  • 7/28/2019 01061_01_english1061



    PART I


    Time: 21/2Hours

    Marks 80

    I Read the following extract from the lesson Karma

    The Soldiers caught Mr. Mohan by the arms and flung him out of the train. He

    reeled backwards tripped on his bedding and landed on the suitcase-After this

    mishap Sir. Mohanlal takes some decisions. One decision taken by him is givenbelow.

    Eg: Hereafter I will never imitate the Englishmen and their manners blindly.

    a) Write two more decisions that he might have taken . (Scores 2)

    When Lachmi comes to know about the tragedy of her husband what will she

    think about it ..

    b) Write two more thoughts of Lachmi.

    Eg: God will never forgive those cruel fellows. (Scores 2)

    2. We are part of the earth and it is part of us. The perfumed flowers are our sisters.

    The deer, the horse, the great eagle these are our brothers- In these lines we feel

    the pulse of the red Indians. They consider the earth as truly divine. But at the

    present time mans attitude and activities towards the mother earth is totally

    contrast to this. To protect the earth and preserve the life in it our attitude should

    be changed. To impart this idea to the people prepare two slogans.

    Eg: No earth, No life (Scores 2)

    3. October: 8 is observed as world vision day. As a Social Worker you get a chance

    to address the children of a blind school. In your speech you try to inspire them

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    by quoting the example of the blindman in Lifting the veil - Prepare the script of

    the speech.

    (Hints: Eyes not essential to see - use all the other four sense organs effectively

    disappointment not a solution for anything) (Scores:8)

    4. You visited Thekkady as per the following itinerary.

    Prepare a travelogue with the help of it, recording your observations, feelings,

    experiences, impressions etc in about 150 words.

    Day I 10 a.m - Departure from School

    1p.m. - lunch

    9 p.m. - Arrival at Thekkady - Stay at Hotel Lakeview

    Day 2 8 a.m. - Break fast

    9 a.m. - Boating

    1 p.m. - lunch

    2 p.m. - Sight seeing

    3 p.m. - Shopping

    8 p.m. - Return (Scores:8)

    5. Joseph reaches at Lamberene to work as an interpreter for Schewitzer. On their

    first meeting Schewitzer discusses with Joseph the various problems that he faces

    in Lamberene, the service that he expects from him - the salary he can provide etc.

    Construct the conversation between Schewitzer and Joseph

    (At least 4 exchanges) (Scores:8)

    6. Imagine that you are the Secretary of the residence association in your area. The

    buses running in your place is so overcrowded that the people are in need of an

    additional bus service. As the first step, prepare a letter to the minister for

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    transport complaining about the present situation and requesting him to allow an

    additional service. (Scores 6)

    7. Why just one more instalment and BABYs REALLY OURS! This is a

    dialogue in the play Never Never Nest. This pricks the conscience of J ack and

    this asks him to make a rethinking about the hire purchase system. That night he

    writes his diary. Prepare the diary entry. (Scores 5)

    8. You are a press reporter. You came to know about the arrest of Milton Davidson.

    Prepare a report of the incident to publish in your news paper. Give a catchy

    caption to your report. (Scores 5)

    9. Robert Frost in his autobiographich poem The Road Not Taken deals with a

    dilemma in his life.Have you ever been in such a dilemma in your life. Describe it.(Scores: 8)

    10. You have read the interview with Vandana Shiva by Renu Wadhera. Imagine that

    Sugathakumari, the famous poetress and environmentalist visits your school on

    World Forestry Day. You are asked to conduct an interview with her. Prepare five

    questions for the interview with her. (Scores 5)

    11. Read the poem given below and prepare a review of it.

    I think that I shall never see

    A poem lovely as a tree

    A tree whose hungry mouth is pressed

    Against the earths sweet flowing breast

    A tree that looks at God all day

    And lifts her leafy arms to pray

    A tree that may in summer wear

    A nest of robins in her hair

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    Upon whose bosom snow has lain

    Who intimately lives with rain

    Poems are made by fools like me

    But only god can make a tree. (Scores 8)

    12. Imagine you are the Secretary of the Nature club of your school. The club has

    decided to conduct a seminar on Danger of Deforestration. Prepare a notice for

    the seminar.

    (Hints : Include date, time, venue, chief guest etc.) (Scores 5)

    13. Love is one of the dominant themes of the novel Pride and Prejudice. Imagine, a

    debate was held in your class on the topic, Love marriage is better than arranged

    marriage. Your opponent group presented the following arguments.

    a. Love is divine, and so is love marriage.

    b. True love never fails, and so does love marriage.

    c. Lovers can have mutual understanding before marriage.

    d. Love marriage promotes intercast marriage and thereby destroys caste


    Now write four points against them (Scores 4)

    14. English must be taught in English - Is this principle adopted in your English

    Class ? Do you interact with the teacher and your classmates in English ? Do you

    enjoy the English Class ? Describe your English Class in a paragraph.

    (Scores 4)

    Prepared by

    1. Jayasree .C. V. (M.V.H.S.S. Arumanoor)

    2. Sushama S. Panicker (M.V.H.S.S. Arumanoor)

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    3. Latha Jain J. R. (New H.S.S. Nellimoodu)

    4. Sajitha S.S. (S.L.M.S.H.S.S. Parassala)

    5. Rekha .V.H. (Govt. H.S.S. Neyyardam)

    6. Suja Kumari .S.B. (Govt. H.S.S. Neyyardam)

    7. Bemina.G. (St. Helens Girls H.S.S. Lourdpuram)

    Name of Cluster : Neyyattinkara.

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