  • 8/11/2019 063011 Making Disciples 3 Spiritual Movement Session 3 Ptr. Desmond Chan


    Spiritual Movement Meeting 4Empowering Your D-group MembersPtr. Desmond Chan

    In this course particularly spiritual movement yourproject is actually to run a bridging event. we'retalking about building a spiritual movement, key tothat is doing bridging events with a small group.Session 3 is very important because in session 3

    we are going to talk about empowering your Dgroup members. In your project you're supposedto rally your D group behind your leadership. Inrunning a bridging event for the purpose of whatIn order to achieve all those descriptions we havecome up with in session !. It may not happenimmediately but that is the overall objective, thateventually your D group will become D !" andreach the stage where you are now geographical.

    #here are some D groups with members that havemigrated to di$erent countries. In Dubai there is

    one D group member of one of our leaders herewho moved there and started watching online.%pparently when you go out of the country andthere are no && churches you watch online butbecause they have the D(% of && in other words

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    they were taught to help people believe, grow anddisciple. %fter a while they were able to invitefellow ilipinos to come to their house and now

    they are )*. #hey are now re+uesting for whatridging event. It's possible to become

    geographical and generational and everything elseif you know how to empower your D groupmembers to do e-actly what the ord wants us todo is build a spiritual movement.

    So how do we do that irst of all, let's talk aboutwhat hinders us from empowering our D groupmembers /ell 0rst of all let's talk about themembers your members your D group members.

    #heir false e-pectations. /hat are thee-pectations of our members #hey will get rich,they will go to a small group looking foropportunities. ut in relation to building amovement what are some of the hindrances whenit comes your members e-pectations

    #heir D group leader is perfect, that is one falsee-pectation. /hat else #hat the leaders will doeverything. /hen it comes to building a spiritualmovement especially in relationship to empoweringthem, it is hard to empower or a delegate

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    responsibility or challenge them to take part in thisgreat vision and mission that we embrace becausethey think, they e-pect the leader, you, to do

    everything. 1n the other hand you e-pect thepastors to do everything. #hat's how it is, memberse-pect you as the leader will do everything. #heyonly e-pect to be lead or a fed and cared for. #hat'swhat they e-pect from you. 1n the day they comeand attend your D group, they e-pect to be led,

    they e-pect to be fed, they e-pect to be nurturedand cared for. 2hysically, emotionally, relationally,romantically... ") 4. #hat is what they e-pect. /eought to do that, 5# we ought to care for them,lead them, nurture them, and disciple them butthere will have to come a point where you or tomobilise them and start passing on and delegatingsome responsibility. 6ou have to come to a pointwhere you develop them and then after youdevelop them you must empower them. /e needto overcome this, this kind of e-pectation.

    7ow do you overcome this e-pectation /hat doyou do in your small group So it won8t beconsumer oriented 7ow do you overcome thatmindset 9ive them opportunities, e-posing them,give them responsibility from time to time. /hatelse &hallenge them, assign them task like

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    devotional, prayer or food. #hese are actually partof the lessons we've learned. /hat else %ttending9 & where they can get the mindset, where you

    should also contribute this is where I am nurturedbut also where I am e+uipped and mobilised to dothe ord8s work. (ow, when do you begin toinculcate the mindset that they will eventuallyhave to make disciples /hen %s soon as theyarrive. 1f course don't scare them: 6ou may have

    to be creative in the way you do it in other wordsat the very start you will give small tasks. %t thebeginning don't tell them one day you may startyour own group, that might scare them away. 6oustart inculcating the mindset that you are also tocontribute in this group. #hat's why I praise 9odwhenever I hear 2astor 2eter say one day you willbe... ;ight from the very beginning he e-pectsthat, and has he continues to disciple his people hekeeps reminding day. ut that one dayhe is doing right now by delegating some tasks andresponsibilities. /e need to overcome this becausemost of us are wired to be a consumer, most of our

    people. So we have to do our best to overcomethat e-pectation.

    Second hindrance, the leader8s wrong mindset./hat about the leader 6ou and me. /hat are

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    some of the hindrances, what are some of themindsets of the leader that will hinder us fromempowering our people (ow 0rst of all, our

    perspective, the leader8s perspective on +uality,spiritual growth. 7e believes, the leader believes,that in order to do things right, you must do themhimself. #hat's a false mentality a wrong mentality.

    ut most leaders especially if they are +ualityconscious, there is no one who can do this better

    than me. If that's your mindset you cannotempower and develop leaders. #here is no waybecause you will always be afraid that if I give it toa member nothing will happen. eaders, we musthave a better perspective on +uality. Sometimeswe think this way, I am the only one who can dothis. Sometimes parents that's how we train ourchildren. Don't touch this, don't touch that, don'tdo that I'll just end up doing it again. 2arents haveyou heard yourself saying that In the past youhave said don't do that because if you do it I'll justhave to do it again. It's much better that you allowthem to do it over and over till they learn. In the

    same way in developing leaders we need to do thesame. 1ur perspective on +uality, is wrong. #hat iswrong. If you want to develop leaders, you mustlearn to empower and trust responsibilities to otherpeople. 6ou're not the only one who can do it the

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    best way. In fact, many can do it better than you. #hat's the key to leadership. /hen you can 0ndothers better than you. /ho can do the work better

    than you. #hat's your honour to be able to spotpotential, to be able to develop people who canbecome better than you.

    7ow about our perspective on +uantity 7ow doesthat hinder us from empowering people /ebelieve growth means to add to his group numbers

    not to multiply leaders. 7onest to goodness, inorder to grow the group we e-pect only to do it. orthe D group to grow and be successful, are mindsetis I have to have a lot of members. (ow let me askyou, which is healthier % group with 3* followersor a group with three leaders 1f course before you

    can develop the leaders you might have 3*followers. y comparison we want leaders itdoesn't matter if the number is small but there arealready leaders because again the process of multiplication. /hat if these three leaders theyhave !" each then you have 3< members plusthem 3=> you )*. ut if it's just 3* followers plusyou only e+uals 3!. %gain the key is your mindsetshould be not just to keep growing your D groupand have healthy members. #hat's good, that's are+uirement healthy members. ut again your

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    vision should be to develop leaders. 6our visionshould be in terms of +uantity not just to grow. /ehighlighted this because when we go around and

    ask people, sometimes the mindset of the leader isthat we have a lot of members, honest to goodnessas a leader how do you feel as a leader /ow, Ihave so many D group members we are 3* now or)* now and so on but if you are not there whathappens to the 3* or )* #hey become ?ero. /hy

    is that ecause they were not trained, they havebeen looking up to you. (ow, good as a start thatyou have 3* or )* but when you reach a pointwhere there are many members you should havesome who are trained. 6our mindset should be not

    just keep getting members but also to developleaders. (ow I'm not saying that it is wrong to havemany in fact you need to have many in order to getthe right leaders. If you want !" good leaders,committed leaders, how many members shouldyou have 1f course more than !". 6ou need aselection, how can you choose !" out of !" 6ouneed to select !" out of more than !". @esus had

    more than !" and he selected. 1ut of this A** whoamong them is +uali0ed, ready to take on thechallenge. So, those are the hindrances, now howdo we empower members et me give you somepractical principles that you can apply immediately.

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    Bspecially in doing your project, running a bridgingevent.

    7ow do we empower our members (umber oneCy casting and keeping the focus on the mission

    and vision. &asting 0rst of all and then you keepthe focus. /hy do you need to do that /hy doyou need to cast the vision and mission to yoursmall group and after you cast it the 0rst time, thesecond time, the third time why do you have to

    keep them focused 7ow do you feel about 2astor2eter keeps on repeating the mission the visionand keeps asking us about %re you bothered by itSometimes yes, come on be honest. or mesometimes yes, I just talked about it or I just taughtit and then I hear it again. ut that is necessary it

    is essential, why #here are many reasons why. etme give you some reasons why. #hat's what @esusdid he kept on reminding and casting the vision onto his disciples.

    et me give you several reasons why you need tokeep casting the vision. (umber oneC because

    people won't get involved in something they do notunderstand. 1ne of the reasons why your smallgroup members are not participating is becausethey understand. #hey don't know. 2eople will

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    participate if they don't understand if they don'tknow what to do.

    Second reasonC why do you need to cast thevision ecause people won't get involved insomething they are not e-cited about. 6ou toldthem about it but it just wasn't e-citing. /e justweren't e-cited, that's why casting vision is soimportant that when you cast and you yourself must be e-cited. If you are not e-cited about this

    thing we call D group, D !", spiritual movement, if they don't see the passion in new there is no waythey can embrace it. 2assion is caught more thantaught. #hey see their leader e-cited, passionateabout evangelism you will eventually developmembers who are passionate in the same way. So

    we need to keep casting and when we cast thevision and mission we must also be e-cited and getthem e-cited because if we are not e-cited theywill not get involved. %nd you will get a practicethat when you will share your project. /hen youshare your project this is how you share yourproject, you know we have a project and don'treally like it you know but I still have to do itE Iguarantee you they will rally behind you and do thebridging event with passionFsarcasmG. 6ou mustshare. /e will see how you implement this when

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    you start casting the vision to your small groupmembers. /hen you run the bridging event, youmust get them e-cited or else they will not get

    involved. #hey will 0nd all sorts of e-cuses, but if they are e-cited no matter what they willparticipate.

    #hird reasonC because people will not continue insomething they do not own. Initially they mightparticipate just for the sake of your leadership, but

    the commitment is just because you're there. %ndthat's okay sometimes they buy the person in factthey buy the person 0rst. /ho is leading oh, its2astor 2eter, that is not the vision but I buy theperson I follow but they will have to come a pointwhere you as the leader, we as the pastor, must

    own the vision and when we own the vision thenwe can continue. Sometimes, others can alreadysay no to 2eter. %t the start 2astor 2eter re+uestedso even if it wasn't his vision they will say yes. &anyou identify with that because it's your 2astorre+uesting will say yes. ecause you respect theperson. 5nless you now own it. 5nless your Dgroup members own the vision, they will not moveon. 1ne of these days they will give up. So youhave to keep casting and focusing them on thevision and mission.

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    %nother reasonC because people tend getsidetracked and forget their priority or their visionand mission and this happens. 7onest to goodness

    how many of you from time to time getsidetracked 6es, oh ord, I will go for my !)). utbecause there are conHicting visions from within,vision for yourself vision for your family other thanthe vision that 9od has given you as a member of the church. %ll of this comes into play. Sometimes

    your vision for career, for yourself, for your family,the children for the company comes intocompetition with the church and you getsidetracked.

    Season of life, I have the children, my wife hasto take care of them. So it came to a point

    where sometimes she had to give up she hadto get sidetracked the care of the family. Soyou need to keep casting the vision becauseyou and I are both prone to get sidetracked.Derailed by other competing visions out there.

    So challenge you, I encourage you to keep your

    focus also. I praised 9od that you8re here, thatmeans your focused.

    %nother reasonC because people tend to getdiscourage and lose their passion. #hat's true.

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    /hen do you usually lose your passion /hen doyou usually give up or are tempted to give up yoursmall group /hen /hen the D group members

    are hardheaded. /hen seemingly nothing ishappening. Day in day out week in week out it'slike nothing is happening and it's going nowhere.

    aybe the reason is you're not focused yourself. 6our D group is not focused on the mission andvision therefore nothing is happening. 6es it does

    happen that in spite of being focused still doesn'twork. /hen you run your bridging event when youdo all of this, there will come a point where yousay, is this it 1r are you get emotionally drained,burned out. #he same thing happens to yourmembers that's why you need to keep casting thevision and inspire your people to move towardsthat because the tendency, humanly speaking, welose our passion.

    %ndy Stanley said,E vision leaksE

    2assion leaks. 6ou may be passionate now but lateron you just get burned out. #he 0rst thing you need

    to do is cast the vision and keep your groupfocused on the vision. (umber two, develop theirskills. In other words after you spot the potential inyour people then you need to develop the skills.7ow do you do that y nurturing con0dence in

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    your people. I believe in you, you can do it. 6ou areready to lead, nurture them and give them breaks,give them opportunities.

    efore I move on to the why and how let meshare with you an e-perience that I had thatconvicted me a lot about believing anddeveloping the people that 9rant has entrustedme. /hen I was still not in && and was withanother church and I was entrusted with young

    people the youth ministry. I have a group that Iam discipling one of them his name is Dennis. Isaw in him a student that8s it. ut here comesa victory &hristian pastor, better than me. /hydo I say better than me ecause, while I sawDennis as a student, he saw a 2astor in

    Dennis. So my leadership and his leadership.ig di$erence. I see a student only can you

    imagine the kind of relationship I have withhim. 7e's just a student. %s compared to onewho has 2astor potential. #he passioncommitment and e$ort di$erent. #o make along story short he transferred from my group.It was painful and I'm not e-perienced then Igave him a hard time. I made him feel guilty. #omake a long story short he still left and went tothe pastor because the pastor believed in him.

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    (ow I praised 9od he moved to that pastor. 7esaw potential in that student. 7e is actuallyone of the youngest pastors in victory &hristian

    ellowship. %t the age of "< he was entrustedwith victory &hristian ellowship 9reenhills. 7ehas his own church. #he attorney which I thinkis A*> years old, the couple they wereattending his church. 7ow can you submit to aperson who is so very young 7e is now

    entrusted with victory &hristian ellowshipwhy ecause someone believed in that personand developed his skills in time. % very giftedyoung is a very gifted young person. I learnedmy lesson, believing people and develop theirskills. Spot the potential and nurturecon0dence give them breaks. Develop theirskills.

    /hy /hy do we need to do that 7ere we can seethe ord doing it. /hy do you need to develop yourpeople, provide them skills /ell, because I don'tknow how is a common valid reason why people donot serve. #here are many other reasons and oneof them is because i don't know how. I don't knowhow to lead, I don't know how to facilitate, I don'tknow how to disciple. 6ou need to develop theirskills. (ow, 9 & partners with you in developing

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    their skills. #his is where we come into partnership. 6ou can be our partner by sending your leaders ormembers here so they can be trained and then you

    can do some follow up works. So how are you doingso far you've learned how to facilitate the say md"then you put him to use so you don't have to doeverything on your own. So develop the skillsbecause I don't know how is a major reason.

    (umber twoC lack of basic skills increases the

    likelihood of what ailure. %nd if they fail it whatwill happen It will increase fear frustration anddiscouragement and that happens. #hat's whywhen you start entrusting them with responsibilitygive them an orientation. 6ou need to develop theskills because if they fail the fear level and the

    frustration level is very high. I told you I cannotpreach I told you cannot facilitate I am not cut outfor this. (ow it's your fault. So develop their skills.So developing their skills on the other hand willincrease their con0dence.

    (umber threeC delegating responsibilities. %fter you

    develop their skills you have to empower them bydelegating and giving them now opportunities topractice what they have learnt. (ow before I giveagain some why8s there is a big di$erence.;ecently I've learned that delegating responsibility

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    or delegating tasks and delegating authority aretwo di$erent things. (ormally you start out bydelegating tasks. Such as the opening prayer, or

    letting them facilitate or in the closing prayer,that's delegating tasks. /hat does it mean todelegate authority /hat does authority mean1kay you are in charge of this group. #hat'sdelegating authority. It's up to you to disciple themand you must be accountable. 6ou get the

    di$erence 6ou start out by delegating tasks buteventually you delegate authority. (ow when youdelegate tasks you develop committed followers,but when you delegate authority you developleaders. 6ou cannot develop leaders when all thethings that you give are simply tasks. @esus gavehis disciples authority over demons and overeverything else, to heal the sick and do the work of the ord. 6ou need to delegate authority eventually.So you delegate responsibility by delegating tasksand then eventually delegating authority. /hy doyou need to do that ecause people learn bestwhen they actually e-perience doing it. /ith the

    9 & it's already hard, sometimes we're not doingour jobs right because when it comes to 9 & theyare already getting scared. ut when they do if they 0nd out that it is +uite easy to do. #hat's oneof the responsibilities to make sure that when they

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    learn the skill you give them opportunity and thentell them that it's really easy. eed con0dence feedcourage. %nd when they start doing it that's when

    they will start learning it. ecause delegatingdemonstrates trust and trust cultivates con0dence.

    #his means you have con0dence in them, youbelieve in them and that's why you delegating itand that con0dence that's why don't be sel0shwhen it comes to authority when it comes to

    ministry. 9ive the ministry away. Jeep givingpeople ministry opportunities. /hy ecausedelegating allows their strengths and weaknessesto show. /hen the actually start doing it you willknow what's wrong and what they to improve.

    #hen you will realise their strength. I spoke aboutthis guy Dennis, when he started preaching, of course there were strengths and there wereweaknesses. %nd that's now would you keepdeveloping them. 6ou cannot actually make thatsurface unless you give them opportunity. 6ou willnot be able to see what strengths there are, howgood he can speak, how good he can facilitate and

    how much he knows. 6ou say why am I onlyhearing this now, but it is only because you gavehim an opportunity. #hat's what delegating will dofor your group.

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    6ou cast the vision, give them focus, develop theirskills, delegate responsibilities and then youprovide the necessary resources. or me this is a

    big one, when you provide them with thenecessary resources. /hat resources do theyneed 2rovide them with the four /8s, you listen tothe message attentively, and that becomes hittingtwo birds with one stone because since you'regoing to teach it you should listen properly. /hen

    you hear 2astor 2eter or any other 2astor speak onthat topic and then you get the )/8s that willempower your people. /hen they are given thenecessary resources. %ll the readings 2D s and soforth are resources that you can provide them./hat about venue #hat could be another resourceyou can give them. 1r you could help them 0nd avenue. /hen we surveyed the class what's yournumber one problem in starting a group

    (umber one obstacle is fear of the unknown, of failing, fear.

    (umber twoC no venue

    so you can provide and help with the venue.2roviding the necessary resources, perhaps youcan also provide the people that can start leading.2erhaps he can8t Invite anyone, you can help by

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    saying you take care of inviting people so youwon't have any reason. Is that empowering 6es,because you are not accepting any e-cuses. 6ou

    need people I'll call discipleship management wewill give you people. #here will be a church wideevent here, they will be needing facilitators I willassign you there. So you provide the necessaryresources so that they can actually do what 9odwants them to do. #hat's very empowering. /hen

    they are given the support that they need. %ndthat's one of the reasons why

    (umber oneC providing resources is a completewith the show support. #hat we are a team. So asmuch as possible make it easy for them to starttheir own group. 6ou try to provide everything you

    can under your power to help them start their owngroup the easy way. &an you imagine your 0rsttime It was not easy but praise 9od for yourleaders who made it easy for you who provided allof the support that you need. #hat's how you canbe empowering them. ecause lack of resourcescan be a big hindrance to success.

    (umber 0veC giving room for failure. I don't knowabout you but is this empowering /hen you are inan environment where it is okay to fail. /hat's theenvironment in your house Is that the kind of

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    environment you have Is there room for failure inthe house Is there room for failure in the churchIs there room for failure in your small group 7ow

    big is the room 7ow big is your tolerance forfailure #his is crucial, if people are afraid becauseof failure. /hat are we afraid of irst of all you areafraid to fail. 6ou don't want to fail. I don't thinkanyone in this room wants to fail. ut we fear morethan just failing is how people react to our failure.

    ike children, because of fear that they willdisplease their parents what happens to thosechildren /ill they e-cel /ill they try new things(o they will not even try new things because if Ifail this endeavour I'll just get in trouble. I'd rathernot. So we need to provide room for failure, in factthat's what we keep hearing our pastors say. /henyou start your group and you invited "* how manycame #hree. #he ne-t week how many came(othing. /hy are they sharing their failures /hyis 2astor 2eter sometimes sharing from that side of failure So that you will know that all of useventually fail. %nd it's okay to fail. #he road to

    success is through a series of failures. %re yousuccessful now 6es, but did you have failures inthe past 6es, those are the roads to success.ailure can sometimes be your steppingstone to

    success. %t least now you know what doesn8t work.

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    so now you renew, you improve your skill, yourstrategy. 9ive room for failure. /hy do we needthat ecause failure from time to time is

    inevitable, its bound to happen. 7ave you failedbefore as a small group leader 6es . e tolerant,because fear of failure prevents people from doinggreat things. 2astor 2eter keeps saying you dreambig things, you attempt great things, don't beafraid to fail. It's okay to fail. If you have that kind

    of environment it's okay. I asked 2astor 2eter whatif I dream big and spend !* million and I fail is itokay ut you know sometimes you have to createsuch an environment so that people will try newthings. /ill e-ert e$ort to even try.

    (e-t coaching them, we cant always fail. /e're not

    developing and we are not called to fail. ailure is astepping stone our road to success but the ordpromised us success. In the great commission itsays go therefore and make disciples you be mywitnesses and lo I will be with you always. #hat's apromise of success. I will be with you, don't worry.9od, the ig 9od that we serve, will be with you.

    #here will be success so we give room for failurebut we must move toward success. 7ow do we dothat y coaching them. So we can be their guide,we evaluate and provide feedback through

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    coaching. /hy do we do that &oaching enablesyou to make correction and adjustments. /e needfeedback. Do you need feedback in your life 6ou

    need people to from time to time tell you what'swrong with you what's wrong. /hat needs to beimproved, coaching. Do you have mentors aroundyou (ot just your D!" people who can reallycoach you guide you in life. Same thing with yourpeople if you are to empower them you have to

    coach them. It's good what you did you waitedeven though there8s silence. 6ou waited for one toanswer the +uestion. Sometimes silence is thegreatest fear. Bveryone is +uiet and we are gettingscared so we start talking again. So when youcoach you can highlight the success, makecorrections and necessary adjustments.

    7ow do empower people a-imise theirgiftedness. 1f course you give them breaks of course you give them opportunity and you giveroom for failure, but if it's always failure maybe it'san issue of what 9iftedness. 2astor 2eter keepssaying I want to worship lead. a-imise giftednessand mobilise people according to their giftedness.

    6ou giving them breaks, you giving themopportunities and e-posure will e-pose theirstrengths , and their giftedness. %nd then you

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    mobilise them there. a-imise their giftedness.Some people are really good at inviting people andinviting their friends. Some people are really good

    at running events. Some people are really good atteaching. ut I think all of us can be disciplemakers. ut we need to ma-imise their giftedness./hy ecause people e-cel most where they aregifted. If you are gifted at doing that the more youdo it the more e-cellent become. #hat's why you

    need to ma-imise your giftedness . Do you knowyour spiritual gifts 6ou use them. 6ou use themmore often so that you will sharpen your gifts andyou will e-cel more in that area. ecause peopleare most passionate where they e-cel. 6o youwant to keep doing the same things where wereyou failed 6ou want to do that over and over #hemoment you start preaching and then somebodytaps you on the back and praises you, the momentyou start leading a devotion and people say I amblessed, are you encouraged 6es you are. %ndwhen they say you're good at this you're good atthat when you worship lead I was blessed, you are

    inspired. 6ou keep doing it. /hy ecause whenyou e-cel you become more passionate about whatyou are doing. #hat's why we need to keep tappingthem on the back.

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    &ommissioning them. 6ou empower bycommissioning them to leave their own group.(ow, some calls in push but I call it commissioning.

    #hough sometimes commissioning might re+uirepushing. ut the ord commission 7is disciples. Soyou commission them.

    %s an e-ample, you know our pastor inalolos Do you know his background 6ou

    know his personality 2astor Bddie ;obles. 6ou

    know when I 0rst met him, he's very shy, verytimid person. If you say !** words he willprobably only say two or three. Kery very timid.% man of few words. ut the 0rst time I heardhim speak I was surprised. ecause there8spassion when he speaks. (ow when did that

    happen /hen they commissioned him.ecause when you commission somebody, from

    now on you will now be the 2astor, you will nowtake on this challenge. #his is now yourassignment. /hen you are given an assignmentlike that, when you are commissioned like that,

    there is inspiration in you to rise up to thechallenge. /hen the 2astor leaves and now you arethe 2astor of course you're going to panic but thenthe con0dence conveyed. 6ou know you can do it./hen you commission them now you will be the

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    2astor of this group. 2eople will eventually normallygenerally speaking especially when you see thepotential and you develop the skills when you

    commission them they will Hy. #hat's why I praise9od for that man. I see passion in him in spite of his personality. I realise personality is not ahindrance. Bven if he is +uiet he can be good. 7ecan be used by the ord. So why do we need tocommission them and now go on your own, now

    you take care of this ministry because people arechallenged and encouraged to leave and servewhen they are endorsed. #here is strengthen, thereis power when you endorse your people. I was sentby my D group leader as a facilitator. ecause amandate or a commission gives people credibilityand authority and this is a major one. /hy do youcommission them and giving them authority

    ecause sometimes if they don't know they are theleaders, they will not act like one. &an you imaginethe day when you were told now you are the 2astorof the &hurch. /ill you behave like one If you aremade the 2astor here would that change your

    whole mindset ;espective of yourself 6es. #hatmandate that authority given you. %uthority is nota wrong thing, when you abuse it is wrong. utwhen you are commissioned you are given anauthority to lead. It inspires you, it challenges you

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    it challenges people. 6ou will now be the leader of this group by 9od8s grace. So when youcommission them when you moved that in that

    leadership position it inspires people and itprovides credibility and authority. So when theystart owning it they will start becoming responsiblefor it. Sometimes that's what's missing,decisiveness. /hy I don't know if I'm the leader,it's not my responsibility. ut if you are made the

    leader you will make sure you will do somethingabout it. %nd that's what you need to do to yourpeople. 5ltimately, you cannot empower withoutcommissioning them and delegating authority.

    6ou're just developing a follower if all you give aretasks. ut when you start to commission them andgive them authority you are developing andempowering a leader. #hat's why we want tocommission you, everyone of you. 9o and multiplygo and do the ord8s work.

    #his project of yours, we put a lot of prayer into it.ast year the highlight of the level four is the

    projects that they do. ... 1ne of the highlights is thebridging event specially for those handling it forthe 0rst time. /hy ecause I believe one of thehighest worship you can give to 9od is not justwhen 9od is working in your life. 7as 9od been

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    working in your life 6es. 9od has been blessingyou, 9od has been providing for you. 9od isworking in your life, you worship 9od ord thank

    6ou. ut one of the highest form of worship you cangive 9od is where you see him working throughyou. ut higher than that I believe it's when yousee 9od working through the people you havedeveloped. It's ama?ing when you have invested somuch in this person and then you see that guide

    being used by the ord mightily. ecause youinvested in one person's life and they are nowdoing greater things than you, there8s something inyou that says wow, ord, praise 9od: yinvestment wasn8t wasted. #hat's a very high of form of worship to the ord. /hen not just youbeing used by the ord, but the people that youdeveloped are being used mightily by 9od beyondyour wildest imagination. ut the 0rst thing youneed to do is empower them. So I hope that youbridging event will be as e-citing. #hat you willtrust 9od because you have a big 9od and that youhave a big world I hope that you bridging event will

    not be well relatively small. I hope you will havebigger plan bigger vision. %nd that you will see thehand of 9od working. It's okay to fail. 6ou aren'tgoing to fail here if your bridging event is a failurebut dream big. %nd convey con0dence in your

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    people, empower them and by 9od8s grace, if 9odwill so bless it, you will see the hand of 9od.Sometimes we only hear about the ord8s work.

    /ow, 9od8s blessing && . 6ou see 9od8s hand uponthe inistry of 2astor 2eter but do you want to see9od's hand in your own ministry &an 9od useyou 6es. %nd it's about time that 9od works in andthrough each one of you and through your people. Ipray that this will be an e-citing journey for you

    and your small group. /e8re done.F%nnouncementsG

    Fclosing prayerG

    Fortune dela Cruz


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