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Tutorial on Machine Learning.

Part 2. Descriptor Selection Bias.

Igor Tetko, Igor Baskin and Alexandre Varnek

1. Introduction

The n-fold cross-validation technique is widely used to estimate the performance of QSAR

models. In this procedure, the entire dataset is divided into n non-overlapping pairs of training

and test sets. Each training covers (n-1)/nth of the dataset while the related test set covers the

remaining 1/nth. Following developments of models with the training set, the predictions for the

test set are performed. Thus, predictions are made for all molecules of the initial dataset, since

each of them belongs to one of the test sets. This tutorial demonstrates how crucial unbiased

descriptor selection is for correct assessment of the prediction performance of the models. In

principle, two scenarios are possible:

- selection of descriptors using all molecules from the parent data set followed by n-fold

cross-validation (internal CV);

- selection of descriptors is performed on each fold using (n-1)/nth of the dataset (external


The models obtained on each fold of the internal CV are based on the same set of descriptors,

whereas corresponding models for the external CV may involve different descriptors. Notice that

frequently reported Leave-One-Out cross-validation typically represents the internal CV.

Here, we will show that only external CV, in which the information of test compounds is

not used for the development of the models, can be used for reasonable assessment of accuracy

of predictions (see also 1-3). For this purpose, a set of random numbers will be used as molecular

descriptors to develop a model for boiling points of alkanes. Thus, a procedure leading to

“robust” QSAR models, e.g. models with high Pearson correlation coefficient R2, based on those

descriptors is definitely not correct one.

The tutorial consists in 3 parts (sections 4.1 - 4.3):

- descriptors selection is performed before the model development (internal CV, Fig 1A);

- descriptors selection is used to optimize the model (internal CV, Fig 1B);

- descriptors are selected in parallel with the development of the model (external CV, Fig



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Figure 1. Internal (A, B) and External (C) cross-validation procedures.

2. Datasets and Descriptors

A database containing the values of the boiling points of 74 alkanes 4 is used. Two sets of

descriptors are used: 100 and 1000 descriptors representing random numbers. The k Nearest

Neighbors (kNN, or IBk in Weka’s terminology) and Multi-Linear Regression (MLR) methods

will be used for the modeling.

3. Files

1. alkan-bp-louse100.arff – dataset with 100 descriptors taking random values

2. alkan-bp-louse1000.arff – dataset with 1000 descriptors taking random values

3. preselected_descr.arff – dataset with preselected descriptors

4. knn_descr.arff – dataset with descriptors selected by the kNN procedure

4. Modeling

4.1 Internal Cross-Validation using Preliminary Selected Descriptors

In Weka, in order to select descriptors (attributes in Weka’s terminology), one should

specify a Search Method and an Attribute Evaluator. The Search Method stands for a search

algorithm (such as ExhaustiveSearch, GeneticSearch, BestFirst, etc), whereas the Attribute


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Evaluator specify a way how to compute the value being optimized in the course of descriptors


The default Search Method in Weka is BestFirst. It searches the space of descriptor

subsets by greedy hill-climbing augmented with a backtracking facility. The BestFirst method

may start with the empty set of descriptors and searches forward (default behavior), or starts with

the full set of attributes and searches backward, or starts at any point and searches in both

directions (by considering all possible single descriptor additions and deletions at a given point).

The default Attribute Evaluator in Weka is CfsSubsetEval. This method evaluates the

worth of a subset of descriptors by considering the individual predictive ability of each one along

with the degree of redundancy between the descriptors. Subsets of descriptors that are highly

correlated with the property/activity values and having low intercorrelation are preferred (see 5).

For this problem, BestFirst (search method) and CfsSubsetEval (attribute evaluator)

combination is as efficient as best variable selection techniques - genetic algorithm or simulated

annealing - but it is much quicker. This is why these default settings were selected for the tutorial.

• Start Weka

• Select the item Explorer from the Applications menu

• Click on Open file… and load the file alkan-bp-louse1000.arff.

• Click on the Select attributes item

The following window appears:


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• Click on Start

Computation finishes after 2-3 seconds (application of the genetic algorithm to the same

dataset would require hours).

• Click on the new line in the Result list with the right mouse button

• From the pop-up menu, select the item Save reduced data…

The program window looks as a following:

• Save the dataset with 30 selected descriptors to file preselected_descr.arff

Selected descriptors are supposed to be used in the Multiple Linear Regression model.

• Switch to the Preprocess submode of the Explorer mode


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• Click on Open file… and open the file preselected_descr.arff

• Switch to the Classify submode

• Click on Choose

• From the hierarchical list of machine learning methods choose


• To change options for the MLR method, click on LinearRegression.

A new window with parameters of MLR appears.

• Change attributeSelectionMethod to No attribute selection

All settings are shown on the snapshot below

• Press the OK button in this window

• Press the Start button in order to test MLR on the subset with selected descriptors. The

obtained results are:

Thus, this study shows that the correlation coefficient between predicted in cross-

validation values of property and their experimental value is 0.8214. This indicates a statistical

significance of the model based on random numbers. One can show that the similar situation is

observed for some other popular machine learning methods (PLS, kNN, etc.). Hence, the whole

procedure of building the model using a set of preliminary selected descriptors is erroneous.


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4.2 Internal cross-validation using descriptors selected in course of model building

In this section, the k Nearest Neighbor approach will be used both to optimize the k

parameter and to select an optimal set of descriptors by minimizing the cross-validation error of

the method.

• Start or restart Weka

• Select the item Explorer from the Applications menu

• Click on Open file… and load the file alkan-bp-louse100.arff.

• Click on the label Select attributes

The following window appears.

Under these settings, the minimization of the cross-validation error of kNN models is used to

guide the descriptors selection.

• Click on the Choose button under the label Attribute Evaluator

• Choose menu item WrapperSubsetEval

• Click on WrapperSubsetEval

The following window pops up.


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The default method ZeroR should be changed to kNN.

• Click on the Choose button near the classifier label

• Select from the hierarchical list of machine learning methods weka/classifiers/lazy/IBk.

The settings are shown on the snapshot below.

• Click on IBk

A window with default parameters of the kNN method (fixed value of k = 1) appears on

the screen. In order to search an optimal value of k in the range from 1 to 10:

• Change kNN to 10

• Select True for crossValidate

The corresponding window is:


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• Click on the OK button in the window with k-Nearest Neighbors classifier

• Click on the OK button in the window with WrapperSubsetEval

• In the remaining window click on the Start button

Computations may take 1-2 minutes depending on the speed of computer. The resulting

window is:


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One can see that 6 attributes (descriptors) have been selected.

In order to save the selected descriptors,

• Click on corresponding line in the Result list (left side, on the bottom) with the right

mouse button

• From the pop-up menu, select the item Save reduced data…

• Save the dataset with 6 selected descriptors to file knn_descr.arff

Selected descriptors are supposed to be used in the k Nearest Neighbors model.

• Switch to the Preprocess submode of the Explorer mode

• Click on the Open file… button and open the file knn_descr.arff

• Switch to the Classify submode

• Click on the Choose button near the classifier label

• Select from the hierarchical list of machine learning methods weka/classifiers/lazy/IBk.

• Click on IBk


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• Change kNN to 10

• Select True for crossValidate

• Click on the OK button in the window with K-nearest neighbors classifier

• Click on the Start button

The following results are displayed:

As in previous case, the correlation coefficient significantly deviates from zero. Hence,

the descriptor selection bias takes place in the case of internal cross-validation procedures.

4.3. External cross-validation

Here, a separate set of selected descriptors is formed in each fold of the cross-validation


• Start the Weka program

• Select the item Explorer from the Applications menu

• Click on the button Open file… and load the file alkan-bp-louse100.arff.

• Switch to the Classify submode by clicking on label Classify

• Click on the Choose button near the classifier label

• Select from the hierarchical list of machine learning methods


• Click on the word AttributeSelectedClassifier

This method provides a correct external cross-validation and performs variable section

for each cross-validation fold. The following window appears:


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Here, the kNN method will be used instead of J48 (default setting)

• Click on the Choose button near the classifier label

• Select from the hierarchical list of machine learning methods weka/classifiers/lazy/IBk.

• Click on IBk

• Change kNN to 10

• Select True for crossValidate

• Click on the OK button in the window with k-Nearest Neighbors classifier

• Click on the OK button in the window with parameters of AttributeSelectedClassifier

• In the remaining window click on Start

The obtained results are:

These results show that the models are not predictive at all. This looks reasonable since

those models involve random numbers as descriptors.


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5. Conclusions

External cross validation should be used to assess predictive performance of QSAR models.

Using test set compounds in descriptors selection procedure leads to erroneous or overfitted


6. References

1. Hawkins, D. M., The problem of overfitting. J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci. 2004, 44 (1), 1-


2. Tetko, I. V.; Sushko, I.; Pandey, A. K.; Tropsha, A.; Zhu, H.; Papa, E.; Öberg, T.;

Todeschini, R.; Fourches, D.; Varnek, A., Critical assessment of QSAR Models to predict

environmental toxicity against Tetrahymena pyriformis: Focusing on applicability domain and

overfitting by variable selection. J. Chem. Inf. Model. 2008, (submitted).

3. Tetko, I. V.; Solov'ev, V. P.; Antonov, A. V.; Yao, X.; Doucet, J. P.; Fan, B.; Hoonakker,

F.; Fourches, D.; Jost, P.; Lachiche, N.; Varnek, A., Benchmarking of linear and nonlinear

approaches for quantitative structure-property relationship studies of metal complexation with

ionophores. J. Chem. Inf. Model. 2006, 46 (2), 808-819.

4. Needham, D. E.; Wei, I. C.; Seybold, P. G., Molecular modeling of the physical

properties of alkanes. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1988, 110 (13), 4186-4194.

5. Hall, M. A. Correlation-based Feature Selection for Machine Learning. Ph.D diss,

Waikato University, Hamilton, NZ, 1998.


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