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Richland Elementary School-wide PBIS Plan

(Discipline Plan) 2015-16

5440 Rich Road

Memphis, Tennessee, 38120

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Guiding Principles• The primary focus of all decisions affecting our school should be

student learning and achievement. In order to learn, produce quality work, and become critical thinkers

and problem solvers, our students must be actively engaged in their education.

A wide variety of teaching strategies and assessment techniques accommodate a diverse population with multiple learning styles and provides a challenging and affirming environment that is conducive to academic achievement.

All students can reach their maximum potential when provided a challenging learning environment with high expectations.

We must provide an emotionally and physically safe environment in which all students can develop positive and respectful relationships.

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Guiding Principles-cont.

School Character Points Families and community members are valued

partners in character-building and in creating a caring school community.

Programs are provided that enrich and foster the development of multiple intelligences and learning styles.

Positive behavior support is provided so that students reach their optimum level of academic, social, and emotional potential.

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Guiding Principles-cont.

Values Every student has the right to learn in a

clean, safe, and positive environment. Collaboration among teachers,

administrators, parents, and the community is essential for the effectiveness of character education.

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• Richland Elementary School will be an exemplary, student-focused educational community, guided by Tennessee standards, that has an outstanding staff, programs, and nurturing environment where excellence is achieved, good character is exhibited, and hopes and goals are fostered.

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• Our mission is to create a culturally diverse tradition of excellence where all students are encouraged to excel academically while learning the skills necessary to be responsible, confident, life-long learners and productive members of an ever-changing society.

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Philosophy Statement

At Richland, we believe… • Students should be encouraged to set goals for

themselves and work toward reaching them.

 • Students should be in a safe and secure environment

where opportunities are provided for all.

 • Teachers should teach and model good character traits

and students should be treated with dignity and respect.

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Philosophy Statement-cont.

• Our students must be actively engaged in their educations in order to learn, produce quality work, and become critical thinkers and problem solvers.

 • A wide variety of research-based teaching strategies and

data-driven assessment techniques accommodate a diverse population with multiple learning styles, and provide challenges that are conducive to academic achievement.

 • Collaboration among teachers, administrators, parents,

and the community is essential for the continuous growth and effectiveness of our school.

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Previous Results

The following goal of maintaining an attendance rate of 95%

or higher was achieved for the 2014-15 school year.

The attendance rate for last year was 96.7%.

The number of OSS stayed exactly the same (23) as the

previous year.

The number of office referrals experienced a dramatic

increase. (Many of these referrals were used to collect

data for students with IEPs that needed more support)

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Goals or Objectives

Goals: To increase positive student behavior

Objectives: Maintain positive student behavior with less than

1% of students receiving interventions Decrease the number of office referrals (164) by

25% Decrease the number of suspensions (23) by

10% Maintain attendance (96.7%) rate.

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Attendance & SART Process Map and Role Assignments1. Student

accumulates 5 unexcused absences

2. Principal notification by

computer-generated letter

3. Parent conference

4. Members of SART team meet to

discuss prevention/intervention strategies for excessive absences

5. Meeting documented in SMS Discipline Module

6. Student name placed on SART

Watch List

7. SART Watch List monitored by support


8. Re-offenders reported to principal

9. Principal contacts parent of re-offender and Truancy Officer

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Attendance & SART Process Map and Role Assignments

  Role in Process Map Owner of role by name

1 SART Process Owner  S. McNary

2 Office of Attendance send list Ron Pope

3 Notify Parent of SART Meeting  Sharon McNary

4 Team member convenes SART Meeting  J. Acker, S. McNary, C. Nelson, or L. Bailey

5 Meeting documented in SMS Discipline C. Nelson

6 Student name placed on SART Watch List  C. Nelson

7 SART Watch List monitoring  J. Acker, S. McNary, C. Nelson, or L. Bailey

8 Re-offenders reported to Principal  C. Nelson

9 Principal contacts re-offender parent and Truancy Officer

 S. McNary

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Attendance Self-AssessmentDate: 9/4/15  

School Name: Richland Elementary


Attendance Team Members: Indicate which staff serves on the school’s attendance data team.  What is this team’s meeting schedule?

Sept. 4, 2015 April 1, 2016Oct. 6, 2015 April 29, 2016Nov. 10, 2016 May 27, 2016Dec. 14, 2015Jan. 27, 2016Feb. 26, 2016

X Principal X Assistant Principal(s) X Guidance Counselor X General Office Secretary

Attendance Challenges: Describe your top 3 attendance challenges for your school. Be specific.

1.  Student tardies from in district parents

2. Students with habitually excused absences (after 10 a doctor note is required, but most still have notes)

3.   Early dismissal from school due to a variety of reasons (appointments

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Attendance Self-Assessment continuedSchool Data Summary 

Attendance Chronic Absenteeism Absences due to SuspensionsGoal Actual Goal Actual Goal Actual 96%  96.7%  <119  132  <20  23

Notes: Currently we are maintaining an attendance rate of 97% or higher.

School UpdateDescribe your plans for prevention and intervention strategies to address chronic absenteeism.  

Prevention Strategies Intervention Strategies

1. Monthly Jeans Day for students with 0 absences and no more than one tardy

1. Identify students close to 10 absences

2. Parent handbook discussion about students on transfer losing their transfer for the next school year due to unexcused absences.

2. Divide the students among SART Team

3. Classes with perfect attendance are announced daily 3. SART Members visit classroom daily to check on frequently absent students

4. Classes that reach 10 tardy free days receive praise over announcement and tokens for 1st, 5th, and 10th time

4. Praise/reward students when present

5. Classes fly Tardy free banner for a week once they have 10 tardy free days.

5. Call parents to address habitual absence

Additional Comments: Richland Elementary has traditionally maintained an attendance rate above 96%, which is the district goal. However, we continue to strive for a higher attendance rate each year.

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20 Day Period Attendance


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20 Day Period Office Referrals

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20 Day Period OSS

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SCS School-wide PBIS (Discipline) Team Worksheet 2015-16

Richland Elementary: Principal* : Sharon McNary

Assistant Principal s: Josh Acker

Professional School Counselor* : Lisa Bailey

School Psychologist : Ann Sharp

School Social Worker - Beth Hand

General Education Teacher(s): Ash-leigh Langston, Mekea Johnson, Melanie Fleming,

SCSEA Rep *: Allean Neal

Elected Teachers (2):Brenda Woods, Linda Robinson

Special Education Teacher *: Craig Nicholson

Related Arts Teacher: Farris

Educational Assistant: Pamela Scarbrough

Community Member: Marie Benton

Parents (2) *: Jamie Barber, May Stanton

Cafeteria/Custodial Staff: Geraldean Stevens

External PBIS Coach: Gina True

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Revised 8/14 19

Meeting Schedule

20 Day Reporting Period

Approximate Dates of Reporting Periods

All data for period entered into system (A)

SW PBIS Team meeting dates (B)

Faculty meeting dates to report interpretation of 20 day data (C)

1 8/10/15 – 9/4/15 9/7/15 9/10/15 9/16/15

2 9/8/15 – 10/6/15 10/7/15 10/8/15 10/21/15

3 10/7/15 – 11/10/15 11/11/15 11/12/15 11/18/15

4 11/12/15 – 12/14/15 12/15/15 12/15/15 12/16/15

5 1/5/16 – 1/27/16 1/28/16 2/4/16 2/10/16

6 1/28/16 – 2/26/16 2/29/16 3/3/16 3/9/16

7 2/29/16 – 4/17/16 4/3/16 4/7/16 4/13/16

8 4/4/16 – 4/29/16 5/2/16 5/12/16 5/18/16

9 5/2/16 – 5/27/16 5/27/15 NA NA

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(A)Data should be entered promptly to enable review of accurate data. Deadline for data entry is the Friday following the end of the reporting period.Principal should identify person responsible for entering behavior data. Name and title of data entry designee: Josh Acker, Assistant Principal

(B)Committee should meet within one week of final data entry for reporting period. Enter projected meeting dates in this column.Identify team member responsible for data summary to report to SW PBIS Team.Name and title: Josh Acker, Assistant Principal

(C)Faculty meeting to discuss behavior should be held within a week of the SW PBIS Team’s Meeting.Enter projected dates in this column. Identify persons responsible for sharing data trends for previous reporting period with the faculty.Name and title: Josh Acker, Assistant Principal

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Monitoring Process

The PBIS Team will review school, classroom, and individual discipline, attendance and academic data after each 20 day reporting period to monitor and adjust goals and expectations.

Specific action plans will be developed to respond to the data and insure achievement of this year’s objectives.

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Celebrations• Silver Spoon Awards• Caught You Doing Great Bulletin Board• E conduct luncheon• Honors Ribbons• Picnic Lunch Outside• Red Hawk Bucks • Positive Phone Calls• Kiwanis Club Terrific Kids Ceremony• Tardy Free Flag

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School RulesRichland Red Hawks Soar With The Fabulous 4

1. Act Safely

2. Be Responsible and Respectful

3. Care for Yourself, Others, and the Environment

4. Do Your Best

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RedHawks Soarwith the Fabulous Four Richland Rules

Soar to new heights by being caring and responsible

School Wide Classroom Individual

Act Safely Walk to your destination. Bring/handle only needed items. Arrive and depart through designated areas and at proper times

Keep hands and feet to yourself. Walk. Handle supplies/equipment properly

Be where you should be at all times. Use hall passes when leaving classrooms alone or in pairs

Be Responsible and Respectful

Always follow school rules. Treat others kindly and politely. Listen to school faculty and staff

Bring all necessary supplies. Treat and speak to others respectfully. Turn all assignments in on time.

Do your best. Keep a positive attitude. Maintain your belongings and put them in the proper place.

Care for yourself, others, and the Environment

Wear uniform neatly. Keep hands, feet, objects and hurtful comments to yourself. Keep walls clean and halls litter free

Be considerate of others while they are working. Keep your area neat. Put things back where they belong.

Strive to be a great learner every day. Help others when you see them struggling. Do your part to keep the entire school community clean.

Do Your Best Be prepared every day.Follow all instructions

Always do quality work.Follow all instructions.

Know that you can achieve.Follow all instructions.

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Teaching Behavioral ExpectationsLesson Plan

Week One Week TwoWeek Three

Week Four Week Five Week Six

Monday Act SafelySchool Wide


Act SafelySchool Wide


Be Responsible & Respectful

School WideCafeteria

Be Responsible & Respectful

School WideCafeteria

Care for yourself, others, & the environmentSchool Wide


Care for yourself, others, & the environmentSchool Wide


Tuesday Act SafelyClassroom


Act SafelyClassroom


Be Responsible & RespectfulClassroom


Be Responsible & RespectfulClassroom


Care for yourself, others, & the environmentClassroom


Care for yourself, others, & the environmentClassroom


Wed. Act SafelyIndividualRestroom

Act SafelyIndividualRestroom

Be Responsible & RespectfulIndividualRestroom

Be Responsible & RespectfulIndividualRestroom

Care for yourself, others, & the environment


Care for yourself, others, & the environment



Act SafelySchool WideClassroomIndividual


Act SafelySchool WideClassroomIndividual


Be Responsible & Respectful

School WideClassroomIndividual


Be Responsible & Respectful

School WideClassroomIndividual


Care for yourself, others, & the environmentSchool WideClassroomIndividual


Care for yourself, others, & the environmentSchool WideClassroomIndividual


Friday Act SafelySchool WideClassroomIndividual


Act SafelySchool WideClassroomIndividual


Be Responsible & Respectful

School WideClassroomIndividual


Be Responsible & Respectful

School WideClassroomIndividual


Care for yourself, others, & the environmentSchool WideClassroomIndividual


Care for yourself, others, & the environmentSchool WideClassroomIndividual


Do Your BestSchoolwideCafeteria

Do Your BestSchoolwide


Do Your BestClassroomRestroom

Do Your BestClassroom


Do Your BestIndividual


Do Your BestIndividual


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Staff & Office ManagedBehavior Chart

Minor Problem Behavior (Staff)

Definition Minor Examples

Major Problem Behavior (Office)

Definitions Major Examples

Inappropriate Language

Any spoken, written, or non-verbal communication that insults, mocks, belittles, or slanders another person.

Comments (profanity) and gestures that are not directed at an individual, harmless rumors. “All your family is dumb,” “This sucks,” “Crap,” “Butthead”, “Stupid”, “What the!”

Abusive Language/

Inappropriate Language/ Profanity

Verbal messages that include profanity, name calling or use of words in an inappropriate way.

Profanity directed at an individual, hostile threats either written, spoken, or non-verbal

Physical Contact/Physical


Student engages in non-serious, but inappropriate physical contact.

Silly horseplay, playful grabbing, pinching, non-aggressive punching or slapping, chasing, shoving, inadvertent physical contact, stepping on feet

Fighting/ Physical


Actions involving serious physical contact where injury may occur (e.g., hitting, punching, hitting with an object, kicking, hair pulling, scratching, etc.).

Hitting, punching, kicking, hair pulling, scratching, choking, biting

Defiance/ Disrespect/


Student engages in brief or low-intensity failure to respond to adult requests.

Talking back, not following directions, sleeping, refusal to complete assignments, ignoring request of adult

Defiance/ Disrespect/


Refusal to follow directions, talking back and/or socially rude interactions.

Refusal to comply with established rules, leaving class without permission, overtly verbally defiant/argumentative

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Richland Elementary Consequence ChartVerbal warning __________

One-on-one conference __________

Loss of Privilege __________(silent lunch, timeout, ______________)

Time-out with Reflection Sheet (attach completed form)__________

Contact Parent __________

Office Consequences: Conference with Student Parent Conference In-school Suspension (date assigned _______) Out-of-School Suspension (1 2 3 __)

Support Team Meeting: ______________________________________________________________________________________

Fighting, sexual harassment and serious threats are immediately referred to the office

Student Name_________________

Teacher _________________

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Teach the Rules, Expectations and Procedures

• During the first two weeks of school, teachers at Richland taught lessons on the district’s Code of conduct.

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Revised 7/12 29

Annual PBIS Kick-off

• Teach SCS Code of Conduct• Teach School-wide Rules and Behavior

Expectations from matrix• When district and school universal rules

and expectations are understood, celebrate the beginning of a new, positive school year

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Revised 7/12 30

School Procedures• List school procedures for entering school• Closing of school/buses• Passing Classes• Lunchroom• Assemblies• Referrals• Restrooms• Hall passes• Ongoing orientation for new students

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School Procedures

Procedures for entering school:

Students line up at the assigned entrance. When the 8:05 am bell rings, students walk in a grade level line quietly to their classrooms escorted by one teacher per grade. On inclement weather days, students will enter the cafeteria with dismissal to class at 8:05.

Closing of school:

Following the afternoon announcements, the administrator will dismiss according to the following schedule: K-1 OASIS students at 3:11, all bus riders (Lindenwood & yellow buses) at 3:13, all KK students immediately after bus/daycare riders leave, and all other students at 3:15 pm with the bell. Each teacher will walk the students through their designated door.

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School Procedures Cont.

Passing Classes: 5th Grade: When changing classes students line up quietly in their

homeroom and proceed silently to the designated classroom. All teachers will supervise from their doorway.

Encore: Teachers lead class to and from Encore classes in a single file line. Students wait with their teacher to enter the Encore class.

Exceptional Children: Students will take necessary supplies and walk quietly to their assigned classrooms arriving on time.

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School Procedures Cont.

Cafeteria: Teachers walk the students to the cafeteria “IN” doors. The

first 15 minutes of lunch is quiet time. During the last 15 minutes students may talk softly. At the end of the lunch period, 1,2,3 procedures will be followed. Teachers walk the students through the “OUT” doors and back to their classrooms.

Hand Signals:Quiet – Eyes on me or Hand up indicates for all students to be quiet.Time out/ Stop – Hands in “T” formation – To stop inappropriate behavior; fighting.Good Job – Thumbs up – Indicates approval of desired behavior.“O” Zero Zone – Hand in circular formation. Used in hallways as a silent reminder of zero talking.

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School Procedures Cont.Assemblies:

Students are escorted to the cafeteria by their teachers and are seated in their assigned sections. There is no talking in the cafeteria when entering, during the program, or exiting the cafeteria.


The teacher will complete the referral with the specific nature of the problem. Unless the problem is of a serious nature, the referral will be sent to the office. The administrator will call for the student when ready. Student referrals are made based on the SCS Code of Conduct.

Hall Passes:

Students should carry a hall pass when going to the office or performing an errand for the teacher.

Orientation: New students will be given the Student Code of Conduct and

the classroom teacher will review procedures and expectations with the student.

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School Wide Incentives

• Class Attendance Incentives- The classes that have perfect attendance for the day will be announced daily.

• All classes that have 10 tardy free days will hang a recognition flag outside their door. On the first, fifth and tenth set of days, students will go to the treasure tower.

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School Wide Incentives• RedHawk Rewards: The

principal, assistant principal, school counselor, and all staff members will give out RedHawk Rewards based on the “Caught you doing good” principle. The reward will be redeemed in the office at the end of the day for a variety of incentives (picture on the bulletin board, name announced over the intercom, token to be used in prize machine….etc).

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School Wide Incentives• Silver Spoon: Classes will

earn the letters “Silver Spoon” daily by following cafeteria rules and procedures. When a class earns all the letters in Silver Spoon, the first incentive will be a token for the treasure tower. For each time after the first recognition the class can choose a reward (popcorn party, homework pass, extra recess, or a movie afternoon).

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School Wide Incentives

• Fogelman Most Improved: Once each semester a student from each class is selected by the teacher as the most improved student in conduct or academics. This student attends a pizza party at the school.

• Ribbons are presented at the end of each grading period for academics, citizenship, and perfect attendance.

• Celebrate Kindness Week (week of Jan. 26)

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School Wide Incentives

Caught You Doing Great Board: Each grade will be assigned a month to feature students caught doing great. Students in that grade will be recognized for acts of

service or kindness.

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School Wide Incentives

Terrific Kids Program: Five times a year, homeroom teachers will identify a Terrific Kid of Character. These students will attend an assembly where they will receive a t-shirt, goody bag, and have their picture on display on the Wall of Honor.

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Teacher Incentives

Teachers names will be put into a drawing for the “Teacher of the week” reserved parking place in the front lot.

The most coveted space on the whole campus….

• No Mud• Not in the Back

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Teacher Incentives

Richland Pride Box beginning in October. Teachers and staff will have a box where “Kudos” can be placed. When a teacher has received 3 “Kudos” then the teacher will receive a Redhawk Pride Pin that can be displayed on their ID badge.

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Teacher Incentives

Happy Friday – Each grade will provide snacks for the faculty on the last Friday of each month.

• September – KK • October – 1st, • November – 2nd

• December – 3rd

• January – 4th

• February - 5th

• March – Office, Admin., Guidance, Interventionists• April – CLUE, Sped• May – Encore

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Resources for Incentives

• Adopters• Community agencies & businesses• Restaurants• Fundraisers• Parent organizations

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Communication with Parents & Community

• At the Site-based Decision Council meetings, Mrs. McNary will inform council members of the PBIS plan.

• The PBIS plan will be available in the school office for viewing.

• The PBIS plan will be posted on the school website.

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Character Education

• Students recite the school character pledge each morning. KK-5th grade will implement the Responsive Classroom Approach. A Bully/Violence Prevention Program is implemented school-wide to foster positive interpersonal relationships. Character education will be emphasized throughout the school year and a character trait featured during morning announcements. A “Terrific Kid of Character” is selected by each homeroom teacher five times a year and receives special recognition at the Kiwanis Club Ceremony.

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Bullying Prevention

• The faculty and staff were trained on August In-Service 2015 by the school counselor during which bullying was defined and prevention strategies were shared.

• The school counselor or classroom teachers will provide instruction to each class on the No Bully Policy.

• Healthy Choices Week will include a day focusing on healthy relationships.

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ATOD Prevention

Richland supports the ATOD Prevention initiative by having Healthy Choices Week during the first week of December. Included in this week is our Drug Free Day where healthy life style choices are discussed. Our Health Curriculum is also taught throughout the year.

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Violence Prevention Programs

• Our teachers use the Responsive Classroom Model - our school Responsive Classroom support teacher is Deanna Ross

• Teachers have attended training as well as receiving in-service PD

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Tier 2/Intervention TeamFor students with 2-5 office referrals:

the S-team (including the School Counselor, teacher, parents, administrator, appropriate instructional staff, and behavior or mental health staff ) will

• monitor the Tier 2 student’s behavior and develop targeted interventions such as group counseling, individual behavior incentive plans, and classroom strategies to support the student in adopting positive behaviors.

• The team will evaluate outcomes of interventions and make adjustments for students as needed.

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Intervention Strategies

• We will conference with the school counselor and/or administrator to develop a targeted incentive program such as an individual behavior goal card or behavior intervention plan. The counselor provides focused goal-oriented individual or small group sessions to improve behavior.

• When appropriate, a staff mentor is paired with the student.

• Supervised study or detention.

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Additional Tier 2 Interventions

• Reflection sheets• Increased academic/behavioral supports &

practices• Parent collaboration• Self management training and support• Social skills instruction• Behavioral Contract• Behavioral/Academic cards/point systems

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Secondary Intervention (Tier 2) Evaluation

• Number of office referrals• Classroom Observation data• Istation/iReady data• Fidelity checks• Progress Monitoring data

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Tier 3 Tertiary InterventionsFor students with 6 or more office referrals: the school support team will convene to collaborate with

mental health professionals on further evaluations and interventions, and the development of behavior intervention plan.

• Intervention success will be determined by ongoing contact with an assigned mental health professional, review of evaluations and student progress on the behavior intervention plan.

• Number of expulsions 2014-2015 _1_• Number of Suspensions 2014-2015 _23

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