Page 1: 1. Cover Page ANNUAL PROJECT REPORT [2010] PROJECT NAME: Public Sector Reform &Institutional Capacity Development Project REPORTING PERIOD: Jan-Dec 2010

1. Cover Page ANNUAL PROJECT REPORT [2010]

PROJECT NAME: Public Sector Reform &Institutional Capacity Development Project



SUBMITTED BY: IP NAME & ADDRESS: Personnel Management Office, New

Administrative Building, The Quandrangle, Banjul


Page 2: 1. Cover Page ANNUAL PROJECT REPORT [2010] PROJECT NAME: Public Sector Reform &Institutional Capacity Development Project REPORTING PERIOD: Jan-Dec 2010

Project BriefProject ID 00058143Project Name Public Sector Reform &Institutional

Capacity Development Project Project Period 2007-2011Project Components Civil Service Reform and Capacity

DevelopmentImplementing Agencies Personnel Management OfficeFocal Person Mr Dawda D FaderaTotal Budget: USD 1,800,000

UNDP Fund: USD 350,000

Total Annual Budget for 2010

USD 699,906

Total Expenditure in 2010 USD 600,135 as at 15th December 2010

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2. Executive Summary Major Achievements in 2010: Project management and institutional arrangements established (Project

Board, Steering Committee, PMU); Final report on the feasibility study for the implementation

of a Health Insurance Scheme for civil servants submitted to Cabinet;

Strategic plans for ten key government institutions designed; Capacity gaps assessment reports for eleven government

institutions submitted and validated; A cross section of civil servants trained and skills upgraded; UNV placements to fill critical positions in the civil service;

and A communication and sensitization strategy developed and


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2. Executive Summary Major Issues and Challenges: Irregular meetings of project board and steering committee;

and inconsistency in members’ attendance; Weak coordination, work planning ,budgeting & reporting of

project implementation leading to over expenditures; Sustained funding of the costly public service reform; Attractive remuneration in the private sector and public

enterprises continues to attract trained civil servants; Recruitment process of UNVs and consultants takes too long

affecting project delivery and performance. Small consulting industry;

Reports submitted to partner institutions for review and comments experience delays. In most cases, feedback not received at all;

Significant delay in finalizing the study on the review of the legal framework, required for submission to the National Assembly for approval.

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2. Executive Summary Lessons Learned: Sequencing and prudent co-ordination of the public

service reform activities is imperative for achieving project results and ultimate impact;

Resource mobilization (both domestic and external) is urgent for sustained implementation of a public service reform, which are normally costly;

Sustained strong commitment and institutional arrangements with clear roles, responsibilities and deliverables for project implementation is paramount;and

Donor coordination and harmonization of public service/civil service reform activities under government leadership is key for coherence.

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3. Context Human and institutional capacities including economic governace,

policy formulation, implementation of development programmes, delivery of quality public services and strategic management remain a primary challenge in the Gambian civil service.

The PSRICD project aims at laying the foundation for development, financing and implementation of a long-term strategy for public service reform and institutional capacity development under strengthened government leadership.

The project outcome is to have a comprehensively reformed civil service that is efficient, transparent and accountable and able to design policies, implement programmes and deliver services to the citizens at national and decentralized levels.


Page 7: 1. Cover Page ANNUAL PROJECT REPORT [2010] PROJECT NAME: Public Sector Reform &Institutional Capacity Development Project REPORTING PERIOD: Jan-Dec 2010

3. Context The project outputs include:

1. Government leadership and coordination of capacity development and public service reform strenghtened;

2. Short-term strategies and measures to address critical capacity gaps and skills in selected strategic areas implemented;

3. Key public service institutions provided with structures, human resources and systems to enable them function effectively and efficiently; and

4. Comprehensive long-term vision and strategy in place and sustained by appropriate institutional arrangements.


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4. Implementation Challenges• 4.1 Project risks and Actions

Risk 1: Difficult to attract and retain skilled staff in the civil service.`


Risk 2: A public service reform is costly e.g Pay Reform,Pension reform

Action: Cabinet approval to convene a donors roundtable conference for resource mobilization for the public service reform.

Risk 3:

Action: The PMO has proposed a civil service retention strategy and the board recommended to engage cabinet for consideration.

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4. Implementation Challenges• 4.2 Project Issues and Actions

Issue 1: Weak budget planning and budget management leading to over expenditures


Issue 2: Irregular Project Board and Steering Committee meetings for effective coordination and implementation.

Action: Resuscitate quarterly and monthly meetings for the Board and Steering Committee respectively, sharing an agreed upon meetings schedule before hand and providing ample notice.

Issue 3:

Action: Stringent use of the FACE/ICE sticking to the AWP activities and budget, with corresponding ATLAS Budget set up

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5. Project Performance


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6. Lessons Learnt Sequencing and prudent co-ordination of the public

service reform activities is imperative for achieving project results and ultimate impact;

Resource mobilization (both domestic and external) is urgent for sustained implementation of a public service reform, which are normally costly;

Sustained strong commitment and institutional arrangements with clear roles, responsibilities and deliverables for project implementation is paramount;and

Donor coordination and harmonization of public service/civil service reform activities under government leadership is key for coherence.

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7. Recommendation/Suggestions Constant participation and consultation of key players

during the annual workplanning and budgeting ; and project implementation is needed;

Non-conventional resource mobilization strategies need to be considered e.g sponsorship of short- and long-term study for civil servants through bilateral negotiations/agreements;

More thought to plan and sequence preparatory activities for core public service reforms (e.g pay reform, pension reform) within the overall macro-economic context .

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8. Success Stories• The strategy to fill critical capacity gaps within senior

positions in the government structures using the resources of National UNVs is a great approach because the strategy includes the possibility of incorporation of these UNVs to their respective civil service positions after their period of service. Is in this regard, that the first National UNV recruited by the PSRICD project Mr. Baboucarr M’Boge (Senior IT specialist) was recently nominated and incorporated as Human Resource Information System (HRIS) Director (i) after only 8 months of service. Like Mr. M’boge other National UNVs has similar option to be assimilated by each ministry as senior government officials as part of the Public Service reform programme.

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Financial Report 2010 Expected Outputs

Planned Activity Approved Budget in Dalasi

Expenditure (Jan to Dec 2010)

Delivery RateIn %

Output 1 : Activity 1.1 956,775.00

Activity 1.2 316,269.50

Activity 1.3 411,267.81

Activity 1.4 23,100.00

Output 2: Activity 2.1 835,994.00

Activity 2.2 568,021.65

Activity 2.3 64,350.00

Activity 2.4 1,786,155.00

Output 3: Activity 3.1 183,157.00

Activity 3.2 10,500.00

Activity 3.3 3,776,518.00

Activity 3.4 341,140.00

Output 4: Activity 4.1 605,792.00

Activity 4.2 81,100.00

Total 9,960,139.96

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Annual Work Plan For 2011 : PSRICD

Intended Outputs

Output Target Planned Activities Time Frame Budget (Dalasi)I II III IV

Output 1: Government leadership and coordination of capacity development and public service reform strengthened.

1.1 A PSRICD Board strengthened and functional

1.1.1 Conduct quarterly project progress review meetings

X X X X -

1.1.2 Establish twinning arrangements an PSR and CD coordination good practices

X X 600,000

1.1.3 Facilitate coordination and harmonization of PSR donor interventions.

X X X X 150,000

1.2 A Project Steering Committee strengthened and functional

1.2.1 Conduct monthly project progress review meetings

X X X X -

1.2.2 Establish twinning arrangements and study tours an PSR and CD implementation good practices

X X 750,000

1.2.3 Support debrief forum by PMO on lessons learnt from study tour/s.

X X 300,000

1.2.3 Facilitate coordination and implementation of PSR ICD project

X X X X 150,000

1.3 A Project Management Unit (PMU) strengthened and functional.

1.3.1 Conduct bi-weekly PMU team meetings

X X X X -

1.3.2 Support towards PMU operational costs

X X X X 450,000

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Annual Work Plan For 2011 : PSRICDIntended Outputs

Output Target Planned Activities Time Frame Budget (Dalasi)I II III IV

Output 1: Government leadership and coordination of capacity development and public service reform strengthened.

1.4 Timely communication and sensitization on PSRICD project

1.4.1 Support TV shows/drama in English and local languages

X X 217,500

1.4.2 Support Radio talk shows in English and local languages

X X 90,000

1.4.3 Support production of banners, posters, brochures and newsletter

X 30,000

1.4.4 Support printing of the 2011 telephone directory

X X 750,000

1.5 Project monitored and evaluated on time

1.5.1 Establish an M&E plan and facilitate its implementation

X X X X -

1.5.2 Conduct a PSRICD project mid-term review

X 300,000

1.5.3 Conduct a terminal PSRICD project evaluation

X 600,000

Sub-Total 4,387,500

Output 2: Short term strategies and measures to address critical capacity gaps and skills in selected strategic areas implemented.

2.1 UNV Programme in collaboration with UNDP implemented

2 .1.1 Facilitate update , validation and submission of required critical skills/positions to be filled

X X -

2.1.2 Follow up on preparation of DoA/ToR for approved positions

X -

2.1.3 Facilitate recruitment of UNVs ( 10 national and 5 international)

X X 45,000

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Annual Work Plan For 2011 : PSRICDIntended Outputs

Output Target Planned Activities Time Frame Budget (Dalasi)I II III IV

Output 2: Short term strategies and measures to address critical capacity gaps and skills in selected strategic areas implemented

2.1 UNV Programme in collaboration with UNDP implemented

2.1.4 Facilitate placement and payment of ten national UNVs

X X X X 2,700,000

2.1.5 Facilitate placement and payment of five international UNVs

X X X X 8,832,000

2.1.6 Follow up and reporting on UNVs activities under the PSRICD project

X X X X -

2.2 MIDAS Programme in collaboration with IOM implemented

2.2.1 Follow up with IOM to pilot short term recruitments through MIDAS programme

X -

2.2.2 Facilitate placement and payment of five MIDAS experts

X X 5,520,000

2.2.3 Follow up and reporting on MIDAS experts under the PSRICD project

X X -

2.3 100 Middle level and 50 senior staff trained and skills upgraded

2.3.1 Facilitate provision of training to 100 middle level staff in ???

X X X X 900,000

2.3.2 Facilitate provision of training to 50 senior level staff in ???

X X X X 600,000

2.3.3 Support secondments for 5 middle level staff

X X 625,500

Sub-Total 19,177,500

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Annual Work Plan For 2011 : PSRICDIntended Outputs

Output Target Planned Activities Time Frame Budget (Dalasi)I II III IV

Output 3: Key public service institutions provided with structures, human resources and systems to enable them function effectively and efficiently

3.1 Public service systems, processes and regulatory framework established

3.1.1 Support a review and update of the current scheme of service

X X 450,000

3.1.2 Conduct a study on the implementation of a performance management system

X X 600,000

3.1.3 Support introduction and implementation of a Balanced Scorecard in the public service

X 600,000

3.1.4 Support the Training of Trainers following the review of legal framework activity

X 150,000

3.2 ICT platform modernized for improved public service delivery

3.2.1 Design and set up a Local Area Network in 3 government institutions

X X 900,000

3.2.2 Follow up with Taiwan embassy for provision of Taiwanese IT experts

X -

Sub-Total 2,700,000

Output 4: Comprehensive long-term vision and strategy in place and sustained by appropriate institutional arrangements and partnerships

4.1 A broad-based partnership framework developed to secure long-term funding for reform measures

4.1 1 Support preparatory activities for a donors Roundtable conference

X X 300,000

4.1.2 Support resource mobilization activities and setting up a basket fund mechanism for the public service reform.

X X 600,000

Sub-Total 900,000

Grand-Total 27,165,000

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The weekly newsletter is and distributed, since the beginning of the project, to all stakeholders in order to inform the development of main activities during the week.

Validation WorkshopCritical Capacity Gaps assessmentMinistry of Basic and Secondary Education

Project Activity Pictures

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Performance and Results Oriented Management Training by the Kenya Institute of Management

Gap assessment training by Deloitte and Touche

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Public Service Reform

WE CAN DO BETTER is the title of the Public Service Reform Television series that will be broadcast on GRTS

in the New Year.


Validation WorkshopCritical Capacity Gaps assessmentMinistry of Agriculture

Validation WorkshopCritical Capacity Gaps assessmentMinistry of Basic and Secondary Education

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Gap assessment training by Deloitte and Touche

Practical session – Training on Records disposition by Dr. Pino Akotia

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Performance and Results Oriented Management Training by the Kenya Institute of Management

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