


1. Because I love myself, I allow myself enough sleep each night to fully rest my body, recharge my batteries and support my immune system so I get to wake up feeling energized and excited to start my day.

2. Because I love myself, I create time to move my body every day in ways that bring me joy.

3. Because I love myself,

to calm my mind and body down when I’m stressed. I try deep breathing; yoga or I call a friend up and do something fun!

4. Because I love myself, I follow my intuition about what’s best for my life. No more caving into “should do” “must do” or “have to” thoughts. Today it’s all about “I want to”, “I choose to” and “I did it”!

5. Because I love myself, before I say “yes” (again) to something or someone, I ask myself, “Is this new task in alignment with my goals? Will saying ‘yes’ light me up? What will I have to say ‘no’ to if I say ‘yes’ to this new activity?” I choose to be honest and speak my Truth to put my

6. Because I love myself, I am grateful for the body I was born with, taking time to appreciate its unique wonder. I stand proud know-ing that I am able to choose to embrace myself in the skin I’m in no matter how the beauty industry tells me I should look.

7. Because I love myself, I CAN leap before I look, take chances and give my dreams the chance to come true.

8. Because I love myself, I stop worrying about the future and start living right in the present. Really, really LIVING. Day by day, tak-ing a moment to appreciate things just the way they are. I make my life about daily growth through trial

portfolio means nothing if I’m burned out and unhap-py on the inside!

9. Because I love myself, l nourish my body with healthy, whole foods, which give me more energy, strength and endurance to live life to the fullest. I remember that eating healthy is not about looking good in my jeans, but about how it makes me feel inside and out.

10. Because I love myself, I remember to be gentle with myself. After all, I’m fabulously human and am allowed MANY moments of imperfection.

How could you create your most joy-filled day today?!

10 Affirmations for Sensitive Soul Success!

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