Page 1: 1 Active & Passive Active & Passive Active Voice Form Subject of a sentence does the action e.g. A man is cutting down a tree. ‘A man’ = subject – “does


Active & PassiveActive & PassiveActive Voice Form

• Subject of a sentence does the action

• e.g. A man is cutting down a tree. ‘A man’ = subject – “does the action” -- cutting -

Page 2: 1 Active & Passive Active & Passive Active Voice Form Subject of a sentence does the action e.g. A man is cutting down a tree. ‘A man’ = subject – “does


Active & PassiveActive & PassivePassive Voice Form

• Object receives the action

e.g. A tree is being cut down by a man.

‘A tree’ = cut down. Passive

Page 3: 1 Active & Passive Active & Passive Active Voice Form Subject of a sentence does the action e.g. A man is cutting down a tree. ‘A man’ = subject – “does


Active-Passive Voice – example 1Active-Passive Voice – example 1

The boy The boy is carryingis carrying the girl. the girl. Active VoiceActive Voice

The boy = subjectThe boy = subject

the girl = object of the verb the girl = object of the verb

Who is doing the action of carrying? = Who is doing the action of carrying? = The boyThe boy

Page 4: 1 Active & Passive Active & Passive Active Voice Form Subject of a sentence does the action e.g. A man is cutting down a tree. ‘A man’ = subject – “does

Active-Passive Voice – example 2

• The girl is being carried by the boy. Passive Voice

The girl = subjectis being carried = verbthe boy = object of the preposition ‘by’Who is RECEIVING the action of carrying? = The girl


Page 5: 1 Active & Passive Active & Passive Active Voice Form Subject of a sentence does the action e.g. A man is cutting down a tree. ‘A man’ = subject – “does

Active-Passive Voice – changes 1

• John reads a book every day. Active Voice

A book is read every day by John. Passive Voice

05-05-2009 BCK 5

Page 6: 1 Active & Passive Active & Passive Active Voice Form Subject of a sentence does the action e.g. A man is cutting down a tree. ‘A man’ = subject – “does

05-05-2009 BCK 6

Active-Passive Voice – changes 3Active-Passive Voice – changes 3

John reads John reads a booka book every day. every day. Active VoiceActive Voice

A bookA book is read every day by John. is read every day by John. Passive voicePassive voice

Page 7: 1 Active & Passive Active & Passive Active Voice Form Subject of a sentence does the action e.g. A man is cutting down a tree. ‘A man’ = subject – “does

Active-Passive Voice – note 1

He cooks food. Active Voice

‘food’ singular

Food is cooked by him. Passive Voice

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Page 8: 1 Active & Passive Active & Passive Active Voice Form Subject of a sentence does the action e.g. A man is cutting down a tree. ‘A man’ = subject – “does

Active-Passive Voice – note 2

He carried some books. Active Voice‘some books’ – Plural

Some books were carried by him. Passive Voice‘were carried’

05-05-2009 BCK 8

Page 9: 1 Active & Passive Active & Passive Active Voice Form Subject of a sentence does the action e.g. A man is cutting down a tree. ‘A man’ = subject – “does

05-05-2009 BCK 9

Active-Passive Voice -- note 3

• She has signed ten letters. Active Voice‘She’ – subject; singular

Ten letters havehave been signed by her. Passive Voice‘Ten letters’ – plural

Page 10: 1 Active & Passive Active & Passive Active Voice Form Subject of a sentence does the action e.g. A man is cutting down a tree. ‘A man’ = subject – “does

Active-Passive Voice – Tense Change 1

• She bakes cakes. Active‘bakes’ – verb – Simple Present Tense

Cakes are baked by her. Passive Voice‘are baked’ – verb – Simple Present Tense

05-05-2009 BCK 10

Page 11: 1 Active & Passive Active & Passive Active Voice Form Subject of a sentence does the action e.g. A man is cutting down a tree. ‘A man’ = subject – “does

Active-Passive – Tense Change 2

• He is building a sand castle.‘is building’ – verb – present continues tense – ACTIVE VOICE FORM

A sand castle is being built by him.

‘is being built’ – verb PASSIVE VOICE FORM

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Page 12: 1 Active & Passive Active & Passive Active Voice Form Subject of a sentence does the action e.g. A man is cutting down a tree. ‘A man’ = subject – “does

Active-Passive -- Tense Change 3

• He has drawn a picture.‘has drawn’ – verb –present perfect tenseACTIVE VOICE

A picture has been drawn by him. ‘has been drawn’ – verb –present perfect tensePASSIVE VOICE

05-05-2009 BCK 12

Page 13: 1 Active & Passive Active & Passive Active Voice Form Subject of a sentence does the action e.g. A man is cutting down a tree. ‘A man’ = subject – “does

05-05-2009 BCK 13

Active-Passive Voice – Active-Passive Voice – Tense Change 5Tense Change 5

• She She toldtold me a secret. me a secret. Active VoiceActive Voice‘‘told’ – verb – simple past tense told’ – verb – simple past tense

A secret A secret was toldwas told (to) me by her. (to) me by her. Passive VoicePassive Voice

‘‘was told’ – verb – simple past tensewas told’ – verb – simple past tense

Page 14: 1 Active & Passive Active & Passive Active Voice Form Subject of a sentence does the action e.g. A man is cutting down a tree. ‘A man’ = subject – “does

Active-Passive Voice – Tense Change 6

• The postman was delivering the post.


The post was being delivered by the postman.


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Page 15: 1 Active & Passive Active & Passive Active Voice Form Subject of a sentence does the action e.g. A man is cutting down a tree. ‘A man’ = subject – “does

05-05-2009 BCK 15

Active-Passive Voice – Tense Change 9

They will give the beggar some money. ‘will give’ -- Active

The beggar will be given some money by them.‘will be given’ -- Passive

Page 16: 1 Active & Passive Active & Passive Active Voice Form Subject of a sentence does the action e.g. A man is cutting down a tree. ‘A man’ = subject – “does

05-05-2009 BCK 16

Active-Passive Voice – Tense Change 13

The Modal Auxiliary (helping) Verbs in Passive Voice Form take ‘be’: e.g. He will give you a book. Active VoiceYou will be given a book by him. Passive e.g. They can pick a number. Active VoiceA number can be picked by them. Passivee.g. We must finish this job. Active Voice This job must be finished by us. Passive

Page 17: 1 Active & Passive Active & Passive Active Voice Form Subject of a sentence does the action e.g. A man is cutting down a tree. ‘A man’ = subject – “does



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