Page 1: 1. aiesec in colombia mc 14.15 application part i jean manuel nunez

When you start meeting new people and start understanding different points of view of how life should be, of what is important, of what moves you every day, you can start to think that there exists a lot of things why is necessary to move on. Humankind's needs are separated in different levels, as Abraham Maslow shows in his hierarchy of needs pyramid, when you met with a level of your needs, you start worrying for the next, and each one is composed of different issues and objectives. When you reach the last one that is self-actualisation, which has behind other needs like physiological, safety, love/belonging and esteem, you will start to feel that your potential is getting fulfilled. This theory makes me believe and understand that fulfillment of humandkind's potential can be possible, and the practical understanding is leading and/or working with people, when you see everyone has a different motivation in life, and a different way to see the reality, different goals to be reached and objectives that envision happiness for them. In this way, people give the best of them to make it possible. That's how humankind's potential develops and will be fulfilled. So this definition can be in the same framework as peace, being this a "harmony in personal relations". As I said before, leading and/or working with people (not only in the labor scope, is also coexisting in society) can make us align how to get to accomplish common goals that will take us to that self-realisation. When you are feeling satisfied and you also see other people satisfying their needs, this reflects happiness and reflects it in society, becoming contagious (according to a study published in Statistics in Medicine and conducted at Harvard University and the University of California). Having a society where goals are reached, where satisfaction is being accomplished, there is harmony, there is a better society and there is where Peace starts to show up. In this way, working for a better life where there's a win/win culture, satisfaction, auto-realisation, happiness and harmony is lived, in that way: "Peace and Fulfillment of Humankind's Potential" can be possible.

My mission in life is to get my self-realisation as I create my own company dedicated to massive production and making my family's company to be a leader-company in the Colombian coast and the whole Colombia. My road to this is to live in an outstanding way, doing things that align my passion and responsibility, breaking limits, paradigms and obstacles. In this order, I can learn about mistakes, fall down different times, but acquire the needed knowledge and experiences to get to do my mission in the best way, applying what I have learned in what I love to do. Working for "Peace and Fulfillment of Humankind's Potential" provides me of knowledge about myself, what I am capable of doing, my limits and where can I get if I put the best of me in my daily activities. Also, to learn about people, their goals, what someone can do. When we talk about humankind, we are talking of everyone, and if I'm working with a lot of people, developing and guiding them to fulfill their potential, to explode that potential, that will be a great knowledge and experience when I create my company and when I'm working in my family's company. In this way, I don't believe any more in thinking that there's people that is much more prepared that another one, preparation is a plus, but the potential is what is important and really matters. Working for this, and in this organization, makes me meet different kind of people, so it opens my eyes letting me see beyond the paradigms of society. Working for peace makes the same results, this make me think about harmony and a great place to live and work, makes me understand that the environment were I develop needs to have people working together for similar intentions. With this, working for "Peace and Fulfillment of Humankind's Potential" is totally aligned with my road to accomplish my mission, I learn about me, I learn about others and I learn about the environment needed to be in the best place to live and work: Life. J

ean Manuel N

uñez Mendoza –


[email protected] [email protected]

jeampo.nunez +57 320 5642000 2/NOV/1988 Barranquilla – 4:00 PM

Video Link:

I sleep with a red blanket. Without it, I can’t get to sleep comfortable.

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My m

ission in life and how

working for “Peace and

Fulfillment of Hum

ankind’s Potential” contributes to it

Page 2: 1. aiesec in colombia mc 14.15 application part i jean manuel nunez

Spoiled Social Friendly Happy Intense

Controller Stressed

Trustful Visionary


Traveller Responsible Talk very fast Food-lover


This is me…

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� Applying to be Regional Director for ZoN, reminds me my year as LCP where I gained wonderful experiences for my life. I want to mention a list of competencies developed by the UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) that I feel I have developed and learned through my academic, professional and AIESEC life, which emphasizes in the crucial behaviors so that an entrepreneur is successful in his productive work. The 10 competencies that this study talks about and how I feel reflected with them are: search of opportunities and initiative; persistence; fulfillment of the commitments; quality exigency and efficiency; risk management; goals setting; search of information; planning and systematic tracking; persuasion and support networks; independence and self-confidence. � My past experience as president of a local entity in AIESEC in Colombia, living different challenging situations, made me developed some of this competencies. I know that if I want to accomplish something, I have to search in different ways to find the best possibility for my objective and be the first one to go out and look for it. Answers will not come alone. I made a top-down planning, I set goals and objectives and chose a team to work with me, there was a lot of persistence to accomplish what we promised, doing things with the less resources, looking for high quality experiences of every single stakeholder (EPs, trainees, members, universities, etc), tracking our activities and goals to know where we were and with new strategies to overcome our vision, this make us took different risks (financial, human-work, and legal), managing information to guide us in the right way, getting support of our teams and colleagues in order to reach results. � Talking about AIESEC's Competency Model, I developed competencies that I didn't have before. GM: I was slanted in social paradigms. Now that I worked with different people, I learned how to look with different points of view. I'm not blocked to talk to anyone or feel that someone is more or less than I am. I can work with different people, it's better to do it. And for the region I'm applying for, we still need to brake the Colombian and AIESEC paradigms within the region. EO: I learned to break through limits and go ahead and take actions, searching for opportunities that guides me to accomplish what I need to do in order to reach my goals. SR: I have focus in things that the results targets in an indirect way to a better society. EI: I have learned that patience is the key to manage emotions in the best way. PL: Searching, investigating is the key to learn always more and apply it in your activities. Don't stay with what I already know. "You never stop learning in life”. � For the skills needed in this position and that I have developed. I have learned that action in every decision is urgent and that fast-responding and being solution-oriented is necessary to avoid problems. We need to focus in our costumers and that working in a team is the key to reach excellent results. Now I use tools and manage tasks to satisfy my costumer needs. Leading and building a team gave me communication and facilitation skills, teaching me that collaboration is important to get better synergies and better results. Planning, organizing and sales skills were developed as I managed an entity and stakeholders, structuring and delivering my goals. � All of this are skills and competencies that for sure I need to fortify, but with the above experience, I can work with the region I’m applying to, because I believe in the potential that the north zone has and how I can guide them to explode it demonstrating it through actions.

I graduated of Industrial Engineering in the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. This career and university educated me in the integral development of the design, planning, management, optimization and system control for entities that involves people, processes, financial resources, techniques, time and information, in order to contribute to the productivity of a company, development and competitiveness of my country and the continuous improvement of the life-quality of people. I can focus my work in different areas: financial, management, logistics, production, statistics and technology. One big learning was in how to apply the theory of the Deming Circle. The first thing this theory says is that I need to plan every single activity that be developed. Then execute the plan with the specific tasks and deadlines. Then verify if the executed activities were the ones planned. And finally take corrective actions, how to improve it and how to do it better next time.

-  Supply Chain Coordinator in DHL Global Forwarding (August 2012 - April 2013)

-  Project Manager in The Second Life (January 2011 - June 2011)

LCVP OGCDP 2012 à getting a growth in RAMARE of 157%, 100% and 59% respectively. Creating an area and leaving bases for the next year and a pipeline of 8 EPs in matched, 21 in available for match, resulting 29 realizes for 2013. I got recognized as the best EB member in the LC for 2012. LCP 2013 à lead an entity with around 120 members, 30 directors and 10 EB members. Growth of 97% in our finances (more than $34’000.000 COP). Relative growth of 95% and absolute growth of 89, closing the year with 183 exchanges/ life-changing experiences. Top 65 globally with 2 programs inside the Top 30. Top 7 in IGN with 2 programs inside the Top 8. For the first time in history, breaking the 100 exchanges barrier. Being recognized in the first semester with the ‘OGCDP Absolute Growth” in NatCo Pereira. In the second semester, recognized with the ‘Excellence Award’ in OGCDP and Best Local Committee in 2013.

Skills and Competencies

Academic Background

Experience inside AIESEC and outside for this position





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Selling 500 GIP TNs AIESEC in Colombia – Winning Together

WINNING TOGETHER: AIESEC IN COLOMBIA can break through limits if we start sharing and collaborating our strategies, our talent and network. If I know I’m good in something, share it! If I know if someone is good in something, ask for it. Strategies can be shared but the implementation has to be according to the reality. We have high-talented people, if they travel few days to another city, study the reality, analyze the situation and applies their knowledge, the processes will improve and society paradigms will brake down. In Colombia, most of us have family, friends or someone we have met that can live in another city. We can get advance of this as we share information about referrals, reaching people all around our country, applying strategies like endorsements, to get into companies, parents and other type of stakeholders, in order to show our impact and products, and try to engage every single person in Colombia throughout voice-to-voice.

Winning: in order to win we need to have a good planning an d re-planning. We need to educate our membership starting from our EB members, so we can focus the importance of AIESEC in their lives and society. It needs a planning constructed from reality, historical, market, needs, and a real ambitious based on comparing with other realities in the local, national, regional and global network.

Together: we need to break paradigms within the same regions as the first step and then start to share our GCPs and BCPs with our network. We need to have a library where every member can log in and share their experience, like out platform shows, with keywords, title and important issues that can be useful for consultancy of our network.

Selling 500 GIP TNs

SECTOR: BPO’s, KPO’s: Call centers as

the Solution

•  Is the number one employment for the youth most of the times (source:

•  Stability and flexible times, interesting for our interns. •  There is not much supply of bilingual people in Colombia. •  In the last years, we have grow in Colombia a lot in call

center offices. •  Job generator and opportunities for Colombian and

foreigners. •  This services has grew 64% in the last 4 years (source: •  Market positioning as foreigners know what is the interest of

other foreigners (i.e. a Brazilian knows what Brazilian people might be interested and how will they buy a product).


AIESEC Javeriana AIESEC Manizales AIESEC Tolima AIESEC Uninorte AIESEC Valledupar

AIESEC in Colombia – Winning Together

à We can have supply in MTs, Engineering and ITs. à We can have packages for call centers that already exists and we can also offer it to any company that wants to s tart having a customer-qual i ty exper ience management in their companies.



Packages of TNs focusing in 5 aspects: translators of information that will manage any foreigners of any country calling to that company; IT solutions as a product of systems tools in companies using it; consultancy having experts that can guide solutions in logistics, finances, management and production; costumer experience management to improve CRM of products, calling their costumers to find out how is being the experience with the product bought and how was it while they use it; selling and marketing for positioning products in companies that want to increase their sales.

Local Committees à

This LCs are the top 10 in iGIP, and we have from all our regions, with this the product will get positioning. REFERENCES

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The AIESEC’s call center: we need to invest in a call center office that focuses in 4 aspects: solution center for any problem or doubt that our stakeholders can have of our products; marketing and selling center for calling to data bases, positioning our products and selling our products, this center will also receive calls of people interested in buying our products, and ask for refer people that might be interested in our products; CRM office in charged of calling our stakeholders to find out how is everything going in their experiences with our products and how was it when the product ended, ensuring our quality service and possible re-raises.

A new CRM in every stakeholder: we have seen that we have a problem in our CRM and we are loosing potential EPs, members and possible TN Takers. We need to have a better CRM tool that saves our customer information, manages the contact and track their fidelity. A better automatic system that makes faster the relation between AIESEC and the customer. This system can be also focused in our partners, stakeholders and allies.

University certification in Business Education: our members need to have a better value proposition to improve their professional background. To have a certification of the top universities in Colombia (that are already working with us at local level), having minimums, hours, responsibilities (like a subject in the university), will develop a better background for our members. This has to be focused in managing a sale and how to close it. This will improve our selling skills.

Multiply your impact in GIP: this will be focused in selling our professional programs with more impact. An EP normally looks for a year internship, but our supply has more for 6 months. Now, this problem can be solved as selling 2 internships for the EP, in different places (cities or countries), this will give him a better background in his Curriculum Vitae and it will be more interesting for the EP. We only have to make a discount in his second internship. For the incoming side, is selling to our TN Takers, 2 internships in one year, in this way, we can have more supply with EPs looking for a 6 months internship, the TN Taker will be satisfied and the process of the internship will not stop.

IGCDP Government product: our local government offices are focused in offering different solutions to the citizens. In Colombia we have 1102 municipalities (data from the ‘Registraduría Nacional’). Each of this offices have minimum around 5 to 6 secretaries, each one with local projects to be executed (educational, environmental, management, ITs, etc). This offices can invest in more than 50 social trainees (and also professional trainees) in each project to be executed.



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