
P A G E 2

MarchMarch BirthdaysBirthdays && AnniversariesAnniversaries Inside this issue:Inside this issue:

Anniversaries for Mar. 2

Birthdays for Mar. 2

Calendar for Mar. 11

Call Team Update 7

Christian Life Formation 4

Crosstalk 3

Financial Peace Univ. 8

Financial Report 9

FLC Thrivent 7

Haven of Rest 10

Human Care News 10

Lenten Dinners 2

Outdoor Sign 6

Parish Arts Concert 9

School Ministry 5

Thank You 8

Thrivent 8

JanJan AttendanceAttendance

6th 8am 39

9:30am 142

11am 75

13th 8am 38

9:30am 150

11am 105

20th 8am 44

9:30am 146

11am 155

27th 8am 38

9:30am 151

11am 121

Submissions for the April

Connections are due Monday morning,

Mar 18, 2013 Please Email to:

[email protected] Connections mailing will be Thur., Mar. 21, 2013

2 David & Kay Price 15 John & Elizabeth Heil 18 Eric & Oraline Jorgenson 20 Harry & Delores Scheu 23 Brad & Karen Cole 25 Eric & Karen Seagren 28 Jerry & Ursula Gould 29 Charles & LaDonn Eckberg 30 Ted & Fran Urbach

Happy AnniversaryHappy Anniversary

Happy BirthdayHappy Birthday

1 Max Zaremba 2 Don Raabe 2 Art Weitzel 2 Kara Pflueger 2 Levi Federwitz 3 Andrea Labay 3 Hannah Parks 4 Carolyn Summers 4 Kevin Popa 5 Henry Signore 6 Cindy Kessler 6 Alison Miller 6 Bruce Frank 6 Jeff Burns 7 Barb Cadotte 7 Mason Rusyniak 8 Dale Miller 9 Hannah Krisinski 10 Alexis Manuel 10 Bill Burkett 12 Jessie Loman 13 Mary Dee Raabe 13 Lynn Flanick

14 Ann Saiben 14 Mark Seevers 14 Kelly Starkey 17 Regina Fraser 18 Kaden Koehler 19 Betty Hazen 19 Kyle Kacprzynski 19 Natalie Fortney 20 Kendra Fortney 21 Ann Fiocca 22 Gabriella Cannata 22 Hannah Federwitz 25 Judy Johnson 26 Marilyn Bulgrin 26 Nancy Mariano 26 Melissa Ludwig 29 Paul Flanick 29 Stephanie McCarty 30 George Wahl 30 Brian Gillette 31 Bernice Rivers 31 Oraline Jorgenson

Preaching Schedule March 3 Pr. Taylor 6 Pr. Taylor 10 Pr. Fitzpatrick 13 Pr. Taylor 17 Pr. Taylor 20 Pr. Taylor 24 Pastoral Support 28 Pr. Taylor 29 Pr. Taylor 31 Pr. Taylor April 7 TBA Pr. Taylor 21 Pastoral

Support 28 Pr. Taylor

~Lent Worship ~

Services 6:30pm Suppers 5:30pm

Maundy Thursday 28th ~ 7pm

Good Friday 29th ~ 7pm

Easter Sunday ~ 8am, 9:30am & 11am

P A G E 3

CrosstalkCrosstalk Tim KoehlerTim Koehler

“Let us also go that we may die with Him” (John 11:16)

“Unless I see in His hands the print of the nails and put my hand into His side, I will not be-lieve” (John 20:25)

Above we see two quotes from the disciple Thomas. He is probably most famous for his “Doubting Thomas”

quote in John 20:25. And at first glance they both may seem very pessimistic and negative. But as I was studying

for an upcoming Bible study I saw a different side of Thomas.

Jesus had left Jerusalem because His life was in jeopardy there and “He went away again beyond the Jordan to

the place where John was baptizing at first, and there He stayed” (John 10:40). People came out to hear Jesus

preach. “And many believed in Him there” (v.42). This was one of the best times in ministry the disciples had wit-

nessed since they started to follow Jesus. People were responsive, being saved, and Jesus was able to minister

freely without opposition.

But something happened to interrupt their time there. ‘Now a certain man was sick, Lazarus of Bethany, the town

of Mary and her sister Martha.” (John 11:1-2). As you may know Jesus was very good friends with Lazarus.

Mary and Martha sent word to Jesus saying, “Lord, behold, he whom You love is sick” (v.3). They knew if Jesus

came He would be able to heal Lazarus. If Jesus went that close to Jerusalem, He was walking into hostility. John

10:39 says the Jewish leaders were seeking to seize Him. He had eluded their grasp once already, but if He re-

turned to Bethany, they were certain to find out, and would try again.

Because of Jesus’ great love for His friend, He decided to go see them. The disciples thought this was crazy. They

said rabbi, lately the Jews sought to stone You, and are You going there again?” (John 11:8). They obviously did

not want to go back and die. But Jesus reassured them they had nothing to fear.

Jesus tells them plainly in verses 13-15 that Lazarus is dead and that He is going back regardless. It is at this point

that Thomas speaks up. “Let us also go that we may die with Him” (John 11:16)

This could either be viewed as sarcastic and pessimistic or it could be viewed as heroic and courageous. Here sits

Thomas knowing that people in Jerusalem are ready to kill Jesus and the other disciples. Yet he is willing to fol-

low Jesus and trust Him with his life. This seems to me to be the action of courageous follower of Jesus.

This leaves me with a few questions: Are we willing to do the same? Are we willing to be the light in this dark

dangerous world? Are we willing to set the example for those around us? To be the first ones to stand up and say

“Lets roll”?

We seem to be living in a “seeing is believing” world. A world where if it looks good, feels good, sounds good,

then it must be good. A world where decisions are made purely based on fear of consequences, not morality, in-

tegrity or faith.

Jesus was willing to risk His life for a friend to show the disciples that being a follower wasn’t just doing what is

right or what is good. It was about trusting that God had their best interest in mind. That His going back to raise

Lazarus form the dead would strengthen the faith of others and encourage others to take leaps of faith. He

wanted them to live in a “believing is seeing” world.

When we believe in Jesus and what He did for us, we see the Holy Spirit at work in our lives and

the lives of others around us. We see that God has a plan for us. We see the truth and the power

in His Word.

Let us also go that we may live our lives for that all may see Him.

Christian Life FormationChristian Life Formation ~ Tim & Heidi Koehler~ Tim & Heidi Koehler

P A G E 4

Monthly Service Project:

This month our Jr. High and High school youth served at Ha-

ven of Rest. Peeling potatoes, making Easter decorations, you

name it our youth helped . Each month youth participate in a

monthly service project. This allows our youth to interact and

learn what it means to serve and to Love in our own commu-


International Mission Trip Meeting

Our next meeting will be March 17, 2013 at 12:15ish.

We are getting to know each other. We have set values that will help

guide our trip. Our goals are:

Connect to Christ

Connect to Each other

Then serve

We cannot wait to see how God will use us in this poor country.

Girl’s Night:Girl’s Night:Girl’s Night:Girl’s Night:

Our Girls are studying “how to conquer insecurity”. They meet each

week at Starbucks and while at the coffee shop, it is amazing to see the opportuni-

ties God is providing for them to interact and share the Good News with the other

people who walk in to “just” get coffee.


April 20, 2013 will

be our Spaghetti dinner.

Homemade meatballs and

sauce will be served over spa-

ghetti this year. This dinner

will help to raise funds for our

mission trip to Guatamala.

Please consider signing up for

a table or just for your family.

Reservation will begin to be

taken in March.


This men’s bible study meets each Tues-

day at 6:30am at The Landing (located on

first level below the staircase). If you

would like to learn more about the 12, dis-

ciples that is, and spend quality time get-

ting to know fellow brothers of Christ

please consider joining this group. For

more information contact Tim Koehler.

The Landing (parent ministry)

In March & April the Landing will discuss the topic of Worship.

Session #1: How to Worship God

♦ Worship is saying, “I love you, God.”

♦ Worship happens as both lifestyle and planned routine.

♦ Your child’s worship life begins with you.

Session #2: Worship and Media

♦ What’s filling your child’s mind? ♦ Use the power of video.

♦ Use the power of music

Session #3: Bless Your Child With a Life of Worship

♦ Have God-talk at home

♦ Fill the kit

♦ Bless your child

P A G E 5

Lutheran School

Moments By: School Ministry Director, Karla McDivitt











Generous donations via

gift cards; and tuition

monies have helped a

church & school family

tremendously while

mom deals with breast

cancer. The students’

tuition is paid for this

year and part of next


Worth Quoting

From a mom, via email, after reading my letter to the school

families regarding the call in Michigan: “Hayden (her husband)

and I always say that being a Christian helps you to not make a

decision in haste because we have to wait for His direction. I

have such admiration for those who can hand Him the wheel. I

have your letter right here to remind us everyday to keep you

close in prayer.” I think this says a lot about the

families we serve through our school ministry.

Week 3

Lamb-A soft warm lamb reminds us of the gentleness and patience of Jesus. (find a picture of a lamb or a stuffed animal)

Prayer 3:

Dear God, thank you for the people in our lives that care for us. With their patience and gentleness we will grow up to be

safe and happy. Help us to always be kind and gentle with others. Amen. (tell who was kind to you today, or who you

were kind to)

Week 4

Cross-The cross reminds us of the sacrifice Jesus made for us. What a great gift of love! (cut out a cross shape on paper)

Prayer 4:

Dear God, thank you for being with us in our hearts when we are alone or scared. Today we pray that you are in the hearts

of those who are sick and afraid. Amen. (write a prayer request on the cross, pray that prayer throughout lent)

Week 5

Seeds-Beautiful, living grass is a sign of new growth, new life and new beginnings. A sure sign of spring! (pick up some

seeds at a local store) Prayer 5:

Dear God, thank you for all of the beautiful flowers, trees and grass you have put on this Earth. Help us to remember to

take good care of the plants, animals, and water of our Earth. Amen. (plant the grass seeds in the soil, and watch it grow!)

Week 6

Fabric-As Jesus rode to Jerusalem on Palm Sunday people proclaimed Him their long awaited Messiah or King. They

honored him by throwing their coats and branches along the road for Him to walk on. (gather different fabrics around your

house) Prayer 6:

Dear God, thank you for sending Jesus to show us how to be truly happy. We ask that you help us to do what is right and

good each day as we learn and play. Amen. (talk about the feel and texture of each fabric, does it remind you or your chil-

dren of anything?)

Week 7

Butterfly-The butterfly has long been an Easter symbol of new life. Just as the butterfly emerges from a dark cocoon, we

renew our hearts and become filled with the newness of life. Jesus fills our hearts with joy! (cut out a butterfly from

wrapping paper, construction paper, cereal box, etc.) Prayer for Easter Week:

Dear God, we thank you for being with us as we celebrate the risen Jesus. Our hearts are full of joy and hope. Be with us

today and always. Amen. (write “He is risen!” on the butterfly and place somewhere as a reminder each day)

Lenten Symbols for families with children...beginning with week 3

P A G E 6

Financial UpdateFinancial Update

Now finish the work,

so that your eager

willingness to do it

may be matched by

your completion of it,

according to your


2 Corinthians 8:11

We are in need of additional volunteers to serve an ongoing ministry that changes the messages our church provides for the community on the signboards at Market Street and Smith Road. If we can increase the number of church members on this squad to six, each person would need to serve only once every few weeks and we would have the flexibility to accommodate schedule conflicts and vacations. Sign changes are typically performed weekly on Monday afternoons by two people working together and do require lifting the boxes of letters weighing about twenty pounds on and off of the transport cart. It usually takes 60-90 minutes to complete both signs. If you would be willing to help, please contact either Richard Kotick (330-666-5617, [email protected]) or Lloyd Goettler (330-666-5180, [email protected] ) After March 24th.

Outdoor Sign Change Ministry ~ Volunteers Needed~Outdoor Sign Change Ministry ~ Volunteers Needed~


"CONNECTIONS" Newsletter



Month of January,


Income $45,938 $5,593

Expenses $44,935 $7,837

Net Cash In-

come / (Loss) $1,003 ($2,244)


Income $45,938 $5,593

Expenses $44,935 $7,837

Net Cash In-

come / (Loss) $1,003 ($2,244)





Income Expense Budget Exp



BUDGET 1/31/13

P A G E 7


Our mission is to KNOW, FOLLOW and BE like Christ. How do we do that? What does that look like, especially in regards to Stewardship? Stewardship is not all about money; it is also about God’s grace is various forms.

Let’s look at 1 Peter 4:8-11: 8 Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 9 Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. 10 Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 11 If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen. There is a key passage here: 10 Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.

We know that the greater the involvement a person has, the deeper the blessing that is received; Genesis 12… “blessed to be a blessing.” Look at our mission statement again, “FLC&S exist to lead people to know, follow and be like Christ”. You and I know that for the whole church, but what about using that as a way of personal expression, as your personal mission statement. Making a difference for Christ in the world will no doubt change your personal world too.

Know-engage in regular reading of scripture, prayer, worship and learning.

Follow-invite others to worship; become involved in regular service to the church; consider going on or supporting mission trips; invest in being a small group leader or being part of a small group; increase giving by just 1% on your annual income.

Be Like-share God’s love story with the world; influence people by giving not only of your time, not only of your treasure, not only of your talent, but by any and all means and gifts God has granted you to use to build His kingdom, all it takes is our humble cooperation.

*Each Stewardship Team Member has been asked to submit or craft an article for the monthly connections; the month of March was my turn. Thanks for reading, Karla McDivitt, Director of School Ministries [staff liaison for Stewardship]

Call Team UpdateCall Team Update

We seek your prayers and support as we return to considering candidates for our pastorate. Congregation

members are invited to suggest names not previously submitted. The deadline is March 3rd and forms are

available at the welcome center. The next step in the process will require our receiving a list of possible candidates

from Synod and we will resume meeting once these are sent to us.


FLC Thrivent members are invited to the annual meeting scheduled for Sunday, March

10. The event will commence with a light luncheon in the Fellowship Hall following the

11:00am service with the members meeting immediately after. The meeting will cover the upcoming vote on

opening Thrivent’s membership beyond Lutherans to all Christians, changes in the Thrivent Choice program, and

an overview of the FLC Thrivent Choice grants process and history. The event should conclude before 2:00pm.

Please register for the meeting by contacting Julie Sievers at the local Thrivent office via email at

julie.sievers@thrivent .com or by phoning 330-668-4720 by March 3.

FLC ThriventFLC Thrivent

P A G E 8

Financial Peace UniversityFinancial Peace University

Financial Peace University FPU returns to Fairlawn Lutheran Church in a new nine week format. This class provides an opportunity for families to get their finances in order through a casual setting. Become debt free and have a fully funded emergency fund. Learn God's way of handling money. The average turnaround is $8,000 in just the first three months.

Class Information:

First class April 2, 2013 6:30 PM Class code 224996 Location Fairlawn Lutheran Church Class term Every Tuesday evening in April and May. Coordinator Larry Long


Jeff and I would like to thank everyone for all the prayers and support as we went to China to bring home our new son Matthew. The meals have been such a blessing. Many thanks to everyone at Let's Rock, middle & high school families for all the gifts of clothing and diapers - so very appreciated!! Matthew is doing better than expected but he is still trying to get used to his new time zone. We are excited to introduce him to our Fairlawn family.

Jeff and Kelly Starkey

Direct Thrivent Choice Dollars® by March 31 Eligible members of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans who have been designated Choice Dollars®: If you haven’t already done so, be sure to direct your designated Thrivent Choice Dollars by March 31, 2013. After that date, any undirected Choice Dollars will expire. Don’t miss this opportunity to help support [ORGANIZATION NAME]. Go to or call 800-THRIVENT and state “Thrivent Choice.”

Values are important to us—and it shows

When you look for guidance on your financial matters, do values and integrity matter?

Consider Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, recently selected one of the “World’s Most Ethical Companies” for 2012 by the Ethisphere Institute. Thrivent Financial was recognized for putting business ethics into action.

Values guide everything we do and how we serve our members as a faith-based Fortune 500 financial services organiza-tion. You can be sure we’ll act responsibly and with integrity.

To learn more about what Thrivent Financial has to offer, contact: Brian or Stephanie McCarty at (330)668-4720 or [email protected] or [email protected].

Thank You!Thank You!

P A G E 9



Co-sponsored by the Akron chapter of the



Robert Butler, Daniel Fortune & Gary Pinter

assisted by








P A G E 9

P A G E 1 0

Haven of RestHaven of Rest

Haven of Rest Ministries is seeking 500 pounds of Easter Candy for the Easter baskets they hand

out to homeless and needy children. They are also seeking green Easter grass to place in these

baskets. The Sr. High and Jr. High youth recently served at Haven of Rest and would like to

support them in this effort. Please join them in collecting as much candy and grass as we can by

March 17th.

Human CareHuman Care

.MISSION OF THE MONTH FOR MARCH – HAVEN OF REST: IN MARCH our congregation and friends are collecting non-perishable

food for Haven of Rest, which serves over 200,000 meals on site, per year, for hungry men, women, and children. Place your food donations in the collection box inside the church front door. Thank you!

CHALLENGE GIFT: Again this year our congregation used the opportunity to have our gift have twice the impact. Area businesses have joined together and given Haven of Rest a matching gift of $45,860, with the challenge to have other friends of the ministry to turn that combined gift into $91,720. Our congregation sent a budgeted $2,000 to help meet the challenge, so our gift will go twice as far to provide food, shelter and other services to homeless and poor men, women, and children. Please read the thank you note from Haven of Rest that is posted on the Mission Tower.

Update on our January winter clothing collection for Haven of Rest: Donated and taken to Haven of Rest: 20 coats, 8 sweaters, 4 hats, 4 scarves, 8 pr. of gloves and mittens, 14 shirts, and 2 baby quilts. After the Jan. 31 deadline, another box full appeared! We took an additional 16 coats and other misc. clothing to Haven of Rest immediately so we could keep as many people warm as possible! Thank you for caring for your neighbors!

SERVING FREE HOT LUNCH AT OPEN M: Tues., March 19, 10:30am-2pm.: Need 10-12 men and women to volunteer to help. We can always use new preparer/servers, and setup and cleanup people. No experience necessary – just a heart for helping your

less-fortunate neighbors! We also need approx. 25 doz. cookies. Homemade cookies are great, purchased are good, too! If you would like to be a preparer/server and/or donate cookies, please sign up on the Mission Tower. If you can’t come to this lunch, other opportunities to serve lunch at OPEN M in 2013 are: (Tuesdays) May 21, Aug. 20, and Oct. 15. For further information or a ride to OPEN M, contact Jacquie Kyle, 330-666-5725, [email protected]. Thank you!

SAVE THE DATE! OPEN M WALK FOR KIDS, Saturday, May 4, 2013 from 9am to Noon (National Helping Hands Day.) Start at Canal Place and walk the Ohio Erie Canal Towpath, back to OPEN M. More info on the Mission Tower, or contact Tina Thelin at [email protected], 330-434-0110, ext. 418, to see how you can help!

WHAT IS A VOLUNTEER? Check the Mission Tower to read a definition of a volunteer. Also, please read the quotes regarding volunteers, and especially read the special page of “thank yous” personally handwritten by the staff members at OPEN M, with a block of “Thank yous” in the center, in different languages. Jill Chipps, our volunteer who attends the OPEN M Membership meetings, was given the letter and we’re sharing it with you all. Thank you OPEN M staff, and thank you, Jill.

SALVATION ARMY: We recently received a letter of thanks for our “Red Kettle bell ringing” in Nov. and Dec headed up by Linda Evans. Our FLC group helped to raise $459.98. To quote a little of Michael Simpkins’ letter, “The work we do here at the Salvation Army is about goodness, about kindness, about giving hope to those who have very little. …With your help as volunteer bell ringers – you make it all possible.”

Thank you to our “Bell Ringers” - Jill, Herb, Karla & Grant, Dean & Alice, Blaise, Susie R, Vi, Terry, Mary Y, Mario & Sophia, and Olivia & Melissa!

The Human Care Team can use a few more volunteers for help with various 2013 missions. For more information, contact Jacquie Kyle, 330-666-5725, [email protected].

Then the King will answer, “I tell you the truth, anything you did for even the least of my people here, you also did for me.” Matt. 25:40

P A G E 1 1

F L C S F L C S March March 2 0 1 32 0 1 3

SundaySundaySundaySunday MondayMondayMondayMonday TuesdayTuesdayTuesdayTuesday WednesdayWednesdayWednesdayWednesday ThursdayThursdayThursdayThursday FridayFridayFridayFriday SaturdaySaturdaySaturdaySaturday

1 9:30am F.A.A. 10:00am Kindermusik 7:00pm Empty Nesters Bible Study - Parks

2 8:00am Bible Study

3 9:30am Adult Bible Study 9:30am The Landing - Parent Ministry 9:30am Collision Jr & Sr High


9:30am Kindermusik 11:45AM School Staff Mtg. 6:00pm HS Girls Night 7:00pm Women of Faith Bible Study Montrose Panera


6:30am Ironman Bible Study—Disciples 9:30-11:30am Staff Meeting & Devotions 6:30pm Facilities Team 7:00pm Prayer Ministry 7:15pm Praise Band Practice 8:00pm AA Support Group


6:15am Men’s Bible Study (Bob Evans) 9:00am School Chapel 9:30am Moms of Faith 5:00pm Lenten Supper 6:30pm Lenten Service 7:15pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal


9:00am School Chapel 1:00pm Prayer Shawl Mtg 1:00pm School Chapel 6:30pm HS Boys Night 7:00pm Finance Team Mtg 7:00pm Stewardship Mtg 7:15pm Jubilee Bells Practice

8 No School 9:30am F.A.A. 10:00am Kindermusik

9 8:00am Bible Study

10 9:30am Adult Bible Study 9:30am The Landing - Parent Ministry 9:30am Collision Jr & Sr High

11 9:30am Kindermusik 6:00pm HS Girls Night 6:30pm School Ministry Board Mtg. 7:00pm Women of Faith Bible Study Montrose Panera

12 6:30am Ironman Bible Study—Disciples 9:30-11:30am Staff Meeting & Devotions 7:00pm Praise Band Practice 7:00pm Prayer Ministry 8:00pm AA Support Group

13 6:15am Men’s Bible Study (Bob Evans) 9:00am School Chapel 9:30am Moms of Faith 5:00pm Lenten Supper 6:30pm Lenten Service 7:15pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal

14 9:00am School Chapel 1:00pm School Chapel 6:30pm Jubilee Bells Practice 6:30pm Church Council 6:30pm HS Boys Night 7:30pm Apollos Fire Concert

15 9:30am F.A.A. 10:00am Kindermusik 7:00pm Empty Nesters Bible Study - Popa

16 8:00am Bible Study

24 9:30am Adult Bible Study 9:30am The Landing - Parent Ministry 9:30am Collision Jr & Sr High


Easter Sunday!Easter Sunday!

25 9:30am Kindermusik 6:00pm HS Girls Night 6:30pm Financial Peace Univ. Classes 7:00pm Women of Faith Bible Study Montrose Panera

26 6:30am Ironman Bible Study—Disciples 9:30-11:30am Staff Meeting & Devotions 7:00pm Praise Band Practice 7:00pm Prayer Ministry 8:00pm AA Support Group

27 6:15am Men’s Bible Study (Bob Evans) 9:00am School Chapel 9:30am Moms of Faith 1:00pm Brownbaggers

28 Maundy Thursday 9:00am School Chapel 1:00pm School Chapel 7:00pm Maundy Thursday Service

29 Good Friday No School Church Office Closed 7:00pm Service

2924 N. Lynnhaven Road


17 9:30am Adult Bible Study 9:30am The Landing - Parent Ministry 9:30am Collision Jr & Sr High 12:00pm Mission Mtg. 4:00pm Parish Arts Hymn Festival & Brass

18 9:30am Kindermusik 6:00pm HS Girls Night 7:00pm Women of Faith Bible Study Montrose Panera

19 6:30am Ironman Bible Study—Disciples 9:30-11:30am Staff Meeting & Devotions 10:30am Serving OPEN M Lunch 7:00pm Praise Band Practice 7:00pm Prayer Ministry 8:00pm AA Support Group

20 6:15am Men’s Bible Study (Bob Evans) 9:00am School Chapel 9:30am Moms of Faith 5:00pm Lenten Supper 6:30pm Lenten Service 7:15pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal

21 9:00am School Chapel 1:00pm School Chapel 2:00pm Alzheimer’s Support Group 6:30pm Jubilee Bells Practice 6:30pm HS Boys Night 7:30pm CLT Mtg.

22 9:30am F.A.A. 10:00am Kindermusik

23 8:00am Bible Study


8:00am Liturgical Worship (Sanctuary) 9:30am Liturgical Worship (Sanctuary) 9:30am Adult Bible Study (Library) 9:30am The Landing - Parent Ministry (Lower Level) 9:30am Collision~ Jr. & Sr. High Youth 11:00am Contemporary Worship (Sanctuary)

BRAILLE WORKSHOP 9am……. M, W,Th 12:30pm..M-Th 6:30pm…M 7pm…….Th No Wrkshp on Fri.

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