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Page 2: 04, 05, 06 | 2013 BOLETÍN IBÉRICO ERP · 2017-08-09 · boletÍn ibÉrico erp erp iberia newsletter dowturn of the market: impact on weee and wb&a management (part ii) impacto en



PROPIEDAD | PROPERTYERP EspañaC/ Raimundo Fernández Villaverde, 30Planta 1ª, Oficina 31428003-MadridTel.: (+34) 91 806 30 42Fax: (+34) 91 804 72 95

[email protected]

CIF: W0013970I














“Estimados lectores,

Como muchos sabéis, el compromiso con la calidad de la información es uno de los pilares fundamentales del modelo de negocio de ERP a nivel europeo, como así demues-tra el desarrollo de Flex, una herramienta que permite un control total de las operaciones logísticas desde el punto de recogida hasta el destino final. Estos requisitos de trazabilidad se ven reforzados por la nueva Directiva de RAEE, así como por la Ley de Residuos.

En estas páginas podréis encontrar una entrevista con Rafael Amat, gerente de uno de nuestros proveedores logísticos, que nos habla del importante papel que este tipo de operadores juega en la trazabilidad del residuo. En esta misma línea, nuestra responsa-ble técnica y de informes, Maite Etayo, nos explicará en qué consisten los informes de gestión que anualmente hemos de elaborar y la importancia de contar con un buen sistema de información para llevarlos a cabo.

Espero que estos temas y el resto del boletín os resulten de interés.”

Matias RodriguesDirector General de ERP España

“Dear readers,

As many of you know, commitment to information quality is one of the main pillars where the ERP business model is based at an European level. A tangible proof of that is the development of Flex, a tool that allows full control of logistic operations from the collection point to its final destination. These traceability requirements are reinforced by the new WEEE Directive and the Waste Act.

In these pages you will find an interview with Rafael Amat, manager of one of our logistics providers, who speaks of the important role played by such operators in waste traceability. In the same line, our technical and reporting manager, Maite Etayo, will explain how the annual management reports work and how they are developed. She will also talk about how important is a good information system to carry them out success-fully.

I hope these issues and the rest of the newsletter will be of interest to you.”

Matias RodriguesGeneral Manager of ERP Spain


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El pasado viernes, 12 de abril, Iago García, Responsable de Empresas y Comunicación de ERP España, participó en un coloquio sobre el reciclado de las pilas y su correcta gestión en el programa “Para todos, la 2”. Se trata de un magacín de temas sociales que se emite en directo en cadena La 2 de TVE. En el debate compartió mesa con Eusebio Gea, de Ecopil.

On Friday, April 12th, Iago Garcia, Members & Communi-cation Manager of ERP Spain, took part in a colloquium on battery recycling and its proper management in the TV program "Para todos, la 2". This is an entertainment program which presents social issues and it is broadcast live on the Spanish public TV channel “La 2”. In the debate Iago shared the round table with Eusebio Gea, of Ecopil.


ERP España debate sobre el reciclado de pilas en el programa de TV “Para todos, la 2” (Abril)

ERP Spain talks about recycling batteries in the Spanish TV program "Para todos, la 2" (April)



El Consejero de Agricultura, Pesca y Medio Ambiente de la Junta de Andalucía, Luis Planas, inauguró el pasado 11 de abril dos nuevas líneas de tratamiento de RAEE (Residuos de Aparatos Eléctricos y Electrónicos) en RECILEC, empresa andaluza autorizada para la correcta gestión de RAEE y de pilas y acumuladores. A dicho acto acudió Matias Rodrigues, Director General de ERP España.

On April 11th the Counsellor of the Environment of the Government of the region of Andalusia, Luis Planas, opened two new lines of treatment of WEEE (Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment) in RECILEC, Andalusia Company authorized for the proper management of WEEE and waste batteries and accumulators. Matias Rodrigues, General Manager of ERP Spain, took place on the event.

El Consejero de Medio Ambiente inaugura dos nuevas líneas de tratamiento de RAEE de Recilec (Abril)

The regional Environment Minister inaugurates two new WEEE treatment lines at Recilec (April)

Los estudiantes y trabajadores de la Universidad de Zaragoza desecha-ron el pasado 15 de mayo más de media tonelada de RAEE en una jornada de reciclaje organizada por ERP España en colaboración con la Universidad.

The 15th of May, students and employees of the University of Zaragoza disposed more than half a ton of WEEE in a special recycling day orga- nized by ERP Spain and the University.

ERP España y la Universidad de Zaragoza recogen más de media tonelada de RAEE (Mayo)

ERP Spain and the University of Zaragoza collect over half a ton of WEEE (May)

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La ciudad de Melilla y las entidades gestoras de los SIG (Sistemas Integrados de Gestión) de pilas y acumu-ladores, entre ellas ERP España, han alcanzado un acuerdo que garantiza la correcta gestión de esta clase de residuos.

The city of Melilla and the compliance schemes of IMS (Integrated Management Systems) of batteries and accumulators waste, among them ERP Spain, have achieved an agreement which will guarantee the correct management of this kind of waste.

Se firma el Convenio Marco para la gestión de RPA en Melilla (Mayo)

Framework agreement for the management of WB&A in Melilla (May)

El total compromiso de ERP SAS Sucursal en España y ERP España SLU con la calidad queda patente con el cumpli- miento de todos los requisitos establecidos en esta norma. De esta forma, ERP España se compromete a reforzar la calidad del servicio prestado a los diferentes clientes, mejorando continuamente su eficacia y estableciendo objetivos de calidad que se revisan periódicamente. Todo el equipo de ERP está trabajando para concluir el proceso con éxito en el próximo mes de octubre.

The full commitment of ERP SAS Branch in Spain and ERP Spain SLU to quality is reflected by the compliance of all requirements set for in that regulation. Doing so, ERP Spain commits itself to provide a quality service to all its different customers, while continuously improving our effectiveness and setting quality goals which are periodi-cally reviewed.All ERP team is working hard to finish the process successfully in the next October.

ERP España en proceso de certificación en ISO 9001 (Junio)

ERP Spain on its way to obtain ISO 9001 certification (June)

El Govern de Baleares ha firmado un convenio de colaboración con las entidades gestoras de los SIG de pilas, entre ellas ERP España, con el objetivo de mejo-rar los índices de recuperación y que estos lleguen, al menos, al 45 por ciento en el año 2016 en Baleares.

The Balearic Government has signed a collaboration agree-ment with the managing bodies of waste batteries and accumu-lators schemes, among them ERP Spain, with the aim of improving the recovery rates in the Balearic Islands to at least 45% in 2016.

Se firma el Convenio Marco para la gestión de RPA en Baleares (Junio)

Framework agreement for the management of WB&A in Balearic Islands (June)

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ERP España y el ayuntamiento de Granada ponen en marcha la campaña “Ponte las pilas” (Junio)

ERP Spain and Granada City Council launch the campaign "Ponte las pilas" (“get cracking”) (June)

ERP España colabora en el desarrollo del XXXVI Curso Internacional “Ciencias de la Tierra” de la UNESCO (Junio)

ERP Spain collaborates in the UNESCO XXXVI International Course "Ciencias de la Tierra” (“Earth Sciences") (June)

ERP España ha trabajado junto a Ecoquímica, patrocinador del curso, en el desarrollo de conteni-dos relacionados con la responsabilidad ampliada del productor para RAEE y RPA. Alumnos de varios países latinoamericanos, donde actualmente se está desarrollando legislación de este tipo, y España conocieron de primera mano el funcionamiento de un SIG.

ERP Spain has worked with Ecoquímica, sponsor of the course, in the development of the content related to the extended producer responsibility for WEEE and WB&A. Students from different Latin American countries, where such legislation is currently being developed, and Spain, got to know the functioning and performance of an scheme at first hand.

ERP España y el Ayuntamiento de Granada pusieron en marcha el pasado mes de junio la campaña “Ponte las pilas”. Dicha campaña tiene como objetivos principales potenciar el reciclaje de las pilas en la ciudad y concienciar a los más jóvenes sobre los beneficios de la correcta gestión de estos residuos.

Last June ERP Spain and Granada City Council laun- ched the campaign "Ponte las pilas". The campaign is pri- marily aimed at promoting battery recycling in the city and raise awareness among young people about the benefits derived from the proper management of these wastes.

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Instalaciones de EcoquímicaEcoquímica Facilities



Rafael Amat

Ecoquímica Logística Integral es uno de opera-dores logísticos a través de los cuales ERP gestiona la recogida de los residuos. Rafael Amat, Socio-Gerente del CAT, nos habla, entre otros asuntos, sobre el trabajo que realiza para ERP y la situación actual de los puntos de recogida.

¿A qué se dedica Ecoquímica?Ecoquímica es un operador logístico a nivel nacional espe-cializado en logística inversa de residuos eléctricos y electrónicos, pilas, baterías y otros residuos. Para desem-peñar esta actividad contamos con numerosos permisos, tanto los propios del sector de transportes como los propios del sector de medio ambiente. A diferencia de la mayoría de los agentes de este incipiente sector contamos con medios propios tanto de transporte como de almacenamiento. Esto nos permite diferenciarnos y prestar un servicio muy espe- cializado que aporta valor añadido. También realizamos transporte de material radiacti- vo y almacenamiento y trans- porte de productos químicos.

¿Cómo es el trabajo que realiza para ERP?Los trabajos que realizamos para ERP son muchos y variados pero todos ellos se engloban en el ámbito de la logística. Uno de los principales es la recogida primaria de RAEE y RPA. En ese sentido actualmente gestionamos unos 1500 puntos para ERP. Me gustaría destacar que los servicios de recogida primaria presentan una gran complejidad, debido al gran número de puntos que hay que atender y a la variedad de circunstancias que se nos presentan, ya que recogemos desde 10 kilos a 10 toneladas, todo ello bajo los requerimientos de ERP y los requisitos legales, que son muy exigentes en cuanto a servicio y documentación.Además gestionamos el almacenamiento de RAEE en nuestras tres plantas de Bilbao, Madrid y Barcelona. Recepcionamos los residuos, los clasificamos según las especificaciones de ERP y maximizamos las cargas hacia los destinos finales. También realizamos trans-portes secundarios desde los centros de almacena- miento a las plantas finales de tratamiento.

Ecoquímica Logística Integral is one of the logis-tics operators through which ERP manages the collection of waste. Rafael Amat, CAT Managing Partner, speaks, among other issues, on the work operated for ERP and the current situation of the collection points.

What does Ecoquímica deal with? Ecoquímica is a national logistics operator specia- lized in reverse logistics of electrical and electronic waste, batteries and other waste. To operate this activity we have several permits,

both the requested by the transport sector and the Environment regulation. Unlike most agents in this emerging industry we have our own means of trans-port and storage. This gives us an added com-petitive value to differen- tiate ourselves and provide a highly specialized servi- ce. We also transport ra- dioactive materials and storage and transportation of chemical products.

What is exactly what you do for ERP?The work we do for ERP is diverse and varied but always within the logistics field. One of the main areas we work in is the primary collection of WEEE and WB&A. In this regard we currently manage around 1500 collection points for ERP. I would like to emphasize that the primary collection services involve a great deal of complexity due to the large amounts of points to be served and the different circumstances to face, as we collect from 10 kilos to 10 tons. This is always strictly done under ERP requirements and legal specifications, which are very demanding in terms of service and documen-tation.We also manage the storage of WEEE in our three plants in Bilbao, Madrid and Barcelona. We recei- ve waste, sort it according to ERP specifications and maximize the loads to the final destinations. Secondary transport from storage centers to the final treatment sites is also carried out by our company.

RAFAEL AMATSocio-Gerente de Ecoquímica

Managing Partner of Ecoquímica“Los servicios de recogida primaria de RAEE y RPA

presentan una gran complejidad (...)”

“Primary collection services of WEEE and WB&A involve a great deal of complexity (...)"

¿Cómo se garantiza la trazabilidad del residuo (RAEE y RPA) desde el punto de recogida hasta el destino final?La trazabilidad en la gestión de los residuos - tanto RAEE como RPA - está garantizada desde el momento de la recogida hasta la entrega en planta final a través de la inserción de toda la documentación de recogidas y envíos en la plataforma informática Flex. Además se emiten anualmente certifica-dos de gestión de residuos “recepcionados” que entran en el Centro de Almacenami-ento Temporal y certificados de residuos “transportados” que corresponden a las salidas del CAT. Dichos certificados nos facilitan un balance de masas por códigos LER que garantizan un control de la trazabilidad en la gestión de RAEE y RPA. Por último, como gestores de residuos, elaboramos toda la documentación legal para recogida de residuos que se presentan mensualmente an- te las Consejerías de Medio Ambiente.

¿Cuál es, a su juicio, la situación actual de los puntos de recogida (municipal y distribución)?Desde que empezamos a hacer las recogidas, hace unos seis años, hasta la fecha, la situación ha mejo-rado mucho, desde la coordinación con los puntos, las recogidas en origen, las recepciones en planta o la cumplimentación de los documentos de recogida. Actualmente nuestra preocupación es la bajada de kilos recogidos que estamos detectando sobre todo en centros de distribución.

“Desde que empezamos a hacer las recogidas, hace seis años, la situación ha mejorado mucho (...).”

¿Desde su posición, qué medidas propone para mejorar la eficiencia del sistema?Podríamos plantear muchas propuestas. El problema es que la actividad conlleva numerosos requerimientos administrativos y operacionales que exigen tanto ERP como las administraciones públicas. Con estas restric-ciones mejorar la eficiencia en el ámbito logístico es complicado porque se perdería en control y seguridad aunque se ganara en eficiencia. Por otro lado los dos últimos años se ha presionado mucho desde ERP para ser más eficientes y creo que se está notando. De hecho estamos obligados a ser más eficientes perma-nentemente ya que la bajada de kilos por recogida nos está afectando económicamente. No obstante, todavía hay campo de mejora en algunos aspectos como la segregación en origen (sobre todo puntos limpios) y en las segregaciones en los centros de agrupamiento de cargas.

How is the traceability of the waste (WEEE and WB&A) guaranteed from the collection point to the final destination?Traceability in the management of waste - both WEEE and WB&A - is guaranteed from the time of collection until the delivery to the final site. This is done ente-

ring all the documents related to collections and shipments in Flex, ERP IT platform. In addition to this, certificates related to the management of the “recei- ved” waste in the Consolida-tion Center are issued annually. Certificates related to the transported waste from the Consolidation Center are also documented and issued. These certificates provide us a mass balance per LOW codes which gua- rantee the traceability con- trol in the management of WEEE and WB&A. Finally, as waste managers, we develop all legal documentation re- quired for waste collection which is presented monthly to the different Departments of the Environment.

What is, in his view, the current situation of the collection points (municipal and distribution)?From the time we started operating the collections six years ago to date, the situation has improved remarkably, from the coordination with the different points, source collection, the reception in the different sites or the completion of the collection documents. Currently our concern is that we perceive the decline of kilos collected mainly in distribution centers.

“From the time we started operating the collections six years ago to date, the situation has improved remarkably (...).”

From your position, what measures could you suggest to improve the efficiency of the system?Many proposals could be suggested. The problem is that the activity entails numerous administrative and operational requirements demanded both by ERP and the public administrations. With these restrictions, it is complicated to improve efficiency in logistics because although efficiency would improve, we would lose in areas such as control and safety. On the other hand, in the last two years, ERP has pushed hard to reach a higher efficiency and I think we can already feel it. In fact, we are forced to be more efficient since the collection volume is decreasing and this is affecting us economically. However, there is still room for improvement in some aspects such as in the segregation at source (particularly in the green points) and segregation in the consolidation centers.


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Ecoquímica Logística Integral es uno de opera-dores logísticos a través de los cuales ERP gestiona la recogida de los residuos. Rafael Amat, Socio-Gerente del CAT, nos habla, entre otros asuntos, sobre el trabajo que realiza para ERP y la situación actual de los puntos de recogida.

¿A qué se dedica Ecoquímica?Ecoquímica es un operador logístico a nivel nacional espe-cializado en logística inversa de residuos eléctricos y electrónicos, pilas, baterías y otros residuos. Para desem-peñar esta actividad contamos con numerosos permisos, tanto los propios del sector de transportes como los propios del sector de medio ambiente. A diferencia de la mayoría de los agentes de este incipiente sector contamos con medios propios tanto de transporte como de almacenamiento. Esto nos permite diferenciarnos y prestar un servicio muy espe- cializado que aporta valor añadido. También realizamos transporte de material radiacti- vo y almacenamiento y trans- porte de productos químicos.

¿Cómo es el trabajo que realiza para ERP?Los trabajos que realizamos para ERP son muchos y variados pero todos ellos se engloban en el ámbito de la logística. Uno de los principales es la recogida primaria de RAEE y RPA. En ese sentido actualmente gestionamos unos 1500 puntos para ERP. Me gustaría destacar que los servicios de recogida primaria presentan una gran complejidad, debido al gran número de puntos que hay que atender y a la variedad de circunstancias que se nos presentan, ya que recogemos desde 10 kilos a 10 toneladas, todo ello bajo los requerimientos de ERP y los requisitos legales, que son muy exigentes en cuanto a servicio y documentación.Además gestionamos el almacenamiento de RAEE en nuestras tres plantas de Bilbao, Madrid y Barcelona. Recepcionamos los residuos, los clasificamos según las especificaciones de ERP y maximizamos las cargas hacia los destinos finales. También realizamos trans-portes secundarios desde los centros de almacena- miento a las plantas finales de tratamiento.

Ecoquímica Logística Integral is one of the logis-tics operators through which ERP manages the collection of waste. Rafael Amat, CAT Managing Partner, speaks, among other issues, on the work operated for ERP and the current situation of the collection points.

What does Ecoquímica deal with? Ecoquímica is a national logistics operator specia- lized in reverse logistics of electrical and electronic waste, batteries and other waste. To operate this activity we have several permits,

both the requested by the transport sector and the Environment regulation. Unlike most agents in this emerging industry we have our own means of trans-port and storage. This gives us an added com-petitive value to differen- tiate ourselves and provide a highly specialized servi- ce. We also transport ra- dioactive materials and storage and transportation of chemical products.

What is exactly what you do for ERP?The work we do for ERP is diverse and varied but always within the logistics field. One of the main areas we work in is the primary collection of WEEE and WB&A. In this regard we currently manage around 1500 collection points for ERP. I would like to emphasize that the primary collection services involve a great deal of complexity due to the large amounts of points to be served and the different circumstances to face, as we collect from 10 kilos to 10 tons. This is always strictly done under ERP requirements and legal specifications, which are very demanding in terms of service and documen-tation.We also manage the storage of WEEE in our three plants in Bilbao, Madrid and Barcelona. We recei- ve waste, sort it according to ERP specifications and maximize the loads to the final destinations. Secondary transport from storage centers to the final treatment sites is also carried out by our company.

¿Cómo se garantiza la trazabilidad del residuo (RAEE y RPA) desde el punto de recogida hasta el destino final?La trazabilidad en la gestión de los residuos - tanto RAEE como RPA - está garantizada desde el momento de la recogida hasta la entrega en planta final a través de la inserción de toda la documentación de recogidas y envíos en la plataforma informática Flex. Además se emiten anualmente certifica-dos de gestión de residuos “recepcionados” que entran en el Centro de Almacenami-ento Temporal y certificados de residuos “transportados” que corresponden a las salidas del CAT. Dichos certificados nos facilitan un balance de masas por códigos LER que garantizan un control de la trazabilidad en la gestión de RAEE y RPA. Por último, como gestores de residuos, elaboramos toda la documentación legal para recogida de residuos que se presentan mensualmente an- te las Consejerías de Medio Ambiente.

¿Cuál es, a su juicio, la situación actual de los puntos de recogida (municipal y distribución)?Desde que empezamos a hacer las recogidas, hace unos seis años, hasta la fecha, la situación ha mejo-rado mucho, desde la coordinación con los puntos, las recogidas en origen, las recepciones en planta o la cumplimentación de los documentos de recogida. Actualmente nuestra preocupación es la bajada de kilos recogidos que estamos detectando sobre todo en centros de distribución.

“Desde que empezamos a hacer las recogidas, hace seis años, la situación ha mejorado mucho (...).”

¿Desde su posición, qué medidas propone para mejorar la eficiencia del sistema?Podríamos plantear muchas propuestas. El problema es que la actividad conlleva numerosos requerimientos administrativos y operacionales que exigen tanto ERP como las administraciones públicas. Con estas restric-ciones mejorar la eficiencia en el ámbito logístico es complicado porque se perdería en control y seguridad aunque se ganara en eficiencia. Por otro lado los dos últimos años se ha presionado mucho desde ERP para ser más eficientes y creo que se está notando. De hecho estamos obligados a ser más eficientes perma-nentemente ya que la bajada de kilos por recogida nos está afectando económicamente. No obstante, todavía hay campo de mejora en algunos aspectos como la segregación en origen (sobre todo puntos limpios) y en las segregaciones en los centros de agrupamiento de cargas.

How is the traceability of the waste (WEEE and WB&A) guaranteed from the collection point to the final destination?Traceability in the management of waste - both WEEE and WB&A - is guaranteed from the time of collection until the delivery to the final site. This is done ente-

ring all the documents related to collections and shipments in Flex, ERP IT platform. In addition to this, certificates related to the management of the “recei- ved” waste in the Consolida-tion Center are issued annually. Certificates related to the transported waste from the Consolidation Center are also documented and issued. These certificates provide us a mass balance per LOW codes which gua- rantee the traceability con- trol in the management of WEEE and WB&A. Finally, as waste managers, we develop all legal documentation re- quired for waste collection which is presented monthly to the different Departments of the Environment.

What is, in his view, the current situation of the collection points (municipal and distribution)?From the time we started operating the collections six years ago to date, the situation has improved remarkably, from the coordination with the different points, source collection, the reception in the different sites or the completion of the collection documents. Currently our concern is that we perceive the decline of kilos collected mainly in distribution centers.

“From the time we started operating the collections six years ago to date, the situation has improved remarkably (...).”

From your position, what measures could you suggest to improve the efficiency of the system?Many proposals could be suggested. The problem is that the activity entails numerous administrative and operational requirements demanded both by ERP and the public administrations. With these restrictions, it is complicated to improve efficiency in logistics because although efficiency would improve, we would lose in areas such as control and safety. On the other hand, in the last two years, ERP has pushed hard to reach a higher efficiency and I think we can already feel it. In fact, we are forced to be more efficient since the collection volume is decreasing and this is affecting us economically. However, there is still room for improvement in some aspects such as in the segregation at source (particularly in the green points) and segregation in the consolidation centers.


Almacenamiento de RAEEWEEE storage

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En pocas palabras: el coste de la gestión del RAEE por unidad de venta podría incrementarse si no se ajustan los costes unitarios (el coste de gestión de una tonelada de RAEE). Esto sería así porque mientras los costes de recogida y tratamiento de RAEE permanecen invariables o incluso aumentan (se han de alcanzar, en cualquier escenario económico, los 4 kilogramos por habitante y año), la puesta en el mercado que soporta esas recogidas está, como hemos observado, disminuyendo en los últimos años.

Los objetivos de recogida de RPA se definen en función de la tasa de retorno

Los objetivos de recogida de RPA no funcionan con la misma lógica. Para obtener el grado de cumplimiento se calcula la tasa de retorno, que se define como el volumen recogido dividido por el volumen puesto en el mercado. Por tanto, este método sí que tendrían en cuenta las fluctuaciones de la puesta en el mercado.

Como se comentaba anteriormente, la nueva Directiva de RAEE adopta esta idea para calcular los objetivos de recogida en el corto y medio plazo.

Más allá del método de cálculo de los objetivos, es fundamental conocer los comportamientos del mercado, para así limitar los efectos indeseados que una bajada en las ventas pueda tener en la gestión de sus residuos.

A pesar de la disminución de los volúmenes puestos en el mercado y del aumento de las recogidas, ERP España ha conseguido reducir año tras año el coste de sus servicios. En el periodo 2010-13 se han bajado los precios todos los años, tanto en RAEE como en RPA. Esta importante dismi-nución en casi todas nuestras tarifas ha sido posible gracias a la constante actualización y mejora de nuestra red de gestión, que busca en todo momento soluciones logísticas novedosas que mejoren la eficiencia de todo el proceso.

In short: the cost of management of WEEE per sales unit may increase if unit costs are not adjusted (management cost corresponding to one ton of WEEE). This happens because while collection and treatment costs remain unchanged or even experience an increase (in any economic scenario, 4 kg per person per year must be achieved), the placement on the market that covers those collections is declining, as we have shown earlier.

The collection targets of WB&A are defined based on the return rate

Collection targets of WB&A do not follow the same logic. In order to fulfill the mandatory compliance level, the return rate is calculated. This is defined as the volume collected divided by the volume placed on the market. Therefore, this does take into account all the fluctuations derived from the placing on the market.

As mentioned before, the new WEEE Directive will adopt this idea to measure the collection targets in the short and medium term.

Beyond the target calculation method, it is vital to know market behavior, in order to limit unwelcome effects on the management of waste resulting from a decrease in sales.

Despite the declining volumes placed on the market and the collection increase, ERP Spain has managed to reduce the cost of their services year after year. In the period of 2010-13, prices have been cut every year, for WEEE and WB&A. This significant decrease in almost all our prices has been possible thanks to an ongoing update and improvement of our management network, in constant search for innovative logistics solutions that improve the efficiency of the whole process.

Tras analizar las causas del descenso del mercado de AEE (Aparatos Eléctri-cos y Electrónicos) y de pilas y acumu-ladores, se profundiza ahora en los retos que se plantean el futuro y cómo ERP España los está afrontando

Más allá de la cuantificación real de la caída en las ventas, el descenso neto de los datos declarados a ambos registros, que se viene observando en los últimos años, tiene un impacto directo en los costes globales de gestión de RAEE y RPA.

Los objetivos de recogida de RAEE actuales no dependen de la puesta en el mercado

En el caso de RAEE los objetivos de recogida actuales son independientes de la realidad económica y de las cantidades puestas en el mercado (aunque en la nueva Directiva el cálculo de objetivos cambia para aseme-jarse a la situación de RPA, que analizaremos más adelante).

After analyzing the causes of the down-turn in the market of EEE (Electrical and Electronic Equipments) batteries and accumulators, we now go into detail about the challenges for the future and how ERP Spain is addressing them

Beyond the actual quantification of the drop in sales, the net decrease in reported data on both record registers in the last years has direct impact on the overall costs of management of WEEE and WB&A.

The current collection targets for WEEE are not connected to put on the market figures

In the case of WEEE current collection targets are independent of the economic reality or the quanti-ties placed on the market (although in the Directive recast the calculation of targets changes and will be similar to that used in WB&A, which will be analyzed after).

ERP aplica la mejora continua a su red de gestión, proporcionando precios competitivos, incluso en un contexto adverso como el actual y con la vista puesta en un futuro cada vez más exigente

Independientemente de que las condiciones económicas mejoren en el corto-medio plazo, este esfuerzo tendrá que verse incrementado en los años venideros, ya que, como se observa en los gráficos, en un periodo de seis años todos los SIG deberán aumentar muy significativa-mente los volúmenes de recogida. La experiencia de ERP, acumulada en todos estos años, permite afrontar esos retos con la seguridad de contar con las herramien-tas adecuadas para lograr el cumplimiento de las nuevas metas de recogida con el mínimo impacto negativo en nuestros miembros.

ERP applies continuous improve-ment to its management network providing competitive prices, even in adverse circumstances like the current situation and looking to an increasingly demanding future

Regardless of the improvement of the economic conditions in the short or medium term, this effort will have to be stronger in the coming years, as shown in the graphs, we know that in six years’ time all schemes will have to increase its collection volumes. The experience gained by ERP over the years guarantees that we can face these challenges with the security of having the right tools to achieve compliance with the new collection goals with minimal negative impact on our members.

Evolución de las tasas de recogida RAEEEvolution of collection rates WEEE

Año / Year














ed v
















Tasa de retorno actuales (2012 estimación)Current return rates (2012 estimate)

Obligaciones futurasFuture obligations

2010 2020201920182017201620152014201320122011

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En pocas palabras: el coste de la gestión del RAEE por unidad de venta podría incrementarse si no se ajustan los costes unitarios (el coste de gestión de una tonelada de RAEE). Esto sería así porque mientras los costes de recogida y tratamiento de RAEE permanecen invariables o incluso aumentan (se han de alcanzar, en cualquier escenario económico, los 4 kilogramos por habitante y año), la puesta en el mercado que soporta esas recogidas está, como hemos observado, disminuyendo en los últimos años.

Los objetivos de recogida de RPA se definen en función de la tasa de retorno

Los objetivos de recogida de RPA no funcionan con la misma lógica. Para obtener el grado de cumplimiento se calcula la tasa de retorno, que se define como el volumen recogido dividido por el volumen puesto en el mercado. Por tanto, este método sí que tendrían en cuenta las fluctuaciones de la puesta en el mercado.

Como se comentaba anteriormente, la nueva Directiva de RAEE adopta esta idea para calcular los objetivos de recogida en el corto y medio plazo.

Más allá del método de cálculo de los objetivos, es fundamental conocer los comportamientos del mercado, para así limitar los efectos indeseados que una bajada en las ventas pueda tener en la gestión de sus residuos.

A pesar de la disminución de los volúmenes puestos en el mercado y del aumento de las recogidas, ERP España ha conseguido reducir año tras año el coste de sus servicios. En el periodo 2010-13 se han bajado los precios todos los años, tanto en RAEE como en RPA. Esta importante dismi-nución en casi todas nuestras tarifas ha sido posible gracias a la constante actualización y mejora de nuestra red de gestión, que busca en todo momento soluciones logísticas novedosas que mejoren la eficiencia de todo el proceso.

In short: the cost of management of WEEE per sales unit may increase if unit costs are not adjusted (management cost corresponding to one ton of WEEE). This happens because while collection and treatment costs remain unchanged or even experience an increase (in any economic scenario, 4 kg per person per year must be achieved), the placement on the market that covers those collections is declining, as we have shown earlier.

The collection targets of WB&A are defined based on the return rate

Collection targets of WB&A do not follow the same logic. In order to fulfill the mandatory compliance level, the return rate is calculated. This is defined as the volume collected divided by the volume placed on the market. Therefore, this does take into account all the fluctuations derived from the placing on the market.

As mentioned before, the new WEEE Directive will adopt this idea to measure the collection targets in the short and medium term.

Beyond the target calculation method, it is vital to know market behavior, in order to limit unwelcome effects on the management of waste resulting from a decrease in sales.

Despite the declining volumes placed on the market and the collection increase, ERP Spain has managed to reduce the cost of their services year after year. In the period of 2010-13, prices have been cut every year, for WEEE and WB&A. This significant decrease in almost all our prices has been possible thanks to an ongoing update and improvement of our management network, in constant search for innovative logistics solutions that improve the efficiency of the whole process.

Tras analizar las causas del descenso del mercado de AEE (Aparatos Eléctri-cos y Electrónicos) y de pilas y acumu-ladores, se profundiza ahora en los retos que se plantean el futuro y cómo ERP España los está afrontando

Más allá de la cuantificación real de la caída en las ventas, el descenso neto de los datos declarados a ambos registros, que se viene observando en los últimos años, tiene un impacto directo en los costes globales de gestión de RAEE y RPA.

Los objetivos de recogida de RAEE actuales no dependen de la puesta en el mercado

En el caso de RAEE los objetivos de recogida actuales son independientes de la realidad económica y de las cantidades puestas en el mercado (aunque en la nueva Directiva el cálculo de objetivos cambia para aseme-jarse a la situación de RPA, que analizaremos más adelante).

After analyzing the causes of the down-turn in the market of EEE (Electrical and Electronic Equipments) batteries and accumulators, we now go into detail about the challenges for the future and how ERP Spain is addressing them

Beyond the actual quantification of the drop in sales, the net decrease in reported data on both record registers in the last years has direct impact on the overall costs of management of WEEE and WB&A.

The current collection targets for WEEE are not connected to put on the market figures

In the case of WEEE current collection targets are independent of the economic reality or the quanti-ties placed on the market (although in the Directive recast the calculation of targets changes and will be similar to that used in WB&A, which will be analyzed after).

ERP aplica la mejora continua a su red de gestión, proporcionando precios competitivos, incluso en un contexto adverso como el actual y con la vista puesta en un futuro cada vez más exigente

Independientemente de que las condiciones económicas mejoren en el corto-medio plazo, este esfuerzo tendrá que verse incrementado en los años venideros, ya que, como se observa en los gráficos, en un periodo de seis años todos los SIG deberán aumentar muy significativa-mente los volúmenes de recogida. La experiencia de ERP, acumulada en todos estos años, permite afrontar esos retos con la seguridad de contar con las herramien-tas adecuadas para lograr el cumplimiento de las nuevas metas de recogida con el mínimo impacto negativo en nuestros miembros.

ERP applies continuous improve-ment to its management network providing competitive prices, even in adverse circumstances like the current situation and looking to an increasingly demanding future

Regardless of the improvement of the economic conditions in the short or medium term, this effort will have to be stronger in the coming years, as shown in the graphs, we know that in six years’ time all schemes will have to increase its collection volumes. The experience gained by ERP over the years guarantees that we can face these challenges with the security of having the right tools to achieve compliance with the new collection goals with minimal negative impact on our members.

Evolución de las tasas de recogida RPAEvolution of collection rates WB&A

Año / Year














ed v
















Tasa de retorno actuales (2012 estimación)Current return rates (2012 estimate)

Obligaciones futurasFuture obligations

2010 2017201620152014201320122011

Page 10: 04, 05, 06 | 2013 BOLETÍN IBÉRICO ERP · 2017-08-09 · boletÍn ibÉrico erp erp iberia newsletter dowturn of the market: impact on weee and wb&a management (part ii) impacto en

En pocas palabras: el coste de la gestión del RAEE por unidad de venta podría incrementarse si no se ajustan los costes unitarios (el coste de gestión de una tonelada de RAEE). Esto sería así porque mientras los costes de recogida y tratamiento de RAEE permanecen invariables o incluso aumentan (se han de alcanzar, en cualquier escenario económico, los 4 kilogramos por habitante y año), la puesta en el mercado que soporta esas recogidas está, como hemos observado, disminuyendo en los últimos años.

Los objetivos de recogida de RPA se definen en función de la tasa de retorno

Los objetivos de recogida de RPA no funcionan con la misma lógica. Para obtener el grado de cumplimiento se calcula la tasa de retorno, que se define como el volumen recogido dividido por el volumen puesto en el mercado. Por tanto, este método sí que tendrían en cuenta las fluctuaciones de la puesta en el mercado.

Como se comentaba anteriormente, la nueva Directiva de RAEE adopta esta idea para calcular los objetivos de recogida en el corto y medio plazo.

Más allá del método de cálculo de los objetivos, es fundamental conocer los comportamientos del mercado, para así limitar los efectos indeseados que una bajada en las ventas pueda tener en la gestión de sus residuos.

A pesar de la disminución de los volúmenes puestos en el mercado y del aumento de las recogidas, ERP España ha conseguido reducir año tras año el coste de sus servicios. En el periodo 2010-13 se han bajado los precios todos los años, tanto en RAEE como en RPA. Esta importante dismi-nución en casi todas nuestras tarifas ha sido posible gracias a la constante actualización y mejora de nuestra red de gestión, que busca en todo momento soluciones logísticas novedosas que mejoren la eficiencia de todo el proceso.

In short: the cost of management of WEEE per sales unit may increase if unit costs are not adjusted (management cost corresponding to one ton of WEEE). This happens because while collection and treatment costs remain unchanged or even experience an increase (in any economic scenario, 4 kg per person per year must be achieved), the placement on the market that covers those collections is declining, as we have shown earlier.

The collection targets of WB&A are defined based on the return rate

Collection targets of WB&A do not follow the same logic. In order to fulfill the mandatory compliance level, the return rate is calculated. This is defined as the volume collected divided by the volume placed on the market. Therefore, this does take into account all the fluctuations derived from the placing on the market.

As mentioned before, the new WEEE Directive will adopt this idea to measure the collection targets in the short and medium term.

Beyond the target calculation method, it is vital to know market behavior, in order to limit unwelcome effects on the management of waste resulting from a decrease in sales.

Despite the declining volumes placed on the market and the collection increase, ERP Spain has managed to reduce the cost of their services year after year. In the period of 2010-13, prices have been cut every year, for WEEE and WB&A. This significant decrease in almost all our prices has been possible thanks to an ongoing update and improvement of our management network, in constant search for innovative logistics solutions that improve the efficiency of the whole process.

Tras analizar las causas del descenso del mercado de AEE (Aparatos Eléctri-cos y Electrónicos) y de pilas y acumu-ladores, se profundiza ahora en los retos que se plantean el futuro y cómo ERP España los está afrontando

Más allá de la cuantificación real de la caída en las ventas, el descenso neto de los datos declarados a ambos registros, que se viene observando en los últimos años, tiene un impacto directo en los costes globales de gestión de RAEE y RPA.

Los objetivos de recogida de RAEE actuales no dependen de la puesta en el mercado

En el caso de RAEE los objetivos de recogida actuales son independientes de la realidad económica y de las cantidades puestas en el mercado (aunque en la nueva Directiva el cálculo de objetivos cambia para aseme-jarse a la situación de RPA, que analizaremos más adelante).

After analyzing the causes of the down-turn in the market of EEE (Electrical and Electronic Equipments) batteries and accumulators, we now go into detail about the challenges for the future and how ERP Spain is addressing them

Beyond the actual quantification of the drop in sales, the net decrease in reported data on both record registers in the last years has direct impact on the overall costs of management of WEEE and WB&A.

The current collection targets for WEEE are not connected to put on the market figures

In the case of WEEE current collection targets are independent of the economic reality or the quanti-ties placed on the market (although in the Directive recast the calculation of targets changes and will be similar to that used in WB&A, which will be analyzed after).




ERP aplica la mejora continua a su red de gestión, proporcionando precios competitivos, incluso en un contexto adverso como el actual y con la vista puesta en un futuro cada vez más exigente

Independientemente de que las condiciones económicas mejoren en el corto-medio plazo, este esfuerzo tendrá que verse incrementado en los años venideros, ya que, como se observa en los gráficos, en un periodo de seis años todos los SIG deberán aumentar muy significativa-mente los volúmenes de recogida. La experiencia de ERP, acumulada en todos estos años, permite afrontar esos retos con la seguridad de contar con las herramien-tas adecuadas para lograr el cumplimiento de las nuevas metas de recogida con el mínimo impacto negativo en nuestros miembros.

ERP applies continuous improve-ment to its management network providing competitive prices, even in adverse circumstances like the current situation and looking to an increasingly demanding future

Regardless of the improvement of the economic conditions in the short or medium term, this effort will have to be stronger in the coming years, as shown in the graphs, we know that in six years’ time all schemes will have to increase its collection volumes. The experience gained by ERP over the years guarantees that we can face these challenges with the security of having the right tools to achieve compliance with the new collection goals with minimal negative impact on our members.

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Maite Etayo es responsable del área técnica e informes de ERP España.

¿Cuál es la utilidad del área técnica e informes de ERP España?Nuestra principal función es atender las obligaciones que en materia de información ERP asume en nombre de sus productores. Esta información está definida en la legislación vigente y en las autorizaciones que nos otorgan las CCAA (Comunidades Autónomas), tanto para RAEE como para RPA. También somos responsables de solicitar y mantener al día las diferentes autorizaciones de nuestros dos SIG.

¿En qué se concretan esas obliga-ciones?Todos los años los SIG enviamos a las diferentes administraciones compe-tentes un informe anual certificado por un auditor externo con los resultados obtenidos por el SIG durante el año anterior. El año pasado esto supuso un total de 38 informes personalizados.Además, a lo largo del año atendemos otras solicitudes de información que recibimos de las CCAA como resultado de reuniones de seguimiento de los convenios marco, de los expedientes de autorización o de cualquier tipo de consulta que puedan tener.

¿Cuál sería el contenido de esos informes anuales?La información que nos solicitan es bastante exhaustiva, ya que incluye datos de recogida a nivel estatal, autonómico, provincial, municipal e incluso por código postal (esto sólo para RPA) y resultados de gestión no solo a nivel nacional sino también a nivel autonómico. La aportación de los datos de gestión a nivel autonómico supone un gran reto en lo que se refiere a la trazabilidad del residuo ya que debemos ser capaces de establecer el vínculo a lo largo de toda la cadena de gestión. Para obtener esta información nos apoyamos en nuestro sistema informático Flex, en el que se controlan, registran y documentan todos los movimientos.

¿Existe un modelo común para remitir esta infor-mación?En el caso de RPA, los SIG hemos elaborado y consen-suado un modelo de informe único para todas las “CCAA” lo que nos facilita mucho la tarea. Sin embargo en RAEE esto no ha sido posible, por lo que tenemos que adaptar el informe a los diferentes requisitos de cada CCAA, lo que dificulta la automatización de la extracción y tratamiento de los datos.

¿Qué se podría mejorar?Es fundamental, en particular en la perspectiva de la nueva Directiva RAEE, establecer un modelo de decla- ración de la información único para todos los SIG, que haga comparables los datos reportados por los diferentes participantes: los SIG, gestores, puntos de recogida, etc. Esto facilitaría un mejor control y consolidación de los datos a nivel autonómico y estatal.

Maite Etayo is technical and reporting manager at ERP Spain.

What does the technical and reports area do in ERP Spain?Our main role is to comply with the obligations on information that ERP assumes on behalf of its producers. This information is defined in the applicable law and in the authorisa-tions that the different regions give to us, both concerning WEEE as WB&A. We are also responsible for the application and consequent update and review of the different authorisa-tions of our two schemes.

What do those obligations particularly refer to?Every year schemes send an annual report to the different administra-tion entities involved. This report is

certified by an external auditor with the results obtained by the IMS during the former year. Last year, this meant a total of 38 customized reports.In addition to this, throughout the whole year we take care of other information requests from the regions as a result of different follow-up meetings to check the framework agreements, authorisation records or any inquiries they may have.

What would be the content of these annual reports?The information requested is quite thorough. It includes collection data covering national, regional, provincial, municipal information; it is even sorted by zip codes (this only applies to WB&A). It also includes management results, not only at a national level but also at a regional scope. The submission of those waste management data at regional level means a major challenge regarding the traceability of waste, since we must be able to establish the link through the entire management chain. In order to get this information we rely on our computer system Flex, which monitors, records and documents every movement or action.

Is there a common model to address this infor-mation?For WB&A, the IMS have developed an agreed and unique report template for all regions, what makes everything much easier. However, in WEEE reports this has not been possible, and we have to adapt it to the different requirements of each and every region, making it difficult to extract and process data automatically.

What could be improved?It is of high importance, particularly under the new WEEE Directive’s vision, to establish a unique model of information statement to all schemes, which makes the data reported by different participants subject of comparison: schemes, managers, collection points, etc. This would help to improve the control and consoli-dation of data at a regional and at a national level.




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Composición pequeño aparato electrodoméstico (PAE) Small domestic appliance (SDA) composition

Materiais / Materials

















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* Retardantes de llama bromados Brominated flame retardant








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PROPRIEDADE | PROPERTYERP Portugal - Associação Gestora de ResíduosCentro Empresarial Ribeira da Penha LongaRua D. Dinis Bordalo Pinheiro, 467B2645-539 Alcabideche - PortugalTel.: (+351) 21 911 96 30Fax: (+351) 21 911 96 39

[email protected]

NIF: 507 321 634
















“O segundo trimestre deste ano foi marcado por diversos acontecimentos que firmaram a missão e posicionamento da ERP Portugal.

A descida das prestações financeiras a suportar pelos Produtores que integram os Sistemas Integrados de Gestão da ERP, nos dois fluxos específicos de resíduos, reflecte os esforços da entidade gestora, no sentido de beneficiar os seus utentes, criando vantagens competi-tivas e respondendo às oscilações do mercado e ao enquadramento económico nacional.

O testemunho de Francisco Miranda, da Staples, responde a várias questões de alinha-mento estratégico da empresa, entre as quais a transferência de responsabilidade pela gestão de REEE (Resíduos de Equipamentos Eléctricos e Electrónicos) e RPA (Resíduos de Pilhas e Acumuladores) para a ERP Portugal.

No campo das acções de comunicação e sensibilização, destaco a parceria com a Câmara Municipal da Amadora, no âmbito das comemorações do Dia Mundial do Ambiente, bem como o desafio “Quilos de Ajuda”, lançado pela Worten, com o apoio da ERP.

Aproveito para anunciar a 2ª edição do ERP Remember Cascais, a ter lugar nos dias 6 e 7 de Setembro, em Cascais. Não faltem! Será um Festival onde bandas dos anos 80 trarão à nossa memória os tempos de um passado recente!” Ricardo NetoDirector Ibérico ERP

“This year´s second quarter was marked by several events which settle ERP Portugal´s mission and positioning.

The decrease of the fees to be supported by the Producers that are part of ERP´s Integrated Management Systems, in the two specific wastes´ flows, reflect the compliance scheme’s efforts to benefit its members by creating competitive advan-tages and responding to the market´s variation and national economic context.

Francisco Miranda´s testimony, from Staples, responds to several issues related to the company´s strategic alignment, such as the WEEE (Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment) and WB&A (Waste of Batteries an Accumulators) management responsibility transferred to ERP Portugal.

Regarding the communication and awareness activities, I highlight the partnership with Amadora Municipal Hall in the context of the World Environment Day, as well as the challenge “Kilograms of Help”, launched by Worten, with ERP´s support.

I would also like to take this opportunity to announce ERP Remember Cascais´s 2nd edition which will take place in Cascais, on September 6th and 7th. Don´t miss it! It will be a festival where bands from the 80´s will bring back to us good times from recent past!”

Ricardo NetoERP’s Iberia Manager

04, 05, 06 | 2013


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Semana do Ambiente3 a 6 de Junho | Amadora Environment Week | June 3th to 6th | Amadora


Semana organizada pela Câmara Municipal da Amadora com o objectivo de destacar a importância do tema “Ambiente”.

Várias sessões do jogo da reciclagem coloriram o Eco-Espaço, dando a conhecer a diversas escolas locais os principais conceitos sobre o tratamento dos REEE e pilhas em fim de vida.

“Neste jogo conhecemos as personagens da Equipa dos REEE e ficámos a saber que o Depositrão é para colocarmos os electrodomésticos mais pequeninos.” Matilde Sousa, aluna do Externato Viveirinho

“A Semana do Ambiente é uma excelente oportuni-dade para reforçarmos a relevância do tema, chamando para a agenda do dia conceitos como resíduos (REEE e pilhas usadas), reciclagem ou matérias-primas. Os grupos que participaram no jogo mostraram grande afinidade com as persona-gens da Equipa dos REEE, em linha com a estratégia de comunicação e sensibilização da ERP Portugal.”

Filipa Moita, Responsável de Comunicação e Sensibilização da ERP Portugal

Week organized by Amadora Municipal Hall to highlight the importance of the “Environment” subject.

Several playing sessions of the recycling game colored the Eco-Space and introduced the main concepts about WEEE and used batteries treatment.

“During this game we met the WEEE Team characters and learned that the Depositrão is used to deposit small home appliances.” Matilde Sousa, student of Externato Viveirinho School

“The Environment Week is an excellent opportu-nity to reinforce the importance of the subject, as it brings to the daily agenda concepts such as waste (WEEE and used batteries), recycling or raw materials. The groups that participated in the games showed a big affinity with the WEEE Team, in line with ERP Portugal’s Communication and Awareness strategy.”

Filipa Moita, ERP Portugal’s PR Manager

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Quilos de Ajuda5 a 8 de Junho | Lojas WORTEN

Entre os dias 5 e 8 de Junho, foi possível contribuir com peso de resíduos e dos clientes Worten para ajudar diversas instituições de cariz social, distribuídas por todo o país.

O peso acumulado (1.478.034 kg) foi transformado em equipamentos novos a entregar às instituições (parceria Banco de Bens Doados), no valor total de 74.000€. A acção foi divulgada em diversos meios de comunicação, tendo a RTP e a RFM como media partners.

A ERP Portugal apoiou esta iniciativa, dando o destino correcto aos resíduos recolhidos.

Between June 5 and 8 it was possible to contribute with the weight of the wastes and of Worten´s customers to help several social institutions all over the country.

The accumulate waste (1.478.034 kg) was transformed into new equipments to be delivered to those institutions (partnership with Donated Goods Bank), in a total amount of 74.000€. The activity was communicated in different media, having RTP and RFM as media partners.

ERP Portugal supported this initiative by giving the correct destination to the collected waste.




Kilograms of Help | June 5th to 8th | WORTEN Stores

A ERP Portugal regressará ao Hipódromo Manuel Possolo para dar cor à 2ª edição do ERP Remember Cascais, este ano com a assinatura The Recycling Festival.

No recinto do evento serão implementadas várias iniciativas de sensibilização ambiental, visando desta-car a importância da correcta gestão de equipamentos e pilhas em fim de vida (fluxos específicos de resíduos geridos pela ERP Portugal).

Nos dias 6 e 7 de Setembro, várias bandas da década de 80 recordarão temas bem conhecidos de todos.

O cartaz foi anunciado no dia 12 de Abril, na Museu Casa das Histórias Paula Rego, pelas vozes da organização do festival (Palco da Primavera), ERP Portugal e Câmara de Cascais.

Para mais informações, por favor visite: ou facebook/erp.portugal

ERP Portugal will return to Hipódromo Manuel Possolo in order to bring to life the 2nd edition of the ERP Remember Cascais music festival, this year with the signature of The Recycling Festival.

In the event´s arena we will implement different initia-tives regarding environmental awareness aiming at highlighting the importance of correct guidance of end

of life equipments and batteries (wastes´ specific flows managed by ERP Portugal).

On September 6th and 7th several bands from the 80s will play well known songs.

The bands alignment was announced on April 12th in Museu Casa das Histórias Paula Rego by the festival´s Organization Team (Palco da Primavera), ERP Portugal and Cascais Municipal Hall.

For more information, please visit: or facebook/erp.portugal

2ª Edição ERP Remember Cascais 2nd Edition ERP Remember Cascais

Page 17: 04, 05, 06 | 2013 BOLETÍN IBÉRICO ERP · 2017-08-09 · boletÍn ibÉrico erp erp iberia newsletter dowturn of the market: impact on weee and wb&a management (part ii) impacto en

Já terminou o prazo definido para a participação das escolas nas actividades da campanha Geração Depositrão - recolha de resíduos e enunciados criativos propostos de acordo com os níveis de escolaridade.

Ao longo do ano lectivo, diversas escolas participaram activamente nesta campanha, ajudando a limpar Portugal.

Os resultados serão conhecidos no próximo trimestre, de acordo com os seguintes critérios:

It has already ended the timeline defined for the school´s participation in the Depositrão Genera- tion’s campaign activities - wastes´ collection and creative statements proposed, according to the different school levels.

Throughout the school year, several schools actively participated in this campaign, helping to clean up Portugal.

The results will be revealed next quarter, according to the following criteria:

Collection activity - 3 schools that achieve the higher number of total credits and 3 schools, which have the higher number of credits per student;

Creative Activities - total of 12 schools distributed per challenges: creating a board game (1st level), execution of an advertising spot (2nd level) and WEEE Upcycling (all levels).

Actividade de Recolha - 3 escolas que totalizarem maior número de créditos totais e 3 escolas em créditos por aluno;

Actividades Criativas - total de 12 escolas, distribuídas pelos desafios: construção de um jogo de tabuleiro (1º escalão), realização de um spot publicitário (2º escalão) e REEE Upcycling (todos os escalões).

Geração Depositrão 5


Depositrão Generation 505


Jogo de TabuleiroBoard Game

REEE Upcycling WEEE Upcycling









Resumo Trabalhos Criativos Geração Depositrão 5 / Summary Creative Works Depositrão Generation 5

Desafios Criativos Geração Depositrão 5 / Creative Challenges Depositrão Generation 5






n TOTALn %


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A Staples é uma empresa que coloca diversos equipamentos eléctricos e electrónicos no mercado, bem como pilhas e acumuladores, o que a identifica como “Produtor”. A ERP é responsável pela gestão dos resíduos desta marca em ambos os fluxos específicos de resíduos.

Neste sentido, damos a conhecer a opinião de Francisco Miranda acerca desta parceria.

A Responsabilidade Ambiental tem sido uma preocupação da Staples. Em países como Portu-gal, a responsabilidade pela gestão de REEE e RPA foi transferida para a ERP Portugal, desta-cando esta preocupação. Quais os principais aspectos que motivaram esta parceria?Os principais aspectos que motivaram esta parceria foram a elevada experiência demonstrada, assim como a capacidade do ERP em reconhecer as dificuldades do cliente e consequentemente de apresentar soluções adequadas a este.

A descida das prestações financeiras a suportar pelos Produtores é um grande objectivo da ERP, no sentido de oferecer uma pacote de serviços mais competitivo. Como este factor influencia o negócio da empresa?Todo o incremento que seja imputado ao valor da mercadoria prejudica a proposta de preço a apresentar ao consumidor. A Staples trabalha sempre no sentido de obter a melhor oferta aos melhores preços para os nossos Clientes, por este motivo consideramos que o factor apontado (descida das prestações financeiras) tem uma elevada importância estratégica.

Staples is a company that puts several electrical and electronic equipment on the market, as well as batteries and accumulators, which classifies it as a “Producer”. ERP is responsible for this company´s wastes´ management, regarding both specific wastes’ flows.

As such, we present Francisco Miranda´s opinion about this partnership.

Environmental Responsibility has been one of Staples´s concerns. In countries such as Portu-gal the responsibility for managing WEEE and WB&A was transferred to ERP Portugal, reinfor- cing this concern.Which are the main aspects that motivated this partnership?The main aspects that motivated this partnership were the great experience demonstrated as well as ERP´s capacity to recognize customers´ difficulties and, consequently, to present the best solutions, adapted to each Customers´ needs.

The decrease in the fees to be paid by the Producers is one of ERP´s great objectives in the sense of offering the most competitive services´ package.How does this fact influence the company`s business?All increases that are reflected on the products’ value damages the price proposal we present to the customer. Staples always presents the best price offer to its Customers; as such, we consider that fact (decrease of the fees) has a high strategic importance.




“(…) o factor apontado (descida das prestações financeiras)tem uma elevada importância estratégica.”

“(…) that fact (decrease of the fees) has a high strategic importance.”

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A Política de Responsabilidade Ambiental deve ser transmitida ao público interno (colabora- dores) e aos clientes/consumidores. Quais as iniciativas implementadas para comu-nicar esta questão? Estas iniciativas também são introduzidas noutros países?A Staples divulgou e continua a divulgar a sua Política de Responsabilidade Ambiental quer a nível Nacional, quer a nível Europeu, quer a nível Mundial. A nível Europeu, este tipo de iniciativa passa pela implementação de acções comerciais, do incremento da gama de produtos fabrica-dos a partir de materiais reciclados, de acções de Respon-sabilidade Social, entre outros. A nível interno (Nacional) privilegiamos a formação através de plataformas de e-learning que disponibilizamos aos nossos colabora-dores, assim como a afixação de diversos cartazes cujo objectivo é o da sensibilização de todos para esta temática. A nível Mundial, são realizadas algumas Campanhas Comemorativas, como foi o caso da Semana da Terra, que decorreu no passado mês de Abril e que envolveu a participação de todas as unidades de negócio da Staples, em todos os países onde esta está presente.

Tendo em conta a dimensão e notoriedade da Staples, quais os produtos que apresentam um maior índice de vendas em Portugal e no contexto Europeu?Os equipamentos eléctricos e electrónicos são os produtos que, dependendo da tendência do Mercado, alternam entre si a liderança de vendas.

Qual a sua opinião no que respeita à percepção dos clientes/consumidores relativamente à gestão/reciclagem dos resíduos? Têm conhecimento dos canais correctos para o encaminhamento de equipamentos e pilhas em fim de vida?Os clientes estão cada vez mais informados sobre as vantagens da reciclagem, sobre o impacto que daí resulta no futuro e eles próprios começam a ser inova-dores no modo de agir. Contudo, o cliente na sua grande maioria não conhece ou questiona sobre o destino a dar aos equipamentos e pilhas em fim de vida pelo que nos parece que deverá haver mais incidência na divulgação dos mesmos.

The Environmental Responsibility Policy should be passed on to internal audience (employees) as well as customers/ consumers. Which initiatives were implemented in order to communicate this matter? Are these initiatives also introduced in other countries?Staples released and continues to release its Envi-ronmental Responsibility Policy at National, Euro-pean and Worldwide level. At European level this kind of initiatives include implementing commercial activities, increasing the range of products produced with recycled material, as well as Social Responsibi- lity activities, amongst others. Internally (Nation- wide), we prefer training through e-learning platforms that we make available to our employees and putting up posters, which objective is to make everyone aware of this subject. At worldwide level we organize some Commemorative Campaigns as was the case of Earth Week, which took place last April and had the participation of all of Staples´ business units, in all the countries where it is present.

Considering Staples´ dimension and notoriety, which products represent a bigger sales volume in Portugal, as well as at European level?Electrical and electronic equipments are the ones that, depending on Market´s trend, alternate with each other in terms of sales leadership.

What is your opinion about customers’/ consumers´ perception in what relates to wastes´ management/ recycling? Do they know what the correct channels for the correct guidance of end of life equipments and batteries are?Customers are, more and more, well informed about the advantages of recycling, the impact it will have in the future and they start to innovate, by their own initiative, in the way they deal with this issue. Although, many customers don´t know or even question what to do with end of life equipments and batteries; as such, we defend that there should exist higher incidence on advertising these options.







FRANCISCO MIRANDADirector de Real Estate, Staples Portugal e Inglaterra / Real State Manager, Staples Portugal and England

É actualmente o Director de Real Estate da Staples Portugal e Inglaterra.Há 20 anos que trabalha na área do Retalho, sendo que iniciou a sua carreira na Staples no ano 2000 na área de expansão. Desde 2009 lidera, igualmente, a equipa de Sustentabilidade & Ambiente.

Francisco Miranda is currently Staples Portugal s and UK´s Real Estate Manager.Francisco has been working in Retail for 20 years, having started his career at Staples in the year 2000, in the expansion area. Since 2009 has also been leading the Sustainability& Environment team.

Page 20: 04, 05, 06 | 2013 BOLETÍN IBÉRICO ERP · 2017-08-09 · boletÍn ibÉrico erp erp iberia newsletter dowturn of the market: impact on weee and wb&a management (part ii) impacto en

Relatando a categoria das lâmpadas fluorescentes (clássicas e compactas) e de descarga e alta pressão, observamos que os valores começaram a descer em Outubro de 2012 (550€/tonelada), correspondendo, actualmente, a 540€/tonelada (decréscimo de 1,8%).As lâmpadas de tecnologia LED passaram a constituir uma categoria própria, derivado das suas características específicas, em 2012, com o valor inicial de 523€ por cada tonelada colocada no mercado, alvo de uma descida de 1,5% (em vigor).

Estes novos valores foram aprovados pela APA (Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente), através do despacho nº 7467/2013, de 11 de Junho do corrente ano.


A extensão da actividade da ERP Portugal no segmento dos Resíduos de Pilhas e Acumuladores teve início a 13 de Março de 2010 (despacho n.º 3862/2010), o que motivou uma oferta concentrada de serviços de gestão de resíduos de fluxos distintos, na mesma entidade.

Os Ecovalores das Pilhas e Acumuladores apresentam, também, descidas bastante expressivas, já que apenas na categoria de baterias portáteis de NiCd (níquel cádmio) o valor por quilograma colocado no mercado é superior ao primeiro período em análise (2009 a 2012), passando de 0,34€/kg para 0,72€/kg.

A maior descida destas prestações financeiras regista-se na categoria de PA portáteis de lítio e outras (41,18%), fazendo-se seguir pelas portáteis alcalinas (26,53%).No segmento das pilhas e acumuladores industriais incorporáveis em EEE (chumbo ácido), o valor decresceu 10% para 0,36€/kg.

Ricardo Neto, Director Ibérico, conclui que “a ERP Portu-gal continuará a desenvolver esforços no sentido de beneficiar o Produtor e proporcionar vantagens competiti-vas às empresas que transferem a sua responsabilidade para a entidade gestora.”





Um dos objectivos da ERP em todos os países onde opera é introduzir o factor concorrência no mercado de gestão de resíduos, dando lugar a diversas vantagens competiti-vas, sobretudo, para os Produtores que transferem essa responsabilidade para a entidade.

À semelhança de qualquer segmento de mercado, um dos pontos fortes consiste na redução de preços que, no que toca a este segmento de mercado, se traduz na descida das prestações financeiras (ecovalores) suporta-das pelos Utentes da ERP, i.e., empresas que colocam no mercado nacional, produzem, ou têm marcas próprias de EEE (Equipamentos Eléctricos e Electrónicos) ou PA (Pilhas e Acumuladores). Por sua vez, estes “ecovalores” serão reflectidos no preço final destes produtos, a sua redução, no final da cadeia, beneficia o consumidor final.


A licença da ERP para operar em Portugal na gestão de REEE data de 27 de Abril de 2006, pelo que os gráficos posteriores demonstram a descida constante dos valores das prestações financeiras suportadas pelos Produtores.

Como podemos verificar no gráfico acima, todas as categorias de EEE com a excepção das lâmpadas, que se deveu à cisão das luminárias para a categoria “Outros”, revelam uma descida consecutiva das prestações financeiras, sobretudo na categoria “Arrefecimento”, cujo valor passou de 345€/tonelada (2006) para 68€/tonelada (decréscimo de 80,30%).

As categorias “Tv e Monitores” e “Outros” apresentam descidas igualmente significativas, embora com um diferencial final (2006-2013) menos acentuado (respectivamente menos 55€ e 53€ por tonelada colocada no mercado).

One of ERP´s objectives, in all the countries where it operates is to introduce the competition factors in the wastes´ management market allowing for different competitive advantages, particularly for the Producers which transfer that responsibility to the compliance scheme.

As any other market segment, one of the most important factors is the price reduction which, in what concerns this particular market segment, is translated into the decrease of fees (ecovalues) supported by ERP Members, i.e., companies which put EEE (Electrical and Electronic Equip-ments) or BA (Batteries and Accumulators) on the national market, produce them or have EEE white brands. On the other hand, these “ecovalues” are reflected in these products´ final price for which its reduction, at the end of the chain, benefits the end customer.


ERP Portugal´s permit to manage WEEE dated from April 27th 2006, the graphics below will demonstrate the constant decrease of the fees supported by the Producers.

As we can see in graphic above, all EEE categories, except for the lamps, due to the fact that the luminaires integrated the “Others” category, show a consecutive decrease in terms of fees, particularly in the “Cold” category whose amount went from 345€/ton (2006) to 68€/ton (a decrease of 80,30%).

The “TV and Monitors” and “Others” categories also present significant decreases although with a total less significant final difference (2006-2013), (minus 55€ and 53€ per ton put on the market, respectively).

In what concerns the fluorescent lamps´ category (classic and compact), as well as high pressure and discharge, we conclude that the amounts started to decrease on October 2012 (550€/ton), which currently corresponds to 540€/ton (a decrease of 1,8%). The LED technology lamps are now in a specific category due to their particular characteristics, in the year 2012, with the initial value of 523€ for each ton put on the market, a decrease of 1,5% (currently in place).

These new amounts were approved by APA (Portuguese Environment Agency) through dispatch nº 7467/2013, of June 11th 2013.


ERP Portugal´s activity extension to the Batteries and Accumulators´ Waste segment started on March 13th 2010 (dispatch nº 3862/2010), which motivated a consolidated offer of wastes´ management, from different flows, in the same compliance scheme.

The Batteries and Accumulators´ Ecovalues also present expressive decreases since only in the NiCd (nickel cadmium) portable batteries category the amount per kg put on the market is higher than the first period being analyzed (2009 to 2012), going from 0,34€/kg to 0,72€/kg.

The biggest decrease in these fees is in the portable lithium and others BA category (41,18%), followed by the portable alkaline BA (26,53%).In the industrial batteries and accumulators which may be incorporated in EEE (lead-acid), the amount decreased 10% to a value of 0,36€/kg.

Ricardo Neto, Iberia Manager, concluded that “ERP Portu-gal will continue to develop efforts in order to benefit the Producer and bring competitive advantages to the companies which transfer their responsibility to the compliance scheme.”


Grandes ElectrodomésticosLarge Household Appliances

Lâmpadas LEDLED Lamps

Lâmpadas fluorescentes(clássicas e compactas)

descarga e baixa pressãoFluorescent lamps (classic and compact),

high pressure and discharge ones


TV e MonitoresTv and Monitors











Evolução Prestações Financeiras EEE / EEE Fees Evolution€/Toneladas - €/Tons

Categorias EEE - EEE Categories



680 680







0 0 0

n 01/01/2005 - 31/12/2006n 01/01/2007 - 31/12/2008n 01/01/2009 - 01/10/2012n 02/10/2012 - 10/06/2013n A partir de 11/06/2013 Since 11/06/2013

Page 21: 04, 05, 06 | 2013 BOLETÍN IBÉRICO ERP · 2017-08-09 · boletÍn ibÉrico erp erp iberia newsletter dowturn of the market: impact on weee and wb&a management (part ii) impacto en

Relatando a categoria das lâmpadas fluorescentes (clássicas e compactas) e de descarga e alta pressão, observamos que os valores começaram a descer em Outubro de 2012 (550€/tonelada), correspondendo, actualmente, a 540€/tonelada (decréscimo de 1,8%).As lâmpadas de tecnologia LED passaram a constituir uma categoria própria, derivado das suas características específicas, em 2012, com o valor inicial de 523€ por cada tonelada colocada no mercado, alvo de uma descida de 1,5% (em vigor).

Estes novos valores foram aprovados pela APA (Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente), através do despacho nº 7467/2013, de 11 de Junho do corrente ano.


A extensão da actividade da ERP Portugal no segmento dos Resíduos de Pilhas e Acumuladores teve início a 13 de Março de 2010 (despacho n.º 3862/2010), o que motivou uma oferta concentrada de serviços de gestão de resíduos de fluxos distintos, na mesma entidade.

Os Ecovalores das Pilhas e Acumuladores apresentam, também, descidas bastante expressivas, já que apenas na categoria de baterias portáteis de NiCd (níquel cádmio) o valor por quilograma colocado no mercado é superior ao primeiro período em análise (2009 a 2012), passando de 0,34€/kg para 0,72€/kg.

A maior descida destas prestações financeiras regista-se na categoria de PA portáteis de lítio e outras (41,18%), fazendo-se seguir pelas portáteis alcalinas (26,53%).No segmento das pilhas e acumuladores industriais incorporáveis em EEE (chumbo ácido), o valor decresceu 10% para 0,36€/kg.

Ricardo Neto, Director Ibérico, conclui que “a ERP Portu-gal continuará a desenvolver esforços no sentido de beneficiar o Produtor e proporcionar vantagens competiti-vas às empresas que transferem a sua responsabilidade para a entidade gestora.”


Um dos objectivos da ERP em todos os países onde opera é introduzir o factor concorrência no mercado de gestão de resíduos, dando lugar a diversas vantagens competiti-vas, sobretudo, para os Produtores que transferem essa responsabilidade para a entidade.

À semelhança de qualquer segmento de mercado, um dos pontos fortes consiste na redução de preços que, no que toca a este segmento de mercado, se traduz na descida das prestações financeiras (ecovalores) suporta-das pelos Utentes da ERP, i.e., empresas que colocam no mercado nacional, produzem, ou têm marcas próprias de EEE (Equipamentos Eléctricos e Electrónicos) ou PA (Pilhas e Acumuladores). Por sua vez, estes “ecovalores” serão reflectidos no preço final destes produtos, a sua redução, no final da cadeia, beneficia o consumidor final.


A licença da ERP para operar em Portugal na gestão de REEE data de 27 de Abril de 2006, pelo que os gráficos posteriores demonstram a descida constante dos valores das prestações financeiras suportadas pelos Produtores.

Como podemos verificar no gráfico acima, todas as categorias de EEE com a excepção das lâmpadas, que se deveu à cisão das luminárias para a categoria “Outros”, revelam uma descida consecutiva das prestações financeiras, sobretudo na categoria “Arrefecimento”, cujo valor passou de 345€/tonelada (2006) para 68€/tonelada (decréscimo de 80,30%).

As categorias “Tv e Monitores” e “Outros” apresentam descidas igualmente significativas, embora com um diferencial final (2006-2013) menos acentuado (respectivamente menos 55€ e 53€ por tonelada colocada no mercado).

One of ERP´s objectives, in all the countries where it operates is to introduce the competition factors in the wastes´ management market allowing for different competitive advantages, particularly for the Producers which transfer that responsibility to the compliance scheme.

As any other market segment, one of the most important factors is the price reduction which, in what concerns this particular market segment, is translated into the decrease of fees (ecovalues) supported by ERP Members, i.e., companies which put EEE (Electrical and Electronic Equip-ments) or BA (Batteries and Accumulators) on the national market, produce them or have EEE white brands. On the other hand, these “ecovalues” are reflected in these products´ final price for which its reduction, at the end of the chain, benefits the end customer.


ERP Portugal´s permit to manage WEEE dated from April 27th 2006, the graphics below will demonstrate the constant decrease of the fees supported by the Producers.

As we can see in graphic above, all EEE categories, except for the lamps, due to the fact that the luminaires integrated the “Others” category, show a consecutive decrease in terms of fees, particularly in the “Cold” category whose amount went from 345€/ton (2006) to 68€/ton (a decrease of 80,30%).

The “TV and Monitors” and “Others” categories also present significant decreases although with a total less significant final difference (2006-2013), (minus 55€ and 53€ per ton put on the market, respectively).


In what concerns the fluorescent lamps´ category (classic and compact), as well as high pressure and discharge, we conclude that the amounts started to decrease on October 2012 (550€/ton), which currently corresponds to 540€/ton (a decrease of 1,8%). The LED technology lamps are now in a specific category due to their particular characteristics, in the year 2012, with the initial value of 523€ for each ton put on the market, a decrease of 1,5% (currently in place).

These new amounts were approved by APA (Portuguese Environment Agency) through dispatch nº 7467/2013, of June 11th 2013.


ERP Portugal´s activity extension to the Batteries and Accumulators´ Waste segment started on March 13th 2010 (dispatch nº 3862/2010), which motivated a consolidated offer of wastes´ management, from different flows, in the same compliance scheme.

The Batteries and Accumulators´ Ecovalues also present expressive decreases since only in the NiCd (nickel cadmium) portable batteries category the amount per kg put on the market is higher than the first period being analyzed (2009 to 2012), going from 0,34€/kg to 0,72€/kg.

The biggest decrease in these fees is in the portable lithium and others BA category (41,18%), followed by the portable alkaline BA (26,53%).In the industrial batteries and accumulators which may be incorporated in EEE (lead-acid), the amount decreased 10% to a value of 0,36€/kg.

Ricardo Neto, Iberia Manager, concluded that “ERP Portu-gal will continue to develop efforts in order to benefit the Producer and bring competitive advantages to the companies which transfer their responsibility to the compliance scheme.”



IndustriaisIncorporáveis em EEE Chumbo-Ácido

Industrialincorporable in EEE Lead-Acid

Portáteis Botão



Portable Lead-Acid

Portáteis Iões de Lítio

PortableLithium Ion

Portáteis NiCd


Portáteis NiMH


Portáteis Lítio e outras

PortableLithium and others

Portáteis Zinco Carbono













Prestações Financeiras PA / BA Fees€/Kg

Categorias PA - BA Categories
















n 2009 - 2012n 2013

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Anteriormente, revelamos os testemunhos de Dora Caria e Luís Domingues, responsáveis pelas questões de Auditoria e Qualidade e Tecnologias de Informação, a seu turno.

Nesta edição, apresentamos Ana Rodrigues e Rita França, com cargos que ultrapassam as fronteiras nacionais.

Ana Rodrigues, Responsável Ibérica do Centro de Atendimento

“A minha experiência na ERP tem sido bastante rica e dinâmica, já que comecei na componente adminis-trativa, tendo passado pelo apoio e gestão de Clientes e, actualmente, sou responsável pelo Centro de Operações Ibérico.

Esta função conduziu-me a novas experiências, novos conhecimentos e novos desafios. A aprendizagem da Língua de “nuestros hermanos” tornou-se essencial e a gestão de ferramentas informáticas especialmente desenhadas para este trabalho fazem parte da minha missão. É gratificante fazer parte da evolução da história da ERP Portugal, tendo contribuído com a minha dedicação desde os primeiros dias!”

Rita França,Controller Financeira Europeia

“A minha entrada para os quadros da ERP data do ano de 2008. Após ter trabalhado em diversas empresas, sempre na área financeira, abracei este desafio aliciante, dada a sua dimensão. O planeamento financeiro, bem como a sua organização e verificação fazem parte das minhas tarefas nesta organização.Tratando-se de um segmento de mercado bastante específico (gestão de resíduos), esta missão tem enrique-cido bastante a minha experiência profissional, já que exige uma grande capacidade de gestão dos diferentes enquadramentos financeiros de países distintos, sobre- tudo quando atravessamos uma crise económica, igualmente, além fronteiras!”

Previously, we revealed the testimonies of Dora Caria and Luís Domingues, responsibles for the Audit and Quality and IT issues, respectively.

In this edition we present Ana Rodrigues and Rita França, employees with jobs which go beyond national borders.

Ana Rodrigues, Iberia Responsible for the Call Center

“My experience in ERP has been quite rich and dynamic, as I started in an administrative job having also worked in Customer support and management and, currently, I’m responsible for the Iberia Opera-tions Center.

This position lead me to new experiences, new knowledge and new challenges. Having learned the language of “nuestros hermanos” became essential to managing the IT tools specially designed for this job and which are part of my mission. It is to me gratifying to be part of ERP Portugal´s evolution, having dedicated myself to it from the early days!”

Rita França,Finance European Controller

“I joined ERP in 2008. Having worked in different companies, always in the financial area, I decided to come on board this challenge due to its dimen-sion. Financial planning, as well as its organiza-tion and checking, are part of my tasks in this organization. The fact that the wastes´ management market is a very specific segment, this mission has enriched my professional experience as it requires a big capacity to manage different financial contexts, from different countries, particularly when we are going through an equally outer boundaries´ economic crisis.”


Funções do Centro de Atendimento:. Recepção e processamento de pedidos de recolha;. Controlo e monitorização do processo de recolha; . Avaliação e verificação da documentação inerente às operações envolvidas na gestão dos resíduos.

Call Centers´ activities:. Receiving and processing the collection requests; . Control and monitor of the collection process; . Evaluation and checking of all the documents related to the operations involved in the wastes´ management.

Funções do Departamento de Controlo Financeiro:. Gestão do orçamento correspondente a cada país;. Verificação e controlo dos fluxos financeiros e documentação correspondente.

Financial Control´s activities: . Managing each country´s budget;. Checking and control of financial flows and related documents.

Page 23: 04, 05, 06 | 2013 BOLETÍN IBÉRICO ERP · 2017-08-09 · boletÍn ibÉrico erp erp iberia newsletter dowturn of the market: impact on weee and wb&a management (part ii) impacto en

O concurso de moda Junk Kouture, em associação com a ERP, encerrou em Abril de 2013. O concurso lança o desafio aos alunos das Escolas Secundárias Irlandesas para a criação de peças de vestuário elaboradas com materiais de resíduos. Mais de 2500 alunos inscreveram-se no concurso, 4000 pessoas participaram nas competições regionais e mais de 2200 assistiram à grande final no Teatro Bord Gais, tendo os ingressos esgotado no prazo de 27 horas. O “Ultra Violet Wash” foi anunciado como grupo vencedor. O vestido foi criado totalmente com mo- las, ao estilo de um guerreiro Samurai japonês. O “Orage Electrique” foi a pe- ça que chamou a atenção da juíza da ERP, Yvonne Hol- mes, à qual foi atribuído o Prémio REEE. Este fato fez parte do grupo de melhores peças de REEE. O prémio foi atribuído por Martin Tobin, CEO da ERP Irlanda.

The Junk Kouture Recycled Fashion Competition in association with ERP closed in April 2013. The competition sets the challenge to secondary school students from across Ireland to create a couture outfit made from waste materials.

Over 2500 students entered the competition, 4000 people attended the regionals and over 2200 attended the grand final in the Bord Gais Energy Theatre with the tickets selling out in 27 hours. ‘Ultra

Violet Wash’ was announced as the ‘Winning Team’. The dress was ma- de completely from pegs and in the style of a Japanese samurai warrior. Orage Electrique was the outfit that caught the eye of ERP judge Yvonne Holmes and was awarded with the WEEE Prize. This outfit incorporated the best items of WEEE. The prize was presented by Martin Tobin, CEO from ERP Ireland.





A ERP Portugal desafiou o Centro de Valorização de Resíduos (Universidade do Minho) para a realização de uma caracterização física e química do vidro CRT (Cathodic Ray Tube).

Através desta investigação, realizada em 2012, concluímos que é possível preparar o vidro de CRT para ser utilizado em aplicações, tais como aditivos para betuminosos e cerâmicas.

Portugal challenged the Wastes´ Recovery Center (Minho University) in order to carry out a physical and chemical evaluation of the CRT (Cathodic Ray Tube) glass.

Through this investigation, which took place in 2012, we came to the conclusion that it is possible to prepare CRT glass to be used in applications such as additives for ceramics and bituminous.




Page 24: 04, 05, 06 | 2013 BOLETÍN IBÉRICO ERP · 2017-08-09 · boletÍn ibÉrico erp erp iberia newsletter dowturn of the market: impact on weee and wb&a management (part ii) impacto en




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