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While every effort has been made to accurately represent Fast Traffic

Secrets and its potential, there is no guarantee that you will earn any

money or be able to reproduce Phil's results following the information in this program. Remember that in order to be successful with traffic, you

need to make it convert.

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A Quick Reminder

“Remember that to get traffic is one thing.

To make it convert is another!”

In order to profit with traffic (in most cases), you

will need:

A squeeze page to collect emails or sales page to

collect sales from visitors. Now a day most

Autoresponder companies has a built-in squeeze

page templates.

An Autoresponder to keep in touch with your

subscribers. ( List of free and paid Autoresponders )

Good content to mail your list often and provide


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To help you with your traffic efforts, I have attached a few bonuses along with this eBook

which you will require later.

50 amazing call-to-actions for immediate use.

Download It Here In PDF

30 marketing "power words”.

Download It Here In PDF

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The Truth About Traffic

Traffic: the word that terrifies most and often separates those

who succeed from those who have failed to make money online.

The truth is it doesn't matter what you are selling or promoting if

no one sees it, you have NO chance of actually selling it. You're smart

and that's a simple concept, but actually getting traffic is a different story.

By not having traffic to your site, offer, or product, you are setting

yourself up for guaranteed failure. Most think that traffic is something

that you have to spend hours, days, or even weeks "working on" before

they see any results. That's where they would be 100% wrong. There

are many different ways to draw traffic to your website easily and

quickly in the next few minutes.

The first thing that you should understand about traffic is that

there are two roads that you can travel: 1. The Paid Route: Paid traffic is great for those who don't feel like

putting in even minimal effort to get results that they desire. This is an

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approach that can yield great results, but can also be a complete

disaster. I've personally lost $1,000's using paid traffic, but have also

had decent results. Use with caution. For the paid traffic sources in this

eBook, I will be using very inexpensive, yet extremely powerful sources. 2. The Free Route: My favorite route. I'm a bit of a pessimist and worst

case scenario type of guy (which has saved my butt several times in

business) and like to make sure that if I am not going to get much gain

that I am not going to lose anything at the same time. Many people

don’t believe that this route leads to much profitability because the

visitors "don't convert." The reason for this is simple - they are using free

untargeted traffic methods. "Free" and "untargeted" are definitely not

the same thing. There are plenty of untargeted paid traffic methods

that are just as (if not even more) useless. Massive amounts of traffic

is awesome, but if it isn't making you money what's the point? When it comes to traffic, look at it like an interstate - there is gold

at every exit. It's simply a matter of finding it. If you don't bother to look,

how will you ever expect to find success - with any source? But

today, I'm going to get you started down the road to fast traffic

goldmines. Remember that using multiple methods at once will

skyrocket your efforts. Also remember that it is important to obtain

targeted traffic that is going to increase your authority in your niche.

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Hopefully, by the end of this eBook, I prove to you that it is indeed

possible to find these methods quickly. The real message of this eBook?...

Think outside the box!!

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Fast Traffic Secret #1 - Bubblews (FREE)

I can hear you now. "What the heck is Bubblews?" 1Bubblews is an

online community that pays people to write articles and interact with

others (they have an awesome brand new design that makes their site

easy to use). However, don't be distracted by the whole "make money by

writing articles" thing. Not important.

However, if you can see past that, you will realize that this is an online

community of people who are getting paid to read articles and interact

with them You will realize that this is a marketing goldmine

Did you see that? According to SiteInfoTool, Bubblews

receives an estimated 187,817 unique visitors per day! Even if

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this isn't exact, even half of that is HUGE! *coughmarketing

goldminecough* So

What does that mean for you? Simple. It means that you have a chance to turn them into a

visitor, subscriber, or buyer - or all three of the above. As soon as your

article is made, it will be bumped to the top of that respective category.

You can create up to 10 articles per day on Bubblews, meaning that you

can wrack up hundreds of visitors per day with this source alone quickly

and easily.

This even works very well for small offline businesses and building

social followers and presence. The great news for this one is

that with a basic approach, you can also rack up TONS of money in

affiliate commissions or sales - if you do it properly.

This eBook wouldn't be complete if I didn't show you how to do just


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Step 1. - Go the Create an account. Fill out the

blank fields with your real information to create an account. Click

"Create Account."

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Step 2. - Login to your dashboard. It should look like this. Click on the

"Write" button below your profile picture and name.

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Step 3. - Once you are at the "Write" page, select an image to go with

your quick article. This can be done by typing a related keyword into

the blank field, as seen below. My article had to do with making a

website, so my keyword was "website."

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Step 4. - Write a brief article that will briefly cover your topic. Please do not spam or post duplicate content. (for example "making money

online, dating, etc."). Be as general as possible.

To maximize your effect, you want to structure your quick content

towards your audience as generally as possible. Very basic "how-

to's" and "top five's" work very, very well for doing this. Remember

that your article and content does not need to be very long - 400

words is great to start with.

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Step 5. - This is the key! Link to your content or landing page that

offers more details or a complete solution to their problem. Remember

that as an online marketer, it is YOUR JOB to provide a solution to an

individual's problem. Do not direct link or include affiliate links on the

article. This is against Bubblews TOS and can get your account

suspended. Click the "Post" button to go live!

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Step 6. - Post your article! Your article should look like this once you

immediately post it. Kick back and reap the rewards. Give time for the

admins to approve and categorize your posts.

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Step 7. - Profit! Several hours later, an affiliate product that was on the

page that I linked to in my Bubblews article converted! My article was

posted late at night and only took a few hours to actually send

converting traffic.

Remember that Bubblews is a worldwide community and this is

something that can be done at any hour of the day or night

and in any niche.

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2. Fast Traffic Secret #2 - Awards (FREE)

Stop and think about this one for a minute I'm just going to go ahead and go out on a limb and say that if you

aren't doing this you're missing out on an absolute goldmine for viral

traffic and authority. As an online business professional, you should be

building a brand and an image (amongst other things), whether you are

building AdSense sites, making products, or a super affiliate. Most

people are hesitant to post your ad banner on their site. However, what

if you could get your image and link posted without that same chance

of denial even for major figures in your niche

Did the light bulb in your head go off yet? You guessed it. By developing your own award and seeking out

those in the same niche as you, you can effectively build tons of link

and start generating hundreds, thousands, and (depending on the size

of the site) possibly even hundreds of thousands.

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For example, in the internet marketing niche, you can present

awards to products, blogs, and even videos. Who doesn't want to show off

their awards? The possibilities are endless and this will work for ANY

niche. There are awards for everything in this world. Start giving them.

Phil this sounds really stupid That may be so. However, what if you were to attach a link to

your image and make it clickable? Make sense now? People are going

to naturally become curious as to what your award is and who you are.

They will also assume that you are a big deal and become more likely to

purchase something, follow your advice, or take action once they reach

your site. This method truly makes the sky the limit. It only requires one

thing - that you take action. You can use this in absolutely every single

niche, including videos and audio.

How do I go about doing this? There are easy ways that you can quickly make a great looking website award. I used this awesome free tool in the past and really recommend if you are looking for a free alternative. However, you may wish to search for a professional Fiverr gig if you plan to really do something with this method and build massive viral authority.

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Fact: It's not difficult to get most product creators to accept

your request to add an award to their thread!

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Step 1: Create award (Keep it relevant to your niche. That's what you

will be targeting). You can make an award Laurelleavesawardmaker or

by looking on

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Step 2: Find experts, product creators, or bloggers in your niche. A

simple Google search can easily locate some of them. In my case, I was

looking for WSO products, so I browsed through the Warrior Forum

WSO section until I found one that I really found was valuable and got a

review copy. I then wrote a brief honest review. Make an HTML or

(in my case) BBCode link to give the product creator, blogger, or

expert. I used this free easy tool  to make a simple code which I

then sent the product creator.

Step 3: Begin messaging these experts, product creators, or bloggers

and explain that they have been nominated for an award. Some of

them may not respond, while others will. Remember that you want to

message as many experts in your niche as possible.

Sticking with one can work, but only if they actually follow through with

the side of the deal. Having 4-5 awards spread across several blogs or

sales page can definitely amplify the effect of this method. Within an

hour or two of sending mine out, I received a response. Success!

Step 4: Success! Several hours later, my clickable badge was at the top

of the product creator's sales page. For all of the hundreds of daily

visitors this page gets, some will click on my link out of curiosity ---

stealing traffic the smart and generous way!

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Fast Traffic Secret #3 - iReport (FREE)

Ever wanted to be big enough to be featured on the news? Guess

what. Now you can and you don't even have to be the next big thing.

However, people looking in from the outside don't need to realize that.

For those of you who don't know, CNN secretly released iReporter

several years ago in order to satisfy those who were interested in

civilian journalism. However, most people don't realize that this is a

marketing and authority traffic dream come true.

What does it mean to you? For all of you SEO-heads out there, you may be thinking that this

is just a powerful backlink from CNN. Hopefully you are following me

when it comes to realizing just how important this source of traffic, and

tactic in general can be for you. Guess what this really means?

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You get to have one of these on your site

Want people that you do bring to your site to take you seriously? That

should do the trick. Anyways, back to the actual "getting traffic" part. What does

iReport actually do? iReport allows you to blog about just about

anything under the sun. If anyone out there has exposed this method, I

can nearly guarantee that most of them have missed the real trick

Pay real attention here – lest you miss!

“The key isn't to write a random, spammy-looking, lazy post in any

fashion. The secret is to make it appear to be a REAL news article.

That's when these articles are taken very seriously and go viral “

and, yes, this can done in ANY niche. No excuses there.

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Let me give you an example --- my niche. I have two options when

titling a post for iReporter regarding making money online "How to Make Money Fast!!" Or

"Online employment playing major role in U.S. economy stabilization." See the difference? It's not about keyword-stuffing, "BUY NOW!!!" links, or direct linking affiliate tactics. If you can see past that stuff for a minute and realize that it's all about authenticity, you are putting yourself in a very powerful spot for generating serious traffic. As soon as my article was posted, I began to receive traffic to it some of which visited my blog that I included a link at the end of the article.

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Step 1: Go to iReport and sign up for a new account -

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Step 2: Login to your dashboard and click the "Upload" button.

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Step 3: Go to the "Choose Assignment" drop menu at the top and

choose either an assignment that is relevant to your niche or choose

"Breaking news." From there, give your headline a very authentic

news-like name. This is very, very important. Spend the 5 seconds that it

takes to do this. Next, write a 300+ word article related to your niche.

Be sure to make it sound professional, authentic, and include proper

spelling and grammar. In the "Tags" box, be sure to include several

keywords that are directly related to your niche. This is very important if

you want it to be found. At the end of your article, include an "About the

author" link. Make sure that you include "http://www." in your link.

Otherwise it will not work properly.

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Step 3 (cont.): For step 2, be sure to include a relevant, high-quality,

and professional image to accompany your article. Be sure to fill out the

location part for step 3 (not shown in picture). You don't have to use

your real location if you don't feel comfortable with that. Agree to the

terms of service and click the "Upload" button!

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Step 4: Success! As you can see, after approximately 30 minutes, my

article was approved, began to receive traffic, and was being shared on

social networks! Submit your article to social bookmarking sites now for

even more views! IMAutomator is a great software that has a free trial

for doing this on autopilot!

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Fast Traffic Secret #4: IBOtoolbox (FREE)

For those of you who aren't familiar with IBOtoolbox, I recommend that you spend some time investigating this traffic and marketing goldmine.

IBOtoolbox is a social network for business owners that can be used to

not only generate attention to your webpages, but also merge your

marketing efforts with other interested business owners and

entrepreneurs. As an online business owner, it should be your goal to not

only be interested in traffic, but also long-term business opportunities and

relationships. This site works very well for both. So how does it work? The basic idea of IBOtoolbox is that it allows

you to blog to other business owners about common problems in the

business world and solutions for them. These "press releases," as they

are called, are an excellent way of obtaining traffic and conversions, but

they aren't the only way to do this. By signing up and filling out your

profile, you will receive 500 credits for use in advertising. However, you

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can generate further credits by writing "press releases" on the site.

IBOtoolbox also features an advertising system, which allows users to

post an ad that will show on the main page of the dashboard. As you

will see below, this is the approach that I used, as I didn't want to spend

a whole lot of time writing "press releases." You can do this for even

better results, but if you are looking for a quick traffic fix, the

advertising system works flawlessly. Did I forget to mention that you

get free advertising credits each week? Awesome, right? *Secret Bonus Tip*: Don't feel like doing tons and tons of posts? Just

create tons of separate accounts and fill out your profile for nonstop

free credits!

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See for yourself

While I slept one night, I got over 83 unique visitors to my landing page,

which netted me several sign-ups to my list and I only had a 3% CTR

on my IBOtoolbox ad - which sucks (I'm terrible with most ads lol, so

this is a great worst-case scenario example)! Think of the possibilities

with this!

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Step 1: Go to and create a new account.

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Step 2: Login to your dashboard. Fill out your profile. You will now have

access to 500 advertising credits. Click on "My Advertising."

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Step 3: Click on "Convert Credits."

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Step 4: Click the dropdown menu and select the amount of credits that

you want to convert. If you filled out your profile, you will have 500

credits to convert. Convert them!

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Step 5: Once you have converted your credits, click "Create New."

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Step 6: Click "Create a New Text Ad."

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Step 7: Fill out the field with the proper information. For those who

don't know what "Friendly Name" is, it is simply your nickname for your

own ad. This will not be displayed to those who see your ad. Choose

where you would like to have your ad displayed. This will affect how

quickly you run out of points. Once you're done, click "Save Ad."

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Step 8 (optional): You can generate tons of extra credits by completing

press releases. These also can help drive extra traffic. Click "Press

Release" in the Site Navigation menu. Once you arrive there, click

"Create Press Release." Complete your press release (I recommend that

you complete 3-5 of these per day for maximum effect). Remember

that interacting with other peoples' posts will generate credits as well.

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Fast Traffic Secret #5: eBay Classifieds (FREE)

"Seriously? eBay?..." I know what you're thinking. But believe me eBay is a lead

magnet and traffic monster! eBay is one of the most visited websites on

the Internet and it gets hundreds of millions of searches per day.

What does this mean for you? You have access to one of the most

powerful lead magnets EVER. If you thought Amazon Kindle was the only

serious lead generator, think again.

So, how does this work for you? The way this works is simple - open an eBay account, upload

quality PLR or your own digital product ("how to" guides work very

well) that includes links to your website as well as affiliate links (this can

be great for profitability), set the price at free, and let the traffic and

commissions flow.

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Step 1: Visit and select a popular city listed

at the bottom. For this example, we will use Atlanta. Choose the

"Create your FREE Ad" option. Select the "Books and Magazines" option.

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Step 2: Fill out your listing. Choose the "Free" option for price. Be sure

to include a link to your squeeze page, website, or digital product inside of

the classified description. Make sure that you also enter the same zip

code of the city that you desire to post in. As I state above, I

recommend listing in a popular city for more traffic. Click the "Preview

Your Ad" button at the bottom when you are finished.

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Step 3: Click "Post your ad" to list your eBook!

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Step 4: Check your email to confirm your ad listing. Click on the

confirmation link.

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Step 5: Enjoy your new traffic and leads! List your ad in as many

different cities as possible! Enjoy your new traffic!

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Fast Traffic Secret #6: Email Traffic List (FREE)

Email Traffic List is an amazing website, especially for those

looking to build a list or promote affiliate offers. This website allows

you to send mail to over 1,000 people just for joining - that's a LOT of

people. If you are into solo ads, this is an awesome free alternative that

can work just as well. This website works somewhat like a traffic

exchange, except with email traffic - making it much more effective for

getting targeted visitors quickly. Contrary to popular belief, you do not

need to send any emails in order to be able use their system.

So, how does it work? Email Traffic List works by allowing you to earn "credits" by

tweeting, viewing ads and emails (which is how people are driven to

your website), and more. You can then use these credits to mail their

huge email list that consists of hundreds of thousands. It's not very

difficult at all to drive traffic with this method, even if you aren't good

at writing emails.

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Step 1: Sign up at

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Step 2: Once you have registered, you will receive 1,000 credits. Click

the "Send Now" button to send your first mail.

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Step 3: You are not allowed to send URLs in the body of your mails.

However, the way around this is by putting your link in the URL box

below the body, as shown below. Click "Post Ad" to send!

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Fast Traffic Secret #7: Super Facebook Ads (CHEAP)

"Oh, great Another stupid Facebook ads strategy" Not quite. I'm about to reveal one of the most powerful sources

of paid targeted traffic sources out there. As a social media nut, I went

crazy when I discovered this secret. Most of you will not have heard of

this method or have utilized it properly. For as low as $20-40 you can

get TONS of targeted buyer traffic to your website, product, or service -

time and time again.

But don't I need a list?... Normally, yes (if you have a list, you are welcome to use it with

this method). However, there is a way around this and arguably a little

twist that can be used for traffic in and of itself that works very well.

Ever heard of buying a mailing list? I'm sure you have. Normally, I never

recommend it. However, as long as you don't mail this list, you can still

utilize it very safely using Facebook ads. We are going to use something

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called "Facebook Custom Audiences." This feature allows you to target

your ads to specific email addresses or phone numbers. This can be

used to get hyper-targeted leads.

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Step 1: Visit6 to

purchase a targeted list. As you can see from the screenshot below, I

used pizza restaurants as an example offering marketing services to

pizza restaurants. However, be sure to target your list to your specific


For internet and offline marketing, try targeting "Small

Businesses," "Marketing Consultants," and "Marketing Programs and

Services." You will want a list of at least 1,000 businesses to maximize

this method.

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Step 1 (opt.): An alternative to InfoUSA is

This site works very well for finding very inexpensive targeted mailing


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Step 2: Next, visit and click "Audiences" on the left-hand side as shown below. Then, click "Create a Custom Audience."

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Step 3: A pop-up window will appear. Be sure to choose the "Data File

Custom Audience" option to use with your purchased mailing list.

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Step 4: Fill out the form with the appropriate information. Be sure to

choose the correct Data Type, otherwise Facebook will not load your

information properly. Then, upload your file and click "Create


It may take up to 30 minutes for your list to upload. You

should receive an email confirmation when it uploads. Using this

Custom Audience, it is possible to hyper-focus your Facebook ads

and ̀ get the most bang for your buck possible!

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Step 5 (BONUS SECRET!): Consider selling this service to small

businesses and using it to promote posts on their Facebook page. This

can be extremely effective for generating profit for businesses that

have Facebook pages with a minimum of 100 likes and a list of email

addresses or phone numbers.

You can use the method above to send traffic (small business owners)

to a squeeze page. You can easily make $10,000 per month with this

method if you take action and work at it. There are entire WSOs

written on this secret alone. Boom, this eBook officially just paid for

itself. You're welcome. �

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Fast Traffic Secret #8: Airpush (CHEAP)

Did you know a recent study just revealed that 55% of all

traffic is mobile traffic nowadays? Don't believe me?

Read CNN. Well, just think about it. What's the first thing you do in the

morning when you wake up? Let me answer that for you - check your

cell phone. How about when you are eating? Checking your cell phone.

Or heading to work? Checking your cell phone. You get the picture. We

have a very intimate relationship with our phones these days, and it's

only going to become stronger. As a marketer, it is your job to stay up on the current trends of

traffic and understand what is going to be most effective for your


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*For those using BuzzCity, I highly recommend that you try

using another network. Unless you are using Asian traffic, BuzzCity will

simply not work well for you in the end.*

In my experience using Airpush, I received an average CPC

between $0.05 and $0.10 ($0.01 clicks are ridiculously rare, but

they can happen) - in other words, dirt cheap. It is also extremely

targeted traffic and features geo-targeting which is a must-have for


You can also target by device, specifically between mobile and

tablet. You can use this to monetize very well with app and game

downloads. I have had solid results with using this network with

direct linking CPA offers, but it is amazing for traffic alone.

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To maximize conversions with mobile traffic, you will need a

highly-converting mobile squeeze page, like the one below. If

you purchased the upsell, "Conversion Booster Pro" includes

these templates as well as proper advanced training on how

to make the most of getting conversions with your traffic.

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Step 1: Visit and click "Create Account."

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Step 2: Once you create an account you will be taken to the Campaign

Dashboard, where you need to press "New Campaign."

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Step 3: Fill out the appropriate fields. Be sure to set your daily budget

appropriately. I recommend at least $10-30 per day for a good effect.

Also, be sure to pick the appropriate category. If you are promoting Biz

Opp offers, you want to choose "Business" as your category. If you are

promoting dog trainer offers, you want to choose "Pets." You get the


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Step 4: Enter the URL that you will be using for your campaign. You can

then select targeting options. As I mentioned above, this works well for

promoting country-specific CPA offers and you can even target the time

of day and device.

If you are promoting games and apps, you can also check the option to

exclude those who have already converted in your ads. Set your

minimum bid (the minimum bid at this was $0.07).

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Step 5: Create a nice creative text ad with a great call to action and nice

image (which you can select in the ad options at the bottom). Make

sure that you include the proper URL to your website, affiliate link,

squeeze page, or wherever else you want visitors to go once they click

on your ad). Click "Create Ad & Finish" to proceed. I recommend that

you create as many ads as possible and split test different destinations,

headlines, pictures, and more. You can easily track your efforts by using

a sub-ID in your CPA network as well as using a URL shortener. For

those who are more tech-savvy, use tracking software like Prosper202!

Test, test, test! Anyone who has made their millions with mobile will

tell you that same thing! Enjoy one of the most powerful underground

mobile traffic hotspots out there!

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Fast Traffic Secret #9 - YouTube Call-To-Action Overlays


What makes proper YouTube marketing so great? YouTube marketing has been a favorite for quite some time by

marketers due to the high conversion rates that it carries compared to

other advertising sources. For a mere $10, I got several hundred

targeted visitors to my website, roughly 10% of which opted-in to my


Tons of people are using YouTube for marketing But very few know about this tiny little YouTube secret that can

drive tons of daily visitors, subscribers, and sales without any extra

effort on your part at all. Using this little trick, you can create an

inexpensive, yet powerful targeted traffic source. From my

experience, I have gotten CPCs as low as $0.01 with this method, which

is extremely cheap for video advertising.

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This is an example of a quality YouTube call-to-action.

Remember to demand immediate action from your viewers

and to keep your ad relevant. Use phrases like "right now" to

help boost your CTR. Try using a free gift to grab their


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Step 1: If you don't have a YouTube account, you will want to create

one here: To maximize this

method, you are going to want to create your own video. Without your

own video, it will be more difficult to receive targeted visitors.

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Step 2: Include the link to your YouTube video in which you want to

advertise. Then, create a headline with a very strong call-to-action. As a

bonus for this eBook, I have attached a list of 50 extremely strong CTAs.

Be sure to choose the proper target audience. You can select from

"Locations", "People's web activity", and "Attributes" (age, gender, and


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Step 3: Select TrueView In-display ad. Be sure to review your ad to

make sure that it looks the way you want. Launch your campaign!

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Step 4: Wait for your ad to be accepted by the AdWords team.

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Step 5: Go to9 and select click

"Edit" next to the video where you will be advertising.

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Step 6: Click "Call-to-action Overlay." Fill out the "Headline" box with a

strong call-to-action like you did when originally making your ad.

Upload a relevant image to match your overlay.

Lastly, fill out your display and destination URLs. Click "Save changes!"

Enjoy your new YouTube traffic!

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Fast Traffic Secret #10 - Kingged (FREE)

For those of you who don't know, Kingged is the Reddit of

internet marketing. It is a social bookmarking tool dedicated strictly to

marketing and making money online. It serves as an excellent tool for

building a list, making sales, and getting clients. I have made quite a few

sales from taking 5 minutes to post to Kingged.

So how does it work? Kingged works by allowing people to post content and then have

their posts ranked by other members. Like I said above, this works very

much like Reddit. This means that you have an entire community of

traffic at your disposal.

Whether you blog, want to build a list, or are selling an IM/MMO

product, Kingged is one of the most powerful untapped traffic

sources out there for internet marketers.

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This is the homepage of Kingged. As you can see, it is a very

active community with large user base. In other words -

marketing goldmine.

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Step 1: Go to and sign up for a new account.

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Step 2: Activate your account, login, and click "Submit Link."

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Step 3: A pop-up window will appear. Fill in the form and select the

appropriate categories. From my experience, I received the most traffic

from the "Internet Marketing" and "Affiliate Marketing" categories.

Post it! I recommend that you spend quality time interacting with

others on the site and posting on others on Kingged.

The amazing thing about Kingged is that they give away cash very often

to their members just for participating.

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Bonus Fast Traffic Secret - Signature Hijacking (FREE)

This isn't new at all forum marketing has been around

forever Maybe you're right, but people do it incorrectly nearly every time.

There is a special way to boost your forum traffic efforts significantly.

Forum signature traffic works very well for list building and making

sales. I have used this extremely effectively for not only selling as

well as for coaching and consulting clients (which brings me

$1,000's each month).

You will need to do the following: a.) Locate a very highly-populated forum in your niche that allows

signatures (if you are in IM/MMO niche the Warrior Forum works

flawlessly). Add a signature that links to a squeeze page, sales page, or

your website.

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b.) Create controversial debates in a very popular category (ex. - Main

Internet Marketing Discussion Forum on WF). Remain active in any

conversations that you start. Make sure that everyone, both newbie

and expert can participate. OR c.) Respond to threads within the first 3 posts. You want to make sure

that your signature is seen above the fold. You also want to make sure

that you respond mainly to threads that are relevant to the content of

your signature.

If a thread is called "How do I start making money online?". it doesn't

really help to have a signature that says "Learn how to increase your

downline." A signature labeled "Having trouble making money

online? This is what helped me." will work much better. As a

marketer, learn to be intentional in everything you do.

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The Icing On The Cake

The greatest part about these methods is that

they can all be OUTSOURCED! Outsourcing can take all of the

work out of getting traffic for only a few dollars per hour. The great

thing about these traffic sources is that traffic will still keep coming

passively even after you stop working! This makes these methods even

more ideal for outsourcing. $5-15 of outsourcing could net you a week's

worth of traffic or even more.

Here are some tips for seeking a virtual assistant:

Look for those who are listed as having good English and a solid writing ability

ook for those who are listed as being proficient in data entry

Look for those who are listed $1-5 per hour (yes, that is very

possible, as you will see) Here's a great list of outsourcing sites to refer from.

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Here's a great email that you can send to your potential VAs: Hello [potential employee name here],

My name is [your name here] and I am the [your position here] of [your company here].

We are looking to expand and hire a few new members to our data entry team. We

are specifically looking for virtual assistants who are proficient in data entry and

have the ability to speak English well. We would be looking for someone who

could work [your desired number of hours or days] and is willing to accept a rate of

[amount and currency in which they will be paid]. Please let us know if this works well

for you and if you have any questions.

Courteously – S. Kumar

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