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129th Great Council SessionGreat Council of the United States

Improved Order of Red Men

46th SessionNational Degree of Pocahontas

September 27 - October 2, 2020

Grand Hotel & Spa

2100 Baltimore Ave.

Ocean City, MD 21842


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2 Page Red Men Newsletter

Greetings From YourGreat Incohonee

As your Great Incohonee I would like to thank all The Improved order of Redman and Degree of Pocahontas for the hospitality extended to my wife and me, all the mem-bers that traveled to the diff erent states and also the Past Great Sachems and Past Great Pocahontas’ that traveled as my Deputy Great Incohonees.

My fi rst year traveling started in the month of October, 2018 to the Great Councils of Massachusetts, Delaware and Maine. In 2019 I traveled to the Great Council sessions of Maryland, Texas, Alaska, California, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, New Jersey and Indiana. I also went back to Massachusetts and Delaware.

In 2019 I attended Ocklokonee Tribe #212’s, Pennsylvania, Wild Game Night and Boot Strap, Delaware’s Annual Car Show for the Alzheimer’s Association, the Great Chief of Records and Great Keeper of Records seminar in Indiana as well as the Great Council of Indiana’s session. I also attended all Great Chiefs board meetings in 2019.

Our new Chairman of Committee on Promotional Development is Great Junior Saga-more Tim Avery. This committee is trying some new ideas, but they cannot be successful without the help of all Red Men and Degree of Pocahontas members.

Freedoms Foundation

I would like to thank Marie Robinson and the Freedoms Foundation Committee for the work they put in all year to make this program successful. The weekend started on a Friday, after check- in and a meet and greet with refreshments and snacks. On Saturday we traveled to the Faith of Our Father’s Chapel at Valley Forge. We held the memorial service for our brothers and sisters who have passed during the past year. We talked with the representative of the chapel about their diff erent activities at the chapel during the year. Donations were made towards the restoration of the chapel. Our goal for the com-ing year is to reach and surpass our goal of $20.000 for the new roof and other repairs. I would like to ask any brother and sister who has not been to Valley Forge to try and make the attendance in 2020 even greater.

Red Men’s Day at Arlington

I would like to thank George and Angela Rowe for their full dedication to making Red Men’s Day at Arlington a great success through the years. Thank you for a great job! I would also like to thank the tribes and councils of Virginia for their support and attendance. Also, thank you to all the members who have traveled to Arlington to make it a success-

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I wanted to take this opportunity to thank all the members who have assisted and supported the offi ce during my term as your Great Chief of Records of the Great Council of the United States Improved Order of Red Men. The offi ce has made many strides forward to bring the organization into the 21st century. Through new advances in technology, reconfi guration of procedures in the offi ce to make it easier for our Great Chiefs of Records and Great Keepers of Records to perform their duties and faster responses to inquiries. Through our new website we have put many of the necessary tools used by these offi cers at their fi ngertips 24-7. Now we just need them to use the resources we have provided and share them with the membership and their successors.

Through the sixteen years I have worked in the offi ce I have seen many changes, some good, some not so good. I have watched as the membership and numbers of units throughout the nation has decreased, not that many have tried to stop this from happening. I have seen many good members pass on, now to look down upon us to see where we will go from here and many members we have turned away because we are afraid of change.

I wish I had all the answers to solve the many problems that face our organization, but I do not. I do know that if we are not willing to work as one, we will only become weak and shattered. Somehow, we need to fi nd the way to reignite the passion and respect that we all felt for the organization in years passed and show the population that we are an organization of people who care for each other. That we care for the many charitable organizations that we have dedicated so much time and eff ort to raising funds to make life easier for others. That we care for this nation and all the traditions, history and changes that make life better for everyone. That we honor and respect the many people who have dedicated their lives and time to keeping this organization in existence. We need to come out of the dark and into the light and spread through social media that our organization is still alive and desirable to our membership and to the hundreds of thousands of people out there that are looking for a group that feels the way we do. We need the youth of the nation to see that though our organization has been thought of as an old relic it is a place to learn and grow, through the examples of the many young members that have led us into this century.

I have spent my whole life being associated with this organization and have made many friends that have become family to me. Everyone out there deserves to experience what I have and to have a family as grand as this organization has become to me.

Brad Buchanan, GCR GCUS

Greetings From the Desk of the Great Chief of Records

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from your

National Pocahontas

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. It’s hard to believe we are now writing 2020. Where did 2019 go?!

I look back on 2019 with joy and sadness. Since becoming National Pocahontas, I have been able to travel to Great Council Sessions in Massachusetts, Maine, Virginia, Mary-land, North Carolina, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Texas, Ohio, California, Delaware, and Indiana. Thanks to everyone for the warm welcome I received and the hand of friendship that was extended. I made new friends and renewed old ones. My goal is to attend all Great Council Sessions at least once during my term. I am looking forward to including Minnesota and New York in my travels this year

In May I attended Freedoms Foundation in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania to honor our deceased members. As always PGP Marie Robinson, PGS Paul Resssel, and their committee did a wonderful job. It was a fun weekend even though I didn’t win anything on the Kentucky Derby.

One of the highlights of 2019 was the honor of laying the wreath on the Tomb of the Un-known Soldier. As I walked down the steps, I had chills. I am looking forward to doing it again this year. Special thanks to George and Angie Rowe for doing an awesome job on Redmen’s Day at Arlington I know 2020 is your last year. Now you will be able to enjoy the event, especially playing bingo on Friday night.

The Great Chiefs and Keeper of Records meeting was held in Richmond, Indiana last year. Great Chief of Records GCUS Brad and Aaron did a great job of presenting the information. It was a challenge to make sure everything that was needed made it to In-diana from Texas. I commend all the Great Chiefs and Keepers of Records for the work they do for our order.

2019 also brought heartbreak. I lost two dear friends, PGP JoEllen Swartz passed away in November and PGP Wanda Magaha in December. Both ladies were assets to our order. They will be missed.

As part of my membership campaign I am giving a butterfl y pin made by NKW Etta Lewis to each sponsor and new or reinstated member. It has been a challenge to fi gure out how to send them. In December I sent out the fi rst shipment. I hope to have the rest

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ful weekend. I want to thank Brothers Ralph McCabe, Donald Wolhensberger and Russell Thatcher for their assistance in the ceremony of the Laying of the Wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.


We have had a nice showing of new members in a few tribes and councils in 2019. The tribes and councils who are experiencing a decline in membership, please call upon the national Board of Great Chiefs and National Degree of Pocahontas for any support or suggestions for building new membership.

In closing, I would like to mention, with deepest sorrow to all the families of our broth-ers and sisters we have lost this year, they will be greatly missed. Yours in Freedom, Friendship and Charity,

Eugene TruaxGreat Incohonee

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Continued from Page 3

Greetings From Your Great Incohonee

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sent out in January There are sponsors that I need addresses for so I will be reaching out to the Great Keepers of Records for help.

The National COPD Committee has printed new pamphlets about our order and distributed them to the Great Chiefs and Keepers of Records in each state. Please send them to your Chiefs and Keepers of Records so they can be utilized. This committee is working hard on new ways to promote our order. The National Degree of Pocahontas has been given funds to promote the order. We hope to use these funds to encourage Past Pocahontas to join their Great Councils. We do not want to lose any more Great Councils.

I would like to thank Great Incahonee Gene Truax and his wife Margo for the good times we had in 2019 as we traveled together. I look forward to our adventures this year.

To the IORM National Board Great Chiefs thank you for including the National DOP in your meetings and sharing your ideas to improve our order. By working together, we will succeed.

Thank you to my Board for your support during this past year. I look forward to seeing everyone as our travels start this new year

Wishing everyone a joyous and harmonious 2020.

Yours in Freedom, Friendship & Charity,

Jeannie MillerNational Pocahontas

Continued on Page 8

Continued from Page 4


from your National Pocahontas

Pictured, from left to right, is PGP Ruth Topper and PGP Pat Rust, both from Delaware, presenting the fl oral tomahawk at the Faith of Our Father's Chapel at Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge in 2007.

Picture courtesy of PGS Aaron Wyatt.

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State Memo Amount


Dennis Collins - Donation for Money Bag $100.00

Sale of Items from Alaska - IORM $100.00

Sale of Items from Alaska - DOP $78.00

AK IORM Alzheimer Donation $3,500.00

Total AK IORM $3,778.00


Wonx Tribe #28 $200.00

CT IORM Alzheimer Donation $1,000.00

Total CT IORM $1,200.00


Sale of Alzheimer's Pins $45.00

Game of Chance $125.00

DE IORM Alzheimer Donation - Car Show $3,000.00

Total DE IORM $3,170.00


Ionie Council #13 $100.00

DE D of P Alzheimer Donation - ILM Mary Ellen Grinolds, PGP $50.00

PGP Patricia Rust - ILM PGS Fred Rust $100.00

Game of Chance $125.00

Lynn Brown, GM - Donation $100.00

Total DE DOP $475.00


Past Great Pocahontas Association $50.00

Starlight Council #448 $38.00

Mid West Association $50.00

Starlight Council #448 $25.00

IN D of P Alzheimer Donation $100.00

Past Great Pocahontas Association $50.00

AWT Club $100.00

Total IN DOP $413.00


Conawaugh Tribe #518 by Harold Damron $20.00

January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019

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State Memo Amount

Oshawnee Tribe #220 - ILM Phillip Bays $1,063.55

Oshawnee Tribe #220 - ILM Tom Niedenthal $1,063.55

Total IN IORM $2,147.10


ME D of P Alzheimer Donation $988.00

Total ME DOP $988.00


Tarratine Tribe #13 $1,300.00

Tarratine Tribe #13 $2,122.00

Total ME IORM $3,422.00


George & Angie Rowe - Fundraiser $1,044.00

Red Feather Council #59 $1,000.00

GC MD D of P Alzheimer Donation $1,000.00

PNP Frances Andrews - ILM Fred Rust, PGS and Ted Fort, PGS $50.00

Silent Auction - Fall Fest $60.00

PNP Frances Andrews - ILM PGS Donald Alford $25.00

PNP Frances Andrews - ILM PGP JoEllen Swartz $75.00

Total MD DOP $3,254.00


George & Angie Rowe - Fundraiser $1,044.00

Tony Tank Tribe #149 - Oyster/Beef Roast $1,100.00

Black Hawk Tribe #131 $500.00

Tony Tank Tribe #149 - GC MD IORM $2,500.00

GJS GC MD IORM - Bobby Leath - Charity Project for Alzheim-er's


Chippewa Tribe #19 - In Honor of PNP Frances Andrews $500.00

Silent Auction - Fall Fest $60.00

PGS Danny Gossart $50.00

Chick Rowe $20.00

Total MD IORM $6,780.00


Patti Zimmerman, NW $20.00

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State Memo Amount

Patti Zimmerman, NW - National DOP $100.00

Leo Gallant, PGS - GC MA DOP $40.00

MA D of P Alzheimer Donation - Alzheimer's Collections $65.00

Phone Fine - Patti Zimmerman, NW $10.00

PGP Lois Couch - ILM Bob Couch $20.00

MA D of P Alzheimer Donation $300.00

Wampanoag Council #15 $150.00

Total MA DOP $705.00


Marc Archambault, GCR GC MA IORM $20.00

Paul Sadowski, PGI - GC MA IORM $100.00

Leo Gallant, PGS - GC MA IORM $40.00

Wamscott Tribe #39 $440.00

MA IORM Alzheimer Donation - Alzheimer's Collections $126.00

PGS Association $100.00

Roger Gobeille - Centerpieces $100.00

GS Ken Murphy - Donated Back His Winnings $50.00

PGS Marc Archambualt $20.00

MA Tribe #1 $100.00

MA IORM Alzheimer Donation $250.00

Nipmuck Tribe #131 $500.00

Cromesett Tribe #156 - On Behalf of Marsha Mitcheson $250.00

Saggahew Tribe #60 $200.00

PGI Paul Sadowski $260.00

Sale of Alzheimer's Pins $10.00

Saggahew Tribe #60 $375.00

Total MA IORM $2,941.00


MN D of P Alzheimer Donation $500.00

Osceola Council #30 - Fall Bingo & Quilt Raffl e $2,600.00

Helen Christianson 2$5.00

Total MN DOP $3,125.00


GC MN IORM Alzheimer Donation 200.00

Total MN IORM $200.00

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State Memo Amount


Raffl e $125.00

PGP Margaret Toth $25.00

Sale of Supplies $75.00

Total NJ DOP $225.00


Kickapoo Tribe #237 $150.00

Raffl e $125.00

Total NJ IORM $275.00


Swiftwater Council #86 $25.00

Swiftwater Council #186 $75.00

Sequa Council #177 $200.00

NY D of P Alzheimer Donation $25.00

Total NY DOP $325.00


NY IORM Alzheimer Donation $100.00

Total NY IORM $100.00


Tim Avery, GJS GCUS - Bus Boy $40.00

Total NC DOP $40.00


PGI David Wilson - Phone Fine $10.00

Tim Avery, GJS GCUS - Bus Boy $40.00

Tau Tribe #18 - GC NC IORM $1,000.00

Total NC IORM $1,050.00


Uppowoc Council #252 $200.00

Past Great Pocahontas League - ILM Joan Sklarz $25.00

Tatamy Council #7 $200.00

Rose Anne Mangarella, PGP - ILM Joan Sklarz $10.00

Nancy Nunn - ILM Wm. McComsey $100.00

Al the Pig $48.00

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State Memo Amount

Raffl e Table $134.00

Sale of Supplies $117.00

Phone Charge $10.00

Raffl e $125.00

Marie Robinson, PGP - GC PA DOP $100.00

Sale of Alzheimer's Supplies - DOP $71.00

Total PA DOP $1,140.00


Roger Weaver, PS $6.00

PGS Richard Jacobs $25.00

Freedoms Foundation $91.00

Bloody Run Social Club $500.00

Ongwe Honwe Tribe #260 $100.00

PA IORM Alzheimer Donation - Raffl e Table $133.00

PA IORM Alzheimer Donation - Raffl e $125.00

Sale of Alzheimer's Supplies - IORM $71.00

Total PA IORM $1,051.00


VA D of P Alzheimer Donation $174.00

Morning Star Council #5 $10.00

Total VA DOP $184.00


VA IORM Alzheimer Donation $100.00

Poquoson Tribe #24 - GC VA IORM $4,000.00

VA IORM Alzheimer Donation $1,000.00

Total VA IORM $5,100.00


Mohawk Tribe #11 $1,000.00

Total WV IORM $1,000.00

GCR/GKR Meeting Richmond, IN

GC Ohio Degree of Pocahontas $1,603.00

GC Ohio Degree of Pocahontas $1,000.00

GC Ohio Improved Order of Red Men $1,000.00

Ocklokonee Tribe #212 Bingo - Pennsylvania $500.00

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State Memo Amount

Ocklokonee Council #212 Bingo - Pennsylvania $500.00

Donations Received from The GCR/GKR Meeting $20.00

Alzheimer's Table Sales - IORM $30.00

Alzheimer's Table Sales - DOP $100.00

Silent and Live Auctions - IORM $456.00

Silent and Live Auctions - DOP $456.00

Alzheimer's Table Sale $15.00

Total GCR/GKR Meeting Richmond, IN $5,680.00

TOTAL $48,768.10

State Memo Amount


Donation to Northern California and Northern Nevada Alzheimer's $4,800.00

Donation to Northern California and Northern Nevada Alzheimer's 2018 Walk to End Alzheimer's - San Francisco, CA


The Memory Steppers of the IORM & DOP - Orange County Chap-ter of the Alzheimer's Association - 2018


The Memory Steppers of the IORM & DOP - Orange County Chap-ter of the Alzheimer's Association - 2019




Kickapoo Tribe #237 - Delaware Valley Chapter Alzheimer's $350.00


Texas, D of P--Great Council

Wah-Wah-Tee Council #15 Alzheimer Donation $10,000.00

Total Texas, D of P--Great Council $10,000.00


Huaco Tribe #48 Alzheimer's Association North Texas $10,000.00

Total TEXAS, IORM -- GREAT COUNCIL $10,000.00

TOTAL $30,475.00


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For submitting pictures

to the Red Men Magazine

1. Pictures cut from newspapers or magazines do not reproduce well. Try to get the original picture or digital fi le if possible.

2. Pictures should not be blurry or dark. Sometimes they can be lightened at the production state, but often they are just too bad to get detail. Take pictures close to your subject and avoid those across the room shots, which make it had to identify your subject.

3. Pictures taken with digital cameras: set the resolution to the maximum setting. Pictures that are taken at lower resolutions get wormy lines in them and pixilated edges, as well as loss of detail.

4. If scanning professionally printed pictures, set your scanner resolution to at least 300 dpi and save the result-ing fi le as a .jpg or .pdf fi le.

5. Submitting pictures: digital pictures (scans or digital camera fi les) can be put on a disk and sent in. A printed copy (laser or inkjet) should be sent with the digital fi les, marked clearly that these are for reference only, that fi les are attached and identify the picture to the fi le name on the disk. Pictures can be e-mailed to [email protected].

6. Any copy that accompanies the pictures should be sent with the pictures (stories, photo captions, etc.) and so labeled. Be sure to identify the people in the pictures. You may know who they are, but someone else may not recognize them.

7. Deadlines for submissions to the Red Men Magazine will always be December 31st of each year.

Pictured, from left to right, is PNP Helen Wilson of North Carolina and PNP Charlotte York of California presenting the fl oral tomahawk at the Faith of Our Father's Chapel at Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge in 2008.

Picture courtesy of PGS Aaron Wyatt.

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Improved Order of Red Men

Fraternal Dead

January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019

State Name Date


PGS Fred Rust September 13, 2019

PGS John T Fort October 3 ,2019


PGS Donald Alford November 5,2019

North Carolina

PGS Sellers Dickerson February 16, 2019

PGS Joseph B. (Sonny) Swain February 25, 2019


PGS Aaron Shoop September 10, 2019


PGS Floyd T Bryant November 28, 2019

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Degree of Pocahontas

Fraternal Dead

January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018

State Name Date


PGP JoEllen Swartz November 7, 2019

PGP Wanda Magaha December 17, 2019


PGP Joan Sklarz March 22, 2019

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Wanda Kay (Lewis) Magaha, 80, of Hagerstown, MD, passed away on Tuesday, December 17, 2019,

surrounded by loving family. Wanda was born March 12, 1939, in Hagerstown, MD. She was the daughter

of the late Homer H. Lewis, Sr. and Evelyn C. (Wolfe) Lewis. She was preceded in death by her loving

husband of 35 years, John David (Dave) Magaha, Sr.; one brother Gerald B. Lewis of Hazelton, PA; one

sister Constance M. (Connie) Harbaugh of Hagerstown, MD; and one special son-in-law Jody C.

Rosenberry of Clear Spring, MD. Wanda is survived by her daughter Cheryl L. (Palmer) Rosenberry of Clear

Spring, MD; daughter Jodi L. (Palmer) Line and longtime boyfriend Christopher B. Maust of Williamsport,

MD; son Shaun David Magaha and his friend Jen Sebastian , of Hagerstown, MD; son John David (Dave)

Magaha, Jr. and wife Karen of Glen Rock, PA; son Thomas J. Magaha of Smithville Flats, NY; daughter

Carol Ann (Magaha) Robinson and husband Dennis of Baltimore, MD; daughter Margaret Ann (Magaha)

Dreyer and husband Craig of Parkville, MD. She is also survived by a host of grandchildren and great

children too numerous to adequately list here; including Victoria S. Line and her longtime boyfriend Justin

Osbourne (Ozzy) Brown; Lindsey C. Line and her longtime boyfriend Matthew Mills; Kaine David Magaha;

Daphne Rose Magaha; Olivia C. Maust; Alexandra K. Maust; and Gabriel D. Maust. Wanda is also survived

by her brother Homer H. Lewis, Jr. of Hagerstown, MD; her twin sister Wilda F. (Lewis) Forcino; and sister

Linda L. (Lewis) Hastings, both of Hagerstown. She is also survived by a host of nieces, nephews, and

other loving family and friends, as well as special fur babies Scooby, Remy and Sparky. She is also survived

by her special and dear friend and traveling partner Etta Lewis. She was considered a “second mom” and

“bonus mummaw” to many others.

Wanda attended Hagerstown High School. She was previously employed at Juvenile Sales Company and

Sam’s Club, both in Hagerstown, and sold Avon Products for many years. She was a member of Red

Feather Council #59, Degree of Pocahontas, Williamsport, MD, for over 60 years, holding numerous local,

state, and national offices and receiving numerous awards and accolades. She was very proud to have

served as the Deputy Great Incohonee of the Great Council of the United States. She was also a member

of the Past Pocahontas Association. She was a member of Garfield United Methodist Church, Smithsburg,

MD. Wanda passionately loved the Improved Order of Red Men and Degree of Pocahontas and was actively

involved in the Pocahontas organization. She also loved to play bingo, the Baltimore Ravens, and watching

passers-by on the Ocean City, MD boardwalk from her porch at the Sahara Motel. More than anything else,

she loved spending time with her family.

Wanda will be sadly missed by all who knew and loved her. Family and friends are welcomed for a visitation

on Sunday, December 22, 2019, from 2-4 p.m. and 6-8 p.m. at J. L. Davis Funeral Home, 12525 Bradbury

Avenue, Smithsburg, MD. Red Feather Council #59 will pay tribute to Wanda in a ceremony at 7 p.m. A

funeral service will be held on Monday, December 23, 2019, at 10 a.m. at Garfield United Methodist Church,

13628 Stottlemyer Road, Smithsburg, MD, with Pastor Mary Ricketts officiating. Burial will follow in the

church cemetery. Please celebrate Wanda by dressing casually and if you’d like, by wearing something

purple. Online condolences may be offered at

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Williamsport, MD – JoEllen Swartz, 61, of Williamsport, MD passed away on Thursday, November 7, 2019 at Doey’s House in Hagerstown, MD after a 6 ½ year-long hard-fought battle with ovarian cancer while maintaining a positive attitude until the very end. She will be greatly missed by everyone who knew her.

She was born on August 26, 1958 in Hagerstown, MD to the late Norman Elton Sr. and Edith Lorraine Harbaugh Bowers.

She was a 1976 graduate of Williamsport High School Williamsport, MD.

JoEllen was previously employed at The Cutting Lane in Williamsport, MD.

She was a member of St. Paul’s Reformed Church in Clear Spring, MD.

She was also a member of Red Feather Council #59 Degree of Pocahontas in Williamsport, MD. She was the past Great Pocahontas for the State of Maryland. She was also a member of Potomac Fish and Game Club Auxiliary in Williamsport, MD.

JoEllen was a loving wife, mother, grandmother, sister, and friend.

She is survived by her husband of 30 years Clarence E. “Buddy” Swartz; daughter Sara L. Smith and her husband Richard of Williamsport, MD; daughter Angie C. Barnard and her husband Robby of Mercersburg, PA; son Josh D. Swartz of Hagerstown, MD; brother Norman E. “Chip” Bowers, Jr. and his wife Terri of Williamsport, MD; loving grandsons Bryce, Landon, Aiden, Treton, and Braylon; niece Holli; nephew Eric.

She was predeceased by a grandson Dominic B. Swartz.

The family will receive friends at the Osborne Funeral Home 425 S. Conococheague St. Williamsport, MD on Sunday, November 10, 2019 from 6:00-8:00 pm. The funeral home will be open after 1:00 pm on Sunday for the convenience of family and friends.

Funeral services will be held at Osborne Funeral Home 425 S. Conococheague St. Williamsport, MD on Monday, November 11, 2019 at 11:00 am with Pastor Stewart Torres officiating. Interment will be in Cedar Lawn Memorial Park Hagerstown, MD.

Memorial donations may be made to: Hospice of Washington County 747 Northern Ave. Hagerstown, MD 21742

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Mail all news, pictures (black and white or color) to the National Offi ce, 4521 Speight Avenue, Waco, TX 76711-1708. Contact the National Offi ce, (254) 732-5365, for deadline information.

In order to have a picture returned to you, please enclose self-addressed, stamped envelope with postage attached. Place your name and address on the back of the photo.

Information may also be sent by e-mail as an attachment. Please e-mail pictures as attachments and not embedded in the e-mail. In the body of the e-mail put your description along with the matching picture number.

E-mail to [email protected]


FREEDOM We endeavor to preserve and uphold the American way of life and its guarantee of liberty.Free dom has been the hope and aim of the oppressed of every land. It is now the proud boast of every Ameri can. We dedicate our lives to its maintenance.

FRIENDSHIPIt is the binding link and unswerving loyalty of one to another, which makes sweet and lasting the relation ship that one member bears to another.

CHARITYIs giving with an open hand and willing heart in time of need, assistance to the weak or unfor-tunate and measured not by wealth but by moral worth. Charity exemplifi es the Brotherhood of Man

Pictured above is some of the members from Delaware at the Faith of Our Father's Chapel at Free-doms Foundation at Valley Forge in 2009. In the back row you can see Great Incohonee Eugene Truax

and his wife Margo. Picture courtesy of Aaron Wyatt, PGS.

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Great Inchonee Truax raised the Massachusetts Great Chiefs for 2019-2020 at our fall Great Council Session, back row, Sannap Karl Cedarholm, Sachem Charlie Chaples, Guard of the Forest Mike Burdick, Senior Sagamore John Dowd, Chief of Records Tom Laythe, Mishinewa Rich Bousfi eld, Representative Steve Mendall, Guard of the Wigwam Floyd Johnson, Junior Sagamore Dave McIver, Prophet Marc Archambault, front row, PGS Robert Shannon, 3rd Trustee Leo Gallant, Keeper of Wampum Roger Go-beille, 2nd Trustee Paul Sadowski and 1st Trustee Dick Nickerson.

Deputy Great Inchonee Brianna Ward also raised the following as the 2020 Pocahontas Great Chiefs: back row, Pocahontas Kathy Rouleau, Wenonah Barbara Donahue, Second Scout Patti Zimmerman, Keeper of Wampum Joyce Reardon, Minnehaha Elizabeth McIver, Guard of the Forest Kathy Yost, Keep-er of Records Becky Gallant, Prophetess Barbara McAllister, front row, First Scout Jessie Gallant, Guard of the Tepee Elaine Dowd, 2nd Trustee Nancy Zimmerman and 1st Trustee Kristina Ireson. Not pictured was 3rd Trustee Claire Williams.

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Pictured to the left is Great Pocahontas Kathy Rouleau of Utica Council, Methuen and Great Sa-chem Charlie Chaples of Cromesett Tribe, Ware-ham.

Several of the tribes and councils hosted children's Christmas parties. Here are the young people from Wamscott Tribe and White Feather Council in Stoneham and some more happy kids from Cromesett Tribe and Wampanoaq Council in Wareham.

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Kickapoo tribe supports the com-munity by helping out in the Egg Harbor City cleanup day each year. Pictured to the right with an ACUA waste management employee are tribal members Dave Roesch, Alan MacFarlane and Bob Wode.

The annual summer barbecue was enjoyed by members and their guests, with a wide variety of food contributed by everyone.

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After the close of the tribal regular meetings, ex-perts come in to talk on various topics of interest as part of our speaker program. These presenta-tions are open to the public and have ranged from health topics to hobbies. These photos show an Atlantic County Utilities Authority (ACUA) ex-ecutive's explanation about changes to local rules for recycling and a Master Gardener discussing tips and considerations for plant choices.

The Kickapoo tribe participated in the annual Egg Harbor City halloween parade, with the fl oat winning second place in the community organization category.

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Pictured to the left Rick Roesch offi ciated, assisted by Jon Senn, to swear in Junior Sagamore Bob Wode, Senior Sagamore Tom Meineke, and Prophet Dave Roesch. Shown observing the ceremony are Amos Howell and his wife Pat.

Pictured to the right is Patrick Hathaway as he is sworn in as the new Sachem.

Kathie, GS Patrick Hathaway's wife, is pinning the jewel on as Patrick is sworn in as the new Sachem.

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Swiftwater Council #186 held a dinner in honor of Great Pocahontas for New York, Heather Warfl e (2018-2019) in May, 2019. In attendance were many members from oth-er local Degree of Pocahontas chapters ― Mista Council # 48 and Sequa Council # 177.

Pictured are members of Swiftwater Council # 186 making the favors for the Great Pocahontas Dinner.

In December, 2019, Swiftwater Council # 186 donated money and collected over 70 pounds of non-perishable food items that were donated to the local food pantry for those in need during the holidays.

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Members of several councils and tribes in New York State attended a service at Indian Castle Church in Little Falls, NY. This is an annual event in June. The church was built in 1769 and is a National Historic Landmark. Afterwards there was a presentation by a local historian who brought artifacts found in the area.

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