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Ten Tips for “Stress Less for Life”

By Connie Rogers CHHC

Stress & The Mind

The mind is an energetic field. Our mind influences our immune system and our endocrine system. When we have an abundance of stress in our lives we also have a diminished functioning immune & nervous system. The stress that we hold in our body has various patterns according to how we are thinking. We can change our stress by changing our thoughts.

We can practice Mindfulness which in turn can:

• Increases the brain waves associated with neural integration and well-being.• Leads to greater stress resilience and deeper empathy in both professional and personal

relationships. Source: (nicabm National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine)

Hyperlink1: Resilience:

Stress in the Bedroom

The bedroom is where sleep takes place. Without a good nights sleep stress is created and toxins are stored. EMF’s can contribute to insomnia. EMF ‘s interrupt sleep when it inhibits the normal production of melatonin by the pineal gland. Avoid TV’s and computers in the bedroom. The only thing the bedroom should be used for is sleep and sex.

Recommended Reading: Our Stolen Future, by Theo Colborn, John Peter, Meyers Dianne Dumanoski (Endocrine Disruption from EMF)

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Stress & Hair Loss

Hair loss may be one of many symptoms that occur when the body is deprived of sleep. Sleep is a must have to help fight hair loss. Being sleep deprived the body produces more stress hormones. An abundance of Sugar stresses the adrenals, depletes B12 and testosterone in both men and women. Low levels of B12 has also been shown to cause hair loss. Hyperlink 1:

Stress & Clutter

Clutter stresses us, blocks our chi and prevents us from being productive. According to the principles of Feng Shui, clutter drains you of your positive energy. You can actually feel it.

Hyperlink1: Feng Shui:

Stressed, Sick & Fat

Stress causes elevated cortisol levels.  Digestion is disrupted under stress and high cortisol levels holds on to fat storage in our abdominal region.  High stress levels are also noted to increase our cravings for sugar. (1) Sugar makes us fat.

Chronic stress will eventually weaken our adrenal glands. Left unchecked, chronic stress can contribute to anxiety, depression join pain, HBP, heart disease and obesity. There is an association between obesity and stress-induced endocrine imbalances. Consider more exercise, deep breathing exercises, yoga, meditation and water to help the body better cope with stress. (2)


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Stress, Addiction & Dehydration

Stress is likely to lead to less healthy food choices. If we smoke or consume junk, gluten & processed foods we negatively change our gut environment and increase stress. If we have dehydration, our body and mind are experiencing stress. Birth control pills, fluoride salts, inflammatory foods, diet drinks and most of all the stress in our lives, all disrupt the balance of our intestinal flora. The bacteria in our gut affects our brain function. This can lead to addiction.

Hyperlink1: Addiction:

Stress & Cholesterol

The adrenal hormones that combat stress and relieve inflammation are cholesterol dependent. Cholesterol a key for our hormone production, and without it we would not be able to maintain adequate levels of testosterone, estrogen, progesterone and cortisol. The concern isn't the amount of cholesterol we have, but the type of fats and sugar and refined carbohydrates in our diet that lead to abnormal cholesterol production. High Fructose Corn Syrup can be linked to high Triglycerides in our liver. Asparagus helps to

cleanse the arteries of cholesterol.


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Stress & The Skin

Skin disorders and infections, metabolic disturbances and endocrine disruption can result from increased stress in one’s life. Studies have shown that stress, endocrine disruptors & gut inflammation can impair the integrity and protective function of the epidermal barrier. Leaky gut, leaky skin can start at any age. Psoriasis, acne and eczema may be signs of leaky gut syndrome which may stem from immune stress.You may want to avoid toxic products in your food, on your skin and around your home. “The skin is considered our third kidney because

of it's detoxing and elimination process. The most important eliminative organ in the body and is responsible for one quarter of the body’s detoxification each day. The skin receives one third of all the blood circulated in the body. The skin is the last to receive nutrients in the body, yet the first to show signs of imbalance, deficiency and aging.”


Hyperlink2: Nutritional deficiencies can and will cause skin changes and may even increase aging: Minaker KL. Common clinical sequelae of aging. In: Goldman L,Schafer AI, eds. Cecil Medicine. 24th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier; 2011:chap 24.

Stress & Immunity

When under long periods of stress, the body does not absorb the nutrients from foods we eat. Stress can affect the endocrine system, which in turn influences metabolism and the immune system. Because they work together in overlapping rolls ( nervous, digestive, endocrine and immune system), it will be unlikely that your body can adequately replace the nutrients it needs to run effectively, when you have 4 systems stressed out of balance. When our endocrine system is not functioning properly, we can't cope with stress effectively. You can start relieving stress by eliminating environmental toxins.(1)

Hyperlink 1: Endocrine disruption stress,:

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Exercise More/ Stress Less.

Exercise releases endorphins, dopamine and serotonin. Exercise needs to be part of a daily routine.

Exercise helps us not only stress less, but digest and sleep better. Getting the heart rate going, can be helpful for both brain health and brain growth. Exercise attacks stress in two ways, according to Matthew Stults-Kolehmainen, Ph.D., a kinesiologist at the Yale Stress Center. He said that “raising one's heart rate can actually reverse damage to the brain caused by stressful events.”(1)


Connie Rogers, a Certified Integrated Holistic Health Coach, Lifestyle Educator, Wellness Writer & Reiki Master. One of the hardest parts about stress is knowing where it will lead you. A body can only take so much before you see the warning signs. These can hide in the form of inflammation, allergies, auto immune, hormonal and digestive disorders. There are a number of key players in the game of stress that you may be able to change with support and therefore regain health as a side effect.  Once you understand these fundamentals, you’ll begin a new journey to a new you.  As a matter of fact, once you establish a few simple healthy habits, you may look at stress for what it is and not the dis-ease it could become.For more information and support with your stress go to© 2014 Connie Rogers All rights reserved

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