Page 1: 05-F-0738 DOC 16G'...P-RH-~~ ;nn~l: CUTT~nr ~nd Projected ~."'i'W':i'T-sa,,' 1':II:t ",,,de:,,' 1,.,tl.:t':'I .. ";;ad:"hl!.! lor-.hc:ItCr (j~o Ace4~h.ont. ~Qnt.Jn {ar.erlv ru.trl~c.d

',,, '"

P-RH-~~ ;nn~l: CUTT~nr ~nd Projected ~."'i'W':i'T-sa,,' 1':II:t ",,,de:,,' 1,.,tl.:t':'I

.. ";;ad:"hl!.! lor-.hc:ItCr (j~o

Ace4~h.ont. ~Qnt.Jn

{ar.erlv ru.trl~c.d dee ..

The followin; tables pr~sent a variety of perspectives as well as l~neTal information an ~\TO and Karsaw Pact nuclear forces thoulht to be available for use in the European theater.

Por NATO the leolraphic aTea encoapasled is Western Europe (inc:luclin, Spain) f-lus the Mediterranean, North, and Norwegian S,a,". french nuclear forces are incorporated 1n the ~ATO count. for the Pact, the area incl~de$ East Europe (less Yugoslavia) plus those several .ilitary distriCt$ of the Soviet Union which 11. opposite tbe Surope.n NATO countrie •• * In addition. certain .1e.eDCs oE the Hortlllilfest. and South~est ao.ber Corps at Soviet Lonl Rani' Aviation are included, as well as el •• ~ntJ of the Northern. 8a1tl" and Black Sea Fleet. which an thOu,bt to have theater nuele,ar roles.

Wi~hin this ,eneral ,eo,raphtc area. all nuclear capable forces in their peaeetice bas •• have been assessed. In al~ likelihood, the stTenith and composition of nuclear (orces ~ould look soaewhat, dif­ferent subsequ.ftt to alert and .obili1ation, especially one which was clesi,ned to m.xiJli:e SOli •• sp~ct Of nu.clear c1et;errent or "'.r a

filhttne capability.

The twO data points selected fOT this study are 1978 and 1983, tbe latter of the relativ, availability or US'DoD five·y •• r defense plannina elata, and NATO plannina materials. for NATO, only those tb •• ter nuclear system. with fairly definite 1983 c1eployaent plans are cited.

Aircraft delivery systems fiaure i~portantly in both NATO and the Pact's theater nuclear forces. Since air defenses have ~proved substantially in recent years, aircraft must penetrate at low altitUdes aad fly at hiah"spee4J in order t~ survive. Effective operational ra4ii in ~he strike role are therefore sub~ stantially lower than the technically optimum. RealIstic fll'ht profiles have in all cases been chosen for this annex. to the ax~.nt that they art tno~~, Aircraft delivery radii for both NATO and the Pact are'based upon un-refueled tvo-way missions with tbe most likely weapon laadinZ_

Beyond this. s~.cia1 rules hive been applied to that larre number of tactical aircr~ft on both sides ~hieh are technically nuclear-capable. The intent was to arrive It a more meaningful asses •• ent of the number of tactical aircrait which ~an reasonably be expected to operate in the nuclear delivery rolc. for the NATO .side this info!'lD.ation is' provided largely by SACSUR' 5 nuclear tasking requirements. As a result, this annex recoini~e5 only thos. NATO air~ra£: opeTationally assigned to nuclear missions and excludes trainers, reconnaissance aircraft; a~d maintenance and battle s~ar.s.

L.Djngre~, '&J:~~, Beloru •• ja, Carpatbj., Od •••• , Kiev, 6o~th­an4 rran.·Cauca.u. NJlJtarv D~.Crjcc ••

Ho G

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(bX I)

' :IIt1lr ~TO. "'" 'r<'c ific Sodu actie d ,d.HolI units ~"r ... t to \<1 \' hl<:lIciCi~J ~ . nu~lu r del ll'c ry Ulliel . hi. Soviet {on:u , n"ct.'", Ill H iollf ... ,.. ~("CII - to ,JC' fii:n'u~ rilou aul ~ .oll to aU t'f ;,,,,' lIu . AI of •• ytnl yun 11':0 It "rpur." tllU Ol'llt abollt on.'t!' I,d , o! " :,,"tlo::,,1 .. dation feori."" ! " alfeu'w, wer. "IICI •• , q"" liricol . II l t~,ouli: h ,,"c .. rub, It iJ Cd t tloU tho ..... tltu"c ioll hOI ... rOt ' the t~ .. t:~.,~h Inol th~ tvo l'oli_1I U lh::antl whic h an · tho .. ,ht to MV' .. 1IIU:1 •• r .lu lon. Tlnll. til l . "lUI.", raco," h al "~~I'.· her nuchar TOle alrcT.lI(l In U'/'WI' of til. _bu' of " ... lithcl rU~t. currCllcly luunG to bdol, til ud uUic&1 L:Jllt. ,

' for ~th XATO and .sr •• " 'act boabar ,ITer.ft , .. II .... •• II capalll, III tllo •• In 11\ op.ratlonal , boobar IIolt plu. tbo •• III train In. or raCOnAa\I.I"'1 units t.OWl or tulpocud to pOfU ... ou,1 .. , ddl ..... )' d .. \o .. .

.,. IIH' no II .. b ror proj"cla, .,ttll lilT toll!ldlllC. til, nu.b't of li,l nucl,.r 1'01. aircrlft on .ith.r the X~TO 111' 'aCt 11d • • O. tb, "hal., hO"''',r, '" up'Ct NATO" ' thuur nr.u::l .. r 'Ip'billty to n .. in sUble. ,.capt for I ".riny of qu.l1nU ... {.,ra" ••• ntl. 011 th' 'act 114', 110"'''''',. i t Is .. tt.,u4 th~t .... "t ielly dl UUlUI I1rC:flft " .. ,," in furo" by un ¥Ill bl t lclillinl1 y nllc1,a, C'l'"h. hi . 4ditiaft, .... bllh ... thn thl II_bar of pUIIU n. nld ,nd. q\ll.l1fhd til dlli ... r IIlIcl .. , ..... ,..,. toll1cl plrb ... p, do~bll .

Crui ••• 1,.11.s , botb .ir .n4 ••• ·l.lI .. ch.d. ar. t, •• ted .. pun.d )' fro. th~ lr hu ... :h ",hlelll, ud ,Inh' 111 . • "nil thdt 0"'" htrjnl l c: fin"., at optj .. l l'lI~ .ltltu.... . Fo' til. purpo.u of tlli' II'In ••• it h ........ t llat ,u a i rcraft c.pabla of "PI0yi,,! cru i n .hsllas , ... 111 bt .0 equipp"" . HlnCi . tb. crui •• ai •• 1. ill".ntory n ... bers ... hle ll .ppc" ( o.p,l,e our •• " ...... n of tb ... ,,1_ QUllbn of _ l ull .. ""ieh cO\l14 cone.l .. blr be ot! lin:rlit , blJnt earrhd toward, au l,II" (lrl'u tt IllY 011. tia.. MaD Y of th~ So.ltt .ir"launchl' ~~iJ' l .' .,. d\l.ll . ! .J,l •• , "'itl! titb.,r a " ... ·d or 1.11' atuck . i .,10ft . Otblr •• II ... U ... th. ' lit a.a j or l.ty of ua - la""cll,,, crllh •• lnil .. h ..... a diHhetly leeonda,..., "1"011 of la,,' attack . . loth t,.,u h.". b •• 11 ce"ullted.

HUir baUht l C" . l uiJt 'r,ta., .u tar,.u" .II)' til. jo"ifu al\4 tb. Faet ',ainn ","uun Europt. ~Iolt bau .o.t raflrr capabU lty , but, for purFo, •• o! thls .nn •• , only the launehtr, ar. covatt •. At O"t th., it "IS t hou,ht thU oVlr 100 $S·U lelM, "'~1'1 "'!U'" .,ailiU WUt"!! furop.. While it il no 10n"r pOll 1b1l to "lIItHr tht I\",.bar of lCaH .... /deh • • r bot . 0 clr,u"tI. 1t 1. b.l1lud thlt a" ""kllown n .... brr of ss-a 0, otller ICa-'11 .. y pr"ulltl y hi'" tl>ls UI);. I .. &d.dition th'1"I is t" i d",,;t that '1'1 unkZ\o"1l nuabot? o! YellS ' (Ind pou1bl1 D cl,n ) lubs.rilles .ay !\a". th •• ur tar,.t IlI i ,iUI" .. tS.

Tilt ~lkt'lItrCllh' I"ffact-to'lir "iuil .. , "h." pro,"1'ly Iqu ip,etl, can bt tllploy"d in. "cond,ry rround .ttact rol. ; tllou ...... TO l~unch.rl ..-htch. art uted II nllcll. r ·e.pable lII .. e tlllflfor. b."" Intlu.". in tht ballistic ,i, s 11. totll. Hucl •• r · clpabl. So" le t Inc! riel Ilif f acc-to- .lr .i.lllll ara not .al • •• I • •• blvln& I ,roulld Ittac.t ~od' • .IIo .... nr. I .. d hlllc. 1Ia", not "'III includl".

-C" -:--:--;--<-.:.:.:.::;:;:;.1 ~/. ' . . ; ( ' - '~" !-:;~

. ""I

(b)( l)

Page 3: 05-F-0738 DOC 16G'...P-RH-~~ ;nn~l: CUTT~nr ~nd Projected ~."'i'W':i'T-sa,,' 1':II:t ",,,de:,,' 1,.,tl.:t':'I .. ";;ad:"hl!.! lor-.hc:ItCr (j~o Ace4~h.ont. ~Qnt.Jn {ar.erlv ru.trl~c.d

As with 4ircrurt. we expect NATn'~ other tho3tcr nuclear c.:aJla"il~tielS to 'rC"I'o\;Iin aprroxil1l:1tc.'l)" the ~am\·. el\.c:ept Cor the 40· plo}1:h:nr o( 10 oIJdirionnl French SLI~~f:.= ::an" ~(.·ncral qual.i.t:atlvo i.prn,;cllent~ in ~crt:l in oth..:r ~\~l !vcr)" 'rHO:;":. On the "::act dele. the JoploYlllent by l~lsl or :,ub:ctantial numbcr~ of 5::;·:0 ~nUiMl an'" their rolo:uls IItoouhl :;ccat to prmit the rt'tir~lI'It'nt of several scorc 55-4' an'" S~ ::and certain ~::al1i$tic mis~ilc $ubaarincs. as well as the rcta1"gctinl: of ,oIDe IC8:-($ and SUMs from furope to the US or els~whcre. ~hether or hot this will actually occur is not possible to 51Y.

Atomic ele.olition munitions an4 .aritime defensive systems have. not been considered in this annex.

Data fro. tbe table, must bo used with eare. The ieneral rana. catlcories whic~ appcar--althou~h defined by the NATO Nuclear Plannln& Group·-ar. arbitrary and are utili:od o~ly for the purposes of 1nveatory comparison.- This categori:ation of ele11very system. by fanal 2150 tends to submer,e the .syametries iD thre.t which derive IroM actuaJ deplOyMent location-·particularly of $horter r~nle Pact syst •• s adjacent to NA10.

Tables 1 throuah 3 of this annex list by ,eneral ra~le cattlOries, all systems that aTI assessed as beinl located in. or oriented Oft Western Europe, fOT 1978.

Table 4 presents a profile of Pac:t theater nuclear for~e5 based in Eastern Europe. and Table 5 a profile of all Soviet and Pact theater nuclear forees by serviees and probable miSSion, for 1918 •.

Table 6 pres.nts & profile ~f British and french Duclear force., faT 1978 and 1983.

Table 7 PTUlftU an invento-ry of pOtfft t'ial Warn",!, Pact anei NATO ~ucle&r ~apable augmenta~ion air=raf~.

rable a th~ouah 11 contain leneral information on the performance characteristics and deployment numolrs ~nd patierns of aircraft, cruise missiles, ballistic .i!siles, an4 artillery, for 19;1, ~ith '5~tmates ~he1"eVeT possible tr.Tough 1983.

rh. NPG deiln.lft::llt;eVt:lrJ. •• • :re: Sbort·r .. ",_ (loa /c- Qr J ••• } 1 ~.d~u.-ran9. (lOa ka eo L,OOO Ie.); altd Lon,-~.n,. (o •• r 1.000 •• ].

Page 4: 05-F-0738 DOC 16G'...P-RH-~~ ;nn~l: CUTT~nr ~nd Projected ~."'i'W':i'T-sa,,' 1':II:t ",,,de:,,' 1,.,tl.:t':'I .. ";;ad:"hl!.! lor-.hc:ItCr (j~o Ace4~h.ont. ~Qnt.Jn {ar.erlv ru.trl~c.d

(bK \ )

(b)( \ )


1""hl ~ 1

~Oftt-~a~~ The~te~ Oel 1 ~.r~ 5yst •• s (Oyer 1,1100 ~llo.C'tl'rs bltllj'

Dtr1oy.4 or D.plo~~bl. by l~ 1

Alreraft R~'iu'l "l .. U" bn,.

(01) • USSR

50.. lClIHs ( lAel 5S-ll)l.l I"ar ~~r/t$M C.rrl.r1,5 UUIl I""tou SS-lD 1"8/0' U-S IAIIt! "c~:tn'/ASN Curl.rS;'.9 SQa. SS·~·o SL~l · hd,u to.ber/ASH C.rri."S,51 'lia4.r Io.b.r/ASH C.rri.rS,' 55-' HABH 55.!:-S SUM Prob,bl. N ... ALCM

In, , .. u,. U,k U"'

" .. .. u •• m u. .U~

" ,

S-rr : 10 CIlTnnt srlt •• , loc;lud.4nl frlJlct: IS aaA1 .. 176 SLIM., 11 IUH •• _lUI HI aircraft .

5_rr: At 11 (urn'lIt I,..UII.: .~~ M/U.IIIU. It lust 659 babors (or which sn n. ASH-capabl.) ,11 at 1 .... t ~O SLa/b, 1,,4 .11 UlmowlI nuahr oE ICJJoI,.

JI.,J, •• CH · " ... c .... l ",.,_,- JJr au.".,.J ....... lJ.1uU .. II. ulka. '"r,.zJ. .. td, ., S •• ,,, . 'fit, If'" .~ •• "".'" h 'JC'u. o

AC .. II. tJ •• , ........ C 11' 11-11 .... J.ItU' ............. d ' • •• l" u .......... .. • ,.u .. ,. ~" .. op.. r~ h 00 10., ... ,... •• J.l. to i4,,,!dL, .r.r~lJ 0 .. otll ... n:." • .. uu.ud.

:: til' ..... 17. 01 di ••• • ~ .. c-.. oI' do •• Itot "I •• tt. c-.. ltuj.uUili :A. li."l"U ~ ..... , • • 1 til ••• ". w"'J,,1Io :11" " .. ·rl/. S., 1".1>1. 1 t ... 01011 Jlti" .. _d ....

•• ,. .. ".,,1> u .. ,nJ .. , •• d o ... ,.U., polJ"V J ••• too ..... '11 u,,,u ••• Sl. ••• II ..... "." ... c. r ... ,. o .......... ta .. .into ,10, 11"11 • ............. 1"11 ..... 1 • .... ... n, ... t .h • .... MtJr. ;: . '''.J.C-t to •••• ,U •• ,.r ................ . til ........ Df .ir .. ute IOu .... " ..... "u Oil .... • 1 ....... f. wIlJ ......... 14 ...... Jl_ •• 1. 1t .ll ... r ..... '''.d " , ..... IIU'''' • ..-it ... oj •. .. 1""'" .... Jou." 11 n. qc. til' ,hlfUrJS AU '9." ......... h.t. til. r,-Ul. . hilt ...... . , .. ""I .-.. It h " •• 1,.".t.4 ..

•• • ..... - ........ 1- 'V.t •• J. "II • • AU " ... "uc. II .......... . .. II. t .. "l. tor •• e1l.f1 .... ... , ..... ". lit"" ... J_J'" S ..... e 11 .... 1 .I"J.el." .J"""'1"~ • , ... J • .I. •• III ........ .,; ... _ ... ~.~ .~ ..... . . "'" .... c-II Jr. J •• ".e-II ., ......... ".dl ••

... t ........ ". u. rll .... ttl 1"d8 1> ... " .... .I.. " ...... J." .... 1>1' .... J1.8 tadlt ...... ..... .10 ... o~ "'".

../olc-'" .... , un·, •• ell .... , .... ",:1".1 ........ ". rll . ......... • f loS'" J. , ...... 14.., 0 .. 1".bl. 1 .

Page 5: 05-F-0738 DOC 16G'...P-RH-~~ ;nn~l: CUTT~nr ~nd Projected ~."'i'W':i'T-sa,,' 1':II:t ",,,de:,,' 1,.,tl.:t':'I .. ";;ad:"hl!.! lor-.hc:ItCr (j~o Ace4~h.ont. ~Qnt.Jn {ar.erlv ru.trl~c.d

( )( I )

( XI)

~'.l\,.· I:.:"'I'· n..·~I('r 1,,"lIn''''' :;r~t_ . 1/11' I .. 1,.'01' IU r. .... ·h·r~ . It .... :.,) l'q'II~N or 1t,,1,1~3hl~ Ity Il'U

J~I U C1UU~t .,..~ lroclllllJJl9 """ n-h, n: .l ..... dt, Md ~IJ S_, .. Itt. t.hOt P>t...u.ol tw .. _ .. U4 Ht~ ....... C\U_ LI _.-....,. , __ td'" noh.

1 . ... c ... l.u·-.,s &l.t<:utc .

191. ~

f1In,.'Qr A Ft ....... r 611 55012/::1 SSI'/II 17 fwb,n II ft~r 30 Fitter C/Tl ft'lUlhr-l 100 1'10f:l:C'f FtrlIer 315 A5-3 AI"'" /on lieU}' n s,s..H-' Sl.JIM4 1 SS-fl·U 5U.'1 ' :u 1..-, SIC n PnIb, '*'" Mtblltp SI.Ot !I AS-' .\l,()1 't'd'Cln", .....

• 1inolt,1 ;00,.. $SoN,' SWf5 1M FllhbMt ftrtlliflr ns fine!' II Ftn.brl lllJ .... 'i-6 AU)! (on b;I~.r)l,. S41J !iJ·23 /ico; Fu'trior IJ $S·le (SCUd) $SII'I' HoI> AS·S AlOI (OIl k<J~r)~'f I M·2 ALOI (on l>oI~orl " 1% s,s.l! SS/!II . I>

SS-H-D swII 122

'-ry, It srrent ~~: "5 druUt, an4 u .. _, ... ." """ pou,,'l.ol to ..... ..., .. ... , ~._ nil Sl.I;IOa ~..,. 1.

._.,. 1 ..... otrH .... t cl .

l .... 1An4 10 "U .... 6 co openu 10 rl.ur .. _ 10 rhu. till ..... t.&e_U_~1A 2S :>i ....... 1~ u.. n"OC1 ... "10.

J • .I,U';II •• _ •• boo • ..:I _ I ..... en f __ "".~ .Hit..,.. ",. n_1 of N,Ooo to d>&

-.......,.. ,.., •• n<1.1 10_ nil =-1'""1<>' ..: oJl .... cu« ..... ~" ... '~"",,.-bh. ".., ..... J ~< ~q • .-6 sn.o. b!;oo$4n o~or1ll9 .. ,-..h 1 ... 61. Df\.I1' .oJ. .... ut. .... 1"" e...-ry do-. """"- lht*", ..... .

'. n.. •• -' .. U .... "1 ~ ... _II wi.n~""'" :r- .. ,..I~ . s ... 11 .... 16 n · ... x. _n ........... 1>*"'''' _ \><1 ... ..,. onti.onJ.\> rol • . • • J' .. H .... .. 1> .... \.11<1 • FUM..,. _nco·.nip ,010 . ~ It ..... _ od ,-",. 011 as-Ie $c:vd. <"anll ... at P&<:t _0< , .. ill 1>00 ..,.hud 1ft •

" .... 1 ... nol • . •. n a ••• _ tM """ "","""",," ot """H t AltI .... M. VN 1_ .......... .u... "UI ...

.,.....,1 ... In ,..., ... ...,. te .... U·'. Dr .u-~ , .... cpt lor __ d 01 tI> • ....,...., ..... lch

..... ""'.rn- .... 1)' U-l • • 'ftw .u·S ...... aO:lI ....... l U~l .1 .. i~eI ._in 111 u... in ..... eorr. _.r. t . All '"""" u" .... 104 •• pr.!ao.ry o_t ... l_~~ ohenh "11 ... ..,. ..,..._

lin'" "" TAltle 1.


Page 6: 05-F-0738 DOC 16G'...P-RH-~~ ;nn~l: CUTT~nr ~nd Projected ~."'i'W':i'T-sa,,' 1':II:t ",,,de:,,' 1,.,tl.:t':'I .. ";;ad:"hl!.! lor-.hc:ItCr (j~o Ace4~h.ont. ~Qnt.Jn {ar.erlv ru.trl~c.d

( X I)

( X l )

T""I .. 1

~ . .. ,....'t' ~1t':lr ~~II:I'WI :WIll "rtlllee", (LN.. rl",,, III" I;1I_leeno ~) 1lqI11J!'I..'\I Dr 111:1'101""1 .. tf!. 1!'13

1971 .1!0. s ..

" SO< S"

(bXI) -.y • • O:"""~ ""u_~ _ , &71:1 _ . .............. l h • • _ le. uclU • ..,. ,_.

1. \ ,,~-. .... cuuty ... . oW.1~t-l UI 20) _ _ cun. 11\

eIM..u h ...... . s . ~ ... DVU i '" ~ \lllra.

ftu .. UMU s.

H 1 ..... _U wIItcll - b. o\IbUO -. A ual.4r d~ ... Uon 0.100 o..uu "'~

uQnu, ....... .ftKU • IOu./. 01 60 ._.

' . le 10 ... _ • • .,n oU ,-.,.·h , ._ •• n ... of 'a« .. on ...Ul ... """'0""" 100

• • ...,lOU nl • . ,. • __ .u ... _ 1' ...... 1>0 ..... l~ eon.!.H ... . ...., Uo ~. of 11,"""" -

III U~_ OMIo'" _ .


Page 7: 05-F-0738 DOC 16G'...P-RH-~~ ;nn~l: CUTT~nr ~nd Projected ~."'i'W':i'T-sa,,' 1':II:t ",,,de:,,' 1,.,tl.:t':'I .. ";;ad:"hl!.! lor-.hc:ItCr (j~o Ace4~h.ont. ~Qnt.Jn {ar.erlv ru.trl~c.d

TaMe ~

rTo£ilc or llSSR/I":1.:t NLa:lc:o:r.r Fon:cs r ... ,~1o"d in l::""tcrn r:urop. ... 1978

__ t!Jl.S~l_· __

Alra-aft R:JdiU$/ in ~1f'3r of which' .. I.ocDtions U;er in i!.E. in F..I! • ~''>(tem M1:4sU~ R."'!='C • .,.11 Role . ~

Foxbat B 900 :so 10 UR PL,OC F1 ttet' C/lll.l 7~O 100 701,3 UR, PL PL. roc, ru Fl~r 810 140 :51S 150 UR r:c.C% 8nlwer SSO 4S ~l.l UR f«J Fitter A1., 370 110 (JR. PL,C: Ge, PL, CZ

Fis~ .370 225 165 UR • PL, C, r.c. PL, a,

SS-le {SQ.d} 2, 1 25Z·· 3 llJ H.I.1Il

son 456 UR, PL, a, UR. r.c. PL. r:c:, rot BU. C.I11. I().

306 2 JiJ IU

FRJG·7 2 70 598 (JR. OCt PL. UR.. 0::. Pt., C, Ill, RO, a, ffJ, ROt BU I!U

S.-uy: '1'h.n are c:uneftC~ly 8 Duele&:' 6al:LfttY syst. .. vb.i.Ch .: .... baHil i.I) E. t. 'nIu force oonati tut •• abOUt 52 percent of th. ,al':'t·. lied! ...... Uq4t aircraft SY,1:eM, 045 p.t'Ceftt. of the HCU.~C'An9. b&lu's'tic 1Ili •• U •• y.e ... , anel 3S perce"t of the II.hOn-ru9. del.i:ftlry SYI"._. "l'IMre &1". no nuc:1HI' ...rtiU.ry sya1:._ ba •• d 1n E. E.

1. Poland i.a •• " ... ~ to operate 10 rit.ter .l .. nd 10 F.i.t'Ur C/D in the ftuc::' •• r rol_ ,and 6:.c:hOalovald .• 25 f'i.tte:t A.

2. It f. ..... 1JIN4 aU SS-lC Sc:uci &lid P1ICC-1. '01111 be operac.~ in the nuc1Nr 1'01 •• 3. ~e USSR l'wI. custody of all nuclear vam •• 4s. 4. IIIOt nlltC .... rily in Duchal" role.


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Profi le of US.c.auI':lct Th(,:ltt'r liIit.:lcar r-on:,"" hr Sen.-icet. 1!178

Ai l"CT:lrt R..'\Jius/ ~1i1JJ'ilo R.1n~(" (~

Sa.> JOMs s,s..!O I RH\I SS-S IRRlf ss· .. a.1R8M

!fear (AS-:$)

Bison Bal:kfiTe

(AS-.t) BldGn

(AS-S) (AS·,,)

Blinder (AS-4)

!a<:1cfire (AS--S)

SS-N-6 SUI" Bldf'Or

(As-!) (AS 5) (AS-6)

BU:mr':.r. SS-H- S 51.,&\1 SS-N-4 SLI\\I SS-N-12 SLQ.I SS-"'-"~ Sl.O' SS-N-Sa.b SLOI SS-N-9 SlDl SS-N-? SLC'I

Fencer A foxhat B Fitter C/D Flo~C:T RID Bn!wer RIC FitfU A fishhocl

SS-lU1.2 s,s.. 1 C Sc.uc1 SS":I FRtY:·i Artillery

various ',400 4,100 1,900

8,000 680

4,600 4.000

196 2,500

130 370

%.400 460

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410 110


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100 315

45 110 215

71 456

fI S~8 288

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West UR. West UR West UR

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West UR


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Loc:.ations (No. 'E. E.)

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Count" Diqnphs Used ito 'rbb MIIeot'


IOC Initial Operation.l C.pability uu. LoIlf-bn9. Av1u . .ion N5W7 ~-5ov.iat ~.~ •• w Pact SJUt, Sovieio ",.val Avlu.iOZl Sat 5ttSt.,ie ~k.~ 7orcc. TAf Taetical Air r~~c ••

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