

Instant Guide for 10 Meditations in Less than

10 Minutes!





Jyotishakti & Vidya

Need a little down time?

Here are 10 meditations you can do instantly to re-centre, ground, relax and release that stress and anxiety from your life. The best part is, they are all under 10 minutes!

Prepare to relax, tune in, and feel great.

As with all meditation, these practices ideally should begin with an invocation or prayer to ask for protection,

guidance and love. They should close with an offering of gratitude.

You can hear an example of an opening invocation and closing prayer on the included bonus audio track that comes with this e-book.

To find out more about meditation please visit our website

Copyright © Jyotishakti & Vidya 2016

1# Affirmation Meditation Write a list of affirmations of what you wish to change in your life, what you would like to manifest or create,

positive affirmations about yourself, how you want to feel, how great your relationships are etc.

Grab your pen and paper. Make a list of 15 to 20 affirmations.

Record them into your phone with enough space after each one to repeat the sentence back. It’s easy, it tells you what to say, you don’t have to think, just press play and away you go.

Play it as your walking, or just sit with it in meditation.

Example – I am empowered. I am beautiful. I love my body, I love myself. My relationships bring joy into my life. It’s easy for me to be patient. It’s fantastic how I fully express my creativity at work. I am in a fulfilling, loving

relationship with my partner. My life is inspired and connected.

2# Alternate Nostril Breathing (Nadi Shodhan Pranayama) (nadi = energy channel shodhan = purification)

A breathing technique that we utilise often in our practice before we begin a longer meditation, but is very

effective even on it’s own.

It is AMAZING for bringing back emotional stability as it balances the main energy channels Ida & Pingala, great for stress/anxiety - it will help you a great deal to settle even after just a couple of minutes. This meditation also improves brain function by activating both hemispheres of the brain, and lung function by helping you to take

deeper more connected breaths.

Instructions Sit comfortably with your back straight – close your eyes, keep the breath as rhythmical as possible.

Using your right hand, place the pad of the thumb against your right nostril so that it gently closes it, breathe in deeply and slowly through the open left nostril, after the full breath in, bring the awareness into the Ajna chakra

at the centre of the eyebrows.

Close the left nostril shut with your finger, release the thumb from the right and breathe out through the right nostril until you completely empty your breath.

Now do it in reverse, breathing in through the right nostril, awareness at Ajna, breathe out through the left nostril. That is one full rotation.

Continue the practice for 2 to 3 minutes.

3# Column of Light Meditation This meditation is credited to my Guru Shakti Durga who has taught it to me. It strengthens the core of our energetic anatomy, connects us more deeply to the earth and heaven, and develops the crown and base


We go thoroughly into this meditation and techniques to strengthen the major energy centres during the Ignite Your Spirit Workshop.

Instructions – Be aware of the crown chakra on top of the head, use your intention and imagine you can breathe

in energy through here. Send the energy down the central column of light that runs through the centre of your being, and release the breath and the energy out through your base chakra (at the base of your spine) deep into

the earth. On your next in breath, breathe up from the earth, bring the energy up into your base chakra (or if you have high

blood pressure bring it up through the feet instead), pull the energy up right through your body, and on the out breath, send it out through your crown chakra, send it up through the many chakras that exist above your head

and offer it to the divine (god/goddess) above. On the next in breath, breathing in the response from the divine (a blessing of energy), pulling that energy down through all the chakra’s above the head back into the crown chakra, sending it down through the body again and connecting with the earth. On the next in breath, breathing in the beautiful, clean energy of the earth, let it wash through you and pull the energy up through the central column of light again, feeling it becoming stronger with

every breath. On the next breath out gifting it up through the top of your head once again to the Divine.

Repeat this 7 to 10 times. On the last breath in through the crown let the energy rest at the level of your heart – in the heart chakra. Say out loud, I am one with the Divine, I am one with all. I am grounded and connected.

Bring your awareness back into your body. Open your eyes.

4# Nature Meditation Be in nature; plant your bare feet on the grass.

There is a natural connection that exists between our body and the earth. The earth has very grounding, calming energy.

If you have access to secluded bushland, rainforest, parklands or somewhere that you won’t be disturbed by

other people or traffic etc, take advantage of it - spend some time lying on the grass or sitting in the stillness and breathe in the energy there.

It will help to cleanse your chakras, your aura, and your body.

You could incorporate the alternate nostril breathing, or column of light into your meditation here as the energy in a natural environment is filled with much stronger prana (life force) than many other places and you may find it

easier to relax.

5# Heart Chakra Meditation When we send love, we activate the heart chakra, when the heart chakra activates it allows us to see things

differently. Sending love helps to develop connection with our soul, compassion, contentment, be more receptive to feel

energy, and develops our crown chakra as well. If you have problems activating the heart chakra, then it is suggested that you book an Ignite Your Spirit Therapy

session to clean it out, as it may be blocked energetically.

Instructions – Begin with the pillar of light meditation, do 3 rotations, when you get to the point where you rest the energy in the heart chakra, place your right or left hand on your heart chakra and put your opposite hand up

facing outwards away from you at heart level (as though you are high fiving someone at heart level). Have your eyes closed and think about someone or something that you really love (this helps to open the heart

chakra). Continue to pull in energy in through the top of your head. Send out some (not all) of that energy through the palm chakra of the raised hand. Think of a situation in your life that has been challenging for you,

maybe a relationship, or work, and send the love to it, think ‘thank you’ and send love, picture the situation being coated in a bubble of pale pink love, see the situation softening and resolving in a loving outcome, use your

intention and ask your heart chakra to expand wider sending more love. Feel the happiness and peace inside the bubble. Now out loud say “I ask for help and assistance from the divine

with this situation, I ask that it be healed and resolved, I cut all lines of energy that are draining me, and I call back my energy back to me now. So be it”.

Take a deep breath in and release the energy from yourself and say “I cut from this now”. See the bubble

floating up and away into the sky above and detaching from you and your energy. Bring your hands to prayer position in front of your heart, bring your awareness back into your body. Give thanks.

6# Meditate on OM/AUM OM is the primordial sound of creation. It is a holy Beej sound used in many faiths; a sacred syllable for all that

exists. It has been used in meditation for hundreds of years.

It is a purifying mantra, aligns consciousness with all there is, opens and cleanses the chakras and powerfully


Instructions – You will need a mala or rosary for this practice. Find yourself a place of stillness, chant the mantra OM 108 times, and let the vibrations resonate through your

body. Do not rush the practice, allow your consciousness, your breath, your energy to dictate the pace, fall deeply into the sound, feel it, hear it, and be it.

The more often you do this mantra, the deeper and easier you will go into meditation with it. Try expanding into 3

malas instead of one; you will likely notice a significant shift in the way you feel afterwards.

7# Stillness My personal favourite style of meditation.

Exploration of the consciousness.

There is no real directive for this style of meditation, it is a place within yourself that you trust your being to take

you. This style of meditation has great rewards, such amazing blissful experiences and gifts.

Begin with an invocation to the divine.

Call in whichever deities you resonate with. For me I call on my Guru Shakti Durga, Narayani, Sahkti Amma, Shiva, Saraswati.

Connect using the pillar of light, ask for pure guidance and protection.

Sit, be present and see what arises. Sometimes there is nothing, sometimes you may be guided with direction

and information. It is a very personal experience. Often sensation of bliss and a deep level of peace will arise.

Feel the expansion through you being and connection with your soul.

Stay for as long as you please!!!

(Please note this has taken me quite some time to attain this, I found my mind was too busy when I was just beginning meditation, but once I had been practicing for a while it became very easy to do)

8# Mindfulness Most people have heard of mindfulness-based meditation, and I have had some wonderful experiences using it.

Mindfulness helps to bring you into the present moment at all times, it helps you to detach from negative

experiences, emotions and fears, and is a means to end pain or suffering.

Instructions – Observation. Close your eyes and observe your thoughts, notice as each new one arises, not judging it, not directing it, but

simply just noticing and then letting it move on, watch if your mind tries to grab onto them and go off into a tangent, bring your mind back if you notice this to once again observe every thought.

Question, who is the one that is observing the thoughts, who is the one that is watching the thoughts, how does

your body feel, notice how your mind tells you how your body is feeling, watch it, let it move on.

If you are feeling distressed, simply notice that this is just your mind telling you this, and that your mind can tell you not to be distressed also.

Remind yourself that emotions are not permanent and will always change, you are not your emotions, just as you are not your mind, pay attention to it as though you are a third person watching it, but not actually a part of it.

Feel it coming to a conclusion and bring your mind back into the observation of what is happening in the present

moment, ‘I’m here in the room, I’m sitting on the cushion, it’s warm, my breathing is shallow, allow yourself to experience what is happening right now. Continue this practice for a few minutes.

You can do this at any part of your day. You can do it on the fly. For example if you feel stressed, you can simply

notice and observe that sensation in your body, then focus on your breathing, it’s all observation and being present.

9# Seek Guidance from the Goddess Use a picture or a statue of a Goddess (or Buddha etc), and sit with her.

Have gratitude in your heart for the blessings the Divine brings into your life. Ask for protection.

Take 3 deep breaths in and out. Ask in your mind that the channels of energy be opened between you, ‘may I be

receptive to receiving the wisdom and grace of the Goddess.’

Breathe in, intentionally open your heart chakra to her, open your eyes and look at her, offer her your love. Think Om Namo Narayani (I surrender/offer to the Goddess) repetitively. Closing the eyes again and spend a minute

breathing in the blessings of energy she gives. Ask within yourself any questions that you may have, ask to be shown clear guidance around it.

You may wish to re-open and close your eyes during this practice as she may bless you when you look at her.

When you feel it is time, thank her, and bring your awareness back.

10# Mantra & Chanting Sound is a very powerful tool to bring rapid transformation into your life. We used Om in an earlier meditation,

however there are many other sound healing options.

Mantra is perfect, as it gives the mind something to focus on. A simple mantra such as Om Gum Ganapataye (sounds like gunna-putt-eye-yay) Namaha, repeating this will over time totally transform you.

Sit comfortably, invoke and call on the energy of Ganesh.

(Ganesh is an elephant headed deity from the Hindu faith that is connected with the energy of removal of blockages)

Form an intention for the mantra (Om Gum Ganapataye Namaha) to uplift and remove any blockages in a

situation in your life.

Begin chanting the mantra, use your intention to send the mantra into the situation, keep your focus on this.

The more you chant the stronger the energy will become, and the more support you have to resolve the issue energetically.

Finish by asking that it be completely healed and give thanks.

If you would like to use guided mantra as a tool for meditation and healing you can download our album

‘Live at the Abode’ from

Thank you for connecting.

If you would like to learn more about your energy, workshops, meditation, mantra, or healing, please visit our website

If you feel unstable, or have questions after doing any of these meditation practices, please get in touch with us

for support.

Copyright © Jyotishakti & Vidya 2016

Gratitude to our teacher Shakti Durga.




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