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the Distinction Between

Phenomena vs. Story


Bishop E. Bernard Jordan

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10 Commandments of the

Distinction Between Phenomena vs. Story

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10 Commandments of the Distinction Between Phenomena vs. Story

Copyright © 2015 by Bishop E. Bernard Jordan All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages for review purposes.

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1st Commandment ................................................................ 1!The Second Order Learning ............................................................................ 1!

2nd Commandment ............................................................... 4!Enhance Your Observation Skills .................................................................... 4!

3rd Commandment .............................................................. 7!Observe Then Interpret ............................................................................ 7!

4th Commandment ............................................................ 10!The Perception of Nothingness .................................................................... 10!

5th Commandment ............................................................ 14!What Really Matters ..................................................................................... 14!

6th Commandment ............................................................ 17!Practice Ontological Coaching ...................................................................... 17!

7th Commandment ............................................................ 20!Be Perceptive ................................................................................................ 20!

8th Commandment ............................................................ 23!Invent a New Kind of Time ........................................................................... 23!

9th Commandment ............................................................ 26!Understanding Perception ........................................................................... 26!

10th Commandment .......................................................... 29!The Hidden Power of Communication ......................................................... 29!

More Resources .................................................................. 32!Scriptural References .......................................................... 33!

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10 Commandments of the Distinction Between Phenomena vs. Story | Bishop E. Bernard Jordan

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1st Commandment

The Second Order Learning

!“All faith consists essentially in the recognition

of a world of spiritual values behind, yet not apart from, the world of natural phenomena.”

Dean Inge

Power Truth

Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

1 John 4:1 KJV

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1st Commandment


Enter Second Order Learning

From an ontological perspective, we take actions to address our breakdowns in the context of our interior concerns in life. In other words, what is a breakdown for us is dependent on the observer we are. What is a breakdown for us may well not be a breakdown for someone else or may be a different breakdown. Hence the actions we see as possible are limited by our interpretation of the breakdown. This opens up another possible level of learning and it is called the second order learning.

What is a breakdown for us may well

not be a breakdown for someone else

or may be a different breakdown.

“What is it about my way of being that I can see the situation this way?” By posing this question, we also call into question our interpretation of the breakdown and consider new interpretations of the breakdown to provide us with new possible actions and consequently the possibility of learning.

We do not always require other people to help us to redefine our breakdowns. As the observers we are, we will have breakdowns about certain events and not others. Hence, we can go a step forward and question our way of being and how we observe. To do this, we must first develop an awareness of how we observe in the first place.

From an ontological coaching perspective, this means examining our way of observing through distinctions in the domains of mood, language, body, and emotion. We can ask the question, “What is it about my use of language, my emotional life and physical being that has me see this as a

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breakdown?” We can look at our assumptions about how the world should be. The Bible said. “And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off from among his people.”

From an ontological coaching

perspective, this means examining

our way of observing through

distinctions in the domains of mood,

language, body, and emotion.

To enter second order learning, we must first understand and learn to fully interpret the situations around us. By being observant, we could find and apply solutions to the problems easily. And as an observer, we should know how to deal with our breakdowns and take it lightly. A great deal of learning stems from a simple process. An individual takes action, whether transparent or not, that leads to some outcome. We can assess those outcomes and combine the value of the action with our assessment and solution.1

What Now

1. How can we enter second order learning? 2. How do you address your breakdowns in life? 3. Why is it so important to observe first then act later?

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2nd Commandment


2nd Commandment

Enhance Your Observation Skills

! “Live your life each day as you would climb a mountain. An occasional glance towards the summit keeps the goal in mind, but many

beautiful scenes are to be observed from each new vantage point.”

Harold B. Melchart

Power Truth

For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.

Revelation 22:15 KJV

Enhancing Your Observation Skills

Humans are appalling observers as we simply

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distracted and for the most part are unwilling to vitally assess the world around us. It has not always been this way. For thousands of years, our ancestors lived in very small groups and for them it was critical to cautiously observe others and the world around them. Observation was vital for survival and fortunately no one was there to say, “It is not respectful to stare.” If they had followed that warning, we probably would have died out as a species.

Humans are appalling observers as

we simply distracted and for the most

part are unwilling to vitally assess the

world around us.

It is never too late to start observing. Observation is not about being judgmental or not about good or bad. All we need to do is focus and have the will to do it. It is about considering the world around you, having situational attentiveness, and interpreting what it is that others are communicating both vocally and nonverbally.

Good observation skills give us the opportunity to test and validate what others think, intend for us, or feel for us. To observe is to see but also to understand and that requires listening to how you feel.

For the reason that everyone is so close, we have fewer times to observe. Circumstances stated we interact first rather than later. This immediacy made us more perspective to being observed, which is why we are made uncomfortable when others stare at us. The Bible said. “And lest thou lift up thine eyes unto heaven, and when thou seest the sun, and the moon, and the stars, even all the host of heaven, shouldest be driven

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2nd Commandment


to worship them, and serve them, which the Lord thy God hath divided unto all nations under the whole heaven.”

It is never too late to start observing.

Observation is not about being

judgmental or not about good or bad.

By developing our observation skills, we can have advantages in critical situations. Being attentive all the time is not bad, but rather, it is a good thing. To have excellent observing skills, we need to practice and understand the basics of it. Look around and listen to your inner voice; it is our limbic brain telling us to be careful because something is wrong. Good observation skills give us the opportunity to test and validate what others think, feel, or intend for us. Thus, having good observation skills might be useful in future situations.1

What now

1. Have you become observationally lazy? Why? 2. Do you have good observation skills? Explain. 3. Why is it so important to observe our surroundings?

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3rd Commandment

Observe Then Interpret

!“'What will they think of me?' must be put

aside for bliss.”

Joseph Campbell

Power Truth

Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

1 John 4:4 KJV

Observe Then Interpret

As observers, we envision a situation from a meticulous perspective and have a point of view. However, our tradition of observing has hardly ever encouraged us to take a look at the

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3rd Commandment


position from which we observe and how it will influence the particular viewpoint we take.

The tradition of observing has hardly

ever encouraged us to take a look at

the position from which we observe

and how it will influence the

particular viewpoint we take.

Learning acknowledges that when we observe, we are always making interpretations of the situations in which we find ourselves in. But what is the process by which we observe and make interpretations? The answer to this question is very straightforward. You just need to focus on what you are doing, interpret carefully, and the same time, learn from it. When we engage in second order learning, the focus is not explicitly on the action or the manners of the observer, but on how the observer observes. The way we observe will verify what we observe, and this, in turn, concludes the courses of action we will see available to us.

When we take this approach, we are in the field of a higher order of learning. Observing how we observe unlocks new possibilities because we hone in directly on the issue of knowing why we see things differently. Timothy said. “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”

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Observing how we observe

unlocks new possibilities because we

hone in directly on the issue of

knowing why we see things


To become more observant as an observer, you need to engage and go further than your traditional learning, understanding, and observing. If we have this aptitude, we can stand back and reassess all possible outcomes that can place us in a more valuable position and take useful action in future situations. Knowing how to interpret while observing will help us achieve a deeper understanding on what we are observing. It can also be a factor to learn more about the things that surround us.1

What Now

1. Why do we need to learn how to interpret while observing?

2. Do you have the qualities to become an outstanding observer?

3. What is the process by which we observe and make interpretations?

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4th Commandment


4th Commandment

The Perception of Nothingness

!“The peculiar evil of silencing the expression of an opinion is that it is robbing the human race;

posterity as well as the existing generation; those who dissent from the opinion, still more than those who hold it. If the opinion is right,

they are deprived of the opportunity of exchanging error for truth: if wrong, they lose,

what is almost as great a benefit, the clearer perception and livelier impression of truth,

produced by its collision with error.”

John Stuart Mill

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Power Truth

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Hebrews 11:1 KJV

Understanding Nothingness

We live in a world where meaning is involved in almost everything, but not as if we were the ones who put the meaning out there. We think it is really out there. But what if we take away meaning from life, then what is really out there? The answer may be nothing.

We live in a world where meaning is

involved in almost everything, but

not as if we were the ones who put

the meaning out there.

If we look at our lives and other’s people’s lives, we see a lot of activity and attitude that clearly does not work and is counterproductive. Even before we do it, we know it is not going to work, so why do we do it? The simple answer is typically because we have some attachment to the meaning of what we’re experiencing or what we think it means. And we don’t realize that the level of the information that we are dealing with is microscopically restricted against what is possible.

We sometimes question ourselves on events that have happened in our life or the things that existed around us. But most of the time, the answer ended up with nothing. This encounter with nothing can be a hard task for any human

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4th Commandment


being, because we are agitated to see all phenomena as meaningful. There are things out there; a field, the sky, a tree, an object, a pet. But what does the sky mean? Does it mean, “The sky was placed above us so it can protect us from the sun?” Or might the sky just be the sky? What if we just shred out the particular meaning we have added to the sky being there, or to things that have happened in our lives, and then ask, “What is really out there?” Maybe there’s nothing essentially out there, things are just the way things are. But the nothing that is available for us to experience is not nothing as a negation of self. A transformative experience of nothing does not do away with our identity. And the possibility of being human is open to being created.

In conclusion, we end up a view of ourselves that we basically just accept. We have a sense of how we upgraded this trait or feature, this conclusion, or that conviction. We say that life means this or that, or you mean this or that, or my life is about this, but it should be that. The Bible said. “Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,”

If we look at our lives and other’s

people’s lives, we see a lot of activity

and attitude that clearly does not

work and is counterproductive.

The nothing we are discussing here is nothing as a clearing for self, a clearing that frees the self from its own self-imposed restrictions, leaving us with the full range of possibility available to us in being human. The importance of an encounter with nothing lies in the fundamental relationship of nothing to being. Nothing or non-being is the other side of

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being and just as we cannot fully understand light until we have experienced dark.1 What Now

1. How can we create something from nothing? 2. Why is it so hard for us to encounter nothing? 3. Where do you think we all came from? Why?

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5th Commandment


5th Commandment

What Really Matters

!“The true hypocrite is the one who ceases to

perceive his deception, the one who lies with sincerity.”

Andre Gide

Power Truth

And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:

Hebrew 9:27 KJV

The Concept of Integrity

Most people think of integrity to be the same as morality. Yet, the probable power of the word integrity can be narrowed when meanings are misshapen and mashed up

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together with other meanings. Integrity is actually a phenomenon in and of itself. It has more to do with being true to yourself and the foundation for power and success.

Integrity is actually a phenomenon in

and of itself. It has more to do with

being true to yourself and the

foundation for power and success.

Integrity comes from the word integer, meaning “whole, no missing component or part, or complete.” If we think about a mainframe chip or a racing bike wheel, for example, and if in the making of it some part was left out, neither would be able to function as they were intended. And any disturbance in the integrity of something’s design, however small, impacts its workability and purpose.

When something is whole and complete, it doesn’t mean it is good, but it works. It is also the same for the being part of being human. Once the wholeness and completeness of who we are is exposed in some way, however small, that begins to alter our life, even if at first it is unrevealed or unnoticeable. Matthew said. “And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery.”

A lot of things in our daily lives have the flexibility to have progress. There are multiple options available. We can go one way or another, and whatever the choice, things can turn out just fine. It is like navigating a ship. If we can navigate correctly or if we are good navigators, we can change or plan our future to have better outcomes.

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5th Commandment


A lot of things in our daily lives have

the flexibility to have progress.

We should know how to navigate our lives. Believing in facts and understanding each story would lead us to great outcomes. Knowing that being authentic can be a good thing too. Integrity and living a life of power and effectiveness are inseparable. And instead of the always condition setting the limits on who we are, set those conditions to rest and change it to possible that penetrates the impossible. When we live our lives steady with our word, we can make the possibility of freedom and power. Integrity is a matter of choice, and the matter of choice is uniquely human.1

What Now

1. In your own opinion, what is Integrity? 2. How can integrity influence our daily lives? 3. How can you manage your life and be successful in the


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6th Commandment

Practice Ontological Coaching

!“No great artist ever sees things as they are. If

he did, he would cease to be an artist.”

Oscar Wilde

Power Truth

Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

2 Thessalonians 2:9 KJV

Learn How to Be an Ontological Coach

Ontological is an extraordinary powerful methodology for affecting change for individuals, teams, and organizations.

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6th Commandment


It is highly effective because it is based on a new deeply grounded and practical understanding of language, moods, and conversations for behavioral and cultural transformation. Ontological Coaching is about creating shifts in a coach’s way of being. A human’s way of being is not a permanent condition but one of continual change and the responsibility of the ontological coach is to work their others to plan a way of being that the learner assesses serves them best.

A human’s way of being is not a

permanent condition but one of

continual change and the

responsibility of the ontological coach

is to work their others to plan a way of

being that the learner assesses serves

them best.

An ontological coach is a meticulous kind of coach who embodies the influential distinctions of the Ontology of Language and of the Ontology of the Human Observer. Also, an ontological coach is able to maintain people in achieving their goals and creating a new way of being. Even though people often know what they want in life, quite often they do not know how to get there.

Likewise, they do not always know how to avoid what they want. And sometimes, people do not even know what is missing for them. Dealing with this blindness is the job of an ontological coach. They support others to address what is

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missing for them in the different domains of their lives, relationships, family, work, career, and so on. Micah said. “And I will cut off witchcrafts out of thine hand; and thou shalt have no more soothsayers:”

The role of an ontological coach is not to tell people how to be or behave, rather to assist them to identify and achieve their desires in life. Ontological coaching is not a procedure based on a draft known by the coach. It is about enabling others to better provide themselves, learn, act more effectively, and better design their future.

The role of an ontological coach is not

to tell people how to be or behave,

rather to assist them to identify and

achieve their desires in life.

Also, an ontological coach understands the dynamics of the conversational patterns in which human beings engage and is able to skillfully employ those patterns in their coaching and see holes in the pattern where a trainee declares they are ineffectively dealing with a breakdown. Using the skill set of an ontological coach might lead to greater results in the future.1

What Now

1. What is Ontological Teaching? 2. Why do we have to practice being an ontological

coach? 3. How can we achieve to have a better life in the future?

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7th Commandment


7th Commandment

Be Perceptive

"The key to conversation at work is flexibility and understanding how what you say might be

perceived by others.”

Deborah Tannen

Power Truth

But they were terrified and affrighted, and supposed that they had seen a spirit.

Luke 24:37 KJV

Be a Perceptive Observer

We are constantly interested in getting results or gaining desired outcomes, so that things improve and we move

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forward and progress. When we are not satisfied with the results, we naturally may reflect upon our action, or attitude, and review how we could’ve done things differently which could have produced better outcome.

When we are not satisfied with the

results, we naturally may reflect upon

our action, or attitude, and review

how we could’ve done things

differently which could have

produced better outcome.

We rarely ask these questions, “How come I observe what I observe? What is it about me as an observer that I see and hear things the way I do?” In taking an approach to observing which seeks to answer the questions, we enter some major considerations about learning. To become more perceptive as an observer requires engaging in second order learning and going beyond our traditional approach of learning, understanding, and observing.

Engaging in this indication and review is a learning process in which there is a willingness and sincerity to change what we have been doing. This ability to stand back and reconsider can place us in a more advantageous position about taking efficiency action in future situations. Learning the focus is not directly on the action or the behavior of the observer, but on how the observer observes. The way we observe will determine what we observe, and this, in turn, determines the courses of action we will see available

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7th Commandment


to us. John said. “A thief is only there to steal and kill and destroy. I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of.”

To become more perceptive as an

observer requires engaging in second

order learning and going beyond our

traditional approach of learning,

understanding, and observing.

Learning distinguishes that when we observe, we are always making readings of the circumstances in which we find ourselves in. As observers, we always visualize situation from a particular viewpoint and have an observation. Being sensitive as an observer will enlarge our capabilities to observe fully and achieve excellent results.1

What Now

1. Why do we have to be a perceptive observer? 2. Why is it so important to understand and learn from the

things around us? 3. How can you become a good observer?

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8th Commandment

Invent a New Kind of Time

"To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive

the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others.”

Tony Robbins

Power Truth

For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

Matthew 24:24 KJV

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8th Commandment


Reaching the Future

To create a new kind of time, we are never really in the present, but rather, we are floating between the past and the future. It is either the past-present or the present-future. Between the two, the pull consistently is for the past-present. Past, present, and future are theoretical ways of speaking about time and being. Our existence is a past, present, and future kind of existence, however, past, present, and future are not absolute facts. We have to consider how our current notions of time play out.

To create a new kind of time, we are

never really in the present, but rather,

we are floating between the past and

the future.

We often see this past-present kind of time whenever we have a mostly good or bad experience. We try to remember the steps that got us there even if it is a bad or a good experience. We also might hope to capture the specifics for future use. Whether our experiences were good or bad, instead of finding out what happened in the past, we lay those past memories and the verdicts we made about them in our future. So our future becomes formed and filtered through those decisions which cause us to limit things that are imagined possible. The Bible said. “But whoever catches a glimpse of the revealed counsel of God—the free life!—even out of the corner of his eye, and sticks with it, is no distracted scatterbrain but a man or woman of action. That person will find delight and affirmation in the action.”

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When the past is no longer calling the shots, the way we know ourselves, what we can and cannot do, what is possible or impossible, would no longer be given. Positioning ourselves in the future, notified but not restricted by the past, the possibilities for our lives will grow exponentially.

Positioning ourselves in the future,

notified but not restricted by the past,

the possibilities for our lives will grow


To invent a new kind of time, we must ensure and stand ourselves in the future. It does not simply change our actions or give us new choices; it gives a totally different quality of life in the future. Possibility is an element of temporality.1

What Now

1. What are some examples of institutional racism you’ve noticed in your community?

2. What can be done to change the respective institution or organization?

3. How can you convince others to join you in the effort to transform the institutions that control your daily life?

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9th Commandment


9th Commandment

Understanding Perception

!“I don't believe in intuition. When you get

sudden flashes of perception, it is just the brain working faster than usual. But you've been

getting ready to know it for a long time, and when it comes, you feel you've known it


Katherine Anne Porter

Power Truth

And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the dead?

Isaiah 8:19 KJV

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Understanding Perception

One behaves and another one perceives. What is perceived? A difficulty is that the question assumes an objective third-person description. Somewhat, an answer to such a question is itself a perception, but one controlled by the real world and our moral intentions. Within these limits, we select a perspective on our perception and interaction that is called intentional humanism—leaned towards creating our world.

We select a perspective on our

perception and interaction that is

called intentional humanism—leaned

towards creating our world.

There are kinds of meanings which unify and interpret a field of expression. One of them is the meaning provided by our perception of another’s intentions. This explains our perceptions and gives them a logic-functional unity. The unity is an active gestalt, a mix of the field of expression composing act. A field of expression can also be given meaning by infusing perceived behavior with casual structure or by providing reasons. Therefore, we willingly understand attitude that we perceive as caused by lack of sleep, moral principles, social roles, and noticeable habits.

The percipient’s perspective changes the reality of the other’s behavior through some factors. The first factor is the physical point of view, the place of the percipient. Second are the sensory receptors which select and change receiving stimuli. The cultural environment which endows feelings with

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9th Commandment


orientation, meaning, values, and norms are also included on one’s behavioral traits.

If we have better understanding about the things that surrounds us, we could have better chances to identify and learn more about them. Observing well and at the same time, learn from the people that envelops us can enhance our perception in life.

John said. “So, my dear children, don’t let anyone divert you from the truth. It’s the person who acts right who is right, just as we see it lived out in our righteous Messiah. Those who make a practice of sin are straight from the Devil, the pioneer in the practice of sin. The Son of God entered the scene to abolish the Devil’s ways.”

A field of expression can also be

given meaning by infusing perceived

behavior with casual structure or by

providing reasons.

Perception is the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses. It is also the state where we become aware in our surroundings. Perception is awareness, comprehension or an understanding of something. Having a good perception will enable us to identify and value things around us.1

What Now

1. What is perception? 2. How can you enhance your perception in life? 3. Why do we have and learn to understand the meaning

of life?

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10th Commandment

The Hidden Power of Communication

!"We have a hunger of the mind which asks for knowledge of all around us, and the more we gain, the more is our desire; the more we see,

the more we are capable of seeing.”

Maria Mitchell

Power Truth

Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the Lord your God.

Leviticus 19:31 KJV

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10th Commandment


The Hidden Power of Communication

Listening does not give speaking. It is a vessel for speaking but rather, it gives speaking. It is the clearance in which speaking can occur. Listening is the opportunity for understanding, for meaning, for being loved, and known. We are essentially in conversations with ourselves mostly every time. Conversations about what is going on around us, what other people think, and how we feel.

Listening is the opportunity for

understanding, for meaning, for

being loved, and known. We are

essentially in conversations with

ourselves mostly every time.

The inner voice does not so much appeal to the comfort of inner riches as it does a chattering inner radio. But our inner voice is at least truthful to us. The narrative that repeatedly pours out of thinking and history and belief is not necessary bad. It is just we never really get to hear the other part of us. What we are saying to others or them to us might seep in from time to time, but it is not in what or they are saying. Somewhat, it is what we are saying plus what they are saying about what we are saying, which is not what we are saying and vice versa.

We pretty much listen only through the filter of what is in our minds. That inner voice is a pale and invasive presence and unluckily, has us miss out on the complete possibility of communication and the continuous worlds it makes available. We cannot really listen to another when we are anxious with

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10 Commandments of the Distinction Between Phenomena vs. Story | Bishop E. Bernard Jordan

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our concerns. Listening without those predispositions, worry, and filters has massive power. Luke said. “Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven.”

We cannot really listen to another

when we are anxious with our


Communication is how lives started, wars begun and ended, freedom gained, and money made. All of this is through communication itself. Listening is to carefully pay attention on what others are saying. Being sincere and at the same time, respecting the person you are conversing with will lead to a better outcome. By finding the hidden power of communication, good conversations will be easily achieved.1

What Now

1. How can we find the hidden power of communication? 2. Why is listening so important in a conversation? 3. Is listening part of observation skills? Explain.

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More Resources

DiMaggio, J. (NA). “Something about nothing.” Retrieved from

Flaherty, J. (2010). Coaching: evoking excellence in others. Routledge.

Flores, F. (2012). Conversations for action and collected essays. South Carolina: CreatedSpace Independent Publishing Platform.

Kahneman, D. (2011). Thinking fast and slow. New York: Farrar, Strauss and Giroux.

Nohria, N. & Khurana, R. (2010). Handbook of leadership theory and practice. Boston, Massachusetts: Harvard Business Press.

Olalla, J. (2004). From knowledge to wisdom: Essays on the crisis in contemporary learning. Boulder, CO: Newfield Network, Inc.

Olalla, J. (2007). “Julio Olalla – ICF keynote speech: our unique observer in the world.”Newfield Network. Retrieved from

Scheaf, L. (NA). “Power and possibility – inventing a new kind of time.” Retrieved from

Spirtos, M. (NA). “Navigating our lives: what really matters.” Retrieved from

Zraik, L. (NA). “Tapping into the hidden power of communication.” Retrieved from

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Scriptural References

1st Commandment 1 Leviticus 20:6

2nd Commandment 1 Deuteronomy 4:19

3rd Commandment 1 Timothy 1:7

4th Commandment 1 2 Thessalonians 2:9

5th Commandment 1 Matthew 19:9

6th Commandment 1 Micah 5:12

7th Commandment 1 John 10:10

8th Commandment 1 James 1:25

9th Commandment 1 1 John 3:8

10th Commandment 1 Luke 9:10

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