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  • 7/27/2019 0.6 IP Routing 01


    IP Routing: an


  • 7/27/2019 0.6 IP Routing 01










  • 7/27/2019 0.6 IP Routing 01



    IP routing is the process of movingpackets from one network to another

    network using routersA routing protocolis a tool used by routers

    to dynamically find all the networks in theinternetwork, as well as to ensure that allrouters have the same routing table. Ex:RIP, OSPF

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    Once all routers know about all networks,a routed protocolcan be used to send

    user data (packets) through theestablished internetwork. Routed protocolsare assigned to an interface anddetermine the method of packet delivery.

    Examples of routed protocols are InternetProtocol (IP) and IPv6.

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    Routing Basic

    Routers dont really care about hoststhey onlycare about networks and the best path to eachnetwork

    The logical network address of the destinationhost is used to get packets to a network througha routed network

    Hardware address of the host is used to deliverthe packet from a router to the correctdestination host.

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    What should router knows ?

    Destination address

    Neighbor routers from which it can learn

    about remote networks Possible routes to all remote networks

    The best route to each remote network

    How to maintain and verify routinginformation

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    Learn about remote networks

    From neighbor routers or from an


    The router then builds a routing table

    If a network is directly connected, then the

    router already knows how to get to it.

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    Static and Dynamic Routing

    Static routing, someone hand-type all network locationsinto the routing table

    In dynamic routing, a protocol on one router

    communicates with the same protocol running onneighbor routers.

    The routers then update each other about all thenetworks they know about and place this information intothe routing table.

    If a change occurs in the network, the dynamic routingprotocols automatically inform all routers about the event

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    IP Routing Process

    PC want to ping the laptop

    IP determines whether the destinationaddress is local or remote

    a remote request, the packet needs to besent to the default gateway

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    For this packet to be sent to the default

    gateway, the hardware address of the

    routers interface Ethernet 0 (configuredwith the IP address of must

    be known.

    Why ?

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    LAN driver is used to provide media access type

    A frame is generated

    No remote host MAC address !!

    When the frame is completed, its handed downto the Physical layer (ex: twisted pair)

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    The router received the packet

    Every device within the collision domainreceives these bits and builds the frame

    Check the FCS Check the HW address

    If its a match, then the Ether-Type field ischecked to find the protocol used at the

    Network layer The packet is pulled from the frame, the

    packet is then handed to IP.

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    Router routes the packet

    IP receives the packet and checks the IP

    destination address

    It is not router IP, check routing table

    The routing table must have an entry for

    the network

    Otherwise discarded, network

    unreachable message

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    The router packet-switches the Ethernet 1

    Packet is in the Ethernet 1 buffer, IP needs to

    know the hardware address of the destinationhost

    First checks the ARP cache or ARP request

    Packet is framed send in physical layer

    Remote host accept the frame

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    At the destination

    The destination host receives the frame,

    and immediately runs a CRC.

    If the result matches whats in the FCSfield, the hardware-destination address is

    then checked.

    If the host finds a match, the Ether-Typefield is then checked, give to IP

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    At the Network layer, IP receives the packet and

    checks the IP destination address.

    Because theres finally a match made, theProtocol field is checked to find out whom the

    payload should be given to.

    The payload is handed to ICMP

    ICMP send an echo reply

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    Static and Dynamic Routing

    When a router receives a packet for a

    network that isnt listed in the routing table

    It doesnt send a broadcast looking for theremote networkthe router just discards

    the packet

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    Dynamic Routing

    IGP is interior and EGP is exterior routing of anautonomous system (AS).

    An autonomous system is a collection of networks orsubnets that are in the same administrative domain

    IGP operates and routes within an AS and an EGPworks outside or between more than one AS.

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  • 7/27/2019 0.6 IP Routing 01


    Packet tracer static routing

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