  • 7/29/2019 10 Things for Conscious People to Focus on in 2013


    10 Things for Conscious People to Focus on

    in 2013January 17, 2013 | By admin | 31 Replies

    Dylan Charles, Editor

    Waking Times

    The long anticipated and

    prophesized year, 2012, has comeand gone, yet, the problems and

    challenges facing mankind and

    planet earth remain. Those who

    have put stock in the idea of

    conscious evolution are now faced

    with the burden of proof: is there

    any legitimacy to this idea of a


    Some human experiences prove too extraordinary and too far outside of the purview of

  • 7/29/2019 10 Things for Conscious People to Focus on in 2013


    In order to help steel your resolve and open up your heart, Ive compiled a short list of 10

    things for conscious people focus on in 2013 that will give you a framework of daily action

    so that you can better engage the world in your understanding the shift, and better

    exemplify the positive qualities of the human race.

    So, lets get to work.

    Dispel fear from your life.

    Kill it, once and for all. Bury it and never look back. The greatest force workingagainst the rightful destiny of mankind is fear. Fear is the prime component ofthe

    control matrix and this human emotion alone is a more effective prison than even

    the gulags of Guantanamo Bay. We hear it on the radio, we see it on TV shows.

    Fear is king in the modern world and this king must be violently overthrown.

    Death is the ultimate fear of man, and reckoning with your own death is paramount

    to being an agent of positive change in the years to come. Behind death, we areprogrammed to fear pain of any kind, including physical pain and the pain of

    adverse economic conditions, the pain of perceived insecurity and the pain of

    feeling different amongst our peers.

    Stop running from pain Stop masking it with material balms and mind numbing


  • 7/29/2019 10 Things for Conscious People to Focus on in 2013


    disruption than the mind can fathom. Its time,

    right now, to engage yourself in goodwill

    towards our eco-systems and the life they

    support. You are nothing without a healthy

    planet and the responsibility for a shift

    towards sustainability lies squarely on your

    shoulders. No longer can you fall for the

    empty promises of the elite to steward a

    healthy environment, you must act now in

    protest to the failed materialistic systems that extract, deplete, frack and burn thevery substance of life. Disengage with materialism, and dig deep into the soil for

    relief from the madness consuming us all.

    Abandon conflict.

    The sickness of conflict is an obstacle to all things positive. No longer is it

    acceptable to violently argue with your friends and family about the intentions of

    the ruling class, and no longer can you allow your energy to be sucked into battles

    of opinion or want. Learn to observe, learn to listen, learn to give rather than solely

    take. Your opinion matters, but, in the great scheme of things no ones opinion is

    more valuable than anothers. Try living with this philosophy in your daily life andwatch and see just how much easier it is to influence other people.


    Practice gratitude daily.5.

  • 7/29/2019 10 Things for Conscious People to Focus on in 2013



    There is so much more to our existence than the

    physical reality we accept as our material universe.

    Beyond that lies a vast infinity of awareness and

    surprises that can be accessed by various means,

    adding a richness and fullness to everyday life,

    which is incomprehensible to our scientific minds.

    Explore this and you will discover a limitless source

    of inspiration, which will allow you to look at thematerial world with a renewed curiosity and calm

    passivity. The unexplored realms of your

    consciousness is where peace resides, and the

    cultivation of individual spirituality is the gateway to

    this peace.

    If you are bold enough to pursue the revelations

    offered by plant medicines, then this may offer you a

    unique opportunity to break through our collective

    cultural programming and better understand your

    role in this crazy world. Spiritual cultivation is thenoblest of personal endeavors and the path to total revolution.

    Spirituality and inner peace is your true nature, use it or lose it.

  • 7/29/2019 10 Things for Conscious People to Focus on in 2013


    transformative year of your life. Practicing each of these ten things will help you to

    develop more love for yourself, your community and the living organism we call planet

    earth, while helping to cultivate a demeanor of poise and fearlessness in these waking

    times. It is your calling in 2013 to rise to the challenges we all face and play a part in

    revitalizing our shared world.


    Do you have anything to add to this list? Please share in the comment section below.

    About the AuthorDylan Charles is a student and teacher of Shaolin Kung Fu, Tai Chi and Qi Gong, a

    practitioner of Yoga and Taoist esoteric arts, and an activist and idealist passionately

    engaged in the struggle for a more sustainable and just world for future generations. He

    is the editor, the proprietor, a grateful father

    and a man who seeks to enlighten others with the power of inspiring information andaction. His remarkable journey of self-transformation is a testament to the power of the

    will and the persistence of the human spirit. He may be contacted at

    [email protected].

  • 7/29/2019 10 Things for Conscious People to Focus on in 2013


    Comments (31)Trackback URL | Comments RSS Feed

    Anonymous says:

    January 17, 2013 at 10:20 pm

    #1 Dispel fear from your life. First line in #9 Get Prepared; The world is sadly

    teetering on the edge of global warreally? Thats not confusing.

    admin says:

    January 17, 2013 at 10:32 pm

    LOL! Thanks for tuning in, Anonymous, and have a great evening!

    Chris says:

    January 18, 2013 at 4:25 am

    Must be just me but I dont find it either confusing or even contradictory. It is

    possible to be prepared and be one step ahead of the game without it being

  • 7/29/2019 10 Things for Conscious People to Focus on in 2013


    Anonymous says:

    January 18, 2013 at 3:34 pm

    I thought the same thing. And then there is #10practice what you preach.HAHAHA

    sally singersays:

    January 19, 2013 at 7:35 am

    I dont think it is confusing at all. Gain knowledge, then deal with the fear that

    may arise for what is learned, there are many ways offered to help with this., it

    will rise and fall at times. Preparation is not neccesarily a fear based action based on knowledge of possible outcomes, it seems nothing more than

    sensible to me.

    Birdog says:

    January 30, 2013 at 10:39 am

    Well put Sally. If you dont like the term prepared because it has been

    demonized lately (which is silly) than interchange it with being sensible

  • 7/29/2019 10 Things for Conscious People to Focus on in 2013


    preparations are essential in my mind to being free from fear. Being honest

    about the crises we face is essential to being free from fear. I know a number

    of people will not get this, but just as spiritual preparation can free you from the

    fear of death, physical preparation can free you from the fear of bad

    economies, strife, famine and so on. There is a connection between the two

    that must be recognized by conscious people.

    Thanks for the comment and have a great day.


    keldoone says:

    January 18, 2013 at 9:17 am

    Let us get clear about fear Fear is a natural part of our emotional body the

    problem around this is that we for the most part have learned and accepted that fear

    is our enemy and have never taken the time to realize that fear can also be an

    ally a powerful component that lets one know through intuition not to go into a

    building, not to go to a meeting, to take another route to where ever. Fear is not

    wrong we have been taught to experience fear from a mental or head oriented

    perspective Fear felt from the heart can save your life. I highly recommend the

    following books The Heart Code by Paul Pearsall PhD Secret Teachings of

  • 7/29/2019 10 Things for Conscious People to Focus on in 2013


    frequency be on that radio station frequency that they are not paying any

    attention to. Be so boring to them that they ignore you.

    Have a different kind of day.

    Linda says:

    January 18, 2013 at 11:45 pm

    Brilliant!! thank you. Reminder to reread Paul Pearsalls book on my shelf. Ilove Dylans suggestion to ditch fear and wish to god I could! Ive just come

    from the hospital, where my son was admitted this morning with a leg infection

    and is on iv antibiotics. His leg looked terrible..I feel myself sinking into a

    black hole. I think its called fear. THIS is my biggest fear (and the one I wish I

    could jettison) not my own death (so much, though I agree with Woodie

    Allen, I just dont want to be there when it happens) but rather, losing my

    children. There is so much fear around their well-being, the possibility of them

    passing before I do. This is obviously not a helpful fear (is it?) and one I am

    sure I could happily live without. Do you have any thoughts on the nature of

    this particular fear?

    Satori says:

    January 19 2013 at 5:51 pm

  • 7/29/2019 10 Things for Conscious People to Focus on in 2013


    an unfathomable pain.I know the roots of my feelings must go

    further than this life. Tho its true, I am an overly emotional and

    sensitive Piscean. You are fortunate in many ways not to have

    children. Not every lifetime is intended to be about the sacrifice and

    the joys, of parenthood. Its a crazy world and an even crazier life

    Victor Gagnon says:

    January 20, 2013 at 7:09 pm

    What you resist will persist! I believe that Eckhart Tolle once said that if

    you worry about something that might happen then you are lying to

    yourself.I have two children and two grandchildren and yes fear does enter into

    my thoughts but I have learned long ago that I have no power over my

    children or my grand children so I choose to hold the thought that they

    will always be well and healthy. With these thoughts I have nothing to

    loose. The mind comes into play once again. All of our fears are rooted indeath and that is because we really dont know who or what we are.

  • 7/29/2019 10 Things for Conscious People to Focus on in 2013


    Jack Schick says:

    January 18, 2013 at 10:57 am

    So, Thank you for the positive outlook.As a genuine manager and commander, I must move

    quickly beyond general staements and wishful thinkings

    to address immediate needs.

    Like Viktor Kulvinskas vision from Survival into the 21st Century,

    where he says to fast yourself down to a scarecrow and allow the

    bad guys to just take whatever they want from your house,the wishful picture of fantasyland prevails.

    Mr. Dylan,

    Fukushima trumps all visions for any future.

    Your course in miracles, Various Gurus, techniques of transcendence,

    are all bathed in this radioactive fallout. Fukushima is unabated in itsoutput of, conservatively, one hundred Hiroshima-bombs per HOUR

    into the atmosphere and Pacific Ocean.

    You understand, after reading up a bit, that Civil Defense models

    and Duckn'Cover training only anticipated a weapons-exchange,

    followed by a ceasefire or Mutually Assured Destruction.

    Now, today, specifically upon You, Dylan, today,

    the Plutonium239 particles, Cesium 134-and-137, Strontium 90, and

    many other radionuclides, are in your lungs, in your food and water,

    and everybody elses lungs, food and water.

    This event this abomination is foretold if one dares to

  • 7/29/2019 10 Things for Conscious People to Focus on in 2013


    Idolaters will suffer for their folly.

    David McElroy says:

    January 18, 2013 at 1:06 pm

    While Dylan Charles urges the cultivation of many good virtues and characteristics

    in ourselves, I am somewhat taken aback in the part about how we must Abandon

    Conflict. No matter how spiritually we might become, conflict is unavoidable in the

    real world, although we can avoid a lot of useless arguing. I am dismayed Charles

    seems to be advocating a totally passive, submissive stance in the face of evil, and

    denying that there is any correct or righteous opinion by which any might find

    guidance. If this is so, why write the article? Is God not good? God is creative andlife-affirming, life-fulfilling. Evil is destructive, life-denying, life-degrading. Are these

    things unworthy of Charles expressions of opinion?

    Abu Maryam says:

    January 18, 2013 at 1:37 pm

    5 P b ll Th i l t th t f thi i

  • 7/29/2019 10 Things for Conscious People to Focus on in 2013


    HARD it is!! As a mother of four, I live in constant fear of something terrible

    happening to my kids. As a conscious, empathetic, sensitive being this is looking

    like being a lifelong companion. Perhaps it is about re-framing it. Or, ACCEPTING it.

    Is that enough do you think? Accept that this is me its okay to feel what I am

    feeling. I guess as long as we are not immobilized by fear. Courage. THIS is theantidote to fear. I love that the word comes from coeur French for Heart. We come

    from the heart when we did deep and engage our capacity for courage. So then, the

    fear we feel, when we worry about our kids, or our health or any of the numerous

    things we have to feel fearful about must be met with courage. In this way, we

    USE fear as a tool to connect us with the heart and our evolutionary intention togrow and heal

    Afshin Nejat says:

    January 19, 2013 at 3:54 am

    Reconnect with this great earth? Nonsense. There is nothing great about it. It

    needs to be completely scrapped, and it will be. Anyone who reconnects to this

    foul heap of evil hyle will be scrapped with it. Better follow the advice of wiser menthan you who said that Gods Kingdom is no part of this world and Detach from

    the illusion of maya (maya is the illusion of reality bred by attachments to physical

    incarnations, namely on this earth), and that evil matter will be destroyed along with

    the evil mind angra mainyu which has invented it. This year is the year of getting

  • 7/29/2019 10 Things for Conscious People to Focus on in 2013


    Ricky says:

    January 20, 2013 at 2:59 pm

    The truth is we are are immortal, infinite, interdimensional beings of conciousness

    which is a lot to swallow for many people and requires serious contemplation for the

    penny to drop..when you do get it however everything including fear becomes an


    Victor Gagnon says:

    January 20, 2013 at 7:23 pm

    You got it!!

    Anon says:

    January 21, 2013 at 10:11 am



  • 7/29/2019 10 Things for Conscious People to Focus on in 2013

    15/15 (Be sure to check out hydroponics)

    14)Pray or meditate reduce your stress! Stress is the silent killer, that opens your

    body to bacterial, viral, and free radical attack!

    15)Read a book, you know, an actual book! Open your mind!

    16)Exercise your brain muscle!

    17)Listen to soothing classical, jazz, ambient or other music you thoroughly enjoy!


    19)Take a high-quality daily multi-vitaminEXPAND UPON THIS LIST, AND SHARE IT WITH EVERYONE YOU KNOW!

    Jen says:

    March 24, 2013 at 8:11 pm

    You had me until your only option given to explore consciousness was plant

    medicines. Come on now. Isnt the ultimate goal to find and be able to access all

    your levels of consciousness through the purist most natural meditative ways. Imnot saying it cant give you a kick start but its kind of a cheap short cut and I dont

    think as conscious people we should encourage others to get enlightened through

    short cuts. You just cheat yourself.

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