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IN essentials unity, in none essentials, liberty; and

in all things, charity.

An essential doctrine is one connected with our

salvation. For it is these doctrines that are

implanted in the great early creeds of Christendom.

This definition is confirmed theologically as well, for

it is the gospel – defined theologically in Scripture

(1 Corinthians 15:1-6; Romans 1:16) – that is

essential to our salvation.

While significant differences exist among Christians

regarding the end times, the key characteristics of

historic Christianity’s essential doctrine about the


(Acts 1:11) and the order of second-coming events

are the none essentials. In today’s issue we are

going to discuss the different views of the end

times but first of all we will consider some of the


The Rapture – is that event in which the dead in

Christ will be resurrected and Christians who are

still alive on earth will be instantly translated into

their resurrection bodies - both groups will be

caught up to meet Christ in the air (John 14:1-3; 1

Corinthians 15:51-54; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17).

The Great Tribulation – a definite period of time

and that will be characterized by great travail

(Matthew 24:29-35), it will be of such brutality

that no period in history, past or future, will

equal it (Matthew 24:21). It is called the time of

Jacobs’s trouble, for it is a judgment on Messiah-

rejecting Israel (Jeremiah 30:7; Daniel 12:1-4).

Scripture says it will last seven years (Daniel

9:24, 27).

The Day of the Lord – was used in the Old

Testament as an expression to warn hearers that

God's Judgment was about to come upon them.

Joel 1:15 - "The day of the Lord is at hand; it shall

come as destruction from the Almighty." See also

Isaiah 13:6.

The Second Coming of Christ - called the Parousia

(Greek: coming presence, arrival) and will be for

the judgment of his enemies and the salvation of

those who await his return (Hebrew 9:24).


1. The Partial Rapture View – this view is based on

the parable of the ten virgins, which depicts five

virgins who are prepared and five who are

unprepared (Matthew 25:1-13). This passage is

interpreted to mean that only faithful and watchful

Christian will be raptured. Unfaithful Christians will

be left behind to suffer through the Great

Tribulation. The Great Tribulation will “purify” the

Christians and they are called “overcomers.” (1

Thessalonians 5:6; 1 Thessalonians 1:10; 2 Timothy

4:8; 1 Corinthians 15:23; Philippians 3:11; Hebrews

9:28; Luke 21:36) Denies the distinction between

Israel and the church.

2. The Posttribulational View – this view states that

Christ will rapture the church after the tribulation at

the second coming of Christ. This means the church

will go through the day of the lord prophesied in the

book of Revelation, but believers will allegedly be

kept through Satan’s wrath during the great

tribulation (Revelation 3:10). They make no

distinctions between the church and Israel.

3. The Midtribulational view – the view that Christ

will rapture the church in the middle of the great

tribulation period. (1 Thessalonians 5:9) the church

will be delivered from God’s wrath which will be

poured out during the second haft of the great

tribulation. (2 Timothy 3:12).

4. The Pre-Wrath View- the rapture occur toward

the end of the great tribulation before the great

wrath of God fall. Rapture must take place

between the sixth and seventh seals (Revelation

6:12-8:1). This view is only a slightly modified

version of the Midtribulation Rapture view.

5. The Pretribulational View – the views hold that

Christ will rapture the entire church before any

part of the Great Tribulation begins. The Rapture

and the Second Coming are Separate Events. The

rapture is in the air to meet the Lord. The Second

Coming is with Christ to come back to the earth. A

division of time must exist between the Rapture

and the Second Coming. Believers are in their

prepared places (John 14: 1-3). The Bema Seat

Judgment (2 Cor. 5:10). The Marriage Supper of

the Lamb (Rev. 19:7-9). This view holds that the

church will NOT experience any form of God’s

wrath. Paul said, “For God hath not appointed us

to wrath” (1 Thessalonians 5:9) for Jesus has,

“delivered us from the wrath to come” (1

Thessalonians 1:10). The Church and Israel are NOT

identical.The church and Israel has two separate

programs. This is indicated by Daniel 9: 24-27, a

key passage giving an overview of the Great

Tribulation. According to this view, the church is

NEVER mentioned or eluded to in ANY passage

dealing with the Great Tribulation. They cite the

fact that it is clearly evident in Revelation chapters

6-19 where Israel and the nations are mentioned,

but the church is conspicuously absent.

The Essentials June 2009 The Essentials

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The Second Thessalonians


Work, Wait – “Jesus is coming”

Jesus has work for us to do until He comes back to

gather the church to Himself.

We must work – wait, pray – watch, while waiting

for Christ to return.


Thessalonians was about Christ coming back for

His church.


Thessalonians is about Christ coming with His

mighty angels.

The Thessalonians are undergoing trials,

persecutions. They are also worried that they

missed the coming back and are in the Great



Who – Paul, Timothy, Silas

What – Correct False teachings about the when “Day

of the Lord” would happen, reassure them on how to

live and wait.

When – A.D. 53 or 54, likely within months after 1st


Why – Encourage the church in Thessalonica to stand

firm and help them reject false teachings about the

second coming of Christ.


The Essentials June 2009 The Essentials


1. Premillenialism – teaches that following the

second coming, Christ will institute a kingdom of

perfect peace and righteousness on earth that will

last for 1000 years.

2. Amillenialism, which takes a more spiritualized

approach to interpreting prophecy, teaches that

when Christ comes, eternity will begin with no prior,

literal 1000-year reign on earth. Amillennial literally

means no millennium. According to this view,

millennium is metaphorical and says they refer to

Christ’s present (spiritual) rule from heaven.

3. Postmillennial View, which also takes a more

spiritual approach to interpreting biblical prophecy,

teaches that through the church’s progressive

influence, the world will be Christianized before

Christ returns. According to this view, the

millennium will basically involve 1000 years of peace

and prosperity that precedes Christ’s physical


4. Preterism – According to this view, the prophecies

in the Book of Revelation

(Especially Chapters 6-18) and Mathew 24-25

(Christ’s Olivet Discourse) were already fulfilled in

the past. There are two forms of Preterism: (1)

Moderate (partial) Preterism and (2) Extreme (full)


Moderate (partial) Preterism which they believe the

literal resurrection and second coming are yet

future, they say the other prophecies in revelation

and Matthew 24-25 were already fulfilled when

Jerusalem fell to Rome in A.D 70. Extreme (full)

Preterists goes so far as to say that all New

Testament predictions were fulfilled in the past,

including those about the resurrection of believers

and Christ second coming.

The Essentials is a monthly publication of the Community

Church of Christ (Christian Church) at Surrey. The intention of

which is to serve as one of the means of aid in the spiritual

walk of believers in Christ.

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[This latter view is heretical, denying two of the

essential doctrines of the Faith: the physical

resurrection of believers and a literal second coming.]

THE TRUTH IS, issues such as the timing of the Rapture

are not worth fighting over. In the long haul – after

we’ve been with Christ for countless ages in heaven –

the question of whatever the rapture happened before

or after the Great Tribulation period will truly seem

inconsequential. All this is an intramural debate. So let’s

show some liberty to brothers and sisters who hold to a

different view.

MORE INFORMATIONMORE INFORMATIONMORE INFORMATIONMORE INFORMATION If you would like to discover and learn about Community Church of Christ (Christian Church) Please call us @ 604 583-5877/604-461-7796 778-829-0350/604-951-9543 # 101-13443-78

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