarinate for at least a few hours.

Okay, marinating time’s up. Pour off

Page 1953: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

half the marinade. Put the ribs with theremaining marinade in a heavy-bottomedsaucepan and just barely cover withwater. Bring to a simmer and simmer theribs for 45 minutes. When they’re gettingon toward the end of simmering time,start the grill. Mix the oil with thereserved marinade.

Put the ribs over a medium-lowcharcoal fire or gas grill and grillslowly over direct heat. Baste often withthe marinade-oil mixture, using a cleanutensil each time, until quite tender—about another 45 minutes.

Yield: 6 servings

If you consumed all of the marinade,

Page 1954: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

each serving would have 4 grams ofcarbohydrate, and a trace of fiber. Sinceyou don’t, figure closer to 3 grams perserving; 28 grams of protein.

Absolutely ClassicBarbecued Ribs

This is what most of us think of when wethink “barbecued ribs,” and a beautifulthing it is, too.

1 slab pork spare ribs, about 7pounds (3.2 kg)

½ cup (60 g) Classic BarbecueRub (page 486), divided

½ cup (120 ml) oil

Page 1955: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

½ cup (120 ml) water1 cup (240 grams) Kansas City

Barbecue Sauce (page 467)Wood chips or chunks, soaked for

at least 30 minutes

First, fire up that grill! Set it up forindirect smoking (pile all the coals onone side or turn on only half the burnerson a gas grill) and add the wood chipsor chunks.

Sprinkle the ribs heavily on both sideswith the Classic Barbecue Rub. Then,when your grill is hot or your charcoal iswell covered with ash, throw the ribs onthe grill on the side away from the fire.Smoke them for a good 6 hours at 225°F(110°C), adding wood chips whenever

Page 1956: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

the smoke dies down.Okay, the ribs are in the hot smoke.

Put the oil and water in a small pan orbowl and stir in 2 tablespoons (15 g) ofthe Classic Barbecue Rub. After the ribshave smoked for about 30 to 45 minutes,use this simple mop to baste them everytime you add fresh chips or chunks to thefire. Make sure to use a clean utensileach time you baste. Turn the ribs overevery 60 to 90 minutes.

Come the last 20 minutes of yourcooking time, baste your ribs well withthe Kansas City Barbecue Sauce and putthem directly over the fire for 10 minutesper side to crisp them a little. Serve withcold light beer, slaw, extra sauce, and abig roll of paper towels!

Page 1957: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

Feel free to use this same basicmethod with any rub and any sauce!

Yield: About 8 to 9 servings

Assuming 8, each will have 10 grams ofcarbohydrate with 2 grams of fiber, for ausable carb count of 8 grams; 49 gramsof protein.

Simple Marinated Ribs

Why is this recipe for a half-slab ofribs? Because there are only two of us inmy household, that’s why! Feel free todouble the marinade and use a wholeslab if you like—but you’ll want to cutthe slab into two pieces so it’ll fit into a

Page 1958: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

resealable plastic bag. What with themarinade/mop, these have plenty offlavor without a finishing sauce, but feelfree to use one if you really want to.

3 pounds (1.4 kg) pork spareribs—about half a slab

½ cup (120 ml) cider vinegar1 tablespoon (1.5 g) Splenda1 tablespoon (15 ml) spicy

mustard½ teaspoon grated ginger½ cup (120 ml) olive oilWood chips or chunks, soaked for

at least 30 minutes

Combine everything but the ribs and theoil. Put the ribs in a large resealable

Page 1959: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

plastic bag. Reserve some of the vinegarmixture for basting, pour the rest over it,and seal the bag, pressing out the air asyou go. Turn the bag a couple of times tomake sure the whole surface of the meatcomes in contact with the marinade.Throw the ribs in the fridge and let themmarinate all day or even overnight,turning now and then when you open thefridge anyway and think of it.

Six hours before dinner, get a firegoing for indirect smoking (pile all thecoals on one side or turn on only half theburners on a gas grill) and add the woodchips or chunks. When the fire is ready,mix the reserved marinade and the oil—this is your mopping sauce. Drain andthrow the ribs on the grill and smoke

Page 1960: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

them for 5 to 6 hours or until quitetender, basting every 30 to 45 minutes(or when you add more chips or chunksto the fire, as the smoke dies down) withthe mop sauce. Use a clean utensil eachtime you baste.

Yield: 4 servings

Each serving will have 2 grams ofcarbohydrate and a trace of fiber if youfinish the marinade, which you won’t—I’d count 1 gram, myself; 36 grams ofprotein.

Apple-Maple Brined Ribs

Okay, I admit it. This is not a

Page 1961: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

spontaneous recipe; it takes forever! It’squite simple, though, and these ribs tastewonderful with no other seasoning at all.This recipe is for a half-slab, so feelfree to double it.

½ slab pork spare ribs, about 4pounds (1.8 kg)

½ cup (145 g) salt7 cups (1.7 L) hot water2 cups (480 ml) cider vinegar½ cup (12 g) Splenda½ cup (120 ml) sugar-free

pancake syrup1½ teaspoons cracked black

pepper½ cup (120 ml) oil, plus more for


Page 1962: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

Wood chips or chunks, soaked forat least 30 minutes

Dissolve the salt in the hot water andthen stir in everything else but the ribs.Put the ribs in something shallow, flat,and made of a nonreactive material—you may want to cut the slab into a fewpieces to fit it in. Reserve ½ cup (120ml) of the brine for basting and pour therest over the ribs, making sure they’resubmerged at least a little bit. Stash themin the fridge and let them sit for 3 to 4hours.

Six hours before you want to eat, startthe grill for indirect cooking—build acharcoal fire to one side or light onlyone burner of your gas grill. Pull the ribs

Page 1963: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

out of the brine and pat them dry. Rubthe surface of the ribs with a little oil.

When the fire is ready, put the ribsover the side of the grill not over the fireand add soaked wood chips to the fire—apple wood would be especiallyappropriate, but I’ve used other chipsand gotten good results. Smoke the ribsfor a good 6 hours, adding wood chipswhenever the smoke dies down.

What do you do with that ½ cup (120ml) of reserved brine? Mix it with ½ cup(120 ml) oil and use it to baste the ribswhile they’re smoking, every time youadd more chips or chunks. Use a cleanutensil each time you baste.

You can add other seasonings or asauce to these if you like, but I like them

Page 1964: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

with just salt and pepper. The brine/mopadds a lovely flavor of its own andmakes these ribs wonderfully juicy!

Yield: 5 to 6 servings

If you consumed all of the brine, you’dget a substantial quantity of carbohydrate(7 or 8 grams) but you discard most ofthe brine, of course. Count 1 to 2 gramsper serving, at most; 32 grams ofprotein. Analysis does not includepolyol sweetened in sugar-free syrup.

Oven Barbecued Ribs

3 pounds (1.4 kg) pork spareribs(about a half a slab)

Page 1965: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

1 tablespoon (6.9 g) paprika1 teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal2 teaspoons spicy brown mustard1 bay leaf½ teaspoon chili powder¼ teaspoon cayenne2 tablespoons (30 ml)

Worcestershire sauce¼ cup (60 ml) cider vinegar

cup (80 ml) tomato sauce2 tablespoons (30 ml) Dana’s No-

Sugar Ketchup (page 463)½ cup (120 ml) water1 teaspoon lemon juice2 tablespoons (20 g) minced onion1 clove garlic, crushed½ teaspoon blackstrap molasses

Page 1966: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

In a large, nonreactive saucepancombine everything but the ribs. Stirtogether, bring to a boil, turn down to asimmer, and let it cook for 10 to 15minutes.

Preheat the oven to 450°F (230°C, orgas mark 8). While the sauce is cooking,I like to cut in between the ribs abouthalfway up, but that’s optional—it justgives more surface for the sauce to coat!Place the ribs on a broiler pan.

Pour some sauce into a small bowland paint the ribs thoroughly with therest of the sauce. Let them roast for 30minutes. Now turn the oven down to350°F (180°C, or gas mark 4). Baste theribs with fresh sauce using a cleanutensil, turn them over, and baste the

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other side. Continue roasting the ribs for90 minutes, basting every 20 to 30minutes, and turning them over when youdo. Serve with plenty of napkins!

Yield: 3 to 4 servings

Assuming 4, each will have 37 g protein;8 g carbohydrate; 1 g dietary fiber; 7 gusable carbs—and that’s if you use upall the sauce.

Orange Brined Ribs

3 pounds (1.4 kg) country-stylepork ribs

16 ounces (480 ml) orange-flavored Fruit2O

Page 1968: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

1 tablespoon (18 g) salt2 cloves garlic

teaspoon blackstrap molasses1½ teaspoons soy sauce½ cup (120 ml) olive oilWood chips or chunks, soaked for

at least 30 minutes

Dissolve the salt in the Fruit2O—heatingthe Fruit2O a bit will help the saltdissolve. Stir in everything else but theribs and oil. Set aside ½ cup of the brinefor basting and 1 tablespoon (15 ml) ofthe brine to use in the Orange Rib Glaze(following). Put the ribs in a shallownonreactive dish and pour the rest ofbrine over them, making sure the ribs aresubmerged at least a little bit. Put the

Page 1969: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

whole thing in the fridge and let the ribssoak in the brine for 4 to 5 hours.

Five to six hours before you want toeat, prepare the grill for indirect cooking—build a charcoal fire to one side orlight only one burner of your gas grill.When the fire is ready, pull the ribs outand drain them. Pat the ribs dry and rubthem with a little oil. Put them on thegrill and add soaked wood chips to thefire. Cover the grill and smoke the ribsfor 5 to 6 hours, adding more chips orchunks when the smoke dies down.

Combine the ½ cup (120 ml) ofreserved brine with ½ cup (120 ml) ofoil and use it to mop the ribs every timeyou add chips or chunks to the fire. Usea clean utensil each time you baste.

Page 1970: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

I like to coat these with Orange RibGlaze in the last 20 minutes before theycome off the grill, but serve them withwhatever sauce or seasoning you like!

Yield: 5 servings

Exclusive of any sauce you might add,these are virtually carb-free! 32 gramsof protein.

Orange Rib Glaze

1 tablespoon (15 ml) sugar-freeimitation honey

1 tablespoon (15 ml) reservedorange brine from OrangeBrined Ribs recipe (preceding)

Page 1971: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

¼ teaspoon orange extract½ teaspoon soy sauce1 clove garlic, crushed½ teaspoon grated ginger

Simply stir everything together and brushevenly over Orange Brined Ribs in thelast 20 minutes of cooking. This is justenough to make a thin glaze over theribs. It’s not enough to spoon over themat the table—but trust me, if you’ve usedthe brine and the mop, you’ll have plentyof flavor.

Yield: 5 servings

Each serving has 3 grams ofcarbohydrate, exclusive of the polyols in

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the imitation honey; a trace of fiber; atrace of protein.

Bourbon Mustard Pork Ribs

No rub or finishing sauce needed—themarinade/baste alone makes thesemustardy-tangy-sweet.

1 slab pork spare ribs, about 6 to7 pounds (2.7 to 3.2 kg)

1 cup (240 ml) bourbon1 cup (240 ml) oil1 tablespoon (15 ml) molasses1 cup (240 ml) spicy brown

mustard2 tablespoons (4 g) dried sage

Page 1973: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

2 teaspoons salt or Vege-Sal2 teaspoons pepper1 tablespoon (4 g) dried thyme1 cup (25 g) SplendaWood chips or chunks, soaked for

at least 30 minutes

Combine everything but the ribs and thewood chunks. Cut the ribs in two sothey’ll fit in a pot—use a nonreactiveone, only big enough to fit the ribs.Reserve some bourbon mixture forbasting, pour the rest over them, and letthem marinate for several hours, at least.

Now you get to make a choice: tosimmer, or not to simmer? I like tosimmer—put the pot over medium-lowheat, bring the marinade to a simmer,

Page 1974: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

and let the ribs cook for 25 to 30minutes.

Either way, set up your grill forindirect smoking (pile all the coals onone side or turn on only half the burnerson a gas grill) and add the wood chipsor chunks.

If you’ve simmered your ribs, smokethem for 3 hours. If you haven’t, smokethem for 5 to 6 hours. Either way, bastethem with the reserved bourbon-mustardmarinade every 30 to 45 minutes whilethey’re smoking, using a clean utensileach time. Baste them for the last time atleast 15 to 20 minutes before pulling theribs out of the hot smoke. Replace thewood chips whenever the smoke diesdown.

Page 1975: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

These don’t need any sauce at all—just eat them as is.

Yield: 8 servings

If you consumed all the marinade/baste,you’d get 8 grams of carb per serving,with 1 gram of fiber, but you won’tconsume all of the marinade/baste!Estimating generously that you’ll eattwo-thirds of the bourbon-mustardmixture, you’ll get 6 grams of carb perserving, with a trace of fiber, and thecount may actually be lower than that; 39grams of protein.

Hoisin Basted Ribs

Page 1976: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

Another Chinese-influenced version ofribs. You’ll have to make the low-carbHoisin Sauce first, but it’s a nice thing tohave on hand anyway.

1 slab pork spareribs, about 6pounds (2.7 kg)

¾ cup (180 ml) Hoisin Sauce(page 464)

¼ cup (60 ml) dry sherry3 tablespoons (45 ml) sugar-free

imitation honey4 cloves garlic, crushed1 teaspoon grated ginger1½ tablespoons (2 g) SplendaOilSalt and pepper

Page 1977: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

Simmer the ribs first for this one—putthem in a pot big enough to hold themand cover them with water. (You canadd a little soy sauce and Splenda, if youlike.) Bring them to a simmer and letthem simmer for 30 to 45 minutes.

While that’s happening, get the firegoing, especially if you’re usingcharcoal. You’ll want the fire medium-low.

Next, put the low-carb Hoisin Sauce,sherry, imitation honey, garlic, andginger in the blender, and run it untileverything is well combined.

Okay, the ribs are done simmering.Pull them out, pat them dry with papertowels, and give them a nice massagewith a little oil. Season them with salt

Page 1978: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

and pepper and put them over the fire—we’re directly grilling them this time,instead of slow smoking them. Put themmeaty-side down, close the grill, and letthem cook for 20 minutes. Flip themover, re-close the grill, and let them goanother 40 to 45 minutes.

About 20 minutes before cooking timeis up, baste the ribs with the HoisinSauce mixture and baste them again 10minutes later. Serve the rest of the sauceat the table.

Yield: 9 servings

Each serving will have 5 gramscarbohydrate and a trace of fiber, notincluding the polyols in the imitation

Page 1979: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

honey; 35 grams protein.

Hot Asian Ribs

This is full-bodied Chinese flavor. Ifyour family loves Chinese spareribs, youhave to make this!

3½ pounds (1.8 kg) country-stylepork ribs

4 scallions, sliced¼ cup (60 ml) soy sauce

cup (8 g) Splenda1 teaspoon blackstrap molasses2 tablespoons (30 ml) white wine

vinegar2 teaspoons toasted sesame oil

Page 1980: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

2 teaspoons lemon juice½ teaspoon hot sauce1 clove garlic½ teaspoon ground ginger½ teaspoon chili powder¼ teaspoon red pepper flakes6 teaspoons Hoisin Sauce (page


Put the ribs in a slow cooker.In a bowl, mix together the remaining

ingredients. Pour the sauce over the ribs.Cover the slow cooker, set it to low, andlet it cook for 8 to 9 hours.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 32 g protein, 4 g

Page 1981: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

carbohydrate, 1 g dietary fiber, 3 gusable carbs.

Key West Ribs

Citrusy barbecue sauce gives this aFlorida kind of taste!

3 pounds (1.4 kg) country-stylepork ribs

¼ cup (40 g) finely chopped onion¼ cup (60 ml) low-carb barbecue

sauce (from Chapter 13 orpurchased)

1 teaspoon grated orange peel1 teaspoon grated lemon rind½ teaspoon salt

Page 1982: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

2 tablespoons (30 ml) white winevinegar

2 tablespoons (30 ml) lemon juice2 tablespoons (30 ml) lime juice1½ tablespoons (2 g) Splenda

teaspoon orange extract2 tablespoons (30 ml) olive oil

In a big, heavy skillet, brown the ribsover medium-high heat. Transfer them toa slow cooker.

In a bowl, mix together the remainingingredients. Pour the mixture over theribs. Cover the slow cooker, set it tolow, and let it cook for 7 to 9 hours.Serve the ribs together with the sauce.

Yield: 6 servings

Page 1983: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

Each with 26 g protein, 3 gcarbohydrate, trace dietary fiber, 3 gusable carbs.

Maple-Spice Country-StyleRibs

My pal Ray Stevens, who has testedmany recipes for me, raves about this.It’s shaping up to be the recipe by whichall other recipes are judged!

3 pounds (1.4 kg) country-stylepork ribs

½ cup (120 ml) sugar-freepancake syrup

3 tablespoons (4.5 g) Splenda

Page 1984: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

2 tablespoons (30 ml) soy sauce¼ cup (40 g) chopped onion½ teaspoon ground cinnamon½ teaspoon ground ginger½ teaspoon ground allspice3 cloves garlic, crushed¼ teaspoon pepper teaspoon cayenne

Put the ribs in a slow cooker.In a bowl, mix together the remaining

ingredients. Pour the mixture over theribs. Cover the slow cooker, set it tolow, and let it cook for 9 hours.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 27 g protein, 2 g

Page 1985: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

carbohydrate, trace dietary fiber, 2 gusable carbs. Analysis does not includepolyol sweetened in sugar-free

Sour Cream Ham Supper

This is another updated, decarbed recipefrom Peg Bracken’s classic, The I HateTo Cook Book.

2 cups (300 g) cooked ham, cutinto strips

½ head cauliflower½ medium onion, diced2 tablespoons (28 g) butter8 ounces (225 g) sliced

mushrooms½ cup (115 g) sour cream

Page 1986: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

Run the cauliflower through theshredding blade of your food processor.Put it in a microwaveable casseroledish, add a couple of tablespoons (30ml) of water, cover, and cook on highfor 6 to 7 minutes.

While the cauliflower is cooking, dicethe onion and cut the ham into smallishstrips. Melt the butter in a large, heavyskillet over medium heat and sauté theonion, ham, and mushrooms in it, stirringfrequently. When the onion is limp andtranslucent, turn the heat to low and stirin the sour cream. Heat through, butdon’t let it come to a boil or the sourcream will “crack.”

Drain the cauliflower, divide it

Page 1987: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

between 3 plates, and spoon the hammixture over it.

Yield: 3 servings

Each with 9 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 8 grams ofusable carbs and 19 grams of protein.

“Honey” Mustard Ham

You may wonder how to roast a hamwhen you’re not going to be around forhours to tend the oven. You use yourslow cooker, of course. You’ll need abig slow cooker for this.

5 pounds (2.3 kg) fully cooked,

Page 1988: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

bone-in ham cup (80 ml) apple cider vinegar

½ cup (12 g) Splenda, divided1 tablespoon (15 ml) brown

mustard½ teaspoon blackstrap molasses1 teaspoon water

Place the ham in a slow cooker.In a bowl, mix together the vinegar

and 2 tablespoons (3 g) of the Splenda.Add the mixture to the slow cooker. Inthe same bowl, mix together the mustard,molasses, remaining Splenda, and waterand spread the mixture over the ham.Cover the slow cooker, set it to low, andlet it cook for 7 hours.

Page 1989: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 68 g protein, 6 gcarbohydrate, trace dietary fiber, 6 gusable carbs.

Ham Kedgeree

Oh boy, you are going to thank me forthis recipe the Monday after Easter. Thisquick and tasty skillet supper, based on atraditional dish from the Britishoccupation of India, will help you use upboth leftover ham and hard-boiled eggs!It’s good enough that you may findyourself buying precooked ham andboiling up some eggs at other times ofyear.

Page 1990: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

2 cups (300 g) ham, cut in ½-inch

(1.3-cm) cubes½ head cauliflower3 tablespoons (42 g) butter1 tablespoon (6 g) curry powder3 tablespoons (30 g) minced onion4 hard-boiled eggs, coarsely

chopped¼ cup (60 ml) heavy creamSalt and pepper¼ cup (15.2 g) chopped fresh


Run the cauliflower through theshredding blade of a food processor. Putit in a microwaveable casserole dishwith a lid, add a couple of tablespoons

Page 1991: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

(30 ml) of water, cover, and microwaveon high for 6 minutes.

Melt the butter in a large, heavyskillet over low heat and add the currypowder and onion. Sauté them togetherfor 2 to 3 minutes. Add everything else,stir gently but thoroughly (gently so thatyou don’t completely pulverize the hunksof egg yolk), heat through, and serve.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 19 g protein; 6 gcarbohydrate; 1 g dietary fiber; 5 gusable carbs.

Creamy Ham Casserole

Page 1992: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

I made this up to use the end of a ham I’dslow cooked, and it was a hit with myhusband.

2 cups (300g) cooked ham, cubed1 head cauliflower1 medium onion, chopped1 large stalk celery, with leaves2 cups (480 ml) Carb Countdown

dairy beverage1 cup (240 ml) chicken broth6 teaspoons guar or xanthan1 teaspoon dry mustard1 teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal½ teaspoon pepper8 ounces (225 g) Gruyère cheese,


Page 1993: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

Run the cauliflower through the slicingblade of a food processor. Transfer it toa bowl and replace the slicing disc withthe S-blade. Chop the onion and celeryfine in the food processor.

With a hand blender or regularblender, blend the Carb Countdown andbroth. Add the guar or xanthan and blendit until there are no lumps. Pour themixture it into a saucepan and heat itover medium-low heat. (If you do have ahand blender, you may as well just dumpthe Carb Countdown and the chickenbroth in the saucepan and use the handblender to blend in the thickener in thepot to save a little dishwashing.) Stir inthe dry mustard, salt or Vege-Sal, andpepper. When the sauce is hot, stir in the

Page 1994: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

cheese, a little at a time, until it’s allmelted. Turn off the heat.

Spray a slow cooker with nonstickcooking spray. Put in a layer ofcauliflower, a lighter layer of onion andcelery, and then a generous layer of ham.Repeat these layers until everything’sgone and the slow cooker is full. Pourhalf of the sauce over the top. It won’timmediately flow down into the food inthe slow cooker, so poke down into itseveral times with the handle of a rubberscraper or spoon, piercing the layers tothe bottom. The sauce will start to seepdown. When there’s more room on top,pour in the rest of the sauce and pokedown through the layers again. Cover theslow cooker, set it to low, and let it

Page 1995: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

cook for 6 to 7 hours.

Yield: 8 servings

Each with 24 g protein, 5 gcarbohydrate, 1 g dietary fiber, 4 gusable carbs.

Ham and Beans Skillet

This is very down-home, which is oftena good thing. My husband loves it. Youcan double this if you like, but the beanswill take longer to microwave. Evendoubled, though, it’s a good, fast supper!

6 ounces (170 g) cooked ham, cutinto ½-inch (1.3-cm) cubes

Page 1996: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

1 tablespoon (28 g or 30 ml)butter or oil

2 cups (300 g) frozen cross-cutgreen beans

1 tablespoon (13 g) canned,crushed pineapple in juice

1 tablespoon (15 ml) low-carbohydrate barbecue sauce

¼ teaspoon grated ginger½ teaspoon spicy brown mustard

Start to sauté the ham in the butter or oilover medium heat—you’re justbrowning it a little. While that’shappening, put the beans in amicrowaveable casserole dish, add acouple of tablespoons (30 ml) of water,cover, and microwave on high for 7

Page 1997: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

minutes.When the microwave goes “ding,”

check that the beans are done; if they’renot, stir them and give them another 2 to3 minutes. When they’re just tender,drain them and add them to the brownedham cubes in the skillet. Add thepineapple, barbecue sauce, ginger, andmustard and stir well. Let it cook for justa minute to blend the flavors and thenserve.

Yield: 2 servings

Each with 13 grams of carbohydratesand 4 grams of fiber, for a total of 9grams of usable carbs and 19 grams ofprotein.

Page 1998: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

Ham Slice with MustardSauce

Ham steak, about 2 pounds (910g)

2 to 3 tablespoons (30 to 45 ml)oil

½ cup (120 ml) water3 tablespoons (45 ml) prepared

mustard3 tablespoons (4.5 g) Splenda¼ teaspoon blackstrap molassesSalt and pepper

Put the oil in a heavy skillet overmedium heat and fry the ham steak untilit is golden on both sides. Remove the

Page 1999: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

ham from the skillet, set it on a platter,and keep it warm.

Pour the water into the skillet and stirit around, scraping up all the brown bitsfrom the ham. Stir in the mustard,Splenda, molasses, and salt and pepperto taste. Pour over the ham and serve.

Yield: 5 servings

Each with 2 grams of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 36 grams of protein.

Apple Sausage Burgers

Feel free to make these with turkeysausage, if you prefer.

Page 2000: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

1½ pounds (680 g) bulk porksausage, hot or mild

½ medium onion, peeled and cutin a few chunks

½ Granny Smith or other crisp,tart apple, cut into a fewchunks (no need to peel it)

1 teaspoon dried thyme1 teaspoon dried sage1 teaspoon pepper

Preheat an electric tabletop grill.Put the onion and apple in a food

processor with the S-blade in place andpulse until they’re chopped to a mediumconsistency. Add the sausage, thyme,sage, and pepper and pulse until it’s allwell-blended.

Page 2001: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

Form into 4 burgers and put them onthe grill. Cook for 7 minutes or until thejuices run clear.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 7 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 6 grams ofusable carbs and 20 grams of protein.

Italian Sausage with Onionsand Peppers

Mmmmmmm! This is like revisiting mychildhood in the New York City area!

1¼ to 1½ pounds (570 to 680 g)Italian sausage links, hot or

Page 2002: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

mild¼ cup (60 ml) olive oil1½ large green peppers1 large onion1 clove garlic

Slice the sausage diagonally into ½-inch(1.3-cm) pieces and sauté it in the oliveoil over medium-high heat. Meanwhile,slice the peppers into medium-size stripsand slice the onion about ¼ inch (6 mm)thick. When the sausage is about halfdone, stir in the peppers, onion, andgarlic. Cook until the sausage is welldone and the onion is limp andtranslucent. Serve.

Yield: 4 servings

Page 2003: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

Each with 7 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 6 grams ofusable carbs and 21 grams of p

Country Sausage SkilletSupper

1 pound (455 g) bulk porksausage, hot or mild

1 small onion, chopped¾ cup (90 g) shredded cheddar


Crumble the sausage in a heavy skilletover medium heat. As the grease starts tocook out of it, add the onion.

Cook until the sausage is no longer

Page 2004: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

pink and the onion is translucent. Pouroff the grease, spread the sausagemixture evenly in the pan, and scatter thecheddar over the top. Cover and returnto the heat for a minute or two until thecheese is melted and serve.

Yield: 3 servings

Each with 5 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 4 grams ofusable carbs and 25 grams of protein.

Feel free to substitute turkey sausage, ifyou prefer it.

Winter Night Sausage Bake

Page 2005: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

This one-dish meal is serious down-home comfort food. Feel free to make itwith turkey sausage, if you prefer.

1-pound (455 g) roll pork sausage1 apple1 medium onion1½ teaspoons chicken bouillon

granules1 cup (240 ml) waterGuar or xanthanSalt and pepper to taster1 batch The Ultimate Fauxtatoes

(page 209)

Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C, or gasmark 4).

Slice the pork sausage into patties. Put

Page 2006: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

them in a big, heavy skillet over mediumheat. You’re going to cook them untilthey’re browned on both sides.

In the meantime, slice the apple andthe onion thinly and have them standingby.

When the sausage patties are cooked,lay them in an 8 x 8-inch (20 x 20-cm)baking dish you’ve sprayed withnonstick cooking spray. Now put theapple and onion slices in the skillet andsauté them in the sausage grease untilthey’re tender and turning golden.Spread the apples and onions on top ofthe sausage in the baking dish.

Put the chicken bouillon and the waterin the skillet and stir it around, scrapingup any tasty brown stuff stuck to the

Page 2007: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

skillet. Thicken the whole thing to a not-too-thick gravy consistency with guar orxanthan, season with salt and pepper totaste, and pour this gravy over thesausage, apple, and onion.

Now spread the Ultimate Fauxtatoesin an even layer over the whole thing.Bake for 20 minutes and serve.

Yield: 4 to 5 servings

Assuming 4, each will have 24 g protein;22 g carbohydrate; 9 g dietary fiber; 13 gusable

Sausage Skillet Mix-Up

1 pound (455 g) bulk pork

Page 2008: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

sausage, hot or mild1 small onion, chopped2 ribs celery, chopped1 green pepper, chopped1 cup (240 ml) chicken broth2 teaspoons chicken bouillon

powder2 tablespoons (30 ml)

Worcestershire sauce½ teaspoon pepper3 cups (450 g) Cauliflower Rice

(page 212)

Brown and crumble the sausage in aheavy skillet over medium-high heat.When the sausage is no longer pink, pouroff the grease, add the remainingingredients, and give the mixture a stir.

Page 2009: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

Turn the heat to low, cover the skillet,and let it simmer for 15 to 20 minutes oruntil the cauliflower is tender.

Yield: 3 servings

Each with 16 grams of carbohydratesand 4 grams of fiber, for a total of 12grams of usable carbs and 22 grams ofprotein.

Greek Meatza

A good recipe deserves a variation!Here’s my new, Greek-style version ofmeat-crust pizza.

2 pounds (910 g) ground lamb

Page 2010: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

½ medium onion, minced4 cloves garlic, crushed1½ teaspoons dried oregano1 teaspoon salt½ cup (120 ml) pizza sauce (Ragu

makes one with no sugar, butread the label!)

10 ounces (280 g) frozen choppedspinach, thawed and very well-drained

cup (35 g) sliced black olives½ cup (120 ml) canned diced

tomatoes, drained2 cups (240 g) shredded

Monterey Jack cheese1 cup (150 g) crumbled feta


Page 2011: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C, or gasmark 4).

Plunk the first five ingredients in alarge mixing bowl and use clean handsto moosh everything together really well.Pat out into an even layer in a 9 x 13-inch (23 x 33-cm) pan and bake for 20minutes. Pour off the grease.

Spread the pizza sauce over the meatlayer. Spread the spinach evenly overthe sauce and then top that with theolives and tomatoes. Spread the twocheeses over that. Turn the broiler tolow and broil about 4 inches (10 cm)from the heat for about 6 to 8 minutes oruntil browned and bubbly.

Yield: 8 servings

Page 2012: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

Each with 30 g protein; 7 gcarbohydrate; 2 g dietary fiber; 5 gusable carbs.

Kofta Burgers

Kofta kebabs are kebabs of curriedground lamb formed around skewers. Itseemed to me that it would be easier justto make my seasoned lamb into burgers,so that’s what

2 pounds (910 g) ground lamb1 cup (160 g) minced onion2 tablespoons curry powder¼ cup (60 g) plain yogurt2 cloves garlic, crushed

Page 2013: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

Just plop everything into a mixing bowl—do make sure your onion is prettyfinely minced or your burgers will wantto crumble on you—and use clean handsto smoosh it all together until it’s wellblended. Form into 6 burgers about 1inch (2.5 cm) thick. Chill them for anhour before grilling; then grill over amedium fire for 7 to 10 minutes per side.Serve with Cucumber-Yogurt Sauce(follows).

Yield: 6 servings

Exclusive of the sauce, each will have 4grams of carbohydrate and 1 gram offiber, for a usable carb count of 3 grams;26 grams protein.

Page 2014: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

Cucumber-Yogurt Sauce½ cup (60 g) shredded cucumber1 cup (230 g) plain yogurt1 clove garlic, crushed¼ teaspoon salt1 pinch ground cumin1 pinch coriander4 tablespoons (16 g) chopped


Plunk the shredded cucumber into astrainer over a bowl or in the sink to letsome moisture drain out of it. Open theyogurt and pour off any whey (clearliquid) that’s gathered. Dump the yogurtinto a bowl and add the garlic, salt,cumin, and coriander. Now go back tothe cucumber and press it with clean

Page 2015: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

hands or the back of a spoon to get mostof the water out. Add the drainedcucumber into the bowl with the yogurtand stir everything up. Add the cilantro,stir again, and serve with Kofta Burgersor anything curried.

Yield: 6 servings.

Each serving will have 3 grams of carb—actually closer to 2, if you use theGO-Diet’s figure of 4 grams per cup ofplain yogurt—a trace of fiber, and 2grams of protein.

Orange Lamb Burgers

Don’t bother grinding your own lamb in

Page 2016: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

your food processor; I tried this, and itcame out a bit gristly. Buy ground lamb,instead. If you can’t find ground lamb atyour grocery store, ask the nice meatguy.

1 pound (455 g) ground lamb¼ large sweet red onion2 cloves garlic or 1 teaspoon

minced garlic1 teaspoon ground cumin1½ tablespoons (23 ml) soy sauce2 teaspoons grated orange zest2 tablespoons (30 ml) orange

juice2 tablespoons (8 g) chopped

cilantro¼ teaspoon salt

Page 2017: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

½ teaspoon pepper

Preheat an electric tabletop grill.Either chop the red onion and the

garlic to a medium-fine consistency in afood processor using the S-blade or cutup with a knife. Then put them, the lamb,cumin, soy sauce, orange zest, orangejuice, cilantro, salt, and pepper in a bigbowl. Using clean hands, smoosheverything together until it’s all verywell blended. Form the mixture into 4burgers and put them on the grill. Cookfor 7 minutes and serve.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 3 grams of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 20 grams of protein.

Page 2018: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

Quick Curried Lamb

I invented this for a quick lunch for myhusband one day when there justhappened to be a hunk of lamb in thefridge that needed to be used. It was sogood, I decided it was worth repeating.

1 pound (455 g) lean lamb, cut in½-inch (1.3-cm) cubes

3 tablespoons (42 g) butter1 tablespoon (6 g) curry powder1 clove garlic 1 large onionSalt and pepper

Melt the butter in a heavy skillet overmedium heat. Add the curry powder andstir for a minute or so.

Page 2019: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

Add the garlic, onion, and lamb.Sauté, stirring frequently, for 7 minutesor until the lamb is cooked through.Sprinkle with salt and pepper to tasteand serve.

Yield: 3 servings

Each with 5 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 4 grams ofusable carbs and 31 grams of protein.

Lamb Kebabs

This dish is very simple and very Greek.Add a Greek salad, and there’s dinner.

2 pounds (910 g) lean lamb, cut

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into 1-inch (2.5-cm) cubes½ cup (120 ml) olive oil¼ cup (60 ml) lemon juice1 clove garlic, crushed½ teaspoon dried oregano2 small onions, quartered

Put the lamb cubes into a largeresealable plastic bag.

Mix together the olive oil, lemonjuice, garlic, and oregano. Reserve somemarinade for basting and pour the restover the lamb cubes in the bag.Refrigerate it for an hour or two (orovernight, if possible).

When it’s time to cook dinner, takeout the lamb and pour off the marinade.Thread the lamb chunks on skewers,

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alternating the pieces of meat with a“layer” or two of the onion. You cangrill these, if you like, or broil them 8inches (20 cm) or so from the broiler.Turn the kebabs while they’re cookingand brush once or twice with thereserved marinade using a clean utensileach time. Check for doneness by cuttinginto a chunk of meat after 10 minutes;they should be done within 15 minutes.

Yield: I get 6 skewers from this

Each with 4 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 3 grams ofusable carbs and 31 grams of protein.

Middle Eastern Shish

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Serve this with a cucumber-tomato saladfor a Middle Eastern feast.

1½ pounds (680 g) boneless lamb(leg or shoulder)

½ cup (120 ml) olive oil½ cup (120 ml) red wine vinegar1 clove garlic, crushed1 teaspoon ground cumin1 medium onionSalt and pepper

Cut the lamb into cubes about 1½ inches(4 cm) square. Put them in a nonreactivebowl or in a large resealable plasticbag. Mix together the olive oil, vinegar,

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garlic, and cumin. Reserve somemarinade for basting and pour the restover the lamb cubes. If using a bowl, stirto make sure cubes are coated. If using abag, press out the air, seal the bag, andturn it a few times to coat. Either way,let the lamb marinate for at least severalhours. If you’re going to use bambooskewers, this is a good time to put themin water to soak. You’ll need 4 skewers.

Okay, dinnertime has rolled around.Get a fire going—you’ll want to set agas grill at medium-low or let charcoalcook down pretty well. While that’shappening, let’s make kebabs.

Peel the onion and cut it into quarters,then into eighths, and separate it into theindividual layers. Drain the lamb cubes.

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Skewer a lamb cube, then a layer ofonion, then another lamb cube, and soforth, filling all four skewers evenly.Sprinkle the kebabs with salt and pepperand throw them on the fire. Grill theskewers slowly. Turn often and bastewith the reserved marinade, using aclean utensil each time, until the meat iswell done and tender—at least 20minutes.

Yield: 4 servings

If you consume all the marinade, eachserving will have 5 grams ofcarbohydrate and 1 gram of fiber. Sinceyou don’t, I’d count 3 grams per kebab,and 35 grams of protein.

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Fiery Indian Lamb andCauliflower

This is a fairly authentic Indian dish, andit is quite hot! Feel free to halve the redpepper if you like it milder.

1 pound (455 g) lean lamb4 cloves garlic, crushed2 teaspoons grated ginger2 teaspoons red pepper flakes1½ teaspoons ground cumin2 teaspoons pepper2 tablespoons (28 g) butter1 tablespoon (15 ml) olive oil1 medium onion, chopped½ cup (115 g) plain yogurt

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½ head cauliflower, in smallflorets

Salt to taste

Trim the lamb well and cut it into ½- to1-inch (1.3- to 2.5-cm) cubes.

Put it in a mixing bowl and add thegarlic, ginger, red pepper, cumin, andpepper. Stir to coat all the lamb cubesevenly and let the lamb sit in this drymarinade for at least 15 minutes.

Melt the butter in a large, heavyskillet over medium-low heat and addthe olive oil. Now add the onion andsauté until it’s translucent and turninggolden. Stir in the yogurt until smooth.Now add the lamb cubes and stir to coat.Let this cook on low heat until the lamb

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cubes are no longer pink and all excesswater has cooked off the yogurt.

Now add 1 cup (240 ml) water and letthe lamb simmer until the liquid isreduced by half and the lamb cubes arequite tender. Stir in the cauliflower,cover, and let the whole thing simmerfor 15 minutes or until the cauliflower istender. Uncover, simmer another 5minutes to boil off extra liquid, andseason with salt to taste. Serve.

Yield: 3 to 4 servings

Assuming 3, each will have 24 g protein;9 g carbohydrate; 2 g dietary fiber; 7 gusable carbs.

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Spanish Skillet Lamb

This authentically Spanish skillet dish isquick, easy, and tasty.

16 ounces (455 g) lamb leg(Cutting up a lamb steak ortwo is good.)

¼ cup (40 g) chopped onion2 tablespoons (30 ml) olive oil2 cloves garlic, crushed2 teaspoons paprika2 tablespoons (30 ml) lemon juice

Cut the lamb into strips—make sure it’swell trimmed of fat. In a big, heavyskillet over high heat, start sautéing thelamb and onion in the olive oil. When

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the lamb is getting browned all over, stirin the garlic, paprika, and lemon juice.

Turn the heat to medium-low, cover,and let the whole thing simmer for about15 minutes— check once or twice tomake sure your pan hasn’t gone dry andadd just a little water if it’s threateningto. Serve over Cauliflower Rice (page212) if you like, but this is just fine theway it is.

Yield: 2 to 3 servings

Assuming 3, each will have 22 g protein;4 g carbohydrate; 1 g dietary fiber; 3 gusable carbs. Analysis does not includeCauliflower Rice.

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Balsamic Lamb Skillet

This dish is rich, different, and good!

1 pound (455 g) lamb leg orshoulder, thinly sliced and cutinto strips

½ teaspoon minced garlic or 1clove garlic, crushed

½ medium onion, sliced¼ cup (60 ml) olive oil½ red bell pepper, sliced into

small strips 1-pound (455-g)bag triple-washed freshspinach

¼ cup (60 ml) balsamic vinegarSalt and pepper

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Guar or xanthan4 tablespoons (35 g) toasted pine


Over high heat, start sautéing the lamb,garlic, and onion in the olive oil. Whenthe pinkness has faded from the lamb,add the red bell pepper.

When the lamb is cooked through andthe onion is limp, add the spinach. Youmay have to add it in two or threebatches to keep it from overwhelmingyour skillet, but it wilts quite quickly.Stir until the spinach is just barely limp.Don’t overcook!

Stir in the balsamic vinegar and saltand pepper to taste (I like plenty ofpepper in this) and thicken the pan juices

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with a sprinkle of guar or xanthan, ifdesired. Top each serving with atablespoon (9 g) of toasted pine nuts andserve.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 9 grams of carbohydrates and4 grams of fiber, for a total of 5 grams ofusable carbs and 20 grams of protein.

Mediterranean Leg of Lamb

Lamb makes a wonderful Sunday dinnerroast. If you don’t want to roast a wholeleg of lamb at once because it’s a lot ofmeat, ask the butcher to cut one leg intotwo roasts. Make half now and freeze

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the other half for another day.

Leg of lamb, with or without thebone in

1 cup (240 ml) dry red wine1 cup (240 ml) olive oil, divided5 cloves garlic, crushed, divided3 tablespoons (45 ml) lemon juice1 tablespoon (3.6 g) dried

rosemary1 tablespoon (5.4 g) dried


Place the leg of lamb in a pan largeenough to hold it.

Combine the wine, ½ cup (120 ml) ofthe olive oil, 3 cloves of the garlic, andthe lemon juice, rosemary, and oregano.

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Pour this marinade over the lamb and letthe lamb sit in it for at least 5 to 6 hours,turning it from time to time.

When the time comes to cook yourlamb, preheat the oven to 425°F (220°C,or gas mark 7). Remove the meat fromthe marinade and place it on a rack in aroasting pan. Leave the rosemaryneedles and bits of oregano clinging toit.

Combine the remaining olive oil andcloves of garlic and spoon this mixtureover the lamb, coating the whole leg.Position the leg with the fat side up andinsert a meat thermometer deep into thecenter of the thickest part of the meat, butdon’t let it touch the bone.

When the oven is up to temperature,

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put the roast in and set the timer for 10minutes. After 10 minutes, turn the ovendown to 350°F (180°C, or gas mark 4)and roast for about 30 minutes per poundof meat or until the meat thermometerregisters 170 to 180°F (77 to 82°C).Remove the lamb from the oven and letit sit for 15 to 20 minutes before carving.

Yield: 3 servings per pound

Each with no carbohydrates or fiber tospeak of, and about 21 grams of protein.(This sounds low, I know, butremember: Part of that weight is bone.)

Serve this with some Cauliflower Rice(page 212) and make Lamb Gravy to gowith your roast lamb by combining the

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drippings from the lamb roast with 1 cup(240 ml) chicken broth, ¾ teaspoon guaror xanthan, and salt and pepper to taste.

First, skim the fat off of the drippingsfrom the roast. Then pour ½ cup (120ml) of the chicken broth into the roastingpan with the skimmed drippings and stirit around, scraping up the yummybrowned bits from the rack and thebottom of the pan. When most of thestuck-on stuff is dissolved into the broth,put the roasting pan over medium-highheat. Put the rest of the chicken broth in ablender with the guar or xanthan and runthe blender for a few seconds todissolve all of the thickener. Pour thethickened broth into the roasting pan and

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stir until all the gravy is thickened. (If itgets too thick, add a little more chickenbroth; if it’s not quite thick enough, let itsimmer for a few minutes to cookdown.) Season with salt and pepper totaste.

Spice-Rubbed Leg of Lambwith Apricot-Chipotle Glaze

A whole leg of lamb will feed a crowd!If you don’t have a crowd, feel free toask the nice meat guys to cut your leg oflamb in half. Keep the tapered shank endfor your roast and make half the rub andglaze. Have the broader end sliced ½-inch (1.3-cm) thick for lamb steaks. I’ve

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never been charged for this service!

Leg of lamb, about 8 pounds (3.6kg)

¼ cup (30 g) paprika1 tablespoon (6.3 g) ground cumin1 tablespoon (6.9 g) ground

cinnamon1 tablespoon (1.8 g) ground

coriander2 teaspoons garlic powder1 teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal1 teaspoon pepper2 tablespoons (3 g) SplendaApricot-Chipotle Glaze (page


Combine all the spices with the Splenda

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and stir well. Sprinkle liberally over theleg of lamb, coating the whole surface.Roast at 325°F (170°C, or gas mark 3)for 30 minutes per pound of lamb.

About 30 minutes before cooking timeis up, start basting with the Apricot-Chipotle Glaze. Baste two or three timesbefore the cooking time is through.Remove lamb from oven and allow torest for 10 to 15 minutes before carving.Serve with remaining Apricot-ChipotleGlaze.

Yield: 15 to 16 servings, so invite acrowd

Assuming 15, each will have 35 gprotein; 6 g carbohydrate; 1 g dietary

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fiber; 5 g usable carbs.

Caribbean Slow CookerLamb

Lamb and goat are very popular in theCaribbean, and this is my slow cookerinterpretation of a Caribbean lamb dish.Look for tamarind concentrate in agrocery store with a good internationalsection. I found it in a medium-size townin southern Indiana, so you may wellfind it near you! If you can’t find it, youcould use a tablespoon (15 ml) of lemonjuice and a teaspoon of Splenda instead.Your lamb will be less authenticallyCaribbean-tasting, but it’ll still be

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2- to 3-pound section (910 g to1.4 kg) of a leg of lamb

½ medium onion, chopped½ teaspoon minced garlic or 1

clove garlic, crushed1 teaspoon tamarind concentrate1 tablespoon (15 ml) spicy brown

mustard1 cup (240 ml) canned diced

tomatoes1 teaspoon hot pepper sauce

(preferably Caribbean ScotchBonnet sauce) or more or lessto taste Guar or xanthan(optional)

Salt and pepper

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Place the lamb in a slow cooker.In a bowl, stir together the onion,

garlic, tamarind, mustard, tomatoes, andhot pepper sauce. Pour the mixture overthe lamb. Cover the slow cooker, set itto low, and let it cook for a good 8hours. When it’s done, remove the lambto a serving platter, thicken the potjuices with the guar or xanthan if itseems necessary, and add salt andpepper to taste.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 27 g protein, 3 gcarbohydrate, 1 g dietary fiber, 2 gusable carbs.

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Lamb Shanks in Red Wine

This is a hearty one-pot meal.

5 pounds (2.3 kg) lamb shank (4shanks)

¼ cup (60 ml) olive oil2 stalks celery, sliced½ inch (1.3 cm) thick2 carrots, sliced ½ inch (1.3 cm)

thick8 cloves garlic, crushed½ onion, chunked8 ounces (225 g) sliced

mushrooms1 cup (240 ml) chicken broth1 cup (240 ml) dry red wine

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1 teaspoon beef bouillonconcentrate

2 teaspoons pepper½ teaspoon ground rosemary2 bay leavesGuar or xanthan

In a big, heavy skillet, sear the lamb allover in the oil.

Place the celery, carrots, garlic,onion, and mushrooms in a slow cooker.

When the lamb is browned all over,transfer it to the slow cooker on top ofthe vegetables.

In a bowl, stir together the broth,wine, bouillon, pepper, and rosemary.Pour the mixture over the lamb. Add thebay leaves. (Make sure they land in the

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liquid!) Cover the slow cooker, turn it tolow, and let it cook for 6 hours.

When the time’s up, remove the lambto serving plates. Remove the bayleaves. Using guar or xanthan, thickenthe liquid in the slow cooker to theconsistency of heavy cream. Ladle thesauce and vegetables over the lamb.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 59 g protein, 8 gcarbohydrate, 2 g dietary fiber, 6 gusable carbs.

Lemon Lamb Shanks

Lemon brings out the best in lamb!

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4 pounds (910 g) lamb shank2 tablespoons (30 ml) olive oil1 teaspoon lemon pepper½ teaspoon dry mustard½ cup (120 ml) chicken broth1 teaspoon beef bouillon

concentrate½ teaspoon grated lemon peel2 tablespoons (30 ml) lemon juice1 teaspoon dried rosemary2 cloves garlic, crushedGuar or xanthan

Sear the lamb all over in the oil. Placethe lamb in a slow cooker.

In a bowl, mix together the lemonpepper and dry mustard. Sprinkle the

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mixture evenly over the lamb.In the same bowl, mix together the

broth, bouillon, lemon peel, lemon juice,rosemary, and garlic. Pour the mixtureover the lamb. Cover the slow cooker,set it to low, and let it cook for 8 hours.

When the time’s up, remove the lamband thicken up the liquid in the slowcooker a bit with guar or xanthan.

Serve this dish with a salad withplenty of cucumbers and tomatoes!

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 46 g protein, 1 gcarbohydrate, trace dietary fiber, 1 gusable carbs. Analysis does not includeside dishes.

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Seriously Simple LambShanks

Simple is good!

3 pounds (1.4 kg) lamb shank2 tablespoons (30 ml) olive oil1 cup (240 ml) chicken broth1 teaspoon beef bouillon

concentrate2 teaspoons paprika5 cloves garlic, crushedGuar or xanthan

Season the lamb all over with salt andpepper. In a big, heavy skillet overmedium-high heat, sear the lamb in the

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oil until it’s brown all over. Transfer thelamb to a slow cooker.

In a bowl, mix together the broth andbouillon. Pour the mixture over the lamb.Sprinkle the paprika and garlic over thelamb. Cover the slow cooker, set it tolow, and let it cook for 6 to 7 hours.

Remove the lamb with tongs and put iton a serving plate. Pour the liquid in theslow cooker into a 2-cup (480-ml) glassmeasuring cup and let the fat rise to thetop. Skim the fat off and discard.Thicken up the remaining liquid usingguar or xanthan. Serve the sauce with theshanks.

Either Cauliflower Rice (page 212)or Fauxtatoes (page 209) would be nicewith this, but it’s fine with just a simple

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salad or vegetable side.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 52 g protein, 2 gcarbohydrate, trace dietary fiber, 2 gusable carbs. Analysis does not includeside dishes.

About Lamb Steaks

Everyone’s heard of lamb chops, but Iprefer lamb steaks. I buy a whole leg oflamb and ask the nice meat guy behindthe counter to cut two smallish roasts offeither end (a perfect size for my two-person household) and slice the rest intosteaks between ½ inch (1.3 cm) and ¾

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inch (2 cm) thick. These are meatier thanlamb chops and generally lessexpensive, as well. Here are some thingsto do with lamb steaks—but I suspectthey’d all work with chops, too.

Five-Spice Lamb Steak

8 ounces (225 g) lamb leg steak1 tablespoon (15 ml) oil1 teaspoon grated ginger1 clove garlic, crushed2 tablespoons (30 ml) dry sherry1 teaspoon five-spice powder½ teaspoon Splenda1 teaspoon soy sauce

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Slash the edges of the lamb steak to keepit from curling. In a big, heavy skilletover medium heat, start pan-frying thelamb steak in the oil. You’ll want to givethem about 6 minutes per side.

While that’s happening, mix togethereverything else. When the lamb steak iscooked on both sides, pour this mixtureinto the skillet. Turn the steak over onceor twice to coat and let it cook justanother minute or two. Serve with thepan liquid scraped over it.

Yield: 1 to 2 servings

Assuming 1, each will have 33 g protein;2 g carbohydrate; trace dietary fiber; 2 gusable carbs.

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Soy and Sesame GlazedLamb Steaks

2 lamb steaks, 6 to 8 ounces (170to 225 g) each, ½ inch (1.3 cm)thick

2 tablespoons (30 ml) olive oil1 teaspoon minced garlic or 2

cloves garlic, crushed2 scallions, minced2 tablespoons (30 ml) soy sauce1 teaspoon Splenda6 drops or ¼ teaspoon blackstrap

molasses*2 teaspoons sesame oil

In a heavy skillet, start sautéing the lamb

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steaks in the oil over high heat. Cook for5 to 6 minutes per side.

While the lamb is browning, prepareand combine the garlic, scallions, soysauce, Splenda, molasses, and sesameoil.

Remove the lamb from the skillet, addthe soy sauce mixture to the skillet, andstir it a bit.

Replace the lamb in the skillet, turn itonce to coat with sauce, and cook it foranother 1 to 2 minutes per side. Serve,scraping the liquid from the pan over thelamb steaks.

Yield: 2 servings

Assuming each steak is 6 ounces (170

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g), each will have 4 grams ofcarbohydrates and 1 gram of fiber, for atotal of 3 grams of usable carbs and 23grams of protein.

*I keep my molasses in a squeezecontainer to make it easy to measure outvery small quantities.

Lamb Steak with WalnutSauce

8 ounces (225 g) lamb leg steakSalt and pepper1 tablespoon (15 ml) olive oil2 tablespoons (20 g) minced onion2 tablespoons (15 g) chopped

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walnuts1 clove garlic2 tablespoons (7.6 g) chopped

parsley¼ teaspoon dried oregano¼ teaspoon ground rosemary2 tablespoons (30 ml) lemon juice

Preheat an electric tabletop grill.Rub the steak with a little olive oil

and sprinkle both sides lightly with saltand pepper. When the grill is hot, put thesteak on and set a timer for 5 to 6minutes.

In a small, heavy skillet over medium-low heat, heat the olive oil and sauté theonion, walnuts, and garlic until the onionis soft. Stir in the parsley, oregano, and

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rosemary and cook another couple ofminutes until the parsley is wilted. Stirin the lemon juice and let it simmer for aminute or so.

By now the lamb steak is done. Pull itout, throw it on a plate, and spoon thewalnut sauce over it. Serve.

Yield: 1 to 2 servings

Assuming 1, each will have 37 g protein;8 g carbohydrate; 2 g dietary fiber; 6 gusable carbs.

Barbecued Lamb Steaks

2 lamb steaks, 6 to 8 ounces each(170 to 225 g), ½ inch (1.3 cm)

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thick1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon (20

ml) sugar-free ketchup1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon (20

ml) cider vinegar1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon (20

ml) Worcestershire sauce1 teaspoon spicy brown mustard

Broil the lamb steaks close to the flamefor 6 to 7 minutes. While the steaks arecooking, combine the ketchup, vinegar,Worcestershire sauce, and mustard.

Turn the steaks and broil the secondside for 3 to 4 minutes. Spoon the sauceover the steaks and broil for another 2 to3 minutes. Serve.

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Yield: 2 servings

Assuming each steak is 6 ounces (170g), each will have 4 grams ofcarbohydrates, a trace of fiber, and 23grams of protein.

Orange-Rosemary LambSteak

8 ounces (225 g) lamb leg steak1 tablespoon (15 ml) olive oil1½ teaspoons butter2 tablespoons (30 ml) lemon juice¼ teaspoon orange extract1 teaspoon Splenda½ teaspoon ground rosemary

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Slash the edges of the lamb steak to keepit from curling.

Put a big, heavy skillet over mediumheat and add the olive oil and butter,swirling them together as the buttermelts. Add the lamb steak and cook itabout 5 to 6 minutes per side. Remove toserving plate.

While the lamb steak is cooking, stirtogether the lemon juice, orange extract,and Splenda. When you’ve removed thesteak from the skillet, add the lemonjuice mixture and stir it around, scrapingup the browned bits from the bottom ofthe skillet. Stir in the rosemary and letthe whole thing simmer for a moment ortwo. Pour this sauce over the lamb steakand serve.

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Yield: 1 to 2 servings

Assuming 1, each will have 32 g protein;3 g carbohydrate; trace dietary fiber; 3 gusable carbs.

Thyme-Perfumed LambSteaks

1 lamb steak (6 to 8 ounces, or170 to 225 g)

2 teaspoons olive oil2 teaspoons lemon juice1 tablespoon (2.4 g) fresh thyme

leaves, stripped from theirstems.

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Rub the lamb steak with the olive oil andthen the lemon juice. Cover the lambwith the thyme leaves, letting it sit for atleast a couple of hours so the thymeflavor permeates the lamb.

Broil close to the heat for 4 to 5minutes per side or grill.

Yield: 1 serving

1 gram of carbohydrates, a trace of fiber,and 30 grams or so of protein.

Balsamic-Mint Lamb Steak

8 ounces (225 g) lamb leg steak2 tablespoons (30 ml) olive oil¼ teaspoon beef bouillon

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concentrate1 tablespoon (15 ml) boiling water1 tablespoon (15 ml) balsamic

vinegar1 teaspoon chopped fresh mint

Slash the edges of the lamb steak to keepit from curling. Then heat the olive oilover medium-high heat in a big, heavyskillet and start the steak sautéing.You’ll want to cook it 5 to 7 minutes perside.

Meanwhile, dissolve the bouillonconcentrate in the water and stir in thebalsamic vinegar.

When the steak is done to your liking,remove it to a serving plate and pour thebouillion-vinegar mixture into the

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skillet. Stir it around to dissolve theyummy brown stuff stuck to the skilletand then stir in the mint. Pour this sauceover the steak and serve.

Yield: 1 serving

32 g protein; 1 g carbohydrate; tracedietary fiber; 1 g usable carb.

Curried Lamb Steak

2 lamb steaks, 6 to 8 ounces (170to 225 g) each, ½ inch (1.3 cm)thick

2 tablespoons (28 g) butter2 teaspoons curry powder1 teaspoon minced garlic or 2

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cloves garlic, crushed

Melt the butter in large, heavy skilletover medium heat. Add the currypowder and garlic, stir, and add thelamb steak. Cover with a tilted lid andcook for 7 minutes. Turn, re-cover witha tilted lid, and cook for another 7minutes. Remove the lamb to servingplates, scrape the curry butter over thesteaks, and serve.

Yield: 2 servings

Assuming each steak is 6 ounces (170g), each will have 2 grams ofcarbohydrates and 1 gram of fiber, for atotal of 1 gram of usable carbs and 23grams of protein.

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Cape Town Lamb Steaks

You can use lamb chops instead, but as Imentioned earlier, I like steaks cut froma leg of lamb. When I buy a whole leg, Iask the nice meat guy to slice somesteaks from the center, leaving me twosmall roasts from either end. Since legof lamb is often as cheap as $1.99 apound around here, while lamb chopsare usually over $4.99 a pound, this isalso economical!

1 pound (455 g) lamb leg steaks,about ½ inch (1.3 cm) thick

2 tablespoons (30 ml)Worcestershire sauce

2 tablespoons (30 ml) soy sauce

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2 tablespoons (3 g) Splenda¼ teaspoon blackstrap molasses1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon (9.6

g) dry mustard1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon (20

ml) lemon juice1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon (20

ml) olive oil2 cloves garlic, crushed2 teaspoons grated ginger

First get a grill going—set your gas grillto medium to medium-low or let yourcoals get thoroughly white.

Mix together everything but the steaks.Pour some sauce into a small bowl andbrush the steaks liberally with the sauceremaining. Grill for about 7 minutes per

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side, basting frequently. With thereserved sauce and using a clean utensil.If you like, bring any leftover sauce to aboil (to prevent cross-contamination)and serve with the steaks at the table.

Yield: 2 servings

If you do eat all of the sauce, eachserving will have 5 grams ofcarbohydrate, a trace of fiber, and 33grams of protein.

Winter Night Lamb Stew

On a raw winter’s night, sometimes youjust want stew. Here’s one with nopotatoes, and you can make it in your big

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1½ pounds (680 g) lean lamb stewmeat, cut into chunks

3 tablespoons (45 ml) olive oil1 cup (160 g) chopped onion1½ cups (225 g) diced turnip1½ cups (225 g) diced rutabaga¾ cup (180 ml) beef broth½ teaspoon guar or xanthan

(optional) ½teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal¼ teaspoon pepper1 bay leaf3 cloves garlic, crushed

Put the oil in a heavy skillet overmedium-high heat and brown the lamb in

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the oil. Add the onion, turnip, andrutabaga.

Put the beef broth and guar in ablender and blend for a few moments.Pour the mixture into the skillet. (If youchoose not to use a thickener, just addthe broth directly to the skillet.) Add thesalt, pepper, bay leaf, and garlic, andstir.

Cover, turn the heat to low, and letsimmer for 1 hour. Remove the bay leafbefore serving.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 12 grams of carbohydratesand 3 grams of fiber, for a total of 9grams of usable carbs and 38 grams of

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Lamb Stew Provençal

I turned this recipe over to my sister totest. She’s mad for French food,especially from Provence. She gave thisthe thumbs-up.

3 pounds (1.4 kg) lamb stew meat—shoulder is good, cubed(Have the meat guys cut it offthe bone.)

Salt and pepper3 tablespoons (45 ml) olive oil1 whole fennel bulb, sliced


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1 medium onion, sliced lengthwise4 cloves garlic, crushed1 bay leaf1 teaspoon dried rosemary, whole

needles1 can (15 ounces, or 425 g) black

soybeans, drained1 cup (240 ml) beef broth1 teaspoon chicken bouillon

concentrate½ teaspoon dried basil½ teaspoon dried marjoram½ teaspoon dried savory½ teaspoon dried thymeGuar or xanthan

Season the lamb with salt and pepper. Ina big, heavy skillet, heat the oil and

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brown the lamb on all sides overmedium-high heat.

Place the fennel, onion, and garlic inthe bottom of a slow cooker. Add thebay leaf and rosemary. Dump thesoybeans on top of that. When the lambis browned, put it on top of thevegetables.

In a bowl, stir together the broth,bouillon, basil, marjoram, savory, andthyme. Pour the mixture over the lamb.Cover the slow cooker, set it to low, andlet it cook for 8 to 9 hours. When it’sdone, thicken the liquid to the texture ofheavy cream with guar or xanthan.Remove the bay leaf before serving.

Yield: 8 servings

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Each with 41 g protein, 8 gcarbohydrate, 4 g dietary fiber, 4 gusable carbs.

Irish Stew

I came up with this for St. Patrick’s Day,and it’s amazing. The Ketatoes mix givesit a true potato flavor, while keeping thecarb count remarkably low. This takestime, but not that much work—so make iton a day when you’re hanging around thehouse getting chores done.

2 pounds (910 g) leg of lamb, cutin 1 inch (2.5 cm) cubes

2 large turnips, cut in ½ inch (1.3cm) cubes

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½ head cauliflower, cut in ½ inch(1.3 cm) cubes or chunks

3 medium onions, sliced½ cup (25 g) Ketatoes mixSalt and pepperWater to cover½ teaspoon chicken bouillon

concentrate½ teaspoon beef bouillon

concentrateGuar or xanthan

You’ll need the meat and vegetables allcut up before you do anything else; makesure the lamb cubes are well trimmed ofall fat. Spray a Dutch oven or large,heavy soup pot with nonstick cookingspray.

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Now, put a layer of mixed turnip andcauliflower in the bottom of the pot. Adda layer of onion. Scatter 2 tablespoons(6 g) of the Ketota-toes mix over thatand then put in a layer of cubed lamb.Season the lamb with salt and pepper.Now repeat the layers two more times,at which point you should be out of meatand vegetables.

Pour cold water over everything tojust barely cover. Put a lid on the potand set it over the lowest possible heat.Let it simmer for 2 hours.

Take the lid off and stir in the chickenand beef bouillon concentrate. Now,continue to simmer over lowest heat,uncovered, for another 2 hours or so—you’re cooking down the gravy a little.

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Finally, using a whisk and guar orxanthan, thicken up the gravy. Add saltand pepper to taste and then serve.

Yield: 8 servings

Each with 29 g protein; 13 gcarbohydrate; 5 g dietary fiber; 8 gusable carbs.

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13Sauces and Seasonings

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Dana’s No-Sugar Ketchup

Ketchup is an essential ingredient in somany recipes, but store-bought ketchupusually has so much sugar. Recently,commercially-made low-carb ketchuphas been appearing in the grocery stores.If you can get this, do so because foodmanufacturers can get ingredients thehome cook cannot, so store-bought low-carb ketchup is lower in carbs than this.If you can’t find low-carb ketchup,however, this is easy to make, tastesgreat, and is about half the carbs ofregular ketchup. Be aware that recipes inthis book that list ketchup as an

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ingredient are analyzed for thishomemade version, so if you usecommercial low-carb ketchup, the carbcounts will be a tad lower.

1 can (6 ounces, or 170 g) tomatopaste

cup (160 ml) cider vinegar cup (80 ml) water cup (8 g) Splenda

2 tablespoons (20 g) minced onion2 cloves garlic1 teaspoon salt teaspoon ground allspice teaspoon ground cloves teaspoon pepper

Put everything in a blender and run it

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until the onion disappears. Scrape it intoa container with a tight lid and store it inthe refrigerator.

Yield: Makes roughly 1½ cups (360 ml),or 12 servings of 2 tablespoons (30 ml)

Each with 1 g protein, 5 g carbohydrate,1 g fiber, 4 g usable carbs.

Stir-Fry Sauce

If you like Chinese food, make this upand keep it on hand. Then you can justthrow any sort of meat and vegetables inyour wok or skillet and have a meal inminutes.

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½ cup (120 ml) soy sauce½cup (120 ml) dry sherry2 cloves garlic, crushed, or 1

teaspoon minced garlic2 tablespoons (12 g) grated fresh

ginger2 teaspoons Splenda

Simply combine everything and store ina tightly sealed container in therefrigerator.

Yield: Makes 1 cup (240 ml). Use about1½ to 2 tablespoons (23 to 30 ml) perserving of stir-fry.

Each serving contains 2 grams ofcarbohydrates, no fiber, and no protein.

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Thai Peanut Sauce

½ teaspoon hot sauce1 tablespoon (6 g) grated ginger1 clove garlic, crushed2 scallions, sliced, including the

crisp part of the green cup (85 g) natural peanutbutter

cup (80 ml) coconut milk (Youcan find this in cans in Asianmarkets or grocery stores withgood international sections.)

2 tablespoons (30 ml) fish sauce(nam pla or nuoc mam)

1½ tablespoons (23 ml) lime juice2 teaspoons Splenda

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Put everything in a blender or in a foodprocessor with the S-blade in place andprocess until smooth.

Yield: Makes roughly 1 cup (240 ml), or8 servings of 2 tablespoons (30 ml) each

4 grams of carbohydrate per serving, and1 gram of fiber, for a usable carb countof 3 grams; 3 grams of protein.

Not-Very-Authentic PeanutSauce

This is inauthentic because I usedsubstitutes for such traditionalingredients as lemongrass and fishsauce. I wanted a recipe that tasted good

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but could be made without a trip tospecialty grocery store.

1 piece of fresh ginger about thesize of a walnut, peeled andthinly sliced across the grain

½ cup (130 g) natural peanutbutter, creamy

½ cup (120 ml) chicken broth1½ teaspoons lemon juice1½ teaspoons soy sauce¼ teaspoon hot pepper sauce1 large or 2 small cloves garlic,

crushed1½ teaspoons Splenda

Put all the ingredients in a blender andrun it until everything is well combined

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and smooth. If you’d like it a littlethinner, add another tablespoon (15 ml)of chicken broth.

Yield: About 2 cups, or 16 servings

Each with 2 grams of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 2 grams of protein.

Hoisin Sauce

This Chinese sauce is usually made fromfermented soybean paste, which has tonsof sugar in it. Peanut butter isinauthentic, but it tastes quite good here.

¼ cup (60 ml) soy sauce2 tablespoons (32 g) creamy

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natural peanut butter2 tablespoons (3 g) Splenda2 teaspoons white vinegar1 clove garlic, crushed2 teaspoons toasted sesame oil teaspoon Chinese five-spicepowder

Put all the ingredients in a blender andrun it until everything is smooth and wellcombined. Store in a snap-top container.

Yield: Roughly cup (80 ml)

Each 1 tablespoon (15 ml) servingcontains 2 grams of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 2 grams of protein.

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Of course, this sauce is essential for MuShu Pork (page 418)—or Mu Shuanything, for that matter—but it’s alsogood for dipping plain chicken wings in.

Duck Sauce

What are you going to eat duck sauce on,now that you’re not eating egg rolls?Well, Crab and Bacon Bundles (page77), for one thing. It’s good withchicken, too. This does have the sugarthat’s in the peaches, of course, but notall the added sugar of commercial ducksauce. And it tastes better, too.

1 bag (1 pound, or 455 g)unsweetened frozen peaches

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or 2½ to 3 cups (500 to 600 g)sliced, peeled fresh peaches

½ cup (120 ml) water2 tablespoons (30 ml) cider

vinegar2 tablespoons (3 g) Splenda¼ teaspoon blackstrap molasses teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon soy sauce1 clove garlic, crushed

Put all the ingredients in a heavy-bottomed saucepan and bring them to asimmer. Cook, uncovered, until thepeaches are soft (about 30 minutes).

Purée the duck sauce in a blender, ifyou like, or do what I do: simply mashthe sauce with a potato masher or a fork.

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(I like the texture better this way.)

Yield: About 2 cups (480 ml)

Each 2 tablespoon (30 ml) serving has 3grams of carbohydrates and 1 gram offiber, for a total of 2 grams of usablecarbs and no protein.

It’s best to freeze this if you’re not goingto use it up right away.

Teriyaki Sauce

It’s good on chicken, beef, fish—justabout anything!

½ cup (120 ml) soy sauce

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¼ cup (60 ml) dry sherry1 clove garlic, crushed2 tablespoons (3 g) Splenda1 tablespoon (6 g) grated fresh


Simply combine all ingredients.

Yield: Makes just over ¾ cup (180 ml)

About 3 g carbohydrate pertablespoonful.

Looing Sauce

This is a Chinese sauce for “redcooking.” You stew things in it, and itimparts a wonderful flavor to just about

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any sort of meat.

2 cups (480 ml) soy sauce1 star anise½ cup (120 ml) dry sherry (The

cheap stuff is fine.)4 tablespoons (6 g) Splenda1 tablespoon (6 g) grated fresh

ginger4 cups (960 ml) water

Combine the ingredients well and usethe mixture to stew things in. After usingLooing Sauce, you can strain it andrefrigerate or freeze it to use again, ifyou like.

Yield: 6½ cups (1.5 L) of looing sauce,

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or plenty to submerge your food in

In the whole batch there are about 50grams of usable carbohydrates, but onlya very small amount of that is transferredto the foods you stew in it.

Star anise is available in Orientalmarkets, and my natural food storecarries it too. It actually does look like astar, and it’s essential to the recipe.Don’t try to substitute regular anise.

Cocktail Sauce

You’ll need this for the Easy PartyShrimp (page 76)!

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½ cup (120 ml) Dana’s No-SugarKetchup (page 463) orpurchased low-carb ketchup

2 teaspoons prepared horseradish¼ teaspoon hot pepper sauce1 teaspoon lemon juice

Combine all ingredients in a bowl andmix well.

Yield: Makes about ½ cup (120 ml)

The whole batch contains 5 g protein, 36g carbohydrate, 6 g dietary fiber, 30 gusable carbs. Good thing you’ll besharing it! You can drop this carb countconsiderably by using commercially-made low-carb ketchup.

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Cheese sauce

Try this over broccoli or cauliflower.It’s wonderful!

½ cup (120 ml) heavy cream¾ cup (90 g) shredded cheddar

cheese¼ teaspoon dry mustard

In a heavy-bottomed saucepan over thelowest heat, warm the cream to justbelow a simmer.

Whisk in the cheese about 1tablespoon at a time, only adding thenext tablespoonful after the last one hasmelted. When all the cheese is melted in,whisk in the dry mustard and serve.

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Yield: Enough to sauce 1 pound (455 g)of broccoli or cauliflower, or about 4servings of sauce

Each with 1 gram of carbohydrates, nofiber, and 6 grams of protein.

Low-Carb Steak Sauce

¼ cup (60 ml) Dana’s No-SugarKetchup (page 463)

1 tablespoon (15 ml)Worcestershire sauce

1 teaspoon lemon juice

Combine well and store in an airtightcontainer in the fridge.

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Yield: 5 servings of 1 tablespoon (15ml)

Each with 2.25 grams of carbohydrates,a trace of fiber, and a trace of protein.

Reduced-Carb SpicyBarbecue Sauce

1 clove garlic, crushed1 small onion, finely minced¼ cup (56 g or 60 ml) butter or oil4 tablespoons (6 g) Splenda1 teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal1 teaspoon dry mustard1 teaspoon paprika1 teaspoon chili powder

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½ teaspoon black pepper2 teaspoons blackstrap molasses1½ cups (360 ml) water¼ cup (60 ml) cider vinegar1 tablespoon (15 ml)

Worcestershire sauce1 tablespoon (15 g) prepared

horseradish1 can (6 ounces, or 170 g) tomato

paste1 tablespoon (15 ml) liquid smoke

flavoring (such as the onemade by Colgin)

In a saucepan, cook the garlic and onionin the butter or oil for a few minutes.

Stir in the Splenda, salt, mustard,paprika, chili powder, and pepper. Add

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in the molasses, water, vinegar,Worcestershire sauce, and horseradish,and stir to combine. Let the mixturesimmer for 15 to 20 minutes.

Whisk in the tomato paste and liquidsmoke and let the sauce simmer another5 to 10 minutes.

Let the mixture cool, transfer it to ajar with a tight-fitting lid, and store inthe refrigerator.

Yield: About 2 cups (640 ml) of sauce

Each 2 tablespoon (30 ml) serving has 3grams of carbohydrates and 1 gram offiber, for a total of 2 grams of usablecarbs and no protein.

If you’re wondering whether it’s worth it

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to make your own barbecue sauce fromscratch, chew on this for a moment:Your average commercial barbecuesauce has between 10 and 15 grams ofcarbs per 2-tablespoon (30-ml) serving—and do you know anyone who everstopped at 2 tablespoons of barbecuesauce?

Kansas City BarbecueSauce

This is what most of us think of when wethink of barbecue sauce: tomato-y, spicy,and sweet. It’s unbelievably close to atop-flight commercial barbecue sauce—and my Kansas City-raised husband

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agrees. If you like a smoky note in yourbarbecue sauce, add 1 teaspoon of liquidsmoke flavoring to this.

2 tablespoons (28 g) butter1 clove garlic¼ cup (40 g) chopped onion1 tablespoon (15 ml) lemon juice1 cup (240 g) Dana’s No-Sugar

Ketchup (page 463) cup (8 g) Splenda

1 tablespoon (15 ml) blackstrapmolasses

2 tablespoons (30 ml)Worcestershire sauce

1 tablespoon (7.8 g) chili powder1 tablespoon (15 ml) white


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1 teaspoon pepper¼ teaspoon salt

Just combine everything in a saucepanover low heat. Heat until the buttermelts, stir the whole thing up, and let itsimmer for five minutes or so. That’s it!

Yield: Roughly 1¾ cups (420 g), or 14servings of 2 tablespoons (30 ml) each

Each serving will have 7 gcarbohydrate, with 1 g fiber, for a usablecarb count of 6 g; 1 g protein.

Cranberry Barbecue Sauce

The cranberries make this a natural with

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poultry, but it’s good with pork, too.

½ cup (120 ml) Dana’s No-SugarKetchup (page 463)

1 tablespoon (15 ml) cidervinegar

1 tablespoon (15 ml) spicy brownmustard

1 tablespoon (15 ml)Worcestershire sauce

3 tablespoons (4.5 g) Splenda1 clove garlic¼ small onion, cut in hunks1¼ cup (25 g) fresh cranberries1 dash salt1 dash pepper

This one starts in your food processor.

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Dump everything into the food processorwith the S-blade in place and purée untilthe cranberries disappear.

Scrape the mixture out of the foodprocessor into a saucepan and bring to asimmer over low heat. Let it simmer,stirring now and then, for just a fewminutes. Thin with a little water ifneeded.

Yield: About 1 cup (240 ml), or 8servings of 2 tablespoons (30 ml) each

4 grams of carbohydrate, with 1 gram offiber, for a usable carb count of 3 grams;a trace of protein.

Memphis Sweet Sauce

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The obvious choice for ribs seasonedwith Memphis Rub (page 487) andmopped with the Memphis Mop (page488)! It’s the mustard that makes this aMemphis-style sauce.

1 tablespoon (16.5 g) tomatopaste

3 tablespoons (45 ml) water¼ cup (60 ml) Dana’s No-Sugar

Ketchup (page 463)2 tablespoons (30 ml) spicy brown

mustard1 tablespoon (15 ml)

Worcestershire sauce1 tablespoon (28 g) butter½ teaspoon lemon juice1 tablespoon (1.5 g) Splenda

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¼ teaspoon blackstrap molasses1 teaspoon paprika1 teaspoon seasoned salt1 clove garlic

Measure everything into a nonreactivesaucepan and whisk it together. Bring toa simmer over low heat and simmer for5 minutes or so.

Yield: Makes roughly 1 cup (240 ml), or8 servings of 2 tablespoons (30 ml) each

4 grams of carbohydrate per serving,with 1 gram of fiber, for a usable carbcount of 3 grams; 1 gram protein.

Memphis Mustard

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Barbecue Sauce

This tasty Memphis-style barbecuesauce is one of the lowest-carb sauces inthis book, and it packs a serious mustardnote. Enjoy!

½ cup (120 ml) white vinegar¼ cup (60 ml) yellow mustard2 tablespoons (20 g) minced onion½ tablespoon paprika2 tablespoons (33 g) tomato paste2 cloves garlic¼ teaspoon cayenne¼ teaspoon pepper¼ teaspoon salt2 teaspoons Splenda

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Just measure everything into anonreactive saucepan, whisk it together,bring it to a simmer, and let it simmerfor 5 minutes or so. That’s it!

Yield: Makes about 1 cup (240 ml), or 8servings of 2 tablespoons (30 ml) each

3 grams of carbohydrate each, with 1gram of fiber, for a usable carb count ofjust 2 grams; 1 gram protein.

Piedmont Mustard Sauce

This bright-yellow sauce, heavy on themustard but with no tomato at all, istypical of the Piedmont region of NorthCarolina. It’s typically used on pulled

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pork, but it would be good on anybarbecued pork, I think.

½ cup (120 ml) yellow mustard2 tablespoons (30 ml) lemon juice2 tablespoons (3 g) Splenda1 tablespoon (15 ml) white

vinegar¼ teaspoon cayenne

Just combine everything in a saucepanand simmer for 5 minutes over low heat.

Yield: Makes roughly ¾ cup (180 ml),or 6 servings of 2 tablespoons (30 ml)each

2 grams of carbohydrate per serving,

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with 1 gram of fiber, for a usable carbcount of just 1 gram; 1 gram of protein.

Eastern Carolina VinegarSauce

This is the traditional eastern Carolinasauce for pulled pork. I’d never hadanything like this before researching thisbook, but it’s delicious! It’s justsweetened vinegar with a good hit of hotpepper. Try it!

½ cup (120 ml) cider vinegar1½ tablespoons (2 g) Splenda¼ teaspoon blackstrap molasses1 teaspoon red pepper flakes

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¼ teaspoon cayenne

Combine all ingredients and stirtogether.

Yield: 6 servings

2 grams of carbohydrate and a trace offiber, for a usable carb count of 2 grams;a trace of protein.

Lexington-Style BarbecueSauce

This is your third choice for what to mixinto your Carolina pulled pork—mostlyvinegary, but with a tomato note.

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1 cup (240 ml) cider vinegar¾ cup (180 ml) Dana’s No-Sugar

Ketchup (page 263)3 tablespoons (4.5 g) Splenda½ teaspoon salt½ teaspoon red pepper flakes

teaspoon cayenne

Combine everything in a nonreactivesaucepan over low heat and stir togetherwell. Bring to a simmer and let it cookfor 15 minutes or so. That’s it!

Yield: Makes roughly 1¾ cups (420 ml),or 14 servings of 2 tablespoons (30 ml)each

6 grams of carbohydrate with 1 gram of

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fiber, for a usable carb count of 5 grams;1 gram protein.

Bourbon-Molasses BarbecueSauce

Bourbon-based sauces are particularlypopular on pork ribs, but they’re alsogood on chicken.

¼ cup (40 g) minced onion1 tablespoon (15 ml) oil½ cup (120 ml) red wine vinegar1 teaspoon blackstrap molasses1 cup (240 ml) Dana’s No-Sugar

Ketchup (page 263)¼ cup (6 g) plus 1 tablespoon (1.5

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g) Splenda2 tablespoons (30 ml) water¼ cup (60 ml) bourbon

In a nonreactive saucepan, sauté theonion in the oil for 4 or 5 minutes. Stir ineverything else and let it all simmer for5 minutes or so.

Yield: Makes about 2 cups (480 ml), or16 servings of 2 tablespoons (30 ml)each

5 grams carbohydrate, 1 gram fiber, fora usable carb count of 4 grams; a traceof protein.

Alabama White Sauce

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This is unlike any other kind of barbecuesauce— it’s mayonnaise-based, andwhen you baste chicken with it duringsmoking, it creates an amber color and amellow flavor.

½ cup (120 g) mayonnaise3 tablespoons (45 ml) white wine

vinegar1 teaspoon spicy brown mustard½ teaspoon Creole Seasoning

(page 485 or purchased)1 clove garlic, crushed1 teaspoon prepared horseradish

Just whisk everything together and use tobaste chicken or as a finishing sauce.However, unlike with many other

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sauces, this sauce cannot be boiled.Make sure you set part of the sauce asideto use as a finishing sauce before youuse the rest for basting.

Yield: Makes about cup (160 ml), or 6servings of 2 tablespoons (30 ml) each

1 gram of carbohydrate, a trace of fiber,and a trace of protein.

Lone Star Beef Sauce

Forget pork! In Texas, barbecue meansbeef, and lots of it. The typical barbecuecut for Texans is brisket, but I like thissauce on beef ribs. Especially if they’vebeen rubbed with the Big Bad Beef Rib

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Rub (page 488)!

1 cup (240 ml) Dana’s No-SugarKetchup (page 463)

2 tablespoons (30 ml) whitevinegar

2 tablespoons (30 ml) oil1½ teaspoons blackstrap

molasses1 tablespoon (15 ml) sugar-free

imitation honey2 tablespoons (3 g) Splenda1½ teaspoons Worcestershire

sauce1½ teaspoons lemon juice1 teaspoon pepper1 clove garlic¼ teaspoon cayenne

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Stir everything together in a saucepanand let it simmer over low heat for fiveminutes or so.

Yield: Makes roughly 1½ cups (360 ml),or 12 servings of 2 tablespoons (30 ml)each

6 grams of carbohydrate per serving,with 1 gram of fiber, for a usable carbcount of 5 grams; 1 gram of protein.Carb count does not include polyol insugar-free honey.

Five-Spice Barbecue Sauce

This is the obvious choice if you want afinishing sauce to go with something

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you’ve seasoned with the Five-SpiceRub and Mop (pages 489–490). It’sgood on anything, though!

¾ cup (180 ml) Dana’s No-SugarKetchup (page 463)

½ cup (120 ml) light beer cup (80 ml) cider vinegar

1½ tablespoons (2 g) Splenda¼ teaspoon molasses1 tablespoon (15 ml)

Worcestershire sauce1 clove garlic1 teaspoon cumin¾ teaspoon five-spice powder

Combine everything in a nonreactivesaucepan and let it simmer for 5 minutes

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or so.

Yield: Makes roughly 1¾ cup (420 g),or 14 servings of 2 tablespoons (30 ml)each.

3 grams of carbohydrate, with a trace offiber, and a trace of protein.

Texas BBQ Brisket Sauce

This is a classic Texas-style barbecuesauce, and it’s killer on a slow-smokedhunk of brisket.

2 tablespoons (28 g) butter½ cup (80 g) minced onion1 clove garlic, crushed

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1 cup (240 ml) Dana’s No-SugarKetchup (page 263)

1 tablespoon (7.8 g) chili powder¼ cup (6 g) Splenda½ teaspoon molasses2 tablespoons (30 ml) lemon juice1 tablespoon (15 ml) wine vinegar2 teaspoons Worcestershire

sauce1 teaspoon liquid smoke flavoring

(such as the one made byColgin)

1 teaspoon yellow mustard½ teaspoon salt½ teaspoon pepper¼ teaspoon cayenne

Melt the butter in a nonreactive saucepan

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and sauté the onion and garlic for 4 or 5minutes. Add everything else, whisk itsmooth, and bring to a simmer over lowheat. Let the whole thing simmer for 5minutes or so. It’s hot! It’s wonderful,too, especially on beef.

Yield: Makes about 2 cups (480 ml), or16 servings of 2 tablespoons (30 ml)each

4 grams of carbohydrate per serving,with 1 gram of fiber, for a usable carbcount of 3 grams.

North-South-East-WestBarbecue Sauce

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This is perhaps the most unusualbarbecue sauce in this book—and one ofthe best. The flavor is evenly balancedbetween maple, orange, bourbon, andcayenne, giving it flavors from virtuallyevery region of the country. It’swonderful on pork or chicken.

2 tablespoons (28 g) butter2 tablespoons (20 g) minced onion½ cup (120 ml) bourbon½ cup (120 ml) Dana’s No-Sugar

Ketchup (page 463)¼ cup (60 ml) cider vinegar¼ teaspoon orange extract¼ cup (60 ml) sugar-free pancake

syrup1 tablespoon (15 ml) blackstrap

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molasses2 tablespoons (3 g) Splenda1 tablespoon (15 ml)

Worcestershire sauce¼ green pepper, minced¼ teaspoon cayenne

In a nonreactive saucepan over low heat,melt the butter and sauté the onion for 5minutes or so. Add everything else, stirit up, and bring it to a simmer. Let itcook for 7 to 10 minutes.

Yield: Makes roughly 1 cup (240 ml), or8 servings of 2 tablespoons (30 ml) each

8 grams of carb, with 1 gram of fiber,for a usable carb count of 7 grams. This

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count does not include the polyols in thesugar-free pancake syrup.

Apricosen und HorseradishBBQ Sauce

My German-descended husband namedthis one. It’s very fruity! It’s especiallygood on poultry, but try it on pork aswell.

½ jalapeno cup (110 grams) low-sugarapricot preserves

2 tablespoons (30 ml) bourbon2 tablespoons (30 ml) lime juice1 tablespoon (15 ml) cider

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vinegar2 tablespoons (30 ml) Dana’s No-

Sugar Ketchup (page 463)1½ teaspoons soy sauce2 teaspoons Splenda¼ teaspoon blackstrap molasses1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce1 tablespoon (10 g) minced onion2 cloves garlic½ teaspoon ginger1 dash salt1 dash pepper2 teaspoons prepared horseradish

Mince the jalapeno (don’t forget to washyour hands afterward!). Measureeverything into a nonreactive saucepanand whisk together well. Turn heat to

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low and bring to a simmer. Let simmerfor 5 to 10 minutes.

Yield: 8 servings of 2 tablespoons (30ml) each

6 grams carbohydrate, with a trace offiber, and a trace of protein.

Florida Sunshine TangerineBarbecue Sauce

The name of this sauce is partly from thetangerine note, which is unusual anddelicious, but it’s also from the fact thatthis sauce is at least as hot as the Floridasun! It is especially good on poultry.

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1 12-ounce (360-ml) can Diet-Rite tangerine soda

¼ cup (6 g) Splenda1 tablespoon (7.8 g) chili powder2 teaspoons black pepper1 teaspoon ginger1 teaspoon dry mustard1 teaspoon onion salt4 cloves garlic, crushed½ teaspoon cayenne½ teaspoon coriander½ teaspoon red pepper flakes1 whole bay leaf½ cup (120 ml) cider vinegar1 tablespoon (15 ml) sugar-free

imitation honey1 tablespoon (15 ml)

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Worcestershire sauce¾ cup (180 ml) Dana’s No-Sugar

Ketchup (page 463)

Pour the soda into a nonreactivesaucepan and turn the heat under it tomedium-low. While that’s heating,measure the other ingredients into thesauce. By the time you get to the ketchup,i t should be simmering. Whiskeverything together until smooth and letit simmer over lowest heat for 10 to 15minutes.

Yield: Makes about 3 cups (710 ml), or24 servings of 2 tablespoons (30 ml)each

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Only 3 grams of carb per serving, with atrace of fiber, a trace of polyols, a traceof protein.

Sweet Spice Islands Sauce

This is for use with the Sweet SpiceIslands Rub (page 493), of course!

2 tablespoons (28 g) butter¼ cup (40 g) minced onion1 clove garlic, crushed

cup (80 ml) Dana’s No-SugarKetchup (page 463)

1 tablespoon (15 ml) cidervinegar

1 tablespoon (15 ml) lemon juice

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1 tablespoon (15 ml)Worcestershire sauce

1 tablespoon (15 ml) sugar-freeimitation honey

1 tablespoon (1.5 g) Splenda1 tablespoon (7 g) Sweet Spice

Islands Rub (page 493)

Melt the butter over lowest heat in anonreactive saucepan and sauté theonion and garlic in it for 4 or 5 minutes.Whisk in everything else, bring to asimmer, and let it cook for 5 minutes orso.

Yield: Makes a little over 1 cup (240ml), or about 9 servings of 2 tablespoons(30 ml) each

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9 grams of carbohydrate per serving, but2 grams of that are the polyols in theimitation honey, and 1 gram is fiber, socount 6 grams of usable carb; 1 gramprotein.

Cajun Sauce

This is the most complicated sauce inthis book to make, but it’s marvelous andmakes quite a lot. It’s also quite hot—you could mellow it a bit by leaving outthe cayenne, I suppose, but then itwouldn’t really be Cajun would it?

1 small onion½ small green bell pepper2 celery ribs

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3 cloves garlic2 tablespoons (30 ml) olive oil1 can (14 ounces, or 420 ml)

chicken broth cup (160 ml) cider vinegar

3 tablespoons (49.5 g) tomatopaste

5 tablespoons (75 ml) spicymustard

3 tablespoons (4.5 g) Splenda¼ teaspoon blackstrap molasses2 tablespoons (30 ml) Dana’s No-

Sugar Ketchup (page 463)½ teaspoon chili powder½ teaspoon cayenne

Chop the onion, pepper, and celeryfairly fine—feel free to use a food

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processor for this; I did! Crush thegarlic, too.

In a big saucepan with a heavy bottomover medium heat, heat the olive oil andadd the chopped vegetables. Sauté themuntil everything is soft. Now stir ineverything else, turn the heat down, andlet the whole thing simmer for 15 to 20minutes. Spoon over pork—preferablypork you’ve rubbed with CajunSeasoning (page 484) and mopped withCajun Rib Mop (page 490)!

Yield: Makes about 1 quart (960 ml), orabout 16 servings of ¼ cup (60 ml) each,though you may eat more!

Each serving will have 4 grams of

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carbohydrate and 1 gram of fiber, for ausable carb count of 3 grams; 1 gramprotein.

Polynesian Sauce

If a luau is what you’re dreaming of, trythis sauce! It’s great on pork of any kind.

¼ cup (66 g) tomato paste¼ cup (60 ml) canned crushed

pineapple in juice¼ cup (60 ml) white vinegar1 tablespoon (15 ml) soy sauce2 tablespoons (3 g) Splenda5 tablespoons (75 ml) water¼ teaspoon blackstrap molasses

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Combine everything in a saucepan andsimmer over low heat for 5 minutes.

Yield: Makes a little over 1 cup (240ml), or 8 servings of 2 slightly generoustablespoons (30 ml) each

5 grams of carbohydrate per serving,with 1 gram of fiber, for a usable carbcount of 4 grams; 1 gram of protein.

Sweet and Spicy MustardSauce

If you like honey-mustard dressing, givethis barbecue sauce a try.

½ cup (120 ml) spicy brown

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mustard¼ cup (6 g) Splenda½ teaspoon blackstrap molasses

teaspoon instant coffee crystals1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce1 teaspoon hot sauce2 tablespoons (30 ml) water

Just whisk everything together in anonreactive saucepan over low heat.Bring it to a simmer and let it cook just afew minutes to blend the flavors.

Yield: Makes just under 1 cup (240 ml),or about 7 servings of 2 tablespoons (30ml) each

3 grams of carb per serving, with a trace

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of fiber, and 1 gram of protein.

Apricot White Wine Sauce

Unlike the Apricosen und HorseradishBBQ Sauce (page 473), this has notomato note—just apricot, wine, and allthose wonderful spices. Like theApricosen sauce, this is especially goodon poultry!

6 tablespoons (120 g) low-sugarapricot preserves

cup (80 ml) white wine¼ medium onion¼ teaspoon ginger¼ teaspoon cayenne

teaspoon allspice

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¼ cup (16 g) tarragon¼ teaspoon turmeric

teaspoon cardamom3 tablespoons (45 ml) Dijon or

spicy brown mustard

Measure everything into a nonreactivesaucepan and whisk together well.Simmer on low for 5 to 10 minutes.

Yield: Roughly 1¼ cups (300 ml), or 10servings of 2 tablespoons (30 ml) each

5 grams carbohydrate, with a trace offiber, and 1 gram of protein.

Easy Remoulade Sauce

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This is good on anything fishy orseafoodlike.

1 cup (230 g) mayonnaise2 tablespoons (30 ml) spicy brown

or Dijon mustard2 tablespoons (30 ml) lemon juice1 teaspoon dried tarragon,

crumbled2 tablespoons (17 g) capers,

drained and chopped a bit

Just stir everything up and you’re goodto go!

Yield: Makes about 1 cups (320 ml),or 5 servings of just under ¼ cup (60 ml)each

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Each serving has 1 gram ofcarbohydrates, a trace of fiber, and 1gram of protein.

Cilantro Chimichurri

This amazingly flavorful herb sauce iswonderful over a grilled steak,especially one that you’ve seasoned withsomething a bit hot and spicy.

1 bunch cilantro5 cloves garlic2 tablespoons (30 ml) lime juice½ small red onion, cut in a few

hunks½ teaspoon red pepper flakes

cup (160 ml) olive oil

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Chop up the cilantro enough to fit it inyour food processor with the S-blade inplace. Add everything else but the oliveoil and pulse until everything’s fairlyfinely minced. Scrape the resultingincredibly fragrant mixture into a bowland whisk in the olive oil. Spoon over agrilled steak or anything else you canthink of!

Yield: Makes 6 servings of roughly 2tablespoons (30 ml)

Each serving will have 3 grams ofcarbohydrate, with a trace of fiber, and atrace of protein.

Chipotle Sauce

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This is essential for ChipotleCheeseburgers (page 363), but it’s greaton a grilled chicken breast, too as a dipfor lightly cooked, chilled asparagus.

¾ cup (180 g) mayonnaise3 chipotle chiles canned in adobo2 tablespoons (30 ml) Dana’s No-

Sugar Ketchup (page 463)

Measure the mayonnaise into a bowl.Chop up the chipotles quite fine and stirinto the mayonnaise along with theketchup.

Yield: 6 servings of 1 generoustablespoon (15 ml) each

1 gram of carbohydrate per serving, with

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a trace of fiber, 1 gram protein.

Mustard-HorseradishDipping Sauce

I came up with this to dip some stuffedmushrooms in, but it’s very versatile.

½ cup (120 g) mayonnaise2 teaspoons spicy brown mustard1 teaspoon prepared horseradish½ teaspoon Splenda1 teaspoon white vinegar

Simply mix everything together. It’sgood for dipping most anything—chicken bites, vegetables, or whatever

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you’ve got.

Yield: About 6 servings

Each with trace protein; tracecarbohydrate; trace dietary fiber; nousable carb.

“Honey” Mustard DippingSauce

This is great with the fried ChickenTenders (page 309) or with a simplechicken breast or pork chop.

¼ cup (60 ml) mayonnaise2 tablespoons (30 ml) spicy


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1 teaspoon Splenda

Simply combine everything and you’reall set.

Yield: Makes a little more than cup(about 70 ml), or enough for about 4people eating Chicken Tenders.

Each serving has 1 gram ofcarbohydrates, no fiber, and 1 gram ofprotein.

Apricot Ginger DippingSauce

This is also great with Chicken Tenders(page 309)—or anything else you might

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use the “Honey” Mustard Dipping Sauceon. But it tastes a lot different.

¼ cup (60 ml) mayonnaise1½ tablespoons (30 g) low-sugar

apricot preserves1 teaspoon grated ginger¼ teaspoon minced ginger or ½

clove garlic, crushed½ teaspoon Splenda¾ teaspoon soy sauce

Simply combine everything and you aredare.

Yield: Makes just under cup (about 70ml), or enough for about 4 people eatingChicken Tenders

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Each serving has 3 grams ofcarbohydrates, with a trace of fiber andprotein.

Asian Dipping Sauce

This is perfect with the Lettuce Wraps(page 348), but it’s also good withChicken Tenders (page 309), orwhatever you have on hand.

¼ cup (6 g) Splenda¼ cup (60 ml) water2 tablespoons (30 ml) soy sauce2 tablespoons (30 ml) rice vinegar2 tablespoons (30 ml) Dana’s No-

Sugar Ketchup (page 463) orcommercial sugar-free ketchup

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1 tablespoon (15 ml) lemon juice¼ teaspoon toasted sesame oil2 teaspoons dry mustard2 teaspoons chili garlic paste

Just assemble everything in a blenderand run it until everything’s wellcombined. If you don’t use it all up atonce, keep in a tightly sealed containerin the fridge and it will last a week, atleast.

Yield: Makes roughly ¾ cup (180 ml),or 6 servings of 2 tablespoons (30 ml)each

Each serving has 3 grams ofcarbohydrates, a trace of fiber, and 1

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gram of protein.

Nuoc Cham

This sweet-tart-spicy dipping sauce ispurely Vietnamese, and it’s absolutelywonderful! Once you try this, you’llthink of all sorts of ways to use it.

2 tablespoons (30 ml) fish sauce2 tablespoons (30 ml) lime juice1½ teaspoons rice vinegar3 tablespoons (4.5 g) Splenda½ teaspoon minced garlic or 1

clove garlic, crushed1 teaspoon chili garlic paste

Simply combine everything in a small

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dish—that’s it!

Yield: About cup (80 ml), or 4 or 5servings

Assuming 4 servings, each will have 4grams of carbohydrates, a trace of fiber,and a trace of protein. (Andapproximately 15 metric boatloads offlavor!)


This is basically just very garlickymayonnaise. It’s good on all kinds ofvegetables and on fish, too.

4 cloves garlic, crushed very

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thoroughly1 egg¼ teaspoon salt2 tablespoons (30 ml) lemon juice½ to cup (120 to 160 ml) olive


Put the garlic, egg, salt, and lemon juicein a blender. Run the blender for asecond and then pour in the oil in a verythin stream, like you would when makingmayonnaise. Turn off the blender whenthe sauce is thickened.

Yield: About 1 cup (240 ml), or 8servings of 2 tablespoons (30 ml)

Each with 1 gram of carbohydrates, only

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a trace of fiber, and 1 gram of protein.

Chili Lime Mayo

¼ cup (60 ml) mayonnaise2 teaspoons lime juice¼ teaspoon chili paste2 teaspoons minced cilantro

Just stir everything together and serveover anything Asian or Mexican.

Yield: 4 servings of 1 tablespoon (15ml)

Each with trace protein; tracecarbohydrate; trace dietary fiber; 0 gusable carb.

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Hollandaise for Sissies

This is an easy sauce for asparagus,artichokes, broccoli, or whatever youlike.

4 egg yolks1 cup (230 g) sour cream1 tablespoon (15 ml) lemon juice½ teaspoon salt or Vege-SalDash hot pepper sauce or other

hot sauce

You’ll need either a double boiler or aheat diffuser for this—it needs verygentle heat. If you’re using a doubleboiler, you want the water in the bottomhot but not boiling. If you’re using a heat

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diffuser, use the lowest possible heatunder the diffuser.

Put all the ingredients in a heavy-bottomed saucepan or in the top of adouble boiler. Whisk everything togetherwell. Let it heat through and serve itover vegetables or whatever you like.

Yield: 6 to 8 servings

Each with 2 g carbohydrate, a tracefiber, and 3 g protein in each.

Curried Mock Hollandaise

Oh man, this is the bomb with artichokesor asparagus! This is a variation of theHollandaise for Sissies recipe (page

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4 egg yolks1 cup (230 g) sour cream1 tablespoon (15 ml) lemon juice½ teaspoon salt or Vege-Sal1 teaspoon curry powder2 cloves garlic, crushed

You’ll need either a double boiler or aheat diffuser for this—it needs verygentle heat. If you’re using a doubleboiler, you want the water in the bottomhot but not boiling. If you’re using a heatdiffuser, use the lowest possible heatunder the diffuser.

Put all the ingredients in a heavy-bottomed saucepan or the top of a

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double boiler. Whisk everything togetherwell, let it heat through, and serve withvegetables.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 3 g protein; 3 g carbohydrate;trace dietary fiber; 3 g usable carbs.

Adobo Sauce

This traditional Mexican seasoning isgreat with chicken.

3 cloves garlic1 teaspoon salt¾ teaspoon cumin1 teaspoon oregano

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½ teaspoon pepper¾ cup (180 ml) lime juice¼ teaspoon orange extract

Just measure everything and whisk ittogether. Use it to marinate and bastechicken.

Yield: Makes just over ¾ cup (180 ml),or enough to marinate 1 good-sized cut-up chicken

Assuming 5 servings, each will have 4grams of carbohydrate, with a trace offiber and protein—if you manage toconsume all the marinade, which youwon’t.

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Tequila Lime Marinade

cup (80 ml) lime juice (Bottledis fine.)

cup (80 ml) water3 tablespoons (45 ml) tequila1 tablespoon (1.5 g) Splenda1 tablespoon (15 ml) soy sauce2 cloves garlic, crushed.

Combine the ingredients and store in therefrigerator until ready to use.

Yield: Roughly ¾ cup (180 ml)—enoughfor a dozen boneless, skinless chickenbreasts or a couple of pounds of shrimp

In the whole batch there are 13 grams of

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carbohydrates and 1 gram of fiber, for atotal of 12 grams of usable carbs and noprotein, but since you drain most of themarinade off, you won’t get more than agram or two of carbs total.

Marco Polo Marinade

This marinade is named after itscombined Italian and Chinese influences.It’s wonderful for steak, but try it onchicken, too! It’s also good onvegetables.

1 cup (240 ml) bottled Italiansalad dressing

¼ cup (60 ml) soy sauce2 teaspoons grated ginger

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2 tablespoons (3 g) Splenda4 drops blackstrap molasses

Just measure everything and stir ittogether. Use it to marinate or seasonwhatever you like!

Yield: 1¼ cups (300 ml), or 5 servingsof ¼ cup (60 ml)

1 g protein; 6 g carbohydrate; tracedietary fiber; 6 g usable carbs.However, you can drop this lower byusing a seriously low-carb Italiandressing—and anyway, since you usethis as a marinade, you’re unlikely toconsume anything like ¼ cup (60 ml) ofthis at a time.

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Beer-Molasses Marinade

It’s great for ribs or kind of any pork!

1½ (360 ml) cups water12-ounce (360-ml) can light beer1 teaspoon blackstrap molasses¼ cup (6 g) Splenda1 tablespoon (4.2 g) dried thyme1 tablespoon (18 g) salt1 whole bay leaf½ teaspoon pepper

Combine everything in a nonreactivebowl or pan. Marinate the meat in a bigresealable plastic bag or shallow panlarge enough to hold the meat. Eitherway, let it marinate for several hours

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before cooking. Don’t forget to discardthe bay leaf.

Yield: Makes about 3 cups (710 ml)—double it if you need to

18 grams of carbohydrate in the wholebatch, with 2 grams of fiber, for a usablecarb count of 16 grams; 1 gram protein.But remember, this is a marinade, so youwon’t consume anything like the wholebatch. I’d count only 1 or 2 grams ofcarb per serving.

Jerk Marinade

Jerk is a Jamaican way of life. Make itwith one pepper if you want it just nicely

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hot or with two peppers if you want ittraditional—also known as take-the-top-of-your-head-off hot.

1 or 2 Scotch Bonnet or habaneropeppers, with or without seedsand ribs (the hottest parts)

½ small onion3 tablespoons (45 ml) oil1 tablespoon ground (5.7 g)

allspice2 tablespoons (12 g) grated fresh

ginger1 tablespoon (15 ml) soy sauce1 teaspoon dried thyme1 bay leaf, crumbled¼ teaspoon cinnamon1 tablespoon (1.5 g) Splenda

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2 cloves garlic, crushed

Put all the ingredients in a foodprocessor with the S-blade in place andprocess until the mixture is fairlysmooth. (You’ll get a soft paste thatlooks like mud but smells like heaven!)Smear this over the meat of your choiceand let it sit for a day before cooking.Remember to always wash your handsafter handling hot peppers!

Yield: Enough for about 4 servings ofmeat

Each serving serving of Jerk Marinadeadds 4 grams of carbohydrates and 1gram of fiber, for a total of 3 grams ofusable carbs and no protein.

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If you just can’t take the heat, you canchicken out and use a jalapeño or twoinstead of the habaneros or ScotchBonnets, and your jerk marinade will bequite mild, as these things go. Butremember: There is no such thing as atruly mild jerk sauce.

Apricot-Chipotle Glaze

I invented this for my Easter leg of lamb,but there’s no reason you can’t use it onpork and chicken, too—anywhere youwant a hit of sweet-and-hot flavor.

½ cup (80 g) minced red onion¼ cup (60 ml) canola oil4 cloves garlic, crushed

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½ cup (120 ml) red wine vinegar½ cup (160 g) low-sugar apricot

preserves2 chipotle chiles canned in adobo5 tablespoons (7.5 g) Splenda2 tablespoons (30 ml) lemon juice

In a saucepan, sauté the onion in the oiluntil it’s soft. Add the garlic and vinegarand whisk in the preserves. Bring to asimmer and let cook for 5 minutes or so.

Let it cool for a few minutes and thenpour the glaze into a blender and add thechipotles, Splenda, and lemon juice.Whirl until the chipotles are ground up.Use to baste meat or poultry that’sroasting or grilling.

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Yield: 12 to 14 servings

Assuming 14, each will have traceprotein; 4 g carbohydrate; trace dietaryfiber; 4 g usable carbs.

Maple-Orange Ham Glaze

It’s common to glaze a roasting ham withbrown sugar, honey, or the like—but weall know what that does to the carbcount! Here’s a glaze that’ll impressyour family and friends, while leavingyour diet intact.

½ cup (120 ml) sugar-freepancake syrup

¼ cup (60 ml) lemon juice

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1 teaspoon Splenda¼ teaspoon orange extract1 tablespoon (15 ml) brown

mustard1 tablespoon (14 g) butter

Simply combine everything in a smallsaucepan over low heat and simmer forfive minutes. Use to baste a ham duringthe last hour of roasting time. You canalso use this to glaze a ham steak for amuch quicker supper!

Yield: Enough for a good-sized ham

The whole batch has 2 g protein; 6 gcarbohydrate; trace dietary fiber; 6 gusable carbs. Carb count does not

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include the polyols in the sugar-freepancake syrup.

Taco Seasoning

Many store-bought seasoning blendsinclude sugar or cornstarch—my foodcounter book says that several popularbrands have 5 grams of carb in 2teaspoons! This is very easy to puttogether, and it tastes great. It’s evencheaper than the premixed stuff.

2 tablespoons (15.6 g) chilipowder

1½ tablespoons (9.5 g) cumin1½ tablespoons (9.5 g) paprika1 tablespoon (7.2 g) onion powder

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1 tablespoon (8.4 g) garlic powder teaspoon cayenne pepper (mild)

or ¼ teaspoon cayenne (a bithotter)

Simply combine all ingredients,blending well, and store in an airtightcontainer. Use 2 tablespoons (18 g) ofthis mixture to 1 pound (455 g) of groundbeef, ground turkey, or chicken.

Yield: This makes about 8 tablespoons(70 g), or 4 batches’ worth

Using 2 tablespoons (18 g) of thisseasoning will add just under 2 gcarbohydrate to a 4-ounce (115 g)serving of taco meat.

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Dana’s Chicken Seasoning

This is wonderful sprinkled over achicken breast before grilling or as atable seasoning for any poultry. (It’s alsogreat sprinkled over whole or cut-upchicken before roasting.)

3 tablespoons (55 g) salt1 teaspoon paprika1 teaspoon onion powder1 teaspoon garlic powder1 teaspoon curry powder½ teaspoon black pepper

Combine all the ingredients thoroughlyand store in a salt shaker or the shakerfrom an old container of herbs. Simply

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sprinkle over chicken before roasting; Iuse it to season at the table, as well.

Yield: Makes just over ¼ cup (30 g)

In the whole recipe there are only 7grams of carbohydrates and 1 gram offiber, for a total of 6 grams of usablecarbs and no protein—so the amount ofcarbohydrates in the teaspoon or so yousprinkle over a piece of chicken isnegligible.

Cajun Seasoning

This sprinkle-on seasoning will liven upchops, steaks, chicken, fish—just aboutanything!

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2½ tablespoons (17.3 g) paprika2 tablespoons (36 g) salt2 tablespoons (16 g) garlic

powder1 tablespoon (6.3 g) black pepper1 tablespoon (7.2 g) onion powder1 tablespoon (5.4 g) cayenne

pepper1 tablespoon (3.4 g) dried

oregano1 tablespoon (4.2 g) dried thyme

Combine all the ingredients thoroughlyand keep in an air-tight container.

Yield: Makes cup (70 g)

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In this whole recipe there are 37 gramsof carbohydrates and 9 grams of fiber,for a total of 28 grams of usable carbsand no protein. Considering how spicythis is, you’re unlikely to use more than ateaspoon or two at a time. One teaspoonhas 1 gram of carbohydrates, a trace offiber, and no protein.

Jerk Seasoning

Sprinkle this over chicken, pork chops,or fish before cooking for an instant hitof hot, sweet, spicy flavor.

1 tablespoon (5 g) onion flakes2 teaspoons ground thyme1 teaspoon ground allspice

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¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon1 teaspoon black pepper1 teaspoon cayenne pepper1 tablespoon (7.2 g) onion powder2 teaspoons salt¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg2 tablespoons (3 g) Splenda

Combine all the ingredients and store inan air-tight container.

Yield: Makes about cup (30 g)

If you use 1 teaspoon, it will have 1gram of carbohydrates, a trace of fiber,and no protein.

Adobo Seasoning

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Adobo is a popular seasoning in LatinAmerica and the Caribbean. It’savailable at many grocery stores in thespice aisle or the international aisle, butif you can’t find it, it sure is easy tomake.

10 teaspoons (28 g) garlic powder5 teaspoons dried oregano5 teaspoons pepper2½ teaspoons paprika5 teaspoons (30 g) salt

Simply measure everything into a bowl,stir, and store in a lidded shaker jar.

Yield: A little over ½ cup (70 g), orabout 48 servings of ½ teaspoon

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Each with trace protein; 1 gcarbohydrate; trace dietary fiber; 1 gusable carb.

Creole Seasoning

Creole seasoning is great when you wantto add a hit of spicy-hot flavor to pork,chicken, seafood—or just aboutanything, actually. You can buy itpremade, but you know how foodmanufacturers are—you have to keep aneye out for added sugar. It’s easy to stirsome up on your own.

2 tablespoons (35 g) salt3 teaspoons garlic powder3 teaspoons onion powder

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3 teaspoons paprika3 teaspoons dried thyme2 teaspoons cayenne pepper1½ teaspoons pepper1½ teaspoons dried oregano2 bay leaves½ teaspoon chili powder

Put everything in a food processor orblender, crumbling the bay leaf as youput it in. Run until the bay leaf ispulverized and everything is evenlymixed. Pour into a lidded shaker jar forstorage.

Yield: ½ cup (70 g) or 48 servings of ½teaspoon

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Trace protein; 1 g carbohydrate; tracedietary fiber; 1 g usable carb.

Many-Pepper SteakSeasoning

This adds real zing to a steak withoutcovering up the flavor. Make this up,keep it in a shaker, and you’ll be readyto cook a really special steak at amoment’s notice.

1 tablespoon (9 g) onion powder3 tablespoons (27 g) garlic

powder3 tablespoons (21 g) paprika1 tablespoon (3 g) oregano

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1½ tablespoons (9 g) pepper2 teaspoons lemon pepper1 teaspoon cayenne—or more if

you like it really hot!

Simply combine everything well and putit in a shaker. Sprinkle liberally overboth sides of a steak before broiling orgrilling.

Yield: This is enough to season 12 to 15steaks

Assuming 15 steaks, each will have 3grams of carbohydrates and 1 gram offiber, or for a total of 2 grams of carbsto a whole steak—and that steak is likelyto be 2 or more servings, so figure 1

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gram per serving—and no fiber orprotein.

New Orleans Gold

This is hot and spicy New Orleansseasoning! It’s good on chicken, steak,pork, seafood—heck, anything but icecream.

2½ tablespoons (15.8 g) paprika1 tablespoon (18 g) salt2 tablespoons (16.8 g) garlic

powder1 tablespoon (6.3 g) pepper1 tablespoon (7.2 g) onion powder1 tablespoon (5.4 g) cayenne1 tablespoon (5.4 g) dried

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oregano1 tablespoon (4.2 g) dried thyme1½ teaspoons dried basil1½ teaspoons celery seed

Combine the ingredients in a foodprocessor with the S-blade attachmentand run for thirty seconds.

Yield: 54 servings of 1 teaspoon

Each with trace protein; 1gcarbohydrate; trace dietary fiber; 1 gusable carb.

Italian Seasoned Crumbs

Use this the way you would packaged

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Italian seasoned crumbs—to “fill”meatballs or “bread” chicken or chops.To get pork rind crumbs, just run a bagof pork rinds through your foodprocessor.

1 cup (80 g) pork rind crumbs½ teaspoon dried parsley½ teaspoon dried oregano¼ teaspoon garlic powder¼ teaspoon onion powder¼ teaspoon Splenda

Yield: Makes 1 cup (85 g), or 8 servingsof 2 tablespoons (10 g)

Each with 7 g protein; tracecarbohydrate; trace dietary fiber; so call

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it 0 usable carb.

Classic Barbecue Rub

As the name suggests, this is the rub thatcries “classic barbecue!” It makes agreat combo with the Kansas CityBarbecue Sauce (page 467), but use itwith any sauce—and on any meat!

¼ cup (6 g) Splenda1 tablespoon (12 g) seasoned salt1 tablespoon (8.4 g) garlic powder1 tablespoon (12 g) celery salt1 tablespoon (7.2 g) onion powder2 tablespoons (12.6 g) paprika1 tablespoon (7.8 g) chili powder2 teaspoons pepper

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1 teaspoon (2 g) lemon pepper1 teaspoon sage1 teaspoon mustard½ teaspoon dried thyme½ teaspoon cayenne

Combine everything, stir well, and storein a shaker. Sprinkle heavily over justabout anything, but especially over porkribs and chicken.

Yield: Makes just over cup (100 g), orroughly 12 tablespoons

3 g carbohydrate, with 1 g fiber, for ausable carb count of 2 g; 1 g protein.

Herb Chicken Rub

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This rub has the herbs we traditionallyassociate with poultry—sage, thyme, andthe like. Consider seasoning a chickenwith this rub and the matching mop andthen using one of the fruity barbecuesauces—the Cranberry Barbecue Sauce(page 468) or the Apricot White WineSauce (page 476), perhaps.

1½ teaspoons poultry seasoning1½ teaspoons garlic salt1 teaspoon dry mustard1 teaspoon ground ginger1 teaspoon Splenda

Just measure everything into a small dishand stir it together.

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Yield: Enough rub for 1 good-sizedchicken

The whole batch has just 1 gram ofcarbohydrate, with a trace of fiber.

Herb Chicken Mop

This mop is for use with the HerbChicken Rub, of course!

1 teaspoon Herb Chicken Rub(page 486)

¼ cup (60 ml) olive oil¼ cup (60 ml) chicken broth

Just combine everything and use to bastechicken during indirect cooking.

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Yield: Makes about ½ cup (120 ml)

The whole batch has only a trace ofcarbohydrate, and you won’t use it all upmopping your chicken. Call this onefree.

Memphis Rub

3 tablespoons (18 g) paprika1 tablespoon (12 g) seasoned salt1 tablespoon (6.3 g) pepper1½ teaspoons garlic powder1½ teaspoons cayenne1½ teaspoons dried oregano1½ teaspoons dry mustard1½ teaspoons chili powder

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Just mix everything together and use onribs, pork chops, or even chicken. Mopwith the Memphis Mop (page 488) andfinish with one of the Memphis-stylesauces!

Yield: Makes 7½ tablespoons, or about7 servings

4 grams of carb per serving, with 1 gramof fiber, for a usable carb count of 3grams; 1 gram protein.

Memphis “Dry Sauce”

This is really a rub, but the recipe Iadapted this from called it a dry sauce.Who am I to argue?

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½ cup (12 g) Splenda½ teaspoon blackstrap molasses1 tablespoon (7.8 g) chili powder1 tablespoon (6.3 g) black pepper1 tablespoon (9 g) dry mustard3 teaspoons garlic powder1 tablespoon (6.3 g) paprika1 teaspoon celery salt1 teaspoon onion powder

Just combine everything in a foodprocessor or blender until the molassesis distributed—for some odd reason, Ifind a blender works better for this.Then sprinkle over pork or chickenbefore smoking.

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Yield: Makes roughly cup (60 g), or12 servings of 1 tablespoon (5 g) each

3 grams of carbohydrate and 1 gram offiber, for a usable carb count of 2 grams;a trace of protein.

Memphis Mop

This is one of the most complex moppingsauces in this book, and just looking atthe ingredients, you can see it’s going toadd loads of flavor to your ‘cue!

1 cup (240 ml) water2 tablespoons (3 g) Splenda½ teaspoon blackstrap molasses1 cup (240 ml) wine vinegar

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2 tablespoons (30 ml)Worcestershire sauce

½ teaspoon chili powder½ teaspoon hot pepper sauce2 tablespoons (30 ml) canola oil1 clove garlic

Just whisk everything together in anonreactive bowl or pan and mop away!

Yield: Makes roughly 2¼ cups (540 ml)

7 grams of carbohydrate in the wholebatch, which you won’t use up even ifyou do 2 slabs of ribs. We’re talkingwell under 1 extra gram of carbohydrateper serving.

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Big Bad Beef Rib Rub

I’d never had beef ribs before I madethem with this rub, and I was an instantconvert!

2 tablespoons (3 g) Splenda2 tablespoons (16 g)

DiabetiSweet or other polyolsweetener

2 tablespoons (36 g) garlic salt2 tablespoons (16.8 g) garlic

powder2 tablespoons (12.6 g) paprika2 teaspoons chili powder½ teaspoon ground ginger½ teaspoon onion powder

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½ teaspoon ground coriander½ teaspoon cayenne

This is extremely simple: Just puteverything in a bowl and stir it together.Sprinkle generously over beef ribsbefore barbecuing.

Yield: Roughly ¾ cup (90 g), or 12tablespoons

Each tablespoonful will have 3 grams ofcarbohydrate, exclusive of polyols, and1 gram of fiber, for a usable carb countof 2 grams; 1 gram protein.

Bodacious Beef Brisket Rub

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4 tablespoons (25 g) paprika1 tablespoon (6.3 g) pepper2 tablespoons (3 g) Splenda2 teaspoons chili powder2 teaspoons onion powder2 teaspoons garlic powder½ teaspoon cayenne (optional, if

you like your food really fiery—but this has plenty of heatwithout it)

Stir everything together. Save atablespoon for the mop use and the restto sprinkle liberally over your brinedbrisket.

Yield: Makes about 8 servings of 1tablespoon each

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4 grams of carbohydrate, 1 gram offiber, 1 gram protein.

Bodacious Beef BrisketBeer Mop

1 12-ounce (360-ml) can or bottlelight beer (Michelob Ultra,Miller Lite, or Milwaukee’sBest Light are the lowest carb—and Milwaukee’s Best Lightis the cheapest!)

½ cup (120 ml) cider vinegar¼ cup (60 ml) olive oil2 cloves garlic, crushed¼ onion, minced1 tablespoon (15 g)

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Worcestershire sauce1 tablespoon Bodacious Beef

Brisket Rub (page 488)

Stir everything together and use to mopyour brisket while it’s smoking.

Yield: Makes enough to mop 1–2briskets (but rarely will you use up theentire batch in the course of cooking).

14 grams of carbohydrate, 1 gram offiber (in entire batch). But since youwon’t use the entire batch, and a 4-pound brisket will serve at least 8people, no one will get more than acouple of grams of carbohydrate.

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Five-Spice Beef Rub

Wow—This is sort of sweet andChinese-y. I invented this for beef ribs,but there’s no law that says you can’t useit on brisket or even on a steak.

2 tablespoons (16.2 g) five-spicepowder

2 tablespoons (36 g) garlic salt1 tablespoon (1.5 g) Splenda

Simply combine everything and stirwell. Sprinkle over beef ribs beforebarbecuing—but set aside 1½ teaspoonsof the rub first to make the Five-SpiceBeef Mop (page 490).

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Yield: Makes 5 tablespoons (but then,you’d figured that out already, right?)

Each tablespoonful will have 2 grams ofcarbohydrate and 1 gram of fiber, for ausable carb count of 1 gram; 0 gramsprotein.

Five-Spice Beef Mop

1½ teaspoons Five-Spice BeefRub (page 489)

½ cup (120 ml) oil½ cup (120 ml) water1 teaspoon blackstrap molasses

Stir everything together and use to mopbeef you’ve first seasoned with Five-

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Spice Beef Rub.

Yield: This makes 1 cup (240 ml), orplenty for a slab or two of beef ribs, abrisket, or what have you.

4 grams of carbohydrate in the wholebatch, and there’s no way you’llconsume anything like the whole batch.I’d call this one free, carb-wise. 0 gramsprotein.

Cajun Rub

2 tablespoons (35 g) celery salt2 tablespoons (13 g) pepper2 tablespoons (3 g) Splenda1½ teaspoons garlic powder

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2 teaspoons dried thyme1 teaspoon ground sage2 teaspoons cayenne¼ teaspoon blackstrap molasses

This rub needs to be made in a blenderto distribute that sticky molassesthroughout the mixture. Put everythingbut the molasses in your blender. Turnthe blender on and while it’s runningdrizzle in the ¼ teaspoon molasses. Turnoff the blender and sprinkle the rubheavily on pork ribs before barbecuing.

Yield: Makes 5 servings

Each serving will have 5 grams ofcarbohydrate and 1 gram of fiber, for a

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usable carb count of 4 grams; 1 gramprotein.

Cajun Rib Mop

½ cup (120 ml) cider vinegar½ cup (120 ml) olive oil1 tablespoon (15 ml)

Worcestershire sauce½ teaspoon cayenne

Simply combine everything and use tomop pork ribs every 30 to 45 minuteswhile barbecuing.

Yield: Makes just over 1 cup (240 ml)

10 grams of carbohydrate in the batch,

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with a trace of fiber and a trace ofprotein. But you won’t actually eat morethan 1 tablespoon (15 ml) or so of themop with a serving, so I’d say no morethan 1 gram of carbohydrate per serving.

Wasabi Baste

This is good on any kind of fish orseafood.

2 teaspoons wasabi paste (Buythis in tubes in Asian marketsor in grocery stores with agood international section.)

1½ tablespoons (2 g) Splenda¼ teaspoon blackstrap molasses2 tablespoons (30 ml) dry sherry

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2 tablespoons (30 ml) lime juice6 tablespoons (90 ml) soy sauce¼ teaspoon sesame oil

Just stir everything together and basteaway.

Yield: A little over ½ cup (120 ml), orenough to baste one darned big salmon,inside and out, as I have reason to know.Figure at least 8 servings.

Each serving will have 2 grams ofcarbohydrate, a trace of fiber, and 1gram protein.

Amazing Barbecue Rub

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It’s the sweetness and the celeryundertone that really set this rub apart.It’s one of my favorites on pork orchicken.

½ cup (12 g) Splenda1 teaspoon molasses3 tablespoons (36 g) celery salt2 tablespoons (24 g) seasoned salt2 tablespoons (14.4 g) onion

powder1 tablespoon (8.4 g) garlic powder1 tablespoon (7.8 g) chili powder1 tablespoon (6.3 g) pepper½ teaspoon cayenne¼ teaspoon cloves, ground1 whole bay leaf

Simply combine everything and stir

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Yield: 18 servings of 1 tablespoon each

3 grams of carbohydrate, with a trace offiber, and a trace of protein.

Bourbon Maple Mop

¼ cup (60 ml) oil¼ cup (60 ml) water2 tablespoons (30 ml) bourbon1 tablespoon (15 ml) sugar-free

pancake syrup1 teaspoon barbecue spice or

Classic Barbecue Rub (page486)

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Simply combine all ingredients in anonreactive bowl or saucepan and stir.

Yield: Enough for a slab or two of ribs.

Not counting the polyols in the sugar-free pancake syrup, there’s only a traceof carbohydrate in the whole batch. Nofiber, no protein.

Curry Rub

I invented this for poultry, but it wouldbe good on lamb, too!

1 tablespoon (6 g) curry powder1½ teaspoons onion salt1½ teaspoons garlic salt

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1 teaspoon celery salt

Just combine everything and sprinkle iton chicken, lamb, or what have you. Thisis just about enough for 1 chicken ofabout 3½ to 4 pounds (1.6 to 1.8 kg), sofeel free to double, triple, or quadruplethis recipe, if you like.

Yield: This whole batch—2 tablespoonsplus 1 teaspoon worth

Contains 6 grams of carbohydrate, ofwhich 4 grams are fiber, for 2 grams ofusable carb. So, if you figure that 1chicken will serve 5 people, each willget less than ½ gram carbohydrate. 1gram protein in the whole batch.

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Peppery Lamb Rub

2 tablespoons (12.6 g)pepper 1 tablespoon (1.5 g)

Splenda1 tablespoon (18 g) salt or Vege-

Sal1 tablespoon (8.4 g) garlic powder¼ teaspoon allspice¼ teaspoon molasses

Put everything but the molasses in ablender. Turn on the blender, drizzle inthe molasses, and let everything blendfor 30 seconds. Stop the blender and stirthe mixture down from the sides ifneeded.

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Yield: Makes about 5 tablespoons (40 g)of rub

Each will have 3 grams of carbohydrateand 1 gram of fiber, for a usable carbcount of 2 grams; 1 gram protein.

Lamb Mop

½ cup (120 ml) light beer¼ cup (60 ml) oil3 tablespoons (45 ml) vinegar2 tablespoons (30 ml)

Worcestershire sauce1 tablespoon (8 g) Peppery Lamb

Rub (page 492)

Just measure everything into a

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nonreactive bowl or saucepan and stir itup.

Yield: Makes about 1 cup (240 ml)

13 grams of carb and 1 gram of fiber forthe whole batch, but you won’t end upconsuming anything like all of this. I’ddoubt very much whether you’ll end upwith more than 2 grams per serving fromthis mop.

Dixie Belle Rub

This Southern-style rub is particularlygood on pork or chicken.

2 tablespoons (12.6 g) pepper

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2 tablespoons (12.6 g) paprika2 tablespoons (3 g) Splenda2 teaspoons salt1 tablespoon (7.2 g) dry mustard1 teaspoon cayenne2 teaspoons garlic powder

Just stir everything together and rub onribs, a pork shoulder, chicken, or whathave you!

Yield: Make ½ cup (60 g), or 8tablespoons

Each serving will have 3 grams ofcarbohydrate and 1 gram of fiber, for ausable carb count of 2 grams; 1 gramprotein.

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Southern Sop

The perfect southern mopping sauce touse with your Dixie Belle Rub.

½ cup (120 ml) cider vinegar½ tablespoon pepper1 teaspoon salt1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce1 teaspoon paprika1 tablespoon (8 g) Dixie Belle

Rub (page 492)¼ cup (60 ml) water¼ cup (60 ml) oil

Just combine everything and use to bastemeat or chicken during smoking.

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Yield: Makes a little over 1 cup (240ml), or plenty for your ribs or shoulderor whatever you’re barbecuing

14 grams of carbohydrate in the wholebatch, with 2 grams of fiber, for a usablecarb count of 12 grams; 1 gram ofprotein. However, you won’t use all ofthis sauce, even for a couple of slabs ofribs, and a couple of slabs will serve 15to 20 people. Figure that each diner willget no more than 1 to 2 grams of usablecarb from this mop.

Sweet Spice Islands Rub

Allspice, ginger, and cloves set this rubapart from the pack. I like this on pork,

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but it would be great on chicken or duck—lamb, too. You’ll need to haveClassic Barbecue Rub on hand, ofcourse.

¼ cup (6 g) Splenda2 tablespoons (16 g) Classic

Barbecue Rub (page 486)1 tablespoon (12 g) seasoned salt¼ teaspoon allspice teaspoon ginger teaspoon clove, ground

¼ teaspoon cayenne½ teaspoon black pepper

Just stir everything together and rub onwhatever you feel like barbecuing!

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Yield: Makes about 7 servings of 1tablespoon each

2 grams of carbohydrate, a trace of fiber,and a trace of protein.

Spicy Citrus Butter

This is good melted over grilled fish orseafood, chicken, vegetables, or even asteak. Actually, it’s hard to think of whatit’s not good on!

6 tablespoons (84 g) butter2 jalapeños2 tablespoons (3 g) Splenda2 tablespoons (30 ml) lemon juice½ teaspoon orange extract

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Have the butter at room temperature. Putit in the food processor with the S-bladein place. Seed the jalapeños and whackeach one into several pieces; dump theminto the food processor and then washyour hands! Add everything else; thenrun the food processor until thejalapeños are finely minced. Scoop adollop over your food, hot off the grill.

If you’d like to use this as a baste, youcan do it this way, instead: Put the butterin a saucepan over the lowest possibleheat. Seed the jalapeños and mince themas fine as you can. Add them to the butterand wash your hands. As the butterliquefies, whisk in the Splenda, lemonjuice, and orange extract. Keep it warmon a corner of your grill (not over direct

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heat) and use it to baste fish fillets,seafood, or chicken breasts.

Yield: Makes 8 servings of a little over1 tablespoon each

1 gram of carbohydrate, a trace of fiber,and a trace of protein.

Chipotle Garlic Butter

This is easy, and it gives a huge hit offlavor to anything you use it on. Melt itover a steak or use it to baste grilledvegetables or fish—you’ll find endlessways to use this!

¼ pound (115 g) butter at room

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temperature2 chipotle chiles canned in adobo1 clove garlic, crushed

Just plunk everything into a foodprocessor with the S-blade in place andrun the processor until everything is wellcombined.

Yield: 8 servings of just over 1tablespoon each

A trace of carbohydrate, a trace of fiber,and a trace of protein.

Cranberry Sauce

This is unbelievably easy and it’s good

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with roast chicken or turkey—as thoughyou needed to be told!

½ teaspoon plain gelatin(optional)

1 cup (240 ml) water1 bag (12 ounces, 340 g) fresh

cranberries1 cup (25 g) Splenda

Combine water, cranberries, andSplenda in a saucepan over medium-highheat. (If you’re using the gelatin,dissolve it in ½ cup [120 ml] of thewater and then add it to the cranberriesand Splenda in a saucepan over medium-high heat.) Bring the mixture to a boiland boil it hard until the cranberries

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pop. Keep it in a tightly covered jar inthe fridge.

Yield: Roughly 2 cups (480 ml)

Each 2 tablespoon (30 ml) serving willhave 4 grams of carbohydrates and 1gram of fiber, for a total of 3 grams ofusable carbs.

Fresh cranberries are available only infall, but they freeze beautifully. Just stickthem in a plastic bag in the freezer andpull them out when you need them.

Slow Cooker CranberrySauce

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I like to have cranberry sauce on handfor those occasions when I don’t want todo much cooking. It adds interest toplain roasted chicken (or even store-bought rotisseried chicken.) It’s easy todo, and this makes plenty!

24 ounces (670 g) cranberries1 cup (240 ml) water2 cups (50 g) Splenda

Simply combine everything in a slowcooker and give it a stir. Cover the slowcooker, set it to low, and let it cook for 3hours.

This won’t be as syrupy ascommercial cranberry sauce because ofthe lack of sugar. If this bothers you, you

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can thicken the sauce with guar orxanthan, but I generally leave mine as-is.This makes quite a lot, so divide itbetween three or four snap-topcontainers and store it in the freezer.This way, you’ll have cranberry sauceon hand whenever you bring home arotisseried chicken!

Yield: Makes about 2¾ cups (660 ml),or 22 servings of 2 tablespoons (30 ml)

Each with trace protein, 4 gcarbohydrate, 1 g dietary fiber, 3 gusable carbs.

Cranberry Chutney

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Think of this as cranberry sauce with akick. It’s good with any curried poultryeven with plain old roast chicken.

1 bag (12 ounces, or 340 g)cranberries

1 cup (240 ml) water ½ cup (12 g)Splenda

2 cloves garlic, crushed1 tablespoon (5.1 g) pumpkin pie

spice teaspoon salt

Combine all the ingredients in asaucepan over medium heat, bring it to aboil, and boil until the cranberries pop(7 to 8 minutes).

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Yield: Roughly 2 cups (480 ml)

Each 2 tablespoon (30 ml) serving willhave just over 3 grams of carbohydratesand 1 gram of fiber, for a total of 2grams of usable carbs and only a trace ofprotein.

This recipe improves if you let theboiled mixture sit for a while beforeserving. Try it with a little cinnamon,too.

Green Tomato Chutney

Most chutneys are full of sugar, so Iinvented my own—now I plant extratomatoes in the summer to have enough

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to make this. It’s wonderful withanything curried.

4 quarts (2.9 kg) green tomatoes,cut into chunks

3 cups (710 ml) apple cidervinegar

1 whole ginger root, sliced intovery thin rounds

5 or 6 cloves garlic, thinly sliced1 tablespoon (5 g) whole cloves5 or 6 sticks whole cinnamon½ cup (12 g) Splenda1 tablespoon (15 ml) blackstrap

molasses3 teaspoons stevia/FOS blend

Combine all the ingredients in a large

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stainless steel or enamel pot—no iron,no aluminum. (This is an acidic mixture,and if you use iron or aluminum you’llend up with your chutney chock full ofiron, which will turn it blackish, oraluminum, which simply isn’t good foryou.) Simmer on low for 3 to 4 hours.Store in tightly closed containers in therefrigerator.

Yield: Roughly 2 quarts (1.9 L)

Each 2 tablespoon (30 ml) serving willhave 5 grams of carbohydrates and 1gram of fiber, for a total of 4 grams ofusable carbs and no protein.

There are two things you need to knowwhen buying and cooking with ginger.

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The first is that a whole ginger is alsocalled a “hand” of ginger. The second isthat you should always cut ginger acrossthe grain, not along it, or you’ll end upwith woody ginger.

Major Grey’s Chutney

Major Grey’s chutney is not a brand buta type, and it’s the most popular kind ofchutney in the United States—maybe inthe world. But I’m afraid it’s usuallyloaded with sugar. This version isn’t, ofcourse! I also substituted peaches for themangoes you usually find in MajorGrey’s chutney—peaches are a wholelot easier to find. Go ahead and usefrozen unsweetened peach slices in this.

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It’ll save you lots of time and trouble,and since you’re going to cook them, thedifference in texture won’t matter in theend.

2 pounds (910 g) peach slices cup (35 g) paper-thin gingerslices

1½ cups (37 g) Splenda3 cloves garlic1 teaspoon red pepper flakes1 teaspoon cloves1½ cups (360 ml) cider vinegarGuar or xanthan

Put everything in a large, nonreactivesaucepan and stir to combine. Bring to aboil, turn the heat to low, and simmer for

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1½ to 2 hours. Thicken a bit with guar orxanthan if you like and store in anairtight container in the fridge.

Yield: 1 quart (960 ml), or 32 servingsof 2 tablespoons (30 ml)

Each with trace protein; 4 gcarbohydrate; 1 g dietary fiber; 3 gusable carbs.

Easy Orange Salsa

½ cup (115 g) salsa¼ teaspoon orange extract2 teaspoons Splenda

Just measure everything into a bowl, stir,

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and serve.

Yield: 4 servings of 2 tablespoons (30ml)

Each with trace protein; 2 gcarbohydrate; 1 g dietary fiber; 1 gusable carb.

Simple No-Sugar PickleRelish

24 ounces (670 g) sour picklespears

1 cup (160 g) chopped onion cup (8 g) Splenda

½ teaspoon celery seed

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½ teaspoon mustard seed2 tablespoons (30 ml) cider

vinegarGuar or xanthan

Open the jar of pickle spears and pouroff the liquid into a nonreactivesaucepan. Throw the chopped onion intothe pickle liquid and stir in the Splenda,celery seed, and mustard seed.

Bring to a simmer, turn to low, and letthe whole thing simmer for 20 to 30minutes.

In the meantime, cut the pickle spearsinto 3 to 4 chunks each and throw theminto a food processor with the S-blade inplace.

When the onions are done simmering,

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pour the contents of the saucepan into thefood processor. Add the cider vinegar.Pulse the food processor untileverything’s chopped to about theconsistency of commercial pickle relish.Thicken it up a bit with a little guar orxanthan to make up for the lack ofsyrupiness and pour the whole thingback into the pickle jar. Store in thefridge and use as you would commercialpickle relish.

Yield: 3 cups (710 ml), or 24 servingsof 2 tablespoons (30 ml)

Each with trace protein; 1 gcarbohydrate; trace dietary fiber; 1 gusable carbs.

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Butter Cookies

1 cup (225 g) butter8 ounces (225 g) cream cheese¼ cup plus 1 tablespoon (7.5 g)

Splenda, divided1 egg2 cups (160 g) sifted soy powder½ teaspoon baking powder½ teaspoon ground cinnamon

Use an electric mixer to cream the butterand cream cheese together until wellblended and soft. Add ¼ cup Splenda (6g) and cream until completely combined.Beat in the egg.

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Sift the soy powder and then sift againwith the baking powder (to combine thebaking powder with the soy powder andto break up any lumps in the bakingpowder). Sift the combined powdersinto the mixing bowl with the buttermixture and mix to make a soft dough.

Chill the dough for several hours in acovered container or wrapped in foil;this will make it easier to handle.

When the dough is chilled, preheat theoven to 375°F (190°C, or gas mark 5).Make small balls of the dough and placethem on an ungreased cookie sheet.

Mix remaining 1 tablespoon (1.5 g) ofSplenda with the cinnamon on a smallplate or saucer. Take a flat-bottomedglass, measuring cup, or something

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similar (I use an old scoop from a jar ofprotein powder) and butter the bottom.Then dip the buttered cup in thecinnamon and Splenda and use it topress the cookies flat. (You’ll need todip your “pressing glass” in thecinnamon and Splenda for each cookie,but you won’t have to rebutter the bottomeach time. The butter just keeps the cupfrom sticking to the cookies and putsyummy cinnamon and Splenda on eachone!)

Bake for about 9 minutes, checking at8 minutes to make sure the bottomsaren’t browning too fast. The cookiesare done when the bottoms are juststarting to brown.

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Yield: About 6 dozen

Each with 1 gram of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 1 gram of protein.

Don’t butter the cookie sheet or spray itwith nonstick cooking spray. Why not?These cookies are so rich, theypractically float on the butter that cooksout of them. I had no trouble with themsticking—I had trouble with them slidingaround the cookie sheet while they werebaking! I call them The IncredibleMigrating Cookies. Hopefully yourcookie sheets are flatter and your ovenmore level than mine.

Peanut Butter Cookies

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I can’t tell these from my mom’s peanutbutter cookies!

½ cup (115 g) butter, at roomtemperature

½ cup (12 g) Splenda2 tablespoons plus 1 teaspoon (19

g) stevia/FOS blend1 tablespoon (15 ml) blackstrap

or dark molasses1 egg1 cup (260 g) natural peanut

butter (Creamy is best.)½ teaspoon salt½ teaspoon baking soda½ teaspoon vanilla1 cup (80 g) soy powder2 tablespoons (15 g) oat bran

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Preheat the oven to 375°F (190°C, orgas mark 5).

Use an electric mixer to beat thebutter until creamy. Add the Splenda,stevia/FOS blend, and molasses andbeat again until well combined.

Beat in the egg, peanut butter, salt,baking soda, and vanilla. Beat in the soypowder and oat bran.

Butter or spray cookie sheets withnonstick cooking spray. Roll the doughinto small balls and place them on thesheets. Use the back of a fork to pressthe balls of dough flat, leaving thosetraditional peanut butter cookiecrisscross marks. Bake for 10 to 12minutes.

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Yield: About 4½ dozen cookies

Each with 2.3 grams of carbohydratesand 1 gram of fiber, for a total of 1.3grams of usable carbs and 2 grams ofprotein.

Almond Cookies

These are crumbly and delicate but verydelicious!

1 cup (225 g) butter, at roomtemperature

1 cup (25 g) Splenda1 egg1 cup (260 g) smooth almond


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½ teaspoon salt½ teaspoon baking soda1½ cups (200 g) vanilla whey

protein powder2 tablespoons (30 ml) water30 whole, shelled almonds

Preheat the oven to 375°F (190°C, orgas mark 5).

Use an electric mixer to beat thebutter until smooth and fluffy. Add theSplenda and beat again, scraping downthe sides of the bowl until very wellcombined.

Beat in the egg and then add thealmond butter, salt, and baking soda.

Beat in the protein powder about ½cup (65 g) at a time.

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Add the water and beat until everythingis well combined.

Use a measuring tablespoon to scoopheaping tablespoons of dough ontogreased cookie sheets (each cookieshould be made of about 2 tablespoonsof dough). Press an almond into thecenter of each cookie. Bake for 10 to 12minutes or until the cookies just begin tobrown around the edges.

Yield: 2½ dozen nice big cookies

Each with 3.5 grams of carbohydratesand 0.5 grams of fiber, for a total of 3grams of usable carbs and 4 grams ofprotein.

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Sesame Cookies

½ cup (115 g) butter1 cup (25 g) Splenda1 egg1 cup (240 g) tahini (roasted

sesame butter)½ teaspoon salt½ teaspoon baking soda1½ cups (200 g) vanilla whey

protein powder¼ cup (30 g) sesame seeds

Preheat the oven to 375°F (190°C, orgas mark 5).

Use an electric mixer to beat thebutter and Splenda together until smoothand fluffy. Beat in the egg, mixing well,

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and then the tahini, again mixing well.Add the salt and baking soda and then

beat in the protein powder ½ cup (65 g)at a time. Beat in the sesame seeds last.

Spray a cookie sheet with nonstickcooking spray and drop the dough onto itby spoonfuls. Bake for 10 to 12 minutesor until golden.

Yield: About 4½ dozen cookies

Each with 2 grams of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 6 grams of protein.

Mom’s Chocolate ChipCookies

With this recipe, I assume the title of

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Low-Carb Cookie God.

1 cup (225 g) butter, at roomtemperature

1½ cups (38 g) Splenda1½ teaspoons blackstrap

molasses2 eggs1 cup (125 g) ground almonds1 cup (130 g) vanilla whey protein

powder¼ cup (25 g) oat bran1 teaspoon baking soda1 teaspoon salt1 cup (125 g) chopped walnuts or

pecans12 ounces (340 g) sugar-free

chocolate chips

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Preheat the oven to 375°F (190°C, orgas mark 5). If you haven’t ground youralmonds yet, now would be a good timeto do that as well.

Use an electric mixer to beat thebutter, Splenda, and molasses untilcreamy and well blended. Add the eggs,one at a time, and beat well after eachaddition.

In a separate bowl, stir together theground almonds, protein powder, oatbran, baking soda, and salt. Add thismixture about ½ cup (65 g) at a time tothe Splenda mixture, beating well aftereach ½-cup addition until it’s all beatenin. Stir in the nuts and chocolate chips.

Spray a cookie sheet with nonstickcooking spray and drop the dough by

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rounded tablespoons onto it. Thesecookies will not spread and flatten asmuch as standard chocolate chipcookies, so if you want them flat, flattenthem a bit now.

Bake for 10 minutes or until golden.Cool on baking sheets for a coupleminutes and then remove to wire racks tocool completely.

Yield: About 4½ dozen cookies

Each with 3 grams of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 5 grams of protein.(This carbohydrate count does notinclude the polyols used to sweeten thesugar-free chocolate, since it remainslargely undigested and unabsorbed.)

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If you can’t get sugar-free chocolatechips, you need to make some fromsugar-free chocolate bars. Break 7 or 8of the bars (1.3 to 1.5 ounces, or 36 to42 g each) into three or four pieces eachand place the pieces in a food processorwith the S-blade in place. Pulse the foodprocessor until the chocolate bars are inpieces about the same size ascommercial chocolate morsels and setthem aside until you’re ready to usethem.


So crisp and gingery-cinnamony, thesecookies are nothing short ofextraordinary.

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¼ cup (55 g) butter½ cup (120 ml) coconut oil1 cup (25 g) Splenda¼ cup (50 g) polyol sweetener1 tablespoon (15 ml) blackstrap

molasses1 egg1 cup (125 g) almond meal1 cup (130 g) vanilla whey protein

powder¼ cup (25 g) gluten2 teaspoons baking soda½ teaspoon salt1 teaspoon ground ginger2 teaspoons cinnamon½ teaspoon ground cloves

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Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C, or gasmark 4).

Using an electric mixer, beat thebutter, coconut oil, Splenda, polyolsweetener, blackstrap molasses, and eggtogether until mixture is creamy andfluffy.

Beat in the almond meal, vanilla wheyprotein powder, and gluten, then thebaking soda, salt, and spices.

The dough will be fairly soft butcohesive. Scoop scant tablespoons ofdough onto ungreased cookie sheets,shaping a bit with your fingers to makelittle balls.

Flatten balls slightly with the back ofa spoon or your fingers. Keep in mindwhen placing cookies on sheets that they

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will spread some—I find that 10 persheet is about right.

Bake for about 7 to 9 minutes or untilcookies are just getting golden aroundthe edges. Cool on wire racks and storein an airtight container.

Yield: About 42 cookies

Each with 7 g protein; 2 g carbohydrate;trace dietary fiber; 2 g usable carbs.Carb count does not include polyolsweetener.

Hazelnut Shortbread

Do you love Walker’s Shortbreadcookies? Meet their new low-carb

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2 cups (270 g) hazelnuts1 cup (225 g) butter, at room

temperature½ cup (12 g) Splenda1 egg½ teaspoon salt¼ teaspoon baking powder1 cup (130 g) vanilla whey protein

powder2 tablespoons (30 ml) water

Preheat the oven to 325°F (170°C, orgas mark 3).

Grind the hazelnuts to a fine meal witha food processor. Set aside.

Use an electric mixer to beat the

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butter until it’s fluffy. Add the Splendaand beat well again. Beat in the egg,combining well.

Sprinkle the salt and baking powderover the top of the mixture and add halfof the ground hazelnuts. Beat them in,add the rest of the hazelnuts, and beatagain.

Beat in the vanilla whey proteinpowder and then the water to make asoft, sticky dough.

Line a shallow baking pan (a jelly rollpan is best, and mine is 11½ × 15½inches [29 × 39 cm]) with bakingparchment and turn the dough out ontothe parchment. Cover it with anotherpiece of parchment and press the doughout into an even layer covering the

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whole pan. (The pressed dough shouldbe about ¼ inch [6 mm] thick.)

Peel off the top sheet of parchmentand score the dough into squares using apizza cutter or a knife with a straight,thin blade. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes oruntil golden. You’ll need to rescore thelines before removing the shortbreadfrom the pan. Use a straight up-and-down motion, and the shortbread will beless likely to break outside the scorelines.

Yield: 4 dozen cookies

Each with 1.5 grams of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 1 gram of protein.

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Coconut Shortbread

½ cup (115 g) butter, at roomtemperature

½ cup (120 ml) coconut oil3 tablespoons (4.5 g) Splenda1½ cups (200 g) vanilla whey

protein powder1 cup (70 g) finely shredded,

unsweetened coconut2 tablespoons (30 ml) water

Preheat oven to 375°F (190°C, or gasmark 5).

Using an electric mixer, beat togetherthe butter, coconut oil, and Splenda untillight and creamy. Beat in the proteinpowder, coconut, and water, in that

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order, scraping down the sides of thebowl several times to make sureeverything is well blended.

Line a jelly roll pan with bakingparchment and turn the dough out onto it.Place another sheet of baking parchmenton top and press the dough out into athin, even sheet. Use a sharp knife, orbetter yet a pizza cutter, to score thedough into small rectangles. Bake for 7–10 minutes or until golden. Cool andbreak apart.

Yield: 4 dozen cookies

Each with 1 gram of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 6 grams of protein.

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Hermits are an old-fashioned cookiewith a chewy texture and a brown-sugar-spicy flavor.

½ cup (115 g) butter¾ cup (18 g) Splenda¼ cup (50 g) polyol sweetener2½ teaspoons blackstrap

molasses1 egg½ cup (120 ml) buttermilk¾ cup (90 g) almond meal¼ cup (25 g) wheat gluten

cup (40 g) vanilla whey proteinpowder

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¾ teaspoon cinnamon½ teaspoon ground cloves¼ teaspoon baking soda

cup (50 g) currants¼ cup (30 g) chopped pecans

Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C, or gasmark 4).

In a large mixing bowl beat the butteruntil soft with an electric mixer.

Add the Splenda, polyol, andblackstrap molasses and beat until lightand creamy. Beat in the egg and thebuttermilk.

In a separate bowl, combine thealmond meal, gluten, protein powder,cinnamon, cloves, and baking soda. Stirthem together to distribute the

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ingredients.Add the dry ingredients to the butter

mixture in three or four additions,beating well and scraping down thesides of the bowl when needed. Nowadd the currants and pecans and mix justenough to blend.

Drop the batter by spoonfuls ontogreased cookie sheets, keeping in mindthat they spread. Bake for 12 to 15minutes or until just starting to darkenaround the edges. Cool on wire racksand store in a tightly lidded container.

Yield: About 40 cookies

Each with 4 g protein; 2 g carbohydrate;2 g usable carbs. Carb count does not

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include polyol sweetener

I’ve used currants instead of thetraditional raisins in the hermits becausethey’re little and therefore distributemore evenly through the dough—to me,they taste like raisins anyway. If yourcurrants are sort of dry, put them in asmall bowl and pour a little boilingwater over them before you start.

Then drain them right before you addthem. And if you can’t get currants, youcould use raisins. I’d suggest snippingeach one into two or three pieces beforeadding them, or you’re likely to end upwith just one or two raisins per cookie.

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Pecan Sandies

Peggy Witherow sent me a recipe forPecan Sandies that she wanted de-carbed, and this is the result.

1 cup (225 g) butter, at roomtemperature

1 cup (25 g) Splenda1 egg1½ cups (200 g) vanilla whey

protein powder1½ cups (185 g) chopped pecans½ teaspoon salt

Preheat the oven to 325°F (170°C, orgas mark 3).

Beat the butter and Splenda together

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until light and creamy. Beat in the egg,mixing well. Then beat in the proteinpowder, pecans, and salt.

Spray a cookie sheet with nonstickcooking spray. Form the dough into ballsabout the size of a marble and flattenthem slightly on the cookie sheet. Bakefor 10 to 15 minutes or until golden.

Yield: 4½ dozen cookies

Each with 2 grams of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 5 grams of protein.

Oatmeal Cookies

OMG—These are so good!

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1 cup (240 ml) coconut oil1 cup (225 g) butter, at room

temperature1½ cups (38 g) Splenda1 teaspoon molasses2 eggs1 cup (125 g) ground almonds1 cup (130 g) vanilla whey protein

powder½ teaspoon salt1 teaspoon baking soda1 teaspoon cinnamon1 cup (80 g) rolled oats1 cup (125 g) chopped pecans

Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C, orgas mark 4).

With an electric mixer, beat together

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the coconut oil, butter, and Splenda untilwell combined, creamy, and fluffy.

Beat in the molasses and eggs,combining well. Beating the groundalmonds, protein powder, salt, andbaking soda, scraping down the sides ofthe bowl a few times and making surethe ingredients are well combined.

Beat in the cinnamon, rolled oats, andpecans.

Spray a cookie sheet with nonstickcooking spray and drop dough onto it bythe scant tablespoonful, leaving plenty ofroom for spreading. Bake for 10 minutesor until golden. Transfer the cookiescarefully to wire racks to cool.

Yield: About 5 dozen outrageously good

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Each with 3 grams of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 4 grams of protein.

Nut Butter Balls

The high-carb version of this recipe hasbeen around for decades under variousnames, including Russian Teacakes, ofall things. They’re a cookie my mom hasmade every Christmas as far back as Ican remember.

1 cup (125 g) almond meal¾ cup (90 g) vanilla whey protein

powder2 tablespoons (15 g) wheat gluten

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1 cup (225 g) butter, softened cup (8 g) Splenda

2 tablespoons (25 g) polyolsweetener

½ teaspoon salt1 teaspoon vanilla1½ cups (190 g) pecans, finely

chopped6 ounces (170 g) sugar-free dark

chocolate, finely chopped

First measure and stir together thealmond meal, protein powder, andgluten. Have this standing by.

Using an electric mixter, beat thebutter with the Splenda and polyolsweetener until very creamy and fluffy.Beat in the salt and vanilla.

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Now beat in the almond meal mixture,about a third at a time.

Finally, beat in the chopped pecansand chopped chocolate. Chill the doughfor at least a few hours.

Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C, or gasmark 4). Using clean hands, make ballsabout 1½ inches (3.75 cm) in diameterand place on ungreased cookie sheets.Bake for 10 to 12 minutes. While stillwarm, sift just a little extra Splenda overthe tops of the cookies to make themlook spiffy (if you wait till they cool,none of it will stick!).

Yield: Makes about 50 cookies

Each with 5 g protein; 2 g carbohydrate;

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trace dietary fiber; 2 g usable carbs.Carb count does not include polyol,either added or in the sugar-freechocolate.

Chocolate Walnut Balls

These are great to make aroundChristmastime when high-carbtemptations abound.

½ cup (115 g) butter, at roomtemperature

2 ounces (55 g) cream cheese½ cup (12 g) Splenda2 tablespoons (16 g) stevia/FOS

blend1 egg

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1 teaspoon vanilla extract1½ cups (120 g) sifted soy powder¼ teaspoon salt1½ teaspoons baking powder2 ounces (55 g) unsweetened

baking chocolate½ cup (65 g) chopped walnuts

Preheat the oven to 375°F (190°C, orgas mark 5).

With an electric mixer, cream thebutter and cream cheese until soft andwell combined, then the Splenda andstevia/FOS blend. Add the egg and thevanilla and beat until well combined.

Sift the soy powder and then resift itwith the salt and baking powder. Addthe powders to the butter mixture. (It’s

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easier to beat it in if you add it one-halfat a time.)

Melt the chocolate and beat that in andthen add the nuts. Mix well.

Butter or spray cookie sheets withnonstick cooking spray. Roll the doughinto small balls and place them on thesheets. Bake for 8 to 10 minutes.

Yield: About 40 cookies

Each with 2 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 1 gram ofusable carbs and 1 gram of protein.

Cocoa-Peanut Logs

This very simple recipe is an adaptation

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of a recipe using Cocoa Krispies thatwas around back in the ’60s.

4 sugar-free dark chocolate bars(about 1.5 ounces [42 g] each)or 6 ounces (170 g) sugar-freechocolate chips

½ cup (130 g) natural peanutbutter (salted is best)

4 cups (115 g) crisp soy cereal(like Rice Krispies, only madefrom soy)

Over very low heat (preferably using adouble boiler or a heat diffuser), meltthe chocolate and the peanut butter.Blend well. Stir in the cereal until it’sevenly coated.

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Coat a 9 × 11-inch (23 × 28-cm) panwith nonstick cooking spray or line itwith foil. Press the cereal mixture intothe pan and chill for at least a few hours.Cut into squares and store in therefrigerator until ready to serve.

Yield: About 3 dozen logs

Each with 1.5 grams of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and about 5 grams ofprotein. (This does not include thepolyols in the chocolate. And remember,those polyols have to be eaten inmoderation, or you’ll be in gastricdistress!)

Chocolate Dips

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The high-carb version of this cookie ispart of my earliest memories—mymother makes them for Christmas everyyear, and they’re a favorite witheveryone. They really dress up a holidaycookie plate, too!

1 cups (160 g) vanilla wheyprotein powder

1 cup (125 g) almond meal2 tablespoons (15 g) gluten½ teaspoon salt½ cup (115 g) butter, softened½ cup (120 ml) coconut oil

cup (8 g) Splenda2 tablespoons (25 g) polyol

sweetener1 teaspoon vanilla

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½ cup (50 g) oat bran2 tablespoons (30 ml) waterDipping Chocolate (page 552)

Preheat oven to 325°F (170°C, or gasmark 3).

In one bowl, combine the proteinpowder, almond meal, gluten, and saltand stir together.

In another bowl, use an electric mixerto beat the butter and coconut oiltogether. When they’re combined, beat inthe Splenda and polyol sweetener untilthe mixture is creamy and fluffy. Beat inthe vanilla.

Now beat in the protein powdermixture, adding it in two or threebatches. Finally, beat in the oat bran and

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then the water.You’ll have a stiff, somewhat crumbly

dough. Use clean hands to form littlelogs about 1½ inches (3.75 cm) long andthe diameter of a thumb (unless yourfingers are huge!), pressing themtogether well. Bake on ungreased cookiesheets for 25 to 30 minutes. Cool beforedipping into the Dipping Chocolate. Dipone end of each cookie in the chocolate.Place on waxed paper to cool.

Yield: At least 36

Assuming 36, each will have 9 g protein;3 g carbohydrate; trace dietary fiber; 3 gusable carbs. Carb count does notinclude polyol sweetener.

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Great Balls of Protein!

You may recognize this updated versionof an old health food standby.

1 jar (16 ounces, or 455 g)natural peanut butter, oil andall

2 cups (260 g) vanilla wheyprotein powder

Splenda, saccharine, stevia, orwhatever sweetener youprefer (optional) Sesame seeds(optional)

Unsweetened shredded coconut(optional)

Sugar-free chocolate bars

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(optional)Unsweetened cocoa powder

(optional)Splenda (optional)

Thoroughly combine the peanut butterwith the protein powder. (I find thatworking in about cup (45 g) of theprotein powder at a time is about right.)This should make a stiff, somewhatcrumbly dough.

Work the sweetener of your choice (ifusing) into the dough. My whey proteinpowder is sweetened with stevia, and Ifind that that’s enough sweetener for me.But if you want your Great Balls ofProtein to be sweeter, simply addsweetener. (If you’re using stevia,

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dissolve it in a couple of tablespoons[30 ml] of water and sprinkle it evenlyover the mixture before working it in, orit’s not likely to spread throughout themixture very well. Actually, it’s best tosprinkle any sweetener evenly beforecombining it with a mixture this thick.)

Roll into balls about 1 inch (2.5 cm)in diameter.

It’s nice to coat these with something.If you like sesame seeds, you can toastthem by shaking them in a dry, heavyskillet over medium heat until they startpopping and jumping around the pan andthen roll the balls in them while they’restill warm. You could roll them incoconut, if you prefer; most natural foodstores carry it unsweetened and

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shredded. Again, you can toast it lightlyin a dry frying pan and add a littleSplenda. Or you could melt sugar-freechocolate bars and dip your Balls ofProtein in chocolate— although it wouldprobably be simpler to chop them up andmix them in. Another option is to rollthem in unsweetened cocoa mixed with alittle Splenda.

Yield: About 50 balls

Each with 3 grams of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 10 grams of protein.(Analysis does not include coatings forballs.)

This is easiest to make if you have apowerful stand mixer or a heavy-duty

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food processor. If you don’t, don’t try touse a smaller appliance—you’ll onlyburn it out and destroy it! Rather thandooming your old mixer, just roll upyour sleeves, scrub your hands, and divein.

Espresso Chocolate ChipBrownies

A friend posted the original version ofthis recipe—definitely not low carb—online. (Thanks, Robin!) I couldn’t resistthe challenge. They’re wonderful!

1 cup (25 g) Splenda½ cup (65 g) vanilla whey protein

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powder¼ cup (30 g) almond meal½ cup (45 g) unsweetened cocoa

powder1 tablespoon (12 g) instant coffee

crystals (regular or decaf, asyou prefer)

½ teaspoon salt½ cup (115 g) butter2 large eggs¼ cup (60 ml) water6 ounces (170 g) sugar-free

chocolate chips or sugar-freedark chocolate bars, choppedto chocolate chip–size in thefood processor

Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C, or gas

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mark 4).Put Splenda, protein powder, almond

meal, cocoa, instant coffee crystals, andsalt in a food processor with the S-bladein place. Pulse to combine. Add thebutter and pulse until the butter is “cutin”—well combined with the dryingredients. Turn out into a bowl. Mix inthe eggs, one at a time, beating well witha whisk after each. Then beat in thewater. Finally, stir in the chocolate chipsor chopped-up chocolate bars. Spray an8 × 8-inch (20 × 20-cm) pan withnonstick cooking spray and spread thebatter evenly in the pan. Bake for 15 to20 minutes—do not overbake! Cool andcut into squares.

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Yield: I made 25 small brownies fromthis—I like to have the option of havinga little something, and if I want more, Ican always have two.

If you do, indeed, make 25, eachbrownie will have 3 g carbohydrate and1 g fiber, for a usable carb count of 2 g;3 g protein.

Yield: If you prefer, you can make 16bigger brownies

At 4 g carb each, and 1 g fiber, for ausable carb count of 3 g, with 4 gprotein. Carb count does not includepolyol sweetener in the sugar-freechocolate.

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Dana’s Brownies

2 ounces (55 g) bitter chocolate8 ounces (225 g) butter½ cup (100 g) polyol sweetener½ cup (12 g) Splenda2 eggs ½ cup (65 g) vanilla whey

protein powder1 pinch salt

Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C, or gasmark 4).

In the top of a double boiler or in asaucepan over a heat diffuser set onlowest possible heat, melt the chocolateand the butter together. Stir until they’rewell combined. Scrape this into a mixingbowl.

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Add the polyol sweetener and stirwell and then stir in the Splenda. Next,beat in the eggs, one at a time. Stir in thevanilla whey protein powder and salt.

Pour into an 8 × 8-inch (20 × 20-cm)baking pan you’ve sprayed well withnonstick cooking spray. Bake for 15 to20 minutes. Do not overbake! Cut into12 bars and let cool in the pan. Store ina tightly covered container in therefrigerator.

Yield: 12 servings

Each with 9 g protein; 2 g carbohydrate;1 g dietary fiber; 1 g usable carb. Carbcount does not include polyol sweetener.

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Zucchini-Carrot Cake

About 1¼ cups (170 g) hazelnuts2 eggs ½ cup (120 ml) oil½ cup (120 ml) yogurt

cup (17 g) Splenda½ cup (65 g) vanilla whey protein

powder1 teaspoon baking soda½ teaspoon salt1½ teaspoons cinnamon¼ teaspoon nutmeg¾ cup (45 g) shredded zucchini¼ cup (30 g) shredded carrot

Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C, orgas mark 4).

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In a food processor with the S-bladein place, use the pulse control to grindthe hazelnuts to a mealy consistency.(You want 1½ cups of ground hazelnutswhen you’re done, and for someinexplicable reason they seem toactually grow a little rather than shrink alittle when you grind them.) Set theground hazelnuts aside.

In a large mixing bowl, whisk the eggsuntil well blended. Add the oil, yogurt,ground hazelnuts, Splenda, proteinpowder, baking soda, salt, cinnamon,and nutmeg, mixing well after eachaddition. (It’s especially important thatthe baking soda be well distributedthrough the mixture.) Add the zucchiniand carrots last, mixing well.

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Thoroughly coat a ring mold or bundtpan with nonstick cooking spray and turnthe batter into it. (If you sprayed yourpan ahead of time, give it another shotjust before adding the batter. And don’texpect the batter to fill the pan to therim; it fills my bundt pan about halfway.)

Bake for 45 minutes and turn outgently onto a wire rack to cool.

Yield: 8 generous servings

Each with 8 grams of carbohydrates and2 grams of fiber, for a total of 6 grams ofusable carbs and 16 grams of protein.

This doesn’t need a darned thing—it’ssimply delicious exactly the way it is. Ifyou wish to gild the lily, however, you

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could top it with whipped topping,pumpkin cream, or cream cheesefrosting. This cake, by the way, makes afabulous breakfast, and since it’s loadedwith protein and good fats, it shouldkeep you going all morning.

Adam’s Chocolate BirthdayCake

I made a low-carb feast for my friendAdam’s birthday, and this was the cake.It’s not a layer cake, it’s a snack-typecake: dense, moist, and fudgy—a lot likebrownies. It’s easy, too, because itneeds no frosting, tasting great just as itis.

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1 cup (125 g) finely ground

hazelnuts½ cup (65 g) vanilla whey protein

powder3 tablespoons (17 g) unsweetened

cocoa powder1 teaspoon baking soda1 cup (25 g) Splenda½ teaspoon salt5 tablespoons (75 ml) oil (peanut,

sunflower, canola, orwhatever)

1 tablespoon (15 ml) cidervinegar

1 cup (240 ml) cold water

Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C, or

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gas mark 4).In a bowl, combine the hazelnuts,

protein powder, cocoa, baking soda,Splenda, and salt and stir them togetherquite well. (Make sure there are nolumps of baking soda!)

Spray a 9 × 9-inch (23 × 23-cm)baking dish with nonstick cooking sprayand place the hazelnut mixture in it.Make two holes in this mixture. Pour theoil into one, the vinegar into the other,and the water over the whole thing. Mixwith a spoon or fork until everything’swell combined. Bake for 30 minutes.

Yield: 9 servings

Each with 7 grams of carbohydrates and

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1 gram of fiber, for a total of 6 grams ofusable carbs and 12 grams of protein.

Italian Walnut Cake

This traditional Italian cake is a cleardemonstration that a few simpleingredients properly combined can yieldextraordinary results. If it takes you afew days to eat up all of your ItalianWalnut Cake, the Splenda on top willmelt, leaving a glazed look instead ofpowdery whiteness, but it will still tastewonderful. This would be fabulous witha simple cup of espresso.

12 ounces (340 g) walnuts½ cup (100 g) polyol sweetener,

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divided4 eggs1 pinch cream of tartar¾ cup (18 g) Splenda2 teaspoons lemon zest1 pinch salt2 tablespoons (3 g) extra Splenda

for topping

Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C, or gasmark 4). Spray a 9-inch (23-cm)springform pan with nonstick cookingspray and line the bottom with a circleof baking parchment or a reusableTeflon pan liner.

Put the walnuts in a food processorwith the S-blade in place. Pulse until thenuts are chopped medium-fine. Add 2

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tablespoons (25 g) of the polyolsweetener to the nuts and pulse until nutsare finely ground but not oily. (Don’toverprocess. You don’t want nut butter!)

Separate the eggs. Since even thetiniest speck of egg yolk will cause thewhites to stubbornly refuse to whip, doyourself a big favor and separate eachone into a small dish or cup beforeadding the white to the bowl you plan towhip them in! Then, if you break oneyolk, you’ve only messed up that white.Put the whites in a deep, narrow mixingbowl and put the yolks in a larger mixingbowl.

Add the pinch of cream of tartar to thewhites and use an electric mixer (not ablender or food processor!) to whip the

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egg whites until they stand in stiff peaks.Set aside.

In a larger bowl, beat the yolks withthe rest of the polyol sweetener and the¾ cup (18 g) Splenda until the mixture ispale yellow and very creamy—at least 3to 4 minutes. Beat in the lemon zest andthe salt.

Stir the ground walnuts into the yolkmixture— you can use the electric mixer,but the mixture will be so thick, I think aspoon is easier. When that’s wellcombined, use a rubber scraper to gentlyfold in the egg whites one-third at a time,incorporating each third well beforeadding the next. When all the egg whitesare folded in, gently pour batter into theprepared pan.

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Bake for 45 minutes. Sprinkle topwith the 2 additional tablespoons (3 g)Splenda while the cake is hot and thenlet cool before serving. Cut in thinwedges to serve.

Yield: 12 servings

Each with 9 g protein; 4 g carbohydrate;1 g dietary fiber; 3 g usable carbs. Carbcount does not include polyol sweetener.


I’ve always loved gingerbread and thisis as good as any high-carb gingerbreadI’ve ever had! Don’t worry about thatzucchini; it completely disappears,

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leaving only moistness behind.

1 cup (125 g) ground almonds (or cup raw almonds finely

ground in a food processor)½ cup (65 g) vanilla whey protein

powder1 teaspoon baking soda½ teaspoon salt2½ teaspoons ground ginger½ teaspoon ground cinnamon½ cup (12 g) Splenda½ cup (120 ml) plain yogurt¼ cup (60 ml) oil1 teaspoon blackstrap molasses1 egg2 tablespoons (30 ml) water½ cup (65 g) shredded zucchini

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Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C, orgas mark 4).

In a mixing bowl, combine thealmonds, protein powder, baking soda,salt, ginger, cinnamon, and Splenda andmix them well.

In a separate bowl or measuring cup,whisk together the yogurt, oil, molasses,egg, and water. Pour into the dryingredients and whisk until everything iswell combined and there are no dryspots. Add the zucchini and whiskbriefly to distribute evenly.

Spray an 8 × 8-inch (20 × 20-cm)baking pan with nonstick cooking sprayand pour the batter into it. Bake for 30minutes or until a toothpick inserted inthe middle comes out clean.

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Yield: 9 servings

Each with 9 grams of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 17 grams of protein.

Try serving this with Whipped Topping(page 552).

Chocolate Cheesecake

You’ll be surprised how good acheesecake you can make from cottagecheese! It’s high in protein, too.

2 cups (450 g) cottage cheese2 eggs ½ cup (115 g) sour cream2 ounces (55 g) unsweetened

baking chocolate, melted

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¼ cup (6 g) Splenda1 Hazelnut Crust (page 522) or

Simple Almond Crust (page522), prebaked in a large, deeppie plate

Preheat the oven to 375°F (190°C, orgas mark 5).

Put the cottage cheese, eggs, and sourcream in a blender. Run the blender,scraping down the sides now and then,until this mixture is very smooth. Addthe melted chocolate and Splenda, andblend again.

Pour into the prebaked crust. Place thecake on the top rack of the oven andplace a flat pan of water on the bottomrack. Bake for 40 to 45 minutes.

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Cool and then chill well beforeserving. Serve with whipped cream.

Yield: 12 servings

Each with 7 grams of carbohydrates and2 grams of fiber, for a total of 5 grams ofusable carbs and 16 grams of protein.(Analysis includes the crust but not thewhipped cream.)

Cheesecake to Go with Fruit

This lemon-vanilla cheesecake iswonderful with strawberries,blueberries, cherries—any fruit you careto use. It also makes a nice breakfast.

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2 cups (450 g) cottage cheese2 eggs ½ cup (115 g) sour cream¼ cup (32 g) vanilla whey protein

powder¼ cup (6 g) SplendaGrated rind and juice of 1 fresh

lemon1 teaspoon vanilla extract1 Hazelnut Crust (page 522) or

Simple Almond Crust (page522), prebaked in a large, deeppie plate

Preheat the oven to 375°F (190°C, orgas mark 5).

Put the cottage cheese, eggs, sourcream, protein powder, Splenda, lemonrind and juice, and vanilla extract in a

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blender and blend until very smooth.Pour into the prebaked crust. Place the

cake on the top rack of the oven andplace a flat pan of water on the bottomrack. Bake for 30 to 40 minutes. Cooland then chill well before serving.

Yield: 12 servings

Each with 8 grams of carbohydrates and2 grams of fiber, for a total of 6 grams ofusable carbs and 21 grams of protein.(Analysis includes crust.)

Serve this cheesecake with the fruit ofyour choice. I like to serve it withthawed frozen, unsweetenedstrawberries, blueberries, or peachesmashed coarsely with a fork and

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sweetened slightly with Splenda. If youuse 1½ cups (450 g) of frozenstrawberries with 2 tablespoons (3 g)Splenda for the whole cake, you’ll add 2grams of carbohydrates per slice, plus atrace of fiber and a trace of protein. Use1½ cups (235 g) sour cherries—you canget these canned, with no added sugar—and sweeten them with ¼ cup (6 g)Splenda, and you’ll add 3 grams perslice. I’m lucky enough to have a sourcherry tree, and cherry cheesecake isone of the joys of early summer aroundhere!

Lime Cheesecake withGinger Almond Crust

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Using Neufchâtel cheese in thischeesecake gives a lower calorie countwithout increasing the carb count, and itstill gives a superb flavor and texture.

16 ounces (455 g) Neufchâtel orcream cheese, softened

½ cup (12 g) Splenda2 eggs½ cup (115 g) plain yogurt or sour

creamJuice and grated rind of 1 lime½ teaspoon vanilla extractGinger Almond Crust (page 524)

Preheat oven to 325°F (170°C, or gasmark 3).

With an electric mixer, beat the

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Neufchâtel or cream cheese until smoothand fluffy. Beat in the Splenda, eggs, andyogurt, in that order, beating well aftereach addition. Scrape down the sides ofthe bowl often with a rubber scraper.Now, beat in the lime juice, rind, andvanilla extract. Pour into prepared crust.Put a flat container of water on the floorof the oven and then put your cheesecakeon the oven shelf. Bake for about 45minutes or until only the very center ofthe cake jiggles a little when you shakeit. Chill well before serving.

Yield: 8 to 10 servings

Assuming 8, each will have 11 grams ofcarbohydrate, with 3 grams of fiber, for

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a usable carb count of 8 grams; 15 gramsprotein. (Analysis includes GingerAlmond Crust.)

Margarita No-BakeCheesecake

I saw Emeril make a margaritacheesecake on his show one night, and Ihad to decarb it the very next day! It’sfabulous. You can make this with creamcheese and sour cream, if you like, foradded richness or with Neufchâtelcheese and plain yogurt for a lowercalorie count with no increase in carbs.

1½ tablespoons (10.4 g)

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unflavored gelatin1 cup (25 g) Splenda¾ cup (180 ml) boiling water1½ pounds (680 g) cream cheese

or Neufchâtel cheese, softened1 cup (230 g) sour cream or plain

yogurt¼ cup (60 ml) lime juice2 teaspoons grated lime rind½ teaspoon orange extract¼ cup (60 ml) tequilaSweet-and-Salty Almond Crust

(page 523)

Combine the gelatin and Splenda in asaucepan and pour the boiling waterover them. Stir over low heat until thegelatin is completely dissolved. Turn off

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the heat.Put the softened cream cheese or

Neufchâtel cheese in a mixing bowl andbeat with an electric mixer until verysoft and creamy. (If you have a standmixer, you can start the cheese beatingbefore you dissolve the gelatin and justleave the mixer mixing on its own.)When the cheese is very smooth andcreamy, add the sour cream or yogurtand beat that in well, scraping down thesides of the bowl as needed. Next, beatin the lime juice, grated lime rind,orange extract, and tequila. Go back tothe saucepan of gelatin. It should still beliquid! If it’s not, you’ll need to heat itagain, gently. Beat the gelatin mixtureinto the cheese mixture and make sure

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everything is very well combined. Pourinto the Sweet-and-Salty Almond Crustand chill for at least 4 or 5 hours, andovernight is better.

Run a knife around the cake betweenthe cake and the rim of the springformpan before removing the rim. Slice witha thin-bladed knife—dipping the knife inhot water before each slice is a goodidea, although not essential.

Garnish with paper-thin slices oflime, strips of lime zest, or both.

Yield: 12 servings

Each serving will have 11 grams ofcarbohydrate and 2 grams of fiber, for ausable carb count of 9 grams, and 12

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grams of protein. (Analysis includescrust.)

Sunshine Cheesecake

This has a lovely, creamy texture and abright, sunshiney orange flavor. Usingthe stevia/FOS blend keeps the carbcount very low.

1 cup (225 g) cottage cheese1 package (8 ounces, 225 g)

cream cheese, softened1 cup (230 g) sour cream4 eggsGrated rind of 1 orange1 tablespoon (15 ml) orange


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1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon (10g) stevia/FOS blend

2 tablespoons (30 ml) lemon juiceTiny pinch salt1 Hazelnut Crust (page 522) or

Simple Almond Crust (page522), prebaked in a springformpan

Preheat oven to 325°F (170°C, or gasmark 3).

Put the cottage cheese, cream cheese,sour cream, eggs, orange rind, orangeextract, stevia, lemon juice, and salt in ablender and run the blender untileverything is well-blended and a bitfluffy.

Pour into the prebaked crust. Place the

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cake on the top rack of the oven andplace a flat pan of water on the bottomrack. Bake for 50 minutes. Thecheesecake will still jiggle slightly inthe center when you take it out. Cool andthen chill well before serving.

Yield: 12 servings

Each with 8 grams of carbohydrates and2 grams of fiber, for a total of 6 grams ofusable carbs and 17 grams of protein.(Analysis includes crust.)

This is wonderful with sugar-freechocolate syrup. Many grocery storescarry it; it’s worth your while to try tofind it.

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Blackbottomed MockahluaCheesecake

You’ll have to make yourself someMockahlua before you can make this.What better incentive could you have?


3 sugar-free dark chocolate bars(about 1.5 ounces [42 g] each)

¼ cup (60 ml) heavy cream1 Simple Almond Crust (page

522), prebaked in a springformpan

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FOR THE MOCKAHLUA FILLING:3 packages (8 ounces [225 g]

each) cream cheese, softened¾ cup (18 g) Splenda¾ cup (175 g) sour cream1 tablespoon (15 ml) vanilla

extract4 eggs

cup (80 ml) Mockahlua (page46)

Preheat the oven to 325°F (170°C, orgas mark 3).

To make the blackbottom layer: Overthe lowest possible heat, melt thechocolate bars (preferably in a heatdiffuser or a double boiler to keep thechocolate from burning). When the

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chocolate is melted, stir in the cream,blending well. Pour over the crust andspread evenly.

To make the Mockahlua filling: Inlarge bowl, use an electric mixer to beatthe cream cheese until smooth, scrapingdown the sides of the bowl often. Beat inthe Splenda and sour cream and mixwell. Beat in the vanilla and eggs, oneby one, beating until very smooth andcreamy. Beat in the Mockahlua last andmix well.

Pour the filling into the chocolate-coated crust. Place the cake in the ovenand place a pie pan of water on the rackbelow it or on the floor of the even.Bake for 1 hour.

Cool in the pan on a wire rack. Chill

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well before serving.

Yield: 12 servings

Each with 10 grams of carbohydratesand 2 grams of fiber, for a total of 8grams of usable carbs and 18 grams ofprotein. (Analysis includes crust, butomits the polyols in the sugar-freechocolate.)

Chocolate Chocolate ChipCheesecake

This cake happened because I found abottle of white chocolate sugar-freecoffee flavoring syrup on sale at adiscount store. My brain immediately

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cried, “Cheesecake!” Feel free to usecream cheese and full-fat sour cream, ifyou prefer—you’ll raise the caloriecount but not the carb count.

Crisp Chocolate Crust (page 521,but see instructions below)

24 ounces (680 g) Neufchâtelcheese

¾ cup (180 ml) white chocolatesugar-free coffee-flavoringsyrup (such as Da Vinci)

3 eggs½ cup (115 g) light sour cream5 ounces (140 g) sugar-free dark


Preheat oven to 325°F (170°C, or gas

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mark 3).Make the Crisp Chocolate Crust first,

only this time make it in a 9-inch (23-cm) springform pan. You won’t be ableto build it all the way up the sides, butbe sure you cover the seam around thebottom of the pan and press the crustmixture firmly in place. Prebake crustfor 5 minutes. Remove from oven and letit cool a bit while you make the filling.

In a big mixing bowl, use an electricmixer to beat the Neufchâtel cheese andwhite chocolate syrup together until verysmooth and creamy— scrape down thesides of the bowl often during thisprocess.

Now beat in the eggs, one at a time,then the light sour cream. Turn off the

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mixer for the next step.With a knife or using the S-blade in

your food processor, chop the sugar-freedark chocolate into little chunks aboutthe size of mini-chips. Add to the cheesemixture and beat in. Pour the filling intothe prepared crust.

Put a pan of water on the floor of theoven. Now place the cake on the rackabove it and bake for 50 to 60 minutes.Cool and then chill before slicing.

Yield: 12 servings

Each with 13 g protein; 7 gcarbohydrate; 3 g dietary fiber; 4 gusable carbs. Analysis includes crust.

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Butter-Pecan Cheesecake

All you butterscotch fans are going tolove this one.

FOR THE PECAN COOKIE CRUST:½ cup (115 g) butter, softened½ cup (12 g) Splenda¾ cups (90 g) vanilla whey

protein powder¾ cups (90 g) chopped pecans½ teaspoon salt


3 packages (8 ounces [225 g]each) cream cheese, softened

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¾ cup (18 g) Splenda¾ cup (98 g) sour cream2 teaspoons butter flavoring1 tablespoon (15 ml) vanilla

extract1 tablespoon (15 ml) blackstrap

molasses4 eggs

Preheat the oven to 325°F (170°C, orgas mark 3).

To make the crust: Beat the butter andSplenda together until light and creamy.Then beat in the protein powder, pecans,and salt. Spray a springform pan withnonstick cooking spray and press thecrust evenly and firmly into the bottomof the pan, plus just far enough up the

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sides to cover the seam at the bottom.Bake for 12 to 15 minutes until lightlygolden. Set aside to cool while youmake the filling.

To make the filling: In a large bowl,use an electric mixer to beat the creamcheese until smooth, scraping down thesides of the bowl often. Next, beat in theSplenda and the sour cream and mixwell. Beat in the butter flavoring,vanilla, and molasses; add the eggs oneby one, beating until very smooth andcreamy.

Pour the mixture into the crust. Placethe cake in the oven and place a pie panof water on the oven rack below it or onthe floor of the oven. Bake for 1 hour.

Cool in the pan on a wire rack. Chill

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well before serving.

Yield: 12 servings

Each with 9 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 8 grams ofusable carbs and 18 grams of protein.(Analysis includes crust.)

For a nice touch, decorate this withsome pretty pecan halves.

Grasshopper Cheesecake

If you’re a mint chocolate chip ice creamfan, this is your cheesecake! Chocolateextract can be a little hard to find, butit’s worth it for this. If you can only find

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“flavoring,” not extract (you’ll knowbecause flavorings are in teeny littlebottles), keep in mind that these are farmore concentrated, so taste as you go.

FOR THE CHOCOLATE LAYER:3 sugar-free dark chocolate bars

(about 1.5 ounces [42 g] each)¼ cup (60 ml) heavy cream1 Simple Almond Crust (page

522) or Hazelnut Crust (page522), prebaked in a springformpan


3 packages (8 ounces [225 g]

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each) cream cheese, softened¾ cup (18 g) Splenda¾ cup (90 g) sour cream¾ teaspoon peppermint extract1½ tablespoons (23 ml) chocolate

extract1 or 2 drops green food coloring

(optional, but pretty)4 eggs

Preheat oven to 325°F (170°C, or gasmark 3).

To make the chocolate layer: In thetop of a double boiler over hot water (orin a heavy-bottomed saucepan over thelowest possible heat), melt the chocolateand whisk in the cream until smooth.Spread this mixture evenly over the crust

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and set aside.To make the filling: In a large bowl,

use an electric mixer to beat the creamcheese until smooth, scraping down thesides of the bowl often. Beat in theSplenda and the sour cream and mixwell. Beat in the peppermint andchocolate extracts, food coloring (ifusing), and eggs, one by one, beatinguntil very smooth and creamy.

Pour the mixture into the chocolate-coated crust. Place the cake in the ovenand place a pie pan of water on the ovenrack below it or on the oven floor. Bakefor 1 hour.

Cool in the pan on a wire rack. Chillwell before serving.

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Yield: 12 servings

Each with 9 grams of carbohydrates and2 grams of fiber, for a total of 7 grams ofusable carbs and 18 grams of protein.(Analysis includes crust, but omits thepolyols in the sugar-free chocolate.)

Mochaccino Cheesecake

This cheesecake is extraordinary, asgood as any dessert I ever had in arestaurant. This alone is a good enoughreason to go buy a large, round slowcooker and an 8-inch (20-cm)springform pan to fit into it! It’s also agood excuse to make some Mockahlua,but who needs an excuse to do that?

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16 ounces (455 g) light cream

cheese or Neufchâtel cheese,softened

1 egg¼ cup (60 ml) heavy cream½ cup plus 2 tablespoons (50 g)

unsweetened cocoa powder½ cup (12 g) Splenda¼ cup (60 ml) Mockahlua (page

46)2 tablespoons (30 ml) brewed

coffeeCrisp Chocolate Crust (page

521), prebaked into an 8-inch(20-cm) springform pan

Using an electric mixer, beat together the

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cream cheese, egg, and cream until quitesmooth. (You’ll need to scrape down thesides of the bowl several times.) Nowbeat in the cocoa powder, Splenda,Mockahlua, and coffee. When it’s allwell blended and very smooth, pour intothe crust. Cover the springform pantightly with foil, squeezing it in aroundthe rim.

Take a big sheet of foil, at least 18inches (46 cm) long, and roll it into aloose cylinder. Bend it into a circle andplace it in the bottom of a slow cooker.(You’re making a rack to put the pan on.)Pour ¼ inch (6 mm) of water in thebottom of the slow cooker and then putthe pan on the donut of foil. Cover theslow cooker, set it to high, and let it

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cook for 3 to 4 hours.Turn off the slow cooker, uncover,

and let cool for at least 20 to 30 minutesbefore you try to remove the pan fromthe slow cooker. Chill well beforeserving.

It’s nice to make the WhippedTopping (page 552), with a littleMockahlua in it, to serve on top of this,but it’s hardly essential.

Yield: 12 servings

Each with 11 g protein, 10 gcarbohydrate, 4 g dietary fiber, 6 gusable carbs. (Analysis includes CrispChocolate Crust. You could cut this intoeight, more generous servings if you’d

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New York–Style Cheesecake

You can top this with fruit if you like,but it’s mighty good just as it is.

“Graham” Crust (page 524)1 pound (455 g) light cream

cheese or Neufchâtel cheese,softened

½ cup (115 g) light sour cream2 eggs ½ cup (12 g) Splenda2 teaspoons vanilla extract1 pinch salt

Prepare the “Graham” Crust and let itcool.

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Using an electric mixer, beat thecheese, sour cream, and eggs untilthey’re very smooth. (You’ll need toscrape down the sides of the bowl atleast a few times.) Now beat in theSplenda, vanilla extract, and salt. Pourinto the waiting crust. Cover the pantightly with foil, squeezing it in aroundthe rim.

Take a big sheet of foil, at least 18inches (45 cm) long, and roll it into aloose cylinder. Bend it into a circle andplace it in the bottom of a slow cooker.(You’re making a rack to put the pan on.)Pour ¼ inch (6 mm) of water into theslow cooker and then put the pan on thedonut of foil. Cover the slow cooker, setit to high, and let it cook for 3 to 4 hours.

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Turn off the slow cooker, uncover,and let cool for at least 20 to 30 minutesbefore you try to remove the pan fromthe slow cooker. Chill well beforeserving.

Yield: 12 servings

Each with 8 g protein, 6 g carbohydrate,2 g dietary fiber, 4 g usable carbs.(Analysis includes graham crust. Youcould cut this into eight, more generousservings if you’d like.)

Peanut Butter Cheesecake

You can certainly eat this plain, but I’dlikely top it with some sugar-free

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chocolate sauce. Sorbee makes onethat’s available in my grocery store, oryou could order some from a low-carbonline retailer. Or you could make somefrom the recipe on page 551. Or for thatmatter, you could melt 6 to 8 ounces(170 to 225 g) of your favorite sugar-free chocolate bars and swirl them intothe peanut butter batter before baking.The possibilities are endless!

Crisp Chocolate Crust (page 521)or “Graham” Crust (page 524)

16 ounces (455 g) light creamcheese or Neufchâtel cheese,softened

½ cup (115 g) light sour cream1 egg

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¾ cup (200 g) natural peanutbutter (Salted is better thanno-salt-added, here.)

cup (16 g) Splenda½ teaspoons blackstrap molasses

Have the crust made and standing by.Using an electric mixer, beat the

cream cheese or Neufchâtel, sour cream,and egg until they’re very smooth.(You’ll want to scrape down the sides ofthe bowl several times.) Now beat in thepeanut butter, Splenda, and molasses.When the mixture is very smooth andwell blended, pour it into the crust.Cover the pan tightly with foil,squeezing it in around the rim.

Take a big sheet of foil, at least 18

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inches (45 cm) long, and roll it into aloose cylinder. Bend it into a circle andplace it in the bottom of a slow cooker.(You’re making a rack to put the pan on.)Pour ¼ inch (6 mm) of water into theslow cooker and then put the pan on thedonut of foil. Cover the slow cooker, setit to high, and let it cook for 3 to 4 hours.

Turn off the slow cooker, uncover,and let cool for at least 20 to 30 minutesbefore you try to remove the pan fromthe slow cooker. Chill well beforeserving.

Yield: 12 servings

Each with 13 g protein, 10 gcarbohydrate, 4 g dietary fiber, 6 g

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usable carbs. (Analysis includes CrispChocolate Crust. Analysis does notinclude any chocolate sauce or meltedchocolate you might add! You could cutthis into eight, more generous servings ifyou’d like.)

Pie Crust

Because rolling this pie crust out doesn’twork well, you’ll have to settle for one-crust pies. But that’s lots better than no-crust pies! I’m very pleased with howthe texture of this crust worked out; it’sbrittle and flaky, just like a pie crustshould be.

½ cup (60 g) almond meal

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cup (40 g) rice protein powder¼ cup (25 g) wheat gluten1 pinch baking powder½ teaspoon salt

cup (80 ml) coconut oil, chilled1 tablespoon (14 g) butter, chilled3 tablespoons (45 ml) ice water

Put the almond meal, rice proteinpowder, gluten, baking powder, and saltin a food processor with the S-blade inplace. Add the coconut oil and the butterand pulse the food processor until theshortening is cut into the dry ingredients—it should be sort of mealy in texture.

Do use ice water, not just cold water(I put an ice cube in a cup, cover it withwater, and let the water sit for a minute).

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Now add 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of thiswater to the dough, pulse the foodprocessor briefly and then repeat 2 moretimes with the other 2 tablespoons (30ml) of water.

I find that pressing this crust intoplace works better than rolling it out.Dump out the dough into a 9-inch (23-cm) pie plate and press it into placeevenly across the bottom and up thesides; then crimp the top rim, if you wantto be spiffy about it.

You can now bake the pie shell emptyand use it for any recipe that calls for aprebaked pie shell or you can fill andbake it according to any recipe that callsfor an unbaked pie shell. If you want toprebake the pie shell, preheat your oven

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to 450°F (230°C, or gas mark 8). Prickthe bottom of the pie shell all over witha fork and then add a layer of driedbeans, marbles, or clean, round pebbles—this is to keep the pie shell frombuckling. Bake for 10 minutes, take it outof the oven, and remove the beans,marbles, or pebbles, dealing gingerlywith any that may have embeddedthemselves a bit. Return the crust to theoven for another 3 to 5 minutes and thencool and fill.

Yield: 8 servings

Each with 15 g protein; 3 gcarbohydrate; 1 g dietary fiber; 2 gusable carbs.

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Crisp Chocolate Crust

1½ cups (225 g) almonds¼ cup (6 g) Splenda2 squares bitter chocolate, melted3 tablespoons (42 g) butter,

melted2 tablespoons (15 g) vanilla whey

protein powder

Preheat oven to 325°F (170°C, or gasmark 3).

Using the S-blade of a foodprocessor, grind the almonds untilthey’re the texture of corn meal. Add theSplenda and pulse to combine. Pour inthe melted chocolate, then the meltedbutter, and run the processor until

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they’re evenly distributed— you mayneed to stop the processor and run the tipof a knife blade around the outer edge toget everything to combine properly.Then add the protein powder and pulseagain to combine.

Pour out into a 10-inch (25-cm) pieplate you’ve coated with nonstickcooking spray. Press firmly and evenlyinto place. Bake for 8 minutes. Coolbefore filling.

Yield: 10 servings

Each with 7 g protein; 6 g carbohydrate;3 g dietary fiber; 3 g usable carbs.

Chocolate Cookie Crust

Page 2346: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

1½ cups (225 g) almonds5 tablespoons (70 g) butter,

melted cup (40 g) vanilla whey proteinpowder

¼ cup (60 ml) Splenda¼ cup (30 g) unsweetened cocoa

powder2 tablespoons (30 ml) water

Preheat oven to 325°F (170°C, or gasmark 3).

Put the almonds in a food processorwith the S-blade in place. Run theprocessor until the almonds are finelyground. Add the butter, protein powder,Splenda, and cocoa and pulse the foodprocessor until everything is well mixed.

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Add the water and pulse until youhave a soft, sort of sticky mass.

Pour this into a 10-inch (25-cm) pieplate you’ve sprayed well with nonstickcooking spray and press evenly intoplace, building all the way up the sides.Bake for 7 to 10 minutes or until set.Cool before filling.

Yield: 12 servings

Each serving will have 5 grams ofcarbohydrate and 3 grams of fiber, for ausable carb count of 2 grams; 6 gramsprotein.

Hazelnut Crust

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This is a great substitute for a grahamcracker crumb crust with anycheesecake. And I think it tastes evenbetter than the original.

1½ cups (225 g) hazelnuts cup (40 g) vanilla whey proteinpowder

4 tablespoons (56 g) butter,melted

Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C, orgas mark 4).

Put the hazelnuts in a food processorwith the S-blade in place. Pulse theprocessor until the hazelnuts are groundto a medium-fine texture. Add theprotein powder and butter and pulse to

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combine.Spray a pie plate or springform pan,

depending on which your recipespecifies, with nonstick cooking sprayand press this mixture firmly and evenlyinto the pan. Don’t try to build the crusttoo high up the sides, but if you’re usinga springform pan, be sure to cover theseam around the bottom and press thecrust into place firmly over it.

Place the crust in a preheated oven onthe bottom rack and bake for 12 to 15minutes or until lightly browned andslightly pulling away from the sides ofthe pan. Remove the crust from the ovenand let it cool while you make thefilling.

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Yield: 12 servings

Assuming 12 slices of cheesecake, thiscrust will add to each slice 4 grams ofcarbohydrates and 1 gram of fiber, for atotal of 3 grams of usable carbs and 10grams of protein.

Simple Almond Crust

1½ cups (225 g) almonds¼ cup (30 g) vanilla whey protein

powder¼ cup (56 g) butter, melted

Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C, or gasmark 4).

Using a food processor with the S-

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blade in place, grind the almonds to aconsistency similar to cornmeal. Add theprotein powder and butter; pulse tocombine well. Turn out into a pie plateyou’ve sprayed with nonstick cookingspray and press firmly and evenly intoplace, building up around sides. Bakefor 12 to 15 minutes or until edges arestarting to brown lightly. Remove fromoven and cool.

Yield: 8 servings

Each serving will have 6 grams ofcarbohydrate and 3 grams of fiber, for ausable carb count of 3 grams; 7 gramsprotein.

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Sweet-and-Salty AlmondCrust

To use with Margarita Cheesecake (page514), Emeril made his crust withcrushed pretzels to get that salty note socharacteristic of margaritas. We’re notgoing to use pretzels, so I came up withthis crust instead. It’s great with themargarita-flavored filling!

1½ cups (225 g) almonds cup (40 g) vanilla whey proteinpowder

¼ cup (6 g) Splenda¼ cup (56 g) butter, melted1 tablespoon (15 g) kosher salt (I

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like kosher salt for thisbecause the larger grains makea real contribution.)

Preheat oven to 325°F (170°C, or gasmark 3). Have on hand a 9-inch (23-cm)springform pan assembled and wellsprayed with nonstick cooking spray.

Put the almonds in a food processorwith the S-blade in place. Run the foodprocessor until the almonds are ground.Add the protein powder and Splendaand pulse to mix. You may need to openthe processor and run a knife around thebottom edge of the bowl to geteverything into the path of the blade.Now, turn the processor on and pour inthe butter while it’s running. Let

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everything blend—and once again, youmay need to do the knife-around-the-bottom-edge-of-the-processor trick.When the butter is evenly distributed,turn off the processor. Add the koshersalt and pulse the processor just enoughto distribute the salt throughout themixture.

Press firmly into the prepared pan,making sure you cover the seam aroundthe bottom—but don’t expect to be ableto build it all the way up the sides. Bakefor about 10 minutes or until lightlygolden and cool before filling.

Yield: 12 servings

4 grams of carbohydrate, and 2 grams of

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fiber, for a usable carb count of 2 grams;8 grams protein.

Cinnamon Almond Crust

1½ cups (225 g) almonds cup (40 g) vanilla whey proteinpowder

2 tablespoons (3 g) Splenda½ teaspoon cinnamon¼ cup (56 g) butter, melted

Preheat oven to 325°F (170°C, or gasmark 3).

Put the almonds in a food processorwith the S-blade in place. Run the foodprocessor until the almonds are groundmedium-fine. Add the protein powder,

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Splenda, and cinnamon and pulse theprocessor to blend. Turn the processoron and pour in the butter—if needed,stop the food processor, run a knifearound the bottom to make sureeverything mixes evenly, put the lid backon, and process a little more.

Spray a 10-inch (25-cm) pie platewith nonstick cooking spray. Turn thealmond mixture into the pie plate andpress firmly and evenly into place,building it up the side about 1 inch (2.5cm). Bake for 8 to 10 minutes or untilturning golden. Cool before filling.

Yield: 8 servings

Each serving will have 6 grams

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carbohydrate and 3 grams fiber, for ausable carb count of 3 grams; and 8grams protein.

Ginger Almond Crust

1½ cups (225 g) almonds¼ cup (30 g) vanilla whey protein

powder1 teaspoon ground ginger2 tablespoons (3 g) Splenda¼ cup (56 g) butter, melted

Preheat oven to 325°F (170°C, or gasmark 3).

Put the almonds in a food processorwith the S-blade in place. Run theprocessor until the almonds are ground

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medium-fine. Add the protein powder,ginger, and Splenda and pulse tocombine. Add the butter, and pulse tocombine—you may need to run a knifearound the bottom of the food processorto make sure everything gets combined.

Press firmly into a 10-inch (25-cm)pie plate or springform pan you’vesprayed with nonstick cooking spray,building up the sides about 1 inch (2.5cm)—if you’re using a springform pan,make sure you cover the seam at thebottom. Bake for 8 to 10 minutes or untilit just barely turns golden.

Yield: 8 to 10 servings

Assuming 8, each will have 5 grams of

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carbohydrate and 2 grams of fiber, for ausable carb count of 3 grams; 6 gramsprotein.

“Graham” Crust

Wheat germ and wheat bran give this a“graham” flavor.

1¼ cups (190 g) almonds2 tablespoons (14 g) wheat germ2 tablespoons (14 g) wheat bran3 tablespoons (4.5 g) Splenda1 pinch salt6 tablespoons (84 g) butter,


Preheat the oven to 325°F (170°C, or

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gas mark 3).Put the almonds in a food processor

with the S-blade in place. Run it untilthey’re ground to about the texture ofcornmeal. Add the wheat germ, wheatbran, Splenda, and salt and pulse tocombine. Now turn on the processor andpour in the butter, running the processoruntil everything’s well combined. (Youmay need to stop the processor and run aknife around the bottom edge to makesure all the dry ingredients come incontact with the butter.)

Turn this mixture out into an 8-inch(20-cm) springform pan you’ve sprayedwith nonstick cooking spray. Pressfirmly into place. Bake for 10 to 12minutes or until just turning gold around

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the edges. Cool before filling.

Yield: 12 servings

Each with 3 g protein, 4 g carbohydrate,2 g dietary fiber, 2 g usable carbs.

No-Sugar-Added Cherry PieFilling

Our tester Ray Stevens made this whenhe couldn’t find the Lucky Leaf cherrylow-carb pie filling. It’s very, verysimple.

1 can (14.5 ounces, or 410 g) sourcherries packed in water

½ cup (12 g) Splenda

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2 teaspoons guar or xanthanRed food coloring (optional)

Open the can of cherries and dump thewhole thing, water and all, into a bowl.Stir in the Splenda and thickener, plus 4to 6 drops of red food coloring if youwant a pretty color. Let stand 5 minutesbefore using.

Yield: 6 to 8 servings

Assuming 6, each will have 1 g protein;6 g carbohydrate; 1 g dietary fiber; 5 gusable carbs.

Strawberry Cheese Pie

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This is a killer company dessert! Feelfree to use cream cheese instead, if youprefer—your carb count will remainabout the same, though your caloriecount will be higher.

FOR THE CHEESE LAYER:8 ounces (225 g) Neufchâtel

cheese, softened (or regular orlight cream cheese)

2 tablespoons (30 ml) heavycream

1 tablespoon (1.5 g) Splenda½ teaspoon vanilla extractPie Crust, prebaked (page 520)


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1 pound (455 g) frozen,unsweetened strawberries

1 cup (240 ml) water¼ cup (6 g) Splenda2 tablespoons (30 ml) lemon juice2 teaspoons unflavored gelatin

To make the cheese layer: Using anelectric mixer, beat the Neufchâtelcheese, heavy cream, 1 tablespoon (1.5g) Splenda, and the vanilla together untilvery smooth and fluffy. Smooth evenlyover the bottom of the prebaked pieshell.

To make the strawberry layer: Put thestrawberries, water, the ¼ cup (6 g)Splenda, and lemon juice in anonreactive saucepan. Bring to a boil,

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then turn down to low, and let it simmeruntil the strawberries are soft. Use awhisk to coarsely mash the strawberries.Now, stir with the whisk in a circlewhile you sprinkle the gelatin over thesurface of the strawberry mixture, a littleat a time. (You’re trying to make surethat all the gelatin dissolves thoroughly,instead of leaving chewy little gelatin“seeds” in your finished pie.) Turn theheat off and let the strawberry mixturecool until it’s getting syrupy. Pour orspoon the mixture over the cream cheeselayer and then put the pie in the fridgefor at least several hours before serving.

Yield: 8 servings

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Each with 20 g protein; 10 gcarbohydrate; 2 g dietary fiber; 8 gusable carbs.

Here’s my confession: This actuallymakes a little too much strawberrymixture to fit in the pie shell, but I hatethe idea of having a few leftover frozenstrawberries just hanging around. So Ipour the extra strawberry stuff into acustard cup and chill it for a gelatindessert. But if you prefer, you could usean ounce or two less cheese instead tomake room for the extra strawberries.

Chocolate Raspberry Pie

This is fairly simple, but it looks terribly

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elegant, what with the chocolate-browncrust and the deep pink filling. It’syummy, too. It’s best to make this for anoccasion where it will all get eaten up.The leftovers will still taste great, butthey will look less and less impressiveas days in the fridge go by.

1 package (4-serving size) sugar-free raspberry-flavored gelatin

1 tablespoon (15 ml) lemon juice1¼ cups (300 ml) boiling water1 pint (475 ml) no-sugar-added

vanilla ice cream, softened (Iused Breyer’s Carb Smart.)

Crisp Chocolate Crust (page 521)Maltitol-Splenda Chocolate

Sauce (page 551)

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In a large mixing bowl, combine thesugar-free raspberry gelatin with thelemon juice and boiling water. Stir untilgelatin is completely dissolved. Nowstir in the softened low-carb vanilla icecream. Stick the bowl in the fridge for afew minutes until the mixture isthickened a bit but not set and pour intothe Crisp Chocolate Crust. Chill for atleast several hours, and overnight is agood idea.

Serve with the Maltitol-SplendaChocolate Sauce or with Sugar-FreeChocolate Sauce (page 551).

Yield: 8 servings

Each with 8 g protein; 8 g carbohydrate;

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4 g dietary fiber; 4 g usable carb.Analysis includes crust. Carb count doesnot include the polyol sweetener in theice cream or chocolate sauce.

Easy Key Lime Pie

Tester Julie calls this “Yummy, light,and summery.” She also says it couldn’tbe easier to make!

1½ cups (225 g) almonds¼ cup (30 g) vanilla whey protein

powder cup (8 g) Splenda

1 teaspoon ground ginger4 tablespoons (56 g) butter,


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2 packages (4-serving size each)sugar-free lime gelatin

2 cups (480 ml) boiling water2 limes, grated zest and juice1 pint (475 ml) no-sugar-added

vanilla ice cream (I useBreyer’s Carb Smart.)

1 cup (240 ml) heavy cream,chilled

1 tablespoon (10 g) vanilla sugar-free instant pudding mix

Preheat your oven to 325°F (170°C, orgas mark 3).

In a food processor with the S-bladein place, grind the almonds fine. Add theprotein powder, the Splenda, and theground ginger and pulse to mix. Now

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add the butter and pulse untileverything’s blended. Turn the mixtureout into a 9-inch (23-cm) pie plateyou’ve sprayed with nonstick cookingspray. Press firmly into place, buildingup the sides, and bake for 12 minutes oruntil golden. Cool before filling.

In a big mixing bowl, dissolve thegelatin in the boiling water. Add thegrated lime zest and the juice. Now stirin the ice cream until the ice cream ismelted and the mixture is smooth. Chilluntil the mixture is thickened but not set.

Spoon the lime mixture into theprepared crust. Chill until firm. In themeantime, whip the cream with thepudding mix until you have whippedtopping—but don’t overbeat, or you’ll

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get butter! Serve the pie with thewhipped topping.

Yield: 8 servings,

Each with 14 g protein; 9 gcarbohydrate; 3 g dietary fiber; 6 gramsusable carbs. Analysis does not includepolyol sweeter in sugar-free ice cream.

Coconut Cream Pie

This is my decarbed version of the old-time favorite!

FOR THE PIE:1½ cups (225 g) almonds

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¼ cup (30 g) vanilla whey proteinpowder

3 tablespoons (4.5 g) Splenda4 tablespoons (56 g) butter,

melted1 cups (95 g) Angel-Type

Coconut (page 553), divided2 cups (640 ml) Carb

Countdown dairy beverage1½ packages (3.4 ounces, or 95 g

each) vanilla sugar-free instantpudding mix

FOR THE WHIPPED TOPPING:1 cup (240 ml) heavy cream,

chilled1 tablespoon (10 g) vanilla sugar-

free instant pudding mix

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Preheat oven to 325°F (170°C, or gasmark 3).

To make the pie: In a food processorusing the S-blade, grind the almondsfine. Add the protein powder andSplenda and pulse to combine. Now addthe butter and pulse until it’s all wellmixed. Turn this out into a 9-inch (23-cm) pie plate you’ve sprayed withnonstick cooking spray. Press firmly intoplace, building up the sides. Bake for12–15 minutes or until starting to turngolden. Cool before filling.

Put cup (45 g) of the Angel-TypeCoconut in the pie shell, spreadingevenly. Set aside.

Pour the Carb Countdown into amixing bowl and add the 1½ packages

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pudding mix. Whisk until smooth, about2 minutes. Pour over the coconut in thepie shell. Chill for at least 1 hour.

While the pie is chilling, stir theremaining coconut in a dry skillet overmedium heat until it’s touched with gold.Set aside to cool.

To make the whipped topping: Usingan electric mixer, whip the heavy creamwith the 1 tablespoon of pudding mixuntil you have whipped topping (thenturn off the mixer fast! You don’t wantvanilla butter!). Spread over the pie andtop with the toasted coconut beforeserving.

Yield: 10–12 servings.

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Assuming 12, each will have 11 gprotein; 9 g carbohydrate; 3 g dietaryfiber; 6 grams usable carbs.

Peanut Butter Silk Pie

This pie is incredible, decadent,outrageous, utterly scrumptious. This is areal special-occasion dessert and asurefire crowd pleaser.

FOR THE CRUST:1¼ cups (190 g) shelled raw

hazelnuts4 tablespoons (56 g) butter,

melted½ cup (65 g) vanilla-flavored

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whey protein powder

FOR THE CHOCOLATE LAYER:4 sugar-free dark chocolate bars

(about 1.5 ounces [42 g] each)5 tablespoons (75 ml) heavy

cream1¼ teaspoon instant coffee



1 package (8 ounces, or 225 g)cream cheese, softened

1 cup (25 g) Splenda1 cup (260 g) creamy natural

peanut butter1 tablespoon (14 g) butter, melted

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1 teaspoon vanilla extract1 cup (240 ml) heavy cream

Preheat the oven to 325°F (170°C, orgas mark 3).

To make the crust: Use the S-blade ina food processor to grind the hazelnutsto a meal. Add the butter and proteinpowder and pulse until well combined.Spray a large pie plate with nonstickcooking spray and press the hazelnutmixture firmly into the bottom of the pieplate (it won’t build up the side veryfar). Bake for 10 to 12 minutes or untillightly browned. Remove from the ovento cool.

To make the chocolate layer: Melt thechocolate over the lowest possible heat

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since chocolate burns very easily. (Ifyou have a double boiler or a heatdiffuser, this would be a good time touse it!) Whisk in the cream and coffeecrystals, and continue stirring until thecrystals disappear. Spread this mixtureevenly over the bottom of the hazelnutcrust.

To make the peanut butter silk layer:Use an electric mixer to beat the creamcheese, Splenda, peanut butter, butter,and vanilla together until creamy.

In a separate bowl, whip the heavycream until stiff. Turn the mixer to thelowest setting and beat the whippedcream into the peanut butter mixture one-third at a time.

Spread the peanut butter filling gently

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over the chocolate layer and chill. (Thisis best made a day in advance to allowplenty of time for chilling.)

Yield: 10 generous servings

Each with 12 grams of carbohydratesand 2 grams of fiber, for a total of 10grams of usable carbs and 20 grams ofprotein. Carb count does not include thepolyol in the sugar-free chocolate.

Peanut Butter and Jelly Pie

I invented this for my peanut butter-obsessed husband, who adored it.

Page 2381: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

FOR THE JELLY LAYER:1 cup (120 g) raspberries (fresh,

or frozen with no sugar)2 tablespoons (30 ml) water3 tablespoons (4.5 g) Splenda


1 package (4-serving size) sugar-free vanilla instant pudding mix

1 cup (240 ml) heavy cream1 cup (240 ml) water1 cup (260 g) natural peanut

butter½ teaspoon blackstrap molasses teaspoon salt

Cinnamon Almond Crust (page523)

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To make the jelly layer: Put theraspberries, 2 tablespoons (30 ml)water, and Splenda in a saucepan overmedium-low heat and bring to a simmer.Stir until the berries are quite soft andmash up with a fork. Turn off heat andset aside.

To make the peanut butter layer: Withan electric mixer, beat the pudding mixwith the heavy cream and water untilsmooth and starting to thicken. Beat inpeanut butter, molasses, and salt,scraping down the sides of the bowl asneeded, until everything is wellcombined and very smooth.

Spread the raspberry mixture evenlyover the bottom of the preparedCinnamon Almond Crust. Spoon the

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peanut butter mixture evenly over theraspberry layer. Chill for at least severalhours, and overnight is better.

Yield: 8 servings

Each serving will have 16 grams ofcarbohydrate and 6 grams of fiber, for ausable carb count of 10 grams; 17 gramsprotein—which means you canlegitimately have a slice for breakfast, ifyou want to. (Analysis includesCinnamon Almond Crust.)

Peanut Butter Cup Pie

This is so easy! And who doesn’t lovechocolate and peanut butter?

Page 2384: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

1 package (4-serving size) sugar-

free instant chocolate puddingmix

2 tablespoons (11 g) unsweetenedcocoa powder

1 cup (240 ml) heavy cream1 cup (240 ml) water¾ cup (195 g) natural peanut

butter (I used creamy.)1 Simple Almond Crust (page


In a large bowl, combine the puddingmix and cocoa powder. Pour in theheavy cream and water and beat with anelectric mixer to combine well. Thenbeat in the peanut butter until

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everything’s well combined. Pourmixture into cooled crust, scraping it allout of the bowl with a rubber scraper.Spread evenly in crust and chill.

Yield: 8 servings

Each serving will have 12 grams ofcarbohydrate and 4 grams of fiber, for ausable carb count of 8 grams; 14 gramsof protein. (Analysis includes SimpleAlmond Crust.)

Pumpkin Pie with PecanPraline Crust

I’m very proud of this recipe. Serve it atThanksgiving Dinner, and no one will

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guess it’s made without sugar.

FOR THE CRUST:2 cups (300 g) shelled raw pecans¼ teaspoon salt2½ tablespoons (4 g) Splenda1½ teaspoons blackstrap

molasses4 tablespoons (56 g) butter,

melted2 tablespoons (30 ml) water

FOR THE PUMPKIN PIE FILLING:1 can (15 ounces, or 420 ml)

pumpkin1½ cups (360 ml) heavy cream3 eggs ¾ cup (18 g) Splenda

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½ teaspoon salt2 teaspoons blackstrap molasses1 tablespoon (6 g) pumpkin pie


Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C, orgas mark 4).

To make the crust: Put the pecans andsalt in a food processor with the S-bladein place. Pulse until the pecans arechopped to a medium consistency. Addthe Splenda, molasses, and butter andpulse again until well blended. Add thewater and pulse again until wellcombined. At this point, you’ll have asoft, sticky mass.

Spray a 10-inch (25-cm) pie platewith nonstick cooking spray or butter it

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well. Pour the pecan mixture into it andpress firmly in place, all over the bottomand up the sides by 1½ inches (3 cm) orso. Try to get it an even thickness withno holes, and if you wish, run a finger ora knife around the top edge to get aneven, nice-looking line. Bake for about18 minutes. Cool.

Increase the oven temperature to425°F (220°C, or gas mark 7).

To make the filling: Combine thepumpkin, heavy cream, eggs, Splenda,salt, molasses, and spice in a bowl andwhisk together well. Pour into theprebaked and cooled pie shell. Bake for15 minutes, lower the oven temperatureto 350°F (180°C, or gas mark 4), andbake for an additional 45 minutes. Cool

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and serve with whipped cream.

Yield: 8 servings

Each with 14 grams of carbohydratesand 4 grams of fiber, for a total of 10grams of usable carbs and 6 grams ofprotein. Analysis does not includewhipped cream.

Wondering how many carbs you’rereally saving by making your pumpkinpie from scratch? A lot— especiallywhen you consider that a slice of Mrs.Smith’s frozen pumpkin pie has 37grams of usable carbs, well over threetimes as much as my version!

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Brownie Mocha Fudge Pie

1 batch Dana’s Brownies (page509, but see instructions)

4 teaspoons instant coffeegranules, divided

2 cups (480 ml) well-chilled heavycream, divided

3 tablespoons (30 g) sugar-freeinstant vanilla pudding mix,divided

1½ cups (360 ml) CarbCountdown dairy beverage orhalf-and-half

3 tablespoons (45 ml) Mockahlua(page 46), divided

2 packages (4-serving-size)

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sugar-free instant chocolatepudding mix

Make the brownies, adding 2teaspoons of instant coffeegranules. Instead of baking inan 8 × 8-inch (20 × 20-cm) pan,use a 10-inch (25-cm) pie plateyou’ve sprayed well withnonstick cooking spray. Let thebrownie crust cool thoroughlybefore starting on the filling.

Pour 1 cup (240 ml) of the heavy creaminto a small, deep mixing bowl, and add1½ tablespoons (15 g) of the sugar-freevanilla instant pudding powder. Using awhisk or an electric mixer, whip untilwell thickened (but don’t go overboard

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and make sweet vanilla butter!). Set thisaside for a moment.

In another mixing bowl, dissolve 1teaspoon of the instant coffee granules inthe Carb Countdown dairy beverage andstir in 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of theMockahlua. Now add the sugar-freeinstant chocolate pudding mix and beatwith an electric mixer for a minute ortwo until very smooth and thick. Add thewhipped cream you made. Turn themixer to its very lowest setting and beatthe whipped cream into the puddingmixture until everything is justcombined. Spread this mixture over thebrownie crust.

Okay, you need your cream-whippingbowl again—don’t bother to wash it,

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though you’ll want to wash the beaters.Pour the last tablespoon (15 ml) ofMockahlua and the last teaspoon ofcoffee granules into the bowl, anddissolve the coffee granules in theMockahlua. Now add the second cup(240 ml) of heavy cream and the second1½ tablespoons (15 g) of vanilla instantpudding powder.

Whip until thickened (again, don’toverbeat and get butter). Spread thiscoffee whipped cream over the puddinglayer and chill well—at least a fewhours. Decorate with bitter chocolateshavings, if you like.

Yield: 12 servings

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Each with 11 g protein; 8 gcarbohydrate; 1 g dietary fiber; 7 gusable carbs. Analysis does not includepolyol sweetener.

Layered Chocolate-and-Vanilla Decadence

I adapted this recipe, and my sister,Kim, tested it for me one night when shewas having company. She said that theythreatened to eat the whole thing—and itmakes a lot! This is a good choice if youwant to take a dessert to a gathering.

FOR THE CRUST:1¼ cups (190 g) pecans

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1 cup (130 g) vanilla whey proteinpowder

½ cup (12 g) Splenda½ cup (115 g) melted butter

FOR THE LAYERS:2½ cups (600 ml) heavy cream,

chilled2½ tablespoons (25 g) sugar-free

instant vanilla pudding mix8 ounces (225 g) cream cheese,

softened½ cup (12 g) Splenda2½ cups plus 2 tablespoons (630

ml) Carb Countdown dairybeverage, divided

1 package (6-serving size) sugar-free instant chocolate pudding

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Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C, or gasmark 4).

To make the crust: Chop the pecans ina food processor, add the other crustingredients, and pulse to blendthoroughly. Pour into a 9 × 13-inch (23 ×33-cm) baking pan; press down to makefirm so that it covers the bottom. Bakefor 15 minutes. Let cool.

To make the layers: While the crust iscooling, whip the heavy cream and thevanilla pudding mix with you electricmixer. Set aside.

In another bowl, beat the creamcheese, Splenda, and 2 tablespoons (30ml) of Carb Countdown dairy beverage

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together until smooth. Fold in a little lessthan half of the whipped cream. Spreadcream cheese mixture over the crust.

In the same bowl from which you’veremoved the cream cheese mixture, mixthe package of chocolate pudding mixwith 2½ cups (600 ml) of CarbCountdown dairy beverage. Beat untilsmooth and creamy and beginning tothicken. Spread over the top of the creamcheese layer.

Put the pan in the refrigerator to set.Store the leftover whipped cream in therefrigerator. After about 2½ to 3 hours,spread the remaining whipped creamover the top of the pudding as the toplayer. Chill for at least another hour.Serve.

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Yield: About 12 to 16 servings

Assuming 16 servings, each will have15 g protein; 7 g carbohydrate; 1 gdietary fiber; 6 g usable carbs.

Mud Pie

Frozen coffee pie with a chocolate crustand chocolate sauce—What’s not tolike? This has a mild coffee flavor, butfeel free to add more instant coffeegranules—tasting as you go—if you likeit more intense. Also feel free to usedecaf if you, like me, have troublesleeping if you have caffeine afterdinner!

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2 packages (4-serving size)sugar-free vanilla instantpudding mix

1 cup (240 ml) water1 cup (240 ml) heavy cream3 tablespoons (9 g) instant coffee

crystals2 cups (280 g) sugar-free vanilla

ice cream, softened (but notmelted!)

Chocolate Cookie Crust (page521)

1 batch Sugar-Free ChocolateSauce (page 551)

Put the pudding mix, water, and heavycream in a large mixing bowl and beatwith an electric mixer until well

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blended. Beat in the coffee crystals, thenthe softened ice cream. Beat just longenough to get everything mixed togetherand then pour half of the filling into theprepared Chocolate Cookie Crust. Topwith half of the chocolate sauce. Add therest of the filling and top with theremainder of the sauce.

Stash the pie in the freezer for at leastseveral hours. Then take it out about 15to 20 minutes before you serve it to let itsoften a bit (but not thaw!).

Yield: 12 servings (I know that soundslike a lot, but I’ve tried serving biggerslices, and people get too full!)

Each serving will have 9 grams of

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carbohydrate and 3 grams of fiber, for ausable carb count of 6 grams. Analysisincludes chocolate cookie crust out notthe polyol in the sugar-free chocolatesauce.

German Chocolate Pie

My tester Julie claims that the true nameof this recipe is “OH SWEET MOTHEROF ALL THAT IS HOLY, THIS ISLIKE A SYMPHONY IN MYMOUTH!” and rates it a 15 on the 1 to10 scale. She also says it looks“gorgeous!” I hope you like it just asmuch!

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FOR THE CRUST:1 cup (70 g) Angel-Type Coconut

(page 553)1 cup (125 g) finely chopped

pecans6 tablespoons (84 g) butter,

melted cup (40 g) vanilla whey proteinpowder

3 tablespoons (4.5 g) Splenda

FOR THE FILLING:4 ounces (115 g) cream cheese,

softened1 package (4-serving size) sugar-

free chocolate instant pudding1 package (4-serving size) sugar-

free vanilla instant pudding

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2¾ cups (660 ml) CarbCountdown dairy beverage

½ cup (35 g) Angel-Type Coconut

FOR THE TOPPING:½ cup (35 g) Angel-Type Coconut½ cup (65 g) chopped pecans2 tablespoons (28 g) butter1 teaspoon vanilla3 tablespoons (4.5 g) Splenda½ cup (120 ml) heavy cream,


Preheat oven to 325°F (170°C, or gasmark 3).

To make the crust: Combine all thecrust ingredients well. Turn out into a10-inch (25-cm) pie plate you’ve

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sprayed with nonstick cooking spray andpress firmly into place, building all theway up the sides. Bake for 12–15minutes or until it browns a little. Letcool before filling.

To make the filling: Beat the creamcheese until smooth. Now beat in thetwo pudding mixes and the CarbCountdown and then fold in the coconut.Spread this in the pie shell.

To make the topping: In a big skilletover medium-low heat, sauté the thecoconut and pecans in the butter until thecoconut is golden. Stir in the vanilla andthe Splenda and let the mixture cool.Now scatter it evenly over the pie. Chillthe pie for several hours.

Whip the cream and use it to decorate

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the pie before serving.

Yield: 8–12 servings.

Assuming 12, each will have 10 gprotein; 10 g carbohydrate; 2 g dietaryfiber; 8 grams usable carbs.

Gingered Melon

This is light and elegant—and peoplefollowing a low-fat diet can eat it, too.

½ ripe cantaloupe½ ripe honeydew

cup (80 ml) lime juice2 tablespoons (3 g) Splenda1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger

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Peel the cantaloupe and honeydew andcut it into bite-sized chunks, or if youhave a melon baller, cut balls from it.Place in a serving dish.

Combine the lime juice, Splenda, andginger. Pour over the melon, toss, andserve.

Yield: 8 servings

Each with 12 grams of carbohydratesand 1 gram of fiber, for a total of 11grams of usable carbs and 1 gram ofprotein.

Strawberries in Wine

This is simple and simply delicious.

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8 ounces (225 g) fresh

strawberries½ cup (120 ml) burgundy wine1 tablespoon (1.5 g) SplendaCinnamon stick

Hull the strawberries and slice or cutthem into quarters.

Mix the wine and the Splenda andpour the mixture over the berries. Addthe cinnamon stick and refrigerate,stirring from time to time, for at least 12hours (but 2 days wouldn’t hurt!).

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 8 grams of carbohydrates and3 grams of fiber, for a total of 5 grams of

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usable carbs and 1 gram of protein.

Broiled Grapefruit

This is a classic sort of recipe.

½ grapefruit½ teaspoon butter (optional)SplendaA touch of blackstrap molasses, if

you like Ground cinnamon(optional)

Loosen the sections of the grapefruit byrunning a sharp, thin-bladed knife aroundeach one. Sprinkle with the sweetener ofyour choice, plus cinnamon if you like,and broil a few inches (7.5 cm) from the

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flame for 10 minutes.

Yield: 1 serving

10.4 grams of carbohydrates and 1.4grams of fiber, for a total of 9 grams ofusable carbs from the grapefruit.Splenda has 0.5 grams of carbohydratesper teaspoon. Blackstrap has 1 gram ofcarbohydrates per ¼ teaspoon—and it’sso strong-flavored you won’t want to usemore than this!

Some people like to cut the white coreout and put butter in there.

Figs with Gorgonzola

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It doesn’t get any simpler or moreelegant than this.

4 fresh, medium figs¼ cup (30 g) crumbled

Gorgonzola½ cup (60 g) chopped walnuts

Slice the figs in half, spread each halfwith a tablespoon of Gorgonzola, andsprinkle with ½ tablespoon choppedwalnuts.

Yield: 4 servings of 2 halves

Each with 12 grams of carbohydratesand 2 grams of fiber, for a total of 10grams of usable carbs and 9 grams ofprotein.

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Note: Some people like to broil the figsfor a few minutes first.

Rhubarb Flummery

Because it’s so sour, rhubarb is low-carb. This is a simple, old-fashioneddessert.

1 pound (455 g) frozen rhubarb½ cup (12 g) Splenda½ cup (120 ml) water

teaspoon orange extractGuar or xanthan

Place the rhubarb in a slow cooker andstir in the Splenda, water, and orangeextract. Cover the slow cooker, set it to

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low, and let it cook for 5 to 6 hours.When the time’s up, the rhubarb will

be very soft. Mash it with a fork to arough pulp. Thicken the sauce to a softpudding consistency with guar orxanthan and serve hot or cold.

This dessert is great with a littleheavy cream or Whipped Topping (page552).

Yield: 6 servings

Each with trace protein, 4 gcarbohydrate, 1 g dietary fiber, 3 gusable carbs. Analysis does not includewhipped topping.

Grandma’s Peach Cobbler

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Well, Grandma’s version was a lothigher-carb than this! This is a charming,old-fashioned dessert.

4 cups (800 g) sliced peaches¼ cup plus 1 tablespoon (7.5 g)

Splenda, divided¼ cup (50 g) polyol sweetener1 tablespoon (15 ml) lemon juice8 tablespoons (115 g) butter,

divided½ cup (60 g) almond meal½ cup (65 g) vanilla whey protein

powder2½ teaspoons baking powder1 teaspoon salt½ cup (120 ml) heavy cream

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Preheat oven to 375°F (190°C, or gasmark 5). Spray an 8 × 8-inch (20 × 20-cm) baking pan with nonstick cookingspray.

In a mixing bowl, combine the slicedpeaches (I use unsweetened frozen peachslices, which saves lots of time andtrouble, and since they’re going to becooked, it makes no difference in thefinal texture), ¼ cup (6 g) Splenda,polyol sweetener, and lemon juice. Tosseverything together and spread evenly inthe pan. Dot with 2 tablespoons (30 g) ofthe butter.

In another mixing bowl (or use thesame one if you like), combine thealmond meal, protein powder, bakingpowder, the remaining 1 tablespoon (1.5

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g) Splenda, and the salt. Stir together toevenly distribute ingredients.

Melt the remaining 6 tablespoons (85g) of butter. Stir the butter into thecream. Pour into the dry ingredients andmix with a few swift strokes of yourwhisk or a spoon—you just want to stirenough to ensure that there are nopockets of dry ingredients lurking.

Spread the batter evenly over thepeaches and bake for 30 minutes or untilthe crust is crisp and evenly goldenbrown. Serve warm.

Yield: 9 servings

Each with 14 g protein; 13 gcarbohydrate; 2 g dietary fiber; 11 g

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usable carbs. Carb count does notinclude polyol sweetener.

Variation: Grandma’s BlueberryCobbler. Swap 4 cups (580 g) freshblueberries or 4 cups (620 g)unsweetened frozen blueberries for thepeaches, and follow the recipe asdirected.

Yield: 9 servings

Each with 13 g protein; 13 gcarbohydrate; 2 g dietary fiber; 11 gusable carbs.

Speedy Low-Carb PeachMelba

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This is a short-cut, no-sugar-addedversion of a very famous dessert—andit’s scrumptious! You can use freshpeaches in this, if you’d prefer, butunlike the frozen ones, you’ll have topeel and slice them, which takes longer.

2 cups (500 g) frozen, sliced, no-sugar-added peaches

¼ cup (60 ml) lemon juice,divided

¼ teaspoon orange extract½ cup (12 g) Splenda1 cup (110 g) raspberries—fresh

or frozen with no sugar added4 tablespoons (30 g) toasted

slivered almonds (optional)

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Don’t bother to thaw the frozen peaches.Put them in a microwaveable bowl, mixtogether 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of thelemon juice, the orange extract, and halfof the Splenda and pour it over them.Cover (I just lay a plate on top) andmicrowave on high for 5 to 7 minutes oruntil tender.

While the peaches are poaching, putthe raspberries, the remaining 2tablespoons (30 ml) of lemon juice, andthe remaining Splenda in a foodprocessor with the S-blade in place.Pulse a few times until everything ispuréed together.

When the peaches are done, dividebetween 4 small serving dishes anddivide the raspberry sauce between

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them. Sprinkle each dish with atablespoon of almonds, if desired.Serve.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 17 grams of carbohydratesand 4 grams of fiber, for a total of 13grams of usable carbs and 1 gram ofprotein. Add the optional almonds andeach serving has 19 grams ofcarbohydrates and 5 grams of fiber, for atotal of 14 grams of usable carbs and 3grams of protein.

This also has a mere 68 calories, everyone of them nutritious.

Now, this is not the traditional way to

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serve Peach Melba—the traditional waywould include a scoop of vanilla icecream. You could do this, of course,using one of the no-sugar-added icecreams, or Atkins Endulge, but since thisis already in the upper range of the low-carb recipe spectrum, I’d probably onlydo this for a very special occasion. Youcould also serve this with vanilla yogurtand add only about 2.5 grams of carbsper ½ cup (120 ml) of yogurt.

Tip: Feel free to make the raspberrysauce all by itself—it’s great overmelon, stirred into plain yogurt, or as anelegant quick dessert when combinedwith no-sugar ice cream.

Peaches with Butterscotch

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These are delectable. You can servethem as is, with a little heavy cream,with Whipped Topping (page 552), orwith a scoop of low-carb vanilla icecream.

1 pound (455 g) frozen,unsweetened, sliced peaches

2 teaspoons lemon juice cup (8 g) Splenda

2 tablespoons (30 ml) sugar-freeimitation honey

½ teaspoon blackstrap molasses2 tablespoons (30 ml) heavy

cream¼ teaspoon cinnamon

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2 tablespoons (28 g) butter,melted

Guar or xanthan

Place the peaches in a slow cooker. (Ididn’t even bother to thaw mine.)

In a bowl, stir together the lemonjuice, Splenda, honey, molasses, cream,cinnamon, and butter. Pour the mixtureover the peaches. Cover the slowcooker, set it to low, and let it cook for 6hours.

Thicken the sauce to a creamyconsistency with a little guar or xanthanand serve hot.

Yield: 6 servings

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Each with 1 g protein, 9 g carbohydrate,2 g dietary fiber, 7 g usable carbs.(Analysis does not include polyols ortoppings.)

Strawberries with BalsamicVinegar

This is so light and flavorful! These aregood without the cream cheese sauce,too.

2 pounds (910 g) strawberries¼ cup (6 g) plus2 teaspoons Splenda, divided¼ cup (60 ml) balsamic vinegar4 ounces (115 g) cream cheese,

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softened4 tablespoons (60 g) plain yogurt

Remove the green hulls from thestrawberries and halve them—if youhave some really huge berries, quarterthem. Place in a glass, plastic, orstainless steel mixing bowl. Sprinkle ¼cup (6 g) Splenda over the berries andtoss to coat. Now sprinkle on thebalsamic vinegar and stir again. Stashthe bowl in the fridge for at least a fewhours, and a whole day would be fine.

Using an electric mixer, beat thecream cheese, yogurt, and remaining 2teaspoons Splenda together until verysmooth—you can do this in advance,too, if you’d like.

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Simply spoon the berries into prettydessert dishes and drizzle some of thebalsamic vinegar syrup in the bottom ofthe bowl over each serving. Top eachserving with a dollop of the creamcheese sauce and serve.

Yield: 8 servings

Each with 2 g protein; 9 g carbohydrate;3 g dietary fiber; 6 g usable carbs.

Strawberries with OrangeCream Dip

This will look fancy if you serve it on apretty chip-and-dip tray. It’s good fingerfood for a party. You can drop the

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calorie count on this without increasingthe carb count by using light (but not fat-free!) sour cream.

1 package (4-serving size) sugar-free instant vanilla pudding

1 cup (230 g) sour cream1½ cups (360 ml) heavy cream2 teaspoons grated orange zest2 pounds (910 g) strawberries

Using an electric mixer, beat the puddingmix, sour cream, heavy cream, andorange zest together until smooth andfluffy. Put in the bowl of a chip-and-diptray, surround with whole strawberries,and serve.

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Yield: 10 servings

Each with 11 g protein; 15 gcarbohydrate; 4 g dietary fiber; 11 gusable carbs.

Strawberry Crunch Parfait

In their book The GO-Diet, Drs.Goldberg and O’Mara explain that plainyogurt has far fewer carbs than the labelwould indicate because most of thelactose in the milk has been converted tolactic acid by the yogurt bacteria.Accordingly, they say that we can countjust 4 grams of carbohydrates per cup(230 g) of plain yogurt. Reading this, Iadded yogurt back to my low-carb diet,

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and it’s never caused weight gain orrebound hunger for me, so I thinkGoldberg and O’Mara are right! Thisrecipe is so versatile—it makes a greatdessert, a phenomenal quick breakfast,or a delicious and nutritious snack.Enjoy!

3 ripe strawberries1 tablespoon plus¼ teaspoon (0.1 g) Splenda,

divided¾ cup (170 g) plain yogurt½ teaspoon vanilla extract2 tablespoons (15 g) Cinnamon

Splenda Nuts (page 553),chopped a bit, or 2 tablespoonslow-carb commercial granola-

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like product

Cut the green hulls off the strawberriesand slice them thinly into a dish.Sprinkle them with ¼ teaspoon of theSplenda and stir.

Combine the yogurt with the vanillaextract and the remaining tablespoon(1.5 g) of Splenda, stirring well. Spoonover the strawberries. Top with the nutsor granola and devour!

Yield: 1 serving

Using the GO-Diet’s carb count of 4grams of carbohydrates per cup (230 g)of plain yogurt, this has 12 grams ofcarbohydrates and 3 grams of fiber, for atotal of 9 grams of usable carbs and 10

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grams of protein.

Feel free to substitute ¼ cup (35 g)blueberries, blackberries, raspberries,or even diced peaches. Make this in aclear glass dish or even layer it in aparfait glass, and it’ll look pretty enoughfor company.

Strawberry Cups

This is a good make-ahead companydessert, and it’s a really beautiful color.

1 cup (240 ml) water1 package (4-serving size) sugar-

freelemon gelatin

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10 ounces (280 g) frozenunsweetened strawberries,partly thawed

1 cup (240 ml) heavy cream,divided

½ teaspoon vanilla extract1 teaspoon Splenda (if desired)

Bring the water to a boil. Put the gelatinand boiling water in a blender and whirlfor 10 to 15 seconds to dissolve thegelatin. Add the strawberries and whirlagain, just long enough to blend in theberries.

Put the blender container in therefrigerator for 10 minutes or just untilthe mixture starts to thicken a bit.

Add ¾ cup (180 ml) of the heavy

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cream and run the blender just longenough to mix it all in (10 to 15seconds). Pour into 5 or 6 pretty littledessert cups and chill. Whip theremaining ¼ cup (60 ml) of cream withthe vanilla and a teaspoon of Splenda (ifusing), to garnish.

Yield: About 5 servings

Each with 6 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 5 grams ofusable carbs and 3 grams of protein.

Mixed Berry Cups

For you raspberry and blackberrylovers, here’s a quick and tasty dessert.

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1 package (4-serving size) sugar-

free raspberry gelatin1 cup (240 ml) boiling water2 teaspoons lemon juiceGrated rind of ½ orange¾ cup (100 g) frozen

blackberries, partly thawed1 cup (240 ml) heavy cream,

divided½ teaspoon vanilla extract1 teaspoon Splenda (optional)

Put the gelatin, water, lemon juice, andorange rind in a blender and whirl for 10to 15 seconds to dissolve the gelatin.Add the blackberries and blend again,just long enough to mix in the berries.

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Put the blender container in therefrigerator for 10 minutes or just untilthe mixture starts to thicken a bit. Add ¾cup (180 ml) heavy cream and run theblender just long enough to mix it all in(10 to 15 seconds). Pour into 5 or 6pretty little dessert cups and chill.

Whip the remaining ¼ cup (60 ml) ofcream with vanilla and Splenda (ifusing) to garnish.

Yield: 5 servings

Each with 5 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 4 grams ofusable carbs and 2 grams of protein.

Black Forest Parfaits

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This has too many carbs for you to wantto eat it on a regular basis, but it’s greatfor a company dinner or a holiday. It’sreally pretty, too.

1 (4-serving size) package sugar-free instant chocolate puddingmix

2 cups (480 ml) Carb Countdowndairy beverage

1 cup (240 ml) heavy cream,chilled

1 tablespoon (10 g) sugar-freeinstant vanilla pudding mix

1 tablespoon (14 g) butter½ cup (60 g) almond meal½ cup (35 g) shredded coconut2 tablespoons (11 g) cocoa

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powder2 tablespoons (25 g) polyol

sweetener1 batch No-Sugar-Added Cherry

Pie Filling (page 525)

Mix the chocolate pudding mix with theCarb Countdown dairy beverage and stirwith a whisk for 2 minutes or untilthickened. Set aside.

Pour the chilled heavy cream into adeep mixing bowl. Add the vanillainstant pudding mix and use an electricmixer to whip until cream is stiff—donot overbeat, or you’ll get sweetenedvanilla butter! (Also do not try to do thisstep in a blender or food processor. Itsimply will not work.) Scoop out 1½

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cups (360 ml) of the whipped cream andadd to the bowl with the chocolatepudding; fold in with a rubber scraper.

In a medium skillet, melt the butterand add the almond meal, coconut,cocoa powder, and polyol sweetener.Stir over medium heat for about fiveminutes or until toasted. Remove fromheat.

Okay, we’re on the home stretch. Getout 6 pretty dessert dishes—preferablyclear parfait glasses so that everyonecan see the layers. Spoon half of thechocolate mixture into the bottom of thedessert dishes and then top with half thecoconut mixture and half the cherrymixture. Repeat the layers, reserving justa couple of teaspoons of the coconut

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mixture. There should be just enoughwhipped cream left in the bowl to put alittle dollop on top of each serving.Sprinkle the reserved little bit ofcoconut on top of that and chill for atleast a few hours before serving.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 10 g protein; 17 gcarbohydrate; 2 g dietary fiber; 15 gusable carbs. Carb count does notinclude polyol sweetener.

Coeur a la Crème

This is a classic French dessert,traditionally made in a heart-shaped

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mold. Coeur a la Crème molds are hardto come by, but you can buy a regular 2-cup (480-ml) heart-shaped mold andstick three or four holes in it with a nail,which is what I did. Serve with freshstrawberries or Strawberry Sauce (seepage 550) for a truly beautifulValentine’s Day dessert.

2 packages (8 ounces, or 225 geach) cream cheese, softened

2 tablespoons (3 g) Splenda3 tablespoons (45 ml) heavy

cream2 tablespoons (30 g) sour cream¼ teaspoon salt

Use an electric mixer to beat the cream

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cheese until it’s very creamy. Beat in theSplenda, heavy cream, sour cream, andsalt, mixing very well.

Line the mold with a double layer ofdampened cheesecloth and pack thecheese mixture into it, pressing it inwell. Place the mold on a plate to catchany moisture that drains out and chill forat least 24 hours.

Yield: 8 servings

Each with 2 grams of carbohydrates, nofiber, and 5 grams of protein. Analysisdoes not include toppings.

Warning: This is not a quick dessert towhip up before your sweetheart comesover. You need to start making this

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dessert at least 24 hours in advance togive it plenty of time to chill.

Maria’s Flan

My childhood friend Maria found me onthe Internet a couple of years ago, andwe got together. Her mom is Colombian,so Maria had grown up eating flan, atraditional Latin American dessert.Here’s the version we came up withtogether.

FOR THE SYRUP:2 tablespoons (3 g) Splenda1 teaspoon blackstrap molasses2 tablespoons (30 ml) water

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FOR THE CUSTARD:1 cup (240 ml) heavy cream1 cup (240 ml) half-and-half6 eggs1 teaspoon vanilla extractPinch of nutmeg Pinch of salt

cup (17 g) Splenda

Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C, orgas mark 4).

To make the syrup: Combine theSplenda, molasses, and water, stirringuntil the lumps are gone. Spray a glasspie plate with nonstick cooking sprayand pour the mixture into it, spreading itover the bottom. Microwave for 2minutes on medium power. (You couldsubstitute the sugar-free syrup of your

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choice for this syrup; just use 2 to 3tablespoons [30 to 45 ml].)

To make the custard: Whisk togetherwell the heavy cream, half-and-half,eggs, vanilla, nutmeg, salt, and Splendaand pour the mixture over the syrup inthe pie plate.

Place the pie plate carefully in alarge, flat baking dish and pour wateraround it, not quite up to the rim of thepie plate. Put the baking pan with the pieplate in its water bath in the oven. Bakefor 45 minutes or until a knife inserted inthe center comes out clean.

Cool and cut the flan into wedges.Traditionally, each piece is servedinverted on a plate with the syrup on top.

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Yield: 8 generous servings

Each with 5 grams of carbohydrates, nofiber, and 6 grams of protein.

Mocha Custard

1 cup (240 ml) boiling water1 ounce (28 g) unsweetened

baking chocolate1 rounded (1 g) teaspoon instant

coffee crystals1 cup (240 ml) heavy cream3 eggs

cup (8 g) SplendaA pinch of salt

Preheat the oven to 300°F (150°C, or

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gas mark 2).Put the boiling water in a blender

container and drop in the chocolate. Letit sit for 5 minutes or so.

Add the coffee crystals, heavy cream,eggs, Splenda, and salt and blend for aminute or so.

Spray a 1-quart (960-ml) casseroledish with nonstick cooking spray andpour the mixture into it. (If you prefer,pour into individual custard cups.)

Place the casserole dish or custardcups in a larger pan filled with hot waterand place the entire thing in the oven.Bake for 1 hour and 20 minutes.

Cool and then chill well beforeserving. (The chilling makes a bigdifference in the texture.)

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Yield: 4 generous servings

Each with 6 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 5 grams ofusable carbs and 6 grams of protein.

Apricot Custard

Don’t go increasing the quantity ofapricot preserves here. They’re thebiggest source of carbs. This dessert isyummy, though!

cup (105 g) low-sugar apricotpreserves

2 tablespoons (30 ml) lemon juice cup plus 2 teaspoons (17 g)Splenda, divided

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1½ cups (360 ml) CarbCountdown dairy beverage

½ cup (120 ml) heavy cream4 eggs½ teaspoon almond extract1 pinch salt

Whisk together the preserves, lemonjuice, and 2 teaspoons (1 g) of theSplenda. Spread over the bottom of a 6-cup (1.4-L) glass casserole dish you’vesprayed with nonstick cooking spray. Setaside.

Whisk together the Carb Countdown,cream, eggs, remaining cup (16 g)Splenda, almond extract, and salt. Pourinto the prepared casserole dish gentlyso as not to mix in the apricot preserves.

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Place the casserole dish in a slowcooker. Pour water around the casseroleto within 1 inch (2.5 cm) of the rim.Cover the slow cooker, set it to low, andlet it cook for 4 hours.

When the time’s up, turn off the slowcooker, uncover it, and let it cool untilyou can remove the casserole dishwithout risk of scalding. Chill wellbefore serving.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 7 g protein, 7 g carbohydrate,trace dietary fiber, 7 g usable carbs.

Chocolate Fudge Custard

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This really is dense and fudgy. It’sintensely chocolatey, too.

1 cup (240 ml) Carb Countdowndairy beverage

3 ounces (85 g) unsweetenedbaking chocolate

cup (16 g) Splenda1 cup (240 ml) heavy cream½ teaspoon vanilla extract1 pinch salt6 eggs, beaten

In a saucepan over the lowest possibleheat (use a double boiler or heat diffuserif you have one), warm the CarbCountdown with the chocolate. When thechocolate melts, whisk the two together

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and then whisk in the Splenda.Spray a 6-cup (1.4-L) glass casserole

dish with nonstick cooking spray. Pourthe cream into it and add the chocolatemixture. Whisk in the vanilla extract andsalt. Now add the eggs, one by one,whisking each in well before adding thenext one.

Put the casserole dish in a slowcooker and pour water around it, up to 1inch (2.5 cm) of the top rim. Cover theslow cooker, set it to low, and let itcook for 4 hours.

Then turn off the slow cooker, removethe lid, and let the water cool enough soit won’t scald you before removing thecasserole dish. Chill the custard wellbefore serving.

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Yield: 6 servings

Each with 10 g protein, 6 gcarbohydrate, 2 g dietary fiber, 4 gusable carbs.

Southeast Asian CoconutCustard

I adapted this from a carb-y recipe inanother slow cooker book. Maria, whotested it, says it’s wonderful and alsohas a Latino feel to it. Look for shreddedunsweetened coconut in Asian marketsand natural food stores.

¼ cup (60 ml) sugar-freeimitation honey

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½ teaspoon blackstrap molasses2½ teaspoons grated ginger,

divided1 tablespoon (15 ml) lime juice14 ounces (390 ml) coconut milk

cup (16 g) Splenda¼ teaspoon ground cardamom½ cup (120 ml) Carb Countdown

dairy beverage½ cup (120 ml) heavy cream½ teaspoon vanilla extract4 eggs½ cup (35 g) shredded

unsweetened coconut

Spray a 6-cup (1.4-L) glass casseroledish with nonstick cooking spray. Put thehoney and molasses in the casserole

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dish. Cover the casserole dish withplastic wrap or a plate and microwaveon high for 2 minutes. Add 1½ teaspoonsof the ginger and the lime juice and stir.Set aside.

In a mixing bowl, combine thecoconut milk, Splenda, cardamom,remaining 1 teaspoon ginger, CarbCountdown, cream, vanilla extract, andeggs. Whisk until well combined. Pourinto the casserole dish. Cover thecasserole dish with foil and secure itwith a rubber band.

Put the casserole dish in a slowcooker and pour water around it towithin 1 inch (2.5 cm) of the rim. Coverthe slow cooker, set it to low, and let itcook for 3 to 4 hours.

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Turn off the slow cooker, uncover,and let it cool until you can lift out thecasserole dish without scalding yourfingers. Chill overnight.

Before serving, stir the coconut in adry skillet over medium heat until it’sgolden. Remove the custard from thefridge and run a knife carefully aroundthe edge. Put a plate on top and carefullyinvert the custard onto the plate.Sprinkle the toasted coconut on top.

Yield: 8 servings

Each with 5 g protein, 5 g carbohydrate,2 g dietary fiber, 3 g usable carbs. Carbcount does not include polyol sweetenerin the sugar-free honey.

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Maple Custard

This is for all you maple fans out there,and I know you are legion!

1½ cups (360 ml) CarbCountdown dairy beverage

½ cup (120 ml) heavy cream cup (80 ml) sugar-free pancakesyrup

cup (8 g) Splenda3 eggs1 pinch salt1 teaspoon vanilla extract½ teaspoon maple extract

Simply whisk everything together andpour the mixture into a 6-cup (1.4-L)

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glass casserole dish you’ve sprayedwith nonstick cooking spray. Put thecasserole dish in a slow cooker andpour water around it to within 1 inch(2.5 cm) of the rim. Cover the slowcooker, set it to low, and let it cook for 4hours.

When the time’s up, turn off the slowcooker, remove the lid, and let it sit untilthe water is cool enough so that you canremove the casserole dish without riskof scalding. Chill well before serving.

Yield: 6 servings

Each with 6 g protein, 2 g carbohydrate,0 g dietary fiber, 2 g usable carbs.(Counts do not include polyols in

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pancake syrup.)

Maple-Pumpkin Custard

This is very much like the filling of apumpkin pie without the crust. Thepecans add a little textural contrast.

15 ounces (420 g) cannedpumpkin

1 cup (240 ml) Carb Countdowndairy beverage

½ cup (120 ml) heavy cream cup (80 ml) sugar-free pancakesyrup

cup (8 g) Splenda½ teaspoon maple flavoring

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3 eggs1 pinch salt1 tablespoon (5.1 g) pumpkin pie

spice cup (35 g) chopped pecans

1½ teaspoons butter WhippedTopping (page 552)

In a mixing bowl, preferably one with apouring lip, whisk together the pumpkin,Carb Countdown, cream, pancake syrup,Splenda, maple flavoring, eggs, salt, andpumpkin pie spice.

Spray a 6-cup (1.4-L) glass casseroledish with nonstick cooking spray. Pourthe custard mixture into it. Place it in aslow cooker. Now carefully fill thespace around the casserole dish with

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water up to 1 inch (2.5 cm) from the rim.Cover the slow cooker, set it to low, andlet it cook for 3 to 4 hours.

Remove the lid, turn off the slowcooker, and let it cool until you canremove the casserole dish withoutscalding your fingers. Chill the custardfor at least several hours.

Before serving, put the pecans andbutter in a heavy skillet over mediumheat and stir them for 5 minutes or so.Set aside. Also have the WhippedTopping made and standing by. Servethe custard with a dollop of WhippedTopping and 1 tablespoon (6 g) oftoasted pecans on each serving.

Yield: 6 servings

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Each with 7 g protein, 10 gcarbohydrate, 3 g dietary fiber, 7 gusable carbs. Carb count does notinclude polyol sweetener in sugar-freesyrup.

Slow Cooker MaplePumpkin Pudding

This is a great dessert for any of youpumpkin pie freaks out there!

15 ounces (420 g) cannedpumpkin

1 cup (240 ml) Carb Countdowndairy beverage

3 eggs

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¼ cup (60 ml) sugar free pancakesyrup

½ cup (12 g) Splenda1 tablespoon (5.1 g) pumpkin pie

spice½ teaspoon maple flavoring½ cup (65 g) chopped pecans—


This is simple: Combine everything butthe pecans and cinnamon in a mixingbowl and whisk together well. Spray a1½-quart (1.4-L) casserole dish or otherheat-proof dish that fits into your slowcooker with nonstick cooking spray.Pour the pumpkin mixture into thecasserole dish. Now put the casserole

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dish in your slow cooker and carefullypour water around it to within 1 inch(2.5 cm) of the rim.

Cover, set the slow cooker to high,and let it cook for 4 hours. When thetime’s up, turn off the pot, uncover it,and let the whole thing cool until you canremove the casserole dish withoutscalding your fingers. You can chill thisor serve it warm. Either way, scatterthose toasted pecans over each servingand dust each with just a little cinnamon.You can also add whipped cream if youlike, but it’s not essential.

Yield: 6 servings,

Each with 7 g protein; 10 g

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carbohydrate; 3 g dietary fiber; 7 gusable carbs. Carb count does notinclude polyol sweetener in sugar-freesyrup. Analysis does not includewhipped cream.

Lemon-Vanilla Custard

Don’t save this just for dessert—itmakes a lovely breakfast, too.

1 cup (240 ml) heavy cream1 cup (240 ml) half-and-half3 eggs

cup (8 g) Splenda1 teaspoon lemon extract½ teaspoon vanilla extract2 tablespoons (16 g) vanilla-

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flavored whey protein powderPinch of saltGrated rind of ½ lemon

Preheat the oven to 300°F (150°C, orgas mark 2).

Put all the ingredients in a blender andblend well.

Spray a 1-quart (960-ml) casseroledish with nonstick cooking spray andpour the mixture into it. (If you prefer,use individual custard cups.) Place thecasserole dish or custard cups in alarger pan filled with hot water andplace the entire thing in the oven. Bakefor 2 hours. Cool and chill well.

Yield: 4 generous servings

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Each with 8 grams of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 13 grams of protein.

Lemon Mousse Cup

This is pretty darned simple, but it’sdelicious, with a sunny lemon flavor.

1 package (4-serving size) sugar-free lemon gelatin

¾ cup (180 ml) boiling water3 ounces (85 g) Neufchâtel

cheese or light cream cheese,softened

½ cup (120 ml) cold water1 teaspoon grated lemon rind¾ cup (180 ml) heavy cream

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2 teaspoons sugar-free vanillainstant pudding mix

2 tablespoons (15 g) almond meal½ teaspoon polyol sweetener

Put the gelatin and the boiling water in ablender and run it for a minute or so todissolve the gelatin. Cut the Neufchâtelcheese into chunks, add it to the blender,and run the blender again until themixture is smooth, about 1 more minute.Now add the cold water and the gratedlemon rind and run it one more time toblend.

Pour the gelatin mixture from theblender jar into a mixing bowl and stickit in the fridge. You’re going to chill ituntil it’s just starting to thicken a bit.

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Use an electric mixer to whip theheavy cream with the vanilla puddingmix until you have a good, thickwhipped topping. (Don’t overbeat, oryou’ll get vanilla butter!)

When the gelatin is starting to thicken,fold ½ cup (40 g) of the whippedtopping gently into it until everything iswell blended. Pour into four prettydessert dishes. Put the dessert dishes andthe leftover whipped topping in thefridge. Let the mousse chill for at least acouple of hours.

Sometime before dinner, stir thealmond meal with the polyol sweetenerin a skillet over medium heat until it justgets a hint of golden color. Remove fromheat.

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When dessert time rolls around, topeach serving of mousse with a little ofthe leftover whipped topping and 1½teaspoons of the toasted almond mealand serve.

Yield: 4 servings

Each with 7 g protein; 4 g carbohydrate;trace dietary fiber; 4 g usable carbs.Carb count does not include polyolsweetener.

Sugar-Free ChocolateMousse to Die For!

This is the very first low-carb dessert Icame up with, and it still blows people

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1 package (4-serving size)chocolate sugar-free instantpudding mix

1 package (10 ounces, or 280 g)soft tofu

1 heaping tablespoon (6 g)unsweetened cocoa powder

¼ to ½ teaspoon instant coffeecrystals (use more if you likemocha flavoring.)

1 to 1½ cups (240 to 360 ml)heavy whipping cream, chilled

Use an electric mixer to beat the puddingmix, tofu, cocoa powder, and coffeecrystals until very smooth.

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In a separate bowl, whip the creamuntil just about stiff.

Turn the mixer to its lowest setting,blend in the pudding mixture, and turnoff the mixer— quickly. (If you over-beat, you’ll end up with chocolatebutter.)

Yield: Made with 1 cup (240 ml) ofheavy cream, you’ll get 6 servings

Each with 8 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 7 grams ofusable carbs and 5 grams of protein.Made with 1½ cups (360 ml) of heavycream, your yield increases to at least 7servings, each with 7.5 grams ofcarbohydrates and just under 1 gram of

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fiber, for a total of about 6.5 grams ofusable carbs and 4 grams of protein. (Ilike this made with the smaller amountof cream, for a sturdier texture, but Iknow folks who like it with the largeramount, for a fluffier texture. It’s yourchoice.) Carb count does not includepolyol sweetener.

Variation: Sugar-Free Vanilla Mousse toDie For! Here’s one for those non-chocoholics out there: Just use sugar-free vanilla instant pudding mix and ateaspoon of vanilla extract and omit thecocoa powder and the coffee crystals.

Yield: 6 or 7 servings

Made with 1 cup (240 ml) of cream,

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you’ll get 6 servings, each with 7 gramsof carbohydrates, a trace of fiber, and 4grams of protein. Made with 1½ cups(360 ml) of cream, you’ll get 7 servings,each with 6.5 grams of carbohydrates, atrace of fiber, and 4 grams of protein.

Better Than S-X!

The Jell-O company invented this quitespectacular special-occasion dessert,which I had to alter in numerous ways tomake it fit for low carbers. They’reresponsible for the name, too. Cryptic,isn’t it? Better than the Sox? Better thanplaying the sax? Better than any other sixdesserts? Who knows? Since the nicefolks at Jell-O came up with the original

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recipe (though the chocolate sauce wasmy idea!), it would be nice to use theirsugar-free pudding to make this.

FOR CRUST:1½ cups (225 g) almonds3 tablespoons (40 g) polyol

sweetener3 tablespoons (4.5 g) Splenda½ cup (115 g) butter, melted½ cup (75 g) pecan halves

FOR FILLING:8 ounces (225 g) cream cheese,

softened3 cups (720 ml) Carb Countdown

dairy beverage, divided

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2 (4-serving-size) packagessugar-free instant vanillapudding mix

1 batch Angel-Type Coconut(page 553)

1 batch Maltitol-SplendaChocolate Sauce (page 551) orSugar-Free Chocolate Sauce(page 551)

FOR TOPPING:1½ cups (360 ml) heavy cream,

chilled1½ tablespoons (15 g) sugar-free

instant vanilla pudding mix

Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C, or gasmark 4).

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To make the crust: Put the almonds ina food processor with the S-blade inplace and run it until they’re fairly finelyground. Add the polyol and Splenda andpulse to combine.

Now pour in the melted butter and thepecan halves and pulse until the butter ismelted in and the pecans are choppedmedium-fine.

Spray a 9 × 13-inch (23 × 33-cm) panwith nonstick cooking spray. Dump thealmond mixture into it and press it firmlyand evenly into place. Bake for 12 to 15minutes or until golden. You’ll want alittle time for this to cool before you putthe filling on top.

To make the filling: Beat the softenedcream cheese until it’s smooth. Beat in

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½ cup (120 ml) of the Carb Countdowndairy beverage. Now add the 2 packagesof pudding mix and the rest of the CarbCountdown. Beat for about 2 minutes,scraping down the sides of the bowloften. Now beat in 1 cup (70 g) of theAngel-Type Coconut. Spread thismixture over the crust.

Spread the Maltitol-SplendaChocolate Sauce over the pudding layer.

To make the topping: Whip the creamwith the 1½ tablespoons (15 g) ofvanilla pudding mix, making whippedtopping. Spread this over the chocolatelayer.

Take the remaining coconut and stir itin a dry skillet over medium heat until itacquires just a touch of gold. Sprinkle

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the toasted coconut evenly over thewhipped topping. Chill for at least 2hours before serving.

Yield: 12 servings

Each with 10 g protein; 14 gcarbohydrate; 4 g dietary fiber; 10 gusable carbs. Carb count does notinclude polyol sweetener.

Helen’s Chocolate BreadPudding

Helen was my dad’s mom, and this wasour family’s traditional Christmasdessert the whole time I was growingup. People have threatened to marry into

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the family to get the secret recipe, butsince this is the decarbed version, it’snot secret! It is still high-carb enoughthat you’ll want to save it for a specialoccasion, though.

2 cups (480 ml) half-and-half1 cup (240 ml) heavy cream1 cup (240 ml) water6 slices “lite” white bread (5

grams of usable carbs per sliceor less—the squishiest you canfind)

3 ounces (84 g) unsweetenedbaking chocolate

cup (16 g) Splenda2 eggs, beaten1 teaspoon vanilla extract Pinch

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Preheat the oven to 375°F (190°C, orgas mark 5).

Combine the half-and-half, cream, andwater in a medium saucepan overmedium heat and bring it just up to asimmer.

While it’s heating, spray a largecasserole dish with nonstick cookingspray, tear the bread into small bits, andput them in the dish. Pour the hot half-and-half mixture over the bread and let itsit for 10 minutes.

Melt the chocolate and add it to thebread mixture; it’s good to use a little ofthe hot cream to rinse out the pan youmelted the chocolate in so you get all of

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it. Stir well. Now stir in the Splenda,eggs, vanilla, and salt, mixing very well.Bake for 1 hour or until firm. Serve withNot-So-Hard Sauce (page 549).

Yield: 8 servings

Each with 12 grams of carbohydratesand just over 1 gram of fiber, for a totalof 11 grams of usable carbs and 7 gramsof protein.

Not-So-Hard Sauce

Traditional hard sauce is made withsugar, butter, and egg, plus vanilla, rum,or brandy, and when it’s refrigerated itgets quite hard—hence the name.

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However, with Splenda instead of sugar,my hard sauce just didn’t work—it fellapart in little globs. I added creamcheese, and it all came together, but itdoesn’t get quite so hard whenrefrigerated, which is why this is Not-So-Hard Sauce. It still tastes great,though!

1 cup (25 g) Splenda5 tablespoons (70 g) butter,

softened teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon vanilla extract1 egg1 ounce (28 g) cream cheese,


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Use an electric mixer to beat the Splendaand butter together until well blended.Beat in the salt, vanilla extract, and egg.At this point, you’ll be sure you’ve madea dreadful mistake.

Beat in the cream cheese and watchthe sauce smooth out! Mix very well,until light and fluffy. Pile the Not-So-Hard Sauce into a pretty serving dish,sprinkle it lightly with nutmeg, andrefrigerate until well chilled.

Yield: About 1 cup (240 ml), or a 2tablespoon (30 ml) serving of sauce foreach serving of Helen’s ChocolateBread Pudding (page 549)

Each serving will have 3 grams of

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carbohydrates, no fiber, and 1 gram ofprotein.

Strawberry Sauce

Traditionally, Coeur a la Crème (page541) is served with fresh strawberries,but I make this for Valentine’s Day.Since I’m generally not impressed withthe quality of the fresh strawberries I canget in February, I’d rather use frozen.

1 bag (1 pound, or 455 g) frozen,unsweetened strawberries,thawed

1 tablespoon (15 ml) lemon juice2 or 3 tablespoons (3 to 4.5 g)


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Simply pour the strawberries and anyliquid in the package into a bowl and stirin the lemon juice and Splenda. Mash thestrawberries a little with a fork, if you’dlike; I like mine fairly chunky.

Yield: 8 servings

Each with 6 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 5 grams ofusable carbs and only a trace of protein.

Fast Strawberry-OrangeSauce

This is especially nice for spiffing up asimple dessert for company, using upstrawberries threatening to go bad in the

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refrigerator, or just because it’sTuesday.

½ cup (55 g) strawberries—fresh,or frozen with no sugar added,thawed

1 tablespoon (1.5 g) Splenda¼ teaspoon orange extract

Assemble the ingredients in a foodprocessor and purée. Serve over slicedmelon or sugar-free ice cream or stir itinto plain yogurt.

Yield: About cup (80 ml), or 3servings

Each with 2 grams of carbohydrates and1 gram of fiber, for a total of 1 gram of

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usable carbs and a trace of protein.

Maltitol-Splenda ChocolateSauce

I actually think that chocolate saucemade with only maltitol is a little betterthan this, but this version is less likely tocause digestion problems. Anyway,maltitol makes Splenda look cheap! Douse maltitol, not any of the other polyols,in this recipe. When I tried isomalt anderythritol in chocolate sauce, they turnedgrainy on me as they cooled. Maltitolmakes a sauce with an excellent texture.

½ cup (120 ml) water

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2 ounces (55 g) bitter chocolate¼ cup (50 g) maltitol¼ cup (6 g) Splenda3 tablespoons (42 g) butter¼ teaspoon vanillaGuar or xanthan

Put the water and the chocolate in a 4-cup (960-ml) glass measuring cup andmicrowave on high for 45 to 60 seconds.Stir and microwave for another 30seconds or until chocolate is melted.

Stir in the maltitol and microwave onhigh for 1 minute. Stir and microwave onhigh for 1 more minute. Stir in theSplenda, butter, and vanilla— keepstirring until the butter is melted. If youfind the chocolate sauce a trifle thin or if

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you find that a little of the butter refusesto be incorporated into the sauce, usejust a tiny bit of guar or xanthan tothicken further. Serve right away or storein a closed container in the fridge.

Yield: 1 cup (240 ml), or 8 servings of 2tablespoons (30 ml)

Each with 1 g protein; 2 g carbohydrate;1 g dietary fiber; 1 g usable carb. Carbcount does not include maltitol.

Sugar-Free Chocolate Sauce

This is as good as any sugar-basedchocolate sauce you’ve ever had, if I dosay so myself.

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Which I do. Don’t try to make this withSplenda, it won’t work—the polyolsweetener somehow makes the waterand the chocolate combine. It’s eitherchemistry or magic, or some darnedthing.

cup (80 ml) water2 ounces (55 g) bitter baking

chocolate½ cup (100 g) maltitol3 tablespoons (42 g) butter¼ teaspoon vanilla

Put the water and bitter chocolate in alarge glass measuring cup andmicrowave on high for 1 to 1½ minutes

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or until chocolate is melted. Stir in themaltitol and microwave on high foranother 3 minutes, stirring halfwaythrough. Stir in the butter and vanilla andit’s ready to serve (or make into a pie!).

Yield: Makes roughly 1 cup (240 ml), or8 servings of 2 tablespoons (30 g)

Each 2 g carbohydrate and 1 g fiber, notincluding the maltitol, for a usable carbcount of 1 g; 1 g protein.

This worked beautifully with maltitol.However, when I tried to make it witherythritol, it started out fine butcrystallized and turned grainy as itcooled—though it would still have beenokay used hot over ice cream, it

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wouldn’t have worked for the frozenpies in this chapter.

Dipping Chocolate

12 ounces (340 g) sugar-free darkchocolate

2 tablespoons (30 ml) sugar-freeimitation honey or 2tablespoons (25 g) polyolsweetener

2 tablespoons (30 ml) heavycream

¼ cup plus 1 tablespoon (75 ml)water

In a double boiler over hot but not

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boiling water, melt the chocolate. Stir inthe sugar-free imitation honey, thecream, and the water. Keep hot overwater while dipping cookies, fruit, orwhat have you.

Yield: It’s hard to know how manythings you’re going to dip!

But assuming you make 36 ChocolateDip cookies (page 507), or dip threedozen strawberries, the dip will add toeach of them trace protein; tracecarbohydrate; trace dietary fiber; nousable carbs. Carb count does notinclude polyols in the sugar-freechocolate.

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Cream Cheese Frosting

This is my sister’s recipe. It’s good onthe Zucchini-Carrot Cake (page 509) orthe Gingerbread (page 511).

¾ cup (180 ml) heavy cream,chilled

1 package (8 ounces, or 225 g)cream cheese, softened

½ cup (12 g) Splenda1 teaspoon vanilla

Whip the heavy cream until it’s stiff.In a separate bowl, beat the cream

cheese until very smooth and then beat inthe Splenda and vanilla. Turn the mixerto its lowest speed and blend in the

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whipped cream. Then turn off the mixer,quick!

Yield: 9 servings

Each with 3 grams of carbohydrates, nofiber, and 2 grams of protein.

Whipped Topping

This has a wonderful flavor and texture.

1 cup (240 ml) heavy cream, wellchilled

1 tablespoon (10 g) vanilla sugar-free instant pudding powder

Simply whip them together until the

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cream is stiff. The pudding adds a verynice texture and helps the whippedcream “stand up.” It also adds a slightlyvanilla/sweet flavor to the cream, ofcourse.

Yield: This makes about 2 cups (480ml), or 16 2 tablespoon (30 ml) servings

Each with only a trace carbohydrate, nofiber, and a trace protein.

This is incredible with berries as asimple but elegant dessert. I like to servestrawberries and whipped cream in mynice chip-and-dip dish—it looks sopretty! And it makes the whole thingengagingly informal. This whippedtopping is also great on any dessert and

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terrific on Irish coffee!

Angel-Type Coconut

You’ll need this to make theextraordinary dessert we call BetterThan S-X (page 548) and several othersin this book! You could use it over freshfruit, for that matter, or anywhere youthink a little coconut might be nice.

3 tablespoons (40 g) polyolsweetener

cup (80 ml) boiling water2 cups (140 g) shredded coconut


In a medium-size mixing bowl, dissolve

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the polyol sweetener in water. Stir in thecoconut, making sure the coconut isevenly damp. Cover the bowl and let itsit for 10 to 15 minutes.

Yield: 2 cups (180 g), or 16 servings of2 tablespoons each

Each with trace protein; 2 gcarbohydrate; 1 g dietary fiber; 1 gusable carb. Carb count does not includepolyol sweetener.

Cinnamon Splenda Nuts

This is a nice little nibble to pass aroundwith coffee.

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2 tablespoons (28 g) butter1 cup (120 g) shelled walnuts,

pecans, or a combination of thetwo

1½ to 2 tablespoons (2 to 3 g)Splenda

½ teaspoon cinnamon

Melt the butter in a heavy skillet overmedium heat and then add the nuts. Cookfor 5 to 6 minutes, stirring from time totime. Turn off the heat and immediatelysprinkle the Splenda and cinnamon overthe top and stir to distribute. (If you waitfor the nuts to cool, the Splenda doesn’tstick nearly so well.) I like these bestwarm, although they’re still quite nicewhen cooled.

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Yield: 4 or 5 servings (remember, this isjust a nibble)

Assuming 4 servings, each will have 5grams of carbohydrates and 2 grams offiber, for a total of 3 grams of usablecarbs and 5 grams of protein.

Easy Low-Carb Fudge

This recipe had a very special tester—my 7-year-old friend Austin McIntosh.He gives this recipe a 10. His mom,Julie, who helped, says it’s quite easy todo and really is doable for kids,especially since no heat is involved. Shealso says it’s good without the nuts, too!

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1 pound (455 g) cream cheese,softened

2 ounces (55 g) bitter chocolate,melted

½ cup (12 g) Splenda1 teaspoon vanilla extract½ (65 g) cup chopped walnuts or


Beat the cream cheese until smooth andthen beat in the chocolate, Splenda, andvanilla. Stir in the chopped nuts.

Line an 8 × 8-inch (20 × 20-cm) panwith foil and smooth the cream cheesemixture into it. Chill well and then cut insquares. Store in the fridge

Yield: 64 1-inch (2.5-cm) squares

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Each with 1 g protein; 1 g carbohydrate;trace dietary fiber; 1 gram carbohydrate.

Peach Ice Cream

This isn’t dirt-low in carbs, but it’sastonishingly delicious, with a fabulous,creamy texture. If you make only onefrozen dessert from this book, make thisone.

16 ounces (480 ml) peach-flavored Fruit2O

1 tablespoon (7 g) unflavoredgelatin

2 cups (400 grams) sliced peaches(Unsweetened frozen peach

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slices work great.)¼ cup (60 ml) lemon juice

cup (8 g) Splenda2 cups (480 ml) heavy cream,

chilled3 tablespoons (30 g) sugar-free

vanilla pudding mix

Pour the Fruit2O into a nonreactivesaucepan and turn the heat underneath tomedium-low. Sprinkle the gelatin overthe top. Stir with a whisk as the mixtureheats, making sure all the gelatindissolves.

Add the peaches, lemon juice, andSplenda to the gelatin mixture andsimmer for about 10 minutes or until thepeaches are just getting tender. Transfer

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the mixture to a blender (this assumesyour blender can take the heat—if itcan’t, let the mixture cool a bit first) andpulse the blender a few times—you wantto leave some small chunks of peach,rather than puréeing everythingcompletely smooth.

Let the peach mixture cool until it’sroom temperature—it should be syrupybut not gelled for the next step.

Pour the chilled heavy cream into alarge mixing bowl and add the puddingmix. Whip with an electric mixer untilthe cream stands in soft peaks. Turn themixer to low and beat in thepeach/gelatin mixture. Beat only longenough to get everything blended andthen turn off the mixer.

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Pour the whole thing into an ice creamfreezer. (This actually was a bit toomuch mixture for my freezer, so we hadto eat the little bit left over unfrozen.This was not a hardship.) Freezeaccording to the directions that comewith the freezer and then serve.

If you have leftover Peach Ice Cream,let it soften at room temperature for atleast 15 minutes before serving—it’slikely to be unappealingly hard straightout of the freezer.

Yield: Makes about 1½ quarts (1.4 L),or roughly 10 servings, assuming you’reusing self-restraint, which is actually abad bet.

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Assuming you manage to share, and notpig out, each serving will have about 10grams of carbohydrate, with 1 gram offiber, for a usable carb count of 9 grams;2 grams protein.

Vanilla Frozen Custard

This is so rich and delicious! Thepolyols in this help to keep it fromfreezing like a rock—which it would ifyou used Splenda instead. Try serving itwith the Sugar-Free Chocolate Sauce(page 551).

6 eggs2 cups (480 ml) half-and-half½ cup (100 g) polyol sweetener

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3 tablespoons (45 ml) sugar-freeimitation honey

¼ teaspoon salt2 cups (480 ml) whipping cream,

chilled1 tablespoon (15 ml) vanilla


In a medium saucepan, beat together theeggs, half-and-half, sweetener, honey,and salt. Cook over low heat, stirringconstantly (don’t quit or you’ll get veryrich scrambled eggs!), until the mixtureis thick enough to coat a metal spoon andhas reached at least 160°F (75°C).

Cool quickly by setting the pan in iceor cold water and stirring until it’s justbarely warm—this prevents trapped

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steam from making the custard watery.Cover and refrigerate until thoroughlychilled, at least 1 hour.

When you’re ready to freeze thecustard, use an electric mixer to whipthe cream with the vanilla until it standsin soft peaks. Turn the mixer to low andbeat in the custard, running the mixer justenough longer to blend well. Pour themixture into the ice cream freezer andfreeze according to the directions thatcame with the freezer; then serve.

Yield: Makes between 1½ and 2 quarts(1.4 to 1.9 L), or 10 servings, at least!

Assuming 10 servings, each will have 8grams of carbohydrate, not counting

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polyols; 6 grams protein.

Lime-Vanilla Sherbet

In Ray Bradbury’s extraordinary novelDandelion Wine, the characters, visitingan ice cream parlor, choose the unusualflavor “Lime-Vanilla Ice.” Consider this my tribute to one of thegreatest American novels of thetwentieth century.

1 package (4-serving size) sugar-free lime gelatin

2 cups (480 ml) boiling waterJuice and grated rind of 1 lime5 tablespoons (7.5 g) Splenda

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2 cups (460 g) plain yogurt¼ cup (30 g) vanilla whey protein

powder2 teaspoons vanilla extract

If your blender can take the heat,combine the gelatin and boiling water inthe blender container and whir todissolve the gelatin. If your blendercan’t take the heat, stir the two togetherin a heatproof container until the gelatinis completely dissolved and then let themixture cool to the point where yourblender can handle it but the whole thingis still liquid. Pour it into the blenderand turn it on to a low speed. Add theother ingredients, one at a time, addingthe yogurt in several additions to avoid

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overwhelming the blender.When everything’s well blended, let

the whole thing cool until it’s starting toget really syrupy. Pour into an ice creamfreezer and freeze according to thedirections.

Yield: 8 servings

Each serving will have 5 grams ofcarbohydrate, a trace of fiber, and 5grams of protein.

Lime-Honeydew-Ginger Ice

This is light, refreshing, and brilliantgreen.

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1 package (4-serving size) sugar-free lime gelatin

2 cups (480 ml) boiling water2 cups (310 g) honeydew melon,

cubed1½ tablespoons (9 g) gratedginger Juice and grated rind of 1


Assuming that you have a blender thatcan deal with boiling water, put thegelatin and the boiling water in yourblender and whirl until the gelatin iscompletely dissolved. If your blenderwon’t take the heat, whisk the water andthe gelatin together in a bowl insteaduntil the gelatin is completely dissolved.Let it cool to a temperature your blender

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can take before you do the next step.If you’ve used a bowl to dissolve

your gelatin, pour it into the blendernow, turn it on, and add the honeydew, afew chunks at a time. When thehoneydew is all puréed, add the gingerand lime juice, let it whirl anothercouple of seconds, and then turn off theblender.

Put the blender container in the fridgeand chill until it’s starting to thicken up.Pour it into an ice cream freezer andfollow the directions until the mixture isfrozen; then serve. Or you can do this intraditional granita form, which is tofreeze it in a shallow pan and scrape itwith a fork every 20 to 30 minutes as itfreezes to separate the crystals.

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You can just pour this into dessertcups and let it chill as a gelatin dessertinstead, if you prefer.

Yield: 8 servings

Each serving will have 4 grams of carb,a trace of fiber, and a trace of protein.

Lemon Sherbet

This recipe is low-carb, low-fat, low-calorie—and delicious!

1 package (4-serving size) sugar-free lemon gelatin

2 cups (480 ml) boiling water2 cups (460 g) plain yogurt

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2 teaspoons lemon extract3 tablespoons (4.5 g) Splenda¼ cup (30 g) vanilla whey protein


Put the gelatin powder in a blender andadd the water. Blend for 20 seconds orjust long enough to dissolve the gelatin.

Add the other ingredients and blendwell. Put the blender container in therefrigerator and let it chill for 10 to 15minutes. Take it out and blend it againfor about 10 seconds, chill it for another10 to 15 minutes, and then give it anotherquick blend it when it’s done chilling.

Pour the sherbet mixture into a homeice cream freezer and freeze accordingto the directions.

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Yield: 8 servings of ½ cup (120 ml)—but just try to eat only ½ cup! Just try!

Each serving has 2.5 grams ofcarbohydrates (if you use the GO-Dietfigure of 4 grams of carbs in a cup ofplain yogurt); even if you go with thecount on the label, this only has 4 gramsof carbohydrates per serving, no fiber,and 9 grams of protein.

Orange Sherbet

Isn’t orange everybody’s favorite flavorof sherbet?

1 package (4-serving) sugar-freeorange gelatin

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2 cups (480 ml) boiling water2 cups (460 g) plain yogurt5 tablespoons (7.5 g) Splenda¼ cup (30 g) vanilla whey protein

powder2 tablespoons (30 ml) lemonjuice Juice and grated rind of 1


If your blender can take the heat,combine the gelatin and boiling water inthe blender container and whir todissolve the gelatin. If your blendercan’t take the heat, stir the two togetherin a heatproof container until the gelatinis completely dissolved and then let themixture cool to the point where yourblender can handle it but the whole thing

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is still liquid. Pour it into the blenderand turn it on to a low speed. Add theother ingredients, one at a time, addingthe yogurt in several additions to avoidoverwhelming the blender.

When everything’s well blended, letthe whole thing cool until it’s starting toget really syrupy. Pour into an ice creamfreezer and freeze according to thedirections.

Yield: 8 servings

Each serving will have 5 grams ofcarbohydrate, a trace of fiber, and 5grams protein.

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AAbsolutely Classic Barbecued

Chicken, 302Absolutely Classic Barbecued

Ribs, 435Adam’s Chocolate Birthday Cake,

510Aegean Chicken, 320Aioli, 242, 479Aioli Fish Bake, 260Alabama White Sauce, 470–471Albondigas, 432alfalfa sprouts, 89, 139–140

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All-Meat Chili, 371almond butter, 23, 500Almond Pancake and Waffle Mix,

125–126Almond-Parmesan Crust, 136almondsAlmond Cookies, 500Almond-Parmesan Crust, 136Almond-Stuffed Flounder Rolls

with Orange Butter Sauce,263–264

Better Than S-X! 548–549Cherry Chops, 413Chicken-Almond “Rice,” 214–215Chicken-Almond Stir-Fry, 331–332Chicken with Camembert and

Almonds, 338–339Cinnamon Almond Crust, 523–524

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Cinnamon Hot Cereal, 132Cinnamon Raisin Bread, 118Crisp Chocolate Crust, 521Dana’s Snack Mix, 68Dukkah, 62Ginger-Almond Chicken Salad, 158Ginger Almond Crust, 524Gingerbread, 511–512“Graham” Crust, 524Granola, 131ground, 15–16, 22Hot Almond Cereal, 131–132Mom’s Oatmeal Molasses Bread,

116Oatmeal Cookies, 504–505Orange Swordfish Steaks with

Almonds, 275–276Ranch Mix, 69

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Seed Bread, 115–116Sesame-Almond Napa Slaw, 155–

156Simple Almond Crust, 522Slow Cooker Chicken Mole, 312–

313Smoked Almonds, 67Spinach-Strawberry Salad, 139Sweet-and-Salty Almond Crust,

523Sweet and Sour Shrimp, 292–293Almost Lobster Bisque, 207Amazing Barbecue Rub, 491American cheese, 74–75, 281Anaheim chili peppers, 270–271anchovies, 138, 216, 245–246,

261–262, 318, 389andouille sausage, 196–197, 284

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Angel-Type Coconut, 553. See alsococonut

anise seed, 78–79antipasto, 75appetizers, 52–80. See also dips;

snacksCajun Eggs, 57–58Chili Lime Wings, 54Chinese Peanut Wings, 53–54Chinese Sticky Wings, 54Cocktail Ham Tartlets, 77Colombo Meatballs with Jerk

Sauce, 78–79Country-Style Paté, 62–63Crab and Bacon Bundles, 77Cranberry Barbecue Meatballs, 78Easy Party Shrimp, 76–77Fried Cheese, 73

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Garlic Cheese Stuffed Mushrooms,64–65

Hammond Eggs, 57Heroin Wings, 53Lemon-Mustard Chicken Wings, 55Lemon Soy Chicken Wings, 55Marinated Mushrooms, 64Onion Eggs, 56Orange Smokies, 80Pickled Shrimp, 76Southwestern Stuffed Eggs, 56Spinach Stuffed Mushrooms, 65Stilton Eggs, 57Tuna Egg Waldorf, 165Tuna Paté, 63Tuna Puffs, 63–64Turkey-Parmesan Stuffed

Mushrooms, 66

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Two-Cheese Tuna-StuffedMushrooms, 65–66

Zippy Cocktail Dogs, 79Apple, Bacon, and Blue Cheese

Omelet, 83Apple Cheddar Pork Burgers, 429–

430Apple-Glazed Pork Chops, 413–

414Apple-Maple Brined Ribs, 435–

436Apple-Mustard Pork Steaks, 417Apple Pie Smoothie, 34–35apples, 83, 157, 190, 239, 254–

255, 351, 413–414, 429–430,435–436, 444

Apple Sausage Burgers, 444Apple Walnut Dressing, 254–255

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Apricosen und Horseradish BBQSauce, 473

Apricot-Bourbon Chicken, 330Apricot-Chipotle Glaze, 452–453,

482Apricot Custard, 542Apricot Ginger Dipping Sauce, 478apricot preserves, 25Apricosen und Horseradish BBQ

Sauce, 473Apricot-Bourbon Chicken, 330Apricot-Chipotle Glaze, 482Apricot Custard, 542–543Apricot Ginger Dipping Sauce, 478Apricot-Rosemary Glazed Chicken

Breasts, 330–331Apricot White Wine Sauce, 476Crunchy Peking Burgers, 364

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Ham-Pecan Salad with ApricotDressing, 167

Pork Roast with Apricot Sauce,424–425

Rosemary-Ginger Ribs withApricot Glaze, 406

Spiced-Rubbed Leg of Lamb withApricot-Chipotle Glaze, 452–453

artichokesantipasto, 75Artichoke and Friends Frittata, 94–

95Artichoke Chicken Salad, 157Artichoke Mushroom Frittata, 94Artichoke-Mushroom Pork, 420–

421Artichoke Parmesan Dip, 58

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Artichoke Parmesan Omelet, 86Artichoke Prosciutto Salad, 167–

168Artichoke Soup, 179Basic Artichokes, 244Chicken and Artichoke Skillet,

316–317Chicken with Thyme and

Artichokes, 316–317French Country Scramble, 101–102Fried Artichokes, 244–245Inauthentic Bulgogi Steak, 383–384Shrimp and Artichoke “Risotto,”

289Spinach Artichoke Dip, 58artificial sweeteners, 8Ashton, Honey, 42Asian Chicken Salad, 159–160

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Asian Dipping Sauce, 348, 478Asian Ginger Slaw, 155Asian Pork and Cabbage, 420Asian Punks, 69–70Asian Slow Cooker Short Ribs,

404–405Asian Turkey Burgers, 353Asparagi all’Uovo, 104–105asparagusAsparagi all’Uovo, 104–105Asparagus Bacon Bundles, 242–

243Asparagus Pecandine, 243Asparagus with Aioli and

Parmesan, 242Asparagus with Curried Walnut

Butter, 242Asparagus with Sun-Dried

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Tomatoes, 244Chicken with Asparagus and

Gruyère, 317Grilled Asparagus with Balsamic

Vinegar, 241Grilled Sesame Asparagus, 243–

244Microwaved Fish and Asparagus

with TarragonMustard Sauce, 260–261Omelet Cordon Bleu, 92Spring Chicken Soup, 187–188Springtime Scramble, 99Stir-Fried Scallops and Asparagus,

295aspartame, 24Autumn Salad, 138avocados, 29

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Avocado, Egg, and Blue CheeseSalad, 152–153

Avocado Cheese Dip Omelet, 90Avocado Cheese Dips, 61California Omelet, 89California Soup, 178Cauliflower Avocado Salad, 143Ceviche, 259“Clean the Fridge” Omelet, 91Guacamole, 59Shrimp and Avocado Salad, 165–

166Sopa Aguacate, 182Sopa Azteca, 191Sopa Tlalpeno, 189Summer Treat Spinach Salad, 139–

140Taco Salad, 163

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Thai Cobb Salad, 160–161Thai-Style Crab Salad in

Avocados, 165

Bbacon, 98Apple, Bacon, and Blue Cheese

Omelet, 83Asparagus Bacon Bundles, 242–

243Bacon, Tomato, and Cauliflower

Salad, 151Bacon-Cheese Dip, 60–61Bacon Chili Burgers, 366Bacon-Wrapped Grilled Trout, 278Bavarian Cabbage, 239Beef and Bacon “Rice” with Pine

Nuts, 215–216

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Blue Bacon Burgers, 365Broccoli-Bacon-Colby Quiche, 110Broccoli with Bacon and Pine

Nuts, 251–252Cheater’s Chowder, 205–206Chicken Minestrone, 188Classic Spinach Salad, 139Club Omelet, 85Company Dinner “Rice,” 212–213Country-Style Paté, 62–63Crab and Bacon Bundles, 77Crunchy Snow Pea Salad, 147Green Beans a la Carbonara, 233Jamaican Pepperpot Soup, 201–

202Lemon-Maple Scallop Kebabs,

296–297Little Mama’s Side Dish, 219

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Low-Carb BBQ Baked Beans,255–256

Low-Carb Rosy Radish Salad, 148Manhattan Clam Chowder, 204Mushrooms with Bacon, Sun-Dried

Tomatoes, and Cheese, 223Napa Mint Slaw, 154Nutty Brussels Sprouts, 234Orange, Avocado, and Bacon

Salad, 140Orange Bacon Dressing, 173Oysters en Brochette, 297–298Pan-Barbecued Sea Bass, 267Quiche Lorraine, 109Rodeo Eggs, 105Snow Pea Salad Wraps, 146–147Spaghetti Squash Carbonara, 252–


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Sweet-and-Sour Cabbage, 239Turkey Club Puff, 108bacon grease, 99–100, 230Bacon-Wrapped Grilled Trout, 278‘Baga Fries, 235Baked Orange Roughy, 262–263Baked Sole in Creamy Curry

Sauce, 264bamboo shoots, 111, 199banana peppers, 408–409Barbecued Lamb Steaks, 457Barbecued Peanuts, 71barbecue dry rub, 296–297, 314,

433, 435, 486Barbecue Green Beans, 229barbecue sauces, 467–474Basic Artichokes, 244basil

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Artichoke Prosciutto Salad, 167–168

Basil Beef Stir-Fry, 381–382Chicken with Root Vegetables,

Cabbage, and Herbs, 338Chili-Glazed Meat Loaf, 376Herbed Green Beans, 229Italian Vinaigrette Dressing, 169–

170Lamb Stew Provençal, 460Mozzarella Salad, 152New Orleans Gold, 485–486Sopa Azteca, 191Submarine Salad, 168Sun-Dried Tomato-Basil

Vinaigrette, 171Thai-ish Chicken Basil Stir-Fry,


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Turkey-Parmesan StuffedMushrooms, 66

Zucchini-Crusted Pizza, 225–226Basil Beef Stir-Fry, 381–382Bavarian Cabbage, 239beans. See also specific kinds of

beansbean sprouts, 111, 224, 368, 418–

419beef, 362–409Albondigas, 432All-Meat Chili, 371Asian Slow Cooker Short Ribs,

404–405Balsamic-Olive Beef Kebabs, 384Balsamic Pot Roast, 399Basil Beef Stir-Fry, 381–382Beef and Zucchini Stew, 408

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Beef Burgundy, 395Beef Carbonnade, 384–385Beef in Beer, 397–398Beef with Asian Mushroom Sauce,

398Bleu Burger, 363Blue Bacon Burgers, 365Bodacious Brined and Barbecued

Beef Brisket, 402–403Bollito Misto, 195–196Carne all’Ungherese, 407–408Carne Asada Steak, 391–392Chef’s Salad, 141Chili-Glazed Meat Loaf, 376Chipotle Brisket, 403–404Chipotle Cheeseburgers, 363Chuckwagon Steak, 387Comfort Food Casserole, 378

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corned beef, 396, 397Costa Braza Steak, 389Cranberry Meatballs, 379–380Crunchy Peking Burgers, 364Cube Steaks in Gravy, 394Easy Tomato-Beef Soup, 200Fajita Omelet, 84–85Firehouse Chili, 371–372Ginger Beef, 399–400Ginger Marinated Chuck, 390–391Ground Beef “Helper,” 367–368Ground Beef Stir-Fry, 368–369Hamburger Chop Suey, 368Homestyle Meat Loaf, 375Inauthentic Bulgogi Steak, 382–383Inauthentic Machaca Eggs, 97–98Italian Roast Beef Salad, 168–169Jamaican Pepperpot Soup, 201–

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202Joe, 370Lone Star Brisket, 402Low-Carb Swiss Loaf, 376–377Maple-Glazed Corned Beef with

Vegetables, 397Marinated Sirloin, 392Meatza! 369–370Mexiburgers, 364Mexicali Meat Loaf, 375–376Mexican Beef and Bean Soup, 202Mexican Cabbage Soup, 201Mexican Stew, 407Mom’s 1960s Chicken, Redux,

344–345My Grandma’s Standby Casserole,

377–378New England Boiled Dinner, 396

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Orange Tequila Steak, 391Oxtails Pontchartrain, 408–409Paprika Burgers, 364–365Peking Slow-Cooker Pot Roast,

398–399Pepperoncini Beef, 401Pepper Steak with Whiskey Sauce,

385Pizza Burger, 366Poor Man’s Poivrade, 365–366Portobello Fillets, 389–390ribs, 404–406, 406Roman Stew, 406–407Ropa Vieja, 380–381Ropa Vieja Hash, 381Rosemary-Ginger Ribs with

Apricot Glaze, 406Salisbury Steak, 386–387

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Sauerbrauten, 401–402Sesame Orange Beef, 382Short Ribs with Wine and

Mushrooms, 405–406Simple Salsa Beef, 395–396Skillet Stroganoff, 367Sloppy José, 370–371Smoky Marinated Steak, 393Smothered Burgers, 363–364Southwestern Steak, 385–386Southwestern Stuffed Peppers, 372Spanish “Rice,” 372Spicy Orange Meatballs, 379Steak au Poivre with Brandy

Cream, 393–394Steak Diane, 387–388Steak with Brandy-Stilton Cream

Sauce, 388–389

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Swedish Meatballs, 380Swiss Steak, 394–395Taco Omelet, 84Thai Beef Lettuce Wraps, 372–373Ultra Meat Sauce, 366–367Unstuffed Cabbage, 373Uptown Chuck, 388Yankee Pot Roast, 400–401Zucchini Meat Loaf Italiano, 377beer, 20, 50, 183–184, 291, 397–

398, 481bell peppers. See specific bell

peppersberries, 539–540. See also specific

berriesBetter Than Bouillon, 23Better Than S-X! 548–549beverages, 33–51

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alcoholic, 44–51Almond Joy in a Glass, 37Apple Pie Smoothie, 34–35Black Russian, 46Blueberry Pancakes in a Glass, 36Café Chantilly, 42–43Café Incontro, 44Café Vienna, 43Cantaloupe-Watermelon Smash, 35Chai, 41Cherry Vanilla Sundae in a Glass,

35Chocolate Orange Coffee, 43–44cocktails, 47–51Cocoa, 41coffee drinks, 42–44, 45–46Cooked Eggnog, 40–41Creamy Vanilla Coffee, 42

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Cuba Libre, 51Cyndy Riser’s Spiced Tea, 39Daiquiri, 47Dana Massey’s Low-Carb

Strawberry Daiquiris, 48Dark and Stormy, 50Death by Chocolate, 37–38Eggiweggnog, 40eggnog, 40–41Farmer’s Soda, 39Florida Sunshine Smoothie, 34Frozen White Russian, 47Gin Rickey, 47–51Hard Lemonade, 49Hazelnut-Amaretto Frozen Latte, 37Honeydew Lime Cooler, 34Hot Cinnamon Mocha, 42Irish Coffee, 42

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Kay’s Hot Rum Toddy, 44–45The King’s Smoothie, 36–37Laure’s Homemade LC “Bailey’s

Mae,” 45Margarita Fizz, 48Mexican Coffee, 43Mockahlua, 46Mojito, 49Peach-Orange Pleasure, 34Razzleberry Smoothie, 35–36Root Beer Float, 38Salty Dog, 50Sangria, 51Seabreeze Sunrise, 48Shandy, 50Strawberry-Kiwi Sparkler, 36Sweet Tea, 39–40tea, 39–40

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Wine Cooler, 49–50Wine Spritzer, 49Big Bad Beef Rib Rub, 488Big Italian Restaurant Dressing,

170biscuits, 120–121Black and Bleu Chicken, 337black bean paste, 420black beans, 181blackberries, 539–540Blackbottomed Mockahlua

Cheesecake, 515–516Black Forest Parfaits, 540black pepper. See pepperBlack Russian, 46black soybeans, 13, 188Chicken Minestrone, 188Easy Southwestern Pork Stew, 428

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Firehouse Chili, 371–372Lamb Stew Provençal, 460Low-Carb BBQ Baked Beans,

255–256Mexican Beef and Bean Soup, 202Mexican Stew, 407Sopa de Frijoles Negros, 181Tuscan Chicken, 317–318blackstrap molasses, 25Beer-Molasses Marinade, 481Bourbon-Molasses Barbecue

Sauce, 470Duck Sauce, 465Gingerbread, 511–512Gingersnaps, 502Hermits, 503–504“Honey” Mustard Ham, 441–442Marco Polo Marinade, 481

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Mom’s Oatmeal Molasses Bread,116

Orange-Tangerine Up-the-ButtChicken, 303–304

Sweet and Sour Pork, 418Sweet and Spicy Shrimp, 292bland oils, 14Bleu Burger, 363Blintzlets, 93blood sugar, 9, 26Blue Bacon Burgers, 365blueberries, 36Blueberry Pancakes in a Glass, 36blue cheese, 57, 67–68, 83, 138,

152–153, 174, 182–183, 216–217, 220, 241, 337, 363, 365

Blue Slaw, 241Bob’s Red Mill almond meal, 15

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Bob’s Red Mill vital wheat gluten,19

Bodacious Beef Brisket Beer, 402–403

Bodacious Beef Brisket Mop, 489Bodacious Beef Brisket Rub, 402–

403, 488–489Bodacious Brined and Barbecued

Beef Brisket, 402–403bok choy, 159–160, 200Bollito Misto, 195–196bouillon, 23bourbon, 45, 330, 385, 438–439,

470, 491Braised Pork with Fennel, 423–424Braised Turkey Wings with

Mushrooms, 355Bran Crackers, 135–136

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brandy, 45, 292, 387–389, 393–394, 408–409

brans, 15. See also specific bransBraunschweiger Omelet, 92bread puddings, 549b r e a d s , 114– 1 3 6 . See also

crackers; pancakesbiscuits, 120–121Buttermilk Bran Muffins, 128–129Buttermilk Drop Biscuits, 120–121Cinnamon Raisin Bread, 118Cranberry Nut Muffins, 129–130Dinner Rolls, 120English Muffins, 121French Toast, 121–122Maple Oat Bread, 116–117Mom’s Oatmeal Molasses Bread,


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muffins, 128–129Poppy Seed Bread, 117Pumpkin Muffins, 130–131rolls, 120Rye Bread, 118Seed Bread, 115–116Sesame Seed Bread, 117Sour Cream, Lemon, and Poppy

Seed Muffins, 129White Bread, 115“Whole Wheat” Bread, 115Zucchini Bread, 118–119breakfast dishes. See also eggsAlmond Pancake and Waffle Mix,

125–126Cinnamon Hot Cereal, 132Cranberry Nut Muffins, 129–130Crunchy Protein Waffles, 126–127

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Exceedingly Crisp Waffles, 127–128

French Toast, 121–122Gingerbread Waffles, 127Granola, 131Hot Almond Cereal, 131–132Kim’s Dutch Baby, 122–123muffins, 128–131Oat Bran Pancakes, 124Pancakes from Almond Mix, 125–

126Perfect Protein Pancakes, 123–124Pumpkin Muffins, 130–131Sour Cream, Lemon, and Poppy

Seed Muffins, 129waffles, 126–128Waffles from Almond Mix, 126“Whole Wheat” Buttermilk

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Pancakes, 123Zucchini Pancakes, 124–125Brie, 71, 72, 140–141Brined, Jerked Red Snapper, 269Brined Lemon Pepper Shrimp,

286–287broccoliBalsamic Veggie Packet, 236–237Broccoli-Bacon-Colby Quiche, 110Broccoli Blue Cheese Soup, 182–

183Broccoli Dijon, 250–251Broccoli Piquant, 250Broccoli Salad, 146Broccoli with Bacon and Pine

Nuts, 251–252Broccoli with Lemon Butter, 249Ginger Stir-Fry Broccoli, 251

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Grilled Broccoli Salad, 250Ground Beef Stir-Fry, 368–369Italian Tuna Soup, 203Shrimp Alfredo, 285–286Swiss Cheese and Broccoli Soup,

183Broiled Grapefruit, 534Broiled Marinated Whiting, 266Broiled Orange Chili Lobster, 297broth. See also specific kinds of

brothbroth concentrates, 23broths, 20, 23Brownie Mocha Fudge Pie, 530–

531brownies, 508–509Brussels sprouts, 233–235Bubble and Squeak, 211–212

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burgers, 363Apple Cheddar Pork Burgers, 429–

430Apple Sausage Burgers, 444Asian Turkey Burgers, 353Bacon Chili Burgers, 366Bleu Burger, 363Blue Bacon Burgers, 365Chipotle Cheeseburgers, 363Crunchy Peking Burgers, 364Ham and Pork Burgers, 430Kofta Burgers, 447Luau Burgers, 431Mexiburgers, 364Orange Lamb Burgers, 447–448Paprika Burgers, 364–365Pizza Burger, 366Poor Man’s Poivrade, 365–366

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Smothered Burgers, 363–364Thai Turkey Burgers, 353Turkey Feta Burgers, 352–353butter, 14, 249Butter Cookies, 499Buttered Salmon with Creole

Seasonings, 272–273butter lettuce, 142buttermilk, 32, 120–121, 123, 124,

127–129, 174–175, 343Butter-Pecan Cheesecake, 516–517

Ccabbage. See also sauerkrautAsian Chicken Salad, 159–160Asian Ginger Slaw, 155Asian Pork and Cabbage, 420Bavarian Cabbage, 239

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Blue Slaw, 241Bubble and Squeak, 211–212Chicken Sancocho, 310–311Chicken with Root Vegetables,

Cabbage, and Herbs, 338Coleslaw, 153–154Coleslaw for Company, 154Confetti UnSlaw, 156–157Curried Swordfish and Cabbage,

277Dragon’s Teeth, 239–240Eggs Fu Yong, 111Ginger-Almond Chicken Salad, 158Indian Cabbage, 238Lemon Slaw, 156Maple-Glazed Corned Beef with

Vegetables, 397Mexican Cabbage Soup, 201

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Napa Mint Slaw, 154New England Boiled Dinner, 396Pork with Cabbage, 425–426Roasted Cabbage with Balsamic

Vinegar, 240–241Sesame-Almond Napa Slaw, 155–

156Spicy Peanut Slaw, 155Sweet-and-Sour Cabbage, 239Thai Stir-Fried Cabbage, 240Unstuffed Cabbage, 373Caesar Dressing, 175–176Café Chantilly, 42–43Café Incontro, 44Café Vienna, 43Cajun Barbecued Pork, 434Cajun Chicken Salad, 157–158Cajun Eggs, 57–58

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Cajun Rib Mop, 434, 490Cajun Rub, 434, 490Cajun Sauce, 474–475Cajun Skillet Shrimp, 284–285cakes. See also browniesAdam’s Chocolate Birthday Cake,

510Blackbottomed Mockahlua

Cheesecake, 515–516Butter-Pecan Cheesecake, 516–517Cheesecake to Go with Fruit, 513Chocolate Cheesecake, 512Chocolate Chocolate Chip

Cheesecake, 516Gingerbread, 511–512Grasshopper Cheesecake, 517–518Italian Walnut Cake, 511Lime Cheesecake with Ginger

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Almond Crust, 513–514Margarita No-Bake Cheesecake,

514Mochaccino Cheesecake, 518–519New York–Style Cheesecake, 519Peanut Butter Cheesecake, 519–520Sunshine Cheesecake, 515Zucchini-Carrot Cake, 509–510California Omelet, 89California Soup, 178California Tuna Fritters, 282–283Camembert cheese, 338–339canola oil, 14cantaloupe, 35, 75, 139–140, 534Cantaloupe-Watermelon Smash, 35capacolla, 168capers, 261–262, 325–326, 476Cape Town Lamb Steaks, 458–459

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caraway seeds, 118Carb Countdown dairy beverage,

20–21carb counts, 7–9, 11carbohydrate intolerance, 8carbohydrates, 10, 11cardamom, 41, 44–45, 543–544Caribbean Slow Cooker Lamb, 453Carne all’Ungherese, 407–408Carne Asada Steak, 391–392Carnitas, 432Carolina Pulled Pork, 433

Carpender, DanaHow I Gave Up My Low Fat Diet

and Lost Forty Pounds! 6Lowcarbezine! 7, 25carrots, 29

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Asian Chicken Salad, 159–160Asian Ginger Slaw, 155Asian Slow Cooker Short Ribs,

404–405Beef Carbonnade, 384–385Bollito Misto, 195–196Bubble and Squeak, 211–212Chicken and Dumplings, 342Chicken Minestrone, 188Chicken Sancocho, 310–311Chicken Soup with Wild Rice,

192–193Chicken with Root Vegetables,

Cabbage, and Herbs, 338Chili-Glazed Meat Loaf, 376Coleslaw for Company, 154Confetti UnSlaw, 156–157Ginger-Almond Chicken Salad, 158

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Hobo Packet, 218Instant Chicken Soup, 192Japanese Fried “Rice,” 214Lemon Slaw, 156Manhattan Clam Chowder, 204Maple-Glazed Corned Beef with

Vegetables, 397Mulligatawny, 190Oxtails Pontchartrain, 408–409Pork Roast with Creamy Mushroom

Gravy and Vegetables, 425Pork Stew, 426–427Ropa Vieja, 380–381Seafood Chowder, 204–205Simple Salsa Beef, 395–396Slow Cooker Brewery Chicken and

Vegetables, 339Sopa Azteca, 191

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Tavern Soup, 183–184Thai Cobb Salad, 160–161Thai Hot Pot, 335Thai Turkey Burgers, 353Yankee Pot Roast, 400–401Zucchini-Carrot Cake, 509–510Cashew-Crusted Chicken, 312cashews, 68, 69, 147Catalina Dressing, 174catfish, 279, 280, 280–281cauliflowerBacon, Tomato, and Cauliflower

Salad, 151Beef and Bacon “Rice” with Pine

Nuts, 215–216Blue Cheese-Scallion “Risotto,”

216–217Cauliflower, Cheese, and Spinach

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Soup, 185–186Cauliflower Avocado Salad, 143Cauliflower Kugel, 218–219Cauliflower-Mozzarella Salad

Basilico, 151–152Cauliflower-Olive Salad, 144Cauliflower Rice, 212Cauliflower Rice Deluxe, 212Cheater’s Chowder, 205–206Cheddar-Barbeque Fauxtatoes, 210Cheesy Cauliflower Soup, 185Chicken-Almond “Rice,” 214–215Chicken Chili Cheese Salad, 161–

162Chicken Liver and “Rice”

Casserole,” 346Chicken “Risotto” alla Milanese,


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Chicken Sancocho, 310–311Chipotle-Cheese Fauxtatoes, 209–

210Cream of Cauliflower Soup, 184–

185Cream of UnPotato Soup, 186–187Creamy Ham Casserole, 442–443Curried Cauliflower Salad, 150–

151Curried Chicken “Pilau,” 346–347Curried Pork Stew, 427Ensalada de “Arroz,” 144–145Fiery Indian Lamb and

Cauliflower, 450Garlic-Onion Fauxtatoes, 211German UnPotato Soup, 187Gratin of Cauliflower and Turnips,


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Ham and Cheese Salad, 166–167Hobo Packet, 218Instant Chicken Soup, 192Irish Stew, 460–461Italian Garlic and Herb Fauxtatoes,

210Italian Tuna Soup, 203Jansonn’s Temptation, 238Japanese Fried “Rice,” 214Little Mama’s Side Dish, 219Mushroom “Risotto,” 217Nicer Niçoise, 149Not-Quite-Middle-Eastern Salad,

217–218Oriental Chicken, “Rice,” and

Walnut Salad Wrapped inLettuce, 161

Portuguese Soup, 195

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Ranch and Scallion Fauxtatoes, 211Ropa Vieja Hash, 381Saffron “Rice,” 213Seafood Chowder, 204–205Shrimp and Artichoke “Risotto,”

289Sour Cream and Cuke Salad, 143Southwestern UnPotato Salad, 150Spanish “Rice,” 372Thai Beef Lettuce Wraps, 372–373Thai Chicken Bowls, 332–333Thai Hot Pot, 335Tuscan Soup, 194–195The Ultimate Fauxtatoes, 209–210UnPotato and Sausage Soup, 197–

198UnPotato Salad, 149–150UnPotato Tortilla, 96

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Vedgeree, 111–112Venetian “Rice,” 216celeryAsian Ginger Slaw, 155Asian Slow Cooker Short Ribs,

404–405Avocado, Egg, and Blue Cheese

Salad, 152–153Bollito Misto, 195–196Chicken and Andouille Gumbo,

196–197Chicken Chili Cheese Salad, 161–

162Chicken Minestrone, 188Chicken Sancocho, 310–311Chicken Waldorf Salad, 157Comfort Food Casserole, 378Confetti UnSlaw, 156–157

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Creamy Ham Casserole, 442–443Crunchy Snow Pea Salad, 147German UnPotato Soup, 187Ginger Salad Dressing, 173Ground Beef “Helper,” 367–368Hamburger Chop Suey, 368Ham-Pecan Salad with Apricot

Dressing, 167Hobo Packet, 218Homestyle Turkey Loaf, 351Instant Chicken Soup, 192Jerk Chicken Salad, 159Low-Carb Swiss Loaf, 376–377Manhattan Clam Chowder, 204Mozzarella Salad, 152Mulligatawny, 190New England Boiled Dinner, 396Not-Quite-Middle-Eastern Salad,

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217–218Oxtails Pontchartrain, 408–409Peanut Soup, 178–179Roman Mushroom Omelet, 87Roman Stew, 406–407Ropa Vieja, 380–381Sausage Skillet Mix-Up, 446Slow Cooker Brewery Chicken and

Vegetables, 339Snow Pea Salad Wraps, 146–147Sopa Azteca, 191Spicy Sesame “Noodles” with

Vegetables, 253Swiss Steak, 394–395Tavern Soup, 183–184Thai Chicken Bowls, 332–333Tuna Egg Waldorf, 165UnPotato Salad, 149–150

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Yankee Pot Roast, 400–401cereals, 131–132Ceviche, 259Chai, 41Cheater’s Chowder, 205–206Cheddar cheeseApple Cheddar Pork Burgers, 429–

430Avocado Cheese Dip Omelet, 90Avocado Cheese Dips, 61Bacon-Cheese Dip, 60–61Bubble and Squeak, 211–212Cauliflower Kugel, 218–219Cheddar-Barbeque Fauxtatoes, 210Cheese Cookies, 74–75Cheese Sauce, 466Cheesy Cauliflower Soup, 185Cheesy Onion Soup, 186

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Chicken Burritos, 348–349Chili Omelet, 92–93Chorizo Frittata, 96Comfort Food Casserole, 378Country Sausage Skillet Supper,

445Curried Cheese and Olive Omelets,

87Denver Omelet, 86Fried Cheese, 73Ground Beef “Helper,” 367–368Ham and Cheese Puff, 107Hot Crab Dip, 60Hot Dog Scramble, 102–103Macro Cheese Omelet, 83My Grandma’s Standby Casserole,

377–378Rodeo Eggs, 105

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Sausage, Egg, and Cheese Bake,108

Taco Omelet, 84Taco Salad, 163Tavern Soup, 183–184Tuna Melt Casserole, 281Turnips Au Gratin, 237cheese, 11, 73–74, 370–371. See

also specific kinds of cheeseCheese Cookies, 74–75Cheese-Pecan Nibbles, 72–73Cheese Sauce, 466Easy Shrimp in Garlic Herb Cream

Sauce, 286Fried Cheese, 73Garlic Cheese Stuffed Mushrooms,

64–65Macro Cheese Omelet, 83

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Mushrooms with Bacon, Sun-DriedTomatoes, and Cheese, 223

cheesecakesBlackbottomed Mockahlua

Cheesecake, 515–516Butter-Pecan Cheesecake, 516–517Cheesecake to Go with Fruit, 513Chocolate Cheesecake, 512Chocolate Chocolate Chip

Cheesecake, 516Grasshopper Cheesecake, 517–518Lime Cheesecake with Ginger

Almond Crust, 513–514Margarita No-Bake Cheesecake,

514Mochaccino Cheesecake, 518–519New York–Style Cheesecake, 519Peanut Butter Cheesecake, 519–520

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Sunshine Cheesecake, 515Cheesecake to Go with Fruit, 513Cheese Cookies, 74–75Cheese-Pecan Nibbles, 72–73Cheese Sauce, 466Cheesy Cauliflower Soup, 185Cheesy Onion Soup, 186Chef’s Salad, 141cherries, 35, 413, 525Cherry Chops, 413cherry tomatoes, 144, 151–152,

163, 164–165Cherry Vanilla Sundae in a Glass,

35chevre. See goat cheesechicken, 300, 327Absolutely Classic Barbecued

Chicken, 302

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Aegean Chicken, 320Apricot-Bourbon Chicken, 330Apricot-Rosemary Glazed Chicken

Breasts, 330–331Artichoke Chicken Salad, 157Asian Chicken Salad, 159–160Balsamic-Mustard Chicken, 305Black and Bleu Chicken, 337Bollito Misto, 195–196Cajun Chicken Salad, 157–158Cashew-Crusted Chicken, 312Chicken-Almond “Rice,” 214–215Chicken-Almond Stir-Fry, 331–332Chicken and Andouille Gumbo,

196–197Chicken and Artichoke Skillet,

316–317Chicken and Dumplings, 342

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Chicken Burritos, 348–349Chicken Cacciatore, 315–316Chicken Chili Cheese Salad, 161–

162Chicken in Creamy Horseradish

Sauce, 337Chicken Kampama, 321Chicken Liver and “Rice”

Casserole,” 346chicken livers, 62–63, 345–346Chicken Liver Sauté, 345–346Chicken Minestrone, 188Chicken Paprikash, 322Chicken Piccata, 325–326Chicken “Risotto” alla Milanese,

347–348Chicken Sancocho, 310–311Chicken Soup with Wild Rice,

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192–193Chicken Stew, 341Chicken Tenders, 309–310Chicken Vindaloo, 336Chicken Waldorf Salad, 157Chicken with Asparagus and

Gruyère, 317Chicken with Camembert and

Almonds, 338–339Chicken with Raspberry-Chipotle

Sauce, 313–314Chicken with Root Vegetables,

Cabbage, and Herbs, 338Chili-Lime Chicken, 334–335Chili Lime Wings, 54Chinese Peanut Wings, 53–54Chinese Sticky Wings, 54Chunky Chicken Pie, 343–344

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Chunky Cream of Chicken andPortobello Soup, 193

Cinnachick, 304Citrus Chicken, 328–329Citrus Spice Chicken, 329–330Crispy Skillet BBQ Chicken, 314Curried Chicken, 308Curried Chicken Dip, 58–59Curried Chicken “Pilau,” 346–347Curried Chicken with Coconut

Milk, 333Deviled Chicken, 323Easy Mexicali Chicken, 313Eggs Fu Yong, 111Fajita Omelet, 84–85Ginger-Almond Chicken Salad, 158Greek Chicken with Yogurt, 321Heroin Wings, 53

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Instant Chicken Soup, 192Italian Chicken and Vegetables,

318–319Italian Chicken with White Wine,

Peppers, and Anchovy, 318Jerk Chicken Salad, 159Key Lime Chicken, 324Korean Barbecued Chicken, 302–

303Lemon-Mustard Chicken Wings, 55Lemon Mustard Herb Chicken, 324Lemon-Pepper Chicken and Gravy,

326Lemon-Rosemary Chicken, 326–

327Lemon Soy Chicken Wings, 55Lettuce Wraps, 348Middle Eastern Skillet Chicken,

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320Mom’s 1960s Chicken, Redux,

344–345Mulligatawny, 190Orange-Five-Spice Roasted

Chicken, 301Orange-Tangerine Up-the-Butt

Chicken, 303–304Orange Teriyaki Chicken, 327–328Oriental Chicken, “Rice,” and

Walnut Salad Wrapped inLettuce, 161

Parmesan Chicken Breasts, 319Picnic Chicken, 322Pizza Chicken, 308–309Pollo en Jugo de Naranja (Mexican

Chicken in Orange Juice),323–324

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Roast Chicken with BalsamicVinegar, 300–301

Saltimbocca, 319–320San Diego Chicken, 307–308Seriously Simple Chicken Chile,

349Seriously Spicy Citrus Chicken,

329Sherry-Mustard-Soy Marinated

Chicken, 306–307Singing Chicken, 336Skillet Chicken Florentine, 315Slow Cooker Brewery Chicken and

Vegetables, 339Slow Cooker Chicken Guadalupe,

314–315Slow Cooker Chicken Mole, 312–


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Sopa Azteca, 191Sopa Tlalpeno, 189Sort-of-Ethiopian Chicken Stew,

340Spatchcocked (or UnSpatchcocked)

Chicken with Vinegar Baste,305–306

Spicy Chicken and MushroomSoup, 188–189

Spicy Peanut Chicken, 311Spicy Sesame “Noodles” with

Vegetables, 253Spring Chicken Soup, 187–188Stewed Chicken with Moroccan

Seasonings, 340–341Stir-Fry Soup, 199–200Sweet Lemon-Brined and Glazed

Chicken Breast, 325

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Taco Omelet, 84Tarragon Chicken, 307Tex-Mex Chicken Salad, 162–163Thai Chicken Bowls, 332–333Thai Chicken Soup, 190–191Thai Cobb Salad, 160–161Thai Grilled Chicken, 334Thai Hot Pot, 335Thai-ish Chicken Basil Stir-Fry,

332Tuscan Chicken, 317–318Yassa, 341–342chicken broth, 20, 179–184, 192–

193chili, 92–93, 371, 371–372, 429Chili Egg Puff, 106Chili-Glazed Meat Loaf, 376Chili-Lime Chicken, 334–335

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Chili Lime Mayo, 353, 479Chili Lime Pork Strips, 419Chili Lime Pumpkin, 256–257Chili Lime Wings, 54Chili Omelet, 92–93chili peppers, 23, 270–271,

336.See also green chilies;red chilies; specific kinds ofchili peppers

Chinese Peanut Wings, 53–54Chinese Pork, 434Chinese Soup with Bok Choy and

Mushrooms, 200Chinese Steamed Fish, 262Chinese Sticky Wings, 54chipotle peppers canned in adobo

sauce , 23, 103, 189, 191,209–210, 313–314, 358–359,

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363, 403–404, 429, 432, 452–453, 477, 482, 494

chocolateAdam’s Chocolate Birthday Cake,

510Better Than S-X! 548–549Blackbottomed Mockahlua

Cheesecake, 515–516Black Forest Parfaits, 540Brownie Mocha Fudge Pie, 530–

531Café Incontro, 44Chocolate Cheesecake, 512Chocolate Chocolate Chip

Cheesecake, 516

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Chocolate Cookie Crusts, 521–522Chocolate Dips, 507Chocolate Float, 38Chocolate Fudge Custard, 543Chocolate Orange Coffee, 43–44Chocolate Raspberry Pie, 526Chocolate Walnut Balls, 506Cocoa, 41Cocoa-Peanut Logs, 506Crisp Chocolate Crust, 521Dana Massey’s Low-Carb Irish

Cream Liqueur, 45–46Dana’s Brownies, 509Death by Chocolate, 37–38Dipping Chocolate, 552Easy Low-Carb Fudge, 554Espresso Chocolate Chip

Brownies, 508–509

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German Chocolate Pie, 533Grasshopper Cheesecake, 517–518Great Balls of Protein, 507–508Helen’s Chocolate Bread Pudding,

549Hot Cinnamon Mocha, 42Laure’s Homemade LC “Bailey’s

Mae,” 45Layered Chocolate-and-Vanilla

Decadence, 531–532Maltilol-Splenda Chocolate Sauce,

551Mochaccino Cheesecake, 518–519Mocha Custard, 542Mom’s Chocolate Chip Cookies,

501Mud Pie, 532–533Nut Butter Balls, 505

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Peanut Butter Cup Pie, 529Peanut Butter Silk Pie, 528Sugar-Free Chocolate Mousse to

Die For! 547–548Sugar-Free Chocolate Sauce, 551–

552chocolate chips, 501, 506, 508–

509, 516chocolate sauce, 27cholesterol, 15chop suey, 368chorizo, 96, 354Chorizo Frittata, 96Chuckwagon Steak, 387Chunky Chicken Pie, 343–344Chunky Cream of Chicken and

Portobello Soup, 193chutneys

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Cranberry Chutney, 495Cranberry-Peach Chutney, 257Green Tomato Chutney, 495–496Major Grey’s Chutney, 496cilantroAsian Chicken Salad, 159–160Chicken Burritos, 348–349Chicken with Raspberry-Chipotle

Sauce, 313–314Chili Lime Mayo, 479Cilantro Chimichurri, 476–477Ensalada de “Arroz,” 144–145Inauthentic Machaca Eggs, 97–98Jalapeño Lime Scallops, 295Lime-Basted Scallops, 294Mexican Beef and Bean Soup, 202Moroccan Scramble, 100Noodleless Shrimp Pad Thai, 290

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Ropa Vieja Hash, 381Salmon in Ginger Cream, 270Salmon Stuffed with Lime,

Cilantro, Anaheim Peppers,and Scallions, 270–271

Scallops with Moroccan Spices,296

Sopa Aguacate, 182Sopa de Frijoles Negros, 181Southwestern UnPotato Salad, 150Taco Salad, 163Tex-Mex Chicken Salad, 162–163Thai Burgers, 430–431Thai Chicken Bowls, 332–333Thai Chicken Soup, 190–191Thai Cobb Salad, 160–161Thai-Style Crab Salad in

Avocados, 165

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Thai Turkey Burgers, 353Turkey Loaf with Thai Flavors, 352Vietnamese Salad, 142Zijuatenejo Sea Bass, 268Cilantro Chimichurri, 476–477Cinnachick, 304Citrus Catfish, 280Citrus Chicken, 328–329Citrus Dressing, 172Citrus-Ginger Mahi Mahi, 277–278Citrus Spice Chicken, 329–330Clam Dip, 60clams, 60, 204, 205–206Classic Barbecue Rub, 210, 267,

302, 435, 486Classic Spinach Salad, 139“Clean the Fridge” Omelet, 91Club Omelet, 85

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cobblers, 535–536Cocido de Puerco, 428Cocktail Ham Tartlets, 77cocktails, 47–51Cocktail Sauce, 466Cocoa, 41Cocoa-Peanut Logs, 506cocoa powder, 37, 38, 41, 312–

313, 507–509, 518–519, 521–522, 529. See also chocolate

coconut, 22, 553Black Forest Parfaits, 540Coconut Cream Pie, 527Coconut Shortbread, 503German Chocolate Pie, 533Granola, 131Great Balls of Protein, 507–508Obscenely Rich Shrimp, 287–288

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Southeast Asian Coconut Custard,543–544

Thai Stir-Fried Cabbage, 240coconut milk, 334Curried Chicken with Coconut

Milk, 333Curried Shrimp in Coconut Milk,

285Southeast Asian Coconut Custard,

543–544Thai Chicken Soup, 190–191Thai Grilled Chicken, 334Thai Hot Pot, 335Thai Peanut Sauce, 334, 463–464coconut oil, 14, 240, 332Coeur a la Crème, 541coffee drinks, 37, 42–46Colby cheese, 110

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coleslaw, 153–154Coleslaw, 153–154coleslawAsian Ginger Slaw, 155Blue Slaw, 241Coleslaw Dressing, 176Coleslaw for Company, 154Confetti UnSlaw, 156–157Eggs Fu Yong, 111Lemon Slaw, 156Napa Mint Slaw, 154Sesame-Almond Napa Slaw, 155–

156Colombo Meatballs with Jerk

Sauce, 78–79Comfort Food Casserole, 378Company Dinner “Rice,” 212–213condiments . See also sauces;

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seasoningsAioli, 479Chili Lime Mayo, 479Chipotle Garlic Butter, 494Cranberry Chutney, 495Dana’s No-Sugar Ketchup, 463Green Tomato Chutney, 495–496Major Grey’s Chutney, 496Simple No-Sugar Pickle Relish,

497Spicy Citrus Butter, 493–494Confetti Frittata, 93–94Confetti UnSlaw, 156–157Cooked Eggnog, 40–41cookiesAlmond Cookies, 500Butter Cookies, 499Chocolate Dips, 507

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Chocolate Walnut Balls, 506Cocoa-Peanut Logs, 506Coconut Shortbread, 503Gingersnaps, 502Hazelnut Shortbread, 502–503Hermits, 503–504Mom’s Chocolate Chip Cookies,

501Nut Butter Balls, 505Oatmeal Cookies, 504–505Peanut Butter Cookies, 499–500Pecan Sandies, 504Sesame Cookies, 500–501coolers, 34Coquilles St. Jacques, 293–294corned beef, 396, 397Corner-Filling Consommé, 178Costa Braza Steak, 389

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cottage cheese, 93, 106, 107, 108,174, 218–219, 246

Country Sausage Skillet Supper,445

Country Scramble, 96–97Country-Style Green Beans, 228Country-Style Paté, 62–63Crab and Bacon Bundles, 77crabmeatCrab and Bacon Bundles, 77Eggs Fu Yong, 111Hot Crab Dip, 60“My Day to Crab” Omelet, 88Pantry Seafood Bisque, 206Pantry Seafood Supper, 283Thai-Style Crab Salad in

Avocados, 165crackers, 132–136

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Bran Crackers, 135–136Graham Crackers, 132–133Sunflower Cheddar Crackers, 135Sunflower Parmesan Crackers,

133–134Sunflower Sesame Crackers, 134–

135Sunflower Wheat Crackers, 134cranberriesCranberry Barbecue Meatballs, 78Cranberry Barbecue Sauce, 468Cranberry Chutney, 495Cranberry Meatballs, 379–380Cranberry Nut Muffins, 129–130Cranberry-Peach Chutney, 257Cranberry-Peach Turkey Roast,

359Cranberry Sauce, 494

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Slow Cooker Cranberry Sauce, 495cranberry juice, 48cream, 11cream cheese, 60–62, 63, 65, 90,

91, 552. See alsocheesecakes; Neufchâtelcheese

Cream Cheese Frosting, 552Creamed Spinach, 246Cream of Cauliflower Soup, 184–

185Cream of Mushroom Soup, 184Cream of Salmon Soup, 203–204Cream of UnPotato Soup, 186–187Creamy Garlic Dressing, 156–157,

175Creamy Ham Casserole, 442–443Creamy Vanilla Coffee, 42

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Creole Seasonings, 272–273, 470–471, 484

Crisp Chocolate Crust, 521, 526Crispy Skillet BBQ Chicken, 314Crunchy Peking Burgers, 364Crunchy Protein Waffles, 126–127Crunchy Snow Pea Salad, 147crusts, 136, 521–525Cuba Libre, 51Cube Steaks in Gravy, 394cucumbersAsian Chicken Salad, 159–160Dinner Salad Italiano, 140Greek Salad, 138Our Favorite Salad, 142Sour Cream and Cuke Salad, 143Summer Tuna Salad, 164–165Taco Salad, 163

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Thai Beef Lettuce Wraps, 372–373Thai Cobb Salad, 160–161Thai Cucumber Salad, 143–144Cumin Mushrooms, 221–222Cumin Vinaigrette, 171currants, 503–504Curried Cauliflower Salad, 150–

151Curried Cheese and Olive Omelets,

87Curried Chicken, 308Curried Chicken Dip, 58–59Curried Chicken “Pilau,” 346–347Curried Chicken with Coconut

Milk, 333Curried Lamb Steak, 458Curried Mock Hollandaise, 480Curried Pork Stew, 427

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Curried Pumpkin Soup, 181–182Curried Shrimp in Coconut Milk,

285Curried Swordfish and Cabbage,

277Curry Rub, 491–492Curry Scramble, 98custards, 542–545, 546. See also

flan; puddingsApricot Custard, 542–543Chocolate Fudge Custard, 543Maple Custard, 544Maple-Pumpkin Custard, 545Mocha Custard, 542Southeast Asian Coconut Custard,

543–544Vanilla Frozen Custard, 555Cyndy Riser’s Spiced Tea, 39

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DDaiquiri, 47dairy products, 20–21, 81–113. See

also specific dairy productsDana Massey’s Low-Carb Irish

Cream Liqueur, 45–46Dana Massey’s Low-Carb

Strawberry Daiquiris, 48Dana’s Brownies, 509, 530–531Dana’s Chicken Seasoning, 483Dana’s No-Sugar Ketchup, 174,

354, 371–372, 375, 376, 388,437, 463, 466

Dana’s Snack Mix, 68Dark and Stormy, 50Death by Chocolate, 37–38Denver Omelet, 86d e s s e r ts , 498– 5 5 6 . See also

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chocolate; fruit desserts;specific kinds of desserts

Better Than S-X! 548–549Coeur a la Crème, 541frozen, 554–557fudge, 554Maria’s Flan, 541–542sauces for, 549–552toppings for, 549–552Whipped Topping, 552–553Deviled Chicken, 323diabetics, 8–9Diet-Rite soda, 24, 36, 303–304,

473–474Dill Dip, 59–60Dilled Chicken Salad, 159dill pickles, 166–167dill weed, 59–60, 98–99, 143, 159,

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269–270Dinner Rolls, 120Dinner Salad Italiano, 140Dipping Chocolate, 552dips, 58–62Artichoke Parmesan Dip, 58Avocado Cheese Dips, 61Bacon-Cheese Dip, 60–61Clam Dip, 60Curried Chicken Dip, 58–59Dill Dip, 59–60Dukkah, 62Guacamole, 59Hot Crab Dip, 60Smoked Gouda Veggie Dip, 61–62Spinach Artichoke Dip, 58Dixie Belle Rub, 492Dragon’s Teeth, 239–240

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Dreamsicle Float, 38–39dressings, 169–176, 254–255. See

also salad dressingsDrunken Chicken Wings, 300duck, 360–361Duck Sauce, 465Dukkah, 62dumplings, 342, 343

EEastern Carolina Vinegar Sauce,

469–470Easy Garlic Creamed Spinach, 246Easy Key Lime Pie, 526–527Easy Low-Carb Fudge, 554Easy Mexicali Chicken, 313Easy Orange Salsa, 268, 496–497Easy Party Shrimp, 76–77

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Easy Pork Roast, 424Easy Remoulade Sauce, 476Easy Shrimp in Garlic Herb Cream

Sauce, 286Easy Southwestern Pork Stew, 428Easy Tomato-Beef Soup, 200effective carb counts, 9Eggdrop Soup, 180Eggiweggnog, 40egg nog, 40eggplantEggplant Parmesan Squared, 227–

228Ratatouille, 226–227Eggplant Parmesan Squared, 227–

228eggs, 8, 11, 13–14, 81–113, 180–


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Aioli, 479antipasto, 75Apple, Bacon, and Blue Cheese

Omelet, 83Artichoke and Friends Frittata, 94–

95Artichoke Mushroom Frittata, 94Artichoke Parmesan Omelet, 86Asparagi all’Uovo, 104–105Avocado, Egg, and Blue Cheese

Salad, 152–153Avocado Cheese Dip Omelet, 90Blintzlets, 93Braunschweiger Omelet, 92Broccoli-Bacon-Colby Quiche, 110Caesar Dressing, 175–176Cajun Eggs, 57–58California Omelet, 89

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Chef’s Salad, 141Chili Egg Puff, 106Chili Omelet, 92–93Chipotle Eggs, 103Chorizo Frittata, 96Classic Spinach Salad, 139“Clean the Fridge” Omelet, 91Club Omelet, 85Confetti Frittata, 93–94Country Scramble, 96–97Curried Cauliflower Salad, 150–

151Curried Cheese and Olive Omelets,

87Curried Mock Hollandaise, 480Curry Scramble, 98Denver Omelet, 86Eggdrop Soup, 180

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eggnog, 40–41Egg Salad Français, 153Eggs Fu Yong, 111Fajita Omelet, 84–85Fish Eggs, 56–57French Country Scramble, 101–102French Toast, 121–122fried eggs, 103–106Fried Eggs Not Over Really Easy,

103–104frittatas, 93–95Greek Scramble, 101Gruyère Eggs, 105–106Guacomelet, 90Ham and Cheese Puff, 107Ham Kedgeree, 442Hammond Eggs, 57Hangtown Fry, 102

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Hollandaise for Sissies, 479Hot-and-Sour Soup, 199Hot Dog Scramble, 102–103Huevos con el Sabor de Chiles

Rellenos, 97Huevos Rancheros, 104Hush Puppies, 255Inauthentic Machaca Eggs, 97–98Italian Scramble, 100Japanese Fried “Rice,” 214Kasseri Tapenade Omelet, 85Kim’s Dutch Baby, 122–123Leftover Lamblet, 88Macro Cheese Omelet, 83Mexican Omelet, 84Moroccan Scramble, 100“My Day to Crab” Omelet, 88New York Sunday Brunch Omelet,

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91Nicer Niçoise, 149Oat Bran Pancakes, 124Omelet Cordon Bleu, 92omelets, 82–92Onion Eggs, 56Parmesan Rosemary Eggs, 101Perfect Protein Pancakes, 123–124Piperade, 99–100Pizza Omelet, 89Quiche Lorraine, 109quiches, 109–110Rodeo Eggs, 105Roman Mushroom Omelet, 87Ropa Vieja Omelet, 91Sausage, Egg, and Cheese Bake,

108scrambles, 96–97, 98–99, 101–102

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Sloppy Tom Omelet, 88–89Smoked Salmon and Goat Cheese

Scramble, 98–99Southwestern Stuffed Eggs, 56Spaghetti Squash Carbonara, 252–

253Spinach Mushroom Quiche, 109–

110Springtime Scramble, 99Stilton Eggs, 57Swiss Puff, 106–107Taco Omelet, 84Tuna Egg Waldorf, 165Tuna Melt Omelet, 85–86Turkey Chorizo with Eggs, 354Turkey Club Puff, 108UnPotato Salad, 149–150UnPotato Tortilla, 96

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Vedgeree, 111–112“Whole Wheat” Buttermilk

Pancakes, 123Zucchini Pancakes, 124–125egg salad, 153eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), 22English Muffins, 121Ensalada de “Arroz,” 144–145erythritol, 26, 27Espresso Chocolate Chip

Brownies, 508–509Exceedingly Crisp Waffles, 127–

128extra-virgin olive oil, 14–15

FFajita Omelet, 84–85Farmer’s Soda, 39

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Fast Strawberry-Orange Sauce,550–551

fats, 8, 14–15. See also specificfats and oils

fauxtatoes, 209–210, 211fennel, 423–424, 460feta cheese, 101, 138, 139, 225,

246, 272, 352–353, 446–447Feta-Spinach Salmon Roast, 272fiber, 9Fiery Indian Lamb and

Cauliflower, 450figs, 535Figs with Gorgonzola, 535Firehouse Chili, 371–372fi sh, 8, 75, 259– 2 8 2 . See also

specific kinds of fishAioli Fish Bake, 260

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Ceviche, 259Chinese Steamed Fish, 262Curried Swordfish and Cabbage,

277Fish Eggs, 56–57Ginger Mustard Fish, 260Grilled Fish with Caper Sauce,

261–262Microwaved Fish and Asparagus

with Tarragon Mustard Sauce,260–261

The Simplest Fish, 259–260Fish Eggs, 56–57flan, 541–542flaxseed, 22– 2 3 , 116– 11 7 , 131,

131–132flaxseed meal, 119floats, 38–39

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Florida Sunshine Smoothie, 34Florida Sunshine Tangerine

Barbecue Sauce, 473–474flounder, 263–264flour substitutes, 15–19FOS (fructooligosaccharide), 28–

29French Country Scramble, 101–102French Toast, 121–122French Vinaigrette Dressing, 139–

140, 169Fried Artichokes, 244–245Fried Brussels Sprouts, 233–234Fried Catfish, 279Fried Cheese, 73fried eggs, 103–106Fried Eggs Not Over Really Easy,


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frittatas, 93–95frosting, 552Frozen White Russian, 47fruit. See also specific fruitBroiled Grapefruit, 534Brownie Mocha Fudge Pie, 530–

531Cheesecake to Go with Fruit, 513Figs with Gorgonzola, 535Gingered Melon, 534Grandma’s Peach Cobbler, 535–

536Mixed Berry Cups, 539–540Peaches with Butterscotch Sauce,

537Rhubarb Flummery, 535Speedy Low-Carb Peach Melba,


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Strawberries in Wine, 534Strawberries with Balsamic

Vinegar, 537–538Strawberries with Orange Cream

Dip, 538Strawberrry Cups, 539Strawberry Crunch Parfait, 538–

539Fruit20 , 24, 414, 437–438, 554–

555fudge, 554

Ggame hens, 359–360garlic, 24–25, 55, 78–79Aioli, 479Balsamic-Parmesan Dressing, 171–


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Blue Cheese Dressing, 174Caesar Dressing, 175–176Catalina Dressing, 174Creamy Garlic Dressing, 175Easy Garlic Creamed Spinach, 246Easy Shrimp in Garlic Herb Cream

Sauce, 286Greek Beans, 231Guacamole, 59Indian Punks, 70Italian Bean Bake, 230Italian Garlic and Herb Fauxtatoes,

210Italian Vinaigrette Dressing, 169–

170Marinated Sirloin, 392Mediterranean Marinated Turkey

Legs, 358

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Not-Very Authentic Peanut Sauce,464

Panned Swordfish Steaks withGarlic and Vermouth, 276

Pork Chops with Garlic andBalsamic Vinegar, 415

Ranch Dressing, 174–175Sun-Dried Tomato-Basil

Vinaigrette, 171Turkey-Parmesan Stuffed

Mushrooms, 66Genoa salami, 168German Chocolate Pie, 533German UnPotato Soup, 187gin, 47, 50ginger, 25, 41, 54, 55, 534Apple-Mustard Pork Steaks, 417Apricot Ginger Dipping Sauce, 478

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Asian Ginger Slaw, 155Asian Punks, 69–70Asian Slow Cooker Short Ribs,

404–405Asian Turkey Burgers, 353Chicken Vindaloo, 336Chili-Lime Chicken, 334–335Chinese Pork, 434Chinese Soup with Bok Choy and

Mushrooms, 200Chinese Steamed Fish, 262Citrus-Ginger Mahi Mahi, 277–278Cranberry-Peach Chutney, 257Crunchy Peking Burgers, 364Easy Key Lime Pie, 526–527Eggdrop Soup, 180Fiery Indian Lamb and

Cauliflower, 450

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Five-Spice Lamb Steak, 455Ginger-Almond Chicken Salad, 158Ginger Almond Crust, 524Ginger Beef, 399–400Gingerbread, 511–512Gingerbread Waffles, 127Ginger Marinated Chuck, 390–391Ginger Mustard Fish, 260Ginger Salad Dressing, 173Ginger Sesame Pork, 419–420Gingersnap Pork, 415Gingersnaps, 502Ginger Stir-Fry Broccoli, 251Ground Beef Stir-Fry, 368–369Hot-and-Sour Soup, 199Hot Asian Ribs, 440Indonesian Grilled Catfish, 280Jerk Marinade, 481–482

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Korean Barbecued Chicken, 302–303

Lemon-Ginger Pork Chops, 412Lime-Honeydew-Ginger Ice, 556Looing Sauce, 465–466Luau Burgers, 431Major Grey’s Chutney, 496Maple-Spice Country-Style Ribs,

441Marco Polo Marinade, 481Middle Eastern Skillet Chicken,

320Not-Very Authentic Peanut Sauce,

464Polynesian Pork, 416Rosemary-Ginger Ribs with

Apricot Glaze, 406Salmon in Ginger Cream, 270

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Scallops with Moroccan Spices,296

Seriously Spicy Citrus Chicken,329

Simply Marinated Ribs, 435–436Singing Chicken, 336Sort-of-Ethiopian Chicken Stew,

340Southeast Asian Coconut Custard,

543–544Spicy Sesame “Noodles” with

Vegetables, 253Stewed Chicken with Moroccan

Seasonings, 340–341Stir-Fry Sauce, 463Stir-Fry Soup, 199–200Sweet and Spicy Shrimp, 292Teriyaki Sauce, 465

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Thai Chicken Bowls, 332–333Thai Chicken Soup, 190–191Thai Cucumber Salad, 143–144Thai Hot Pot, 335Thai Peanut Sauce, 463–464Turkey Loaf with Thai Flavors, 352Uptown Chuck, 388ginger ale, 50Gin Rickey, 47Glazed, Grilled Salmon, 274Glazed Turnips, 236glazes, 482–483gluten, 8goat cheese, 98–99Goldberg, Jack, GO-Diet, 32Good Low-Carb Slow Cooked

Short Ribs, 404Gorgonzola cheese, 168–169, 535

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Gouda cheese, 61–62, 65–66, 185–186

Graham Crackers, 132–133“Graham” Crust, 524

Grandma’s Peach Cobbler, 535–536

Granola, 131grapefruit, 142, 534grapefruit juice, 276–277Grasshopper Cheesecake, 517–518Gratin of Cauliflower and Turnips,

220Great Balls of Protein, 507–508Greek Beans, 231Greek Chicken with Yogurt, 321Greek Lemon Dressing, 138, 164,

172Greek Meatza, 446–447

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Greek Roasted Chicken, 301–302Greek Salad, 138Greek Scramble, 101Greek Spinach, 246Green Bean Casserole, 232green beansBarbecue Green Beans, 229Chicken and Dumplings, 342Country-Style Green Beans, 228Greek Beans, 231Green Bean Casserole, 232Ground Beef Stir-Fry, 368–369Ham and Beans Skillet, 443–444Herbed Green Beans, 229Holiday Green Bean Casserole,

231–232Italian Bean Bake, 230Italian Tuna Soup, 203

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Lemon Pepper Beans, 228Low-Carb Rosy Radish Salad, 148Nicer Niçoise, 149Parmesan Bean Salad, 147–148Pork Roast with CreamyMushroom Gravy and Vegetables,

425Sesame Orange Beef, 382Southern Beans, 230Stir-Fried Green Beans and Water

Chestnuts, 229–230Tangy Beans, 230–231Thai-ish Chicken Basil Stir-Fry,

332Vedgeree, 111–112green bell peppersArtichoke and Friends Frittata, 94–


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Asian Turkey Burgers, 353Beef Burgundy, 395Blue Cheese-Scallion “Risotto,”

216–217Cajun Chicken Salad, 157–158Cajun Skillet Shrimp, 284–285Carne all’Ungherese, 407–408Chicken Cacciatore, 315–316Chicken Sancocho, 310–311Chili-Glazed Meat Loaf, 376Chorizo Frittata, 96Confetti Frittata, 93–94Confetti UnSlaw, 156–157Country Scramble, 96–97Ensalada de “Arroz,” 144–145Ground Beef “Helper,” 367–368Ham and Cheese Puff, 107Hamburger Chop Suey, 368

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Inauthentic Machaca Eggs, 97–98Italian Chicken with WhiteWine, Peppers, and Anchovy, 318Italian Roast Beef Salad, 168–169Italian Sausage with Onions and

Peppers, 444–445Italian Scramble, 100Lemon Slaw, 156Low-Carb BBQ Baked Beans,

255–256Low-Carb Swiss Loaf, 376–377Mexican Beef and Bean Soup, 202Piperade, 99–100Pork Slow Cooker Chili, 429Ratatouille, 226–227Sauerkraut Salad, 148Sausage, Egg, and Cheese Bake,


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Sausage Skillet Mix-Up, 446Seafood Chowder, 204–205Shrimp and Andouille Jambalaya,

284Sopa Azteca, 191Sour Cream and Cuke Salad, 143Southwestern Stuffed Peppers, 372Spanish “Rice,” 372Spicy Sesame “Noodles” with

Vegetables, 253Summer Tuna Salad, 164–165Taco Salad, 163Tavern Soup, 183–184Tuscan Chicken, 317–318Ultra Meat Sauce, 366–367green bell pepperssCauliflower Avocado Salad, 143Chef’s Salad, 141

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Denver Omelet, 86Greek Salad, 138Our Favorite Salad, 142green chilies. See also jalapeño

peppersAll-Meat Chili, 371Avocado Cheese Dip Omelet, 90Avocado Cheese Dips, 61Chicken Chili Cheese Salad, 161–

162Chili Egg Puff, 106Easy Southwestern Pork Stew, 428Huevos con el Sabor de Chiles

Rellenos, 97Mexicali Meat Loaf, 375–376Mexican Stew, 407Pork Slow Cooker Chili, 429Slow Cooker Chicken Guadalupe,

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314–315Slow Cooker Chicken Mole, 312–

313Sopa Aguacate, 182Southwestern Stuffed Peppers, 372Spanish “Rice,” 372Tex-Mex Chicken Salad, 162–163greens, 138, 140–141 , 160–161,

168–169 . See also specificgreens

Green Tomato Chutney, 495–496green tomatoes, 495–496Grilled Asparagus with Balsamic

Vinegar, 241Grilled Broccoli Salad, 250Grilled Fish with Caper Sauce,

261–262Grilled Portobellos, 222–223

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Grilled Radicchio with BalsamicVinaigrette, 254

Grilled Sesame Asparagus, 243–244

Ground Beef “Helper,” 367–368Ground Beef Stir-Fry, 368–369ground sunflower seeds, 22Gruyère cheese, 92, 94, 101–102,

105–106, 109, 222, 293–294,317, 442–443

Gruyère Eggs, 105–106guacamole, 59, 90, 385–386Guacomelet, 90guar gum, 16

Hhabanero peppers, 481–482ham. See also prosciutto

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antipasto, 75Artichoke and Friends Frittata, 94–

95Artichoke Prosciutto Salad, 167–

168Chef’s Salad, 141Cocktail Ham Tartlets, 77Country Scramble, 96–97Creamy Ham Casserole, 442–443Denver Omelet, 86Eggs Fu Yong, 111Ham and Beans Skillet, 443–444Ham and Cheese Puff, 107Ham and Cheese Salad, 166–167Ham and Pork Burgers, 430Ham Kedgeree, 442Hammond Eggs, 57Ham-Pecan Salad with Apricot

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Dressing, 167Ham Slice with Mustard Sauce,

444“Honey” Mustard Ham, 441–442Omelet Cordon Bleu, 92Saltimbocca, 319–320Sour Cream Ham Supper, 441Spicy Sesame “Noodles” with

Vegetables, 253Submarine Salad, 168Hamburger Chop Suey, 368Hammond Eggs, 57Hangtown Fry, 102Hard Lemonade, 49hard sauce, 549–550hazelnut meal, 15–16hazelnuts, 15–16, 22, 62, 234, 502–

503, 509–510, 522, 528

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Health Valley broths, 20Heart-y Bread, 119heavy cream, 11Helen’s Chocolate Bread Pudding,

549helpful hints, 10–11Herb Chicken Mop, 487Herb Chicken Rub, 486–487Herbed Green Beans, 229herbs, 286, 324, 338, 411–412,

414, 486– 4 8 7 . See alsospecific herbs

Hermits, 503–504Heroin Wings, 53hidden carbohydrates, 10Hobo Packet, 218Hoisin Basted Ribs, 439–440Hoisin Sauce, 398, 418–419, 439–

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440, 464Holiday Green Bean Casserole,

231–232Hollandaise for Sissies, 479Homestyle Meat Loaf, 375Homestyle Turkey Loaf, 351honey, sugar-free, 29, 72, 159, 172,

304Honeydew Lime Cooler, 34honeydew melon, 34, 534, 556“Honey” Mustard Dipping Sauce,

477“Honey” Mustard Ham, 441–442horseradish, 56–58, 107, 337, 466,

470–471, 473, 477Hot Almond Cereal, 131–132Hot-and-Sour Soup, 199Hot Asian Ribs, 440

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Hot Cinnamon Mocha, 42Hot Crab Dip, 60hot dogs, 79, 102–103Hot Dog Scramble, 102–103Hot Paprika Shrimp, 288Huevos con el Sabor de Chiles

Rellenos, 97Huevos Rancheros, 104Hush Puppies, 255

Iiceberg lettuce, 141, 158, 160–161,

163ice cream, 37–39, 554–555Inauthentic Bulgogi Steak, 382–383Inauthentic Machaca Eggs, 97–98Indian Cabbage, 238Indian Punks, 70

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Indonesian Grilled Catfish, 280Instant Chicken Soup, 192insulin, 9Irish Coffee, 42Irish Stew, 460–461Irish Whiskey, 45–46Island Pork Steaks, 416isomalt, 26, 27Italian Bean Bake, 230Italian Chicken and Vegetables,

318–319Italian Chicken with White Wine,

Peppers, and Anchovy, 318Italian Garlic and Herb Fauxtatoes,

210Italian Herb Pork Chops, 411–412Italian Roast Beef Salad, 168–169Italian Sausage Soup, 198

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Italian Sausage with Onions andPeppers, 444–445

Italian Scramble, 100Italian Seasoned Crumbs, 486Italian Tuna Soup, 203Italian Vinaigrette Dressing, 169–

170Italian Walnut Cake, 511

Jjalapeño Jack cheese, 73, 84, 364jalapeño peppers, 23. See also

green chiliesAvocado Cheese Dip Omelet, 90Avocado Cheese Dips, 61Carne Asada Steak, 391–392Ceviche, 259Chicken Burritos, 348–349

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Grilled Sesame Asparagus, 243–244

Jalapeño Lime Scallops, 295Lemon-Garlic-Jalapeño Pork

Steaks, 417Southwestern UnPotato Salad, 150Spicy Citrus Butter, 493–494Spicy Peanut Chicken, 311Tequila Citrus Game Hens, 359–

360Thai Cucumber Salad, 143–144Jamaican Pepperpot Soup, 201–

202jambalaya, 284Jansonn’s Temptation, 238Japanese Fried “Rice,” 214Jerk Chicken Salad, 159Jerk Marinade, 481–482

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Jerk Seasoning, 159, 269, 484Joe, 370

Kkale, 194–195Kansas City Barbecue Sauce, 302,

435, 467–468Kasseri cheese, 73–74, 85, 320Kasseri Tapenade Omelet, 85Kay’s Hot Rum Toddy, 44Ketatoes, 20, 186–187, 197–198,

204–205, 209–210, 210, 211,380, 460–461

ketchup. See also Dana’s No-SugarKetchup

Key Lime Chicken, 324Key West Ribs, 440Kim’s Dutch Baby, 122–123

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The King’s Smoothie, 36–37Kitchen Basics broths, 20kiwi, 36Kofta Burgers, 447Kolokythia Krokettes, 225Korean Barbecued Chicken, 302–

303Kretchmer’s wheat germ, 19

Llactose, 8lamb, 446–461Balsamic Lamb Skillet, 451Balsamic-Mint Lamb Steak, 458Barbecued Lamb Steaks, 457Caribbean Slow Cooker Lamb, 453Colombo Meatballs with Jerk

Sauce, 78–79

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Curried Lamb Steak, 458Fiery Indian Lamb and

Cauliflower, 450Five-Spice Lamb Steak, 455Greek Meatza, 446–447Irish Stew, 460–461Kofta Burgers, 447Lamb Kebabs, 448–449Lamb Shanks in Red Wine, 453–

454lamb steaks, 455–459Lamb Steak with Walnut Sauce,

456Lamb Stew Provençal, 460Leftover Lamblet, 88Lemon Lamb Shanks, 454Mediterranean Leg of Lamb, 451–


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Middle Eastern Shish Kebabs, 449Orange Lamb Burgers, 447–448Orange-Rosemary Lamb Steaks,

457Quick Curried Lamb, 448Seriously Simple Lamb Shanks,

454–455Souvlaki Salad, 164Soy and Sesame Glazed Lamb

Steaks, 456Spanish Skillet Lamb, 450–451Spiced-Rubbed Leg of Lamb with

Apricot-Chipotle Glaze, 452–453

Thyme-Perfumed Lamb Steaks,457–458

Winter Night Lamb Stew, 459La Tortilla Factory tortiallas, 22

Page 2650: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

Laure’s Homemade LC “Bailey’sMae,” 45

Layered Chocolate-and-VanillaDecadence, 531–532

leeks, 188–189Leftover Lamblet, 88Lemon-Balsamic Catfish Kebabs,

280–281Lemon-Garlic Grilled Zucchini,

226Lemon-Garlic-Jalapeño Pork

Steaks, 417Lemon-Ginger Pork Chops, 412Lemon-Glazed Turkey Cutlets,

355–356Lemon-Herb Stuffed Salmon, 271lemon juiceAioli, 479

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Big Italian Restaurant Dressing,170

Broccoli with Lemon Butter, 249Broiled Orange Chili Lobster, 297Caesar Dressing, 175–176Chicken Piccata, 325–326Citrus Catfish, 280Citrus Chicken, 328–329Citrus Dressing, 172Citrus-Ginger Mahi Mahi, 277–278Citrus Spice Chicken, 329–330Curried Mock Hollandaise, 480Easy Remoulade Sauce, 476Ginger Salad Dressing, 173Greek Lemon Dressing, 172Greek Roasted Chicken, 301–302Hollandaise for Sissies, 479Lemon-Balsamic Catfish

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Kebabs, 280–281Lemon-Garlic Grilled Zucchini,

226Lemon-Garlic-Jalapeño Pork

Steaks, 417Lemon-Ginger Pork Chops, 412Lemon-Glazed Turkey Cutlets,

355–356Lemon Lamb Shanks, 454Lemon-Maple Scallop Kebabs,

296–297Lemon-Mustard Chicken Wings, 55Lemon Mustard Herb Chicken, 324Lemon-Mustard Salmon Steaks,

272Lemon-Parmesan Mushrooms, 224Lemon Pepper Beans, 228Lemon-Rosemary Chicken, 326–

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327Lemon Soy Chicken Wings, 55Low-Carb Steak Sauce, 466Mediterranean Marinated Turkey

Legs, 358Orange Bacon Dressing, 173Salmon with Lemon-Dill Butter,

269–270Seriously Spicy Citrus Chicken,

329The Simplest Fish, 259–260Sweet Lemon-Brined and Glazed

Chicken Breast, 325Tequila Citrus Game Hens, 359–

360Thai-Style Crab Salad in

Avocados, 165Lemon Lamb Shanks, 454

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Lemon-Maple Scallop Kebabs,296–297

Lemon Mousse Cup, 546–547Lemon-Mustard Chicken Wings, 55Lemon Mustard Herb Chicken, 324Lemon-Mustard Salmon Steaks,

272Lemon-Parmesan Mushrooms, 224lemon pepper, 286–287, 326, 454Lemon Pepper Beans, 228Lemon-Pepper Chicken and Gravy,

326Lemon-Rosemary Chicken, 326–

327lemonsLemon-Herb Stuffed Salmon, 271Sangria, 51Sour Cream, Lemon, and Poppy

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Seed Muffins, 129Lemon Sherbet, 556–557Lemon Slaw, 156Lemon Soy Chicken Wings, 55Lemon-Vanilla Custard, 546lettuceAutumn Salad, 138Chef’s Salad, 141Chicken Burritos, 348–349Dinner Salad Italiano, 140Ginger-Almond Chicken Salad, 158Greek Salad, 138Lettuce Wraps, 348Mixed Greens with Warm Brie

Dressing, 140–141Oriental Chicken, “Rice,” and

Walnut Salad Wrapped inLettuce, 161

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Shrimp and Avocado Salad, 165–166

Snow Pea Salad Wraps, 146–147Souvlaki Salad, 164Submarine Salad, 168Taco Salad, 163Thai Beef Lettuce Wraps, 372–373Thai Cobb Salad, 160–161Tuna Egg Waldorf, 165Vietnamese Salad, 142Lettuce Wraps, 348Lexington-Style Barbecue Sauce,

470Lime-Basted Scallops, 294Lime Cheesecake with Ginger

Almond Crust, 513–514Lime-Honeydew-Ginger Ice, 556

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lime juice, 47, 48, 49, 50Adobo Sauce, 480Carnitas, 432Chili-Lime Chicken, 334–335Chili Lime Mayo, 479Chili Lime Pork Strips, 419Chili Lime Pumpkin, 256–257Cilantro Chimichurri, 476–477Citrus Dressing, 172Guacamole, 59Jalapeño Lime Scallops, 295Jerk Chicken Salad, 159Key Lime Chicken, 324Lime-Basted Scallops, 294Margarita No-Bake Cheesecake,

514Nuoc Cham, 478–479Pepitas Calientes, 69

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Seriously Spicy Citrus Chicken,329

Tequila Citrus Game Hens, 359–360

Tequila Lime Marinade, 480–481Tex-Mex Chicken Salad, 162–163Thai Burgers, 430–431Thai Hot Pot, 335Thai Peanut Sauce, 463–464Tuna Steaks with Peach-Citrus

Relish, 282Turkey Loaf with Thai Flavors, 352Vietnamese Salad, 142Whiting with Mexican Flavors,

266–267limes, 51Lime Cheesecake with Ginger

Almond Crust, 513–514

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Lime-Honeydew-Ginger Ice, 556Lime-Vanilla Sherbet, 555–556Margarita No-Bake Cheesecake,

514Noodleless Shrimp Pad Thai, 290Salmon Stuffed with Lime,

Cilantro, Anaheim Peppers,and Scallions, 270–271

Sangria, 51Lime-Vanilla Sherbet, 555–556liquids, 20–21. See also specific

liquidsLittle Mama’s Side Dish, 219l o b s t e r . See Almost Lobster

Bisque, 297Lone Star Beef Sauce, 471Lone Star Brisket, 402Lonestar “Rice,” 215

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Looing Sauce, 465–466Low-Carb BBQ Baked Beans,

255–256Lowcarbezine! 7, 25Low-Carb Microwave Pasticcio,

350–351low-carbohydrate bake mix, 16Low-Carb Rosy Radish Salad, 148Low-Carb Steak Sauce, 466Low-Carb Swiss Loaf, 376–377Low-Carb Teriyaki Sauce, 327–

328low-carb tortillas, 21–22low-sugar preserves, 25Luau Burgers, 431

MMacro Cheese Omelet, 83

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mahi mahi, 277–278Major Grey’s Chutney, 496Maltilol-Splenda Chocolate Sauce,

551maltitol, 26, 27maltodextrin, 28Manhattan Clam Chowder, 204Many-Pepper Steak Seasoning,

484–485Maple-Balsamic Glazed Salmon,

274–275Maple Custard, 544Maple-Glazed Corned Beef with

Vegetables, 397Maple-Glazed Walnuts, 68Maple Oat Bread, 116–117Maple-Orange Ham Glaze, 482–


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Maple-Pumpkin Custard, 545Maple-Spice Country-Style Ribs,

441Marco Polo Marinade, 481Margarita Fizz, 48Margarita No-Bake Cheesecake,

514Maria’s Flan, 541–542marinades, 480–482Marinated Mushrooms, 64Marinated Sirloin, 392marjoram, 414, 460Mashed Garlic Turnips, 236mayonnaise. See also AioliArtichoke Parmesan Dip, 58Balsamic-Parmesan Dressing, 171–

172Blue Cheese Dressing, 174

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Chili Lime Mayo, 479Clam Dip, 60Coleslaw Dressing, 176Creamy Garlic Dressing, 175Curried Chicken Dip, 58–59Hot Crab Dip, 60Parmesan Peppercorn Dressing,

175Ranch Dressing, 174–175Smoked Gouda Veggie Dip, 61–62Spinach Artichoke Dip, 58McCullough, Fran, Living Low

Carb, 212mea t, 8, 92– 9 3 , 111. See also

specific meatsmeatballs, 78–79, 193–194, 379–

380, 432meat loaf, 375–377

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Meatza! 369–370Mediterranean Leg of Lamb, 451–

452Mediterranean Marinated Turkey

Legs, 358melons, 534. See also specific

melonsMemphis “Dry Sauce,” 487–488Memphis Mop, 488Memphis Mustard Barbecue Sauce,

468–469Memphis Rub, 487Memphis Sweet Sauce, 468–469Mexiburgers, 364Mexicali Meat Loaf, 375–376Mexican Beef and Bean Soup, 202Mexican Cabbage Soup, 201Mexican Coffee, 43

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Mexican Omelet, 84Mexican Stew, 407Michelob Ultra, 20Microwaved Fish and Asparagus

with Tarragon Mustard Sauce,260–261

Middle Eastern Shish Kebabs, 449Middle Eastern Skillet Chicken,

320mi lk. See also Carb Countdown

Dairy Beverage Miller Lite,20

Milwaukee’s Best Light, 20minestrone, 188mint, 49, 142, 154, 372–373, 458Mixed Berry Cups, 539–540Mixed Greens with Warm Brie

Dressing, 140–141

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Mochaccino Cheesecake, 518–519Mocha Custard, 542Mockahlua, 46, 515–516, 518–519,

530–531Mojito, 49molasses. See blackstrap molassesMom’s 1960s Chicken, Redux,

344–345Mom’s Chocolate Chip Cookies,

501Mom’s Oatmeal Molasses Bread,

116monkfish, 207Monterey Jack cheeseAvocado Cheese Dip Omelet, 90Avocado Cheese Dips, 61Bacon-Cheese Dip, 60–61California Omelet, 89

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Chicken Chili Cheese Salad, 161–162

Chili Egg Puff, 106Chipotle Cheeseburgers, 363Chipotle-Cheese Fauxtatoes, 209–

210Chipotle Eggs, 103Chorizo Frittata, 96Easy Mexicali Chicken, 313Fried Cheese, 73Greek Meatza, 446–447Ground Beef “Helper,” 367–368Guacomelet, 90Huevos Rancheros, 104Macro Cheese Omelet, 83Mexiburgers, 364Mexicali Meat Loaf, 375–376Ropa Vieja Omelet, 91

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Seriously Simple Chicken Chile,349

Sopa Azteca, 191Sopa Tlalpeno, 189Spinach Mushroom Quiche, 109–

110Taco Salad, 163Tex-Mex Chicken Salad, 162–163mops, 487–493Moroccan Scramble, 100mortadella, 168moussesLemon Mousse Cup, 546–547Sugar-Free Chocolate Mousse to

Die For! 547–548mozzarella cheese, 89, 151–152,

168, 225–228, 230, 308–309,366, 369–370

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Mozzarella Salad, 152Mud Pie, 532–533muffins, 128–131Mulligatawny, 190Mushroom “Risotto,” 217mushroomsantipasto, 75Artichoke Mushroom Frittata, 94Artichoke-Mushroom Pork, 420–

421Avocado Cream Portobellos, 221Beef Burgundy, 395Beef with Asian Mushroom Sauce,

398Bourbon Mustard Pork Ribs, 438–

439Braised Turkey Wings withMushrooms, 355

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Chicken and Dumplings, 342Chicken Cacciatore, 315–316Chicken Stew, 341Chinese Soup with Bok Choy and

Mushrooms, 200Chunky Cream of Chicken and

Portobello Soup, 193Coquilles St. Jacques, 293–294Corner-Filling Consommé, 178Country-Style Paté, 62–63Cream of Mushroom Soup, 184Cube Steaks in Gravy, 394Cumin Mushrooms, 221–222Dinner Salad Italiano, 140Eggs Fu Yong, 111French Country Scramble, 101–102Garlic Cheese StuffedMushrooms, 64–65

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Green Bean Casserole, 232Grilled Portobellos, 222–223Ham and Cheese Puff, 107Hamburger Chop Suey, 368Hot-and-Sour Soup, 199Italian Chicken and Vegetables,

318–319Lemon-Parmesan Mushrooms, 224Lettuce Wraps, 348Lonestar “Rice,” 215Marinated Mushrooms, 64Mom’s 1960s Chicken, Redux,

344–345Mushroom “Risotto,” 217Mushrooms in Sherry Cream, 220–

221Mushrooms with Bacon, Sun-Dried

Tomatoes, and Cheese, 223

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Mu Shu Pork, 418–419Obscenely Rich Shrimp, 287–288Oysters en Brochette, 297–298Pizza Chicken, 308–309Pork and Provolone with WhiteWine and Mushrooms, 421–422Pork Roast with CreamyMushroom Gravy and Vegetables,

425Pork Stew, 426–427Portobello Fillets, 389–390Roman Mushroom Omelet, 87Salisbury Steak, 386–387Short Ribs with Wine and

Mushrooms, 405–406Skillet Stroganoff, 367Slice of Mushroom Heaven, 222Smothered Burgers, 363–364

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Snow Peas, Mushrooms, and BeanSprouts, 224

Spicy Chicken and MushroomSoup, 188–189

Spicy Sesame “Noodles” withVegetables, 253

Spinach Mushroom Kugel, 247–248

Spinach Mushroom Quiche, 109–110

Spinach Stuffed Mushrooms, 65Spring Chicken Soup, 187–188Tuna Paté, 63Turkey-Parmesan Stuffed

Mushrooms, 66Turkey Tetrazzini, 350Turkey with Mushroom Sauce,


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Two-Cheese Tuna-StuffedMushrooms, 65–66

Ultra Meat Sauce, 366–367Vedgeree, 111–112Venetian “Rice,” 216Yankee Pot Roast, 400–401Zucchini-Mushroom Skillet, 223–

224Mu Shu Pork, 418–419mustard, 55, 56, 60–61Asian Dipping Sauce, 478Balsamic-Mustard Chicken, 305Balsamic-Parmesan Dressing, 171–

172Broccoli Dijon, 250–251Coleslaw Dressing, 176Deviled Chicken, 323Easy Remoulade Sauce, 476

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French Vinaigrette Dressing, 169Ginger Mustard Fish, 260Hammond Eggs, 57Ham Slice with Mustard Sauce,

444“Honey” Mustard Dipping Sauce,

477“Honey” Mustard Ham, 441–442Lemon-Mustard Chicken Wings, 55Lemon Mustard Herb Chicken, 324Lemon-Mustard Salmon Steaks,

272Memphis Mustard Barbecue Sauce,

468–469Microwaved Fish and Asparagus

with Tarragon Mustard Sauce,260–261

Mustard-Horseradish Dipping

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Sauce, 477Mustard-Pecan Turkey Cutlets, 356Piedmont Mustard Sauce, 469Platter Sauce for Steak, 394Pork Chops with Mustard Cream

Sauce, 411Sherry-Mustard-Soy Marinated0

Chicken, 306–307Sweet and Spicy MustardSauce, 475Tangy “Honey” Mustard Dressing,

173–174mustard seed, 238, 497“My Day to Crab” Omelet, 88My Grandma’s Standby Casserole,



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nam pla. See fish sauceNapa cabbage, 111, 154, 155, 155–

156, 159–160, 239–240, 240,418–419

Napa Mint Slaw, 154Neufchâtel cheese, 525–526. See

also cheesecakesNew England Boiled Dinner, 396New Orleans Gold, 485–486New York–Style Cheesecake, 519New York Sunday Brunch Omelet,

91Nicer Niçoise, 149Noodleless Shrimp Pad Thai, 290“noodles,” 253North-South-East-West Barbecue

Sauce, 472–473No-Sugar-Added Cherry Pie

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Filling, 525Not-Quite-Middle-Eastern Salad,

217–218Not-So-Hard Sauce, 549–550Not-Very Authentic Peanut Sauce,

464Nuoc Cham, 478–479nuoc mam. See fish sauceNut Butter Balls, 505nut butters, 23nutritional analyses, 27– 2 8 . See

also carb countsnuts, 8, 22–23, 67, 538–539, 553.

See also nut butters; specificnuts

Nutty Brussels Sprouts, 234


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oat bran, 15, 117, 118, 124, 125–126, 126, 131–133, 134

oat flour, 17, 115, 116–117, 120,121, 127–128

Oatmeal Cookies, 504–505oats, 17–18, 116–117, 131, 504–

505Obscenely Rich Shrimp, 287–288oils, 14–15. See also specific oilsokra, 196–197olive oil, 14–15, 169–172, 175–

176, 479olivesantipasto, 75Artichoke Prosciutto Salad, 167–

168Balsamic-Olive Beef Kebabs, 384Cauliflower Avocado Salad, 143

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Cauliflower-Mozzarella SaladBasilico, 151–152

Cauliflower-Olive Salad, 144Chicken Chili Cheese Salad, 161–

162Curried Cheese and Olive Omelets,

87Greek Meatza, 446–447Greek Salad, 138Greek Scramble, 101Little Mama’s Side Dish, 219Nicer Niçoise, 149Not-Quite-Middle-Eastern Salad,

217–218Olive Soup, 179–180Ratatouille, 226–227Sun-Dried Tomato-Basil

Vinaigrette, 171

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Taco Salad, 163Tex-Mex Chicken Salad, 162–163Turkey Feta Burgers, 352–353Olive Soup, 179–180O’Mara, Karen, GO-Diet, 32Omelet Cordon Bleu, 92omelets, 82–92. See also eggsone-dish meals, 9–10Onion Eggs, 56onions, 9, 30–31 , 56–57 , 60–61,

78– 7 9 , 192. See alsoscallions; specific kinds ofonions

Artichoke and Friends Frittata, 94–95

Asparagus with Sun-DriedTomatoes, 244

Autumn Salad, 138

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Avocado Cheese Dip Omelet, 90Balsamic-Parmesan Dressing, 171–

172Balsamic Veggie Packet, 236–237Bollito Misto, 195–196Bubble and Squeak, 211–212Cajun Chicken Salad, 157–158Catalina Dressing, 174Cauliflower Kugel, 218–219Cauliflower-Mozzarella Salad

Basilico, 151–152Cauliflower-Olive Salad, 144Cheater’s Chowder, 205–206Cheesy Onion Soup, 186Chef’s Salad, 141Chicken-Almond “Rice,” 214–215Chicken and Dumplings, 342Chicken Chili Cheese Salad, 161–

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162Chicken Minestrone, 188Chicken Soup with Wild Rice,

192–193Chicken Stew, 341Chili-Glazed Meat Loaf, 376Chipotle Eggs, 103Chorizo Frittata, 96Cilantro Chimichurri, 476–477“Clean the Fridge” Omelet, 91Coleslaw for Company, 154Company Dinner “Rice,” 212–213Corner-Filling Consommé, 178Country Sausage Skillet Supper,

445Country-Style Paté, 62–63Dill Dip, 59–60Dinner Salad Italiano, 140

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Eggs Fu Yong, 111Garlic-Onion Fauxtatoes, 211German UnPotato Soup, 187Greek Beans, 231Greek Salad, 138Greek Scramble, 101Greek Spinach, 246Ground Beef “Helper,” 367–368Guacamole, 59Ham and Cheese Salad, 166–167Ham-Pecan Salad with Apricot

Dressing, 167Hobo Packet, 218Hot Dog Scramble, 102–103Hush Puppies, 255Inauthentic Machaca Eggs, 97–98Instant Chicken Soup, 192Italian Bean Bake, 230

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Italian Chicken and Vegetables,318–319

Italian Roast Beef Salad, 168–169Italian Sausage with Onions and

Peppers, 444–445Italian Scramble, 100Jamaican Pepperpot Soup, 201–

202Japanese Fried “Rice,” 214Joe, 370Lamb Kebabs, 448–449Lemon Slaw, 156Little Mama’s Side Dish, 219Lonestar “Rice,” 215Low-Carb BBQ Baked Beans,

255–256Low-Carb Rosy Radish Salad, 148Low-Carb Swiss Loaf, 376–377

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Maple-Glazed Corned Beef withVegetables, 397

Moroccan Scramble, 100Mulligatawny, 190Mushroom “Risotto,” 217New England Boiled Dinner, 396Nicer Niçoise, 149Onion Eggs, 56Our Favorite Salad, 142Parmesan Bean Salad, 147–148Peanut Soup, 178–179Piperade, 99–100Pork Stew, 426–427Portuguese Soup, 195Ratatouille, 226–227Rodeo Eggs, 105Roman Mushroom Omelet, 87Ropa Vieja, 380–381

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Saffron “Rice,” 213Sausage, Egg, and Cheese Bake,

108Sausage Skillet Mix-Up, 446Simple No-Sugar Pickle Relish,

497Skillet Stroganoff, 367Sloppy Toms, 354Smothered Burgers, 363–364Snow Pea Salad Wraps, 146–147Sour Cream and Cuke Salad, 143Southwestern Stuffed Eggs, 56Southwestern UnPotato Salad, 150Souvlaki Salad, 164Soy Grilled Vidalias, 248Spinach Mushroom Quiche, 109–

110Spinach Stuffed Mushrooms, 65

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Submarine Salad, 168Summer Tuna Salad, 164–165Sweet Poppy Seed Vinaigrette, 171Swiss Steak, 394–395Taco Salad, 163Tex-Mex Chicken Salad, 162–163Thai Cucumber Salad, 143–144Thai Hot Pot, 335Tuna Egg Waldorf, 165Tuna Paté, 63Unbelievable Onion Rings, 249UnPotato Salad, 149–150UnPotato Tortilla, 96Vedgeree, 111–112Winter Night Lamb Stew, 459Winter Night Sausage Bake, 445–

446Yassa, 341–342

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Orange, Avocado, and BaconSalad, 140

Orange Bacon Dressing, 154, 173Orange Blossom Turkey Breast,

357Orange Brined Ribs, 437–438Orange-Five-Spice Roasted

Chicken, 301Orange Lamb Burgers, 447–448orange marmelade, 301, 303–304,

327–328, 329–330, 379Orange Mustard Glazed Sprouts,

235Orange Pecan Sprouts, 234–235Orange Pork Loin, 422–423orange preserves, 422–423Orange Rib Glaze, 438Orange-Rosemary Lamb Steaks,

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457orange roughy, 262–263, 263Orange Roughy Bonne Femme, 263oranges, 51, 140, 234–235, 447–

448, 515, 538Orange Salmon Packets, 273Orange-Sesame Salmon, 273–274Orange Sherbet, 557Orange Smokies, 80Orange Swordfish Steaks with

Almonds, 275–276Orange-Tangerine Up-the-Butt

Chicken, 303–304Orange Tequila Steak, 391Orange Teriyaki Chicken, 327–328oregano, 54, 94–95Adobo Sauce, 480Adobo Seasoning, 484

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All-Meat Chili, 371Beef Burgundy, 395Big Italian Restaurant Dressing,

170Cajun Seasoning, 484Chicken Cacciatore, 315–316Chicken Chili Cheese Salad, 161–

162Chili-Glazed Meat Loaf, 376Cocido de Puerco, 428Creole Seasonings, 484–485Easy Southwestern Pork Stew, 428Greek Lemon Dressing, 172Greek Meatza, 446–447Italian Seasoned Crumbs, 486Italian Vinaigrette Dressing, 169–

170Kolokythia Krokettes, 225

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Lemon-Herb Stuffed Salmon, 271Many-Pepper Steak Seasoning, 485Meatza! 369–370Mediterranean Leg of Lamb, 451–

452Mexican Cabbage Soup, 201Mozzarella Salad, 152New Orleans Gold, 485–486Parmesan Chicken Breasts, 319Pizza Chicken, 308–309Sopa Azteca, 191Souvlaki Salad, 164Tex-Mex Chicken Salad, 162–163Turkey-Parmesan Stuffed

Mushrooms, 66Tuscan Chicken, 317–318Oriental Chicken, “Rice,” and

Walnut Salad Wrapped in

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Lettuce, 161Our Favorite Salad, 142Oven Barbecued Ribs, 437Oxtails Pontchartrain, 408–409oysters, 102, 202–203, 297–298Oysters en Brochette, 297–298Oyster Stew, 202–203

Ppad thai, 290Pan-Barbecued Sea Bass, 267pancakes, 122–126Almond Pancake and Waffle Mix,

125–126Kim’s Dutch Baby, 122–123Oat Bran Pancakes, 124Pancakes from Almond Mix, 125–


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“Whole Wheat” ButtermilkPancakes, 123

Zucchini Pancakes, 124–125Pancakes from Almond Mix, 125–

126pancake syrup, sugar-free, 29, 116–

117, 274–275, 296–297, 397,435–436, 441, 482–483, 491,544, 545–546

Panned Swordfish Steaks withGarlic and Vermouth, 276

Pantry Seafood Bisque, 206Pantry Seafood Supper, 283parfaits, 538–540Parmesan cheese, 53, 180–181Almond-Parmesan Crust, 136Artichoke and Friends Frittata, 94–


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Artichoke Parmesan Dip, 58Artichoke Parmesan Omelet, 86Asparagi all’Uovo, 104–105Asparagus with Aioli and

Parmesan, 242Balsamic-Parmesan Dressing, 171–

172Blue Cheese-Scallion “Risotto,”

216–217Caesar Dressing, 175–176Company Dinner “Rice,” 212–213Confetti Frittata, 93–94Creamed Spinach, 246Eggplant Parmesan Squared, 227–

228Gratin of Cauliflower and Turnips,

220Italian Scramble, 100

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Leftover Lamblet, 88Low-Carb Microwave Pasticcio,

350–351Meatza! 369–370Mushroom “Risotto,” 217Our Favorite Salad, 142Parmesan Bean Salad, 147–148Parmesan Chicken Breasts, 319Parmesan Peppercorn Dressing,

175Parmesan Rosemary Eggs, 101Pizza Chicken, 308–309Pizza Omelet, 89Shrimp Alfredo, 285–286Smoked Gouda Veggie Dip, 61–62Spaghetti Squash Alfredo, 252Spaghetti Squash Carbonara, 252–


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Spinach Stuffed Mushrooms, 65Sunflower Parmesan Crackers,

133–134Turkey-Parmesan Stuffed

Mushrooms, 66Two-Cheese Tuna-Stuffed

Mushrooms, 65–66Venetian “Rice,” 216Zucchini-Crusted Pizza, 225–226parsley, 53, 94–95Beef and Bacon “Rice” with Pine

Nuts, 215–216Big Italian Restaurant Dressing,

170Bollito Misto, 195–196Cauliflower-Olive Salad, 144Confetti UnSlaw, 156–157Easy Shrimp in Garlic Herb Cream

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Sauce, 286Greek Salad, 138Lemon Slaw, 156Low-Carb Microwave Pasticcio,

350–351Mixed Greens with Warm Brie

Dressing, 140–141Not-Quite-Middle-Eastern Salad,

217–218Our Favorite Salad, 142Ranch Dressing, 174–175The Simplest Fish, 259–260Summer Tuna Salad, 164–165Tavern Soup, 183–184Tuna Paté, 63pasilla chilies, 381patéCountry-Style Paté, 62–63

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Tuna Paté, 63peachesCranberry-Peach Chutney, 257Cranberry-Peach Turkey Roast,

359Duck Sauce, 465Grandma’s Peach Cobbler, 535–

536Jerk Chicken Salad, 159Major Grey’s Chutney, 496Peaches with Butterscotch Sauce,

537Peach Ice Cream, 554–555Peach-Orange Pleasure, 34Speedy Low-Carb PeachMelba, 536–537Sweet and Sour Shrimp, 292–293Tuna Steaks with Peach-Citrus

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Relish, 282peanut butter, 23Chinese Peanut Wings, 53–54Cocoa-Peanut Logs, 506Hoisin Sauce, 464Not-Very Authentic Peanut Sauce,

464Peanut Butter and Jelly Pie, 528–

529Peanut Butter Cheesecake, 519–520Peanut Butter Cookies, 499–500Peanut Butter Cup Pie, 529Peanut Butter Silk Pie, 528Thai Grilled Chicken, 334Thai Hot Pot, 335Thai Peanut Sauce, 334, 463–464peanuts, 69, 71, 142, 146–147,

154, 155, 160–161, 240, 288–

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289, 290, 311, 372–373peas, 99, 146–147, 166–167, 214,

215, 224, 253, 292–293, 335pecansAsparagus Pecandine, 243Butter-Pecan Cheesecake, 516–517Cheese Cookies, 74–75Cheese-Pecan Nibbles, 72–73Cranberry Nut Muffins, 129–130Dana’s Snack Mix, 68Easy Low-Carb Fudge, 554Ham-Pecan Salad with Apricot

Dressing, 167Hermits, 503–504Layered Chocolate-and-Vanilla

Decadence, 531–532Mustard-Pecan Turkey Cutlets, 356Nut Butter Balls, 505

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Oatmeal Cookies, 504–505Orange Pecan Sprouts, 234–235Pecan Sandies, 504Pumpkin Pie with Pecan Praline

Crust, 530Soy-and-Ginger Pecans, 66Tuna Egg Waldorf, 165Warm Brie with Sticky Nuts, 72Worcestershire Nuts, 67Peking Slow-Cooker Pot Roast,

398–399Pepitas Calientes, 69pepper, 175, 365–366, 385, 393–

394, 492pepper Jack cheese, 74pepperoncini, 75, 401Pepperoncini Beef, 401Pepper Steak with Whiskey Sauce,

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385Peppery Lamb Rub, 492Perfect Protein Pancakes, 123–124phytochemicals, 30Pickled Shrimp, 76pickles, 166–167, 497Picnic Chicken, 322Pie Crust, 520Piedmont Mustard Sauce, 469pies. See also crustsBrownie Mocha Fudge Pie, 530–

531Chocolate Raspberry Pie, 526Coconut Cream Pie, 527Easy Key Lime Pie, 526–527German Chocolate Pie, 533Layered Chocolate-and-Vanilla

Decadence, 531–532

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Mud Pie, 532–533No-Sugar-Added Cherry Pie

Filling, 525Peanut Butter and Jelly Pie, 528–

529Peanut Butter Cup Pie, 529Peanut Butter Silk Pie, 528Pumpkin Pie with Pecan Praline

Crust, 530Strawberry Cheese Pie, 525–526pimentos, 75pineapple, 418, 422, 431, 443–444,

475pine nuts, 168–169, 215–216, 251–

252Piperade, 99–100pizza, 225–226Pizza Burger, 366

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Pizza Chicken, 308–309Pizza Omelet, 89Platter Sauce for Steak, 394Pollo en Jugo de Naranja (Mexican

Chicken in Orange Juice),323–324

Polynesian Pork, 416Polynesian Sauce, 475polyols, 26–27pomace, 14–15Poor Man’s Poivrade, 365–366Poppy Seed Bread, 117poppy seeds, 117, 129, 171pork, 410–446. See also bacon;

ham; prosciutto; sausageAbsolutely Classic Barbecued

Ribs, 435Albondigas, 432

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Apple Cheddar Pork Burgers, 429–430

Apple-Glazed Pork Chops, 413–414

Apple-Maple Brined Ribs, 435–436

Apple-Mustard Pork Steaks, 417Apple Sausage Burgers, 444Artichoke-Mushroom Pork, 420–

421Asian Pork and Cabbage, 420Bourbon Mustard Pork Ribs, 438–

439Braised Pork with Fennel, 423–424Carnitas, 432Carolina Pulled Pork, 433Cherry Chops, 413Chili Lime Pork Strips, 419

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Chinese Pork, 434Cocido de Puerco, 428Country Sausage Skillet Supper,

445Creamy Ham Casserole, 442–443Curried Pork Stew, 427Easy Pork Roast, 424Easy Southwestern Pork Stew, 428Ginger Sesame Pork, 419–420Gingersnap Pork, 415Ham and Beans Skillet, 443–444Ham and Pork Burgers, 430Ham Kedgeree, 442Ham Slice with Mustard Sauce,

444Hoisin Basted Ribs, 439–440

“Honey” Mustard Ham, 441–442

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Hot-and-Sour Soup, 199Hot Asian Ribs, 440Island Pork Steaks, 416Italian Herb Pork Chops, 411–412Italian Sausage with Onions and

Peppers, 444–445Key West Ribs, 440Lemon-Garlic-Jalapeño Pork

Steaks, 417Lemon-Ginger Pork Chops, 412Luau Burgers, 431Maple-Spice Country-Style Ribs,

441Mu Shu Pork, 418–419Orange Brined Ribs, 437–438Orange Pork Loin, 422–423Orange Rib Glaze, 438Oven Barbecued Ribs, 437

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Peach-Orange Brined Pork Chopswith Herb Rub, 414

Pineapple Glazed Pork Loin, 422Polynesian Pork, 416Pork and “Apple” Stew, 427–428Pork and Provolone with WhiteWine and Mushrooms, 421–422Pork Chili, 429pork chops, 411–416Pork Chops with Garlic and

Balsamic Vinegar, 415Pork Chops with Sauerkraut, 412–

413Pork-Crusted Pork! 417–418pork rinds, 417–418, 424–425Pork Roast with Creamy Mushroom

Gravy and Vegetables, 425Pork Stew, 426–427

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Pork with Cabbage, 425–426Pork with Rutabaga, 426ribs, 434–441Sausage Skillet Mix-Up, 446Simply Marinated Ribs, 435–436Simply Spicy Pork Chops, 411Sour Cream Ham Supper, 441Spicy Sesame “Noodles” with

Vegetables, 253Stir-Fry Soup, 199–200Sweet and Sour Pork, 418Thai Burgers, 430–431Winter Night Sausage Bake, 445–

446pork chops, 411– 4 16 . See also

porkpork rinds, 64–65, 351, 352, 417–

418, 431, 486

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pork sausage. See sausageportobello mushrooms, 64–65, 193,

221, 222–223, 389–390Portuguese Soup, 195potatoes. See also fauxtatoes;Ketatoes; Southwestern UnPotatoSalad; UnPotato recipes;UnPotato Saladpoultry, 8, 299–361chicken. See chickenduck, 360–361game hens, 359–360turkey. See turkeypreserves, 25. See also specific

kinds of preservesprosciutto, 167–168, 319–320protein powder, 19protein snacks, 507–508

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provolone cheese, 140, 168, 421–422

psyllium husks, 17puddings, 545–546, 549. See also

custardspumpkin, 130–131, 181–182, 256–

257, 310–311, 422–423, 530,545–546

pumpkin seed meal, 17, 63–64,118–119, 429

pumpkin seeds, 22, 69–70 , 256–257

Punks on the Range, 70

Qquesadillas, 71queso quesadilla, 191, 358–359Quiche Lorraine, 109

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quiches, 109–110Quick Curried Lamb, 448Quick Green Chowder, 205

Rradicchio, 140–141, 254radishes, 148raisins, 118, 312–313Ranch and Scallion Fauxtatoes, 211Ranch Dressing, 174–175Ranch Mix, 69raspberries, 35–36, 313–314, 526,

528–529Raspberry Vinaigrette Dressing,

170–171Ratatouille, 226–227Razzleberry Smoothie, 35–36red bell pepper, 91, 93–94, 94–95,

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156–157, 157–158, 161–162,162–163, 168, 232, 265–266,317–318

red cabbage, 154, 156–157, 158,239

red chilies, 336red leaf lettuce, 138, 140–141, 158,

160–161red onions, 56–57Asparagus with Sun-Dried

Tomatoes, 244Autumn Salad, 138Cajun Chicken Salad, 157–158Cauliflower-Mozzarella Salad

Basilico, 151–152Cauliflower-Olive Salad, 144Chef’s Salad, 141Chicken Chili Cheese Salad, 161–

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162Cilantro Chimichurri, 476–477Classic Spinach Salad, 139Coleslaw for Company, 154Confetti Frittata, 93–94Dinner Salad Italiano, 140Greek Salad, 138Guacamole, 59Ham and Cheese Salad, 166–167Ham-Pecan Salad with Apricot

Dressing, 167Italian Roast Beef Salad, 168–169Lemon Slaw, 156Nicer Niçoise, 149Our Favorite Salad, 142Parmesan Bean Salad, 147–148Sauerkraut Salad, 148Snow Pea Salad Wraps, 146–147

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Sour Cream and Cuke Salad, 143Southwestern UnPotato Salad, 150Souvlaki Salad, 164Submarine Salad, 168Summer Tuna Salad, 164–165Sweet Poppy Seed Vinaigrette, 171Taco Salad, 163Tex-Mex Chicken Salad, 162–163Thai Cucumber Salad, 143–144Tilapia on a Nest of Vegetables,

265–266Tuna Egg Waldorf, 165UnPotato Salad, 149–150red snapper, 269Reduced-Carb Spicy Barbecue

Sauce, 467red wine, 405–406, 451–452, 453–


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relishes, 497rhubarb, 535Rhubarb Flummery, 535ribs (beef), 404–406ribs (pork), 434–440“rice.” See also wild riceBeef and Bacon “Rice” with Pine

Nuts, 215–216Blue Cheese-Scallion “Risotto,”

216–217Cauliflower Rice, 212Cauliflower Rice Deluxe, 212Chicken-Almond “Rice,” 214–215Chicken Liver and “Rice”

Casserole,” 346Chicken “Risotto” alla Milanese,

347–348Company Dinner “Rice,” 212–213

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Curried Chicken “Pilau,” 346–347Ensalada de “Arroz,” 144–145Japanese Fried “Rice,” 214Lonestar “Rice,” 215Mushroom “Risotto,” 217Oriental Chicken, “Rice,” andWalnut Salad Wrapped in Lettuce,

161Saffron “Rice,” 213Shrimp and Artichoke “Risotto,”

289Spanish “Rice,” 372Venetian “Rice,” 216rice bran, 15, 119rice protein powder, 17, 63–64,

135–136, 255, 343rice vinegar, 159–160, 161, 172–

173, 180, 243–244, 280, 292–

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293, 478–479ricotta cheese, 123–124, 350–351roast beef, 141, 168–169Roast Chicken with Balsamic

Vinegar, 300–301Roasted Cabbage with Balsamic

Vinegar, 240–241Rodeo Eggs, 105rolled oats, 17–18. See also oatsrolls, 120romaine lettuce, 138, 140–142,

160–161, 163–166Roman Mushroom Omelet, 87Romano cheese, 170, 369–370Roman Stew, 406–407Root Beer Float, 38Ropa Vieja, 380–381Ropa Vieja broth, 381

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Ropa Vieja Hash, 381Ropa Vieja Omelet, 91rosemaryApricot-Rosemary Glazed Chicken

Breasts, 330–331Chicken with Root Vegetables,

Cabbage, and Herbs, 338Greek Chicken with Yogurt, 321Herbed Green Beans, 229Italian Herb Pork Chops, 411–412Lamb Stew Provençal, 460Lemon Lamb Shanks, 454Lemon-Rosemary Chicken, 326–

327Mediterranean Leg of Lamb, 451–

452Orange-Rosemary Lamb Steaks,


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Parmesan Rosemary Eggs, 101Peach-Orange Brined Pork Chops

with Herb Rub, 414rubs, 486–493Amazing Barbecue Rub, 491barbecue dry rub, 296–297, 314,

433, 435, 486Big Bad Beef Rib Rub, 488Bodacious Beef Brisket Rub, 488–

489Cajun Rub, 490Classic Barbecue Rub, 486Curry Rub, 491–492Dixie Belle Rub, 492Five-Spice Beef Rub, 489Herb Chicken Rub, 486–487Memphis “Dry Sauce,” 487–488Memphis Rub, 487

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Peppery Lamb Rub, 492Sweet Spice Islands Rub, 493rumCuba Libre, 51Daiquiri, 47Dana Massey’s Low-Carb

Strawberry Daiquiris, 480Dark and Stormy, 50Kay’s Hot Rum Toddy, 44–45Laure’s Homemade LC “Bailey’s

Mae,” 45Mojito, 49rutabagas, 235, 310–311, 422–423,

426, 459Rye Bread, 118rye flour, 118


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safflower oil, 14saffron, 213, 347–348Saffron “Rice,” 213Saganaki, 73–74sage, 319–320, 324, 411–412, 414Sag Paneer, 247Saigon Shrimp, 288–289salad dressings, 169–176Balsamic-Parmesan Dressing, 171–

172Big Italian Restaurant Dressing,

170Blue Cheese Dressing, 174Caesar Dressing, 175–176Catalina Dressing, 174Citrus Dressing, 172Coleslaw Dressing, 176Creamy Garlic Dressing, 175

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Cumin Vinaigrette, 171French Vinaigrette Dressing, 169Ginger Salad Dressing, 173Greek Lemon Dressing, 172Italian Vinaigrette Dressing, 169–

170Orange Bacon Dressing, 173Parmesan Peppercorn Dressing,

175Ranch Dressing, 174–175Raspberry Vinaigrette Dressing,

170–171Soy and Sesame Dressing, 172–173Sun-Dried Tomato-Basil

Vinaigrette, 171Sweet Poppy Seed Vinaigrette, 171Tangy “Honey” Mustard Dressing,


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salads, 137–176. See also saladdressings

Artichoke Chicken Salad, 157Artichoke Prosciutto Salad, 167–

168Asian Chicken Salad, 159–160Asian Ginger Slaw, 155Autumn Salad, 138Avocado, Egg, and Blue Cheese

Salad, 152–153Bacon, Tomato, and Cauliflower

Salad, 151Blue Slaw, 241Cajun Chicken Salad, 157–158Cauliflower Avocado Salad, 143Cauliflower-Mozzarella Salad

Basilico, 151–152Cauliflower-Olive Salad, 144

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Chef’s Salad, 141Chicken Chili Cheese Salad, 161–

162Chicken Waldorf Salad, 157Classic Spinach Salad, 139Coleslaw, 153–154Coleslaw for Company, 154Confetti UnSlaw, 156–157Crunchy Snow Pea Salad, 147Curried Cauliflower Salad, 150–

151Dilled Chicken Salad, 159

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Dinner Salad Italiano, 140Egg Salad Français, 153Ensalada de “Arroz,” 144–145Ginger-Almond Chicken Salad, 158Greek Salad, 138Grilled Broccoli Salad, 250Grilled Radicchio with Balsamic

Vinaigrette, 254Ham and Cheese Salad, 166–167Ham-Pecan Salad with Apricot

Dressing, 167Italian Roast Beef Salad, 168–169Jerk Chicken Salad, 159Lemon Slaw, 156Low-Carb Rosy Radish Salad, 148Mixed Greens with Warm Brie

Dressing, 140–141Mozzarella Salad, 152

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Napa Mint Slaw, 154Nicer Niçoise, 149Not-Quite-Middle-Eastern Salad,

217–218Orange, Avocado, and Bacon

Salad, 140Oriental Chicken, “Rice,” and

Walnut Salad Wrapped inLettuce, 161

Our Favorite Salad, 142Parmesan Bean Salad, 147–148Sauerkraut Salad, 148Sesame-Almond Napa Slaw, 155–

156Shrimp and Avocado Salad, 165–

166Snow Pea Salad Wraps, 146–147Sour Cream and Cuke Salad, 143

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Southwestern UnPotato Salad, 150Souvlaki Salad, 164Spicy Peanut Slaw, 155Spinach-Strawberry Salad, 139Submarine Salad, 168Summer Treat Spinach Salad, 139–

140Summer Tuna Salad, 164–165Taco Salad, 163Tex-Mex Chicken Salad, 162–163Thai Cobb Salad, 160–161Thai Cucumber Salad, 143–144Thai-Style Crab Salad in

Avocados, 165Tuna Egg Waldorf, 165UnPotato Salad, 149–150Vietnamese Salad, 142salami

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antipasto, 75Dinner Salad Italiano, 140Submarine Salad, 168Salisbury Steak, 386–387salmonButtered Salmon with Creole

Seasonings, 272–273Cream of Salmon Soup, 203–204Feta-Spinach Salmon Roast, 272Fish Eggs, 56–57Glazed, Grilled Salmon, 274Lemon-Herb Stuffed Salmon, 271Lemon-Mustard Salmon Steaks,

272Maple-Balsamic Glazed Salmon,

274–275New York Sunday BrunchOmelet, 91

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Orange Salmon Packets, 273Orange-Sesame Salmon, 273–274Salmon in Ginger Cream, 270Salmon Patties, 275Salmon Stuffed with Lime,

Cilantro, Anaheim Peppers,and Scallions, 270–271

Salmon with Lemon-Dill Butter,269–270

Smoked Salmon and Goat CheeseScramble, 98–99

salsa, 104, 163, 276–2 7 7 , 313,348–349, 364, 375–376, 395–396, 496–497

salt. See Vege-SalSaltimbocca, 319–320Salty Dog, 50San Diego Chicken, 307–308

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Sangria, 51sardines, 75sauces, 394, 462–483 , 494–497.

See also glazes; marinadesAdobo Sauce, 480Alabama White Sauce, 470–471Apricosen und Horseradish BBQ

Sauce, 473Apricot Ginger Dipping Sauce, 478Apricot White Wine Sauce, 476Asian Dipping Sauce, 478Bourbon-Molasses Barbecue

Sauce, 470Cajun Sauce, 474–475Chipotle Sauce, 477Cilantro Chimichurri, 476–477Cocktail Sauce, 466Cranberry Barbecue Sauce, 468

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Cranberry Sauce, 494Curried Mock Hollandaise, 480Duck Sauce, 465Eastern Carolina Vinegar Sauce,

469–470Easy Remoulade Sauce, 476Fast Strawberry-Orange Sauce,

550–551Five-Spice Barbecue Sauce, 471–

472Florida Sunshine Tangerine

Barbecue Sauce, 473–474Hollandaise for Sissies, 479“Honey” Mustard Dipping Sauce,

477Kansas City Barbecue Sauce, 467–

468Lexington-Style Barbecue Sauce,

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470Lone Star Beef Sauce, 471Looing Sauce, 465–466Maltilol-Splenda Chocolate Sauce,

551Memphis Sweet Sauce, 468–469Mustard-Horseradish Dipping

Sauce, 477North-South-East-West Barbecue

Sauce, 472–473Not-So-Hard Sauce, 549–550Not-Very Authentic Peanut Sauce,

464Nuoc Cham, 478–479Piedmont Mustard Sauce, 469Polynesian Sauce, 475Reduced-Carb Spicy Barbecue

Sauce, 467

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Slow Cooker Cranberry Sauce, 495Stir-Fry Sauce, 463Strawberry Sauce, 550Sugar-Free Chocolate Sauce, 551–

552Sweet and Spicy Mustard Sauce,

475Sweet Spice Islands Sauce, 474Teriyaki Sauce, 465Texas BBQ Brisket Sauce, 472Thai Peanut Sauce, 334, 463–464Ultra Meat Sauce, 366–367Sauerbrauten, 401–402sauerkraut, 148, 412–413Sauerkraut Salad, 148sausageApple Sausage Burgers, 444Chicken and Andouille Gumbo,

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196–197Chorizo Frittata. See also chorizoConfetti Frittata, 93–94Country Sausage Skillet Supper,

445German UnPotato Soup, 187Italian Sausage Soup, 198Italian Sausage with Onions and

Peppers, 444–445Orange Smokies, 80Portuguese Soup, 195Sausage, Egg, and Cheese Bake,

108Sausage Skillet Mix-Up, 446Shrimp and Andouille Jambalaya,

284turkey chorizo, 354Turkey Chorizo with Eggs, 354

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Turkey Sausage Soup, 194Tuscan Soup, 194–195UnPotato and Sausage Soup, 197–

198Winter Night Sausage Bake, 445–

446Sautéed Sole in White Wine, 264–

265savory, 460scallionsAsian Chicken Salad, 159–160Asian Ginger Slaw, 155Cauliflower Avocado Salad, 143Clam Dip, 60Confetti UnSlaw, 156–157Curried Cheese and Olive Omelets,

87Curried Shrimp in Coconut Milk,

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285Eggdrop Soup, 180Egg Salad Français, 153Eggs Fu Yong, 111Ensalada de “Arroz,” 144–145French Country Scramble, 101–102Ginger-Almond Chicken Salad, 158Hot Crab Dip, 60Jerk Chicken Salad, 159Lemon-Herb Stuffed Salmon, 271Lemon Mustard Herb Chicken, 324Lettuce Wraps, 348Mixed Greens with Warm Brie

Dressing, 140–141Mozzarella Salad, 152Mu Shu Pork, 418–419“My Day to Crab” Omelet, 88Napa Mint Slaw, 154

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Noodleless Shrimp Pad Thai, 290Not-Quite-Middle-Eastern Salad,

217–218Ranch and Scallion Fauxtatoes, 211Ranch Dressing, 174–175Saigon Shrimp, 288–289Salmon Stuffed with Lime,

Cilantro, Anaheim Peppers,and Scallions, 270–271

Scallops Vinaigrette, 294Sesame-Almond Napa Slaw, 155–

156Shrimp and Avocado Salad, 165–

166Smoked Gouda Veggie Dip, 61–62Smoked Salmon and Goat Cheese

Scramble, 98–99Sopa Aguacate, 182

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Sopa Tlalpeno, 189Spicy Peanut Slaw, 155Springtime Scramble, 99Stilton Eggs, 57Summer Treat Spinach Salad, 139–

140Thai Burgers, 430–431Thai Chicken Bowls, 332–333Thai Chicken Soup, 190–191Thai Cobb Salad, 160–161Thai Grilled Chicken, 334Thai Peanut Sauce, 334Thai Stir-Fried Cabbage, 240Thai-Style Crab Salad in

Avocados, 165Thai Turkey Burgers, 353Tuna Puffs, 63–64Two-Cheese Tuna-Stuffed

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Mushrooms, 65–66Vietnamese Salad, 142scallops, 293–297Scallops Vinaigrette, 294Scallops with Moroccan Spices,

296Scampi! 283–284Scotch Bonnet peppers, 481–482scrambles, 96–103. See also eggssea bass, 267, 268Seabreeze Sunrise, 48seafood, 204–205, 206, 258–298,

283. See also fish; shellfishSeafood Chowder, 204–205seasonings, 23–25 , 483–493. See

also mops; rubs; specificseasonings

Adobo Seasoning, 484

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Cajun Seasoning, 484Creole Seasonings, 484–485Dana’s Chicken Seasoning, 483Italian Seasoned Crumbs, 486Jerk Seasoning, 484Many-Pepper Steak Seasoning, 485New Orleans Gold, 485–486Taco Seasoning, 483Wasabi Baste, 490–491Seed Bread, 115–116seeds, 22. See also specific seedsSeriously Simple Chicken Chile,

349Seriously Simple Lamb Shanks,

454–455Seriously Spicy Citrus Chicken,

329Sesame-Almond Napa Slaw, 155–

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156sesame butter, 23Sesame Cookies, 500–501sesame oil, 155– 1 5 6 , 172–173,

199–200, 239–240, 250, 273–274, 302–303, 382, 419–420,440, 456, 464, 478

Sesame Orange Beef, 382Sesame Orange Duck, 360–361Sesame Seed Bread, 117sesame seeds, 62, 117, 134–135,

155–156, 243–244, 250, 253,312–313, 360–361, 500–501,507–508

Shandy, 50shellfish, 297–298clams, 204, 205–206crabmeat, 283

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lobster, 297oysters, 297–298shrimp, 76–77, 206, 283–293Shelton broths, 20sherbet, 555–557sherry, 220–221, 290–291, 302–

303, 304, 306–307, 350, 387–388, 465–466

Sherry-Mustard-Soy MarinatedChicken, 306–307

Short Ribs with Wine andMushrooms, 405–406

shrimp, 11Brined Lemon Pepper Shrimp,

286–287Cajun Skillet Shrimp, 284–285Curried Shrimp in Coconut Milk,


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Easy Party Shrimp, 76–77Easy Shrimp in Garlic Herb Cream

Sauce, 286Eggs Fu Yong, 111Hot Paprika Shrimp, 288Noodleless Shrimp Pad Thai, 290Obscenely Rich Shrimp, 287–288Pantry Seafood Bisque, 206Pantry Seafood Supper, 283Pickled Shrimp, 76Saigon Shrimp, 288–289Scampi! 283–293Shrimp Alfredo, 285–286Shrimp and Andouille Jambalaya,

284Shrimp and Artichoke “Risotto,”

289Shrimp and Avocado Salad, 165–

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166Shrimp in Brandy Cream, 292Shrimp in Sherry, 290–291Shrimp Stewed in Curry Butter,

291Spicy Sesame “Noodles” with

Vegetables, 253Spicy Shrimp in Beer and Butter,

291Sweet and Sour Shrimp, 292–293Sweet and Spicy Shrimp, 292Thai Hot Pot, 335Sicilian Spinach, 245–246side dishes, 208–257 . See also

saladsAsparagus Pecandine, 243Asparagus with Aioli and

Parmesan, 242

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Asparagus with Curried WalnutButter, 242

Asparagus with Sun-DriedTomatoes, 244

Avocado Cream Portobellos, 221‘Baga Fries, 235Balsamic Veggie Packet, 236–237Barbecue Green Beans, 229Basic Artichokes, 244Bavarian Cabbage, 239Beef and Bacon “Rice” with Pine

Nuts, 215–216Blue Cheese-Scallion “Risotto,”

216–217Blue Slaw, 241Broccoli Dijon, 250–251Broccoli Piquant, 250Broccoli with Bacon and Pine

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Nuts, 251–252Broccoli with Lemon Butter, 249Bubble and Squeak, 211–212Cauliflower Kugel, 218–219Cauliflower Purée (a.k.a.

“Fauxtatoes”), 209Cauliflower Rice, 212Cauliflower Rice Deluxe, 212Cheddar-Barbeque Fauxtatoes, 210Chicken-Almond “Rice,”214–215Chili Lime Pumpkin, 256–257Chipotle-Cheese Fauxtatoes, 209–

210Company Dinner “Rice,”212–213Country-Style Green Beans, 228Cranberry-Peach Chutney, 257Creamed Spinach, 246Cumin Mushrooms, 221–222

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Dragon’s Teeth, 239–240Easy Garlic Creamed Spinach, 246Eggplant Parmesan Squared, 227–

228Fried Artichokes, 244–245Garlic-Onion Fauxtatoes, 211Ginger Stir-Fry Broccoli, 251Glazed Turnips, 236Gratin of Cauliflower and Turnips,

220Greek Beans, 231Greek Spinach, 246Green Bean Casserole, 232Green Beans a la Carbonara, 233Grilled Asparagus with Balsamic

Vinegar, 241Grilled Broccoli Salad, 250Grilled Portobellos, 222–223

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Grilled Radicchio with BalsamicVinaigrette, 254

Grilled Sesame Asparagus, 243–244

Herbed Green Beans, 229Hobo Packet, 218Holiday Green Bean Casserole,

231–232Hush Puppies, 255Indian Cabbage, 238Italian Bean Bake, 230Italian Garlic and Herb Fauxtatoes,

210Jansonn’s Temptation, 238Japanese Fried “Rice,” 214Kolokythia Krokettes, 225Lemon-Garlic Grilled Zucchini,


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Lemon-Parmesan Mushrooms, 224Lemon Pepper Beans, 228Little Mama’s Side Dish, 219Lonestar “Rice,” 215Low-Carb BBQ Baked Beans,

255–256Mashed Garlic Turnips, 236Mushroom “Risotto,” 217Mushrooms in Sherry Cream, 220–

221Mushrooms with Bacon, Sun-Dried

Tomatoes, and Cheese, 223Not-Quite-Middle-Eastern Salad,

217–218Nutty Brussels Sprouts, 234Orange Mustard Glazed Sprouts,

235Orange Pecan Sprouts, 234–235

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Ranch and Scallion Fauxtatoes, 211Ratatouille, 226–227Roasted Cabbage with Balsamic

Vinegar, 240–241Saffron “Rice,” 213Sag Paneer, 247Slice of Mushroom Heaven, 222Snow Peas, Mushrooms, and Bean

Sprouts, 224Sour Cream Spinach, 247Southern Beans, 230Soy Grilled Vidalias, 248Spaghetti Squash Alfredo, 252Spaghetti Squash Carbonara, 252–

253Spicy Sesame “Noodles” with

Vegetables, 253Spinach Mushroom Kugel, 247–

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248Stir-Fried Green Beans and Water

Chestnuts, 229–230Stir-Fried Spinach, 245Sweet-and-Sour Cabbage, 239Tangy Beans, 230–231Thai Stir-Fried Cabbage, 240Turnips Au Gratin, 237The Ultimate Fauxtatoes, 209–210Unbelievable Onion Rings, 249Venetian “Rice,” 216Zucchini-Crusted Pizza, 225–226Zucchini-Mushroom Skillet, 223–

224Simple Almond Crust, 522, 529Simple No-Sugar Pickle Relish,

497Simple Salsa Beef, 395–396

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The Simplest Fish, 259–260Simply Marinated Ribs, 435–436Simply Spicy Pork Chops, 411Singing Chicken, 336Skillet Chicken Florentine, 315Skillet Stroganoff, 367Slice of Mushroom Heaven, 222Sloppy José, 370–371Sloppy Tom Omelet, 88–89Sloppy Toms, 354Slow Cooker Brewery Chicken and

Vegetables, 339Slow Cooker Chicken Guadalupe,

314–315Slow Cooker Chicken Mole, 312–

313Slow Cooker Cranberry Sauce, 495Slow Cooker Maple Pumpkin

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Pudding, 545–546Smoked Almonds, 67Smoked Gouda Veggie Dip, 61–62Smoked Salmon and Goat Cheese

Scramble, 98–99Smoky Marinated Steak, 393smoothiesAlmond Joy in a Glass, 37Apple Pie Smoothie, 34–35Blueberry Pancakes in a Glass, 36Cantaloupe-Watermelon Smash, 35Cherry Vanilla Sundae in a Glass,

35Florida Sunshine Smoothie, 34Honeydew Lime Cooler, 34The King’s Smoothie, 36–37Peach-Orange Pleasure, 34Razzleberry Smoothie, 35–36

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Strawberry-Kiwi Sparkler, 36Smothered Burgers, 363–364Smucker’s preserves, 25snacks, 52–80. See also appetizers;

crackersAsian Punks, 69–70Barbecued Peanuts, 71Blue Cheese Dressing Walnuts, 67–

68Brie and Walnut Quesadillas, 71Cheese-Pecan Nibbles, 72–73Dana’s Snack Mix, 68Great Balls of Protein, 507–508Indian Punks, 70Maple-Glazed Walnuts, 68Pepitas Calientes, 69Punks on the Range, 70Ranch Mix, 69

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Saganaki, 73–74Smoked Almonds, 67snack mixes, 68–69Soy-and-Ginger Pecans, 66Warm Brie with Sticky Nuts, 72Worcestershire Nuts, 67snow peas. See peassoda, 39sole, 264, 264–265Sopa Aguacate, 182Sopa Azteca, 191Sopa de Frijoles Negros, 181Sopa Tlalpeno, 189sops, 493Sort-of-Ethiopian Chicken Stew,

340soups, 177–206 . See also chili;


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Almost Lobster Bisque, 207Artichoke Soup, 179Bollito Misto, 195–196Broccoli Blue Cheese Soup, 182–

183California Soup, 178Cauliflower, Cheese, and Spinach

Soup, 185–186Cheater’s Chowder, 205–206Cheesy Cauliflower Soup, 185Cheesy Onion Soup, 186Chicken and Andouille Gumbo,

196–197Chicken Minestrone, 188Chicken Soup with Wild Rice,

192–193Chinese Soup with Bok Choy and

Mushrooms, 200

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Chunky Cream of Chicken andPortobello Soup, 193

Corner-Filling Consommé, 178Cream of Cauliflower Soup, 184–

185Cream of Mushroom Soup, 184Cream of Salmon Soup, 203–204Cream of UnPotato Soup, 186–187Curried Pumpkin Soup, 181–182Easy Tomato-Beef Soup, 200Eggdrop Soup, 180German UnPotato Soup, 187Hot-and-Sour Soup, 199Instant Chicken Soup, 192Italian Sausage Soup, 198Italian Tuna Soup, 203Jamaican Pepperpot Soup, 201–


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Manhattan Clam Chowder, 204Mexican Beef and Bean Soup, 202Mexican Cabbage Soup, 201Mulligatawny, 190Olive Soup, 179–180Oyster Stew, 202–203Pantry Seafood Bisque, 206Peanut Soup, 178–179Portuguese Soup, 195Quick Green Chowder, 205Seafood Chowder, 204–205Sopa Aguacate, 182Sopa Azteca, 191Sopa de Frijoles Negros, 181Sopa Tlalpeno, 189Spicy Chicken and Mushroom

Soup, 188–189Spring Chicken Soup, 187–188

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Stir-Fry Soup, 199–200Stracciatella, 180–181Swiss Cheese and Broccoli Soup,

183Tavern Soup, 183–184Thai Chicken Soup, 190–191Turkey Meatball Soup, 193–194Turkey Sausage Soup, 194Tuscan Soup, 194–195sour cream, 59–60, 93, 129, 143,

163, 164, 176, 221, 247, 270,348–349, 441, 479, 480

South Beach Diet, 21Southeast Asian Coconut Custard,

543–544Southern Beans, 230Southern Comfort, 45Southern Sop, 493

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Southwestern Saganaki, 74Southwestern Steak, 385–386Southwestern Stuffed Eggs, 56Southwestern Stuffed Peppers, 372Southwestern UnPotato Salad, 150Souvlaki Salad, 164Soy-and-Ginger Pecans, 66Soy and Sesame Dressing, 172–173Soy and Sesame Glazed Lamb

Steaks, 456soy beans. See black soy beanssoy flour, 18Soy Grilled Vidalias, 248soy powder, 18, 126–127soy products, 8soy protein isolate, 18soy sauce, 53–54Apple-Mustard Pork Steaks, 417

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Asian Chicken Salad, 159–160Asian Dipping Sauce, 478Asian Ginger Slaw, 155Asian Punks, 69–70Asian Slow Cooker Short Ribs,

404–405Chinese Pork, 434Chinese Soup with Bok Choy and

Mushrooms, 200Chinese Steamed Fish, 262Crunchy Peking Burgers, 364Dragon’s Teeth, 239–240Duck Sauce, 465Eggdrop Soup, 180Five-Spice Lamb Steak, 455Ginger Salad Dressing, 173Good Low-Carb Slow Cooked

Short Ribs, 404

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Grilled Broccoli Salad, 250Grilled Sesame Asparagus, 243–

244Ground Beef Stir-Fry, 368–369Ham-Pecan Salad with Apricot

Dressing, 167Hoisin Sauce, 464Hot-and-Sour Soup, 199Hot Asian Ribs, 440Indonesian Grilled Catfish, 280Japanese Fried “Rice,” 214Jerk Marinade, 481–482Korean Barbecued Chicken, 302–

303Lemon Soy Chicken Wings, 55Looing Sauce, 465–466Luau Burgers, 431Marco Polo Marinade, 481

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Mu Shu Pork, 418–419Oriental Chicken, “Rice,” and

Walnut Salad Wrapped inLettuce, 161

Polynesian Pork, 416Polynesian Sauce, 475Sesame-Almond Napa Slaw, 155–

156Sherry-Mustard-Soy Marinated

Chicken, 306–307Soy-and-Ginger Pecans, 66Soy and Sesame Dressing, 172–173Soy and Sesame Glazed Lamb

Steaks, 456Soy Grilled Vidalias, 248Spicy Sesame “Noodles” with

Vegetables, 253Stir-Fry Sauce, 463

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Stir-Fry Soup, 199–200Sweet and Sour Shrimp, 292–293Sweet Lemon-Brined and Glazed

Chicken Breast, 325Tequila Lime Marinade, 480–481Teriyaki Sauce, 465Thai Beef Lettuce Wraps, 372–373Thai-ish Chicken Basil Stir-Fry,

332Turkey Loaf with Thai Flavors, 352Uptown Chuck, 388spaghetti squash, 252–253cooking, 252Low-Carb Microwave Pasticcio,

350–351Noodleless Shrimp Pad Thai, 290Spaghetti Squash Alfredo, 252Spaghetti Squash Carbonara, 252–

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253Spicy Sesame “Noodles” with

Vegetables, 253Turkey Tetrazzini, 350Spanish “Rice,” 372Spanish Skillet Lamb, 450–451Spatchcocked (or UnSpatchcocked)

Chicken with Vinegar Baste,305–306

Speedy Low-Carb Peach Melba,536–537

Spiced-Rubbed Leg of Lamb withApricot-Chipotle Glaze, 452–453

spices. See seasonings; specificspices

Spicy Chicken and MushroomSoup, 188–189

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Spicy Citrus Butter, 493–494Spicy Orange Meatballs, 379Spicy Peanut Chicken, 311Spicy Peanut Slaw, 155Spicy Sesame “Noodles” with

Vegetables, 253Spicy Shrimp in Beer and Butter,

291spinachAutumn Salad, 138Cauliflower, Cheese, and Spinach

Soup, 185–186Classic Spinach Salad, 139Creamed Spinach, 246Easy Garlic Creamed Spinach, 246Feta-Spinach Salmon Roast, 272Greek Meatza, 446–447Greek Spinach, 246

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Jamaican Pepperpot Soup, 201–202

Joe, 370Not-Quite-Middle-Eastern Salad,

217–218Obscenely Rich Shrimp, 287–288Quick Green Chowder, 205Sag Paneer, 247Sicilian Spinach, 245–246Skillet Chicken Florentine, 315Sopa Azteca, 191Sour Cream Spinach, 247Spinach Artichoke Dip, 58Spinach Mushroom Kugel, 247–

248Spinach Mushroom Quiche, 109–

110Spinach-Strawberry Salad, 139

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Spinach Stuffed Mushrooms, 65Stir-Fried Spinach, 245Summer Treat Spinach Salad, 139–

140Splenda. See sucraloseSpring Chicken Soup, 187–188Springtime Scramble, 99squash. See also zucchiniBalsamic Veggie Packet, 236–237cooking, 252Low-Carb Microwave Pasticcio,

350–351Noodleless Shrimp Pad Thai, 290spaghetti squash, 252–253, 290Spaghetti Squash Alfredo, 252Spaghetti Squash Carbonara, 252–

253Spicy Sesame “Noodles” with

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Vegetables, 253Tilapia on a Nest of Vegetables,

265–266Turkey Tetrazzini, 350stalks, 192–193Standard American Diet, 8, 9Steak au Poivre with Brandy

Cream, 393–394Steak Diane, 387–388Steak with Brandy-Stilton Cream

Sauce, 388–389Stevia, 28–29Stevia/FOS blend, 28–29Stewed Chicken with Moroccan

Seasonings, 340–341stews. See also chiliBeef and Zucchini Stew, 408Carne all’Ungherese, 407–408

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Chicken Stew, 341Curried Pork Stew, 427Easy Southwestern Pork Stew, 428Irish Stew, 460–461Lamb Stew Provençal, 460Mexican Stew, 407Pork and “Apple” Stew, 427–428Pork Stew, 426–427Roman Stew, 406–407Sort-of-Ethiopian Chicken Stew,

340Stewed Chicken with Moroccan

Seasonings, 340–341Winter Night Lamb Stew, 459Yassa, 341–342Stilton cheese, 57, 388–389Stilton Eggs, 57stir-fries, 199–200, 229–230, 240,

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245, 251, 295, 331–332, 368–369, 381–382, 463

Stracciatella, 180–181strawberries, 36, 48, 139, 525–

526, 534, 537–538, 538–539,550–551

strawberry preserves, 93Submarine Salad, 168sucralose, 24, 26, 27, 28sugar alcohols, 26–27Sugar-Free Chocolate Mousse to

Die For! 547–548Sugar-Free Chocolate Sauce, 551–

552sugar spikes, 8–9Summer Treat Spinach Salad, 139–

140Summer Tuna Salad, 164–165

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Sun-Dried Tomato-BasilVinaigrette, 143, 171

sun-dried tomatoes, 171, 223, 244,352–353

sunflower butter, 23sunflower seeds, 22, 68, 69, 115–

116, 131, 133–135Sunshine Cheesecake, 515Swedish Meatballs, 380Sweet-and-Salty Almond Crust,

523Sweet-and-Sour Cabbage, 239Sweet and Sour Pork, 418Sweet and Sour Shrimp, 292–293Sweet and Spicy Mustard Sauce,

475Sweet and Spicy Shrimp, 292sweeteners , 25– 2 9 . See also

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specific sweetenersSweet Lemon-Brined and Glazed

Chicken Breast, 325Sweet Poppy Seed Vinaigrette,

139, 171sweets, 498–556. See also specific

kinds of sweetsSweet Spice Islands Rub, 493Sweet Spice Islands Sauce, 474Sweet Tea, 39–40Swiss cheese, 83, 85–86, 106–107,

108, 141, 166–167, 183, 376–377

Swiss Puff, 106–107Swiss Steak, 394–395swordfish, 275–277


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Taco Omelet, 84Taco Salad, 163Taco Seasoning, 483tahini, 23, 253, 500–501. See also

sesame buttertamarind concentrate, 453Tangy Beans, 230–231Tangy “Honey” Mustard Dressing,

173–174tapenade, 85, 100, 268, 320tarragon, 157–158, 166–167, 260–

261, 307, 476Tarragon Chicken, 307tarragon vinegar, 243Tavern Soup, 183–184tea, 11, 39–40, 41tequila, 48, 359–360, 391, 480–

481, 514

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Teriyaki Sauce, 158, 465Texas BBQ Brisket Sauce, 472Tex-Mex Chicken Salad, 162–163Thai Beef Lettuce Wraps, 372–373Thai Burgers, 430–431Thai Chicken Bowls, 332–333Thai Chicken Soup, 190–191Thai Cobb Salad, 160–161Thai Cucumber Salad, 143–144Thai Grilled Chicken, 334Thai Hot Pot, 335Thai-ish Chicken Basil Stir-Fry,

332Thai Peanut Sauce, 334, 463–464Thai Stir-Fried Cabbage, 240Thai-Style Crab Salad in

Avocados, 165Thai Turkey Burgers, 353

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thymeBeef Carbonnade, 384–385Cajun Seasoning, 484Chicken with Root Vegetables,

Cabbage, and Herbs, 338Chicken with Thyme and

Artichokes, 316–317Creole Seasonings, 484–485Island Pork Steaks, 416Jerk Marinade, 481–482Jerk Seasoning, 484Lamb Stew Provençal, 460Lemon-Herb Stuffed Salmon, 271Lemon Mustard Herb Chicken, 324Manhattan Clam Chowder, 204New Orleans Gold, 485–486Oxtails Pontchartrain, 408–409Slow Cooker Chicken Guadalupe,

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314–315Thyme-Perfumed Lamb Steaks,

457–458tilapiaTilapia on a Nest of Vegetables,

265–266Wine and Herb Tilapia Packets,

265tofu, 199tomatoes, 9, 31Artichoke Prosciutto Salad, 167–

168Asparagus with Sun-Dried

Tomatoes, 244Bacon, Tomato, and Cauliflower

Salad, 151Cauliflower-Olive Salad, 144Chef’s Salad, 141

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Dinner Salad Italiano, 140Easy Tomato-Beef Soup, 200Ensalada de “Arroz,” 144–145Greek Salad, 138Green Tomato Chutney, 495–496Italian Tuna Soup, 203Mushrooms with Bacon, Sun-Dried

Tomatoes, and Cheese, 223Nicer Niçoise, 149Not-Quite-Middle-Eastern Salad,

217–218Our Favorite Salad, 142Piperade, 99–100Southwestern UnPotato Salad, 150Souvlaki Salad, 164Sun-Dried Tomato-Basil

Vinaigrette, 171sun-dried tomatoes, 352–353

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Taco Salad, 163Turkey Feta Burgers, 352–353tomato products, 31tomato sauce, 215–216, 230, 307–

308, 308–309, 404tortillas, 21–22, 348–349tortillas (egg dishes), 96trout, 278–279Truite au Bleu, 278–279tunaantipasto, 75California Tuna Fritters, 282–283Italian Tuna Soup, 203Nicer Niçoise, 149Pantry Seafood Supper, 283Summer Tuna Salad, 164–165Tuna Egg Waldorf, 165Tuna Melt Casserole, 281

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Tuna Melt Omelet, 85–86Tuna Paté, 63Tuna Puffs, 63–64Tuna Steaks with Peach-Citrus

Relish, 282Two-Cheese Tuna-Stuffed

Mushrooms, 65–66turkeyAsian Turkey Burgers, 353Braised Turkey Wings with

Mushrooms, 355Chef’s Salad, 141Chipotle Turkey Legs, 358–359Club Omelet, 85Cranberry Barbecue Meatballs, 78Cranberry-Peach Turkey Roast,

359Eggs Fu Yong, 111

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Homestyle Turkey Loaf, 351Lemon-Glazed Turkey Cutlets,

355–356Low-Carb Microwave Pasticcio,

350–351Mediterranean Marinated Turkey

Legs, 358Mustard-Pecan Turkey Cutlets, 356Orange Blossom Turkey Breast,

357Sloppy Toms, 354Taco Omelet, 84Thai Turkey Burgers, 353turkey chorizo, 354Turkey Chorizo with Eggs, 354Turkey Club Puff, 108Turkey Feta Burgers, 352–353Turkey Loaf with Thai Flavors, 352

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Turkey Meatball Soup, 193–194Turkey-Parmesan Stuffed

Mushrooms, 66Turkey Sausage Soup, 194Turkey Tetrazzini, 350Turkey with Mushroom Sauce,

356–357turnipsBalsamic Veggie Packet, 236–237Cheater’s Chowder, 205–206Chicken and Dumplings, 342Chicken Minestrone, 188Chicken Sancocho, 310–311Chicken with Root Vegetables,

Cabbage, and Herbs, 338Comfort Food Casserole, 378Curried Pork Stew, 427Glazed Turnips, 236

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Gratin of Cauliflower and Turnips,220

Irish Stew, 460–461Jansonn’s Temptation, 238Manhattan Clam Chowder, 204Maple-Glazed Corned Beef with

Vegetables, 397Mashed Garlic Turnips, 236New England Boiled Dinner, 396Portuguese Soup, 195Ropa Vieja Hash, 381Slow Cooker Brewery Chicken and

Vegetables, 339Turnips Au Gratin, 237Winter Night Lamb Stew, 459Yankee Pot Roast, 400–401Tuscan Chicken, 317–318Tuscan Soup, 194–195

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Two-Cheese Tuna-StuffedMushrooms, 65–66

UThe Ultimate Fauxtatoes, 106–107,

209–212, 445–446Ultra Meat Sauce, 366–367Unbelievable Onion Rings, 249UnPotato and Sausage Soup, 197–

198UnPotato Salad, 149–150UnPotato Tortilla, 96Unstuffed Cabbage, 373Uptown Chuck, 388usable carb counts, 9using this book, 9–10


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vanilla extract, 546, 555Vanilla Frozen Custard, 555Vedgeree, 111–112Vege-Sal, 25vegetable broth, 20vegetables, 29–31. See also salads;

specific vegetablesBalsamic Veggie Packet, 236–237Chunky Chicken Pie, 343–344frozen, 30Italian Chicken and Vegetables,

318–319Italian Sausage Soup, 198low-carb, 8Maple-Glazed Corned Beef with

Vegetables, 397Pork Roast with CreamyMushroom Gravy and Vegetables,

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425Slow Cooker Brewery Chicken and

Vegetables, 339Spicy Sesame “Noodles” with

Vegetables, 253Stir-Fry Soup, 199–200Tilapia on a Nest of Vegetables,

265–266Venetian “Rice,” 216vermouth, 276Vidalia onions, 248, 249Vietnamese Salad, 142vinaigrettes. See salad dressingsvinegar, 21vital wheat gluten, 18–19vodka, 45, 46, 47, 49


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waffles, 126–128Almond Pancake and Waffle Mix,

125–126Crunchy Protein Waffles, 126–127Exceedingly Crisp Waffles, 127–

128Gingerbread Waffles, 127Waffles from Almond Mix, 126Waffles from Almond Mix, 126walnutsApple Walnut Dressing, 254–255Asian Chicken Salad, 159–160Asparagus with Curried WalnutButter, 242Autumn Salad, 138Blue Cheese Dressing Walnuts, 67–

68Brie and Walnut Quesadillas, 71

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Cheese Cookies, 74–75Chicken Waldorf Salad, 157Chocolate Walnut Balls, 506Cinnamon Splenda Nuts, 553Costa Braza Steak, 389Dana’s Snack Mix, 68Granola, 131Ground Beef Stir-Fry, 368–369Italian Walnut Cake, 511Lamb Steak with Walnut Sauce,

456Maple-Glazed Walnuts, 68Oriental Chicken, “Rice,” and

Walnut Salad Wrapped inLettuce, 161

Worcestershire Nuts, 67Warm Brie Dressing, 140–141Warm Brie with Sticky Nuts, 72

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Wasabi Baste, 490–491wasabi paste, 490–491water chestnuts, 157, 229–230,

348, 364wheat bran, 15, 115, 116–118, 121,

123, 125–126, 128–129, 132–136

wheat germ, 19, 115, 116, 121,123, 126–127, 131, 132–133,134

wheat gluten, 18–19wheat protein isolate, 19whey protein, 8whey protein powder, 19, 35, 37,

93, 123–124, 126–127, 531–532, 546

Whipped Topping, 552–553White Bread, 115

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White Russian, 47white wine, 264– 265 , 293–294,

307, 318–320, 325–326, 421–422, 476

whiting, 266, 266–267Whiting with Mexican Flavors,

266–267“Whole Wheat” Bread, 115“Whole Wheat” Buttermilk

Pancakes, 123wild rice, 192–193, 212wine, 21Aegean Chicken, 320Apricot White Wine Sauce, 476Chicken Piccata, 325–326Coquilles St. Jacques, 293–294Creamy Garlic Dressing, 175Italian Chicken with White

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Wine, Peppers, and Anchovy, 318Lamb Shanks in Red Wine, 453–

454Mediterranean Leg of Lamb, 451–

452Pork and Provolone with WhiteWine and Mushrooms, 421–422Saltimbocca, 319–320Sangria, 51Sautéed Sole in White Wine, 264–

265Short Ribs with Wine and

Mushrooms, 405–406Souvlaki Salad, 164Strawberries in Wine, 534Tarragon Chicken, 307Wine and Herb Tilapia Packets,


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Wine Cooler, 49–50Wine Spritzer, 49Wine and Herb Tilapia Packets,

265Wine Cooler, 49–50Wine Spritzer, 49Winter Night Lamb Stew, 459Winter Night Sausage Bake, 445–

446Witherow, Peggy, 504Worcestershire Nuts, 67wraps, 146–147

Xxanthan gum, 16

YYankee Pot Roast, 400–401

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Yassa, 341–342yeast, 31yellow bell pepper, 144–145, 265–

266, 284–285, 372–373yellow squash, 236–237yogurt, 32, 34–36 , 56, 112–113,

164, 181, 264, 321, 407–408,447, 450. See also undersmoothies

ZZijuatenejo Sea Bass, 268Zippy Cocktail Dogs, 79zucchiniAlbondigas, 432Artichoke and Friends Frittata, 94–

95Beef and Zucchini Stew, 408

Page 2796: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

Chicken Minestrone, 188Chicken Stew, 341Italian Tuna Soup, 203Kolokythia Krokettes, 225Lemon-Garlic Grilled Zucchini,

226Ratatouille, 226–227Sopa Azteca, 191Tilapia on a Nest of Vegetables,

265–266Zucchini Bread, 118–119Zucchini-Carrot Cake, 509–510Zucchini-Crusted Pizza, 225–226Zucchini Meat Loaf Italiano, 377Zucchini-Mushroom Skillet, 223–

224Zucchini Pancakes, 124–125

Page 2797: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

Text © 2010 Dana Carpender

First published in the USA in 2010 byFair Winds Press, a member ofQuayside Publishing Group100 Cummings CenterSuite 406-LBeverly, MA

All rights reserved. No part of this bookmay be reproduced or utilized, in anyform or by any means, electronic ormechanical, without prior permission inwriting from the publisher.

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ISBN-13: 978-1-59233-414-8

Page 2798: 1001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes From Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

ISBN-10: 1-59233-414-8Digital edition: 978-1-61673-838-9

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data available

Cover design by Kathie Alexander

Printed and bound in Canada

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